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EXPANDED PROFESSIONAL EDITION SS The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling The Only Guide to Choosing the Right Materials and Systems for Every Part of Your Home Charlie Wing ES Rodale Press, Emmaus, Pennsylvania Copyright © 1990 Chale Wing “The information presented in this book hs een researched and tested, and all efforts ave been made to ensure accuracy and safety. However, due othe variably of lea conditions, con- struction and materials, personal sil tc, Rodale andthe au- thor assume no esponsibility fr any injuries suffered and dam- fages or oe lores incurred during 0 a5 a result of following {his information. Al insrtons shoud be carefully studied and clearly understood before bepianing a project. Pollo all sccepted safety procedures [All ights reserved, No par ofthis publication may be repro- ‘duced or ansmite in ny form or by ary means leon or ‘mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any otberifor- ‘maton storage and retrieval stm, without the woten peris- lon ofthe peblishe. Printed inthe United States of America on acid-free, recycled Papers ‘Senior Managing Editor: Margaret Lic Blitas itor: David Self Copy Eto: Louise Doucene [ioral Assistance: Stacy Brobst Book Desig: Glen Baris (Cover Desig: Jery O'Brien Ifyou have any questions or comments concerning this Book, please wie: Rosa Press Book Reader Service 33 East Minor Steet, Emmaus, PA 18098 Library of Congress Cataloging-n-Publication Data ‘Wing, Charlie, 1939 "The visual handbook of building and removing the only nie o choosing the right materials and systems for every pat of your home / Charie Wing. pom Includes bibliographical references. ISBN. 0-87857-901-% 1. House construction Handbooks, manuals, et. 2 Dwellings Remodsing Handbooks, manals, 53. Bulding materials Handbooks, manuals et. 1. Tite. “THS813.956 1990 6007 837-20 90-8121 cr Distributed inthe book trade by St. Martin's Press 24681097531 hardcover Contents Acknowledgments Introduction ... Abbreviations .... xii 1 Design. 1 2 Site 29 3 Masonry 47 4 Foundations . 5 Wood 6 Framing 7 Sheathing. 8 Siding 9 Roofing 10 Windows and Doors . 11 Plumbing. 12 Wi 13 Insulation... 14 Floors, Walls, and Ceilings 15 Heating 16 Cooling. 17 Passive Solar Heating... 18 Lighting. 19 Sound. 20 Fasteners. 21 Finance and Measurement.. Glossary. Sources and Credits . Index... Acknowledgments This book is a dream come true. For as long as 1 have been writing about house building, [have dreamed of collecting and organizing the bits and scraps of information I knew every builder ‘would find tly useful For many years the dream remained just that. No publisher shared my enthusiasm for the pro- |ject, no publisher until the wonderful people at Rodale Press. ‘The first and most important credit must g0 to Ray Wolf for selling the concept to the unknown (tome) powers that be. ‘The most trying task, no doubt, fell upon the shoulders of Maggie Balitas, who patiently tem- pered my dream withthe realities of publishing Ensuring accuracy and practicality became the personal obsession of David Schiff, who, thank God, has a sense of humor. Finally, an unexpected reward was the oppor- tunity to apprentice under master graphic artist and designer Glen Burts. To all on my team, a sincere thank you. vii Introduction “Building a house requires thousands of deci- sions based on a million bits of information.” ‘This was the opening line of my talk to thou- sands of potential owner/builders who attended my 3-week courses at Shelter Institute and, later, Cornerstones. ‘Teaching that course, and an earlier house- building course at Bowdoin College, taught me how to convey technical design information to people who are not professional builders. I put that training to work in my five previous books, which covered every aspect of building, from retrofitting insulation in a drafty old house in House Warming to sting, planning, and con- structing a house in Breaking New Ground. Bat still, something was missing. Id written all [4 wanted to about designing and construct- ing a house, but I hadnt thoroughly covered the topic of what to construct @ house with. What's more, it didn't seem to me that anyone else had, either. Certainly there are thorough technical references for architects and structural engi- neers. But there was no thorough guide for peo- ple without that kind of formal technical train- ing. The fact is, the majority of people who actually lay their hands on materials—tradesmen, ‘owner/builders, and do-it-yourselfers—are not trained architects or engineers. ‘These people needed a book just as thorough as the ones the architects use but that also offered explanations, formulas, and charts that would make the infor- mation accessible. The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling, I believe, is that book, ‘Naturally, in my previous books, I discussed ‘materials in the context of how to use them, as have many other excellent how-to writers. But the Visual Handbook focuses on the materials. Its purpose isto enable you to decide how much of which material of what size should be used for any given house on any given site. You will find some how-to information in these pages be- ccause the way materials are used is often rele- vant in deciding which material to use. The point is, the how-to is incidental to the what-to, instead of the other way around. For example, the siding chapter discusses the pros and cons of ‘each type of siding, from clapboards to vinyl, so you can make an informed decision about which is best for your particular climate and site. But it also illustrates construction details, to help you decide which will work best on your particular house. I could see right away that this had to be a vis- ual handbook. There's no way words could de- scribe, for example, every commercially avail- able molding profile. But i's possible to illus- trate each one, Two things made it possible for ‘me to produce this visual book. One is the won- ders of personal computing technologies that en- abled me to produce illustrations even though I can't draw. ‘The other is that I am an information pack rat, a looter of lists, a burglar of booklets, a swiper of spec sheets ed x Introduction In this I am insatiable, No builder, no ancient hardware clerk, no sawyer in the backwoods, not even architects were spared my quest. Iraid- ed their files, their bookshelves, and their minds. Over the years I have accumulated the best of ‘what they found useful in the actual building of houses: tables, lists, government parnphlets, manufacturers’ iterature, building-trade associa- tion publications, even the instructions from a package of asphalt shingles. ‘The result, I think, isa book that should be ‘useful to anyone who puts his or her hands on ‘building materials or hires others who do. If you hire a builder, you won't be limited to his prefer- ences but will be able to take a more active role in deciding what materials to use. If you are an ‘owner/builder, this book should complement the how-to books I'm sure you are accumulating. ‘And if you are a tradesman, Ihope that you'll toss a copy behind the seat of your truck for easy reference. By the way, the opening line of my owner/ | builder course proved to be a bit off the mark. According to my computer, this book actually contains 40 milion bytes of information. Abbreviations |AASHO: American Association of CCF: hundred cubic feet EMT: thin-wall metal con ‘State Highway Offcals duit CD: cooling degree-day(s) ABS: acryloitrile- EPA: US Environmental butadiene-styrene ‘im: cubic feet per minute Protection Agency ‘AC: armored cable (CMU: concrete masonry EPDM: ethylene propylene wnit polymer membrane ‘ADA: airtight drywall ap- roach PVC: chlorinated polyvinyl Exp 1: exposure t chloride AFUE: annual fue! utilization EXT: exterior efficiency CRI: color-rendering index F: Fahrenheit; fale; ag: above grade feeder; female cut: cubic feet amp: ampere Fb: extreme fiber stress : depth; pennywoight in bending ANSI: American National Standards Institute D: deciduous Fe: compression parallel to grain APA: American Plywood db: decibels ‘Association fipt: female iron pipe dbl: double(s) thread ARM: adjustable-rate mort- gage DDés: base 65°F degree- {npt: female national pipe days thread tapered ‘avg: average dia: diagonal; diameter FRM: fixed-rate mortgage AWPB: American Wood Pre- sorvers Bureau DMT: design minimum Fv: horizontal shear ‘temperature bs: breadth G: good DS: double-strength bg: below grade ‘ga: gauge DWV: drain, waste, and Btu: British thermal units) vent gal: gallon BUR: built-up roof E: east; modulus of elas- GEM: growing-equity mon- ticity; evergreen; ‘gage C: centigrade; corrosion- excellent resistant GFI: ground faut inter- EER: energy efficiency ratio rupter xi GPM: Hob: HO: bp: he HUD: Hvac: he: ue: Ime: ins: INT: IRMA: ‘graduated-payment mortgage heat-resistant; height; heating degree- day(s) high-density overlay horsepower hour(s) US Department of Housing and Urban Development heating, ventilating ‘and air-conditioning hertz internal diameter impact insulation class Intermediate metal conduit insert thread interior insulated root mem- brane assembly kelvin kilowatt-hour tet: length pound linear feet male rmipt mnt mph: Mw: NM: NRC: on: oss: oz: °B pet: PE Ps: pst: psi Pvc: rec: Ret: moisture content ‘minimury; minute male iron pipe thread male national pipe thread tapered miles per hour moderate weather north nonmetallic. noise-reduction coeticient ‘on-center outside diameter ofiented-strand board perennial; plastic weld; poor polybutylene pounds per cubic foot polyethylene product standard pounds per square foot pounds per square inch polyiny! chloride Fight; riser; rubber recommended reference point Me: RIV: SAM: SE: colt sat 8 slip: pig: sqtt qin: ste: ate sw sis: sas Tas: TOE: THM: USDA: figid metal conduit room temperature vuleanized thermal resistance south shared-appreciation morigage service entrance select structural single(s) slip joint slip fitting spigot fitting ‘square foot square inch(es) ‘sound transmission class standard severe weather surfaced one side surfaced four sides texture; thermo- plastic; tread tongue & groove trichlorthylene trihalomethane underground US Department of Agriculture ST xiv Abbreviations Ve tise W: water-resistant; west; width WM: Wood Mouiding and Millwork Producers ‘Association WWPA: Western Wood Prod ucts Association yr: yearis) Human Dimensions 2 Kitchen Dimensions 3 Kitchen Cabinetry 4 Bathroom Dimensions 7 Bathroom Vanity Cabinetry 8 Bedroom Dimensions 9 Window, Closet, and Passageway Dimensions 10 ‘Templates for Furnishings 11 ‘Templates for Fixtures and Appliances 12 Kitchen Plans 13, Bathroom Plans 17 Stair Design 21 Bartier-Free Design 23 Light, Ventilation, and Safety Code 27 How to Read Blueprints 28 Design Houses are designed for people. Residential dimensions must therefore be tied to human dimensions. In the sections on kitchen dimensions, bathroom dimensions, and bedroom dimensions you will find minimum and standard heights, widths, and clearances for the respective rooms and their furnishings as well as for cabinetry. Similar minimum and standard criteria for window, closet, and passageway dimensions will make your house a better home. Use the 1/4-inch-scale furnishing templates and fixture and appliance templates as tools for scaling your floor plans. Begin your kitchen design by considering the wide range of, practical kitchen plans illustrated. A similarly wide range of bathroom plans is illustrated. Stair design is complex and is subject to many code regula- tions. You will find the critical elements listed, along with a simple table for adjusting stair treads to any ceiling height. Nearly one-quarter of us have some form of disability. Use barrier-free design to make the house work for al. ‘Much as we dislike design restraints, the various building codes have evolved primarily to keep us from hurting our- selves. The light, ventilation, and safety code section lists the most important and universal provisions of the codes. ‘Blueprints are the visual language of building. To under- stand the ideas of building-trade professionals and to make yourself understood, you must lear how to read blueprints, Design HUMAN DIMENSIONS Why do we need typical human dimensions to other heights, simply multiply the dimensions design buildings? Because buildings are built shown by the ratio of heights. for people. People need to reach shelves, ‘move furniture around, get by each other, Example: What is the standing eye level of a work side by side, and see out windows. The __S-foot (60-inch) person? special requirements of the handicapped mean _The standing height of the figure in the that spaces sometimes have to be designed for _lustration is 70 inches, and the eye height is two sets of human dimensions. (66 inches. The standing eye level of a ‘The typical human dimensions shown be- 60-inch person is therefore 60 + 70x 66 = low are for an adult male of height 5 feet 57 (inches). 10 inches. To determine typical dimensions for oe Kitchen Dimensions KITCHEN DIMENSIONS Unless you special-order or build your own, The countertop frontages shown are the chances are your cabinetry will be of standard minimum. Cooks who use lots of pots and dimensions. The only choice open to you is the pans or who entertain a lot will appreciate 36 height of the wall cabinets above the counter. inches to the left of the sink and a separate Low walll cabinets make wall shelving 24 X 48-inch work surface such as the island more accessible. On the other hand, if you shown. plan to hang a microwave oven and a cook- Recessed counter surfaces on inside comers book shelf under the wall cabinets, you'll need do not count toward either frontage or surface greater height for a useful counter surface. area, | a 9° jest 16 7 | Moc 72 s | 7 ees Tr | Bde L | | Max 24" | win ase ; | }.— Mosse ae | | sue = 4 vin 90" Mite ‘Std 36" ae Waco suse | z= 1 i Design KITCHEN CABINETRY Standard modular kitchen cabinets are avail- fying counter heights should be taken seriously able in a wide range of styles and prices. because it decreases the home's resale value, Standard base cabinet height is 34-1/2 Cabinet widths range from 9 to 36 inches inches, assuming a 1-1/2-inch countertop and _in 3-inch increments, and 36 to 48 inches in 36-inch counter surface height. Cabinet height 6-inch increments. Exact fit is made by site- ‘can be raised or lowered by adding to or re-_ trimming standard 3 and 6-inch filler strips. ‘moving from the kick space. Typical modular kitchen cabinets are ‘deal counter height is considered to be the shown on this and the following page. bottom of a bent elbow less 3 inches, but modi- Base Cabinets ba 18% >) fe — 96» fa torpedo” Ly Cy) (SS (5) FF roe 4 Cc REGULAR BASES be—— sr——+} |e —a6-o} SS) (ESe5 isi | Se | T He SINK BASES SINKFRONT RANGE BASES ja 2e LLL Lazy susAN ISLAND PLANNING CENTER TT Kitchen Cabinetry Wall Cabinets Herm] 98h 12 he | fe cy : all. , oe 7 =i ioe + CORNER m1 12" fe [36 12" fe . ek (ove co leary HEH dl. | Je (LIL | ama canta ry be 28" feat my betem ol 12 ett 2 rf WALL OVENS BROOM CLOSETS Design Installing Kitchen Cabinets Installation of kitchen cabinets will go smoothly in either new construction or remod~ cling if the standard procedure below is fol- lowed: 1. Using a line level, find the highest point of floor along the entire length of wall to re- ceive cabinets. 2, Measure above the high point 34-1/2 inches, and draw a mark on the wall. 3. Using a line level and a chalk line, snap a horizontal line to indicate the level of the bbase cabinet tops (not countertop, which will be higher). 4, Snap a second horizontal line 49-1/2 inches above the first line, or 84 inches above the floor high point, to mark the tops of the wall cabinets, 5. Using a stud finder (or a finishing nail where holes will be covered by cabinets), ‘mark all locations of studs. Be sure the stud marks are visible above both the 34-1/2-inch and 84-inch heights. 6. Starting in a comer, have a helper hold the first wall cabinet up to the 84-inch line, drill pilot holes, and fasten through the cabi- net back with two #10 x 2-1/2-inch screws. Do not tighten the screws all the way. 7. When all of the wall cabinets have been loosely hung, shim if necessary to bring all of the fronts into alignment, then tighten the ‘mounting screws. 8. Starting at the same comer, place the comer base cabinet, the flanking cabinets, then the remaining cabinets. 9. Shim all of the base cabinets until the fronts are aligned and the tops are level 10. Drill 1/8-inch holes through the top rails of the cabinet backs until the drill reach- es the studs, Fasten with two #10 x 2-1/2-inch serews per cabinet 11. Readjust the base cabinet fronts (shim. again, if necessary). Clamp the vertical stiles of adjacent cabinets with C-clamps, drill pilot holes, and fasten the cabinets together with drywall screws. 12. Finally, attach the countertop with serews up through the base cabinet comer blocks. Bathroom Dimensions BATHROOM DIMENSIONS Except in custom and luxurious homes, bath- rooms tend to be of minimal dimensions. This is probably a holdover from the early days when the new "bath" room was stuffed into an existing closet. \ Nearest ure Wall or icure 20" min inside dimension Standard shower 36°36" Wall or ture ‘SHOWER STALL Both clearance and fixture dimensions shown below are the minimums allowed by most building codes. Where applicable, standard fix- ture sizes are noted as well. Standard fixture sizes are used in the section "Bathroom Plans.” | a — ae re . Cc) ' 1 5 *\ Noatest an ‘focture Wator fate LAVATORY Lr isd ' {ft oars Beare BATHTUB Design —_. BATHROOM VANITY CABINETRY a ‘Most manufacturers of kitchen cabinets also offer a standardized line of bathroom vanity cabinets. Standard bathroom cabinet height is 30 inches; standard depth is 21 inches. Stan- dard widths are 12 to 18 inches in 3-inch in- ‘crements, and 24 to 48 inches in 6-inch incre- ‘ments, Vanity Cabinets 36 —»} 36° > j— 36°» + 36°» CE) oe | | CIC) | on | SINK BASES 18°} ete ee a aoa] ; 7 : ove BOWL FRONT cS S ’ Ce BASE DRAWER BASE DRAWER, Bedroom Dimensions BEDROOM DIMENSIONS ‘The illustration below shows the most com- inches in room width or depth. Other bed ‘mon sizes of beds and minimum recommend- sizes include twin (39 x 80 inches), three- ed bedroom sizes, based on those bed sizes quarter (48 x 75 inches), and king (72 x 84 and minimum recommended side and foot inches). clearances of 24 inches. Dressers add 18 TWIN FULL ee Epa "6 QUEEN KING. Design WINDOW, CLOSET, AND: PASSAGEWAY DIMENSIONS. Windows Much thought should be given to window ge- ometties. For exterior symmetry the tops of all windows should align with the tops of ex- terior doors (80 inches). Sill heights of win- dows adjacent to counters or furniture should be at least 42 inches; view or picture window sills should not exceed 38 inches; no window sill except that ofa sliding glass door should be Jess than 10 inches high. Closets Allow at least 36 inches of closet pole per oc- ‘cupant, with a hanger depth of 24 inches mini mum, Provide at least one closet per bedroom, closets near front and rear entrances for coats, allinen closet, and at least one generous walk- in closet. Passageways Minimum widths of residential passageways are dictated by the need to move large furnishings. "The table at upper right lists both minimum and recommended widths of passageways. WIDTHS OF PASSAGEWAYS Passegeway Minimum Recommended Stare 36 o Landings 38 4 Mein al ae ae Minoe hat oo oe Inter door ae ae Exerior door os co 10" ‘Templates for Furnishings " TEMPLATES FOR FURNISHINGS Many designers have difficulty judging the photocopy, cut out, and paste these objects in relative sizes of spaces and furnishings. The your floor plans. The sizes of many other fur- furnishings below and the fixtures and appli. _nishings can be found in the Sears Catalog. ances on the following page are drawn to a Better yet, take a tape measure and notepad to scale of 1/4 inch =1 foot. A useful trick is to. your favorite furniture store. ‘couCHES a ‘Small Large Sectional CHAIRS ] Love seat Easy Dining Folding TABLES soda ae dia ada wie 3F dia 96°35" aera" 90" 4" 5a" 58° 30" 60" 26x72 12 Design TEMPLATES FOR FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES Toes SHOWER STALLS Standard —Elongatea St ‘compact aa Deuxe BATHTUBS oma Standard a ‘ Deluxe Corner VANES SINKS 2 Ioj Lo] OO earcar Deluxe, eat ‘Single ‘Standard REFRIGERATORS WASHERS & DRYERS tout Ta cut areal =. Compact Standard DISHWASHER TRASH COMPACTER RANGES CPO JOO) jO © RO IO iO Standard Standard Apartment standard Deluxe Kitchen Plans 13 KITCHEN PLANS Kitchen design involves four considerati + appliances appropriate to cooking needs + work surfaces for preparation, serving, and cleaning up + storage for food, dishes, and utensils + arrangement of the above for efficiency Work Centers Kitchen tasks can be assigned to one of five ‘work centers. The table below shows the nor- mal order of flow and the approximate per- centage of trips made to each. Work Gentor Trips Sink and cleanup 35% cooking 25% Preparation 20% Serving 10% Retrigerator and storage 10% Lay out work centers this way: + Provide each center with enough counter and storage space. + Locate the refrigerator and food storage center near the entrance door. + Locate the serving center near the usual eating area + Locate the sink and cleanup center on an outside wall where natural light and an out- door view can be enjoyed Work Triangle A layout that follows the normal order of flow will maximize the efficiency of the kitchen, The total length of the work triangle (paths between the refrigerator, sink, and range) is a measure of efficiency. Less than 11 feet indicates too little counter space; more than 26 fect indicates an inefficient layout. ‘The kitchen plans that follow show the lengths of work triangles. Basic Kitchen Plans Single Double counter L v. shaped shaped =] L-shaped U-shaped with island with peninsula 14 Design Single Counter (ae) L O “Thiangle = 18 ERO ies Triangle = 18° Double Counter ee Kitchen Plans L-Shaped 16 Design L-Shaped with Island ZN LN Oo OO Tangle = 14 TWangle = 14 U-Shaped with Peninsula Tangle = 13" Bathroom Plans BATHROOM PLANS Bathroom design involves five decisions: Who ‘Who will use this bathroom: children, parents, both, or guests? Are any of them handi- capped? What ‘What will the user do in this bathroom: wash up, shower, soak, dress for work, develop film, wash clothes, or read philosophy books? The bathroom has come a long way since the outhouse. Consider all of the possibilities be- fore settling for the bare minimum, Privacy People vary widely in how they regard their bodies and natural functions. Do you need ab- solute visual and acoustic privacy, attainable only in the remotest comer of the third floor, or do you enjoy bathing with your children and/or friends? Location Is it handy to all who want to use it when they want to use it? A toilet near the children's bed- rooms allows parents to sleep through the night. A master bath/dressing room is luxuri- ‘ous. An outside wall admits natural, healthful sunlight. On the other hand, a head-of-the- stairs location places all users on center stage. Fixtures Standard fixtures are the best buy. There is a limitless variety of nonstandard fixtures avail- able, but at much higher cost. The plans that follow assume the use of standard fixtures and minimum code-required clearances. If you plan to use nonstandard fixtures, get the di- mensions from your supplier and adjust the plans accordingly. Half Baths © lo- F eo =o 18 Half Baths with Laundry 50 Wash Full Baths Bathroom Plans Full Baths 20 Design Multi-user Baths Stair Design STAIR DESIGN Riser and Tread Formulae Risers and treads (see next page) are designed together to be neither too shallow nor too steep. If too shallow, the stairs occupy too ‘much space; if too steep, they are dangerous and tiring to climb, Rules of thumb for proportioning risers (R) and treads (T) in inches are IR+T =24 1025 Total rise (V) is the height between finished floors. Its simply the number of steps times the riser (R). Total run (H) is T x (number of steps - 1). ‘STAIR DIMENSIONS Stair Dimensions Given the total rise (V) between finished floors, what should the riser (R) and tread (T) of each step be? In the table below, find the approximate total rise (V) in the left column and read across: number of steps, riser (R), tread (T), and total run (H). Small differences in V are made up by adjusting R and T by 1/8 inch for the required number of steps. Varia- tions of 1/8 inch will not be noticeable when the stairs are used. Example: The total rise between two finished floors is 8 feet 1 inch. In the table below we find V = 8 feet 1-1/2 inches: thirteen steps of R=7-1/2 inches, T = 10 inches, and H = 10 feet, We need to "lose" 1/2 inch in total rise. For four steps we will decrease R by 1/8 inch and increase T by 1/8 inch. The result is a to- tal rise (V) of 8 feet 1 inch and a total run (H) of 10 feet 1/2 inch, Fise(V) Steps Riser(R) Tread(7) Run (H) Rise(V) Steps Riser(R) Tread(T) Run (H) Trim 12 Te 1088" 961e Tine 19 7am te torte rose 11778" 96a 80" 2 8 94 BB 73" 12 7m tower ga 8" erie 137410" 10 Oe ee a ez 4 tone ree 12 798 to4e 93.8 ese 13787 TOA 20 te oe esse 14TH 10ae" 127 13 7 tone 108 eas 13 73m" aaa yr 87 O5e wove | 14 7am toe tae ese 13 74a tose 10a 139 77 98 9742" a 2 7am gam atte 14 798 tote 101s" Toe 13 THe" 10-0 a a moe 12 7718" ese 8.7" 14 74 10" row" Building-Code Stair Requirements. Use "Stair Dimensions” on the previous page to determine recommended tread (7), riser (R), and total run (H), given the total rise (V) between finished floors. ‘The Uniform Build- ing Code requires the following additional standards, as illustrated below: B baluster spacing (clear) 6 inches maximum € clearance above nosing 6 feet 6 inches minimum L landing length and width equal to stair width (W) minioum LR landing railing 36 to 42 inches above landing IN nosing 1-1/8 inches R rise 8 inches maximum SR stair railing 30 to 34 inches above nosing T tread 9 inches minirnum 'W width of stair 36 inches minimum Barrier-Free Design BARRIER-FREE DESIGN ‘The dimensions shown are for an average adult ‘male. For adult women the dimensions from the ‘ground to seat level remain the same, but all di- ‘mensions above seat level should be reduced by 10 percent. Ifthe specific persons are known, 1) measure them directly, and 2) review theit particular preferences and physical limitations. Barrier-free building design is a rapidly evolving field, so ask your building-product and appliance dealers about recent developments. Human/Wheelchair Dimensions Design Walks and Ramps Barrier-Free Design 25 Barrier-Free Bathrooms Out-swinging ‘oor 26 Design Barrier-Free Tubs and Showers —— ssa tes seco =) — Controls a 4 Sia a E |e | a (i | ot Lee Barrier-Free Kitchens Clear width under counter @@ je fe OF E : = TS _ = rT ov Front contols er | TT Light, Ventilation, and Safety Code ar eee LIGHT, VENTILATION, AND SAFETY CODE (from Uniform Building Code) ——_—_— eee Light and Ventilation Habitable rooms except baths must have day- lighting windows equal to 10 percent of the floor area or 10 square feet minimum. They ‘must also have ventilating windows or other ‘openings equal to 5 percent of the floor area or 5 square feet minimum. As an alternate, mechanical ventilation of five air changes per hour may be provided. Baths and laundries must have ventilating ‘openings equal to 5 percent of the floor area or 1.5 square feet minimum, As an alternate, they may have five air changes per hour of, mechanical ventilation. ‘Smoke Detectors ‘All dwellings must have at least one smoke detector on the ceiling or wall of the hall out- side bedrooms. Ifthe bedrooms are on the second floor, the detector must be on the ceil- ing over the stairway. Basements accessible from living areas ‘must have smoke detectors. All detectors must be audible in all closed bedrooms, In new construction, or when bedrooms are added, or when the valuation of a repair or addi- tion exceeds $1,000, the smoke detectors must be permanently wired without on/off switches. Otherwise, battery operation is allowed, Fire Exits All dwellings must have at least one door to the outside 36 inches wide and 80 inches high minimum, with a clear width of the exit of at least 32 inches. Tn addition, every bedroom below the fourth floor must have atleast one exterior door or egress window, operable from the in- side without the use of tools. Egress windows must have sills no more than 44 inches from the floor and minimum clear dimensions of 24 inches in height, 20 inches in width, and 5.7 square feet in opening area. Garages A fully enclosed garage not over 1,000 square feet in area may be attached to or under a dwelling with the following fire protection: ‘© The door from garage to dwelling should be self-closing and of 1-3/8-inch solid-wood- core construction. «There should be no direct opening be- tween the garage and a bedroom. ‘© The common wall between garage and living space should be covered on the garage side with 5/8-inch type X gypsum board. © The garage ceiling under a dwelling should be covered with 1/2-inch type X gyp- sum board, 28 Design HOW TO READ BLUEPRINTS KX picture is worth a thousand words. Never is this statement more true than in the blueprints for a building. The symbols below are the lan- guage between the designer and the builder. Learn this language if you'd ike to get in on the conversation! Materials Wiring Plumbing oe wal eting arth gutaco (>) Cota — ~ _ light water Graver feed @®-®) io — i et wen “OS = wesc!

--4 ai ar : || | carom 8 | U U u tt u : Hes — wag & Soll Properties ‘SOIL PROPERTIES Soil Classifications Soils may be classified with reference to one or more of the following systems: + AASHO (American Association of State Highway Officials) + Unified (Army Corps of Engineers) + USDA (US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service) USDA Soil Surveys Homeowners, developers, and local govern- ments should avail themselves of the Soil Sur- veys published by the USDA Soil Conserva- tion Service and available free through the lo- cal soil and water conservation district offices in every state, These surveys show the boun- daries between soil types on aerial photo graphs (see example below), as well as ‘definition of local soil types (abbrevia- tions on map below) and their equivalent AASHO and Unified classifications ‘© depth to bedrock and seasonal high water « grain size distribution ‘© permeability and expansion potential ‘© engineering and agriculture suitability ‘soil pH (acidity) and natural vegetation Typical Soil Conservation Service Soil Map UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Allowable Frost Expan- Soil Bearing’ —Drain- © Heave ston Type Description lb’sqft age? Potential Potentia?” BR Bedrock '30,000 Poor Low Low GW. Wellgraded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, 8.000 Good Low Low Iie or no tines GP Poorty graded gravels or grave-sand mixtures, 8,000 Good Low Low litte or no fines SW Welrgraded sands, gravely sands, tle or no 6,000 Good Low Low fines SP Potty grade sands or gravelly sands, tle 5,000 Good Low Low foro fines GM Sit gravels, gravel-sand-sit mixtures 4,000 Good Med Low SM Sit sand, sand-sit mitures 4,000 Good Med Low GC Clayey gravels, gravel-lay-sand micures 4,000 Med Med Low SC Clayey sands, sand-clay minture 4,000 Med Med Low ML Inorganic sits and vary ine sands, rock fou, sity ot 2,000 Med High Low clayey tina sands with sight plasty CL Inorganic lays of fow to medium plasticity, 2,000 Med Med Med ravelly clays, sandy cays, sity cays, lean clays (CH Inorganic clays of high pasty, fat claye 2,000 Poor Med High® MH Inorganic sits, micaceous or diatomaceous 2,000 Poor High High fine sandy or sity soi, elastic sits OL Organic sits and oxganie sity clays 400 Poor = Med Med OH Organic clays of medium to high lastcy ° Unsst Med High PT __Peatand other highly organi sos ° Unsat___ Med High ‘Source: Permanent Wood Foundations (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1985) * Allowable bearing valve may be Increased 25% for very compact, coarse-grained, gravely or sandy sols or very st, ‘ine-grainee, cayey or sity sols. Allowable bearing value shal be decreased 25% for loose, coarse-grained, gravely or sandy sols or soft fine-grained, clayey or sity sols. £ Percolation rate for god drainage is over 4"vhr, medium drainage is 2~4/he, and poor i less than 2". 3 For expansive soils, contact local soils engineer for venticalion of design assumptions. ‘ Added by author, 5 Dangerous expansion might occur if these sol types are cry but subject to future wetting Radon 39 RADON Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, available free from state radiation protection odorless gas resulting from the radioactive offices and regional US Environmental Pro- breakdown of uranium in rocks and soil. Itis tection Agency (EPA) offices: estimated to cause between 5,000 and 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United A Citizen's Guide to Radon (what itis, States. (By comparison, cigarette smoking is how to test, how to interpret results) thought to cause 110,000 deaths.) ‘* Radon Reduction Methods (methods that ‘The map below shows areas that often have a contractor or skilled homeowner might ap- high radon concentrations. Homes and build- ply to lower radon levels in the home) ing sites in these areas should be tested for radon, For your guidance, two booklets are See chapter 4 for more information. Radon-Producing Areas & Site LANDSCAPING Plant Hardiness Zones ‘The climatic suitability of landscaping plants is usually defined by reference to the US De- partment of Agriculture's "Plant Hardiness Zone Map" below. The zones refer to the range of annual minimum temperatures expe- rienced, Planting tables often refer to the har- diness zones, but you should remember that local (microctimatic) temperatures can vary widely and that plants respond to variables other than temperature, such as soil pH, de- gree of shade, exposure to wind, and rainfall. Consult a local professional nurseryman be- fore selecting plants for your site. Approximate Range of Average Minimum ‘Temperatures for Plant Hardiness Zones, °F Zone 2 50 10-40 Zone 3 40 to 20 Zone 4 30 to -20 Zone 5 20 to -10 Zone 6 10% 0 Zone 7 ot 10 Zone 8 10 20 Zones 20% 30 Zone 10 30 to 40 Note: The US Department of Agriculture plans to update this map in 1990, el Landscaping a ‘TREES FOR LANDSCAPING Height Width Spacing ‘Common Name Zones Type! feet” feet” feet Features 1. Quaking aspen oe 5 7 Excelent visual screen 2. Paperbirch 2 20 © 15 White bark, very hardy 3, White spruce ae) 2 © 10 Good for windbreak 4. Bur oak 250 D8 20 18 Requires good sol for ul size 6. Eastern red cedar 28 feo 10 7 Goad sereen,tolrates cry soi 6. Norway maple 36 De co 3025 Grows inci, grows fast 7. Sugar maple 36 Dw 50 40.———_Beauitul foiage, sugar sap 8, Norway spruce a) 2514 Grows fast, prfers sun 9. Red maple oa 20 25—_—Bilant fotage, grows fast 10. Green ash mo = 30-25 Grows fast, most sols 11.Easterwhite pine 3.6 — 7 4012 ——_Grows very fast, most sols 12, Eastern hemlock a7 5 6 20 8 Grad sereen, grows in shade 13. White poplar 35 > 12 10 Grows very fast, short ite 14, Pin oak a7 Deo) 50 30 Keeps leaves in winter 4S.Japanese cyptomera 68 = E 70 2 © 10-—_Good scroon, grows fast 16.Orentalabovitae = 79 E18 6 3 Grows fast, most sols 17, Rocky Mountain juniper 4-7 BE 8 10 6 inWestonly, dry sols 18, Black haw 47 bles 15 5 White flowers, red berries 19, American holly 68 cle 8 8 Spined leaves, red bories 20, Lombardy poplar 68 > 40 6 4 Grows fast, all sols 21. Weeping wilow 68 > 80 30 -80.——_—Drooping branches, wet sols 22. Sea grape 10 e 2 a 4 Very decorative 23 Northern white cedar 8-6 £90 2 2 Good screen, loamy soll 24, Southern magnolia 8-9 e 90 10 5 Large white fowers 25, Douglas fr 46 E60 25 12 _Grows ast, upto 200" Source: W. R. Newson, J, Landscaping Your Home (Urbara-Champaign: University of lino, 1976). YD = Gaciduous, E= evergroon, 42 Site Trees for Landscaping (typical mature heights compared with two-story house) balm ee E Windbreaks WINDBREAKS A strategically located group of trees can re- duce winter wind speeds around a home by 50 percent or more, reducing fuel bills. The chart below shows measured wind speed reductions upwind and downwind of a shelterbelt of mixed deciduous and hardwood trees. The maximum downwind reduction is 50 to 60 percent, occurring at a distance of five times the average tree height. Upwind the reduction is negligible at a distance of five tree heights. In areas where prevailing winter and sum- mer winds are in opposite directions, shelter- belts can be used to block winter winds with- out diminishing summer breezes. ‘The maps on the following page show the di- rections of the predominant winter and summer ‘winds at weather stations across the United States. The map should be used only as a crude guide, however, since topography can alter wind directions markedly. ‘The illustrations on the page following the ‘maps show overall strategies for dealing with both wind and sun. The bottom plan shows how both winter wind and summer sun can be blocked without losing cooling summer breez- cs or the warming winter sun, The winter and summer wind directions in the example are typical for most of the eastern United States, Wind Speed Reduction Upwind and Downwind of a Shelterbelt 100 Wind speed % 2 2,000 feet Oe s fe) Oe ae ceo me coel Distance downwind of trees. ————» ‘Average January Wind Direction ‘Average July Wind Direction Site —_—.as PLANTING AND PROTECTING TREES Planting Make a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball, break up the sides, and refill with the original soil, Plant trees at the same depth as in the nursery. Water every day the first week, then once a week until frost. Paint the trunk to the lowest branches with white latex to prevent sunscald. Changing Grade When you grade a site, itis important to main- tain aerated soil around existing trees. Short of transplanting, that means maintaining the existing grade around the tree out to its cano- py line, ‘Transplanting Faw orignal st '§ pat moss, hen ‘mile hese wit eat or compost tal grace, —; New grado, — Lowering the Grade Brace only trunk ‘eteang, ual ‘Sequalepaced ‘ne braves a'garden hose Raising the Grade Concrete 48 Mortar 50 Brick Wall Construction 51 Brick Sizes and Coursing 54 Brick Pavement 57 Concrete Masonry Construction 69 Block Sizes and Coursing 60 Concrete Pavers 63 Stone Veneer Construction 64 Masonry Concrete can be thought of as man-made stone. Masonry is the art of assembling stone, brick, and other mineral units, with or without the use of mortar, All masonry materials share the prop- erties of massiveness, strength in compression, and immunity to decay. This chapter begins by describing the properties of concrete and mortar and the procedures for estimating their required volumes. ‘The section on brick walls illustrates the time-honored ter- ‘minology of brickwork and the classic wall bonds (patterns). You will also find illustrated four modern methods of con- structing residential brick walls. ‘You will see there are many "standard" brick sizes. Includ- ed are coursing tables, which make it simple to lay brick walls to any height. Bricks may also be used to construct attractive and durable ‘walks and driveways. You will see how to construct brick pavement in a variety of patterns. Concrete masonry is construction using concrete masonry units (CMUs, or concrete blocks). This section shows how steel-reinforced concrete masonry wall is constructed. It also includes a listing of block sizes and a coursing table for laying out walls, ‘Walks and drives may be constructed of concrete pavers, us- ing the same techniques as for brick. Twenty paver styles are illustrated. Finally, two methods of building stone veneer walls and the six most common pattems are shown, 4a7 Masonry CONCRETE Concrete is man-made rock. It consists of gravel aggregate, sand, and portland cement. Made properly, it is as strong as most natural- ly occurring rock and will last as long. Made improperly, it cracks and crumbles and may have to be replaced within a few years. Properly made concrete has four character- istics: + Ithas the correct ratio of clean and well- sized materials. The proper ratios of materials censure that all sand grains are surrounded by ‘cement and that all gravel pebbles are sur- rounded by sand, Clean materials ensure that all of the materials will bond, resulting in maximum strength, ‘© The amount of water is correct. During curing, the portland cement chemically com- bines with the water (the cement hydrates). ‘Too little water results in unhydrated cement; too much water leaves voids when the water eventually escapes. As a practical matter, the Proper amount of water is the minimum that results in a cohesive mixture ‘Tthas a long curing time. Complete hy- ration requires many days. To prevent evap- oration of the water, the surface of the con- crete should be kept damp. This may require dampening the soil or placing polyethylene or wetted burlap over exposed surfaces for up to ‘a week. Freezing poses a similar problem: ‘The formation of ice crystals withholds water from the hydration process. When the ice later ‘melts, it leaves air pockets + There is air entrainment. When concrete is exposed to freezing, water within the cured cconerete can freeze and expand and crack the concrete. Concrete that will be exposed to freezing should contain an air-entraining ad- mixture, which forms billions of microscopic air bubbles. The tiny air pockets act as pres- sure relief valves for freezing water. Availability For a very small job, such as a fence post or two, purchase premixed |-cubic-foot bags containing all of the ingredients except water. Mix in a wheelbarrow. For up to 1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet) of concrete, purchase sand and gravel by the fractional yard and portland cement in | -cubic-foot bags. Mix in a portable mixer, which you can rent. For more than a cubic yard, order ready- mix concrete delivered by truck. Specifying Ready-Mix In addition to simplicity, a big advantage of ready-mix concrete is the opportunity to spec- ify exactly what you need. Unless you are a conerete professional, discuss your applica- tion with the ready-mix salesman, Together ‘you can decide the cement content (in bags per yard), aggregate size (should not exceed ‘one-third of concrete thickness), percentage of entrained air, and the need for accelerators or retarders. You alone will have to specify the amount of concrete (allow an extra 10 percent for spreading of the forms and spillage) and the time of delivery ‘The following page contains tables for mix- ing concrete and estimating required volumes. ey Concrete 49 RECOMMENDED CONCRETE MIXES Cement Sand Gravel Gal. Water it Sand Makes Wet ‘Application Sacks| cuft =cut «ry cunt Severe weather, heavy wear, slabs<@ thick 10 20 28 60 40 a8 Slabs > 3" thick sidowaks, diveways,patos 10 «822 «30 DA Footings, foundation was, retaining walls ee ee One 4b cack containe 1 cu ESTIMATING CUBIC YARDS OF CONCRETE FOR SLABS, WALKS, AND DRIVES Stab Area Slab Thickness, inches sqit 2 3 ‘ 8 ° 8 wR 0 oF oF oF oF oo oF os oF 50 03 os os o7 09 12 ny 100 os 09 12 18 18 25 3037 300 19 28 a7 a7 58 74 ae 500 34 ar 62 72 9312414188 ESTIMATING CONCRETE FOR FOOTINGS AND WALLS (cubic yards per linear foot) Depth or Width or Thickness, inches: Helght,inches 6 a 12 1% 24 8 0.012 0.017, 0.025 0.037 0.049 2 0.019 0.028 0.037 0.086 0.074 24 0.037 0.089 0.07 oat 0148 R ont 048 0.222 0.33 o.aas 96 0.148 0.198 0.296 os 0593 —— Masonry ——— ee MORTAR Mortar is a mixture of cement, lime, and sand for bonding unit masonry (bricks, blocks, or stone) together. It differs from concrete in two ways: 1) because itis used in thin layers, it contains no gravel aggregate, and 2) because brick and block laying is a slow process, it Contains hydrated lime to retain water and re- tard set-up, Availability For small jobs requiring up to 1 cubic foot of ‘mortar (about 30 8 x 8 x 16-inch blocks or 70 2x4 x 8-inch bricks), purchase a bag of mor- tar mix that requires only the addition of wa- ter. For larger jobs buy sacks of masonry ce- ment.To each sack add 3 cubic feet of clean, sharp sand and enough water to make the mix plastic. Precolored mortar mixes are also available through masonry supply outlets, Mixing Unless you are a professional, or more than ‘one bricklayer is at work, mix small batches of mortar by hand, because it must be used within approximately 1 hour. Do not lay ma- sonry when there is any danger of freezing, Calcium chloride accelerator is sometimes used to speed set-up and lessen the chances of freezing, but it can later cause efflorescence (a white, powdery deposit) on wall surfaces. Use the table at right to estimate quantities of mortar for various masonry wall construc- tions, MATERIALS REQUIRED PER 100 SQUARE FEET OF MASONRY WALLS Unit Thickness Masonry Cement Sand. Type _ofWall Units” “Sacks| = euft —— Standard 4 ——S«GI6 3 ® briek Standard 42927 at eck Standard 112 1 a block A Note: Assume 20% mortar waste Brick Wall Construction 51 BRICK WALL CONSTRUCTION BRICK POSITIONS ‘Stretcher Fowlock stretcher Header ‘itetcher MORTAR JOINTS Weather resistant joints Non-weather resistant joints LL | Concave V-shaped Weathered Flush Raked ‘Struck —_—_————— 52 Masonry Brick Wall Types type for the climate: insulated for most areas Shown below are the four types of brick wall of the country, and of a draining-cavity type most commonly used in residential construc- for regions with wind-driven rain, tion. All require both good materials and Proper detailing means the use of drips at proper design and detailing. sills; flashing at top, bottom, and heads and Good materials consist of durable brick: sills; and the installation of weep holes at all grade SW (severe weather) in contact with the flashing points, Caulking between masonry earth and grade MW (moderate weather) and nonmasonry materials is mandatory. above grade (SW in freeze areas). Sprayed or brushed waterproofing, such as sil- Proper design means choice of the right icone, is not recommended, WS wey KS wS7 caviry ON WALL SF Brick Wall Construction 53 Brick Wall Bonds (Patterns) Se ee Roa ae ara ae Se 5 eS Eo ead DDI e oe re) eee Beene aes se eos uu looses RUNNING Cor eae) eeenocanmna fi aoe noes c Cyt Tt - = SRS eno} Ee comuon oes Cor ic ao [oe sa) ooo COMMON WITH FLEMISH CROSS FLEMISH HEADERS neo Sr rs rt a = m4 ee GARDEN WALL jonry BRICK SIZES AND COURSING NONMODULAR BRICK (dimensions actual W x L x H) " t SZ F Standars Oversize Threeinch 3am xe" x2-14" Bara x2a" x99 x28 ‘MODULAR BRICK (dimensions nominal W x L x H) F Standard Engingor ae x28 exes Double oman Noxman ‘Norwegian axe se AAD? arene 2a MAD SIS" be il Tepe SCR bck Sree xe extn xees 6 Norwegian jumbo lunto Beas exes extexe ST Brick Sizes and Coursing 55 HEIGHTS OF NONMODULAR BRICK WALLS Number of 24/4" Thick Bricks 2.518" Thick Bricks 2.314" Thick Bricks Courses 318" Joint 172" Joint 308" Joint 12" Joint 38" Joint 172" Joint 7 vase 02am oF ose ose Osim 2 osame sae ce vee cee eae a O77 vet ° 98" vas ose 4 orm on ro row rove orn 5 Pie tae rs ss vase rade 6 rea rae ve reae vee r7ae 7 year rz ye re7e vere roam 8 8 110" zo oer er ee 8 vise zoae eo rae eave 2648 0 pow Baie ze rT per eee " pare 26s ae rio z10se 113 2 prime 28 aie sie 13 Brower 211s 3450 vase | see “ som x 24 373" s7am sour 15 voce | s5Hi6 se y1078 1076 #09 16 se ve ao ae ar oe 7 sese | s109% oo e508 esi 474m 18 sia a tae ae wea woe e104 19 4178" ae eats anaes tam Ey wane ar so 2H soa 58 2 474 #9. so 8558" s5se Se. 22 eoam sou se sea seam siti 23 sose sate so ste sire 62a 24 53 56 Ce os ee ‘Source: Brick Sizes and Related Information (McLean, Va: Brick Institute of America, 1986) Masonry HEIGHTS OF MODULAR BRICK WALLS Number of Nominal Height (thickness) of Brick * Courses a 22a" 315" * S10" 1 oe oanne o3ane oe cor 2 oe ossne eae os ore 3 oe oe oose to re ‘ oe oroani6r Yorsne ve rosie 5 oo resie ve ve zenne 6 v0 te yrange 20 ze ? re rena tose za s1sie 8 te yesie 2188 ering ° re eo arse so so 10 re zeae ze ae 5516" " v0 zesie eitane ve e041 2 zo ae s298 so se 8 ee Bz ro-tie 3558" oe sosne 16 ee s1sne senate ae eatine 18 ze ae oo so oe 16 ze senne saan ee T1816 7 210° “eae se rete 18 x0 +o +050 eo eo 19 ae a2aine Sosane ea essne 2 ae assn6 se oe Broder a x6 ae srane To oe 2 se arose S100" re sosie a 10 B56" e1se re to2aine 2 40 sa eara6 eo 18 ‘Source: Brick Sizes and Related Information (MeLean, Va: Mortar jin thick 1888 approximately equals difference be Brick instute of America, 1986) ween actual and nominal ick height SS Brick Pavement 87 ee BRICK PAVEMENT Advantages is recommended for all. All should be sloped Compared with asphalt or conerete, brick for drainage. Walks and drives should slope at paving is more attractive, will nt crack, and least 1/4 inch per foot (2 percent), but not is easy to repair. ‘more than 1-3/4 inches per foot (15 percent). Patios should slope from 1/8 to 1/4 inch per Details foot (1 to 2 percent). The slopes can be from Below are designs for a walk, a driveway, and one edge to the other or from the center to the two patios. The use of grade SW brick edges. ~ Sallo course in concrete — 318" expansion oint material 151 rooting fot — 2 screened stone - =—— Compacted earth Monared brick curb Betin concrete —— WALKWAY - GRAVEL BASE ‘ s Bricks on edge —— 2" sorgenod stone Compactes earth ——e fy ‘Soldier course in concrete DRIVEWAY - BRICK ON EDGE iad Z 181 roofing ett —— P' sand base Za. | = Compacted earth ‘Soldier course in concrete — PATIO - SAND BASE 1" scroened stone «4° washed gravel 4" pipe drain tle — PATIO- GRAVEL BASE Masonry Brick Pavement Bonds (Patterns) nee 3 STACK BOND BASKET WEAVE HERRINGBONE C a ] I RUNNING BOND HALF-BASKET BASKET ON EDGE ea J I ] I OFFSET BOND DOUBLE-BASKET BASKET/WOOD GRID Concrete Masonry Construction ————— CONCRETE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION —_—— Exterior residential walls up to 35 feet in placed on all faces of a core that is to be height may be constructed of 8-inch-thick filled. units, Interior load-bearing walls may be 6 ‘The top course should be made solid, pref- inches thick up to 20 feet in height. erably by filling and reinforcing a continuous Foundation footings must be poured be- bond beam, as shown in the illustration below. neath the local frost line, unless protected by Vertical reinforcement should be placed 16 shallow insulation (see chapter 4). Masonry ‘or 24 inches on-center. units should be dry when laid. Mortar joints should be 3/8 inch thick, unless a slight adjustment of height is required. Mortar should be applied only to the perimeter of the block, except that mortar should be Reinforced Concrete Masonry Wall Bond beams filed to e/2" of op Laps in vertical rebar = 30x bar diameter at spices Core filed with mortar; rebar \ibated in place Concrete masonry unis Footing (reinforcement recommended) BLOCK SIZES AND COURSING (dimensions actual W x L x H) {V2 parition B5EKIS- 58.5 Double ends Doubio ends Double ends, Hat jamb SSXIS 58S." SS%7 587-50" Halt double end 75OxIS- SIG 58" Double end Stretchor ‘Steel sash jam T5815 SIE%7-58" 7-S18"x15-S6s7-5/8" be Hal block 751837 5187-518" Pain ends 7-S18°x11 5087-518" Block Sizes and Coursing 61 ZS aah t Ww Double ends TPSIE15 5857-518" Sq Stoel sash jam T8615 57-58" Beam 7587-5101 58"

' |g nish materia i He vapor retaraer Sota canage mat e Insulation in stud space . Pressure roatod plate Damp-proafing Or Rigid insulation 4 sla wth optonal wolded-wire mesh Finer fabric — ‘Vapor retarder Coarse gravel — Ss ‘waterprooing ——~ | 4° porfrated seine — — 4 grave drainage layer 4 rebar — — 2 weep holes @ B' 0c Foundations Masonry Basement Wall with Interior Insulation Flashing —— Bat insulation igi insutaton cauked at all ‘edges to form vapor retader Weep holes as required Siope away from wal t 619 10° — Low-permeabitty soil — Granular backtil — 112" anchor bots @ 6 oe ‘embedded to 7 min ‘Bond beams (option il ‘cores of top courses) Finish material Vapor retarder Insulation between studs Optional drainage mat in pace of granular fit. —— amp:prooting waterprocting Fite fabric Coarse gravel Wood deck on sleepers Vapor retardor 4° slab with optional welded:-wire mesh — > 4 perforated rainpipe — 144 rebar for crack control —~ weep holes @-8' oc Basements Pressure-Treated Wood Basement Wall Gaskets or cauking above ard below tm joist at insulation Rigid ineulation cauked at all edges to form ‘vapor retarder File applied top plate . Protective board or lashing >] Slope away trom wall at "in 10 —— Low-parmeabilty sol“ —= | \— ating en Insulation between studs —— Pressuro-teated wood Fine naan _ apr retard [4 ines ‘Coarse gravel backfill ‘on lower hal of wall, m= 4 ale _— 4° stab wih optional ‘6-mil polyethylene membrane | 0 websedenire mesh Pressute-treated plywood ————t| ressure-treated footing plate Gravel footing pas — _— Optional 2" sand tayer — Vapor retardor 4 gravel layer Grains to sump 1% LS Foundations Concrete Basement Wall with Ceiling Insulation Gaskets or cauking above and Below rm joist Pressure-teated sil with gasket ‘Stope away from wal at "in 10 Low-permeability soi! a Granrtn Optra rag a eo ert Damp-prooting or ‘waterproofing Fitter fabric — Coarse gravel — 4" perforated ceainpipe — Insulation beween for-celing joists with vapor retaroer ‘ontop sid of insulation — Optional rebar — 1/2" anchor bots @ 6 oe ‘Sealant if required for radon contol 4 slab with optional welded-wire mosh Vapor retarder ” woop holes @ 8! oc AT Craw! Spaces 5 ——— CRAWL SPACES ——— Recommended Insulation dation, where it is most effective, both at stop- ‘The recommended configurations and R- ping heat flow and protecting the foundation. values of foundation insulation are given However, in many situations, such as retrofits below for combinations of vented and unvent- and masonry walls, interior placement is more ed, 2 and 4-foot masonry and wood crawl practical; optimum R-values and savings for spaces. Recommended means the configura-_interior insulation placement are nearly the tion having the lowest 30-year life-cycle cost. same. The illustration below shows interior assuming fuel inflation of 7 percent, general application. inflation of 5 percent, and present fuel prices: ‘natural gas ~ $0.56/ therm, fuel oil -$0.79/ gallon, electric heat ~ $0.028/ kwhr, and elec- tic cooling - $0.076/ kwh. ‘Most of the recommended configurations place the insulation on the outside of the foun- Crawl Space Configurations UNVENTED 4° WALL UNVENTED 2’ WALL VENTED 2" WALL U Masonry foundation with Masonry foundation with ‘Masonry foundation with interior foam insulation Interior foam insulation blanket In floor L__. Le ‘Wood foundation with ‘Wood foundation wath ‘Wood foundation with Dlanket between studs blanket between studs blanket In oor LL 6 Foundations RECOMMENDED INSULATION FOR CRAWL SPACES. Unvented 4 Wall of Unvented 2" Wall of Vented 2" Wall of? Location HDDs; DD; Masonry Wood Masonry Wood Masonry Wood Minneapolis 00798 ASSO eR AIS 30 a0 Chicago 177 tet PSR ZA Aig Rio 30 Denver coe sR zr Rt Rio a0 \ Boston ss 074 RST 2RI0 RIG Rig 30 Washington 4,122 2004'S none, 2A5 0AM R19 Roo Atianta 902; 415 RS none 2RS none Rit Rit FonWorh 24071199 RAS one 2 RS none Rit Rit Phoenix 14621858 RE none 2 RS none Rit Ri | losAngeles 1585 95 none—none nomenon 1 Miami 199 1.257__none__none pone ___none: one none * Heating dogree-cays, base 65°F, i the accumulated diference between the average daly tomporalure and 65°F \ ‘through the heating season, ® Cooling degree-days, base 75°F, Is he accumulated ditterence between the average dally temperature and 75°F ‘through the cooing season, ® Values ae for coling Insulation, SE Crawl Spaces Concrete Crawl Space Wall with Interior Insulation Gaskets or caulking ‘above and below fim joist Pressute-reated sil plate with gasket — ‘Siope away from Low: permeability oil — Granular backtil ———e> > Optional drainage mat ‘npg of granular fit ——— Fier fabric Coarse gravel — 4 perorated sxainppe (optional in some sails). ——2——»( 4 rebar — at ineuation (note: depends on cauking of foam to avold condensation In sovero climates) — Rigid insulation cauked ata (00926 fo form vapor retarder ——— 12" anchor bots alBocmax Figid insulation _— Vapor retarder — Optional rigs insulation may ‘extend horizontally on floor SS 78 Foundations Concrete Craw! Space Wall with Interior Insulation Gaskets or caulking Batt insulation — agra coe Prescur-teated sit plato with gasket d eee ‘Slope away from T 1) seas ee ! al ee se arenaroots e min CT ES] Ove = 4 a rr —— ‘above grade on wall Low-permeability, =a — Fiberglass insulation with ‘vapor retarder on insise NU » *Pe ~ Vapor retarder Gana back E | EA 1 Optional drainage mat a pace ot ganar wl eran opal Crawl Spaces Masonry Craw! Space Wall with Exterior Insulation Caulking Flashing overtop ofinsulaton Protective coating Slope away from wal atin 1" Gaskels of caulking above and below rm jist Treated sil plate —— Gasket under sil plate Te hater for vapor tare (option cateh under sil plat) 112" anchor bolts @ 6 oc ‘embedded to meet code Lowpermeabiliy soll — Granular backtit (option: srainage mat or board) re igi insulation. —— Damp-prooting or wwaterprosting Fite abc Upper block cores tiled wath conerete (option: ‘use bond beam) 7 Vapor retarder covers floor and extends 1 tp of wal Coarse gravel 4 perforated srainpipe — SY 80 Foundations Concrete Crawl Space Wall with Exterior Insulation ‘Gaskets or caulking above ‘and below cm jit Prossure-reated sil pate —— Gasket uncer sit plate Rigid insulation away tom wal at 6a ——— 172" anchor bots @6ec mia ay igi insulation on wall ‘and extending horizontally» Vapor retarer covers floor = and extends to op of wal Crawl Spaces 81 Concrete Crawl Space Wall with Ceiling Insulation Pressure tated el pate [ep —\N ua bowoen oor oing (Craw space vont) Slope away to wal ate" In 10" — Nd. joists with vapor retarder 6n top side of insulation iz" anchor bolts @ 6 ce ‘Vapor retarder — 4 rebar tor crack control SS 82 Foundations —. ‘SLABS-ON-GRADE Recommended Insulation lowest 30-year life-cycle cost assuming fuel ‘The recommended configurations and R- inflation of 7 percent, general inflation of 5 values of foundation insulation are given be- _percent, and present fuel prices: natural gas — Jow for combinations of exterior and interior, _$0.56/ therm, fuel oil - $0.79/ gallon, electric vertical and horizontal insulation. Recom- heat ~ $0.028/ kwhr, and electric cooling — ‘mended means that configuration having the _$0.076/ kwhr. Slab-on-Grade Configurations VERTICAL INSULATION HORIZONTAL INSULATION 4 of interor foam insulation 4 of intro foam ineuaton 2 ct interor foam insulation 2 of exerior foam insulation RECOMMENDED INSULATION FOR SLABS-ON-GRADE Location HDDs? 007? Interior insulation Exterior Insulation ‘Minneapolis 3007 98 “@ RS vercal 2 RS horizontal Chicago 677 181 45 horizontal 2 RS horizontal Denver e014 83 4 RS horizontal 2 FS horizontal Boston 5.503 % 4 RS horizontal 2 PS horizontal Washington 4.122 290 4° RS vertical 2 RS hovizontal ‘Alanta 3.021 415 4 RS vorical 2 RS horizontal Fort Wort 2407 1.198 4 RS vertical 2 RS horizontal Phoenix 1442 1.856 4° RS vertical 2 FS horizontal Los Angeles. 1595 26 one one Miami 199 1.257 one none * Heating degree-days, base 65°F, i the accumulated diference between the average dally temporalure and 6S through the heaing season. 12 Coping degree-days, base 75° ‘through the cooing season. isthe accumulated diference between the average daly temperature and 75°F Slabs-on-Grade 83 Slab-on-Grade and Integral Grade Beam with Exterior Insulation 4" slab with optional ane Si Vapor rarer commer Pressure-reated sill plate ———_ Protective coating ———_ Slope away rom meme Rigi ineulation —_ (porzontal required Tooting above frost) 112" anchor bolts @ 6 0c ‘embedded to 7" Concrete grade beam ~ 84 rebar for crack contol Isolation joint with sealant Prossure-roatod 2x6 sil for radon contol i required plate ovemnangs foundation —— Protective coating Slope away trom wall 6" in 10" NN wey smonin ones) } Scere a eecemcee \ Ae ~— 4° gravel iayor 112" anchor bots @ 6 06. ‘embedded to 7 min Fig insulation (horizontal required ifooting above tos!) ‘#4 cebar for crack conto Foundations Slab-on-Grade and Concrete Foundation Wall with Interior Insulation Prossure-reated sil pate Rigid insulation in joint with gasket with sealant fr radon cont required ‘Spe away from 4° slab with optional _) ‘V2 anchor bolts @ 6' oe yy wweldedtwice mosh | ‘embedded to 7" ‘Vapor retader 4 grave layer (#4 rebar for crack control. —_____ K scpaie Rigid insulation inde wall Vapor retarder igi insulation in jot with | Pressure-treatod 2x6 il Sealant in join for radon contro! late with gasket — — HH it required i Slope away trom _ wall at6"in 10" 4 slab with optional welded. wire mesh ~ Fig insulation Vapor retarder ‘#4 rebar lor crack control a nA 5 — 4 gravel tayer Moisture Control 85 Sa MOISTURE CONTROL —_ Ground Covers exceeds 20 inches of water (the shaded area in ‘A ground cover membrane that restricts evap- the map below). oration of soil moisture is the most effective ‘The ground cover should have a permeabili ‘way to prevent condensation and wood decay _ty rating of 1.0 perm maximum and should be problems in a crawl space, as well as in an un- rugged enough to withstand foot traffic. Rec- conditioned full basement. However, ground ommended materials include 6-mil polyethy- covers aren't required everywhere; a rule of lene and 45-mil ethylene propylene polymer thumb is to use ground cover membranes in membranes (EPDM). Membrane edges should cool climates where total annual precipitation _overlap by 6 inches but need not be sealed. Areas Where Vapor-Retarding Ground Covers Are Recommended SS 86 Foundations Vent Requirements ‘A rectangular crawl space requires a mini- mum of four vents, one on each wall, located no farther than 3 feet from each comer. The vents should be as high on the wall as possi- ble to capture breezes; and landscaping should be planned to prevent obstruction. The free (open) area of all vents should total no less than 1/1,500 of the floor area. The gross area of vents depends on the type of vent cov- er. The gross area can be found by multiply- ing the vents' free area by one of the factors in the table below. In the absence of a ground cover (if recommended), the vent area should be increased tenfold, to 1/150 of the floor area, Unvented Crawl Spaces It is not necessary to vent a crawl space for moisture control if itis continuous with an ad- Jacent basement, Venting is also incompatible with crawl spaces that are used as heat distri- bution plenums (in which the space acts as a giant warm-air duct). In such a case, duct in- sulation is not necessary, since the foundation, is insulated around the perimeter. However, high radon levels may require modifications, including venting of the craw space. Example: What gross vent area is required for 4 1,000-square-foot dir-floored basement, without soil cover membrane if the vents are covered with 1/8-inch mesh screen? From the table below, the multiplier is 12.5. ‘The gross vent area is therefore 1,000 square feet + 1,500 x 12.5 = 8.33 square feet. CRAWL SPACE GROSS VENT AREA REQUIREMENTS: Multiply Free Vent Area By: Vent Cover Material With Soll Cover No Soll Cover 1/6 mesh hardware doth 10 10 118" mosh sereen 125 125 16mesh insect screen 20 2 Lowers + 14" hardware cloth 20 20 Louvers + 18" mesh sereen 225 25 Louvers + 16-mosh sereon 20 30 ‘Note: Data also apply to unconationed ul basements with dit floors Moisture Control Drainage Most drainage system failures are due to im- proper position, slope, size, or damage during construction. Footing drains (see below) have ‘wo basic functions whose relative importance depends on local conditions. They draw down the groundwater level to below the basement ‘walls and floor, and they collect and drain away ‘water that seeps down through the backfill from rain and melting snow. They are aided by vertical wall and underfloor drainage blankets and, especially in the case of exterior footing drains, by weep holes through the footing. ‘A footing drain must be placed so thatthe top of the pipe is beneath the bottom ofthe floor slab, and the bottom of the pipe and its bedding rust be above the bottom of the footing. Drains can be located outside the foundation, either nextto or on top of the Footing, or next to the footing beneath the floor slab. When the drain Perimeter Drain Placement — Back Protected gravel above flor ( (O - Fabric titer SS pipe sloped 1" in 20min “Top of pipe below bottom of slab Footing \ lines inside, a gravel fil should still be provided atthe outside, and weep holes should be provid- ‘ed through the footing every 8 feet. Exterior placement beside the footing is more effective at drawing down the water ta- ble and coupling with optional wall drainage blankets, Interior drains are more effective for collecting soil gas in radon control systems. ‘Because groundwater enters the drain line from beneath, the pipe is placed with the two rows of holes facing down. A foundation fab- ric filter keeps coarse sediment from washing into the drain line. Drain lines are also sized and sloped to wash out fine sediment that may infiltrate. ‘The common 4-inch pipe should be sloped at Teast 1 inch in 20 feet, although 1 inch in 10 feet is desirable to compensate for settling af- ter construction. Waterproting or damp proating membrane 2 min weep holes @Bocmax | Poly vapor baer — Optional eran locaton 88 Foundations TERMITE CONTROL Termites in the United States ‘Termites occur naturally in woodlands, where they help break down dead plant material and play an important part in the nutrient cycle. ‘The problem is that termites don't distinguish between wood in trees and wood in houses. Subterranean termites, which account for 95 percent of all termite damage, are found ‘throughout the United States wherever the av- rage annual air temperature is 50°F ot above and the ground is sufficiently moist (see map below). ‘Subterranean Termite Termite Hazard Distribution Termite protection required n wooded areas Protection required in al areas; if slab-on-grade, use chemical barter ET Termite Controt 89 Points of Entry you?). Termite control begins by blocking Since termites occur naturally in forests and easy routes of entry from the soil to wood in brushlands, clearing wooded sites robs ter- the structure. The most common points of en- mites of their food supply. They adapt by try are shown below. feeding on the wood in structures (wouldn't Common Points of Termite Entry ta ack nntton —f — axiete Lt oS | / \ | | . I}. + | | ~~} = uate mon lettin place Termite Control Measures ‘Termite control consists of keeping them in * separating wood structures from the soil the wild, rather than exterminating them with- _ minimizing cracks in slabs and walls in the building. This is simple in concept, but _« installing barriers to force termites into difficult in practice, since termites can pass the open through cracks as narrow as 1/32 inch, The ‘treating the soil with chemicals major strategies of termite control include + keeping the soil and foundation dry Separation of Wood from Soil Optional damp-prootng vndersitpate | etoend concrete Lt enn | T Wood girder —| | | 18° min space Ii] | 2erdocrabe | Duct i ee 12" min with no access Bk ation 18" wih access Desirable gr \ optional area drain at low point ~ Optional access trench LJ Under girders and ducts + ss rebar Termite Control ot Soil Treatments ‘The purpose of soil treatment is to create a continuous barrier in the soil surrounding the foundation. The chemical must be applied thoroughly and uniformly to block all routes of termite entry. Special consideration must be given to joints, pipes, and utility conduits that pass through the wall and floor. ‘Only approved termiticides should be used. Chemicals for pest management are controlled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by state and local governments. ‘The most familiar termiticides and their rec- ‘ommended concentrations (by weight) are shown in the table at right. Chlordane and heptachlor were suspended in ‘August 1987 by the EPA. At the time of the suspension, about two-thirds ofall residential termite treatments used these chemicals, which are now suspected of being carcinogenic. In anticipation of restrictions on some com- monly used termiticides, chemical companies have registered alternatives whose active in- ‘gredient is a pyrethroid—a man-made sub- stance based on a pesticide produced naturally in certain plants. A disadvantage is that itis ‘expected to be effective for a shorter time. RECOMMENDED TERMITICIDE. CONCENTRATIONS, chemical se by Weight ‘lia 05 Chlorpyntos 10 Permethrin os Isotenphos 10 Application of Termiticide to Slabs-on-Grade | — Filer ‘Treated sol: 1 gallon per 106g overall ‘Ground level Na ‘Treated soll (vrenchec) Aigalions per 10 ln ft |< Masonry wal ‘Treated sol (renched) 4 gallons per 10 in Voids treated at 2 Bo gallons per 10 int ~———— SS 92 Foundations Application of Termiticide to Crawl Spaces Plumbing —m| Trsenant ‘ _ Tisoment Treaent coca — | Cae Cogs eed —~\ » | plumbing — pier | \ Sol ——— Termite Control 93 Application of Termiticide to Basement Foundations ‘Treatment outside foundation wal ee Fined grade =~ \ \ —— ieintorced concrete cap _— Treatment under conerete slab in basement f fo Siab installed after treatment Gravel fit — Pipe-and-rod hole from bbave of trench fo top of footing alds eistibution of chemical — Foundations RADON CONTROL What is Radon? Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas found in soils and underground water. An ele- ‘ment with atomic weight 222, radon is pro- duced in the natural decay of radium and ex- ists at varying concentrations throughout the United States (see map in chapter 2). Radon is emitted from the ground to the outdoor air, where it is diluted to an insignificant level by the atmosphere. Because radon is a gas, it can travel through the soil and into a building through cracks, joints, and other openings in the foundation floor and walls. Earth-based building materials such as poured concrete, concrete blocks, brick, and adobe ordinarily are not significant sources of indoor radon. Radon from well water sometimes contributes in a minor way to radon levels in indoor air. How Does Radon Enter Buildings? For the most part, radon gas is drawn from the soil through the foundation when the indoor pressure is less than the pressure outside in the soil. Radon levels in buildings are usually much higher in winter due to the suction caused by * the buoyancy of indoor air in winter + wind on the outside * furnaces, heaters, and fireplaces + power exhaust fans There are two highly effective approaches to radon management in buildings, Neither re- uires substantial investment, so they should become standard practice in new construction. The Barrier Approach The barrier approach keeps radon out by mak- ing it difficult for it to get in. An analogy is building a watertight hull to keep water out of a boat. Thus it should not be surprising that what works to keep a basement dry also works toward keeping radon out. Since radon is a gas, the barrier approach relies on infiltration control measures such as ‘minimizing cracks, joints, and other openings ‘through the foundation to the soil. Water- proofing and damp-proofing membranes out- side the wall and under the slab are excellent barriers that, if performing properly, cover cracks and joints The Suction Approach Suction systems collect gas outside the foun- dation and vent it to the outdoor air. They keep radon out by creating a stronger suction than that of the building itself. They are ree- ‘ommended by the EPA for new construction where high potential for radon problems exists. ‘The suction systems consist of two parts: the collection system and the discharge sys- tem, Collection systems add little to the cost of new construction, and the discharge system ‘can be deferred until proven necessary by tests. ‘The radon collection system may be inde- pendent of the moisture drainage system, or it ‘may use it. Individual suction taps may be in- stalled instead of underfloor pipe. One tap should be provided for every 500 square feet of floor area. A single tap is adequate for a slab poured over a 4-inch layer of clean, coarse gravel Radon Control Radon Barrier and Suction Design Pargeton exter face cof masonry walls, ——~ Waterproofing or amp proofing Joint cleaned betore pouring or laying wall. —— Reinforced footings —— Optional soi gas collection by perimeter crain; gravity 19% 086 O87 0.70 097 Standthicker, MC>19% 1.00 1.00 091 1.00 Note: This table Is not applicable to southern pine ‘SPLITS AND CHECKS ‘Mutipliers for Fv for Visible Splits and Checks When No Increase in Size of Check or Spit Is Anticipated during the Life of the Structure Length of Split Nominal2" Nominal 3" on Wide Face “Thick or Thicker No spit or chock 200 2.00 vexwion 166 168 x with 134 138 $2 xwith 1090 1.04 2xwidh oc moe 4.00 4.00 ‘Source: Information for "Design Values for Structural Lumber” was adapted trom National Design Specification for Stross Grade Lumber and lis Fastening (Washington, (DG: National Forest Products Association, 197), Q {i | 114 Framing ' TT , DESIGN VALUES FOR JOISTS, RAFTERS, AND PLANKS 24 ochos ik, 5 nce and wider) Etre Fiber Stress Compression Modul of inBendig. fo Horkontal “Foratete” ‘tase Spec Grade single" “hepetnve Shear Gramsre ‘e's Douglas te-tach Ses 1900 2,050 % 140 18 i Nos 1.500 1790 1280 18 | No.2 1.280 1480 8080 7 i Noses 728, eso % os 1 f Hem «fir ‘Sel str 1,400 1,650 7S 1,150 15 Not 1.200 1400 7050 1s No.2 1.00 1180 7s 5 1“ Nessus 575 os 5 ss0 12 Soutampne Sele 1.780 2.00 so a80 w No.1 1480 1.700 1280 Ww No.2 1.200 1400 1000 18 su ms oso 0 es “4 Sorven-pine-t Sele 1250 1450 0 os 1 No. 1.980 1.200 0 os 18 No.2 7s 1.00 0 ns 13 Nears 500 os 0 450 12 Note: For other species see National Desion Specification for Wad Consinucion (Washington, DG: National Forest Products Association, 1986). TT Span Tables for S4S Lumber 115 —— ‘SPAN TABLES FOR S4S LUMBER a ‘On the following pages are span tables for joists and rafiers, all assuming uniform loading over a single span. Use the tables as follows: 1. Determine the total uniform load (the sum of the dead load and the ive load). 2. Find the design stress values for the species and grade of framing lumber you plan to use. 3. Multiply the design stress values by any ap- plicable stress adjustment factors. 4. Find in the appropriate span table the size of framing lumber required. 5. If you are designing floor joists, consult the deflection table below to see whether the floor will be stiff enough. Ifthe deflection is too great, increase the size ofthe joists. Example: What size No. 1 hern-fir joists are re- quired for a frst floor with a clear span of 14 feet 3 inches, on-center spacing of 16 inches, and structural subfloor? ‘To be conservative, allow 10 psf for the ‘weight of the floor (dead load). The code speci- fies a live load of 40 psf, so the total load is 50 psf. Repetitive-member Fb = 1,400 psi and E = 1.5.x 10° psi. No multipliers apply. In the span. table on page 118, you can see that 2x10 joists will span 17 feet 4 inches. In the table below ‘you can see that at an E of 1.5, those 2x10s can span more than 15 feet 8 inches with a deflee- tion ratio of less than 1/360. ‘84S LUMBER: SPAN LIMITED BY 1/360 DEFLECTION AT 40 PSF LIVE LOAD Spacing Nominal Size E10" pal icreste "ye 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 2x6 o-02 9-09-1003 10-09 11-02 14-07 2x8 wot 2-10 13-06 4c? 14-08 18-08 2x10 wats eed rt one otoa i908 axt2 Goto ro Ste sete et os 6 2x6 at force sc) eo 0-0 2x8 Mito ion et coe ro0) | c istoee 2180 axt0 ead ee ier te cep cree 87 axt2 17-00 18-09-0191 9-0 21-05 4 2x6 7-03 7-09 8-02 8-05 B10 9-082 2x8 itor ote) orto et) es iieal | ee Ot 2x10 etry eee ot Ou ae oc ax2 \e-1 1810-18-08 7-05 18-01 18-10 Note: Spans are given as feet inches. SS i 116 Framing ‘S48 DIMENSION LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 30 PSF Spacing Nomina! Size Popa itenerte BR 10001200 sa P00 100 2000 ee 700 7-108-088-0180? 0-08 axe W109 2088-0) axe 4-00 18-00 17-08 0-08 99-09-30 i 2x10 18-11 20-00 2-0 aa) 25-05. 8-08 | axe m1 25-02 27-08 20-00 «50-09-8208 t 24 2x4 5-10 6-05 6-11 7-04 7-10 8-03 | 2x6 9-02 10-09 0-10 tho? ttt -00 f axe 2-01 tac) 14-03 5-03, t0-00H7t i axi0 15-05 16-11 18-08-1008. b0-08 Bt 10 | axe 18-09 20-08 2-02 3-09 25-02 26-08 | oon So 5-10-0970 08 fi 3x6 8-04 9-02 on 10-06 11-02 11-09 axe 11-0) 2-08 9-08 i408 | ax10 M01 18-08 18-08 710 teeta i axe 7-01 18-08 0-08 toe aan i oe e086 7-05 800 Beats a 4x6 on 10-10 11-08 12-06 13-04 14-00 i axe 3-01 40815-08807 Hor 808 axi0 16-08 10-09 «19-08 zt-ot 2-04 20-07 FE 4xi2 20-03 22-02 23-11 25-07 27-02 28-08 ' hi exe 809 9-07 10-05 1-0) toa exe 11-07 ¥2-08 19-08 14-08 15-08. 6-08 ! ex10 4-00 16-02 17-068 18-08 18-09 20-10 i exte 17-11 19-08 at-08 22-08-00 8-04 i axe 13-03 14-07 15-09 16-09 17-09 18-09 ¥ 8x10 16-11 18-06 20-00 21-05 22-08 23-11 it exxe 20-07 22-07 4-05 26-00 «27-07 8-01 t Note: Spans are given as feet - inches. ST ‘Span Tables for S4S Lumber 417 ‘84S DIMENSION LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 40 PSF Spacing Nominal Size Pb, psi Inchesec xd 1,000 1,200 1.400 1,600 1,800 2,000 16 2x4 6-02 6-09 7-04 710 8-03 8-09 ax 9-09 © 10-08. « 11-08 12-08) 13-01 13-08 2x8 12-10 © 14-00 15-02 16-08 17-083 18-02 2x10 16-08 7-H 18-04 = 20-08 24-14 23-01 2x12 19-10 21-09 23-06 25-01 25-07 28-1 2 2x4 5-01 5-06 6-00 6-05 6-10 7-02 2x6 mn 8-08 9-05 © 10-00» 10-07 11-02 2x8 10-05 11-05 12-04 «= 18-02 14-00 14-09 2x10 13-04 14-08 15-10 18-10 17-14. 18-10 axi2 16-03 17-09 19-02, 20-07, 1-10 29-00 o axa 4-07 5-01 5-05 5-09 6-02 6-06 3x6 7-03 aH 8-07 9-02 9-09 10-08 axe 9-09 © 10-08 = 11-06 12-04 13-01 13-09 3x10 12-02 19-08 «14-05 15-04 «18-04 17-02 3x12 1410-16-03 17-06 18-09 19-11 21-00 axa 5-05 6-00 6-05 6-10 7-03 7-08 4x6 8-07 9-05 10-02, 10-10 11-08 12-02 axe 14-04 12-08 13-05 14-04 18-02 16-00 4x10 44-05 15-10 «17-01 18-03. 19-04 20-08 ute 47-06 19-03 20-00 2-02-08 96 ox6 7-07 8-08 9-00 9-07 10-02 10-09 6x8 30-00 14-00 14-10 12-08 39-05, 14-02 x10 ye-08 © 14-00 15-01 18-02, 17-08 18-00 6x12 18-07 17-00, 18-05 19-09 20-11 22-00 ax8 44-08 12-07 13-07 14-07 15-08 16-08 x10 14-08 16-01 17-08 «© 18-07, 19-08 20-08 ax12 17-10 19-07 t-01 22-07 aH 25-08 Note: Spans are given as feet inches. A 118 Framing i 'S4S DIMENSION LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 50 PSF a a Boece “BNE ooo sam tan sooo 020 ' 2x6 8-08 9-06 10-03 11-00 11-08 12-03 q 2x8 11-05 12-06 13-07 14-05 15-04 16-02 ano jac teme oscar tian ine { 24 axa 4-08 ant 5-08 5-08 6-00 6-04 i 2x8 7-01 7-09 8-05 a-14 9-06 10-00 j 2x8 9-04 10-03 11-01 11-10 12-06 13-02 i | fl tes a ems i 3x6 6-06 7-01 7-08 8-03 8-09 9-02 | axe 8-08 9-08 10-06 11-00 11-08 12-03 E 3x12 13-03 14-06 15-08 16-09 17-08 18-09 - 4x6 7-08 8-05 9-01 9-08 10-03 10-10 ao et wee tems | ~ axe o-10 7-05 = eco a-08 808 i 8x12 16-00 17-06 18-11 20-03 21-06 22-07 Note: Spans are given as foot - inches, TT Span Tables for S4S Lumber 119 S45 DIMENSION LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 60 PSF ‘Spacing Nominal Size st inchesoc Bx 1,000 1,200 +1400 1600 1,900 2,000 16 2x4 5-01 5-08 6-00 6-05 7-02 2x6 rit 8-08 9-05 10-00 11-02 2x8 40-05 11-05 12-04 18-02 14-08 axt0 19-06 14-08 15-10 16-10 16-10 2x12 16-09 © 17-09 19-02 20-07 23-00 24 axa 4-01 4-06 ant 5-02 5-05 5-09 2x6 6-06 7-01 7-08 8-03 8-09 9-02 axe 8-08 9-06 © 10-01 10-09, 11-05 12-00 2x10 woe et ao = dao | (ej Hd 2x12 13-03 14-06 = 15-08 «16-08 17-09 18-09 eT ax4 3-09 4-01 4-05 4-09 5-00 5-04 3x6 on 6-08 7-00 7-06 a 8-04 3x8 71 8-08 9-05 10-00 10-07, 11-02 3x10 oi to-tt 11-09 12-07 18-08 14-00 axte te-01 19-09 14-08 15-08 18-0217 -OF 4x4 4-05 an 5-03 5-07 5-11 6-03 4x6 7-00 7-08 8-03 8-10 9-05 ont a8 9-03 10-01 to-t1 1-08 12-05 19-01 4x10 tie09 tat 18-17 10.1509 88-07 4x2 Agee igtcoe | ieee tece | te-0y | 20-08 96 ox6 6-02 6-10 7-04 7-10 8-03 8-09 6x8 8-02 9-00 9-08 10-06 = 10-11 11-07 6x10 40-05 11-05 12-08 = 13-02 14-00 14-08 x12 s2-08 © 19-11 18-00 16-00 17-00 we 3x8 9-05 10-03, «1-07-17 12-08 19-08 ax10 12-00 19-01 14-02 15-02 16-01 17-00 axt2 44-07 16-00 «17-03, 18-05 19-07 20-07 ‘Note: Spans are given as feet - inches. emma ———_— 120 Framing _ ‘SPAN TABLES FOR ROUGH LUMBER ‘On the following pages are span tables for rough-sawn joists and rafters, assuming uniform loading over a single span. Use the tables as follows: 1, Determine the sum of dead and live loads. 2, Estimate design stress values for the spe- cies and quality of lumber you plan to use. 3. Multiply the design stress values by any ap- plicable stress adjustment factors. 4. Find in the appropriate rough-sawn span ta- ble the size of framing lumber required. 5. If you are designing floor joists, consult the deflection table below to see whether the floor will be stiff enough. Example: What size rough-sawn hemlock Joists are required for a first floor with a clear span of 14 feet 3 inches, on-center spacing of 16 inches, and a structural subfloor if the quality is equivalent to No. 2 hem-fit? ‘To be conservative, allow 10 psf for the ‘Weight ofthe floor (dead load), The code speci- fies a live load of 40 psf, so the total load is 50 psf. Repetitive-member Fb = 1,150 psi and E=1.4x 10° psi. No multipliers apply. From the span table for rough-sawn lumber, you can find that 2x8 joists will span nearly 16 feet, and in the table below you can find that the 2x8 de- flection ratio is less than 1/360 up to a span of 14 feet 8 inches. ROUGH-SAWN LUMBER: SPAN LIMITED BY 1/960 DEFLECTION AT 40 PSF LIVE LOAD ‘Spacing Actual Size E, 10° psi Inchesec bxd 10 12 14 1 18 20 2x6 11-00 11-08 12-08 tT 18.005 13-10 axe 14-08 15-07 16-04 = 17-02 17-08 18-06 2x10 18-06 19-06 20-05 21-05 2-04 2x12 22-00 23-04 © 4-08 25-068 28-09 27-09 2x6 30-00 © 10-07 4-03 11-08 12-07 2x8 13-06 14-02 14-08 45-07 16-10 2x10 16-08 = 17-08 18-08 19-06 21-00 axie 19-11 21-03 2-08 a3 -04 25-01 24 2x6 8-07 9-04 9-09 10-08 10-07 10-10 axe 11-08 92-048 18-04 13-08 14-02 8408 2x10 14-06 15-05 16-01-01 17-09 t8-083 axie 17-06 = 18-07 19-07 20-05 21-03 2-08 Note: Spans are given a f inches, —————— ‘Span Tables for Rough Lumber 121 ROUGH-SAWN LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 30 PSF Spacing Actual Size Fb, psi Inchesoc Dx 1,000 +4200 1,400 1800 +1800 2,000 16 2x4 9-05 10-04 «14-02 ttt 12-08 13-04 2x6 14-02 18-06 = 16-09, A7-11, 19-00 20-00 2x8 18-10 20-08-2204 «23-10 25-03 286-08 2x10 29-07 5-10-2710 8+10 1-08 B8-8 axi2 28-03 31-00 3-08 «95-0971 39-11 2 axa 7-08 8-05 9-01 9-08 10-03 10-10 2x6 11-07 12-08 13-08 14-08 15-0818 -05 2x8 15-05 16-10-1802, 198-06 = 0-08 at -10 2x10 yo-03 | 21-01 22-09-08 5-10 27-03 2x12 23-01 5-04 «27-04 ace MN-00 82-08 “a 3x4 6-08 7-04 mH 8-05 an 9-05 3x6 rocoto 2 0) rece) 1205) (14-02 3x8 13-06 14-07 15-09 16-10 17-1 18-10 3x10 16-08 18-03 19-09-Bt-01 2-04 28-07 axiz 20-00 21-11 23-08 25-04 «26-1028 4x4 7-08 8-05 9-01 8-08 10-04 10-10 4x6 ‘1-07 «—«f2-08-—s 1-0)“ N4-08 «S508 18-05 axe 15-08 16-10 «= 18-03-1908. 20-08 21-10 4x10 19-03 21-01 22-08 24-04 «25-107 08 4x12 za-01 25-04 «27-04 «= 29-02, 1-00 82-08 96 x6 30-00 10-11 11-10 12-09 13-08 14-08 exe 13-08 © 14-07 18-09, 18-1017 19. 18-10 x10 16-08 18-03, 19-09-0220 28-07 6x12 20-00 tet 28-08 25-04 28-10 28-03 axe 5-05 16-10 6-03 198-080-081 -10 axt0 19-03 21-01 22-09-04 = 25-1070 axe 23-01 25-06 = a7-04 = 28-02-8002 08 Note: Spans are given as feet inches. el Framing 122 ROUGH-SAWN LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 40 PSF Roce “bra” 1moo sam tao soo ta eee foe att 008 took ator a6 2-0) 19-05 14-08 15-08 18-05 t7-04 axe 16-06 7-10 18-04 ascent aot 2x10 20-05 22-04 4-025-107-0510 axie 24-00 25-10 29-00 1-00-10 una ee 2x6 10-00 fet 14-10 2-08 H9-08 aoe axe 13-06 407150981010 2x10 16-08 18-09 19-09 ator zee aa -07 axie 20-00 ei-t1 20-00 25-04 8-10 8-03 axa 5-09 6-08 6-10 7-07-08 ace axe 8-08 9-05 © f0-02t1-gth-07 2-03 axe 11-07 12-00 49-08 14-08 18-08 8-004 axto 14-05 15-10 7-018-088-0400 axte 7-06 19-00 20-08 zt-t1——28-08,—24-06 axa 608 7k ease 8a axe 0-00 © wo-11t4-10 = t2-08 18-08-1408 ae 19-045 4a Stee0p sata ypis teste 4x10 46-08 18-00 19-09 ato mao 9-07 ante 20-00 2-1 za-08a-0F 28-1080 exe 8-08 9-05 0-09 t1-00tt-or tea exe tt-07 12-08 19-08 14-08 15-08 16-04 ex10 14-05 15-10 7-0) 18-08 too 20-05 oxia 17-06 19-00 30-08 zi-t1 28-08 —_24-06 exe 3-06 a-a7 15-09 t8-10 7-18-10 ex10 18-08 18-09 t9-09ei-ot-e-04—a0-07 exe 20-00-1080 28-10 8-093, Note: Spans are given as feet - inches, LT Span Tables for Rough Lumber 123 ROUGH-SAWN LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 50 PSF Spacing Actual Size Fb, psi inchesoc | DxG 1000 1.200 1400 1.600 1.800 2,000 16 axa 7-06 8-00 B08 © 9-03, 8-10-1008 2x6 fort 12-00-—19-00, 13-10 14-08 18-05 2x8 14-07 16-00 «17-03-1805 19-07 20-07 2x10 18-03 20-00 21-07 23-01 28-08 25-10 axte Aa Oe ss GC) a 2x4 6-00 8-08 7-01 7-07 8-01 2-08 2x6 ant 9-10 © 10-07, 1-08 12-0982 -07 2x8 Melt 13-01 14-01 15-OT 18-00 18-10 2x10 f411 16-04 17-08 18-10 20-00 2-0 axe s7eit 18-07 2-022-084-0025 04 s axa 5-02 5-08 6-01 6-08 ett 7-08 3x8 7-08 8-06 o-02 © 9-10 10-05 10-19 3x8 10-08 t4-0e 12-03 13-0110 14-07 3x10 i211 14-02 15-03 16-04 7-04 18-08 3x12 45-08 17-00 «18-04 18-07, 20-09 att axa 6-00 7-01 7-07 8-01 8-08 a8 a-t 10-07 1-08 2-00 12-07 4x8 Het 13-01 14-01-1501 16-00 18-10 4x0 t4e1t 16-04 17-08 18-10 2-00 21-0 axte S711 10-07 2-02— 22-08 2-00 25-08 96 exe 7-08 8-08 9-02 9-10 10-05 10-14 6x8 10-08 11-04 12-03-1301 198-10 1407 6x10 Co ete ete ecee ts om exi2 15-08 17-00 18-04 «19-07, 20-08 att ax Heit t9-01 14-01 15-01 16-00 18-10 ex10 t4eit 16-08 17-08 18-10 20-00 at F exi2 q7-11 19-07 21-02 22-08 24-00 25-04 ‘Note: Spans are given as feet - inches. ———— SS 124 Framing ROUGH-SAWN LUMBER: SPANS FOR TOTAL UNIFORM DEAD PLUS LIVE LOAD 60 PSF. Spacing Actual Size Fb, psi Berke “Ut? 1000 1200 140 P00 4002.0 eee 6-08 7 rest 80st 2x6 10-00 10-11-10 teen t908 ta 8 2x6 13-08 40718-00600 2x10 18-08 18-09 18-08 atone -ok 23 a7 2x12 2-00 atti 3-08 aso 2e-10 a8 as ues 8-05 6-088 wet 2x6 sco 8-1 9-08 took tt or 2x8 tee et ee es ete | oa axio 1-07 ett 6-01 so) 8-00 tena axe 18-06 7-18-04 0-08 ete a8 oF axe OO ee om en axe 7017-09 8s0¢ 808-08 10-00 ! axe 0-05 Yo-08 = t1-02 tensa pte i ax10 M100 weet gato t8-08 tear ! axe 1402 15-08 6-087-118-0900 t 4x4 5-05 6-00 6-05 6-10 7-03 rH il 4x6 8-02 ett 9-08 10-04 10-11 14-07 ae fom et ato 910 tate as os j an 16-06 7H Bok aoe ae aon | i 96 6x6 7-01 7-09 8-04 9-00 9-06 10-00 i exe 9-05 10-08 «02 tet 2-08 33-08 exo M0) teeth tg) tato 8-9 aor oxi 14-02 15-08 16-00 a7-11—— 49-00-2000 exe foi tet geet tat tan 5.08 ax10 13-07 wet teeot 50800 et axie 1808 a7 t9s08 20-08 atts aot Note: Spans are given as leet - inches. TT Spans for Prefabricated-Wood I-Joists 125 ‘SPANS FOR PREFABRICATED-WOOD I-JOISTS ‘The Trus Joist Corporation's TI/25 joist is representative of a new generation of framing ‘members. Available in 9-1/2 and 11-7/8-inch depths, the Residential TJI/25 joist consists of a plywood web pressure-fitted between lami- nated veneer-lumber flanges. ‘Advantages include «longer spans (up to 60 feet), which elimi- nate lapping over girders or wall lines ‘* greater strength per weight « reduced warping, shrinkage, twisting, and splitting ‘© convenient prepunched web knock-outs, for utilities MANUFACTURER'S MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED SPANS Floor Roo! (slope 6/12 or less) Depth Spacing stDead Load 10, 10 10 ‘0 10 inches__inchesoc___atLiveLoad _ 40 2 30 0 50 o-12 12 16-10 z-10 21-07 *19-09—«18-09 16 18-04 21-08 19-08 17-10 16-06 2 19-04 18-08 16-11 15-05 18-02 we 2 20-00 28-06 25-09 23-08 1-08 16 18-02 25-08 23-09 21-03, 19-07 24 18-10 22-03 20-02 17-02 14-07 ‘Source: Residential Product Reference Guide (Boise, Kaho: Trus Joist Corporation, 1886). Notes: Spans are given as feet - inches. Dead loads and lve loads are given In pounds par square foot. Check the iter ture of specif manufactuters ol prefabicated-wood [joists for addonal application requirements, 126 Framing ‘SPAN TABLE FOR STRESSED-SKIN PANELS ‘One-sided plywood stressed-skin panels have plywood skins glued to the tops of longitudi- nal framing members. The skin and framing act as a single unit in carrying loads. ‘When designed with both top (plywood) and bottom (gypsum drywall) skins and filled with insulation, the stressed-skin panel offers insulation and a ready-to-finish ceiling. Numerous companies offer variations on the theme: wall panels, panels filled with rigid foam insulation, and panels substituting oriented-strand board (OSB) for the structural skin, Consult manufacturers for specifications, ‘oF No. 2 KD southem pine RECOMMENDED SPANS FOR PS 1 PLYWOOD STRESSED-SKIN ROOF PANELS: Number ‘Allowable Single-Span Uniform Live Load, pst Stringer of Stringers (80 psf dead load assumed) Top Skin ‘Size (spacing) 205805 aS BO oe EF AT Oe 26 wie 17s 16s tT 3/6" APA Structural | 26 4 (I200) OT Be TIT IFC Rated Sheathing Exp 1 cto aii ars ett be a2 asst sat" stot ast oe we ows 1 wo eT Fe BT 1822" APA 26 we 165 184 we Ise ie eT Rated Shoathing Exp 1 2x@_ 9 (16% 0c) 227 ATI 196 IS ITE we ISH 226 Sly axto ars as ae as are ae 19s 2x2 arin ave are ast ee aT eT ae wr S10 oF oe 18(62"APAStucturall 2x6 we 7 we 120 Rated Sheathing m1 = BRA) THI ET IST ae Sey 2x10 ar ao we TT Eo air as ae we 2d ww we 1s TI we 91 or 1932" APA 26 W278 1s ITO IES aT Teo RaiedSheathing Exp 1 2B 4 (1200) Bea BET B'S aO'e I'S IST AT HO" 40/20 ply or Spy 2x10 90: aBOT 264 AsO asso BrIOT 210" axe BO ose Oe ore Ont ato ose ‘Span Tables for Plank Floors and Roofs 127 SPAN TABLES FOR PLANK FLOORS AND ROOFS Plank floors and roofs are used in plank-and- ‘beam and post-and-beam constructions. The tables below are for tongue-and-groove planks applied in the alternating two-span style, as shown. Note that two spans must be determined « limited by Fb « limited by deflection FLOOR: 40 PSF LIVE LOAD; DEFLECTION RATIO 1/360 ‘Thickness, Inches Dead Load Fb, psi E, 10° pst Nominal (Actual) pst 900 1,200 1,500 1,000 ao 12) 7 oa 8 3-10 4-06 5-00 5-06 2-09 2-11 3-01 2 (mT 7-07 8-09 9-09 10-08 5-06 5-10 6-02 2 ei 2 12-00 19-10 15-08 16-11 9-02 9-09 10-03 A ei) 16-04 18-10 21-01 23-01 12-10 19-08 14-05 6 G17 24-07 28-05 31-09 94-09 20-08 21-08 22-08 “Source: Wood Structural Design Data ( Washington, DC: National Forest Products Associaton, 1978). Note: Spans are given as feet-inches. ROOF: 20 PSF LIVE LOAD; DEFLECTION RATIO 1/180 Thickness, inches Dead Lood Fb, psi 10° psi Nominal (Actual) pst 900 1,200 7,800 1,800 10 42) 14 1 (4) 7 5-00 5-09 6-05 7-01 oo 408 aT 2 Gam 10 9-05 10-11 12-03 19-05 B09 9-04 9-09 oe ew 8s 14-7 16-10 18-10 20-08 14-07 15-06 16-04 ae ei) 2 19-02 22-02 24-09 27-01 20-05 21-08 22-10 6 BI 28-05 32-09 96-08 40-02 92-04 34-08 96-02 ‘ouroe: Wood Structural Design Data ( Washington, DO: Natonal Forest Products Association, 1978) Note: Spane are given as feet-nches. ey 128 Framing ROOF: 30 PSF LIVE AND SNOW LOAD; DEFLECTION RATIO 1/180 ‘Thickness, inches Dead Load Fo, pst , 10% psi Nominal (Actual) pst 900__ 1,200 1,500 1,800 ere 1 a 7 4-03 4-10 5-05 6-00 3-10 4-01 4-03 2 0 8-02 9-08 10-07 11-07 7-08 8-01 8-06 Bo -evey 16. 12-10 14-10 16-08 18-09 12-09 19-08 14-03, 4 oR 17-02 19-09 22-02 26-03 17-10 18-11 19-44 0 em oe 25-08 29-07 93-02 96-04 28-03 90-00 31-07 ‘Source: Wood Structural Design Data Washington, DC: National Forest Products Association, 1878) Note: Spans are given as feat-Inchet ROOF: 40 PSF LIVE AND SNOW LOAD; DEFLECTION RATIO 1/180 ‘Thickness, inches Dead Load Fb, pst E, 10% pst Nominal (Actual) pst 900 1,200 7,800 1,000 10 12" 44 7 ae 7 3-09 4-06 4-10 5-04 3-05 3-08 3-10 2 42) 0 7-06 8-05 9-05 10-04 6-11 7-08 7-09 oe cs 11-08 13-05 15-01 16-06 W4-07 12-08 12-11 4 1) 20 18-07 18-01 20-02 22-02 16-03 17-03 18-02 6 6m os 23-07 27-03 90-06 93-05 25-08 27-03 28-08 ‘Source: Wood Structural Design Data ( Washington, DC: National Forest Products Association, 1978), "Note: Spans are given as feetinches. SNe ‘Span Tables for Glued Laminated Beams 128 ee SPAN TABLES FOR GLUED LAMINATED BEAMS. nn ‘The term structural glued laminated timber refers to an engineered assembly of selected ‘wood laminations bonded with adhesives. The advantages of glued laminated timbers are sreater spans (up to 60 feet), greater strength (laminations allow elimination of defects such as knots), and virtual elimination of shrink- age, check, twist, and splitting. ‘The floor and roof beam tables of the fol- owing pages are applicable for straight, sim- ply supported beams that are laterally support- ced by decking, joists, or purlins and restrained against rotation at beam ends. The strength values are for southern pine, in pounds per square inch (psi): «Fiber stress in bending, Fb = 2,400 psi. + Shear stress, Fv = 200 ps * Modulus of elasticity, E = 1.7 x 10° psi. ‘ Moisture content = 16 percent. For great- cer moisture, multiply Fb by 0.80. # Deflections are limited to 1/180 of span for roof beams, based on total load. Deflection for floor beams is limited to 1/360 of span, based on total load, ‘The allowable loads shown in the tables are in pounds per linear foot and include dead (in- ‘cluding the beam) and live loads. ‘The tables that follow do not include all of the sizes and wood species available, For spe- cies and sizes available in your area, consult your lumberyard. 130 Framing GLUED LAMINATED FLOOR BEAMS Total Load in Pounds per Linear Foot; Deflection 1/360 of Span Based on Live Load of 80% of Total Load ‘Actual Size Clear Span, feet be. inches e268 3x85 3% 3x69 500 48k 3x83 e188 08S 3x96 ies aoe eee te og 3x10 ar 0 cee te re oe! 3x 124 1.667 851368105108 www ax198 1927 1,050 0088148 ww ak 3x15 Come Nar 008) re ses 5x96 1900 677855 ww. Sxtto 2a7e 1010 ask 5x24 27m 1418 607k 8018S 5x138 Sig) 17eN ee) ace er nee ce 5x15 3681 2118 1,108 86728 oT 198g? H 5x 165 4190 2978 1418 737425288180 1HC 5x179 4747 2642 1,648 996842 ask wat 117 5x193 5957 2919 1897 1,170 677428286 at e78x 124 3752 1914 «819 4192s 83 tks 675x138 43382363 1,124 «575 asd 675x158. 4969 21860 1498 7664437187 675x165 657 3211 1,848 0457562 as 170—St2k 675x179 6408 9.567 2.151 1,264 «732461091788 675x193 7231 3941 2477 1,550 91487598597 675x206 8197 4996 204 1,767 1,124 © 708474834 675x220 9198 4752 9,192 1,988 1,962 «859575 40k 05, 675x234 10252 5.192 3.476 2242 1,520 1,090 69048559 ‘Source: Giued Laminated Timbers (Vancouver, Wash: American Institute of Timber Construction, 1988). ‘Span Tables for Glued Laminated Beams 131 GLUED LAMINATED ROOF BEAMS Total Load in Pounds per Linear Foot; Deflection 1/180 of Span Based on Total Load ‘Actual Size Clear Span, feet b x 4, Inches fe sale step 20 eee SO eee 8 eel 3x55 aot 3x69 67937100 YD 3x83 re 0 7a) oe oe ee 3x96 nose seere tH axtto jest 73400 2ttat SEK 3x124 1917 97855081710 3x138 pei ate ore tg ray el 00 70) ol 3x184 254 1462 ze 5S ISBT 5x96 a a sxit0 Brest imo cor oe oe ie sx124 3198 163181747288 tt: taT SR 5x138 36932013 1192682 905296717 5x184 42032436 (1.97063 525 Bt wa HG 5x 165 4819 2.795 1628 1,019 ose 4200247 5x179 5459 3038 1,695 1,108 «809 S48 986257187 5x193 6160 9957 2.181 1,965 oat 67457 AT 675x124 43142201 1,290 = o7t as A515 wt 675x138 4986 2.718 1509 21533388 22S SB TNS, 675x158. 5714 9.289 1.901 1,127 709447289 HO 18 675x165 6506 3.602 2.125 1.900 «907 880 9882100 675x179 7370 4102 2474 1,549 1.056797 404347883 675x193 e316 4592 29481783 «1.216 «878817 NS 675x208 9358 4986 9.247 2,092 1,986 1,008 75753888 6.75220 jos09 5465 3671 2.208 1,567 1,133 856 GAT 44 675x234 14,700 5971 3997 2,578 1,758 1272 «6175085 ‘Source: Glued Laminatod Timbers (Vancouver, Wash: American institute of Timber Construction 1968). 132 Framing SPAN TABLE FOR STEEL BEAMS ‘Steel beams often provide the most cost- al, or if the beam is being used near its limit, effective solution, even in residential con- consult with a structural engineer to check for struction, when the loads to be carried are shear, deflection, and end constraints. heavy. The table below shows the uniformly oo Gabo hatca Decay he” pL a ‘most common steel beam: shape W, type A36 U=2xC U=4xc | | steel (actually I-shaped and called an I-beam). The table can also be used for concentrated pea loads by first converting the concentrated U=267x0 8x0 | loads, C, to their equivalent uniform loads, U, ¢ « pad concentrated a point as shown at right. Ifthe application is unusu- _U= equivalent uniformly distibuted load Beam Actual Size Clear Span, foot Type box. dinches 8 2 6 2 m4 28 Waxio 798 Ts.600 T0400 7800 Waxi3 a 19800 13,200 © 9.900 waxi5, 4 ete 23600 15700 11,800 wexie a 848 90400 20300 15,200 weet S18 esi8 96,400 24300 18,200 wares eve 778 41600 27800 20,900 Wie 497 21,800 14500 10900 8.700 Wits 40 27.800 13.800 11,000 wiot? 4 toe 32400 21,600 16200 13,000 wiots 4 tose 37,800 28.100 18.800 15,000 wiow 534 10418 46400 3080023200 19,600 wiows 54 1098 5500 97,200 27.900 22.200 Wiowo 534 10472 64000 43200 2400 25,900 Wits 4178 29800 19900 14900 11,900 9.900 ast0 wits 42 32400 22800 17,100 18700 11.400 «9,70 wits 4 28 42,600 26400 21.900 17,000 14,200 ~—«12.200 wig 4 tae 50,900 83.900 25.400 20,300 © 16.900 14.500 wiaes bare rae 65,00 44,500 33.400 26,700 © 22,900 19,100 ‘Source: Manual of Stee! Construction (New York: American inate of Stoel Gonstwucion, 1983) Note: Loads are given in pounds, Post-and-Beam Framing 133, POST-AND-BEAM FRAMING Evolution ‘Also known as post-and-girt and post-and- lintel, the post-and-beam framing system was already well developed in Europe before the discovery of America. The main method of fastening the heavy timbers, the mortise-and- tenon joint (see following pages), was devel- ‘oped sometime between 200 BC and 500 BC, ‘and the self-supporting braced frame was de- veloped around AD 900. ‘The system is characterized by the use of large, widely spaced load-carrying timbers. Vertical loads are carried by posts at the cor- ners and intersections of load-bearing walls. Plates and girts collect distributed roof and floor loads from rafters and joists and transfer them to the posts. Wall studs carry no vertical Toads, being used merely for attachment of, ‘wall sheathing. Post-and-beam framing requires a higher degree of carpentry skill than the so-called stick systems. Fist, the integrity of the frame . Gia chimney post» Front plate > Gin —_____| sit ——- —— Patter late end git End git stud si Comer post Post. 135 Common Post-and-Beam Trusses SIMPLE ‘QUEENPOST KINGPOST KINGPOST WITH STRUTS, HAMMER BEAM Framing al CORNER HALF LAP a HOUSED LAPPED DOVETAIL ‘SHOULDER BIRD'S MOUTH Post-and-Beam Framing 137 Mortise-and-Tenon Joints ‘THROUGH MORTISE AND TENON WITH SHOULDERS OPEN MORTISE AND TENON HOUSED MORTISE AND TENON STUB MORTISE AND TENON i MORTISE AND TENON : WITH DIMINISHED HAUNCH WEDGED DOVETAIL TENON Framing BALLOON FRAMING ‘The balloon frame developed in response to at least three innovations in the construction in- dustry: ¢ invention of the machine-made nail, which made nailing far less expensive than hhand-pegged joinery © more advanced circular-saw mills, which lowered the cost of standardized sawn lumber * development of a housing industry, which promoted standardization of materials and ‘methods In the balloon frame, there is no requirement for lumber mote than 2 inches thick. Plates, sills, and posts are all built up from 2-inch stock, Front and rear girts are replaced by rib- bons (or ribbands), 1 x 6-inch or 1 x 8-inch boards let into the studs as a support for the joists. Studs now carry most of the vertical load. Bracing is supplied by sheathing panels or by diagonally applied sheathing boards. ‘The balloon frame gets its name from the fact that the studs run unbroken from sill to top plate, regardless of the number of stories, ‘making the frame like a membrane or balloon. Both the major advantage and disadvantage of the system derive from this fact. In drying, Tumber may shrink up to 8 percent in width, but only 0.1 percent in length. Since the over- all dimensions of a balloon frame are con- trolled by length, shrinkage cracks in stucco and plaster finishes are minimized, ‘The major disadvantage of the balloon frame is the necessity of fire-stopping the ver- tical wall cavities, which otherwise would act, as flues in rapidly spreading fire from base- ‘ment to attic. A related disadvantage is the difficulty of insulating the wall cavities, which typically open into the basement at the foundation sill. Because of the fire danger, and because of the scarcity of long framing members, the bal- loon frame has been replaced almost entirely by the platform frame, discussed in the next section, Framing details for both systems are similar and are shown in later pages. Framing PLATFORM FRAMING ‘The platform frame solved the fire-stop prob- Jem of the balloon frame. Each story of a plat- form frame is built upon a platform consisting Of joists, band joists, and subfloor. Story builds upon story. After completion of the first-story walls, the second platform is built identical to the first as if the first-story walls were the foundation. Short of modular panels, the platform house is the ultimate in standard- ization, requiring the lowest levels of carpen- try skill and the fewest standard sizes of lumber. The platform frame standardized the use of band joists and sole plates. The sole plate and top plate of each wall automatically provide fire-stopping and nailing surfaces for both ex- terior sheathing and interior drywall. The ad- ‘vent of gypsum drywall and other forms of paneling made frame shrinkage less impor- tant. Bracing is provided either by the structur- ally rated exterior sheathing panels, by diag- conally applied sheet metal wind braces, or ‘more rarely, by let-in 1 x 4-inch wood braces. Optimum Value Engineering Many cost-saving refinements to the platform frame have been promoted under the name of "optimum value engineering": Roof trusses, spanning greater distances but using less material, save both material and la- bor. In addition, trusses eliminate the need for interior walls to support long ceiling joists. Uniform 24-inch on-center framing. uses a third less wood, reduces heat loss through the frame, and simplifies the modular system. One-inch sill and sole plates are structural- ly adequate and cut wood use by half. Three-inch interior walls save a quarter of the 5 percent of interior space lost to walls, Off-center spliced joists, where butting joists are spliced with plywood and the girder overhangs alternate, span greater distances for the same depth. Elimination of bridging eliminates a very time-consuming task. Tests have shown that bridging does little to stiffen a floor and that Jong joists can be prevented from twisting with a single 1x3 nailed across the bottom edges of the joists. Single-layer floors, such as APA Sturd-I- Floor nonplywood panels, are rigid enough to span 24 inches and are smooth enough to serve as a base for carpet and sheet flooring. Simpler corner posts, essentially two single end studs from the intersecting walls, elimi- nate waste and heat loss. Blocking for drywall is provided by metal drywall backup clips. 144 Framing Walls In the Frost Belt (areas with more than Walls are usually framed either of 2x4 studs 4,000 heating degree-days), superinsulation. 16 inches on-center or of 2x6 studs 24 inches (over R-19) is gaining in popularity. Four on-center. WINDOW ROUGH OPENING OUTSIDE CORNER #1 framing details for R-22 to R-30 walls are shown on the following pages. INTERSECTION OF INSIDE WALL/CEILING JOINT AND OUTSIDE WALLS. INTERSECTION OF INSIDE WALLICEILING JOINT AND OUTSIDE WALLS OUTSIDE CORNER #2 OUTSIDE CORNER #3 TT Framing Details 145 Framing for Superinsulation Superinsulation can be achieved by using thicker studs, by double-studding (two walls with a cavity between), or by adding a layer of foam either behind the drywall on the in- side or as sheathing outside. The four systems below, however, solve the thomy wiring/ vapor retarder problem. With all four systems 2x2 NAILERS ‘ON 2x6 STUDS the vapor retarder is placed over the inside of the studs before installation of the horizontal nailers, Wiring is run along the nailers with- ‘out penetrating the vapor retarder, and the thickness of the nailers (1-1/2-inch minimum) places the wiring inside the wall surface far enough to satisfy the National Electrical Code. 2x3 NAILERS ‘ON 2x4 STUDS SPACERS ON 2x4 STUDS CUTOUTS ON 2x4 STUDS APA Sheathing Panels 147 Floor Sheathing 152 Underlayment 153 Wall Sheathing 154 Root Sheathing 155 146 Sheathing If the frame is the building's skeleton, then the sheathing is its skin. Sheathing functions to enclose the building in an airtight barrier, to strengthen its studs, joists, and rafters by tying them together, to brace the building against racking (twisting) under wind and seismic forces, and to provide a base for flooring, siding, and roofing By far, most sheathing is done with panels manufactured by a member of, and under the inspection of, the American Ply- ‘wood Association (APA). The APA publishes a wide range of builder-oriented literature on its products. All of the material in this chapter is adapted from its booklet Residential and Com- ‘mercial. ‘The chapter begins by showing and explaining the grade stamps for all of the APA sheathing panels. ‘Next, illustrations and tables show you all you'll ever need to know about floor sheathing, underiayment for carpeting and sheet flooring, wall sheathing, and panels for roof sheathing. APA Sheathing Panels 147 —_ AMERICAN PLYWOOD ASSOCIATION SHEATHING PANELS Panels for sheathing can be manufactured in a variety of ways: as plywood (cross-laminated wood veneer), as composites (veneer faces bonded to reconstituted wood cores), oF as nonveneered panels (including waferboard, oriented-strand board, and certain classes of particleboard). Some grades of veneered panels are manu- factured under the provisions of US Product Standard PS 1-74/ANSI A199.1 for Construc~ tion and Industrial Plywood, a detailed manu- facturing specification developed cooperative- ly by the plywood industry and the US Department of Commerce. Other veneered pan- ls, however, as well as an increasing number of performance-rated composite and nonveneered panels, are manufactured under the provisions of ‘American Plywood Association performance standards that establish criteria for specific des- ignated construction applications. These APA. performance-rated panels are easy to use and specify because the recommended end use and ‘maximum support spacings are indicated in the APA trademarks. ‘The list at right describes the face (outside) ‘veneer grading system. The two panel sides are often of different grade so that less expen- sive veneers can be used on the side of the panel that will not show. ‘The tables on the following pages consti tute a field (or lumberyard) guide to APA sheathing, including veneered and nonve~ neered panels, and panels intended for exteri- or (moist) and interior (dry) conditions. Read the labels carefully. They contain a lot of in- formation. Plywood Veneer Face Grades N= Smooth surface “natural finish” veneer is select, all heartwood or all sapwood. It is free of open defects and allows not more than six repairs, wood only, per 4 x 8-foot panel, ‘made parallel to the grain and well matched for the grain and color. ‘A This smooth, paintable veneer allows not more than 18 neatly made repairs, boat, sled, or router type, and parallel to the grain. Tt may be used as natural finish in less de- B — Solid-surface veneer permits shims, circular repair plugs, tight knots to 1 inch across the grain, and minor splits. € Plugged — Improved C veneer has splits limited to 1/8-inch width and knotholes and borer holes limited to 1/4 x 1/2 inch. It admits some broken grain, Synthetic repairs are also permitted, C= This veneer has tight knots to 1-1/2 inches. It has knotholes to 1 inch across the ‘grain with some to 1-1/2 inches if the total width of knots and knotholes is within speci- fied limits. Repairs are synthetic or wood. Discoloration and sanding defects that do not impair strength are permitted. Limited splits and stitching are allowed. D— Knots and knotholes to 2-1/2-inch ‘width across the grain, and 1/2 inch larger within specified limits, are allowed. Limited splits are permitted. This face grade is limited to interior (exposure 1 or 2) panels. SS 148 ‘Sheathing EXTERIOR PANELS Typical APA Available Grade Stamp Thicknesses Grade Designation, Description, and Uses sie AAPA Rated Sheathing EXT FA Exurer sheathing par oeubforing and wal an ret shes ¥2(1502) ing, sng on sonar term ulna otto 38 (0932 beable ron, | manulacuted as conveniote ones 5162332) pywcod. as a compaste, ras a nonvenoree a lane sre APA Siracurl 1 & 2 Rated Sheathing EXT PaEDS Earn ae Far engrwered apolcatons in costicon ad industy where re RENEW i sistance fo permanent exposure to weather or nosise/a te, 321 ‘5/8 (19/92) quired; manufactured as conventional veneered plywood, as a samponsrons 23/4 (28182) composite, or as a nonveneered panel unsanded, suctural ee mre commeniy eval == APA Rated Sturd-Floor EXT Fer coma suber undolayment under caret where severe fare STRDLR.00R e1s902 sre constona may be reser ase bcm ence a 2000 4 (23/32) ‘Concentrated and impact load resistance; manufactured as con- iaroneice ‘ennal veered plywood, a a compost of asa nomvencered panel aval squar-edg0 or ona roo, ~~ APA APA A-C EXT. Ac eno ‘V2(15:2) —__Foruse where the appearance of nly one sites inparat sot seu ft, ances, srucural ves, boxcar and tuck Inge arm pos xenon Ing, ans, rae, commer retigraor as ‘APA APA B-C EXT Bo Sn 112(18:2) Unity panel or ar senen and work bigs, boxcar and tuck GROUP linings, containers, tanks, agricultural equipment; also as a base rca tortor coatings for wale and rots TE APA Sheathing Panels 149 ‘Typical APA Avaliable Grade Stamp Thicknesses Grade Designation, Description, and Uses [APA Underlayment C-C Plugged EXT a8 Forsopieaion over srucralsubformooth sutace or appca- ve ton of carpet and high concentrated and impact load resistance; 36 19:82) _tbuctreanded or afeas tobe covered wi thin resin Hoong, 214 (28/82) (Using panels wih sanded face) ‘APAC-C Plugged EXT ve (11182) Forse as an underiayent over structural subfoor, open sf, W212) andthe similar anpicatons whee continuous or severe moistire Be(oG2) maybe present smoot surace fr caret and igh concentrated 4142032) and npact load resistance tove sanded APA ‘APA B-8 Plyform Class 1 & Class 2 EXT ovrone Concrete form grades wih high reuse factor, sanded on bot sides ep wane 5:6 19;2) _shd’milolod ures otherwise spected; special restctons on st 514 (232) Species also availabe in HDO fx very smoot conerete ihn — ‘roca (al ples ited to goup t spaces), and wih special ae verys ‘78 (11732) Gee] 12 (15152) ‘APA B-B EXT 58 (19/92) Unity panel with sold faces 14 (23732) va GRE) 12.58 only of Douglas fi or western arch; special ge ‘ol jlnted core constuction ‘APA HDO EXT 918,12 High-density overay; hard semi-opaque rsin-iber overt on both 518.94 faves; abrasion resistant for concrete forms. ‘APA MDO EXT CS] 9812 ‘Medium densty overlay; smooth, opaque, resin-iber overiay on 5a ‘one or bath faces: ideal base for pant indoors and outdoors ‘Source: Residential and Commercial Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1982) Note: Thicknesses are giver in inches. 150 Sheathing INTERIOR PANELS Typical APA Avaliable Grade Stamp Thicknesses Grade Designation, Description, and Uses paeenee. a6 [APA Rated Sheathing Exp 1 or 2 eS 2a Specialy designed Tor subtooting and wal and root sheathing, but 32/16 1200 ine ato used for a broad range o ofr applications; manufactured a8 eens ‘v2(1502) conventional veneered plywood, as a Corpo, or as anowve: a (1032) __eered panel, exposure tor log conecion days = 44 (e582) st6 ‘APA Structural 1 & 2 Rated Shesthing Exp 1 38 Unsanded panel grades for use where stength is of maximum im- ‘v2 (18732) Portance: structural diaphragms, box beams, gusset plates, and 518 (19732) ‘Stessed-skin panels; manuiactured as conventional veneered ply- 314 (2332) \wood, as a composite, or as a nanveneered pane! aA [APA Rested Sturd-Floor Exp 1 oF 2 Zant ‘Specialy designed as combination subfoc-underayment; smocth 2 Sercrnere 58 (1992) suriace for application of carpet and high concentrated and impact ‘aanerwomee 34 (23132) load resistance; manufactured as conventional plywood, as a com roare! Posie, or asa reconstiuted wood panel { waferbuara, oriotod Tago Strand board, structural parcleboard); avaiable square-edge or pa ‘ongue-ane-groove APA paterurDoER 48.00 13" APA Rated Sturd--Floor 48 oc (2-4-1) Exp 1 saree 1418 Fr combination subiloor underlayment on 82" and 48" spans and Cae! {or heavy timber roof construction; manutatured only as conven ta tional plywood; available square-edge or tongue-and-groove nearer “aeiNcH aR uncatayeans Wy onte 8 (182) For application over structural subfloor: smooth surtace for applica: oe 2 (15859), tion of carpet and high concentrated and impact load resistance, a 5/8 (192) _touch-sanded for roas to be covered with tin reslont flooring, Simeone 3/4 (23782) (Using panels with fully sanded face) Leen EE APA Sheathing Panels: 151 Typical APA ‘valable bse stamp ‘rigasees Grade Designation, Description, and Uses =A 1 ae Betive2) APA ADINT AD wean Bette, —_BSfusc where appearance af ony one sie Is mportant paneig, elias) ‘bitin thelvng ard prions stein (e099) “APA a BD scene Beye) APB Sroure $e} Gem panel thane sold side; good fr backing, ies of but, Belees sheng te se ue eae2) serene 7A PAG Plugged NT conde sie rvs0) Perdana eiing te backing, cable el, and wa ‘8 os 8pm sussttt for ude o” Sur Foo of ck Groure 1288) Wye: eran festance, over eanded so aval wi wagon Suess) enororgve meron 14 ae APA Ack i tecdoketons wit bot ses on ew: bars, cabinets, ae (eBags! snao ace sate pana a ve an APA REIN te AeA mere appearance of one sei ss important but where oe two sold crac av ncestary ae ve (Ea Ga NTA Pps oo) gg ayaa ae BB G2 NTIA P5188 OD 1/2 (15/32) Utility panel with two solid surfaces: Satis) a eae) Source: Rostdontal and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1982) Note: Thickesses are given in inches. 152 Sheathing FLOOR SHEATHING APA Panel Subflooring Leave 178" spacing The limiting factor in the design of subfloors atall edges is deflection under concentrated loads at pane! edges. The span ratings in the table below ap- Ply to APA (American Plywood Association) Tated sheathing grades only and are the mini- ‘mum recommended for the spans indicated, The spans assume panels continuous over two ‘or more spans with the long dimension across supports. Spans are limited to the values shown be- cause of the possible effect of concentrated loads. Although the allowable uniform loads vary between panels, all panels marked with span ratings will carry at least 75 psf on their maximum span before reaching the usual de- flection limit of 1/360 of the span, ventlaton ad use APA panel subflooring may also be glued ‘ound cover vapor for added stiffness and to reduce squeaks, us- ‘wtarir cre space ing the nailing schedule in the table below. ‘APA PANEL SPAN RATINGS AND RECOMMENDED NAILING (ramtpnunie putt, MRIS Maseng eee Set tae core ® Béommon eo sure 18 Gdeommen gg ane 18 eeommen gag soy ere 16 deamon gg ono 2% aconmen gag am 4 sas 2 adconmon ga 10 groups 1 82 a rr Cr he groups 38 42 t0acommon gg Sow: Resgental and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: Amaican Pywood Assooation, 1682) Underlayment 153 UNDERLAYMENT ‘APA Panel Underlayment Stagger end joints of Nonstructural Uundoriayment panels feerng material — Provide 1/32" space between panel edges No blocking required i underlayment joints cea rom subtoor joints [APA PANEL APPLICATION AND NAILING RECOMMENDATIONS, Plywood Grades and, Minimum Spacing, Inches ‘Specles Group Application Thickness, inches ‘Fastener Edges. Middle Groups 1, ‘Over smaath subiioor ie Tegaugectapesor 8G APA underlayment INT ‘aging shank nals ‘APA underlayment EXT __Over lumber subtloor tse te gaugestapesor 96 ‘APA C-C plugged EXT or other uneven surface Bdrngshanknais = «8 Same grades as (Over lumber foor 10 4° ua regaugestaplesor = 86 above, Sut group | wide; face grain perpen- ‘39 ring shank nals ‘cular to boards “Sowre: Residential and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1982) SS 154 Sheathing WALL SHEATHING APA Panel Wall Sheathing Fated panel sheathing eliminates letin bracing —— Leave 1/8" space at all panel ‘edge and end joins unless ‘otherwise recommended by manufacturer +> Block horizontal joints used for bracing” | APA rated sheathing ‘applied with ong ‘dimension across studs Filer stip required 6 min clearance, sing to grade ———___ RECOMMENDED NAILING SCHEDULE FOR APA WALL SHEATHING ‘Specing, inches ‘Span Rating ‘Stud Spacing, inches Nal Size Edge ‘Migdle 1210, 160,200, 16 6d upto 12" 6 12 ‘or wal-i600 di thicker 2u0, 2476, 2076, 24 6dup to v2" 6 2 otwal-24o0 Bai thicker Source: Residential and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Assocation, 1052) RECOMMENDED STAPLING SCHEDULE FOR APA WALL SHEATHING. Panel Thickness, inches Staple Length inches __meterelPenelmciae “lng st Middle are Ta a 3 ae 198 ‘ ® 1 11 4 8 ‘Source: Residential and Commeria (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Assocation, 1982). Roof Sheathing 155 ROOF SHEATHING ‘APA Panel Root Sheathing Leave 1/8" space at al panel edge and end joints Unless otherwise recommended —— bby manufacturer Panel ip or T&G ‘20ges f fequired: Follow rooting rmanulacturers recommendations. ———> Protect edges ol exposure 1 ‘or2 panels against exposure to ‘rather. or use exterior panel starter stip) — ——— pPArated sheathing ALLOWABLE LOADS FOR SHEATHING APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO RAFTERS Panel Panel Maximum Span, inches. Allowable Live Load, pst (with dead load 10 pst) ‘Span Thickness With Edge No Edge ‘Spacing of Supports, inches ating inches Support Support 12 16 20 4 2 160 «5N16,98 16 16 5 30 200 5116, 98 20 20 7 50 30 2a 818, 172 Ey 2 90 6 55 30 zane 76,172 ey 26 135 100 8 40 ane 12,58 8 28 135 100 6 58 20 Source: Residential and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1982). MINIMUM FASTENING SCHEDULE FOR APA ROOF SHEATHING Panel Nit Spacing, inches Staple Length, _ Spacing, Inches ‘Thickness, inches Sue Edges Middle inches ages Middle a6 6 6 2 14 4 8 38 66 6 12 138 4 8 7116, 15°92, 2 6 6 2 142 4 8 ‘Source: Resizontal and Commercial (Tacoma, Wash: American Plywood Association, 1982) The Function of Siding 157 Siding Options 158 Vinyl Siding 159 Hardboard Lap Siding 162 Cedar Shingles 164 Horizontal Wood Siding 166 Vertical Wood Siding 169 Plywood Siding 172 Stucco 175 156 Siding The first section identifies the function of siding (protection of the walls from moisture) and illustrates the three principles which all sidings must follow. Next the advantages and disadvantages of all of the common siding options are compared. ‘The rest of this chapter is filled with illustrations and tables designed to help you successfully install viny! siding, hard- board lap siding, cedar shingles, the various horizontal wood sidings, vertical wood sidings, combined plywood sheathing! siding, and stucco. Whether and with what to cover your siding is detailed in chapter 14 on finish LS ‘The Function of Siding 157 ee THE FUNCTION OF SIDING ‘Aside from decoration and a possible dual role as structural sheathing, the function of siding is to keep the structure and interior of a building dry. Ifthe siding is painted, it must bbe allowed to dry from both sides. ‘Water penetrates siding in one or more of three ways: «as bulk water flowing downward under the force of gravity ‘as rain water driven horizontally by the pressure of wind +s rain water drawn upward by capillarity (surface tension acting in small spaces) ‘The three problems are prevented in three very different ways: « gravity - by flashing at horizontal junc- tures of building surfaces and snaterials + wind - by venting the back: side of siding to equalize air pressures + capillarity - by eliminating, capillary-sized ‘gaps between siding courses, using round head nails or wedges ‘The illustrations below show examples of each technique. Details specific to each type of siding are presented in the following pages. Siding Moisture Control GRAVITY WIND CAPILLARITY (FLASHING) (WINDSCREEN) (AIR GAPS) — Faashing o — Vented airspace 8 (windscreen) Air gap —— 158 Siding Sse SIDING OPTIONS ee In the chart below, care includes the cost of ‘maintaining appearance as well as integrity. Vinyl and aluminum are not subject to main- tenance, but bright colors may fade over time. Life assumes proper maintenance and may vary widely under differing conditions. Cost is for materials only and does not in- clude the cost of professional installation. In general, labor costs are lower for vinyl, alumi- ‘num, and plywood. Labor also varies with re- gion: Stucco, for example, would cost least in the Southwest (SW), where it predominates. SIDINGS COMPARE! Material Care Life, yr Cost ‘Advantages Disadvantages ‘Aluminum None 30» Medium Ease of installa. Susceptibility to denting, tion over existing rattling in wind sidings Fire resistance Hardboard Paint = 30, Low Low cost ‘Susceptibility to Stain Fast installation moisture in some Horizontal Paint 50+ Medium Good looks if of Siow installation wood Stain to high high quality Moisture/paint problems None Plywood Paint = 20S Low Low cost ‘Shor ite Stain Fast instalation _Susceptiblity to ‘moisture in some Shingles Stain 50+ High Good looks Slow installation None Long fife ‘Low maintenance Stucco None 60+ —Lowto Long ite ‘Susceptibility to moisture medium Good looks in SW Low maintenance Vertical Paint 50+ Medium =——Fast installation Barn look i not wood Stain of highest quality None Moisture/paint problems Vinyl None 30 Low Low cost Fading of bright colors Ease of installation No fire resistance ‘over existing sidings Vinyl Siding 159 VINYL SIDING Below are the most common vinyl and alumi- _¢ Nail in the center of slots. num sidings and installation accessories. ‘© Do not nail too tightly. Some variations exist between manufacturers. __* Leave at least 1/4-inch clearance at all ‘The basic rules for installation are universal, stops. however: ‘* Do not pull horizontal sidings up tight. «Strap and shim all uneven walls. STARTER STRIP UNDERSILL TRIM lh A OUTSIDE CORNER QUARTER-ROUND ‘SOFFIT MOLDING i DOUBLE 4" HORIZONTAL — w Ww INSIDE CORNER F CHANNEL | SINGLE 8" HORIZONTAL H DIVIDER i dl) DRIP CAP. Ll I u) FEIT DOUBLE 6” HORIZONTAL JCHANNEL COVE TRIM Siding Installation of Vinyl Siding STEP 1. STARTER STRIP STEP 3. OUTSIDE CORNER, STEP 2. INSIDE CORNER 44" lower than Stater tips STEP 4, FIRST PANEL, Ses pve \~ tr overtap (out away top) 161 Vinyl Siding ‘STEP 7. WINDOW TOPS AND SIDES UNDEREAVES TOP COURSE. STEP 8. FIT PANELS TO WINDOWS, STEP 10. CUT AND PUNCH TOP COURSE STEP 12, FIT GABLE ENDS, SS 162 Siding -_-_oooo HARDBOARD LAP SIDING —_—_— Hardboard lap siding may be cut with either fine-tooth hand or power saws. The cutting action should be into the appearance face of the siding, ic., face up with hand saws and table saws and face down with portable circu- lar saws. Lap siding may be applied directly to studs or over sheathing. Studs should be spaced 16 inches on-center in both cases. An air-bartier membrane should be used when the siding is applied directly to studs or over board sheath- ings. Use only corrosion-resistant nails, Nails should penetrate framing members by 1-1/2 inches minimum (8d nails for studs only; 10d nails over sheathing), Allow at least 6 inches between the siding and the ground or any area where water may collect. A starter strip 1-1/2 inches wide and the same thickness as the siding should be in- stalled level with the bottom edge of the sill plate, Nail the starter strip with the recom ‘mended siding nails. Cut, fit, and install the first course of siding to extend at least 1/4 inch, but no more than 1 inch, below the start- cr strip. Nail the bottom edge of the first course of siding 16 inches on-center and through the starter strip at each stud location, Maintain contact at the joints without forcing. Leave a space of 1/8 inch between the siding and window or door frames and corner boards. ‘Caulk this space after the siding is installed. All joints must fall over studs and be nailed con both top and bottom on each side of the Joint. Stagger succeeding joints for best ap- pearance. The second and all succeeding courses of siding must overlap the previous course a minimum of 1 inch, Locate nails 1/2 inch from the bottom edge and not more than 16 inches on-center. Nail through both courses and into the framing members. Install shim strips for continuous horizontal support behind the siding wherever it is notched out above or below openings. Use wooden comer boards at least 1-1/8 inches thick or formed metal comers (availa- ble from distributors) at all inside and outside comers, Factory-primed siding should be painted within 60 days after installation. If itis ex- posed for a longer period, lightly sand the primer, or reprime the siding with a good- quality exterior primer that is compatible with the final finish coat. Unprimed siding should be finished within 30 days after installation. Ifthe finish will be paint, prime the siding with a good-quality ‘compatible exterior primer. . ‘More detailed application instructions are available form hardboard siding manufac- turers, Hardboard Lap Siding 163 “rested nail — Starter stip STARTER COURSE Drip-cap flashing over casing but under bul paper —— Nojoints at ‘window edge — Tim 1108" thick min — Leave 18" gap: caulk DOORS AND WINDOWS ‘Sheathing and building paper Trim 1-18" thick min) ——— Leave 1/8" gap: cau ‘OUTSIDE CORNER ‘Sheathing Building paper — Tein 1-18 thiek min — Leave 18" gap; caulk Starter stip —| INSIDE CORNER SS 164 Siding -_-_OOO CEDAR SHINGLES ae ‘SPECIFICATIONS Length, Butt, Bundles! Maximum Exposure and Nails Grade Inches’ Inches “Squere-——Single. Course Double Course Tied Cedar No.1 biue lab! 16 0.49 4 742 9d 12 59 (premium grade, 100% heartwood, 18 0.45 4 B12 34 4 9 100% clear, 100% edge grain) 2 050 4 42a 16 6d No.2 red label 18 oan 4 yap 3d 12 56 (00d grade, 10" clear on 16° shingle, 18, 45 4 Bie 3d 14 56 16" Gear on 24" shingle) Ps 050 4 me 4d 16 66 No.3 black lab 16 040 4 TR 38 12 56 (utity rade, 6 clear on 16° shingle, 18 0.45 4 B12 3a 14 50 40" clear on 24” shingle} Py 050 4 Wiz 4 16 66 No. 4 undercoursing 16 0.40 20rd 712 $4 - - (for bottom course 8 0.48 Berd ez 5d = ‘ouble-coursed wale) No.1 or 2 rebutted-ejined 16 0.40 1 m2 3d 2 se (machine immed, square 8 0.45 1 e234 14 5d ‘edged, tp grade) White Cedar tra (pertecty clear) 16 040 4 TR 3d 12 54 ‘et clear (clear, no sapwood) 16 0.40 4 rR ad 12 5d 2nd clear (sound knots, no sapwood) 16 0.40 4 mR 3d 12 54 Clear wall (sapwood, cute) 6 0.40 4 712 3 12 86 Utity (undercoursing only) 6 0.40 4 EI 5 ‘Note: Exposure is given in inches, COVERAGE Length, Coverage of One Square at Exposure, inches: Inches 4 56 7 3 in en FO (00 ted tan] 00} 18 7 9 109 tay as 183 Es 88108 ost Source: Exterior and Interior Product Glossary (Bolovue, Wash: Red Cedar Shingle & Handepit Shake Bureau, 1980), Cedar Shingles 165 Installation of Cedar Shingles Sheathing (@ulling Paper ‘ptiona) ———— Nails 1" above ‘vertying but, 314" from edges: Double starter course (overiap $i min) — ‘Botom 1" below si — STARTER COURSE ‘Space courses 10 ‘aga with top and bottom of casings —— Drip-cap flashing — Notop layer joints at edge tne Tei 1-18" thick min. ————} Leave 1/8" gap ak ———— DOORS AND WINDOWS Sheathing Building paper optional = ein 1-18" thick i — Leave 1/8" gap: caulk ‘OUTSIDE CORNER Sheathing ——— ‘Building paper optional Tem 1108" thick min ——— Leave 1/8" gap: cauk Double starter INSIDE CORNER SN 166 —. HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING Materials and Patterns Most horizontal siding is of either redwood or western red cedar. The heartwoods of both have superior decay resistance and dimen- sional stability. Local species are also used, however, in regions where the price difference is great enough. Eastem white pine is popular in the Northeast. Not as decay resistant, it is easily worked and holds paint nearly as well as redwood and cedar. Consult your lumber- yard for local variations in both species and pattern, Moisture Wood changes in width and thickness with changes in moisture content. To minimize di- ‘mensional change after installation, siding should be installed after its moisture content has come to equilibrium with the air. Minimize moisture problems: + Specify kiln-dried vertical-grain siding, + Use a narrow siding. * Precondition the siding for moisture. * Select patterns that allow for shrinkage and expansion. ‘ Permit the siding to stabilize before ap- plying any finish. After siding has been installed, it can still pick up moisture before itis painted or stained. Later, when the siding dries, joints ‘may open up, or buckling may occur. It is {good practice to prime or prefinish all sides, edges, and ends after it has reached equilibri- um with the air and before itis installed, Nailing Nails for applying wood siding should be rust resistant: stainless steel, hot-dipped galva- nized, or high-tensile-strength aluminum. Don't use electroplated galvanized or unfin- ished (bright) nails. Nails should be strong enough for nailing without predrilling. They should not make an unsightly pattern, cause splitting when driven near the end or edge of the siding, or pop after being driven flush. Recommended penetration into a solid ‘wood base (cither studs or wood sheathing) is, 1-1/2 inch minimum, or 1-1/4 inch with ring shank nails. Longer nails are required for in- stallation over other than solid wood sheath- ing and may require predrilling to avoid splits. Horizontal wood siding should be applied to studs 24 inches on-center maximum when, applied over solid sheathing and 16 inches on- center when applied without sheathing. Estimating Coverage ‘The area factors in the table on the following page make it easy to determine the approxi- ‘mate board footage of siding needed for the various patterns and sizes shown. Simply mul- tiply the length and width of the area to be covered, times the appropriate area factor. Add a 10 percent allowance for trim and waste to the resulting figure. Leen Horizontal Wood Siding 167 HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING Dressed Size, inches Area Pattern Total Width Face Width Factor vaxs a2 32 160 PLAIN BEVEL 2x6 B12 02 133 (CLAPBOARD) 4x8 a8 re 128 aia 10 om oa sat 4x6 sve 5 120 RABBETED BEVEL 1x8 4 eae 419 {DOLLY VARDEN) txi0 oa 334 418 4x12 v4 joa 12 ta 338 18 128 1x6 508 518 447 ‘TONGUE & GROOVE 5x8 718 675 138 4x10 a8 ore 433 1x6 538 518 117 DROP (T&G 1x8 7418 34 116 1x10 ae e.a4 443 OR SHIPLAP) 1x12 118 10-34 1.10 1x8 508 5 447 138 718 a4 416 ‘SHIPLAP txi0 oe baa 443 4x42 11418 10-04 130 1x8 538 5 447 148 718 ae 4 CHANNEL SHIPLAP- dete al a ig 1x12 8 1034 140 1x6 508 5 447 1x8 18 eae 136 Velie 110 18 ery 413 axi2 118 toa 140 1x8 5716 41516 tae 138, 718 658 421 ee txt0 218 858 136 ‘Note: These sizes are typical, but sizes vary with manufacturer. 168 Siding Installation of Horizontal Wood Siding PLAIN BEVEL RABBETED BEVEL sud sud Steehira Sesten Sreatira Nat un pana Stood bye 1" min overiap 118" expansion Air barrier! acer tin oer tai ita shpeu ans Nat clos tp Slouororapees Soon ae TONGUE & GROOVE ews sus Sheathing sibarier Nat ust panenne “wood ye Nae al patns oa Soe ‘Gipped galvanized OUTSIDE CORNER INSIDE CORNER can —____- ee Seching sing. NSN a Arbor steating = sing SX | Cauk ies — ‘Source: Redwood Siding Pattems and Appication (Mil Vaiey, Calf: Galtoria Redwood Association). SS Vertical Wood Siding 169 _ VERTICAL WOOD SIDING Materials and Patterns Vertical siding, due to its more rustic charac- ter, is less often of redwood or westem red ce- dar and more often of a local, rough-sawn species. With the exception of the shiplap and channel shiplap patterns, all recommended patterns are of simple square-edge design. For utility buildings, unfinished (rough-sawn) boards are most often used. For a less rustic appearance use $1 (surfaced one side) boards. Moisture ‘Wood changes in width and thickness with changes in moisture content. To minimize di- mensional change after installation, siding should be installed after its moisture content has come to equilibrium with the ai. ‘The recommended procedure is this: ‘© Use as narrow a siding as practical (a rule of thumb is width < 8 x thickness). «Precondition the siding for moisture. ‘Select patterns that allow for movement. ‘« Treat both sides of siding with water repellent before installation ‘Vertical wood siding is rarely painted. Un- painted wood naturally changes color with ex- posure to sunlight and water. One method for preserving the appearance of either stained or unfinished siding is to immediately bleach the ‘wood to approximate its ultimate aged appear- ance. Most paint and stain manufacturers offer some sort of bleach for this purpose. Nailing Recommended nailing patterns are shown on the following page. Nails for applying verti- cal wood siding should be rust resistant: stain- less steel, hot-dipped galvanized, or high- tensile-strength aluminum. Do not use electro- plated galvanized or unfinished (bright) nails. ‘Nails should be strong enough for nailing without predrilling. They should not make an unsightly pattern, cause splitting when driven near the end or edge of the siding, or pop after being driven flush. Recommended penetration into a solid ‘wood base (either studs or wood sheathing) is 1-1/4 inches minimum with ring shank nails. Longer nails are required for installation over other than solid wood sheathing and may re- quire predrilling to avoid splits. Estimating Coverage Coverage depends on the width of the boards, battens (if any), and overlap. Overlaps should be 1/2 inch minimum. Allow at least 10 per- cent waste for cutting and defects; allow more for poorer grades. 170 Siding Installation of Vertical Wood Siding BOARD & BATTEN REVERSE BOARD & BATTEN baton He Board — Til ee 5 Boas - Boling 24" Le Horizontal strapping Baton 20 oot one Horizontal foam sheathing . Becki 2" 2c Ar barior — A barser Sroating : Sheathing =

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