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Yearbook of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar

Godišnjak Međunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru

Submerged Heritage
Potopljena baština
Number 6 / Broj 6, Zadar, December 2016 / Prosinac 2016.

Bekić, Surić
Shipwreck Investigation off the Islet of Veruda
Istraživanje brodoloma u podmorju otočića Veruda
New Results from Babuljaš Investigation
Novi rezultati istraživanja podmorja Babuljaša
Surić, Bekić
SUBMERGED HERITAGE - POTOPLJENA BAŠTINA / Number 6 / Broj 6, Zadar, December 2016. / Prosinac 2016.

2016 Cape Uljeva Shipwrecks Campaign

Istraživanja brodoloma na rtu Uljeva, kampanja 2016. g.
Investigation of Suleiman’s Bridge at Darda
Istraživanja Sulejmanovog mosta u Dardi
Kaleb, Pešić
Latest Results of the Zadar County Survey
Najnoviji rezultati rekognosciranja Zadarske županije
Continued Investigation of the Piruzi Shipwreck
Nastavak istraživanja brodoloma kod hridi Piruzi
Istraživanje brodoloma kod Rta Tonarelle, Italija
Shipwreck at Punta delle Tonnarelle, Italy
Kaleb, Bekić
Sv. Petar Shipwreck Investigation at Ugljan
Istraživanje brodoloma Sv. Petar kod Ugljana
Danish underwater archaeologists visit ICUA
Danske marinarkæologer besøger ICUA
2016 Albanian Marine Science Expedition
Albanska pomorska - znanstvena ekspedicija 2016. g.
Ćurković Madiraca, Kaleb
Visit to Kingdom of Denmark
Posjet Kraljevini Danskoj

Vrgoč, Šimičić
The Early Croatian Boats at Nin

Starohrvatski brodovi iz Nina


ISSN 1848-2422
2016 Cape Uljeva Shipwrecks
Investigation Campaign
Istraživanja brodoloma na rtu
Uljeva, kampanja 2016. g.
Roko Surić, / Luka Bekić,
Rocks that were certainly detested by ancient mariners Hridina koja je zasigurno među drevnim moreplovcima
and deadly when a strong northerly bura was blowing, bila omražena, a za snažnih bura i pogubna, privukla je i
again this year drew archaeologists from the Internation- ove godine arheologe iz Međunarodnog centra za pod-
al Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA). Joined by vodnu arheologiju (MCPA). Uz pomoć kolega iz Slove-
their colleagues from Slovenia, the Netherlands and Oman, nije, Nizozemske i Omana djelatnici centra proveli su u
ICUA staffers investigated four shipwrecks at Kuje cove in razdoblju od 16. do 25. listopada 2016. g. istraživanje na
the period from the 16th to 25th of October 2016. The ar- četiri brodoloma i u uvali Kuje. Arheološka iskopavanja
chaeological excavations were conducted at the Uljeva A, provedena su na Uljevi A, B, i C, dok je na Uljevi D izvr-
B and C sites, while video and photographic documenta- šena video i fotodokumentacija u svrhu izrade 3D mo-
tion was made of Uljeva D with the aim of creating a 3D dela. Ovogodišnja istraživanja nastavak su višegodišnjih
model. This year’s investigation continues on a multi-year istraživanja (Bekić 2012, 2012b, 2013, 2014; Bekić, Surić
effort (Bekić 2012, 2012b, 2013, 2014; Bekić, Surić 2015) 2015) koja se provode od 1998. g.
that began in 1998.
Stručni voditelj arheološkog istraživanja bio je
Serving as head of the campaign was Luka Bekić DSc, with Bekić, njegov zamjenik Mladen Pešić, a ostatak stručne i
deputy Mladen Pešić and an expert and technical team tehničke ekipe činili su arheolozi Maja Kaleb i Roko Surić

1. The strong northerly bura wind is a frequent feature of

investigation at Uljeva / Jaki sjeverni vjetar Bura zaštitni je
znak istraživanja na Uljevi (Photo: L. Bekić)


consisting of archaeologists Maja Kaleb and Roko Surić (MCPA) te polaznici radionice “Praktične radionice pod-
(ICUA) and participants of a practical underwater archae- vodne arheologije” Sara Ćorković (Slovenija), Robert De
ology workshop Sara Ćorković (Slovenia), Robert De Hoop Hoop (Nizozemska), Nicole Schoute (Nizozemska) i Ah-
(the Netherlands), Nicole Schoute (the Netherlands) and med Al Siyabi (Oman). Radionicu je organizirao MCPA, a
Ahmed Al Siyabi (Oman). The workshop was organised sudjelovanjem na njoj polaznici su stekli iskustvo iz me-
by ICUA with the participants gaining experience in the todologije podvodnog istraživanja, ali i iz dokumentaci-
methodology of underwater research and in site and finds je nalazišta i nalaza.

Just how dangerous these shallows were for sailors is

borne out by the remains of as many as four ships scat-
tered among the rocks off cape Uljeva, which closes off the
broad Kuje cove (near Ližnjan) to the left side. In terms of
its geology the terrain is a large underwater rock in excess
of 200 metres in length running along the coastline with
a breadth of over fifty metres from the shore, with small-
er rocks alternating at depths of from five to half a metre.
Ships that broke on these rocks were likely torn asunder by
the powerful waves that the bura wind creates here, with
their cargoes scattered over the sea bottom. The config-
uration of the sea bottom means that the finds are found
for the most part in the crevices between the rocks, with
some later covered by sand and pebbles. These character-
istics do not bode well for the preservation of the wooden
structures of the ships and none have been found at any 2. The archaeological team loaded and unloaded all the
of the sites in this campaign. The wrecks are designated equipment on our two boats on a daily basis / Arheološka
ekipa mora svaki dan ukrcavati i iskrcavati kompletnu
as A, B, C and D. The objective of this year’s investigation
opremu na dvije brodice (Photo: M. Kaleb)
was to supplement our data on the distribution of the ar-
chaeological material and round out our picture of the Koliko je pličina bila opasna za moreplovce svjedoče nam
quantity and types of finds at the Uljeva A, Uljeva B and ostaci čak četiriju brodoloma rasutih po hridinama ispred
Uljeva C sites, while at Uljeva D the objective was to cre- rta Uljeva, koji s lijeve strane zatvara ulaz u prostranu
ate underwater imaging and then a 3D model of the site. uvalu Kuje kod Ližnjana. Geološki gledano teren je velika
podvodna hrid dužine preko 200 m uzduž obale i širine
In order to document the finds in their spatial reference preko 50 m od obale, na kojoj se manje stijene izmjenju-
it was decided that each pit at the site be treated as a ju od dubine 5 do 0,5 m. Brodovi koji su doživjeli nesreću
separate unit. This resolved the issue of a quadrant grid, na ovim hridinama vjerojatno su se raspali uslijed jakih
which on terrain of this kind is almost impossible to set valova koje bura na tom prostoru podiže, a teret im se
up. Marking out the pit was greatly facilitated by the scan- rasuo po morskom dnu. Zbog takve konfiguracije mor-
ning of the sea bottom with a multibeam sonar carried out skog dna, nalazi su zaglavili u škrapama među stijenama,
by the Harpha Sea company from Slovenia in 2014 (Bekić a dio je naknadno zatrpan pijeskom i sitnim kamenjem.
2014; Bekić, Surić 2015). The imaging provided a bathy- Opisane karakteristike ne idu u prilog očuvanju drvene
konstrukcije, čiji se dijelovi u ovoj kampanji nisu pronašli
niti na jednom lokalitetu. Brodolomi su označeni slovi-
ma A, B, C i D. Cilj ovogodišnjeg istraživanja bio je nado-
puniti podatke o rasprostiranju arheološkog materijala i
popunjavanje slike o količini i tipu nalaza na lokalitetima
Uljeva A, Uljeva B i Uljeva C, dok je za Uljevu D cilj bio
izraditi podvodni snimak, a potom i 3D model lokaliteta.

Kako bi se nalazi dokumentirali u prostoru, odlučeno je

tretirati svaku jamu na nalazištu kao zasebnu cjelinu. Na
taj način riješio se problem kvadratne mreže, koju je na
ovakvoj vrsti terena gotovo nemoguće postaviti. Ucrta-
vanju jama uvelike je pomoglo skeniranje morskog dna
višesnopnim sonarom koje je provela tvrtka Harpha Sea
iz Slovenije 2014. godine (Bekić 2014; Bekić, Surić 2015).
3. Bekić fills in the Uljeva A site map on the basis of the
bathymetric map / Bekić docrtava plan lokaliteta Uljeva A Snimanjem morskog dna dobila se batimetrijska, geore-
na osnovu batimetrijskog plana (Photo: R. Surić) ferencirana karta podmorja na lokalitetu. Računalnom


metric, georeferenced map of the sea bottom at the site. obradom takvih karata načinjeni su precizni nacrti jama. Na taj
Computer processing of these maps has produced precise način je svaki pronađeni predmet pripisan nekoj od jama, kojoj
drawings of the pits. In this manner every artefact found se zna točan položaj unutar pozicije brodoloma. Smatramo da
is attributed to a pit for which we have an exact position će nam konačno mapiranje nalaza dati neki obrazac, po kojem
within the shipwreck. We believe that the final mapping ćemo moći zaključiti nešto više o veličini brodova i načinu na
of the finds will provide a template on the basis of which koji su se raspali.
we will be in a position to draw more definitive conclu-
sions on the size of the vessels and how they broke up. Kao i tijekom svih dosad provedenih kampanja prikupljena je
As with all the campaigns to date we again collected a veća količina pokretnog arheološkog materijala na brodolomu
Uljeva A nego na brodolomu Uljeva B. Glavninu materijala na
ta dva brodoloma čini keramika, dok se na Uljevi C osim ulo-
maka keramičkog posuđa, iskopavanjem pronašlo mnoštvo
opeka i stakla.

Osim ronilaca, bitan dio posla obavljala je ekipa na brodu, koja

je dokumentirala arheološki materijal odmah po njegovu izla-
sku na površinu. Tom dokumentacijom utvrđena je ukupna te-
žina nalaza, broj ulomaka amfora i njihova težina, a potom su se
tipološki odredivi ulomci pakirali za daljnju obradu, dok su se
svi ostali ulomci vraćali u istu jamu u kojoj su pronađeni. Arhe-
ološki nalazi koji su se uzimali prolazili su kroz slijedeći stupanj
dokumentacije, koji je obuhvaćao fotografiranje i sortiranje na-

4. The terrain at the Uljeva rocks means that excavation

is a challenging undertaking / Teren na hridinama Uljeve
zahtjevan je za iskopavanje (Photo: R. Surić)
larger quantity of small archaeological finds from the Ul-
jeva A shipwreck than from Uljeva B. The lion’s share of
the material from these two wrecks is pottery, while Ul-
jeva C has yielded potsherds and an abundance of bricks
and glass.

Along with the divers an important part of the work also

falls on the team on board our boat, whose task was to
document the archaeological material as soon as it was
raised to the surface. This documentation established the
total weight of finds, the number of amphorae sherds and
their weight, followed by the packing of typologically de- 5. Documentation of finds immediately as they are raised
terminable sherds for further analysis, with all other sherds to the surface / Dokumentacija nalaza odmah po vađenju
iz mora (Photo: L. Bekić)
restored to the sea bottom, to the pit in which they were
found. The archaeological finds that were taken where laza, a potom i pakiranje u mrežice zajedno sa signaturom. Na
then processed through the next stage of documenta- taj način predmeti su pripremljeni za transport i proces desali-
tion, including photographing and sorting of the finds nizacije u Odjel za restauriranje i konzerviranje MCPA u Zadru.
and then packing in labelled nets. The
artefacts were Osim na brodolomima istraživanja su se zbog vremenskih ne-
thus prepared prilika vršila i u uvali Kuje, gdje se na morskom dnu nalazi bala-
stna hrpa s novovjekovnim nalazima opeka, stakla i keramike.
Po sredini balastne hrpe istražen je jedan rov veličine 3 x 1 m.

6. Some of U ovogodišnjoj kampanji arheološkim istraživanjem na brodo-

the amphorae
lomu Uljeva A pronađeno je mnoštvo ulomaka amfora i ulo-
finds from Uljeva
A / Neki od nalaza maka kuhinjskog posuđa. Ove su godine istražene jame AJ11,
amfora s Uljeve A AJ12, AJ13, AJ14, AJ15, AJ18, AJ21, AJ22, AJ23 i AJ35. Na bati-
(Photo: M. Kaleb) metrijskoj karti izvučeni su obrisi jama pa su se nalazi mogli ti-
jekom iskopavanja sedimenata u jamama dokumentirati i po-
zicionirati. Do sada je iskopano 25 jama u kojima je sveukupno
pronađeno 2338,8 kilograma nalaza, koji su izvađeni na brod.


for transport and the desalinisation pro- Od toga je zabilježeno 5145 ulomaka amfora od kojih
cess at the restoration and conservation 51 šiljak, 51 čep, 132 dijelova ručki i 62 dijela oboda. U
department of ICUA Zadar. većini jama su se osim ulomaka amfora koje pripada-
ju tipu Lamboglia 2 mogli pronaći i ulomci kuhinjskog
Investigation moved to Kuje cove when posuđa i tegula.
weather did not permit investigation of these Na Uljevi B je ove godine istraženo pet jama: BJ47, BJ52,
wrecks – at Kuje there is a ballast heap on BJ56, BJ58 i BJ59. S obzirom da teren na lokalitetu Uljeva
the sea bottom with post-medieval finds B karakterizira velik broj relativno sličnih malih, no dubo-
of brick, glass and pottery. A three by one kih jama, do izražaja je došlo korištenje batimetrijske kar-
metre trench was investigated at the cen- te za dobivanje plana nalazišta. Na taj način dobili su se
tre of the ballast heap. precizni obrisi jama, a ronioci su se na osnovu takvog plana
lakše snalazili u nizu sličnih jama na morskom dnu. Iako se u
An abundance of amphorae and cook- istraženim jamama pronalaze ulomci amfora, glavninu nalaza
ing ware sherds were found at the Uljeva A predstavljaju brojni dijelovi ECW odnosno egejskog grubog
wreck in this year’s campaign. This year saw the kuhinjskog posuđa, od kojih su neki ulomci izvanredno do-
6. The upper
investigation of pits AP11, AP12, AP13, AP14, end of a Spatheion bro sačuvani s obzirom na uobičajen stupanj sačuvanosti
AP15, AP18, AP21, AP22, AP23 and AP35. amphora from ostalih otkrivenih predmeta. Na Uljevi B je pregledano
The contours of the pits were extracted Uljeva B / Gornji dio sveukupno 376,4 kilograma nalaza, među kojima se iz-
from the bathymetric map in order to doc- Spatheion amfore s dvaja 3061 ulomak amfora od čega 56 šiljaka, 5 čepova,
ument and position the finds in the course Uljeve B (Photo: 111 dijelova ručki, 73 dijelova oboda, 11 čavala, 9 balast-
M. Kaleb)
of the excavation of the sediment. So far twen- nih kamenova i 3 ulomka stakla. Među pronađenim ulom-
ty-five pits have been excavated yielding a total cima amfora i dalje prevladavaju nalazi afričkih tipova, koji se
of 2338.8 kilograms of finds raised to our boat. Of this we datiraju od 3. do 5. st.
registered 5,145 amphorae sherds, of which 51 spikes, 51
stoppers, 132 handle sections and 62 rim sections. In most Osim antičkih brodoloma na hridi Uljeva nalazi se i brodo-
pits cooking ware sherds and tegulae were found along lom iz novovjekovnog perioda Uljeva C. Na njemu su ove
with the sherds of Lamboglia 2 type amphorae. godine istražene jame CJ4, CJ9, CJ10, CJ11, CJ15, CJ18, CJ19
Five pits were investigated this year at Uljeva B: BP47,
8. Al Siyabi
investigates at
Uljeva C /
Al Siyabi istražuje na
Uljevi C
(Photo: R. Surić)

7. Some of the post-medieval finds from Uljeva C/ Neki od

novovjekovnih nalaza pronađenih na Uljevi C
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
BP52, BP56, BP58 and BP59. Given that the terrain at the
Uljeva B site is characterised by a large number of rela-
tively similar small and deep pits the use of bathymet-
ric maps to map out the site truly came to the fore. This
gave us precise contours of the pits and the divers found
it easier to make their way around the many similar pits
at the sea bottom. Although amphorae sherds were also
found in these pits the majority of the finds are numer-
ous sherds of ECW, i.e. coarse Aegean cooking ware, with
some exceptionally well-preserved sherds given the gen-
eral preservation condition of the other discovered arte-
facts. At Uljeva B we examined a total of 376.4 kilograms
of finds, among which 3,061 amphorae sherds, of which 56


spikes, five stoppers, 111 handle sections, 73 rim sections, i CJ20, dok je CJ24 ostala nedovršena. Najveći postotak na-
and 11 nails, nine ballast stones and three glass fragments. laza s ovog lokaliteta pripada opekama i krovnom crijepu,
Among the amphorae sherds found the predominant are koji su najvjerojatnije činili brodski balast, a u trenutku bro-
finds of African types dated to the third to fifth century. doloma su se zajedno s brodskim teretom rasuli po mor-
Besides to the Antiquity period wrecks the Uljeva rocks skom dnu. Od brodskog tereta pronađeni su brojni ulomci
are now also home to a post-medieval shipwreck, Uljeva novovjekovnog staklenog i keramičkog posuđa, dok su od
dijelova brodske konstrukcije pronađeni razni klinovi i ča-
vli. Brojni ulomci koji tipološki pripadaju novovjekovnom
stolnom glaziranom posuđu gotovo u potpunosti su izgu-
bili glazuru, pa se ukras na nekim mjestima nazire samo u
tragovima, što otežava precizniju tipološku dataciju. Razlog
za tako lošu očuvanost treba tražiti u činjenici da je lokali-
tet smješten u relativno plitkom moru gdje na morsko dno
djeluju snažni valovi. Među ovogodišnjim nalazima se ističe
konglomerat metalnih klinova i nalaz okruglog stakla, mož-
da od novovjekovnih naočala. Na osnovu pronađenog ma-
terijala brodolom bi se mogao smjestiti u 17. st.

Brodolom Uljeva D prvi put je pregledan u prošlogodišnjoj

9. A 3D model of the Uljeva D site – a view of the wreck kampanji (Bekić, Surić 2015). Tada je ustanovljeno da se radi
from the west / 3D model nalazišta Uljeva D - pogled na o antičkom brodolomu s teretom tegula (tegulae), imbrek-
brodolom sa zapada (By: R. Surić)
sa (imbreces) i tubi fittili-a. Na ovom lokalitetu se nije vršilo
C. There we investigated pits CP4, CP9, CP10, CP11, CP15, iskopavanje, već je izvršena foto i video dokumentacija u
CP18, CP19 and CP20 this year, with the excavation of CP24 svrhu izrade 3D modela. Glavnina arheološkog materijala
not completed. The greatest percentage of finds from this nagomilana je u jami dimenzija 10 x 6 m, te u pukotinama
site are of bricks and roof tiles, which likely served as the među stijenama istočno od jame. Na lokalitetu je izvršeno
ship’s ballast and were scattered on the bottom when the snimanje podvodnom kamerom (GoPro HERO 3), a potom
ship broke. From the ship’s cargo we have found numerous su iz dobivenih snimaka izvučeni isječci (ukupno njih 750)
fragments of post-medieval glass and ceramic ware. Recov- koji su upotrijebljeni za izradu modela. Za izradu modela
ered from the ship’s structure are various spikes and nails. korišten je program Agisoft - Photoscan, a pomoću njega
The many sherds that are typologically of post-medieval načinjen je i ortofoto plan lokaliteta. Izrađeni model i plan
glazed tableware have almost entirely lost their glazing, lokaliteta moći će se u budućnosti iskoristiti za potrebe do-
with the decoration visible only sporadically and in trac- kumentacije nalazišta prije nego se krene u iskopavanje.
es, which hampers a more precise typological dating. The
reason for this poor level of preservation likely lies in the Paralelno s iskopavanjima na hridi Uljeva, u ovoj kampanji
fact that the site lies in relatively shallow waters, where se provelo i rekognosciranje jednog dijela uvale Kuje, a po-
the powerful local waves act on the sea bottom. Notewor- tom i iskopavanje na jednoj od balastnih hrpi. Pregledom

10. Kuje cove with indicated positions of the ballast

heaps / Uvala Kuje s označenim pozicijama pronađenih
balastnih hrpi (By: R. Surić /


11. The Uljeva 2016 archaeological team with fishers from Ližnjan;
standing from the left: / Arheološka ekipa Uljeva 2016 s ližnjanskim
ribarima; stoje s lijeva: Luka Bekić, ribari Dalibor i Nino Kostešić, Maja
Kaleb, Sara Ćorković, Mladen Pešić, Ahmed Al Siyabi; čuče s lijeva:
Roko Surić, Nicole Schoute, Robert De Hoop (Photo: L. Bekić)

thy among this year’s finds are an agglomeration of metal je ustanovljeno da se na istočnoj strani uvale na dubini od
spikes and the find of round glass, perhaps from post-me- 2 do 4 m nalazi više balastnih hrpi. Za neke balastne hrpe se
dieval eyeglasses. Based on the material found this wreck ne može sa sigurnošću ustanoviti vrijeme nastanka, dok se
could be from the seventeenth century. neke na osnovu materijala mogu datirati u razdoblje 17. st.
Na dvije balastne hrpe se napravila foto i video dokumen-
Shipwreck Uljeva D was first examined during last year’s tacija u svrhu izrade fotomozaika.
campaign (Bekić, Surić 2015). It was established then that
this is an Antiquity period shipwreck with a cargo of tegu- Na balastnoj hrpi (označena kao B1) u sjeveroistočnom di-
lae, imbrices and vaulting/fictile tubes (tubi fittili). Excava- jelu uvale Kuje, na dubini od oko 2 m osim pregleda izvršilo
tions were not undertaken at this site as the focus was on se i iskopavanje. Na istoj hrpi je u prošlogodišnjoj kampanji
photographic and video documentation aimed at creat- istražen rov dimenzija 3 x 1 m, a isti takav rov istražen je ove
ing a 3D model. The preponderance of the archaeological godine na središtu hrpe, ne bi li se pronašlo čim više nalaza
material is found in a 10 by six metre pit and in crevices koji bi mogli posvjedočiti karakteru ovog lokaliteta. Iskopa-
among the rocks to the east of the pit. The site was im- vanjem je pronađena velika količina građevinskog otpada,
aged using an underwater camera (GoPro HERO 3) and a kao što su fragmentirane opeke i crijep, no pronađen je i ve-
total of 750 extracts from the images obtained were used lik broj ulomaka keramičkog posuđa koje na osnovu stilskih
to create a model. Agisoft-Photoscan software was used karakteristika možemo smjestiti u period 17. st. Gotovo sa si-
to create the model and an orthophoto map of the site. gurnošću se može zaključiti kako su nalazi keramičkog posu-
The model and site map will be of use in the future when đa, zajedno s građevinskim otpadom, bili u funkciji balasta.
documenting the site ahead of excavation.
Ovogodišnjim istraživanjem nadopunjena je slika poznava-
Parallel to the excavations at the Uljeva rocks, this cam- nja karaktera lokaliteta na hridinama pred rtom Uljeva i u
paign also saw us conduct an archaeological survey of uvali Kuje. Unatoč činjenici da su ostaci brodoloma značaj-
a part of Kuje cove followed by excavation at one of the no uništeni zbog karaktera podvodnog terena, kao i uslijed
ballast heaps. The survey established that there are mul- devastacije zbog pristupačnosti nalazišta, ipak predstavlja-
tiple ballast heaps to the east side of the cove at depths ju dragocjen izvor podataka za arheološku znanost. Arheo-
of from two to four metres. For some of the ballast heaps loška građa, koja je zbog svog karaktera ili mogućnosti stil-
we cannot with certainty determine a time of occurrence, ske, odnosno tipološke datacije važna, dokumentirana je i
while others can be dated to the seventeenth century on donesena u MCPA Zadar, gdje će u radionicama za restau-
the basis of materials found. Photographic and video doc- riranje i konzerviranje proći procese koji su nužni za njiho-
umentation was made of two ballast heaps with the aim vu zaštitu, a potom će krenuti u daljnju dokumentacijsku
of creating a photomosaic. obradu i publikaciju.


12. A view of part of the Uljeva D shipwreck with remains of
imbrices and tegulae / Pogled na dio brodoloma Uljeva D,
s ostacima imbreksa i tegula (Photo: R. Surić)

Along with the survey we also conducted excavations at a Podmorje na hridi Uljeva i u uvali Kuje krije mnoge spoznaje o
ballast heap designated as B1 in the northeast plovidbi i teretu, ali i životu na prostoru istočne istar-
section of the cove at a depth of about two ske obale kroz povijest. Kako bi
metres. A three by one metre trench was ex ova arheološka nalazišta
cavated here during last year’s campaign and 13. Some of dobila poseban zna-
a trench of the same size was investigated this the finds of pottery čaj, potrebno ih je
year at the centre of the heap with the objective found in the investigation iskoristiti za popu-
of the trench at a
of finding as many finds as possible that would ballast heap / Neki njavanje turističke
bear witness to the nature of this site. The ex- od keramičkih nalaza ponude i popula-
cavation yielded a large quantity of construction pronađenih istraživanjem rizaciju kulturne
rova na balastnoj hrpi
debris such as fragmented brick and roofing tiles baštine u južnoj
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
and a large number of potsherds the stylistic char- Istri. Isto tako, za de-
acteristics of which allow us to place them in the taljnije sagledavanje
seventeenth century. We can be almost entire- povijesti ovih događaja biti
ly confident that the pottery and construction će potrebno nastaviti istraživanja.
materials found were used as ballast.

This year’s investigation has supplemented our insight Bibliography / Literatura:

into the nature of the sites at the rocks off cape Uljeva and in Bekić, L. 2012 - Launch of Systematic Research of Roman Pe-
Kuje cove. Despite the significant destruction of the remains riod Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva / Početak sustavnih istraživanja
of the wrecks attributable to the nature of the underwater antičkih brodoloma na rtu Uljeva. Potopljena baština / Submer-
terrain and the devastation that its accessibility led to, it re- ged Heritage 2, Zadar. 34 - 38.
mains a precious source of data for archaeological science.
The archaeological material significant due to its characteris- Bekić, L. 2012b - Rt Uljeva A i B, Ližnjan. Hrvatski arheološki go-
tics or the possibility of its stylistic or typological dating was dišnjak 9/2012. Zagreb.
documented and taken to ICUA Zadar where it will be given
treatment at the restoration and conservation workshops as Bekić, L. 2013 - Continued Research of the Roman Period Shi-
required for its protection prior to further documentation pwrecks at Cape Uljeva near Ližnjan / Nastavak istraživanja an-
processing and publication. tičkih brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Ližnjana. Potopljena baština
/ Submerged Heritage 3, Zadar. 31-34.
The waters at the Uljeva rocks and Kuje cove offer many yet
to be discovered insights into navigation and cargos and Bekić, L. 2014 - Three Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva near Ližnjan /
life on the eastern coast of the Istrian peninsula in the past. Tri brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Ližnjana. Potopljena baština /
These archaeological sites will be of even grater significance Submerged Heritage 4, Zadar. 25-32.
if developed to round out the tourism offer and to popular-
ise cultural heritage in southern Istria. Further investigation Bekić, L., Surić, R. 2015. - Fourth Shipwreck Found at Cape Ulje-
is required, however, for a more detailed insight into the his- va near Ližnjan / Pronađen četvrti brodolom na Uljevi kod Li-
tory of these events. žnjana. Potopljena baština / Submerged Heritage 5, Zadar. 8-15.


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