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 The study of matter and its composition and Different Different

molecular molecular States
interactions. = =
attraction arrangement
 Deals with the identification of substances.
 Investigation of their properties and the ways
in which they interact, process to form new


definite/constant compositions and distinct
Matter - anything that occupies space and possesses properties.
mass.  Compound - a pure substance that can be
KINETIC MOLECULAR THEORY broken down into simpler forms using
chemical means.
 All matter is made up of tiny particles
 Element - it cannot be simplified.
 Solid, Liquid and Gas differ in distance
between particles. MIXTURES - combination of two or more substances
retain their distinct identities.
Liquid and Gas called fluids because of their weak
molecular arrangement.  Homogenous Mixture - uniform, in terms of
state of matter/ phases.
Gas-Liquid (Deposition)
 Heterogeneous Mixture - not uniform, in
Solid- Gas (Sublimation) terms of their physical properties, observable.
Liquid- Gas (Vaporization) PHYSICAL METHOD OF SEPARATION - Separate their
Gas-Liquid (Condensation) mixture (phases), or in terms of their physical
Solid-Liquid (Melting) properties. The choice of separation techniques is
based on the type of mixture.
Liquid-Solid (Freezing)
 Distillation - separate because of their
differences in boiling point.
PARTICULAR COMPOSITION OF MATTER  Centrifugation - separating of mixture in terms
Molecules - combinations of atoms. of their density.
Atoms -electrically neutral, (proton, electron and  Chromatography –
neutron), no. of protons is equal to the no. of CHEMICAL METHOD OF SEPARATION - breaks the
electrons. chemical bonds.
Ions -electrically charged, (cations- + charged, anions--
Physical Change - observable, measurable without
Solid - compact, restricted motion. changing its identity (color, appearance, texture, odor)
 molecules are tightly bound to one another by >> Intensive -specific property does not
molecular forces of attraction. It has its own depend on amount (density, conductivity)
shape and fixed volume
>> Extensive - amount dependent property,
Liquid - slightly loose, free movement depend on amount (weight, volume, mass, length)
 Have fixed volume, but no definite shape.
Gas - too far Scientific measurement
 The attraction among molecules is the weakest Measurement - It is the comparison of a physical
in gas phase. No definite shape and volume. quantity to be measured with a unit of measurement-
that is, with a fixed standard of measurement.
12. 11+18.0+1.013= 31.123 31.1  correct
Significant figures - Significant figures are those digits
in a measured number (or in the calculations of a SI UNITS
measured numbers) that include all certain digits plus
a final digit having some uncertainty.



1. Nonzero digits are always significant.

Prefixes Used with SI Units
 72.6 kg (3 significant figures)
 2.5 mL (2 significant figures)

2. Leading Zeros - These are zeros that precede all

the nonzero digits. These do not count as significant
EXAMPLE: DENSITY - is its mass per unit volume. You can express
 0.00025 g (2 significant figures) this as:
 0.04 g/mL (1 significant figure) d= m/ V (kg/m3 ; g/cm3 ; g/mL)
3. Captive Zeros - These are zeros between nonzero TEMPERATURE - is a measure of hotness. Heat and
digits. These always count as significant figures. temperature are different but they are related
EXAMPLE: concepts.
 1.0008 g (5 significant figures)
 10.05 L (4 significant figures) TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS
Celsius to Kelvin Kelvin to Celsius
4. Trailing Zeros - These are zeros at the right end of TKelvin = TCelsius + 273.15 TCelsius = TKelvin – 273.15
the number. They are significant only if the number Celsius to Fahrenheit Fahrenheit to Celsius
contains a decimal point. TF = °C x 9/5 + 32 TC = (°F – 32) x 5/9
 100 km (1 significant figure) Note: Review conversions that are included in Physics,
 1.00 x 102 km (3 significant figures) specifically volume and mass conversions.



1. Multiplication and Division

The number of significant figures in the result is the

same as the number in the least precise DEMOCRITUS (400 B.C.)
measurement used in the calculation.  Unbreakable, all matter composed of basic
EXAMPLE: (bold – limiting factor) building blocks.
4. 56 x 1.4 = 6.384 6.4  correct  His theory: Matter could not be divided into
smaller and smaller pieces forever; eventually
2. Addition/Subtraction the smallest possible piece would be obtained.
The result has the same number of decimal places as  "atoms"- atom (indivisible)
the least precise measurement used in the Plato and Aristotle - matter is composed of 5
calculation. EXAMPLE: (bold – limiting factor) elements (land, water, air, fire and ether)
 Aether - special type of element, elemental 3. Gamma ray- (neutral), highly penetrating.
composition of heaven, stars and planet.
 Modern milestone of chemistry, developed
because of experiments and proof by scientific
 Atoms - extremely small particles, the atoms
of one element is different from the others. Atomic number (Z) - The number of protons in the
 Chemical reaction involves only the separation, nucleus of each atom of an element.
combination, or rearrangement of atoms. Mass number (a) - The total number of neutrons and
 Law of Definite Proportion (different samples protons present in the nucleus of an atom of an
of the same compound always contain its element.
constituent elements in the same proportion Isotopes - Atoms that have the same atomic number
by mass) but different mass numbers.
 Law of Multiple Proportion (if two elements
can combine to form more than one
compound, the masses of one element that
combine with a fixed mass of the other
element are in ratios of small whole numbers)
 Law of Conservation Mass (matter can be  More Neutrons – Heavier
neither created nor destroyed)
 Fewer Neutrons – Lighter and less stable
Atom is the basic unit of element that can enter into
Key to the Periodic Table
chemical reaction.
ELECTRON (J. J. Thompson)  Elements are organized on the table according
- Used cathode plate to their atomic number, usually found near the
top of the square.
>> Cathode Plate - charge (-,-) attraction (+,+)
 The atomic number refers to how many
>> Anode Plate - charge (+, +) attraction (-,-) protons an atom of that element has.
Electromagnetic Theory - certain body behaves like a  For instance, hydrogen has 1 proton, so it’s
magnet and can interact with electric and magnetic atomic number is 1.
field.  The atomic number is unique to that element.
No two elements have the same atomic
 The path of the rays bent towards the Anode
plate, his reason was that cathode rays must
 Different periodic tables can include various
be made of streams of negatively charged
bits of information, but usually:
particles of matter. R. A. MILIKAN
o atomic number
 Discovering the mass of the electrons using oil o symbol
drop. o atomic mass
o number of valence electrons
o State of matter at room temperature.

Properties of Non-Metals
Radioactivity - ability to produce radiation.
 Non-metals are poor conductors of heat and
1. Alpha ray- (+,+) electricity.
2. Beta ray- (-:-)  Non-metals are not ductile or malleable.
 Solid non-metals are brittle and break easily.
 They are dull.
 Many non-metals are gases.

Properties of Metalloids

 Metalloids (metal-like) have properties of both

metals and non-metals.
 They are solids that can be shiny or dull.
 They conduct heat and electricity better than
non-metals but not as well as metals.
 They are ductile and malleable.

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