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Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes Content Rectangle And Square

Learning Through Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) Students in Grades

VII-C SMP 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung Semester Academic Year 2011/2012

Keywords: Rectangle And Squire Material, Contextual Teaching and Learning

( CTL ), Improve Learning Outcomes.

Characteristic of mathematics is an abstract object that has thus made a lot

of students think that mathematics is a very difficult lesson. Hence the need for a
new learning environment for students motivated to learn so that learning
outcomes will improves. One of learning method that can motivate the students to
learn and improve student learning outcomes are Contextual Teaching And
Learning Method (CTL).

The research was implemented in SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung

VII-C class second semester. Formulation of the problem of this study is, "Is the
process of learning to approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can
improve student learning outcomes with rectangular and square materials. This
study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes through
the application of learning to approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
in Rectangle and Square materials. Action hypothesis of this study is "If learning
by using Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach Rectangle and square
material is applied properly it will increase student learning outcomes".

The research was done in two cycles. Consists of the action plan,
implementation measures, observation and reflection. Every cycle there is a plan
of action among which are: (1) Develop Implementation Action Plan (2) Prepare
observation sheets, (3) Creating a Worksheet Group (4) Making Problems tests.
Data collection procedures of this study (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Test.
From the data obtained is then reflected to the implementation of the next cycle of

Analysis proceeds from the pretest have a result only 33.33%, then the
final test in the cycle I is 61.11% with an average presentation of analysis results
of the observation activity of teachers is 64% and 66% for the students’ have a
good category on a cycle I , until the final test at the second cycle which reached
91.66% and the average analysis for the observation of the activities of both
categories of teachers 68.75% and 75% of the student activity either category.
Because of the success criteria for research studies have been achieved then it is
considered successful. From the research results can be concluded that Contextual
Teaching and Learning Method ( CTL ) can improve student learning outcomes
VII-C class SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung.

Mathematics is an essential knowledge as a basic for working life in the

globalization areas. One of characteristic of mathematics is have an objects that
are abstract. Abstract makes a lot of students think that mathematics is a very
difficult lesson. Problems faced by these students must be properly addressed by a
teacher, because given the importance of learning mathematics that serves as a
tool, a mindset, science or knowledge. According to Hudojo (2005:35) that
mathematics is a tool to develop ways of thinking. Therefore, mathematics is
indispensable for everyday life and in the face of science and technology progress.
Mathematics is not just related to numbers and operations, but also elements of
the space as a target. However, the quantity of such appointment has not met the
other goals of mathematics, namely that shown to the relationships, patterns,
shapes and structures (Tinggih in Hudojo 2005:35). Judging from the importance
of mathematics in everyday life, all teachers shall be a reference for selecting
appropriate models in learning mathematics in the school. One effort that can be
done by the teacher to the students of subjects like mathematics is to use the right
approach to learning and according to the minds of students.

According to Poedjiadi (in Trianto 2010:23) that the interaction of learning

as a process carried out by teachers and students both inside and outside the
classroom by using a variety of learning resources for study materials. Learning as
well as prescriptions that describe how things should be taught so easily
accessible and useful to learners. In the process of learning in the classroom that
many teachers still use conventional learning method, especially in the learning
mathematic process. It can be known from the mathematical learning process is
always carried out on material explanations, examples of learning about, and
giving so that students feel bored to learn. Conventional learning processes make
the students’ passive, can not work together and communicate well with the other
student’s or the teachers, and in the social life of society. This proves that the
conventional learning need for change to create better learning.

According to Trianto (2009:1) education is one form of manifestation of

human culture is dynamic and developmental conditions. Therefore, changing or
development of the education is should be occur in line with the changing culture
of life. Changes in the sense of improving education at all levels need to be
constantly carried out in anticipation of future interests. Learning approaches to
suit the student's mind one of them is learning approach that links between the
material with the real situation in daily life so that what students are learning will
be more meaningful. While learning approach that links between the material to
real life experienced by students daily learning approach one of them is
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

According to Johnson (2007:58) Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

is a teaching system that matches the brain that produce meaning by linking
academic content to the context of students' daily lives. Contextual Teaching and
Learning (CTL) is a concept that helps teachers relate course content to real world
situations and motivates students make connections between knowledge and its
application in their lives as family members, citizens and workers (cited by
Blanchard, in Trianto 2008:17-18). Meanwhile, according to Sanjaya (2006:253),
"Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a learning strategy that emphasizes
the process of student engagement in full to be able to find material that is learned
and relate it to real life situations that encourage students to be able to apply it in
their lives ".

According to Trianto (2009: 107), namely, "In the application of

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), there are seven components, namely:"
constructivism (Constructivism), ask (questioning), inquiry (inquiry), community
learning (learning community), modeling (modeling), reflection (reflection), and
authentic assessment (authentic assessment) ". In addition to the CTL also has the
characteristic that differentiates it from other learning models. Hanafiah and
Suhana (2010:69) states that there are ten characteristics of contextual learning,
which is as follows:
a. Collaboration between learners and teachers (cooperative).
b. Mutual aid between learners and teachers (assist).
c. Learning with excitement (enjoyfull learning).
d. Contextually integrated learning.
e. Using multimedia and learning resources.
f. Active student learning (student active learning).
g. Sharing with friends (take and give).
h. Students' critical and creative teacher.
i. Grade classroom and hallway walls full of student work.
j. The report not only the student report card, but also the students' work, report
the results of lab work, written by students and so on.

Learning through Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) are expected

to find their own students the basic concepts learned material. Thus the technical
approach to Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can reduce the level of
student passivity in accepting the subject matter, so hopefully there will be
increased in the learning of mathematics.
Purwanto (2009:46) states that:
"Learning outcomes are changes in behavior due to learning. Changes in
behavior because he achieved a mastery over the material provided in the learning
process. The achievement was based on a predetermined teaching goals. The
results could include changes in cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

This is in line with what was raised Bloom (in Aziz 2010:33) where the
study is divided into several areas, namely:
"Cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Region with respect to memory or
cognitive knowledge and intellectual abilities and skills. Affective area describes
the attitudes, interests and values as well as the development of understanding or
knowledge and adequate adjustment. Psychomotor area are the abilities to activate
and coordinate the motion. Cognitive area is divided into six kinds of intellectual
abilities that are arranged in a hierarchical environment from the simplest to the
most complex, namely (1) knowledge is the ability to recall things that have been
studied, (2) understanding is the ability to grasp the meaning or significance a
case, (3) the application is the ability to use it - it is learned to deal with new
situations and real, (4) the analysis is the ability to describe something into parts
so that its organizational structure can be understood, (5) synthesis is the ability to
combine the parts into a meaningful whole, (6) assessment is the ability to put a
price something based on criteria of internal or external groups or criteria set in
advance. "

In the formal education of students expected to get a good learning

outcomes embodied in a judgment. Learning outcomes can be seen from the
results of daily tests, the midpoint of the semester, the semester, and national test
scores. However, in this study is the result of learning is the result of daily tests or
the daily tests obtained on the subjects of mathematics students in particular
rectangular and square material.

Based on the results of preliminary observations are carried out research

on mathematics teaching in the VII-C Class of SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol
Tulungagung assisted by the teacher class of VII-C show that low-grade learning
outcomes. One reason is for these teachers tend to use conventional methods in a
lecture or presentation, the students feel the atmosphere is boried with can makes
the students feel tired and less interested in learning. According to Fudyartanto (in
Baharuddin and Wahyuni 2007:13) learning is an activity to achieve the skill or
knowledge. Here, the attempt to achieve intelligence or science is a human effort
to meet the needs of science or a skill that has not previously owned. So that by
learning that human beings come to know, understand, understand, be able to
implement and has about something. From here we can take the conclusion that if
students feel bored and less interested in learning can be assured of learning
outcomes would be low. Hence the need for a new learning environment for
students motivated to learn so that learning outcomes improves.

One of learning method that can motivate the students to learn and
improve student learning outcomes are Contextual Teaching And Learning
Method (CTL). This Learning appropriate with the character of the students in
grade VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung because there is a group
discussion involving the students to learn together as well as a group presentation
and individual test scores that will determine the acquisition group. This study
takes a rectangle and a square material because this material is closely related to
daily life so that students can implement to solving the problems they encounter,
for example, to calculate the area of a football field, calculate the area of a square-
shaped room.

Formulation of the problem in this study is, "Is the process of learning to
approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can improve learning
outcomes in rectangular and square materials in the VII-C class students SMPN 1
Sumbergempol Tulungagung school year 2011/2012.". The study was conducted
with the objective of identifying improved student learning outcomes VII-C class
through the application of learning to approach Contextual Teaching and Learning
(CTL) Rectangle and Square matter in SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung
academic year 2011/2012. Action hypothesis of this study is "If learning by using
Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach Rectangle and square material is
applied to the VII-C class SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung academic year
2011/2012 it will increase student learning outcomes".

The subjects of this study is the students of VII-C SMPN 1 Sumbergempol

Tulungagung contents of 36 students with details of 18 male students and 18
female students. While the material covered in this study is on rectangular and
square materials.

The design of this study is Classroom Action Research. According to Siswono (in
Ermawati 2011: 37), CAR has the following characteristics:
1. Problems in self-awareness CAR arise from teachers themselves rather
than others. Teachers think that something needs to be improved in the
study conducted so far.
2. Collect data from their own practice through self-reflection (self-reflection
3. Done in the classroom and learning activities that focus on the interaction
of teacher and student behavior.
4. Repairs carried out gradually and continuously for research activities, so
that there is a systematic cycle.
According to Supardi (in Arikunto, et al., 2009: 104) at its core CAR is the root
cause of a study appeared in the classroom, and felt directly by the teacher in
question so difficult to be justified if there is a presumption that the problem of
classroom action research derived from a perception or a daydream researchers.

In this study conducted in two cycles. Consists of the action plan,

implementation measures, observation and reflection. Every cycle there is a plan
of action such as:
(1) Develop Implementation Action Plan (2) Prepare observation sheets, (3)
Creating a Worksheet Group (4) Making Problems tests. Data collection
procedures of this study were (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3) Test. From the
data obtained is then reflected to the implementation of the next cycle of

This test is given to know the students after being given an increased
understanding of the action. Improved learning outcomes or students'
understanding of the value obtained by comparing the test before being given after
the action by action.

One example of using the formula:

 Percentage of individual completeness:

X1 X
%X = Agustina (dalam Ermawati 2011: 47)

%X = Percentage of individual completeness

X1 = number of scores achieved by students

N = the total score

 Percentage of class exhaustiveness :

X1 X
%X = Agustina (dalam Ermawati 2011: 47)
%X = Percentage of class exhaustiveness

X1 = number of students who complete individual

N = the total number of students

Agustina (in Ermawati 2011: 47) argues that the achievement of the learning /

understanding of students have a range between 0-100 that fall within 5 degree of

success as follows:

0-25: It is approximately 70-79 : Good

26-50: Less 80-100: Very good

51-69: Fair

Then be calculated how much percentage of students who reach the level

of success is very good, good, adequate, less and less. After that also calculated

the percentage of students who completed the study the student receives a grade of

at least 75. To assess the class has reached or has not been thoroughly studied

must achieve a minimum grade of 75% the percentage of completeness. The way

the calculation is as follows:

Number of students with a minimum value of 75

Percentage of completed learning = x 100%
Total number of students

Each action is successful if it meets two criteria of success and the success

criteria for learning outcomes. The success criteria in terms of:

1) In determining the success of an action level of success criteria used under

the following conditions, if:

a) 75% <NR <100%: it can be said to be very good action

b) 50% <NR <75%: it can be said either action

c) 25% <NR <50%: it can be said to act well enough

d) 0% <NR <25%: it can be said unfavorable action

(Arikunto, in Aziz 2010)

2) No court record of improvement actions.

While the criteria for the success of learning outcomes can be seen from the

results of tests, has been qualified thoroughness, such as brikut.

1) exhaustiveness individual score of 75

2) The classical completeness percentage ≥ 75% (KKM Sumbergempol


In accordance with the approach used in qualitative research, the data collected in

the study were analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods. Data analysis in

this study continuously during the process and after data collection. According to

Bogdan & Biklen (in Moleong 2004: 248) qualitative data analysis is the effort

made by way of working with data, organizing data, sorted them into units that

can be managed, mensintesiskannya, search and find patterns, discover what's

important and what is learned, and decide what can be told to others.

The results of this study was to Approach Learning Contextual Teaching and

Learning mathematics can improve student learning outcomes VII-C class of

SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung on Rectangle and Square material. This is

evidenced by the acquisition of student learning outcomes at pre-test measures,

cycle I and cycle II. The following diagram is presented after a change in learning

outcomes approach to learning with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

Diagram Batang Perubahan Hasil Belajar

90 tuntas

70 tidak tuntas
0 tidak tuntas

pre test tuntas

post test
post test

From the diagram it can be explained as follows:

a. The average value of grade change is likely to increase from 64.22 to

72.78 in pre-action cycle I increased and increased again to 76.80 in the

second cycle.
b. Percentage completeness of student learning experience changes that are

likely to increase from 33.33% in the pre-action increased to 61.11% in

cycle I and increased to 91.66% in cycle II.

c. The percentage of students' learning lack of complete declined from

66.67% in the pre-action decreased to 38.89% in cycle I and decreased

again to 8.34% in cycle II.

From the analysis of student learning outcomes on a cycle I the basic scores

showed that 33.33% of the students thoroughly learn the value of at least 75
and 66.67% of students have not been thoroughly studied with a value below

75. After a given action learning approach to Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) student learning outcomes in the cycle I showed 61.11% of

students complete degree study with good success and 38.89% of students

have not been thoroughly studied. With an average presentation of analysis

results of the observation activity category of teachers is 64% good and 66%

of the student activity either category. Based on the evaluation of researchers,

the actual student learning outcomes has increased. But the thoroughness of

students have not reached 75%, so the researchers conducted a second cycle.

Based on the cycle I lack of success reflection in learning due to lack of proper

division of time between events to one another, so the researchers tried to

divide the second cycle time to be more appropriate for students in

discussions, presentations, and in doing post test. Lack of success of the

students are also due to the students who still can not work together well in

completing the task and has not been optimal in helping to explain to friends

in his group, but it's still a lot of say with the other students.

On the second Cycle will repair to obtain the desired results of researchers.

Based on the final test cycle II shows the results of student learning, students

who complete learning as much as 91.66% (33 students) with a very good

degree of success and the students who do not thoroughly learn as much as

8.34% (3 students), the average analysis results observation that for the
activity of both categories of teachers 68.75% and 75% of the student activity

either category.

At the end of the second cycle was held interviews with three students that the

student has a high, medium and capable students with low ability. Based on

the interviews of students, it can be concluded that in general students are

pleased with the learning approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL).

In this case students learn to not be burdened with feelings of fear to ask or

express an opinion. Because if there are students who can not and will not

understand when work on the problems the students can ask a friend or a

group directly ask the researchers for researchers around and be a facilitator to

each group. Students are also always involved in the learning process through

discussion with the group consisting of 4 students, so as to relieve himself

awkward and afraid of each student.

Because of the criteria of success for research studies have been achieved then

it is considered successful. From the research results can be concluded that

learning approaches Contextual Teaching and Learning to improve student

learning outcomes VII-C class SMPN 1 Sumbergempol Tulungagung.

From the research that has been implemented in SMP Negeri 1 Sumbergempol

Tulungagung school year 2011/2012, researchers gave suggestions as follows:

A. for teachers
a) In order for the students always look active in the learning it is expected

that teachers can provide motivation by changing the method of learning more


b) Preparation of the student worksheet should be connected in a realistic

problem and use simple language and easy to understand.

c) Use of teaching methods with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

should be performed also on the delivery of other materials and better

developed so as to make students motivated in any learning.

d) The teacher advised the class action in order to carry out further research to

know in depth the problems in the learning process to improve the quality of


2. for students

a) It is expected that students prefer math, with math like it would be fun to

learn math so it will be easier to understand the material.

b) More familiarizing yourself with your friends so that if any problems can

help each other and exchange opinions.

3. For school

School heads are advised to provide opportunities for teachers to develop

creativity in learning ..

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