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Geochimica et Cosmochlmica Acta. Vol. 58, No. 24. pp. 5379-5400.

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Ab i&i0 quantum mechanical studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of silicate dissolution:
H + ( H30 ’ ) catalysis


Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University. New Haven, CT 065 1I. USA

(Rcwived Dcnw&r 4, 1993: accepted in wi.sed,ftirm Auigust I I. 1994)

Abstract-It is generally believed that the hydrolysis of Si-0-Si or Si -O-Al bonds is the key
step in the dissolution processes of most silicates and aluminosilicates. High level ab initio molecular
orbital calculations have been carried out to investigate the atomic processes of mineral dissolution by
studying the following reactions:
SSi-O-S+ + Hz0 + =Si-OH + =Si-OH,

SSi-O-Al= + HZ0 + =Si-OH + =AI-OH,

ZSi-O-S& + H30+ + =Si-OH + ISi-OH:,

=Si-O-Al= + HjO+ + -Si-OH + =A]-OH:.

Our ab initio results provide detailed molecular mechanisms, which can be used to explain the pH
dependence of mineral dissolution rates, the formation of leached layers during feldspar dissolution, and
recent experimental data on the kinetic isotope effect associated with quartz and feldspar dissolution.
The hydrolysis reactions written above were studied by truncating the mineral surface so that a finite
cluster of atoms could be used in the ab initio calculations. The potential energies involved in the adsorption
of various aqueous species, as well as the reaction pathways leading to the formation of the transition
state in each of the reactions, were then studied from first principles. The ab initio results indicate that:
( 1) The attack of H+( H,O’) onto the bridging oxygen site significantly weakens the Si - 0 - Si and
Si - 0 - Al bridging bonds, (2 ) The calculated activation energies for the hydrolysis of Si - 0 - Si and
Si - 0 -Al bonds by Hz0 are 29 (32) kcal/mol and 26 (27) kcal/mol, respectively, while under H30+
catalysis, they are 24 (22) kcal/mol and 16 kcal/mol (at the MP2/6-3 lG* level). Therefore, our ab
initio results provide direct evidence of both H30+ catalysis and of the preferred hydrolysis of Si - 0 -Al
linkages over Si - 0 - Si linkages, and ( 3 ) Calculations show that pure HZ0 hydrolysis leads to a rather
big kinetic isotope effect (k&k Dz~ = 2-4) while under H30t catalysis kH30+/ kD,O+ = 0.7-l. 1. The latter
results are in good agreement with recent experimental data for quartz and feldspar dissolution at low
pH (kH,0+/kD30+ = 1.1-1.3).

INTRODUCI’ION known. It is clear that one of the central schemes in our

understanding of heterogeneous kinetics is the elucidation of
DRIVEN BY IMPORTANT societal problems (e.g., acid rain, the important activated complexes and their modification by
mineral resources, radioactive waste disposal, environmental both surface properties and the composition of the solution
pollution), geochemists have greatly advanced our knowledge near the surface as well as by temperature and pressure.
of the thermodynamics and kinetics of mineral-fluid reactions Among the most recent kinetic studies on silicate and alu-
in recent years. As a result of this work, great effort is now minosilicate dissolution, an important task has been to un-
being spent on understanding the chemical and physical na- derstand the role that H+( H30+) and OH - play in catalyzing
ture of mineral surfaces in contact with water. In coming to the reaction rates (which can vary over several orders of mag-
grasp the important steps such as hydration, adsorption, ion nitude as a function of pH). Therefore, there has been in-
exchange, acid-base catalysis, and hydrolysis in mineral-water creasing emphasis on the importance of adsorbed H+ and
surface reactions, geochemists have come to rely on the tools OH - complexes at the mineral-water interface on the overall
of transition state theory (e.g., AAGAARD and HELGESON, kinetics of dissolution reactions. In fact, one of the great ad-
1982; HELGESON et al., 1984; MURPHY and HELGESON, 1987; vances has been the establishment of a direct link between
DIBBLE and TELLER, 198 1; KNAUSS and WOLERY, 1986, the dissolution rate and the amount of adsorbed H+ and
1988; CASEY et al., 1988,1989a,b, 1990; DOVE and CRERAR, OH species, based on surface speciation modeling and sur-
1990; DOVE and ELSTON, 1992; DOVE, 1994; BRADY and face titration experiments ( FURRER and STUMM, 1986; BLUM
WALTHER, 1989, 1990; BLUM and LASAGA, 1988, 1991; and LASAGA, 1988, 1991; CARROLL-WEBB and WALTHER,
NAGY and LASAGA, 1992; GRATZ and BIRD, 1993a,b). 1988; BRADY and WALTHER, 1989; BRADY, 1992; DOVE and
However, transition state theory can only be used in a very ELSTON, 1992; CASEY and SPOSITO, 1992). However, to try
qualitative way if the molecular details of the reaction co- to understand the kinetics and mechanisms of silicate dis-
ordinate and the structure of the transition state are not solution requires postulating the important molecular steps

53X0 Y. Xiao and 4. <‘. l.asagn

leading to the adsorption of Hi or OH -. as well as the ap-

propriate hydrolysis reactions. Deciding which steps are im-
The ah initio calculatiot~a ucrc carried out using <;ausstan %>o
portant. or even plausible, must ultimately depend on un- (FRISH et al.. 1990) on a DECstatictn~~~~~~~~ iit Yale ~~ni~ers~t~
derstanding the chemical bonding taking place on mineral and the c‘ray-2 supercomputers at National Energy Research Super-
surfaces. While the phenomenologicai treatments of adsorp- computer Center (NERSC ). and Gaussian 92 ( FWCI et al.. 1991)
on an IBM RISC/h000 350 ;11l’ale University and the (‘ray L’-MP
tion have had to rely on operationally defined equilibrium
supercomputer at Florida Stats I!niversity (‘trmputing (‘cntct
constants and the introduction of several-layer models (ex- (FSUCC). Several extended basis sets, namelv 3-2 I G *. h-3IC;*, and
tensions of the double layer) to describe the adsorption iso- h-31 1ci** (see HEHKI- et al., 19X6 f&r detailed dcscrlption) wrz
therms, these treatments are severely hampered bj lack of used. For the electron structure calculations, we employd restricted
Hat-tree-Fock (HE-‘)theoq. Electron correlation is an ililpo~nt car-
information on the actual molecular processes governing the
relation to the HF results and was calculated by using second-order
adsorption phenomena. Therefore, a first-principle investi-
Molter-Plesset (MP2) perturbation theory. Possihlc problems. such
gation of the bonding and atomic nature of surface kinetics. as size consistency ( H~HRI-. ct al.. 1986 ) or basis set superposition
including the types of activated complexes relevant to dis- error (BSSE) (SAUCER. 19X9) were relatively negligible at the high
solution, and precipitation will clarify greatly the nature of level (e.g.. MP2/h-JIG*) ofour ah initio calculations ( MARIWX ct
mineral-~uid surface reactions.
al., 19X9). ~rhrou~hout most of tho paper. numbers will be giren
that are based 1~ calculations at the MP2/6-3 IG* lcvrl {unless oth-
High level ab initio calculations have been shown to be erwisc stated). This fe\el reprcscnts a rather robust calculation with
extremely successful in predicting the structures and physical an extensive basis set (the O-3 I(;” basic) and with the Inclusion of
properties of minerals (GIBBS. 1982: LASAGA and GIBBS. the very important electron corrclatirrn correction (dtrnc using MI!?
perturbation calculutions).
1987. 1988, 1991; DOVESI et al.. 1987). The important con-
I-he geomctrics of all 5takionar\ points at-t’ full> opttr,li/cd at both
clusion is that the major structures and energetics of silicates HF and MP_’ let&. with all the basis acts considerctl ~.~ccpt for the
and oxides can be accounted for by short-range directional MPZjh-?I I(;** c~~lcuiat~o~~s,The tr~illsition states iii-c obtained h!
fc>rccs. or “covalent” bonding in the traditional SCIISC rcyuiring that one ,ind oni! one of the cigen\alu~~ 01‘ the Hessian
(I..AsA~ ;A and GIBRS. 1990. LASM;A, I991 ). As a result. finite (second dcrivatiic) matrix bt! ncgat~%c and that lllc sti'uclut~ hc ;I
fully stationary point ( IX.. all lirst denvatives ofthe cnrrgy with respect
molecular clusters can be used to simulate the local environ- to any internal coordmatc ofanq atom must be zero). The curvature
ment and provide significant insights into the atomic forces of the potential surface in the neighborhood of each stationary point
and bonding pictures of minerals and glasses. With the vast can be represented hy the vibrational frequencies of the stationary
increase in computational power, it is now feasible to calculate structure. The vibrational frcyuencies and normal mode\ of all the
stationary points are calculated using the setond derivative matrix
high level ab initio potential surfaces that incorporate bond-
at the optimized geometry. The atomic structures. potential energies,
breaking and bond-forming processes. In particular, the re- and curvatures. thus calculated. were then used to calculate macro-
action pathways and energetics ofsurface reactions involving scopic kinetic properties for the mineral surfaces (c.g.. the kinetic
oxides and silicates can be studied from the atomic point of isotope effect; see l.h\h(; \ and GIBBS. 1990: CASF\I et al.. 1990)

view with these techniques ( LASA(;A and GIBBS. 1989. 1990:

LAs;\Ci\. 1990. 1991: CASE\' et al., 1990; KuRIC‘I\:i et al..
IQ’)3 ). An jrnpo~ant requisite of ah tnitio studies ofmincrais is to choose
The purpose of this study is to understand the atomic in- suitable molecular clusters to simulate the bulk solid or a solid surface,
teractions responsible for the role of pH in the dissolution which enables much higher lrvel quantum mechanical calculations
to be carried out. Of primary concern is the size of the cluster and
kinetics of silicates. The question addressed in this study can
the basis set being used in such calculation. This is hccause the com-
be summarized as follows: ( I) What is the nature of t-120 puting time increases dramatically with an increase in the size of the
and H ’ (H,O+ ) adsorption onto different active sites on the cluster as well as in the basis set. ‘Therefore. both the chosen cluster
surfaces of minerals? (2) What is the mecl~anism of as well as in the basis set should be hiy enough to accurately mimic
the local ~nvir~)nnlellt of the structure of the mineral surface (com-
H ’ ( W30+) catalysis in the dissolution (hydrolysis) of silicates
pared with available experimental data), while small enough to assure
and aluminosilicates? To answer these questions, two pro- computational feasihilit!.
totypc molecular clusters. __Si ~~0 .._ Sis and G2,i ---
O-- Al=, have been chosen to mimic the key linkages in
silicates, e.g., quartz and feldspars. Furthermore. reactions
with Hz0 and H’( H,O*) have been incorporated to simulate
the silicate dissolution processes. Calculations of the detailed
atomic reactions, such as the adsorption and the hydrolysis
processes, including the transition states have been conducted
with ab initio methods. These calculations, in turn. provide
the ability to extract many kinetic properties such as changes
in activation energy, kinetic isotope effect, catalytic effect.
temperature effect, and the overall rate law from first prin-
ciples. These results are compared with previous experimental
data (e.g., RIMSTIU~ and BARNES, 1980: CHOU and WOL-
LAST, 1984; HELGESON et al.. 1984; KNAUSS and WOLERY,
1986: SCHWEDA, 1989; BRADY and WAL.THER, 1989, 1990:
Dove and CRERAR, 1990; CASEY et al., 1988. 198Ya,b, 1990:
BLLJM and LASAGA, 1988, 199 I: ROSE, 199 I: GRATZ and
BIRD. 1993a; DOVE, 1994). FK;. 1.Crystal structure of quartz
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5381

The following pictures show the key steps used to model the infinite hydrogen atoms have been used here to terminate the linkages between
periodic structure of a mineral or a mineral surface with different those nonbridging oxygens and other network silicons. If we focus
sizes of molecular clusters. Figure 1 is the crystal structure of quartz, only on the Si - 0 - Si bond, without considering the nonlocalized
which has tetrahedral silicon units linked by bridging oxygen% Figure effects, we can further truncate the linkages between the silicon atoms
2a-e represents a hierarchy ofclusters used to mimic the local structure and the nonbridging oxygens in Fig. 2b with hydrogens; this truncation
of quartz. Figure 2a is the H12Si50,6 cluster, which contains five results in the disiloxane molecule cluster H6Si20 (Fig. 2~). Even
tetrahedral silicon units; Fig. 2b is the disilicic acid molecule H&O,, smaller clusters are shown in Fig. 2d and e: the orthosilicic acid mo-
which has two full tetrahedral silicon units linked by a bridging oxygen: lecular cluster, H,SiO,, and the silanol molecule cluster, H,SiOH,



(4 W

FIG. 2. Typical clusters used to mimic local structure of quartz: (a) H1ZSiS016cluster which contains five silicon
tetrahedral units:(b) Disilicic acid molecular cluster H6SiZ07;(c) Disiloxane molecular cluster H&,0:(d) Otthosilicic
acid molecular cluster H4Si04, and (e) Silanol molecular cluster H,SiOH. (b)-(e) are fully optimized geometries at
the MP2/6-3lG* level.
S382 1’. )iiao and A. ( I asaga

Table 1. Comparison of experimental bond lengths and angles for the Si-0-Si groups
in gas phase and solid state molecular crystal siloxanes and silicates(after Gibbs (1982))

R(SiO)A LSi-O-%(O) Reference

H&z0 (gas) 1.63 144 Almenning et al. (1963) -

H&?&O (solid) 1.63 142 Barrow et al. (1979)

Siloxane (solid)” 1.63 140 Newton and Gibbs (1980)

Silicates (solid)” 1.63 145 Geisinger and Gibbs (1981)

Silica glass” 1.62 152 Da Silva et al. (1975)

Alpha-quartz 1.61 144 Gibbs (1982)

’ Average value

respectively. Both of these clusters can be used to anallrc the local imental value. It is generally beliebed that such electron correlation
behavior of the Si--0 bond by replacing Si 0 Si with is important in getting the correct bond length ( HEHRE et al., 1986).
Si--O--~H. Nevertheless. both HF as well as MP2 results are in close agreement
The structures shown in Fig. 3b-e are the optimized structures of with the corresponding experimental value in our case and we regard
the respective molecular clusters predicted at the MP2/h-3 ICi* le~cl. the MP? results as the more accurate ones.
An important feature is the similarit! in the geometry of these op- The value of the experimental Si ~~0 -- Si bond angle has a rcl-
timized structures to the experimental structure of the t-cspectibr atively broad range. with a mean value of 143”. The calculated
minerals. The geometric similarities have been noted by 0~~s ( 1YX2) Si 0 -~~Si angles at the HF and MP2 levels for HOSi207 show rea-
and others and are indicative of the important role played by strong sonahle agreement. However. this is not true for H6Si20. Calculations
covalent (local) bonding. Therefore. very little difference exists he- on H,SiZO at HF levels give quite obtuse Si -- 0-m Si angles (i.e..
tween the size. shape. and bonding of a disiloxy (Si -~0 Si ) group 17Y.X and 170.0” at 3-ZIG* and h-3lG”. respectively). A previous
in a solid silicate and those in a siloxanc molecule. For example, the study for HbSi20, based on HF/6-3 lG* ( LASAGA and GIRRS, 1990)
disiloxy group in the silicate cr-quartl has an ohscrved Si 0 Si has predicted a reasonable Si 0 Si bond angle ( 143”). hut a d
hond angle of 144” and a SiO bond length of I .hI 4 (Table I 1.urhlch orbital has been added to the bridging oxygen. With electron corre-
is in close agreement with a measured angle of 144” and a hond lation included, the calculated Si m-mO~-Si angles are 145. I and 156”
length of 1.63 r\ in the gas phase disiloxane molecule HhSiZO. Such at MP7/6-3lG* and MP2/6-31 I(;**. respectively. giving better
similarities also exist between solid siloxanes. silicates. and silica agreement wjith experimental value. NICHOLASet al. ( 1992) argued
glasses. Our study. using clusters of different sires. further dcmon- that the Sip-0 Si angle potential is highly anharmonic, with a
strates that important kinetic processes such as adsorption, hydrolysis. vel-1 IOH (less than I kcal/mol) barrier to linearlization. This might
and acid catalysis during silicate dissolution arc controlled by such account for the uncertainty of our calculations at the HF level. In
local bonding. not by long-range forces intolbing numerous atoms. addition, BIIRK~IARD et al. ( IYYI) reported that there were two
Table 2 shows thedependence ofoptimized bond lengths and angles conformations of H,Si20,, with Si p-0-Si angles at I35 and
on basis set for the clusters H&,0,, HhSi20. HaSiOn. and H,SiOH. IZ3”. respectively. However. only small basis sets (3-1 IG * and 3-
The calculated SiO bond length at the HF level is slightly shortel 2 I i G* ) were used in their calculations, and the result was shown
than the experimental data. but addition of electron correlation leads to be sensitive to the basis set. Further higher level calculations with
to a predicted SiO bond length that is slight11 longer than the expel-- large hasis sets and electron correlation are needed to confirm theii

Table 2. Optimized geometries of various Si-0-Si(H) clusters at different level: bond

length in angstroms and angle in drgrees, < > indicate average value

Cluster Coordinate HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-31G’ MP2/6-311G”

H&iizO, Si-O(br) < 1.621 > < 1.623 > < 1.652 >
Si-0 < 1.618 > < 1.625 > < 1.650 >
O-H < 0.962 > < 0.948 > < 0.972 >
LSi-0-Si < 134.0 > 131.8 123.1
L%-O-H < 124.3 > < 116.5 > < 113.0 >

H&O Si-O(br) 1.627 1.626 1.657 1.642

Si-H < 1.473 > < 1.473 > < 1.482 > < 1.474 >
LSi-0-Si 179.8 170.0 145.1 156.5

HISi04 Si-0 < 1.620 > < 1.628 > < 1.651 > < 1.643 >
O-H < 0.959 > < 0.947 > < 0.970 > < 0.958 >
LSi-O-H < 125.5 > < 117.1 > < 114.2 > < 114.6 >

H,SiOH Si-0 1.633 1.647 1.670 1.659

Si-H < 1.473 > < 1.473 > < 1.482 > < 1.474 >
O-H 0.959 0.946 0.969 0.957
LSi-O-H 128.9 119.0 li6.4 116.9
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5383

GARRONE and UGLIENGO, 1989; UGLIENGO et al., 1990;

LASAGA and GIBBS, 1989, 1990). DEIJONGand BROWN
( 1980) carried out some of the very early studies of Hz0
adsorption onto the bridging OH, using semiempirical cal-
culations. The current ab initio methods can provide a more
accurate quantitative treatment of both the adsorption of
water and ions, as well as the following hydrolysis reactions
at the surface of minerals.
As discussed by HOBZAet al. ( 199 I ), the reaction energies
of more direct relation to the macroscopic enthalpy of ad-
sorption of water onto silica surfaces measured in the labo-
FIG. 3. H,SiOAI cluster used to model the Si-O- Al linkages
in aluminosilicates-fully optimized at MP2/6-3lG*. ratory, are the energy changes of the following reaction:
H20. ..H20+M=,M...H20+H20 (1)

result. The importanceof addingelectron correlation to get the correct Or

energetics. as well as vibrational frequencies, is even more obvious,

as will be shown in a later section. (H20),-, - - *Hz0 + M=+ Ma - .H20 + (H20)n-,, (la)
Figure 3 exhibits another important cluster, H,SiOAI, which has
where M stands for the appropriate silica surface group. In
been used to simulate the Si -O-Al linkages in aluminosilicates.
Table 3 gives the optimized bond lengths and angles for the cluster other words, the energy gained in adsorbing the water must
H,SiOAI as a function of basis set. The effects of the basis set, as well be weighted against the energy lost in breaking a hydrogen
as electron correlation on the calculated geometry are quite similar bond.
to the ones described earlier for Si - 0 - Si. However, the Al - 0
The calculated energies for reaction I must be corrected
bond length in H,SiOAI is much longer than the Si -0 bond length
in H6Si20r and concomitantly, the Si - 0 -Al bond angle is sharper for zero-point energies of vibration to convert the energy
than the Si-0-Si bond angle. There have been some debates changes to enthalpies, i.e.,
about the selective hydrolysis of the Si-O- Al bond over the
Si -0 - Si bond in aluminosilicate dissolution (CAROL-WEBBand
1991; HELLMANN et al., 1990; WOLLAST and CHOU,1992). From I L I L
a kinetic point of view, the macroscopic dissolution rate is ultimately
where P and R stand for product and reactant, respectively.
determined by the dynamics and atomic nature of the Si - 0 - Si
and Si -O-Al linkages. Our high level ab initio calculations of In Eqn. I, one of the reactants is the water dimer, representing
the transition states and potential surface for the hydrolysis of the water in solution. In Eqn. la, the mode1 expands to look
Si - 0- Si and Si - O-Al linkages will provide some first-prin- at one water molecule attached to several water molecules
ciple answers to these questions. (e.g., 4, as in the water structure). The products then consist
of the separated water dimer in one case, or the water cluster
AB INITIO STUDY OF ADSORPTION minus one water molecule in the other case and a water mol-
ecule adsorbed onto the cluster, M, representative of the
Hz0 Adsorption on Mineral Surface
mineral surface. Previous work has shown that the water di-
Previous ab initio studies of Hz0 adsorption onto silica mer structure can be reproduced quite well by ab initio cal-
and aluminosilicate surfaces ( SAUER, 1987, 1989; GEERLINGS culations ( LASAGA, 1992).
et al., 1984; HOBZAet al., 1981; MORTIERet al., 1984) have The adsorption of a water molecule onto a terminal OH
focused on the hydroxyl surface groups as the dominant ad- group can occur by either donation of a proton or reception
sorption site. Generally, most silica surfaces (amorphous or of a proton. Previous studies (LASAGA and GIBBS, 1990;
crystalline) contain approximately six OH groups/nm* ( ILER, LASAGA,1992 ) have shown that the most favorable mode of
1979). Adsorption of HZ0 can occur at two particularly im- adsorption of water on silica is by “donor” adsorption onto
portant OH groups, namely, the terminal OH and the bridging a silanol group with AE = -3.5 kcal/mol. The key step in
OH groups. Usually, the ab initio calculations of Hz0 ad- silica dissolution, however, requires the acceptor adsorption
sorption onto terminal OHS have used HjSiOH or H4Si04 of water onto disiloxane ( LASAGAand GIBBS, 1990; LASAGA,
clusters to simulate these surface sites ( SAUER, 1987, 1989; 1992). This type of adsorption is necessary to form a new

Table 3. Optimized Geometries of Model Cluster H&OAl as a Function of Basis Set

HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G MP2/6-31G MP2/6-311G”

Si-0 1.584 1.580 1.611 1.596
AI-O 1.769 1.794 1.825 1.809
Si-H’ 1.491 1.493 1.502 1.493
Si-Hs 1.491 1.493 1.503 1.493
Al-H’ 1.647 1.640 1.637 1.625
AI-H* 1.647 1.644 1.642 1.630
&i-O-AI 180.0 153.9 138.9 149.5
* Distance in angstroms and angle in degrees
53x4 Y. Xiao and 4. c. Lasaga

SiO bond between the oxygen of the water molecule and the Table 4. Adsorption Energies ~~-.H&‘i# + H20 (Kcal/mol)
surface silicon, a precursor to the hydrolysis of Si 0 - Si
bond. The AE: for “acceptor” adsorption is calculated to be
positive (0.22 kcal/mol), corroborating the hydrophobic na- HF/3-21G’ Adsorption
ture of the dehydroxylated disiloxane-rich surface of silica. Water Dimer -10.95 - -7.96
Figure 4 shows the optimized geometry of water acceptor
adsorption onto the larger H6Si20 disiloxane cluster. Once HF/6-3%” Adsorption -2.79 +2.81 -1.07 +2.40
Water Dimer -5.60 -3.47
more, the calculated adsorption energies (Table 4) agree well
with the results based on the smaller H,SiOH silanol cluster
MP2/6-31G’ Adsorption -6.16 +1.23 -4.19 +0.88
( LASAC;Aand GIBBS, 1990; LASAC;A, 1992). In other words. Water Dimer -7.39 -5.07
the adsorption details depend. to a very large degree. on the
electronic structure surrounding the tetrahedral Si to which
a - energy change of H&i20 + Hz0 = HeSilO Hz0
the water is adsorbing, and so the results are reasonably clus- b - energy change relative to the water dimer formation
ter-size-independent. The acceptor adsorption of water
shown in Fig. 4 leads to a fivefold coordinated surface Si.
The existence of fivefold coordinated Si in glasses and melts that the water adsorbs in only one configuration onto the
has been postulated in several molecular dynamics (MD) Si ~0 ---Al unit. In other words, there is no separate ad-
studies (ANGELL et al.. 1988; KIIBIC‘KI and LASAC,JY.1990) sorption to the Si side or the Al side of the structure. This is
and inferred from recent spectroscopic work ( X~II et al., a rather surprising result, which is repeated in the adsorption
1989; POE: et al., 1992). Although there are no mineral struc- of H30+ (see next section ). Figure 5 shows this unique op-
tures known to contain fivefold coordinated Si, there is both timized geometry for water “acceptor” adsorption onto a
theoretical and experimental evidence for its existcncc. A H,SiOAI cluster. The adsorption configuration has nearly
recent ab initio study ( KLJBICKI et al.. 1993) indicates that equal distances between the oxygen of the incoming water
the fivefold coordinated Si may play a key role in silicate and either the surface Si or the surface Al (3.605 A vs 3.62 1
dissolution processes. .A). Therefore. the HZ0 can attack either the Si ~0 bond
Note. that in Fig. 4 the distance from the Si to the oxygen or the Al -- 0 bond in a subsequent hydrolysis process.
of the adsorbed water molecule is 3.335 A. It is interesting Table 5 lists the calculated adsorption energies and en-
to point out that the 00 distance in the channels along the thalpies for water at an aluminosilicate surface site, based on
c-axis of quartz is only around 3.56 A. In other words, a different levels ofthe quantum mechanical calculations. Un-
water molecule would have to “squeeze” to adsorb within like the unfavorable acceptor adsorption of a water molecule
the spiral network of the silica tetrahedra ( LAW ;A, 1992 ). onto the H6SiI0 cluster, the negative adsorption enthalpies
On the other hand, the original SiO bond length increases (e.g.. ArI,, = -4.6 I kcal/mol) indicate that Si -mO-- Al
slightly upon the adsorption ofthe water molecule, from I.657 linkages in aluminosilicates favor water adsorption. Consis-
to I.678 A, a precursor state to the ultimate rupture of the tent with these energetics, the OH distance between the hy-
bond in the subsequent dynamics. drogen of the adsorbed water and the bridging oxygen is I .934
The adsorption of water onto Si - 0 ~~ Al linkages (e.g.. A, shorter than the OH distance in water adsorption onto
feldspars) can be studied similarly. The first point to note is H6SiZ0 ( 2.0 16 A). The favorable adsorption of HZ0 on

FIG. 4. Fully optimized geometry of the acceptor adsorption of FIG. 5. Fully optimized geometry of the acceptor adsorption of
water to the SiO bond of H6Si20 disiloxane cluster at MP2/6-3lG*. water to the AIO( SiO) bond ofthe H$iOAl cluster at MP2 /6-3 1G *.
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5385

Table 5. Adsorption Energies - H&OAl + Hz0 (Kcal/mol) a bulk speciation calculation to be performed for the species
on the mineral surface in a similar fashion to the speciation
AE” AEb AH,” AH,
calculations carried out for aqueous solution. The dissolution
HF/3-21G’ Adsorption -14.10 -3.15 -11.57 -3.61 rate of silicates has then been linked to the amount of ad-
sorbed H + or OH - species and a rate law (e.g., WIELAND et
HF/6-31G’ Adsorption -11.69 -6.09 -9.23 -5.76 al., 1988; STUMM and WOLLAST, 1990; DOVE and ELSTON,
1992) can be simply written as
MP2/6-31G’ Adsorption -12.36 -4.97 -9.68 -4.61
Rate = k,(SiOH:)“l + k2(SiOH)“Z + k3(SiOm)“3, (7)
a-energy change of H&iOAl+ HSO = H&iOAl ... Ha0
b - energy change relative to the water dimer formation where k, , k2,and k3 are rate constants and SiOH: , SiOH,
and SiO- stand for the concentrations of positively, neutrally,
and negatively charged surface species, respectively. However,
Si - 0 - Al over Si - 0 - Si may be part of the reason for “species” such as SiOH: include any kind of possible ad-
the preferred hydrolysis of Si -O-Al linkages over sorption species which are positively charged. For example,
Si - 0 - Si linkages. it is commonly agreed that the attachment or detachment of
Adsorption of Hz0 onto a surface Al also leads to a five- a proton onto a silanol group is an important process for the
coordinated Al. The existence of fivefold coordinated Al in bulk adsorption of H+. A similar point has been made by
Si02-A&O3 glasses and liquids has been postulated by NMR HIEMSTRAet al., ( 1989a,b) who argue that a single equiiib-
and IR spectroscopy study and MD simulations (POE et al., rium constant for adsorption reactions on mineral surfaces
1992). Our ab initio study verifies the stability of AlOs moiety such as reactions 3-6 is too simplistic. They stress the fact
by obtaining a stable, fully optimized Al( OH):- cluster. that various surface groups should be distinguished on the
Similarly, such fivefold coordinated Al might play an im- surface of minerals including variations in the coordination
portant role in the dissolution processes of aluminosilicates. of the metal. Surface titrations cannot distinguish between
the various adsorption sites and among the different coor-
dination numbers.
H+( HsO+) Adsorption on Mineral Surfaces
One can study the adsorption and desorption of H+ onto
To understand the acid and base catalysis of surface re- silanol groups using the following clusters: H,SiOH:,
actions, phenomenological models have been applied in- H$iOH, and H$iO-. Figure 6 exhibits the optimized ge-
volving the equilibrium constants for the formation of ad- ometries of these clusters. However, since the general dis-
sorption complexes of H’ and OH- on the surface of min- solution mechanism requires the detachment of silica tetra-
erals. The central scheme is to link the effect of acid and base hedra, a kinetically important adsorption of protons is to the
on the dissolution rate of silicates to the acid-base behavior bridging oxygen in siloxane Si-O- Si groups ( LASAGA,
of the following surface reactions: 1990, 1992; DOVE, 1994). Figure 7 illustrates the marked
structural changes in the siloxane group induced by the at-
=SiOH + H+ - SSiOH:, (3) tachment of a proton onto the bridging oxygen. In particular,
=AlOH + H + t* =AIOH :, (4) the much elongated SiO bonds will result in a strongly mod-
ified reaction surface for the hydrolysis reaction.
=SiOH t* =SiO- + H+, (5) SAUER ( 1987 ) studied the relative acidities of various OH
=AlOH c-* =AlO- + H+. surface groups, and his results indicate that the pK of the H+
on a bridging oxygen is much smaller than that of the terminal
The equilibrium constants for these reactions can be estab- hydroxyl, i.e., the bridging hydrogen is a much more acidic
lished by surface titration experiments which, in turn, enable hydrogen. Therefore, the population of hydrogens on bridging


FIG. 6.Clusters used to model positively, neutrally, and negatively charged surface silanol groups. (a) H&OH:,
(b) H,SiOH, and(c) H,SiO-. Geometries optimized at MP2/6-31G*.
FK; 7. Cluster used to investigate the effect of H ’ adsorption on
Si -0 Si linkages in silica. Compare with Fig. 2c for the unper-
turbed disiloxane structure and note the elongated SiO bond in the
H ’ adsorhcd complex. Geometries optimized at MP2 16-3 I G *.

oxygens expected to be small at the typical pHs of acidic

solutions. However, it is important to point out that the rates
ofmany chemical reactions are usually controlled by reactive
intermediates, which may not necessarily be the dominant
FI<j. 8. Fully optimized MP2/6-31G* geometn for the adsorption
adsorbed species. Therefore, the actual mechanism of dis-
ofwater onto a H+ catalyzed disiloxane group (= adsorption of hq-
solution may be controlled by the adsorption of H + onto dronium ion onto an unperturbed disiloxane: note the hydrogen
sites such as the bridging oxygens in framework silicates. The transfer from hydronium ion to the bridging oxygen ofdisiloxanc).
hydrolysis rate at these sites may be increased so much that
the overall rate is controlled by these infrequent adsorption
sites. for the reaction,
Now an interesting question arises: what is the different H?O’ +- HZ0 - HiOi. . .HzO, (9)
role for H ’ and H70’ in the acid catalyzed dissolution pro-
cesses? In other words, what is the structural distinction be- is 38.47 kcal/mol (Table 6). which is in good agreement
tween 1-I’ attack on a bridging oxygen followed bh water with experimental value, 36 kcal/mol ( YAMABE and MINATO.
adsorption and direct H30+ attack on a bridging oxygen? 1984). Figure IO exhibits the optimized geometry of the
These questions can be answered by performing two calcu- water-hydronium dimer (the product of reaction 9). The
lations: ( 1 ) putting an optimized water molecule on top of calculated 00 distance, 2.42 A, also agrees well with the
an optimized disiloxane which has a proton adsorbed on the experimental value of 2.52 A (YAMABE et al.. 1984).
bridging oxygen site, then fully optimizing the whole system The calculated adsorption energy for the adsorption of a
( Fig. 8 ), and (2) putting an optimized H30 ’ molecule (Fig. hydronium ion onto disiloxane predicts an energetically fa-
9) on top of an optimized disiloxane. then fully optimizing vorable adsorption, i.e.. the enthalpy change for the reaction
the whole system. The energy monotonically decreases to- HzO. . *H30i + H6Si,0
wards the minimum as the H1O+ approaches the disiloxane
and finally. the stable adsorbed species forms with one of the - H,SiZOe . .H30’ +- HZ0 ( 10)
H atom from hydronium transferred to the bridging oxygen
site in the disiloxane. In the end. we get exactly the same
configuration as WC obtained in the tirst calculation. This
indicates that there is no distinction between l-1* t water
and HIO ’ (for example, ifan additional minimum geometry
with the adsorbed H ’ separated from the water was found
then there would be a dynamical distinction ). Note that.
ultimately. the adsorption of H?O is the important entity.
because kinetically, for any hydrolysis, we need the water
molecule present. not just a proton as in H ’ .
Similar to the study of the energetics of water adsorption
on a silica surface. an appropriate reaction to use in studying
the cnergetics of HiO’ adsorption onto a silica surface is

I-120 * . .H?O+ +M++.\/. . .H30’ t Hz0 (8)

where ,I/ stands for silica surface groups such as disiloxane.

In other words, the energy gained in adsorbing the hydronium
must be weighted against the energy lost in breaking a H FIG. 9. Fully optimized geometry ofH,O’ hydronium ion at MP2/
bond between a hydronium and a water. The calculated AHo &JIG*.
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5387

Table 6. HaO+-HrO Dimer Formation Table 7. Adsorption Energies - H&&O + HaO+ (Kcal/mol)

HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-31G’ AE@ AE” AEb AH,” AH.

HF/3-21G’ Adsorption -36.21 +16.25 -35.08 t14.90
AE -52.56 -34.62 -40.35 HsO+-Hz0 Formation -52.56 - -49.98

AEZEC 2.60 2.67 1.88 HF/6-31G’ Adsorption -39.41 -4.79 -36.94 -4.99
H~O+-HQOFormation -34.62 - -31.95
A& -49.98 -31.95 -38.47 -36.0”
MP2/6-31G’ Adsorption -43.79 -3.44 -42.34 -3.87
H30+-Hz0 Formation -40.35 - -38.47 -
a - Yamabe et al.. 1984
a - energy change of H,$i20 + H30+ = H&O ... HsO+
b - energy change relative to the HsO+-Hz0 Formation

is negative, AH, = -3.87 kcal/mol (Table 7). This favorable

adsorption energy is in contrast to the unfavorable adsorption
silicates and aluminosilicates. In dissolution reactions, we
energy for the adsorption of water onto disiloxane (AH,
postulate that it is the breakdown of these units that controls
> 0). The result suggests that the silica surface favors the
the overall rate. Therefore, we will propose reaction mech-
adsorption of H30+ over HzO.
anisms involving these two units. In addition, mineral re-
Figure 11 is the cluster used to investigate the effect of H +
actions in aqueous media involve not only the action of water
adsorption on Si - 0 -AI linkages in feldspars. Notice that,
molecules, but also the important catalytic effect of either
after adsorption of H+ onto the bridging site, both A10 and
Hi or OH- ions. Therefore, two different reaction mecha-
SiO bonds have been significantly elongated. Figure 12 gives
nisms will be studied for each of the structural units; one
the optimized geometry of H30+ adsorbed on the H$iOAl
mechanism involves hydrolysis with water and the other
cluster, which leads to similar elongation in the A10 and SiO
mechanism involves the hydrolysis reaction by water in the
bonds. Table 8 lists the calculated adsorption energies and
presence of the H+ ion on the surface. After discussing the
enthalpies of the adsorption process at different levels, and
ab initio results, this section will end with a comparison to
shows that the adsorption energies for HXO+ are more neg-
known experimental data on mineral-water kinetics.
ative than those for the corresponding HZ0 adsorption onto
H,SiOAI. The favorable adsorption of H30+ over Hz0 on
both Si and Al sites should play a role in the catalysis of Transition State of the Hydrolysis Reactions
surface reactions in aluminosilicates by acids.
H,O hydrolysis qf the Si - 0 - Si surface unit
DISSOLUTION KINETICS The activated complex for the hydrolysis reaction of quartz
has been studied by LASAGA and GIBBS ( 1989, 1990) and
Understanding the reaction kinetics at surfaces requires
CASEY et al. ( 1990). These papers, however, used small clus-
( 1) a particular elementary reaction sequence, (2) the tran-
ters and did not, generally, include electron correlation with
sition states involved in each elementary reaction of the se-
a large basis set. Our calculations are based on the HsSizO
quence, and (3) the potential surface leading from reactants
cluster and use a large basis set, 6-3 1G *, with electron cor-
to transition state and then to products (this includes a normal
relation included at the second-order Moller-Plesset pertur-
mode analysis of the motion along the reaction coordinate
bation level ( MP2 /6-3 IG * ) The optimized geometry of the
near the transition state).
transition state for the hydrolysis reaction involving Hz0 is
In this section, we will apply this procedure to four reaction
shown in Fig. 13.
mechanisms. Because surface reactions involving both sili-
cates and aluminosilicates are ofgreat interest, two key surface
structural units will be studied: Si - 0 - Si and Al - 0 - Si,
where each Si or Al atom is in a tetrahedral environment.
These linkages form the basis for the framework of many

FIG. 1 I. Cluster used to investigate the effect of H + adsorption on

Si -O-Al linkages in feldspar. Compare with Fig. 3 for the un-
FIG. 10. Fully optimized geometry of the water-hydronium dimer perturbed H,SiOAI structure; note the elongated AI0 bond in the
at MP2/6-3IG*. H+ adsorbed complex. Geometries optimized at MP2/6-3IG*.
5388 L Xiao and 4. C‘. Lacaga

FIG. 13. Fully optimized geometry of the transitton state for the
hydrolysis reaction of water on a disiloxane group at MP2/6-3 I<;*.

volves predominantly the transfer of the H atom from the

water molecule to the bridging oxygen of the Si -~- 0 - Si
FIG. 12. Fully optimized MP2/6-31G* geometry for the adsorption site. Interestingly, the two long SiO bonds (which ultimately
of water onto a H + catalyzed H,SiOAI group ( = adsorption of hy- must also get involved in the reaction) are not very active in
dronium ion onto an unperturbed H$iOAl. notice the hvdrogen the reaction coordinate normal mode. Our new result is in
transfer from hydronium ion to the bridging oxygen of H,,SjOAI). excellent agreement with previous ab initio studies at lower
level ( LASAC~Aand GIBBS. 1989, 1990: LAS,X;.I. 1992) and
verifies the statement that the H transfer dominates the hy-
Besides the geometry of the activated complex, a very im- drolysis reaction in this mechanism. According to such anal-
portant kinetic feature is the actual pathway that links reac- ysis, there will be a large kinetic isotope ei?ect as well as a
tants and products through the activated complex. This nontrivial tunneling effect for the hydrolysis of Si -.- 0 ~- Si
pathway is termed the reaction coordinate. Once the tran- bonds.
sition state has been found. an analysis of the normal mode Using the optimized geometries of the reactants and the
of the activated complex which has the negative eigenvalue activated complex. the activation energy. At?. can be ob-
(i.e., the imaginary frequency) can be carried out. This normal tained as the energy difference between the activated complex
mode coincides with the reaction coordinate for the hydrolysis and reactants. The calculated activation energies for the hy-
reaction in the neighborhood of the activated complex. One drolysis ofdisiloxane using different basis sets with and with-
can analyze this normal mode by distorting the molecular out electron correlation are listed in Table IO. Electron cor-
geometry of the transition state by the Cartesian coordinate relation has been shown to be very important in obtaining
vector corresponding to the particular normal mode and ob- accurate activation energies. For example, AE* drops from
serving which internal coordinates change (see LASAW and 45.90 kcal/mol at HF/6-3lG*. to 31.98 kcal/mol at MP2/
GIBBS, 1989, 1990; LASAGA, 1992 ). The internal coordinate 6-3 I G *, in this case.
analysis of the reaction coordinate near the transition state To compare the calculated energy changes to experimental
for the hydrolysis of H6Si20 by Hz0 is given in Table 9. OnIS quantities the zero-point vibrational energies must be in-
the relative changes of bond lengths and angles that change cluded,
significantly are shown in the table. Note that the normal 3, 7 3,\ 6
mode along the reaction coordinate increases the 0”““‘H AII(,
-- a::“ -i s ; lwf c ; hv:,“. (11)
distance and decreases the 0 br’dgeHdistance from the cor- /I - /~ I

responding value at the transition state geometry. This anal-

This correction is nontrivial and reduces the energy barrier
ysis indicates that motion along the reaction coordinate in-
by 2.05 kcal/mol for the hydrolysis of disiloxane. Note that
part ofthe loss in the barrier is due to the fact that the activated
complex is “loose” compared to the adsorption complex (see
Figs. 4, 13). Structures with many elongated bonds tend to
Table 8. Adsorption Energies - H&OHAl t Hz0 (Kcal/mol)
have lower frequencies of vibration and hence, smaller ‘/Z/W
AE” AEb AH; AH,” corrections. Therefore, the increase in zero-point energy of
vibration is bigger for the stable adsorption complex than for
HF/3-21G’ Adsorption -27.06 -16.11 -23.86 -16.90
the activated complex. This correction has important con-
sequences for the kinetic isotope effect ( LASAC;Aand GIBBS,
HF/6-31G’ Adsorption -14.10 -8.50 -11.09 -7.62
1990; CASE\ et al.. 1990).
MP2/6-31G’ Adsorption -18.06 -10.67 -15.09 -10.02 Because finite clusters are being used to simulate surfaces
containing many atoms. it is essential to investigate the effect
a- energy changeof H&iOHAl+ Hz0 = H&iOHAl...Hz0 of cluster size on the various calculated properties. Therefore,
b energy change relative to the water dimer formation similar calculations have been carried out on different clusters
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5389

Table 9. Reaction Coordinate normal mode for the H&O - Hz0 transition state -
MP2/6-31G’ result (v = 1084 i )

Internal Coordinate’ Stationary Point* Normal Mode Value’

SiO bond 1.974 A 1.971 A

SiO bond 1.880 A 1.884 A

OHd bond 1.187 A 1.357 A

OHd bond 1.230 A 1.056 A

H’OHd angle 118.5” 114.3”

SiOHd angle 78.6” 74.9”

a - only internal coordinates that involve in reaction are listed

b - see geometry in figure 13
c - value of internal coordinate after vibration is allowed
d - H atom being exchanged in figure 13
e - H atom (unreactive) in water molecule

such as H$iOH, HzSi (OH )2, H4Si04, H6Si20, and H&20,, important component of the normal mode along the reaction
to study the hydrolysis of Si - 0 - Si and Si - 0 (H) link- coordinate. However, in this case, the normal mode also has
ages. The calculated transition states for the hydrolysis of a significant component that involves changes in the Al - 0
H,SiOH, H$i( OH)2, H4Si04, and H&20, by H20 are bond length. For example, in this motion of the normal mode,
shown in Fig. 14a,b,c, and d, respectively. Table 1 1 compares the Al - 0 bond length varies from 1.446 A at the stationary
the calculated activation energies derived from these different point to 1.353 A at the normal mode. The Si - 0 bond does
clusters. Note that the calculated local structures of the tran- not seem to change as much during the normal mode motion
sition states and the activation energies based on H6Si20r near the transition state configuration. These differences will
H$iOH, H$i (OH )*, H4Si04, as well as H6SiZ07 are almost have important consequences on the kinetic behavior.
the same. This strong similarity supports the validity of using
small clusters to mimic the local environment of silicates as Transition State of the Hydrolysis Reaction Under
well as the atomic dynamics leading to the relevant surface H + ( H30 ’ ) Catalysis
Because the dissolution rates of most minerals are pH de-
Hz0 Hydrolysis of the Si - 0 - Al Surface Unit pendent, it is generally assumed that one of the reactants
involved in the rate-determining step of mineral hydrolysis
The hydrolysis reaction of the Si - 0 -Al bond is a key are H+ and OH - or their adsorbed equivalents. The effect
step in the dissolution of aluminosilicates (e.g., feldspars). of H+( H30’) adsorption on the structures and energetics of
Figure 15 shows the fully optimized structure of the transi- Si - 0 - Si and Si - 0 -Al linkages needs to be extended,
tion state for the hydrolysis of the H,SiOAl cluster. The cal- then, to investigate the transition state of the hydrolysis re-
culated AEf and AH: for this hydrolysis are summarized in action in the presence of H+( H30+).
Table 12.
The normal mode analysis of the reaction coordinate for
HxO+ Hydrolysis of the Si - 0 - Si Surface Unit
the hydrolysis of H,SiOAl is shown in Table 13. First of all,
this transition state has a much lower imaginary frequency Figure 16 illustrates the transition state for the hydrolysis
( 198.1 i cm-’ ) than the transition state for the hydrolysis of of H6Si20 disiloxane under H+( H30’) attack. The calculated
H6Si20 ( 1084 i cm-‘). Hydrogen transfer is, once more, an AEf and AH: are summarized in Table 14. The interesting

Table 10. Hydrolysis Transition State - H&&O + Hz0 (Kcal/mol)


AE! 45.90 32.31 31.98

A&EC -1.42 -1.42 -2.05

AH, 44.53 30.89 29.93 16-21”

a - Rimstidt and Barnes, 1980; Dove and Crerar, 1990; Dove, 1994
Y. Xiao and A. C‘. bsaga


FIG. 14. Fully optimized M~Z/4-~1~* geometries ofthe transi~ia~ states for the hrdrnlysis reaction ofwater- on a)
H3SiOH; b) t-f& ( OH j2: c ) H&O4 ; and d ) I&&07.

results of this new calculation are the dramatic change of the 24.0 1 kcal /moI, respectively. It is important to note that, in
configuration of the transition state, as well as the big decrease the case of H ’ -catalyzed hydrolysis of disiloxane, the zero
in AEf (compare Tables 9 and 14 ) from previous calculations. point vibrational energy correction increases the activation
For example, the activation energy for the hydrolysis of energy from 22.48 kcal/mol to 24.01 kcalfmol. Part of the
disiloxane is 3 1.98 kcai/md, while under El ‘(E&O+) catalysis reason for the reversal in the correction (compared to water
it drops to 22.48 kcal/moi, Once the zero point yibrat~o~~a~ hydrofysis j stems from the structure of the adsorption com-
energy is added, these two vaiues are 29.93 kcal/mol and p$ex, which is relatively “loose” when compared to the tran-
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5391

Table 11 Hydrolysis Transition State - ActivationEnergies(Kcal/mol) Table 12. Hydmlysis Transition State - H&OAI + Hz0 (Kcal/mol)

HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-3%’ AEerp’ HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-31G’ AE’“’

AE!r 22.74 44.12 30.43 AEj 23.38 35.06 27.23

AE!’ 20.10 40.44 25.62 A-@ZEC -0.62 -0.23 -0.96

Ada 23.83 42.42 28.17 AH. 22.76 34.83 26.27 17-29”

AEi4 45.90 31.98 a - Helgeson et. al, 1984; Knauss and Wolery, 1986; Rose, 1991

A$’ 19.71 42.32 28.51 16-21’

and product. Such a calculation will produce the reaction

‘Based on H$iiOH t H&Y = H$iO’H t HsO coordinate that forms the basis for the various treatments of
2Baaed on H&(OH)z t Hz0’ = H#iOHO”H t Hz0
3Based on H,SiO, + H$Y = H&3iOaO’t HgO transition state theory. Figure 17 is the result of such an effort,
‘Baaed on H&O t HZO’ = H$%O’H t H$iOH which demonstrates the hydrolysis of disiloxane cluster
6Based on H&07 t H1O’ = H&O . 30’ t HdSiO, H6Si20 under H+(H30+) catalysis. It shows that once the
a - Bimstidt and Barnes, 1980; Dove and Crerar, 1990; Dove, 1994 H30+ approaches the H&20, one of the H is transferred to
the bridging oxygen site and leads to the formation of a stable
adsorption species. The hydrolysis process proceeds with the
sition state. As we discussed earlier, structures with long bonds oxygen of the incoming water forming a new SiO bond with
tend to have lower frequencies and hence, smaller %hu cor- a Si and the original SiO ruptured.
rections. As a result, the zero point vibrational energy is bigger
for the transition state than for the stable adsorption complex H30+ Hydrolysis of the Si -O-Al Surface Unit
leading to the increase in the activation barrier.
To study the hydrolysis of aluminosilicates in acidic so-
Analysis of the normal mode associated with the reaction
lutions, the activated complex for the hydrolysis of the
coordinate for the hydrolysis reaction of H&i20 in the pres-
Si - 0 -Al moiety needs to be investigated. As already dis-
ence of H+( H,O’) is shown in Table 15. The motion along
cussed, there is only one adsorption site for H+ (or H30’)
the reaction coordinate is quite different from that found for
onto Si - 0 -Al. However, there are two possible activation
the hydrolysis by H20. In the presence of H+, the motion
complexes that can ensue from this adsorption, namely the
along the reaction coordinate is dominated by the formation
attachment of the oxygen in the water to either the Si or the
of the new SiO bond and the rupture of the original bridging
Al atoms. Of course, the result is the same, i.e., the hydrolysis
SiO bond. This is a totally different picture from that in Fig.
of the Si -O-Al structure to produce Si -OH and
13, where the H transfer dominates the hydrolysis reaction.
Al -OH, although in one case, the Si - 0 bond is broken
Again, this difference in the character of the motion along
and in the other case the Al-O bond is broken. Figure 18
the reaction coordinate will manifest itself in major differences
shows the fully optimized geometry of the transition state for
in the kinetic isotope effect.
the case in which the Al - 0 bond is broken. The calculated
The detailed reaction pathway of such hydrolysis process
AE: and AH: are summarized in Table 16, which shows that
including the reactant, transition state, and product can be
the activation energies for either transition state are essentially
shown in an “ab initio movie” ( LASAGA and GIBBS, 1990).
One of the commonly used methods to make the movie is the same.
The catalytic effect of H+ adsorption is clear from the data
to start from the transition state and then go “down hill”
in Tables 12 and 16. The activation energy for the hydrolysis
along the “steepest decent” direction leading to the reactant
of the Si - 0 -Al bond in the presence of H+ is 16.2 kcal/
mol, which is significantly lower than the activation energy
for uncatalyzed hydrolysis, 27.2 kcal/mol.
Our ab initio studies have focused on the adsorption of
H+ or hydronium ions at the bridging oxygen of Si - 0 - Si
or Si -O-Al units and our studies have also focused on
the subsequent hydrolysis reactions at these sites. We believe
that reactions on these sites may potentially play an important
role in the overall dissolution reaction. As we discussed earlier
in this paper, bridging oxygens on silicate surfaces tend to be
hydrophobic ( ILER, 1979). Therefore, adsorption at these
sites is likely very weak. With only a very small proportion
of these sites occupied at any time, this type of adsorption
may not be directly detectable by surface titration. However,
“kinetics does not proceed in a democratic fashion” ( LASAGA,
FIG. 15. Fully optimized geometry of the transition state for the 1992). Our ab initio calculations clearly demonstrate that
hydrolysis reaction of water on a H,SiOAI group at MP2/6-3 IG*. the adsorption of H + at the bridging oxygen site significantly
539-7 Y. Siao and 4. (‘. Lasaga

Table 13. Reaction Coordinate normal mode for the H&iOAl Hz0 transition state
- MP2/6-31G’ result (v = i98.1 i )

Internal Coordinate” Stationary Pointb Normal Mode Value’

Al0 bond 2.289 A 2.314 8,

A10 bond 2.053 B, 2.041 8,

OHd bond 1.049 w 1.103 B,

OHd bond 1.446 8, 1.353 8,

H”OHd angle 108.9” 109.1”

SiOHd angle 84.4O 81.3”

a - only internal coordinates that involve in reaction are listed

b - seegeometry in figure 15
c value of internal coordinate after vibration is allowed
d - H atom being exchanged in figure 15
e H atom (unreactive) in water molecule

weakens the Si-O-Al and Si-0-Si linkages and COMPARISON TO EXPERIMENTAL DATA
thereby, lowers the energy barrier for reaction by enough
Assuming that hydrolysis of the Si - 0 - Si bond is rate-
kilocalories per mole to overcome the low numbers of such
determining in quartz dissolution, the calculated activation
sites present at any one time. Recent work (e.g., BLUM and
energies should be comparable to those observed in experi-
LASAGA, 1988, I99 1 ), on the other hand. has shown that the
ments. The activation enthalpies predicted from our activated
dissolution rate of albite and other minerals is directly related
complexes for the HZ0 hydrolysis of H6Si20r as well as other
to the total amount of adsorbed hydrogen ions on the surface,
Si - 0 - Si clusters (namely 26-32 kcal/mol at the MP2
Our mechanism can only be consistent with this observation
level) are indeed in reasonable agreement with, although sev-
if there is a reasonably constant relation between the number
eral kcal /mol higher than experimental data on the activation
of adsorbed hydronium ions on bridging sites and the number
energies ( 16-21 kcal/mol) of quartz dissolution at hydro-
of H + ions on major adsorption sites such as SiOH: . pos-
thermal temperatures ( RIMSTIDT and BARNES, 1980; DDVE
tulating equilibrium in a reaction such as
and CRERAR, 1990). If the mechanism ofdissolution involves
water adsorption followed by reaction of the water on the
Si - O(H)’ ~ Al + Al - OH ? surface, then the observed activation energy will include a
Si-0-Al+Al-OH;: (12) contribution from the adsorption energy of water ( LASAGA,
I98 1, 1990. I992 ), as well as the usual RT term from tran-
then, if the number of major free surface sites does not change sition state theory:
significantly, such a direct relation would be reasonable. EIyp’ = RT + AH:, + AHaHq;,. (13)

AH$$, is expected to be a small negative number (e.g., several

kcal /mol ). The net effect of the correction in Eqn. 13 would
most likely be to lower the calculated E, by several kcal/mole
and so to improve the agreement with experiment.
Note that the activation energy calculated for the H ’ cat-
alyzed hydrolysis of Si - 0 -- Si (24 kcal /mol for the disi-

Table 14. Hydrolysis Transition State - &Si# + HzO+ (Kcal/mol)

HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-31G’ AEczp’

AE! 25.64 25.11 22.48

A&EC 1.70 0.90 1.53

AH, 27.34 26.01 24.01 17-29”

FIG. 16. Fully optimized MP2/6-3 IG * geometry of the transition
state for the hydrolysis of water on a disiloxane group under Hi
catalysis (= disiloxane group hydrolyzed by hydronium HXO’). a - Helgeson et. al, 1984; Knauss and Wolery, 1986; Rose, 1991
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution

Table 15. Reaction Coordinate normal mode for the H&?&O - HaO+ transition state
- MP2/6-31G’ result (IJ = 252.7 i )

Internal Coordinate” Stationary Point* Normal Mode Value’

SiO bond 1.957 A 1.962 8,

SiO bond 2.091 A 2.082 8,

OH* bond 0.980 A 0.979 A

OH” bond 0.975 8, 0.960 A

OSiO angle 74.7” 74.8”

SiOH’ angle 130.7” 129.2”

a - only internal coordinates that involve in reaction are listed

b - see geometry in figure 16
c - value of internal coordinate after vibration is allowed
d - H atom transferred during adsorption, see figure 8
e - H atom (unreactive) in water molecule

loxane cluster) is in better agreement with the observed ac- Rate = XH,o+,a~skn+cal+ ~n20,aAy~roryslr,
tivation energies. It is still not clear whether H+ is playing a
role in these experiments or not. The overall rate can certainly where XI,ads refers to the concentration of i adsorbed at the
be written as a sum of the parallel reactions reactive surface site and k, refers to the reaction rate constant


FIG. 17. Ab initio “movie” of the approach, adsorption, and reaction of a water molecule leading to the hydrolysis
of the Si - 0 - Si bond under H+ catalysis. Calculations used 3-2 I G * basis set.
5304 I’. Ciao and A. (‘. I asaga

Si--0-- Si or Si- -0 41 bonds). I‘he rclatlon of‘ thcsc

alomic mechanisms to the measured bulk dissolution r’,ltc
depends on the relati\c rates ot the o\crall xul-fac.c ruction\.
An obvious experimental quantity to comparer M.ith the ah
initio results. then. IS the measured “activatioll cncrg)‘ Kot-
feldspar dissolution rate>. 1 hc dissolution rate 01 Mdspars i\
certainly pH dependent (e.g.. (‘IIC)L~and Wor I 141. IYXi),
therefore. the ab initio acid catalyzed acti\atic)ll cncrgh. I 6
kcal/mol. is an appropriate tigure to use in the comparison.
There arc some important rflccts that have IU hc discussed
in carrying out this comparison: hut certainI! the range ot
values observed. for example. ii,r the activation cncrgq ofthe
FIG. 1X. Fully optimized MP2/6-3IG* geometry ofthe transition
state for the hydrolysis of water on a H&iOAI group under H ’ catalysis feldspar dissolution ( in the acid to neutral pH range) xc
( = H,SiOAl group hydrolyzed by hydronium HjO ’ 1. consistent with our calculations: for albitc. 2 I .2 kcal/mol
( HLL.c;~x~ ct al.. 1984). I .1-70. I kcal/mol ( kh.zrrss and
WOI.t-RI. IYX6). and 17.1 kcal/mol (Rest. IYYl ): fbr in-
for the hydrolysis reaction given the particular adsorption idine, 12.9 kcal/moi (S<‘II~~.I)\. IYHY): for tnlcr-oclinc. I T.5
site. The two reaction pathways studied in this paper describe kcal/mol ( SCII~I.IX I%!, 1.
each of these two parallel mechanisms. One question that However. as mentioned. selcral important t&tors have to
arises, then, is the applicability of the particular ab initio be discussed. One problem that needs to bc addressed in
results to the actual reactions being measured. pH is clearly comparing the results of the atomic theory discussed here to
an important parameter in determining the kinetics of min- experiments is the composite nature ofthe cxpcrlmental “ac-
eral reactions. The terms involving the adsorption concen- tivation energy.” which should be better called the “apparent”
trations are clearly pH dependent. For example. the term activation energ! ( L,,\s,\c,\ et 31.. 1094). First. rcccntly there
xH,O ‘ads will be relatively high only below the pHzPc for have been a number of papers proposing a pH-dependent
quartz. On the other hand, the overall rate of the reaction activation energy. For example. K~t!ss and WOI I R>’ ( IYXh)
depends not only on the size of the X,,acicr but also on the obtain /cd = 3Y kral/mol at pH d 3 and II, ! 3 kcal/tnol
individual rate constants, k,. If the first term in the last at neutral pH for albite dissolution. Typically, these activation
expression refers to the faster reaction, then the calculated energy changes hacc produced higher activation cncrgies at
activation energy of 24 kcal/mol would be the appropriate low pH than at neutral PH. If one were to simply explain
one to compare to experiments. However, because there is these experimental results as a change in atomic mechanism
little dependence of the dissolution rate on pH in the range from acid catal!& to plain f-I,0 hydrolysis. that aould seem
where many experiments have been performed (excluding to bc inconsistent with the ah initio results. \\hich clearl)
the basic solution studies), it would appear that the experi- predict the rrhersc change in activation cncrgh This is an
mental data are inconsistent with this mechanism, unless the important result from this paper. The ab initio results are
amount of H+ adsorbed, X&o+,&, was little dependent on unlikely to be wrong bq such a big difference. Therefore, the
the pH. This seems to us to be unlikely, unless the pH is high reason for the experimentally measured activation onerg)
enough to reach saturation with the surface sites. Thus. the change with pH has to be looked for elsewhere
relevant ab initio calculation to compare with the dissolution To analyre the experimental tcmperaturc dcprndence 01’
experiments of quartz in the pH 4-7 range is most likely the the dissolution rates. all the other Pdctors that can change the
water hydrolysis calculation. which yields an activation en- rate during these experiments must be studied and under-
thalpy of 29.9 kcal/mol (reduced by the adsorption term as stood. In particular. at least two other effects have to be stud-
discussed above) from the high level disiloxane calculation. ied. The adsorption of Il or H&l is temperature dependent.
Note, however, the drop in activation energy for the acid as discussed carlier. This tctnpcrature dependence will he
catalyzed reaction; we will return to this important point included in the experitnental apparent I$,, (c.g.. l.G,\(;h et
below. al.. 1994). If this temperature dependence itself Laried with
Current studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of alu- pH (due to surface charges). then one could obtain a pll-
minosilicate dissolution have focused on the selective hydro-
lysis ofthe Si -0-Si or Si -0 -Al linkages. Our ab initio
calculations predict an energy barrier of 26.3 kcal/mol fot Table 16. Hydrolysis Transition State - HsSiOAI + HaO+ (Kcal/mol)
the hydrolysis of Si -O-Al by H20. The acid catalyzed
activation energy is calculated to be 16.0 kcal/mol. Compared HF/3-21G’ HF/6-31G’ MP2/6-31G’ AE’=”

to the hydrolysis reactions involving Si - 0 - Si, there is a

Ad 20.03(20.28) 16.53( 16.65) 16.18( 16.23)
much bigger difference between the activation energies of the
water hydrolysis and the acid-catalyzed water hydrolysis re- -1X04(-0.12) -0.26(-0.25) -0.31(-0.28)
actions. Once more, the ab initio results presented here are
providing a look at the difference between the acid catalysis AH. 19.99(20.16) 16.27(16.40) 15.87(15.95) 17-29”
of dissolution and the uncatalyzed hydrolysis reaction. It is
important to emphasize that both reactions are occurring * - numbers in ( ) are based on HsAIOSi + HsO+
in parallel in any mineral dissolution (which involves a Helgeson et. al, 1984; Knauss and Wolery, 1986; Rose, 1991
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5395

dependent apparent activation energy (CASEY and SPOSITO, in bond-forming and bond-breaking processes along the re-
1992). In this case, the temperature dependence of the ad- action coordinate (Primary Isotope Effect). As a result, the
sorption would have to be measured first and subtracted out combined theoretical and experimental studies of isotope ef-
to obtain the relevant activation energy to compare with fects in mineral surface chemistry can open a unique window
atomic theories (e.g., LASACAet al., 1994). A second com- to the specific transition state structure and the elementary
plication can arise because many studies have not corrected reaction controlling a surface reaction.
for an important effect arising from variations in AC during Based on the calculated reaction potential surfaces, the
the experiments. Thus, if the pH is fixed and the temperature kinetic isotope effects can be calculated using various statis-
is varied, the AC of the reaction is not constant, even for tical and collision kinetic theories. At the level of the harmonic
similar solution compositions. This effect is not important if approximation, the standard statistical mechanical expres-
the AC is su~ciently negative (far from equilib~um), but sions for the translational, rotational, and vibrationai partition
the AG values would have to be less than -9 kcallmot for functions can be used to evaluate the transition state rate
the case of albite ( B~JRCHet al., 1993). Under these restric- constant. The kinetic isotope effect for a reaction involving
tions, many experiments may not be in the far-from-equilib- hydrolysis after adsorption is given by VAN HOOK ( 1970):
rium region (e.g., see BURCH et al., 1993).
Both the adsorption effects and the effects of varying AC L (1 - exp( -hvf/kT))
can have significant effects on the magnitude and variation k* vt* I?;:,, ? kT
of the apparent activation energy. These effects must be elim- k d rf,,, hv!
n -L ( 1 - exp( -hvf*/kT))
inated if a truly atomic activation energy is to be extracted z kT
from the ex~~ments. The ab initio results not only are pro-
viding a reverse trend in the activation energy with pH, but n --L (I - exp(-hv~d”*/kT))
they are also strongly indicating that the other effects, such 8 kT @EC**-M*/RT), (14)
as mentioned above, are having a sizeable influence on the
, s
I-I (1 - exp(-hvfd”/kT))
rates being measured (and hence, on the “apparent” acti-
vation energies). This prediction from the ab initio results
where yyds and vTds* refer to the vibrational frequencies of
will have to be checked out in future experiments and theo-
the two isotopic variants of the adsorbed molecule that is
retical studies.
Another impo~ant result from the ab initio calculations reacting 3 titf and Y:* refer to the normal frequencies of the
is that the calculated activation enthalpy for the acid hydro- isotopic variants of the activated complex for the surface re-
lysis of H,SiOAl, 16.2 kcal/mol, is more than 6 kcal/mol action. ut and ,** refer to the single imaginary frequencies
less than the calculated activation energy for the acid hydro- of the corresponding activated complexes. The difference in
lysis of H6Si20, 22.5 kcal/mol. Such a difference in activation activation energies in the exponent is obtained from
energy would predict that it would be easier to hydrolyze
Si-O- AI linkages than Si-0-Si linkages in silicate A,+ - A,+ = c 4 hv;* - C ; hvf
dissolution. Such preferential hydrolyzation of Si - 0 - AI
has been previously discussed in the literature (e.g., BRADY
and WALTHER, 1989; BLUM and LASAGA, 1991). So the
ab initio results, in this case, provide atomic evidence for
these proposed hypotheses. Preferential hydrolyzation of
The tunneling correction (I’f,,,) arises from quantum me-
Si - 0 - Al would lead to the preferential release of Al from
chanical tunneling through the activation barrier along the
the surface and, thereby, form a leached layer rich in silica
reaction coordinate. Tunneling is generally important only
under acidic conditions. Such leached layers have, in fact,
for primary isotope effects in reactions involving H transfer.
been observed in kinetic experiments involving dissolution
Therefore, in considering the hydrogen-deute~um isotope
of feldspars under low pH conditions. For example, many
effect for the hydroIysis of H$i20 by HZO, the correction
recent studies of the kinetics of albite dissolution, using a
would be nontrivial. A simple calculation would use the first
variety of spectroscopic techniques, have shown that leached
order Wigner approximation:
zones depleted in Na, Al, and 0 formed during the initial,
incongruent phase of dissolution. This zone may extend as
deep as IO00 A or more at pH values of 1 or 2 (CASEY et I?““” =
al., 1988, 1989a,b; HELLMANNet al., 1990).
where vt is the absolute value of the reaction coordinate
Kinetic Isotope Effect and the M~hanisms of Silicate imaginary frequency from ab initio calculations. For detailed
Dissolution calculation of the tunneling correction, kineticists generally
use the transmission coefficients from the Eckart barrier (e.g.,
Useful structural and dynamic information on the reaction JOHNSTON, 1966). An even higher calculation will use the
mechanism can usually be obtained from the kinetic isotope variational transition state theory (VTST) ( KREEV~Y and
effect ( MELANDERand SAUNDERS, 1980). This is because TRUHL.AR, 1986), which requires a thorough investigation
the kinetic isotope effect is directly related to the mass de- of the curvature of the potential along the entire reaction
pendence of the reaction coordinate. The mass dependence coordinate. However, at or above room temperature, the dif-
will be significant for reactions in which atoms are involved ference between those tunneling corrections becomes small
5396 Y. Xiao and A. c‘. Lasaga

(TRUONC and TRUHLAR, 1990) and the Wigner method different from the ab initio result of 3-4. In addition, the
should give a reasonable correction. measured activation energy at this temperature range (8.7
LASAC~Aand GIBBS( 1990) and CASEY et al. ( 1990) applied kcal/mol) is much lower than those from hydrothermal cx-
Eqn. I4 to the hydrolysis reaction of silica using H&OH periments ( 16-2 I kcal/mol). as well as from ab initio cal-
and the higher cluster H$&O. respectively. By replacing the culations. The data in CASl:)’ et al. ( 1990) is still controversial
incoming H20 with DzO, they predicted that the dissolution and thus, it may be that the disagreement stems from exper-
rate of quartz in Hz0 should be faster than that in D20 by imental difficulties. On the other hand, an ahcrnative expla-
a factor of 3 to 4. Results from our newest calculations based nation is that the hydrogen transfer from water to the bridging
on H&i20 hydrolysis at the MP2 /6-3 IG * level are listed in oxygen under the experimental conditions is more rapid than
Table 17, and are in good agreement with their ab initio modeled and may proceed cart) in the o\crall reaction
results. ((‘~St.1. et al., 1990). The discrepancy may also he attributed
The reason for the large kinetic isotope effect in this case to a mechanism change from hydrothermal temperatures to
is that hydrogen transfer is the dominant change along the diagenetic and weathering temperatures ( LAS\( ;.\, 1992 ),
reaction coordinate. Table I7 shows that the biggest contri- however, more experimental isotopic data arc needed (e.g.,
bution to the calculated kinetic isotope effect is from the at hydrothermal temperatures) to verify this point and to
difference in activation energies (the last term of Eqn. I4 ). ascertain the predictions of the ab initio calculations.
which indicates that the energy barrier difference between The acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of Si ~~~0 SI shows quite
quartz dissolution in D20 and in Hz0 is nontrivial. This different isotope effects. Recall the fact that the hydrolysis of
difference arises solely from changes in the vibrational fre- the Si ~~ 0 -- Si bond under H ‘( t1,O’) catalysis has a much
quencies (Eqn. 15). Because DZO has heavier masses. the lower activation energy than the uncatalyzed water hydrolysis
frequencies will be lower (recall I/ = ( 1/27r)m in simple (24 kcal/mol vs. 20.9 kcal/mol). Analyzing the trajectory of
vibrations) and decrease the zero-point vibrational energy the reaction along the reaction coordinate, the H is transferred
correction. Our calculation shows that the activation energy to the bridging oxygen early in the H30’ adsorption stage
for quartz dissolution in DzO should be I .3 kcal/mol higher for the case of acid-catalyLcd hydrolysis. The normal mode
than that in H20. analysis of the reaction coordinate in the vicinity of the tran-
Table I7 also lists the experimental values for quartz dis- sition state shows that none of the hydrogen atoms are active.
solution in Hz0 and DzO at pH 3 and 25-70°C from C.ASEY These results suggest that there should be a small. secondary
et al. ( 1990). The experiments were designed to test their isotope effect for the hydrolysis reaction involving Hi0
proposed mechanism of silica dissolution, i.e., Ihe hydrolysis Indeed. the calculated isotope efFcct based on this new model
,of the Si -- 0- Si bond by H20. The reason they chose pH gives a small kinetic isotope effect (Tahlc 17). I.c..
3 is that the pH of zero point charge of quartz, pH,,,. is 2.4 /+,,,,I /li,,,(,+ r 0.77. which iscloser to the experimental value
at 25°C (PARKS, 1967), and the quartz dissolution rate is than that based on the uncdtalyzed water hydrolysis of
nearly independent of solution pH at 2 < ptl c: 4 (e.g., Si O- Si.
HEMS I-RAand VAN RIEMSDIJK, 1990). Under this condition. Interestingly. our new calculation predicts that A,,,,+/
it is generally believed that the dissolution reaction may in- X,,,, + < I, suggesting that the quartz dissolution should be
volve only hydrolysis by water (e.g.. KKAuSS and Woi.t:~\r, faster in heavy water than in normal water if the hydrolysis
1988: DOVE and CRERAR, 1990; LASAW and GIRRS. 1990; is catalyzed by H ’ ( H30 +). This phenomenon ( reversed iso-
DOVL., 1994) with no net enhancement by adsorbed hydrogen tope eflect) has usually hccn related to the so-called “kinetic
or hydroxyl ions. The experimental average for the ratio of steric isotope effects” (MI I \\I)I I<and SAL \I)[ I<S. IYXO). If
the rate constants. k,,,,/k,,,, = 1.I7 (t-0. I7 ). is signilicantly the reaction is limited bb space considerations i IX.. it is btc-
rically hindered). the rate is expected to be more rapid in
D20 than in Hz0 because protium “requires more space“
Table 17. Kinetic isotope effect on quartz dissolution - ab initio than dcuterium (C‘AR I ILKand Ml.1 ANDtlR. 1973J.‘Asa matter
vs experiment of fact. GRAI 7 and BIRD ( 19Y3a.b) reported that quart7 dis-
solution in DzO is about 35”; faster than in H?O. However.
Temperahue 20 30 40 50 60 70 bccausc their experiment was carried out In O.OI M KOH
Vib ratio 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.39 1.39 1.39
solutions, the dissolution process most likely ~n~olvcd OH
E. ratio 3.14 3.02 2.92 2.82 2.73 2.65
catalysis. In our case. this “unusual” kinetic i\otopc eflect
Tunneling 1.30 1.29 1.28 1.26 1.25 1.24
5.81 5.56 5.32 5.13 4.93 4.74 stems from two factors: f I ) 7 hc structure of the adsorption
complex is rclaticel! “loose.” compared to the transition state.
As a result. the Lcro point encrg) correction raises (oppoitc
Vib ratio 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.07 to the usual case) the energy barrier from 22.5 kcal/mol to
E. ratio 0.70 0.71 0.71 1.72 1.73 1.73 24.0 kcal/mol. (2) The substitution of H30’ by DIO’ lowers
Tunneling 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
the vibrational frequcncics and thus. decreases the [em-point
&o+ho+ * 0.76 0.76 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.78
energy correction. The smaller tcro-point cnerg? correction
for the D,O ’ -catalyzed h>drol>sis reaction will lcad to a lower-
Experiment’ 1.26 1.00 1.16 1.14 1.28 1.25 activation energy and thus cause‘ faster quartl dissolution in
I)& than in Ii30 OUI- calculation suggests that the acti-
a - Based on H,&O + HgO = H&OH + H3SiOH
b - Based on H.&O + HaO+ = H$iOH$ + H&OH vation energy for quart/ dissolution in D30 ’ should hc 0.4
c - Casey et. al., 1990 kcal/mol lower than in tl;O’ Future experiments. as well
Kinetics and mechanism of silicate dissolution 5391

as theoretical investigations are needed to verify the “unusual” Based on the transition state for the hydrolysis ofH$i20 by
kinetic isotope effects at both low and high pH. water, the imaginary frequency is 1084 i cm-‘. However, the
It is important to point out that for any complex reaction imaginary frequency from the transition state for the hydro-
such as quartz dissolution, the observed kinetic isotope effect lysis of H,SiOAl by water is much lower at 198.1 i cm-‘.
is a weighted average of isotope effects from all elementary Since the dominant normal mode in the case of Si - 0 -Al
steps which control the overall rate. The comparison between hydrolysis is largely the formation of a new A10 bond and
the ab initio and experimental results suggests that both “pure the rupture of an original AI0 bond, all involving atoms with
water” hydrolysis and H+ catalyzed hydrolysis are the ele- heavy masses, the tunneling effect is expected to be small.
mentary reactions controlling the overall quartz dissolution There are several sets of experimental data on the kinetic
at low pH, with H + catalysis being the dominant one. How- isotope effects in silicate glass as well as feldspar dissolution.
ever, the dissolution rate is not pH dependent and so the For example, CASEY et al. ( 1988) found that the dissolution
acid catalysis mechanism (which also gave better agreement rates of labradorite feldspar in H20-HCl solutions (pH
between ab initio and experimental activation energies) was = 1.7) are 50% more rapid than in DzO - DC1 mixtures ( pD
not favored earlier in this paper. It is clear that closer scrutiny = 1.7) (kH20/kD20 = 1.49). These experiments at low pH
of the kinetic isotope effect may enable us to pinpoint further can be compared to the H’( H30’) catalyzed model for the
which atomic processes are dominating the dissolution re- hydrolysis of Si-O- Al. The calculated results are sum-
action of quartz. marized in Table 18. It shows that the hydrolysis rate in the
We also calculated the kinetic isotope effects for the hy- H+- Hz0 system is only slightly faster than in the
drolysis of the Si - 0 -Al bond. Table 18 gives the ab initio D+ - D20 system ( kH,O+/kDjO+= I .07 1. Again, we find a
results based on the water hydrolysis model (no catalysis). discrepancy between theory and experiment. It is interesting
Our calculations only yield a factor of 1.66, i.e., the dissolution that, this time, the ab initio kinetic isotope effect based on
rate of aluminosilicates such as feldspar in HZ0 should only pure water hydrolysis is quite close to the experimental one
be 70% times faster than in DzO, if the hydrolysis of for feldspar. It is clear that, while the isotope effects have the
Si - 0 - Al bonds controls the overall dissolution rate. This potential to unravel details of the reaction mechanism, both
isotope effect is much smaller than that obtained for the hy- the theoretical work and the experimental studies need some
drolysis of Si - 0 - Si groups by H20. The reason for the further refinement.
difference is that the hydrogen transfer occurs later in the Currently, similar calculations are being carried out to
hydrolysis of the Si - 0 -Al bond. Thus, the transition state study the kinetics and mechanisms of silicate dissolution un-
structures for the HZ0 hydrolysis of Si - 0- Si and der OH - catalysis. Another set of investigation is underway
Si - 0 -Al have the hydrogen, that is being transferred, at to explore the effects of adsorbed cations on water-rock surface
quite different positions. For the Si- 0- Si hydrolysis reactions. Recent experiments (DOVE and CRERAR, 1990;
transition state, the OH distances (Fig. 13) are quite similar DOVE, 1994) have shown that hydrothermal dissolution of
( 1.230 A vs. 1.187 A), and so the hydrogen transfer is active quartz can be significantly catalyzed by Na’ and K+ in the
in the region around the transition state. In the Si - 0 -Al solution. The explanation of the catalytic effect should be
hydrolysis transition state (Fig. 15), the two OH distances related to the adsorption of those cations on quartz surface.
are quite different ( I .049 A vs. 1.446 A), so that the hydrogen
is transferred at a later stage in the hydrolysis reaction (i.e., CONCLUSIONS
after the transition state has been crossed). This difference
has also been reflected by the calculated vibrational frequen- The need for a fundamental atomic theory of the chemical
cies of the transition states as well as the tunneling corrections. processes occurring at mineral surfaces has become increas-
ingly important. For the first time, ab initio methods are
providing key information on the details of relevant atomic
Table 18. Kinetic isotope effect on feldspar dissolution - ab initio dynamics leading to important reactions such as adsorption,
acid-base catalysis, dissolution, and precipitation. In our
study, the surface energetics and the bonds governing ad-
Temperature(%) 20 30 40 50 60 70
sorption and chemical reactions are all obtained from cal-
Vib ratio 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19
E. ratio 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.41 1.39 1.38 culations on molecular clusters of various sizes. Results so
Tunneling 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 far indicate that the assumption that the bond-making and
~H,Ol~&OO 1.72 1.70 1.68 1.67 1.65 1.64 bond-breaking processes in many geochemical reactions such
as silicate dissolution processes are mostly short-range in na-
ture is a rather good assumption. Therefore, the dynamics
Vib ratio 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00
of many of these reactions is controlled by a small set of
E, ratio 1.08 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07
Tunneling 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 atoms and long-range effects involving many unit cells are
kw,o+lkDao+* 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.07 1.06 minimal.
Using such finite molecular clusters, this paper has dis-
cussed the detailed molecular mechanism for the adsorption
ExperimentC 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 of both water and acid species (e.g., Hi and H30+) onto
a - Baaed on H&iOAl + Ha0 = HaAlOH + H3SiOH silica and aluminosilicate surfaces. In addition, the paper has
b - Based on HsSiOAl + HaO+ = HaAlOHt + H&OH discussed the reaction pathway for the breaking of
c - feldspar dissolution at pH l-2 (Casey et. al., 1988) Si - 0 - Si and Si - 0 -Al structural units on the surfaces
5398 Y. Xiao and A. C. Lasaga

of minerals. The catalytic effect of acids in promoting the glassy silicates. and gas-liquid solutions. f’/ty.\. (.%cr~r.I~I~Iu(</15.
dissolution process has been specifically addressed here. Fi- 311-217.
BARRC)WM. J., EBSW~R.~~~ E:.A. V.. and HAKI)I\~~;M. M. ( iW0)
nally, the actual molecular trajectories involved in the entire
The crystal and molecular structures of disifoxanc tat 108k) and
dissoIution process on mineral surfaces (e.g., adso~tion, the hexanlethyldisilo~ane (at I48 K ). ,.I~uI(~~~.~rt/i.8.35, ~093-~099,
ensuing formation of the transition state and the breakdown BENNF‘TT P. C. ( 199 I ) Quartz dissolution in organic-rich aqueous
of the activated complex to form products) have been ob- systems. ticwhim. ~‘ovnoc~l~irn.’tu 55, I78 I - 1707.
tained to produce a first principles ab initio “movie” of the BLCJMA. E. and LASAGAA. C. ( 1988) Role of surface bpeciatlon in
the low-temperature dissolution of minerals. hi~!rrrr~331, 431-
dissolution. 433.
Our major conclusions include: BLtibt A. E. and LASA~I A. (‘. ( 109I ) The role ofsurface speciation
in the dissolution of albite. Grr~chi~~.Cosmo~~Aitr~,1(,/n55. 2 I93-
11 The kinetics of quartz and feldspar dissolution at low pH 2201.
involves two mechanisms. i.e.. Hz0 hydrolysis and BRAI)\. P. V. ( 1992f Silica surface chemistry at elevated temperatures.
H ’ ( Hz0 a) catalysis. Gwitirn. ~‘(~si~~~)~,~?i~??.ACICI56, 294 I-2946.
BRAI)YP. V. and WALTHERJ. V. ( 1989) Controls on silicate dis-
2) There is only one unique adsorption site for both water
solution rates in neutral and basic pH solutionsat 25°C. C;c?,r,/~irn.
and the hydronium ion onto the Si -O- AI surface unit. C~o.rmtd7im. .4cru 53, 2823-2830.
Thus, the adsorption occurs at distances roughly equal to BRRI~VP. V. and WAL.Itit~ J. V. f IWO) Kinetics of quartz disso-
both the Si and Al atoms of the bridging unit. lution al low temperatures. %~~t?. &tl. 82, 2.53-164.
BIJKC‘HT. E.. NAGY K. L.. and LASAC~A A. C. ( 1993) Free energy
3) The adsorption of H’( H,O+) onto the bridging oxygen dependence of albite dissolution kinetics at 8O”r and pH X.8.
sites of Si - 0 - Si and Si - 0 --Al linkages plays the ~‘h<v?l. licol 105, 137-162.
key role in catalyzing the dissolution process. Calculated BURKHARIID. J. M., Db Jof~ B. I-I. W. S., Mrj t K A. J, H. M..
activation energies agree well with ex~~rne~tal data. and VANLEU~HEJ. H. i 1091) HhSiZ07:Ah initio malecular orbital
4) The H+( H30’) catalysis reaction pathway leads to major calculations shon two geometric conformations. G(~o&/n. ( ;j\-
I>~o&/N.:1r.r~55, 3453-3458.
changes in the potential surface and the reaction coor-
CAROLI_-WEBR S. A. and WAI.'I'%RJ. V. ( 1988) A surface complex
dinate. These changes lead to not only lower activation reaction model for the pH-dependence ofcorundum and kaolin&
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