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J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271

DOI 10.1007/s11051-010-0026-z


Single enzyme nanoparticle for biomimetic CO2

Renu Yadav • Nitin Labhsetwar • Swati Kotwal •

Sadhana Rayalu

Received: 19 January 2010 / Accepted: 6 July 2010 / Published online: 3 August 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2010

Abstract Nanoparticle technology is being increas- CA by SEN formation results in improved the half-life
ingly used in environmental sciences. We prepared period (up to 100 days). The formation of carbonate
single enzyme nanoparticle (SEN) by modifying the was substantiated by using gas chromatography (GC).
surface of carbonic anhydrase (CA) with a thin layer of The conversion of CO2 to carbonate was 61 mg of
organic/inorganic hybrid polymer. SEN-CA appears to CaCO3/mg of CA and 20.8 mg of CaCO3/mg of CA
be improving the stability of free enzyme. CA, as using SEN-CA and free CA, respectively.
ubiquitously found enzyme, is involved in gaseous
CO2 sequestration and is being looked as a promising Keywords Single enzyme nanoparticle  Carbonic
candidate for combating global warming. We report anhydrase  Carbonation reaction  Half-life period 
here physical characterization of SEN-CA using Environmental remediation
transmission electron microscope (TEM), Fourier-
transform infrared analysis (FTIR), X-ray diffraction
analysis (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX). Introduction
Average size of SEN-CA particles appears to be in the
range of 70–80 nm. We also report the effect of SEN Enzymes, being highly specific and effective under
formation on the kinetic parameters of free CA such as ambient conditions, show great promise in industrial
Michaelis–Menten constant (Km), maximum reaction applications. The major drawback in their use is their
velocity (Vmax), and storage stability of free CA and limited life. Various methods have been reported to
SEN-CA. The Vmax of SEN-CA (0.02857 mmol/min/ improve catalytic stability of enzymes such as immo-
mg) and free enzyme (0.02029 mmol/min/mg) is bilization, modification, genetic modification, and
almost similar. Km has decreased from 6.143 mM for medium engineering (Koeller and Wong 2001; Schmid
SEN-CA to 1.252 mM for free CA. The stabilization of et al. 2001; Guilbault 1984; Duran and Esposito 2000;
Burton et al. 2002; Tischer and Wedekind 1999;
Livage et al. 2001; DeSantis and Jones 1999; Govard-
R. Yadav  N. Labhsetwar  S. Rayalu (&)
han 1999; Mozhaev 1993). In the recent years, the issue
Environmental Materials Unit, National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), CSIR, of enzyme stability has been tackled by creating
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 400 020, India modified forms of the enzyme such as single enzyme
e-mail: nanoparticles (SENs) (Kim et al. 2006a, b). In SENs, an
enzyme molecule is modified by enclosing it in a cage
S. Kotwal
Department of Biochemistry, R.T.M. Nagpur University, formed with a porous organic/inorganic structure of
Nagpur 440 033, India less than a few nanometers thick. SENs of chymotrypsin

264 J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271

and trypsin have been endorsed with great advantages With the objective of further improving the stability
such as increased stability and activity, high surface of the enzyme we report here a unique protocol for
area, performance at high temperatures, stability to the synthesis of SEN-CA by caging each enzyme
denaturation and aggregation (Yan et al. 2007), with molecule with a hybrid organic/inorganic biopolymer
minimal mass-transfer limitation on substrates, and silica network by using biopolymer such as chitosan.
improved half-life (Kim et al. 2004, 2005a, b, 2006a, b; The biopolymer is non-toxic and user-friendly and
Lee et al. 2005a, b; Kim and Grate 2003). has protein affinity. This study describes the synthesis
Enzymes are being used for various applications in and stability of SEN-CA and compares it to free CA
energy and environment including carbon capture and for their application in conversion of CO2 to mineral
sequestration (CCS). Global warming is one of the carbonates. To the best of our knowledge, we are
most important environmental issues that the world reporting for the first time the use of CA as SEN-CA
faces today. The main cause behind this is the increase for CO2 sequestration.
in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Since
the industrial revolution, CO2 concentration has
increased from 280 to 360 ppm leading to global Experimental
climate change (Drake 2000). Therefore, there is an
urgent need to devise some strategies for sequestra- Materials
tion of CO2. In nature, CO2 is sequestered by chemical
fixation of CO2 in the form of carbonate minerals Partially purified CA isolated from a strain of Bacillus
such as calcite, aragonite, magnesite, dolomite, and pumilus (TS1) was processed at University Depart-
dolomitic limestone. The reaction sequence of the ment of Microbiology, Delhi University, South Cam-
production of calcium carbonate as a result of CO2 pus, New Delhi, India. Chitosan flakes used in this
sequestration is given below: study were obtained from Chemchito India Limited,
CO2 ðgaseousÞ $ CO2 ðaqueousÞ ð1Þ Chennai, India. All chemicals used in the study were
of analytical grade and were purchased from Merck,
CO2 ðaqueousÞ þ H2 O $ H2 CO3 ð2Þ
India Ltd and Sigma Chemicals Co, USA.
H2 CO3 $ Hþ þ HCO3  ð3Þ
Synthesis of CA nanoparticles
HCO3  $ Hþ þ CO3 2 ð4Þ
Ca2þ þ CO3 2 ! CaCO3 # ð5Þ CA (10 mg) dissolved in phosphate buffer (50 mM; pH
7) was stirred with sodium metaperiodate (1.85 mM) for
Reaction 2 is the rate limiting step in above reaction
30 min in dark to convert the hydroxyl group (–OH) to
scheme and is the slowest. The process of CO2
aldehyde group. An aliquot of ethylene glycol (1.5 mL)
sequestration is safe and eco-friendly but it works
was added to arrest the reaction and it was stirred for 2 h.
over a geological time scale. It is also insufficient to
The solution was dialyzed overnight against 2.5 L of
ensure the increased CO2 in air. Scientists are hence
200 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7) in dark. CA was
proposing biological sequestration of CO2 by CA to
activated with chitosan (6 mg/mL) dissolved in 3%
reduce the atmospheric CO2. We report here the use
acetic acid by stirring in the dark for 4 h. This allows
of SEN of CA (SEN-CA) to increase the rate limiting
formation of Schiff base between the amino group of
step of this reaction (Bond et al. 1999a, b, 2001a, b).
chitosan and aldehyde group of enzyme. The Schiff
Since we propose to use carbonic anhydrase (CA), a
complex was then stabilized by converting it into
zinc enzyme to resolve a non-biological problem, we
imine by drop-wise adding of sodium borohydride
are referring it as biomimetic sequestration (Bond
(0.74 mM), with continuous stirring for 4 h. The
et al. 2001a, b; Bhattacharya et al. 2003, 2004).
mixture was then dialyzed overnight against 2.5 L
CA, a ubiquitous enzyme, catalyzes the reversible
of 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7) in dark to
hydration of CO2 to form bicarbonate anion and a
remove unreacted reagents. The imine complex was
then silylated with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane
CO2 þ H2 O $ HCO3  þ Hþ (APTES) and hexane (1:10), vortexed and shaken at

J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271 265

22 °C (300 rpm) for 5 min. The lower buffer fraction form of SEN was 50–60%. Schematic and chemistry
was filtered (0.1 lm), and stored in the refrigerator. for the synthesis of SENs are shown in Fig. 1a, b.
To the upper hexane fraction, equal volume of
200 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7) was added and Characterization of SEN-CA
again vortexed at 22 °C (300 rpm) for 5 min for
extraction of CA. The buffer fraction was filtered Transmission electron microscopy image of lyophi-
(0.1 lm). This process was repeated till no CA lized SEN-CA was recorded by using a Tecnai-F20
activity was obtained in upper hexane fraction. The (FEI, The Netherlands).The lyophilized SEN-CA was
buffer fractions were pooled and stored in refrigerator dispersed in ethanol, and after 5 min, clear supernatant
for 3 days for silanol condensation (aging). The was dropped on a Cu grid covered with carbon.
solution was dialyzed for 3 days against 2.5 L of Fourier-transform infrared analysis (FTIR) spectra of
50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7) in the dark to remove lyophilized SEN-CA (1 wt%) mixed with KBr pellets
the autolytic products of CA and unreacted reagents. were recorded on Bruker Vertex-70 by diffused
The final clear solution (SENs) was stored in a reflectance accessory technique. Spectra of SEN-CA
refrigerator at 4 °C. The yield of CA activity in the were scanned in the range 400–4000 cm-1. X-ray

Fig. 1 Schematic (a) and chemical reaction (b) for the synthesis of single-enzyme nanoparticles

266 J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271

diffraction pattern of the SEN-CA was obtained by shaken at 25 °C and then CaCl2 was added along with
using an X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical Model no. Tris buffer (1 M, pH 10.4). The time required for the
TW 3660/50), with Cu Ka radiation (2h = 1.54060 A°) onset of carbonation reaction with respect to control
at a voltage of 45 kV and 40 mA and scanned over the (without enzyme) was recorded (Liu et al. 2005).
range of diffraction angle 2h = 2–80°. The zinc content
of lyophilized SEN-CA was confirmed by energy Characterization of carbonate precipitate
dispersive X-ray (EDX).
FTIR spectra of carbonate precipitate (1 wt%) mixed
Assay of enzyme activity with KBr pellets were recorded on Bruker Vertex-70 by
diffused reflectance accessory technique. Spectra of all
Enzyme activity was measured spectrophotometrically the carbonate precipitates were scanned in the range
using p-nitro phenyl acetate (p-NPA) as a substrate 400–4000 cm-1. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
according to the method described by Armstrong et al. study of the carbonate precipitate of SEN-CA was
(1966) with a slight modification. In brief, the reaction carried out by using a JEOL JED-2300 SEM. X-ray
was started by adding 0.2 mL enzyme (free CA or diffraction pattern of the carbonate precipitates were
SEN-CA) in a 1-cm spectrophotometric cell containing obtained by using an X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical
1.8 mL phosphate buffer (100 mM; pH 7) and 1 mL of Model no. TW 3660/50), with Cu Ka radiation
3 mM p-NPA. The change in absorbance at 348 nm (2h = 1.54060°) at a voltage of 45 kV and 40 mA and
was recorded over first 5 min at 25 °C. For control, scanned over the range of diffraction angle 2h = 2–80°.
enzyme was replaced by buffer. One unit of enzyme
Estimation of carbonated precipitate
activity was expressed as 1 lmol p-nitro phenol
formed per minute per mg protein at 25 °C.
Evaluation of the carbonate precipitate was carried
out by a gas chromatographic method, using a
Protein determination
thermal conductivity detector (TCD). In this method,
the carbonate precipitate was treated with 0.5 M HCl
Protein concentrations were determined (Lowry et al.
and CO2 evolved was monitored using gas chroma-
tography (GC). The reaction was carried out in
borosilicate glass reactor in which carbonate precip-
Kinetic constant of SEN-CA and free CA
itate was taken and 0.5 M HCl was added. The
evolved gas was collected in the collector and then
Kinetic studies were carried out by measuring the
analyzed in GC/TCD using Porapak Q column.
enzyme activities at 348 nm in the presence of
varying substrate concentrations (1, 2, 3, 4, and Storage studies
5 mM), at different time (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 min),
and the temperature was maintained in shaking For storage stability study, free enzyme and SEN-CA
incubator at 25 °C and 120 rpm. Michaelis–Menten solution were prepared in bulk and stored as aliquots,
constant (Km) values and the maximum velocities and were incubated at -20, 4, and 30 °C for a period
(Vmax) were determined using the Lineweaver–Burk of 100 days, and the enzyme activity was determined
double-reciprocal plot (Lineweaver and Burk 1934), after every 5-day interval.
in which the reciprocals of the initial velocities of the
CA activity were plotted against the reciprocals of the
concentration of p-NPA (substrate) used. Results and discussion

Protocol for mineralization of CO2 Characterization of SEN-CA

To study the efficiency of enzymatic carbonation Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of SEN-CA
reaction to convert CO2 to calcium carbonate (CaCO3),
1 mL of the free CA (1 mg/mL) or SEN-CA was added High resolution TEM images confirmed the presence
to 10 mL of water saturated with CO2. The sample was of individual nanoparticles with a contrasting outer

J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271 267

spectra. The sharp peak at 1145 cm-1 in SEN-CA

layer is corresponding to siloxane bond (Si–O–Si).
The shift of band may due to weak binding of Si-
groups with chitosan.

X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) of SEN-CA

The XRD pattern of SEN-CA indicated the charac-

teristics peaks of chitosan at 2h of 10 and 20°, SEN-
CA also shows the intense peaks at 72 and 88°
corresponding to silica groups as shown in Fig. 4.

EDX analysis of SEN-CA

The CA is a zinc-containing enzyme. EDX spectrum

Fig. 2 TEM image of SEN-CA of SEN-CA in Fig. 5 shows the presence of Zn atom
confirming the presence of CA in the particles.
structure (Fig. 2). The seemingly hollow centers of
the nanoparticles result from the transparency of the Kinetic constants of SEN-CA and free CA
core protein. The dark image surrounding the trans-
parent core is the composite cross-linked polymer; The kinetic constants (Km and Vmax values) for free
the presence of silicon was confirmed by EDX CA and SEN-CA are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 6.
analysis. Average size of these SEN particle appears For the free CA Km was 1.252 mM, and apparent Km
to be in the range of 70–80 nm. value of SEN-CA was 6.143 mM. The Km of SEN-
CA is almost five times as that of free CA and maybe
FTIR of SEN-CA due to the mass-transfer limitation for the substrate
(p-NPA) through the organic/inorganic hybrid layer
The functional groups of SEN-CA is represented in formed around the single enzyme by multipoint
FTIR spectra shown in Fig. 3. These spectra reveal attachment between each CA molecule and the
functional groups in SEN-CA. FTIR spectra of SEN- biopolymeric silica network. In view of this result,
CA show the peak at wave number of 2932–2866 and efforts are in progress to reduce the biopolymeric
1472–1341 cm-1. These bands are attributed to the silica network for possible decrease in Km values.
presence of alkyl groups between CA and chitosan The turnover number, or kcat, is micromoles of
layer. The weak band at 3840 cm-1 is attributed to
the presence of silanol (Si–OH) groups shown in the

Fig. 3 FTIR image of SEN-CA Fig. 4 XRD image of SEN-CA

268 J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271

Fig. 5 EDX image of


Table 1 Kinetic parameters of free CA and SEN-CA Further studies are in progress to use other bioassay
tools such as CO2 hydration (Mirjafari et al. 2007) to
Enzyme Vmax Km kcat kcat/Km
(mmol/min/mg) (mM) (s-1) (M-1/s) substantiate these findings. Also studies are in
progress to substitute chitosan with other polymer,
Free CA 0.02029 1.252 0.6093 486.66 which shall not act as promoter, and also to optimize
SEN-CA 0.02857 6.143 8.579 1396.5 the minimum level of APTES used in the organic/
inorganic hybrid layer, which will not interfere in
enhancing the catalytic efficiency.
product made per minute per micromole of enzyme
(Vmax/Et). The increased kcat for SEN-CA by a factor Mineralization of CO2
of 14 in spite of higher Km maybe attributed to
increased reactivity of SEN-CA with p-NPA mole- In the precipitation reaction, the time recorded for the
cules. The catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of SEN-CA formation of precipitate in SEN-CA is 37 s as
has increased by factor of 3, and it may be attributed compared to 170 s in blank without CA (reagent
to the presence of promote reagents in the organic/ blank), whereas for the free CA it is 45 s, as shown in
inorganic hybrid layer, which seem to be functioning Table 2. The time taken for precipitation in the blank
as a promoter and enhancing the catalytic efficiency. without CA (reagent blank) is 170 s, which is

Fig. 6 Lineweaver–Burk
plots: a free CA, b SEN-CA

J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271 269

Table 2 Summary of precipitation of calcium carbonate

S.N. Samples Time (s)

1 SEN-CA (partially purified) 37

2 CA (partially purified) 45
3 Blank without CA (reagent blank) 170

Table 3 Comparison of FTIR spectra of SEN-CA and free CA

S.N. Peak for SEN-CA Free CA
CaCO3 (cm-1) (cm-1) (cm-1)

1 712 714 712

2 874 869 874

approximately three times higher as compared to Fig. 7 SEM image of carbonate precipitate of SEN-CA
carbonation reaction in presence of free CA and SEN-
CA. The results establish the proof of concept of
SEN-CA being instrumental in accelerating carbon-
ation reaction. Table 3 shows the comparison with Storage stability studies
the spectra of calcium carbonate. It has been observed
that prominent two peaks at 712 and 874 cm-1 for For the storage stability of free CA and SEN-CA, the
CaCO3 are present in the spectra of the SEN-CA and enzyme preparations were stored at -20, 4, and
free CA, respectively. 30 °C, and the activity was measured for a period of
100 days. Results are shown in Fig. 8. The initial
Estimation of carbonated precipitate activity of free CA was 82.5 U/mL. However, when
stored at -20 °C the enzyme activity shows decline
The carbonated precipitates were subjected to evolu- pattern till 10th day after that activity remained stable
tion of carbon dioxide after the carbonation reaction up to 15th day, further it shows complete loss of
by using GC. The carbonated precipitate formed is 61 enzyme activity on 20th day. In the case of SEN-CA
and 20.8 mg of CaCO3/mg of CA for SEN-CA as stored at -20, 4, and 30 °C the enzyme activity
compared to free CA, respectively. The enhanced increased slowly for 50 days and then declined. Early
efficiency of enzyme may be attributed to the rise in activity may be due to aging and stabilization
presence of promoters in the hybrid layer. Alterna- of organic/inorganic hybrid layer formed around
tively, it may be as a consequence of a specific enzyme molecule. The method thus provides higher
conformation of enzyme. Further studies are in shelf-life for the enzyme as compared to free enzyme.
progress to elucidate the reason and mechanism of It is probably because the multipoint attachment
enhanced reactivity. between CA molecule and the biopolymeric silica
network enhances the conformational stability of CA.
Characterization of carbonate precipitate When aging is completed, the activity starts declining
of SEN-CA very slowly. From Fig. 8b it has been observed that
the time required for aging at 4 °C is more than other
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) temperatures (-20, 30 °C), and there is increase in
activity. It appears to be safe to store at 4 °C.
SEM image of carbonate precipitate of SEN-CA Activities decrease slowly after 35 days (52 U/mL at
indicates well-defined faceted rhombohedral charac- 4 °C) and continue to remain almost constant up to
teristics of calcite crystals as shown in Fig. 7. 100th day (35 U/mL at 4 °C).

270 J Nanopart Res (2011) 13:263–271

Fig. 8 The storage stabilities: a free CA (solid line -20 °C), b SEN-CA at different temperature (solid line 30 °C, dashed line
-20 °C, dotted line 4 °C)

Conclusions Acknowledgments This study was carried out under the Supra
Institutional Project [SIP-16 (4.2)], Council of Scientific and
Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Department of Biotechnology
We have developed a new form of stabilized enzyme (DBT), New Delhi, sponsored project. We are grateful to The
using CA. Individual enzyme molecules are stabilized Director, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
within a biopolymeric silica network of nanometer- (NEERI), Nagpur for providing constant encouragement and help.
scale thickness. A key result is that stabilization of the We are thankful to Dr. T. Satyanarayanan, University Department
of Microbiology, New Delhi, for providing partially purified
activity was achieved with minimal substrate mass- carbonic anhydrase and Dr. Peshwe, Visvesvaraya National
transfer limitation compared to CA entrapped in larger Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur for characterization of
scale materials. The development of stabilized SEN- materials. I acknowledge the help of Prof. Hata, Kyushu
CA as soluble individual SEN-CA particles also University, Chikushi Campus, Fukuoka, Japan in providing
TEM image of SEN-CA.
provides the opportunity to further process them into
other forms. We are optimistic that other enzymes that
are compatible can be converted into SEN with the
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