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‘rcn on Poser Dele Va.7 No, mary 1992 SINGLE FIASE TRIPPING aND AUTO RECLOSING OF TRANSMISSION LINES enters of the TEEE Fowor System Relaying Comiscee Working Group “sEsstergelyor-thairaan, J-Ascrichak, B.A-colvelt, D.e-Davsons Dy Keketatepbsy CL-naily AsPolstiey Key words: Siogle Phase Trip, single phate celay, four reactor achenes This paper hes been prepared to aié in the Ecpping and astoscctonly of aceianioe “ies Dertormmnces”and_citiatice citi" be Mtscusnds het Eile pate eta sitesi Descriptions of the various devices, definitions Publications have been included to make the paper Uheful not only to relay engineers, But also co other schntcal poopie who ate red for the mie benetite of suto-recloeing ate single-phase teipping and 5. Improvements in system reliability and Gveliabiiity, “especially “tere renate Reduction of suttching overvoliagee D. eduction of shatt torsional oscillation of Single-phase relaying application ta Relative Nunber of Different Types 5 types Percent Single Phase-to-Ground Faults 70 Shes TEEE/PES" 1591 “Summer” Meceing Geliforate, July 26 - August 1 sbateted 4petl 2, 1991) nde a Printing Mey 2, 1991 BHU/UHV Liner the conductor spacing. ie jncreasea, therefore, the percentage of multi-phase Faults decrencee, "Sone representative wtatiatice for the Felative suber of different type of faulte on a 325 Ad Tranandeston Lines are shown gn fable 11-13] Nelative Nanber of Different Types of Faults se type Percent Phase-to-Phase Faults . Double Paasesto- Ground Faults 2 For the purposes of thie paper, the following Single-phase trippiog: ‘The opening of the faulted ‘phate during « singleephase to\groud fault. phase suto-reclosing: ‘Te reclosing of the ‘hase following a siagle-phace trip. Primary are current: ‘Tue current in the phase to round arcing fault prior to single-phase erfpping. Secondary are current (Ia): The current which flows in the afc after single-phase tripping 1s completed. Ge) "sa" the sum af too currence derived trom the lectroteatic “Ciee) “and electromagnetic foteling fron che ive coergised pas (is): The voltage which sppeare Setinguiahede rose Country Fault: The occurrence of simultaneous faulte onthe tane or different’ phaece on double svgTen noqureenens based on the subject ayeten being able to withstand 5 theee-phase ue fault at critical locattons” ons. 97791 83000192 1 Aienough three-phase bus faults are a conventent Gibie er ‘teiple coneingency faults’ are ore comon han tnree-phace faults Himllineoue ‘trip of “another “Tine "doe to “relay parallel Lines whore a single phase-tomground fault Eipelied on Lise I aed cleared in 3 cycles, Assume 2 Riitaneoua false trip of Line 2. Line 1 Figure 1, Single Wachine-tofintte Bas teip of ioe I (eurve. C)y. but” tonain stable. for Hagte-phase trip curves Aad B)- Reclose time ta oteritical. Note, that che unfte settle faster for the #0 cycle etlose than the 30 cyele roclose PNGLE-DEGREES CURVE &r SP. TRIP. 30 CY RECLOSE. UAVE 6: SP, TRIP. 90 CY RECLOSE fo Glave €:Thate Putte Trie ! i 50, ‘Tine-Seconos: Figure 2. Rotor Angle Corves-Turee cycle Fault niLine i with Felae Three-Phace Teip on Line 2 eally, transient stabitity studies should fnctute the statistical date of" past System erfornence during miltiple contingency eventh. as Gisturtance date are used, single-phase tripping will Citective in many Sone of the cbvious design requirenente aret 2) A relay system ston ix capable of selecting Tol" tipping only the “faalted phate for 2) The chreult breakers matt have indopendent pole operacing. capability "to erocute a BNogtecetase trip propeely- 2) Te traneniaaion Line tower footing Other design requirenente of the transmission tine “are, eee ‘abviout nantly, “the effect ofthe Electrostatic. and electrompoetic coupling between the willl energized phase ‘conductors and. parallel Lipe(s). This: phenomenon 4) Tends co austaia a secondary are current CGD" in ene pelmey_ are: path aod. lengthens prevent a successful auto rectove 2) caunee cecoveey voltage ee Sees broken, The magnitude of Uy andlor Mis rete of vise can initiate a. restrikey (ie) 0 appear (o.__Cateulation of the Secondary Are Current ‘me secondary arc current, (Ig) on single, cymeteicsly, fully transposed trangnission Line 1a Eilcally: the phasor sun of tho currents maintained by electrostatic. (lye) and electromagnetic. (lyn) te Tac + Taw a 1) Galeulstion of the Secondary Are current via Hesteastatte Couples shecstercatie™ coupling "oe “S" Slagle” symmetrical, fully ‘tranepoted tranantssion Tine. vae developed Klabtety Peterson, Dravidy ets ale [L23) FOr Goteeneposed ‘Iino ‘analysis refer to" (11y 12, 12) Figure ue represents a ingley symettical, fully Erangpostd|ahsnistion ibe with Bhase A S00 open Greiptaces ands capacitance Gg from each fhaseltorground, The" phace A-Cod fault is represented ty Shee a Coed 3 Figure 3. Electrostatic Coupling Diagram of Single, Symecticaly. Fully” Teaver The phasor of the effective voltage 16 show ox Figare 3b. "the ‘hevenin equivalent chroot derived fron Figure 37 ia ahown oo Figure ha. It in achieved by folding phase € to phase B a feivitent viagran of stale, Symetricaly The magnitude of the secondary are current due to electrostatic coupling ie sa aivect proportion to Snapection of Figure ta with Sip clovedt =F cg a Tefereg A typical secondary are value for 500-LY Lines ie 20 A per 100 live. The. phare relationanip tween ‘the effective phase voltages ant Tye. 18 ‘how on Figure tbe 2) Calculation of the Secondary Are Cursent via Hlectronagnet tc Coupling shunt reectore, there Le a component of secondary are the feu toa: phases. se sinplifted diagram depicting secondary are current’ (lag) ue. to electromagnetic coupling “to x Figure 5. Electromagnetic Coupling Diagram of Single," ‘Symecricaly Fully Traneposed Accurate calculation of Igy regulres Electro ogptic Tennent fropean (ome Tacaen due 20 the ‘eriables Snvolving the Live cureente Eloving tn the ound" phases, adjacent Tine loading, che method of tecondary are extinction, ete. A simplitied calculation of Ign, for a single, symeteical, fally’teanspoced ‘Tine using a Eoursteactor schape 4e show in Appendix 3) Galewlation of the Recovery voleage ‘Tee magnitude of the recovery voltage (Ve) is aiectly proportional to" the Line voltage andthe felative "values of Cy and Cg. Consequently, Up does not vary with Line Length. From inspection of Figure a, the recovery voltage on phase A with Sip ope: a eT B Ua7= jag) 07 Fal) 8x he w Eee typical Vp values are 10-28% of the Moe the opctilogeaph of 2 typical recovery voltage Cowoeneation ip shown on Figuce 6. Figure 6. Recovery Voltage (Cop trace) and fecondary’ are" current (bottom trace) from the 1 solidly grounded senctore are applied to the Line “est ‘shunt “coopensationy “they eeduce the etlcceive coputtasce ot 6p) witout Gyr "thus feeding to Sigber® veloc of SBicages roe. sunt compentced’ Since where Tepetaate ‘Ieee than Soochal af the” total Line ‘Stearate aut entor may veecnreuate Sgr Sint thee Caresy thw effective” duusetoraeoun ‘Speatnce Ye inductive ana ‘she secovery voltage may cxleednocnat. "Tiesto “neutral woleapey Timited 9 The oecttlograph of a typi and tecondary “are. current “On a Tine with’ shunt Ie Teosuency envelope Sz attributed. to the beat Frequency of the 0 x source to the off tuned ‘circuit. created by the open pase capacitance and the ‘hunt coneneating cenctors: Ie = tnt m ee te ts) te 2) Modified Selective Switched four-Roactor ‘ais scheme Se recommended on untransposed Lines swore the “Fourcronctor banks are not effective. to on ong untraneposed 76SAV HAV Lines buflt in a Guterstovaiddle phase capacitance’ (Cq'n © Cpe) fo. outerctovouter” phase capacitance “(ejeo) varie Trop 3.3 to 3.9. for these Tiner, one Paur-renctor eek and ‘one’” poditied’ four-reector” bank nay" be Specified (10, 117 ‘he four-reactor bank at one end of the Line te decsaned 60 campeaate” the dotcr-pase, capacitance {our-reactor bank at. the other” snd of the line ie Gyratac. ce Cpe-Ca-g)- The. actual reactor weber MStectea “Tilowt tor "the “slectronsgsetic Component of the eecondary are current 110, 1] Figure 104, shove & modified four-reactor bank wien 4 houtral eestehing desiene 2 4889 2 Isa NS NS ney free \asa “fa! 83 Neutral Switches (NS) and High Side Reactor Switches (AS) and Their Positions for Ditferent with different high sige reactor eviteh positions. studied for # wide range of live lengths and. reactor fo" 350km having practical levele of shunt reactive ‘compensation (12) 3) High Speed Crounding Seiten schene This cchene involves the application of & high jeed grounding wvitcr in each Phase at each ond of faulted phase after the circuit breaker pole’ on that plase” opens and. vice verss for" reclosing. 10 Principle, the ground svitch remover fron fhe” open ‘phase on the Iine andy therefore, renovee the dtivieg voltege Behind the tecondary are. (8, 3] 4) ‘HYBELE Single-Poase Seneme ‘Te schone trips the faulted phase first. The two tnfaulted, phasse are telpped "with time delay 50-00" cyciee later~ The trip cycle Ss followed by 2 feat threesphase autovrecione (within. ID-15 ycles). Sisto Neyeiea after” the fault te cleared, hich sigelticeatly reduces the ayeten pore Sela ‘The ehree-phase teip and fast autonrectose Glininates "the secondary fault current Mithout additional hardvere cequrement. Fs_Sumaty of secondary arc extinction methods 1) Permanently connected four-reactor bank vantages Disadvantage Problems ve Frexibittiy tn” placenent 2) selectively svitchod four-reactor bankt ore flexibitiey chan method mlica Ta) toe Complexity of igh lover cost, does not 4) ybeid efngle phase trip schonet No additional hardware Cannot be used where te required to ‘Single phase se egutred liniaate the fo'maintaie aynckronien Secondary are Settean the tye and

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