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Abnormally High Fluid Pressures and

Associated Porosities and Stress Regimes

in Sedimentary Basins
N.A. Yassir, CSIRO Petroleum and J.S. Bell, Geological Survey of Canada

Summary underconsolidated, with an abnormally high porosity for its depth of

The relationships between overpressures and porosity and over- burial. The high pore pressures increase with increasing load. Under-
pressures and stress regime are found to differ significantly accord- consolidation occurs in areas such as the Gulf Coast and the Niger and
ing to the geological setting and overpressure generating mecha- Orinoco Deltas, where great thicknesses of shale are buried to depths
nism. These factors must be taken into account in pore pressure of several kilometers in relatively short periods of time.
prediction techniques and in correlations between pore pressure and 2. Shear deformations can generate excess pore pressures if the
minimum horizontal stress. Two examples from overpressured Ca- material is normally consolidated and undrained. There are numer-
nadian basins are presented to illustrate the above. ous examples of tectonically-induced overpressuring, including the
California Coast Ranges and the Gulf of Alaska.
3. The transformation of smectite (montmorillonite) to illite in
Introduction clay-rich sediments may cause overpressuring. When intermolecu-
“Sonic and density logs . . . provide a means of determining pore lar water in the smectite is released to become intergranular water,
pressure and the overburden stress which are needed to calculate the it is thought to experience a volumetric expansion and, thus, result
fracture pressure.”1 in abnormally high fluid pressures.
“Pressure generation in the Gulf of Alaska is somehow related to 4. Overpressuring is, in many cases, attributed to hydrocarbon
the high lateral stresses. For this reason it is not surprising that the generation. Because organic matter constitutes a substantial part of
traditional methods of abnormal pressure prediction developed in ba- freshly deposited muds, biochemical activity can produce large vol-
sins such as the Gulf of Mexico do not work in the Gulf of Alaska.”2 umes of methane, leading to overpressures.
Many sedimentary basins are overpressured at depth, sometimes 5. Overpressuring is sometimes attributed to temperature. The
so severely that the overburden rocks are practically floating on top pressure in an isolated volume can increase with increasing temper-
of the overpressured formation. This poses severe problems in ature to such an extent that it can theoretically exceed geostatic pres-
assessing the safety window for mudweights, which have to coun- sures under normal temperature gradients. The conditions for this
terbalance the overpressure to prevent blowouts without exceeding mechanism are that the material retains a constant volume, is totally
the minimum stress and fracturing the formation. Mudweight bal- isolated from its surroundings (zero permeability), and that isolation
ancing is at its most sensitive at the onset of overpressuring because has occurred at lower temperatures than present.
hard geopressures are often suddenly encountered over depth inter- There is therefore a tremendous complexity of processes that
vals in the order of tens of meters. Accurate pore pressure prediction could lead to overpressuring. For the purposes of this paper, it is as-
is therefore important for optimized well design. Overpressuring sumed that all these mechanisms are possible under certain geologi-
also exerts a significant influence on seal integrity. There has there- cal conditions. From a geomechanical point of view, they will be di-
fore been a great deal of research on correlating pore pressure and vided into three categories:
the minimum (usually horizontal) stress. 1. Rapid loading and undercompaction.
The main assumption made in pressure prediction techniques is 2. Fluid generation at depth.
that the overpressure will be associated with a density anomaly that 3. Undrained shear.
will be detected using geophysical techniques. This paper will dem- Pore pressure-porosity and pore pressure-stress relationships are
onstrate that the overpressure generating mechanisms strongly af- assessed for each of these categories.
fect pore pressure-porosity and pore pressure-stress relationships in
sedimentary basins. Pore Pressure and Porosity
Pore pressure prediction techniques invariably rely on the assump-
Origin of Overpressuring tion that overpressure is associated with undercompaction and thus
Overpressured rocks can be observed worldwide in many types of with abnormally high porosities. This has been most widely docu-
sedimentary and tectonic environments. Overpressures are usually mented in the Gulf Coast.3
associated with thick sedimentary sequences of ages varying from However, many examples of high density, overpressured shales
Jurassic to Tertiary. A seal is required to preserve overpressuring; are known. In the Viking Graben in the North Sea, pore pressure val-
its properties, as well as the age of overpressuring, control the shape ues of 80% of the overburden stress are known at depths of over
4000 m in low porosity, cemented shales of Jurassic age.7 In the
of the “transition zone” from normal hydrostatic pressures to maxi-
Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Canada, over 90% pore pressure/overburden
mum overpressures.
ratios are present at 4500 m, again, in normal density Jurassic
A number of different factors may contribute to abnormally high
shales.8 The assumptions made in prediction are therefore not al-
fluid pressures; these are extensively reviewed in the literature.3-6
ways valid, as discussed later.
The main mechanisms are briefly described next.
1. Overpressuring by rapid loading and undercompaction is the Rapid Loading. In the case of rapid loading, the pore pressure rises
most widely accepted mechanism. If a sediment is allowed to dissi- because fluid escape is inhibited during rapid burial. It would there-
pate its excess pore fluids as it is buried, it compacts and the pore pres- fore be expected that the porosity of the sediment will reflect the
sure gradient remains hydrostatic. When complete pore pressure dis- depth at which compaction ceased (Fig. 1, Case A), and accurate
sipation is impeded by a seal, however, the sediment becomes pore pressure prediction will be possible.
The principle of effective stress can be used to detect the depth at
Copyright 1996 Society of Petroleum Engineers
which sediment compaction had to cease to justify the value of over-
Original SPE manuscript received for review Nov. 21, 1994. Revised manuscript received pressure. The equilibrium depth, ze , is the depth at which a normally
Jan. 2, 1996. Paper peer approved Jan. 3, 1996. Paper (SPE 28139) first presented at the
1994 SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Delft, Aug.
consolidated sediment with an equivalent vertical effective stress is
29–31. found.9 For the above-mentioned case of overpressuring in the

SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1996 5

Fig. 2—Porosity-effective stress curves for two saturated clays
isotropically consolidated to 50 MPa. The Taiwan clay has a plas-
ticity index of 12; the Trinidad clay an index of 34. This indicates
that the latter is richer in clay minerals.

ued to consolidate and then became overpressured, experiencing a

Fig. 1—Schematic illustration of porosity variations with differ- reduction in effective stress to the same pore pressure that A is on.
ent overpressure mechanisms. B becomes overconsolidated because of fluid injection or expan-
sion. C experiences a phase change from solid to fluid and thus a dra-
Jeanne d’Arc Basin, ze for the overpressured sediments at 4500 m matic porosity increase, possibly higher than its normal consolida-
is 430 m, which is totally incompatible with their density.8 tion state. Lastly, D is subjected to undrained tectonic shear, so that
Compacted sediments at depth can become overpressured by sub- the pore pressure increases without significant volumetric change.
sidence later in their history; however, this mechanism will only In cases B and C, the onset, but not the magnitude, of overpressuring
generate overpressures compatible with the increment of applied will be predictable by the standard methodology, although Bowers
vertical stress. Near-lithostatic overpressures in low density sedi- presents a good method to resolve Case B.10 In Case D, it will be
ments cannot, therefore, be explained by this mechanism. difficult to predict the onset or magnitude of overpressure because
the sediment experiences little volumetric change. Only Case A can
Fluid Generation at Depth. Fluid generation implies a process by give an accurate prediction of both onset and magnitude by standard
which fluid is created or added to sediments which could have been methodology because of the direct relationship between pore pres-
normally consolidated prior to overpressuring. A number of mecha- sure and porosity, but other effects are important.
nisms apply: smectite dehydration, hydrocarbon generation, and 1. Diagenesis plays an important role in the consolidation of sedi-
thermal expansion of fluid. Fluid migration into one sedimentary ments and must have an effect on overpressuring and on porosity-
unit because of the compaction of another and osmosis could also based estimations. This is particularly pertinent in carbonates,
apply.3,5 where compaction tends to break down.
Consider a hydrostatically pressured normally consolidated sedi- 2. Experimentation demonstrates that sediment type has a great
ment at depth into which additional fluid is injected. From a geome- influence on porosity-effective stress relationships. Consider two
chanical point of view, the sediment may dilate in response to the clays—one from Trinidad and one from Taiwan. The former is rich-
increase in pore pressure, Du, and therefore become overconsoli- er in clay minerals. Both were isotropically consolidated in a triaxial
dated (Fig. 1, Case B). Note that the porosity corresponding to the cell to 50 MPa mean effective stress. The resulting porosity-effec-
same pore pressure in the rapid loading case is higher. This may ex- tive stress relationships are different (Fig. 2). This means that even
plain the high overpressures associated with near-normal densities with rapid loading alone, the porosity-pore pressure relationship
observed in the Scotian Shelf, further discussed later. Bowers also can be unique for each clay type, let alone other sediment types.
gives a good example of this effect.10 3. It is known from the soil mechanics literature that the stress re-
If pore pressure is being generated by the thermal cracking of a solid gime during consolidation will create a unique porosity-effective
hydrocarbon phase, however, the change to a fluid phase may cause a stress relationship. For the same material, the porosity of a sediment
loss of solid and, therefore, a dramatic increase in porosity.11 In this consolidated under isotropic stress will be higher than that of a sedi-
case, it is conceivable even that the sediment will rebound above its ment consolidated under anisotropic stress.6
normal consolidation line (Fig. 1, Case C) and look severely undercon- The above reviewed some of the potential pitfalls in pore pressure
solidated for its depth, when this had nothing to do with rapid burial. prediction techniques. The examples discussed below will illustrate
the importance in identifying the cause of overpressuring for more
Undrained Shear. When a normally consolidated sediment is sub- effective prediction.
jected to shearing, usually through tectonic activity, and the water
cannot escape, it becomes overpressured. This occurs because the
sediment “skeleton” is rearranged by the shear stresses, resulting in Pore Pressure and Stress
a transfer of the load from the grains to the pore fluid with little volu- There is increasing evidence in basins worldwide that anomalous
metric change (Fig. 1, Case D). Original porosity does play a part pore pressures are usually associated with anomalous horizontal
in the degree of overpressuring: the looser the initial “skeleton,” the stresses. In the Gulf of Alaska, the onset of overpressuring with
greater the pore pressure response.12 It is possible, by this mecha- depth is associated with a change in stress regime from extensional
nism, to reach near-geostatic pore pressures with normal porosities to compressional.2 The same relationship is observed in the Scotian
for the depth of burial, as discussed below. Shelf.13 In Brunei, Venezuela, and the Gulf Coast, overpressures are
Fig. 1 illustrates this variation in porosity with different overpres- associated with anomalously high horizontal stresses, and sub-nor-
sure mechanisms for the same effective stress (or pore pressure u; mal pressures are associated with anomalously low horizontal
SV is constant). In Case A, the sediment is underconsolidated so that stresses.14 There is therefore considerable interest in obtaining rela-
it slowly moves along the consolidation line as the load increases tionships between the two in order to predict one from the other.14,15
and the fluids dissipate. In Cases B, C, and D, the sediment contin- Such correlations can be misleading because no single relationship

6 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1996


Fig. 4—Excess pore pressure build-up for the two clays in Fig.
2 during undrained shearing with a confining effective stress of
50 MPa.

both u and Sh are the direct result of an undrained increase in SV. The
u/Sh ratio at SV +120 MPa is 0.66, the fracture condition being
u/Sh u1.

Fluid Generation at Depth. Eq. 1 also shows that, when fluid is

generated at depth, it can result in an increase in horizontal stress;
the total vertical stress, which is the weight of the overburden, does
not change. By the same process, a pore pressure reduction leads to
a corresponding reduction in horizontal stress.17 Fig. 3b illustrates
the same sediment as in Fig. 3a, but subjected to overpressuring by
fluid generation resulting in a 20 MPa shift to the right in the pore
pressure gradient. Note that the horizontal stress increases more dra-
matically than in the rapid loading case. At SV +120 MPa, Sh is 102
MPa, so that the u/Sh ratio is 0.73. This ratio is at its highest value
at the onset of overpressuring (0.76, SV +100 MPa).
Because of the transient nature of overpressuring, it is possible for
a pulse of fluid to increase the fluid pressure beyond the value of the
u minimum horizontal stress and result in hydraulic fracturing. How-
ever, for the case described in Eq. 1, in neither the fluid source nor
Fig. 3—Relationship between pore pressure and stress: a. rapid the rapid loading mechanisms can the horizontal stress exceed the
loading, b. fluid generation. vertical stress. The magnitude of increase or decrease in Sh is natu-
rally dependent on the value of Poisson’s ratio, n. With a fluid source
holds true for different areas (and sometimes within a single basin). mechanism, it is possible that the sediment fluidizes at depth, thus
The influence of overpressure mechanism on the pore pressure- experiencing an increase in u. This can be especially effective if the
stress relationship is discussed below. solid hydrocarbon phase is altering to a fluid phase (Fig. 1, Case C).
An increase in the dynamic n of shales from 0.35 to 0.48 is observed
Rapid Loading. Rapid loading involves a pore pressure increase di- in the Gulf Coast as the u/SV ratio increases from 0.5 to 0.9; in sands,
rectly as a result of an increase in the vertical stress, SV. In a tectoni- the corresponding increase is 0.28-0.3518.
cally passive basin, such as the Gulf Coast, the horizontal stress, Sh ,
will also increase in response to burial, so that there is a constant ra- Undrained Shear. Undrained shear is the opposite situation where
tio, K, between the effective horizontal and vertical stresses. A com- horizontal stress increase results in fluid pressure generation. The
mon assumption is that zero lateral strain conditions prevail (this is sediment “skeleton” rearranges its structure in response to the
the simplest assumption, but other stress regimes can be consid- change in shear stress, transferring some of the load to the pore
ered)16: fluid.12 Fig. 4 illustrates how much excess pore pressure is gener-
ated in sediments consolidated at an effective stress of 50 MPa
Sh +{[n/(1*n)](SV *u)})u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
(around 4km).
If there is no drainage, an increase in SV by loading will result in an Coarse sediment gives a higher pore pressure response (Fig. 4) if
identical increase in pore pressure and Sh . Fig. 3a illustrates a simple the porosity is high enough; sandstones and chalks are particularly
theoretical case of a normally consolidated, hydrostatically pres- susceptible to this behavior and can be severely overpressured if
sured sediment (n+0.38) at a depth corresponding to an SV of 100 sealed by shale units.12
MPa. If this sediment is then loaded rapidly to a depth correspond- In summary, there is a relationship between Sh and u in sedimenta-
ing to 120 MPa, the pore pressure would rise by 20 MPa to 65 MPa; ry basins, but this is not a constant. Both u and Sh are related to SV
Sh would also rise by 20 MPa to 98 MPa: the abnormal gradients of in the rapid loading case. u causes an increase in Sh in the fluid

SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1996 7

1. The sedimentation rates in the history of the basin were low,19 It is not possible to detect either the onset or the magnitude of over-
so that rapid loading cannot be responsible. pressures in this case because of the absence of an anomaly (Fig. 6),
2. The density of the sediments registers a small anomaly at exactly what would be expected from undrained shear (Fig. 1).
approximately 5 km (Fig. 5). However, the ze for the pore pressures Seismic reflection data, in fact, proved to be ambiguous in pre-
at that depth is approximately 1.5 km, i.e., compaction would have dicting overpressuring in the outer shelf area, let alone their magni-
had to cease completely from 1.5 to approximately 5 km, or shal- tudes. Severe drilling problems were encountered.
lower if some fluid has escaped. This is incompatible with point 1 The u/Sh ratio changes with depth, but, unlike the Scotian Shelf
and with the sediment density at 1.5 km (unless cementation, which example, the effective stress is more or less constant.
is inhibited by undercompaction, has caused a density increase from In summary, the Scotian Shelf and Beaufort Sea, both highly
about 2.25 to 2.75 g/cc, Fig. 5). overpressured regions, reveal different overpressure origins. In the
3. The transition zone is narrow, which would imply that either a middle to outer shelf area of the Beaufort Sea, it is difficult to detect
seal has been perfect over the above depth range, or, more likely, a the overpressures because of the lack of a density or sonic anomaly.
recent fluid pulse has caused the overpressures. The relationships between pore pressure and stress are also different
4. The top of the overpressure coincides with the 130 °C isotherm, in the two areas.
which is associated with hydrocarbon maturation19; vitrinite reflec-
tance studies show the same correlation.20 Conclusions and Implications
5. No tectonic activity is recorded, but the pore pressure is
1. The onset of overpressuring can be detected using a density
associated with an increase in horizontal stress, causing a change in
anomaly for all but the tectonic shear mechanism.
stress regime.13,21
It is possible to detect the onset of overpressures in this area because 2. Pore pressure magnitude can be predicted from the standard
the density and the sonic velocity decrease. This would be expected methods using density anomaly only if undercompaction has been
from a fluid source mechanism (Figs. 1, 5), especially if the fluid is gas. the mechanism for overpressuring. It is therefore important to iden-
However, it would be dangerous to calculate the magnitude of over- tify the overpressure mechanism(s) operating in order to assess the
pressuring from the anomaly using standard methodology. potential difficulties in detection.
Operators on the Scotian Shelf were, indeed, able to successfully 3. The relationship between pore pressure and fracture pressure
detect the depth of overpressuring by using reflection seismic data is also different for each of the three mechanisms so that correlations
calibrated to nearby wells. The degree of overpressuring, however, between the two for prediction purposes can be misleading. The as-
was not correctly predicted, which led to surprises, such as the blow- sessment of the safety window between pore pressure and fracture
out in the Venture N-91 well. pressure has to be performed with accurate measurements of both.
The u/Sh gradient is high and changes with depth in the overpres- 4. A knowledge of the geology of an area greatly assists the analy-
sured zone; the highest value is between 4.5 and 5 km, where great sis of overpressured regimes, their causes and timing, and their ef-
care should be exercised in drilling. Sh equals or exceeds SV at depth. fects on porosity and stress.

Beaufort Sea. The Beaufort Sea abuts the Arctic coast of western Nomenclature
Canada. Tertiary sediments are 10 km deep. The sedimentary se- u+ pore fluid pressure
quences are dominated by shale and sandstone, shale being domi- Du+ change in u
nant at depth offshore (south) and sand being dominant nearshore. SV + total vertical stress
Significant overpressuring is encountered at depths below 2.5 km Sh + total minimum horizontal stress
in the middle to outer shelf area. Pressure gradients exceeding 20 K+ ratio of horizontal to vertical effective stresses
kPa/m have been measured. n+ Poisson’s ratio.
Fig. 6 shows pore pressure and stress magnitude variations with ze + equilibrium depth
depth in a typical middle to outer shelf well, Siulik I-05 (70.141°N,
134.511°W). The pore pressure data here are from mudweights, but
the overpressures are verified in the area by drillstem and repeat
formation tests. 1. Anderson, R.A., Ingram, D.S. and Zanier, A.M.: “Fracture Pressure
It is believed that the cause of overpressuring in this area of the Beau- Gradient Determination form Well Logs,” SPE paper 4135 (1972).
2. Hottman, C.E., Smith, J.H. and Purcell, W.R.: “Relationship Among
fort Sea has a strong tectonic component because of the following.
Earth Stresses, Pore Pressure and Drilling Problems Offshore Gulf of
1. The area is active seismically.22
Alaska,” SPE AIME (Nov. 1979), 1477–1484.
2. The Canadian portion of the Beaufort Basin was affected by 3. Fertl, W.: “Abnormal Formation Pressures: implications to exploration,
widespread Tertiary compressive deformation that continued into drilling and production of oil and gas reservoirs,” Development in Petro-
Late Miocene time and, locally, Quaternary folding is docu- leum Science 2 (1976), 382 pp.
mented.23 A regional array of shale-cored, structurally aligned, 4. Rieke, H. and Chilingarian, G.: “Compaction of Argillaceous Sedi-
thrusted anticlines is present beneath outer shelf areas. ments,” Developments in Sedimentology 16 (1974), 424pp.
3. The top of the main overpressured zone exhibits significant relief 5. Mouchet, J.P. and Mitchell, A: “Abnormal pressures while drilling,” Elf
with undulations that mimic the form of the shale-cored anticlines. Aquitaine Manuels Techniques 2 (1989), 264pp.
4. Compaction levels in the area of the well are normal; no density 6. Yassir, N.A.: “Mud volcanoes and the behaviour of overpressured clays
or velocity anomalies are recorded (Fig. 6). and silts,” PhD thesis, University of London, UK, (1989), 249p.
5. The ze at 4 km is approximately 1.5 km. Considering that the 7. Carstens, H and Dypvik, H.: “Abnormal Formation Pressure and Shale
severe overpressures are in thick sandstones, it is difficult to see how porosity,” AAPG Bull. 65 (1981), 334–350.
they can retain high pore pressures before being buried by shales. 8. Yassir, N.A. and Rogers, A.L..“Overpressures, fluid flow and stress re-
As mentioned above, sandstones are susceptible to overpressuring gimes in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin, Canada,” Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.
& Geomech. Ab. 30 (1993), 1209–1213.
by undrained shear. Evidence for this can be found locally in the
9. Chapman, R.E.: “Petroleum Geology,” (1983), Elsevier.
area, where small pockets of sandstone are overpressured at depths
10. Bowers, G.L.: “Pore Pressure Estimation from Velocity Data: Account-
shallower than 2.5 km. ing for Overpressure Mechanisms Besides Undercompaction,” IADC/
6. The upper two leak-off tests give a fracture gradient slightly SPE 27488 (Feb 1994), 515–523.
less than the vertical stress. In the overpressured zone, however, the 11. Bjorlykke, K.: “Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins,” Sed. Geol. 86
fracture pressure rises to coincide with the vertical stress (Fig. 6). (1993), 137–158.
This suggests that either stress isotropy prevails or, more likely, both 12. Yassir, N.A.: “Undrained Shear Characteristics of Clay at High Total
horizontal principal stresses exceed SV, indicative of a thrust fault re- Stresses,” Rock at Great Depth, V. Maury and D. Fourmaintraux, eds.
gime. (1990), 2, 907–913.

SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1996 9

13. Bell, J.S.: “The Stress Regime of the Scotian Shelf, Offshore Eastern SI Metric Conversion Factors
Canada, to 6 Kilometres Depth and Implications for Rock Mechanics ft 3.048* E*01 +m
and Hydrocarbon Migration,” Rock at Great Depth, vol. 3, V. Maury & °F (°F–32)/1.8 +°C
D. Fourmaintraux, eds. (1990), 3, 1243–1265. lbf/in2 6.894757 E*03 +MPa
14. Breckles, I.M. and van Eekelen, H.A.M.: “Relationship Between Hori-
mile 1.609 344* E)00 +km
zontal Stress and Depth in Sedimentary Basins,” SPE paper 10336
(1981). *Conversion factor is exact. SPEFE
15. Thiercelin, M.: “Stress Profiling Techniques in Heterogeneous Over-
pressured Formations,” Proc. 32nd U.S. Symp. Rock Mech., Roegiers,
J-C, ed. (1991), 15–24. Balkema. Najwa Yassir is a research scientist at CSIRO Petroleum in MelĆ
16. Addis, M.A., Last, N and Yassir, N.: “The Estimation of Horizontal bourne, Australia. She conducts research on petroleum geoĆ
mechanics problems, including overpressure prediction, stress
Stresses at Depth in Faulted Regions and their Relationships to Pore
measurement, and seal integrity assessment. Previously, she
Pressure Variations,” SPE paper 28140, this volume. was Assistant Professor of Geology and Geological Engineering
17. Teufel, L.W., Rhett, D.W. and Farrell, H.E.: “Effect of Reservoir Deple- at the U. of Waterloo in Canada. She holds a BSc and a PhD in
tion and Pore Pressure Drawdown on in Situ Stress and Deformation in geology from the U. of London. Sebastian Bell is a research sciĆ
the Ekofisk Field, North Sea,” Proc. 32nd U.S. Symp. Rock Mech., entist at the Geological Survey of Canada. Previously, he
Roegiers, J-C, ed. (1991), 63–72. worked as a field geologist (Venezuela), a university professor
18. Darling, H. (Personal communication, 1993). (California and Alberta), and an exploration geologist (Shell
19. Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada, East Coast and BP). He has investigated stress regimes of sedimentary baĆ
Basin Atlas: Scotian Shelf, (1991), 152pp. sins since 1979. He graduated from the Universities of Oxford
20. Mukhopadhyay. (Personal communication, 1993). and Princeton, majoring in geology.
21. Yassir, N. A. and Bell, J. S.: “Relationships Between Pore Pressure,
Stresses and Present-Day Geodynamics in the Scotian Shelf, Offshore
Eastern Canada”. AAPG Bull., 78 (1994), 1863-1880.
22. Dixon, J.A.: “Geological Atlas of the Beaufort-McKenzie Area,” Geo-
logical Survey of Canada Open File (in press).
23. Lane, L. S. and Dietrich, J. R.: “Tertiary Structural Evolution of the
Beaufort Sea—Mackenzie Delta Region, Arctic Canada,” Bulletin of
Canadian Petroleum Geology, 43 (1995), 293–314. Yassir Bell

10 SPE Formation Evaluation, March 1996

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