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Date: The 23th of November 2010
Grade: VIII
Subject: English
Time: 45 minutes
Lesson: ,,Body image”
Types of interaction: Teacher –Pupil, Pupil – Teacher, Pupil – Pupil
Materials: course book, tape, blackboard, images, worksheets, presentations
Strategies: discussions, explanation, exercises solving,
Skills: speaking, reading, listening
Lesson objectives: -to introduce and practice new vocabulary related to different types of body image;
-to arouse the pupil’s interest in the topic, Body image
-to practice the negative form of the sentences with examples to the related topic;
-to enable pupils to make their own ideas statements about the body image;
- improving communication skills.
Class organization: lockstep, pair-work
Anticipated problems: If there are any problems the teacher will clarify them immediately.



1. Worm-up 2’ Greetings. Informal Greetings. The pupils Type of
conversation (the teacher answer the teacher’s interaction
tells the pupils his name and questions and prepare for Teacher-
the fact that he is their the lesson. Pupil,
teacher only for a day; he Pupil-
asks them how they are Teacher
feeling, he checks if there
are any absents and
prepares for the lesson.
2. Homework 5’ The teacher asks the pupils: Pupils answer the To check the Type of
check-up ,,What was your homework questions. The pupils mistakes. interaction
for today?”, ,,Was it named by the teacher read Teacher-
difficult?”, ,,Have you done the homework in turns. Pupil,
your homework?” (Their homework was an Pupil-
,,Who wants to read?”. exercise with verbs at past Teacher
The teacher names some tense).
pupils to read the

3. Transition 7’ The teacher asks the pupils The pupils answer to the To develop the Type of
to the new what do they understand by teacher’s questions, they tell sense of recent interaction
lesson to be” Body image” him if they know or if they history Teacher-
And what kind of vacation don’t know something Pupil
do we have? about Body image. Pupil-
They tell the teacher what
To practice the
are, in their opinion, the
simple past
pictures related to Body
I have brought you some tense that they
image topic.
pictures that represent well learnt in the Pupils must
known people, objects and previous develop the
places.” ,,Who go to rest at lesson. skill to write
the different places and (They must use correctly
other interesting activity.” verbs at
The teacher shows them the affirmative,
pictures. For each picture he negative and
asks the pupils if they think interrogative
it is related . The teacher form.)
asks the pupils to use verbs
at simple past when
speaking about these

4. New lesson 3’ The teacher gives each The pupils listen to the tape To develop Many pupils
proper pupil some hands-out and perform the task. listening and are involved.
(pictures that represent They answer to the comprehensive
objects related to Body teacher’s questions. skills. Type of
image and to the present). To practice the interaction
The teacher tells them: ,,We simple past of Teacher-
are going to listen to the the verbs. Pupil
tape, and while you are To improve
listening you must put a tick vocabulary.
Listening for the objects that Nick’s To improve
activity father had or did in the Body communication
image, and a cross for Pupils, in turns, ask one of skills.
things he didn’t have or their classmates: ,,Did
didn’t do.” Nick’s father have a record
Pair-work 4’ player? What about a Type of
activity The teacher makes pairs cassette recorder? Did he interaction
and enables pupils to make have a radio? What about a Pupil- Pupil
a dialogue in order to check Walkman? Did he play with
the answers. skateboards or ride BMX
The pupils have one minute bikes? Did he have the hula-
to solve the task. hoop/computer games/pin-
ball machines? Did he jog?
The pupils named by the
The teacher tells the teacher try to translate the
pupils: ,,Let’s try to translate words.
the words written under the
pictures. Who wants to try? The pupils open their books
The pictures will help you.” and those named by the
The teacher names some teacher read the text in
pupils. turns.
The teacher tells the pupils
to open the books at page The pupils listen to the
35 and to read the text. explanations given by the
teacher and try to solve the
The Teacher gives the pupils Five or six
Speaking 3’ a new task. They must solve Some pupils answer to the pupils are
Activity exercise nr. 1 from the page questions. To practice involved in
35. They must answer to the The pupils perform the task. reading this activity.
questions. They have two The pupils (named by the Each of
minutes to perform the task. teacher) answer. them must
The teacher checks the try to
Practice exercise. translate two
activity words.
3’ To practice Three pupils
writing correctly read the text
The teacher checks the the words in turns.
sentences. He asks pupils The pupils pay attention to The teacher
Speaking to go to the blackboard and the explanations and they asks the
Activity to write down the some solve the exercise. To practice the pupils:
5’ sentences with the new negative form ,,Have you
vocabulary. of the simple understood
past. what you
To improve have to do?”
communication. If there are
pupils that
the teacher
once again.
More than
three pupils
are involved.

Pupils have to make
Practice 5’ sentences with new words The pupils named by the To make sure At least
activity To practice using new teacher read the verbs and that the pupils three pupils
vocabulary words. go to the blackboard to write have are involved.
down the right form. understood the
They translate the words meaning of the
that they have learnt. new words.
Many pupils
answer and
go to the

5. Homework 2’ The teacher tells the pupils The pupils note the To give practice
to continue the exercise at homework in their
home. notebooks.
The teacher makes sure
that all the pupils
understood the homework.

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