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TM 5-3431-200-15




MODEL SA-135) FSN 3431-879-9709

This reprint includes all changes in

effect at the time of publication –
Changes 1 and 5.


29 AUGUST 1962

Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be welded. Do not set up for welding
in an area where fumes from flammable or toxic materials are present.
Disconnect the source of power from the welder before performing
any electrical maintenance on the welding set.

Do not attempt to weld unless a welding helmet and flash goggles
are worn. The welding helmet should have a No. 10 or No. 12 shade
welding plate. The flash goggles should have No. 2 shade lenses, with wide
side shields.
Do not attempt to weld unless the skin is completely covered. Wear
leather gloves to protect the hands. Wear light-weight leather clothing to
protect the body. Leather resists deterioration from radiation. Do not wear
cotton clothing or light colored clothing. If leather clothing is not avail-
able, wear heavy, dark colored clothing to prevent radiation from penetrat-
ing to the skin or from reflecting onto the neck under the helmet.
Do not weld in a closed area. Provide adequate ventilation against
ozone gas poisoning. Take a regular break out of every welding hour to
get some fresh air.
Provide adequate shielding for the work to protect the eyes of
personnel working in the area.
Disconnect the source of power from the welder before performing
any electrical maintenance on the welding set.
Performing any field expedient repair creates conditions possibly
dangerous to personnel or equipment. A welding set so repaired should be
taken out of service as soon as possible for replacement of defective parts.
When a malfunction of the selenium rectifier occurs, thoroughly
ventilate the area to prevent the inhalation of poisonous fumes. Do not
handle the damaged rectifier. Selenium oxide may be absorbed through
the skin, especially when the rectifier is hot. Failure to observe this
warning can result in severe illness or death.
Changes in force: C1 and C5

TM 5-3431-200-15
No. 5 W A S H I N G T O N, D. C., 7 December 1972

Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support

and Depot Maintenance Manual


SA-135) FSN 3431-879-9709

TM 5-3436-200-15 29 August 1962, is Paragraph 1e is superseded as follows:

changed as follows: e. Report all Equipment Improvement Recom-
Page 3. Paragraph 1d is superseded as follows: mendations as prescribed in TM 38-750.
d. Y o u c a n i m p r o v e t h i s m a n u a l b y c a l l i n g Page 7. Paragraph 10(2)(a) is superseded as fol-
attention to errors and by recommending lows:
improvements, using DA Form 2028 (Recom-
(a) Connect the welding current cable (fig
mended Changes to Publications) or by a letter,
2) to the electrode terminal in the welder.
and mail directly to Comman d e r , U . S . A r m y
Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME- Page 47. Delete AR 750-5, Maintenance Re-
MPP, St. Louis, MO 63120. A reply will be fur- sponsibilities and Shop Operations.
nished directly to you. Page 53. Appendix III is superseded as follows:


1. Scope a. Source, M a i n t e n a n c e a n d Recoverability
This appendix lists items required by the Code (SMR). Not applicable.
operator for operation of the welding set. b. Federal Stock Number. This column
indicates the Federal stock number assigned to
2. General
the item and will be used for requisitioning pur-
This list is divided into the following sections:
a. Basic Issue Items List-section II. N o t
applicable. C . Description. This column indicates the
Federal item name and any additional description
b. Items Troop Istalled or Authorized List
of the item required.
-Section III.
A list of items in alphabetical sequence, which at d. Unit of Measure (U/M). A t w o c h a r a c t e r
alphabetic abbreviation indicating the amount or
t h e d i s c r e t i o n o f t h e u n i t c o m m n a nd e r m a y
accompany the welding set. These items are NOT quantity of the item upon which the allowances
SUBJECT TO TURN-IN with the welding set are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
when evacuated. e. Quantity Furnished with Equipment
(BIIL). Not applicable.
3. Explanation of Columns.
The following provides an explanation of col- f. Quantity Authorized (Item Troop Installed
umns in the tabular list of Basic Issue Items or Authorized).
List, Section II, and Items Troop Installed or This column indicates the quantity of the item
Authorized, Section III. authorized to be used with the equipment.

Section III.

TM 5-3431-200-15
C 1


Operator, Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Manual

WIRE; DC, 115 V (WESTINGHOUSE MODEL SA–135) FSN 3431-879-9709

TM 5-3431-200-15 HEADQUARTERS,
C HANGES No. 1 W ASHINGTON 25, D. C., 1 2 F e b r u a r y 1 9 6 3

TM 5-3431-200-15, 29 August 1962, is changed as follows:

P a g e 3 , p a r a g r a p h l d , lines 4 and 5. Delete future correction, to be made as soon as opera-

“U. S. Army Engineer Maintenance Center, tion has ceased, Stop operation immediately if
ATTN: EMCDM-S”, and substitute U. S. a deficiency is noted during operation which
Army Mobility Support Center, ATTN: would damage the equipment if operation were
SMOMS-MS. continued. All deficiencies and shortcomings
will be recorded, together with the corrective
2. Record and Report Forms action taken, on DA Form 2404 (Equipment
(Supersed) Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) at the
a. D A F o r m 2 2 5 8 ( D e p r e s e r v a t i o n G u i d e o f earliest possible opportunity.
Engineer Equipment).
b. F o r o t h e r r e c o r d a n d r e p o r t f o r m s a p p l i - 29. Daily Preventive Maintenance Services
cable to the operator and organizational main- (Superseded )
tenance, refer to TM 38-750. This paragraph contains an illustrated tab-
Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46,
ulated listing or preventive maintenance serv-
which is carried by the operator, will be kept in a
ices which must be performed by the operator.
canvas bag mounted on the equipment.
Page 7, paragraph 8a, line 1. Delete “before Daily services retain the same item numbers
operation” and substitute daily preventive used in quarterly preventive maintenance serv-
maintenance. ices. Therefore, daily preventive maintenance
Page 10, paragraph 16a, lines 1 and 2. De- services may not be numbered consecutively but
lete “before operation” and substitute d a i l y should be performed in the numerical sequence
as shown to insure complete coverage. Refer to
preventive maintenance.
figure 8 for the daily preventive maintenance
Paragraph 17b. R e s c i n d e d .
28. General Paragraph 30. Rescinded.
To insure that the welding set is ready for 31. Quarterly Preventive Maintenance
operation at all times, it must be inspected Services
systematically, so that defects may be discov- (Superseded)
ered and corrected before they result in serious a. This paragraph contains an illustrated
damage or failure. The necessary preventive tabulated listing of preventive maintenance
maintenance services to be performed are listed services which must be performed by organiza-
and described in paragraphs 29 and 31. The tional maintenance personnel at quarterly in-
item numbers indicate the sequence of minimum tervals. A quarterly interval is equal to 3 cal-
inspection requirements. Defects discovered endar months, or 250 hours of operation, which-
during operation of the unit will be noted for ever occurs first.


Figure 8. (Superseded Daily preventive maintenance services.

b. The item numbers are listed consecutively brication of’ all bearings, gears, and the like, in
and indicate the sequence of minimum require- accordance with the scheduled interval con-
ments. Refer to figure 8.1 for the quarterly tained in AR 743-505. Equipment must be serv-
preventive maintenance services. iced and in satisfactory operating condition
Page 37, paragraph 67b, lines 4, 5 and 6. De- before it is operated.
lete “DA Form 464, Worksheet for Preventive
Maintenance and Technical Inspection of Engi- 72. R e c o r d a n d R e p o r t F o r m s
neer Equipment”, and substitute D A F o r m (Superseded)
2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance a. D A F o r m 2 2 5 8 ( D e p r e s e r v a t i o n Guide of
Worksheet), Engineer Equipment).
Paragraph 69b, lines 4, 5 and 6. Delete “DA b. F o r o t h e r r e c o r d a n d r e p o r t f o r m s a p -
Form 464, Worksheet for Preventive Mainte- plicable to field and depot. maintenance, refer
nance and Technical Inspection of Engineer to TM 38-75o.
Equipment” and substitute DA Form 2404 Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46,
which is carried by the operator, will be kept in a c a n -
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Work-
vas bag mounted on the equipment.
Page 47, p a r a g r a p h 3 . A f t e r T M 5 - 5 0 5 , a d d
Page 38, p a r a g r a p h 70.
the following reference: TM 38-750, The Army
b. ( S u p e r s e d e d ) W o r k s h e e t and Preventive Equipment Record System and Procedures.
Maintenance. Applicable forms listed in TM
38-750 will be prepared for each major item 4. Comments and Suggestions
of equipment when initially placed in limited (Superseded)
storage, in accordance with the scheduled inter- Suggestions and recommendations for
val contained in AR 743-505. Perform required changes to the basic issue items list will be sub-
maintenance promptly to make sure equipment mitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
is mechanically sound and ready for immediate Changes to DA Technical Manual Parts List or
use. Supply Manual 7, 8 or 9) to the Commanding
c. ( A d d e d ) O p e r a t i o n . O p e r a t e e q u i p m e n t i n Officer, U. S. Army Mobility Support Center,
limited storage long enough to bring it up to ATTN : SMOMS-MS, P. O. B O X 1 1 9 , C o l u m b u s
operating temperature and insure complete lu- 16, Ohio, Direct communication is authorized



TM 5-3431-200-15-


1 A R G O N G A S REGULATOR,. Inspect for cracks, leaks, and Improper

2 HOSE AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES, Inspect for worn, frayed, and other
damaged conditions. !nspect for loose connections on the hose
and electrical cables.

3 CONTACTOR. Inspect for defective wiring. Test the contactor for

improper operation.

SOLENOID VALVE. Inspect for leaks and loose electrical connec-

tions. Test for improper operation.
5 WELDING GUN. Inspect for cracks, Ieaks, loose nose, and elec-
trical connections; the n o z z l e , adapter, guide tube, gun tube,
and gun barrel for weld spatter, and obstructions.
FUSE AND FUSE HOLDERS Inspect for damaged holders, loose elec-
trical connections, and for defective or missing fuses.

CONTROLS. Inspect the controls for damage. With the unit 52

operating, inspect for improper operation.

Figure 8.1. (Added) Quarterly preventive maintenance services.


NOTE 1. OPERATIONAL TEST, During operation, observe for any

unusual noise or over-heating.

NOTE 2. ADJUSTMENTS, Make all necessary adjustments during

operational test,


TM 5 - 3 4 3 1 - 2 0 0 - 15


No. 5-3431-200-15 W A S H I N G T O N 25, D. C., 29 August 1962

Operator, Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Manual


MODEL SA-135) FSN 3431–879-9709

Paragraph Page
Section I. General ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 2 3
II. D e s c r i p t i o n a n d d a t a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 5 3
Section I. Service upon receipt of equipment __________________________________________ 6-10 7
II. M o v e m e n t t o a n e w w o r k s i t e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 , 1 2 8
III. C o n t r o l s a n d i n s t r u m e n t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 3 , 1 4 8
IV. O p e r a t i o n o f e q u i p m e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 5 - 2 4 10
Section I. Operator and organizational maintenance tools and equipment ________________ 25-27 13
II. P r e v e n t i v e m a i n t e n a n c e s e r v i c e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 8 - 3 1 13
III. Operator’s maintenance ___________________________________________________ 32-34 19
IV. Troubleshooting _____________________________________________________ _____ 35-44 21
V. Field expedient repairs _____________________________________________ _____ 45-47 22
VI. A r g o n g a s s y s t e m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 8 , 4 9 23
VII. Electrical system ________________________________________________________ 50-60 25
VIII. Welding gun ._____________________, ______________________________________ 61,62 32
C H A P T E R 4 . DEMOLITION OF WELDING SET TO PREVENT ENEMY USE . . . . . . . . . . 63-66 35
Section I. S h i p m e n t w i t h i n z o n e o f i n t e r i o r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6 7 , 6 8 37
II. Limited storage 69,70 37
Section I. General _________________________________________________________________ 71,72 39
II. Description and data ____________________________________________________ 73,74 39
III. S p e c i a l t o o l s a n d e q u i p m e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 5 - 7 7 41
IV. Troubleshooting _________________________________________________________ 78-84 41
V. Contactor maintenance instructions ________________________________________ 85,86 42
VI. Gun handle assembly maintenance instructions ______________________________ 87,88 43,44
A PPENDIX I. REFERENCES _________________________________________________________ _____________ 47
II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION ________________________________________ ------------- 49
III. B A S I C I S S U E I T E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 3
IN D E X 57

TM 5-3431-200-15



Section I. GENERAL

1. Scope c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations

a. These instructions are published for the indicate quantity.
use of the personnel to whom the Welding d. Report all deficiencies in this manual on
Set, Westinghouse Model SA-135, is issued. DA Form 2028. Submit recommendations
Chapters 1 through 5 provide information on for changes, additions, or deletions to the Com-
the operation, daily preventive maintenance manding Officer, U.S. Army Engineer Mainte-
service, and organizational maintenance of the nance Center, ATTN: EMCDM-S, P. O. Box
equipment, accessories, components, and at- 119, Columbus 16, Ohio. Direct communication
tachments. Chapter 6 provides information for is authorized.
field and depot maintenance (3d, 4th, and 5th e. Report unsatisfactory equipment performa-
echelons). This manual also provides descrip- ance and suggestions for equipment improve-
tions of the main units and their functions in ment as specified in AR 750–5.
relationship to other components.
b. Appendix I contains a list of publications
2. Record and Report Forms
applicable to this manual. Appendix II contains
the Maintenance Allocation Chart. Appendix For record and report forms applicable to the
III contains the list of basic issue items author- operator and organizational maintenance, refer
ized the operator of this equipment. The Or- to TM 5-505.
ganizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form
Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists are listed 46 which is carried by the operator, shall be kept in a
in TM 5-3431-200-25P. canvas bag mounted on the equipment.


3. Description valve, contactor, rheostat, terminal strip, and

a. General. The Westinghouse Welding Set, the various relays, resistors, and capacitors nec-
essary to assure proper welding operation. A
Model DA-135, (figs. 1 and 2) is designed
for continuous duty, semiautomatic welding of toggle type power switch, line and motor
aluminum, using a consumable aluminum wire fuses, and rheostat knob are located on the
electrode shielded by inert argon gas. The set front of the control assembly. The control as-
is air cooled, rated at 200 amperes, and con- sembly also includes an argon gas hose and
sists of a welding handgun, a control assem- connection, a ground cable, a power supply
bly with a built-in contactor, and an adjustable- cable, and a welding current cable. Connections
pressure, constant flow argon gas regulator. for the welding gun cables are also located on
b. Control Assembly. The control assembly the front of the control assembly.
is a light weight, insulated metal box, contain- c. Welding Gun Assembly. T h e w e l d i n g
ing gas pipe and electrical leads, gas solenoid gun assembly consists of the welding gun itself,
TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 1.

welding current cable, argon gas hose, and a facturer, model and contract numbers,
control cable. The welding gun consists of the dimensions, and weight.
following: a handle assembly housing the (2) Manufacturer’s data plate. Located
welding wire drive motor, welding switch, inch- on the front of the control assembly.
ing switch, motor capacitor, and control cable Specifies nomenclature, style, serial,
connections; an electrically insulated aluminum electrical ratings, Federal stock num-
shield with transparent plastic cover; a gun ber, and contract number.
tube; an adapter and nozzle; and a mounting (3) Flowmeter manufacturer’s data plate.
bracket and fitting assembly. The welding cur- Located on the flowmeter body and
rent cable and argon gas hose are connected specifies the manufacturer, model,
to the mounting bracket. capacity, and rate of flow range.
b. Tabulated Data.
4. Identification and Tabulated Data (1) Corps of Engineers identification
a. Identification. The welding set has three
identification plates. Nomenclature - - - - - - - - - - - - Welding set, arc, insert
gas shielded.
(1) Corps of Engineers identification
Stock No. - - - - - - - - - 343l-879-9709
plate. Located on the back of the Serial No.
control assembly. Specifies nomencla- Manufacturer - - - - - - - - - - Westinghouse Electric
ture, stock, and serial number, manu- Corp.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 2.

TM 5-3431-200-15

figure 3
Figure 3.

5. Difference in Models

TM 5-3431-200–15



6. Unloading the Equipment For installation of the regulator assembly and

aluminum wire refer to paragraph 10.
a. Remove all blocking and tiedowns secur-
ing the welding set to the carrier, 10. Installation or Setting Up Instructions
b. Two men or a forklift truck may be used
a. Location. Locate the control assembly as
to remove the welding set from the carrier.
close to the work as possible so welding opera-
Caution: Position the welding set on the tions can be performed with a minimum of ef-
forklift so that it will not tilt or slide off. fort and adjustments in wire feed speed can be
made quickly and easily. Approximately 50 feet
7. Unpacking the Equipment of hose and cable are supplied with the gun,
so locate the control assembly in such a manner
Open the wooden crate and remove the gun
and control assemblies. Be sure the boxes con- that no kinks or sharp bends are made in the
gas hose.
taining hose, aluminum wire, tools, fuses,
adapter, gas nozzle, drive roll, guide tube, Caution: Do not drag hose or cable over hot
manuals case, and publications are included. work.
b. Connections.
Caution: Use care in opening the crate and
( 1 ) Gas. Connect the argon gas regulator
do not use hooks to lift the individual boxes.
to a suitable source of argon gas, and
connect the regulator to the control
8. Inspecting and Servicing Equipment assembly with the 10-foot hose sup-
a. Perform the before operation services plied. Tighten the gas connection (fig.
(par. 29). 2).
(2) Power.
b. Inspect the welding set for loss of parts
(a) Welding current cable. C o n n e c t t h e
or damage which might have occurred during
welding current cable (fig. 2) to
the positive terminal of the welder.
c. I n s p e c t t h e c o n t r o l s f o r l o o s e o r m i s s i n g ( b ) Control cable. Connect the 10-foot,
hardware. 3-wire, control cable (fig. 2) into a
welder auxiliary power supply only,
d. Inspect pipe, hose, and leads for insecure
to provide the 115 volts necessary
mounting, breaks, kinks, and other damage.
to operate the control assembly.
e. Correct all deficiencies or report them to
( c ) Ground cable. Connect the 10-
organizational maintenance.
foot ground cable (fig. 2) to the
negative terminal of the welder.
9. Installation of Separately Packed
c. Loading the Welding Gun. T h e w e l d i n g
gun will use approximately 8 reels of consum-
The regulator assembly and the reels of able wire electrode in a day. Refer to figure 4
aluminum welding wire are packed separately. and load the gun.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 4.


11. Dismantling for Movement c. The welding set can be hand carried or
transported by hand truck to a new worksite.
a. Disconnect the welding current cable, con-
trcd power cable, and groand cable from the
welder. 12. Reinstallation After Movement
b. Disconnect the argon gas regulator from Install the welding set at the new worksite
the source of supply. as instructed in paragraph 10.


13. General 14. Controls and Instruments

This section describes, locates, illustrates, The purpose and location of all controls and
and furnishes the operator or organizational instruments are shown in figure 5.
maintenance personnel sufficient. information
about the various controls and instruments for
proper operation of the welding set.
TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 5.
TM 5-3431-200-15


15. General 20. Operation in Extreme Heat

Although the welding set is air cooled, pro-
a. The instructions in this section are pub- vide for adequate ventilation if it is used in-
lished for the information and guidance of the doors in high ambient temperatures.
personnel responsible for operation of the
welding set. 21. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
b. The operator must know how to perform a. Shield the welding set as much as possible
every operation of which the welding set is from blowing sand or dust during operation.
capable. This section gives instructions on start- b. Inspect the nylon guide bushings, guide
ing and stopping the welding set, basic func- tube, and gas ports for clogging sand or dust.
tions of the welding set, and on coordinating Obstructing sand or dust will cause improper
the basic functions to perform the specific wire feed and/or insufficient gas flow.
tasks for which the equipment is designed.
c. Provide adequate protective covering for
Since neary every job presents a different prob-
the set when not in use.
lem, the operator may have to vary given pro-
cedures to fit the individual job.
22. Operation Under Rainy or Humid
16. Starting the Welding Set Conditions

a. Preparation for Starting. Perform the be- a. If it is necessary to weld in the rain, pro-
fore-operation services (par. 29). tect the work and the welding set as much as
possible from the elements.
b. Starting. Refer to figure 6 and start the b. Wipe all exposed surfaces frequently,
welding set. c. Paint chipped or scratched surfaces to pre-
vent rust,
17. Stopping the Welding Set d. If the welding set is outside and not in
a. Refer to figure 7 and stop the welding use, protect it with a canvas or other water-
set. proof covering. Remove the cover during dry
periods. Open the door of the control assembly
b. Refer to paragraph 29 and perform the to allow the electrical components to dry before
after-operation services. operating.
18. Welding Set Operation
23. Operation in Salt Water Areas
Refer to figure 6 for welding set operation a. Exposed, bare metal will corrode more
instructions, rapidly in salt water areas than in other areas.
Wipe the welding set with a cloth dampened
19. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0° F.) in fresh water and dry thoroughly,
Inspect the cables, gas hose, and plastic parts b. Coat exposed metal surfaces with an ap-
of the welding set more frequently during cold proved rustproofing material. Remove rust im-
weather operation than during normal opera- mediately and paint or apply oil as needed.
tion. Check for brittleness of insulation, and c. Check electrical cables for salt water dam-
hardening of the gas hose which may affect gas age and remove corrosion from electrical leads
flow. and contacts.
Caution: Exercise caution when working
with hoses or cables in extreme cold, hoses and 24. Operation at High Altitudes
cable insulation become brittle and will crack High altitudes will not affect the operating
and break with excessive handling. efficiency of the welding set.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 6.
TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 7.

TM 5-3431-200-15






25. Special Tools and Equipment ized for the welding set are listed in the
Basic Issue Items List, Appendix III.
No special tools or equipment are required
by the operator or organizational maintenance
personnel for the maintenance of this welding 27. Organizational Maintenance Repair
set. Parts
26. Basic Issue Tools and Equipment Organizational maintenance repair parts are
Tools and repair parts issued with or author- listed and illustrated in TM 5-3431-200-25P.


28. General ported at the earliest opportunity to organiza-

tional maintenance. Responsibility for perform-
To insure that the equipment is ready for
ance of preventive maintenance service rests not
operation at all times, it must be inspected sys-
only with the operator but also with the entire
tematically before operation, during operation,
chain of command from section chief to com-
and after operation, so that defects may be dis-
manding officer (AR 750-5).
covered and corrected before they result in
serious damage or failure. The necessary pre-
ventive maintenance services shall be performed 29. Operator’s Daily Services
before operation. Defects discovered during
operation of the unit shall be noted for future a. General. The intervals at which specific
correction, to be made as soon as operation has daily services are to be performed by the oper-
ceased. Stop operation immediately if a defi- ator are indicated by an X in the appropriate
ciency is noticed during operation which would column in figure 8 as follows:
damage the equipment if operation were con-
tinued. After-operation services shall be per- B-Before operation
formed by the operator after every operating D-During operation
period. After-operation service shall be A-After operation
performed at intervals based on the normal
operation of the equipment. Reduce interval to b. Additional Daily Services (Not Il-
compensate for abnormal conditions. Defects or lustrated). An X in the appropriate column(s)
unsatisfactory operating characteristics beyond indicates the interval at which the service is to
the scope of the operator to correct must be re- be performed.
TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 8.
TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 8 - Continued.

hardware, insecure controls or c o m -

Leaks, general. Inspect the gas pipe
ponents, and any other damage
and hose connections for leaks. Cor-
which might have occurred since the
rect any leakage noticed or report it
last inspection. Correct all defi-
to organizational maintenance. deficiencies
ciencies or report
Visual inspection. Inspect the entire
beyond the scope of the operator
welding set for obvious deficiencies,
to organizational maintenance.
breaks in leads, loose or missing
TM 5-3431-200-15

Procedure 31. Quarterly Preventive Maintenance

Cleanliness. Inpect the entire welding
set for dirt. Clean dirty surfaces
with an approved solvent, dry
thoroughly. Inspect the gas ports
in the gun barrel and remove all
obstructions (par. 62).
Publications. Make sure that a copy
of this manual and DA Form 285
Inspect the welding set and perform
are on, or with the welding set and
the services listed in daily before-
are in serviceable condition.
operation services (par. 29).
Unusual operation and noises. Investi- TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. Inspect
gate abnormal operation; erratic the condition of the tools assigned to
wire feed, unusual motor noise, the welding set. Inspect the condition
smoking, and failure to respond to of the canvas case.
controls. Shut off the welding set Be sure tools assigned to the welding
if irregularities are noticed and set are clean, serviceable, and prop-
correct the condition. If the condi- erly stowed. Be sure the canvas case
tion is beyond the scope of the closes and fastens properly.
operator, report the condition to PUBLICATIONS. Be sure a copy of
organizational maintenance. this manual, TM 5-3431-200-15, TM
5-3431-200-25P, and DA Form 285
Tools. Inspect the tools and equipment
are on or with the welding set and
assigned to the welding set; be sure
are in serviceable condition.
they are in good condition, clean and APPEARANCE. Inspect the general
properly stowed.
appearance of the welding set (figs.
Protection. Protect the welding set 1 and 2). Pay special attention to
from tampering, damage, and dirt, illegibility of identification
misuse. Do not use the control as- markings, and the condition of the
sembly for a step or a seat, Keep paint.
cables and hose free from kinks Correct deficiencies or report them
and sharp bends. Cover the welding to field maintenance.
set when it is not in use. If not MODIFICATION. Be sure that all
used for a prolonged period of time, available modification work orders
coat unpainted metal parts with an applying to the welding set have been
approved rust inhibitor. completed and recorded on DA Form
478, DA Form 5-73, and DA 5-73a
as applicable.
30. Organizational Maintenance GAS HOSE ASSEMBLIES. Inspect the
a. Preventive maintenance is performed by gas hose assemblies for loose or dam-
organizational maintenance personnel at quar- aged mounting hardware, damaged
ferrules, cracked or broken hose and
terly intervals. A quarterly interval is equiv- stripped nipples.
alent to 3 calendar months, or 250 hours of Tighten loose mounting hardware.
operation, whichever occurs first. Replace hose assemblies having de-
fective parts (par. 49).
b. The preventive maintenance services to be SOLENOID VALVE AND GAS PIPE.
performed at quarterly intervals are listed con- Inspect the solenoid valve and gas
secutively (starting with No. 1) and are de- pipe for loose or missing mounting
scribed in paragraph 34. The service refers to hardware, loose electrical connections,
and defects.
a preventive maintenance services "Title" on Tighten loose hardware and connec-
DA Form 464 and indicates the services to be tions; replace missing hardware;
performed. The number listed under “Inspec- straighten a bent pipe; test the sole-
tion” indicates the minimum inspection require- noid valve (par. 49), and replace a
ments for the equipment. defective solenoid valve and pipe (par.
49) .
TM 5-3431-200-15


STRIP. Inspect the relay for loose or miss-
Inspect the cable assemblies for loose ing mounting hardware, loose electri-
connections, cracks, and breaks, In- cal connections, and for damage or
spect the strain reliefs for slippage defects. Inspect the capacitor for
and missing parts. Inspect the loose mounting, loose or broken
terminal strip for loose or missing electrical connections, and for de-
mounting hardware, loose or missing fects. Inspect the receptacle for loose
terminals, breaks, and cracks. mounting and for defects.
Tighten loose relay hardware and
Tighten loose cable connections and electrical connections; replace miss-
replace defective cables (par. 51). ing hardware. Test the relay (par.
Tighten loose strain reliefs or replace 54). Replace a defective relay (par.
damaged or defective strain reliefs 54). Tighten loose capacitor hard-
(par. 51). Tighten loose terminal ware. Tighten or resolder loose electri-
strip hardware or replace missing cal connections. Test the capacitor
hardware (par. 51). Replace a de- (par. 54). Replace a defective capaci-
fective terminal strip (par. 51). tor (par. 54). Tighten a loose recep-
tacle. Replace a defective receptacle
(par. 54).
Inspect the rheostat and knob for RECTIFIER. Inspect the rectifier for
loose or missing mounting hardware loose or missing mounting hardware,
or loose electrical connections, and for unsolderd connections, and defects.
defects. Inspect the resistor for loose
Tighten loose or replace missing
or missing connections and for dam-
mounting hardware. Solder loose con-
age. Inspect the fuse holders for loose
nections. Test the rectifier (par. 56).
mounting and broken electrical con-
Replace a defective rectifier (par.
nections and for damage.
56) .
Tighten loose hardware and connec- INCHING FEED RESISTOR, INCH-
tions. Replace missing connections ING SPEED RESISTOR, AND
(par. 52). Test the rheostat (par. CONTACTOR RESISTOR.
52). Replace a defective rheostat or Inspect the resistors for loose or
knob (par. 52). Tighten or solder missing mounting hardware, broken
loose resistor connections. Test the electrical connections, and other dam-
resistor (par. 52) and replace a de- age.
fective resistor (par. 52) Tighten Tighten loose or replace missing
loosely mounted fuse holders, solder mounting hardware. Solder broken
broken electrical connections, and electrical connections. Test the resis-
replace a defective fuse holder (par. tors (par. 59). Replace defective
52) . resistors (par. 59).
CONTACTOR. Inspect the contactor
for loose or missing mounting hard-
ware, loose electrical connections, anti
for damaged or defective parts. Inspect the capacitors for broken
Tighten loose hardware and connec- electrical connections and damage
tions. Replace missing hardware. Test Solder broken electrical connections.
the contactor (par. 53). Replace a Test the capacitors (par. 60). Replace
defective cantactor (par. 53). defective capacitors (par. 60).

TM 5-3431-200-15


Inspect the relays for loose or missing Inspect the swing arm assembly for
mounting hardware, loose or broken loose mounting, missing hardware,
electrical connections, and damage or damaged idler roll, broken spring,
defects. and other damage. Inspect the fitting
Tighten loose or replace missing assembly for loose connections and
mounting hardware. Connect loose or damage.
solder broken electrical connections.
Tighten loose or replace missing
Test the relays (pars. 57 and 58).
swing arm hardware. Replace de-
Replace a defective relay (pars. 57
fective swing arm parta (par. 61).
and 58).
Tighten a loose fitting assembly.
WELDING GUN Solder as necessary (par. 61). Replace
COVER, SHIELD, AND CURRENT a defective fitting assembly (par. 61).
Inspect the cover for loose or missing NOZZLE, ADAPTER, AND GUIDE
mounting hardware, bent condition, TUBE.
and other defects. Inspect the shield Inspect the nozzle and adapter for
for loose or damaged mounting screw, loose connection, burned tip, and other
cracks, or breaks, inspect the current damage. Inspect the guide tube for
cable for cracks, breaks, and loose short length, bent condition, and
connections. other damage.
Tighten loose or replace missing cover Tighten a loose adapter. Service the
mounting hardware. Replace or repair nozzle (par. 33). Replace a damaged
a defective cover (par. 61). Tighten nozzle (par. 62). Replace a defective
loose or replace a damaged shield guide tube (par. 62). Service the
mounting screw (par. 61). Replace guide tube (par. 33).
or repair a defective shield (par. 61).
Tighten loose current cable connec- GUN TUBE AND INSULATION.
tions or replace a damaged cable Inspect the gun tube for loose or
(par. 61). missing hardware, breaks, or other
HANDLE ASSEMBLY AND CON- damage. Inspect the insulation for
TROL CABLE. cracks, breaks, and other damage.
Inspect the handle assembly for Tighten a loose gun tube. Replace
loose or missing hardware and dam- missing hardware. Replace a defective
age. Inspect the control cable for gun tube (par. 62). Replace defective
loose connection and damage. insulation (par. 62).
Tighten loose or replace missing
mounting hardware. Report a de-
the argon gas pressure tube cup for
fective handle assembly to field main-
insecure mounting, breaks, and other
tenance. Report a loose or damaged
control cable to field maintenance. damage. Inspect the pressure tube
for improper seating, breaks, and
other damage. Inspect the regulator
INGS. for other obvious defects and damage.
Inspect the drive roll for loose mount-
ing and dirty serrations. Inspect the Mount the argon gas pressure tube
guide bushings for loose mounting cup securely or replace a damaged
and excessive wear. cup (par. 34). Seat the pressure tube
Tighten a loose drive roll. Service properly or replace a damaged tube
the drive roll (par. 33). Report de- (par. 34). Adjust the regulator (par.
fective drive roll or guide bushings 34). Replace a damaged regulator
to field maintenance. (par. 34).

TM 5-3431-200-15


32. Fuse Replacement 34. Argon Gas Regulator

a. Removal. a. Adjustment. Refer to figure 10 and ad-
(1) Refer to figure 1 for fuse location. just the argon gas regulator.
(2) Turn each fuse cap 1/4 turn counter- b. Removal. Refer to figure 10 and remove
clockwise to remove, then remove fuse the argon gas regulator.
from cap.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean with a dry cloth. (1) Clean the argon gas regulator with a
dry, lint-free cloth, or with dry com-
(2) Inspect fuses for cracked or broken
glass envelope. Replace fuse if dam- pressed air.
aged. (2) Inspect for leaks, cracked or broken
c. Installation. Reverse the procedure of a glass, worn or stripped threads, and
above and install the fuses. improper operation. Replace the regu-
lator if it is damaged or defective.
33. Welding Gun Service d. lnstallation. Refer to figure 10 and install
Refer to figure 9 and service the welding gun. the argon gas regulator.

TM 5-3431-200-15

TM 5–3431–200-15

Figure 10.


Probable cause Possible remedy

35. General
Fusc defective ----------------- Replace the fuse (par. 32).
This section provides information useful in Rheostat not adjusted Adjust the rheostat
properly. (par. 16).
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory opera-
tion or failure of the welding set and its com-
37. Wire Will Not Feed
ponents, Each trouble symptom stated is fol-
lowed by a list of the probable causes of the Probable cause Possible remedy
Motor fuse blown - - - - - - - Replace the fuse (par. 32).
trouble. The possible remedy recommended is Drive roll dirty or worn----- -Service the drive roll
described opposite the probable cause. Any trou- (par. 33). Report
ble beyond the scope of organizational mainte- defective roll to field
nance shall be reported to field maintenance, maintenance.
3d echelon. Adjust the idler roll
bearing tension (par.
36. Welding Set Will Not Start or Weld Guide bushings clogged Clean the guide bushings
Probable cause Possible remedy or defective. or replace defective
Welding set not connected Connect the welding set Guide tube bent or Service the guide tube
to welder. to the welder (par. 10). defective. (par, 33), or replace a
Power switch not in ON Place the switch in the ON defective guide tube
position, position (par. 62).

TM 5-3431-200-15

38. Argon Gas Will Not Flow Probable cause Possible remedy
Idler roll tension too Adjust the tension of the
Probable cause Possible remedy weak. idler roll (par. 33).
Argon gas cylinder valve Open the argon gas
not open. cylinder valve.
Argon gas regulator not Adjust the argon gas 42. Argon Gas Leaks
adjusted or defective. regulator (par. 34) or Possible remedy
Probable cause
replace a defective gas
Gas connections loose or Tighten the gas connec-
regulator (par. 34).
defective or hose tions (par. 10) or replace
Gas pipe or solenoid valve Replace defective pipe
defective. hose (par. 49).
defective. (par. 49) or solenoid
valve (par. 49). Solenoid valve defective--------- Replace the solenoid
Gas hose or fittings Replace defective hose valve (par. 49).
defective. (par. 49), or fittings Front guide bushing Replace the front guide
(par. 49). worn or defective. bushing.
Gun barrel ports Clean the gun barrel ports Argon gas regulator Replace the argon gas
clogged. (par. 62). defective. regulator (par. 34).
Fitting assembly Replace the fitting
defective. assembly (par. 61).
43. Argon Gas Flow Obstructed
39. Welding Gun Shorts Between Nozzle Probable cause Possible remedy
and Guide Tube
Solenoid valve defective --- Replace the valve
Probable cause Possible remedy (par. 49).
Spatter between nozzle Remove spatter with a file Gas hose pinched or Correct condition and
and guide tube. or scraper. bent. straighten hose
Wire feed too slow ------- Adjust the wire feed speed (par. 10).
(par. 16).
Gun barrel ports clogged Clean the ports or replace
Motor fuse blown --------- Replace the motor fuse
or defective. the barrel (par. 62).
(par. 32).
Control assembly ground Connect the control
cable not connected to assembly ground cable to 44. Welding Set Starts but Fails to
negative terminal of the the negative terminal of Keep Welding
welder. the welder (par. 10).
Wire stops feeding - - - - - - - Adjust tension of idler Probable cause Possible remedy
roller (par. 33) or clean Wire spool empty ---------bad gun with a full
drive roll (par. 33). spool (par. 10).
Contactor failure --------- Replace the contactor
40. Wire Feed Speed Too Slow (par. 53).
Probable cause Possible remedy Fuses defective ___-____ ---Replace fuses (par. 32).
Rheostat not properly Adjust rheostat until wire Rheostat defective -------- Replace the rheostat
adjusted. feed speed is correct (par. 52).
(par. 16).
Idler roll tension to great _. Adjust the tension of the Resistor defective ---------Replace the resistor
idler roll (par. 33). (par. 52).
Wire drive roll dirty or Service the drive roll Electrical connections Tighten loose or replace
damaged. (par. 33). loose or defective. faulty connections.
Welding current relay Replace the capacitor
41. Wire Feed Speed Too Fast capacitor defective. (par. 54).
Probable cause Possible remedy Trigger switch relay Replace the relay
Rheostat not properly Adjust the rheostat until defective. (par. 57).
adjusted. wire speed is correct Power switch defective ---- Replace the switch
(par. 16). (par. 51).


45. General operating in the field where supplies and re-

Operator and organizational maintenance pair parts are not available and normal correc-
troubles may occur while the welding set is tive action cannot be performed. When this
TM 5-3431-200-15

rendition exists, the following expedient re- 47. Welder Will Not Operate When Power
pairs may be used in emergencies, upon the de- Switch Is placed in the ON Position
cision of the unit commander. Equipment so Trouble Expedient remedy
repaired must be removed from operation as Power switch defective ---- Remove the switch (par.
soon as possible and properly repaired before 51). Tape the leads
being placed in operation again. together and operate
the welding set with-
out the switch.
46. Wire Fails to Feed When Inching
Note. Disconnect the control cable from the welder
Switch Is Pressed before performing the field expedient repair above.
Trouble Expedient remedy
Warning: Performing any field expedient
Inching switch Feed the welding wire repair creates a condition possibly dangerous to
defective. through the gun by hand
personnel or equipment. A welding set so re-
and operate the set
without the inching paired should be taken out of service as soon
switch (par. 88). as possible for replacement of defective parts.


48. General (2) Inspect the hose for cracks, kinks,

and breaks and the pipe for cracks and
The components of the welding set argon worn or stripped threads. Replace as
gas system are a gas regulator which can be ad- required. Inspect the solenoid valve
justed to deliver the cubic feet of gas per hour for broken or frayed electrical leads,
as needed, and which also registers the pres-
corrosion, and signs of deterioration.
sure of the gas cylinder; a 10-foot hose connect-
Replace if necessary.
ing the regulator and the control assembly ; an
c. Testing. Test the solenoid valve as fol-
electrically operated gas solenoid valve located
inside the control assembly; two short lengths
(1) Use a multimeter set on RX1OO ohm
of metal pipe extending from the solenoid
scale. Touch the probes of the multi-
valve to the front and rear of the control as-
meter to the solenoid leads.
sembly; a 50-foot hose connecting the welding
gun to the control assembly, and the necessary (2) The ohm scale should read 1,950
fittings required to connect the system. ohms ± 5 percent.
(3) Replace the solenoid valve if it does
49. Hose Assembly, Solenoid Valve, and not meet this test requirement.
Gas Pipe (4) Apply air pressure to the inlet port
of the valve and check for leaks
a. Removal.
through the valve by using a soap and
(1) Refer to paragraph 10 and remove
water solution on the outlet port. The
the gas regulator.
presence of bubbles indicates an inter-
(2) Refer to figure 11 and remove the
nal leak and the valve must be re-
hose assembly, solenoid valve, and
gas pipe.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. d. Installation.
(1) Clean the hose and gas pipe with a (1) Refer to figure 11 and install the
cloth dampened with an approved hose assembly, solenoid valve, and
solvent. Clean the solenoid valve gas pipe.
with a dry, lint-free cloth or dry Com- (2) Refer to paragraph 10 and install the
pressed air. gas regulator.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 11. Hose assembly, solenoid valve, and gas pipe, removal and installation.

TM 5-3431-200-15


50. General
This section contains maintenance instruc-
tions for the electrical components of the weld-
ing gun and control assemblies. Figures 3 and
19 respectively, are the practical and schematic
wiring diagrams of the welding set electrical
Warning: Disconnect source of power from
welding set before performing any electrical

51. Cable Assemblies, Grip, Strain Reliefs,

Power Switch, and Terminal Strip
a. Removal. Refer to figure 12 and remove
the cable assemblies, grip, strain reliefs, power
switch, and terminal strip.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with a dry, lint-free
cloth or with dry compressed air,
(2) Inspect the cable assemblies, grip, and
strain reliefs for cracks, breaks, and
deterioration. Inspect the power
switch and terminal strip for security
of mounting and for worn or stripped
threads on terminal screws. Replace
damaged and defective parts,
c. Installation. Refer to figure 12 and in-
stall the cable assemblies, grip, strain reliefs,
power switch, and terminal strip.
d. Field Expedient Repair. If the power
switch is defective remove the switch, tape the
leads together, and operate the welding set
without the switch until replacement can be
Warning: While the power switch leads are Figure 12. Cable assemblies, grip, strain reliefs, power
taped together, the welding set cannot be switch , and terminal strip, removal and installation
turned off, except by disconnecting the outside
power source. Do not attempt maintenance on b. Cleaning and Inspection.
the electrical system while the set is operating (1) Clean the welding wire feed control
under field expedient repair conditions with- rheostat, rheostat resistor, and fuse
out disconnecting the power source. holders with a dry, lint-free cloth.
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, security of
52. Welding Wire Feed Control Rheostat, mounting, and improper operation.
Rheostat Resistor, and Fuse Holders Replace damaged and defective parts.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 13 and remove c. Welding Wire Feed Control Rheostat
the welding wire feed control rheostat, rheo- Testing. Test the rheostat by performing the
stat resistor, and fuse holders. following steps:

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 12

Use a multimeter set on RX1 ohm (2) Replace the rheostat if it does not
scale and touch the probes of the meet the above test specification.
meter to both outside terminals of the d. Rheostat Resistor Testing. Test the rheo-
rheostat. The reading on the scale stat resistor by performing the following steps:
should be approximately 50 ohms ± (1) Use a multimeter set on RX1 ohm
1 percent. scale and touch the probes of the

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 13.

multimeter to the two terminals of (2) Inspect for worn or stripped threads
the resistor. on mounting and terminal hardware,
(2) Resistance should measure 5.0 ohms defective wiring, and general condi-
± 10 percent. tion. Repair or replace the contactor
(3) Replace a resistor which does not as required.
meet these specifications. c. Testing.
e. Installation. Refer to figure 13 and install (1) Use a multimeter set to a suitable ohm
the welding wire feed control rheostat, rheo- scale and touch the probes of the mul-
stat resistor, and fuse holders. timeter to the two coil terminals.
(2) The average resistance should read
53. Contractor 240 ohms, with a maximum allowable
resistance of 252 ohms and a mini-
a. Removal. mum allowable resistance of 226
(1) Refer to paragraph 51 and remove the ohms.
cable assembly. (3) Replace a defective contactor or report
(2) Refer to figure 14 and remove the a repairable contactor to field mainte-
contactor. nance.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. d. Installation.
(1) Clean the contactor with a dry, lint (1) Refer to figure 14 and install the
free cloth or with compressed air. contactor.
TM 5-3431-200-15

and for broken insulation on electrical

leads. Replace defective parts.
c. Current Relay Capacitor Testing. T o
test the current relay capacitor, perform the
following steps:
(1) Use a standard capacitor tester and
test for capacitance.
(2) Touch the probes of the tester to the
terminals of the capacitor leads.
(3) The rated capacitance is 300 µf at 150
working volts, dc.
(4) Replace the capacitor if it does not
meet the above rating
d. Installation. Refer to figure 15 and in-
stall the current relay, current relay capacitor,
and receptacle.

Figure 14.
55. Control Panel Assembly
a. Removal. Refer to figure 16 and remove
the control paneI assembly from the control
b. Disassembly.
(1) Refer to figure 16 and remove the
(2) Refer to figure 16 and remove the
inching feed, the inching speed, and
the contactor resistors.
(3) Refer to figure 16 and remove the
inching switch relay capacitor, the
trigger switch relay capacitor, and the
rectifier filter capacitor.
(4) Refer to figure 16 and remove the
trigger switch relay.
(5) Refer to figure 16 and remove the
inching switch relay.
(2) Refer to paragraph 51 and install the c. Cleaning and Inspection.
cable assembly. (1) Clean the control panel with an ap-
proved solvent and dry thoroughly.
54. Current Relay, Current Relay Capacitor, (2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, enlarged
and Receptacle mounting holes, and distortion. Re-
a. Removal. Refer to figure 15 and remove place if necessary.
the current relay, current relay capacitor, and d. Reassembly.
receptacle. (1) Refer to figure 16 and install the
b. Cleaning and Inspection. inching switch relay.
(1) Clean the current relay, capacitor, and (2) Refer to figure 16 and install the
receptacle with a dry, lint-free cloth. trigger switch relay.
(2) Inspect for worn or stripped threads (3) Refer to figure 16 and install the
on mounting and terminal hardware

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 15.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 16.

trigger switch relay capacitor, and the (5) Refer to figure 16 and install the
rectifier filter capacitor. rectifier.
Refer to figure 16 and install the e. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in-
inching feed, the inching speed, and stall the control panel assembly in the control
the contactor resistors. assembly.

TM 5-3431-200-15

56. Rectifier tacts with a fine file; replace missing

hardware and a damaged relay.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 16 and remove c. Testing.
the rectifier. (1) Use a multimeter set on suitable
Warning: When a malfunction of the se- ohm scale and touch the probes of the
lenium rectifier occurs, thoroughly ventilate multimeter to the trigger switch re-
the area to prevent inhalation of poisonous lay coil terminals.
fumes. Do not handle the damaged rectifier. (2) The multimeter should register 6,050
Selenium oxide may be absorbed through the ohms ± 5 percent resistance.
skin, especially when the rectifier is hot. Failure (3) Replace a relay which does not meet
to observe this warning can result in severe the above test specifications.
illness or death. d. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in-
b. Cleaning and Inspection. stall the trigger switch relay.
(1) Clean the rectifier with a dry, lint-
free cloth or with dry compressed air. 58. Inching Switch Relay
(2) Inspect for breaks, cracks, loose or a. Removal Refer to figure 16 and remove
missing terminal connections, and the inching switch relay.
frayed or broken insulation on elec- b. Cleaning and Inspection.
trical leads. Tighten or replace loose (1) Clean the relay with a dry, lint-free
or missing terminals. Replace the cloth or with dry compressed air.
rectifier if damaged. (2) Inspect for corroded contacts, missing
c. Testing. Perform the following rectifier terminal hardware, worn or stripped
threads, and general deterioration.
(1) Place the probes of an ohmmeter on Clean contacts with a fine file; replace
one sc terminal and one dc terminal missing hardware and a damaged re-
of the rectifier. Position the ohmme- lay.
ter for X100 ohms and note the read- c. Testing. Follow the same procedure to
ing on the ohmmeter scale. test the inching switch relay as that given for
(2) Reverse the probes on the two ter- testing the trigger switch relay in paragraph
minals and note the reading. 57. The values are identifical.
(3) Compare the two readings. Replace d. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in-
the rectifier if the high reading is less stall the inching switch relay.
than 10 times greater than the low
reading. 59. Inching Feed, Inching Speed, and
(4) Repeat (l), (2), and (3) above to Contractor Resistors
test the rectifier through the remain- a. Removal. Refer to figure 16 and remove
ing ac and dc terminals. the inching feed, inching speed, and contac-
d. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in- tor resistors.
stall the rectifier on the control panel. b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean with a dry, lint-free cloth or
57. Trigger Switch Relay dry compressed air.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 16 and remove (2) Inspect for corrosion, deterioration,
the trigger switch relay. and worn or stripped threads on
b. Cleaning and Inspection. mounting and terminal hardware.
Replace darnaged or defective parts.
(1) Clean the relay with a dry, lint-free
cloth or dry compressed air.
(2) Inspect for corroded contacts, missing c. Testing. Use a multimeter set on appro-
terminal hardware, worn or stripped priate ohm scale and touch the probes to the re-
threads, and deterioration. Clean con- sistor terminals. The inching feed resistor

TM 5-3431-200-15

should indicate 100 ohms ± 5 percent resist- (2) Inspect for corrosion, deterioration,
ance; the inching speed resistor should indicate and for worn or stripped threads on
25 ohms ± 5 percent; the contactor resistor mounting hardware. Replace dam-
should show resistance of 200 ohms ± 5 per- aged or defective material.
cent. Replace a resistor that does not meet c. Testing.
these requirements. (1) Use a standard capacitor tester. Touch
d. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in- the tester probes to the capacitor
stall the inching feed, inching speed, and con. leads.
tactor resistors, (2) The rated capacitance of the trigger
switch relay capacitor and the inching
60. Trigger Switch Relay Capacitor, Inching switch relay capacitor is 0.047 µf at
Switch Relay Capacitor, and Rectifier 600 working volts direct current.
Filter Capacitor The r-edifier filter capacitor is rated
0.1 µf at 400 working volts, direct
a. Removal. Refer to figure 16 and remove current.
the trigger switch relay capacitor, inching (3 Replace a capacitor that does not con-
switch relay capacitor, and the rectifier filter form to the stated ratings.
capacitor. d. Installation. Refer to figure 16 and in-
b. Cleaning and Inspection. stall the trigger switch relay capacitor, inching
(1) Clean the capacitors with a dry, lint- switch relay capacitor, and the rectifier filter
free cloth. capacitor.


61. Welding Gun Cover, Shield, Fitting (2) Refer to paragraph 49 and install the
Assembly, Swing Arm, and hose assembly.
Current Cable
a. Removal. 62. Nozzle, Adapter, Guide Tube, Gun Tube,
(1) Refer to paragraph 49 and remove Gun Barrel, and Insulation
the hose assembly.
a. Removal. Refer to figure 18 and remove
(2) Refer to figure 17 and remove the
the nozzle, adapter, guide ‘tube, gun tube, gun
cover, shield, fitting assembly, swing
barrel, and insulation.
arm, and current cable.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair. b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean the gun cover, shield, fitting (1) Clean all parts with a dry, lint-free
assembly, swing arm, and current ca- cloth. Clean the gun barrel gas ports
ble with a dry, lint-free cloth. after each 100 hours of use to remove
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, broken in- spatter or other obstructions.
sulation, and worn or stripped threads (2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, worn
on fittings and hardware. Repair or threads, leaks, and signs of deteriora-
replace damaged or defective parts, tion. Repair or replace damaged or
c. Installation. defective parts.
(1) Refer to figure 17 and install the c. Installation. Refer to figure 18 and in-
cover, shield, fitting assembly, swing stall the nozzle, adapter, guide tube, gun
arm, and current cable. tube, gun barrel, and insulation.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 17.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 18.

TM 5-3431-200-15


63. General ulator and scatter them in dense foliage, bury

them in sand or dirt, or throw them in a lake,
When capture or abandonment of the weld-
ing set to an enemy is imminent, the responsi- stream, or other body of water.
ble unit commander must make the decision b. Burning. Pack rags, canvas, or clothing
either to destroy the welding set or to render around and inside the welding set. Saturate
it inoperative. Based on this decision, orders with oil, fuel oil, or gasoline and ignite.
are issued which cover the desired extent of
c. Submersion. Fully submerge the welding
destruction. Whatever method of demolition is
set in a body of water to provide water damage
employed, it is essential to destroy the same
and concealment. Salt water will damage metal
vital parts of all welding sets and all corre-
parts more than fresh water.
sponding repair parts.
66. Training
64. Demolition To Render the Welding
Set Inoperative All operators should receive thorough train-
ing in the destruction of the welding set. Re-
Use sledge hammers, crowbars, picks, axes,
fer to FM 5-25. Simulated destruction, using
or any other available heavy tool to destroy the
all of the methods listed above, should be in-
cluded in the operator training program. It
a. Welding gun assembly.
must be emphasized in training that demoli-
b. Argon gas regulator.
tion operations are usually necessitated by crit-
c. Contactor.
ical situations, when time available for carry-
d. Control panel assembly and controls. ing out destruction is limited. For this reason,
e. Solenoid valve. it is necessary that operators be thoroughly
familiar with all methods of destruction of
65. Other Demolition Methods equipment, and be able to carry out demolition
a. Scattering and Concealment. Remove all instructions without reference to this or any
easily accessible parts such as the gun and reg- other manual.

TM 5-3431-200-15




67. Preparation of Equipment for Shipment vation process. Approved methods of clean-
ing, drying, types of preservatives, and meth-
a. General. Detailed instructions for the
ods of application are described in TM 38–230.
preparation for domestic shipment are outlined
d. Marking. Shall conform to MIL-STD-
within this paragraph. Preservation will be
accomplished in sequence that will not require
e. Packing. Place the items in the original
the operation of previously preserved compo-
crate or if it is not available fabricate a new
crate. Refer to TM 38-230 for guidance in
b. Inspection. Equipment will be inspected crate fabrication.
for any unusual condition such as damage,
rusting, accumulation of water, or pilferage. 68. Loading the Equipment for Shipment
DA Form 464, Work Sheet for Preventive
a. The crated welding set may be loaded
Maintenance and Technical Inspection of En-
manually by two men or by a forklift truck.
gineer Equipment, will be executed on the
b. Block or tie the crated welding set, top
side up, to the bed of the carrier to prevent
c. Cleaning and Drying. Thorough clean- shifting during transportation.
ing and drying by an approved technique is the c. Cover the crated welding set with a wa-
first essential procedure in any effective preser- terproof covering.


69. Preparation of Equipment for Storage drying, types of preservatives, and methods of
application are described in TM 38–230.
a. General. Detailed instructions for pre-
d. Packing. Place the items in the original
serving and maintaining equipment in limited crate or if it is not available, fabricate a new
storage are outlined in this paragraph. Lim- crate. Refer to TM 38-230 for guidance in
ited storage is defined as storage not to exceed
crate fabrication.
6 months. Refer to AR 743-505.
e. Weatherproofing. Welding set will be
b. Inspection. Equipment will be inspected provided dry covered storage.
for any unusual condition such as damage,
rusting, accumulation of water, or pilferage.
70. Inspection and Maintenance of
DA Form 464, Work Sheet for Preventive
Equipment in Storage
Maintenance and Technical Inspection of En-
gineer Equipment will be executed on the a. Inspection. When the welding set has
equipment. been placed in storage, all scheduled preven-
c. Cleaning and Drying. Thorough cleaning tive maintenance services, including inspec-
and drying by an approved technique is the first tion, shall be suspended and preventive main-
essential procedure in any effective preserva- tenance inspection shall be performed as speci-
tion process. Approved methods of cleaning, fied herein. Refer to AR 743-505.

TM 5-3431-200-15

b. Worksheet and Preventive Maintenance. quired maintenance promptly to make sure the
DA Form 464 shall be prepared for each weld- welding set is mechanically sound and ready
ing set when initially placed in limited stor- for immediate use.
age, and every 90 days thereafter. Perform re-

TM 5-3431-200-15



Section I. GENERAL

71. Scope pair Parts and Special Tool Lists are listed in
TM 5-3431-200-25P.
a. The following instructions are for field
and depot maintenance personnel. The contain
information on equipment maintenance that is 72. Record and Report Forms
beyond the scope of the tools, equipment, per-
sonnel, and supplies normally available to For record and report forms applicable to
organizational maintenance. field and depot maintenance, refer to TM 5-
b. Appendix I includes the publications ap- 505.
plicable to field and depot maintenance. Ap- Note. Applicable forms, excluding Standard Form 46
pendix II contains the Maintenance Allocation which is carried by the operator, shall be kept in a
Chart. The Field and Depot Maintenance Re- canvas bag mounted on the welding set.


73. Description c. Wiring Diagram. Figure 19 is a schematic

wiring diagram of the welding set.
For a complete description of the welding
d. Time Standards. Table I lists the number
set, Westinghouse Model SA-135, see para-
of man-hours required under normal conditions
graph 3.
to perform the indicated maintenance and repair
of the welding set. Components are listed un-
74. Tabulated Data der the appropriate functional index. The
a. Contactor. times listed are not intended to be rigid stand-
Manufacturer--------------------Westinghouse Electric ards. Under adverse conditions, the operations
Corp. will take longer; but under ideal conditions,
Type-------------------------------- MM410
with highly skilled mechanics, most of the op-
Style -------------------------------552D 181 G02
Resistance, ohms: erations can be accomplished in considerably
High-----------------------------252 leas time.
Average-------------------------240 Table I. Time Stadards
b. Welding Gun Motor.
Manufacturer---------------------Globe Industries Remove and replace Hours
Armature resistance 12 ohms (minimum) 44 WELDING, METALIZING,
including brushes. METAL HEATING AND
Full load torque------------------12 ounce inches (minimum) PLATING EQUIPMENT
(continuous) 4403 GAS WELDING, FLAME
No load speed----------------------9.800 rpm maximum) CUTTING
Gear ratio------------------------18.78:1 Regulator, gas _______________ 0.2

TM 5-3431-200-15
Figure 19.
TM 5-3431-200-15

Table I. Time Standards-Continued Table I. Time Standards-Continued

Remove and Replace Hours

Remove and replace Hours


Switches -------------------- 0.3
Control assembly ------------- 4.0 Contactor ___________________ 0.3
4406.4 CONNECTING DEVICES Relay ______________________ 0.5
Capacitor ___________________ 0.4
Receptacle __________________ 0.3
Cable assembly -------------- 0.5 Rheostat -------------------- 0.5
Hose assembly _______________ 0.2 Resistors -------------------- 0.3
Terminal strip -------------- 4406.9 RECTIFIERS
4406.5 PROTECTING DEVICES, 4406.11
Fuse _______________________ 0.1


75. Special Tools and Equipment are listed and illustrated in TM 5-3431-200-
No special tools or equipment are required
by field and depot maintenance personnel for
the maintenance of the welding set 77. Specially Designed Tools and Equipment
No specially designed tools or equipment are
76. Field and Depot Maintenance required by field and depot maintenance per-
Repair Parts sonnel for the maintenance of the welding
Field and depot maintenance repair parts set.


78. General 80. Motor Fails to Run When Inching

This section provides information useful in Switch Is Pressed
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory opera- Probable cause Possible remedy
tion or failure of the welding set or any of Inching switch RepIace the inching switch
its components. Each trouble symptom stated defective. (par. 88).
Motor defective ---------Replace the motor
is followed by a list of probable causes of trou-
(par. 88).
ble. The possible remedy recommended is de-
scribed opposite the probable cause.
81. Wire Will Not Feed
Probable cause Possible remedy
79. Contractor Fails to Close When Trigger Wire feed motor Replace motor (par. 88).
Is Pressed defective.
Probable cause Possible remedy
82. Wire Peed Speed Too Slow
Trigger switch Replace the trigger
defective, switch (par. 88), Probable cause Possible remedy
Contactor coil Replace the contactor coil Wire feed motor Replace motor (par. 88).
defective. (par. 86). erratic.

T M 5-3431-200-15

83. Wire Feed Speed Too Fast 84. Welding Set Starts But Fails to
Continue Welding.
Probable caause Possible remedy
Probable cause possible remedy
Wire feed motor Replace motor (par. 88). Wire feed motor Replace motor (par. -88).
erratic. failure.


85. General b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 20 and dis-

assemble the contactor.
The contactor is mounted inside the control
assembly next to the control panel on the left c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
side. It completes the welding circuit from the
(1) Clean all parts with a dry, lint-free
welder to the gun when the trigger switch is
pressed. The contactor contains a blowout coil
which ruptures the arc to prevent high current (2) Inspect for breaks, chips, broken in-
from damaging the contacts. sulation, and worn threads. Repair or
86. Contactor replace damaged or defective parts.

Warning: Disconnect the source of power d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 20 and reas-
from the welder before performing any electri- semble the contactor. Refer to paragraph 53
cal maintenance on the set. and test the contactor.
a. Removal Refer to paragraph 53 and re- e. Installation. Refer to paragraph 53 and
move the contactor from the control assembly. install the contactor on the control assembly.

TM 5-3431-200-15

Figure 20. Contactor, diassembly and reassembly.


87. General control cable, The drive roll is turned by the

motor through the shaft to feed wire for the
The gun handle incloses the motor, inching welding operation. Wire driving force is ob-
switch, trigger switch, capacitor, and control tained by squeezing the wire between the
cable connections. With the exception of the knurled drive roll and an idler roll on the
welding current all connections from the gun swing arm. Pressure on the welder roll is ad-
to the control assembly are made through the justable.
TM 5-3431-200-15

a. Removal.
88. Gun Handle Assembly, Motor, Drive Roll,
(1) Refer to paragraph 61 and remove the
Control Cable, Inching Switch, Trigger cover, shield, fitting assembly, swing
Switch, Capacitor, and Bracket arm and current cable.
(2) Refer to paragraph 62 and remove the
Caution: Place the power switch on the con- nozzle, adapter, guide tube, gun tube,
trol assembly on the OFF position before per- gun barrel, and insulation.
forming electrical maintenance on the gun as- b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 21 and dis-

Figure 21. Gun handle assembly, motor, drive roll, control cable, inching switch, trigger
switch, capacitor, and bracket, disassembly and reassembly.

TM 5-3431-200-15

c. Cleaning, Inspection and Repair. (2) Use a tachometer and test the arma-
(1) Clean parts with a dry, lint-free cloth. ture speed. Maximum armature speed
(2) Inspect for cracks, breaks, frayed or should be 9,800 rpm.
broken insulation cm electrical leads, (3) Replace a motor which does not test
worn threads on fittings and hard- as specified.
ware, deterioration, and general con-
dition, Repair or replace damaged or f. Reassembly. Refer to figure 21 and re-
broken parts. assemble the gun handle assembly and bracket.
d. Capacitor Testing. Test the welding gun g. Installation.
motor capacitor by performing (1) through (1) Refer to paragraph 62 and install the
(3) below. insulation, gun barrel, gun tube,
(1) Test as in paragraph 54. guide tube, nozzle, and adapter.
(2) The rate capacitance is 0.047 µf at
100 working volts, dc. (2) Refer to paragraph 61 and install
(3) Replace the capacitor if it does not the current cable, swing arm, fitting
indicate the above. assembly, shield, and cover.
e. Motor Testing. Test the motor as fol- h. Field Expedient Repair. If the inching
lows: switch is defective, feed the welding wire
(1) Connect the motor to a suitable 24-v through the gun by hand. Make replacement of
dc power supply, the switch as soon as possible.

TM 5-3431-200-15



1. Dictionary of Terms and Abbreviations

AR 320-5 Dictionary of United States Army Terms.
AR 320-50 Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes.

2. Painting and Preservation

TB ENG 60 Preservation and Painting of Serviceable Corps of Engineers Equipment,

3. Preventive Maintenance
AR 750-5 Maintenance Responsibilities and Shop Operation.
TM 5-505 Maintenance of Engineer Equipment.

4. Publication Indexes
DA PAM 108-1 Index of Army Motion Pictures, Film Strips, Slides, and Phono-Recordings.
DA PAM 310-1 Index of Administrative Publications.
DA PAM 310-2 Index of Blank Forms.
DA PAM 310-3 Index of Training Publications.
DA PAM 310-4 Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lu-
brication Orders, and Modification Work Orders.
DA PAM 310-5 Index of Graphic Training Aids and Devices.
DA PAM 310-25 Index of Supply Manuals, Corps of Engineers.

5. Shipment and Limited Storage

AR 743-505 Limited Storage of Engineer Mechanical Equipment.
TM 38-230 Preservation, Packaging, and Packing of Military Supplies and Equip-

6. Supply Publications
TM 5-3431-200- Organizational, Field, And Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special
25P Tool Lists. Welding Set, Arc, Inert Gas Shielded: Plastic or Metal Lined
Gun; for 3/64 in. Wire Ac Dc, 115 V (Westinghouse Model SA–135)
FSN 3431-879-9709.

7. Training Aids
FM 5-25 Explosive and Demolition.
FM 21-5 Military Training.
FM 21-6 Techniques of Military Instruction.
FM 21-30 Military Symbols.

TM 5-3431-200-15



1. General ability standards developed and published by
This appendix contains explanations of all heads of technical services. This is accom-
maintenance and repair functions authorized plished through employment of the technique
of “Inspect and Repair Only as Necessary”
for the various echelons. Section II contains
the Maintenance Allocation Chart. (IROAN). Maximum utilization of diagnostic
and test equipment is combined with minimum
2. Maintenance disassembly of the item during the overhaul
Maintenance is any action taken to keep ma- process.
teriel in a serviceable condition or to restore it
to serviceability when it is unserviceable. 3. Explanation of Columns
Maintenance of materiel includes the fol- a. Functional Group. The functional group
lowing: is a numerical group set up on a functional
a. Service, To clean, preserve, and replen- basis. The applicable Functional Grouping In-
ish fuel and lubricants. dexes (obtained from the Corps of Engineers
b. Adjust. To regulate periodically to pre- Functional Grouping Indexes) are listed on the
vent malfunction. MAC in the appropriate numerical sequence.
c. Inspect. To verify serviceability and de- These indexes are normally set up in accord-
tect incipient electrical or mechanical failure by ance with their function and proximity to each
scrutiny, other.
d. Test. To verify serviceability and detect b. Components and Related Operation. This
incipient electrical or mechanical failure by use column contains the Functional Grouping In-
of special equipment such as gages, meters, and dex heading, subgroup headings, and a brief
the like. description of the part starting with the noun
e. Replace. To substitute serviceable assem- name. It also designates the operations to be
blies, subassemblies, and parts for unserv- performed such as service, adjust inspect, test
iceable components. replace, repair, and overhaul.
f. Repair. To restore an item to serviceable c. Echelons of Maintenance. This column
condition through correction of a specific fail- contains the various echelons of maintenance
ure or unserviceable condition. This function by number designation. An X placed in the ap-
includes, but iS not limited to, inspecting, clean- propriate echelon column in line with an indi-
ing, preserving, adjusting, replacing, welding, cated maintenance function authorizes that ech-
riveting, and straightening. elon to perform the function. The “X” indicates
g. Aline. To adjust two or more compo- the lowest echelon responsible for performing
nents of an electrical system so that their func- the function, but does not necessarily indicate
tions are properly synchronized. repair parts stockage at that level. Higher ech-
h. Calibrate. To determine, check, or rectify elons are authorized to perform the indicated
the graduation of an instrument, weapon, or functions of lower echelons.
weapons system, or components of a weapons d. Remarks. This column lists specific main-
system. tenance functions, special tools, cross-refer-
i. Overhaul. To restore an item to completely ences, instructions, and the like pertinent to
serviceable condition as prescribed by service- the operation being performed.

TM 5-3431-200-15


Group Components nnd related oum%tion


2210 Data Plate and Instruction Holders.
Plate, identification (C. O.E.):
Replace ----------------------- -
4403 Gas Welding, Flame Cutting.
Adjust -------------------------
Replace ------------------------
4406.3 Control Panels, Housings, Cubicles.
Control assembly:
Replace ------------------------
Repair --------------------------
4406.4 Connecting Devices.
Replace ------------------------
Cable assembly:
Replace -------------------------
Hose assembly:
Replace -------------------------
Terminal strip:
Replace -------------------------
Cable assembly, gun:
Replace -------------------------
4406.5 Protective Devices, Electrical.
Replace --------------- ---
4406.6 Switching, Timing and S~eed Control.
Switch% : - -
Replace _________________________
Test ----------------------------
Replace -------------------------
Repair --------------------------
Test ----------------------------
Replace -------------------------
Test ----------------------------
Replace -------------------------
Valve, solenoid:
Test ----------------------------
Replace _________________________
Switch, trigger and inching:
Replace -------------------------
Capacitor, gun:
Test --____ -------------- ____ —— -_
Replace ----------------- -_

TM 5-3431-200-15

Group Comwnenu nnd relatad operntion Remark8

4406.7 Resistors.
Rheostat :
Adjunt -------------------------- x
Test ---------------------------- -- x
Replace ------------------------- -- x
Test ---------------------------- -- x
Replace -------------- ----------- -- x
4406.9 Rectifiers.
Rectifier, semiconductor:
Ted ---------------------------- -- x
Replace ------------------------- -- x
4406.11 Head, Torch and Gun Unitized
Gun Assembly:
Service -------------------------- x
Test ---------------------------- -- x
Replace ------------------------- -— x
Repair -------------------------- -- x
Overhaul ------------------------ -- --

TM 5-3431-200-15




1. General (3) Maintenance. The lowest mainte-

nance echelon authorized to use, stock,
Section II lists the accessories, tools, and pub-
install or manufacture the part is
lications required in 1st echelon maintenance
indicated by the following code sym-
and operation, initially issued with, or author-
bol :
ized for the welding set.
O-Organizational Maintenance
2. Explanation of Columns (1st and 2d Echelon)
a. Source Codes. The information provided b. Federal Stock Numbers. This column
in each column is as follows: lists the n-digit Federal stock number used for
(1) Technical service. This column lists requisitioning purposes.
the basic number (or symbol) of the c. Description.
technical service assigned supply re-
sponsibility for the part. Those spaces (1) The item name and a brief description
left blank denote Corps of Engineers of the part are shown.
supply responsibility. General En- (2) A five-digit Federal supply code for
gineer supply parts are identified by manufacturers and/or other technical
the letters GE in parentheses, follow- services is shown in parentheses fol-
ing the nomenclature in the descrip- lowed by the manufacturer’s part
tion column. Other technical services number. This number shall be used
basic numbers (or symbols) are: for requisitioning purposes when no
10-Quartermaster Corps Federal stock number is indicated.
12-Adjutant General’s Corps Example: (08645) 86453
(2) Source. The selection status and
source of supply for each part are in- (3) The letter GE, shown in parentheses
dicated by one of the following code immediately following the descrip-
symbols: tion, indicate General Engineer sup-
(a) P-applied to high-mortality re- ply responsibility for the part.
pair parts which are stocked in or d. Unit of Issue. Where no abbreviation is
supplied from the technical service
shown in this column, the unit of issue is
depot system, and authorized for
use at indicated maintenance eche-
lons. e. Expendability. Those items classified as
nonexpendable are indicated by letters NX.
(b) P1-applied to repair parts which
are low-mortality parts, stocked in Items not indicated by NX are expendable.
or supplied from technical service f. Quantity Authorized. This column lists
depots, and authorzied for installa- the quantities of repair parts, accessories, tools,
tion at indicated maintenance eche- or publications authorized for issue to the
lons. equipment operator or crew as required.

TM 5-3431-200-15

g. Quantity Issued with Equipment. This 3. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
column lists the quantities of repair parts, ac-
88725------------Westinghouse Electrical Corp.
cessories, tools, or publications that are initial-
ly issued with each item of equipment. Those
4. Comments and Suggestions
indicated by an asterisk are to be requisitioned
through normal supply channels as required. Suggestions and recommendations for
h. Illustrations. changes to the Basic Issue Items List shall be
(1) Figure number. Provides the iden- submitted on DA Form 2028 to the Command-
tifying number of the illustration, ing Officer, U.S. Army Engineer Maintenance
(2) Item number. Provides the refer- Center, ATTN: EMCDM-S, P. 0. Box 119,
enced number for the part shown in Columbus 16, Ohio. Direct communication is
the illustration. authorized.


Fe.hrnl Illustration
SOurc* coda stock No. Ducrlvtlon

— — — — Fig.

~ %
“:z 52
i r!
— — — — —

10 P 0 -- 7’620-6S9-9618 3ASE, MAINTENANCE
-- -- 1 1

water-repellent, mildew-resistant.
P1 0 -- 3431-609-2569 KOSE ASSEMBLY, GAS
(88725) 21 N6942.
-- -- 1 1

P 0 .- 3439-779-6476 WIRE, ALUMINUM: 3/64 in. di% l-lb

-- -- 20 20

10 P 0 _- 6120-277-9491 !! CREWDRIVER, FLAT TIP:
wood handle, flared tip 1/4 in. w, 4 in.
-- -- 1 ●

lg blade.
10 P 0 -- 6120-228-7397 PLIERS, SLIP JOINT: straight nose,
comb, w/cutter, 8 in. lg.
-- -- 1 ●

10’ P 0 -- 6120-26443796 VRENCH, OPEN END ADJUSTABLE:

single head, O to 1 6/16 in. jaw opening,
-- -- 2 ●

12 in. lg.
12 .- -. -- ------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
-- -- 2 2


TM 5-3431-200-15.
12 .- -. -- ------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY
-- -- 2 2



TM 5-3431-200-15

aau’u @ack No. xMOriutIOn
— m. Itai
B ~

[ % B
j~ ‘j/ i i 1P
— —
P o -. s920-280446S FUSE, CARTRIDGE :1 -P, 250 V. ---- -- -- 2
P 0 -. 6920-280-6062 FUSE, CARTRIDGE : 2 lUXlp, 260 V, dc, 1- -- -- 4
1/4 in. ~.
PI 0 -- 3431-87&799a ADAPTDR --------------------------- -- -- 1
P 0 .- 3431-44G2642 NOZZLE, GAS ----------------------- -- -- 7
PI 0 -- 3431 -87s-763s ROLL, DRIVE ------------------------ -- -- 1
P 0 -- 9431446-2644 TUBE, GUIDE ----------------------- -- -- 36
— — — —

TM 5-3431-200-15


Paragraph Page

Adapter nozzle--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 32
Adjustment, gas regulator---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34a 19
Argon gas:
Flow obstructed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43 22
Leaks ------------------------------------------------- 42 23
Will not flow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 22
Argon gas system:
Gas pipe __________________________________________________________ 49 23
General __________________________________________________________________ 48 23
Hose assembly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 49 23
Solenoid valve ____________________________________________________________ 49 23
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 49c 23
Arm, swing -------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 32

Barrel, gun ____________________________________________________________________ 62 32

Basic issue tools and equipment ------------------------------------------------ 26 13
Bracket ________________________________________________________________________ 87,88 43,44

Cable assemblies, grip, strain reliefs, power switch, and terminal strip ______________ 51 25
Power switch field expedient repair ________________________________________ 51d 25
Cables :
Control -------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
C u r r e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 32
Current relay -------------------------------------------------------------- 64 28
Teeting ---------------------------------------------------------------- 54c 28
Gun handle assembly -------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
Inching switch relay ------------------------------------------------------ 60 32
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Rectifier filter ------------------------------------------------------------ 60 32
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Trigger switch relay ------------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing --------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Cold weather operation -------------------------------------------------------- 19 10
Components, separately packed -------------------------------------------------- 9 7
Contactor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53,85,86 27,42
Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------- 53c 27
Catactor resistor -------------------------------------------------------------- 59 31
Testing -------------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Contactor fails to close when trigger is pressed ---------------------------------- 79 41
Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4b, 74a 4,39
Cable ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
Panel assembly ------------------------------------------------------------ 55 28
Controls and instruments ------------------------------------------------------ 13,14 8
Corps of Engineers identification plate ------------------------------------------ 4a, 4b 4
Cover, welding gun ------------------------------------------------------------ 61 32
Current cable ------------------------------------------------------------------ 61 32
Current relay, current relay capacitor, and receptacle ---------------------------- 54 28
Capacitor testing ---------------------------------------------------------- 54c 28

TM 5-3431-200-15

Paragraph Page

Daily services, operator’s ------------------------------------------------------ 29 13

Data (see Tabulated data)
63 35
65 35
Other methods ------------------------------------------------------------
64 35
To render welding set inoperative ------------------------------------------
66 35
3, 73 3,39
Description --------------------------------------------------------------------
Diagrams, wiring:
4b 4
74c 39
5 6
Difference in models ----------------------------------------------------------
4b 4
Dimensions and weight ----------------------------------------------------------
Dismantling for movement ------------------------------------------------------ 11 8
Drive roll -------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
21 10
Dusty areas operation ----------------------------------------------------------
Electrical system:
51 25
Cable assemblies, grip, strain reliefs, power switch, and terminal strip -------
51d 25
Power switch field expedient repair --------------------------------------
53 27
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 53c 27
59 31
Contactor resistor----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59c 31
55 28
Control panel assembly----------------------------------------------------
54 28
Current relay, current relay capacitor, and receptacle ------------------------
Capacitor testing ------------------------------------------------------ 54c 28
General ------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 25
Inching feed resistor ------------------------------------------------------ 59 31
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Inching speed resistor ------------------------------------------------------ 59 31
Testing----------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Inching switch relay ------------------------------------------------------ 58 31
Testing----------------------------------------------------------------- 58c 31
Inching switch relay capacitor ---------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Nozzle, adapter, guide tube, gun tube, gun barrel, and insulation ------------ 62 32
Rectifier------------------------------------------------------------------ 56 31
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 56c 31
Rectifier filter capacitor ----------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Rheostat resistor ---------------------------------------------------------- 52 25
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 52d 26
Trigger switch relay ------------------------------------------------------ 57 31
Testing--------------------------------------------------- 57C 31
Trigger switch relay capacitor ---------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing -------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Welding gun cover, shield, fitting assembly, swing arm, and current cable ------ 61 32
Welding wire feed control rheostat, rheostat resistor, and fuse holders __________ 52 25
Resistor ---------------------------------------------------------- 52d 26
Rheostat---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52c 25

TM 5-3431–200-15

Paragraph Page
Basic issue tools and ------------------------------------------- 26 13
Dismantling for movement ________________________________________ ____ 11 8
Inspecting---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 7
Inspection in storage ______________________________________________________ 70 37
Installation instructions ____________________________________________________ 10 7
Installation of separately packed components __________________________________ 9 7
Loading for shipment ------------------------------------------------------ 68 37
Maintenance in storage ---------------------------------------------------- 70 37
At high altitudes ______________________________________________________ 24 10
General 15 10
In dusty areas -------------------------------------------------------- 21 10
In extreme cold (below 0°F.) ___________________________________ 19 10
In extreme heat ______________________________________________________ 20 10
In salt water areas ____________________________________________________ 23 10
In sandy areas -------------------------------------------------------- 21 10
Starting the welding set ---------------------------------------------- 16 10
Stopping the welding set ---------------------------------------------- 17 10
Under humid conditions ________________________________________________ 22 10
Under rainy conditions __________________________________________________ 22 10
Welding set ------------------------------------------------------------ 18 10
For shipment ---------------------------------------------------------- 67 37
For storage ------------------------------------------------------------ 69 37
Reinstallation after movement ______________________________________________ 12 8
Setting-up instructions ------------------------------------------------------ 10 7
Special tools and __________________________________________________________ 25,75 13,41
Specially designed tools and ________________________________________________ 77 41
Unloading-------------------------------------------------------------- 7 7
Unpacking ------------------------------------------------------------ 6 7
Expedient repairs, field (see Field expedient repairs).
Feed resistor, inching __________________________________________________________ 59 31
Testing ____________________________________________________________________ 59c 31
Field and depot maintenance repair parts ________________________________________ 76 41
Field expedient repairs:
45 22
General --------------------------------------------------------------------
47 23
Welder will not operate when power switch is placed in the ON position --------
Wire fails to feed when welding inching switch is pressed ---------------------- 46 23
Filter capacitor, rectifier -------------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing ____________________________________________________________________ 60c 32
Fitting assembly -------------------------------------------------------------- 61 32
4a, 4b 4
Flowmeter manufacturer’s data plate --------------------------------------
Forms, record and report ------------------------------------------------------ 2, 72 3,39
Fuse holders __________________________________________________________________ 52 25
32 19
Fuse replacement --------------------------------------------------------------
49 23
Gas pipe ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4b, 34 4, 19
Gas regulator, a r g o n ----------------------------------------------------------
34a 19
Adjustment ________________________________________________________________
Gas system, argon:
49 23
Gas pipe ------------------------------------------------------------------
48 23
General --------------------------------------------------------------------
49 23
Hose assembly ------------------------------------------------------------
49 23
Solenoid valve ______________________________________________________________ 23
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 49c

TM 5-3431-200-15

Paragraph Page

Grip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 25
Guide tube------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 62 32
Barrel----------------------------------------------------- 62 32
Cover, welding------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 61 32
Service, welding------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 19
Tabulated data, welding-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4b 4
Tube---------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 32
Gun handle assembly:
Bracket-------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
Capacitor------------------------------------------------------------------ 88 44
Control cable--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
Drive roll-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
General-------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 43
Gun handle assembly---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
Inching switch------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 88 44
Motor-------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
Trigger switch------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44

Handle assembly, gun (see Gun handle assembly).

High altitude operation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 10
Holders, fuse--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 25
Hose assembly, solenoid valve, and gas pipe -------------------------------------- 49 23
Solenoid valve teeting ------------------------------------------------------ 49c 23
Hot weather operation ---------------------------------------------------------- 20 10
Humid conditions operation ------------------------------------------------------ 22 10

Identification and tabulated data ------------------------------------------------ 4 4

Identification platen:
Corps of Engineers-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a, 4b 4
Flowmater manufacturer’s data ---------------------------------------------- 4a, 4b 4
Manufacturer’s data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a, 4b 4
Feed resistor-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 31
Testing---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Speed resistor -------------------------------------------------------------- 59 31
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 3l
Switch -------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
Switch relay -------------------------------------------------------------- 58 21
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------- 58c 31
Switch relay capacitor ----------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing --------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32

Inspecting and servicing equipment ---------------------------------------------- 8 7

Inspecting and maintenance of equipment in storage ------------------------------ 70 37
Installation of separately packed components ------------------------------------ 9 7
Installation or setting-up instructions -------------------------------------------- 10 10
Instruments and controls ------------------------------------------------------ 18,14 8
Insulation -------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 32
Loading equipment for shipment ------------------------------------------------ 68 37
Argon gas regulator ---------------------------------------------------- 34 19
Adjustment------------------------------------------------- 34a 19
Fuse replacement ----------------------------------------------------- 32 19
Welding gun ---------------------------------------------------------- 31 16
Organizational-------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 19

TM 5-3431-200-15

Paragraph Page
Repair parts:
Field and depot-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 41
Organizational ----------------------------------------------- 27 13
Operator’s daily--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 13
Preventive (ace Preventive maintenance services),
31 16
Maintenance of equipment in storage ------------------------------------------- 70 37
Manufacturer’s data plate ------------------------------------------------------ 4a, 4b 4
Models, difference in ______________________ -- — ___________________________________ 5 6
Motor _______________________ _________________________________________________ 87,88 43,44
Testing _____________________________________________________________________ 88e 45
Motor fails to run when inching switch is pressed -------------------------------- 80 41
Movement to a new worksite:
Dismantling for ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 8
Reinstallation after-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 8
Nozzle, adapter, guide tube, gun tube, gun barrel, and insulation -------------------- 62 32
Operation of equipment:
At high altitudes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 10
General ------------------------------------------------------------ 15 10
In dusty areas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 10
In extreme cold (below 0°F.) ------------------------------------------------ 19 10
In extreme heat ----------------------------------------------------- 20 10
In salt water areas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 10
In sandy areas ------------------------------------------------------------ 21 10
Starting the welding set ---------------------------------------------------- 16 10
Stopping the welding set ---------------------------------------------------- 17 10
Under humid conditions ---------------------------------------------------- 22 10
Under rainy conditions ---------------------------------------------------- 22 10
Welding set ________________________________________________________________ 18 10
Operator’s daily services ________________________________________________________ 29 13
Operator’s maintenance:
Fuse replacement ---------------------------------------------------------- 32 19
Gas regulator, argon -------------------------------------------------------- 34 19
Adjustment ------------------------------------------------------------ 34a 19
Welding gun services ------------------------------------------------------ 33 19
Organizational maintenance ---------------------------------------------------- 30 16
Organizational maintenance repair parts ________________________________________ 27 13
Panel assembly, control -------------------------------------------------------- 55 28
Pipe, gas ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 23
Corps of Engineers identification ------------------------------------------ 4a, 4b 4
Flowmeter manufacturer’s data -------------------------------------------- 4a, 4b 4
Manufacturer’s data -------------------------------------------------------- 4a, 4b 4
Power switch ------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 25
Field expedient repair ______________________________________________________ 51d 25
Preparation of equipment for shipment __________________________________________ 67 37
Preparation for equipment for storage __________________________________________ 69 37
Preventive maintenance services:
Fuse replacement __________________________________________________________ 32 19
Gas regulator -------------------------------------------------------------- 34 19
Adjustment ---------------------------------------------------------------- 34a 19
General -------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 13
Operator’s daily ------------------------------------------------------------ 29 13
Organizational maintenance ------------------------------------------------ 30 16
Quarterly ------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 16
Welding gun service -------------------------------------------------------- 33 19

TM 5-3431-200-15

Paragraph Page

Quarterly preventive maintenance services -------------------------------------- 31 16

Rainy conditions operation ------------------------------------------------------ 22 10

Receptacle------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 28
Record and report forms------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,72 3,39
Rectifier------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 31
Testing- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56c 31
60 32
Rectifier filter capacitor --------------------------------------------------------
Testing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 60c 32
Regulator, argon gas ------------------------------------------------------------ 4b, 34 4,19
Adjustment ---------------------------------------------------------------- 34a 19
Reinstallation after movement -------------------------------------------------- 12 8
Relay capacitors:
Current -------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 28
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 54c 28
Inching switch ------------------------------------------------------------ 60 32
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 60c 32
Trigger switch ------------------------------------------------------------ 60 32
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 60c 32
Current----------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 28
Inching switch --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 31
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 58c 31
Trigger switch ------------------------------------------------------------ 57 31
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 57c 31
Reliefs, strain ------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 25
Repair (see Field expedient repairs).
Report forms ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2,72 3,39
Contactor __________________________________________________________________ 59 31
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Inching feed -------------------------------------------------------------- 59 31
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Inching speed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 31
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Rheostat ------------------------------------------------------------------ 52 25
Testing ________________________________________________________________ 52d 26
Rheostat, rheostat resistor, and fuse holders, welding wire feed control ------------ 52 25
Resistor-------------------------------------------------------------------- 52d 26
Rheostat -------------------------------------------------------------- 52c 25
Roll, drive-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44

Salt water areas operation ------------------------------------------------------ 23 10

Sandy areas operation---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 10
Scope ________________________________________________________________________ 1,71 3,39
Services, preventive maintenance (see Preventive maintenance services).
Servicing equipment ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 7
Setting-up instructions ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 7
Shield ________________________________________________________________________ 61 32
Loading equipment for ---------------------------------------------------- 68 37
Preparation of equipment for ---------------------------------------------- 67 37
Special tools and equipment ---------------------------------------------------- 25,75 13,41
Specially designed tools and equipment __________________________________________ 77 41
Speed resistor, inching _________________________________________________________ 59 31
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
Solenoid valve ------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 23
Testing ---------------------------------------------------------------- 49c 23

TM 5-3431-200-15
Paragraph Page

Standards, time ________________________________________________________________ 74d 39

Starting the welding set ________________________________________________________ 16 10
Stopping the welding set ______________________________________________________ 17 10
Inspection of equipment in---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 37
Maintenance of equipment in------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 37
Preparation of equipment for---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 37
Strain reliefs------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 25
Strip, terminal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 25
Swing arm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61 32
Switch relay capacitors:
Inching-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Trigger----------------------------------------------------------------------- 60 32
Testing-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Switch relays:
Inching----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 31
Testing----------------------------------------------------------------- 58c 31
Trigger-------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 31
Testing________________________________________________________________ 57c 31
Inching-------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44
Power-------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 25
Field expedient repair----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51d 26
Trigger-------------------------------------------------------------------- 88 44

Table I. Time Standards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74d 39

Tabulated data (Field and depot) :
Control contractor------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74a 39
Time standards____________________________________________________________ 74d 39
Welding gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74b 39
Wiring diagram ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 74c 39
Tabulated data (Operator and organizational maintenance) :
4b 4
Control assembly __________________________________________________________
4b 4
Corps of Engineers identification plate ______________________________________
4b 4
Dimensions and weight ____________________________________________________
4b 4
Flowmeter manufacturer’s data plate------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4b 4
Gas regulator ______________________________________________________________
4b 4
Manufacturer's data plate -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4b 4
Welding gun--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4b 4
Wiring diagram -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 25
Terminal strip-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C o n t a c t o r ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53c 57
Contactor Resistor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59c 31
54c 28
Current relay capacitor -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59c 31
Inching field resistor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59c 31
Inching speed resistor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58c 31
Inching switch relay -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Inching switch relay capacitor ______________________________________________ 60c 32
56c 31
Rectifier ------------------------------------------------------------------
60c 32
Rectifier filter capacitor ____________________________________________________
52c 25
52d 26
Rheostat resistor __________________________________________________________
49c 23
Solenoid valve -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57c 31
Trigger switch relay ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
Trigger switch relay capacitor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60c
74d 39
Time standards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TM 5-3431-200-15
Paragraph Page

Tools and equipment:

Basic issue--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 13
Special---------------------------------------------------------- 25,75 13,41
Specially designed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77 41
Training, demolition---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 39
Switch----------------------------------------------------------- 87,88 43,44
Switch relay--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 31
Testing------------------------------------------------------------------ 57c 31
Switch relay capacitor ------------------------------------------------------ 60 32
Testing ----------------------------------------------------------------- 60c 32
Troubleshooting (Field and depot) :
Contactor fails to close when trigger is pressed ______________________________ 79 41
General -------------------------------------------------------------------- 78 41
Motor fails to run when inching switch is pressed ---------------------------- 80 41
Welding set starts but fails to continue welding ------------------------------ 84 42
Feed speed too fast -------------------------------------------------------- 83 43
Feed speed too slow -------------------------------------------------------- 82 41
Will not feed -------------------------------------------------------------- 81 41
Troubleshooting (operator and organizational) :
Argon gas:
Flow obstructed -------------------------------------------------------- 43 22
Leaks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 42 22
Will not flow ---------------------------------------------------------- 38 22
General -------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 21
Welding gun shorts between nozzle and guide tube ---------------------------- 39 22
Welding set:
Starts but fails to keep welding ---------------------------------------- 44 22
Will not start to weld -------------------------------------------------- 36 21
Feed speed too fast ---------------------------------------------------- 41 22
Feed speed too slow -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 23
Will not feed ---------------------------------------------------------- 37 21
Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 32
Gun ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 32

Unloading the equipment ------------------------------------------------------ 6 7

Unpacking the equipment ------------------------------------------------------ 7 7

Valve, solenoid ---------------------------------------------------------------- 49 23

Testing ------------------------------------------------------ .------------- 49c 23

Weight and dimensions -------------------------------------------------------- 4b 4

Welder will not operate when power switch is placed in the ON position ------------ 47 23
Welding gun:
Cover, shield, fitting assembly, swing arm, and current cable ------------------ 61 32
Service -------------_ ----_ --_----------------------_-_-------------------&- 33 19
Shorts between nozzle and guide tube ---------------------------------------- 39 22
Tabulated data ------------------------------------------------------------ 4b, 74b 4,39
Welding set:
Operation ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 10
Starts but fails to continue welding ------------------------------------------ 84 42
Starts but fails to keep welding -------------------------------------------- 44 22
Will not start to weld ------------------------------------------------------ 36 21
Welding wire feed control rheostat ---------------------------------------------- 52 25
Testing ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- 52c 25

TM 5-3431-200-15

Paragraph P a g e

Fails to feed when inching switch is pressed -------------------------------- 46 23
Feed speed too fast -------------------------------------------------------- 41,83 22,42
Feed speed too slow -------------------------------------------------------- 40,47 22,23
Will not feed -------------------------------------------------------------- 37,81 21,41
Wiring diagrams:
Practical ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4b 4
Schematic ---------------------------------------------------------------- 74c 39

Figure 3.
TM 5-3431-200-15


General, United States Army,
J. C. LAMBERT, Chief of Staff.
Major General, United States Army,
The Adjutant G e n e r a l

Active Army:
USASA (2) New York Engr Dist (1)
DCSLOG (1) Louisville Engr Dist (1)
CNGB (1) Pittsburgh Engr Dist (1)
Tech Stf, DA (1) except San Francisco Engr Dist (1)
CofEngrs (3) Omaha Engr Dist (l),
Army Maint Bd (1) Seattle Engr Dist (1)
USCONARC (3) Kansas City Engr Dist (1)
USAARTYBD (2) Baltimore Engr Dist (1)
USAARMBD (2) Ft Worth Engr Dist (1)
USAIB (2) Eastern Ocean Engr Dist (1)
USARADBD (2) Philadelphia Engr Dist (1)
USA Abn, Elct, & SPWAR Rock Island Engr Dist (1)
Bd (2) St Louis Engr Dist (1)
USAAVNBD (2) St Paul Engr Dist (1)
OS Maj Cored (5) except Div Engr Dist (2) except
USASETAF (2) Lower Miss Valley Div Engr (none)
USARJ (10) North Central Div Engr (none)
MDW (1) Engr Fld Maint Shops (2)
Armies (2) Engr Dep Maint Shops (2)
Corps (2) USAERDL (3)
Div (2) Engr Cen (5)
Engr Bde (1) AMS (3)
Svc Colleges (2) USA Engr Proc Ofc (10)
Br Svc Sch (2) except EMC (26)
USAES (100) ESCO (10)
USMA (2) Fld Cored, DASA (8)
GENDEP (2) except Def Log Svc Cen (1)
Schenectady GENDEP (4) USACOMZEUR (2)
Atlanta GENDEP (4) USAREUR Engr Sup Con Agcy (10)
Utah GENDEP (4) USAREUR Engr Proc Cen (2)
Memphis GENDEP (4) USA Corps (1)
Sharpe GENDEP (4) MAAG (1)
Engr Sec, GENDEP (10) JBUSMC (1)
Engr Dep (10) except USA Trans Tml Comd (2)
Granite City Engr Dep (14) Army Tml (1)
OSA (2) Units org under fol TOE:
Engr Dist (2) except 5-48 (2)
Buffalo Engr Dist (1) 5-237 (5)
Chicago Engr Dist (1)
5-262 (5)
Detroit Engr Dist (1)
Alaska Engr Dist (1) 5-267 (1)
Los Angeles Engr Dist (1) 5-278 (5)
New Orleans Engr Dist (1) 5--279 (2)
NG: State AG (3).
USAR: Units—same as Active Army except allowance is one COpy to each unit.
For explanation of abbreviations used, AR 320-50.

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