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Tompkins County Legislature

Action Summary for Resolutions

Thursday, November 8, 2018 5:30 PM
Legislature Chambers

Consent Agenda


MOVER: Deborah Dawson, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Black, Champion, Dawson, Granison, John, Kelles, Klein, Koreman, Lane,
McBean-Clairborne, McKenna, Morey, Robertson, Sigler

Resolution No. 2018-237: Authorization to Execute Supplemental Funding Agreement for

Construction with New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) - Coddington Road
Highway Safety Improvements at Burns Road and East King Road Intersections, Town of Ithaca,
PIN 3753.24 (ID #8180)

WHEREAS, a Project for the reconstruction of Coddington Road (County Road 119) in the Town
of Ithaca at its intersections with Burns Road (County Road 116) and East King Road (County Road 179),
P.I.N. 3753.24, (the Project), is eligible for funding under Title 23 U.S. Code, as amended, that calls for
the apportionment of the costs of such program to be borne at the ratio of 90% federal funds and 10%
non-federal funds, and

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 11 adopted on January 18, 2005, approved the Project and
authorized execution of agreements with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
regarding administration and funding, and

WHEREAS, Resolutions 67 adopted on March 20, 2018, and 166 adopted on July 17, 2018,
made a combined sum of $2,095,675 available within the Coddington Road Capital Project Account to
cover the cost of participation in the construction phase of the Project, and

WHEREAS, the NYSDOT requires for locally administered projects that the County appropriate
one hundred (100%) percent of the project costs and then file for reimbursement of eligible costs, and

WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins desires to advance the above project by making a
commitment of 100% of the non-federal share of the costs of Construction, and

WHEREAS, the County of Tompkins is responsible to cover 100% of the $510,745.45 overage
from the low bid of construction exceeding the amount available in the Statewide Transportation
Improvement Program (STIP) funding, and

WHEREAS, an additional $51,450 has been made available in State Marchiselli funding for the
design portion of the Project, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the

Tompkins County Legislature hereby approves the above-subject project and authorizes the County of
Tompkins to pay in the first instance one hundred (100%) percent of the federal and non-federal share of
the cost of Construction work for the Project or portions thereof,

RESOLVED, further, That in the event the full federal and non-federal share costs of the project

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

exceeds the amount appropriated above, the County Legislature shall convene as soon as possible to
appropriate said excess amount immediately upon the notification from the NYSDOT thereof,

RESOLVED, further, That the Tompkins County Highway Director be and is hereby authorized
to execute all necessary Agreements, certifications, and reimbursement requests for Federal Aid and/or
Marchiselli Aid on behalf of the County of Tompkins with the NYSDOT in connection with the
advancement or approval of the Project, the administration of the Project, the municipality’s first-instance
funding of Project costs, permanent funding of the local share of federal-aid and state-aid-eligible Project
costs, and all Project costs within appropriations therefor that are not so eligible,

RESOLVED, further, That a certified copy of this resolution be filed with the New York State
Commissioner of Transportation by attaching it to any necessary Agreement in connection with the

RESOLVED, further, That this resolution shall take effect immediately.

SEQR ACTION: Unlisted, Negative Declaration issued (No further action required)


Resolution No. 2018-238: Increasing Membership to the Air Service Board from Eight to Ten -
Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #8177)

WHEREAS, the Legislature adopted Local Law No. 3 of 2018 to amend the Charter to allow the
number of members to the Air Service Board to be determined by resolution, and

WHEREAS, the Air Service Board Bylaws indicates the membership should be ten, now
therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the Air
Service Board membership shall be ten members, as stated in the Bylaws.


Resolution No. 2018-239: Authorizing Supplemental Agreement Nos. 12 & 13 with C&S
Companies for Design Services - Passenger Terminal Building Expansion and Security
Improvements and Construction Phase Services - Passenger Terminal Building Expansion and
Security Improvements - Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #8174)

WHEREAS, authorization is required to designate and pay for design services as well as the
construction phase services of the Passenger Terminal Building Expansion and Security Improvements at
the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and

WHEREAS, Supplemental Consultant Agreement Nos. 12 and 13 with C&S Companies of

Syracuse, New York, for Passenger Terminal Building Expansion and Security Improvements Design and
Construction Phase Services total cost is $1,255,000, (Agreement No. 12 $755,000, Agreement No. 13
$500,000), now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Supplemental Consultant Agreement Nos. 12 and 13 with C&S Companies of Syracuse, New York, for
Passenger Terminal Building Expansion and Security Improvements Design and Construction Phase
Services in the amount of $1,255,000, be approved and financing of the contract is as follows:

NYSDOT - UAI Grant $1,255,000

(New York State Department of Transportation)
(Upstate Airport Initiative)

RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to execute the
required documents,

RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be authorized to make payments from the
appropriate accounts.


Resolution No. 2018-240: Authorizing Supplemental Agreement No. 17 with C&S Companies for
State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit Application - Environmental
Design and Permitting Services - Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport (ID #8175)

WHEREAS, authorization is required to designate and pay for Environmental Design and
Permitting Services of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit Application at
the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport, and

WHEREAS, a Supplemental Consultant Agreement No. 17 with C&S Companies of Syracuse,

New York, for the Environmental Design and Permitting Services for SPDES Application is estimated to
cost $8,800, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That

Supplemental Consultant Agreement No. 17 with C&S Companies for Environmental Design and
Permitting Services for the SPDES Application in the amount of $8,800 be approved and financing of the
contract is as follows:

Airport Operating Budget 5610.54442 Professional Services $8,800.00

RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator be and hereby is authorized to execute the
required documents,

RESOLVED, further, That the Finance Director be authorized to make payments from the
appropriate accounts.


Resolution No. 2018-241: Authorization to Execute a Five-Year Agreement with the Unified Court
System for the Provision of Cleaning and Maintenance Services at the Main Courthouse (ID

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

WHEREAS, the New York State Unified Court System has a need to ensure adequate cleaning
and maintenance services are available in the Supreme and County Courts, and

WHEREAS, the Facilities Department has historically filled this need with County staff and has
been reimbursed for such services, and

WHEREAS, the Facilities Department and the County are reimbursed for a percentage of
expenses, and the dollar amount is negotiated each year of the five-year term, and shall be amended if
expenses exceed the contract amount, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the County
Administrator or his designee is authorized to sign a contract with the New York State Unified Court
System for the provision of Courthouse cleaning and maintenance services for the period of April 1, 2018,
through March 31, 2023.


Resolution No. 2018-242: Date of 2019 Organizational Meeting (ID #8154)

WHEREAS, the Rules of the Legislature require the organizational meeting be held on or before
January 8 of each year, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That in accordance

with Section 151 of County Law, the organizational meeting of the Tompkins County Legislature shall be
held in the Legislative Chambers of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, Ithaca, New York on
Thursday, January 3, 2019, at 5:30 o’clock in the evening thereof.


Resolution No. 2018-243: Budget Adjustment - Youth Services Department and County
Administration (ID #8108)

WHEREAS, pursuant to Administrative Manual Policy 05-02, budget adjustments exceeding

$5,000 require Legislative approval, and

WHEREAS, beginning in fiscal year 2017, the Tompkins County Youth Services Department
contracted with County Administration to guide the implementation of the use of Results Based
Accountability (RBA), a performance management system, with all County departments, over the course
of three years, and

WHEREAS, funds were being provided to pay for the salary and fringe of a .5 FTE Program
Management Specialist position, and

WHEREAS, upon the review of this arrangement, it was determined the RBA role would be
better aligned and, therefore, combined with the responsibilities and duties of the newly created Criminal
Justice Coordinator position to be housed within the County Administration office, resulting in a net
savings in wage and fringe costs, and

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

WHEREAS, the contract between County Administration and Youth Services Department would
no longer be necessary, and

WHEREAS, the Youth Services Department would no longer be receiving this 0.5 FTE position’s
funding from County Administration, and

WHEREAS, the Department of County Administration will no longer be funding the 0.5 FTE in
Youth Services, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Health and Human Services and the Government
Operations Committees, That the Director of Finance be directed to make the following reductions to the
2018 budget as follows:

Youth Services Department

Revenue Acct Title Amount

7020.42797 Other Local Govt Contributions ($27,673)

Appropriation Acct Title Amount

7020.51000655 Program Management Specialist ($18,529)
7020.58800 Fringes ($9,144)

County Administration

Appropriation Acct Title Amount

1230.54442 Professional Services ($27,673)
A30909000 General Fund Balance $27,673


Resolution No. 2018-244: Authorizing a Public Hearing on Proposed Local Law No. d of 2018 –
Amending the County Charter, Section 4.01 (b) to Remove the Requirement that the Local
Advisory Boards of Assessment Review Shall Meet Each Year (ID #8060)

WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Charter authorizes a Local Advisory Board of Assessment
Review, and

WHEREAS, these Local Advisory Boards of Assessment Review were created when the
Tompkins County Charter was voted on and approved by the residents of Tompkins County in 1968, and

WHEREAS, because of the Tompkins County Charter vote, the assessment function was
consolidated at the County level creating the only true county-wide assessing unit in New York State, and

WHEREAS, these Local Advisory Boards of Assessment Review are not mentioned in the New
York State Real Property Tax Law, and

WHEREAS, the need for these Local Advisory Board of Assessment Review has changed since

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

they were created over 50 years ago, and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County wishes to continue these Boards of Assessment Review in a

manner that will streamline their effectiveness, and

WHEREAS, the number of property owners who have utilized these boards have decreased
significantly in the last nine years where towns in some years have not had a single person contest their
assessment before one of these Boards, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That a public

hearing be held before the Tompkins County Legislature in the Legislative Chambers of the Governor
Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca, New York, on December 4, 2018, at 5:30
o'clock in the evening thereof concerning proposed Local Law No. __ of 2018 - Amending the County
Charter, Section 4.01 (b) to Remove the Requirement that the Local Advisory Boards of Assessment
Review Shall Meet Each Year. At such time and place all persons interested in the subject matter will be
heard concerning the same,

RESOLVED, further, That the Clerk of the Legislature is hereby authorized and directed to place
proper notice of such public hearing in the official newspaper of the County.


Resolution No. 2018-245: Setting the Income Limits for Person with Disabilities and Limited
Incomes and Persons Sixty-Five Years of Age or Older with Limited Incomes - Real Property Tax
Exemptions (ID #8040)

WHEREAS, the County Legislature desires to increase the income limits for the Persons with
Disabilities and Limited Incomes Real Property Tax Exemption, and

WHEREAS, the County Legislature desires to increase the income limits for the Persons Sixty-
Five Years of Age or Older Real Property Tax Exemption, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That M as used in

the County Code Sections 150-2(A) and 150-38(A) shall be set at $29,000.


Resolution No. 2018-246: Designation of Newspaper (ID #8158)

WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature must annually designate an official newspaper,

WHEREAS, there is only one daily newspaper in Tompkins County, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the official

newspaper for the County of Tompkins for the publication of all local laws, notices and other matters
required by law to be published pursuant to Section 214 of County Law and Chapter 58 of the Tompkins

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

County Code be designated from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019, as follows:
The Ithaca Journal, Ithaca, New York


Resolution No. 2018-247: Correction of Errors (ID #8157)

WHEREAS, it is important that official minutes and reports be accurately written, now therefore
be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations Committee, That the Clerk of

the Legislature be and hereby is authorized to correct any manifest errors in the 2019 minutes of the
Legislature or in reports of any committees.


Resolution No. 2018-248: Authorization for Budget Transfer of Funds from New York State Energy
and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) Clean Energy Community Grant to Support
Tompkins County Government Acquisition of Electric Vehicles and Association Electric Vehicle
Charging Stations (ID #8183)

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of Tompkins County government to advance measures that reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from facilities and fleets, and

WHEREAS, the County obtained a $250,000 NYSERDA Clean Energy Community Grant to
reduce GHG emissions from commercial facilities by developing a Business Energy Navigator program
and to reduce GHG emissions from Tompkins County’s vehicle fleet by developing a green fleet program
that advances the conversion to electric vehicles, and

WHEREAS, the green fleet program portion of the grant funds will specifically help County
Departments cover the cost difference between the purchase of a gasoline vehicle and electric vehicle and
their associated charging stations, and

WHEREAS, several County Departments would like to acquire electric vehicles and charging
stations in 2018, and

WHEREAS, the implementation of a County green fleet program supports the Tompkins County
Comprehensive Plan (2015) policy to “reduce the use of fossil fuels in transportation”, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development and Environmental Quality

Committee, That the Director of Finance be directed to make the following adjustments to the 2018
budget to assist with vehicle and charging station purchases and installation:

A8027.43089 Other State Aid $27,200

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

A8027.54624 Project Grants $27,200



Resolution No. 2018-249: Award of Fall 2018 New Tourism Initiative Grants (ID #8181)

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for New Tourism Initiatives using funds
drawn entirely from Hotel Room Occupancy Tax, and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality

Committee, That the following New Tourism Initiative grants are approved:

Applicant Event
Organization Project Title Dates Award
Discover Cayuga MV Teal Overhaul - N/A $8,250
Lake (Center for Phase II
Ithaca Children's The Wonders of N/A $8,686
Garden Wetlands

Ithaca Youth Bureau 2019 Ithaca Bike N/A $10,475

Rental Guided Bike
Tours and Multi-
Ability Recumbent
History Center in 2019 Exploring March 22 – $3,000
Tompkins County Science, Imagination 23
and Culture in
Tompkins County:
What is our next
Taughannock Giant?
Total $30,411

RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee shall be authorized to sign any
documents related to the aforementioned projects.

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018


Resolution No. 2018-250: Award of Fall 2018 Community Celebrations Grants (ID #8182)

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has a grant program for community celebrations using funds
drawn entirely from Hotel Room Occupancy Tax, and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has requested and reviewed grant applications for
recommendation to the Tompkins County Legislature through the appropriate Committee with the advice
of the Strategic Tourism Planning Board, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality

Committee, That the following Community Celebrations grants are approved:

Applicant Celebration Name Municipality Event Award

Organization Date(s
Groton Groton Cabin Fever Village of Mar 2 $1,000
Recreation Festival Groton
Ithaca Children's 2019 Festival of Fire & City of Ithaca Feb 9 $1,675
Garden Ice
Ithaca Concert A Season of Free Band City of Ithaca Jan 1 – $1,000
Band Concerts 2019 Dec 23
Total $3,675

RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or designee shall be authorized to sign any
documents related to the aforementioned projects.

Note: See resolution #8181 for explanatory memo.


Resolution No. 2018-251: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing in Tompkins County (ID #8165)

WHEREAS, under the Federal Fair Housing Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, it is
illegal to deny housing to any person because of race, color, religion, gender, physical or mental
disabilities or national origin, and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 expands coverage to
include disabled persons and families with children, and

WHEREAS, in July of 2015, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”)
released the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (“AFFH”) rule, clarifying and simplifying existing
fair housing obligations, and

WHEREAS, the AFFH rule requires certain HUD and New York State grantees to conduct an
Assessment of Fair Housing planning process and analyze their fair housing landscape and set locally
determined fair housing priorities and goals, and

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has long been committed to affirmatively furthering fair housing
through numerous activities including the adoption of Tompkins County Local Antidiscrimination Law
No. 1-2004, annual proclamations of Fair Housing Month and other outreach to expand awareness,
trainings regarding fair housing rights and responsibilities, analysis of impediments, assistance to those
with complaints, and support through the Tompkins County Office of Human Rights, and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County desires to apply for Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds, which require a formal resolution stating its good faith and intention to continue
complying with fair housing requirements, and

WHEREAS, Tompkins County desires that all persons be made aware that it is the policy of
Tompkins County to support the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and to implement fair housing
activities to ensure equal opportunity in housing for all persons, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Housing Committee, That within the resources available
to Tompkins County through County, State, federal, and community sources, the Tompkins County Office
of Human Rights will assist all persons who believe their fair housing rights have been violated,
concerning their rights and responsibilities, so that they may seek equity under relevant laws,

RESOLVED, further, That the County shall publicize this Resolution and through this publicity
shall cause real estate brokers and sellers, private home sellers, rental owners, rental property managers,
real estate and rental advertisers, lenders, builders, developers, home buyers and home or apartment
renters to become aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the Fair Housing
Amendments Act of 1988 and any applicable state or local laws or ordinances,

RESOLVED, further, That the County will continue notifying community members of their
respective responsibilities and rights concerning Fair Housing laws and complaint procedures, including,
but not limited to: the printing, publicizing and distribution of this Resolution; the distribution of Fair
Housing information provided by local, State and federal sources, through local community contacts; and
the publicizing of the assistance available and means of accessing it to those seeking to file a
discrimination complaint.


Resolution No. 2018-252: Authorizing Submittal of 2018 New York State Homes and Community
Renewal Housing Trust Fund Corporation Community Development Block Grant Program
Application (ID #8206)

WHEREAS, Tompkins County has completed a process of investigation in its community to

determine community development needs for the current year, and

WHEREAS, the New York State Housing Trust Fund Office of Community Renewal’s
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is an important source of funding to address
community development objectives in the County, and

WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Healthy Homes Program has been funded through two
separate CDBG grants since 2011, and has proven to be very successful in meeting an important
community development need in the County, now therefore be it

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Housing Committee, That Tompkins County is hereby

authorized to apply for up to $1,000,000 in funding in the 2018 round of the Housing Trust Fund Office
of Community Renewal CDBG funding for the Tompkins County Healthy Homes (III) Program,

RESOLVED, further, That the County Administrator or his designee be authorized to sign all
documents related to the submission of the Housing Trust Fund Office of Community Renewal CDBG
application and any materials required by the Office of Community Renewal.


Regular Agenda

Resolution No. 2018-253: Establishing Unit Charge for 2019 Solid Waste Annual Fee - Department
of Recycling and Materials Management (ID #8171)


MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Glenn Morey, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson,
Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, the unit charge for the 2019 Solid Waste Annual Fee has been recommended by the
Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee, That the Unit
Charge for the 2019 Solid Waste Annual Fee be established at $58.00 per billing unit, which is a $3.00
increase over the 2018 Solid Waste Annual Fee.



Single family residences 210,240,241,242,250,280
Mobile Homes 270,271,416
Churches Z32

Unit Charge: One billing unit per Church or living unit


Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Two-family residences All 220’s

and other residences with two
living units

Unit Charges: Two billing units, except if verified as owner occupied and used as a single
unit, the charge is one billing unit.

Multi-unit residences
3 or more units 230’s
Apartments A01 - A07
Rooming houses: 418
2.5 beds = 1 billing unit
Unit Charges: One billing unit per living unit

Colleges & Schools: All tax exempt parcels owned by the colleges

Unit Charges: BOCES

Cornell University
Ithaca College
Tompkins Cortland Community College $6,916

Total Colleges: $302,778

Recreation and Warehouse (except row storage) All K’s, Z01-Z11,
Z19-Z26, F01-
Unit Charges: $0.0215/sq.ft. F04, F06, F07,F08
F10, F11

Wholly Exempt Homes for the Aged 633
Wholly Exempt Other HealthCare Facilities 642

Unit Charges: $0.0215/sq.ft.

All other All property classes and ‘used as’ codes not listed elsewhere in a specific category

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Unit Charges: $0.0430/sq.ft.

Seasonal Residences 260
Property must be classified as a seasonal residence by the Tompkins County Assessment Dept.

Unit Charge: One-half (1/2) billing units per living unit.

No fee assessed:
Row storage F05
Small Churches (under 20 weekly attendance)
Non-contributive area Z98
Local government - all tax exempt parcels owned by the city, towns,
villages, and county within Tompkins County.



Resolution No. 2018-254: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2017 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of Departments that Report to the Planning, Development, and
Environmental Quality Committee (ID #8099)


MOVER: Anna Kelles, Member
SECONDER: Deborah Dawson, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson,
Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on “Re-appropriation (Carryover or

Rollover)” authorizes County Department Heads to “request re-appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that such funds are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and
provided that this re-appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the
Legislature,” and

WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2017 totaling $671,420, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an available rollover balance of $1,030,562 on the County’s books as of
December 31, 2017, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surplus funds have been requested for use in the

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

current year’s budget by departments that report to the Planning, Development, and Environmental
Quality Committee in the amount of $13,084, and $50,000 are being released to the unassigned General
Fund Balance, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Planning, Development, and Environmental Quality and

the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That the Finance Director is hereby authorized and
directed to make the following adjustments to the 2018 Budget:


FROM: General Fund Balance $13,084

TO: Requested
Dept Use of Funds Account Rollover
Planning & Sustainability
Replace plotter purchased in 2006 (approx. $8,000) and other 8020.52206 $9,084
computer purchases.
Registration fees for Upstate APA conference in Ithaca and 8020.54412 $4,000
conference expenses for regional GIS conference.

Release of 2017 monies from Capital Reserve Fund, tracked $50,000

and managed separately from Department’s annual budget,
back to the unassigned General Fund Balance



Resolution No. 2018-255: Adoption of 2019 Tompkins County Budget and 2019-2023 Tompkins
County Capital Program (ID #8199)


MOVER: Michael Lane, Member
SECONDER: David McKenna, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson,
Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, the Recommended Budget for the year 2019 and the proposed 2019-2023 Capital
Program have been presented to the Legislature by the Budget Officer on September 4, 2018, and a
Tentative Budget for the year 2019 and the proposed 2019-2023 Capital Program were adopted by the
Legislature for public review on October 16, 2018, and a public hearing was held on October 30, 2018,
and all persons desiring to be heard concerning same have been heard, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Expanded Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee,

That pursuant to Section 5.07 of the County Charter, the said proposed budget as amended is adopted,

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the Legislature and the Budget Officer, as the
budget of Tompkins County for the year 2019,

RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Sections 5.03, 5.04, and 5.05 of the County Charter, the
several amounts specified in such budget opposite each item of expenditure set forth in the column
adopted are appropriated for the objects and purposes specified, effective January 1, 2019,

RESOLVED, further, That the sum of $49,898,306 required to meet the local share of expenses
and costs of county government in Tompkins County for the fiscal year 2019 as set forth in the budget be
assessed against, levied upon, and collected from the taxable property of the nine towns and the city liable

RESOLVED, further, That this change will result in an approximate tax-levy increase of 1.54 %,
falling below the Tompkins County adjusted tax cap of approximately 9.89% as calculated according to
New York State’s formula, an approximate tax rate of $6.41 per $1,000 of assessed value, which amounts
to a rate decrease of approximately -2.58 %, and an increase of 3.55% in local spending,

RESOLVED, further, That this tax change will result in an increase of approximately $14.63 on a
median-priced home assessed in 2018 at $185,000,

RESOLVED, further, That pursuant to Section 5.07 of the County Charter, the said proposed
Capital Program as amended is adopted, subject to the correction of manifest errors by the Clerk of the
Legislature and Budget Officer, as the Capital Program of Tompkins County for the years 2019-2023.


Resolution No. 2018-256: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2017 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the Facilities and
Infrastructure Committee (ID #8098)


MOVER: David McKenna, Member
SECONDER: Deborah Dawson, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson,
Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on “Re-appropriation (Carryover or

Rollover)” authorizes County Department Heads to “request re-appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that such funds are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and
provided that this re-appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the
Legislature,” and

WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2017 totaling $671,420, which, combined with balances
from prior years, results in an available rollover balance of $1,030,562 on the County’s books as of

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

December 31, 2017, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surplus funds have been requested for use in the
current year’s budget by departments that report to the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee in the
amount of $1,426, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Facilities and Infrastructure and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to make the following
adjustments to the 2018 Budget:


FROM: General Fund Balance $1,426

TO: Requested
Dept. Use of Funds Account Rollover
Facilities Department
Funds used to increase budgeted Automotive Fuel line-item 1620.54310 $976

Weights and Measures

Purchase a cell phone for the Inspector to use for the new package 3630.54472 $450
checking program.



Resolution No. 2018-257: Budget Adjustment and Appropriation of Unspent Funds from 2017 and
Prior Years to Various Accounts of the Departments that Report to the Government Operations
Committee (ID #8100)


MOVER: Daniel Klein, Member
SECONDER: Deborah Dawson, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, Leslyn
McBean-Clairborne, David McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson,
Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, Section 4.06 of Tompkins County Fiscal Policy on “Re-appropriation (Carryover or

Rollover)” authorizes County Department Heads to “request re-appropriation of unspent funds from the
previous year, provided that such funds are certified by the Director of Finance to be available and
provided that this re-appropriation is authorized by the established appropriation procedures of the
Legislature,” and

WHEREAS, various departments have been certified by the Director of Finance to have available
unspent appropriations and excess revenues from 2017 totaling $671,420, which, combined with balances

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

from prior years, results in an available rollover balance of $1,030,562 on the County’s books as of
December 31, 2017, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to County Fiscal Policy, surplus funds have been requested for use in the
current year’s budget by departments that report to the Government Operations Committee in the amount
of $42,538 and $7,959 are being released to the unassigned General Fund Balance, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Government Operations and the Budget, Capital, and
Personnel Committees, That the Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to make the following
adjustments to the 2018 Budget:


FROM: General Fund Balance $42,538

TO: Requested
Dept. Use of Funds Account Rollover
Upgrade Tax Map Maintenance Program to account for new 1355.54425 $4,200
ESRI software
COSTAR Subscription - Commercial Property Financial 1355.54425 $3,950
Front Office redesign (New cubicle for privacy of income 1355.52214 $4,000
documents\ and new desk for Asst Director’s office.
Tyler Sketch Project - additional funding to help bridge the gap 1355.54442 $4,105
in funding that was included in 2017 Budget.

Board of Elections
We anticipated having rollover from 2017 to cover additional 1450.54400 $10,000

County Administration
Miscellaneous office furnishings for office space 1230.52214 $7,000
reconfiguration related to bringing on Deputv Countv

Release unspent funds from 2017 appropriation for costs $7,959

related to the County Administrator search to the unassigned
General Fund Balance

Dell Interactive Conference Room 86" Monitor-C861QT - Dell 1040.52206 $6,899
Limited Hardware Warrantv/Advanced Exchange 3 Years
Dell Heavy Duty Fixed Display Mount for C8618QT 1040.52206 $465
Actiontec Screen Beam 750-Wireless video/audio extender 1040.52206 $185

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Logitech MeetUp with Expansion Mic 1040.52206 $960

Dell KM714 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Combo 1040.52206 $55
Dell Optiplex 5050 1040.52206 $719



Resolution No. 2018-258: Authorizing the County Administrator to Enter into a Purchase Option
Agreement for the Purchase of Real Estate and Appropriation from Contingent Fund (ID #8244)


MOVER: Glenn Morey, Member
SECONDER: Deborah Dawson, Member
AYES: Shawna Black, Amanda Champion, Deborah Dawson, Henry Granison, Rich
John, Anna Kelles, Daniel Klein, Anne Koreman, Michael Lane, David
McKenna, Glenn Morey, Martha Robertson
EXCUSED: Leslyn McBean-Clairborne, Michael Sigler

WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Legislature has been reviewing their office space needs for
many years including the Center of Government Business Case Analysis completed in 2011, and

WHEREAS, there are many Tompkins County offices that are in spaces that are currently rented
from private landlords that are in several locations across the County, and

WHEREAS, there are also Tompkins County offices that are in older-buildings that are not
energy efficient and are nearing the end of their period of probable usefulness, and

WHEREAS, County Administration has been reviewing potential locations whereby multiple
County departments could be co-located, and

WHEREAS, County Administration and County staff has investigated available sites that may
allow for the co-location of multiple departments and have found a potential site located in the downtown
business core adjacent to other County departments, and

WHEREAS, the Director of Assessment, pursuant to Administrative Policy Manual Section 09-
07, has performed an appraisal of this site to determine the fair market value of the property, and

WHEREAS, the County Legislature believes that retaining County departments in the downtown
business core is advantageous and that an option to purchase the property will provide the County with
the necessary time to review the feasibility of the site to determine if a purchase of a property would be in
the County’s best interest, now therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the County Legislature authorizes the County Administrator to sign an Option
Agreement for Purchase of Real Property for the tax parcels known as SBLs 49.-2-6, 49.-2-7, 49.-2-18,
and 49.-2-19 (412-414 N Tioga St., 408 N Tioga St., 117 Sears St., and 119 Sears St.) located in the City

Action Summary for Resolutions
Tompkins County Legislature
Thursday, November 8, 2018

of Ithaca, reputedly owned by Dental Properties Company LLC,

RESOLVED, further, That this Option to Purchase these properties shall not exceed One Million
Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000) of which $25,000 of this purchase price will be given as
non-refundable payment for the exclusive Option Agreement,

RESOLVED, further, That County Administration shall take all the necessary steps to ensure that
this property shall be suitable for the County’s space needs by performing the necessary space,
environmental, and geotechnical studies with the 4-month exclusive option period,

RESOLVED, further, That if the County Administrator concludes that this property is suitable for
the County’s needs, that prior to the 4-month exclusive period ends, that a resolution shall be brought
forth to the Legislature to purchase this property,

RESOLVED, further, That the Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to make the
following budget appropriation:

FROM: A1990.54400 Contingent Fund $62,000

TO: A1230.54442 Professional Services $37,000
A1230.52101 Land Acquisition $25,000



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