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Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

KEYWORDS : Medical Treatment ,
Medical Astrology an Elixir of Precaution Astrology,Kalapurusha concept,Aries,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Libra,Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,

S.Senthikumar Research Scholar Astrology, Dept.Sanskrit &Astrovedic Studies, PRIST

University,Thanjavur, Tamilnadu 613403.

ABSTRACT Indian Astrology is a useful and path-leading science since VEDIC era, but its use in medical is perhaps the
most important one. Is it not a fact that mystery of so many diseases and health troubles is still unrevealed even
by much advanced modern medical science. The astrological and planetary connection to various diseases has already been estab-
lished beyond the shadow of doubt by our wise sages of ancient time, but much of their knowledge had not percolated to posterity
with the passage of time and lack of proper scientific approach could not make much headway in this arena of Predictive Medical
Astrology Zone. Medical Astrology is a proven and an invaluable diagnostic tool that leads to speedy recovery and lasting cures.

Introduction:- Indian Astrology is a useful and path-leading 6th house Lower abdomen
science since VEDIC era, but its use in medical is perhaps the
most important one. Is it not a fact that mystery of so many dis- 7th house Groin, buttocks and semen
eases and health troubles is still unrevealed even by much ad-
vanced modern medical science. The astrological and planetary 8th house Genital and urine
connection to various diseases has already been established
beyond the shadow of doubt by our wise sages of ancient time, 9th house Thighs and limbs
but much of their knowledge had not percolated to posterity
with the passage of time and   lack of proper scientific approach 10th house Knees
could not make much headway in this arena of Predictive Medi-
cal Astrology Zone. Medical Astrology is a proven and an invalu- 11th house Legs and left ear
able diagnostic tool that leads to speedy recovery and lasting
cures. Once a person knows to what diseases he is primarily 12th house Feet and left eye
suspectible, he can guard against them from the beginning and
thus live a long and healthy life. In this unit various forms of Planets representing different organs
diseases and its planatory combinations were revealed. Stomach, bone, heart, eyes, head, general
Sun constitution of the body.
Kalapurusha concept
Moon Blood, heart, lungs, fluid in the body limb, mind,
In Astrology the twelve signs of the zodiac are compared to a kidney and muscle.
Mars Marrow, blood, vitality, head, veins, neck, rectum
  Sign Part of the body
1 Aries Head Mercury Skin, arms, chest, hair, gall bladder, nervous system,
vertebral and spinal column
2 Taurus Face
Jupiter Thighs, liver, kidney, right ear, spleen, tongue, fat of
3 Gemini Neck, shoulders & hands the body, brain
4 Cancer Chest, heart & lungs
Venus Face, genital organ, urine, semen, ovaries, left ear
5 Leo Upper abdomen
6 Virgo Lower abdomen Saturn Knees, legs and nervous system

Sign Part of the body Rahu Feet and small nerves.

7 Libra Groin, buttocks, semen
Ketu Belly and feet.
8 Scorpio Genital, urine
9 Sagittarius Thighs Relationship with stars and parts of the body
10 Capricorn Knees Aswini Head, cerebral hemispheres
11 Aquarius Legs below the knee including ankle
Bharani Head and organs within the head
12 Pisces Feet
Krithika Larynx, head, eye sight, eyes, fece, neck, tonsils.
Bhava and parts of the body Rohini Face, mouth tongue, neck, palate.
Parts of the body starting with Ascendant
Mrigasira Face, chin,cheeks, throat, larynx, shoulders, ear,
Ascendant Head and brain thymus glands, ribs.
Aridra Throat, arms, shoulders.
2nd house Face, right eye.
Punarvasu Ear, throat, shoulder, lungs, stomach, chest,
3rd house Neck and right ear. diaphragm, pancreas, food piles.
4th house Heart,lungs and chest Pushyam Lungs, ribs, stomach.
5th house Upper abdomen and mind Aslesha Lungs, stomach, esophagus, diaphragm,
pancreas, liver


Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179
Research Paper

Magha Heart, back, vertebrae column, vein spleen, Disease–various yogas (combinations) Cancer:
aorta, spinal chord If the moon in conjunction with mercury, Rahu and Mars occu-
Purvphalgni Heart, spinal chord, vertebrae, column pies ascendant the native will get cancer.

Utarphalguni Spinal chord, liver, intestine If the Moon in conjunction with Mercury, Rahu, and Saturn oc-
cupies the ascendant the native will get cancer.
Hasta Bowels, intestine, secreting glands, enzymes
If the Moon in conjunction with the Mercury, Rahu and Sun oc-
Chitra Belly, kidney, lower abdomen, hernia cupies the Lagna the native will get cancer.
Swati Skin, kidney, urethra, bladder, appendix If the moon in conjunction with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
Lower abdomen, prostate, urinary bladder, occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house , which is Cancer, Pisses or
Vishakha pancreas, urethra Scorpio the native will get Cancer.
Anuradha Bladder, genital organs, rectum
If the Sun is posited in the ascendant sign and the Moon in con-
Jyeshta Colon, anus, genital organs, ovaries, womb junction with Saturn occupies the 2nd house, which is Cancer,
Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisses the native will get cancer.
Moola Hip and thighs, femur, sciatic nerve
Purvashada Thighs, hips, coccygeal and sacral ovaries and 1) Weak or debilitated Moon is aspected by mafefics.
veins 2) Mars and Mercury posited in 6th house and aspected by Ve-
Utrashada Thighs, femur, arteries, skin, knees patella nus and Moon.
3) Rahu in 6th house and Mandi in the quadrant of Lagna and
Shravana Knees, lymphatic vessels, skin Lod of Lagna in 8th house. Mars and Mercy in 6th and as-
pected Venus.
Dhanista Knees, bones, ankles, limbs 4) Saturn and Jupiter along with Sun in 7th or 8th house
5) Venus in association with Lagna lord in any one of trik hous-
Sadabhisha Portion between knees and ankle, calf muscle es.
Purvbhadra Ankle, feet, toes Diabetes
1) If ascendant and 8th house is aspected / occupied by malif-
Utrabhadra Feet ics and the weak Lord of ascent occupies debilitated / in-
imical sign the native will suffer from diabetes.
Revathi Feet and toes
2) If afflicted and weak Venus aspected by malefic and occu-
pies the 8th house, the ascendant occupies or aspected by a
Planets as significators of diseases malefic, and the Lord of ascendant is located in his debili-
Planets cause diseases in the followings conditions. tated or inimical house.
1. When it falls in debilitated or inimical sign. 3) Venus in 6th house, afflicted or aspected by malifics.
2. If it stands in ‘Mrithyubhaga’ or ‘kroora shashtamsa’ 4) Venus and Moon is afflicted or aspected by Mars or other
3. If it stands in 6th, 8th, or 12th sign. malifics in a watery sign.
4. If it is aspected by the lords of 6th, 8th, 12th bhavas. 5) Lagna 6th Bhava and their Lords in the combination of Ve-
5. If it has the lordship of 6th,8th,or 12th signs. nus and Moon either in Lagna or 6th bhava
6. If it is aspected by malefic planets.
7. If it becomes maraca. Heart diseases
8. If it stands in 22nd drekana or becomes the lord of the same 1 If Mars or Saturn or weak Jupiter occupied 4th house as-
drekana. pected by a malefic
9. If it becomes the enemy of the lord of the mahadasa. 2 Weak Jupiter or Saturn owning the 6th house and occupy-
10. If it falls on the 6th,8th,or 12th signs of the dasa lord. ing 4th house.
11. When it is aspected or associated by malefics. 3 If Sun occupies 4th house or Cancer aspected by malifics
12. If it stands in shashtashtama or dvidwadasa signs of the 4 If lord of the 5th house is in conjunction with a malefic
lord of the mahadasa. and 5th house is occupied by malefic or the 5th house is
hemmed between two malifics.
Apart from the above for Moon, if it is in ‘Kemadruma’ yoga 5. If the lord of the 5th house in debility and combustion and
(ie, absence of planets except Sun, Rahu and Ketu on either side in conjuction with the lord of 8th house.
of the Moon)
Rahu: As significator of disease 1. If Moon with Venus occupy a Kendra and 5th and 8th house
are posited by malifics.
13. If it stands in Scorpio sign. 2. If Moon is in conjunction with Saturn and Parivesham as-
14. If associated independently or jointly with Sun, Moon, Sat- pected by Mars
urn and Mandhi 3. If weak Saturn in conjuction with Rahu occupies the 8th
15. If posited in Cancer or Leo sign. house, when both 5th and 9th 9th house are posited by
16. If it occupies 8th or 12th sign. malifics.
17. If it stands in ‘Mrityubhaga’ or ‘Kroor shashtashtama’ 4. If weak and waning Moon in conjuction with Rahu aspected
18. In transit if it occupies the constellation of Janma, 3rd, 5th, by a malefic ooccuppy the Lagna and if 5th and 9th house
or 7th lords. are occupied by malifics.
5. Saturn in conjuction with Rahu occupy the Lagna
Ketu as significator of diseases
19. If ketu stands in Gemini or Leo sign. Madness
20. When it becomes unfavorable for Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio 1) If Jupiter in Lagna, Mars in 7th.
and Cancer Ascendants. 2) If Jupiter in Lagna and Sturn in 7th.
21. If associated with Moon, Venus, and Saturn. 3) Weak and waning Moon in conjunction with Saturn occu-
22. If associated with lords of 6, 8, 12 or stands in 8th or 12th pies the 12th
sign. 4) Saturn in Lagna and Mars in 5, 7, or 9th house.
23. In transit stands in the constellation of 3rd, 5th, 7th constel- 5) If weak and waning Moon in conjunction with a malefic oc-
lation from Moon. cupies Lagna, 8th, 5th or 9th house.


Research Paper Volume : 3 | Issue : 4 | April 2014 • ISSN No 2277 - 8179

Bronchial Asthma
1) If Moon is hemmed between malifics and Sun occupies 7th
2) If Saturn in conjuction with Mandi aspected by Sun, Mars
and Rahu occupies the 6th house
3) If weak Sun aspected by Mars occupies the Lagna.
4) If Cancer is ascendant sigh occupied by Mars aspected by
5) If ascedant in water sign and its lord occupies 6th, 8th or
12th house.

1) Mercury in 8th house.
2) Sun and Saturn in 8th house
3) Venus and Moon in Lagna afflicted by Mars and Saturn and
5th house afflicted by malifics.
4) Cancer becomes the 8th house
5) Sun and Moon cojoins in Leo.

Conclusion:- Once a person knows to what diseases he is pri-

marily suspectible, he can guard against them from the begin-
ning and thus live a long and healthy life. In this article various
forms of diseases –various yogas (combinations) of Cancer:, Tu-
berculosis, Diabetes, Heart diseases,Epilepsy, Madness, Bron-
chial Asthma and Infertility were given for immediate reference
and its planatory combinations were revealed.

REFERENCE Medical Astrology by NE Muthusamy, Rogavum chikitsayum, Astangahrudayam, Ayurvedic Medical Astrology, Bhaishajyaprasnam and other
internet sources.source.


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