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Brief Report

about TCL’s
Wind Electric Generators

Location: Pushpathur Village, Palani Taluk

Prepared By
TCL, Ranipet

Brief Report about TCL Wind Electric Generators installations: 4 X 800 kW at Muthunaikenpatti
Village, Palani Taluk (Pushpathur Village) Dindigul Electricity Distribution Circle.

1. Nos. of Wind Electric Generators Installed : 4 Nos.

2. Capacity of each Wind Electric Generators : 800 kW

3. Date of Installation and Commissioning : Machine 1 & 2 on 27.12.2007

: Machine 3 & 4 on 08.09.2008
4. Make of wind Electric Generators : Enercon – Germany
5. Model Number : E 48 – 1 No. and E 53 – 3 Nos.
6. Place of Installation : Pushpathur Village
7. Sub-station Connected : Melkaraipatti Sub-Station
8. Project Cost during Installation including land cost : ₹4.15 Croes (Each Machine)
9. Present AMC cost per Wind Electric Generator : ₹9.75 Lakh per Machine
10. Technical Details : As per Annexure – I
11. Site Map : As per Annexure – II
12. Guaranteed Power Curves : As per Annexure – III

13. Enercon Wind Farms at Pushpathur Project Study : As per Annexure – IV

Report done before finalizing the Installation

14. Brief write up on the Grid Scenario and : As per Annexure - V

Augmentation Scheme in Pushpathur

15. Decision to go with Enercon after comparing other : As per Annexure – VI

Wind Electric Generator supplies and by
Consultant Mr.Subbu

16. TANGEDCO Approvals and The CEIG Safety : As per Annexure – VII
Certificate for above Wind Electric Generator
17. Power produced by each Machine up to till date : As per Annexure - VIII

Report Prepared By

TCL, Ranipet
Annexure – I

Technical Details
Chemicals Ltd.

Technical 9pecificalions of product
Thc Wind Errergy Convertcr E-48/E-53 leatures variabl e spced and active pitclr control. 'l-lrc
Gcncr.ator. is
flarrged directly Lo the hub.

l. Turbine Model Enercon 848/E-53

jl 2. Itated Power 800 Kw
'I ,

I 3. Rotor diameter 48153 m

4, Hub height 75m

5. Turbine Type Gearless horizontal axis wind turbine with

variable rotor spced.

6. Power regulation Indcpendent electrornechanical pitch systerrr for

,Y /
each blade

7, Cutin windspeed 3 ru/s

8. Rated wind speed I2.5 m/s

9. Cutout Windspeed 28 -34 m/s

10. Extrerne Wind Speed 59.5 nr/s

I L Rated rotational speed 3 1.5 rprn

12. Operating range rot: Speed 16 - 3l ,5 rpnr

13. OricnllLiorr Uprvind

I4. No. oIBlades 3

15. Ulade Matcrial Class Fibrc reinforccd Epoxy

16. Gcar box type Gear Iess

17. CencrEDor type SyrrclrlonoLrs gerrcralor

18. Ilral<ing Acrodyrrarnic

19. Output Voltage 400 v

20. Yaw Systern Active yawing with 4 clectric yarv dr.ivcs rvith

brake nrotor and frictiorr bearing.

21. Tower 74 MLr. Concrctc 'l'orvcr

sh@t /74

:.i,-{rl Thirumalai Annexure - 2

i i Chemicals Ltd'

I'OWElt CURVti GLJAI{n N'l'lttl

l. lutl'r-rrluclioll
bcing o{-['crecl
The power Curve Cuarantee (pCG) is intencled to ensure that the WEC rnodel
under this order perfortns according to tlie Warrartted Power Curve (WPC)
withirr acccptablc
lirnits as detailed in the sections below.

' 2. Dcfirritions antl Intcrpretatiolrs

Z.l. lvnrrorilerl power Arve (l/PC): means the power,curve table as furtrished by Erlercon
lAnnr*ur"ffih is pr. ti-re design of the WEC rnodel being offered and used itr
the computation of estimated annual energy production of the wind farrn'

2.2, Ileprcsentotivc ll/ind IVEC (RI|/D: shall nrean tltat spccific WEC withitt tltc locations
ofl.ercd nna."t""t"a by nrutual consent that shall teclrnically reprcscttt l'lrc WIIC
bcing oflered irr all resPccts.

2.3. Tist period: means the period for rvhich the vcrillcation ol'thc I'}CC shall bc titlicrt ttP.
Rs su"6 tilis period shalibe between May to Septernber of arty year as tlris is tinte
good qinds. are expected at site and it cornes frorn the ntost prcvalerrt directiort'
. Ilowever, tlr} tbst period call vary dcpending upott tlte location of the I{Wl'irr tlrc wind
farrl i1 whicS case it slrall be rnutually agrccd to, Notwitlrslanclirrg tltc abovc tlrc tcst
period shall cornrnence only aftcr a mirtintunt ol'30 dtys ol'o1rct'atioll nlicr
comtnissiotring oI the RWT'

2,4. Il[eastred Encrgv Producliort ("]l[EP"): lneatrs tltc atnottnt o1' clcctlical cnclgy
p.dr"ti",r ti-t tt-1" RWT actually produced as rccorded in the ertergy ttrctcr itt thc WEC
clulirtg the Test Period.

2.5. Rcnre.sentotive lYinr[ Mnst (RlltT): is the wind ntast thal. is alrcady installccl ol slrall lrc
installed by E'r*"-r 1brtl p*pose of PCG and would rcpt'escrlt tlte rvitrds as woulcl bo
c*1;cr.ic,rcc4 by tlrc IlW]', Tirc ntast shall nrcnsrn'c ils B tttittittrttltt tlrc rvitttl sltcccl, wirrtl
clircction a1d atltosphcric tenrpcrature at Itcigltt ctlttivalcrlt to tlrc lrLrb-lrciglrt ol'tltc

2.6. Il.ertrescntttive lVirtd Distribtttion ("RIl/D"): tneaus the Wincl Spcecl Distlibtrtioll tablc
&ri*a f;orn the clata set collected by the RWM drrrirrg the'l'est l)cl'iod.

23. Nel Eslirilated Energv Generotion (NDEG): nlealts a tlteoretical valtre rellresetttitlg tllc
artrourrt of o- gy procluction that the ltW-l'rvoLrlcl ltavc pt'odttccd calcttlatccl [r1'
applying thg WPC o'.t il'" RWD. The following [actors shall bc irroltrdccl in thc
calculation of NEEG.

2.7.1 .Air dcnsity cot'rcctiolt lactor as actual tllcasltt'cd;

2.1 .2.Array losses at tlte rate of 2 perccnt (ZYo),
2.7.3. Grid availability at actual recordcd by Scrvice at site
2.7.4. Machirrc availability at actual rccordccl by Scrvicc at sitc
2.7 .5. Ot[cr Unceffairrtics Factor (OUl;) of 3o/o. 'l'ltis incltrdcs ttttcct'trtitttics dtrc to
terraitt, calibratiolr accuracy' ivitrd lrysteresis' ctc'

fr, Qtv 2 t,

,1 t
Chemicals Ltd.

The guorortlee: Enercon guarantees that the MEP shall be at least 95o/o of the NllllG. tItlre
MEI' is provcd to be Z 95% of NEEG, then the PCG slrall be dcenrcd to havc bccrr disclralgccl
under this agreernent/order and hence Encrcon will not be held liable under the I'}CG.

4. Vcrification Procedurc of PCG

4.1. The measurement procedure, as set out in the following stanclards, rvill fornr thc
' guideline to carry out the verificatiou of PCG. Howevep, Enercon hereby rcpresents tlral
due to the nature of site / tenain, both 6. I and 6.2 below cannot be strictly adherecl to
and therefore agrees to follow these established guidelines and procedures oll a best
effort basis:

4.1.1. Wind WEC Generator Systems-Part l2: Wind WEC Perfonirance Testirrg IEC
61400-12-l (First edition 2005-12); and

4.1 .2. Power Performance Measurctnelrt Proccdure - Version 3 Issucd by Mcasrrcl bv

Novcnrbcr 2000.

4.2. -l.lte Power Curve Guaratttce shall bc applicable only lbr carlier of a poriod ol' ltJ rrrorrths
(, frotn 3 lst day of the Contntissioniug Date of tlre last WEC or thc T'elrnination Datc

4.3. ln the evettt the Power Curve Guarantee uuder Clause 3 hereof is not rnet, thc peliod of
l8 lnontlrs asitr4.2 above shall automatically extended up to the date on wlrich thc PCC
tunder Clause 3 hereof is met.

4.4. The RWM will be maintaitred at the site until closing of tlre PCG. Ilowever', uporr
closirrg of tlre PCG, Enercon reserves the right to clislnantle the rnast fl-orn the site.

Porvcr Curwe Reparation

5.1. lrr tlte evetrt, the PCG as set out in 3 above is not rrrct, it is irrtencled that linclcon Jray
rcparation to TCL that rellccts the losscs that l-CL rvould incur as detailecl lrcrcil.

5,2. Ettercon shall pay the Power Curve Reparation to the TCL beiug an arrrourrt equal to the
TCL' s loss of revenue as a result of thc failurc to rrrcet thc Powcr Crrrvc Gtrarantcc,
calculated by reference to tlre tariff applicablc unclcr the Power PLrrchase Agrccnrcrrt
based olt the actual wind clistribution recorded by tltc data logger at tlrc llcprcscntativc
Masl.; assurning that the Machinc Availability Guarantcc was rnct.
5.3. Ettcrcort shall carry out ucccssary corrcctivc rctiorrs on (lrc WDC arrd lcpcrrt tlrc porvcr'
cttrvc test as detailed itt 4 abovc irr the Iliglr Wilrd Seasorr - May to Sc;ltcrrrbcl of'ncxt
calctrclar ycar.

5.4. Suclr corrective actions shall be irnplcrnentcd on allthe WECs,

5.5. lf the guarantee is still rtot ntet thetr, Enclcon shall pay tlrc Powel Culvc llcpalirtion to
tlre TCL being an antount equal to the TCL's loss of revenue as a result ol'thc lirilurc to
meet tlte Power Cun're Guaratttee, calculated as in 5.2 above until tlrc pel'iocl Drrclctln is
able to repairthe WEC and demortstrate tlrat tlre I'}CG has bccrr achievccl. but irr arrv casc
slrall trot cxccccliug tlrc O&M'l'crrn.

EheefEtr 4
,,Tlj|l Thirumalai
r.-j Chemicals Ltd.

Notwithstanding anything contained else where in this Agreernent, tlre power
Reparation shall not be payable if the TCL is in default of palment of full price under
U under the Operation & Ma.[rrie,iu,',"" Agreement, so long as
tlr TCL rnay nrake payment df the full Prlce or ttre Op"1ation
&. usting the power Curve Reparation, if applicable.




Annexure – II

Site Map
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Annexure – III

Guaranteed Power Curves submitted by

Dcrto Co m,a,i *S ).ni >4 rnl c't &u
OvN€*VY" : E
rnle t &\ - a*latf ot
A/o lt 9r42
"^lc 6dd Ql a<99
VUNDTEST ml(/Yoz: €VB "
n" e,del .

Ks iser-Wilhelm-Koog @mbH
Certification Report No.: WT 5625107
Measurement of power curve of Enercon E-53 8OO kW at Eggelingen (extract) +' 3 A/o S
&oi tcw modeJ e 43 | ruo
Wind turbine:
Type:.. Enercon E-53 800 kW Order number: .................... ...... 4250 06 03407 64
Manufacturer: ... .. Enercon GmbH Rotor diameter:. ...... ... .... 52.9 m
Hub height (including foundation): .. 75 m Rotor speed: . .....12 - 29.5 rpm
Rated power: .... ... 800 kW Blade type:.. E5311 , 25.25 m
Rated winci s0eed......... 12.0 m/s Blade angle:..... .r..variable
The measurements were carried out according to "lEC 61400-12-1: Wind turbines - ParI 12-1: Power performance
measurements of electricity producing wind turbines".
Deviations to IEG 61400-12-1:
- no deviations
Scope of measuremdhts:
- oeriod: 2007-01.Ob)'io 2007-03-08
- evaluated wind direction sector: 226'-296'
- wind speed measurements were carried out with an anemometer of type Thies First Class at hub height (75 m)
- accuracy of anemometer calibration: +0.1 m/s in the range of 4 to 16 m/s ' s

- wind speed normalised to reference air density, p = 1.225 kgtm3

- temperature filter applied (>0'C)
- database: B
- accuracy class of power measuring devices: 0.2 (current transformers), 0.5 (power transducer)
The complete procedure is documented in the test reports no. WT 5628107 and WT 5629107.

Power curve according to IEC 61400-12-1: Enercon E-53 800 kW

Reference air density pTiy =1 .225 kg/m3, database B

-cp_l 0.60
76n 0.50
600 0.40
-z 550
H 450 0.30
la 4oo o_
: 350 o
! JUU 0.20
; 250
2 200
0 0.00
-1 50 -0.10
wind speed [m/s]

2007-03-1 I
Page 1 of2 - Report number: WT 5625/07 - Order number: 42500603407 64

By DAP (De*l$ches Akkrediiierung$$y$lern f K;d;;""r,
acc.reditated 17025.
ording to DIN EN l$O/lEC r-6-l
Th scope
n is valid for the Lnl
in tl"to 0Ap-pLtbO6.00

WINDTEST Koiser-Wilhelm-Koog GmbH

MEASURED POWER CURVE: E-53 800 kW (database B)
coveraqe factor (assuminq normal distributions): k= 1
reference air density: 1 .225 kglm", cut-out windspeed: 28 m/s category A category B combined
bin hub height power cp no. of standard standard (expanded)
no. wind speed output data sets uncertainty uncertainty uncertainty
tm/sl rkw 10 min. avo.) rkw tkw tkwl
1 1.49 -09 0.00 0.5 3.'1 ?1
1.97 -08 0.00 11 0.2 31 ai
258 JC 015 ZJ 05 31 JZ
4 303 UO 34 3.4
5 JCZ 205 035 12 41
4.06 37.O 0.41 3'1 1.0 4.9 5.0
7 4.52 54.3 0.44 cl l? 5.9 6.1
8 501 77.8 046 7S 1.4 /.o 7.8
550 104.6 0.47 115 1K o?
10 6.00 141.4 0.49 143 1.6 12.8 12.9
11 184.6 049 138 21 15.2 lE a
12 7.00 234 7 051 176 23 20.8 20.9
13 750 285 I 050 152 2.3 21.3 21 4
14 800 348 0 0.50 118 3.4 27.3 27.5
1C 851 422.5 051 123 5-l a1 7 33.9
'16 902 498 1 0.50 120 41 JO.Z 364
17 951 564 4 0.49 133 3.9 349 a6 I
18 10.00 656 4 049 1'15 cv.z 10.4
'19 10 50 712.4 0.46 't
38 JZ 324 52A
20 11 02 756 4 o42 167 23 265 zo.o
21 11 49 781.2 0.38 147 22 19.1
22 12 02 799 2 0.34 122 2.1 15 3 15.4
ZJ 12.50 805 4 0.31 138 22 11 I 120
24 12.97 813.0 028 102 1.9 I z.o
25 13.50 816.3 025 94 1.8 11.4 116
zo 13 99 822.0 022 57 1.7 120 12.2
27 14.52 818.9 o.20 tc 21 1 1.5 1 '1.6

28 14.97 818.4 0.18 70 t.o 1 1.3 11.4

29 15 49 823 8 0.16 99 1.0 12.0 12.'l
30 15.99 azJ.o 0.15 67 1.2 tl ?
16 50 824 7 014 08
JZ 17 .01 824.4 o.'t2 09 1 1.3 11.4
33 17.46 824.4 0.12 31 1.1 1 1.3 11.4
34 17 98 823 6 0.11 zc '1.2 1 1.3 11.4
19.47 824.7 010 17 1.8 11.4 11.5
19 03 azc. I 0.09 24 {a 1 1.3 1't.4
19.48 824.2 0.08 I 1.5 1 1.3 11.4
38 19.96 824 I 0.08 12 10 1 1.3 '11.4
JY 20.42 825 I 007 2.3 11 4 116


extrapolation of the power curve between the highest WT type: E-53 800 kW
measured wind speed and the cut-out wind speed cut-out wind speed: 28 m/s
with the average power at highest measured wind speed reference air density: 1.225 kglm"
coveraoe factor k: 1

hub height AEP-measured Standard uncertainty of AEP-extrapolated

annuar average (measured power curve) AEP-measured (extrapolated power curve)
wind speed (Rayleigh)
lm/sl tMWhl lMwhl lo/ol ]MWhI
4.0 667.4 OO U Y.Y 667.4
5.0 1263.9 98.1 7.8 1263.9
6.0 1 948.1 124.0 6.4 1948.9
t-v 2618.2 140.0 5.3 z0zt.z
8.0 3201 6 1478 46 3244.4
on 149 I 4.1 3779 0
10.0 148 4 3.7 4224.8
1 1.0 4142.7 144.8 3.s 4581.'t
values marked with *: incomplete according to IEC 61400-12-1

WINDTEST Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kooo GmbH date: 2007-03-1 I

Sommerdeich 14b responsible: Dipl.-lng. E. Tiixen
D-257 09 Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kooo Tel.: +49 (0) 4856 90 1 24
Fax.: +49 (0) 4856 901 859

Dipl.-lng. O. Bruhn
/€1 Z't*e..
Dipl.-lng. E. Tiixen
(Head of Loads Group)

Page 2 of 2 - Report number: WT 5625/07 - Order number: 4250 06 03407 64

By DAP (Deutsches Akkreditierung$system Pr*fwesen)
accrGditated lEboraloryaccofding to DIN EN lso/tEc 17025.
The accrediialion is valid for the scope
Inentioned in lhe dociJmeill

WINDTEST Koiser-Wilhelm-Koog GmbH



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Annexure – IV

Enercon Wind Farms at Pushpathur Study

Report done before finalizing the Installation
submitted by Enercon
O urvExv rae E
Enercon lndia Ltd.

1. The site
The proposed site at
Pushpathur (here after
called ("The Site") is near
Dharapuram of Dindigul
district, Tamilnadu State
(see figure 1).

The Site is about 35km

from Dharapuram Town,
which is towards
Southeast of Coimbatore
City at a distance of 80
km. The Site is well
connected by metal road
from Coimbatore City
through Dharapuram.
The nearest airport is at
Coimbatore, which is Figirre 1:The Pushpathur Site
around one & half hour
drive by road from the Site. Pushpathur Site is a declared windy site by the
Ministry for Non-Conventional Energy Sources.

2. Terrain and Topography

Pushpathur site is mostly
a plane terrain. The
elevation of the Site is in
the range of 280-320 m
a.s.l. The Site has less
vegetation consisting of
small bushes and plants.
Agriculture is active
around the site; however
the crop height is less
than 3m. Coconut farms
also contribute to the
vegetation around
Pushpathur Site. They
are scattered and their
impact on the wind flow
has been accounted by
attributing a suitable F!----- a. A?tt _a 4L - _!r^

roughness factor. The surface in this region is a mixture of red and black soil.

Push pathu r_ E48_75_ Project Report 1t5

Enercon lndia Ltd.

3. Climate
Pushpathur has typical tropical climate. The annual meteorological data shows
peak temperature going up to 29.5'C. The Indian Meteorological Department
Office at Coimbatore is collecting weather data periodically. Bised on the data
collected, the monthly average temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric
pressure and rainfall can be seen in the table given below. The region gets good
rainfall in May to November months. The annual average temperature in tfris
region as per the published data is around 26.55"C.

able Climatological table of Coimbatore

Vonth Temp. Rainfall Pressure
(o cl mm M) (hoal
January 24.5 8.6 76 968.7
:ebruary 26.2 6.6 71 967.8
vlarch 28.45 13 69 966.8
\pril 29.5 49 74 964.9
vlay 28.4 83.9 76 962.7
lune 26.65 34.1 76 962.2
July 25.7 47.3 80 962.4
\ugust 26.15 25.6 80 963
September 26.6 45.2 79 963.9
)ctober 26.4 148.6 81 965.3
tlovember 25.35 117.2 80 966.9
)ecember 24.3 50.8 78 968.2
\nnual 26.55 631 77 965.2
(Source: of

4. Wind
4.1. Data

Enercon has measured the wind pattern from December 2005 to November
2006 at Pushpathur. The measurements were carried out at the height of 75m
and 57m.a.9.1. The mast location is at a height of 337 m a.s.l.

4.2. Wind Profile

ln India the general wind flow is governed by the monsoon season. The main
wind season happens to be the southwest monsoon period and it begins to
get momentum from the month of May and peaks in the month of July. The
mean annual wind speed recorded at the height of 75 m a.g.l is 6.53 m/s.

Pushpathur_E48_75_ProJect Report 2t5

Enercon lndia Ltd.

Figure 3 below shows the monthly average wind speed recorded at 75 m

a.g.l. as recorded by the Enercon mast. The figure shows the general wind
profile of the region. In India the main wind season coincides with the
southwest monsoon period. The wind start gaining momentum in the month of
May, peaks in the month of July and dies out by the month of september. The
effect of the monsoon can be seen in the month of May to September. The
retreating monsoon from the northeast shows its effect from December to
March. lt may be noticed that from the month of May to september the site is
experiencing high wind averaging about 9.6 m/s.

Wind Profile at Pushpathur

tn* o

gf 5oo (t .\ot $ SEo \$s )S rre era od +d


Figure 3: Wind Profile as measured at Pushpathur

4.3. Wind Speed Distribution and wind rose

Wind data recorded by the wind mast was used for the calculations and is
described in this section. Fig 4 below shows wind speed distribution and wind
rose as seen by WAsP. The graph clearly indicated that the site experiences
quite good winds for a comparably high duration and west as the
predominant wind direction.

Push pathu r_ E48_75_ Project Report 3/5

Enercon lndia Ltd.

pushpatur_76m mast_Dec05-Nov06_l 0m data

Data from 76 metres a,g,l, Latitude: 10,35, Longitude; 7l,ZS

Figure 4: Wind data as seen by WAsp

5. Wind Flow Modeling

ln order to simulate the wind flow and analyze the output of each individual
turbine the software tool "wAsP" developed by Rlsoe, Denmark was used. The
program takes into account the effect of orography, surface features, sheltering
effects by obstacles if any in the simulation.

The orography data (contour) is one of the most important inputs for wAsp
simulation. The accuracy of this data has a direct impact in the end result.
Hence in order to achieve better accuracy ENERCON has carried out a detailed
GIS survey of the site and the surrounding regions using the satellite imagery
coupled with the Survey of India Topography Maps and extensive field survey
using Global Positioning System (GPS). This has enabled in increasing contour
resolution from 20m which is normally available in 1:50000 scale topography
maps to 5m resolution. Moreover the contours were also corrected according to
the orographic variations that has happened over the past 20 to 30 years aslhe
topography maps available from Survey of India are almost two to three decades
old. The data was then processed into a "map' file after proper verification for
input to WAsP.

Since the topographic sheets of Survey of India do not cover the entire surface
features and since the data of landuse as seen in toposheet are obsolete, a

Pushpathur_E48_75_Project Report 4t5

Enercon lndia Ltd.

similar exercise of GIS survey using satellite image in multi spectral format
backed by an extensive field survey using GPS was carried out for preparing the
roughness data base of the site and its surroundings. The roughness of the site
was assigned based on the surface features and the guidelines given in the

Based on the above input data the program was then run to generate the wind
atlas at the site.

6. Evacuation

The first stage is to step-up the generating voltage of each wrs from 400V to
22kv by using 400/22 kv, g50 kvA step up transformer mounted on wr ro.wer.
The 22kV internal feeders are drawn in wind farm to transfer the power generated
by wind farm to the EIL proposed 4 x 2s MVA 1jol22 KV substatrbn to be
constructed at Melkaraipatti. At Melkaraipatti SS, the 22kV voltage would be
stepped up to 110kv and evacuated through 110KV Udumalpet
-sempatti ll
SCOH feeder.

7. Estimation Of Generation
The estimation of annual energy generation was carried out in the wAsp
program. The proposed site is expected to generate as per the annexure
attached herewith.

Push path u r_E48_75_Project Report 5/5

Enercon lndia Ltd Wind resou rce Department

Estimation of Generation at Pushpattur .TamilNadu

Vel(m/s) Vel(m/s) Frequency Power Energy

50m 75m Hrs KW kwh
1.0 1.10 594.80 0 0
2.0 2.21 1299.11 0 0
3.0 3.31 1459.42 7 9962
4.O 4.42 988.13 41 40691
5.0 5.52 591.30 102 60448
6.0 6.62 471.29 187 87917
7.0 7.73 460.78 302 138954
8.0 8.83 498.44 452 225296
9.0 9.94 522.97 636 332358
10.0 11.04 538.74 745 401501
1 1.0 12.14 426.61 785 335002
12.0 13.25 404.71 814 329326
13.0 14.35 240.02 820 196820
14.O 15.46 152.42 820 124988
15.0 16.56 78.84 820 64649
16.0 17.66 24.53 820 20113
17.0 18.77 7.88 820 6465
18.0 19.87 0.00 820 0
19.0 20.98 0.00 820 0
20.o 22.08 0.00 820 0


correction factor:
Net estimated 20.15lac units

Annexure – V

Brief write up on the Grid Scenario and

Augmentation Scheme in Pushpathur
submitted by Enercon
/)nn erue 9



( A"r,ry ilrlatldltn'Y4' 2427 )'



1.1 Current Situation in Tamil Nadu

L.2 Steps taken by EIL

1.3 Brief Description on the findings of pRDC Study

L.4 Brief note on Chinnaputhur & Dharapuram Evacuation Schemes (Udumalpet


1.5 Brief note on Pushpathur Evacuation schemes (Udumalpet Region)

1.6 Write up on Pushpathur Evacuation

1.7 Conclusion


1.1 Current Situation in Tamil Nadu:

Year-wise growth of wind power installed capacity in TN vs. rndia







Looking at the above graph, it is clear that ramil Nadu alone contributes for
more than 50o/o share of the total countryt wind Energy capacity. This is due
to the favorable state Government Policies. From year 2003 onwards, the
average capacity addition was in the range of more than 500 MW per year.
The last FY alone, contribute to more than 850 MW.

However, the speed in which the capacity Addition in wind Energy took place
in the State, the speed of the implementation of the planned Evacuation
scheme Addition to cater to this capacity Addition by the state Electricity
Board, did not happen to match it. This has resulted in a huge mismatch in the
Grid, thereby leading to forced curtailment of Generation from wind Energy

The wind Power Generation areas in Tamil Nadu are divided into three main
Regions, as given below:

No. of Wind Farm Installed capacity (MW)

SI No Region Name
Sub-Stations as on 31 Dec 20O6

I Muppandal 18 1319
2 Nettur L4 624
3 Udumalpet 24 1263

Total 56 3206


Steps taken by EIL:

To overcome the mismatch in the Grid and to effectively evacuate the power from
Wind Energy Sector in the State, Enercon India Limited (EIL) took the lead to address
the issue in the following manner:

a) All the three Stakeholders namely Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB), Indian
Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association (IWTMA) & Indian Wind power
Association (IWPA) were brought together in a common platform. A Task Force
was created with Two Representatives from each of the above Three
Stakeholders, to review the present situation and work towards faster solution
to the problem.

b) EIL convinced the above Stakeholders, that a detailed study was required to be
carried out by an external Agency, to understand the current Grid Scenario
considering the present Installed capacity, and also the future groMh
planned, so that step by step solution could be arrived. Power Researih and
Development consultant M,, Ltd., (pRDc), was entrusted the assignment to
carry out the above detailed study by IWTMA, PRDC is a leading Consultant in
Power Engineering Field in India specialized in providing Power System
Consultancy to various Utilities.

c) on the planned Grid Improvement schemes, the day to day progress is being
closely monitored. In addition to this, there is a continuous interaction between
TNEB, IWTMA & IWPA Members at different forums to review the progress and
to take necessary actions towards expediting the Grid related improvement

1.3 Brief Description on the findings of pRDC Study:

a) PRDC now has given a draft report on the Wind Power Evacuation Studies for
Tamilnadu. PRDC has considered the existing Grid Situation and simulated the
evacuation of the entire wind Energy. It
has concluded that in Muppandal,
Tirunelveli and Udumalpet Region approximately only 70o/o instantaneous
Generation could be evacuated and that too with some lines getting overloaded.
PRDC in its studies has also considered the various line over loadings, which
occurs as they try and simulate the instantaneous Generation to 85 o/o & 90 o/o

b) PRDC also carried out the Load Flow Studies for the existing Wind Farm
Generation considering the immediate committed expansion in the Transmission

c) This report basically covers the Grid Improvement Schemes planned in Udumalpet
Region which would is linked to our existing Chinnaputhur Machines and present
Pushpathur Project.


Udumalpet Region:

(i) List of Various Substations proposed.

sl. Region Name Name of the Sub-Station Voltage Level
Major Sub- Stations Proposed in Udumalpet
1 Ponnapuram 230/110 kV
2 Palladam 230/110 kV

(ii) tist of various Transmission Lines proposed.

SI Region Transmission Line Voltage
No. Name Level
Proposed Transmission Line details of Coimbatore Region
1 Myvadi to Ponnapuram 230 t(/ DC

2 Ponnapuram to Mulimachalipatti 230 l(/ sc

3 Ponnapuram to Palladam 230 t(/ sc
4 Udumalpet Myvadi to Mulimachalipatti(for 230 KV SC
(230 l(/ Lines) Periyapatti LILO)

5 Palladam to Mulimachalipatti 230 t(/ sc

6 LILO of Myuadi-Pugulur line at Palladam 230 lo/ Dc

7 Mulimachalipatti to Negamam 110 lo/ sc-

8 Mulimachalipatti to Peedampalli 110 to/ sc-
( DC
9 Anthiyur to Negamam 110 tff sc-
10 Udumalpet Peedampallito Suloor 110 t(/ Dc
11 (110 l(\/ Lines) Marudur to Ponnaouram 110 l(\/ sc
L2 Edayarpalayam to Peedampalli 110 try sc-
13 Sultanpet to Palladam 230 110 r(/ sc
t4 Negamam to Aliyar 110 l(/ sc-
15 Gudimangalam to Ingur 110 t(\/ sc-

The Load Flow Diagram of Udumalpet Region considering the above
scheme and 1o0 o/o wind Generation is attached. Refer : Dwg No. 5.3
(Annexure - I)
Conclusions & Recommendations of pRDC:
Based on the studies conducted and discussions held, following conclusions and
recommendations are drawn for optimum utilisation of the installed wind power

1. With the existing infrastructure of the transmission network it is possible to

evacuate less than 70 o/o of the aggregate instantaneous generation capacity in
any Region at the same time.

2. The Studies indicate that full evacuation is possible from all the Wind Energy
Generators with the commissioning of all the immediate committed expansion in
the transmission network.

3. It is recommended that in order to utilise the wind potential as well as installed

wind generators capacity to the full extent the immediate committed exoansion
proposals should be implemented as early as possible.

4. In order to evacuate full generation from Ponnapuram Udumalpet area, it is

essential to install additional two transformers at the proposed 230/1101(/ Station
at Ponnapuram.

5. It is also recommended for construction of Multi-circuit line wherever feasible to

conserye the right of way in particular in an around proposed 230h/ Sub Stations.

The situation in Udumalpet Region seems to be much better than that in Muppandal
&Tirunelveli Region. The progress of implementation of some of the planned schemes
too are in an advanced stage, which is of immediate concern to EIL. The same are as

a) Installation of 2nd 100 MVA 230/110 kV Transformer at Malimichampatti

(Ottakalma nda pam) - Status, Transformer a ready Commissioned.

b) Ponnapuram 230/110 kV SS - Target Date of Completion is June 2007.

c) Converision of Udumalpet - Ingur 110 kV Ingur Feeder from the existing SC to

DC. ( Chinnaputhur & Dharapuram Area) --- Work under progress.
Target date of completion May 2007

d) Strengthening of Sempatty II Feeder ( Pushpathur Region)

A write up on Grid Situation & Availability at Chinnaputhur Area and Pushpathur Area are
explained in the following sheets.

L.4 Brief note on chinnaputhur & Dharapuram Evacuation schemes
(Udumalpet Region):

Patadam 230/tt0 SS
(Propos€d) ?i'.i:
Kundadam SS Kan9ayam SS
Othakalamandapam 7to/22 t<\t rLo/22 KV
230/110 KV SS

Dharapuram SS
l7o/22 KV
Ponnapuram 230/110 KV
(Under Progress)

Ponna m
110/22 ttv ss
110/22 KV SS

Udumalpet SS
i." ir"
110/22 KV

Udumalpet SS
230/110 KV

11O KV existing lines.

110 KV proposed lines.
23O KV proposed lines.

with Ponnapuram 230/1rc K/ ss coming up by June '07, surrounding three

110 l(/
substations (Gudimangalam, ponnapuram, Thungavi) will be evatuated
at 230 lC/ leveltowards Myvadi 400/2301(\/ SS.
conversion of
Udumalpet-Ingur feeder from 110 t(v sc line with Leopard
Conductor to 110 l(/
DC line Panther Conductor is under progress. The stretch
between Udumalpet 230 kv & 110 kv ss to Gudimangalam ss has been
completed. Between Gudimangalam to ponnapuram would be completed by
27.02.2007. The scheme is shown in the above figure in dotted Lines. The
balance work is expected to complete by end of May ,07.
EIL has supplied the required Insulators to TNEB to expedite the work.
Upon the completion of the above said worK the Grid situation in
Chinnaputhur would drastically improve.

7 /10
Brief note on Pushpathur Evacuation schemes (Udumalpet Region):

Stage - I:
To Poanrp0ram Melkaraipatti SS
loOtt kdm.nd.prm 2 $Huthunaickanpafti ss t10/22 KV

sempatti ss
230/110 KV


To tonnaturam
s Muthunaickanpati ss

vasl i:
230/rt v atna
lPropi ) pwam SS
.t 230/110 KV

semPatti ss
230/1 10 KV

11O l(V existing lines.

11O l(\t proposed lines.
23O l(\t existing lines.
23O l(V proposed lines (considering the future growth in the

1.6. Write up on Pushpathur Evacuation:

Existing Udumalpet 230lLL0lC/ substation will get relief with Ponnapuram (Z X 100
MVA Auto Transformers) 230/110 l(/ SS coming up by June '07. From Ponnapuram
230lLL0l(/ SS, the power will be evacuated at 230 lO/ level towards Myvadi 4OO/230
l(/ SS. The evacuation system planned at pushpathur is as under:

EIL's own substation at Melkaraipafti LL0l22lC/ which is connected to 110 kV

Sempatty II Feeder. Conversion of Udumalpet-Sempatti II feeder from 110 KV
SC line with Leopard Conductor to 110 l(/ SC line with Panther Conductor is
under progress and is expected to complete by end of April'07.

Thalayuthu LL0l22l(\/ which is connected to 110 kV Sempatty I Feeder w1h

Leapord Conductor.

from Pushpathur Wind Farm, major portion will be evacuated towards Sempatti
230lLL0 l(\/ SS and rest towards Udumatpet Z301IL0l(/ SS,

Region is 163.2 MW (204 x E-48 WEGs). Out of 204 nos. E-48 Machines, 48
nos, would be connected to the existing Thalayuthu LL0l22]{t TNEB Sub -
Station. The Evacuation for these 48 Machines is readily available. (Refer
above Sketch --- Stage I)

Sub-Station constructed by Enercon (India) Limited. In the 125 MVA Substation

constructed by EIL, the 110 kV Line work has been completed and the
Substation has been commissioned currently with 4 Nos. 25 MVA Transformers.
The balance 1 No. 25 MVA Transformers would be installed and commissioned
as Per the load requirement. (Refer above Sketch --- Stage I). For atleast 100
MW load in Melkaraipatti (EIL) SS, the evacuation will be without any problem,
considering 100o/o Generation instantaneously from all the machines in the
entire Udumalpet Region. However, the likelihood of all machines Generating
at 100o/o at any given instant is very rare.

Muthunayankanpatti SS at Pushpathur and have already installed 25 MW in

Thalayuthu SS. This is likely to overload the Sempatty I & II Feeder in the
future. To cater to this an improvement scheme for the future is also planned,
whereby the Three SS viz., Melkaraipatti SS (EIL SS), Thalyuthu SS &
Muthunayankanpatti SS will be connected to the proposed z3OltLO kV SS at
Vagarai. (refer sketch - Stage II of the scheme above). Vagarai SS will have a
230/IL0 kV SS and a 230 / 33 kV SS. Vagarai 230133 kV SS is proposed to
primarily cater to EILs future Installation in that area too. However, since the
land in Puahpathur is scarce, wherein EIL has captured most of the land here
and hence for Suzlon to connect the entire capacity planned immediately within
a year looks grim.

A 3- 315 MVA 400/230 kV Transformer at Myvadi pGcIL ss is proposed along
with an additional 400 kV Line to Tirunelveli PGCIL SS. The construction of this
line has already under progress.

1.7 Conclusion:

Clause 1,4 Chinnaputhur & Dharapuram Grid availability will drastically

improve, ensuring full availability, upon the Commissioning of 2 x 100 MVA
Transformer at Ponnapuram 230/110 kV SS and also upon completion of
strengthening / conversion of the Ingur Feeder from Single Circuit to Double
Circuit, as shown in the sketch.

Clause Nos.1.5 & 1.5 above, would be ensured for 100 MW in EIL's SS, with
the current Planned Improvement Schemes (Refer Sketch Stage I). However
moving forward, based on the expansion planned in the Region, additional
scheme would have to be introduced, (Refer Sketch Stage II)

it is possible to evacuate the full generation from the Udumalpet region with
some of the lines are overloaded marginally beyond their rated capacity. This
can be sustained during high winds as the conductors can be slightly thermally

Considering the additional Capacity Additions in this Region, the establishment

of Palladam 230/110 kV SS and its interlinking planned Lines has to be
completed. A 3'0 315 MVA Transformer at Myradi 4OO123O kV SS needs to be
installed, considering that there is a huge Capacity Addition planned by various
Manufacturers in Udumalpet Region. Efforts are also under process by TNEB to
establish a 400 kV SS in Udumalpet Region to cater to future GroMh in Wind
Energy Sector. To cater to the future Hydro generation too and increase in
Demand, TNEB is proposing a 400 kV SS in Coimbatore Region. A 3'd 100 MVA
Transformer is also being proposed at ponnapuram 230 kV SS.

To ensure that all the above Augmentation Schemes are in place, a continuous
coordination with TNEB is necessary, for expediting fufther additional Evacuation
Schemes and also to regulate the Thermal & Hydro generation during the Peak Wind

Annexure – VI

Decision to go with Enercon after comparing

other Wind Electric Generator supplies and
by Consultant Mr.Subbu
D tv.teYve -q Page 1 of2

V. Elabu

From: "ACS" <purchase@thirumalaichemicals.cont> ,

To: , "vbabu" <vbabu@thirumalaichemicals,com>

Sent: Tuesday, July 31 ,2007 12:32pM
Subject: Fw: Wind Mill offer from Enercon.

----- Original Message -----

To: Parthasarathy-JtaVel.(-.E:maij) '- '

G c : V_a s u_N(Efl a iD ; N_a g e_s_h_ ( E":ma iD ; ab_u_V_(

_B E:nrai D
Sent: Tuesday, July 31,2007 12:12PM
Subject: Wind Mill offer from Enercon.

Dear Mr, RPS, :' '

Sub: Wnd Mill offer from Enercon. , ' , , ., : .,i .

Enercon has offered us 6x800 KW wind mill of E48 size i.e 48 meters diameter and 75mm hub height,

We have made some progfess with them, They have confirmed one location at Pushpathur near Coimbatore. They will also
confirm 5 more location at Pushpathur next week.

Mr. vasu and myself visited the site last week and the key points ar.e as follows:

1 . Tf r c sitc seems to be good witlr an array efficieni), ol'nbout 9soh with a PLI? o I ar.ou nd 28o/o,Tlteir. nct cs tirl atccl
energy outpui is 20.15 lakh units but we have assunred 18.62 lakhs ur.rits for the purpose of our calculation taking
additional line losses and lorver grid availability.
2. The evacuation in the Coimbatore area has improved due to additional h'ansrnission iines, The shutting down of
windrnills last year during peak hydro generation was due to both transmission and consumption problJms a6d was
for 5 evetyday during the peak months of May, June and July. As transnr ission pr.obllm has been solved this
shutting down is only 3 hou11 on days in the last 3 months.The grid availability last year was about 8B%, This year
it is expected to be 98o/o and 95%o is certain. :
3. The machine being a low speed synchronous genelator has no gearbox and has indirect gear connection using AC-
DC-AC' The efficiency is higher by 60/obecause of this (27%o compat'ed,to2lo/o of otneri;, The blade extends rigSt
up to the hub due to the spoiler, whiclt is the special design of Enercon and this gives higlier wind usage.


Performance: '. .

Tlre machines installed in this site in Feb / Mar 07 have generated well during May fuly 07 andgive confidence
that generation targets will be met.
EIL will guarantee for the first.l year of the projecj a cumulative ayerage generation of l9 lakh KWH per WEC
measured by the energy meter installed in the WEC, subject to wind ana IOOy" Grid availability. Tlie
Generation at the site Pushpathur is estimated at,lg lakh unitVWEC ,The guarantee shall stzut ifter
-.i 'I;:::.. one month from
ollected at site shall be used for the computation of the estimated
generation that ought to have been generated by the wincl farm, applying the Certified power
curve of the WEC.
EiL would compensate at prevailing Power Purchase rate of TNEB is applicable at the end of I year for. the
shortfall in actual generation as compared to 95Yo of the computed geneiition based on the actuai wind data as

Page2 of2

Comparison with other manufacturers

Following are the key points in the financiar

anarysis done by Mr Nagesh
S, NO Description , -----:- rr_I\-lamtlnadu
rroJect slze
800 KW i:
1500 KW 1650 KW
2 vqPdurry
) .rellerator 3.1 500 3.1 650
s82 v82
48 Metres diameter
32 Mtr diameter 32 Mtr diameter
Location Q0 M Hub heiqht 78 M Hub heioht
) Jdayathur lThonrJi=rkr rl
t9 '. 4a
o Net F,xnenferl G 48
18.62 41.8€ 44.64
42: Q7E
8 112
2550 2921
l0 uapttal cost /MW Rs. in Iakhs
ll 65C 68:
l4 vvJ! uvtvlE xrtElgst 25.2C
7 jrs 9 month Tyrs 5 months
l) ayback ot ProJect cost after interest
7 yrsT months
ll yrs2month
10 yrs 8 month ,' 11 yrs
l8 r
I raKns per lxlrt - tirst year
19 11.6
a1 4.5t
al 5.27 6.08
2.1A 2.19

The confidence level on Enercon equipment
to give us 6 machines as we spoke to
and the site is.quite high. They are
fulry booked up to July 200g but have agreed rrao Jirectly and irr.y io'-o ou, .on'puny
reputation of a very higrr order.

Annexure – VII

TANGEDCO Approvals and the CEIG Safety

Certificate for above
Wind Electric Generator
f)nrrvuxvpc A


From To

Er.R. SUBRAMANIYAN., M.l.E., M/s.Thirumalai Chernicals Limited.,

Executive Engineer, 2S-P, Sipcot lndustrial Complex,
Distribution (O & M) Ranipet - 632 403.
Dindugul Elecy. Distbn. Circle,
Palani, Dindigul Dist.

Sub: WEG-HTSC No.D131,Dt.27.12.07 - Commissioning Certificate - Reg.


1 No. of 800 kW capacity Wind Electric Generators of M/s.Thirumalai Chemicals

Limited, Ranipet has been commissioned satisfactorily on 27.12.2007 and tiecl up with TNEB

22 kV Grid. The particular of generation is as below.

HT SC No. &
sl. S.F.No. & Generated
Date of
Capacity Units
No. Villaqe Commissionincl
WEG HT.SC 12384
45111 & 45511 (Part) of
lXBOOKW No.D131, as on
1 Muthunaickenpatti Village
Dt.27.12.2007 19.01.2008

f/ ^:)ts\' '

Copy to the Asst. Executive Engineer, DistributionA/Vest/Rural/Palan i

Copy to the Asst. Executive Engineer, Gl/DEDC & AO/Rev./HTS/DEDC/DGL.

l*rCIfi1 To

tr"R. $UBRAMANlYAR{., ffi "1.9", ffile "Thirumalai ehenricale L i rn ited.,

€seeutive f;ngineer, p*:t lndus{rial Compfex,
Distrib{rtinn {0 & M} * 63? 403
Dinctrugu{ f;*eey Distbn" Circle.
Ilalani" DincNigut Dlst,

$ub: WffiG-HTSe No.F1SS, S1.27.12.$7 * eomrnisxioning f;ertifisate * Reg.

( :

' 7 No' of 600 kW eapaclty Wind Elegtric Generators of tVlls.Thirun:*lai ehenrieals

Liflritsd, fianipot has been eomrnissioned satisfaetorily on 27"'l*"?SS? anct iied un wiih'f NHffi

?2 kV Grid" Ttre pa$icular of ge.neration is as below.


'-*-":*** ;

,i ,

; ) ! aa
'|IM I
,l t
"1 ,


fitsTRtBUTt0N tfi' & |lfi)

mf*n{Gul r{_EeY" Al$Tf{" ctne ltr"
pALA${l f,


Copy to the Asst Executive li n g inee r, D istri butiontWesVRural/Faf an i

Copy to the Asnt, ffixeeutive Hngineer" GllDf; nC & AO/Rev.lf-1'[SlDfntlDGL"

From To

ET.P.KUMARAGURUPARAN. BE' M/s. Thirumalai Chemicals Limited'

Executive Engineer, 25-8, Sipcot Industrial ComPlex,
Distribution (O& M), Ranipet - 632 403.
Dindigul Elecy. Distbn. Circle,
Palani, Dindigul.

Sub: VI'EG-HTSC No.D159, Dt. 08.09.2008 - Commissioning Certiflcate - Reg.

-2 No. 800kW capacity Wind Eleetric Generator of IWs. Thirumalai Chemicals

Limited, Ranipet has been commissioned satisfactorily on 08.09.2008 and tied up with TNEB

22kV Grid. The particular of generation is as below.

Date of Commissioning Generated

Sl.No. -S.F.No. & Village Capacity

1. 425 and423l4C2, 2x800 WEG HT.SC No. D 159, 187992

4C3,4C4,4D of kw Dr.08.09.2008 Units
Muthunaickenpatti as on
Village 18.09.2008


Copy to The Asst. Executive Engineer, DistributionAilestlRuraUPalani'

Coi,v to The Asst. Executive Engineer, GI/DEDC & AO/Rev./HTS/DEDC/DGL.
: : ril:ir' t' . ..'.r't- .'.':l

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aib. .q,ri,-g:: dril nruw
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glg1rigl elnfltug$snrur 1. .Gruroru$ gl_r_0uglGcur_gdi

unriroo rir g glriq fgriug gienrrr , udln{ Glerfu uulilugt.
Gprnru gJ6n6rn cr6rn@Jurir


ru q5nSlri otiuuu crriu.Cl.

Ggnroe rytr51 neulr

7. rflain ClpnL-rir-1Sono
Clgnroa rydg ne/rr

guu$g6 Gluprjulgtrirnrpn'? erflunf &e0uuugt

$cteurnrrun 2
u$gnrunrgtegrienrur dlpiq
9, guu;lgriug"onri,rpnfl&oriuLL I
LJlruromru:ii Glan rn s,
I 1 I
urrfiu(60 .

10. erfnnmr@ri;brrn: dlpiqu $rormnu$ u$pnrrurgle(Dri; g 4;rwr@' :

Glgnffrc 1'gfrrDEF uue$ Glgnrno ;

' Flurunr ofldlg ricinernu$Glgnrne
r-floironryfi upruert 91rui;oriuuu'
pnrh a+,$'} ng$gnrnri

SlanSleonr Glun i.rirpturir gntrgrtrtrfluunonri.

o-gofl t-6lri'r fir{''31
Uo*ri ion! PUSiJ PATIi UR 1624 dlg#dB*tlu,

gcti rnp Glu$ gd Gto n cuwGuri'r.


gfluqorir : -
(1) 6l6i'r . $tnnrdnliq glmfluug$en s,,UDE6irgp6$lcb Gletruriu$rb ggritrrlfiqqL'o ,urflGengrortrr&grb .Aur_ermilr
S)etroort' rf'lrtr slrotnrirJlil lgropun$torlr gq$org rtrly*$,1 nl$Urrropaq9d-1g rlpdrup60l 'rnrnrlgqmrSriqorir
6lob_pn,n, d6unrGb ggrltGru1, !in$ungro'rtdrun Greriiu GprflLunirr:qg.-,..i.....,":..,,.-,.,,...,,,^,,, stthr[rfl# g,n6i,r
:1,rLGrrln,,urfl Gen groerrGun Gtbd.rruriu$Lb.

"Fp ri.Girt*tfld: gro er$p nhg mrnUullp1r-b
G"lL tls6ir, cursrbrlllgllb
Ltrglu pd,erGruf Gledlqri6t.
(3) utflGangrm6ni UI$U -60iil ngpuuuGrurrur@dr. Lgp,i, ijl+ru$ orrmC;q6'glglruzue$gfltbg6,
grlrdnrl-nd ugord o_9nIl:9ry
GlerufiGlurrgllrurarri qlnruno e;rmd,tg' gqEorur,ggfO,S;, -CJDr,f,-;;;

0-topNl-une4 Fleftuh(Dfircn$JLbrirur



,E'f u1 eurru*gLb di(Dnflbrh ,r,

' 'i .
, tgrflpporS. olgnledi
' i, '
, 'i .


gl) r


,Glgn$ldi erbu$gurrrurrurorr : .

']f ognilgoflrfir nrqamflCroe' ,, :,

erggurfiorh . ;. ;

o) gtror-tud eLcocsirh t:',,.

ru nori
'- J i - .

V, GcLionnni rltu,tn
rtllroeGutflplruodr ppt'l
iru. meulr

CI:on oarb :
snldl I

dtit & -1giqniriurlgrrirrr

r errry o gnllo dr.
gfr_d uggllu brllrurldi ' , -:

.rlilriritlaurriurgStfig Arudj G)gfi Lrirl

o-eomL_rrrilgprir (garthhg) udrdlqu
rrllrurlfusirir , j" "

Clarlgrir (i ns ulationbdtwe e-n,

.u$fl ,

conductor & earth;: :: I '

rilrir gnrtusl'u'6dFrdihnJif
rirrwrrrfld;ros.. '' '
sn6i'r[tlgt!66ir GuGcu nilrurfl$ gliiror t-0lrir:o;1gnflorii
r-0lrir r g;rnu&oriur_@ rfuiirmnrirIglJurru
Glsuruluui0l Gsrrqrmrm

oir rrtr.&,f1.i,.- ;^r --r^

uuorflcir sllgnnslrb
cirrrr 6rri,i6lu uom,uu,y
*,qT\9L.tu9J grqu

gL-q.Gu q-6ir6r.6ur auirqLb
E,r6tr Frrirflrlg$ g,lpfldi6fip6ir. ";;d;
;5ttch :

e-rf)ut snzuncupflundlomp,p,"h. :'.

,, Er Licenca No: 2tg3
i V" f d,p ta-i' il; iiill
Gcuroruurlemg ncirgcururu
Gprygi Gobllnfrtlruiltqir
e,rilu61LLgi, , ,; ,:
pnrir :

r : pggl$ cnrmflggi1 rftuur, :

,, , oirorflg$ or1zurrru$lund)oirp i
6nrir vsffd vptor.26-z-zoto
ggrlrggrrropofl d(!'Egt qpLi.rurrewmru
$pncugy $lg$grrrii glcoru uligilu.r

., ugourb . sl
dl6tT ruprfu qguorfl 6ur,,sidl66u"o

spirrq r.6lrironry$
fl ri,r . ocrmri g
'14') b: oo (sJr/rbugditdi,)

' tJ-)'b'Do .1r) l.EqD ''i'" A"l ) o-oooo

l{) aAJ. l''!on
lDq-o A S) 6 -gtioo
f r) ,r or:F A+1t '
l9/ O'uo
19) o'oo . \/ /.r'
aD) l,oo a b) 6'ovoo /) ,$l;'
frt'.Q,f, g:: drii ooilr
uurd'r_@ ' GlungltirJloir
g..dl.frii.nowr nroGlugggt : DEDC, TNEB

ufldror}O Grururru Gletire

gtitulig*enririoof'lci,r -
roeGluggg :

For ItdM ENctNErr;?s

. -4-
urgouro g-rLflei'r
Slnncrnrlq ,

Un$dl Gledrrurluudr
GrumnGlrb. .

gl@lu$l glnfliupDsnnf
undrncu rilgpfluq $guugfr en6n ,
, l. ,Grurodg glL_ur.iruglGrulgdr:
u$nl Gleilruriuuug1
Gruronr g66ur6un oeumgluritr j


flri'r GlgnL_riq Glongl&aiuL_u

3. urunl'uunrnri GuGryLrsd)
ngguuL-t_U.,, ,. ,

r-6lrinonrlrb dlrnL-&dlpg1 hriiurog$

Glgrfln5ld1grh glflnllir5lnrrrru . GlSn(Odl : :,udorb:
Gu$grri;GloncumL GgSl ! ,

rug,c'5lsouur_u nou.dl. sul#w

Gtgnroa rydg1.nerrr P.S.
aof f ml-
L.3 B1$od-
7. 1fl6trr Glpnl.riqrions ril6,crffrioiuui
Glsnrne qds nsdw 'A3, lgoqgDtr

guu;igL'o Glupuut_gtrirongn ?
$lcircmrurun ? ' 9.' On!,r$gd, erflunri&eriulugr

guu$grit-tg' encirpofl & erluL_u

7, en*'Ep[,q
r-6lri'ruq9 I.X 8qD t<W 6.i

grynrrw@&onffr Clpriqu rgrorrnu$ u$bnerm$lcqD ri (g $61610',

Glgnrne , tgddDBS uue$ Glgneoo
. t

grurum ofldlg r$rorruru_r$Glgnroe :

1t. dlriranryfi rugrireril 6odsriuu

snrir aa,l-lraoo rl
. Skirflroo Glunpfiu_rnrnri
- YJil*;PiTc;,rr/tliu;;f 4EERAdt$t tJltA)
-^^...,-c;.{iGNEDcrA/ r1 r\T' m H
A rril ! H+l

;\i HUfi-6?i61F"'
)i \
^' s$n&sri
Glsul .rrr

fS# grm.p eupgriGlonrrnGusi,r.

fHee PnLAltlt
uumfuL-nrtrri @p,
gnrh l
qllgfluqsrir :
: it

(1 ,., urflGongnn
(G.trirm^r ilhndgd) uaorrb
g,il;; s@{i(S tlffdrurrm lrLJsrh
qt tirG'rr
_ _q'
,i1r,.,,,,j,i.,,,r.,,,,,r,,,,,r,.*,i1. OnfW
sJ) -

(2) 6otiGrunriadt m$g urmFlrunrnfsrnrnrurb ni;p trrnruull6lLb -uoirlgirlliruertp$ gnnfig1r.bu9,

GeiLo$Glshdr6truu6lslDti'|d6h. r''6#nn'tr -ErsJ
"sJ-*r",oilfr' crr;rlr--;*"!u,lo,oocrur,.
. . ..
Lo$urfL-@$G)9rTrm€irr,o. qgrop&eGru6 Glarhpngt. .. ,

(3) urflGongrnrwu ugcuft Errh(g

6ecir nlgguuL_Gotern@6. grtgdr ugrud elrm$(g,g,tgyrurue$$lfitgrb,
$ryeurrL-rrLb ugnr$ rsoll GleufrGlunnlrunnrri crnrrurn* o*ord1j' gliurruruugglDqg$, gorirpnrii . ugru6
/, pn ri:'ta tir grEJ6q, e 1gg


q: '

, 6t)
lll, .,,


rrlp rnnirrofl ot nfl cunrir


nfuD ollruroGuJfipruocir ggrb-i

iat. rruur

'y /4CroV, : ,

3 tfo-SA .
snlCl i

Effrh :

St-dr : Pftcn g77i4ri14'r,

'r ,i l

. ,j. 1.


Ldtm an ry # . o gdi6 6if ljlifi ninuis.rriirrr
$rdr ufrgtlul bLllrrrrlrji , ,' " , ,-'

tflrhGrurriur$StpU, tffzuS Glghr_riq i

o sunL_noggdr (earthing) ufrpflru

rr5lrur1fua;rir , \,, I .: )

6prit-ri6g r.flqur

n-p1$lunmr gro
(Reslstance) uflXfl ' ::

dilrirrG ruiir uL_$

$Ifi a rlrar gtru$
ClgnLrtfl6rJ rflelr uttrunlnitr .
eriurl@ Aeil$;u ufidt
(earth reslstance)
I6rr6h :

Errar : _,/-.
,:, ,
. i.. : . ,, j.,
qrririGr-ori1 ro,otaturUd;ii
. .

I: '. , E(g.Sl+ onrirpllpft ,r;#.,,, ' ', "

.cl'l" x o : -t o-e^s 1
, ehrhflg$ aqeurreu$undleirp virit uPto i 26'z-20to'
, 6irch, r

g gnzuqg grrftrggorfl ,,SlC,lpSl qprirt_lrcrrroru

rr$nrug1 6ltU$gn,il
s;roru ufqilru nlt,r1;ti",riil,

,', ,
utPrurb ' 61
Lfloir ruprurgururfl eiir g{!fl666si

rftffr glrrolotit
JL* Stprir
q'l o'. lo

Doe,'oq'oqr )
l) 18':o6:oe og) o oo
.4)o7q o ?, o'oo
^A) o 'oo
"'sl 'f ) O'to
l', ) o'D A
) o'lq,
6 -otlrurr
r-6lnr nIldl$dl
,i!l';'.St . C6, t"-*e*
Ocw , ulirSL_gl GlurrEtur5lrb trh
iill t.At ui#Ml'iAr$ ti\'' Glungllurror rflrh rooeuqq$ gt

r '-\* -/': .- "' ,') 6l.y+-tt S:/GNI,'1"D F '
G6rinh6u Glcrirg
griu$grienrJlierrflcir : g19$l{i enrfiflgrop
rnoGtu:1qgs : ror MM ENGINEERS o- ro r- gb g n ru rh on rurfl cir
eooGlug$gr ;
Voliet rin t". a'6 ; 9-- 1o lo
\__,,- (
., ,

, u&q$.:

4.mfi Glpnuriq Gleingtriariuiu i :' : . ,

pnrir :
5. r.6lrironrJ6dlrouridlpghei,ruro$$ i : .t,
. Glgrfln5lA1qrb' g;flofliiLllrurrnu ,. : ' Glsntggl :, . , ,u,i;ori,,l
GufrgrriGleo*tL-l CpSl r : -Y-.
6. ruqgr,Slaeriur"-L_ nriu.Cl. sr_unm
Glpnnro rydg1 nrnr Q.,;lto@L PQrrtt. 11 .

', ''- , ,'-Qs. to?ttos,f, Ft,trn .tf i' oo..-o .

$lrirroolun? ' ,t
9. gitufigriug,enri'rpoflriefruil' _ .,
l6lri,rurg9 i
: -
10, gryn6un@&onrn dlpiiqri flrnnnu:$ ,

Glgnrure :
sirrurr nfldlpi riro6nru$Glgnroe i

t"i'n- r,, *
e-p r6ffie.{.f,1 Ii'l] ., '',
:r ,
| '- I ,'.i',rnu+7)\
. !t.' ,--*..- {^?'\.
'p $ -l'"

\;i^4ru\ :tlitl".'l
Bi+ 5rrhrnp GlufiglriGlencnnGurir. r; ri,\\rolrrL/il {,itih[4lUALS LIL,. ,,i1"'
AssLExbcutivb' Eir gl n'ee rI West
TNEB PALANI "*r'J...,,,J*, --i ,r1 t ?'
\ ]

(gpruq66n :

(1 ) r.616ir gtrorrnrirq grlrfl0up fl anol trl g rirUpn5l,i, Glorlu.r

nr$r rfleirrunrfl ru nll$glrnputg&tS rjp$uf rur,t.6lrnr r grolorllusrh
un .GlsOu G6rRr_uttil:q6,,,,,:",,,,;;,,,,,",,,,,..,,,*,,: j**,
itb$ m6nrq6
GsL d*#; 6rsr
,nre{u31fl$,.und,rgrirtlriunopg. ponlblgr.ture
E5r0 p&ac
(3) urflGengrm6ni u^+y, UiilrtO porir nqqgriruuGrurnn@tir, glpdr uteruLi o6rur'i,rq.-qtzurnlnls&clrirrlrrh

Fronr Ta/n\
The Chief Electrical Inspector M/s Tlritumalai Chemicals Ltd,
to Governnrerrt, 25-8, Iiipcot Industrial Complex,
Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate, Raniept-632 403
Guindy Chennai-600 032

Lette r No. DG L. :336/C E I c/D O/_!eQZ-l pated %-j 2 2007

Sub: Indian Electricity Act 2003 and Indian Electricity Rules 1956 - New HV/MV & LV
Electrical Installation Wind Farm Project at M/s.Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd, S.F
No 451/1 ,45511(P) of Muthunaickenpatti Village, Palani Taluk, Dindigul District -
1 No.BOO KW 400 V WEG - Inspection under Rule 63 of lrrdian Electricitv [?ules.
1956 on 19 12 2007 - Approval - accorcled
Ref. 1) This office letter No.1 19-07/CElctDsilZ)}t, dated 12 Z.2OO7
2) Your letter No.TCL/CE|G/CR12O07 dated j7 .12 2007
3) This office letter No.DGL.336/CElclD5l2007 Dated 17 122007
4) Electrical Inspector/Dirrdigul Letter No DGL 336/El/DGt-/R63/WM/2007,
dated 19.12.2007
5) Your letter No.'fCL/CElc/RR dated 20 12 2007
Under Rule 63 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, Approval is hereby accorded to
commission the Electrical Installations inspected on 19.122007 at the above premises as
detailed in Anne;ure subject to complyirrg with the terrns and conditions of the supplier. "

The date of energisation of the ir-rstallation may be intimated to this office

Under Rule 30(4) and 46 (3) of Indian Electricity Rules 1956, the consumer is at all tin.res
solely responsible for the maintenance of the above installation in such a condition as to be free
from danger

Encl: Annexure containing List of Electrical Equipmerrt
I lT rue Copy/Forw arded I I

$ l\
V )tlolt uu\.1.t

Copy to: M/s.MM Engineers , Coimbatore (With Annexure)

Copy to: The Superintending Engineer/Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,
Dindigul Electricity Distribution Circle, Dindigul District (Witlr Annexure)

Copy to: The Senior Electrical Inspector/Coimltatore (With Annexure)

Copy to: The Elerctrical Inspector/Dindigul (Witlr Annexure)

The Balance inspection fees of Rs.lrlil has been receivecl in this office vide
Chalan No. - dated - SBI/- and orioinal chalan retained in this office.
2' to this 0ffice Letter
,rlo.De,ugg_b /CElGl /200-lDatef>g' t2->oqP

M/s. Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd.

Wind Mill at SF No: 45lll ,455/1 (P) , l'4uthunaickenpatti Village , Palani Taluk , Dindigul Dishict

1' 22KV AB SWITCH DP STRUCTIJRX Comprising of ,2x200x100mm RS Joists & l00x50mrn

ISMCswith2 sets of 22 KV Disc Insulators , I set of 22KY Double break AB Switch and I set of
22KV HG Fuses , 1 set of 22KY L.A.'s , Support Pin Instrlators '0' SWG connecting copper
jumpers etc.


CONCRTE TOWER & TOWER MOUNTED TRANSFORMER comprising of the following.

a) 800KW 415V Enercon make,E48 Model Wind Electric Generator bearing Sl.No: 91i5g30
provided ' with Rectifier unit, Inverter unit and Supplier's Power and Control ibinet with
Earlh fault
relay and 3x 550A , 50KA,4pole MCCB's & relays for control & protection

b) TOWER MOUNTED ISMC STRUCTURE with a set of 22KV Disc Insulators.



a) Mv / LV LOADS

D Tower Cooling fan 1.25KW,400V lNo.

ii) Power cabinet Cooling fan 0.76KW, 400V lNo.
iii) Hydraulic.Motor 0.37KW,400V 1No.
iv) Yaw Motors 3.3KW,400V 4Nos..
v) Pitch Motor 1.5KW,400V 3Nos.
vi) Nocelle Cooling fan 1.95KW,400V 3Nos.'
vii) Winch Control l.lKw,400v 1No.
viii) Lighting Loads 1.sKW

. Descrintion From To

l0R of lx 300 Sqmm Single core rubber insulated I

flexible un-armoured copper cables (3R / Ph. & lR
for Neutral) Transformer ControlPanel

9R of 1x300 Sqmm single core PVC Insulated Inverter Rectifier

PVC sheathed un-armoured alu. cables
(4R for *ve , 4R for -ve & lR for Earth.)

6R I x240 Sqmm single core rubber insulated Rectifier WEG

Flexible un-armoured high current copper cable
(Type EBXL) 2R / Ph.

Sq.r* PVC CU.AR CABLE For Equipments.

CU.AR CABLE For Liglrting.

*" ltlr"1",
lol '"o U !*'$t :rr
A$sr$I ANi rlr,tr ni c Lt- ll'lEP'u CT 0R / TE0HNI d Al

The Chief Electrical Insoector M/s Thirumalai Chenricals Ltd,
to Government, 25-8, Sipcot Industrial Complex
Thiru.Vi. Ka Industrial Estate, Raniept-632.403
Guindy, Chennai-600 032

Lette r N o. D G L. ll36/C E I G/D5 I 2007 -2 Datedlb,. 1 ?-.2007


Sub: ELECTRICITY - NEW HV and MV installations Wind Farm Project at

Mis.Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd, S F No.45111, 45511 (P) of Muthunaickenpatti
Village, Palani Taluk, Dindigul District - High Voltage apparatus , cable,
supply lines Manufacturer's Test Cefiificate of HV equipments -

Ref: 1) Tlris office letter

No..1 19-07/CEIG lD5ll2007 , dated 12.2.2007
2) Your letter No.TCL/CE|G/CR12007 dated 17.12.2007

LJnder Rule 65 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, the manufacturer's test

cerlificates of following HV equipments are hereby accepted and the original test
certificates is/are returned herewith dulv attested.

Sl. Equiprnent Make Manufacturer's Voltage Capacity

No. Sl.No.
1 Transformer M/s.Vijay 1270882 22 KV/400 V 950 KVA

Chief .E-lectrical Inspector to Government
Encl.1 Test Cedificates
I lT r ueC o pyl Fo nrua ro e o]l
U 5rotsr Uu\r{"F
Copy to: l-he Senior Electrical Inspector/Coimbatore

Copy to the Electrical Inspector/Dindigul

otul&T/u10/tNs/07/10/ 0018
Daled 30'10 2007
Page No 4 Ot 06

Vijai Electricals Limited

Hydera bad,India,
Test Certificate For 3- tD Oil Filled Transformer
NABL Ced No T-.lt8t0

T/F 1270882 Rating 950 KVA?
Secondary Voltag 22oOO Von{
Purchase Order No 9'100026756 dated 17 07 2007 Primary Voltage 4oo Voftt'
Work Ordef No MK - 3553 A SecondaryCurrent 24.931 Amps
Type Of Cooling ONAN PriFary Current 1371 207 Amps
Connectlon Delta/Star Frequency 50 Hz
Vector Group Dynl 1 Ref.Standard lS 202611977
Tapplngs On HV Wdg + sV"Io -1OVo insteps o[ 2 5% Date Of Test 30.10.2007

Characteristic Measured / Calculated Values Guaranteed Values

No Load Loss
856,0 Watts at 50 HZ & 100% Rated Vottaoe 100 Watts Max
% No Load Cunenl o/o
O.22o ie 3 012 AmDS at 100% Rated Voltaoe < 10 AmDs

Load Loss at 75"C 9975,1 Watts at 24931 AmDS & 5OO41 HZ t0500 Watts Max.

'/o lmpedance at 75'C 5.78 o/o at 1272 06 Volts & 24.931 AmDs 8.0% (Max)

Resistance/Ph at 75'C 8 322 Ohms (HV) 0 000696 Ohms(LV) Amb.TemD= 265 DeoC
applied on HV winding,
SSVW Test na{w
3 KYz{ppliedon Lvwindino. I
800 Volts al 150 HZ aDDlied on windtnq for 4o sB#Pti,fih".d;'
lv-Earlh l000 C Ohms
Insulation Resistance

o/. Ol Frlt LczC

1V- LV

-V -Earth
llo vr
6 56
G Ohms

G Ohns

#ffiffii::-'$ffiffi * 75ft 50 o/o 40 20%
% Emcienry at U P.F

% Efficiency at 0,8 P F

% Regulation
98'78 %

98 48 yo

r- aos p,i,, la/r-F1'-.F?
9934 %
99.18 Vo

Ph \ TaD TaD- 1 rap-2 '-fUe:f-T#? taD-s Tao-6 Tao-7

Measurement Of Voltage Ratio
U-Phase 006 0 t0 008 006 006 -0 l8 -0 t6
V-Phase 002 o12 006 o12 006 -026 -0 16

W-Phase 006 012 008 0 t4 006 -0 t4 -0 l0

\bout 400 Volls apPlied on HV winding when 1U & 2U are shorted and followino voltaqes are measured
Vector Group Verilicetion 1 U-1V 404 403 1W-1U 405 londitions 1) 1V-2W = 1V-2Vt"Zbfl
(Dyn 11)
1U-2n 1V-2n 398 1V-2W 2t 1u_2n + 1V_2n = 1U_tV ':/,\
1V-2V 39'l 1W-2V 404
398 3) 1w-2w <
1w-2v 4w--_-___i/
/oltaoe Aoolied On 2un 2vn 2wn
2u2n 205 36 14
vlagnetic Balance Tesit About 200 Volts applied on LV winding while HV winding is open
2v2n 104 208 104

2w2n 136 206

Strength Of Transformer Oil For The Above T/F was tesled and Break Oown Voltage was more lhan oo t<v Bdl S

!h5t : the transicrmerwtth ;iii accessoncs was tested ar 0,1 kq/sa cm for 10 min and found to be

The Chief Electrical Inspector M/s.Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd.,
to Government, (l/c) 25-C, Sipcot Industrial Complex,
Thiru.Vi.Ka lndustrial Estate, Raniept-632 403
Guindy, Chennai-600 032

Letter No.DGL.363/CEtG/D5/2008-1 Dated 2 .9.2008


Sub: lndian Electricity Act 2003 and Indian Electricity Rules 1956 New HV/MV & LV
Electrical Installation Wind Farm Project at M/s.Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd.,
S'F'No'425 (P) & 42314C2, 4C3, 4C4, 4D of Muthunaickenpatti Vittage, palani
Taluk, Dindigul District - Inspection under Rule 63 of Indian Electricity Rules,
1956 on 1 .9.2008 - Approval - accorded.

Ref: 1) This office letter No. 118-oTtcEtctDstzoor dated 12.2.2007

2) Your Letter No.TCL/cErc/cR/2008-09 dated 2z.B.2ooB
3) This office letter No.DGL.363/CElc/D5/2008 Dated 29.8.2008
4) Electrical I nspector/Dindig ul Letter No. DGL. 363/Et/DGL/R63A/VM/2008,
dated 1 9.2008
5) Your letter No.TCL/CEtG/RR/2008_09 dated .2.g.2OOB

Under Rule 63 of Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, Approval is hereby accorded to

commission the Electrical Installations inspected on 1.9.2008 at the above premises as
in Annexure subject to complying with the terms and conditions of the supplier.

The date of energisation of the installation may be intimated to this office.

Under Rule 30(4) and 46 (3) of Indian Electricity Rules 1956, the consumer is at all times
solely responsible for the maintenance of the above installation in such a condition as to
be free
from danger.

Encl: Annexure containing List of Electrical Equipment.
I lT rue Copy/Fonru ardedl I


Copy to: Thiru.MM Engineers, Coimbatore

copy to: The superintending Engineer/Tamil Nadu Electricity Board,

Dindigul Etectricity Distribution circle, Dindigul District (With Annexure)

Copy to: The Senior Electrical Inspector/Coimbatore (With Annexure)

copy to: The Electrical Inspector/Dindigul (with Annexure)

The Balance inspection fees of Rs.80/- has been received in this office vide
No. dated 2'9.2008 SBI/TL.Chennai and original chalan retained in this office.
Aatriu4Uic li ': '$ u, f tug LlIi'Jt
0',f {uDQA .36s lLtiil 99 lz,Jil8Darorn g. E.)^e,


SF.Nos: 425(P) & 423 I 4C2, 4C3,4C4,+D,
Muthunaickenpatti Village, Palani Taluk, Dindigul Districr


Each Set Comprising of ,200 x l00mm RS Jpists & 100 x 50mm ISMCs rvith ,2 sets of
22KV Disc Insulators, I set of 22KY Double break AB Switch and set of 22KV HG
Fuses, I set of 22KV L.A s, Support Pin Insulators, '0' swG connecting copper
jumpers etc.



Each set comprising of

Capacity Volts Make Model Sl.Nos:

800Kw 415 Enercon E53 Model 9117680 &.9U7674

Each WEG provided with Rectifier unit, Inverter unit and Supplier's Power and Control
cabineJ with Earth fault relay and 3x550A, 50KA, 4pole MCCB's & relirys for Control &

b) TOWER MOUNTED ISMC STRUCTURE with a set of 22KV Disc Insulators.


Capacity Volts Make Sl.Nos:

950KVA 22000t400 VIJAY 1334036 &.1334034

d) Mv/Lv LOADS
i. Tower Cooling fan 1.25KW,400V lNo.
ii. Power cabinet Cooling n 0.76KW,400V 1No.
iii. Hydraulic Motor 0.37 KW,400V 1No.
iv. Yaw Motors 3.3 KW,400V 4Nos.
v. Pitch Motor 1.5 KW.400V 3Nos.
vi. Nocelle Coolins fan 1.95 KW,400V 3Nos.
vii. Winch Control l.l Kw, 400v lNo.
viii. Lighting Loads 1.5KW
..,)et. ..\,
..,... ...,"\\.r a\
. .-
, i\r Contd...2
; r :r:, i,:,c.4.:. . .i Ol
| ;'
\ i "l' r "1'

From To
Transformer Control

lnverter Rectifier

Rectifier WEG

lv. 3 x 2.5 pVC CU.AR CABLE

For Equipments
v. 2 x 2.5 pVC CU.AR CABLE
(, For Lighring


I Set
comprising of 2 x 200 x 100mm RS Joists
& 100 x 50mm ISMcs with 2sets of 22KV
Insufators' I set of 22KV Double ui."t
an switch uni ,"i oizzrvHG Fuses. I set of sisc
L'A's support Pin lnsurators. '0' swG connecting 22KV
copperjumpers etc.
of Intermediate Poles, cut Point Poles
8:fttff:lf' wirh 22KvDisc & pin Insulators and AcsR
Annexure – VIII

Power produced by each Machine up to till

Power Produced by each Wind Electric Generators up to September 2018
D130 D131
Month (2 Nos) Total in Units Total in ₹
Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount

Jan-08 0 0.00 12,372 35,480.00 0 0.00 12,372 35,480.00

Feb-08 14,724 42,205.00 13,140 37,593.00 0 0.00 27,864 79,798.00

Mar-08 43,164 1,24,807.00 13,272 37,874.00 0 0.00 56,436 1,62,681.00

Total 57,888 ₹ 1,67,012.00 38,784 ₹ 1,10,947.00 0 ₹ 0.00 96,672 ₹ 2,77,959.00

Apr-08 29,772 85,901.00 18,132 52,040.00 0 0.00 47,904 1,37,941.00

May-08 1,97,244 3,10,663.00 1,19,484 3,46,153.00 0 0.00 3,16,728 6,56,816.00

Jun-08 2,12,940 6,17,121.00 2,05,524 5,95,669.00 0 0.00 4,18,464 12,12,790.00

Jul-08 3,35,400 9,72,339.00 2,91,624 8,45,398.00 0 0.00 6,27,024 18,17,737.00

Aug-08 3,84,036 11,13,404.00 3,26,892 9,47,672.00 0 0.00 7,10,928 20,61,076.00

Sep-08 1,58,904 4,60,465.00 1,42,224 4,12,087.00 1,18,848 3,44,323.00 4,19,976 12,16,875.00

Oct-08 96,696 2,80,085.00 79,932 2,31,422.00 1,81,872 5,27,015.00 3,58,500 10,38,522.00

Nov-08 13,932 39,809.00 12,828 36,592.00 25,992 74,471.00 52,752 1,50,872.00

Dec-08 21,012 60,437.00 17,676 50,726.00 40,080 1,15,554.00 78,768 2,26,717.00

Jan-09 35,160 1,01,592.00 25,212 72,611.00 68,136 1,97,066.00 1,28,508 3,71,269.00

Feb-09 33,084 95,413.00 26,844 77,437.00 71,136 2,05,856.00 1,31,064 3,78,706.00

Mar-09 32,328 93,376.00 29,124 84,076.00 68,568 1,98,463.00 1,30,020 3,75,915.00

Total 15,50,508 ₹ 42,30,605.00 12,95,496 ₹ 37,51,883.00 5,74,632 ₹ 16,62,748.00 34,20,636 ₹ 96,45,236.00

Apr-09 29,592 85,352.00 22,944 66,034.00 58,512 1,69,031.00 1,11,048 3,20,417.00

May-09 1,03,668 3,00,307.00 81,948 2,37,274.00 1,69,152 4,90,187.00 3,54,768 10,27,768.00

Jun-09 2,43,684 7,06,351.00 2,22,612 6,45,260.00 4,69,776 13,61,990.00 9,36,072 27,13,601.00

Jul-09 3,43,296 9,95,243.00 3,18,636 9,23,738.00 6,76,656 19,61,996.00 13,38,588 38,80,977.00

Aug-09 4,20,804 12,20,020.00 3,76,824 10,92,490.00 8,58,600 24,89,634.00 16,56,228 48,02,144.00

Sep-09 2,56,428 7,43,314.00 2,25,360 6,53,211.00 5,02,536 14,57,012.00 9,84,324 28,53,537.00

Oct-09 1,93,752 5,61,548.00 1,70,412 4,93,859.00 3,81,000 11,04,546.00 7,45,164 21,59,953.00

Nov-09 32,784 94,633.00 26,436 76,187.00 55,920 1,61,586.00 1,15,140 3,32,406.00

Dec-09 14,820 42,585.00 13,320 38,208.00 30,576 88,208.00 58,716 1,69,001.00

Jan-10 31,056 89,696.00 28,584 82,525.00 56,640 1,63,860.00 1,16,280 3,36,081.00

Feb-10 45,408 1,31,350.00 40,176 1,16,171.00 1,00,872 2,92,181.00 1,86,456 5,39,702.00

Mar-10 31,968 92,341.00 27,012 77,954.00 64,368 1,86,265.00 1,23,348 3,56,560.00

Total 17,47,260 ₹ 50,62,740.00 15,54,264 ₹ 45,02,911.00 34,24,608 ₹ 99,26,496.00 67,26,132 ₹ 1,94,92,147.00

D130 D131
Month (2 Nos) Total in Units Total in ₹
Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount

Apr-10 38,748 1,12,006.00 36,960 1,06,833.00 84,936 2,45,942.00 1,60,644 4,64,781.00

May-10 37,596 1,08,671.00 31,980 92,376.00 72,264 2,09,170.00 1,41,840 4,10,217.00

Jun-10 2,59,584 7,52,482.00 2,29,380 6,64,893.00 4,87,656 14,13,884.00 9,76,620 28,31,259.00

Jul-10 2,22,228 6,44,140.00 1,21,416 3,51,440.00 4,75,392 13,78,313.00 8,19,036 23,73,893.00

Aug-10 3,36,036 9,74,168.00 -1,008 -3,223.00 7,94,208 23,02,897.00 11,29,236 32,73,842.00

Sep-10 2,74,500 7,95,720.00 7,704 22,042.00 5,81,448 16,85,881.00 8,63,652 25,03,643.00

Oct-10 1,01,508 2,93,947.00 90,312 2,60,879.00 2,10,720 6,10,590.00 4,02,540 11,65,416.00

Nov-10 49,776 1,43,825.00 49,092 1,41,965.00 1,09,608 3,17,239.00 2,08,476 6,03,029.00

Dec-10 12,468 35,698.00 8,040 23,016.00 26,304 75,658.00 46,812 1,34,372.00

Jan-11 9,144 26,086.00 8,784 25,030.00 20,592 59,225.00 38,520 1,10,341.00

Feb-11 24,060 69,387.00 26,328 75,976.00 55,848 1,61,563.00 1,06,236 3,06,926.00

Mar-11 19,224 55,333.00 20,028 57,691.00 42,768 1,23,559.00 82,020 2,36,583.00

Total 13,84,872 ₹ 40,11,463.00 6,29,016 ₹ 18,18,918.00 29,61,744 ₹ 85,83,921.00 49,75,632 ₹ 1,44,14,302.00

Apr-11 28,428 82,069.00 19,968 57,508.00 39,768 1,14,883.00 88,164 2,54,460.00

May-11 66,660 1,91,907.00 25,404 73,249.00 93,096 2,69,570.00 1,85,160 5,34,726.00

Jun-11 1,89,132 5,48,171.00 1,20,636 3,49,487.00 3,41,592 9,90,293.00 6,51,360 18,87,951.00

Jul-11 3,54,720 10,28,376.00 2,35,476 6,82,571.00 5,81,904 16,87,210.00 11,72,100 33,98,157.00

Aug-11 3,83,628 11,12,173.00 2,38,068 6,90,091.00 5,82,408 16,88,671.00 12,04,104 34,90,935.00

Sep-11 1,97,268 5,71,693.00 1,69,656 4,91,687.00 3,66,552 10,62,671.00 7,33,476 21,26,051.00

Oct-11 1,21,992 3,53,435.00 83,940 2,43,087.00 1,91,232 5,54,219.00 3,97,164 11,50,741.00

Nov-11 17,196 49,403.00 13,620 38,994.00 32,760 94,368.00 63,576 1,82,765.00

Dec-11 20,004 57,586.00 16,320 46,857.00 35,616 1,02,746.00 71,940 2,07,189.00

Jan-12 23,772 68,555.00 17,772 51,110.00 45,336 1,31,012.00 86,880 2,50,677.00

Feb-12 36,612 1,05,821.00 32,424 93,663.00 77,904 2,25,538.00 1,46,940 4,25,022.00

Mar-12 35,280 1,01,928.00 30,552 88,193.00 67,944 1,96,582.00 1,33,776 3,86,703.00

Total 14,74,692 ₹ 42,71,117.00 10,03,836 ₹ 29,06,497.00 24,56,112 ₹ 71,17,763.00 49,34,640 ₹ 1,42,95,377.00

Apr-12 30,780 88,827.00 25,512 73,544.00 64,104 1,85,428.00 1,20,396 3,47,799.00

May-12 69,600 2,01,495.00 45,204 1,30,750.00 1,13,976 3,30,170.00 2,28,780 6,62,415.00

Jun-12 3,26,280 9,45,900.00 2,54,280 7,37,097.00 5,82,504 16,88,944.00 11,63,064 33,71,941.00

Jul-12 3,25,620 9,43,938.00 3,05,796 8,86,499.00 6,82,152 19,77,935.00 13,13,568 38,08,372.00

Aug-12 3,37,860 9,79,467.00 3,06,960 8,89,875.00 6,83,328 19,81,345.00 13,28,148 38,50,687.00

Sep-12 3,32,904 9,65,110.00 2,97,192 8,61,548.00 6,42,384 18,62,602.00 12,72,480 36,89,260.00

Oct-12 1,10,568 3,20,290.00 1,00,776 2,91,878.00 2,33,328 6,76,237.00 4,44,672 12,88,405.00

Nov-12 28,092 81,053.00 25,296 72,911.00 57,984 1,67,638.00 1,11,372 3,21,602.00

Dec-12 18,636 51,842.00 19,884 57,244.00 50,688 1,46,533.00 89,208 2,55,619.00

Jan-13 28,020 79,464.00 29,376 84,821.00 39,216 2,00,330.00 96,612 3,64,615.00

Feb-13 44,220 1,27,905.00 44,964 1,30,045.00 1,07,664 3,11,878.00 1,96,848 5,69,828.00

Mar-13 27,708 79,990.00 28,068 80,989.00 70,488 2,03,971.00 1,26,264 3,64,950.00

Total 16,80,288 ₹ 48,65,281.00 14,83,308 ₹ 42,97,201.00 33,27,816 ₹ 97,33,011.00 64,91,412 ₹ 1,88,95,493.00

D130 D131
Month (2 Nos) Total in Units Total in ₹
Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount

Apr-13 25,272 72,914.00 26,580 76,671.00 66,912 1,91,843.00 1,18,764 3,41,428.00

May-13 75,984 2,20,003.00 69,612 2,01,509.00 1,62,480 4,70,778.00 3,08,076 8,92,290.00

Jun-13 2,57,100 7,45,269.00 2,39,988 6,95,647.00 5,39,328 15,63,739.00 10,36,416 30,04,655.00

Jul-13 2,42,016 7,01,504.00 2,33,712 6,77,453.00 5,33,664 15,47,314.00 10,09,392 29,26,271.00

Aug-13 2,27,472 6,59,099.00 1,78,788 5,17,918.00 4,50,504 13,05,664.00 8,56,764 24,82,681.00

Sep-13 1,33,560 3,86,814.00 1,03,980 3,00,981.00 2,19,456 6,35,666.00 4,56,996 13,23,461.00

Oct-13 79,440 2,29,749.00 97,368 2,81,800.00 2,25,024 6,51,694.00 4,01,832 11,63,243.00

Nov-13 18,696 53,747.00 14,952 42,890.00 34,056 98,180.00 67,704 1,94,817.00

Dec-13 10,752 30,722.00 12,168 34,792.00 23,136 66,554.00 46,056 1,32,068.00

Jan-14 27,360 78,921.00 21,360 61,473.00 49,152 1,41,977.00 97,872 2,82,371.00

Feb-14 25,956 74,840.00 22,032 63,431.00 53,856 1,55,672.00 1,01,844 2,93,943.00

Mar-14 44,460 1,28,529.00 40,848 1,18,066.00 90,576 2,62,226.00 1,75,884 5,08,821.00

Total 11,68,068 ₹ 33,82,111.00 10,61,388 ₹ 30,72,631.00 24,48,144 ₹ 70,91,307.00 46,77,600 ₹ 1,35,46,049.00

Apr-14 35,268 1,01,881.00 30,768 85,831.00 65,760 1,90,212.00 1,31,796 3,77,924.00

May-14 36,660 1,05,897.00 29,616 85,421.00 80,040 2,31,414.00 1,46,316 4,22,732.00

Jun-14 1,63,800 4,74,441.00 1,81,572 5,26,178.00 3,52,320 10,20,006.00 6,97,692 20,20,625.00

Jul-14 2,53,860 7,35,678.00 2,62,344 7,60,423.00 5,98,704 17,32,678.00 11,14,908 32,28,779.00

Aug-14 1,67,064 4,83,748.00 2,99,652 8,68,535.00 6,11,208 17,71,207.00 10,77,924 31,23,490.00

Sep-14 1,57,620 4,56,591.00 1,37,676 3,98,747.00 3,23,736 9,37,796.00 6,19,032 17,93,134.00

Oct-14 0 0.00 60,372 1,74,578.00 1,20,672 3,48,989.00 1,81,044 5,23,567.00

Nov-14 5,508 2,678.00 9,432 13,529.00 15,720 17,389.00 30,660 33,596.00

Dec-14 16,512 47,467.00 5,328 14,473.00 24,768 71,107.00 46,608 1,33,047.00

Jan-15 10,356 29,579.00 8,100 22,995.00 21,168 59,959.00 39,624 1,12,533.00

Feb-15 27,672 79,828.00 18,792 54,052.00 44,136 1,27,196.00 90,600 2,61,076.00

Mar-15 26,172 62,543.00 17,580 37,570.00 39,000 86,437.00 82,752 1,86,550.00

Total 9,00,492 ₹ 25,80,331.00 10,61,232 ₹ 30,42,332.00 22,97,232 ₹ 65,94,390.00 42,58,956 ₹ 1,22,17,053.00

Apr-15 24,708 71,653.00 17,580 47,467.00 39,864 1,15,606.00 82,152 2,34,726.00

May-15 14,484 42,004.00 9,120 26,448.00 17,976 52,130.00 41,580 1,20,582.00

Jun-15 79,368 2,30,167.00 61,932 1,79,603.00 1,36,056 3,94,562.00 2,77,356 8,04,332.00

Jul-15 2,53,860 7,36,194.00 2,17,104 6,29,602.00 4,89,432 14,19,353.00 9,60,396 27,85,149.00

Aug-15 2,40,204 6,96,592.00 2,29,752 6,66,281.00 5,09,352 14,77,121.00 9,79,308 28,39,994.00

Sep-15 1,23,456 3,58,022.00 1,09,476 3,17,480.00 2,44,416 7,08,806.00 4,77,348 13,84,308.00

Oct-15 77,640 2,25,156.00 64,608 1,87,363.00 1,41,096 4,09,178.00 2,83,344 8,21,697.00

Nov-15 9,924 28,780.00 8,532 24,743.00 19,632 56,933.00 38,088 1,10,456.00

Dec-15 6,324 18,340.00 1,704 4,942.00 8,736 25,334.00 16,764 48,616.00

Jan-16 1,563 45,344.00 13,428 38,941.00 33,552 97,301.00 48,543 1,81,586.00

Feb-16 17,880 51,852.00 14,808 42,943.00 35,901 1,04,122.00 68,589 1,98,917.00

Mar-16 33,228 96,361.00 29,976 86,930.00 66,408 1,92,583.00 1,29,612 3,75,874.00

Total 8,82,639 ₹ 26,00,465.00 7,78,020 ₹ 22,52,743.00 17,42,421 ₹ 50,53,029.00 34,03,080 ₹ 99,06,237.00

D130 D131
Month (2 Nos) Total in Units Total in ₹
Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount

Apr-16 12,540 36,366.00 15,072 43,709.00 31,440 98,616.00 59,052 1,78,691.00

May-16 25,980 75,342.00 28,080 81,432.00 32,088 93,055.00 86,148 2,49,829.00

Jun-16 33,168 96,187.00 1,42,464 4,13,146.00 2,41,632 7,00,733.00 4,17,264 12,10,066.00

Jul-16 2,93,448 8,50,999.00 2,62,668 7,61,737.00 5,90,640 17,12,856.00 11,46,756 33,25,592.00

Aug-16 2,87,772 8,34,539.00 2,50,836 7,27,424.00 2,41,896 7,01,498.00 7,80,504 22,63,461.00

Sep-16 3,30,432 9,58,253.00 3,10,176 8,99,510.00 3,37,464 9,78,646.00 9,78,072 28,36,409.00

Oct-16 2,70,336 7,83,974.00 2,40,216 6,96,626.00 3,56,904 10,35,022.00 8,67,456 25,15,622.00

Nov-16 30,276 73,080.00 25,620 59,590.00 56,712 1,35,246.00 1,12,608 2,67,916.00

Dec-16 23,064 52,184.00 19,956 43,161.00 40,536 88,227.00 83,556 1,83,572.00

Jan-17 14,585 42,297.00 11,788 34,186.00 32,130 93,177.00 58,503 1,69,660.00

Feb-17 30,198 87,575.00 17,975 52,128.00 52,127 1,51,167.00 1,00,300 2,90,870.00

Mar-17 33,991 98,573.00 24,762 71,809.00 23,441 67,980.00 82,194 2,38,362.00

Total 13,85,790 ₹ 39,89,369.00 13,49,613 ₹ 38,84,458.00 20,37,010 ₹ 58,56,223.00 47,72,413 ₹ 1,37,30,050.00

Apr-17 33,996 83,910.00 25,908 60,440.00 48,432 1,11,048.00 1,08,336 2,55,398.00

May-17 51,444 1,34,537.00 43,956 1,12,818.00 1,18,008 3,13,184.00 2,13,408 5,60,539.00

Jun-17 2,01,924 5,70,893.00 1,80,792 5,09,649.00 3,92,160 11,08,213.00 7,74,876 21,88,755.00

Jul-17 2,54,256 7,22,523.00 3,02,640 8,63,047.00 6,70,944 19,16,771.00 12,27,840 35,02,341.00

Aug-17 3,34,056 9,54,093.00 2,96,388 8,44,907.00 6,69,144 19,11,593.00 12,99,588 37,10,593.00

Sep-17 1,74,420 4,91,080.00 1,52,568 4,27,808.00 3,57,312 10,07,094.00 6,84,300 19,25,982.00

Oct-17 1,01,628 2,80,016.00 91,620 2,51,035.00 2,14,128 5,91,842.00 4,07,376 11,22,893.00

Nov-17 35,088 86,317.00 29,412 69,848.00 58,752 1,39,475.00 1,23,252 2,95,640.00

Dec-17 20,496 43,671.00 13,008 22,228.00 36,408 74,509.00 69,912 1,40,408.00

Jan-18 23,064 51,499.00 15,780 30,255.00 52,704 1,22,212.00 91,548 2,03,966.00

Feb-18 28,800 68,139.00 22,548 49,984.00 58,488 1,39,027.00 1,09,836 2,57,150.00

Mar-18 39,852 1,00,196.00 32,784 79,702.00 72,648 1,80,151.00 1,45,284 3,60,049.00

Total 12,99,024 ₹ 35,86,874.00 12,07,404 ₹ 33,21,721.00 27,49,128 ₹ 76,15,119.00 52,55,556 ₹ 1,45,23,714.00

Apr-18 39,720 99,780.00 32,340 78,381.00 80,040 2,01,498.00 1,52,100 3,79,659.00

May-18 36,468 90,358.00 30,120 71,961.00 73,248 1,81,903.00 1,39,836 3,44,222.00

Jun-18 1,09,836 2,67,029.00 88,224 2,40,490.00 2,10,768 5,80,813.00 4,08,828 10,88,332.00

Jul-18 3,17,388 9,05,104.00 2,79,468 7,95,142.00 6,20,064 17,67,850.00 12,16,920 34,68,096.00

Aug-18 4,04,856 11,58,731.00 3,57,780 10,22,235.00 8,05,344 23,05,150.00 15,67,980 44,86,116.00

Sep-18 3,16,044 9,01,156.00 2,71,224 7,71,205.00 6,35,616 18,12,842.00 12,22,884 34,85,203.00

Total 12,24,312 ₹ 34,22,158.00 10,59,156 ₹ 29,79,414.00 24,25,080 ₹ 68,50,056.00 47,08,548 ₹ 1,28,71,969.00

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