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Full - Year


Published First Day Of Every Other Month
VOLUME 1 NO. 4 Publication Office: 210 West 28th Street, Baltimore, Marvland 21211 NOV. 64


l rrhonest-to-Pete challenge to the man who knows
Play-By-Mail League ...
I he would have been a great pro Quarterback " A wargamers play-by-mail league,
operating out of Huntington, Indiana,
I says Sports Illustrated has just been formed. For a very nom-
inal fee, officers of the league will take
As this magazine goes to press, the care of the many-sided details of co-
eyes and ears of the country are cen- ordinating games and matching appli-
t tered on football. Many college con- cants up with opponents in play-by-mail
II ferences are building up to their cham- games. In addition, they will under-
pionship games while the pros are de- take to rate players so that games be-
f lighting in the best year ever. Our own tween opponents can be played on as
Baltimore Colts, perenial powerhouse even a level as possible. Membership
of the NFL, are once again slashing will be restricted to the first 250 ap-
their way toward another championship plicants. The following information is
skein. Small wonder; their offices are , (Continued on Page 7)
practically next door to the author of
Football Strategy.
Sports Illustrated Magazine said ... F001BALL STRATEGY isn't this realistio
"Football Strategy is the be st football but those in the know olaim its the next Californians - Call to Arms
game ever invented." Magazines of the best thing to aotually playing the gameL From the Tactics & Strategy Club of
literary quality of Sports Illustrated California comes the following blurb:
don't usually make unequivical state-
ments such as this ... unless the must have a real attraction going for
you. That's what Football Strategy "What do AH games represent to
product's top notch. Our des ign de- you? Are they just games or do they
partment thinks its a great game (per- has been doing here at Benton &
Bowles for the past ten or twelve represent a problem of life? Are you
haps some bias here) and they are still interested in joining a club with the
playing it on their lunch hours. weeks. We want to congratulate you
on having devised this truly great emphasis on realism? Does military
Lunch-time Leagues game. Several of us who have played history, tactics, and strategy, interest
As a matter of fact, lunch-time college football, and some who just you? If so we call upon you to join the
love the game from a spectator point TACTICS AND STRATEGY CLUB of
Football Strategy leagues have become
the latest fad. For instance, from a of view, have been at various times CALIFORNIA. Here you will meet
attracted by various football games players, who like yourself, find endless
leading New York advertising agency,
came this testimonial. .. that have been introduced in the last fascination in playing AH games as if
"When you can get a dozen top-notch four or five years. Most of them from the general's HQ. Say that you
advertising men to pas s up expense depend on mathematical gimmicks, don't live in California? That's simple
account lunches at their choice of lights, dials, dice -- but none of just join our mail organization. If you
New York's better restaurants, you are the first to write from your state
(Continued On page 2)
perhaps you will be the one to organize
your state. If you live near us please
The Avalon Hill Phantom Strikes Again ... come in person." Write: George L.
Who is the Avalon Hill Phantom? Hill fan there's nO reaSOn in the world Phelps, T & S Club, 20624 Skouras
We're not at liberty to say ... he's why you, too, can't help the Phantom Drive, Canoga Park, California 90136.
still at large. And all of Baltimore is spread the Avalon Hill gospel all around
trying to figure out who is the per s'on the country.
that's pasting up Avalon Hill "Decals" The History Book Club
all over Baltimore town. Spread the Gospel
The "Don't Buyan Avalon Hill Game" All you'll need to become an Avalon We have been informed that The West
Decals have been appearing in the most -Hill Phantom are the Decals and a pair Point Atlas of American Wars and A
unusual places. In fact, the Phantom of sun glasses. You'll need the sun Military History and Atlas of Napol;;-:-
hasn't provoked so much laughter and glasses because the Decals are printed onic Wars is available through the
good-hearted fun here in town since on a bright "Day-glo" orange background. History Book Club, 40 Guernsey Street,
the days of the Cat Burglar. "Day-glo" orange is the most striking Stamford, Connecticut. Thanks to Ter-
Now we're going to let you in on the rence P. Schweider for giving us this
fun. If you are truly a devoted Avalon (Continued on Page 8) information.

~he ~VAtON *HILf "ALL

@~~~.n:~~~r1 Sports Digest"--for Naval Affairs
a bi-monthly newsletter mailed On the Real Sports Fanatic
the 1st day of January, March, May, For those interested in sports table
July, September and November. Walter Guerry Green III
games along the complexity level of P. O. Box 621
EDITED & Avalon Hill battle games, we recom- Burlington, N. Carolina
PUBLISHED by The mend you inquire about the "ALL Sports
Avalon Hill Company, Baltimore,
Maryland. Digest." This is a splendid tabloid
Copyright 1964 T.A. H. C.
containing a diver sity of articles and I have received a number of letters
Baltimore, Maryland. editorials on sports in general. Specif- On my last column and wish to thank
Printed in U. S. A. ically, it includes a book review sec- those who took time to write to me and
tion; you are kept up to date On player offer their ideas on my subject matter.
trades; there are also human interest At the time when I wrote that article I
r~n honest-to-Pete
" excerpts On players themselves ... you
might even learn which players have
athletes feet. In addition, a study of
did not have access to all my research
materials and accordingly missed a
number of heavy submarine types. In
(Continued from page 1) their statistical section will show you particular the boats of the U. S. Navy's
them even approaches the realism or things like how an obviously drugged Argonaut (l vessel, 2710 tons, 2-6")
excitement of Strategy. Even non- Baltimore Colt team could lose to the and Nautilus (2 vessels, 2730 tons,
footballers are attracted by the cere- ludicrous Minnesota Vikings. Write 2-6") classes and the Royal Navy's X-I
bral aspects of the game. Our now to: ALL Sports Digest, 2309 E. (2425 tons, 4-5.2" in turret mounts
Fierce Football League
started its third season.
has just
All of its
1st Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55812. with fire control) could have held their -'r
Own in a gunnery duel. A number of
members are regular football fans Japanese types especially the I-I (4
so we prefer to wait until all that Chief of Staff's vessels, 1955 tons, 2-5.5") and r::7 (2
Intercollegiate and NFL nonsense is vessels, 1,950 tons, 2-5.5") classes
over before we throw ourselves into
the greatest game ever invented. Our
Reading List would also have been tough opponents
for the more lightly armed types of
season will end when we have the This list is indorsed by General Max- escorts. I have also been told that a
championship Playoff between the well D. Taylor as basic professional number of Italian submarines mounted
Upstairs and Downstairs Divisions. reading recommended for Army offi- 4-3.9" although I have not been able to
The winner's name is engraved on a cers. verify this yet.
pewter mug which remains in his Century Of Total War, by Raymond
Aron, 1954. Best References
possession until the following season.
Again, congratulations from the Military Heritage Of America, by In an attempt to make this column
Fierce Football League who will be Cols. R. E. and T. N. Dupuy, 1956. more useful I am going to steal Jon
playing, and buying, the game for How Russia Is Ruled, by Merle Perica's idea of a book list. To start
some time to come." Fainsod, 1953. off for World War II buffs I would sug-
Avalon Hill is quite appreciative of A Hundred Years Of War, by Capt. gest the following standard references:
the above, and many other fine testi- Cyril Falls, 1953. Jane's Fighting Ships, editions 1938-
monials about its games. Its tantamount Foreign Policy: The Next Phase, by 46
to an actor being applauded, or a ball- Thomas K. Finletter, 1958. Brassey's Annual, editions 1938-46
player receiving a tumultous ovation. Power And Policy, by Thomas K. These two annuals are a must for those
Finletter, 1954. interested in the types of warships in
You are the Quarterback
Soviet Strategy In The Nuclear Age, use at this time and are extremely ac-
To you who haven't been caught up by Raymond L. Garthoff, 1958. curate. Jane's is really superior in
in the recent football fever, let us say that it contains photographs of all major
that the strategy inherent in this game clas ses wherever pos sible. Both of :1

could quite easily make you, too, a these serials are available at most good
devoted Avalon Hill sports game fanatic. libraries.
We recognize that there are many
realistic football games on the market More On U-Boat f-
designed on the order of our authentic To continue with my analysis of the
battle titles. However, none puts you game U-Boat I would like to offer some
as squarely in the quarterback's slot variations to the basic rules. As the
as does Football Strategy, the game present rules stand the bask game may
that dazzled the knowledgable writers easily be adapted to a World War I
of Sports Illustrated. situation by the elimination of the all-
seeing factor presently used. This goal
may be accomplished by either using
three separate boards -and a referee or
Design Your Own Games by use of two separate boards and a
grouping of squares as in Bismarck.
Amateur battle game inventors wish- Fr;m a practical standpoint the use of
ing to design their own can purchase a referee would probably be best as he
plain white mapsheets containing hex- _>.~.-~" '~~ .. c _ ~~r. __ -~ could determine visibility and listening
agons on a white background. They are ranges. The maximum listening range
available on 22" x 28" sizes for $1. 00 this year be different ... give for detection should perhaps be 1/4 or
per sheet. Quantity is limited at the less of the board area, and any vessel
present time. AVALON HILL GAMES (Continued on Page 7)

NS~2(Ei@af&:C5:J;; 1[Tb~ EI~~~gt~~:J~urprise
"] I
Whoever is interested in doubling
Thomas S. LaFarge the realism of some A. H. war games Victor Madeja
Groton School need only follow all the following pro- 287 Bedford Avenue
Groton, Massachusetts visos. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11211
A. Dummy Counters: These are to
EDITOR - New England covering Maine, create the impression of troops where EDITOR - - Middle Atlantic covering
none exist. Any counter can serve the New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachu-
setts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. purpose. They have absolutely no com-
bat value and can not be destroyed
(treat as Rommel unit in A. K.); their CHANCELLORSVILLE - 1 per 10 Conf.
movement rate varies. The number of factors; 1 per 20 Unit fac.
Limited Intelligence Game "D" units an army has is determined EX. for finding movement of "D":
by Thomas La Farge generally by its number of troops. The in Stalingrad the Germans have 94 fac-
speed of the unit is that of the troops tor s that move 6 and 171 that move 4.
This is the des cription of a game of They would receive 3 "D" units that
it is representing (EX. below). Num-
my design, based historically on the move 6 and 6 that move 4. (Exception:
ber of "D" counters per number of
pre-Napoleonic wars of the eight.eenth troops (all armies unless otherwise in A. K. there is an extra "D" that
century, which involves the principle moves 6 or 12, German player's choice).
that opponents cannot see all of each specified) in various games.
" AFRIKA KORPS - 1 for 10 def. factors If it is an arrival game, the "D" ar-
other's dispositions. WATERLOO - 1 to 25 factors rives with its quota troops.
This is not a game of anyone battle STALINGRAD - 1 for 25 def. factors B. Automatic Victory: As in A. K. ,
or campaign, and various details are TACTICS - 1 for 6 offensive factors is used in all above games. It requires
left to the players' imaginations, such mere commOn sense to justify this.
D-DAY - 1 per 30 Allied factors
as what locality is represented on the Germans receive four Its specific purpose is to enable the
(Continued on page 11) immediate exploitation of surprise and
prevent the occurrence of ridiculous
situations (in Stalin grad it is possible
for 2/2-3-6's to stop the advance of as
I ~Letters, Yes We Get Letters... ~ I many as 130 German factors
month ).
for 1

Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs: C. All counters are inverted, and

Yesterday I received your September remain so, until two opposing units
Your excellent games have moved
issue of the General. I know you must enter within 2 sqs of each other. These
me from the sand table to the dining particular units are immediately turned
be very busy lobbying Congres s to start room table.
WW III, but you should at least get your There are several of us here in San face-up and remain so until the distance
issues out on time so that we can enter between them increases.
Diego who devote a good ten hours a Exceptions: In D-DAY only 15 units
the many "contests" which appear in it
week to A-H tournament war-gaming at a time can be inverted and only 2 of
(i. e. Contest #3, or Operation Gigantis). (Monday and Friday nights). I've de-
G. Waldo Miller. these during the invasion turns. How-
vised a system that is simple but in-
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the ever, the "D" units may be placed any-
teresting. It is as follows: We play where starting the first turn.
lateness of delivery, we will make every Afrika Korps - Stalingrad ~ and D-Day
effort to rush out future copies to sub- in the order listed. Each individual Gettysbur g - A unit on a hilltop can
scribers~e may even put first class takes the Germans for three games "see" enemy units 2 miles away, on a
stamps On the envelope. against the same opponent and then crest 1 1/2 miles, on the plains 1 mile.
switches to take the Allies. It is scored The line of sight is a straight line and
Dear A. H. : in the following manner: The German units can not see through a forest or
player gets two points for winning hill square. To do so a unit must be
My September copy of the General
Afrika Korps, two points for winning two sqs away; this also applies if a unit
didn't reach me until Sept. 28. No of- is in a forest.
fense, but Guttenberg could have printed Stalingrad and one point for winning
D-Day. If the German player wins all To tell movement of inverted units
it faster and the Pony Express would mark the green side with a number or
have delivered it faster. You should three games, he is awarded a ten point
bonus. The Allied player gets one symbol, also make a line from corner
send them out in such a way that every- to corner on the red side.
one gets it about the same time, to point for winning both Afrika Korps and
Stalingrad with two points received for To conceal units that have turned
make the contest fair. Bob Wood, 873
N. 10th Ave., Upland, Calif., 91786. winning D-Day. If he wins all three, he face up you need only form a temporary
gets an eight point bonus. We keep a stack, secretly shuffle it, and continue
total point standing for all members, moving.
and it has proven to be quite a competi- That's it. Using this system it is
Gentlemen: possible to mass your troops secretly,
tive challenge .•• Bob Geasette.
Please find enclosed a postal money to launch surprise attacks, launch fients,
order for five dollars and no cents send out reconnisance missions, and
Dear Sirs:
($5.00). This money is for the purchase your skill will be given an even greater
of one of your D-Day games. From the Sept. General Q: "If sur- test than before.
By the way D-Day shows promise of rounded, can parachute units flyaway
becoming a new college game craze. and escape?" A: "Yes."
John M. Sharp, 175 Frontier Hall, Uni- What are you guys running around In my last column about Waterloo I
versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 14, there - an insane asylum? I didn't know neglected to mention that the II and III
Minn. (Continued on Page 12) (Continued on Page 7)
Afrika Korps- Tactics of Isolation
South Atlantic by Carl Knabe, II
I would like to introduce two terms
Hilary Smith relative to isolation in AFRIKA KORPS Carl F. Knabe II
7805 Maple Ridge Rd. single envelopment isolation and 1244 State Street Courts
Bethesda 14, Maryland double envelopment isolation. West Lafayette, Indiana
Single Envelopment Isolation -occurs
EDITOR - South Atlantic covering when a unit is isolated by a band
of control zones only one square EDITOR - Midwest covering Wisconsin,
Maryland, D. C., West Virginia, Vir- Michigan, illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
ginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South wide at some point.
Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Missis- Double Envelopment Isolation
sippi and Florida. occurs when there are two (or attack, to isolate the unit in such a
more) line s of zone s of control manner that no matter where it moves
In the absence or Mr. Smith's column ror around a unit isolating it. there is no supply line.
November is the rollowing by Albert Nori This rather technical distinction

The simple case of isolation is the
takes on importance when considered triangular arrangement of units in
with the LOGISTICS rule of AFRIKA
diagram#l, the simplest case of single
The Long RompsI KORPS:
envelopment isolation in open country.
1. A Combat unit may attack only However, if a supply unit is available,
by AlbertNofi if the square it is attacking from is (or if the odds would be 1to 3 or great-
within 5 squares of a Supply Unit. The er) then in order to as sure destruction
Sgt. Zocchi's truly masterful Opera- 5-square route must be unblocked by of the isolated unit double envelopment
tion Can Can (July issue) is a fine ex- enemy zones of control. isolation must be employed. The most
ample of what a plan should be and an And the definition under ISOLATION
effective method of achieving double
excellent offensive plan for Blue. of a supply,line: envelopment isolation is, of course,
Since variety is the spice of life, A supply line is any line of square s employing two concentric single en-
and because I am running out of super- one square wide (not under enemy zones velopment isolations. Often this is not
latives, I would like to offer my own of control) leading to a Supply Unit. possible, however, and in this case
favorite starting line-up which has af- Now is states under ISOLATION that (ex. German isolation of the British
forded hours of successful conquests isolated units themselves cannot attach 2 Arm. 3 at Msus on the first turn of
over startled foes. It is not necessary to break isolation, but the unstated AFRIKA KORPS) the simplest method
to follow the plan exactly and hence it corollary is that if a unit by plac ing it- is. a diamond shaped formation (diagram
takes considerably more than two games self in an attacking position (a 5-square # 2) us ing four units to create two line s
for your opponent to catch on. supply route existing to that position) of isolation at the same time.
The plan is based On the premise can show a line of supply then it can,
that Blue has the fir st turn and is use- in fact, attack, since it is no longer an
less otherwise. There are two parts "isolated" unit which is attacking.
to it, which I have labeled "Long Romp From this it becomes the object of the
I" and "Long Romp II" for reasons isolater, that if it is possible for the
which will readily be seen. enemy Supply Unit to reach that posi-
tion necessary for the isolated Unit's
Long Romp I
This is an offensive operation against
C 43-16. Having done this march
I I ,(:)
the 2d MtnDiv into the
Take 3d Arm Div at 28- 33 and march
21 squares to square 42-16 of C 43-16. I~i:
mountains at 36-32 to
March 1st and 2nd Amph Divs from guard the passes and
24-41 and 28-39 10 and 9 squares re- march the bulk of III
spectively to Blue Capital's two easter- Corps up to the river-
most dock areas and put to sea. Land line at 26 NS.
these troops at Beach B43-14 and march When all this is done
them to squares 42-14 and 41-14 re- you have completed Op- SINGLE ENVELOPMENT ISOLATION
spectively. This, coupled with 3d Arm eration Long Romp 1.
Div's operation give you control of JYC~' This can be done in COn-
C 43-16. FIG. I junction with or inde-
Take 5th' Arm Div from 29-50 and pendently of Operation
march it three squares On the road to Long Romp II which is below.
C 28- 51 and put out to sea. Land at Long Romp II
C 43-16 and march around 3d Arm Div
and acros s the river for a total of 6 This is an offensive operation against
squares to 40-15. C 3-28.
Take 2nd Arm Div, at 16-35, and
Drop 1st Para Divat 41-18 to pro- march it 18 road squares to 9- 24 and
tect your flank against a thrust across then one off road square to 8-23.
the river. Take 2nd Para Div and drop at 3- 29.
March through the city and then back to
Finally march 4th Arm Div, 17th square 4- 27 thus taking and garis soning
and 19th Inf Divs, and IV Corps HQ C 3-28.
along the mountain road as far as possi- "Launch" 6th Arm Div from C 28-51
ble. In arranging IV Corps area do it after moving 4 road squares and land
as per figure 1. (Continued on Page 8) DOUBLE ENVELOPMENT ISOLATION
This contest involves Football Strat-
egy. YOU are the Quarterback as you
attempt to crash through the solid de-
fensive wall of our own "Avalon Hill
Bledskins." All you have to do is select
an offensive play for each of 4 downs.
The object is to gain as many yards as
possible. ,
Now - as the hulking forms of stellar
linebackers Sam Rough, Steve Bone-
breaker and Big Daddy Lipsplitter peer
at you in disdain, get set for your first
offensive play.
Refer to the GAME PLAN chart.
Under the Offensive Play column select
one play for each down from among
plays 1 thru 20 shown on the Offensive
Plays From Scrimmage chart of youI'

l Football Strategy game. Indicate the

4 plays you select by number only.
This is all you have to do. See the
hypothetical example (A).

Yardage gains and losses will be
determined in the manner similar
the way combat is resolved in the Play-
by-Mail system: the judges will con-
----- - CUT HERE - - --

sult the N. Y. Stock Exchange report GAME

(selectfor byclosing
transactions of Monday,.
December 7, 1964. The
COCA COLA last digit of
the Sales -in-Hundreds column for the
Stocks that have been selected will be FORD
converted to the 10 basic defenses rep-
resented by,letters A thru J. A last
digit number of "1" converts to "Defense
All, "2" converts to IIDefense BII, etc.
with "0" converting to "Defense J."
Each Defense will then be cross-index-
ed against each of the 4 Offensive plays
to get the yards gained (or lost. )
Ten winners will be named. Winning
entries will be those who gain the most
yards in 4 downs. In case of ties,
earliest postmarked entries will decide
(allowances will be made for distant
entrants.) Winners will be awarded a
FREE Avalon Hill game of their. choice.
This contest is free to all subscrib-
ers. Simply fill in the GAME PLAN Name PRIZE _
and mail to: The Avalon Hill Company,
210 W. 28th Street, Baltimore, Mary-
land 21211. Contest Dept. Entries must
be postmarked on or before Saturday, Addres e~ _
December 5, 1964. Print your name
and address clearly. And make sure
II that you mention the game you wish as City
winning prize. State _

Hickok Wins Contest #3 Operation Overlord ... Central
Congratulations are in order for by Daniel Hughes
Charles Hickok who was the first to Since so many readers have express-
submit a perfect contest paper. In ed interest in the large game of the
addition, four other contestants sub- type I described in my last article, this Daniel Hughe s
1634 North Sheridan
mitted perfect papers. Their entry is time I shall devote my attention mainly
shown below. The following is the com- to another of our large garnes, Overlord. Wichita, Kansas 67203
plete list of winners: Overlord was, of course, the code name
1. Charles Hickok, Windy Hill-Box for the invasion of France in 1944. You EDITOR - - Central covering North Da-
6, Harrisburg, Pa. might say we have a souped-up version kota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Ne-
2. Dan Drewek, 311 W. Lexington of D-Day. Since the board measure s braska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri.
Blvd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 60" by 50", the re are more invas ion
3. MichaelR. Childers, 3137 Tilfer, squares, more mts., longer river lines, The time period remains the same -
Houston, Texas. and many more units. one week. Against any German unit
4. Richard C. Lewis, Jr., P. O. which is doubled or tripled, 2-3 or 13-
Number of Units Quadrupled
Box 21405, University Station, Baton 24 counts as 1-1. 1-6 is necessary for
Rouge, Louisiana. We have approximately quadrupled soaking off. All fortresses triple. The
5. Gil Hoskins, 1604 Eleanor Drive, the number of units. In D- Day, after West Wall is like fortresses in Afrika
San Mateo, California. the 16th week, the Germans receive 5 re- Korps. They double, and do not control
6. Steve Mann, Rt. 2, Box 413, placement factors per turn. We have squares adjacent to them. If they were
Cheyenne, Wyoming. found the actual numbers of the new not this way, the line would merely be .'~
7. Jim Harkonen, 402 Shaw Street, German divisions, so periodically new another river line, which would be
Rockford, Illinois.
8. Nick Horning, 2822 Rugby Road,
German formations appear in Western
Europe. The German receive the ac-
easy for the Allies to break. We allow
the Allies to land after the 9th week in
Dayton, Ohio. c tual new divisions in the order they selected areas (Such as Biscay and
9. Daniel Hughes, 1634 N. Sheridan, actually were made available. This is South France. )
Wichita, Kansas. more realistic, since not all new for- More Room for Maneuver
10. Brian Berry, 1111 Linda Flora mations are motorized. The German The board has about 100 invasion
Drive, Los Angeles 49, California. is very hard put to keep his armored square s. There is one main line of
strength up, which was actually the (Continued on Page 12)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of -the Sep- case. He must make do with what for-
tember issue mailing delay, we ex- mations, happen to be available. About
tended the deadline for this contest. 50% of the new German divisions were Discount Offer
We disqualified no one because of a late static and Volksgrenadier divisions of
entry. low value. The Coupon shown below is for the bene-
fit of the full-year subscriber. As soon
- - - CUT HERE - - - - - as you have accumulated 4 such cou-
pons, 1 each from this and succeeding
issues, you are entitled to a $1. 00 dis-
Design Questionaire count applied to the purchase of any

What is Avalon Hill's next game?

Well, Avalon Hill's as much in the dark
o Coral S_ea - Pacific Theatre ship vS
ship engagement of the 2nd World
Avalon Hill game.

Here's how it works

as you are. Their design staff has been
isolated for over a month now and the
best they've been able to come up with
D Guadalcanal - World War II battle
for the Pacific Island.
Each coupon is worth 25~. But one
coupon alone does not entitle you to a

is, "COLISEUM", an exciting historical

pursuit game. Unfortunately, it's bal-
D Italian Front - Invasion of Italy in-
volving Anzio, Salerno, etc. follow-
25~ credit. You must accumulate 4
different coupons before taking advant-
age of the $1.00 credit. When you have
anced in favor of the lions. ing the African and Sicily cam- accumulated 4 coupons, then you clip
Therefore, we must call upon YOU paigns of World War II.
to .make this decision for us. Listed D Jutland - World War I sea battle of
the north Atlantic.
them all together and send them in with
your order for an Avalon Hill game. ,1
below are game titles most often re-
quested on the Registration Cards.
have listed them alphabetically
so as
D Korea - land battle police action of
the early 1950's, staring Avalon
When ordering in this manner,
simply send us a check or money-order

for $1. 00 less than the usual retail value


not to influence your thinking. Please Hill's own design staff members in of the game.
pick out three titles only. And list them action at the front.
by number; 1, 2 or 3 ... number 1 be-
ing your favorite.
D Tactics III - Hexagonal-mapboard
fictional battle utilizing best fea-
Coupons are valid only when order-
ing games by mail directly from The
Avalon Hill Company. Coupons can not
tures of Avalon Hill's better his-
be redeemed at any retail outlet.

D Ancient Greek Wars - involving

Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Thebas,
o torical battle games.
Yorktown - final battle of the Amer-
ican Revolution.
25¢ 25¢
etc. D -------
D Basketball Strategy - based on same
principles of Football and Baseball
Other (describe) 41
Strategy games. ~ GOOD ONLY WHEN APPUED
D Battle of the Bulge - The Ardennes
campaign of World War II following
------(-Y-o-u-r-s-i-g-n-a-t-u-r-e-)------U TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF

o the invasion.
Bull Run - first battle of the Civil
Please send this Questionnaire to us as
soon as possible.
Your help is greatly NOV. 1964
NOV. 1964


Play-By-Mail League. Meanwhile -

(Continued from Page 1) Northwest
printed exactly as furnished to our Back at Tactics II
editorial office:
liThe league itself will be composed After I had played Tactics II about
ten times the game began to seem too Philip Beasley
of four distinct groups--C, B, A, and 522 W. 2nd Street
AA. The C group will be composed of simple to me. I felt this way because
Libby, Montana
all the individuals who have an average the game just didn It seem to have enough
unit s .
score less than 1. 99; the B group will EDITOR:
contain those individuals who have an The first thing I did was double the Northwest covering Idaho,
number of divisions. Since I didn't have Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah and
average score between 2.00 and 2.50; Colorado.
the A group will be between 2.51 and the extra set of counters, I used divi-
2.75; the AAgroup will be between 2.76 sions from D-Day until I could get an-
and 3.00. The average will be obtained other set of counters. Later on, when
I received another set of counters I
by dividing the total number of points
by the number of games played (three decided to try adding them to the game. History Buff Appointed
points for every win and one point for I gradually phased them into the game
a loss) .. Since some of the games are by adding one armored, two infantry, Northwest Editor ...
slanted, the secretary will oscillate and one specialized division per re-
you between sides and, if possible, placement period. Although I am only 15 years of age
. \ games. At the completion of five league Another innovation of mine was the and will only be a Sophomore in the
games, your rating will be published introduction of three entirely new types 1964- 1965 school year, I feel that I am
in our bi-annual newsletter. of divisions to Tactics II. The first of qualified for the position.
"Because of various difficulties, our these was a division I labeled heavy I was born in Spokane, Washington
game scope is limited to Stalingrad, armored. This division would consist -in 1949and lived there for two years un-
Waterloo, D-Day and Afrika Korps. primarily of tanks On the order of the til my family moved to Libby, Montana.
Incidentally, we supply the official co- German Tiger Tank. It has a combat I have participated in baseball, football,
ordinates. factor of five and a movement factor of and track. I bought my first Avalon
"The only requirements for member- four, it can cross rivers only at bridges Hill game, "Gettysburg" in 1961 and
ship is the payment of a $1.00 due, and, of course, cannot travel in forests. since then have acquired: D-Day,
which- is to cover the various cost (a If it is somehow lost you must wait un- Tactics II, Bismarck, and Stalingrad.
complete record of expenditures will til your next replacement period and I have read many books on military
be in the newsletter) and the member then count nine months. history, covering all the major cam-
The second unit is the armored in- paigns of the Revolutionary War, Civil
agrees to play at least two PBM games
a year. fantry, of which there are two. It has War, World War I and II and Korea.
"If you are interested in joining just the same restrictions as the regular My columns would be written with the
send your dues and an index card with: armored division, except that it has a purpose of examining campaigns fought
combat factor of three and a movement in your games and writing my opinion
1. Your name, address and phone factor of six.
number. on their execution and planning and
The third unit is the motorized di- telling of alternative plans and my opin-
2. The list of AH games you own
vision, of which there are also two. ions of them.
(of the above mentioned four).
3. The game and side you wish to (Contin~ed from Page 12)
play in with your fir st encounter.
In return, my office will send you: 5. Isolated Para units can not take
1. A receipt for your dues.
2. An official membership card with
The Element of Surprise D-DA Y
your number. Presently an infantry unit in Water-
3. An opponent. (Continued from Page 3)
loo can move more than twice as much
4. Re gulations and additional in- Prussian Corps arrive by the primary as an armored unit in D-Day. Try
formation. road on the eastern board edge and
Our address is: doubling all movement except during
French II Cav Corp must also remain the invasion turns.
Avalon Hill Wargamers PBM League E of Chaleroi. Another idea related to
Box 572 this one is changing the blocked road SEA WAR
Huntington, Indiana 46750 rule. If a road is blocked, the arriv- Even with my limited knowledge of
ing units come through the nearest un- naval war games, it seems to me that
Naval Affairs blocked sq. a pretty great game might be devised if
TACTICS III all the ships in Bismarck were divided
(Continued from Page 2)
into two navies, not necessarilynumer-
listening should be required to proceed The general opInIon around here is ically the same, but equal in their abili-
at 1/2 speed or less. If visibility is that Tactics II is one of the worst A. H. ties to sustain combat.
assumed to be good enough to cover the war games. For a possible improve- I suggest splitting the cruisers and
entire board area, moves may be made ment try these changes: carriers into two equal forces. Bis-
submerged by means of secret record- 1. Four Units of any type are allow- marck, Hood, Ramillies, Repulse would
ed notes, and a separate board system ed to a square. make up the rest of one force; while the
would no longer be needed. However, 2. Automatic Victory. remaining capital ships, the other.
as often happened in the North Sea and 3. Victory is achieved if you COn- Force A would start at H-6, and force
North Atlantic visibility was reduced trol more than half the enemy cities B from A-6. Both sides fight to the
and accordingly in the days prior to for three consecutive turns (Industrial last ship.
the introduction of radar some sort of capacity would be shattered). Well so long for now. There's about
concealment method should be arranged, 4. Moving 2 sqs diagonally equals twenty tanks outside and I hear some
that is if you want this added realism. 3 sqs of normal movement. mumbling about AFRIKA KORPS.

,- -
How to Win at Word Power Without Increasing Southwest
Your Vocabulary ... the window sUuation is passed on to
by Louis Zocchi the next player and you haven't helped S/SGT. Louis Zocchi
There will be times during the game him at all, but if he covers any window CMR #2, Box 5600
when you will be required to play some- other than #1, he has helped you. Keesler AFB, Mississippi
thing you don't have. Let's say you
Avoid Setting Up The Next Player
are required to playa synonym when
you have none. If there are no cards EDITOR - Southwest covering Arizona,
Lets say that there are 2 windows New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkan-
in any of the windows, you are faced filled and U is your turn to play. In sas and Louisiana.
with paying a $2,000 fine or playing an your hand you can fill in the 3rd window
antonym. Play the antonym. You might with one of your cards and the others
skate by unnoticed. If you are caught, are no help at all. If you think that one open window. This way you might draw
you will loose $1, 000 but you still sav- of the players to follow you will be able a card you are more familiar with or
ed $1,000. to supply the card required to fill in the you might draw a card 'that could fill in
It's your turn to play, and there is 4th window, you might be wiser to play a blank window.
a card in the first window. In your a card that is completely wrong in a
hand you have a choice of cards. Let's Club vs Club Combat
box that is already filled. You will
say that you don't have enough cards to probably loose $1,000, but you will al- Tommy Turner of 3110 Hamil ton in
fill all the windows but you could fill so refrain from setting up the next play- La Porte, Texas has asked me to men-
windows #1, #3, & #4. You should play er. ·If you can afford the loss of money, tion that he has formed a wargames
the card that fills in window # 1. If you you will be in a better position to com- club and would like any Texans living
play all 3 cards you set up the next plete the book yourself. When you play near La Porte to contact him. Tommy
player. All the next player has to do cards that you know are wrong just to would like to engage in Club to Club
is play the card for #2 window if he has avoid setting up your opponents, it is combat so if you people who already
it and he gets a book. Why help him at best to play the words you don't know belong to clubs will write to Tom, I'm
all? If you play your # 1 window card or words that don't match up with the sure he will appreciate U.

Avalon Hill Phantom ·The Long Romps I

(continued from page 1)
(Continued from Page 4)
color' there is and it's luminous sparkle
enables it to be seen from long distances. U at C 3-28. March to 7-23 and 2nd
The' Decals are easy to attach to Arm Div's flank.
surfaces. No gluing necessary. A Take 16th Inf Div from 36-46 and
self-adhesive coating is printed on the ' march 6 road squares to C 43-43. Put
back of each. All you have to do is to sea and la;'d at C 3- 28' s eastermost
peel the paper backing; press to a sur- dock area and march 9 road squares to
face ... and then run. 8-24 and 2nd Arm Div's other flank.
Where should you put them? We'll Then take 1st Mtn Div and march 9
let that up to your imagination. All we squares from 14-42 to Blue CapUal's
know is that these wallet-size Phantom nearest dock area and put to sea. Land
Decals have appeared on envelopes, at C 3- 28' s central dock area and march
school books, even restaurant menus. GADZOOKSt THE PHANTOM HAS SmUCK AGAINI to 6-24 thus protecting 6th Arm Div's

The Phantom measures 2 1/2" x 1 1/2". flank and preventing Red from slipping
print the name of the subscriber who through the pass at 4-23.
gets one On a jet airliner. ) Having done this march the bulk of
We'd like to be able to give them I Corps towards C 3-28 excepting one
DON'T BU~ away. But we can't. First, to make Inf Div which should be detached to
guard the road paralleling 10 EW.
an ~\'70~®[ii} game U easy for you, we have applied the
adhesive backing which is a very costly Finally move II Corps up to the
un\ess proce s s. Secondly, we want to limit riverline at 26 NS and concentrate the
yoU are 0~~i\ge!
the distribution of the Decals to only
those of you who have purity of purpose
divisions remaining in the rear (18th,
20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th
and will be discreet in where you put Inf Divs) at the various ports to prevent
I- them. a Red landing in your rear while you're
Once you've gained a little "combat All prices are post-paid,Decals sent slicing up his territory.
experience" you can do additional "in- to you first class mail. The "Long Romps" leave you in
filtrating" with the larger sizes: there's The Phantom 50 for $1. 00 possession o·f a fine jump off line for
nothing like Conspicuous consumption The Conspicuous 4 for $1. 00 your next few turns which should be
which is what Baltimoreans are saying The Jumbo 2 for $1. 00 aimed at cutting the Island off from the
about the 7" x 10" size they have seen The~r 1 for $1.00 rest of Red territory and trapping the
attached to car bumpers and church You may order in unlimUed quanti- major portion of Red's army on the
pews. The next size up, the Jumbo, is ties but the minimum order must be for mainland.
15" x 22". We don't make any recom- $1. 00. Enclose a checkor money order The beauty of this plan is that pure
mendations here nor can we suggest and mail to: The Avalon Hill Company, maneuver has been used to put Red off
where to· put the Blinder, our giant 22" 210 W. 28th Street, Baltimore, Mary- balance. For anything up to three turns
x 3D" Decals that have made their sur- land 21211. (Actually, the Phantom is Red will be unable to reply adequately
reptUious appearances on trucks and somewhere else and only the postman to you and by that time it could be all
condemned house walls. (NOTE: we'll knows. ) over if you press your advantages.


Herbert Stern and His Aluminum Foil Combat

Results Table bulbs which are available in any hobby
shop; I found that red bulbs show up
I Arctic I
by Herbert Stern best. For power I used a 9 volt No. Martin D. Leith
216 transistor radio battery because it Box 623, Quesnel,
It was with considerable interest that does not overheat the bulb filaments B. C., Canada
I read Martin Leith's article on the and it is a very small, easy to manage
electric combat results board. In ad- battery.
ditiori to my interest in your games, I Finally, I felt that with just one cir- Really now, I may be a bit North,
have also been a model railroader for cuit possibility the players would SOOn but I'm not in the Arctic. I'm over
a number of years, and so I have quite learn the most advantageous keys to 2000 miles south of the Arctic. Avalon
a lot of electrical odds and ends lying pres s, and there would soon be only one Hill, take notice.
around. After some experimenting I or two possible results in any given I wear ordinary clothes - not a fur
believe I have improved On three short- situation. To alter this, I connected suit, there s steak in the 'fridge - not

comings of Mr. Leith I s board. the wire leads from the switches and whale blubber, I live in a stucco house
Mr. Leith used three keys On each light bulbs to brass studs On the inside - not an igloo, and I drive a big fat
side. This gives nine possible results, of the cabinet. Next I made up cards convertible - not a dog-team.
thus making some combinations more which could be placed inside in the right EDITOR'S NOTE: you're also just
likely.than others. I give the attacker spot by means of two wooden posts in about the only Avalon Hill player in
two keys and the defender three; this the box which fit through holes in the those 2,000 miles consequently you're
results in six pos sible combinations _ card. I glued aluminum foil to the card it for the entire northern hemisphere.
one for each side of the die. For the which carry the current between the but thanks for the geography les son.
actual construction of the keys, I took proper contacts; the appearance of the
some old relay contacts from my Junk card is much like a printed circuit First comments on the '64 version
drawer and arranged them into two which would easily lend itself to com- of Gettysburg:
TPST and three DPST switches with mercial possibilities. I have a number I don't agree with the "no movement
each leaf insulated from the others of these circuit cards. Before a game delay" in the game;
when in the OFF position. they are shuffled, and for every turn a The Civil War has been one of my
With this switch set-up, I can no~ new card is used. A rubber band ar- favorite eras of history for as long as I
wire the results board to six bulbs rangement keeps the card firmly press-
rather than three. These bulbs I set can remember, so from one of my
ed against the contacts. books on the war, entitled "The Civil
right into the results table On the cabi- Those with comments may write me War" (Hansen) I would like to quote a
net (a cigar box) in the 1-1 row. For at: 88-35 196th St., Hollis, New York few references to the Gettysburg battle
bulbs I used 12 volt grain-of-wheat 11423.
·which should pointq"ut,why there should
be movement delays."';;;'
"Cemetery Ridge is lost in sloping
country heavily loaded with rocks and
"The 15th Alabama had an arduous
climb up the less exposed sides of Big
Round Top. "
"The Brigade of Brig. Gen. E. M.
Law struggled up the craggy slopes of
Little Round Top, dodging among bould-
Peach Orchard and Devils Den-
which are not shown on the board - are
described as terrain so difficult that
only manual strength could move the
guns over the huge crags.
In the game, if I have an artillery
unit in square 18-15, I can go merrily
up, over and down Cemetery Ridge at
---- Do".';O LIN€~ AfI,E Tilt A~\I('IIN\lM STRIP~
full movement factor.
I feel it is logical to as sume that to
take artillery over such terrain at full
odds table in regular play, simply roll gallop, in real life, would have resulted
More Realism in TacticsII the dice twice. The first roll would in injury to horses, guns and caissons
(Continued from Page 10) determine if the number would be odd having shattered axles and wheels, and
in Europe and the Pacific from the air or even. The second toss would tell gunners being thrown in all directions.
and land to the sea. The fabulous pic- you which of the five po·ssible com- The same should hold true for going
tures in these books are some of the binations you've rolled. Example: 1st through the wooded areas, what with
best ever. roll 4. This means your number will guns bouncing over dead-falls and gun-
5. The Guns ·of August by Barbra be even. 2nd roll 3. The third even ners being whacked On the chops with
Tuchman. Excellent account of the number is 6. In the event that you roll branches.
events that led up to and occurred in a 6, on the second roll, you'll have to And, can anyone imagine a cavalry
the first month of WW I. roll again. Marly thanks to Ron Siskind, charge through woods? My imagination
945 Gayley Ave., Los Angeles for his conjures up a picture of a trooper dang-
Tip of the Month tip. If you have ideas that might make ling by his chin from a low hanging
To incorporate the play-by-mail good suggestions, send them in! (Continued on Page 11)
-- •.
Question .Coroer_: _
": .• ',' _'P': -"_': __''''":,,.:~~.- .._._.. '.':' ..._.. ~u,. .•• _PuJti"gl~9J~ ~eali~J11-
". --
._- '-' __
····TatHcs-:ll-~·:': 1··~l'aPifi~;~"$t.'.'
Q: Suppose a 7- 7-10 Unit is completely
surrounded by 1-1-6 zones of control by Jon Perica Jon Perica
and there is no Supply Unit within the If most of you are like me, after a 5663 Ramara Avenue
encirclement", can the 7- 7-10 Unit attack while, playing Avalon Hill games seems Woodland Hills,
out? to become less challenging in the sense California 91364
A: Yes ... because once the 7-7-10 is that the movements in each game be-
moved against a 1-1-6 Unit, there oc- come almost automatic. EDITOR - - Pacific Coast covering Ha-
curs an automatic victory situation waii, California, Oregon, Washington
Therefore, after quite a bit of think- and the Far East.
which immediately negates that 1-1- 6' s ing on the matter, the members of the
zone of control thus providing a supply Committee for Games Improvement
path to an outside Supply Unit. and Development have come up with 12 ing and important changes suggested
Tactics II: suggestions that they hope might be in- by the committee.
corporated in any future games Avalon 11. Complete changes in the odds
Q: What is the Replacement Center? Hill develops. table. Instead of exchanges and elimi-
A: Both Blue and Red Countries have Several of these ideas are found in nations, the table would simply say de-
replacement areas so marked close to part among other AH games, but the fender loose 3 combat factors and re-
their respective capital cities. committee has gone a little bit further treat 2 squares, or attacker loose 4
Q: If a Unit is attacked from acros s in their development.- Although these factors and retreat 3 squares. The
the river and clear terrain, is it suggestions could be applied to almost reason for such a drastic change would
doubled? any game on any topic, they were spe- be to bring about a true realism not
A: No. cificallycreatedfor a modern warfare found in the present odds table. Even
type of game similar to Tactics II. if a unit is badly defeated, it is very
U-Boat: unlikely that it would be totally destroy-
1. Approximately equal sides with
ed. Before this happens, the attacker
Q: Can a damaged U-Boat enter the the only difference, if any, in the types
of pieces. The total number of factors or defender would usually break off the
convoy zone if it is submerged? engagement. As it is now, the loss of
for both sides would be even.
A: No. because a damaged U-Boat (one part of your men completely eliminates
that has sustained one near miss) must 2. Use of a lot of units, between
your entire piece.
surface and cannot submerge again. 300-350 as an example if large factor
Thus a damaged U-Boat cannot enter pieces were used, would provide many 12. All units engaged in a battle
the convoy zone and must sink the DE chances to attack and counterattack. would loose at least one factor by
to win the game. With smaller factor pieces, the total simply fighting. This takes into account
might be between 225-275. the losses that every attacking unit
Stalingrad: 3. No real object in th'e game other occurs. It hardly seems logical that a
than the elimination of your opponent. unit could attack 3 times at 1-1 and win
Q: If a Unit is attacked from across a With the large number of pieces, it but still have the same attack strength.
river and along the same river is it would allow for great mobility because This suggestion would also make the
doubled? of the lack of restrictions. use of reserves necessary because the
A: Yes. 4. All units behind the main lines longer a unit was engaged in combat,
Q: Can Italian and Hungarian Units be and natural obstructions are hidden and the smaller its factors would be. To
placed in Finland? their movement secretly recorded. build up lost factors, every 2nd or 3rd
A: No. No additional Units can be 5. Attacking factors would be in- turn each unit would regain 1 of its fac-
placed in Finland after the first Turn. creased depending upon which direction tor s. This change, along with the odds
Q: Can Units be placed next to the they attacked the defender. table changes would make it easier and
Hungarian border on the first turn? 6. Use of supply pieces would be more profitable to attack at 1-1 and 2-1
A: Yes. necessary for any attacks. The only odds. In reality, it seems that in very
Q: Do defending Units get doubled de- difference between this idea and the few battles did the attacker outnumber
fending behind the Lug, Volkov or Sivr supply rule in Afrika Korps would be the enemy 3 to 1.
rivers if they are on a swamp square? that each supply piece could supply only Book List
A. Yes. so many factors in an attack.
1. The Land They Fought For: the
7. Bridges and railroads could be
D-Day: Story of the South as the Confederaq
destroyed by engineer units in one turn.
by Clifford Dowley. Many books have
Q: Is there any limit to the number of To repair the damage it would take one
turn also, but actual movement would been written On the Civil War, but none
replacements the Germans can get in have viewed our great conflict from
D-Day? have to wait until the second turn.
this aspect before.
A: No. While you are restricted to 5 8. All units could 'see' several
2. Rommel, the Desert Fox by
attack factors per week, they may be squares ahead of him. This is where
Desmond Young. In n;>y opinion, best
accumulated. Any German Unit may your small recon units would come in-
biography of the great German com-
be used except HQ Units. to play by probing enemy positions and mander ever written. Read how Rom-
Q: Are Rotterdam and Amsterdam con- mel's Volkswagon tanks tricked the
9. Artillery would have a range English.
sidered coastal land squares? And if greater than one square. To counter
so, is it permittable to place static this advantage, the defense factor of 3. The U. S. Navy in WW II by
divisions in them to receive the first the units would be very small. Morrison. Complete series of volumes
invasion? 10. Slight change in the odds table that deal with the battles at sea on both
A: No, these ports cannot be invaded to allow odds of 6-7 or 10-12 to be fronts.
by sea on the invasion week. rounded off to 1- 1. 4. Illustrated Military History of
The next two suggestions go hand in WW II. 14 volumes that cover the war
(Continued on Page 12) hand and represent the most far reach- (Continued on Page 9)
I limited Intelligence Game
The organization of the game involves
each player being out of sight of the
his spies cover, as it might be fifteen
squares. He could choose to cover
(Continued from Page -3) others. With the extra map that I men- fifteen different cross-roads or bridges,
maps, what units the armies will be tioned there is a Control Figure. He which he would tell the Control Figure
made up of, even how many players the has before him constantly the disposi- of, so that, whenever there was any
game will involve. All that need be tions of all the units of all the players, enemy movement through those squares,
said about the maps is that (a) each and he coordinates things. he would learn of it from the Control
player should have one and there should A. Observation. Here the limited-
Figure. There would be the danger of
be One extra; (b) the maps should be intelligence principle comes into direct the enemy skirting those squares, so
hexagoned - with a grid and identical to bearing. Each individual player is the he might have five groups of three
the extent that the same physical fea- commander-in-chief of his troops, adjacent squares being covered, or
tures would Occur in corresponding sitting in a Headquarters with a map in three groups of five, or one group of
squares; (c) since this game involves front of him. What he sees On that map fifteen for that matter. If a player
both campaigns and battles, the boards is the sum total of the reports sent him knows where an enemy's spy is, he
must be fairly large. As for the units, by his troops, s couts and spies, Now names the square exactly to the Con-
each player must have a complete set assuming this, it is obvious that he can- trol Figure; if he is right, then that
of his own troops and his opponents'. not see all of his enemies' dispositions. spy is shot, and his owner must wait
In my personal game I have organized At the end of each turn, each player four turns, to train and establish
the units after the French Revolutionary sends to the Control Figure the disposi- another spy, before replacing the dead
system _ tions of all his forces, and before the one. Each player has an unlimited,
beginning of the next turn the Control number of guesses, whether he is right
Figure sends back a report of exactly or wrong, but he should only be allowed
Arctic (Continued from Page 9) what enemy units the player's sources to make a limited number each turn,
know the locations of.
branch while his mount goes rambling Scouts move with the troops, and like say one or two, If he guesses and
On alone. affect the play only in that they mean is wrong, the owner of the spy in ques-
I would like to suggest that all move- that a body of troops always knows what tion is informed of the guess, and what
ment be reduced to one square per turn is happening within a certain distance square(s) are involved. Spies may
when going through a wooded area - un- all around; that distance depending On move, but One turn must elapse between
less units are On a road. the scale map you're using. the turn they leave one locality and the
Also, unless a unit is on a road, it Spies are for more long-range work. turn that they become effective in
must halt when reaching a ridge and Commanders are assumed to know what another.
proceed over the ridge at one square goes on in their own countries (through
per turn. loyal peasants, et'c.) But each player AH NOTE: The second and concluding
When On the ridge, and moving in a is allowed to know something of what part of this article, containing info on
North-South direction, movement could goes on behind the lines in enemy coun- movement, combat, supply and other
be at full factor. tries as well - through spies. The variables, will appear in the January
Only the heavily shaded ridges and player is given a certain acreage that issue.
hills need be affected by the "crossing" OPPONENTS WANTED Afrika Korps, Waterloo, D-Day, and Capable Southern General would like to
suggestion. Stalingrad opponents wanted. Experi-
ence necessary. I prefer non-radical,
challenge any Yankee in a game of
Gettysburg ('64 copyright) or Chancel-
These would be Herr Ridge, Mc EDITOR IS NOTE: As a free service to anti-leftist challengers. Write: Mifhael lorsville. I also will play all other
Pherson Ridge, the north tip of Semi- the subscriber. we will publish any McCabe, 1460 Sunset Strip, Fort" Laud-
erdale, Florida 33313.
A-H land battle games. Write: Brian
"Want Ad" submitted to us. Please Berry, 1111 Linda Flora Drive, Los
nary Ridge, Cemetery Ridge, Cemetery type your "Ad" and word it exactly as Opponents needed for Afrika Korps Angeles 49, California.
Hill, Oak Hill, Benner Hill, Culps Hill, you wish it published. Ads received either side, mail answer to: Bruce T. Do you have a club? Are you a mem-
after the 15th day preceding publication Klem, 2463 So. 80th St., West Allis, ber of one? If 50 please reply to this
Wolf Hill, Powers Hill, and the Round date will appear in the following issue. Wis. 53219. challenge from the TACTICS AND
Tops. I have a record of 26-4, and wpuld like STRATEGY CLUB of CALIFORNIA.
to improve it. Anyone who wants to You pick the game and side. TACTICS
I would further suggest that Peach take these sides in the following games AND STRA TEGY CLUB of CALIFORNIA,
Orchard be located in square 20-10 and is welcome to try and beat me. Gettys- 20624 Skouras Drive, Canoga Park,
Wanted: Opponents in D-Day, Tactics burg (1958) - North; Chancellorsville- California 90136.
Devils Den be located in square 23-10, II, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Management.
Contact Das Kreigsspiel Bund c/o
North; D-Day-Allies, and Bismarck- How about an invigorating game of
and the area between these two points British. Include in your first letter AFRIKA KORPS, GETTYSBURG, or
Stanley D. Hoffman, Bexley 306, 50
your rules and/or suggestions. Write: TACTICS II. Write: George L. Phelps,
east of the Emmitsburg Road and over MassachusettsAve.,
I am a sophomore
at Massachu-
John Rockholz, East Rocks Road, Nor- 20624 Skouras Drive, Canoga Park,
to the East fork of Plum Run be marked setts Institute of Technology.
walk, Connecticut, 06851. California 90136.
Will all those interested in joining a Unmerciful German Field Marshall
as the "craggy" area, therefore requir- 28 year old H. S. math teacher seeks SAN FRANCISCO and BAY AREA Ava- from the "City of Brotherly Love"
ing movement of only one square per worthy opponent. No by-mails. 30-0 lon Hill game club please send a letter, wishes to do battle with anyone who
record all games. MENSA William with the game you own and your address wants to send Allied troops to their
turn. Gilbert, 37 Spruce St., Great Neck, to: Jack Greene, Jr., 670 Darrell Rd., doom on the sands of North Africa.
It is felt that this would make the N. Y. 11021 Hillsborough, California, 94010.
The undefeated General Staff of Das
Contact: L. Diernback, 622 E. West-
FROM: Stanley D. Hoffman, age 18, moreland S1., Philadelphia, Pa. 19134.
game more interesting and more chal- President - The War Games Club Kriegspiel Bund is looking for any AL- Singles or teams. Play-by-mail for
lenging. Headquarters - Massachusetts Institute lied Generals who thinks they can crack ALL games. Write to Jack Greene, Jr.
of Technology, Address: Bexley 306 our impregnable defense in D-Day. If and/or Steven Karel, 670 Darrell Rd.,
Comments on this, either "for" or 50 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, you are among those who cannot stand Hillsborough, Calif. 94010. Remember
Mass. 02139. defeat then you should not write: O. B. the tactics of 1834.
"against" would be appreciated, TO: Any experienced Avalon Hill gamer West Das Kriegspiel Bund, 126 Wash- Anyone in Pittsburgh area interested in
EDITOR'S NOTE: True to an extent. of high school level or greater. ington Hwy., Snyder, N. Y. 14226. forming an Avalon Hill Club please call
However, because of the smallness of SUBJECT: Your defeat by my undefeated Army commanders wanted for multiple- or write: Douglass Burke, 1108 Hiland
and invincible general staff or any part player game of D-Day (6 or more par- Ave., Coraopolis, Pa.
scope of this battle area, movement of it in any Avalon Hill game capable ticipants). Those interested contact SEIG HElL! Vanted ... a sucker (oops).
of being played by mail. We prefer James W. Connelley, 3556 Oak Leaf I mean a British opponent for Afrika
factors were reduced to begin with. Germans in D-Day and Stalingrad. Rd., Pittsburgh, Penna. 15227. Korps or (your choice of sides) Tactics
Actually, at normal speed any Unit French in Waterloo, Red in Tactics II, "Achtung! Will play Atrika Korps II. Would like to contact anyone in
could have covered the entire battlefield we also play Management and Air Em- against any willing British generals. Austin, Texas area to play any A-H
pire. Please specify rules that you wish to game owned ... GR 7- 1864, or write:
area in the space of 1 hour. A Ibrain trust' staff of 16 players play under. Write: E. (for Erwin) "Generalfeldmarschall" Jim Kirk, Box
wishes to challenge any opposing play- Ossa, 12 First Ave., Pelham, N. Y." 58, A-Bar Hotel, Austin, Texas.
er(s) to aplay-by-mail game of AFRIKA I play Tactics II, D-Day, Afrika Korps, Undefeated player wi,shes to meet and
In closing, I woul<;l'like to remind KORPS. Opponent may choose either Chancellorsville, Gettysburg (old ver- play any player within a reasonable dis-
side but must be experienced if wishes sion), Stalingrad, and Waterloo. Vic- tance. Will play any war game, Phone
Canadian readers that this isn't "my" to last six months. Staff correspondent tims needed, write: Richard M. Robert- 259-6026 (area code 203). James
column - it's "ours", so if you have William H. McCabe, 2795 Coleridge son, 916 E. Beckwith P-IO, Missoula, Langenfeld, 343 Old Hickory Road,
Rd., Cleveland Hts. 18, Ohio. Montana. Fairfield, Connecticut.
ideas, suggestions, or beefs lets have

Operation Overlord ... Back at Tattics II Question Corner
transportation, which can be rendered (Continued from Page 7) Q: The instructions say that if a unit
ineffective by the Allied Air Force. This division is replaced as a specialized in the first wave of an invasion is un-
There is more room for maneuver, but division and has a combat factor of two opposed, it moves ashore and if it,
sooner or later the Allies must face the and a movement factor of nine. Other- then, is adjacent to an enemy unit it
formidable West Wall. Rivers and must attack. Does this mean only
wise they are the same as infantry.
river rules are the same as in Stalin- adjacent normal squares, or does it
grad. The last major alteration of mine is
to the board itself. I added three new include units behind rivers and forts?
We have found a new way of making A: Only adjacent, non-doubled normal
cities to j the board, two blue and one
troops of very high quality. We were squares.
red. With the increased number of di-
forced to, since we need units with
visions this is necessary to keep things Q: If a unit is defending behind a river
factors not produced by AH. The bas ic
equal. The red city is on squares 28-3, and the river runs along 4 sides of the
unit is the Regt. The British equivalent square the unit is on and the unit is
28-4, 29-4and 30-4. The first blue city
is the Brigade. Germans: attacked from these 4 sides and is
is located on squares 11-55, 11-54, 10-
Pz. Dv. 4 Pz. Gd. Regt. 54, 9-54, with 10-55 a sea square. The forced back 2, can the unit retreat
Pz. Gd. Dv. 3 weak Regts. second blue city is located on squares across the 2 open squares which under
Static 3 In£. Regts. 2-41, 3-41, 3-42, 3-43, 2-43, with normal circumstances would be under
Infantry 1 Recce Batt. 2-42 a sea square. enemy control from the attackers?
2 Pz. Rgt. 1 Recce Batt. As far as replacements go you simp- When a unit attacks acros s a river, is
1 Pz. Gd. Regt. 1 Recce Batt. ly double each city's replacement ca- it considered that the river isn't there
American Divisons have three R. C. T. 's pacity. Thus each capital returns two except that the defender is doubled?
or Combat commands depending upon armored per replacement period, etc. A: Yes, the Unit is allowed to retreat
type. British divisions have armored I would appreciate your comments across the 2 open squares. No, to the
brigades and infantry (mot.) brigades. and suggestions on my ideas. second part of the question.
There are also several German inde-
pendent Panzer brigades and two Mtn. SUBSCRIBER DIRECTORY 2915 Pennsylvania Ave., Baltimore 27 RALPH HERBER T
divisions. Even 2 Italian divs. get into Massachusetts 639 South Kensington Rd., Cleveland
Add the following to your Directory of MICHAEL G. CASEY FREDERICK TYLER, JR.
the act. Allied units are blue or green, Names printed in previous issues. 21 Rockingham Ave., Lowell 3475 E. Boulevard, Cleveland 44104
Germans yellow or Red, and Italians WILLIAM J. CRONIN MIKE TSCHAPPAT
115 Coleman St., Malden 1689 Rushton Rd., Cleveland 44121
WiLLIAM D. VASKO Sawmill La., Sudbury 01776 3227 Center Dr., Parma 44134
Game is Balanced 4442 Bryn Mawr Rd. J Tucson 85711 L. A. GOULD DAVID B, TOWELL, JR.
California 85 Leland Rd., Chestnut Hill 02167 P. O. Box 62, Frankfort
Since the board was completed only 5663 Ramara Ave .• Woodland Hills 13 Marlborough Rd., Salem 01970 3411 Alexis Rd., Toledo 43623
a few days before school began, only 7042 Stanton Ave •• Buena Park 90621
STEPHEN J. WASZAK Leader Enterprise, Montpelier
games have been played so far. The FRED A WEBSTER 6426 Oakman Blvd., Detroit THOMAS B. BECKER
Germans won the first, and-the Allies 844 Ashcomb Dr .• _Valinda ROBERT M. LUTON 539 - 32nd St., N. W., Canton 44709
ROBERT CASEY 540 Rosewood S. E., Grand Rapids Oklahoma
the second. We all agree that the game 503 E. Myrtle, Hanford R. R. BERRY " HENRY R. ADAMS
is very well balanced. The only prob- ENS. R. REDDOCH, U. S. N. 24909 Carlysle Ave., Dearborn 1431 W. Hayes St., Norman
2646 B Springs Rd •• Vallejo 93 RICHARD DALTON MIKE MORRISON
lem is that it take s at least 1 1/2 days FRED JACOBS 201 North Ave., Battle Creek 302 B Iroquois Trail, Burns Flat
to play - and preferable two. It is 16 Cartsen Ct •• Pleasant Hill Minnesota Oregon
difficult to find two days when we have 7137 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles 114 Arthur S. E., Minneapolis 55414 1226 Juniper Ave., Reedsport 97467
enough time to play the full game. I WILLIAM CARPENTER JOHN SKOLTE , Pennsylvania
am anxious to hear from the readers 301 Alma Real Dr" Pacific Route 3, Box 195, Austin G. WALDO MILLER
RONALD SANFILIPPO BILL SOULE 28 Rosemont Ave., Lewistown
and will supply requested information. 8658 E. Grand Ave .• Rosemead 91770 14813 Lloydls Dr., Minnetonka 53345 ANTHONY P. MARK
MR. AND MRS. JAMES LEE MATHEWS Montana 345 Winton St., Philadelphia 19148
CARL B. SLABAUGH 916 E. Beckwith P-IO, Missoula 1220 County Line Rd., Rosemont
3906 La Cresenta Ave •• Montrose 20 New Jersey T, R, S. CAMPBELL
Colorado R. S. LIEBL 602 S. Warren Ave., Malvern
Letters, Yes We Get Letters ... HAROLD HOCK 70 Pinetree La., Willingboro Rhode Island
P. O. Box 731, Alamosa 81101 ALLEN YOUNG BRIAN WILDER
Florida 501 Fairway Rd •• Linden 650 Tower Hill Rd., North Kingstown
(Continued on Page 3) DR. M. SMITH DANIEL KELLY Texas
512 Washington Ave., Miami Beach 377 Newtown Rd., Wyckoff JAMES W. KIRK
that air fields and spare planes could Georgia FRANK J. PLANER Box 58, A-Bar Hotel, Austin
GARY LANHAM 12-45 River Rd., Fair Lawn JOHN W. BERRY
be dropped with airborne troops. Illinois HENRY H. BODENSTEDT
P. O. Box '240, Cars.well AF~
You should have told this to the JAMES F. MALONEY 86 Manalapan Ave., Freehold
1221 N. Ninth Ave •• Melrose Park LEW MITCHELL, III ERNEST DAVIS
British and'American airborne divisions PHILIP A. SMITH 8 Lee Pl., Basking Ridge 07920 3909 Rumford Ave., Virginia Beach
that tried to capture the bridges around 310 Spelter Ave., Danville 61833
ROBERT OLSON New York ----
Arnheim and Aacken during WW II. c/o C. W. Olson Co., 175 W. Jackson DAS KRIEGSSPIEL BUND
36 Reid Terr., Fond Du Lac
They would hav" been glad to "flyaway Blvd., Chicago 4
LARRY A. GARNER 126 Washington Hwy., Buffalo 14226
and escape." Unfortunately, those who R. R. 1, Mulkeytown ARTHUR ALONZO 2463 S. 80th St., West Allis 19
weren't rescued by Allied armored Kans as 5012 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn 20
STEPHEN GEISINGER 1104 W. Johnson St., Madison
units got stepped on and squashed! 1634 N. Sheridan, Wichita 67203 1475 Wythe PL. Bronx 52 2169 A S. 26th St., Milwaukee
Flyaway and escape -- giissh!!! LARRY FILA LEONARD PEDERSON
2404 N. Jackson, Hutchinson c/o SFC Bernt S. Pederson Foreign
... Larry G. Willey Kentucky "A" Brty, 1st MSI Bn •• 60th Arty.,
APO 175, New York, N. Y. 8 Hikawa-cho, Nakano-ku, Tokyo,
EDITOR 'S NOTE: This rule in D-DAY 5461-F Lowe St., Fort Knox 40122 JOHN G. BRYANT
Louis iana 253 Sunrise Hwy., Rm. 405, Rockville
Centre 20 Boulevard VICTOR, Paris 15,
is a symbolic liberalization to keep it CHARLES B. THOMAS Franc;:e
P. O. Box 53223, New Orleans 50 THOMAS D. BOWIE
uncomplicated. Whole divisions are TRAVIS TYNES. JR. American Embassy, APO 794, N. Y. Due to the early publication closing
not lost in the real battle in one "roll of 500 Moore Ave., Monroe JACK HOTCHKISS date, many of you who have already
the die" either ... but that's the way you 71 Falconer Street, Frewsburg 14738 subscribed do not appear in this issue's
Maryland North Carolina Directory. Never fear - your name,
must play the game. HILAR Y SMITH WALTER G. GREEN, III along with many others, will appear in
7805 Maple Ridge Rd., Bethesda 14 P. O. Box 621, Burlington the Directory for the following issue.

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