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Inr. J. En@&?Sci., 1972, Vol. 10, pp. 981-987. PergamonPress.

Printedin Great Britain


Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. India

Abstract-The unsteady boundary layer flow of a micropol~ tluid along an infinite plate is analysed when the
plate undergoes an impulsive motion in its plane. The solution is obtained by Laplace transform technique.
The microstructure of the fluid is found to induce a wave-dominated flow pattern, there being two modes of
wave-propagation, The characteristics of these waves, during the initial and final stages of the boundary
layer growth, are discussed.

MICROPOLAR fluids, as introduced by Eringen [ 11, have a capacity for sustaining stress
and body moments and have a microstructure associated with spin inertia so that the
microstructure and macroscopic behaviours are coupled. Eringen[l] has studied in
detail the steady flow of a micropolar fluid along a circular channel. Willson[2], on the
other hand, has given consideration to the two-dimensional steady flow of the boundary
layer type in the neighbourhood of a stagnation point. Both Eringen and Willson found
that the very impo~ant feature of a micropolar fluid is a standard length defined in
terms of the parameters of the liquid. When this standard length is small, the boundary
layer splits into two distinct regions.
This paper is devoted to the study of boundary layer growth over an infinite plate
when the plate is started impulsively in its own plane. The solution for a viscous fluid
that each particle moves in the direction of the plate with velocity II erfc (y/2 ~6) was
first given by Rayleigh[3]. The generalization of this solution to allow for the micro-
effects is also of theoretical interest. It is among the simplest examples of the way in
which the microstructure of the fluid manifests itself through micro-inertial waves,
modifying the boundary layer. The flow pattern is therefore much more complex than
in the ordinary viscous fluid.
A similar situation has been considered recently by Peddieson and McNitt[4],
but their main concern is the flow near the plate (induced by the sudden start of a semi-
infinite mass of fluid) and its analogy with the two-dimensional steady flow. Moreover,
their solution is valid only for small times and for weak coupling with microstructure.
The present investigation, on the other hand, deals with the generation and propagation
of micro-inertial waves as these affect the boundary layer growth and corresponds to
general values of flow parameters.


The equations governing the behaviour of an incompressible micropolar fluid, in the
absence of body force and body couple are:

57. v=o, (1)


IJIB Voi.10. No. 11 -E

982 S. S. CHAWLA

pjDt= ((Y+p+y)v(v.~)--~vx (vxR)+kVx V-2/X& (3)

subject to appropriate initial and boundary conditions. Here V and Cl represent the
velocity and micro-rotation vectors, p andj denote the density and the gyration para-
meters of the fluid, p is the pressure and p, k, a, p and y are the material constants.
We consider an infinite plate lying along y = 0 in contact with a micropolar fluid.
The system is initially at rest and at time t = 0, the plate is started impulsively, with a
uniform velocity U (parallel to x-axis) in its own plane. Since the plate is of infinite
extent, all dependent variables are functions of y and t only. If, at any time t, velocity
and micro-rotation components are (u, 0,O) and (0, 0, (T) respectively, equations (l)-(3)
reduce to
pf$= (P+k)$+k$, (4)


pjE= y$-2k(u+t$), (6)

with p > 0, k 2 0, y 2 0. The initial and boundary conditions are:

t=o: u=O,a=O for y 5 0; (7)

u=U,a=O on y=O,
t 3 0:
u+O,cr-*O as y-m. 1 (8)

Since the vertical pressure gradient is zero, pressure remains constant through the
thickness of the fluid.
Introducing the dimensionless variables

ii = u/u, f= ptU2/(p+kk), J = pyUl(p+k), Cr= u(~+k)/pU2, (9)

the above system of equations takes the form (removing bars)



where ql, q2 and q3 are the non-dimensional parameters given by

rll = kl(p+k), q2= y/j(p+k), r/3= (p+k)2/jp2U2a (12)

The Laplace transforms of u and u satisfy the equations
Boundary layer growth of a micropolar fluid 983


) ~=-w?,dy’ (14)

where S is the transform parameter with respect to t and the same symbols are used for
transforms. The boundary conditions are transformed to

u= l/S,a=O on y=O,
u+o,cT-+o as y+m. (15)

The general solution of the system ( 13)-( 15) is

+ Bemmzu,
u = Ae-mlu
g = C [ e-mlU _ e_mtU] ,
ml, @2--x
- 2,$/z [~/((rlzS)1’2+(S+2~1~3)1’2}2-~fr/3

and the constants of integration A, B and C are given by

ml(S - rnij) mz(mf-S)

A= ,B=
S(ml - m2) (S + mlm2) S(m,-m2)(S+mlm2) ’

c= (19)
vlS(ml -m2) (S+ mlm2) ’

It is evident from ( 16)-( 18) that the micropolar fluid flow has a double layer structure;
the physical significance of each layer will emerge shortly. Moreover the functions u
and v have branch points at S = 0 and S = --2qln3 of order one half and their effects
are studied in the next two sections.


The early time behaviour of the velocity and the spin functions u and u in the
physical space is determined by the corresponding behaviour of the transform functions
for large 1S 1, In order to account for the contribution of the branch point at S = - 2qlr/3,
we expand the flow functions taking 1S + 2~7~7~1to be large. Regarding vl, n2 and q3 as
fixed, we have

Js+2W-b 17
7m3h -r/2)
ml =
’ ‘-2(1-7)~)(S+27)~77~)+“’
984 S. S. CHAWLA

wh(rl1- 72)

m2= @+2r)17?3x
1+2(1_r)2)(s+2~142)+“’ 9 (21)
[ I

- r):‘2r)lr/3(r)l - rl2)
A- (22)

T!4’2w3(111-r)2) +. . .)
= s+S(1-q2)YS+27)17)3)

C- +* * *. (24)

The inversion of u and u, then, yields

UC&X e--XUXerfc (Y-F) + evmiXU x e.fc (Y+F)]+ ‘m&



e-x,?mPi&u x e.fc
TJ + emXU X erfc
( 2V7 1

+ 2e-2111113t x

( erfc -
Y - erfc - y
2Vi )I+..., (25)

u= (s1-7?2)x JCL x e-~XYXerfc~~)-e~XvXem~~)

(l-72) In 8711

_ e-~XYxerfe(~)-e~Xuxem~~)]}~ (26)

The field functions are, thus, diffusive in character; there being two such modes of
effective diffusion constants (p + Q/p and r/jp. The first term in (25) and (26) displays
velocity (and hence vorticity) as diffusion from a source travelling with velocity
48k( p+ k)/jp2 along the positive y-direction (and its mirror reflection in negative
y-direction). The wave decays through a distance of order t’j( p + k) /2k. The last term
in (26) represents diffusion from a source (and its mirror reflection) moving with
velocity V8ky/j2p2; the effective decay length is m.
It is evident by expanding expressions (25) and (26) for small t, that immediately
after the impulsive action, the micro-inertia of the fluid interacts with viscous diffusion
to manifest itself through the generation and propagation of diffusive micro-inertial
waves. When terms of order PI2 first become important, the microstructure of the fluid
is disturbed by the shear. The interaction of spin diffusion and micro-inertia results in
the generation of waves which later settle along the plate to form there the contact
(inner) boundary layer. At order t, the micro diffusion affects the longitudinal motion
of the fluid through spin diRusivity ylpj.
Boundaryiayer growthof a micropolarfluid 985


In order to obtain solution for large time, we expand the flow functions with ISI
small. The approximate values of ntlr q., A, B and C, which retain the branch points
of the original expressions are:



A= x (1+0(&s )I* (29)
(2 - ?I) x d/s 0 + %!17?3)
1 riIrlrt’e
B e--+ x (I+0 (S)),
s f2--171) x %Ws+2W?31 (29)

4 WV3
271 v%S+2rtlrlS)
x(1+0(S)). (31)

The inversion, together with some s~p~~cations (see Appendix), yields

where lo and fI are the modified Bessel functions of the first kind. The first term
in (32a) and (33a) represent the diffusing micro-inertial wave trains. The wave
front y = V’r)1~9(2- vl) x t of these waves propagates unattenuated with velocity
986 S. S. CHAWLA

V2k(2,u + k)/jp2 but diffuses through a characteristic diffusion length (approximately)

v2t(2p-+k)/p and this increases with time. Equations (32a) and (33a) represent flow
behind the wave front whereas (32b) and (33b) indicate the induced effects ahead of the
wave front. These waves, however, diffuse completely in time of order jplk. In this
time, the last term in (32) and (33) emerges as an inner boundary layer of thickness of
order Vy(p+k)/2k(2p+k).
As t -+ w, (32) and (33), (for fixed y), give (see Appendix)

u=erfc E , (34)
X (e-B2/2t(2-lflf_ e-~~~i~~(tz-Tltt/??*xu)
V21(:--7)1) +&1X
1 uv2tc2-01) - e-m1v3(2-~11)lIJPxY
X (e- ). (35)
cT - V27rt(2-q,)

These expressions are independent of the gyration parameter-j. The first term in equa-
tion (34) represents a layer of Rayleigh type with apparent viscosity (2~ f k)fp; the
thickness of this layer increases with time. The last term, on the other hand, displays
the existence of the inner layer (mentioned above), whose amplitude decreases as t
increases. The thickness of this layer is of order ~$(,u-t k)/2k(2p+ k); this is the
standard length characteristic of micropolar fluids.
Since j is a microscopic p~ameter, we expect the velocity of micro-inertial waves
to be large, The times involved in the boundary layer growth to the quasi-steady state
(34)-(35) are thus likely to be small.

111 A. C. ERINGEN,J. ~u~~.~ec~. 16, l(1966).
121A. J. WILLSON, Proc. Comb. phi!. SM. math. phys. 67,469 (1970).
[31 LORD RAYLEIGH, Phil. Mug. 21,697 (1911).
[41 J. PEDDIESON,Jr. and R. P. McNiTT, RecentAdv. Engng. Sci. 5,405 (1970).

(Receiued 25 October I97 1)

The inversionof (i/f) X exp (-~~~(S+2r1~7)s)/rl,rt3(2-r)1) f is



f=(kl- y2 ) *Y < -vh?st2-7)1) Xk.


The integral can be written as



The first integral, when interpreted as a Laplace transform, is given by

Boundary layer growth of a micropolar fluid 987


This yields expression (32a). For large r, k is large along the entire path of integration of r(r), so the asymp-
totic expansion of I, (015 is used, which (for large k and fixedy) gives

-2k(2y:,l,)) x kP’* x dk. (A.61

Setting k-l = ( v/2(2--nI)/y)R leads to (34).

(Received 25 October 1971)

R&II& - L’ecoulement ii couche limite instable d’un liquide micropolaire le long dune plaque infinie est
analyse lorsque la plaque est soumise a une impulsion de mouvement dans son plan. La solution est obtenue
par la technique des transformations de Laplace. II est trouve que la microstructure du liquide induit un
mod&le d’bcoulement g dominante ondulaire, deux modes de propagation des ondes y ayant lieu. Les carac-
teristiques de ces ondes, pendant les phases initiale et finale de la croissance de la couche limite, sont Ctudites.

Zusammenfaasung- Die unstetige Grenzschichtstrdmung einer mikropolaren Fliissigkeit entlang einer un-
endlichen Platte wird analysiert wenn die Platte einer impulsiven Bewegung in ihrer Ebene unterworfen
wird. Die Losung wird durch die Laplace-Transformmethode erhalten. Es wird gefunden, dass die Mikro-
struktur der Fliissigkeit ein wellen-beherrschtes Strommuster induziert, mit zwei Arten der Wellenfortp-
flanzung. Die Kennzeichen dieser Wellen, warend der Anfangs-und Endstadien des Grenzschichtwuchses,
werden besprochen.

Sammario - Si anal&a il flusso dello strato limite instabile di un fluid0 micropolare lung0 un piano infinito
quando tale piano b sottoposto a moto impulsivo lung0 il proprio asse. La soluzione e ricavata con la tecnica
di trasformazione di Laplace. Si scopre the la microstruttura del fluid0 induce un andamento di flusso
dominato dalle onde, e the ci sono due modi di propagazione delle onde. Le caratteristiche di tali onde,
durante le fasi iniziali e finali della crescita dello strato limite, vengono discusse.

A~CT~KT- AnannsBpoBaH nepe.xonHbItt IIOTOKrpaHmIHoit cnoa HeKoTopoti MHKp0110napH0kX~I~KOCTH

PemeHBe nonflaeTcr MeTOnOMnpeO6pa3oBaHBaJIarmaca. YCTaHOBneHO,‘IT0 TOHKSUI CTpyKTypa )I(B~KocTB

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