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s I argued in the original Folding in Architecture essay, models of complexity, initially those derived from the work of

A since Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown's influential

Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture (1966), it
has been important for architecture to define compositional com-
Rene Thom and later those of the Santa Fe Institute, among oth-
ers. The combination of the discovery, for the first time by archi-
tects, of a 300-year-old mathematical and spatial invention, that
plexity. Ten years ago, the collected projects and essays in the is calculus, and the introduction of a new cosmological and sci-
first edition of this publication were an attempt to move beyond entific model of emergence, chaos and complexity, made for an
Venturi's pictorial collage aesthetics and the formal and spatial extremely provocative and incoherent moment in architectural
collage aesthetics that then constituted the vanguard of com- experimentation. Today, a decade later, these interests have
plexity in architecture, as epitomized by Johnson and Wigley's shaken out into more or less discrete schools of thought.
'Deconstructivist Architecture' exhibition at MoMA in 1988. The Intricacy connotes a new model of connectionism composed
desire for architectural complexity in both composition and con- of extremely small-scale and incredibly diverse elements.
struction continues today and can be characterised by several Intricacy is the fusion of disparate elements into continuity, the
distinct streams of thought, three of which have connections to becoming whole of components that retain their status as pieces
the projects and arguments first laid out in the Architectural in a larger composition. Unlike simple hierarchy, subdivision,
Design issue of Folding in Architecture: voluptuous form, compartmentalisation or modularity, intricacy involves a variation
stochastic and emergent processes, and intricate assemblages. of the parts that is not reducible to the structure of the whole. The
At the moment of the book's publication there were two distinct term intricacy is intended to move away from this understanding
tendencies among architectural theorists and designers. The first of the architectural detail as an isolated fetishised instance with-
was a shift from the linguistic and representational focus of both in an otherwise minimal framework. Detail need not be the reduc-
Post-Modernism and Derridean Deconstruction towards the spa- tion or concentration of architectural design into a discrete
tial, artistic and mathematical models of Deleuze, Foucault, moment. In an intricate network, there are no details per se.
Whitehead and even, to some degree, Lacan. Of these initial Detail is everywhere, ubiquitously distributed and continuously
experiments it was the Deleuzian focus on spatial models, most variegated in collaboration with formal and spatial effects.
of which were derived from Leibniz's monadology that took hold Instead of punctuating volumetric minimal ism with discrete
in the field. The second tendency was an interest in scientific details, intricacy implies complexity all over without recourse to

Above Coop Himmelb(l)au, BMW Welt,

Munich, Germany (2001 - 2006)

Opposite Frank Gehry, Interactive Corp's

Headquarters, New York, USA (2003 - 2006)

Opposite Peter Eisenman, Musee des
Arts et des Civilisations-Musee du Quai
Branly, Paris, France (1999)

Below Monica Ponce de Leon and

Nader Tehrani of Office dA, Tongxian Arts
Cenlre, Beijing, China (2001 - 2003)

compositional contrast. Intricacy occurs where macro- and of, or were asking for the assistance from, digital tools, but none
micro-scales of components are interwoven and intertwined. The of them could be simply reducible to digital design, visualisation
major connection of the term intricacy to the concepts present or manufacturing tools. It is significant that the architects includ-
in Folding in Architecture is that the term is a derivative of "pli", ed in this publication, had all formed their ambitions for a new
much like the other terms - complex, complicated, pliant - all model of formal and spatial complexity before the advent of inex-
of which imply compositional practices of weaving, folding and pensive, ubiquitous, spline modelling software. Instead of being
joining. confronted with the possibilities for an expedient realisation of
What is probably most interesting about Folding in forms and spaces that would otherwise be too complicated,
Architecture is not the theoretical directions of the architects messy or convoluted to produce, these architects made a claim
showcased in the publication but the fact - or a more blunt fact towards new forms that would only later be facilitated digitally.
- that these practices were collected at the instant before they Because these architects were the first generation to adapt to
would be completely transformed by the computer. The focus, in the new digital medium, initially they were, by definition, the most
the issue, on compositional, organisational, visual and material amateur and inexperienced in their use. They were also the most
sensibilities, rather than on theories of digital design, was only experimental. At the time, none of these objects relied on digital
possible at that moment before the digital waves of software- process as a validation or explanation of their genesis. It would
sponsored discourse that soon swept over the field and which be inappropriate to make claims of expertise and refinement of
only now are beginning to recede. The projects in Folding were their medium at the time, where now one can speculate on cal-
in some cases facilitated by, often were mimicking in anticipation culus based and digitally engendered qualities of the medium

such as new forms of expertise including elegance, rigour and, I of research into continuity, subdivision and a more generalised
dare say, beauty. mathematics of curvature. A multifaceted approach towards
Some used metaphors of folding, and even mechanical fold- detail, structure and form, relying on slippages between complex
ing operations, to explain their morphology but none took interconnectedness and singularity, between homogeneity at a
recourse to digital visualisation and mapping as an explanation distance and near formal incoherence in detail, between dis-
for their shape or form. Later, this would become a norm for some parate interacting systems and monolithic wholes, and finally
and this is the school of stochastic emergence and what some between mechanical components and voluptuous organic sur-
architects refer to as the digital gothic. Happy accidents and faces, is all part and parcel of the shift from whole number and
automatic processes are certainly the precursors to fine grain, fractional dimensions to formal and material sensibilities of the
detailed, continuous compositions as well as continuously varie- infinitesimal.
gated forms. The latter demands a fusion that is not possible The drift from monolithic objects to infinitesimally scaled com-
without a theory of synthesis and unity that maintains detail as a ponents explains the technical interest in the use of CNC con-
discrete moment that participates intensively in the construction trolled robotic technologies for construction. More important than
of a new kind of whole. In this way, a theory of intricate form is the fact of the CNC device is the idea of intricacy, for example.
derived from Leibniz's logic of monadology and Deleuze's sub- There is little more banal or uninteresting than a new machine
sequent theories of 'Ie pll', or the fold. that is capable of producing mere variety, something with which
For me, it is calculus that was the subject of the issue and it is we are mindlessly inundated at a greater velocity by the day. So
the discovery and implementation of calculus by architects that to celebrate CNC for its ability to give us one-of-a-kind cus-
continues to drive the field in terms of formal and constructed tomised variety is to celebrate an aspect without much intellec-
complexity. The loss of the module in favour of the infinitesimal tual or creative merit. It is important to imbue digital technologies
component and the displacement of the fragmentary collage by with some creative and intellectual force that engages the histo-
the intensive whole are the legacy of the introduction of calculus. ry or architectural problems and ambitions. The architects
This is still being debated and explored. The works in Folding ten included in Folding in Architecture were laying out those prob-
years ago pointed to several directions along the calculus path lems and concerns in advance of the technology and it is they,

along with many other new practices, that are engaging with the repetition, an intricate reproduction machine is a wet machine
problems of form and construction critically and creatively charged with free energy, variation, and subtlety. Where the
because of their investment in the field of ideas and theory. The mechanical is characterised by rote, encoded, repetitive opera-
intricacy of a calculus defined collection of elements in space tions on a sequence of identical modular units, a different form of
evokes a particular kind of cohesion, continuity, wholism and reproduction characterises the biological. In a word, an intricate
even organicity. Intricate structures are continuously connected machine is a vital rather than mechanical construct. Intricacy
and intertwined through fine grain local linkages such that a total- evokes an eroticism for the machine and a desire to make it
ity or whole is operative. Intricate compositions are organic in the reproduce organically, both in the variation of subtly variegated
sense that each and every part and piece is interacting and com- brothers and sisters as well as a differentiated complex of dis-
municating simultaneously so that every instance is affected by crete organs that nonetheless coheres into a beautifully synthe-
every other instance. sised whole. These works move from the identical asexual repro-
Folding in Architecture captured a moment before the discov- duction of simple machines to the differential sexual reproduction
ery of a new kind of drafting machine, a much more vital machine of intricate machines. Not merely a theoretical difference, this
than the compasses, adjustable triangles and rubber spline gives these works their erotic dimension.
curves with which most of the projects were conceived. Much
has been made of mechanical reproduction in art and architec- Greg Lynn is Professor, Universitilt fOr angewandte Kunst Wien;
ture. Like mechanical reproduction and its modern vision of iden- Davenport Visiting Professor Yale University (2004); and Studio
tical glossy modules, intricate reproduction is still dependent on Professor, UCLA. He has professional praclices in Los Angeles
a model of the machine. But instead of a mechanism of simple (Greg Lynn FORM) and New York (United Architects).

Above and Opposite Frank Gehry, Interactive
Corp's Headquarters, New York, USA

Left Monica Ponce de Leon and Nader

Tehrani of Office dA, Tongxian Arts Centre,
Beijing, China


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