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Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura

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Explore the third chakra in depth and learn tools to balance and harmonize the
centre of willpower.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between

Ad closed by the navel and solar plexus, is the core of
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Spiritual Consultancy The third chakra is the center of willpower.
Krishnapriya Jayan. Expert Spiritual While the Sacral chakra seeks pleasure and
consultant.Solutions for all your enjoyment, the third chakra is all about the
problems perception of who you are. OPEN The gift of this chakra is sensing your

personal power, being con dent,
responsible, and reliable.

The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem, your willpower, self-discipline, as well as
warmth in your personality.

The energy of this chakra allows you to transform inertia into action and movement. It allows
you to meet challenges and mover forward in your life.

The main challenge for the third chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner.

What does that mean? It means consciously harnessing the energy of the solar plexus chakra.
It means being proactive rather then reactive or inactive.

Beings with excessive third chakra energy react to life circumstances, they have emotional
outbursts and are often stressed out.

Beings with blocked or de cient third chakra are passive and inactive - allowing life to pass
by while they do nothing.

Strong third chakra re ects the ability to move forward in life with con dence and power. It
re ects the ability to make conscious choices to choose and to act.

The message of the third chakra is: You have the power to choose.

You can choose to achieve your life purpose or you can live out your karma or past

What do you choose?

Do you choose love, light and healing?

Do you accept that you have the power to choose?

Do you feel a sense of freedom when you make a choice?

The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem.

Every time you judge or criticize yourself, you deplete this chakra and weaken your

Self love, self acceptance, and acknowledgement of your own worth are the building blocks
of the third chakra.

A woman with an open and balanced Manipura Chakra values herself and her work, is
con dent in her ability to do something well, loves and accepts herself, is willing to express
herself in a powerful way, knows that she has the freedom to choose to be herself and direct
her own life.

Solar Plexus Chakra at a glance:

Sanskrit name: Manipura (jeweled city)
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Shape: Triangle (downward-pointing)
Petals of the lotus: Ten
Seed sound: Ram
Vowel sound: Ah
Rights: To act
Endocrine gland: Adrenals, pancreas
Physical association: Digestive system, liver, gall bladder
Psychological function: Will
Identity: Ego identity
Developmental stage: 18 - 42 months
Challenge: Shame
Plane: Celestial plane
Planets: Sun and Mars
Deity: Rudra, Lakini
Mythological Animal: Ram
Incense: Saffron, musk, sandalwood
Herb: Cinnamon, ginger
Sephira: Hod, Netzach
Tarot Suit: Wands

Solar Plexus Chakra Af rmations

I love and accept myself.

I stand up for myself.

I am strong and courageous.

I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect.

I choose the best for myself.

I express myself in a powerful way.

I am proud of my achievements.

I honor my self.

I choose healthy relationships.

I am authentic.

I direct my own life.

I appreciate my strengths.

I feel my own power.

I am free to choose in any situation.

I seek opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

I am at peace with myself.

Explore Third Chakra in Depth through Color

Here we delve into deeper topics of psychology and wellbeing by studying the
energy and meaning of solar plexus chakra color.

Balance Your Third Chakra with Yoga Poses

The best solar plexus chakra yoga poses are those that strengthen your core
and help you to feel more powerful and con dent. Step into the Warrior I
pose to access your inner spiritual warrior or go deeper with courage into the
Bow pose. Continue into part 2 yoga poses, such as Boat pose or Lion's pose.

Top 10 Third Chakra Essential Oils

Essential oils embody the properties of the plant they were extracted from.
These properties work on all four levels of our being: physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual.

Learn about 10 most commonly used third chakra essential oils, their bene ts and healing


Meaning of Aura Colors Chakra Colors in Depth

Learning to see Auras is easy, Explore the deeper meaning of color and
understanding and interpreting what its connection with your seven chakras.
you see is a bit more complex. Learning Learn about the science of color, how we
what different colors of Human Aura see colors and delve into color
mean is a rst step in this psychology. Awaken your sense of self
understanding. and re-connect with your soul.

Simona Sebastian is the founder of

Simona's curiosity led her from science and computer
programming studies, to exploration of subtle energy,
healing, and consciousness.

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I'd love to hear from you!
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Lulu Silva
Nicely put and easy to understand. Thank you!
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Gene Ross
There is only one G-D Almighty the others are false dieties.
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Lynda Bonner
All Gods are One God. All else is separation form God.
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Lee MacAfee Helmick

Lynda Bonner Clearly you don't understand, nor have done any research on
Hinduism or Buddhism. Therefore, your comment is inconsequential to me.
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Stephen Moran
"Any Religion can be the right Religion for anyone at any time, as long as they
use it to judge themselves for Spiritual growth. Once they start using it to
judge others, it becomes pointless and detrimental to thier Spirit." The Dalia
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Michael Vargas
Thank you
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Tracey Coryell
Love how thorough you are Simona! Especially the “At A Glance” section. Fantastic!!!
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Reiki Self-Healing Third Eye Chakra

All healing is self-healing. Tapping into The Brow Chakra or Third Eye is the 6th
the universal energy, we can use Reiki to chakra also known as Ajna chakra. The
heal our physical, emotional, and gift of this chakra is clear seeing. It is
spiritual bodies. A gentle and safe seeing beyond the physical form, beyond
method for holistic self-care, anyone can the frequencies of material world,
use Reiki energy for self-healing. seeing the subtle energies and higher

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