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1. Background of Problem
As we known, A function f (x) has a limit as x approaches c if and only if it has
left-hand and right hand limits there and these one-sided limits are equal :

lim 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐿 ⇔ lim− 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐿 𝑎𝑛𝑑 lim+ 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐿

𝓍→ 𝑎 𝓍→𝑎 𝓍→𝑎

One Sided Limit as the name implies, with one sided limit we will only be
looking at one sided of the point in question. Here are the definitions for the two one
sided limit. Limit of Trigonometry is derived by using the principle of apit theorem and
trigonometry formula.
We will find out where some students in the Bilinggual Mathematic class are
working on some of the question we gave about this is ( One sided limits and Limits of

2. Formulation of the problem

1. What the meaning of one sided limit?
2. What the limit of trigonometry relationship with the one sided limit?
3. What is the limit of trigonometry?

3. Purposes of the Problem

1. To know that bilingual mathematic students already understand about One-Sided

Limits and Limits of Trigonometry.
2. To know that bilingual mathematic students not understand about One-Sided Limits
and Limits of Trigonometry.
3. To know that bilingual mathematic students who understand and do not understand
about One-Sided Limits and Limits of Trigonometry.

4. Benefit of the Problem

The benefits to know this Mini Riset is to find out the Bilingual Mathematic
students who understand and do not understand about One-Sided Limits and Limits
of Trigonometry.

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