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PSIMAGE - PostScript IMAGE plot of a uniformly-sampled function f(x1,x2)

psimage n1= [optional parameters] <binaryfile >postscriptfile

Required Parameters:
n1 number of samples in 1st (fast) dimension

Optional Parameters:
d1=1.0 sampling interval in 1st dimension
f1=0.0 first sample in 1st dimension
n2=all number of samples in 2nd (slow) dimension
d2=1.0 sampling interval in 2nd dimension
f2=0.0 first sample in 2nd dimension
perc=100.0 percentile used to determine clip
clip=(perc percentile) clip used to determine bclip and wclip
bperc=perc percentile for determining black clip value
wperc=100.0-perc percentile for determining white clip value
bclip=clip data values outside of [bclip,wclip] are clipped
wclip=-clip data values outside of [bclip,wclip] are clipped
bclip and wclip will be set to be inside
[lbeg,lend] if lbeg and/or lend are supplied
threecolor=1 supply 3 color values instead of only two,
using not only black and white, but f.e. red,
green and blue
brgb=0.0,0.0,0.0 red, green, blue values corresponding to black
grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 red, green, blue values corresponding to grey
wrgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 red, green, blue values corresponding to white
bhls=0.0,0.0,0.0 hue, lightness, saturation corresponding to black
ghls=0.0,1.0,0.0 hue, lightness, saturation corresponding to grey
whls=0.0,1.0,0.0 hue, lightness, saturation corresponding to white
bps=12 bits per sample for color plots, either 12 or 24
d1s=1.0 factor by which to scale d1 before imaging
d2s=1.0 factor by which to scale d2 before imaging
verbose=1 =1 for info printed on stderr (0 for no info)
xbox=1.5 offset in inches of left side of axes box
ybox=1.5 offset in inches of bottom side of axes box
width=6.0 width in inches of axes box
height=8.0 height in inches of axes box
x1beg=x1min value at which axis 1 begins
x1end=x1max value at which axis 1 ends
d1num=0.0 numbered tic interval on axis 1 (0.0 for automatic)
f1num=x1min first numbered tic on axis 1 (used if d1num not 0.0)
n1tic=1 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 1
grid1=none grid lines on axis 1 - none, dot, dash, or solid
label1= label on axis 1
x2beg=x2min value at which axis 2 begins
x2end=x2max value at which axis 2 ends
d2num=0.0 numbered tic interval on axis 2 (0.0 for automatic)
f2num=x2min first numbered tic on axis 2 (used if d2num not 0.0)
n2tic=1 number of tics per numbered tic on axis 2
grid2=none grid lines on axis 2 - none, dot, dash, or solid
label2= label on axis 2
labelfont=Helvetica font name for axes labels
labelsize=18 font size for axes labels
title= title of plot
titlefont=Helvetica-Bold font name for title
titlesize=24 font size for title
titlecolor=black color of title
axescolor=black color of axes
gridcolor=black color of grid
axeswidth=1 width (in points) of axes
ticwidth=axeswidth width (in points) of tic marks
gridwidth=axeswidth width (in points) of grid lines
style=seismic normal (axis 1 horizontal, axis 2 vertical) or
seismic (axis 1 vertical, axis 2 horizontal)
legend=0 =1 display the color scale
lnice=0 =1 nice legend arrangement
(overrides ybox,lx,width,height parameters)
lstyle=vertleft Vertical, axis label on left side
=vertright (Vertical, axis label on right side)
=horibottom (Horizontal, axis label on bottom)
units= unit label for legend
legendfont=times_roman10 font name for title
following are defaults for lstyle=0. They are changed for other lstyles
lwidth=1.2 colorscale (legend) width in inches
lheight=height/3 colorscale (legend) height in inches
lx=1.0 colorscale (legend) x-position in inches
ly=(height-lheight)/2+xybox colorscale (legend) y-position in pixels
lbeg= lmin or wclip-5*perc value at which legend axis begins
lend= lmax or bclip+5*perc value at which legend axis ends
ldnum=0.0 numbered tic interval on legend axis (0.0 for automatic)
lfnum=lmin first numbered tic on legend axis (used if d1num not 0.0)
lntic=1 number of tics per numbered tic on legend axis
lgrid=none grid lines on legend axis - none, dot, dash, or solid

curve=curve1,curve2,... file(s) containing points to draw curve(s)

npair=n1,n2,n2,... number(s) of pairs in each file
curvecolor=black,.. color of curve(s)
curvewidth=axeswidth width (in points) of curve(s)

The curve file is an ascii file with the points specified as x1 x2
pairs, one pair to a line. A "vector" of curve files and curve
colors may be specified as curvefile=file1,file2,etc.
and curvecolor=color1,color2,etc, and the number of pairs of values
in each file as npair=npair1,npair2,... .

You may eliminate the blocky appearance of psimages by adjusting the

d1s= and d2s= parameters, so that psimages appear similar to ximages.

All color specifications may also be made in X Window style Hex format
example: axescolor=#255

Some example colormap settings:

red white blue: wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 brgb=0,0,1.0
white red blue: wrgb=1.0,1.0,1.0 grgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 brgb=0,0,1.0
blue red white: wrgb=0.0,0.0,1.0 grgb=1.0,0.0,0.0 brgb=1.0,1.0,1.0
red green blue: wrgb=1.0,0,0 grgb=0,1.0,0 brgb=0,0,1.0
orange light-blue green: wrgb=1.0,.5,0 grgb=0,.7,1.0 brgb=0,1.0,0
red light-blue dark blue: wrgb=0.0,0,1.0 grgb=0,1.0,1.0 brgb=0,0,1.0

AUTHOR: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 05/29/90

MODIFIED: Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 08/30/91
BoundingBox moved to top of PostScript output
MODIFIED: Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 12/16/93
Added color options (Courtesy of Dave Hale, Advance Geophysical).
Modified: Morten Wendell Pedersen, Aarhus University, 23/3-97
Added ticwidth,axeswidth, gridwidth parameters
MODIFIED: Torsten Schoenfelder, Koeln, Germany 006/07/97
colorbar (legend) (as in ximage (by Berend Scheffers, Delft))
MODIFIED: Brian K. Macy, Phillips Petroleum, 01/14/99
Added curve plotting option
MODIFIED: Torsten Schoenfelder, Koeln, Germany 02/10/99
color scale with interpolation of three colors

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