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Language Development Lesson Plan

Assignment 4 - Design a mini lesson for the proficiency (beginning, intermediate, or advanced)
level of your current or future students. The focus of the mini lesson can be either an element of
phonology, or morphology, or grammar. Due – end of Week 5 –August 16, 2015.

Grammar: Sentence Structure

Objective: SWBAT distinguish between simple and compound sentences, and generate simple and
compound sentences.

Essential Questions:

1. How can I create a compound sentence?

2. What are coordinating conjunctions?
3. What is an independent clause?

APK (Assessing Prior Knowledge)/Do Now:

Yesterday we learned that a very basic sentence that contains a subject and a predicate is a simple
sentence, Simple sentences express one complete thought, and they do not start with a prepositional
Identify examples and non-examples of simple sentences by circling your answer choice.
1 .Leslie will sing in the talent show. Example/Non-Example

2. Joe camped with his Boy Scout troop. Example/Non-Example

3. Aaron draws very well. Example/Non-Example

4 .Leslie in talent show. Example/Non-Example

5 .Camping with Boy Scouts is. Example/Non-Example

6. Because Aaron draws very well. Example/Non-Example

EPK (Extending Prior Knowledge)/ I DO/We Do:

1. Compound sentence: A sentence that contains two or more complete thoughts (independent
2. The independent clauses are usually joined by a comma and a conjunction.
3. Sometimes a semicolon (;) is used to join compound sentences.


◦Melissa will sing in the talent show, and we expect her to win first place.

◦Melissa is scheduled to sing in the talent show, but she has strep throat.
◦ Melissa is not singing in the talent show; I will take her place.

With a partner, identify if the sentence is Simple or Compound?

1. Father was a carpenter by trade, and he built us a sturdy home. ___________________

2 .I crossed my arms over my chest and pout. ________________

3 .I couldn’t throw it into High Street; it might spook one of the horses. _______________

4 .I had just saved her precious quilt from disaster, but would she appreciate it? ________________

5. The water in the washbasin was cloudy, and the facecloth smelled like old cheese. ______________

6. The size of the room did not match the size of our family. _________________

7. My father built our home and business after the War for Independence ended in 1783. ____________

8. The room where we served customers filled most of the first floor and had four large windows.

Application/YOU DO:

Let’s Practice: Combine these sentences in the best way possible.

1. Cindy ran to catch the train. She got there too late.
2. Skyscrapers in the city were damaged in the hurricane. Bridges in the city were damaged in the
3. The diner has great steaks. It has cheap hamburgers. It has crisp French fries.
4. Peter plays tennis. He sings in the choir.

Reflection/Exit Ticket

1. How can I create a compound sentence?

2. What are coordinating conjunctions?
3. What is an independent clause?
4. Write one simple sentence and 2 compound sentences.


Using your plot diagram, write a story that contains a minimum of 5 simple sentences and 5 compound

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