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757GX ]I


The FT-7s7GXII combines the finest features of its famous predecessor, the FT_
?57GX, with new developments in response to technological advances and to the
m o s t p o p u l a r r e q u e s t sf r o m s e r ì o u s h f o p e r a t o r s . N e w a d v a n c e si n d j g j ! a l c o n
t r o l a n d c o m p u t e r - a i d e dm a n u f a c t u r ì n gm e t h o d s a Ì l o w t h e F T - 7 5 7 G X I l t o o f f e r
great versatility and operator convenience on all modes and all hf amateur
radio bands, with 100 watts of PEP transmitter power oùtput on the amateur
bands, and general coverage reception from 0.15 to 30 MHz.

Special new digital features include operator selectablemode-dependent unìng

steps, ten memory channels which store mode as well as fÎequency, auto-resume
l o o p s c a n n i n gb e t w e e n d u a l V F O s ( o r a d j a c e n t m e m o r i e s ) , a s p e c i a l c l a r ì i i e r
memory, and an improved CAT (Computer Aided Transceiver) System for simplified
programming aùd more advanced control by an external computer.

A 40dB IF Notch filter is provided along wiih continuously adjustabÌe lF Shift

for minimizinginterferenceduring SSB, CW and ECSSreception of AM signals.
wídeband AM and narrowband CW IF filters are included as standard. A switch-
able RF amplifier and 20dB attenuatorare provided to optimize sensitivity and
d y n a m i c r a n g e o n a l l f r e q u e n c i e su n d e r a w i d e v a r i e t y o f c o n d j t i o n s , w h i l e t h e
n o í s e b l a n k i n g p u l s e w i d t h c a n b e s e t o n t h e f r o n t p a n e l , c o n t i n u o u s l ya d j u s t
able from narrow (ignition-type)to wide ("woodpecker") blankingpulse widths.

Full break-in QSK CW operation is provided {'ith Yaesurs custorn designed elec-
tronic keyer built in, as a standard feature. l\ew high voltage solid state
transmit/receive svritching circuitry is provided for direct t/r control of a
wide variety of QSK and non-QSK linea. amplifìers.

AF speechprocessor' which
SSB and AM signal punch can be increasedby the
averagespeecll power
c o m b i n e s c l i p p i n g a n d c o m p r e s s ì o nc i r c u i t r y t o o p t i m i z e
úodulation assures clean
\ir'ith minimurn distortion. Careful fillering before
power' The diecast top half of
output with a substantialincrease in average
final power amplifier' and
the FT-757GXll serves as the heatsink for the
power FM and AFSK operation
forced-air cooling through the chassis allows full
when used with a heavy duty power supply'

lB8 Desktop Scanning

Optional accessories include your choice- of the lvlD
the microprocessor
Mìcrophone or the MH_188 Handy Scanning Microphone' and
or FL-7000 500-watt
controlled FC-75?AT 100-watt Automatic Antenna Tuner
of whlch autornatically
Automatic Solid State QSK Linear Amplifier, each
the FAS-1 4R Remote
s e l e c t s a n d t u n e s u p t o f i v e a n t e n n a sw h e n u s e d w i t h
Antenna Selector'

Series- ReguÌator
Power supplies for the FT-757GXIÌ include the FP-757HD Heavy Duty
control' or the
Power Suppiy with forced-air cooling and automatic thermal fan
as an exclter
light-duty FP-700 standard supply, ìdeal when the transceiver ìs used
AÌl power supplies
for the FL-7000, or for low power and ]i8ht duty applications.
can be wired îor l)o/ll1/117/200/220 or 231 vAC'

F'l'-757GXll Dùct Flo$ Cooling S''rslem

Fan fvloto. Shleld Plate Loca Unit Chassls


TRANSMITTER Maximum FM deúanon

1 5k H z

l60m band i.5 to 1.99999MHz RF Output inpedance {nominall

80m band 3.5 to 3.99999MHz 50 ohms, unbalanced
40m band 7.0 to 7.49999MHz
30m band 10.0to 10,49999MHz Microphone impedarìce
20m band 14.0to 14,49999MHz 500 to 600 ohms
l?m band 18.0to 18.49999MHz
l5m band 21,0 to 21.49999MHz
lzm band 24.5 ta 24,99999MHz RECEIVER
l0ú band 28.0 to 29.99999MHz

Tuning steps (selecrablel 150 kHz to 29.99999MHz (contjnuous)

SSB & CW: 10 Hz or 1 kHzlstep
AM: I kHz or 10 kHzlstep Circuìt type
FM: 2.5 kHz or l0 kHz/step Triple-conversion superheterodyne

Emission types Clarifier range

LSB, USB (J3E)i Cw (A1A); AM (AsE) unlimited (full receiver range)
3NdFM (G3E)
Sensitivity (for iodB S+N/N, exc FM)
1s0-250kHz250-s00kllz è09!9 sookllz
SSB,CW & FM: 100WPEPIDC,witl SSB/CW l.0LrV 0.5uV 0.25uV
sÌightly Lesson 10m band AM lùrv .1uV 1uV
AM: 25W Carrier FM: o.suv for 12dBSINAD (above 500kHz)

SSB Carrier suppression Intemediate frequencies

betÈr than 40dB below peak ourplrl 47.060MH2,8.2l5MHz,455kHz

Unwanted sideband suppre.\sion (SSB) Image rejection

better than 50dB beÌow peak ourpul better lhan 70dB
(l kHz tone)
IF rejection
SpurÌous radiatioD beffèr rhàn 70dB {ali frequencies)
better than 50dB beÌow peak ouLpur
Selectivity { 6/ 6odB)
Audio response SSB, CW(W) & FSK 2.7/4.5 k{z
L e s sr h a n - 6 d B f r o m 3 5 0 r o 2 g 0 0 H z CW(N) 600 Hzl1.3 kHz
AM 6/18 kHz
3rd order intermodùlation distortion FM 15/30 kHz
better than -35d8 beÌow peak outplrt
( @ l . 1 M H z ,1 0 0 ! v ) Dynamicrange(CW(N)@l4MHz)
better tha. 100d8
Reference oscillator stability
betrer than 110ppm lrom 0 to ,10'C MaxinuÌn audio power ourpur
after l5 mìnute wa.mup at least 1.5W inro 4 ohms w/10o/' TllD

Modulation systems Audio output imp€dance

SSB/cw: active balanced moduìator ,1 to 16 ohms
AM: earÌy stage (low Ìevel)
Fi\l: variable reacrance


Supply voltage Model Part No.

13.5\DC !100/o MD IB8 Desktop Scannlng Mic.oPhone D1000039
MH-IBE Hand Scanning Microphone D1000040
FRB 757 Relay Control Box D3000280
Pover @nsumption
2A MMB 20 l\'lobiìeMountlngBracket D6000032

Tramsitter (100W outpul) l9A External Computer ln|erfaces

FIF 65A for APPIe tI
FIF-232C for RS 232C
Dimensions (wHD)
FP-757HD Heavy Duty Power SUPPIY
238 x 93 x 238mm {without
fP /00 r t a n d a _ dD r t Y P o E è - s u P D ì )
FC 757AT Automatic Antenna Tuner (100w)
Weight (approx)
FL 7000 500W QSK Automatic Linear Ampìifier
5 . 2 k g ( 1 1 . 5l b )
FAS 1 ,1R Remote Anten.a Selector (l.2kw,
lor use wìth FC 757AT or FL-7000)
SpecifÌcalions may be subject to change with
SP-767 Base Statlon LoudsPeaker
out notice or oblì8ation.
SP ?6?P Base Loudspeaker v/Phone Patch
SP-55 Mobrle Lotdspèafe.
E-?5711(CAT-N) connecrion Cable (to FlF 232C)


DC Power Cord (w/o fuse) T9014900

Fuses (2 suppÌied)
FT TsTGXrr (20A) Q0000009
FT-7s7SXIj (64) Q0000012
3-pin Phone pluC (SH3603) P0090008
RCA (phono) pÌugs(STP-58, 2 pcs) P0090018



L 7l q

{r) PowER (4) MIC/DRIVE

lhis pushbutton switch turns the lransceive. The inner MlCrophone control adjusts the gain
o. and off. Frequency and rnode data stored in o. rh. -ur'Tir .Jdio anp itie- r5-d du r 8
rhe memories and vfos is not affecred by thjs SSB and AM transmission {for FM, gain is
swirch, or by whether power is connecred ro preset internally). This control adjrists
the transceiver, since this dara is retalned output power in SSB modes when the speech pro-
by an internal lithium battery while the cessor is off, and modulation level in the AM
backup system is activated. nodr. Ir is di hbt-d . en I F pro.ó.5of o
and during FM and CW transmission.
(2) MlCrophone
This 8-pin co.nector accepts the plug of the Th^ ort.r DRI\E ' olt o dú.rii. 'h" .arrie_
MD-188 Desktop Mic or MH-188 Hand MÌc. power outpùt level for CW, AM and FM rransmis-
Scanning controì lines from these microphones sion. This control is disabled during SSB
alloiv pushbutton fast and slow tuning from the
microphone (dupljcatjng the functions of the
tuning knob and FAST button). See page l7 for
ói ér \olrme.
Monaural or stereo headphones with 4-t6 ohms lhe or Fr h . o r r r o l d o t u ) 1. t h c S a j n o l r l c
impedance may be connected to this jack. receiver RF and IF anrpliliers via rhe agc
Stereo headphones with a 3 conductor plug wÌll llne. This conlrol js normally set fully
reproduce the audio in both ears, as with mon- clockwise tor peak .eceive. sensjtivity. When
auraÌ headphones with a 2-conductor plù9. it is set counterclockwise from maximum, the
Inserting a pÌug ìnto this jack dìsables the S meter rìinimum deflection point will be moved
internaÌ or exlernaì loudspeaker. Lrp the scale, and weaker signals (or noisel

- 5
wìll be suppressed, although S-meler defÌec- outer noise blanker control adiusts the
rion for stronger signals will remai. rhe decay time of the noise bÌanker agc, whrch
same. This control also affects the squelch determìnes the wid.h of the bÌatking pulse
threshold, and so slould be set before the SQL when the nojse blanker is activated durÌng SSB
(squelch) co.troÌ. and L \\ -p.èpr o 'a d \\4 q èr | .F 'o s Dllsps
are stronger than the received carrier).
(6) Tuning Knob and FAST butto.
This knob tunes !he transcelver at a fate {9) BAND/CH (D\{N & uP keys) and H/C button
determined b y t h e o p e r a t i . g m o d e a n d selecled DurÍng reception with a vfo, the two large D\\'l"l
by the FAST button: and LIP keys are used to change frequency
bands, and for 500 kHz steps. The H/G (Ham/
Tuning Rates Ín kllzlstep GeneraÌ coverage band step selector) butto.
determines rhether the DWN & UP keys step
MODE FAST ON FAST OFF rhrough the amateur bands only, or in 500 kHz
SSB/CW 1 kHz 10 Hz general coverage steps. A beep sou.ds when any
AM l0 kHz of these a.e pfessed. See the Operation sec-
FM l0 kLIz 2.5 kllz tìon of lhis mànual for detalls.

This knob is disabled when the LOCK button Ìs When receiving on a memory the H/G button is
pressed, durÌng transmÌssÌón or when operating disabled and the DWN & UP keys step through
on a memory. A torque adjusmenL screw for úe the memories. Also, when the SCAN MODE swÌtch
tuning knob is accessible through the hoÌe on is pressed, the DwN & UP keys activate and
the bottom of the transceiver, just benealh oeJ ;\dr- pv\ .. d.nirg o-ruF-r ìèîoric..
the knob (see page 16).
(10) MODE Seìect Burton and Indicators
(7) NOTCH/SHIFT Press rhis button to selecl the operating mode
The inner NOTCH controÌ actlvates lhe IF notch while receìvjng (a beep will sound). The sel-
filre. when turned clockwise out of the click ected mode js indicated by one ol the six LED
stop, and tunes the notch across the IF pass
band. Its settjng is independen. of lhe oper-
ating and IF Shift setting. Ser rhis (r1) S C A N M O D E P u s h b u n o nS w i t c h
conrrol inro rhe clÌck stop (olf) when the Press this 2 posillo. swirch to select sca.-
.orch fìlter is not needed. The norch fiìler ning facjlities. While depressed, the func
is disabled in the l_M mode. tions of Lhe DWN & UP keys and the VFO and
Memory keys a.e altered (from the basic
The outer SHIFT conlrol seLs the position of luncrjons described in this section) to select
the receiver IF !assband relatlve to the rece and control various scanning functions, as
iving frequency in SSB, CW and AM modes, to described in the Operarion section.
suppress inrc.fe.ence o. neàrby chanrers. Al
the l2 o!clock posìtion the IF passband is (12) vFo and Memory Keys
centered on the (dÌsplayed) receiving ireque. These six keys transfer frequency and mode
cy; tufn this control counlerclockwise lo JarJ b-rq.p rlrF v-o. a d TeTo I \. A bèép
rhp lf p1 òo-.d. or .,o(au!.é ro ra:\r sounds when ore ls pressed. As they funcllon
the p a s sba.d. When no interference is prese.l, during transmil as well as .eceive, use care
set this conlroÌ to the l2 orclock position. to avoid accidental changes whiìe rransmit-
t i n g . l w o k e y s h a v e ) , e L l o 1 vm a r k i n g s l o i n d r -
(8) SQL/NB (squeìch/Noise BÌanker) cate that data wlll be overwrirlcn when !hey
The inner squeÌch control is used to se! lhe àre pressed. some of rhese keys aiso take on
rfrp.hod è\él or .r'on g srgn- nr roisa special functìons when the SCA\ NIODE switch ls
èa. Tl . \F
at rhich recciver audio is muled. lhis c,pè. é-p la,flLaI dar.

th.eshoÌd poi.t also serves as the scan stoP

setting when scanni.g. Clockwise rotation VFO A/B
Ìncreases the rhreshold level, causing the This key exchangesrhc co.tents of the t{o
| ,o r..p . d ,o b '-l8ro I' d oisFo- vfos (calledA and Bl.

SPLIT LOCK - auning knob locked
Press this key to activate split frequency SPLT - split frequency operation actlve
opera!ìon between the two vfos, and press il CLAR clarifier active
again ro cancel sPlir oPeration. VFO A operatjng vfo, or
vFOB - or
MR/VFO MR - operation is on a memory
ThÌs key switches operation beLween the The digital frequency display indicates the
last-used vfo and the last used memory. The operating frequency with 100 Hz resolutÌon.
frequency and mode data in the vfo and mem When operating on a memory, the memory channel
'CH' Lo
ory are unaffected. The disPlay indicales number (0 thru 9) is displayed wìth
which (vfo or nenlory) is currently selected. the rlght of the frequency.

VFOZ|.l (15) CLAR

This key excharges the frequency and mode Press this butlon whlle recejving on a vio to
contents of the last used vfo and lhe last actjvate cla.ifier operarion. The luning knob
and D\4N & UP keys can lhen be used to lune the
receivef witho!t affecting the transmit fre-
VFO>M quency. Press this button again to cancel the
P.ess this key when oPeratÌng on a vfo to change in receiver frequency and retur. to
srore the frequency and mode data from thal r,vhere you were. The clarifìer is dÌsabled when
vfo into the lasl used memory. This wilÌ receiving on a memory.
ov€rwrite previous memory data, and leave
the vfo and memory lhe same. This key is { 16) Pushbutton Svitches
ai.rbled $ op^rd.inS on à îemor\ Each of these swilches has two positions; when
depressed the ÌabelÌed function is on, and
M>VFO when undepressed rhe labeLled function is off,
Pressthis key when operaungon a memorvLo except for the NIETER swìtch descrjbed next.
lransfer its dala into the lasl-used vfo.
This will overwrite prevìous vfo data, leav MhThR "e è. rs pr'hp ALC or potré- oL.prl
irg r-è vlo dra nerru"y de '"np. A'èr Dre- functions of the meter during transmrssron.
sìng this key operation wiÌl be on the vfo. Power outpul lunctions (forward, or reverse)
are in turn selecred by the FWD REV switcb
(13) DLOCK on the rear panel. ALC is indicated whe.
This button disables the tuning knob to pre this switch ìs i. the depressed posÌtion,
"LOCK" is and power output when il ìs undepressed,
vent accidental frequency changes.
shown on the display when active. Press this
buúon again to re enabìe tuninS. RF AMP activates the rf ampÌilier Ìn lhe
recelver front end when depressed, tor màx
(14) Meter & Dispray imum receiver gain. ln the undepressed posi-
The neier shows relacive signal slrength Ìn S- !lon the RF ampìifi€r is bl,!assed, for
units on the uppermost scaLe wnen recelvÌn8' increased immunity to overload strong
and either reLative power output (PO), trans_ signals on other frèquencies.
mitter automatic level control (ALC) or
r e f r c ir è d p o w - . pur ( s $ R ì du g .-dn ri"- A T T p d ' s a 2 0 d B" n c ' , ' u ia l' -'.Fr!p
sion. The METER button on the lronr panel and front end circult, to reduce sensitrvrry and
rhe FwD REV switch on lhe rear pLìnel serect avoid overload of the rf anplilier and mìxer
rhe meter functio. for rransmìssìon. when listening ro verl slgnals.

To the right of lhe meter the ON AIR iidicator PROC acrìvates the AF speech processo. to
glows red when t.ansmìtting, a.d the cEN i.di_ increase average speech power during SSB
caror glows Sreen when general coverage band tfansmìssjon, according to the level set by
stepping is selected {via lhe rllG bltton). the coNlP LE\JEL conrol on the rear panel.

At the left side of the operating frequency, NB/T actilates rhe noise blarker fbr SSB, CW
the display tube jncìudes the foÌlowing Ìnd:- and ,à\l reception. The NB control at the
lower rìghr then be used ro set
the blanki.g pulse wÌdth.

AGC-F activates fast agc decay time for SSB, The VOX switch activates voice-actuated
(!r and AM rF.óprion. to fd' iliréLF \.rnn; g $ansmit/receive switching, and serni break in
d r a r J r i n g o r l r s r e r i n Sr o \ c ' ) w é d h s i 8 CW keying. In SSB, AM & FM modes, when this
naLs. When not depressed, slow agc decay is switch is in the depressed positio., the
provided for more comfortable recep!ion ol transmìtter wilÌ be activated just by speaking
strong s i8n als, into the micfophone. When finished speaking or
releasing the CW key {Ìn CW node), the recei-
(17) MOX and VOX Pushbutton Swilches ver wjll be automarically reactivated after a
The transmjtter can be manually switched on short delay, as set by the DELAY control on
and off by the MOX swirch. Tìris is useful for
SWR measurement and antenna tuning.

R E A R P A N E L C O N T R O L S& C O N N E C T O R S

'.i: 'roì
.!..'.41.c_, ií. 11.€', ..91 Ll i?-ì i9


{r) DC 13.5V (3) LINEAR

This 4-pi. connector accepts l2 to 15V DC at This pushbutton switch activates e{rernai con-
l9 amperes (transmit), to power the transcei- troì of t/r sivirching by rhe FC-757AT, FL 7000
ver. Pinout is shown on page 13. CAUTION: AC or other linear amplifier desìsned for QSK
voltage or DC outside of this range may damage operation. If not using o.e of these accesso-
the transceiver. ries, this switch mùst be in rhe undepressed
position for transmissìon. This srvitch atso
(2) BAND DATA functions togerher wìtì the MARKER swrLcn ro
This 8 pin molex connector provides parallel disable the memory backup, as described in rhe
TTL-leve1 bandswitching signals (for rhe FC- Operation section.
7574T Antenna Tunef), and also QsK conÍol
signaLs for the FL 7000 Lìnear Amplifier. See (4) DELAY
the CAUTÌON .otice on page 14 ìl you wish to This controÌ sers rhe delay between the time
use another model linear anplifier. that speech stops or the CW key is opened and

the tirne that the receiver is reactivated when (12) ANT Coaxial Jack
the VOX system is activated by lhe swÌtch on This type-M (SO-239) jack is for the antenna
the front panel. system, antenna tuner or Ìinear amplÌfier
input. impedance requiremenl is 50 ohms' un
(5) ANTI TRIP balanced. Use onìy a properLy matÌng type-M
This controÌ sets the amount ol negalive {PL 259) pìug and 50 or 52-ohm coaxial cable.
receiver audio feedback applied to the VOX
an1pLifier durìng VOX operarion. The level (I3) PATCH/AFSK
should be set so that speaker audio does nol This phono jack accepts transmitter input from
key the transmitter, a p h o n p p J r ' h o - A F \ K r o n p g e r e r d r o r .l m D è -
dance is 600 ohms, and the ìevel should be
(6) VOX GAIN exrernalÌy adjusted to match rhat of the oper-
This control sets the gain of the VOX anpli- atorrs micropho.e, producing the same power
fier for VOX operaLion. The optimum seLting output wirh the same MIC gain control setting.
depends on the microphone used and the voice
characreristìcs of the operator. { I4) FWD-REV
This switch selects meter indicatÌon of either
(7) COMP LEVEL forward or reverse relàtive rt power ourput
This control sets the compression level of the during fansmission, when the METER swiLch on
é u c i o ! p è e . . o m p r è \ L o ra r r . g s S B r : ì m r ' the fronl paneì ìs ìn the depressed (PO)
sion wlth lhe processor (PROC switch) on See positjon. Refer to the following description
Lhe Operation section for adjustmena, of the FWD SET control, and the description ol
SwP nFa\u'èré r lé OpF-arior sp' io].
(8) AM CAR
This (recessed) trimmer potentiometer sets the (15) FWD SET
ratio of transmìtted carrler to modulatio. ior Thìs potentìometer adjusts the sensitivity of
AM rransmission. Adjuslmenl ls described in the metef for forward and reverse PO funcrions
the OperaLion sectìon. during transmissìon. Adjust this conlrol for
full scale meter deflection ìvhile tra.smltting
(9) MARKER a carrier wiah the FwD-REV swirch ser to rhe
Set this pushbutton switch to the dePressed FWD position, so that SWR can be read on the
position to actìvate the 25kHz marker signal meter in the REV positìon.
generator, which produces a carrier at n1ultl
p . . , r 2 i t H / d ' . . r l è l - P q u p n . \' ì r g ^ o r { 16) EXT ALC
the receìver. When the callbration signaì is This phono jack accepls transmìtter automatic
not needed, this siritch should be olf (oul), level control volaage from a linear ampljfier
ovorc inr--fé.è ,.é { |lh norn- -'. F! io ,. lor l'F l dr ri -' Fr
lhls swirch aìso functions in conjuncron wrth p \ i P . T h r " p p i - d \ o Ì - g P
the LINEAR switch to disabìe the memo.y backup should be be.leen 0 and -5V DC, referenced to
as described later. the outer contact (chassis ground).

(10) cAT (I7) AF OUT

This 6 pin mini DIN jack provides access to This phono jack provides consta.t ìow-level
rhe seriaÌ dara lines from rhe microcompuler receiver audio, unaffected by rhe AF gaìn
a4a A D ' orvp, -_, fo_ .4nrrol of rhc lrJ-\ control, for tape recording, digitaÌ demodula-
ceìver from an external computer. See the CAT tors capable of hlgh impedance input or an
sectio. of this maDual for details. external audio amplifier. Oùtput level is ap
proxlmately 200mV peak ar 50 kllohms.
(ll) PTT Jack
This phono jack provides access to the PTT (18) EXT SP (Erternal Speaker)
line, for external .eceive/t.ansmiL control by 1/8-ìnch 2-conductor mìni phone jack
a lootswitch or other devlce. Connectlng the provides ampÌifièd receiver output to drive an
inner contact to the outer contact (chassjs external 4- to 16-ohn Ìoudspeaker.
ground) activares the transmitter. Maximurn
open circLrit voltage present is 13.5V, and ( l9) KEY
minimum cÌosed ci.cuit currenL is Lì.3 mA. This ì inch 3-co.ductor phone jack accepts

keyer paddles for rhe irternal electronic {21} +8V
keyer, or a straighr CW key (when the Ìnternal This phono jack provides 8V DC at up to 100mA
keyer is switched off). Wjring connections are fof low power accessories. The center contact
shown on page 17. Open circuit vollage is +sV
DC a.d closed circuit current is 0.5 mA.
CAUTION: None of the ùree KEY jack conracts This phono jack provides 13.5V DC at up to 500
are connecled to chassìsground. DO NOT con- mA for poweri.g accessories. The cenrer con-
nect the outer contact to chassis grourd- tacl is positive.

{20) RF OLIT Note: Repairs to damage caused by exceeding

This phono jack provides low ievel RF oulpul lhe current capabiììties of the accessory DC
from an early stage of the transmitter, for jacks ("8V and +13.5V)may .or be covered by
e)!clung a rfansverrer. the warranry policy.

P o i v e r ì e v e Ì ì s a p p r o x j m a t e l y- 6 d B m ( 0 . 1 V r m s ) (23) GND
at 50 ohms. For best perfo.mance and safety, connecr this
terminal to a good earth ground through the
s h o r t e s t p a t h p o s s i bl e .

T O P C O V E R ( K E Y I N G )C O N T R O L S

'.2 rol
Thls slide switch seÌects semi When this switch is set to Lhe AUTO position
i n C W o p e r a t i o n i n c o n j u n c t i o n wìth lhe l\'1()x llp inèr1.' t bit - r.t I prn(é.o I.
and VOX swìtches on the front actìvated. Keyer manipulato. paddìes musr be
cated in .he folÌowing chart, connected to the KEY jack on the rear faÌrcl ro
operate the keyer. Whe. a straìght key or bug
ls used, set this srvitch io rhe XlANual posi

BRTAK IN VOX MOX ResuÌti.s functio.

SEl/II OFF OFF Sidetone only (no L\) (3) SPEED
SEMI OFF ON Tx wheÍ keydown (no rx) slide poleftionerer sers the keying speed
SE\fI ON OFF Seni break-in Cw for rhe electronic ker-er when the KÈYER switch
FULL Full break in CW ls ser to AUTaJ and lhe keyer paddÌes are
FULL oFF I ON Continuous carrler LÌ squeezed. Slìde this control to the right for
FULL oN I oFF Semi break-in CW faster kcying.


PRELIMINARY INSPECTION The FP-757HD is a heavy duty series regulator

power supply capable of 50% duty cycle opera-
tion with full po\r'er transmissions for up to
Upon opening the packing carton, inspect the 30 minutes at a tim€. Forced-ai. eooling is
transceiver carefùlly for any signs of danage. provided over an extra large internal heat-
Check to ensure lhat all exposed controls and sink. The FP-757HD requires a 6-amp fuse for
switches move freely, and that the cabinet has 1 0 0 , 1 1 0 o r 1 1 7V A C , o r a 3 - a m p f u s e f o ! 2 0 0 ,
no dents or scratches. If you notice any dam- 220 or 234 VA.. P o t r è r l r a n q f o r m e rp r i m a r J
age, document it completely and contact the c o n n e c t i o n sf o r l h e d i f f e r e n t l i n e v o l t a g e s
shipping company ìrnmediarely. Save dìe packing are shor/n on the next pa8e.
materials for possible futu.e use.
The FP-700 pover supply may be used for light
duty operation with the FT-757GXII (CW, SSB or
BASE STATION INSTALLATION reduced-power FM and AM). AC voltages, fuse
reqìiirements and power transformer wiring are
AC Power Supply the same as for the FP 757HD as described
The FT-757GXIÌ requires a power source of i2 above and shown in the diagram on the nexr
to 15 volts DC, capable of up to 20 amperes on page, but the plastic sleeve on rhe supply DC
voice peaks. For base station insrallations, cable must be cut to allo\r connecrion ro rhe
Yaesu offers a variety of AC power sÌrpplies, speaker in the power supply.
alÌ of which rnay be used vith AC line voltages
of 100, 110, 117, 200, 220 or 234 VAC.
Ho$,ever, before connectiDg any power supply to
the transceiver or AC line, make certain that
the supply is properly ser up for the local NE\ER CONNECTAC POWER,OR DC
ljne voltage, and that the correct fuse in 15V,DIRECTLY TO THE FT 75?GXIt.

Make certain that the POWER switch on the

front panel of the FT-757GXÌI is OFF {out)
before connecling power to the tra.sceiver,
aDd doúbte check to make sure that the polar-
ity of the connections is correcr before swil-
chjng the transcelver on,

t -
l l tl-tf
F P . 7 5 7 H DP O W E RT R A N S F O R M E RP N t [ 4 A B YC O N N E C T I O N S

Equipment Location and GroÙnding

lf all base slation inslalLations, the GND The FT-7;7GXII is designed for use wrth anv
te rin un I ol rhP r' 'n 'è \F_ antenna sysrem having a 50-ohm resistve rmpe-
dance a! the operatjng frequencv ArirÒmarlc
should be connectedbv a heavy braided cabÌe
finaÌ protecrion ( A F P ) c i r c u i t f y i s included
to a good earth ground. Best perlornànce oo
in !he transmitter to p r o t e c t t h c f i n a l tra's
all frequencles mav requÌre that the groundlng
istors by automaticallv reduci'g p o w e r outpur
cable be less ùan 10 leer (3 meters) long'
All station squipment shouid have ils own when a. jmPedance misnatch (high SWR) is
grounding cable (jndepe.denr of signal or con- present. \lith a. SNR ot 3:l Ior exarìple, onLl

troÌ cables), connected !o à conmon point on a b o u t ? 5 0 / oo f f u l l p o s e r o u t p u r i s a v à i l a b l e .

the grounding bus, close Lo thc trans'eìver or
Despile this prolection, the FT-757GXll should
lÌnear anrpÌifier {if used). See the dragram
never be swÌtched to transmit when no anrenna
or dummy load is connecred to the ANT
Use so-ohm coaxiaL cabLe with a proper plug to
connecl !he lransceiver t o t h e a n r e n n a o r
load, and if SWR is too high lo p e ' m i L t h e
desired, connect an anlenna tuner
such as the automatic FC-757AT or the FC 700
betveen the transceiver a.d rhe anrennlì See
page 22 for SWR measurement wllh the FT
757GXll, dnd pages11-16 for inter'Ónnection

Locare the transcerver so that air can flow

freeiy over the heatsink a.d u.def and behind
!he case. Avold PÌacing anylhing on top of Lhe
transcejver, and do not pÌace !he traùscelver
on top of anorher heat generatìng devìce such
as a linear amPlilier.

MOBILE INSTALLATIOT{ (3) Make sure the POWER srvitch on the trans-
(Negatìve Ground vehicles oniy) ceiver is OFF, and connect rhe DC cable
TLP ni .o..,F be os
The DC power cable for mobile instaÌlarion is shows the plug pjn connections. The posi-
.uppÌiFd $ L I F rransrptrer, Pìéaqpr,!irù tive RED wire must includ€ a 20 amp luse,
the NOTICE on page 11befo.e making power con instaìled in rhe supplied qable.
nections. The DC cable should be connected Always check to ensure that dìis srrirch is OFF
directly to the vehicle battery, rather than beiore startirg the engire.
to the Ìgnition or accessory circuitry. Route
the cable as far away from ignition cables as FUSE Ratings: 20A for FT 757GXÌ1,
possible, and then cut off any exrra cable in 6A.or fT-7575\I
order to minimìze voltage drop losses
Mobile Antenna Installation
( r ) Do nor .onnecr the L.ble ro t'e tra r5ce:- Please review the base station anrenna
\'r unr,r drrcr thF p_oDer conne. iors information on the previous page. An antenna
are made to the battery; the RED cable tuner such as the FC 757AT is particularìy
lead to the POSITIVE battery termjnal, desirable i. a mobile statlon, where the shorr
and BLACK lead to the NEGATIVE terminal. antenna elements have very narrow bandwidth.
Make sure the battery terminal connec- Make sure rhat the shield of rhe snrenna coax
Lions are light, and remember !o check is fi.mÌy grounded to the car body ar rhe
r L r F 1 ]p e r i o d . . d l ) f o r " . 9 n " o l o o . - r i r g antenna feedpoint.

\ 2 ) \ 4 è , s u-
rlè .olrdgè Ji ,os. he bJr,èr) Mounting
termìnals with the e.gine running fast The optional MMB 20 Mobiìe Mounring Bracker
e.ough to show a charge. ll above l5 for the FT-757GXlI aÌìows quick insertion and
volts, the aulomobile voìlage regulator removal of the transceiver from rhe vehicle.
r u" bF "Jjus,Fd ru --Jr , p ha .ha-ging Complete instructions are provided wjth the
voltage belore proceedìng, b.acket, which lr1ay be installed eitter aDove
o. underneath the rransceiver (see phoro).

FUSE : 64 (FT-757SXIl )
2 0 a( F f 7 5 7 G X I l )

F-r r:r BLAcr /;::::::r- a
e' - //-- \ TLRI/INALS
J QED l\ -] - !! \:r- )

u -
DC Power Cable Connections

lvlÀ48-20Mobile À,lountlngB.acker


Linear Amplifiers capable of switching uP to 250V AC or DC, at

The FT-757GXII includes a high voltage (1s0V) up to 2.54.
rrdas:sror ,$ir.t .apable of handlirB Lp lo
1.5 amperes DC, to control transmit/receive If using the FC-757AT antenna tuner or a QSK
switching of a linear ampiifier via pin 6 of linear amplifier such as the Yaesu FL-?000 or
the BAND DATA jack. However, make ceràrn that Alpha 78 connect pin 8 (INH, transmjrter inhi
the t/r switching requirements of your linear bit) of the BAND DATA jack to the exciter
amplifier do not exceed these limÌls, and that control llne from the linear, and set the
the lìnear switching voltage is +DC, and not - LINEAR switch to the ON (depressed) position
ro a t4$ rhe dnsnire|- a.t.raIor . r.urrrv
DC or AC. Yaesu offers the oplional FRB-757
Relay Box for l/r switching of linears that in the Linear Lo control the transceiver.
require negative or AC switching, or higher
voltage or current srvitchÌng. The FRB-757 in- If using a non-QSK linear amplifier s'ch as
stalls between the relay jack on !he amplÌfier the Yaesu FL-21008, or most Henry or Heathkit
and the PTT jack on the transceìver, ancl rs linears, make sure thal the LINEAR switch on
che rransceiver is oFF (outl.

F f-757GXrl SX ll + FP-/5IHD

:m. FT?57GXN,/SXN

r f|flfl

F T - I 5 7 G XI I / S X N + F T V . 7 O O +F P . 7 5 7 I ] D

L =:Ì]

V FT 757GX]I+ FL TO(](]




Ff 751GXn FP.757ND
t -.,- -t,-

r- i--,
E ! Í 9

f,É E 1
I -- g::

B e l a vc o n t r o l v ó l r a gi ieo m r h e l n e a r a m p l i l i èmr ù s rb e l e $
r h a n5 0 V , ó n d r e l a yc o i c u t r e n l e $ t h a o3 0 0 m , A .

P L N I ,a M l

I @
. r . " , . T , \ î : , ' . ,_ _ _ _ _ l


FI 757GXNSXN rc 757AT

FT-757GXII ,iSX]i + FAS I 4R + FC.75IAT

Torque Adjustme.t Sdew



fvlH-f Bs



hI ), -t
:r''''''É . 'DF= N0
ù*L v -

-llnn , Center Conducto.

*-,,,@,+ --llll1Ì:à-È

C..-..-O , f----_-.-
[ 4 o . a u r a H e a d p h o n eP l ! g

.-'rffiiÉn! L ' I T

Externa keyer P ug

::rrlneq-,rt ar cND
12)s. ou_f
qrì%.p it s. rN

a--.-ì a___o AGc


Ste.eo HeadphóneP ug c a T ( M n D N )P u g


Before plugging lhe power supply inro the walì Press the MODE button (repeatedly, if neces-
outlet (in base installation), ensure rhat !he sary) lo selecr the desÌred mode of emission.
power supply is wired for your AC line vol-
tage. Make certain thar rhe proper fuse 1s Turn dre AF gajn conrrol clockwise for comfor-
instaìled, and that ir is p.ope.Ìy connecred tabÌe receiver voÌume. lf you do not have a
to the transceiver as described in the lnstal scanning microphone, qse the FAST buLton on
lation sectio.. Also nake sure the antenna a.d ."F r or Pdl.l J.\ó .J ing cr.po
ground are connected. Refef to Lhe Memory (with the tuning knob), and then set the FASI'
Backup informatìor below to enabie the backup.
Notice that both coarse and fìne tuning sreps
Connect a microphone, if desired, ro the trllC are mode dependent, as shown on page 6.
jack. See page 17 for microphone informatìon.
For CW operation, co.necr ke)ref paddles or a If ,or ".. è- \'D-l88 \4H-l88 dn r,g n -
Cw key as shown on page 17 to the KEY jack on rophone rhe scan keys on the mìcrophonecan
greatly faciìitate vfo tuning wìth rhe tuning
knob: operate .he tuning knob wilh one ha.d
Preser the POIVER swirch off, and all push "ì e l-Fp g.ou o - h"rd orrhè
buttons to lhe undepressed posìtìo.. Set dre phone, FAST bLrtbn. This alLows qulck searching
", fAqT b|.t.on
other controls as folÌows: fo d. r\ r-\ l " r'l 1 - ed
MIC flrlly counterclockwise and then easl fine tuning when the FAST button
DRIVE - fuÌly cou.rerclockwise js reÌeased. To juÌnp up or dowi one coarse
AF - fulìy countercìockwise slep, press the mìcrophone FAST and either UP
RF - fuily clockwise or DO\\N kcy logether.
NOTCH - fully counterclockwise (lnto
rhe OFF cÌicksrop) NOTE: U.der certain condjtìons the tunlDg knob
SHIFT - l2 orclock positìon ìs deac.ivated. These are rhen the D LOCK
NB 12 orclock posjtìon. (dial lock), \,1R (memory recall) o. SCAN À,IODE
functio.s are active. When rhe dial is locked
Initial Poq,er Up and Tuning or a memory has been recaiÌed, iLOCKT and rMR'
appear, respecrively, on the dlsplay, Press
V!. - | rè . d r,c \lO\ ord VO\ bJflo 5 .ró I I the D LOCK buftor to deactivate Lhe dìal lock,
the u.depressed (out) positions, and then or press the MR/VFO button to return control
switch on the power suppiy, followed by the lo a vfo. If nelther of the above-lnentioned
fansceiver POWER swltch. lhe neter and dìs conditions is dispìayed reset the SCAN lvlODE
play should Ìight, vith the display ìndicating button lo the u.depressed position to turn off
the default (memory clear) state: VFO A and
7.000.0. Also, the green GEN and yelÌow LSB
Memory Backup
indicarors shouìd ljght (also defaults). Betore leaving the factory the memory backùp
systen1 is turned olf. Actjvate the backrip by
Press rhe H/G key and observe the steps of lhe
settìng the N{ARKIR and LINEAR swìrches on the
DwN and UP keys (the GEN indicator js olf lof rear panel to rheìr undepresscd (off) posi
amateur ba.d steps)r and then press D\1N and UP !ions. lf you are usi.g a QSK linear rhe
keys to select the operatìng band (for which LINEAR slvitch Íìust be kept ìn the depressed
rhe antenna is resonanr). position, in vhich case onÌI the IUARKER svirch
reeds to be set ro off.
The Ham/Gen (H/G) selection affects only the
stepping action of the DWN and UP keys when
If you want to cÌear aìl nrenories, of if you
tu.ìng a vlo. You c:i. use either selection lo plan to srore the trrìnsceivef lor a long time
receive on any frequency, or to transmit in
vithout po\!er con.ecred, dìsable rhe backup
!hc amareur bands. The transmitter is dlsabled
system bv pressing borh the LINEAR and MARKER
oulside of the 500 kHz amareur band segments
swirches (to O\) rvlriie rhe transceiver is off.
regardless of Ham/Gen selection.

SSB Reception, Interference Reduction rarely be needed below l0 MHz, unless you have
a sll]all antenna or your sration is ìn a quiet
Excepr for the vfo and memory conlrol keys, environmen!. Do not activate the attenuator
' l a r e m d r n .g . u | l o fo \é rè éitP and RF Ai\{P at rhe same timet instead, swìtch
provjded to reduce or eli|ninate Lhe v:tnous
types of noise, inrerference and distortlon
thar can obslruct comfortable receplion, Oper he described up to this point a.e
ation is fjrst described for SSB (USB or LSB) besL lor tLrning and receiving weak signals
reception o. an amateur band, with varìalìons under most conditlons, In most cases, once you
for orher modes descfibed later. have runed in a starion, you eill vant Lo set
the AGC F off (out, slow agc) for most comfor-
Press the MODE button to select USB and tune iable listenlng. If you are working a strong
ro the 14, 21 or 28 À4Hz phone band (if your sration (consistently above S-9), tur. on the
antenna is for a band below 10 MHz, select rhe atrenuator if ir isn't already on, or turn
rhat band and rhe LSB mode). Aiso, set the off the RF AlvlP (if jt's on), and decrease rhe
AGC F butto. for fast agc actìon (depressed). Rl_ gaìf so thar his sigùal just moves the S
meter above its (raised) restìng posìtion. You
Rl_ AMP & Attenuator should.orice a reduclion in backgroundnoise
and more comfrìftable copy.
Careful adjusment ol !he receiver front end
is necessaryfor optìmumreception, and shouÌd Whe. the vfo, set the AGC-F back on
be treated as first prioriLy al the starl of (last), and return the RF and ATT ro rheir
a n o p e r a t i n g s e s s i o n , o r e h e n c h a n g ì n 8m o d e s , prevìous settings (ìf you are for
bands o. afte.nas. To ser up rhe receiver for
optimun sensitivityi first make sure the RF
gain conLrol ìs fuLly clockwise, and the rf iF Shift & Notch Fllter
ampÌifier and att€nualor àre off (RF AMP and
ATT undepfessed). lf you expcrience interlefe.ce lrom stàtions
o' , urb/ f.aqua ìè "frFr i| à
' , a r o I d , d - r . , , c L - , i i - o l r q u \ l
On a cleaf frequency, check for any S meter
reading on the backgroundnojse Ìevel (hiss or described, .otare the SHIFT control to sup
crackÌe). if the S-meter deflects above 3, press thc intcrference. Lrsuaìly, interference
turn on the attenùaror(press ATT). Otherwise, o. one sjde of the desired sjgnaì is wofse
if the background noise gives no defÌection, r l' r o , - . h r . u , c b " h i Ínr g l - p , .
rurn on the RF AMP and agai. norc the S_meter band rowa.d the cÌearer sjde reception ot Llìe
reading or backgIou.d roìse: if it is above 3 desired signal can be improved. Noricet
S-units, turn the RF AMP back off (leaving it ho$ever, that the passband ol thc desired
on r!ould :ncrease the S meler readings ol signal is also shifted, so the SfllFT
received slgnals, but vould .ot improve the control too faf may cut off too nuch of the
signal-!o-noise ratio {redl sensitiviry), a.d low or high aùdlo componentsand make the
w o u l d i n c r e a s e t h e l i k e L ì h o o do f o v e r Ì o a d f r o m signal u.i.telllgible.
strong sìgfaìs on other lrequencies.
The lf- notch lilt.r is prjmafily uselul for
After selecting the proper ATT and RF AMP Lpprp.' I har-rodvr- ' .$ .., 'p.-!-
settlngs, if backgrou.d noise stiÌì causes the tion as described later. However, ir is also a
S meter ro defÌect, note the Ìeveì and theD powefful tooi for suppressl.g odrer !y!es of
rotate the RF_ gain conlrol counlercÌockwise inra-tórè-i nD r.- 8-,P-drpd
lrom maximum until the S meter deflectjon jusl buzzing noise, in the SSB mode. Afler lunjng
begi.s to increase slighlly àbove the noise in the desired and serting the SHIFT
level. This rill reduce the back$ound noise l o r o p L l m L t mc o p l , i f ! o u a . e r e c e i v i n g a b u z -
when you Ìisten lo slgnals, zj.g type noìse, rurn rhe NOTCH on (our of the
click sto!), and {arch the S-meter while
'u-:r8 hó r. nr"ot .or rrn n. n cé t.-_
ln generaÌ, Lhe atteDualor nay ofren be needed
on lrequencles belorv i0 MHz, and when you are tion on.he noise (when rhe other starìon
I s g a la 8e )ou- \.ar.o. ò ir o | ,"t .. o ""u- - r.r qamp.,.\-,q.,
nolsy environment (ciry). îhe RF A\,lP should can be used ro suppress interferìng CW signals
o r c a r r i e r h e r e r o d y n e sd u r j n g S S B r e c e p t i o n .

SSB Recepfion, Interference Reduction rarely be needed below l0 MHz, unless you have
a smal anlenna or your starion is in a quiet
Excepr for the vfo and memory conrrot keys, envìronmenr. Do not activate the arEenuaror
i l g " o r r r o" and RF AMP ar rhe same rìme; i.sread, switch
p.o!idad o redu,For erm,'dé I'e \arioLr
types of noise, inre.ference and dìsro.tion
that ca. obstruct comfortable reception. Oper- The seftings described up to this poinr are
ation is firsr described for SSB (USB or LSB) best for tuning and receiving weak signais
reception on an amaleur band, wirh varjations u.der most conditjons. In mosa cases, once you
for other modes desc.ibed later. have tuned in a station, you will wanr ro ser
the AGC F off {our, slow agc) ror most comfor_
Press the ìVIODEbutton ro selecr USb ano cune tabìe listening. If you are working a srrong
to rhe 14, 2l or 28 MHz phone band (if your sratio. (consisrendy above S 9), turn on rhe
antenna 1s for a band beÌow 10 MHz, selecr rhe atrenuator jf jt isn't already on, or rufn
that band and rhe LSB mode). Atso, set the off rhe RF AMP {if ir's on), and decrease the
AGC-F butron for fasr agc action fdepresseo,. RF gai. so that his signal just moves rhe S
meler above jts (raised) resrìng posltion. you
Ill_ AMP & Aftenuaror shouÌd notice a reducrion in background noise
and more comfortable copy.
Careful adjustment of rhe receiver f.onr end
is necessary for optimum receprjon, and shoutd When retuning rhe vfo, set rhe AGC-F back on
be treated as pflority ar the sÈart of (fast), and rerurn rhe RF and ATT to theì.
an operating session! or when changing úodes, preyious setrings (if you are listening for
Oands or anrennas, To set up rhe receiver for
optimum sensitlviiy, first make sure rhe RF
gain conarol is fÌrÌly clockwise, and rhe rl lF Shift & Notch Fitrer
amplifier a.d atrenuaror are off lRF AMp and
ATT undepressed). lf you experience inrerference from sralions
on nearby irequc.cies after in a
O. a ciear, check for any s-merer sratìon and setring the rf conrroÌs as jusr
feadirg on the backgrou.d noise tevet (hiss o. described, Ìotare rhe SHIFT controì ro sup
cfackie). If the S-merer detlecrs above 3, press the interference. usually, inrerrerence
t u r n o n l h e a t L e n u a t o rl p r e s s A T T ) . O È h e r w j s € , o .1r .d- o. l,é dpsr- d .,grd, i. -.o-.-
if dìe backgrou.d noise gjves .o deftection, rna. on the other, and by shìfting the pass-
turn on the RF AMP and again note rhe S meter band toward thc clearcr side receptìon ol rhe
reading on backgroLrnd nojse: if i! is above 3 desifed signal can be improved. Notice,
s-units, turn rhe RF AMP back off (teaving ir ho$ever, thar rhe passband of the desired
on s ud t "-d.. r-r Sî - . - n o a i, 8 . o l srgral js aìso shjfted, so rurni.g the SlltFT
recejved signaÌs, but woutd not improve the conrrol roo far mey cur off roo much of the to-noise farjo (.eal se.sitiviryr, ano Ìo$ or hlgh audio components and n]ake lhe
w o u l d ì n c r e a s e t h e I i k e l i t r o o do l o v e r Ì o a d f r o m sìgnar uninreltigible.
srrong srgnals on other frequencies.
Tàe lF norch fìlter js primarity usefut for
Atter selecrìng the proper ATT a.d RF AMp suppressrng heterodynes l. CW and ECSS reccp_
settings, if background noise stiu causes rhe tron as described ìater, However, it ts also a
S to deflect, nore rhe level and rhen powerlul rooi for suppressl.g orher ry!es of
roÈate the RF gain control counterclockwise i.rerference, such as compurer generaLed
from naximum unrìl rhe S-merer defÌecùon lusl buzzing noise, in rhe SSB mode. After turjng
begins to increase slighrly above the noise rn rhe desired and setrìng the S IFT
level. This will reduce rhe back$ound Doise for optimum copy, if you are receivj.g a bur-
when you lisren ro signals. zj.g type noise, rurn the NOTCH or (our or tne
ciick srop), !ìnd warch rhe S-meter whìte
In, the artenuator ùay ofte. be needecl runrng tne notch co.rroi for mhimum deflec
on frequencies below l0 Mllz, and ùher JUu are tion on the nojse (whe. rhe other statron
usrng a ra.8e a.tenna or your starion is in a lsn't talking). Of course this same technique
norsy envjronmen! (city), The RF AMP should can De used to suppress inrerferj.g C!V signats
or carne. heterodyres during ssB receptio..
Note: once the NOTCH has been set, adjùsting only work if the expected signal is strong
the receìvÌng frequency or the SHIFT control enough to overcome the squelch threshold.
will move the notch setting, which will then Othe.wise, when not scanning, the SQL conrrol
have to be readjusted. should be set flrlly counterclockwise.

Another powerful application of the IF notch Note: lvhenever using the squelch feature, make
fllter is to effectively narrow the receiving sure to set up the RF AMP, ATT and RF gain as
passband by tuning the notch near the high or described previously beîore adjusting the SQL
low edge. The result is illustrated in the control, as the squelch th.eshold is affected
diagram below, First tune in the desired sig- by these front end settings.
nal and adjust the SHIFT as described above.
Then turn on the NOTCH and adjust it to the CW Reception
o p p o sr e p n d o f , h e p a s r b d n d f . o r r h î r r r l e i
ted by the SHIFT, for best noise rejec.ion and ln addition to the inlerference and noise
receiving clarÌty. reduclng conlrols described for SSB, the FT-
T5TGXII CW N (nar.ow) mode provjdes a 600 Hz
fi r-r tr.p rhe cw tr
(wide) mode ro tune in the desired signal for
about an 700 Hz pìtch, and then press the MODE
button to select CW-N,

K e e p t h e A G C - F s w i t c h i n rhe fast (depressed)

p o s i t i o n f o r C W r e c e p t i o n , and reduce rhe RF
g a i n a s m u c h a s p . , s s l b l e ro. suppress DacK-

Remembe. to return the NOTCH control to its The CW W mode provides ùe same IF bandwidth
off (clickstop) posjtjon, and the SHIFT con as for SSB, but wÌth a special internal audio
t.oÌ to ìts center position when retunìng to filter to reduce the audio bandwidth, allowing
another frequency. you to hear sjgnals up to about I kHz away
while tuning around the band. Noise and inter-
ference are $eater than for CW-N, DuL rne
wider bandwidth makes easier.
Pulse-rype nolse, ei!her shorr duration types
sucl as from iSnilions sysrems and electric The NOTCH liiter is useful in borh wide and
motors and switches, or lo.g du.ation over- narrow CW modes to suppress a stronger nearby
t h e - h o r i z o n r a d a r { r r w o o d p e c k e r r ' s) i g n a l s , c a n CW signal ìn o.der to hear a weaker one, Jus!
b€ reduced or removed by pressing rhe NB turr the NOTCH control to set the norch on rhe
button and adjusting the NB control from coun- undesired signal. This shouÌd be done both by
terclockwise to clockwise just to the point ear and by observing the S-meter for a dip.
where lhe noise is removed. Rolating the NB
control too far may cause distorrio. of the Hint: when you make contact with anolher sta-
d è s r r " d . j C n a l . o r I n r a r m o d u l a l | o r. l s r o - C tjon on CW, press the D LOCK button .o avoro
. igr"ìs "'p prè\èn. I n < . b ) f r è q u Fr . - \ , accidental frequency change.
When noise blanking is not required the NB
button shouLd be in the off (out) position.

Squelch (AÌl mode)

When waitjng for a scheduled call on fairly

uncrowded band the squelch ca. be activated to
siÌence the receiver until the call. Just tu.e
to the scheduled frequency (or set the scan-
ner, as described ìater, to scan the desired
range), 3nd then tu.. the SQL conrrol unriì
the receiver 1s quiet. Of course this will

AM Reception received signal and those on adjacent chan-
nels; beìng most effective when rhe signals
iF l-7s7(;\lI i ,l, das a 6 lH, iì,"r .or dré úFak a-d roisa pu !F. -rp \r-o48.
good fidelity during reception of medium-,rnd
shortwave AM broadcasts. The NOTCH filter ìs FM Receition
LsèfJl or èl ninarinB.d F- a r ó r o d J. ó .
r \ \ i i s l e s l p _ o d ' l . r d w h p t r w o s r a l t o' s a r é The FT-757cXll ìs equippedfor FM operadon
transmittìng near the same frequency, but when wrthour addilionai accessories. However, FM is
not needed, ir should be switched ofl for besL not used on frequenci€s below 29 MHz,
fldeLity. The SHIFT co.tÌol is ìess effecrlve so a VHF or UHF r.arsverrer may be used to
than in the narrower nodes, but ìr is useful extend the range of tlìe FT-757GXII ro rhe amareur
for eliminating hìgh-pilch hiss and herero- bands abovc 30 MHz.
dynes from sradons more than 3 kHz away.
The SHIFT, NOTCH, Noise Blanker and AcC con-
When interference or noise is severe, ECSS trols are nor active in FM reception. However,
lfré rpd adn tFr \él-.taD F siacoodro rp.ep rhe RF AMP, RF gain, ATT and SQL setrjngs are
tion may be preterabìe for recejving AM especially imporlant. For weak sig.aì work,
signals. This special technique allows you to set the SQL conrrol only after rhe other con-
seÌect either the upper or lower sideband ol troLs have been set. The FT-757GXI] FM cir-
an AM signal; eljmi.ati.g inrerference thar cuitry ìs designed for !5 kllz deviation, as is
may be present on the other sideband dLrero a mosr common l. 2-way FM comnunicatlons.
nearby signal. k also provides grealer selec
tivity resuLting i. grearer sensirlvity :rnd RTTY and Packet Reception
SHIFT control effecriveness, but does not
provide as much fidelity for stfong signals as An external TU (termlnal unjt) or TNC (termi
nat .ode controiler) is required for R'ITY or
packet operation, fespectlvely. Receiver audio
To use the ECSS techniquc, first rune in the ls best obtained from the AF OUT jack on rhe
starion precisely (shortwave broadcasters gen rear panel, as the ìevel of the slgnal ar rhis
e r a l Ì y t r a n s m i t o n p r e c ì s € r n u l t i p l e so f 5 k l l z ) jack is not affected by the AF gain control.
usìng the AM mode, and rhen select eìther L,SB llowever, your TU or TNC musr be capable of
or LSB, whicheve. gives besr feceprio.. h i g h i m p e d a n c e i n p u t ( 2 0 0 m v p - p @ 5 0 - k j ì o l r m s )r o
use this Otheririse, Ìow iÌnpedance our-
I Now carefully fine tuoe for zero beat o. the prlt is available from rhe EXT SP jackJ but
received carrier. To hear the carrier, set the rl.. r" ,f è.rFo by F ^f g-rn on. .r, aro
SHIFT control a1Ì the way in the dìrecrion _.r
L ig r i di . d b l p ,r h é ' r - é \ p r r L c " ,
lhar gives emphasis to birss, and very slowly
lu.e for the point where the signaÌ sounds The SHIFT conrrol ìs especìally convenienr for
most na!uraL and undisrorred, with no accom- RTTY and hf pàcket operarìon, using the SSB
Panying whis!le or dìsso.:rnce. modes (generally LSB is used for anareur digi-
tal modes below 29 MHz). Ser rhe SH1FT conrrot
L When you have tuned to zero bear, return the so that lsk rones are centered in the pass-
SHIFT control to center (or adjusrfor ml.imum b a n d ( t h e c e n t e r p o s i r i o n i s 1 5 0 0l t 2 )
interfe.ence and the desired tone), and push D
Lco('. lo"s",f, ,qu"",. As for SSB, the NOTCH fiÌter may be adjusred
ro suppress an unwanred carfrer, or ro narrow
H - r : T q r o b F a r r r S" ì c \ " 1 " i g n " l '( \\ r-..p the passband the SHIFT control has been
tio. requires a very carefuÌ rouch on rhe set. Thc agc should be fast (AGC F dep.essed),
run. g l r 'b. qon orac .p $ In r. roe òr8- and the noise blanker may be left on ar a
nals fìrsr will make the weak ones moderale setting (abour 10 or 11 orcÌock).
easier. Coarse tunirìg cannot be used for ECSS.

When receiving AM signals in either ANi or ECSS

mode, the noise bÌanker should be off unless
it is reaily needed. Irs eflecrìveness will
vary depending on the signal strengrh of rhe
TRAI.ISMITTER OPERATION keep the METER swltch on *ìe FT-7s7GXll in the
ALC (undepressed)posilion. See the Tuner or
The solÌd state rransmitter in the FT 757GXll { T p l I ' e r i r u a l o - . o m p l è r èd e t a . ì ò .
r è q u r è s ' 4 r d - u " r m eI o l F | h r r .érr'.g r'è
desired output level. The maximum poríer outPul Keyjng the Transmitter
is determined by the mode and the capabiÌìly
of the power supply (in AM, FM and alsk, power Use the MOX button to activate rhe rransmirter
may have to be restricLed to avoid overheating d u ' n g r h é f o l l o s n 8 p r o . è d u r è. B F o r è b F g i l
the power supply]. Also, there are certain nin& s€r the BREAK lN swirch on rhe top panel
precaurions ro be observed at 3lÌ Èimes when to FULL, and the VOX button on the front panel
transmÌtring to avoìd possible damage to the to off (out). To tra.smiL, seÈthe MOX bìrtron
t.ansceiver, and to assure a clean signal. . o r h a a e D r F c . c op o \ i r i o n . d n d t t F - p r p r s I
again to .eceive (undepressed position).
Never transmit withouL having a dummy load or
anrenna tuned to the operatlng frequency SWRChecking
connected to the transceiver (or linear ampli
fier, if used). If you have any doubl of the This procedure checks the approximate SWR
suitability of a pa.ticuÌar antenna on a cer- using jùst a few (arrs, ro avojd inte.le.ence
rain frequency, check the swR (standìng wave ard srrain on rhe equipmentwhen SWR is ùn-
Ratio) first, as described below. knosn, such as on a new a.renna.

q ! o i d r d n g i o t r p q L pr c c ' ' . r g r r a n 5 m ' s o\ - . ( r )O n the rear panel, set the FWD-REV sLide
First return to receive, tune to the new switch ro the FWD position, and turn the
transmit frequency, and listen for at least a FWD SET control lully clockwise (as viewecl
mi.ute or two to make sure Ìt is not already
occupìedi or ask if the frequency is occupied
and then listen for a response, When using a 12) M a k e sure the DRIVE control ìs ser fully
lighl- or medium duly power supply such as the counterclockwise. Set the METER switch to
FP-700, do not attempt to lransúit FM, AM or the PO (depressed) posilion, and seiect
fsk at full output power. Although Lhe trans-
ceiver is capable of this, some power suppltes
are not, and they may rapìdÌy overheat a.d be ( 3 ) Tune the vfo to a clear frequency, and
seriously damaged. In any mode, feel Lhe listen for a minute to make sure its ciear
supply occasionalÌy !ìnd reduce power or slop before proceeding.
transmitting for a while iî it feels hot.
( 4 ) Press rhe MoX button (the red oN AIR
Never begin to transmit (except into a dummy indicator will light), and ve.y gradually
load) without first listenÌng for a few m,n- advance the DRÌVE controÌ whiÌe wàtching
utes to make su.e the frequency is clear, and the meter for any detlection. Now adjust
then transmit your callsign. This wiLl avoid rhe DRIVE LonrroL io llar rì . îè èr dé
accidental interference co other stations' flecls exactly to the SET marker (white
line cufting the red bar at the rÌght side
SWR Checking & Measuring of rhe swR meter scale).

Before transn1itting, the SWR of the anrenna ( 5 ) Set the MOX switch back off (our). Reach
. ) q r e r ò n o u l co è ' h ó . P p d è r l f È o p F " d r r n gl - _ - back around to the rear paneÌ, and move
quency to ensure that the proPer impedance is rrè fr^D-R \ ' id. .i r.i' o | - IrtV po.i
being presenled to the transmitter. The trans_ tion. Now press the NlOX swìtch again to
mitter includes protection circuits that will key the transmìtref, and note the SWR
automatically reduce the output Power if SWR approrimatìo. on the bottom scale of the
is hlgh. For example, with an SWR of 3:1 only meter. Press the MOX switch again lo
a b o u t 7 5 o l oo f f u l l p o w e r ì s a v a i l a b l e , return ro receivel

If using the FC-?5?AT Automadc Antenna Tuner It the SWR indicàtion was above 3, the antenna
or FL 7000 Linea. Amplifier, SWR ìs calcuÌated syslem is too far fron resonance to be used at
and displayed automatically, and rhe foÌlowing the test frequency v'ithout substanlially
procedures are not necessary. ln this case, degradedperformance (not recommended). SwR

indicarion close to 3 indicates a poor antenna ( 1 ) With the MOX swìtch off, select the CW-W
match at this frequency, but an antenna luner node, ser the METER svilch lo PO (Ìn), and
such as the FC-7574T may be used to match the sè. rhé DR.vr ' orr'ol fJl ) .lo wse
anrenna better, .educing the swR. of course (maximum). On the rear panel, set the FwD-
r h s w l l n o t c d r g ó h ó r a d i a r i, g q u d l r t . p . REV switch to FWD.
of rhe antenna itself, and will require retun_
i r g w n è r F r e r ' h è r r d - \ m i n g f r p q L e. \ iò then
12J C h e c k t h a t t h e f r e q u e n c y ì s c l e a r ,
changed, so it ìs better !o correcl the a n l e n press the MOX button and carefully adjusr
na or feedline mÌsmatch firsl, Ìf PossÌble. the FWD SET control on the rear panei so
that the meter indicates 100W or rhe PO
SWR indications of 1.5 or less lndrcales a (center) scale. Return the MoX button to
matched antenna for use at the test frequency.

SWR Measuring The accuracy of this calibration is very

rough, as the actual fulì power output depends
Use full power to measure SWR nore preclselv: on the band of operation and the antenna SWR.
If you have an accurate wattmeler and 50-ohm
(l) set rhe FwD SET control on the rear psner dumdy load, you can use these in lhe above
to midrange, and set the FWD REV swirch to procedure. Set the DRI\E contro] for l00W out-
FWD. use the CW W mode and MOX but1ionas put before adjusting the FWD SET control.
above for lhe following sleps.
SSB Transmission
(2) Set the METER se'itch to ALC (olrt). Wilh a microphone connected to the MIC jack on
the front panel, ensure the folÌowing controls
(3) Make sure ùe frequency is clear' and Úen are preset as indicated:
press the MOX button and advance lhe DRIVE
untÌl lhe meter jusa begins to deflect, Mc. ta \è Al C rourì

(4) Press the NIETER svitch to PO (in). !1l. gar'ortro, . l2 o'clo"'

(inner krìob right of the MIC jack)
{5) Whlle still transmifting, carefullv reach
around to the rear Paneì and adjust lhe PROC sv rrch OFF (out)
FWD SET controì fo. fulì scale dellection
ro the 5ti mdrk on tfe merer. \o\ stir' I oFf loulì

(6) Move the FWD-REV switch to REv, and note MODE . select LSB or USB
ùe SWR reading on the bottom scale of the
merer. set the Mox button off (oull. Tune ro a valid tra!smitting frequencv (in lhe

Again, ìf the SWR is above 3, a change in the

i -e'on 1 a_o To activate the transmile., cLose lhe PTT
switch on the lilcrophone, and watchiq the ALC
indÌcarion (blue scaìe) on lhe meter, adlust
Power Meter Calibration the MIC gain conlrol so that the meter de-
flecrs within the ALC zone (heavy blue line on
The meter may be calibrated using the ClV node
!he scale) o. voìce peaks. ThÌs wiÌl resuÌt in
to indicate approxìmate transmitter RF ourput
full power output: reduce the MIC gain to
powe. in eatts as follows. lhis is necessary
for prope. tra.smitter adjustment for AM, FM
and RTTY or packeL transmission, and is help_
ful for reduced power operation in olher Speech Processor
modes. lf using the FC-7574T Antenna Tuner
this procedure is nor necessary, ds the ìrC- After setling the MIC 8ai. as above, press the
757AT includes a wattmeter and dmrìy load, PROC switch to activate the processor- The
average ALC indicarion on the mere. will in
Before beginnin& measure the SWR as described crease, but if the peak indication deflects
above and make sure the antenna is properìy palr rné al. / o n è . . c d u ' - r h è \ 4 l C C d rr .
matched, or connect a 50-ohm dummy load.
The COMP LEVEL contlol on the rear panel The FT-?5?GXII incorporatesa specialrclaîi-
adjusts the level of speech processor co'npres fier menoryr, which alìows you to lisren on
sior, and is carefully set for optimum perfor- the transmit frequency by swilching off the
mance at the factory. However, usÌng difÍerent clarjfier. As long as you donrt touch Lhe
microphones or variations in voice prtch mav tunÌng knobJ pressing CLAR again returns you
make it desirable to readiust lhis control. to rhe {offset) receive frequency,
This can b€ done by monitorjng the transmitted
sigral on ar os,i los(ope or èxrerlaì receivp- When the contact is finished, remember to
and adjusting rhe COMP LEVEL control to the switch off the clarifier so that lhe transmit
point just below that at which distortion and receive frequencies and modes.,vill be re-
appears on the signal. lf set beyond this aljgned when yoù retune.
poinb, average porÀ'er will still be increased,
bur disrorrio. will cause signal intelligibil Cw Transmission
ity ro be decreased.
The FT 757GXIl offers bolh semi and ruìÌ
VOX (Voice actuated T.ansmjl Switchingl break in (QSK) operation for both simplex and
spliî-frequenct op€ratiotu Hose!er. QSK opera
ln any of the voìce modes, you can use the VOX r i o n m u s r n o r b e a r r e m p r e ds h r l e ù . r ' ; a
system to automalically activate the transmit linear amplifier nor specificall! desianed lor
ter rvhen you speak jnto the microphone. Pless r, or aamaSèro thc ampllfier or rransceivel
the VOX switch to activate VOX, a.d then may result. see page l{.
adjust rhe VOX conlrol on lhe rear panel so
that the transmitler actÌvates when you speak The FT 757GXll incÌudes an internal electronic
r $ . r h o ,I p r e 5 ò ig . h è P l s $ i . r o 1 ' r r èT r ' a - keyer, which can be used by connecting keyer
p o n r . \ 4 ' e n ) o s r o p d l t . r g r r P r r . n s ie i v c r paddles to the KEY jrck. You can also use a
should rerurn lo receive alter a slight delav. slraiSht key or an external eìecironic keyer,
The DELAY adjustment on the rear panel sets in which cases the internal keyer must be
the hang tjme for VOX switching trom transmit switched off (top panel KEYER switch to MAN).
Be careful not to shorL the outer contact of
the KEY jack to chassis ground.
lf the audio from the receiver lriggers the
VOX system, make the above adjustments wtth s-r up rhè ollowrng Í_o t pa pì .on, o \:
rhe AF control set lor low voÌume. Then in-
crease the volume to the desired operaling VOX switch oN (dPpressed)
level and adjusl the ANTI-TRIP control on the
rear panel jusr to lhe point where receÌver M E T E Rs w i t c h ,., ALC (out)
audio fron the speaker ceases to triP the VOX.
DR\l 'o,trol lo.-rr.F (nd')
Clarifier (ReceÌver Orfset)
MODE switch . . , . . select CW-W or CW N
When receiving on a vfo, the CLAR butron can
be pressed to allow independent tuning and A1so, o. rhe top panel, set rhe KEYER switch
mode charging of the receiver wùhout affec_ ro MAN initially. Close the key to activate
ting the transmit frequency (CLAR is dlsPlayed the tra.smltter, a.d adjust the DRIVE conlrol
to the left of the operating frequency). This so that the ALc meter jusr starts to deflect.
feature is useful it, after making contact This se.ting provides full power output: after
with anorher statior, his transmitter drìfts; making contacr with another station, reduce
you can retune hÌs siSnal without changjng power wlth the DRIVE control if you can wirh
y o L r o ú | r r a n s nr , i n g l f è o u F n c ) . A l ' o , .è our roosrng conracr.
the range of the cla.ifier is unlimited, iL
can be used for spìit frequency operation. You should be abLe to hear the sidetone from
tlre Ìoudspeaker (or headphones) when you close
While the clarÌfier is on the tuning knob and P , è .în .i, lilr,oe rhe

mode seleclor affect only the receiver: the hole near the rear of the bottom cover) can be
rransmitting frequency and m o d e w i l l r e m ain adjusted for comfortable sidetone volume.
the same as before the clarifier was acti-
vated, and this frequency and mode will be
displayed rrhen transmilting.
To ser the (internal) keyer speed or to prac- AM Transmission
rice sendjng CW, set the VOX switch off (out),
and the BREAK-IN switch to SEMI. Also set the Because carrier power is only one fourth of
KEYER switch to AUTO if usirg keyer paddles. rhe totaL PEP of an AM slgnal, it must be
Now, cìosìng the key will generate the side- limired ro 25 watts or less when transmitting
tone buL no signal will be tfansmirted. Ad- lith the FT 757GXII. When rhe power Òf the
just the KEYER control for the desired speed, îodrlar,lB . apbard" is dddeo ro rhÈ cd rier
nE' -. ..r a Pl P o-.p.r rs 100 wart . dì-
For QSK transmlssÌon set the VOX switch OFF though this does not show on the meter.
(out) and BREAK IN to FULL.
To adjusr rhe FT 7s7cxll for AM transmission,
For semi break-ln operation, as required wjth first calibrate the PO meter as described on
sorìe linear ampÌifiers, set the VOX switch ON pdgè h orupc '\rè--dr$arlmerp..
{depressed) and BREAK-IN ro SEMI. The DELAY
control on the rear pareì adjusts the hang (1) Preset the MIC gai. fully counterclock-
time betwee. key up and receiver enable. wise, and ser the METER switch lo PO.

FM Transmission t 2 ) Make sure the frequency is clear, and then

close the PTT swilch on the microphone and
For FM transÌ]]ission, just select the FM mode advance the DRIVE for power output of 25
ard close the PTT swltch to lransmit. The MIC \ldt s or lers 0n Lhè .rdlsÎirlpd i ar- èr,
gain co.trol ls disabÌed for FNl, as the galn
o r . è ' n r c r o jh o r ' 'rpl r: o_-sFr iì pr ( 3 ) Set the METER swirch ro ALC (out), Speak
naìly lor 5 kHz deviarion, and should require into the microphone and advance the MÌC
no iurther adjustment. RF power outpul is gaÌn control untjl slight movement of the
adjusted by the DRIVE conl.ol. Ior full power meter occurs on voice peaks. PEP outlul
output (using the FP 757HD porver supply), is now 100 warts. Do not advance the MlC
adjusr the DRIVE so that the meter (set for gain further, or overmodulatìon (and dis-
ALC) just deflec|s slightl).. When contact is roruonJ may resull.
estabìished, reduce rhe DRIVE,
( 4 ) Use the DRIVE control |o reduce power once
contacr has been established.

The Al speech processor can be acrivated for

A M L r a n s m i s s i o n sb y p r e s s i n g t h e P R O C b u t t o n .
CAUTION ì:lowever, if speech processing is necessary to
maintain conÈact, we recommend switchirg to an
When the Fî-757GXII is used with the FP- SSB mode for higher
757HD power supply, full power Flvl, AM or
AFSK (RTTY) transmìssions must be ìimiled The VOX systen and cìarifi€r controÌ can aÌso
ro 30 minutes maximuÌn, be used for AM, as described for SSB.

\4nè thè P-700 o, 4.1èr rgfr'drr) The AM CAR control on the rear panel adjusts
supply is used, rransmi!ter power i. the .ìè ìudr d io p-r.è r'àgF
above modes must be iinìted ro 50 watts Ìevel. This contlol is alìgned at the factory
at all tjmes, to avoÌd overhearing and to provide 100% modulatio. rlien the DRIVE
subseque.t damage to the suppìy. cont.ol is set for a carrief leveÌ of 25
rLF \44 g';r .on -n J .pL ro
Regardless of the power source or node, about the same !osjtion as required for full
we recommend reducing power lron the power output i. SSB, For 100% modulation with
maximum leveÌs mentioned above whenever a lower carrÍer ìevel, the AM CAR cont.ol can
rransmitting for more than l0 minutes, or be readjusted with an osciÌloscope connected
if the ambienr air temperarure is very to monitor the llf outpur.
hot or the power supply feels hot.
To set the AìU CAR control fo. i0090 modulation
al fulÌ po\yer outpu!, use an RF voltmeter for
the following steps;

( 1 )Connect rhe RF vollmeter to jack J1023on milt€d signal. SeÌecl LSB or USB mode' and set
the RF Unit. t|e PROC switch oft.

\ 2 ) Select a CW mode, and note the vollmeter The PTT jack on the rear panel mav be used lor
external transmit/receive control, of press
reading with the !ransmifter keyeo
the VOX butlorì to al1ow auromatic transmlt-
( 3 ) Return to receive, select the AM mode, key /receive svitchirg (eilher full or semi break-
the !ransmitter and wÌth no modulation' in may be used). Manual transmit/receive
adjust the AM CAR potentiometer for control is aLso possible with the MOX button.
exactly one half of the voltage that as
measured in the CW mode. Note that the dispÌayed frequency is the (sup-
pressed) carrier frequency, so vour actuaÌ
MARK and SPACE frequencies wiLl be displaced
fronl the display by the audio frequencÌes of

Use the MIC gain control to adjust power ouL-

put while transmltting: lor full power' sel
the l\'flC g a i n so r h a t t h c m eter lsho\jng ALC)
dellec!s sÌigh!Ì1. Reduce po$er output br
lurning the \llC gain counrercìocli* ise Írom
fuÌl po$er and obser\ing pose. ou!put on the
PO meter (after caìib.atÍng as described pre-
\,lously), or on an externaL wartneter-

A s m e n t i o n e dp r e v i o u s l y , t h e F î - 7 5 7 G X l l i s c a p a b L e
of fulL power AI-SK ùarsmission for linited periods
rvhen used wilh a heavy duty powef supply. Restrlcl
rransmissions ro 30 minutes with !he FP 75?llD.
If using the FP 700, restrìcl RITY or packel power
output io 50 watrs maximum. Howeler, ìf ihe àir
Lemperatue is high o. ar hìgh aÌtitudes, cooLing
Unless usÌng a heavy dutv power supplv' Keep eificiency is decreased and so power output should
\ ì^fi, d4d . loD ra rsffil'.rb be feduced accordinSÌy. Also, it is a good Prac
ùc power supply becomes hot. tlce to back ofl on úe porver whe.ever maKr.g
a long transmission, and even then supply tem
RTry, HF Packet & SSTV TransmissÍon per.ìture shouLd be closely monitored.

Transmission ot narrowband FSK (F1; RTTY' SSTV \ Lè r dnrrir';-t. rt r'r' ' ool " al
don't t u r n t h e P O W E R s w i t c h o f f u n lil the set
an<1 BelÌ 103 HF packet) requires input of
has bad a few minutes t o c o o l a n d the lan
equal ìeveÌ audio tones (AFSK) ar the 600 ohm
PATCH jack on the rear panel' Remove the
micfophone fron the MIC jack so thal extran-
eous sounds do not inlerfere $'iLh your trans-


Ten nemo.y channels, nunbered 0 through I, are Now receiving is on VFO A, but wher the PTT
available for storing operatÍng trequency aùd mode switch or key is closed, lransmission is on VFO
of emission selected on a VFO. In addition there B. fo reverse rransmil and receive frequencies
are two VFOS denoted VFO A and VFO B and a (for example, to listen on lhe ùansmit frequency)l
r c Ì a r i l l e r m e m o r y ' , e a c h o f w h i c h h o l d b o L ho p e r a l i n g just press VFO A/B.
frequency and mode independently, giving a total
of l3 memories. Selection and manipulation of An dtr.r.dl \Ò frel,od ro opF-atF\pti. ir ro Lrsè
the memories and VFOS is accomplished via the one vfo and the clarifier, Ìnertioned previously
six keypad keys at the upper' riSht corner of the i. the SSB Transmission sectior, Tune the vfo to
lhe transmit frequency, lhen press CLAR and ítne
ro the receive (and other mode, if re
Note that rhe VFO>LI and M>VFO keys have yellow
markìng i. the notch on the keyfaces. This is To iisten on the transmil frequency, press CLAR
intended to caution tha! these keys again, a.d then once more to retuÌ. to the receive
cause dara ro be overwritten (erasedl. frequency (which is srored in a 'clarifier menory').
Note, however, that the cÌarifier memory is Ìost
VFO A/B Selection if rhe írning knob moves while checking the transmit

The operatingvfo is indlcaredby VFO A or VFO

B displayed to the left of the operaring frequency. Memory Storage
Each vfo holds an indepe.dent fiequency and node
o l r î i . s J . o \ p l a ,I t n F a . t n r - d l è \ f o . p - a s l h F ThÌs procedure aìÌows storage of the vfo mode
VFO A/B ker. and frequency into a memory channel;

VFO/Memory Selection (1) Set the VFO ro lhe frequency and mode
of emission to be slored.
The MR/VFO key at the upper riSht selects be
rwee. memory and vfo operation. wheneve. this (2) W h i L er e c e i v i n g , p r e s s M R / V F O t o s w j t c h
key is pressed, the selecled vfo or memory and lrom vfo to memories.
i t s d i s p l à y e d f r e q L r e n c ya n d i n d i c a t e d m o d e a r e
srored (except wirh tempo..rry memory modes, (3) Press the D\ryN/UP keys, if necessary,
descfibed beÌow), rvhlle operation shifts from vfb to seLect an uùused memory clanneì
to a memory channel, or vice The vfo or (default data is 7.000 MHz LSB Ìn all
memo.y channel rccalled is always the one that
was last used. (When a memory channeÌ ls sel
ected, rlvlRr appears to the left of lhe djsPlayed (4) Press MR/VFO again to return to the
frequency, and rCHr appears to the ri8ht, wìth
the channel nLmber be.eath it.)
(5) Press VFO>M (lower center) to write
Split Frequency Operation the data from the vfo to fte memory.

The two vfos and the SPLiT key can be used for
splil frequency ope.ation as foìlows: Note that the VFO>MR key overwrites (erases!)
the prevìos memory contents. Steps (2), (3) and
(l) Press VFO A/8, if necessary, to select (4) are required onÌy to select the memory channel
VFO B (displayedat the left). rhar is Lo be written. If you already k.ow that
rhe lasl selecred memofy is free lo accept new
(2) Tu.e to ihe deslred transmit frequency data, these steps can be skipped.

(3) Press VFO A/B to select VIrO A, and

tune to the desired .eceive lrequency

(1) Connect the RF voltmeter to jack J1023on mitted signal. Select LSB or USB mode, and sel
rhe RF the PROC switch off.

voltmeter The PrT jack on lhe rear panel mav be Ùsed for
\ 2 ) Select a CW mode' and note the controì, or press
external transmit/.ecejve
reading with lhe transmitter keyed'
the VOX buúon to allow automatÌc !'ansmit
( 3 ) Return lo receive, select the AM mode' key /receive swÌtching (either full or seni
ifl n1ay be used). Manùal transmil/recerve
the tfansmitler and with no moduìation,
adjust the AM CAR potentiometer
lor conrrol is also possible wìth lhe MOX button'
exactly one half ol the voltage lhat
Note that the disPLaved frequencv is the (sup
measured Ìn the cw mode'
pressed) carrÌer frequencv, so vour actuar
MARK and SPACE frequencies wtlL be displaced
from the display by lhe audio frequencies of

Use the MIC gain contfol to adjust power oul

put while transmittìng: for lull Power' set
the \,flc gain so thar the neter (showing ALC)
deflects slìghtly- Reduce power output bv
tLrrning the VIC gair counlerclockwise lrom
fuÌl pover and observì.g power outPÙr on the
PO meter (afrer calibraLing as described pre-
viously), or on an erternal wattmeter'

A s m e n t i o n e dP r e v i o u s l y , l h e F T - 7 5 7 G X I ] i s c a p a b l e
of full power AFSK ransmissìon for Ìintrcd Periods
when used with a heavy dutv powef supplv ReslrÌc!
transmlssions to 30 minutes with lhe FP-757HD'
lf usìng the FP 700, resrict RTTY or packet power
outpu! to 50 warts maxlmÙm. Hotever, if ùe ajr
temperature is high or aL high aÌurudes, coolLng
efficienc), is .lecreased and so power oulput sbould
Unless using a heavy dutv power supplv, keep
rd òloD rra 'ri t rg ' be reduced accordirglv. Also' Ìt is a good prac
tice |o back off on the power rvhenever making
the power suPPlY becomes lioL
a long tr.ìnsmission, and even ùen supply rcn1
peratufe should be closely monìtored
RTTY, HF Packet & SSTV Transmisslon

of narrowbandFSK {F1; RTn, SSTV r\fter !ransmirti.g. il the cooling tan rs on,
don't tufn the PO\\'ER s\!itch off until the sel
and Bell 103 HF packel) reqÙires input of
has had a fe$ minutÈs .o cooL and the tan
equal Level audio Lones (AFSK) at the 600 ohn1
PATCH jack on the rear paneì RemÒve the
microphone from rhe l\4lc j a c k so hat ex'ran
eous sounds do not interfere with vour trans-

Memory Recall be set for Èhe desired sensitiviry belore adjnsting
the SQL controÌ, as these will affect the squelch
(l) Press MR/VFO to recall memories: the
dispÌay and mode indicators wilÌ change
to the last memory channel accessed. I re S( \\ \4ODl rhe .canrinS
modes, durÌng which rhe VFO A/B and MR/VFO
\2) While watching lhe displayedchannel keys adopl aìternate functions, as explained below.
number press the DWN and LrP keys to
select different memory channels. Memory Channel Scanning

The mode ol emissìon of s recalled memorv channel To scan the 10 memory channels:
may be changed temporarily by the MODE keys.
when another memory or vfo is selected, the tempo- (1) Preset the SQL control |o the point
rary mode seÌection is cancelled. Changing rhe where background noise is just silen-
f r a q u e n ') o r h è s r o r è d n o a è 4 f r h è n e r o r \ r è q t j r e J
restoring from a vfo.
(2) Pr"., \aR/VIO ro rp.a rh, npmoria).
Changing Memory Mode & Frequency
(31 Prèss \Cq\ MODL. ara \.rR./VfO agdrn
To change the data stored in a memory chan.el to start me scanner.
it is rìecessary to shift Lhe data to a vfo where
it can be nanipulated. will pause on any channel having a signal
strong enoùgh to open the squelch, ard will resu,'ne
(l) Press r\aR./VFOand the DWN/UP keys again if lhe signal drops out. lvhile paused, if
to select ùe menory to be changed. )ou press MIVVFO a double beeP will sound and
operation wiÌÌ shift to úe neat higher_nlmLìered
(2) Press MR/VFO agaln to return to lhe
vfo (either A or B: data wilì not be Ìost). To slop lhe scan.ef nanualÌy press MR/VFO or
the PTT switch morn€ntarily. Return the SCAN
(3) Press VFOZzM to exchange the vfo MODE swirch to the off (ou, positlon to return
and memory conren$. the vfo/memory keys to thejr sLandard functions.

(a) Now retune or change node as desired. Scanning Between Vfos

(s) Press VFOZM to exchange the vfo If you set up the vfos as scanringlimits, you
and memory agaÍn, restoring the new . an ., dn aìì rr-quèr ie in bè,bóér b) p éo\i t
data from the vfo to memory, and orìginal SCAN MODE and the. VFO A,/B while operating
vfo data back from the memory to lhe on a vfo, Press FAST to select high-speed scanniù9.

Sca.ning wìÌì pause on a signal and resume if

If operating on a memory a.d you don't care lo the signal drops out (or manually, by turning the
preserve the vfo data, you can lusl press jvl>vFO SQL clock\rise). Pressing VFO A/B while paused
to copy the memory channel data to the lasL seìected moves the ffequencr-' one srep.
vfo, This leaves the memory data intact, bur
overwrites all data 1n the vfo and leaves operàLion T o r " . " 1 . .. . o p . r'g u'd .è rl-c -,c,,a
vfo to .he displated, press VFO A/B
o. the PTT ssitch morìentariÌy. To canceÌ scan-
nrng alrogethert retun SCAN MOIIE to the out

When the squelch control is adjusted to siÌence Programmable Memory Scanning (PMS)
the receìver, either the memorjes or a preselecred
"rèquen.) -pgm-r, mév be ,c- r-d a,,on"', 4 ì/. The Pì\']S feature alÌows you to scan aÌl frequencjes
Signais that are srrong enough to open the squelch between úose stored in any two adjacent memory
wiLl haLt the scanner. Note that the RF AMP channeìs. The starting freqùency and mode of
and ATT swirches and the RF (gaìn) control must the scanner are determìned by the seìecrcd memofy

channel. Slow and fast (x10) rates are selectable numbered memory, or UP key to scan
as lor vio scanning, Which ever vfo was last selected to the nexl higher nmbered memory.
prior to activating PMS wÌll be changed by PMS rPr wìll be displayed in place of ùe
memory channeÌ number, indicating that
rhe PMS system is now acLivated.
To use programmabìe memory scannjng;
PMS scanning wìll pause automatically when the
ll) 5 or. rhè loue' ara pDF. \.dn ing squelch opens, or can be nanually halted by the
limjts in adjacent memories, and seÌect PTT switch or DWN/UP keys: the PMS function
the one you wànt to start at, remaìns active (rP' stilt displayed).Press DWN or
uP again to resume sca.ning.
(2) Preser the SQL control to the point
When the SCAN MODE switch Ìs retuned to off
(oul), PMS ìs cancelled and normal oper
ation resumes on the Last-selected vio, which will
(3) P.€ss SCAN MODE on, and the. press be set to the frequency and mode last tùed during
the DWN key to scan b the next lower

P.ess whjÌe feceivi.[.. a !rì Pfess while receivj.g on a vfo WhiÌe receivnrg, press to srvirch
to swirch to rhe !ÌîenaLc vfo, io ùse the selected rlo ior o f e r a d o n b e t q e e nv i o a n d n e m
A l s o , r v l r e nS c à r l l o d e o . , s t a r t s feceiving, aód the aì!ernare o r y . / \ r s o s r a . | s / s t o p sn e n o r y
scanning b.t$ecr vfos, and vio ior transnirtinS. s c a n n r n gd u . i n g s c a D l \ 4 Ò d e .
stéts/s!oress.a.ned f.cquencies.



P.ess shilc .ecejvrng ni er while.eceivrnE o. a !ao P . e s sw h i l . r e c e i v r . go n a r n e m o r y
c n a n g er t o o r n e m o r l c o f t e n $ to rv.rte over last ao wrire co.rents o!e. Ìasl-
! . i t h r h o s eo f Ì . s t s e i e c i e dù c m s eI e c t e d n e n o r y . O p e . a t i n g sele.ted vlo. Ope.arionshifrs
o.y o. vrì. operating t r e q ù e . c ) d o e sn o t c h a n g e .

The CAT (Computer-Aided Tuning) Svstem in the EXAMPLE: to set 14.25000 Ml'lz as the currenl
FT-757GXII allows control of the ffequencv and oPerating frequencY;
mode ol vfos and memories' selection berwee'
theú, and signal slrength detection and scan
ning confol by the operator's exlernal per-
sonal compuler. Uni or bi_direcrional serÌal
dala is passed via the CAT jack on ihe rear
panel of the transceiver, as folÌows:

DATA RATE: 4800 bits/sec


The chart at lhe boltom of this page shows tne Norice that, for lrequency parameters' the 100
entÍre data sequence for one CAI conmand' MHz digir must be present and set to zero for
Data is transmitted from the compuler to Lhe ffequencies below 100 MHz. Also notrce maL
SI (Serial Input) pin (pin 3 of the CAT jack) decimaÌ lrequency data musL be translated rnto
lrom left to right in the diagram So' for BCD (binary-coded decimal) digits for sending,
example, Pafameter (Parm) 4 of the cofìmand and that the LSD (least signiiicant drgrt,
Bìock is sent first. Parameter ,1, 100rs and l0rs of H,) Ìs sent

Note: Aìl data blocks sent to the 7:7

must be five bYtes Ìon8. Return Delay and Read Status Commands

The Instruction Code sent by the exterraÌ com- A I b r r r r u o l h é l r ' r r r ' r . o r 'o f _ r j _
puler at the end of each s-bvte Comnand Block directional; from !he computer lo the !rans
.èi\ar .rl). l\e br-ai è'rrorà ' s ru riors
is the 'oPcoder that instructs the FT-757CXll
what actio! is to be performed. The lnslruc are lhe Return Delay and Read Status commands,
tion Code Chart on the next page descfibes which have no elfect on operation of the FT-
(unListed) 757CXll except to cause il lo return currenl
each valid Comnìand. If an invalid
operating status informalion on rhe SO (Serial
command is senl, or if invalid pafamelers are
OLrtput, pin 2) line to the computer (alrer a
recognized, lhe transceiver wiÌl ign're the
specified delay). Thls data alloii's rhe compu-
rer to check the starus ol the transcelver'
Notice that most lnsLructions reqùire onÌy o'e
or no arguments in the Paraneter Byles Hoù and so lhe program should send o.e of these
ever, every Conrìand Block sent t o f h e FT- commands ro verify the transceiver state after
757CXll musl àlways consist of five bvtes. each series of i.structions. Also, the Read
The unused parameter bytes will be Ìgnored S t a r u sc o m m a n d i s s e n t l v i t h a 0 l P a r a n e l e r r o
wherì such lnstructions are executed' so their read the digill2ed siSnal strength indrcatron
(0 ro 0Fh).
value is irfeLevanr (rhey need nor be zeroed).


Data Byte DO D1 D2 D3 D.l
B]T l2)

Block Code (MSD)

* l00msfvlAx
Aiter ùe Rerurn Detay or Read Stalus comma.a us command (wlrh Paramerer 1 = 0).
nas Deen sent, the rransceiver wili waìt for 0
to 255 ms, as ser by parameter I of the Retur. The Starus Update Chaft and accompanying
Delay comnand, ro a|oiv enough .ime for rh€ tables show t|e formar of rhe 75 byres re
conìpùrer program to ger set ro .ecejve the turned after rhe Rerurn Deìay command, or when
status dara. The transceiver then rerurns the Read StaÍrs conmand is sent wìth a u pa.a_
eirher one byre (if Paramerer I is set ro 1 ì. merer: noLice rhar some flags
ùe Read SLatusconmand, tor the S merer rndr bit lields ìn the fjrsr starus byte.
catio.), or 75 bytes (for complete status
informarion on the vros and aI memories). tn 'fhe
CAT jack atso provides access ro the pTT
r l _ è r d r- r . a . - . 7r oy -, r" ,-p (Push To-Talk) ljne ar pjn ,1 to allow
arated by rhe detay set by rhe tast uùre rne the transmirte.. 'Ihis
pin has 8V DC on it
Return D€lay commandwas sent. Note thar 75
wnen open-circui! (during receprìon), and ac_
bytes are always returned after rhe Relurn
tivates the transùjtrer when grourded (sour
Delay command, as well as afrer rhe Read Srat_
cing 8 mA).


NOTE: Cornmandsai:e sent in the REVERSEof the order shown in tnrs chart.

( llex)
MSD 2 l 4 LSD
SPIIT 01h p1 = 00 (oFF) or 0t (oN)
14R a2h pl = 00 - 09 (qtranneÌ No)
M p 00 09 (channel No)
D LOCK 04h pl = 00 (qFF) or 0'l (oN)
VlO A/E 05h
!1 = 00 (A) o. 01 (B)
U VFO 06h p1 = 00 - 09 (ChanneÌ No)
BAND UP 07h Step up one Band+
!!e! dolln one Band*
CLARIFIER 09h trl = 00 (OFF) or 01 (oN)
FREO SEî+++ 0Ah D2 pl Frequency Set ( see ExMpL )
SWAP 0Bh S w ap V f O a n d M e m o r y
IlODESEL 0ch p1 p'l vaÌue: 00=LSB, 01=USB
0 2 = c w w , 0 3 = c w N , 0 4 = A r 1 ,0 5 = F ! 1
IIGSEL 0Dh p t = 0 0 ( c s N ) o r o 1 { H A r tr l
RETURN DEIAY 0Eh pl - 00 to FFh ms detav**
FEAD STATUS t0h = 00r or 0l (Meter onÌv

rx - any vaLue: byte witÌ not affect command function.

* aand steps determined by current Ean/cen seÌectron: Eam bands, or 0.5 t4Hz-

DeÌay betlreen response bytes from transceiver after receipr or RETURN


*** This connand onty functions ùhen operating on a vfo (test starus Update
Byte 1, Bit : (MR/vfo flas)). p a r a m e t e r s n u s t be in
ÈCD fo.nat.
(fornat of data returned by 757cxrr aftèi
REîuRN DEI-AYconnand, or READ sTAîUs conmand

contents Ref-
Statqs Flaqs 1
2 scaN MoD!* (0o=oFf. 8oh=oNì
4 Band Dàta 2
5 èÌectèd Mènory channel No. (O 9l TABLE BAìID DA,TA
6 9 operali4s Frequency (BCD) :
t0 Byte
1-14 lFo A Freqtredcy {BCD) 3 Ranqe fMEz )
15 01
1 6 1 9 vFO B Freg-ùency(BCD) 3 o2 2.5 4-0*
2 1 - 2 4 clarifier Frequebcv IBCD) 3
2S cÌa!ifier r4ode**
a4 7 . 5 - 10 . 5
26-29 Menorv Clanne1 0 Frequèncy {BcD) 3
05 10.5- 14.5
30 Memory Channèl 0 Mode+* 06 14.5 18 . 5
.ll-f5 samè tormat as 26-10 a1 18.5- 2t.5
36-40 same format as 26-:01+*+ 08 2 1. 5 25.A
41-45 same folmat as 26-30 09 2 5- O 3 0 .0
46-50 same forma! as 26-30 * hish end of each band
M@ry ch 5 same format as 26 t0
56-60 sane folnat
iange is actuaÌly 10 Hz
as 26-:ì0
sane format as 26 30 belorìr the freq shown-
66 10 Menqay ch I sane fornat as 2 6 -.10
11 75 same fornat as 26 30

Indìcates position of front panèt swalcn

with lhe sane namè.

Byte vaLues a!è lhosè indicated for Modes

ia !hè lnstruction Code Char!.

calculaLe Menory channel adalresses by;

Channet Freq lndex = (ch No. x 5) + 26
Channel Mode lndex = (Ch No. x 5) + 30

Dial I-ock: 0 = OIî funlkd) 1 = ON (tocked)

Split: 0 = oFF (snptx) 1 = oN (sptir txlrx)
Cfarifier: 0 = OtF, 1=oN
A/Bvfo: 0 = A seÌecteat, t =vfoBselected
Mem/vfo: 0 = vfo opiatn, j = nenory operarion

l Tx/Rx: 0 = receivins, j = transmittins

Gen/Ham: 0 = cen Steps, 1 = Ean Band Steps


i Frequency diqits appear in the data strean as binary-coded atecimal {BCD: hex-
adeclnal representation of decimaÌ digirs), sith leading zero_fil1
'100's to the
of À{H2 digit, Bytes aÌ:e send in reverse order, as described earfier
i ' again in the followinq example.

I ( EvAÀ4pLE
Mttzt Lrr."q. Index + 3) = 01h

II lndex
+ 2) = 23t,
+ 1) = 45h

I lndex t o) = 67}r


Followìng is a Iisting of a BASIC program developed on an Apple [I computer

using a Yaesu FIF-654 CAT lnterface Unit, which tests a number of the CAT
System firnctions in the FT-7s7GXII. The pro$aú has been intentionally simpli-
fied so that it might easily be converted for use on other compùters with
other serial i/o systems and with other variations of BASIC. As such, it is
!!! usefirl as an application program by itself, but rather is intended to
provide some ideas for a simple approach to CAT programming, which should be
combined with the users own concepts for useful applications.

This program is not copyrighted. Anyone is free to use any part of the code
for their own use. For use in commercial applications, acknowledgement of this
manual as the source would be appreciated

REy +{rr+r InlLidt izÈ sè..aI r/o porf of 6ùputè! r+rrr*

Data Port addrèss (particùÌar to rrî 65la
Port address
FOR I = 1 TO 3 : PO(E CMDPORT.O : chtp (425r usaRr in rlF 65la) for init.
Po(E cl4DPoRî,64: ?onE cMDPoRÍr207: for 4300 batrd. no parity, I stop bit.

"(0)...Enter rreqùèncy"

rr(e statstr
fron keybóard

cét ne* Prèqùèncy, test foi waÌid

ne{ Freq. {decinal ùrz)" ; rREo
rF IREO < o.rso oR fREo > 29.99999 €nter !req." : G O T Ot t o

F R E Ai n l o p d i r s o f d e c i f r l d;9rls 'r{}rl
.REO : aREO i 10000 : to lnteqer (r0 s Òf ksz)
MEZ = rNT (|REQ / 100000) : REM 100 s and 10 s of úEz
IrxHz = rNT (IREO / r000t r , r H zr r 0 0 : and 100 s Òf kHz
I { d z = r N r ( F R È o/ 1 0 ) Ez*r0000 s(Ezir00 : REù lo's and I's of kriz

sz = IREo 1èawe100 s & t0,s of r:2.

sz - rNT(Hz+ 0.s) * r0:

DéciÌal atlgit
r1 = rNr (MHz / 10J + 16 + úEz rNr {ù'sz / 10) * 10
P? = rNr (ùKrz / r0) * 16 + ú(Iìz - rNr (Mruz / r0) * 10
F3 = rNr lxnz / 10) + 16 + Krz rNr (ruz / r0) * r0
14 = rNr (rz / 10) * 16 + Ez rNr (!z / r0) * r0
1000 : Goro 100 : send to xcvr, and loop.

sèt rnstructi@ anit Padèt* for othèr cóllìmnds ;***'*

= set Mode. Pl = lsb
r F c ú N D= 3 r s m r N s r - 1 2 : P 1 = 2 : REù rnstrùclion = set Moder ?1 = cr-q
6,I0 r N s T = 1 2 :P 1 = 3 :
IFCÙND:5TSEN REú rnstructión - set Modè, Pl = an
r N s T = 1 2 :P 1 = 5 :
lEd rnstruction = set vfo a/8, Pr = vfo a
rFiaD.aTEN - ser wfo a/8, P] = vfo È
rF o{D = 9 TsN GOrO 300 :
GOSùB1000 . Gol! r00 :

s€lèct atata
for alf srars, Dèternine typè
rmp for s neter data


send "Retufn Dè1av" connand rèlurns 75 bYtè statùs update
340 lNSr.14: ? 1 = 1 0 0 : G O s urB0 0 o :

as èhev Trarscèiwèr *++"**

7s bytes

!r'te lri ; I , lroPorr) : REù Prirt statls bvt€ rèad

NEXT r : COTO lO0 : REù Read àno'h€r

RlM i+++** Send conmandr dtr rèad I bl-te s-úète! data ******
r N s l = r 6 : P ] REú rnst = read

!Rl\r "siqnal ; Pnn( lroPorr) :

: Porn loPoRT'P]

check serial
20r0 rosraT = PEr< (CrlDrOÌTl :
rNr (rosîar / 2) : ixrcy flag (bir r) to bit 0
2 O r 0 R S T À T ]= r N r l R x R D t / 2 ) . R S a À r 2 = R \ R D Y/ 2 : o.rd 1sèt) or Even lrèset)
REM io.p untrl it is set


The feceiver front end in FT-757GXIÌ includes If the receiver is found to have suddenly losl
surge suppressor and a lamp fuse sensirlviry, i.spect the filament of the lamp
to protect the sensitive receiver clrcultry r"p (l l00i o ,l- af U r'ì. If t rs npFr.
ffom high voìtage pulses (ENlP) at the antenna try to determine the cause of the overvolrage;
terminal. Several thousands of voÌts can dev- eg., was rhe antenna lefL connecied durlng an
elop when dry wind or elec.ricaL F,c.-r.t \ ) \ , c ) s ó d r ìè r - i n c -
storms create an electrostatic charge on the you Ìast used the equipment? lo obtain re-
an!enna eLements, a.d this is delivered to the placement Lamp fuses, ask your local Yaesu
antenna jack jf the antenna is connected to deaìer for Yaesu part no. Q1000010, BQ0,11
lhe transceiver. In such a case, the lamp fuse 22803Aj of substitule any 8V l00mA pÌlot lamp.
may burr out (even ii rhe transceive. is Do not jumper across the lamp fus€ lerminals
rurned off at the lìme). The onll' way to avoid however, as this will defeat rhe protecLion
this condilion is to disconnect the àntenna and could resuÌt in serious damage.
from rhe transceiver $,ìrenever the wealher is
ìikeìy to create high voÌtàge on rhe a.tenna S.c pictùrc bclo\r f.r the lo.ationof the lanr! fuse.
(the feedline should be connected to ground to
allow lhe charge to dissipare).



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