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GEOLOGIJA 46/2, 329–323, Ljubljana 2003

Digital map databases: No more hiding places for inconsistent

Kristine ASCH
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural ResourcesStilleweg 2;
30655 Hannover, Germany

Key words: digital geological map, GIS

Introduction asons for the inconsistency in geological

maps and classification systems and illu-
A geological map is without doubt the strate why this poses serious problems for
visual language of geologists (Rudwick, those who wish to construct and use geolo-
1976). Given a geological map of anywhere gical GIS across regions and countries.
in the world a geologist will be able to share
a basic understanding of the disposition of
the rocks that the map author depicted. Maps, geologists and the advent of IT
Further, with a little time to interpret the
maps and their legends, most geologists co- Generations of earth scientists (“Geogno-
uld make sense of two maps of adjacent co- sten” and other geoscientists) have summari-
untries, even though the linework and clas- zed the results of their fieldwork and rese-
sification systems may not always be the arch in map form (A s c h , 2003). The
same. geological map has been the means for “geo-
Unfortunately computers, GIS and digi- logists” to record, store and disseminate their
tal databases do not possess such powers of knowledge and the results of their investiga-
interpretation and deduction. They do not tion of the rocks and unconsolidated deposits
comprehend that polygon X on one map is of the Earth’s surface. For several hundred
probably the approximate equivalent of years geological maps have been, and still
polygon Y on the other. Though systems us- are, “the visual language of geologists” (after
ing fuzzy logic are currently being investi- R u d w i c k , 1976). They represent the “ ...
gated, most GIS and databases require data knowledge simply of what is where on the
to be logically structured and relationships Earth surface ...” (Maltman , 1998).
between features and attributes to be expli- Geological maps have always provided for
cit and not merely tacit. their users basic knowledge about the di-
Using the example of the IGME 5000 pro- stribution of natural resources such as ore,
ject, this paper will explore some of the re- water, oil or building stones. They may, al-
330 Kristine Asch

beit indirectly, warn about the danger of entist’s interpretation of the Earth below
natural hazards or supply information abo- our feet.
ut suitable sites for land-fill, house-building In many respects the 1:5 Million Interna-
or tourism. They thus provide the basis for tional Geological Map of Europe and Adja-
environmental planning and protection and cent Areas (IGME 5000) project is bridging
support public policy decisions. Geological the domains of the traditional paper map
maps are the basis for understanding the and the digital era which have been summa-
earth and its processes. rised above. The next sections describe the
In the last quarter of the 20th century, the project and discuss the issues it faces.
era of IT arrived and changed the world of
geosciences totally and irrevocably. Loudon
(2000) points out: “IT influences the way in GIS and paper map: The IGME 5000
which scientists investigate the real world, Project
how they are organized, how they communi-
cate, what they know and what they think”. The 1:5 Million International Geological
We are just at the dawn of that era. Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas (IGME
Now many factors that constrained our 5000) is a major European geological GIS
predecessors no longer exist. Modern com- project which is being managed and imple-
puting systems (for example databases, GIS mented by the Federal Institute for Geosci-
and Internet tools) allow us to store, retrieve ences and Natural Resources (BGR) under
and present far more information and kno- the umbrella of the Commission for the
wledge about an area than we could ever Geological Map of the World (CGMW). It
display on a 2-dimensional piece of paper. follows a long tradition of the BGR and its
The key point is that we can now separate predecessors to produce international geo-
the storage and recording of information scientific maps of Europe. The IGME 5000
from the means of disseminating it; we are is a collaborative European project invol-
no longer forced to try and serve all purpo- ving to date, 48 participating geological
ses with the same “general purpose docu- Surveys and is supported by a network of
ment”. Using IT we can select the area, chan- scientific advisors.. Its aims are to develop
ge the scale and topographic base, choose a Geographic Information System (GIS),
the theme, amend the colours and line styles. underpinned by a geological database, and
We can distribute the knowledge in an infi- a printed map providing up-to-date and
nitely variable number of ways, delivering it consistent geological information. The ma-
on paper, on CD ROM, or across the Web in theme of the project is the pre-Quater-
and choose a variety of resolutions, qualities nary geology of the on-shore and, for the
and levels of complexity. Increasingly, ge- first time at this scale, the off-shore areas
ologists are now using modelling software to of Europe (A s c h , 2002). Standard proce-
create 3- and 4-dimensional models, allo- dures, data structure and dictionaries were
wing users, through a variety of visualisati- developed in order to gather, integrate and
on methods, an insight into the original sci- constrain the necessary spatial and attri-

Figure 1. An example
of inconsistency at
national boundaries
from the IGME 5000
project. The differences
are notable
particularly in regard
to geological
classification, mapped
units and level of
Digital map databases: No more hiding places for inconsistent geologists! 331

bute information from the participant or- ductive science, and a geological map is
ganisations. the result of the interpretation of often
sparse and variable data by individual geo-
logists, each with their own idiosyncratic
Some Recurring Problems approaches.

Organising the co-operation of so many

participating nations and compiling their in- Are Standards Important?
put proved to be a considerable information
management task. Without doubt the major Does it matter if we have these inconsi-
challenge was coping with the inconsistency stencies? After all, given a little time, geolo-
of approach by the participants: different gists can usually establish the intended equ-
interpretations, variable data input, genera- ivalence or otherwise between the
lisation and drawing quality techniques. It “apparently different” rock types on adja-
seems that almost every geological survey cent maps? Given time, they may be able to,
organisation in Europe has created its own but the total effort taken to research and
conventions (and sometimes several conven- solve these discrepancies in an ad hoc way
tions) to produce traditional paper maps, must consume an enormous amount of time.
and now their digital representation within These variations and the adjustments made
a GIS (a fact subsequently reinforced by a to correct them will inevitably also lead to
FOREGS census of 29 Geological Surveys misunderstandings between geologists and
(Jackson & Asch, 2002). make it more difficult to recognise relatio-
Significant discrepancies (A s c h , 2001) nships and associations between geological
were found in the following items: sequences. This will result in obstruction of
• geological classification, such as litho- the progress of cross-border scientific un-
logy and chronostratigraphy, derstanding.
• mapped units (emphasis, number, ...),
• topographic base (co-ordinate system, Further, those without the benefit of geo-
ellipsoid, drainage system, projection), logical training will not be able to appreci-
• draft map scale, ate or resolve the inconsistencies, a fact
• level of detail and completeness (espe- which seriously limits the worth of geologi-
cially off-shore), cal maps and databases outside the geologi-
• colours, symbols, cal profession.
• data structures and hierarchies. In addition, when the maps are used as
Not unexpectedly these differences gave the basis for applied products, e.g. geoha-
rise to discontinuities at the political boun- zard or mineral maps, the differences may
daries - the well known “national boundary lead to potentially serious inconsistencies in
faults” (Figure 1), not to mention highligh- future risk or resource prediction. In this
ting the substantial differences between the context should be also considered the need
mapping of onshore and offshore areas. to provide coherent geoscience information
for pan-regional or pan-national initiatives,
e.g. the European Water Framework Direc-
Generic Reasons behind Inconsistencies tive (EU, 2000) or Mineral Waste directive
initiative (C l i f o r d & F e r n a n d e z Fuen-
There may be numerous reasons for the tes, 2002).
inconsistencies described above, inconsi- Last but not least, while geologists may
stencies that are repeated within the map- be able to deal with uncertain relationships,
ping of most national territories. The amo- computers, GIS and database systems find it
unt of data available in areas will vary; extremely difficult, if not impossible. Such
different classification schemes have been systems demand a much more rigorous ap-
used; the mapping may be of different ages proach to geometry, data structure and at-
and advances in the scientific techniques tribution.
and new data will have occurred. But per- Thus, the potential benefits of Informati-
haps the underlying and most fundamen- on Technology, i.e. interoperability, data in-
tal reason is surely that geology is a de- tegration and the ability to share and supply
332 Kristine Asch

harmonious information for scientific rese- C l i f o r d , J. & F e r n a n d e z F u e n t e s , I.

2002: May 2002 Report to EFG Council on Brus-
arch to address pan-national geological pro- sels’ Office and EC/EU-related Activities; http://
blems across frontiers, are entirely depen-
dent on the continuity and consistency that port%20to%20Council%20May%202002.pdf
standards would bring. EU (2000): Directive 2000/60/EC of the Euro-
pean Parliament and of the Council establishing
a framework for the Community action in the
field of water policy; Official Journal (OJ L 327),
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