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Group 3: Aliyah Shutiva, Shadai Vigil, Kaitlyn Krenik, and Elijah Edwards

Shannon Francis


December 4, 2018

Anderson School of Management Recommendations Report


As students involved with the Anderson School of Management, we are pursuing a

degree in the Business forum. Within the program, we want to explore success with informed

decisions to manage our academic and professional careers. As undergraduates, the connection

from Anderson is defecting our path towards opportunities that are not exposed to our

preparedness. Continuing on our way to graduate, we would like to discern and be well aware of

additional programs in preparation for the professional world of business and career

development. Written in the following report we are proposing changes to acknowledge better

communication between advisors, professors, and students. Representing the University and the

global environment we are dedicated to becoming development leaders with high-quality

educational backgrounds, with the assistance of Anderson’s one-on-one resources and solutions.

The research we conducted began with taking an in-depth look at how our business

department operates and what it offers the students that are working towards their business

degrees. A lot of research was done on the UNM website itself. After looking at the programs

and opportunities that are offered at our University, we collaborated and talked about how we as

students in the Anderson Business Program (or preparing to be in the program) feel about what is

offered and our ideas on improvement.

Next, we compared our opportunities at UNM to other universities and what they offer to

their students. This was a major part of our research because we were able to see a general

comparison of how UNM’s Business Program operates compared to a large amount of other

universities. The research was done on the rate of students that get jobs in the field they

graduated from relative to UNM and the rest of the country. This data really helped put a

spotlight on how effective the internships and programs offered by UNM are compared to a large

number of other universities.

We began looking at one of the most important variables when it comes to school and

that is being financially responsible for your education. For a majority of students attending

college, a scholarship can aid in making your decision to attend a university and can reduce

stress and long-term financial burden. We explored the scholarships that were offered or

referenced on the UNM website and compared them with other scholarships across the country.

This is very important data when making a decision to pursue a degree in a higher level of


All of these programs, internships, and opportunities are great ways to explore the field

you are trying to get a degree in. However, all of these opportunities are only as good as they are

marketed. Overall it is generally difficult to navigate our University’s website and therefore may

cause some people to miss an opportunity they could really need.



In our graphs, we collected data on how many students got a career in their field after

graduation, the number of scholarships available to business students, internships available to

business students, and the

McKinnon Scholarship awareness.

We compared the numbers we

collected at different levels which

were nationwide, at UNM, and at

the Anderson School of

Management. In the first graph,

we were looking at how many

business students got jobs in their field after graduation. Nationwide about 54% of business

students get a job in their degree. UNM is not too far off from that with about 43% of their

business students getting jobs in their field which is much higher than the Midwest average of


Scholarships are an important part of adults going to college and being able to be

successful in college. With as many business students that go to UNM there should be a

sufficient amount of scholarships for the students, but unfortunately, there are only about 50

scholarships offered to students which

is much smaller than the national rate

of at least 339 scholarships being

offered to students. UNM takes up a


little less than half of the business scholarships offered in New Mexico. Besides scholarships,

there are other opportunities for students to learn about the careers they are wanting to go into.

Internships are good programs for universities to offer or push on students so that they get the

hands-on experience that could assist future jobs.

UNM offers about 1,800 internship

opportunities to their business students

which is a fairly high number in

association with students in their last two

years of study at UNM. At a state level,

there are many more internships offered to

business students if the students wanted to

seek a route outside of the university.

Anderson should present and make their students more aware of internship opportunities

available. There is a disconnect in

communication when it comes to

internship and scholarship

opportunities offered by Anderson.

Many students do not know about the

opportunities offered. The one we

focused on for our research was the

McKinnon scholarship. Only about 30% of business students knew this scholarship was offered

with a big portion of 70% not knowing anything about it at all.


Business students thrive off of opportunity and Anderson should do a better job of

presenting the opportunities that they are aware of. There are many business students nationwide

that should all have opportunities to further their knowledge in their career. Anderson School of

Management is a nationally ranked business school and could do much better if their numbers

for scholarships and internships was higher.


In our research and surveying, we found that there is, in fact, a disconnect between

professors and advisors with their students. There needs to be better communication in order to

help business students succeed. Professors should be held accountable in making sure students

are aware of internship opportunities and other workshops that are being held for business

students. Professors should be knowledgeable about opportunities that could help their students

when they are asked about them. Advisors should be required to go over all scholarship

opportunities that each one of their students is eligible for. Advisors are supposed to meet with

all students prior to the start of every semester so they should make a point of making sure all

scholarships are known.

Department heads are in charge of each professors lesson plans and schedule, so they are

where the change should first be brought up. The trickle-down effect would work great for

communicating important information to each student at Anderson School of Management.


With the provided information the UNM Anderson School of Management is very well

recognized for their “first-rate education”. As students associated in their accredited programs, it

is in our interest to find a program that will support our extensive career choices. With better

communication, interaction, and resources our focus to take the right classes, programs, and

internships will invigorate our transition from college to the professional world. Discovering new

contributions regarding business practices we as young developers would like to gain the values,

leadership, and skills that will acquire or enhance us, students, to be more successful. With

commitment and the accommodation from Anderson, we are ready to pursue our future in the

professional world.


● Clubs, Door of. “67% Of College Grads Don't Have Jobs Lined Up Yet – Student

Voices.” Student Voices, Student Voices, 26 Apr. 2017,

● “SurveyMonkey: The World's Most Popular Free Online Survey Tool.” Asking Bout

Your Generation Survey, ​​.


●, Author: “UNIGO Is Your Connection to OVER 3.6M in Scholarships.”

College Matching and School Reviews. Your Guide to College | Unigo,​.

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