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Chapter (5)

Momentum Equation
and Its Applications
Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Momentum and Fluid Flow

In fluid Mechanics, the analysis of motion is performed in the same way as
in solid mechanics (by use of “Newton’s Laws of Motion”).
From solid mechanics (Newton’s Second Law) stated that:
Total Force(F ) = ma , m = mass of the solid body , a = acceleration
But, in fluid mechanics, it is not clear what mass of moving fluid, thus we
should use a different form of the equation of Newton’s Second Law.
Newton’s 2nd Law (for fluids) can be written as following:
The rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to the total force acting
on the body, and takes place in the direction of the force.

Rate of change of momentum is:

ṁ(v − v ) = Mass Flow Rate × Change of velocity
According Newton’s 2nd law:
F = ṁ(v − v ) , ṁ = ρQ → F = ρQ(v − v )
This is the total force acting on the fluid in the direction of motion.

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Momentum Equation for Two Dimensional Flow along

a Streamline (General Case)

In this case, momentum and total force can be resolving into components in
the x and y directions (since both momentum and force are vector quantities)
F , = Rate of change of momentume in x direction
→ F , = ṁ v , − v , = ṁ(v cosθ − v cosθ)

F , = Rate of change of momentume in y direction

→ F , = ṁ v , − v , = ṁ(v sinθ − v sinθ)
ṁ = ρQ = ρ × (A v ) = ρ × (A v )

F = F , +F ,

F ,
θ = tan
F ,

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Important Note:
The force is made up of three components:
 F = F = Force exerted in the direction of the fluid by any
touching the control volume.
 F = F = Force exerted in the direction of the fluid by a
(gravity force).
F = Fluid weight + object weight = (ρVg) + (ρVg)
 F = F = Force exerted in the direction of the fluid by a
outside the control volume
F = F , ⃗ + F , ⃗ + ⋯ F , ⃗ (If the flow is in two dimensional the pressure
will be analyze in x and y directions).such that F = Pressure × Area
The final relationship for momentum equation will be as following:

= + + = ( − )

F = The force exerted by the on the

But, R = −F = The force exerted by the on the
Usually the value of R is required for design purposes ∶

=− + + = ( − )→ = + − ( − )

→ = + + ( − ) = Resultant force acting on the body

When calculating F the pressure at the inlet and outlet is always applied on
the fluid (if the pressure is positive “not vacuum”), however the velocity is
always in the direction of fluid.
The following figure clarifies this note:

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Bernoulli’s Equation
This equation states the relationship between velocity (v), Pressure (P), and
elevation (z) for: steady flow of frictionless fluid of constant density.
This equation is one of the most important equations in fluid mechanics and
engineering applications (as we will discuss in Ch.6).

+ + z = constant = H (Total Head)

Bernoulli equation can be written along a streamline between two points (1)
and (2) as following:

P v P v
+ +z = + +z +h
ρg 2g ρg 2g

h = head loss between 1 and 2 (due to friction in pipes)

Assuming no losses between points 1 and 2, the equation will be:
P v P v
+ +z = + +z
ρg 2g ρg 2g

z and z are elevations of points 1 and 2 from a specific datum usually

taken at point (1) → z = 0 and z = vertical distance between 1 and 2
, assume it
zero (i. e. assume the two points in the same level)and caculate the pressure.

Applications of the Momentum Equation

Momentum equation is used in several engineering applications as we will
discuss in the problems of this chapter.
Steps in Analysis:
 Draw the control volume.
 Decide on coordinate axis system.
 Calculate the total force F = ρQ(v − v )
 Calculate the pressure force F (usually the pressure is known at one point
and not known at the other point, so we use Bernoulli equation to find it).
 Calculate the body force F (if you are given the volume of the fluid).
 Calculate the resultant force on the system R (usually it’s required).

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

The figure below shows a smooth curved vane attached to a rigid
foundation. The jet of water, rectangular in section, 75 mm wide and 25 mm
thick, deflected on the vane with a velocity of 25m/s. Calculate the vertical
and horizontal components of the force exerted on the vane and indicate in
which direction these components act.

R = F +F + ρQ(v − v ), but F = F = 0.0
→ R = ρQ(v − v )
A = A = 0.075 × 0.025 = 0.001875 m
Since A = A → v = v = 25 m/s(as given)
Q = A × v = 0.001875 × 25 = 0.0468 m /s
ρQ = 1000 × 0.0468 = 46.8 kg/s
R = 46.8 v , − v ,
v , = +25 cos45 = 17.67 m/s , v , = +25 cos25 = 22.66 m/s
R = 46.8(17.67 − 22.66) = −233.5 N (From right to left)✓.
R = 46.8 v , − v ,
v , = −25 sin45 = −17.67m/s , v , = +25 sin25 = 10.56 m/s
R = 46.8(−17.67 − 10.56) = −1321.16 N (downward)✓.

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

A square plate of mass 12.7 kg, having uniform thickness and 300 mm
length of edge, is hinged so that it can swing freely about its horizontal edge.
A horizontal jet, 20mm in diameter, strikes the plate with a velocity of 15
m/s. the centerline of the jet is 150mm below the upper edge of the plate so
that when the plate is vertical the jet strikes the plate normally at the center.
(a)The force (P) must be applied at the lower edge of the plate to keep it
(b) What inclination to the vertical the plate will assume under the action of
the jet if allowed to swing freely.


Firstly we calculate the force (F) from the water to the jet:
F = R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v , F , = 0.0 and F , = 0.0
→ F = R = ρQ v , − v ,
Q = Av = × 0.02 × 15 = 0.0047 m /s
v , = 15 m/s (Inlet velocity)
v , = 0.0 m/s (velocity at the wall is zero)
→ F = R = 1000 × 0.0047(15 − 0) = 70.5 N

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Now by taking summation of moments about hinge equal zero:

M@ = 0.0 → 70.5 × 0.15 = P × 0.3 → P = 35.25 N ✓.

Firstly we calculate the force (F) from the water to the jet:
Assume x-direction is in the same direction of the force F.
F = R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v , F , = 0.0 and F , = 0.0
→ F = R = ρQ v , − v ,
Q = Av = × 0.02 × 15 = 0.0047 m /s
v , = 15 cosθ (Inlet velocity)
v , = 0.0 m/s (velocity at the wall is zero)
→ F = R = 1000 × 0.0047(15 cosθ − 0) = 70.5 cosθ N
The weight of the Plate is act at center G and is equal:
W = mg = 12.7 × 9.81 = 124.58 N
Now by taking summation of moments about hinge equal zero:
M@ = 0.0 → 70.5 cosθ × = 124.58 × 0.15 sinθ
→ θ = 34.46° ✓.

A jet of water strikes a stationary curved vane and deflected 150° from its
original direction. The discharge from the jet is 0.68 kg/s and the jet velocity
is 24 m/s. Assume that the velocity remains unchanged between inlet and
outlet. Determine the magnitude and direction of reaction on vane in the
following two cases: (1) if the van is stationary, (2) if the van moves with
velocity of 8m/s.


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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

(1) If the vane is stationary (U=0.0)
R = F +F + ρQ(v − v ), but F = F = 0.0
→ R = ρQ(v − v ) ρQ = ṁ = 0.68 kg/s (as given)
R = 0.68 v , − v ,
v , = 24 m/s , v , = −24 cos30 = −20.78 m/s
R = 0.68(24 − (−20.78)) = 30.45 N
R = 0.68 v , − v ,
v , = 0.0 , v , = −24 sin30 = −12 m/s
R = 0.68(0 − (−12)) = 8.16 N

R= R +R = 30.45 + 8.16 = 31.52 N✓.

R 8.16
θ = tan = tan = 15° ✓.
R 30.45
(2) If the vane moves with velocity (U= 8 m/s):
Always we deal with relative velocity between water in get and vane
In this case ṁ = = ρ(v − u) × A → ṁ = 1000 × A × (24 − 8)
→ ṁ = 16000A
How we can calculate A:
In the first case (u = 0.0) → ṁ = 0.68 = 1000 × 24 × A → A = 2.83 × 10
→ ṁ@ = 16000 × 2.83 × 10−5 = 0.453 kg/s
R = 0.453 v , − v ,
v, = 24 − 8 = 16 /
v , = −24 cos30 − 8 = −28.78 m/s
R = 0.453(16 − (−28.78)) = 20.28 N
R = 0.453 v , −v ,
v , = 0.0 , v , = −24 sin30 − 0 = −12 m/s
R = 0.453(0 − (−12)) = 5.436N

R= R +R = 20.28 + 5.136 = 21N✓.

R 5.136
θ = tan = tan = 14.21° ✓.
R 20.28

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

Water flows through the elbow as shown in figure below and exits to the
atmosphere. At a mass flow rate of 15 kg/s, the pressure P1 is 233 kPa.
Neglecting the weight of water and elbow, estimate the horizontal force on
the flange bolts at section (1). [D1=10cm , D2=3cm]

The horizontal force on flange bolts equals the horizontal component of the
fluid force (Rx).
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
but F = 0.0 (neglect the wieght of water and elbow "as given")
→ R = F , + ρQ v , − v ,
,= , − ,
ρQ = 15 kg/s (as given) → 1000Q = 15 → Q = 0.015 m /s
Q 0.015 Q 0.015
v = =π = 1.9 m/s , v = =π = 21.22 m/s
A × 0.1 A × 0.03
4 4
v , = +1.9 m/s , v , = −21.22 cos40 = −16.25 m/s
→ F , = 15(1.9 − (−21.22)) = 346.8 N

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, :
The pressure at section (1) is 233 kPa and the pressure at section (2) is 0.0
because water in section (2) exposed to atmosphere.
→ F , = P A + 0.0 = 233 × 10 × × 0.1 = 1830 N
→F = R = 1830 + 346.8 = 2176.8 N✓.

For the shown cart in the figure. Compute the force on the wheels caused be
deflecting the jet and the compression of the spring if its stiffness is 1.6

R = F +F + ρQ(v − v ), but F = F = 0.0
→ R = ρQ(v − v ) → force from wter to the jet
R = ρQ v , − v ,
F = 0.0 → R + F = 0.0 → F = −R = ρQ v , −v ,
Q = A × v = × 0.04 × 20 = 0.025 m /s
Since A = A → v = v = 20 m/s
v , = 0.0
v , = +20 sin45 = 14.14 m/s
→F = 1000 × 0.025(14.14 − 0) = 353.55 N✓.

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R = ρQ v , −v ,

F = 0.0 → R + F = 0.0 → F = −R = ρQ v , −v ,

Q = 0.025 m /s
v , = 20 m/s
v , = +20 cos45 = 14.14 m/s
→F = 1000 × 0.025(14.14 − 20) = −146.5 N
F = −K X (Compression)
→F = −146.5 = −1.6 × 1000 X → X = 0.0915m = 91.5 mm✓.

The 6-cm-diameter water jet shown in figure below strikes a plate containing
a hole of 4-cm diameter. Part of the jet passes through the hole, and part is
deflected. Determine the horizontal force required to hold the plate.

The most important note in this question is the flow is not the same at 1 and
2 because the flow at 1 divided into three parts (up, down and to the hole).

The force on the plate equals the horizontal component of the force of water
on the plate (Rx).

R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
F , = 0.0 (No body force in x direction)

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F , = 0.0 (No given presures)

→ R = ρQ v , − v , But‼ (Whats wrong )

since Q is not the same at 1 and 2 →→
F = R = ρQ v , − ρQ v ,
Q = v A = 25 × × 0.06 = 0.0706 m /s
Q = v A = 25 × × 0.04 = 0.0314 m /s
→F = 1000 × 0.0706 × 25 − 1000 × 0.0314 × 25 = 980 N✓.

In the figure shown below, what is the resultant force on the jets?

1 2

Here the fluid also divided into two components.
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
No body force is given→ F , = F , = 0.0
R =F , + ρQ v , −v ,
R = F , + ρQ v , − v ,
But, because the value of Q is not constant→→

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

R =F , + ρQ v , − ρQ v , − ρQ v , (1 is inlet, 2 and 3 are outlets)

R =F , + ρQ v , − ρQ v , − ρQ v ,

Q =A v = 0.02 × 20 = 0.4 m /s
Q =A v = 0.01 × 20 = 0.2 m /s
→Q =Q + Q = 0.2 + 0.4 = 0.6m /s
Q 0.6
→v = = = 6 m/s
A 0.1

F , =? ?
The pressure at 1 is 200 kPa (in x direction), however the pressure at 2 and 3
is 0.0 because they exposed to atmosphere.
F , = 200 × 10 + 0 + 0 = 200000 Pa
v , = +6 m/s , v , = +20 m/s , v , = +20 cos30 = +17.32 m/s
→ R = 200000 + 1000 × 0.6 × 6 − 1000 × 0.4 × 20 − 1000 × 0.2 × 20
→ R = 191600 N

F , =? ?
The pressure at 1 is 0.0 (in y direction), also the pressure at 2 and 3 is 0.0
because they exposed to atmosphere.
F , = 0+0+0 = 0
v , = 0 , v , = 0 , v , = +20 sin30 = 10 m/s
→ R = 0.0 + 1000 × 0.6 × 0 − 1000 × 0.4 × 0 − 1000 × 0.2 × 10
→ R = −2000 N

= R +R = 191600 + −2000 = 191610.4 N✓.

R −2000
θ = tan = tan = −0.6° ✓.
R 191600

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

The discharge of water through a 140º bend, shown in figure below, is 0.03
m3/s. The bend is lying in the horizontal plane and the diameters at the
entrance and exit are 200mm and 100mm respectively. The pressure
measured at the entrance is 100 kN/m2, what is the magnitude and direction
of the force exerted by the water on the bend?

R = F +F + ρQ(v − v )
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
R =F , +F , + ρQ v , −v ,

( − ) =
Q 0.03
Q = 0.03 m /s → v = =π = 0.955 m/s
A × 0.2
Q 0.03
v = =π = 3.82 m/s
A × 0.1
F , = ρQ v , − v ,
ρQ = 1000 × 0.03 = 30 kg/s
v , = v = +0.955 m/s , v , = −v cos40 = −3.82 cos40 = −2.92 m/s

F , = 30(0.955 − (−2.92)) = 116.25 N

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

F , = ρQ v , − v ,
ρQ = 30 kg/s
v , = 0.0 , v , = +v sin40 = 3.82 sin40 = 2.45 m/s

F , = 30(0 − 2.45) = −73.5 N

Calculation of Body force ( ):

The volume of the fluid in the pipe is not given, so we can neglect the body
Calculation of Pressure force ( ):
F = F ,⃗ + F ,⃗
P = 100 kPa = 10000 Pa , P =? ? we use bernoulli equation to find P
P v P v
+ +z = + +z (Assume no losses)
ρg 2g ρg 2g

Since the bend is in the horizontal plane , so the elevation of the two points
is the same (i.e. canceled each other from Bernoulli equation).
P v P v 100000 0.955 P 3.82
+ = + →→ + = +
ρg 2g ρg 2g 1000 × 9.81 2 × 9.81 1000 × 9.81 2 × 9.81

→ P = 93160 Pa

F = Pressure force applied on the x direction

π π
F , = 100000 × × 0.2 + 93160 cos 40 × × 0.1 = 3702.1 N
4 4
F , = Pressure force applied on the y direction
F , = 0.0 − 93160 sin 40 × × 0.1 = −470.3 N
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v , = 0 + 3702.1 + 116.25 = 3818.35 N
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v , = 0 + (−470.3) + (−73.5) = −543.8 N

R= R +R = 3818.35 + −543.8 = 3856.9 N✓.

R −543.8
θ = tan = tan = −8.1° ✓.
R 3818.35

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Fluid Mechanics Momentum Equation & Its Applications

The outlet pipe from a pump is a bend of 45° rising in the vertical plane.
The bend is 150 mm diameter at its inlet (1) and 300 mm diameter at its
outlet (2). The pipe axis at the inlet is horizontal and at the outlet is 1m
higher. By neglecting friction, calculate the force on the bend and its
direction if the inlet pressure is 100 kN/m2 and the flow of water through the
pipe is 0.3 m3/s. The volume of the pipe is 0.075 m3.

R =F , +F , + ρQ v , −v ,
R =F , +F , + ρQ v , −v ,

( − )=
Q 0.3
Q = 0.3 m /s → v = =π = 16.97 m/s
A × 0.15
Q 0.3
v = =π = 4.24 m/s
A × 0.3
F , = ρQ v , − v ,
ρQ = 1000 × 0.3 = 300 kg/s
v , = v = +16.97 m/s , v , = +v cos45 = 4.24 cos45 = 3 m/s

F , = 300(16.97 − 3) = 4191 N

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F , = ρQ v , − v ,
ρQ = 300 kg/s
v , = 0.0 , v , = +v sin45 = 4.24 sin45 = 3 m/s

F , = 300(0 − 3) = −900 N

Calculation of Body force ( ):

The volume of the fluid in the pipe equals 0.075 m3
F , = 0.0 (no weight in x direction)
F , = −ρVg = −1000 × 0.075 × 9.81 = −735.75 N

Calculation of Pressure force ( ):

F = F ,⃗ + F , ⃗
P = 100 kPa = 10000 Pa , P =? ? we use bernoulli equation to find P
P v P v
+ +z = + + z (Assume no losses)
ρg 2g ρg 2g

Assume the datum is at the centerline of the inlet:

P v P v
+ +z = + +z
ρg 2g ρg 2g

100000 16.97 P 4.24

→→ + +0= + +1
1000 × 9.81 2 × 9.81 1000 × 9.81 2 × 9.81
→ P = 225191.65 Pa

F = Pressure force applied on the x direction

π π
F , = 100000 × × 0.15 − 225191.65 cos 45 × × 0.3 = −9488.5 N
4 4
F , = Pressure force applied on the y direction
F , = 0.0 − 225191.65 cos 45 × × 0.32 = −11255.65 N
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v , = 0 + −9488.5 + 4191 = −5297.5 N
R = F , +F , + ρQ v , − v ,
→ R = −735.75 + (−11255.65) + (−900) = −12891.4 N

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R= R +R = −5297.5 + −12891.4 = 13937.4 N✓.

R −12891.4
θ = tan = tan = 67.66° ✓.
R −5297.5

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