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Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy

Version 1 September 2015

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015


1.1 What is Risk and Opportunity Management?

Risk and Opportunity Management is the process used to identify, evaluate

and manage the whole range of business risks and opportunities facing an

A risk can be defined as ‘something happening which may have a negative

impact on the achievement of the council’s objectives. Conversely, an
opportunity will enhance the Council’s ability to achieve and effectively deliver.
By managing both the risks and opportunities effectively, the Council will be in
a better position to improve services, provide better value for money and use
resources more efficiently.

Mendip’s definition of Risk and Opportunity Management is:

“The process used to identify, evaluate and manage the risks to and the
opportunities for the achievement of objectives”

1.2 Benefits of Risk and Opportunity Management

Successful Risk and Opportunity Management is about ensuring that the

council has the right controls in place to provide sufficient mitigation from
risks, without stifling the opportunities for development.

Embedding Risk and Opportunity Management across the organisation can

bring a number of benefits:

 Improved strategic, operational and financial management

 Better decision making
 Improved services and better value for money
 Better outcomes for customers
 Effective use of resources
 Taking advantage of key opportunities and mitigation of key risks
 Encourages a culture of innovation
 Identifying and controlling risks at an early stage means that major
projects and opportunities are more likely to succeed

1.3 Objectives of the strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to outline the overall approach to risk and
opportunity management at Mendip District Council. It provides a
comprehensive framework to support officers in ensuring that the Council is
able to fully address its risk responsibilities.

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

The objectives of the risk and opportunity management strategy and

framework are to:

 Raise awareness of the principles and benefits of effective risk and

opportunity management with all those responsible for the delivery of
Council services
 Embed risk and opportunity management as a key part of strategic,
operational, financial and project planning and management
 Embed risk and opportunity management into the culture of the council
 Establish a systematic approach to risk and opportunity identification,
assessment, management and review
 Identify and allocate responsibilities for managing risk and opportunity
 Clearly identify the key strategic and operational risks and opportunities
 Assess the likelihood of risks and opportunities occurring and their
impact on the Councils objectives
 Provide prospects for shared learning and promoting best practice
 Ensure risks and opportunities are fully considered when identifying
and responding to changing social, environmental and legislative


The Council has in place a four stage process for identifying, evaluating,
managing and reviewing both risks and opportunities.


The Risk
Review Management Evaluate


This shows how managing risks and opportunities needs to be a continuous

process in order to be successful. The process must be regularly repeated,
but also those risks and opportunities already identified must be reviewed
regularly to ensure they are being effectively managed.

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

2.1 Identifying the risks

This stage sets out to identify any areas which expose the Council to
uncertainty, both positive and negative. A systematic approach is to be
applied to identify all strategic and operational risks and opportunities, taking
into account knowledge of the service, the legal, social, political and cultural
environment in which it exists and an understanding of our strategic and
operational objectives.

This process is covered in the Councils strategic planning and performance

frameworks, with risk and opportunity management incorporated into both.
Strategic risks and opportunities are identified on the strategic risk and
opportunity registers and operational risks and opportunities are identified
within the operational plans.

Project risks and opportunities should be identified by the project group and a
project risk register developed.

In addition to this, where members and officers are asked to make decisions
they are advised of any associated risks. Committee reports include a section
demonstrating that the risks and opportunities have been assessed.

Only those risks and opportunities that are identified can be effectively
managed, therefore the more comprehensive the approach to identifying
risks, the better placed the organisation will be to manage the whole range of
risks and opportunities it faces.

2.2 Assessing and evaluating the risks

Following identification the risks and opportunities (strategic, operational or

project) are evaluated and prioritised according to the likelihood of the risk
occurring and the impact if it did occur. This initial score (stage 1) is based on
the assessment of the pure risk, prior to control measures being identified and
helps to make decisions about the significance of the risks to the Council and
how they will be managed.

Likelihood x Impact = Opportunity and Risk Ratings

The aim is to maximise our opportunity scores and minimise risk scores, by
implementing controls and management actions.

It is important to remember that as risk management attempts to predict and

describe potential future events, there is a degree of uncertainty and
judgement in these assessments.

The Council uses a 5x5 assessment matrix for both risks and opportunities,
which can be found on the following page.

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

Very 5 10 15 20 25 Very 25 20 15 10 5
Likely Likely
5 5

Likely 4 8 12 16 20 Likely 20 16 12 8 4
4 4

Feasible 3 6 9 12 15 Feasible 15 12 9 6 3


3 3

Slight 2 4 6 8 10 Slight 10 8 6 4 2
2 2

Very 1 2 3 4 5 Very 5 4 3 2 1
unlikely unlikely
1 1

Insignificant Minor Significant Major Critical Exceptional Major Significant Minor Insignificant
1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1


Using the Risk and Opportunity Assessment Matrix

When assessing a risk or opportunity for the first time you should assume there are no management actions in place. The second assessment is completed with those actions already in place and
with any additional actions needed to reduce the risk further/realise the opportunity.

The assessor should assign values for the identified ‘likelihood of occurrence (A)’ and the ‘impact (B)’. By multiplying ‘A’ and ‘B’ together you get the rating score, which gives an indication of how
important the risk/opportunity is. The thick black line is the ‘line of tolerance’. Those risks that are plotted above the line (score 10-25) are ’out of tolerance and should be referred to CRMG for
further consideration.

Green=Low risk, Amber 9=Medium risk, Amber 10-12 Medium risk (above line of tolerance), Red=High risk
Red= High priority opportunity, Amber 10-12= Medium priority opportunity, Amber 10-12=Medium priority opportunity, Green=Low priority opportunity

Likelihood of Occurrence (A) Severity of Impact (B) Likelihood of Occurrence (A) Positive Impact (B)
1-Very unlikely (hasn’t occurred before) 10-Insignificant (have no effect) 1- Very unlikely (hasn’t happened before) 1-Insiginificant (no effect available)
2- Slight (rarely occurs) 2-Minor (little effect) 2- Slight (rarely occurs) 2-Minor (little effect available)
3- Feasible (possible, but not common) 3-Significant (may pose a problem) 3-Feasible (possible, but not common) 3-Significant (moderate improvement available)
4-Likely (has before, will again) 4-Major (will pose a problem 4-Likely (has before, will again) 4- Major(major improvement available)
5-Very likely (occurs frequently) 5-Critical (immediate action required 5-Very likely (occurs frequently) 5- Exceptional (exceptional improvement

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 September 2015

2.3 Managing risks and opportunities

Once a risk or opportunity has been identified and assessed, we must then
consider the control measures necessary to effectively manage the
uncertainty. Management actions should be identified which are appropriate,
achievable and affordable and against which progress can be measured.

When looking at risks the aim of these management actions will be to limit
exposure to the risk. Conversely in terms of opportunities the aim is to
enhance the potential for the opportunity to be realised.

The table below outlines management action plans for both risk and
opportunity which may assist in identifying more specific action plans.

Risk Management Response Opportunity Management

Strategies Response Strategies
Tolerate – decide to live with the risk Enhance – aim to increase the
without any further action likelihood and/or impact of the
opportunity in order to maximise the
Terminate – usually by deciding to Ignore – minor opportunities may be
avoid a course of action or stop an ignored, by adopting a reactive
activity approach without taking any specific
Transfer – some financial risk can be Share – seek a partner/stakeholder
transferred through insurance or able to manage opportunity, which
liability transferred through may increase the likelihood of it
contractual arrangement happening and/or potential benefits
Treat – control the risk and take Exploit – seek to make the
action to reduce either the likelihood opportunity happen by taking
of a risk occurring and/or the aggressive measures to ensure the
consequences benefits from the opportunity are

The choice of action relies on a clear understanding of the Councils risk and
opportunity appetite and the availability of resources to either reduce the risk
or implement the opportunity. The Council has agreed a risk appetite with a
line of tolerance where scores of 10-25 on the risk matrix are above the line of
tolerance and further consideration is needed.

Opportunities will be considered on an individual basis by Corporate

Management Team and prioritised accordingly, taking into account the
potential benefits and risks associated with each opportunity and the resource
required to deliver.

Once the management actions have been identified, each risk or opportunity
can be assessed in terms of a residual score (stage 2) and target score (stage
Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

 Residual score – the likelihood and impact that remains once management
actions are in place
 Target score – the lowest score to which the risk should be managed
through control actions, or the highest opportunity score that can be
achieved through implementation of the management actions

This information should be recorded on the risk and opportunity registers.

Templates for these registers can be found on SharePoint.

2.4 Reviewing the risks

Risk and Opportunity Management is a continuous process. New risks and

opportunities will be identified throughout the year, similarly some will be
closed and removed from the registers in year. Assessments of likelihood and
impact need to be reviewed in order to monitor the effect that management
actions are having on the risk or opportunity. Where appropriate, new
management actions may need to be identified to further reduce the risk or
enhance the opportunity.

The strategic risk and opportunity registers are monitored on a quarterly basis
by Corporate Risk Management Group. The group will also monitor the
operational registers on a quarterly basis in line with an agreed programme of
reviews. Responsible officers should be reviewing and updating risk registers
on a regular basis, Team Managers as part of the quarterly review and update
of the operational plans.

Where an operational risk is high scoring (10 or above) it should be discussed

with the relevant Corporate Manager and, where appropriate, referred to
Corporate Risk Management Group.

Where new opportunities are identified, a proforma should be completed

[format to be agreed] to allow the opportunity to be added to the register.
Following this it would be scored and prioritised by Corporate Management

Quarterly performance reports to Corporate Management Team, Scrutiny,

Cabinet and Audit Committee are to include monitoring and updates against
strategic risks and opportunities, in particular focusing on high priority risks,
areas where significant progress has been made and new risks identified.

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015


An approach that involves all appropriate members and officers is required to

ensure that risk and opportunity management is fully integrated and
embedded into the culture of the council. However there are certain roles
within the Council that more directly contribute to ensuring effective risk and
opportunity management. These roles and responsibilities are outlined below.

3.1 Members

Audit Committee has specific responsibility for:

 Scrutiny of risk and opportunity management framework and processes

 Ensuring that risks and opportunities are being actively managed
 Reporting concerns to Cabinet
 Making recommendations on further areas of work to be addressed

Scrutiny and Cabinet will:

 Consider key strategic risks and opportunities on a quarterly basis,

through the performance reporting framework

Risk assessments are also included in front sheets for all committee items.

3.2 Corporate Management Team

Corporate Management Team has overall responsibility for ensuring that the
council manages risk and opportunity effectively and will:

 Annually review the risk and opportunity framework and processes

 Agree tolerance levels for risk
 Agree the membership of the Corporate Risk Management Group
 Refer risk and opportunities to the Corporate Risk Management Group as
 Receive updates on any new significant emerging risks and opportunities
 Prioritise opportunities detailed on the opportunity register
 Ensure that risk and opportunity management is embedded in the culture
of the organisation

3.3 Corporate Risk Management Group

Set up to assist CMT in managing risk and opportunity effectively and

efficiently, this group will:

 Ensure consistency of approach to risk and opportunity management

across the council
 Act as a central point for coordination and dissemination of information
on risk and opportunity

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

 Review risk and opportunity management systems and their

implementation on a regular basis
 Raise awareness of risk and opportunity issues and the councils
approach to risk and opportunity management
 Encourage and support development and effective implementation of
the Risk and Opportunity Management strategy
 Identify, assess and monitor strategic risks and opportunities and the
mitigating actions required to manage these risks and opportunities
across the organisation
 Assist Team Managers to identify, assess and monitor operational risks
and opportunities
 Promote training on risk and opportunity management

3.4 Corporate Managers, Managers and Responsible Officers

Corporate Managers should:

 Raise awareness of the risk and opportunity management strategy

within each group and ensure proper management of risks and
opportunities in accordance with the Councils procedures
 Monitor progress against management actions on a quarterly basis
 Review risks and opportunities on an annual basis as part of the
business planning process

Team Managers should:

 Identify team level risks and opportunities and lead reviews within their
teams, as part of the operational planning process and on an ongoing
basis throughout the year
 Ensure a responsible officer is assigned to each significant risk and
 Monitor progress on a quarterly basis and keep registers updated
 Provide a quarterly update to Corporate Managers, in particular
highlighting those risks that are recurring, high level (above 10) or may
become strategic

Responsible Officers should:

 Monitor progress on a quarterly basis and assist Team Managers in

updating risk registers, where appropriate
 Identify any significant issues or emerging risks or opportunities to
Team Managers, as appropriate

3.5 Performance Management Team

The performance management team is responsible for the overall risk and
opportunity management framework and will:

 Ensure this is part of the overall performance management framework

Mendip District Council Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy
Version 1 March 2015

 Produce, review and update the Risk and Opportunity Management

strategy and processes
 Assist Corporate Risk Management Group to compile the strategic
registers for risk and opportunity
 Maintain the strategic registers for risk and opportunity
 Assist Team Managers to compile and maintain operational registers
 Ensure risks and opportunities are reviewed on a regular basis

3.5 Internal Audit

Internal Audit will:

 Provide information and assurance on the reliability and effectiveness of

internal controls
 Highlight issues resulting from specific internal audits that should be
considered by Corporate Risk Management Group for wider inspection
 Maintain an independent role in line with guidance from the Institute of
Internal Auditors and others and ensure compliance with the CIPFA Audit
Code of Practice

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