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TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 1

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production

User’s Manual

Madison Riekhof

January, 2019
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 2

Vowel Sound Review Instructional Unit

Table of Contents

Unit overview ………………………………………………………….. Page 3

Performance Objectives ………………………………………………... Page 3

Instructional Strategies ………………………………………………… Page 3-4

Materials and resources ……………………………………………... …Page 4-5

Unit Lesson Plans ……………………………………………………….Page 6-22

Lesson 1: Vowel Sound Review …...................... Page 6-8

Lesson 2: Short Vowel Review ……………….…Page 9-12

Lesson 3: Sneaky e ………………………….….. Page 13-16

Lesson 4: Long Vowel Review ………………….Page 17-19

Lesson 5: Short and Long Vowel Review …….... Page 20-22

Appendix ……………………………………………………………….. Page 23-25

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 3

Unit Overview

This instructional unit is five days long. The unit is a review of how to identify vowel

sounds in written words. This unit is written for first grade students who have already completed

instruction in vowel sound identification. This modified plan of instruction includes the new

technology tools that will be integrated into the unit.

The unit is five lessons in length. Two lessons are two hours long and the remaining three

lessons are one hour long. This unit goes through short vowels and long vowel spelling patterns

to help students better understand when a word has a long vowel sound and when it has a short

vowel sound.

Performance Objectives

The following is a list of instructional objectives used in this unit plan:

1. Students will be able to correctly identify 20 short and long vowel sounds, given on

flashcards, in 1 minute

2. Students will be able to correctly read 20 written CVC words in 2 minutes without blending

3. Students will be able to correctly read 20 written CVCE words in 2 minutes without blending

4. Students will be able to correctly read 20 written words with long vowels in 2 minutes without


5. Students will be able to read 20 written words with a mix of long and short vowels in 2

minutes without blending.

Instructional Strategies

There are many instructional strategies used in this instructional unit. There are drills

where students are asked to repeat vowel sounds and blend words. After drills, there are student
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 4

lead presentations. In these presentations students will start by blending words. Each slide on the

PowerPoint has a new letter, therefore, students say each sound individually. After blending, full

words will show up on the screen, where students will be asked to think about the word, then say

the word. The students will then read a story that has the focus vowel sounds in it.

Next, there will be a small group instruction time, where students will be back to the

teacher table to work on a targeted area. While working with these small groups, additional

students will be using whisper phones to do blending drills. When students have completed the

word drills, they will have access to technology. Students will use their Chromebook to get onto

Spelling City or Starfall depending on the lesson. This unit also involves independent learning

where students will be reading, blending, and practicing vowel sounds by themselves.

The final instructional strategy used in each of the lessons will be formative assessment.

This assessment will be given through a technology platform called Quizzizz. Student will log

into their Chromebook and click on the link to enter the quiz. The quiz will determine further


Materials and Resources

In this instructional unit, there are a wide variety of materials used. There will be flashcards with

vowels on them. These flashcards have both capital and lowercase letters. The unit also uses a

PowerPoint presentation with blending and word building activities. Whisper phones will also be

used in this unit to give students an opportunity to hear themselves saying the sounds they are

reading. This unit also utilizes word drill materials with CVC, CVCE, and long vowel words.

Word fans with CVC words will also be available for students to practice reading. Stories are

also used in this lesson to get in-text reading practice. This unit will use the smartboard to

present information. The smartboard allows content to be presented through technology as well
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 5

as giving the ability to write necessary information. The students will also use their chromebooks

to use added technology in the lesson. The Chromebooks will be used for formative assessment

through the tool Quizzizz. Chromebooks will also be used to enrich student learning through two

programs, Spelling City and Starfall. With the two enriching programs, students will need to

have headphones, which will allow the students hear the words being spelled.
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 6

Lesson 1: Vowel Sound Review

This lesson is one hour long. The lesson consists of a whole group portion and independent

practice section.

Objective: Learners will be able to correctly identify 20 short and long vowel sounds, given on

flashcards in one minute.

Resources Needed: Capital and Lower case vowel cards, PowerPoint Presentation, and short

and long vowel assessment. Teacher will also need to print out the student assessment.

Time Frame Teacher will Students will

10 minutes Review the five vowels (a,e,i, Repeat sounds as asked in

o,u). Review short and long format: letter is _____ sound

sound for each vowel. is ______ and ________.

20 minutes PowerPoint Presentation. Students will repeat letter

Start with virtual flashcards, name and sound in the

then move to the whole following format: letter is

words. ______ sound is ___and___.

Teacher says whole word and Students will repeat the word

asks students to repeat is. when asked

Teacher asks what the vowel Student will say the vowel

sound is in the word, student sound they hear on the count

of 3.
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 7

says the vowel sound on the

count of 3.

10 minutes Teacher will pass out Students will take on the role

flashcards so that students as “teacher” and “student”.

can do flashcard drills. Teacher will flip through

flashcards, student will say

letter is___ sound is ____ and

_____. Students will switch

roles after 3 minutes.

20 minutes While students are reading, Student will come over and

pull back one student at a put their finger on the first

time. letter.

Set the timer for 1 minute. When timer starts, student

Mark the incorrect sounds by will name the short vowel

putting an X through the sound and the long vowel

letter. sound.

Student must get the short Student will read sounds for

and long vowel sound in one minute, until timer goes

order to get it correct. off.

Grading rubric is at the

bottom of the page.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 8

Follow up activities The remainder of the unit is a

review of the short and long

vowel sounds.

Materials for the lesson

1. Flash cards (Appendix A)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

2. PowerPoint Presentation (Appendix B)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\LESSON 1 POWERPOINT.pptx

3. Assessment (Appendix C)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\Vowel Sound Assessment.docx

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 9

Lesson 2: Short Vowel Review

This lesson is two hours long. The lesson consists of a whole group portion and independent

practice section.

Objective: Learners will be able to correctly read 20 written CVC words in 2 minutes without


Resources Needed: Capital and Lower case vowel cards, PowerPoint Presentation, CVC word

drills, CVC assessment, and Spelling City access.

Teacher will need to print out the CVC word drills and the CVC assessment.

Time Frame Teacher will Students will

5 minutes Review the five vowels Repeat sounds as asked in format:

(a,e,i, o,u). Review short letter is _____ sound is ______ and

vowel sounds for each ________.


30 minutes PowerPoint Presentation. Students will repeat letter name and

Start with virtual sound in the format, letter is ____

flashcards, then move to sound is ______.

the whole words.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 10

Teacher flips through Students blend every sound, then on

slides, each with a new the last sound, students will say the

sound on it. whole word (/c//a//t/ cat).

Teacher says….. Students will think (blend in their

think…… say. head) then say when the teacher says


15 minutes Teacher will pass out Students will say words into the

CVC word drills to whisper phones in order to hear

students and tell them to themselves say the vowel sounds.


20 minutes Teacher will ask the Students will log into their

students to get out their Chromebooks and go to


Teacher will put the link spelling-list.html?listId=59349669.

to the spelling city list in Students will play word games on

their Google Classroom or Spelling City to focus on short

other platform. vowel spelling patterns.

Teacher will walk around

to watch students practice.

30 minutes While students are Students will come to the teacher

reading, call back one table and will put their finger on the

student at a time. first word.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 11

Set the timer for 2 The student will start reading and

minutes. will read for 2 minutes, until the

Mark incorrect words by timer goes off.

putting an X through the


Students must get all

sounds correct in order to

get the word correct.

Grading scale is on the

bottom of the assessment.

Follow up activities PowerPoint with review

words on it, continual

practice on Spelling City,

future lessons with vowel


Materials for the lesson

1. Flash cards (Appendix A)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

2. PowerPoint Presentation (Appendix D)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\LESSON 2 POWERPOINT.pptx

3. Word Drills (Appendix E)

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 12

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\CVC WORD DRILLS.docx

4. Assessment (Appendix F)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\SHORT VOWEL ASSESSMENT.docx

5. Spelling City List 1 (Appendix G)
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 13

Lesson 3: Sneaky e

This lesson is two hours long. The lesson consists of a whole group portion and independent

practice section.

Objective: Learners will be able to correctly read 20 written CVCE words in 2 minutes without


Resources Needed: Capital and Lower case vowel cards, PowerPoint Presentation, CVCE word

drills, CVCE assessment, sneaky e poster, and Starfall access.

Teacher will need to print out the CVCE word Drills.

Time Frame Teacher will Students will

5 minutes Review the five vowels Repeat sounds as asked in format:

(a,e,i, o,u). Review short letter is _____ sound is ______

vowel sounds for each and ________.


10 minutes Teacher will bring out Students will understand sneaky e

Sneaky e Poster.

Teacher will read poster

and teach what the sneaky e

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 14

30 minutes PowerPoint Presentation. Students will repeat letter name

Start with virtual and sound in the format, letter is

flashcards, then move to ____ sound is ______.

the whole words. Students blend every sound, then

Teacher flips through on the last sound, students will say

slides, each with a new the whole word (/c//a//t/ cat).

sound on it. Students will think (blend in their

Teacher says….. think…… head) then say when the teacher

say. says “say”.

15 minutes Teacher will pass out Students will say words into the

CVCE word drills to whisper phones in order to hear

students and tell them to themselves say the vowel sounds.


20 minutes Teacher will ask the Students will log into their

students to get out their Chromebooks and go to


Teacher will put the link to a-word/silent-e/load.htm?f).

the StarFall list in their Students will play word building

Google Classroom or other games on StarFall to practice

platform. building words with sneaky e.

Teacher will walk around

to watch students practice.

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 15

30 minutes While students are reading, Students will come to the teacher

call back one student at a table and will put their finger on

time. the first word.

Set the timer for 2 minutes. The student will start reading and

Mark incorrect words by will read for 2 minutes, until the

putting an X through the timer goes off.


Students must get all

sounds correct in order to

get the word correct.

Grading scale is on the

bottom of the assessment.

Follow up activities PowerPoint with review

words on it, continual

practice on Spelling City

and Starfall, future lessons

with vowel review.

Materials for the lesson

1. Flash cards (Appendix A)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

2. PowerPoint Presentation (Appendix H)

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 16


3. Word Drills (Appendix I)

Long Vowel Word Drills.docx

4. Assessment (Appendix J)

5. Star Fall

6. Sneaky e Poster (Appendix P)

..\sneaky E.png
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 17

Lesson 4: Long Vowel Review

This lesson is one hour long. The lesson consists of a whole group portion and independent

practice section.

Objective: Learners will be able to correctly read 20 written words with long vowels in 2

minutes without blending.

Resources Needed: Capital and Lower case vowel cards, PowerPoint Presentation, CVC

assessment, and Spelling City access.

Teacher will need to print out Long Vowel assessment.

Time Frame Teacher will Students will

5 minutes Review the five vowels Repeat sounds as asked in format:

(a,e,i, o,u). Review short letter is _____ sound is ______ and

vowel sounds for each ________.


30 minutes PowerPoint Presentation. Students will repeat letter name and

Start with virtual sound in the format, letter is ____

flashcards, then move to sound is ______.

the whole words. Students blend every sound, then on

Teacher flips through the last sound, students will say the

slides, each with a new whole word (/c//a//t/ cat).

sound on it.
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 18

Teacher says….. Students will think (blend in their

think…… say. head) then say when the teacher says


20 minutes Teacher will ask the Students will log into their

students to get out their Chromebooks and go to


Teacher will put the link spelling-list.html?listId=59349862

to the spelling city list in Students will play word games on

their Google Classroom or Spelling City to focus on short

other platform. vowel spelling patterns.

Teacher will walk around

to watch students practice.

10 minutes While students are Students will come to the teacher

reading, call back one table and will put their finger on the

student at a time. first word.

Set the timer for 2 The student will start reading and

minutes. will read for 2 minutes, until the

Mark incorrect words by timer goes off.

putting an X through the

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 19

Students must get all

sounds correct in order to

get the word correct.

Grading scale is on the

bottom of the assessment.

Follow up activities PowerPoint with review

words on it, continual

practice on Spelling City,

future lessons with vowel


Materials for the lesson

6. Flash cards (Appendix A)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

7. PowerPoint Presentation (Appendix K)


8. Assessment (Appendix L)


9. Spelling City List 2 (Appendix M)
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 20

Lesson 5: Short and Long Vowel Review

This lesson is one hour long. The lesson consists of a whole group portion and independent

practice section.

Objective: Learners will be able to correctly read 20 written words with a mix of long and short

vowels in 2 minutes without blending.

Resources Needed: Capital and Lower case vowel cards, PowerPoint Presentation, Short and

long vowel assessment.

Teacher will need to print out the short and long vowel assessment

Time Frame Teacher will Students will

5 minutes Review the five vowels Repeat sounds as asked in

(a,e,i, o,u). Review short format: letter is _____ sound is

vowel sounds for each letter. ______ and ________.

40 minutes PowerPoint Presentation. Students will repeat letter name

Start with virtual flashcards, and sound in the format, letter is

then move to the whole ____ sound is ______.

words. Students blend every sound,

Teacher flips through slides, then on the last sound, students

each with a new sound on it. will say the whole word (/c//a//t/

Teacher says….. think…… cat).

TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 21

Students will think (blend in

their head) then say when the

teacher says “say”.

30 minutes While students are reading, Students will come to the

call back one student at a teacher table and will put their

time. finger on the first word.

Set the timer for 2 minutes. The student will start reading

Mark incorrect words by and will read for 2 minutes,

putting an X through the until the timer goes off.


Students must get all sounds

correct in order to get the

word correct.

Grading scale is on the

bottom of the assessment.

Follow up activities PowerPoint with review

words on it, continual

practice on Spelling City and

Starfall, future lessons with

vowel review.
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 22

Materials for the lesson

7. Flash cards (Appendix A)

C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

8. PowerPoint Presentation (Appendix N)


9. Assessment (Appendix O)


TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 23

Appendix A
Flash cards
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\FLASH CARDS.pptx

Appendix B
PowerPoint Presentation
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\LESSON 1 POWERPOINT.pptx

Appendix C
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\Vowel Sound Assessment.docx

Appendix D
PowerPoint Presentation
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\LESSON 2 POWERPOINT.pptx

Appendix E
Word Drills
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\CVC WORD DRILLS.docx

Appendix F
C:\Users\Maddie\Documents\A WGU\TAT2\SHORT VOWEL ASSESSMENT.docx

Appendix G
Spelling City List 1
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 24

Appendix H
PowerPoint Presentation

Appendix I
Word Drills
Long Vowel Word Drills.docx

Appendix J

Appendix K
PowerPoint Presentation

Appendix L

Appendix M
Spelling City List 2

Appendix N
PowerPoint Presentation
TAT 2 Task 3: Technology Production 25

Appendix O
Appendix P
Sneaky e Poster
..\sneaky E.png

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