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Stomatologica Naissi Dačić / Pulpuralni

decembar/December 2005, vol. 21, broj/number kočići
52, str./p 555–562




Stefan Dačić





Kratak sadržaj Abstract

Cilj rada je isticanje prednosti fabričkih metalnih kočića, u odnosu na The aim of this article was to discuss benefites of prefabricated metal
livene nadogradnje sa kočićem, kod restauracija endodontski lečenih posts than custom-cast post and core procedures in restauration of
zuba. Prodiskutovane su funkcije kočića, osobine endodontski lečenih pulpless teeth. The post function in endodontically treated teeth, post
zuba , rizici postavljanja kočića, vrste materijala, oblik dužina i dija­ materials, shape, and surface configuration, lenght and diametar of
metar kočića. Pobrojani su materijali za cementiranje kočića. Prikazan posts, as well as post cementing materials have been described. Indus-
je način postavljanja i prednosti metalnih fabričkih kočića kod molara i trial metal posts can be adapted to canals. It is posible to place two
premolara sa divergentnim korenovima. Cementiranje metalnih kočića posts in molars and premolars with divergent roots. To incrise retention
smolastim cementima značajno pojačava retenciju kočića za zub. of the posts to the root’s dentin it was suggested that metal posts could
be cemented with resin cements.
Ključne reči: pulparni kočići, devitalizirani zubi
Key words: pulpal pins, pulples teeth

Kod restauracije endodontski lečenih zu­
ba primenjuju se: a) livene nadogradnje, b) While restoring endodontic treated teeth we
fabrički metalni kočići, c) fabrički karbonski ili use: a) cast annexes, b) industrial metal sticks,
keramički kočići. c) industrial carbon or ceramic sticks.
Livene nadogradnje se ne koriste tako Cast annexes are not used as often as be-
često kao ranije jer je utvrđeno da liveni kočići fore, because it was established that cast posts
prouzrokuju tri puta češće frakture korena od cause a tree times more frequent root fractures
fabričkih, a postoje i problemi sa retencijom than the industrial sticks. Furthermore, there
odlivka u kanalu. Posebne teškoće predstavlja are problems with drain retention in the canal.
izrada livene nadogradnje kod višekorenih zuba Casting annexes with multiroot teeth with un-
sa disparalitetom korenova i kanala.1 parallel canals and roots, represents a special
Postoje različiti tipovi i oblici kočića, ra­ difficulty.1 There are different stick types and
zličite tehnike preparacije kanala kao i različiti shapes, different root canal preparation tech-
materijali za cementiranje kočića i izradu na­ niques, as well as different materials for stick
dogradnje oko kočića. cementing and making annexes around posts.

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2005, vol. 21, broj/number 52

Funkcije kočića Post Function

Pulparni kočići imaju dve glavne funkcije: a) Pulp posts have two major functions: a) to
da zaštite zub od unutrašnjih stresova i frakture protect the tooth from interior stress and root
korena i b) da obezbede retenciju restauracije. fractures, and b) to provide the retention of the
Zahtevi pri rekonstrukciji avitalnih zuba
a) Dugotrajno očuvanje preostalog korena Demands of the restoration of non-vital
b) Reakcija kočića na mastikatorne stre­ a) A long-term preservation of the leftover
sove root
c) Jednostavno postavljanje b) A post reaction to masticatory stresses
d) Kompatibilnost kočića sa drugim restau- c) A simple placing of a post
rativnim materijalima d) The post compatibility with other restor-
ative materials

Osobine endodontski lečenih zuba Features of Endodontically Treated

Gubitak vitaliteta smanjuje fizičke osobine Teeth
i translucenciju preostale zubne strukture.
The loss of vitality reduces the physical
Pored promene boje, koja ide od sive do braon,
features and translucency of the leftover tooth
smanjena je otpornost tkiva na frakture. Zbog
structure. Beside the colour change, which goes
sprovođenja kanalne terapije i formiranja
from grey to brown, there is also a reduction of
pristupnog kaviteta smanjuje se i jačina preostale the tissue resistance to fractures. The strength
krunice zuba. Često je potrebno pojačanje of the leftover tooth crown is also reduced be-
krunice i korena postavljanjem kočića u kanal cause of the carrying out of canal treatment and
korena zuba. opening a way through the crown. It is often
Pri tome se potencijalna tačka frakture zuba necessary to strengthen the crown and the root
udaljava od gingivalne margine zuba ka vrhu by placing a post in the root canal. When doing
korena, što smanjuje mogućnost frakture. this, the potential fracture point moves away
Korišćenje parakanalnih kočića i retencionih from the gingival tooth margin to the top of the
ureza kod avitalnih zuba može dodatno oslabiti root, which reduces the possibility of fracture
zubnu strukturu, pa se retko primenjuju. taking place.
Nakon postavljanja kočića, rekonstrukcija After setting up a post, the crown restoration
krunice može biti intrakoronarna (inlay tip) i can be intracoronary (inlay type) or extracoro-
ekstrakoronarna (krunica ili onlay, overlav). nary (a crown, or onlay, overlay). Extracoro-
Postavljanje ekstrakoronarne restauracije jako nary restoration reduces heavily the stresses on
smanjuje stresove usmerene na bukalne i lingval­ the buccal and lingual knots and lengthens the
ne kvržice i produžava vek zuba.2 tooth’s life span.2

Značaj kočića The Post Significance

Postavljanje kočića u jednom ili više kanala Placing a post in one or more root canals
korena utiče na pomeranje potencijalne tačke influences the moving of the potential fracture
frakture sa vratnog dela zuba dalje prema point from the neck of the tooth further to the
apeksu korena. root apex.

Rizici postavljanja kočića Risks of Placing Posts

• Kočić je intraradikularna restauracija i • Apost is, actually, an intraradicular res-
zavisi od jačine i integriteta preostale toration, which, therefore, depends on the
zubne supstance koja ga retinira na mestu strength and integrity of the leftover tooth
postavljanja. substance which keeps it in place.

Dačić / Pulpal pins

• Veći dijametar kočića, slabljenje ostatka • The bigger the post diameter, the greater
korena, weakening of the leftover root,
• Tanji kočić, veća mogućnost njegovog • The thinner the post, the greater the pos-
savijanja, sibility of its bending ,
• Thelonger the post, the greater risk of lat-
• Duži kočić, veći rizik bočne perforacije, eral perforation,
• Kraći kočić, manja retencija, • Theshorter the post, the weaker the reten-
• Velika pažnja je potrebna pri preparaciji tion,
šupljine za kočić. Ona mora da prati oblik • One should be very careful when prepar-
i pravac kanala korena, ne sme da ide ing the cavity for a post. It has to follow
lateralno niti da ošteti punjenje apikalnog the shape and direction of the root canal,
and it should not go laterally nor damage
dela korena.
the filling of the apical part of the root.

Preparacija šupljine (kanala) za kočić

1. Uklanjanje koronarnog
dela gutaperka punjenja
do dubine 4-5 mm. pomoću
Gates - Glidden svrdla

2. Specijalno svrdlo iz
Radix - anker sistema za
oblokovanje kanala do
željene dubine

3. Preparacija ravne
površine oko ulaza u kanal
specijalnim instrumentom
prekrivenim dijamantom

4. Definitivno oblikovanje
prostora za kočić standard-
izovanim svrdlom

5. Utiskivanje Radix ankera

u prostor za kanal nakon
unošenja cementa

6. Izrada nadogradnje oko

koronarnog dela kočića

Slika1. Preuzeto iz Beer,R. Et al.: Endodontology. Thieme, Stuttgart. New York 2000.

Pictures (1-6):
1. The removing of the coronary part of the gutta-percha filling up to 4-5mm in depth, using Gates - Glidden bore
2. The special bore from the Radix-anker system for shaping canals to the desired depth
3. The preparation of the flat surface around the canal opening with a special instrument covered with a diamond
4. The definite shaping of the space for the post with a standard bore.
5. The impressing of the Radiz-anker into the canal space, after applying cement.
6. The making of the annex around the coronary part of the post.

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2005, vol. 21, broj/number 52

Preparacija šupljine (kanala) za kočić Cavity (canal) Preparation for a Post

Pre početka preparacije radi se radiografija Before the preparation, one should first
zuba da bi se procenila uspešnost endodontskog make an X-ray of the tooth so as to estimate the
lečenja zuba i nivo apikalnog punjenja. Nekad je success of the endodontic tooth treatment and
teško proceniti krivinu kanala korena. Ukoliko the level of the apical filling. It is sometimes
je kanal ispunjen gutaperkom ili pastom i difficult to estimate the curve of the root canal.
In case that the canal is filled with gutta-percha,
gutaperka poenom, preporučuje se razmekšanje or paste and a gutta-percha point, it is suggested
punjenja kanala toplim instrumentom (sonda). that one use a warm instrument (probe) for soft-
Zatim se u kanal unosi strugač radi uklanjanja ening of the canal filling. The next step is to put
preostalog materijala i identifikacije pravca a scraper into the canal in order to remove the
kanala. Korišćenje lupe i fibrooptičkog svetla leftover material and to identify the root direc-
može biti od pomoći. Dužina kočića treba da tion. It can be rather useful to use the zooming
bude najmanje ista kao i visina buduće krune in and the fibro optical light. The post length
zuba ili minimum 10 mm. Kada se kanal should be at least the same as the height of the
otvori do željene dubine, može se širiti do future crown or minimum 1 Omm. When the
canal is opened up to the desired depth, it can
potrebne veličine. Preporučuje se korišćenje be widened to obtain the desired size. It is rec-
antirotacionog sistema na otvoru kanala ommended to use the anti-rotating light at the
radi smanjenja naponskog stresa u cementu. canal opening so as to reduce the pressure stress
Dovoljno je napraviti, neku vrstu manžetne (u in the cement. It is sufficient to make some kind
širini oko 2 mm) na otvoru kanala, koja prati of a cuff (about 2 mm wide), on the root open-
anatomiju kanala. To pojačava kočić i deluje ing, following the root anatomy. This fortifies
kao antirotacioni mehanizam. Kočić treba da the post and has an effect of an anti-rotating
bude deblji na koronarnom kraju da bi odoleo mechanism. The post should be thicker at the
stresovima savijanja u vratu zuba i delovao kao coronary end so as to resist the bending stresses
celina sa nadogradnjom krunice. in the tooth neck, and to make a whole with the
annex of the crown.
Pri preparaciji šupljine za kočić mora se When preparing the post cavity, one should
uzeti u obzir određeni rizik zbog anatomskih take into account the risk from the anatomic
varijacija korena koje se ne vide jasno na radio- variations of the root which cannot be seen
grafijama.3 clearly on the radiography.3

Izbor kočića prema obliku i površinskoj The Choice of Posts According to the
konfiguraciji Shape and Surface Configuration
Postoji mnogo raspoloživih sistema fabri­ There are many available systems of indus-
čkih kočića kao i velike varijacije materijala trial posts, as well as a great variety of materi-
od kojih su izrađeni. Između koničnih i ko­ als they are made of. When choosing between
čića paralelnih strana, preporučuju se ovi a conical post and the one with parallel sides, it
drugi. Poželjno je da imaju ureze duž bočne is advisable to use the latter. It is desirable that
strane koji deluju kao evakuacioni kanal za they have cuts along their lateral sides, which
function as evacuation canals for cement sur-
višak cementa. Horizontalni useci na kočiću plus. The horizontal cuts on a post increase the
pojačavaju mehanički spoj sa cementom. mechanical connection with cement. Cogged
Na­zup­čeni kočići pružaju bolju retenciju od posts provide a better retention than the smooth
glatkih. Nazupčeni kočići paralelnih strana su ones. Cogged posts of parallel sides provide the
sa najjačom retencijom, dok najslabiju retenciju strongest retention, while conical, smooth ones,
imaju konični glatki kočići.4 provide the weakest retention.4

Materijal za kočiće Post Materials

Najčešće korišćeni materijali za izradu The materials which are most often used
kočića su: nerđajući čelik, titanijum, platina- for making posts are: stainless steal, titanium,
zlato-paladijum, hrom i bakar. Nerđajući čelik platinum-gold-palladium, chromium, copper.

Dačić / Pulpuralni kočići

je njjači među metalima, ali ima korozivni Stainless steal is the strongest metal, but it has
potencijal. Titanijum je vrlo biokompatibilan i a corrosive potential. As for titanium, its only
u svom metalnom obliku jači od zlata ali slabiji inconvenience is that it ha a low radiopacity.
od nerđajućeg čelika. Jedina nepogodnost The most recent materials for making posts
titanijuma je niski radioopacitet. are: fibrous carbon strengthened with epoxy
Najnoviji materijali za izradu pulparnih resin, and zirconia ceramics.
kočića su: vlaknasti karbon ojačan epoksi Carbon fibers set into the epoxy resin matrix
smolom i cirkonijum dioksid keramika. have a greater resistance to pressure, and a high
Karbonska vlakna uložena u matriks od module of elasticity. These posts are bound to
epoksi smole imaju veliku otpornost na pritisak the root canal walls with the dentin bonding
i visok modul elastičnosti. Ovi kočići se vezuju system and composite resinous cement.
za zidove kanala korena pomoću dentin bonding Zirconium ceramic posts have parallel sides
sistema i kompozitnog smolastog cementa. and they are cemented with composite resinous
Cirkonijum keramički kočići su paralelnih cement.
strana i cementiraju se kompozitnim smolastim
Post Length
Dužina kočića When determining the post length, each
tooth is individually estimated. The length is
Kod određivanja dužine kočića svaki zub planned according to the stress, retention and
se individualno procenjuje. Planira se dužina apical filling. A longer post provokes less stress
kočića u odnosu na stres, retenciju i apikalno in the cervical region. If the post is closer (up
punjenje. Duži kočić stvara manji stres u to 4mm) to the apex, the stress increases in the
cervikalnom regionu. Ako je kočić bliže ( od 4 apical part of the root. The ideal post length
mm) do apeksa, stres se pojačava u apikalnom would be two thirds of the root canal length.
kraju korena. Idealna dužina kočića bila bi 2/3 Posts which are shorter than the clinical crown
dužine kanala korena. Kočići koji su kraći od should be avoided because of the stress that
kliničke krune izbegavaju se zbog velikog stresa then arises in the cervical regio
koji tada nastaje u cervikalnom regionu.

Post Diameter
Dijametar kočića
The post diameter should not be bigger than
Dijametar kočića ne treba da bude veći one third of the root width at its narrowest di-
od 1/3 širine korena na njegovom najužem ameter. A post should be surrounded with a hard
promeru. Kočić treba da bude okružen čvrstim dentin at the width of 1 mm.
dentinom u širini od 1 mm.

Post Cementing Materials

Materijali za cementiranje kočića
For cementing posts we use phosphate zinc,
Za cementiranje pulparnih kočića koriste carboxylates, and glass ionomer and epoxy-res-
se cink fosfatni, karboksilatni, glas jonomerni i in cement. It was established that glass ionomer
epoksi-smola cement.Utvrđeno je da glas jono- cement does not give an increased retention in
mer cement ne daje povećanje retencije u odno- comparison with other cements. Micro mechan-
su na ostale cemente. Od 1980. god. intenzivno ic resin retention for dental structure has been
se proučava mikromehanička retencija smole za intensively studied since 1980. Conditioning of
zubnu strukturu. Proučavano je i kondicioniran- the post space, before its cementing with Bis
je prostora za kočić, pre njegovog cementiranja GMA resin, was studied. It was showed that this
Bis GMA smolom. Pokazalo se da ovaj postu- procedure increases the binding strength, even
pak povećava jačinu vezivanja čak i kratkih with short posts. The removing of smear layer
kočića. Uklanjanje smear layer pomoću kise- with acid (conditioning) strongly increases the
line (kondicioniranje) jako povećava vezivanje binding for dentin. According to numerous re-

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2005, vol. 21, broj/number 52

za dentin. Na osnovu brojnih proučavanja je search, it was established that dentin adhesive
utvrđeno da dentin adhezivni sistemi, primenje- systems, applied after conditioning of dentin
ni nakon kondicioniranja dentina zidova kana- for root walls, together with the application of
la, a uz primenu smolastih cemenata značajno resinous cement, significantly increase post re-
pojačavaju retenciju kočića za zub. Ovako se tention for a tooth. In this way, all types of posts
mogu cementirati sve vrste kočića jer se smo- can be cemented since resinous cement binds
la cement vezuje za nerđajući čelik, titanijum, itself to stainless steel, titanium, carbon fibers,
karbon vlakno, cirkonijum oksid keramiku.5 circonium oxide ceramics.5
U kombinaciji sa fabričkim kočićima, za In combination with industrial posts, for the
nadogradnju krunice zuba, koriste se sledeći annex of tooth crowns, the following materials
materijali: amalgam, glas jonomer ojačan sre- are used: amalgam, glass ionomer strengthened
brom i kompozit. Amalgami i kompoziti se with silver, and composite. Amalgam and com-
smatraju jače retinirajućim od glas jonomera. posite are considered to provide a stronger re-
tention than glass ionomer.
Osobine fabričkih metalnih kočića
(Filpost - Filhol Dental) Industrial Metal Post Features
•O bezbeđuju maksimalne pogodnosti
(Filpost-Filhol Dental)
zbog sigurnosti, očuvanja mase dentina, • Theyprovide a maximum number of con-
re­tencije, pasivnosti i lakoće primene. veniences because of their safety, pres-
Za razliku od drugih sistema mogu se ervation of the dentin, retention, passiv-
prilagoditi kanalima; ity and ease of application. They can be
• Moguće je postavljanje dva kočića kod adapted to canals, unlike other posts;
molara i premolara sa divergentnim • It is possible to place two posts with mo-
korenovima; lars and premolars with divergent roots;
• Izrađeni od čistog ( 99,8%) titanijuma; • They are made of pure titanium (99, 8%);
• Biološki inertni, medicinski sigurni; • Theyare biologically inert, and medically
• Kompatibilni sa svim zubnim materija­ safe;
lima; • Theyare compatible with other tooth ma-
• Brzo i lako se postavljaju; terials ;
• Zahtevaju malo uklanjanje dentina; • They are quick and easy to place;
• Moguse savijati i kratiti radi oblikovanja; • They demand little removing of dentin;
• Pasivno postavljanje uz izuzetnu reten­ • Theycan be bended and shortened for re-
ciju; shapin;
• Minimalnemogućnosti krunično korenske • Theycan be passively placed with extreme
frakture (slika 2). retention;
• Thereare minimal fracture possibilities of
crowns and roots (figure 2).
Fabrički metalni kočići, kao i novi materijali Conclusion
za njihovo cementiranje, sve se češće koriste u
restauraciji endodontski lečenih zuba. Metalni Significant increases in the use of prefabri-
fabrički kočići cementirani smolastim cemen- cated posts in restoration of pulpless teeth, have
tom imaju pojačanu vezu sa zubnim tkivima been asociated with a use of new materials for
kao i za materijal za nadogradnju krunice. cementation like a autocure resin cements.
Neki metalni kočići (Filpost – Dental Filhol) Prefabricated metal posts are easily placed,
mogu se savijati, pa su posebno indikovani kod strong, relatively inexpensive and predictable.
zuba sa divergentnim korenovima. Some metal posts like Filpost – Filhol Dental

Dačić / Pulpal pins

Način postavljanja Flipost kočića

1. Preparacija. Pomoću 2. Adaptiranje. Sečenjem i 3. Cementiranje. Posle 4. Rekonstrukcija krunice.

specijalnog svrdla (Gates savijanjem kočić se adaptira određivanja finalne pozicije Restauracija krunice se vrši
Gllidden) uklanja se tako da odgovara, po veličini kanalni prostor se čisti. U pomoću kompozita, glas
guta perka iz dve trećine i obliku, kanalu korena. U tu kanal se, lentulom, unosi jonomera ili amalgama
kanala korena. Specijalnim svrhu se koriste ortodontska cement (cink fosfatni,
proširivačem određene klešta karbosilantni, glas jonomer
dužine, uz mali broj obrtaja, ili smola cement) i u njega
vrši se preparacija zidova uranja kočić

Slika 2. Preuzeta iz reklamnog prospekta

(pictures 1-4)
1. Preparation: with the help of bores (Gates Gilden) gutta-percha is removed from two thirds of the root canal. With a special
widener, of a specific length, and with a small number of rotations, preparation of the root walls is done.
2. Adaptation: cutting and bending, the post is adapted so that it fits, by its size and shape, to the root canal. Orthodontic pliers
are used for this purpose.
3. Cementing: after determining the final position, root space is cleaned. Cement (phosphate zinc, carboxylates, glass ionomer or
resinous cement) is put with a lentula into the canal, and post is placed into it.
4. Crown reconstruction: Crown restoration is done with a composite, glass ionomer, or amalgam.

Fabrički kočići se lako postavljaju, jaki su i can be adapted in divergent canals, and fixed
relativno jeftini. with risin cement too.
Većina stomatologa koristi kočiće u tehnici The most dentists use industrial posts in post
nadogradnje zuba zato što je to brže, lakše, i and care techniques which are faster, easier and
u mnogim slučajevima manje agresivno po zub less abusive to teeth then cast annexes.
od livenih nadogradnji.

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2005, vol. 21, broj/number 52


1. Mount GJ, Hume WR. Preservation and restoration 4. Torbjorner A et al. Survival rate and failure char-
of tooth structure. Mosby, London 1998, 19: 218-223. acteristics for two post designs. J Prosth Dent 1995; 73:
2. Sorenset J et al. A study of Endodontycally treated 439-444.
teeth. J Prosth Dent 1984; 51: 780. 5. Freedman G. Bonded Post-Endodontic Rehabilita-
3. Beer R et al. Endodontology. Thieme, Stuttgart. tion. Dentistry Todey 1996; 15: 3, 50-52.
New York 2000, 15: 267-280.

Аdresa za korespondenciju: Address for correspondence:

Mr. sc. dr Stefan Dačić Stefan Dačić, D.M.D.
Klinika za Stomatologiju Clinic of Stomatology,
Bul. Dr Zorana Đinđića 52 52 Buld Dr. Zoran Đinđić
18000 Niš, Srbija i Crna Gora 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro


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