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Issued monthly by "The Bible Standard Publication Society," Lincoln.

Geo. A. BROWN, Pastor of Mint Lane Baptist Church, Lincoln.

THE BIBLE ST.DIDARDis devoted to the exposition of Biblical Truth, especially the doctrine of Conditional Immortality, the literal Resurrection of
the Dead, the Final Destrnction of the Wicked, the ~igns of the Times, the Second Coming of Christ, and His Personal Reign on earth.

" The Wages of Sin is Death; but the gift of Goel is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

No. 10. JULY, 1878. Price Id.

OUR OPPONENTS. The reasoning of Mr. Plum tree and his school of theo-'
MR. J. PLUMTREE,of this city, has just published a pamphlet logical thought, makes it that God first formed a house
of 42 pages, entitled, "Modern Thought Examined upon out of the dust, after which God breathed into this house an
Three Important Questions, viz: Is the Soul Immortal? Is a immortal soul, which is the real man, who takes his
State of Happiness or Misery entered upon immediately after departure at death to some spirit world, "beyond the bounds
Death? Are Rewards and Punishments Everlasting? " of time and space."
We regret that Mr. Plum tree should have undertaken to Now, we challenge the so-called orthodox world to prove
criticise what he calls error, without first having become this. It is true that Mr. Plumtree says of the soul, that it
conversant with the position which he seems to think has is "That spiritual, immaterial, thinking, vital, responsible,
been exploded by his masterly arguments (?) We think, accountable, active principle or subsistence in man which
however, that he has not touched the question, for he first perceives, remembers, reasons, imagines, compares, lives,
assumes his postulate and then reasons from it. We wish hopes, fears, desires, resolves, judges, adores, and which,
that our opponents would take the trouble to understand our from its capabilities of thought, volition, and conscious
position, before they either speak or write against us, it personality, is brought into some resemblance to its Divine
would then, at all events, save them a great deal of error, Creator, and is, therefore,. immortal." He then quotes
and us annoyance. Logical arguments, brought to bear upon A. Barnes, who says, "The word soul, with us, means the
our true position, would have some weight with us, but, as it thinking, the immortal part of man, and is applied to it,
is, men blunder away and knock down what they themselves whether existing in connection with the body, or whether
set up, and then they leave the field, feeling that they have separate from it."
given us our death blow, whereas th-y have only made We should at once be convinced, if Moses, or Christ, or
themselves and their theory more ridiculous than before. Paul, had saic1 all this of the assumed immortal soul, but as
Mr. Plumtree writes as if we admitted that, man was a it is, it is Mr. Plumtree who says it, and we are not prepared
twin being, that he possessed a spiritual being inside the just yet, to accept the statement of a man who professes to
physical, and that at death we believed that both died and gather his information from the Bible, which says nothing
went into the grave. We believe no such thing, but, on the at all of the kind.
contrary, we accept the record given by Moses, that" God When we turn to the Book, we finc1that the Hebrew word
formed man out of the dust of the ground." There can be no " nephesh " of the 0lc1 Testament, from which our English
mistake in this language. Whatever the man is, he was word soul is translated, occurs about 700 times, and is
formed out of the dust of the ground, with all his functions rendered soul 471 times; life and living about 150 times;
perfect; he was man before "God breathed into his nostrils and the same word is.also rendered a man, a person, self,
the breath of life," but lifeless; the act of breathing the they, me, him, anyone, breath, heart, mind, appetite, the
breath of life, or Spirit of life, on the part of God, into man's body (dead or alive), lust, creature, and even a beast; for it
nostrils, caused him to live, or to become a living creature or is 28 times applied to beasts anc1 to every creeping thing.
soul. Mark well the grammatical sense of this passage: The Greek word "psuchee" of the New Testament cor-
that which God formed out of the dust became the" living responc1enc1s with "nephesh" of the 0lc1. It occurs 105
soul," and not what He breathed into him. bimes, anc1 is rendered soul 59 times, and life 40 times.

The same word is also rendered mind, us, you, heart, in the immortality of animals, from other- things which we
heartily, and is twice applied to the beasts that perish. read in his pamphlet. For instance, on page 5, when giving
" Pstichikas," an adjective derived from "psuchee," occurs some of the senses in which the word soul is used in the
6 times, and is translated natural and sensual. It may be Scripture,' he says :-" In a still more subordinate sense
worthy of Mr. Plumtree's notice, after his having given us beasts have a soul, a spirit, a life ascribed to them in the
such an elaborate description of what the soul is, that in all Scriptures. Surely," he says, "because the term' soul' is
the 700 times which" nephesh " occurs, and the 105 times applied in an ACCOMMODATED SENSE to irrational creatures, [the
of "psuchee," not once is the word "immortal," or "im- italics are ours] that is no reason why it should not be used
mortality," or "deathless," or "never-dying" found in in its highest sense when applied to man, who was made in
connection, as qualifying the term. How then can we the image of God."
accept Mr. Plumtree's qualification of the soul? We should like to know why Mr. Plumtree says that the
We wonder if Mr. Plumtree believes that animals have term" soul" is applied to the animal creation in an accoln-
immortal souls? Sometimes we are led to believe inodated sense. Perhaps his theory demands this assertion,
that he does, and then again we are thrown into doubt. but he never got it from inspired men, " who wrote as they
We are led to believe that he does from the fact that, were moved by the Holy Spirit."
in his description of the soul, he makes "thought," It is strange that we find the original word "nephesh,"
,. love," "fear," "memory," "volition," "resolution," from which our word" soul" is translated, used by Moses
attributes of the immortal soul, and neither he nor five times when speaking of the animal creation in Gen. i.
we can doubt for a moment but that many of the animals The fact is, that animals are called souls before man was
possess these powers. Then again we are almost compelled created, and yet Mr. Plum tree says that the word is ouly
to think that Mr. Plumtree believes in the immortality of used, in an accommodated sense. From this we must
animals, by his reasoning on page 16. We mean the clause presume that Moses had no other word in his vocabulary to
in which he is going to sweep away this "soul-sleeping call the animals by. Our English translators, however, have
rubbish." He tells us that" when men die, their SPIRITS go managed to help Moses out of this dilemma by translating
UPWARDS, in the contrary direction of the SPIRITS of beasts, "nephesh," in Gen. i., into' the English word creauu:e, and
which go DOWNWARDS." By the by, Solomon was not quite when they come in contact with the same word used in
so sure about this as Mr. Plnmtree seems to be, for Solomon regard to man, Gen. ii. 7, they translate the word" nephesh"
puts it in the form of a question. into our English word" soul."
And further, Solomon plainly declared his view of the The higher sense of which Mr. Plumtree speaks we pre-
matter in the previous verses, for he says :-" For that sume is the" soul's immortality." Therefore, at this stage
which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one of his argument, we are thrown into doubt, for he does not
thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; wish us here to think that he believes in the immortality of
yea, they have all one breath (or spirit); so that a man hath animals at all.
no pre-eminence above a beast: for all is vanity. All go But if "love," "fear,"" volition," "memory," &c., are
unto one place; all are of the dust, and' all turn to dust attributes of immortality, how is it that animals possess the
again."-Eccl. iii. 19-20. above-mentioned attributes without being immortal? It
It then 'seems to us that Solomon, in verse 21, turns does not seem unreasonable for us to ask that, if organised
round upon some who evidently entertained like views with matter, vitalized by the breath of the Almighty, can possess
Mr. Plumtree, and demands their evidence for such a creed. love, fear, memory, &c.; in the animal, eannot that same
We are plainly told by Mr. Plum tree that the spirits oj power which gave love, fear, memory. &c., to the
men go upwards. By this we' are to understand that beasts, give those faculties, and others, in a larger
the spirit which goeth upuiards is the real man, the ego, the degree of fulness, to other organized and vitalized matter?
active, thinking, loving, fearing creature, which had been and has it not been exerted when God out of the
imprisoned in its house of clay for a number of years, but dust formed the grandest monument of His creative energy,
now had gotten its freedom. namely, man, and then breathed into that already formed
Then if the spirit of the man is the ego, the real man man, made capable by his organic structure to perform all
himself, what will Mr. Plumtree say about the spirit of the the mighty acts which he since his entrance into this world
beast that goeth downwards. Is this the real animal going has performed after having been made alive by the inbreath-
down to some animal spirit-land somewhere in the bowels ing of the spirit of life from his Creator ? Can he not be all
of the earth? We should like to know what Mr. Plumtree's he is without the importation of a spiritual, immortal man,
views are upon this subject. residing in the earth-formed structure? We think he can
We stated that we had doubts as to Mr. Plumtree's belief and is, for we have only to look at the animal made capable

by its, Creator to perform some things that man cannot do what we do, we do in order to elicit truth for its own sake;
with all his greatness, and yet there are few who believe in our aim is to try to bring us all to walk in the same line,
the immortality of animals. And if they have been created each' one according as they have won a good decree in
by God to use one attribute (which Mr. Plumtree believes Christ Jesus.
alone belongs to immortality) without being immortal, then 1.
may not and is not man made capable of using, say, twenty THE FIRST LINE IS: THAT THE PORTION OF THE NEW

attributes without necessarily being immortal? and in the TESTANIE:oiT SCRIPTURES, NAMED" THE GOSPELS," CONTAIN AN

absence of Scriptural testimony relating to the assumed ACCOUNT', NEARLY ENTIRELY so, OF THE SAYINGS AND DOINGS

immortality. of man, we feel it our imperative duty to cry, OF JESUS, THE OHRIST, AMONG THE JEWS.

with the prophet of old, "All flesh is as grass, and all the Not among the Gentiles. It is remarkable that Jesus did
'glory of man as the flower of the grass." Yea, we feel not, during His lifetime, nor in any after manifestations,
impelled, with the Gospel message in our hands, to pro- did not manifest Himself to the Gentiles. The commence-
claim to man, that in the first Adam he is but a mortal ment of His mission to the earth began in Jewry, and by
perishing creature, but that he may become like unto the Himself was carried to no other country. The news
second Adam, at the resurrection of the just, for those who concerning Himself was left to be given by His followers,
are in Christ at that day will be M;\.DEirnmortal, or put on who had been commanded to do so, to others.
immortality and incorruptibility. Now Death reigns, God Il.
taketh away man's breath (or spirit, or life); he returns to THE SECOND LINE IS: THAT THE PORTION OF THE NEW
his earth, and in that very day his thoughts perish."- TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES, NAMED" THE ACTS OF THE ApOSTLES,"
Psalm cx.lvi. 4; Psalm lxv. 17; Eccl. ix. 10. CONTaIN AN ACCOUNT OF THE RESULT OF APOSTOLIC TEACHING
We are sorry to say that Mr. Plumtree says nothing about IN THE GATHERTNG OUT OF PERSONS IN VARIOUS PLACES, WHO
the Gospel hope of the resurrection, and the second coming BECOME FOLLOWERS OF JESUS, THE OHRIST.
of our dear Lord and Master to raise our dead ones, but in
Not among the Gentiles at first. The order of proceedure
their stead he gives us the bare assumption of a poor mortal
is always the same: to the Jew first, to the Gentile next,
man, that, at death, we are sent in some spirit form either
In the Acts oj the Apostles, as soon as the Apostle Peter has
to heaven or hell. May the Lord of life and glory give the
admitted the first Gentile into fellowship, any further record
Church more light, and may they see that His purpose is to
of the Apostle's work among the Gentiles ceases; it is Paul
bestow upon the faithful "the gift" of immortality at the
who has to do the work among the Gentiles, and he proceeds
coming of our only Life-giver, Jesus.
in the same manner: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
We hope to give our friends and opponents a complete
At present I do not enquire as to whether there is any
answer to Mr. Plumtree's pamphlet in due time.
reason for this plan, b~t mark the plain fact set before us.





FOR those who have read the preceding paper, contributed
by myself to the "Bible Standard," the paper I now submit To none else. True, all now read who choose to do so,
for earnest thought, is intended, as a sequel to it, and not but this will not alter the truth; the Epistles are not for all.
otherwise. This applies equally as well to other works written for men:
Note well, that the New Testament Scriptures arrange some are able to master only the introduction to a work;
themselves into four well-defined lines. It is for us to others go a little further; further there are fewer still;
well consider these four clear-cut lines, and remember them until the number greatly diminishes who can say they have
in any argument we may use, or any discourse we may have comprehended the end from the beginning.
to deliver. For, the different classes of those who heal' First-see Jesus; then-the Apostles; after-the Church;
require difference in their treatment. No one, thoroughly each in place and to be accepted in true course. If anyone
understanding the truth, can assert that the same aspect of understand not Jesus, how can they understand that which
the truth is suited to the babe in knowledge, as the succeeds? If any accept not J esus, what have they to do
advanced. Alas, that the best of us have been so over- with those who followed in His steps? Let the workman
weighted with the accumulated errors of the past, that we who aims to be a builder, divide the word of truth; it is not
sometimes wonder whether, indeed, we have found rest and for an opponent to do so; the Epistles to the Churches
security, for ourselves and others. But this we know, that are not for the opponents of the Churches,
.rv. One body m1.y vary from another as to power, kind, or
THE FOURTH LINI£ IS: THAT THE PORTION OF THE NEW composition, but all have for their basis that which is'
"A Revelation," not "The Revelation" of Jesus Christ. IN "THE GOSPELS," "THE BODY OF JESUS" IS MENTIONED'

To show to His servants coming things. The people of the THE BODY OF CHRIST NOT ONCE.

world are not the servants of the Lord Jesus, the Christ. It is always applied to the person of Jesus, or to that
Too true it is, that this revelation has been abused in its which constituted His personality, namely, the visible
use; but its use, for His servants, still remains. From His substance which formed His person.-Matt. xxvii. 58 -59.
walk, amidst the seven churches of Asia to the rest in the Compare Mark xv. 43-45, and Luke xxiii, 55., xxiv. 3 & 23.
New Jerusalem, He remains the same. His servants hear, Also John xix. 31, 38, 40., xx. 12.
see, and understand the message conveyed to them, and The statement of Matt. is,_" [Of J oseph] He went to
walk in its light; to none else is it of use. Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate
Having pointed out these four distinct lines, let us now commanded the body to be delivered, And when Joseph
take the term, the body, and see how it is defined by had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,
lexicographers, [or, as isJ;commonly said, explained in the and laid it in his own new tomb."
Dictionary. After reading this in connection with the other passages
V. given above, we find that in the accounts of the resurrection,
THE BODY REPRESENTS ONE, OR MORE THAN ONE. it is Jesus who is identical with His body, The angel says,
In Ogilvie's Dictionary, Body is said to be the trunk of an Luke xxiv. 6.-"He is not here, but is risen." Mary says to
animal; the frame or material substance of an animal; the the supposed gardener, John xx. 13.-" They have taken
main stem of a tree; matter; any portion of matter; a away my Lord."
person; main part; collective man; main army; corpora- VII.
tion; the trunk; a system; strength; substance; reality; OTHER USES IN "THE GOSPELS" OF THE TEIlM "BODY"


any solid figure.
In Booth's Analytical Dictionary, it is observed that REAL THINGS.

"body" was used instead of "person;" many examples to It is "thy whole body," see Matt. v. 29., vi. 22-23.
be found in Shakespeare', and in the Scottish dialect. Luke xi. 34-36.
In Parkhurst's Greek Dictionary, Soma is defined to be: "The body," see Matt. vi. 22, Luke xi. 34, .JIatt. vi. 25, _
I.~An animal body. H.-Somata: Bodies of men taken in Luke xii. 20, Matt. x. 28, Ltdce xiv. 12.
war and reduced to slavery. !II.-Soma denotes the Church. "Your body."-Matt. vi. 25. Luke xii. 22.
I.-In respect of Christ.-Eph. i. 23., iv. 10. Col. i. 18., "My body."-Matt. xxvi. 12. Mark xiv. 8.
ii. 19. 2.-In respect of bolievers.-Rom. xii. 5. 1 COT. " Soul and body."-Matt. x. 28.
xii. 12-13. Compare Eph. ii. 14-16. Iv.-An organ- "Her body."-llJar1c v. 29.
ized body, as of vegetable.-1 COT. xv. 37. v.-A body, a "Many bodies of the saints which slept fil'ose."-Matt.
material substance.c=I Cm'. xv. 41). VI.-A body, substance xxvii. 52.
or reality, as opposed to shadows or types.-Col. ii. 17. "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be
Somatikos : bodily; i.e., in the body of Christ as opposed gathered together."-Lu7ce xvii, 57. This passage is a
to the Jewish temple or tabernacle; truly and really in . prophetic one. The real thing, the body, is used as typical
opposition to types and figures, not only ej)'ectually, as God of some real thing or government, hereafter to exist.
dwells in good men, but substantially or personally, by the Other repre sentative uses are to be found in the expres-
strictest union, as the soul dwells in the body, so that "God sion: Matt. xxvi. 26. Marle xiv. 22. Luke xxii. 19 -" Take,
and man is one Christ."-Col. ii. 9. " =. ':' ii. 21., xiv. 9-11. eat: this is My body." If the body of Jesus was real, then
The term "the body" then, is not always applied t~ one that which was to be imparted in the breaking of the bread,
person, or thing alone. It not only may be, but is, applied must be real also. The bread was real,-its breaking, real,
to a number of persons. What is true of a number of -it represented a real object, the body of Jesus which
persons forming a body, is true of anyone of the persons suffered on the cross.
helping to form a body. The many represents the one, as VII.
the one also represents the many. "THE TEMPLE OF HIS BODY" ONLY USED WITH REFEREliCE

The word "body," it will be seen, always refers to some- TO JESUS IN "THE GOSPELS."

thing which is 'substantial, real, able to be known by the "THE 'TEMPLE" N1WER USED ELSEWHERE TO ONE PERSON.

senses. It does not apply to shadows or imaginary things. ONLY TO THE LORD JESUS.


The statement in John ii. 19, is, "Jesus answered and yet to behold those fair though lifeless forms, and press
said·unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will them to our bosom, real and tangible, all reanimated with
raise it up. (22.) "But He spake of the temple of His body.' life and vigour, but a thousand times brighter and lovelier:
Compare passages to be found ill Matt. xxvi, 61, xxvii, 40, hear that same familiar voice in firmer, sweeter tones than
Mark xiv. ss, xv. 29. when we last heard them, or listen to their sweeter accents
With the Temple in Jerusalem was connected the visible while they join in singing the song of the redeemed as they
manifestation of God. In Malt. xxiii. 21, it is stated, stand with palms of victory in their hands: and while
"Whoso shall swear by the temple, sweareth by it, and by we gaze upon these lovely resurrected, immortalized
him that dwelleth therein." The assertion of Jesus in John ones who were' as near and dear to us as the apple
xiv. 10, is, "the Father which dwelleth in me, He doeth the of our eye, that it is the same identical person that we
works." followed to the burying ground, as literal as ever ill the
Of this same Jesus, the Apostle declares, Col. ii. 9, world, and are again restored to us safe and sound, with all
"For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." the life and beauty of a spiritual existence, far beyond the
The body Of Jesus became the temple 0,£ God; or, the power of death and the grave, and to remain with us forever,
dwelling place in which God, the Father, manifested His and go no more out into the dismal night of death, to know
presence. these things is the greatest consolation and joy.
VIII. " Comfort ye one another with these words." 0 blessed
In the Acts of the Apostles there is only one occurrence of thought, to be assured of such a restoration! We shall
the phrase "the body," namely, in Acts ix. 40-41, relating to know each other there. And the same familiar forms and
the death of Dorcas; it reads as follows: "But Peter put faces, glorified. No shadow of immateriality that you never
them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning saw nor ever can see, will there be presented for you to
him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her recognize; but the same material organism that you can see
eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. And he with your eyes, and recognize with your understanding,
presented her alive." This is the work of the resurrection, and is the substance
Peter turned to the body, 01' to Dorcas, and said to it, or of the Christian's hope, and affords him the greatest comfort.
D01'Cas, '<Tabitha, arise," and she arose. 'I'o the reality,-the This was the hope that the two bereft sisters of Lazarus
body,-the command is uttered, and a real result follows. comforted themselves in when they mac1e known to Jesus
-H. Briuain, Birmingham. ~ )
P u.e.. 9>i~vl~ the sad story of their brother's death. Said Martha, " Lord,

~0-. r~rV v~DS OF COl\,[~RT;/
if Thou hadst been here my brothel' had not died .
Jesus said unto her, " Thy brother shall rise again."
the words, dear reader.
Thy brother the same one, not
"Whei'efore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thess. iv. 18.
THE last enemy, death, which is to be destroyed at the another. Here we have strong proof that resurrection glory
judgment day is ever busy in his sphere of desolating the will bring back to us our own dear father, mother, sister,
happy homes of loving families, and robbing the social circle brother, wife, husband, child. Martha said unto Him, "I
of some of its brightest jewels, leaving kindred and friends know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last
behind to mourn their absence, and grieve while calling to day." Jesus said unto her, " I am the resurrection and th~
mind reminiscences of brighter days gone by. life; he that believeth in Me though he were dead [as
But to such, and to all such, we would say, "Concerning Lazarus wasJ yet [at the resurrection] shall he live; and
them (the absent ones) which are asleep, that ye SOl'l'O\V not whosoever liveth and believeth on Me [When? At the time
even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that of the resurection, 1 Thess, iv. 15J shall never die." (John
Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in xi. 21-26.) Evidently they did not' expect to see their
Jesus will God bring with Him For the Lord brother alive again until the time to which Martha referred
Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the to, "the resurrection at the last day," which seemed to them
voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the to be a long way off. But it is now nearer, thank God, and
dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and hasteneth greatly, and then we shall meet one another
remain (so, till Christ comes) shall be caught up together again, and greet each other with joy unspeakable and full
with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so of glory.
shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort. one It is but a little while" and He that is to come will come.
another with these words." (1 Thess, iv. 13-18.) and will not tarry." So weary ones, cheer up, soon will end,
Dear beloved ones, we have no cause to grieve: for the this dark night of sin and death of sorrow and crying, and
foregoing aesuraace has in it the greatest consolation that soon will dawn the glorious morning of the resurrection and
ever saluted the lost race of Adam. The fact that we are waken up all those loved ones who sleep in Jesus. Are we
all ready for it ?

ABILITY AND OPPORTUNITY. But when he drew near enough to the missionary to be
GODgives to everyone a measure of ability and opportunity, heard by him, behold, he was speaking against Christianity,
and there are times in human history when th:ese opportuni- as if it restrained men from some useful and proper indul-
ties are great. Moses had a great opportunity, when the gences. Men wanted larger liberties and fewer rules of
leadership of Israel was offered to him; had he persisted in living. The Bible stood in the way of man's greater enjoy-
declining and objecting, how different his life would have ments and higher development. The infidel looked for
been. The young man who came to Christ had an oppor- approval towards the missionary. He shook his head in ' .
tunity, when he was bidden to sell all he had and follow the dissent.
Master; but he went away sorrowful, and he dropt out of At once the infidel marched up to him, and the crowd
sight like a stone in mid-ocean, and is heard of no more. closed around to witness the polemic war. There had been
What might he not have been, or done, had he embraced the no spice of adverse criticism so far. Now there was to be a
opportunity. What an opportunily was placed before the duel.
Jewish nation, when the kingdom of God came nigh to them, The infided opened his battery at once in the questions:
and Christ their King appeared. "Do you call David a man after God's own heart? Was
But they knew not the time of their visitation; they he not an adulterer? Did he not connive at the slaying of
rejected their grandest opportunity; they dispised their Uriah? "
Messiah and desired a robber and a murderer in His stead. The missionary calmly answered: "David was a good
There are people to-day before whom glorious opportunities man, yet he fell into sin, and wrote a very penitent con-
are set. God has granted to them a knowledge of great and fession of his sin. Have you, my friend, ever been moved
important truths, and if they will but prove faithful to their to write a confession of YOUT sin? "
trust they may become a power in the world for good. Confessing he had not, but trying to parry the blow, he
Often, instead of fulfilling their high and holy mission, they are again demanded: "But do you mean to justify Davids
seduced from the path of duty, and turn aside to strive about cruelty in putting enemies under saws and harrows ,;,? "
words to no profit, seeking to build themselves up in world- The missionary answered: "David was a king, a warrior,
liness and pride; following demagogues as leaders, who and a conqueror. As such, he punished rebels and
misguide them to their ruin; and at last, instead of standing criminals. But when his personal enemies were in afflic-
forth as the exponents of grand and eternal truth, they sink tion, David put on sackcloth, and fasted, and prayed for
down into the narrow ruts of sectarianism, and seem to hear them. Have yot~, my friend, ever done so towards JOur
the voices of other once strong and courageous as they have foes? "
been, saying: "Art thou also become weak as we ? Art He owned he never had.
thou become like unto us ? " Then the missionary, summing up, had but to say: "Thus,
Let those to whom God has given grand opportunities, you see, David was actuated by a spirit you have never felt.
and to whom He has committed important trusts strive that He repented bitterly, and wrote a confession for all men to
to the utmost extent of their ability and their opportunity read. While, for reasons of state or war, he punished
they prove themselves faithful to their Maker. Let no con- enemies, yet when his private foes were in affiiction, he put
siderations of ambition, g~in, or worldly policy, cause them on mourning for them, and fasted, and prayed. David
to swerve from their steadfast devotion to God. Let them, then had a spirit to which you are a stranger. He had
as they have received mercy, be faithful to the grace that is feelings into which you have never risen; he had a life you
given, and as they prize the joys and glories of immortality, have not experienced. Before you say more against
let them labour that in peace, without spot and blameless in David, you had better pray for that spirit that enabled him
r- the_day of His appearing.-H. L. Hastings. to be so penitent, so sympathizing, so forgiving."
The. infidel dropped his head in shame. He was not seen
talking to another group on that steamboat. Repenting,
IT was on the steamer from New York to Amboy, in the sorrowing David was not the man for him. So this Goliath
crowded cabin. The infidel was dressed like a New fell by the smooth stone from the brook of Living Truth.
England minister. His appearance and conversation would
give the impression, to those at a distance, that he was
,;, Putting men" undal' saws" and" harrows" is properly
rendered by critics, putting them among them, or to them ;
doing a good work, and speaking good things to his fellow- -that is reducing captives to bondage, as was the custom of
passengers. The Missionary saw those labours, and those times, and requiring them to work with satl"S, harrows,
axes, and in brick-kilne. Drs. Adam Clarke, Banjamin
reproached himself that he had not so much zeal. The Boothroyd, John Gill and others endors~ this .translation of
infidel spoke to companies of about a dozen at once, passing 1 Sam, xii. 21, and existing manuscripts give the same
around the cabin. reading for 1 Chron, xx. 3.

QUESTIONS ON IMMORTALITY. 1 Cor. xv. 56, and Hosea xiii. 14.-" I will ransom them
from the power of the grave (sheol) ; I will redeem them
I. What is Immortality? from death; 0 death, I will be tllY plaguos ; 0 grave (~he,d),
Ans. Deathlessness: from im,-not; and mortal. A I will be thy destruction."
state of being not mortal, deathless; that cannot die. XIV. Will the wicked, then, have Immortality,-incor-
II. Who has inherent Immortality? ruptibility ?
Ans. "The King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only Ans. They will not"; for" these, as natural brute beasts,
wise God."-l Tim. i. 17. made to be taken and destroyed, . . . . shall utterly perish
Ill. Are not men possessed of immortal souls? in their own corruption."-2 Peter ii. 12. "He that soweth
Ans. No. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."- to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption."--Gal. vi. 8.
Eeek, xviii. 4-20. "The wages of sin is 4.e~th."-Rom. vi. 23.
IV. Is Immortality attainable by us ?
Ans. Yes; for though "the wages of sin is death; the
gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
=Hom. vi. 23. "HE COMETH."
V. How is this gift ~obtained ?
" BEHOLDHe cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see
AilS. Jesus saith: "This is the will of Him that sent Me, Him." "This same Jesus that ye have seen go into
that everyone that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, Heaven, shall so come again in like manner as ye have seen
may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the Him go into Heaven." "If I go away I will come again."
"Surely I come quickly."
last day."-John vi. 40.
What if this were the coming of a friend who has gone
VI. Did Plato, or Socrates, or does spiritualism or from us to a distant land, whose hands we clasped in parting,
nature reveal Immortality? expecting to meet no more upon the shores of time? What
Ans. No. It is only revealed "By the appearing of our if it were the coming of the whole multitude of those who
love our coming Lord, and who share with us the hopes and
Life-giver, Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and joys and fellowships of all the saints?
hath brought life and immortality to light through the What if it were the coming of those loved ones, dearer
gospel."-2 Tim, i. 10. . still to memory though lost from mortal sight, those saints
VII. To whom will God give eternal life, or deathlessness ? of God whose heads are buried in the dust; those members
of our families who calmly sleep beneath the silent stars;
Ans. "To them who by patient continuance in well doing those sharers of our tenderest love, over whose sepulchres,
seek for glory and honour and immortality."-Rom. ii. 7. unmarked by marble monuments, the rolling waves chant
VIII. Will God bestow on such this deathlessness ? their perpetual requiem?
An,~. He will give them "eternal life."-Rom. ii. 7. What if it were the coming of the blessed of all ages,
climes, and lands, in all the splendours of the firmament to
IX. You say to believe in Jesus is the first step toward, the city of the Lord of Hosts? What if it were the coming
the attainment of Immortality. What more is necessary? of the angel choirs to shine and sing as once they did over
Ans. To" fight the good fight of faith; lay hold: on Bethlehem's plain? What if it were the coming of all
Heaven's hosts, the countless angels with Cherubim and
eternal life." -1 Tim, vi. 12. "He that endureth to the end
Seraphim, with all the glory of the eternal God poured forth,
shall have life (Syriac)."-llIatt. x. 21. t to fill with its radiant outflow the universe which He has
X. When are believers put in possession of Immortality? made? What if it were the coming of Him who slept in
Is it at death, or at a subsequent period? Bethlehem's manger, who bowed in Jordan's wave, who
hung on Calvary's cross, who burst from Joseph's tomb, who
Ans. " At the last trump . . . . this mortal must put on rose to Heaven, and sits at God's right hand?
immortality."-1 Cor. xv. 52-53.
It is all this, it is all these. He shall come, and they
XI. Will this change be gradual or sudden ? shall all come with Him: tlie Glory of God; the manifestation
Am. It will be "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, of the Deity; the revelation of the Angelic myriads; the
at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead 'redemption of the universal Church; the gathering home of
the elect people of God; the bringing back of the absent,
shall be raised incorruptible, and we (who are alive and the scattered, and those that sleep in silence in the grave;-
remain) shall be changed."-l Cor. xv. 52. 1 These. iv. 15. all these things are wrapped up in these words, "He cometh."
XII. Will the change include the whole man? The world may despise Him, forget Him, and put far away
Ans. Certainly. " This corruptible must put on incorrup- that day, but the Church, whose heart is bound with His,
\whose hope is anchored with His, whose very life is the life
tion, and t.iis mortal must put on immortality."-l Cor. xv. 53. of Christ made manifest in mortal flesh,-can she fail to be
XIII. What Scripture will be fulfilled when this takes " looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing
place? of the great God and our Saviour?" Can she forget to love
His appearing? Can she ever cease to raise to Heaven
A ns. Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is the loving, joyful, earnest cry, "Even so, come Lord Jesus?"
written, "death is swallowed up in victory."-Isaiah xxv. 8. -H. L. Hastings .


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The beloved disciple, John, had such a sight of his glorified
THE EASTERN QUESTION: In the Light of Scripture.
Redeemer, on the Isle of Patmos, that he "fell at His feet Being a short examination of the Propbecies concerning the time of
as one dead." the end; with a 'Word of Warning to the Church and the World;
to which is also appended, a copy of the Will of Peter the Great.
While the Scriptures give us sufficient light to show us P rice Sixpen ce.
there are inexhaustible treasures of joy in reserve for those GLASGOW:of the Author, Mr. DICKSON,,16, Jamaica Street.

who love God, and embrace His Son as their Life-giver, the To be had of the Editor, 2 South Park Villas, Lincoln.
far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory is kept
Subscriptions for the" Bible Standard," with all communi-
under a veil, till we are matured and ripe to enter into it. cations relating to the Paper, to be addressed to the Editor,
That the earth is the inheritance of the saints is clearly No. 2, South Park Villas, Lincoln. Subscriptions for single
Copy, 1/- per annum, or 1/6 post-paid; three Copies post-free
revealed to faith, "Blessed are the meek, for they shull for 3/- Special arrangements made for quantities for free
inherit the earth."-Matt. v 5. and Psalm xxxvii, 11. It is
to be their eternal possession: "The righteous shall never Mint Lane Chapel, Lincoln.
be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth."- Services and Meetings during the Month as follows:
Pro». x. 30. The kingdom of God is to succeed the "wild Sunday: Morning at 10-30, Evening at 6.
beast" governments of men, and supersede them all, and Monday: Prayer Meeting at 7.
"shall never be destroyed." -Dan. vii. 14-18. "It shall Wednesday: Preaching at 7.
stand for ever." =Dan. ii. 44. The saints, Christ's tried and NOTICE.-It is proposed to hold a Conference of Believers
faithful servants, are" to pOSSeSS" it "for ever and ever."- in the Truths advocated by this paper, in the month of
Dan. vii. 18. Christ's" dominion shall be from sea to sea, September next, in Lincoln. Friends desirous of taking
and from the rivers to the ends of the earth." - Psalm. lxxii. 8. part therein, are requested to communicate with the Editor
"The Lord God shall give unto Him the'hrone of His at once. Further particulars will be announced in our next.
father David : and He shall reign over the house of JacoL for
ever: and of His kingdom there shall be no end." Printed by CHARLES AKIULL, Silver Street, Lincoln; and pub-
-Luke i. 32-33. SOCIETY," at their Office, No. 24, Mint Lane, Lincoln.

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