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Mechanics and Sliding Friction in Belt Drives

With Pulley Grooves

Article in Journal of Mechanical Design · March 2006

Impact Factor: 1.25 · DOI: 10.1115/1.2168469


23 2,246

1 author:

Robert G. Parker
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ…


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Mechanics and Sliding Friction in
Belt Drives With Pulley Grooves
The steady mechanics of a two-pulley belt drive system are examined where the pulley
Lingyuan Kong grooves, belt extension and wedging in the grooves, and the associated friction are
considered. The belt is modeled as an axially moving string with the tangential and
Robert G. Parker1 normal accelerations incorporated. The pulley grooves generate two-dimensional radial
Professor and tangential friction forces whose undetermined direction depends on the relative
speed between belt and pulley along the contact arc. Different from single-pulley analy-
ses, the entry and exit points between the belt spans and pulleys must be determined in
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
the analysis due to the belt radial penetration into the pulley grooves and the coupling of
Ohio State University,
the driver and driven pulley solutions. A new computational technique is developed to
650 Ackerman Rd.,
find the steady mechanics of a V-belt drive. This allows system analysis, such as speed/
Columbus, OH 43202
torque loss and maximum tension ratio. The governing boundary value problem (BVP)
with undetermined boundaries is converted to a fixed boundary form solvable by a
general-purpose BVP solver. Compared to flat belt drives or models that neglect radial
friction, significant differences in the steady belt-pulley mechanics arise in terms of belt
radial penetration, free span contact points, tension, friction, and speed
variations. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.2168469兴

1 Introduction cussion and rough approximate solutions are obtained. Gerbert

and Sorge 关13兴 established an effective model to examine sliding
The mechanics between belt and pulley in their contact zones
of the V-belt in the grooves. They analyzed individual driver or
has attracted attention since Euler 关1兴 published on it in 1762.
driven pulleys isolated from the rest of the system. The governing
Belt-pulley mechanics impact the important industrial consider- equations of the belt on a single pulley are solved by a shooting
ations of belt tension and life, power transmission efficiency, technique where the boundary value problem 共BVP兲 is cast as an
maximum transmissible moment, and noise. For example, for ser- initial value problem 共IVP兲 and the boundary conditions are speci-
pentine belt drives used in the automotive industry, belt tensions fied at only one point. The equations are then integrated until
are desired to be as small as possible to reduce belt fatigue and another point is found that satisfies certain conditions and can
prolong bearing life, yet power loss from belt slip is unacceptable. serve as the other boundary. The disadvantage of this method is
This requires understanding of belt-pulley interactions. Current that it is difficult to systematically obtain solutions for the physi-
practically observed behaviors still differ considerably from theo- cal inputs that are typically specified. The limitation to single-
retical prediction for certain belt drives, as communicated by belt pulley analysis, where one cannot naturally link the driver and
drive manufacturers. Belt-pulley friction modeling and interac- driven pulley solutions, prevents straightforward application-to-
tions with the grooves appear to be major sources of the error and system analysis where multiple pulleys always exist and their so-
perhaps the least understood aspects of the mechanics. lutions are coupled. Accordingly, this method cannot be applied
Different theories have been established for the belt-pulley in- directly to study system behavior nor calculate system outputs,
teraction. Comprehensive reviews of belt mechanics can be found such as power efficiency and maximum transmitted moment.
in the works of Fawcett 关2兴 and Johnson 关3兴. Although some mod- In this paper, Gerbert and Sorge’s model is adopted and applied
els were developed on the basis of belt shear deformation theory to a two-pulley system where the belts sliding in the driver and
关4–6兴, belt creep theory is still the most widely adopted. In this driven pulley grooves are coupled by the two free spans. The BVP
theory, the belt is assumed to be elastically extensible, friction for the entire drive is solved for specified span tensions. Belt
develops due to the relative slip between the belt and pulley, and radial penetration into the grooved pulleys 共i.e., “wedging”兲 leads
a Coulomb law describes the belt-pulley friction. For a two-pulley to initially unknown contact points between the belt spans and
belt drive where the driver and driven pulleys have the same ra- pulleys. Consequently, the steady motion is governed by a BVP
dius, Gerbert 关7兴 used this theory and established that the contact with unknown boundaries. This is different from many studies in
zones for a flat belt are divided into slip and adhesion zones. the literature where the boundaries of the belt-pulley contact arcs
Bechtel et al. 关8兴 and Rubin 关9兴 incorporated belt inertia effects are assumed to be fixed at the points of common tangency of the
into this creep theory and presented improved solutions for two- driver and driven pulleys 关14–18兴. The tangential friction that
pulley belt drives. Kong and Parker further extended this model transmits the power and radial friction from seating and unseating
by incorporating belt bending stiffness and applied it to two- of the belt are modeled. Belt inertia in the tangential and normal
pulley belt drives 关10兴 and multiple-pulley serpentine belt drives directions is fully considered. A computational approach is devel-
with tensioner assemblies 关11兴. oped to solve the BVP for the entire drive for specified span
All of the above models are for flat belt drives without consid- tensions. Based on this model, the steady mechanics of a two-
eration of the pulley grooves. Fewer researchers have studied pulley drive are analyzed and some important design criteria,
grooved pulley drives such as V-belt systems. Hornung 关12兴 con- including power efficiency and maximum tension ratio, are
sidered the interaction between a V-belt and the pulley grooves. examined.
Due to computational constraints at the time, only qualitative dis-
2 Governing Equations of a Belt Sliding in Pulley
Corresponding author. Grooves
Contributed by the Power Transmission and Gearing Committee of ASME for
publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received December
Figure 1共a兲 shows cross sections of the belt and the pulley
15, 2004; final manuscript received June 23, 2005. Review conducted by Teik C. groove. The groove wedge angle is ␤. Friction between the belt
Lim. and pulley develops in the sliding plane, where the belt edge

494 / Vol. 128, MARCH 2006 Copyright © 2006 by ASME Transactions of the ASME
F − GV
= 2p关sin ␤ cos ␪ − ␮ cos ␤s cos共␪ + ␥兲兴 共4兲

where F is the belt tension, p is the normal compressive pressure
between the belt and the pulley groove surfaces, ␪ is the inclina-
tion angle between the belt velocity and the velocity of the over-
lapping point on the pulley 共Fig. 2兲, ␮ is the Coulomb friction
coefficient, ␳ = ds / d␺ is the belt radius of curvature, and ␺ is the
natural angular coordinate 共Fig. 2兲.
Fig. 1 Belt sliding in pulley grooves: „a… cross section and The belt radial penetration is governed by 关13兴
acting forces, and „b… velocities
2pz 2p
x = R − r共s兲 = = 共cos ␤ + ␮ sin ␤s兲 共5兲
k k
where R is the constant belt pitch radius, r共s兲 is the belt radius
contacts the pulley groove, because the contacting material par- coordinate, k is the radial spring stiffness, and pz is the pressure
ticles and associated relative sliding velocity vector Ṽs exist in load component exerted on the belt along the pulley axial direc-
this sliding plane 共Fig. 1共b兲兲. The friction force is projected into tion 共Fig. 1共a兲兲. k is determined mainly by the belt cross-sectional
the normal plane, which bisects the belt and is perpendicular to geometry and material properties. Gerbert 关7兴 gives an approxi-
the pulley axis, to establish the equations of motion. The angle ␤s mate estimation k = 12共H / B兲Ez tan ␤, where H is the belt height, B
is the angle between Ṽs and the normal plane. ␥ is the sliding is the belt width 共top side of V-belt兲, and Ez is the belt modulus of
angle defining the direction of the belt relative sliding velocity elasticity in the transverse direction.
vector projected in the normal plane. Figure 1共b兲 shows that the Z r and ␸ are polar coordinates with origin at the pulley center
共Fig. 2兲. Substitution of the geometric relations ds = rd␸ / cos ␪, r
component of the belt relative sliding velocity vector Ṽs is = R − x, ␳ = ds / d␺, and ␺ = ␸ − ␪ 共d␺ = d␸ − d␪兲 into 共3兲 and 共4兲
Vs sin ␤s. On the other hand, this velocity component can also be
leads to the polar coordinate equations
written as Vs cos ␤s cos ␥ tan ␤. Equivalence of these two expres-
sions leads to the relationship between these angles 关13兴 R−x
T⬘ = 共F − GV兲⬘ = 2p关− sin ␤ sin ␪ + ␮ cos ␤s sin共␪ + ␥兲兴
tan ␤s = tan ␤ cos ␥ 共1兲 cos ␪
where −共␲ / 2兲 艋 ␤s 艋 ␲ / 2. 共6兲
Figure 2 shows the free body diagram of a segment of an ex-
tensible belt in the pulley grooves. The belt is modeled as an 2p R−x
␪⬘ = 1 − 关sin ␤ cos ␪ − ␮ cos ␤s cos共␪ + ␥兲兴 共7兲
axially moving string. An Eulerian formulation is adopted for the T cos ␪
control volume. The model is based on that in 关13兴 except that belt where T = F − GV is the belt tractive tension and 共 兲⬘ is the deriva-
inertia through longitudinal and centripetal accelerations is con-
tive with respect to the angular coordinate ␸. Because tan ␪
sidered here while neglected in 关13兴. Note that Figs. 1 and 2 are
= dr / 共rd␸兲 = r⬘ / r 共Fig. 2兲, substitution of x = R − r yields
similar to those in 关13兴 but with additional vectors 共GV兲 due to the
consideration of belt inertia. For steady motions, conservation of x⬘ = − 共R − x兲tan ␪ 共8兲
mass requires that
To complete the problem, a constitutive law relating belt ten-
G = m共s兲V共s兲 = const 共2兲 sion F and velocity V is needed. Following 关8–10,19兴, the consti-
tutive law is
where G is the mass flow rate, m共s兲 is the belt mass density per
unit length, V共s兲 is the belt speed, and s is the arclength coordinate F = EA共m0V/G − 1兲 Þ T = 共EAm0 − G2兲V/G − EA 共9兲
along the belt. Balance of linear momentum projected along the where EA is the belt longitudinal stiffness and m0共s兲 is the belt
belt tangential and normal directions in the normal plane leads to mass density per unit length in the stress-free state, which can be
d共F − GV兲 measured. The mass flow rate G is not known initially and is
= 2p关− sin ␤ sin ␪ + ␮ cos ␤s sin共␪ + ␥兲兴 共3兲 determined in the analysis. Comparison of 共9兲 and Eq. 共4兲 in 关13兴
shows that the constitutive laws are consistent with each other.
Velocity analysis from Fig. 2共b兲 reveals that
V cos ␪ = r␻ + Vs sin ␥ V sin ␪ = Vs cos ␥ 共10兲
Elimination of the sliding velocity Vs and use of r = R − x and 共9兲
lead to
cos ␪ − 共R − x兲␻共EAm0 − G2兲/关G共T + EA兲兴
tan ␥ = 共11兲
sin ␪
In summary, the motion of the belt sliding in the grooves is
governed by the three differential equations 共6兲–共8兲 and the four
algebraic equations 共1兲, 共5兲, 共9兲, and 共11兲. These equations apply
to the entire belt-pulley contact zone on a pulley.
The governing equations seem complicated at first sight be-
cause they involve coupled differential and algebraic equations
with many variables. The primary variables are T , ␪, and x, whose
behavior is governed by 共6兲–共8兲. All other variables 共such as
V , p , ␤s , ␥, etc.兲 are intermediate variables that can be explicitly
Fig. 2 „a… Free body diagram of a moving curved string includ- expressed in terms of the three basic variables T , ␪, and x based on
ing belt inertia effect and „b… pulley velocity r␻, belt segment the four algebraic equations 共1兲, 共5兲, 共9兲, and 共11兲. In other words,
velocity V„s…, and relative speed Vs„s… the steady motion of the belt in the belt-pulley contact zone could

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2006, Vol. 128 / 495

a solution, the governing equations for the steady motion of the
whole system, including the two belt-pulley contact zones with
undetermined boundaries, are transformed into a standard bound-
ary value problem form on a fixed domain, namely,
u⬘共t兲 = F共t,u共t兲兲 a⬍t⬍b

g关u共a兲,u共b兲兴 = 0 共12兲
where F, u, and g are n-dimensional vectors and F and g may be
Fig. 3 Two-pulley belt drive with belt penetration into pulley nonlinear.
grooves The undefined boundary requires special treatment. The wrap
angles of the belt-pulley contact zones 共Fig. 3兲 for the driver and
driven pulley are ⌽1 and ⌽2, respectively. They are not known at
be cast as a boundary value problem for T , ␪, and x, governed this point. Nevertheless, they are used to define the following
solely by three differential equations. Realization of this point aids nondimensional variables
understanding of the subsequent solution procedure for the full
␸1 ␸2
two-pulley system. Nevertheless, the formulation 共6兲–共8兲, 共1兲, 共5兲, ␸ˆ 1 = ␸ˆ 2 = 0 ⬍ ␸ˆ 1, ␸ˆ 2 ⬍ 1 共13兲
共9兲, and 共11兲 is retained for clarity of equations and convenience ⌽1 ⌽2
of numerical solution. Correspondingly, the governing differential equations for the belt
Within a contact zone there is no adhesion zone where the belt on the driven pulley 0 ⬍ ␸ˆ 1 ⬍ 1 are
penetration, speed, and tension remain constant, as exists in a
flat-belt model 关8–10兴. Gerbert and Sorge 关13兴 gave a mathemati- dT1
cal proof of the nonexistence of an adhesion zone. An alternative = 2p1关− sin ␤ tan ␪1 + ␮ cos ␤s1共tan ␪1 cos ␥1 + sin ␥1兲兴
d␸ˆ 1
explanation based on physical insight is given here that clearly
shows that an adhesion zone cannot exist in the grooved pulley ⫻共R − x1兲⌽1 共14兲

model. Taking the driven pulley as an example, suppose there is
an adhesion zone BC in the belt-pulley contact zone 共Fig. 3兲.The d␪1 2p1
only possibility is that it exists in the middle part of the contact = 1− 关sin ␤ − ␮ cos ␤s1共cos ␥1 − sin ␥1 tan ␪1兲兴
d␸ˆ 1 T1

zone because belt penetration varies in the entry and exit zones.
For this assumed adhesion zone BC, the belt penetration and ten-
⫻共R − x1兲 ⌽1 共15兲
sion must be constant and the belt speed 共including that at B兲 must
be the same as the linear velocity of the overlapping point B on
the pulley, i.e., VB = rB␻1, where rB is the belt radius at B and ␻1 dx1
is the rotation speed of the driven pulley 共in this paper, the sub- = 关− 共R − x1兲tan ␪1兴⌽1 共16兲
d␸ˆ 1
scripts 1 and 2 represent the driven and driver pulley, respec-
tively兲. At an arbitrary point A in the entry zone outside BC, the To incorporate the unknown constant ⌽1 in the standard BVP
belt tension is less than that at point B because the driven pulley form 共12兲, it is defined as the unknown function ⌽1共␸ˆ 1兲 governed
entry zone connects with the slack span. According to the consti- by
tutive law 共9兲, the belt velocity at A is also smaller than that at B,
i.e., VA ⬍ VB. Because the belt velocity component along the cor- d⌽1共␸ˆ 1兲
= 0, 0 ⬍ ␸ˆ 1 ⬍ 1 共17兲
responding pulley tangential direction is always less than or equal d␸ˆ 1
to its absolute speed, we have VA cos ␪A 艋 VA ⬍ VB. Furthermore, Similarly, the governing equations for the driver pulley on 0
the speed of the overlapping point B on the pulley is less than that ⬍ ␸ˆ 2 ⬍ 1 are
at A, rB␻1 ⬍ rA␻1, due to the lesser belt penetration in the entry
zone. Thus we have VA cos ␪A ⬍ rA␻1, and the belt tangential dT2
speed is less than that of the pulley of the same point. This con- = 2p2关− sin ␤ tan ␪2 + ␮ cos ␤s2共tan ␪2 cos ␥2 + sin ␥2兲兴
d␸ˆ 2
tradicts the requirement that the tangential friction must be oppo-
site the direction of belt travel on the driven pulley. Consequently, ⫻共R − x2兲⌽2 共18兲

the existence of an adhesion zone on the driven pulley is not
possible. There is, however, a single point where the belt moves d␪2 2p2
purely in the pulley tangential direction ␪ = 0 at the transition from = 1− 关sin ␤ − ␮ cos ␤s2共cos ␥2 − sin ␥2 tan ␪2兲兴
d␸ˆ 2 F2

seating to unseating. Similar reasoning applies to the driver pulley
to rule out the existence of an adhesion zone there.
⫻共R − x2兲 ⌽2 共19兲

3 Solution for a Symmetric Two-Pulley Belt Drive

The steady motion analysis is presented for a two-pulley belt = 关− 共R − x2兲tan ␪2兴⌽2 共20兲
drive. The driver and driven pulleys are assumed to have the same d␸ˆ 2
radius, wedge angle, and friction coefficient. The method pre-
sented, however, extends naturally to a general belt drive with d⌽2
=0 共21兲
different pulleys. The specified parameters are: driver and driven d␸ˆ 2
pulley pitch radius R, center distance between the two fixed pul-
leys L, belt longitudinal stiffness EA, constant rotation speed ␻2 The intermediate variables, such as p1 , p2 , ␤s1 , ␤s2 , ␥1 , ␥2, etc., are
still governed by the four algebraic equations 共1兲, 共5兲, 共9兲, and 共11兲
of the driver pulley, friction coefficient ␮, pulley wedge angle ␤,
共with the subscript 1 or 2 attached for the driven and driver pul-
belt mass density per unit length m0共s兲 in the stress-free state,
leys, respectively兲.
radial spring stiffness k, and belt tractive tensions in the slack and The following boundary conditions are evident for the driven
tight spans Ts and Tt, respectively. and driver pulleys
Figure 3 shows the belt drive. The belt-pulley contact points
C1 ⬃ C4 are not known a priori and must be determined. To permit x1共0兲 = 0, x1共1兲 = 0, T1共0兲 = Ts, T1共1兲 = Tt 共22兲

496 / Vol. 128, MARCH 2006 Transactions of the ASME

x2共0兲 = 0, x2共1兲 = 0, T2共0兲 = Tt, T2共1兲 = Ts 共23兲 general-purpose two-point BVP solvers. This procedure is
straightforward to implement, and the accuracy of the results are
Additional conditions come from the belt in the pulley grooves ensured with use of state-of-the-art solver codes.
being tangent to the free spans at the four belt-pulley contact The pulley torques are
points C1 ⬃ C4 共Fig. 3兲. Suppose the global coordinate origin is

located at the midpoint of the slack span 共Fig. 3兲, and the as yet
unknown slack span length is ⌬. Both spans are straight for a Mi = 2␮ pi cos ␤si sin ␥i共R − xi兲2/cos ␪id␸i i = 1,2
string model of the belt 共no bending stiffness兲. The coordinates of 0

the two pulley centers are then 共33兲

xo2 = − − R cos


− ␪2共1兲 , 册 y o2 = R sin

冋− ␪2共1兲 册 They are useful for subsequent calculation of the system power
efficiency. The torques can be obtained through direct integration
of 共33兲 once the distributions of belt tension, speed, and radial
共24兲 penetration have been obtained. Alternatively, by integrating these

冋 册 冋 册
terms into the standard BVP form, they are a natural product of
⌬ ␲ ␲ the BVP solution without additional effort. For example, for the
x o1 = + R cos + ␪1共0兲 , y o1 = R sin + ␪1共0兲 共25兲
2 2 2 torque on the driven pulley, one defines I1共␸1兲
The pulley centers have fixed distance L = 兰␸0 1 2␮ p1 cos ␤s1sin ␥1共R − x1兲2 / cos ␪1d␣ and adds the following
ODE and boundary condition to the above BVP formulation
共xo1 − xo2兲2 + 共y o1 − y o2兲2 = L2 共26兲
dI1共␸1兲 2␮ p1 cos ␤s1sin ␥1共R − x1兲

The coordinates of the two belt-pulley contact points for the tight = ,
d␸1 cos ␪1
span are determined geometrically as

冋 册 冋 册
⌬ ␲ 3␲ 0 艋 ␸1 艋 ⌽1 with I1共0兲 = 0
xC2 = − − R cos − ␪2共1兲 + R cos − ⌽2 + ␪2共1兲
2 2 2 I1共⌽1兲 is the desired torque M 1 on the driven pulley and is a direct
共27兲 output of the solution. Although the added ODE and boundary
condition 共34兲 are written in dimensional form over the range

y C2 = R sin 冋 ␲
册 冋
− ␪2共1兲 + R sin
− ⌽2 + ␪2共1兲 册 共28兲
关0 , ⌽1兴, use of 共13兲 transforms them into the necessary form on
关0 , 1兴. The torque on the driver pulley can be similarly obtained.

x C1 =

+ R cos

冋 册 冋
+ ␪1共0兲 − R cos
− ⌽1 − ␪1共0兲 册 4 Results and Discussion
The belt tension F and tractive tension T = F − GV differ by GV,
共29兲 which is nearly constant along the belt 关10兴. In the following
analysis, references to belt tension always mean the tractive ten-

y C1 = R sin 冋 ␲
册 冋
+ ␪1共0兲 + R sin
− ⌽1 − ␪1共0兲 册 共30兲
sion, T.
Convergence of the numerical BVP solution is not assured be-
cause of its complexity. For such a highly nonlinear problem, an
The tight span goes through point C2, and it is tangent to the initial solution guess by intuition or insight is not reliable. Instead,
belt in the driver pulley groove. Its slope can be calculated from the initial guess is found using a trial and error method. First, the
the three angles ␪2共0兲, ␪2共1兲, and ⌽2 on the driver pulley as z2 driver pulley is arbitrarily specified a wrap angle ⌽2 and two
共DR兲 共DR兲
= tan关−共␲ − ␪2共1兲兲 − ⌽2 − ␪2共0兲兴. The line of the tight span can then boundary tensions Tt and Ts ; it is not hard to find its nu-
be written as 共y − y c2兲 = z2共x − xc2兲. Similarly, working from the merical solution from 共6兲–共8兲 plus G⬘ = 0. The equation G⬘ = 0 is
driven pulley, the tight span goes through point C1 and its slope is added because G is an unknown constant; defining it as the field
z1 = tan关⌽1 + ␪1共0兲 − ␪1共1兲兴. The tight span line is also 共y − y c1兲 variable G共␸兲 and enforcing zero derivative enables natural inclu-
= z1共x − xc1兲. These two lines must be the same, which requires sion in the standard form 共12兲. The four boundary conditions are
similar to those in 共23兲 and ␻2 is specified. Next, for the driven
z1 − z2 = 0 共y 1 − xc1z1兲 − 共y 2 − xc2z2兲 = 0 共31兲 pulley, the wrap angle ⌽1 is arbitrarily specified, and the two
boundary tensions are the same as those for the driver pulley
In the above analysis, the slack span length ⌬, the mass flow
problem. The governing equations and boundary conditions are
rate G, and the driven pulley rotation speed ␻1 are unknown.
similar to those of the driver pulley except that G⬘ = 0 is replaced
Analogous to 共17兲, these unknown constants are incorporated into
the standard BVP form 共12兲 by adding three trivial ODEs by ␻⬘1 = 0. G is specified as that computed from the driver pulley
and, unlike the driver pulley, the rotation speed of the driven
d⌬ dG d␻1 pulley ␻1 is not known. Again, the numerical solution can be
=0 =0 = 0, 0 ⬍ ␸ˆ 1 ⬍ 1 共32兲 found for the driven pulley. After computing the solutions for the
d␸ˆ 1 d␸ˆ 1 d␸ˆ 1
driver and driven pulleys, the geometry of the two pulleys and the
The standard BVP form 共12兲 involves only coupled differential belt in their grooves is plotted with the free spans extending from
equations. The algebraic equations 共26兲 and 共31兲 are naturally in- the two pulleys such that the two slack spans align. In general, the
corporated into the form 共12兲 by treating them as boundary con- two tight spans are not geometrically compatible, i.e., they do not
ditions where the unknown constants in 共26兲 and 共31兲 can be overlap with each other 共Fig. 4兲.The parameters, such as the two
written as the values at either boundary 共for example, ⌽2 can be wrap angles, are adjusted until the geometric compatibility condi-
written as either ⌽2共0兲 or ⌽2共1兲兲. The total order of the 11 differ- tion 共i.e., alignment of the two spans兲 is close to being satisfied. At
ential equations 共14兲–共21兲 and 共32兲 that define F in 共12兲 equals the this stage, the numerical solutions of the two individual pulleys,
number of boundary conditions 共22兲, 共23兲, 共26兲, and 共31兲 that together with the wrap angles, can be used as the initial guess for
define g in 共12兲. The algebraic equations 共22兲, 共23兲, 共26兲, and 共31兲 the solution of the full two-pulley BVP with the same specified
are incorporated in the definition of F from the above differential parameters as those in the final step of trial and error. This initial
equations and require no special processing. Although the original guess is typically sufficient for the numerical solution to converge.
problem has unknown boundaries, it is now defined entirely on A continuation procedure avoids repetition of the above process
the interval 关0 , 1兴. This standard BVP form 共12兲 can be solved by as parameters change. After a numerical solution is obtained from

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2006, Vol. 128 / 497

Table 1 Physical properties of the example belt drive with two
identical pulleys

R1 = R2 = 0.25 m L = 1.3933 m EA = 120 kN

k = 900 kN/ m3 ␻1 = 1000 pm m0 = 0.108 kg/ m
␮1 = ␮2 = 0.4 ␤ = 18 deg Ts = 100 N

Fig. 4 Search of the initial solution guess by trial and error tween the two pulleys’ entry and exit zones. The two belt free
spans couple the driver and driven pulley solutions and need to be
tangent to the “wedging” belt in the entry and exit zones. Corre-
the above process, the parameters can be changed in small incre- spondingly, the two belt free spans are no longer on the line of
ments where each numerically exact solution obtained in the pre- common tangency of the two pulleys, as in the corresponding
vious step serves as the initial guess for the current step. Even string models of flat belt drives 关8,9兴. Instead, the two free spans
with such a strategy, not all parameter combinations can be are nonparallel and this shows why torque loss exits. Figure
solved. For instance, in the example problem, when the two span 6shows the variations of pulley wrap angles and torques with
tensions are out of the range presented in the following figures, increasing tight span tension. As the tight/slack span tension ratio
the above procedure fails due to the sharp changes of the inclina- increases, the wrap angles for both pulleys increase considerably.
tion and sliding angles in the belt-pulley contact zones. Note, The wrap angle on the driver pulley increases more quickly than
however, the large range of span tensions that can be handled. on the driven pulley. When the tight/slack span tension ratio is
Even for the simpler single pulley case using an alternate numeri- large, the wrap angle on the driver pulley is much larger than that
cal method, finding meaningful solutions involves numerical on the driven pulley, and the two free spans are markedly unpar-
troubles and requires careful selection of the parameters 关13兴. In- allel to each other. When the tight span tension is close to that of
clusion of belt bending stiffness might smooth the sharp changes the slack span, the two wrap angles are close. Even for such a
that can occur in the driver pulley exit zone and improve numeri- case, extrapolation of Fig. 6共a兲 shows that the wrap angles would
cal performance. be around 190 deg, larger than the 180 deg for flat belt drives or
This paper analyzes two-pulley systems. If the belt mechanics when belt wedging is ignored. Only when both span tensions drop
on only a single driver or driven pulley are desired 共as in 关13兴兲, the to zero do the wrap angles become 180 deg. The torques on the
presented BVP-solver method remains a convenient technique. driver and driven pulley differ from each other 共Fig. 6共b兲兲, as
This is because the two free span tensions and the wrap angle, compared to the always equivalent driver and driven pulley
which are the three boundary conditions specified for single-
pulley analysis 关13兴, can be directly specified and readily varied as
desired. This is cumbersome for the shooting method in 关13兴 that
requires trial and error.
This section presents steady solution results for a belt drive
with two identical pulleys. The data are specified in Table 1. Note
that the friction coefficient is adopted from 关13兴. Figure 5 shows
the steady solutions with increasing tight span tension while the
slack span tension remains constant. The belt penetration features
are evident for large tight/slack tension ratio. In particular, note
the distinctly different belt shape and penetration properties be-

Fig. 5 Steady solutions for the system specified in Table 1: „a… Fig. 6 Variation of pulley „a… wrap angles and „b… torques with
Tt = 700 N, „b… Tt = 1200 N, „c… Tt = 3000 N, and „d… Tt = 5000 N tight span tractive tension for the system specified in Table 1

498 / Vol. 128, MARCH 2006 Transactions of the ASME

Fig. 7 Variation of belt tractive tensions in belt-pulley contact Fig. 8 Belt radial penetrations along driver and driven contact
zones with tight span tractive tension for the system specified arcs for the system specified in Table 1: „a… driver pulley and
in Table 1 „b… driven pulley

torques for flat belt drives 关8–10兴. The torque difference increases Seating of the belt in the entry zone is determined mainly by the
with the free span tension difference. The two torques are nearly belt entry tensions 共given the pulley/groove geometry, friction co-
equal when the tight/slack tension ratio is comparatively small. efficient, and the belt properties兲. Because the belt entry tension of
Figure 7 shows the tension distributions on the belt-pulley con- the driver pulley is higher than that of the driven pulley, the belt
tact zones for the driver and driven pulley, respectively. Although on the driver pulley is more quickly seated than on the driven
the variation shapes are quite different from each other, they share pulley, resulting in larger amplitude belt inclination angles. This
some common characteristics. In the entry or exit zones, both belt point is most apparent for the driver pulley. For the two extreme
tensions vary slowly. This is because in these zones, the belt radial cases Tt = 700 N and Tt = 5000 N, the belt inclination angles at the
penetrations are small; correspondingly, the friction force is small entry point differ by more than 10 deg 共Fig. 9共a兲兲. While for the
and does not offer significant tangential force to change the belt driven pulley, although the tight span tensions are very different,
tensions. the belt entry tension is the same, i.e., 100 N. Accordingly, the
Figure 8 shows the belt radial penetrations in the belt-pulley belt inclination angles do not change much in the entry zones 共Fig.
contact zones. The penetration patterns on the driver and driven 9共b兲兲.
pulleys are quite different. For both cases, rapid changes of the Unseating of the belt in the exit zone is different from the
penetrations occur in the entry/exit zones. But in the middle zone, seating action in the entry zone. The belt unseating rate in the exit
the belt penetration on the driver pulley varies little, which differs zone depends not only on the belt exit tensions but also on how
from the continuously increasing penetration on the driven pulley deeply the belt is wedged in the pulley grooves in the middle
共also see Fig. 5兲. zone. For pulleys with the same belt penetration in the middle
The belt inclination angles ␪2 and ␪1 in the belt-pulley contact zones, the smaller the belt exit tension, the larger the belt inclina-
zones are given in Fig. 9. Negative 共positive兲 belt inclination tion angle required to overcome the belt “wedging” and unseat the
angle means that belt penetration increases 共decreases兲 at the cor- belt. To visualize this, imagine that the belt in the exit zone pulley
responding point while the belt penetration reaches the maximum grooves is pulled out by tugging on the belt in the free spans with
point when the belt inclination angle is zero. In the entry/exit the specified tensions. On the other hand, if the belt exit tensions
zones, the amplitudes of the belt inclination angles are larger than are the same, the deeper the belt penetration in the middle zones,
those in the middle zones because of relatively small pressure the larger the belt inclination angles in the exit zones 共see Fig.
between the belt and pulley, which leads to rapid seating/ 9共a兲 where the exit tension is the same for all curves兲. Although
unseating of the belt into the pulley grooves. The seating and the belt penetrations of driver and driven pulleys in the middle
unseating rate x⬘ is approximately measured by the belt inclina- zones are comparable 共Fig. 8兲, the exit tension on the driver pulley
tion angle 共see 共8兲兲. is lower than that of the driven pulley. Consequently, the belt

Journal of Mechanical Design MARCH 2006, Vol. 128 / 499

Fig. 9 Belt inclination angles ␪2 and ␪1 along driver and driven Fig. 10 Belt sliding angles ␥2 and ␥1 along driver and driven
contact arcs for the system specified in Table 1: „a… driver pul- contact arcs for the system specified in Table 1: „a… driver pul-
ley and „b… driven pulley ley and „b… driven pulley

inclination angle in the driver pulley exit zone is higher than its extreme case of ␥ = 0 deg 共or 360 deg兲, the belt moves only radi-
counterpart on the driven pulley 共Figs. 9共a兲 and 9共b兲兲. This results ally relative to the groove surfaces with decreasing penetration. A
in more rapid unseating in the exit zone on the driver pulley than sliding angle of 180 deg corresponds to purely radial belt motion
on the driven pulley 共Figs. 5 and 8兲. with increasing penetration. For both extreme cases, there is no
The above differences in the entry/exit zones on the driver and friction contribution to the pulley torque. When the pulley torque
driven pulleys cause the two spans to be nonparallel. This effect increases 共decreases兲, the sliding angles adjust to make greater
becomes more apparent with significant tight/slack tension ratio. shares of the contact zones close to 共away from兲 90 deg for the
The belt sliding angles ␥2 and ␥1 in the belt-pulley contact driven pulley or 270 deg for the driver pulley, as well as increas-
zones are given in Fig. 10. Belt sliding angles indicate the direc- ing the wrap angles. The abrupt changes of the belt sliding angles
tion of the friction force relative to the pulley radial direction 共Fig. in the exit zones are caused by the sharp decreases in belt
2兲. They are determined by the belt sliding speed in the pulley penetration.
radial direction and the relative speed between belt and pulley This study does not consider belt bending stiffness, which is an
surfaces along the pulley tangential direction. For the driven pul- important factor in belt-pulley drives 关10,11,20兴. Inclusion of
ley, where the belt drives the pulley, the belt speed along the bending stiffness might make the belt penetrations and inclina-
pulley tangential direction is faster than that of the overlapping tions vary more smoothly in the entry/exit zones, resulting in
point on the groove surface, so the belt sliding angle is in the more parallel spans even with large tension differences. Reducing
range 0 – 180 deg. For the situation where the pulley drives the these sharp changes may also improve numerical convergence for
belt on the driver pulley, the belt sliding angle is in the range less accurate initial guesses.
180– 360 deg. For the driven pulley, when the belt reaches an The power efficiency is defined as the ratio between the powers
extremal of belt penetration and the belt inclination angle is zero, of the driven and driver pulleys, ␩ = 共M 1␻1兲 / 共M 2␻2兲. Figure 11
the belt speed along the pulley radial direction is zero; corre- shows that increasing the tight/slack tension ratio significantly de-
spondingly the belt sliding angle is 90 deg 共Fig. 10兲. At this point, creases the rotation speed of the driven pulley and the power
the friction force fully contributes to overcoming the driven pulley efficiency ␩. The rotation speed of the driven pulley is always less
torque, like the case of a flat belt. A similar situation exists on the than that of the driver pulley, which is fixed at 1000 rpm. Effi-
driver pulley; at the maximum penetration point, the belt sliding ciency decreases because ␻1 decreases with tension ratio for fixed
angle is 270 deg and the friction force fully contributes to resist- ␻2 while the ratio M 1 / M 2 decreases slightly with tension ratio
ing the pulley driving torque. When the belt sliding angles are 共Fig. 6共b兲兲. For drives with appreciable free span tension differ-
away from 90 deg or 270 deg, the belt moves in both the radial ence, the rotation speed of the driven pulley and the power effi-
and tangential directions 共relative to the groove surfaces兲. In the ciency are much less than those for flat belt drives, where the

500 / Vol. 128, MARCH 2006 Transactions of the ASME

tinctive belt behaviors exist that cannot be inferred from flat belt
models 共such as the belt’s qualitatively different interactions with
the driver and driven pulleys and no differentiation of adhesion/
sliding zones兲.
To date, no experiments exist in the literature to validate this
two-dimensional 共2D兲 model, whose validity must be evaluated
on the underlying mechanics principles and engineering assump-
tions. The model itself is relatively new, originating in 2002 关13兴,
and there is scope for incorporation of belt bending stiffness and
other refinements. A primary purpose of this paper is to advance
numerical solution techniques to generate results for a full two-
pulley drive that can be compared to experiments 共关13兴 analyzes
only a single pulley兲. Subsequent experiments demand careful at-
tention to measuring the belt penetrations, maintaining pulley
alignment, and the like. Nevertheless, this 2D model deepens
knowledge of belt mechanics and explains phenomena that cannot
be explained by classical flat belt models 共for example, the flat
belt model predicts no torque loss, as indicated here in Fig. 5共b兲兲.
Fig. 11 Variation of system power efficiency and driven pulley
rotational speed with tight span tractive tension for the system 5 Conclusions
specified in Table 1 A computational method based on general-purpose BVP solvers
is proposed to compute the steady mechanics of a two-pulley
V-belt drive. Belt sliding in the pulley grooves leads to two-
driven pulley rotation speed is close to that of the driver pulley dimensional tangential and radial friction. This contrasts sharply
and the power efficiency is always close to unity even for maxi- with common textbook/handbook simplifications that extrapolate
mum transmitted moment cases 关9,10兴. V-belt behavior from flat belt behavior through, for example, use
In flat belt drives, the maximum transmitted moment, or the of a modified friction coefficient. The belt is modeled as an axially
maximum span tension ratio, is reached when all of a belt-pulley moving string with belt inertia fully considered. The “wedging” of
adhesion zone converts to a sliding zone. For drives with pulley the belt in the pulley grooves makes the belt-pulley contact points
grooves, there are no adhesion zones as discussed earlier, and this unknown a priori. The original BVP on unknown domain is trans-
criterion for the maximum transmitted moment does not apply. formed to a standard BVP form on fixed domain. The steady
Comparison of Figs. 6共b兲 and 11 shows that the rotation speed of solutions include belt-pulley contact points, radial penetration in
the driven pulley decreases with the driven pulley torque. Theo- pulley grooves, the magnitude and direction of the friction forces,
retically, the maximum transmitted moment is reached when the tension, and belt speed. The main findings include:
rotation speed of the driven pulley is zero, although Fig. 11 sug-
1. Wrap angles increase with tight/slack span tension ratio
gests vanishing driven pulley speed may be reached asymptoti-
and are significantly larger than those for comparable flat
cally. For such a case, Vs = V and ␥1 = 90− ␪1 deg on the entire
belt drives.
contact arc 共Fig. 2兲. In this state, friction on the driven pulley
2. There are no adhesion zones on the driver or driven pul-
contributes to the torque as much as possible given the seating/
ley; the belt slides in the pulley grooves along the entire
unseating action. Complete contribution of the friction to the
contact arc.
torque is impossible 共except at the single point where ␪1 = 0兲 be- 3. Large tight/slack tension ratio causes the belt to exit the
cause only the friction component in the pulley tangential direc- pulley grooves abruptly resulting in significant nonparal-
tion contributes to the torque while some friction in the pulley lelism of the two free spans that leads to torque loss.
radial direction is unavoidable due to belt seating and unseating. 4. The driven pulley rotation speed is lower than for flat
For the driven pulley, nonzero rotation speed always keeps the belt drives, especially for heavy loads with significant
belt sliding angle ␥1, which gives the direction of the friction, span tension differences.
away from 90 deg; that is, ␥1 ⬍ 90− ␪1 for unseating 共␪1 ⬎ 0兲 or 5. The theoretical maximum transmitted moment occurs
␥1 ⬎ 90− ␪1 for seating 共␪1 ⬍ 0兲. Neglecting the pulley grooves when the driven pulley rotation speed drops to zero. At
can significantly underestimate the maximum transmitted this point, the system has the maximum tight/slack ten-
moment. sion ratio.
The above results show that although the present model and 6. Neglecting the pulley grooves underestimates the maxi-
comparable ones for flat belts 关7–10兴 are based on similar creep mum transmitted moment and overestimates the system
theory assumptions 共where Coulomb friction prevails and its ex- power efficiency.
istence depends on belt extensibility and relative slip between belt
and pulley surface兲, the consideration of pulley grooves greatly Acknowledgment
complicates the model, resulting in a two-dimensional 共radial and
tangential兲 contact problem between belt and pulley surfaces. This The authors thank Mark IV Automotive/Dayco Corporation and
two-dimensional model is hardly studied in the literature and the National Science Foundation for support of this research.
poses challenging mathematical obstacles to solve it. On the other
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502 / Vol. 128, MARCH 2006 Transactions of the ASME

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