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May 12, 1964 |-:.


Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 , 13 Sheets-Sheet l

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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 15 Sheets-Sheet 2


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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 1:5 Sheets-Sheet :5

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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,571
Original Filed Nov. 20.- 1956 13 Sheets-Sheet 4
May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 1: Sheets-:Sheet 5
May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 '
13 Sheets-Sheet 6
May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 13 Sheets-Sheet 7



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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20-, 1956 13 Sheats~$heet 8

£27war] A27 INVENTORS

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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL - 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20. 1956 13 Sheets-‘Sheet 9


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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 15 Sheets-Sheet 10

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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 13 Sheets-Sheet 11


May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20-, 1956 13 Sheets-‘Sheet 12

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May 12, 1964 E. KOPPELMAN ETAL 3,132,671
Original Filed Nov. 20, 1956 1: Sheets-Sheet 15

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United States Patent 0 "fee 3,132,671
Patented May 12., 1964
1 2
Another object is to provide improved apparatusfor
3,132,671 weaving curvilinear fabrics. .
SHAPED FABRICS AND ARTICLES WOVEN These and other object-spare accomplished by the pres
TEEREBY ent invention, according to which a curvilinear fabric may
Edward Koppehnan, Huntington Park, and Arthur R. be woven conforming with a relatively high degree of
Campman, Los Angeles, Calif., assignors, by mesne accuracy to a predetermined surface contour. The fabric
assignments, to Raymond Development Industries, Inc, may be woven on a specially modi?ed loom, using a con
Huntington Park, Calif” a corporation of Delaware ventional Jacquard head to raise ‘and lower the Warp ends
Original application Nov. 20, 1956, Ser. No. 623,366, now
Patent No. 2,998,934}, dated Aug. 29, 1961. Divided 10 to form the Weaving sheds in which the ?lling threads
and this application M '. 6, 1961, Ser. No. 93,388. are laid. Shaping is accomplished by drawing the ?lling
13 (Ilaims. (Cl. 139-11) threads‘ into different predetermined arcuate positions in
the warp as the fabric is woven. This may be done ac
This invention relates to improved methods of and cording to the present invention by any of three principal
apparatus for Weaving curvilinear fabrics, and to improved methods. The ?rst method comprises varying the rates‘
fabrics Woven thereby. This application is a division 15 of take up of the‘ Warp ends vas a function of both the
from =co-pending application Serial No. 623,366 ?led progress of the weaving and the positions of the different
November 20, 1,956 and now Patent No. 2,998,030. . ends across the width of the warp. 'After each ?ll thread
There is ‘an increased need for curvilinear woven fabrics is beaten up and locked in the Warp, the warp is advanced
shaped with a relatively high degree of accuracy to a pre in a predetermined manner to draw the ?ll thread into
determined form, and having relatively high strength and 20 a predeterminedancuate position. The second method
good uniformity of density throughout their areas. Such comprises the use of a novel reed to beat up successive
fabrics are especially advantageous in, for example, the ?ll threads into different predetermined arcuate positions,
?ber-reinforced plastics industry where shaped articles the warp travel being kept constant and uniform. The
are made by laying up layers of raw resin impregnated third method comprises weaving thefabric in an open,
fabric upon a shaped mandrel and subsequently curving 25 or extended form, each ?ll thread when it is beaten up
the resin to form a laminated article. Heretofore ?at being positioned along a‘ predetermined curve lying in
woven fabrics have been used in such processes, and uni a plane perpendicular to the direction of weaving.
form density of the articles produced has been relatively The invention also provides improved apparatus to
difficult to achieve, especially in the tapered portions of Weave fabrics according to the methods described herein.
the articles, since ?at fabrics cannot be readily wound 30 According to one embodiment of the invention, apparatus
upon a curvilinear mandrel in a smooth fashion. A sub for weaving by the ?rst method comprises a specially
stantial amount of hand cutting and skilled ?tting has shaped take-up roll over which a fabric is trained as it
heretofore been required in laying up fabric upon a comes off the loom. The roll'is shaped vto take up difé
curvilinearly shaped mandrel, and the cost of laminated" ferent warp ends at different, continuously changing rates
articles formed thereby has heretofore been relatively :as the fabric is woven, thus drawing‘successive ?'l-l threads
The practice of the present invention provides shaped, into successive, different arcuate positions to shape the
fabric to conform to a predetermined surface contour.
Woven fabrics which may be made ‘to conform closely
to any desired surface contour and to ?-t smoothlyupon
According to ‘another embodiment, the variable warp
a shaped mandrel without cutting or skilled ?tting opera
take-up may be accomplished by a bent bar take-up roll
which, in addition to rotating about its own arcuate- axis,
tions. Fiber reinforced articles of greatly increased (is selectively rotated about a straight axis as the weaving
strength, improved appearance, and reduced cost may be progresses. , ~ ‘ '

readily made using shaped fabric lamina according to Apparatus for weaving by the second method of the
the present invention. Instead of ?tting ?at fabrics upon invention'c'omprises a reed having pivoted dent Wires
curvilinear mandrels, “socks” may now be woven con
forming in shape to the mandrels and simply slipped on positionable by a shaped cam, which is rotated as the
weaving progresses so that successive picks are heated
the mandrels with ease. up into different predetermined arcuate positions. I“
Moreover, in curing the resins in previous such articles, Apparatus according to the invention for weaving
relatively di?i'cul-t vacuum or pressure bag techniques shaped fabrics in an open, or'extended ‘form comprises a
were used because of the relatively unevenvsurfaces pre 50 fan-shaped reed having curved dent wires, and heddle
sented by the wrapped fabrics, and because of the dif means to position the. warp to conform to desired pre
ficulty of holding Wrapped fabrics in their desired posi determined contours during successive sweeps of the
tions without slippage. Now, according to the present reed.
invention, fabrics may be shaped to ?t the mandrels
closely and accurately ‘and the resins may be cured vby 55 Fabrics woven according to the methods and upon ap
so-called “matched metal molding]? a process wherein a nparatus of the invention, are generally characterized by
mating die is ?tted in engagement with the mandrel and evenly spaced warp ends and a helical ?lling which forms
the impregnated fabric is compressed and heated between substantially planar ‘loops, or hoops when the fabric is
the die and the mandrel to cure the resin. Matched metal extended to its full natural shape. > Laminated ?ber rein
molding is capable of producing stronger and more uni forced plastic articles made With-shaped fabrics according
form materials than previous bagging techniques since to the invention are‘ characterized by increased strength
greater pressure and heat can be used. Other advantages since each layer of reinforcing fabric is unitary and the
such as those relating .to improved strength will become ?ll threads lie in substantially circular hoops around the
apparent through ‘a reading'of this speci?cation. article. Moreover, production costs are signi?cantly low
Accordingly, one important object of the present in 65 ered because skilled hand ?tting is not required and rela
vention is to provide improved methods of weaving ' tively inexpensive matched metal molding may be used
curvilinear fabrics. - I > in place of vacuum or pressure bag molding methods.
Another object is to provide improved woven fabrics ‘The invention will now be described in greater detail
shaped to conform to predetermined curvilinear surfaces, in connection with the accompanying drawings of which:
and to provide improved fabric reinforced plastic articles FIGURE 1 is an elevational view of an object having ‘
including such fabrics. ' a portion of ogive shape, illustrating one surface contour
. 4
that may be readily'?tted'by fabrics woven according to FIG. 24 is a schematic, side elevational view of the
the invention; ' apparatus illustrated in FIGS. 20 and 21;
FIG. 2 is a plan view of a fabric woven according to FIG. 25 is a chart illustrating one step in the determina
the invention on flat weaving apparatus, such fabric being tion of the shapes of the dent wires of the fan reed shown
shown collapsed, but such fabric being capable of being in FIG. 19; 7
extended to ?t the surface shown in FIG. 1; FIG. 26 is a chart illustrating a second step in the de
FIG. 2a is a longitudinal section of the fabric shown termination of the dent wire shapes of the fan reed shown
in FIG. 2; I I ‘ in FIG. 19;
FIG. 3 is a partly schematic, front elevational view of FIG. 27 is a chart illustrating a third step in the deter
a Jacquard loom, as modi?ed for weaving according to 10 mination of the dent wire shapes of the fan reed shown in
one embodiment of the invention; FIG. 19;
> FIG. 4 is a fragmentary, perspective view of a loom . FIG. 28 (Sheet 6) is a schematic, cross-sectional view
including a cam-shaped take-up roll according to the in of a fabric woven in double folds according to the inven
vention; ’ 1 2 tion; and
FIG. 5 is an isometric view of a chart illustrating one 15 FIG. 29 is a schematic, cross-sectional view of a fabric
step in the determination of the shape of the cam-shaped woven in quadruple folds according to the invention.
take-up roll shown in FIG. 4; Referring now to the drawings, FIG. 1 illustrates a
FIG.‘ 6 is a chart illustrating the principles of curvi shaped object 30 having a cylindrical body portion 31
linear weaving according to one embodiment of the in and an ogive nose portion 32. This object 30 may be
vention; 20 any one of several articles such as a laminated ?ber rein
FIG. 7 is a plan view of a chart illustrating a second forced plastic housing for a radar antenna, a mandrel for
step in the determination of the shape of the cam-shaped use in molding such a housing, or simply a woven, curvi~
take-up roll shown in FIG. 4; linear fabric according to the present invention extended
FIG. 8 is a chart illustrating a third step in the deter to its full shape for which it is woven. According to the
mination of the shape of the cam-shaped take-up roll as 25 invention, improved fabrics of uniform density may be
shown in FIG. 4, particularly showing the cross section of woven conforming with a relatively high degree of ac-‘
the roll in one plane; curacy to the shaped surface of the object 30. The prac
FIG. 9 is a chart similar to the .one shown in FIG. 8, tice of the invention is equally applicable to the weaving
but particularly showing the cross section of the roll in a of fabrics of many other shapes, the object shown in FIG.
second plane; 30 1_ being illustrated because of its relative simplicity, and
FIG. 10 is a chart similar to the one shown in FIG. 8, because of its ogive portion 32 which is of a compound
but particularly showing the cross section of the roll in curvilinear contour.
a third plane; A fabric 36 is shown in FIGS. 2 and 2a including a sec
FIG. 11 is a front elevational view of a cam-shaped tion 38 shaped to conform to the surface of the object 30.
take-up roll according to the invention; 35 This fabric is woven in tubular form, the ?lling being laid
. FIG. 12 is a fragmentary, perspective view of a loom alternately in upper and lower sheds, and selected ones of
including a cam-shaped take-up roll according to a modi the warp ends 42 being ?oated, i.e., being dropped from
?cation of the invention, the roll being mounted for selec f the weave as the section 38 is tapered from the cylindrical
tive alternate use with a conventional cylindrical take-up portion 44 toward its apex 46. 1
roll; According to one embodiment of the invention, the
FIG. 13 is a fragmentary, schematic view of a bent bar take-up rates of different respective ones of the warp ends
take-up roll assembly according tothe invention; 42 are varied as the weaving progresses to curve the ?ll
FIG. 14 is a cross section of the bent bar take-up assem threads into predetermined arcuate positions, producing
bly shown in FIG; 13, taken along the line 14—14 puckered portions 48 in the fabric. The fabric, even
thereof; 45 though woven on a ?at loom is not itself flat, but includes,
FIG. 15 is a. fragmentary, elevational view of a modi belled, or puckered portions 48 which expand outwardly
?ed form of a bent bar take-up roll assembly according to when the fabric is extended to conform to the contour of
the invention; _ ' 7
the nose portion 32 of the object 30. These puckers 48
FIG. 16, which appears on sheet 2, is a diagrammatic are woven into the fabric according to the present inven
view illustrating the use of two bent bar roll assemblies 50 tion in all cases where the fabric is shaped to conform to
for weaving curvilinear‘fabrics according to the invention a non-developable surface. In the case of a developable
using a warp beam; surface, the puckers are absent, but the ?ll threads are
FIG. 17 is a fragmentary, schematic view of a pivoted arcuately disposed across the warp in the tapering por
dent wire reed according to the present invention; tions.
FIG. 18 is a schematic, cross-sectional view of the reed The need for the puckers is readily apparent in those
shown in FIG. 17, showing the reed mounted upon the lay cases where the fabric must conform to non-developable
of a loom; ‘ surfaces. In the case of developable surfaces such as
FIG. 19 is an elevational view of a fan-shaped reed hav right circular cones, the ?ll threads are curved in order
ing curved dent wires according to the invention, the reed - that they may extend in substantially circular linestor,
shown being adapted especially for weaving fabrics in 60 more accurately, helical lines, when the picking travel
open form; ' '
is taken into account) around the fabric when it is ex
FIG. 20 is a fragmentary, partly schematic, isometric tended, and not form cusps along the drop lines 50, where
view of the fan reed shown in FIG. 19 together with hed the warp ends 42 are dropped ‘or takeneup in the weaving
to taper the fabric. \
dles and heddle control means cooperative therewith; If, as in the prior art, the ?ll threads are not curved
FIG. 21 is a fragmentary, partly schematic, isometric during weaving, the fabric may be made to conform to
view of a portion of the heddle control means'used with tapering developable surfaces such as right circular cones,
the fan reed. FIGS. 20 and 21, taken together, constitute but when such ‘a fabric is thereafter extended, the ?ll
a single view, and may be joined together along the dash ‘ threads are distorted out of a desired uniform, helical
70 disposition and form undesirable cusps along the drop
FIG. 22'is a horizontal section of a portion of the fan lines 50, pointing generally away from the apex of the
reed shown in FIG. 20, taken along the line 22-22 vfabric. This distorted, or skewed disposition of the ?ll
thereof; . threads reduces the so-called hoop strength of the fabric,
‘ FIG. 23 is a cross section of a portion of the fan reed and also tends to introduce non-uniformitiesin the fabric
shown in FIG. 20, taken along the line 23-23 thereof; density, especially if the fabric is stretched appreciably.
5 6
Moreover, surfaces of compound curvature, and those ferred to corresponding ones of the transverse grid lines
having both cylindrical and tapering portions are gen 81 to 89, centering each length upon the longitudinal axis '
erally not developable, and fabrics of uniform density 101, and appropriately marking its end points (not des
conforming thereto cannot readily be woven by previous ignated); The procedure may be thought of as a ?atten
methods. ing of the curved measuring lines upon the plane of sym
Cam-Shaped Take-Up Roll metry without any decrease in their length. Their spac
The fabric 36 illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 2a, as well as ings, too, are ?attened and reproduced upon the plane.
fabrics of many other desired shapes, may be woven . The end points of the lengths so laid out are then con
according to the invention upon a flat loom 56, as shown neoted by a smoothly curved line 74, which may be said
in FIGS. 3 and 4, using a creel 58 to supply the warp and 10 to de?ne the “?attened shape” of the surface 70, or to
a conventional Jacquard head 59 to shed it. The loom constitute its “true length diagram.” It will be appre
56 is provided with a specially shaped take-up roll 60 ciated that although the arcuate lineal dimensions of the
over which the fabric 36 is trained as it comes ‘from the surface 70 may be transferred accurately to the plane,
lay 64 of the loom. Otherwise, the loom 56 may be the curve 74 does not represent a development of the
entirely conventional. ’ 15 surface 70 in the geometrical sense, and the area en
The take-up roll 61} is especially shaped as hereinafter closed within the curve 74 differs substantially from the
area of the surface 70. > .
described to effect variations in the feed rates of selected
ones of the warp ends to produce curvilinear shaping Since the fabric to be woven must conform to the sur
face 70, the next step in the determination of the required
of the fabric according to the principles of the invention.
The method of punching the Jacquard cards to produce 20 shape of the cam-shaped roll v60 provides correction fac
tapering of the fabric by dropping selected ends, and to tors, which indicate the required differential advance of
weave the fabric in either tubular or open form is su?i the warp as a function of both the progress ‘of the weav
ciently Well known not to require detailed discussion ing and the positions of the different respective warp
herein. The woven fabric is trained over the shaped ends across the width of the warp. In effect, Weaving
take-up roll 60 and drawn down to a cloth beam 66. 25 according to the present embodiment ‘of the invention is
Both the take-up roll and the cloth beam are rotatively done as though one were weaving a flat fabric shaped to
advanced in incremental steps in conventional fashion as conform to the true-length diagram, except that the warp
the weaving progresses. The ‘tensions on the individual is differentially advanced to draw the full threads into
warp ends may be controlled by any desired mechanism arcuate posit-ions to impart curvature to the fabric. The
(not shown) such as Weights frictionally engaging the 30 Jacquard cards are punched on the basis of the true
individual warp ends in a conventional manner. ,
length diagram, as though for weaving a ?at fabric con
The take-up roll 60 may comprise a series of separate forming to the trueJlength diagram. The warp runs
cams all rigidly mounted in ?xed relationship to each parallel to the longitudinal coordinate axis 101, and" the
other upon a shaft 68, but preferably the cams are faired ?ll threads are laid parallel to the transverse lines 81
to 98. .
together to form a smoothly tapered roll as illustrated.
The chart shown in FIG. 5 illustrates the ?rst step in the The principles of curvilinear weaving the cam
determination of the shape of the take-up roll 61) for shaped roll 60 may perhaps be most simply‘ described in
weaving a fabric conforming to a surface having a plane connection with a night-circular cone, a true-length dia
of symmetry. As an illustrative example, the surface of gram 91 of which is illustrated in FIG. 6. This true
the object 3i) may be considered. Cam-shaped take-up length diagram 91 rnay be constructed in [an exactly anal
rolls according to the invention may be used for weaving agous manner-to the construction of the true-length dia
fabric to conform closely to any surface having a plane gram 74 of the surface 70. The true-length diagram 91,
of symmetry, but the principles of the determination of it will be seen, is an isosceles triangle having. a height
the roll shape may be fully understood from the follow 92 equal to the slant height of the cone. The developed
ing example in which the surface to be considered is sym shape of the cone includes that portion of the truc~length
metrical about an axis. diagram 91 bounded by the mo 83, which is drawn on a
The determination of the shape of the take-up roll 60 radius equal to the height 92 of the triangle and centered
for weaving a curvilinear fabric is based on a polyconic on the apex 94. ‘Now, in weaving with a cam-shaped roll
principle. The surface to be ?tted by the fabric is thought 60 according to thepresent embodiment ‘of the invention,
of as being made up of a series of conic frustums, which the warp is laid parallel to the height Q2 of the triangle
may be made su?iciently short to approach the actual'sur and the ?rst ?ll thread is laid in the warp along a straight
face as closely as desired. The take-up roll 6% is shaped line corresponding in length and position to the base 95
to impart curvature to the fill threads substantially as if of the triangle. As successive ?ll threads are Woven into
weaving a fabric to conform to a series of conic frustunis, the Warp, (the warp is differentially advanced to draw the
each frustum having a different slope. ' first ?ll thread out of linearity and into an arcuate posi
Referring now to FIG. 5, the curved surface 70 shown tion approximately conforming to the position of the arc
therein represents one half of the surface of the object 30, 93. In the case of the right circular cone, the successive
being all of the surface lying on one side of an arbitrarily fill threads are drawn \to {arcuate positions having suc
selected plane of symmetry. ‘Reference coordinates are cessively smaller radii of curvature, so that when'the
drawn upon this plane including a longitudinal axis 101 fabric is completed it approximates the developed shape
coincident with the axis of the surface 70, and a trans of the cone and does not conform to the true-length
verse axis 81 lying in the plane of the base 81" of the diagram. Moreover, each ‘one of the fill threads lies ap
surface. Uniformly spaced transverse grid lines 82 to 99 proximately on an arc concentric with the base are 93,
are drawn parallel to the ‘transverse axis 81 in the plane. so that when the fabric'is extended to its true shape the
The peripheral dimensions of the surface 70 are trans 65 ?ll threads lie substantially in single circles. '
lated to the plane ‘of symmetry, to'produce what may be The differential advance of the Warp required to draw
termed a “true length diagram” of the surface 70. Trans the ?rst ?ll thread .tlIlIlO position along the arc 93 is such
verse measuring lines 82' to 89’ are drawn on the sur that "the central warp end, lying along the height line
face 70 in planes parallel to the plane of the base d1”. 92, is advanced a substantial distance While the edge warp
These measuring lines 82' to 89’ are spaced apart equal 70 ends are advanced to a lesser degree. The differential
distances as measured along the curved surface 70, and in travel between the central and the edge warp ends is
the spacings are, for convenience, made equal to the equal to the distance along the height line 92 between
spacings bebtween the transverse ‘grid lines 81 to 99. The its intersection with the are 93 and the chord 96 of the
length of the base 81' and of the measuring lines 82' to arc, which chord is drawn between the intersections of the
89’, as taken along the curved surface '70, are trans 75 are 93 with the legs 97 of the triangle. The warp advance
7 _ '8
differentials applicable to subsequent ‘?ll threads are anal ated, since the actual physical dimensions near the apex
ogously derived, based on successive arcs concentric are small.
with the arc r93. . Correction factors are measured ‘for each of several
Thus, inthe case of the ?rst woven ?ll thread in the selected warp ends spaced from the central end. Al
cone, the differential between the advance of the central though in practice a relatively large number of such warp
'warp end the edge warp ends may be represented ends would 'be selected, only three 101a, 1911), and 1010
by the distance along the height line 92 between its inter are illustrated herein. Correction factors are determined
section 98 with the ?ll thread, and its intersection 99 with for each of the warp ends 101a, 101b, and 101a at
the chord 96. Similarly, a like measurement may be each of the transverse grid lines 81 to 9d that they in
made for any desired ?ll thread along the length of the tersect within the curve 74. The correction factors so
fabric. Also, for any given ?ll thread, the differential determined are transferred tllO‘ circular diagrams such as
between ‘the central ‘warp end and any other desired warp those shown in FIGS. 8, 9 and 10, which may be used as
end intermediate between the central one and the edge templates for making separate cams to be incorporated
ones may be found by drawing successively shorter chords in the take-up roll 69.
of the are involved. For example, for the intermediate The central cross section of the take-up roll 60 is
warp end indicated by the dotted line 92', the correction circular and has a circumference equal to the height of
factor, or differential at the ?rst pick may be found by the true-length diagram 74 plus a desired length of over
?rst drawing a line 97’ from the apex 94 of the triangle weave, so that each revolution of the take~up roll corre
to the intersection of the end 92' and the base 95. The sponds to the weaving of one complete length of shaped
chord 96' passing through the intersection of the line 97' 20 fabric plus a desired length of overweave. The circles
and the arc 53 determines the correction factor, or 152, 153 and 154 shown in FIGS. 8, 9 and 10 are each
differential for the intermediate warp end 92'. This dif drawn to be equal in size to the central cross section of
ferential is the distance between the point 98 and the the roll 60. Each one of these circles represents a respec
intersection 99' of the chord 96' with the height line 92. tive one of the intermediate warp ends 101a, 101b, and
The cam-shaped roll 69 is shaped to accomplish the 25 1010.
curvature of successively laid ?ll threads by differentially Each of the circles 152, 153 and 154 is divided into
advancing the warp after each ?ll thread is beaten up: segments (not separately designated) the arc of each one
When weaving fabrics shaped to conform to surface con of the segments being equal in length to the spacing be
tours other than right circular cones, the roll shape re tween the transverse grid lines 81 to 90, and an addi
quired for properly advancing the warp is determined on 30 tionel segment 158 of arbitrarily selected size being pro
a polyconic principle, i.e., as if the surface were made vided for the overweave. In each of the circles, one
up of a plurality of conic frustums, each frustum having radius R81 bounding the overweave segment 158 is
a di?erenrt slope. selected as a starting point, and corresponds to the base
Returning now to FIG. 5, and assuming that the sur grid line 81. Proceeding clockwise around eachcircle,
face 76} is of circular cross section throughout its length, . successive ones of the radii R81 to R90 that separate the
tangents 114 to 119‘ to the surface 7 i) are ‘drawn on the individual segments correspond to successive ones of the
reference plane. These tangents meet the surface 70 at transverse grid lines 81 to 90.
the measuring lines 84’ to 89' and are extended to the The correction factors, as determined from the chart
longitudinal axis 191. They may be thought of as repre shown in FIG. 7, are converted by dividing them by
senting slant heights of cones, frustums of which con 40 Zr, and, thus converted, are transposed to the correspond
stitute the surface 70. These tangents 114 to 119 are used ing radii. The converted correction factors are measured
as radii to construct ‘arcs 134 to 139 on the true-length along the radii inwardly from the circumferences of the
diagram 74, as shown in FIG. 7. The tangent 114 drawn circles. In elfect, the radii are reduced in length to a
to (the surface 70 at the measuring line 84’ serves as a degree where they are equal to radii of circles whose
radius for the are 134 drawn tangent to the transverse 45 circumferences are less than the full circumference of
grid line 84 and centered on the longitudinal axis 101. the circles 152, 153, and 154 by the unconverted correc
Similarly, the other tangents 115 to 119 are used as radii tion factors. The outer ends of the radii as corrected
to draw ‘arcs 135 to 139 tangent to the respective grid are connected by smoothly curved lines 152a, 153a, and
lines 85 to 89 corresponding ‘to the respective measuring 154a to de?ne the contours of the templates for the
lines 85' to 89' to which tangents were originally drawn. 50 take-up roll cam sections. Each one of the curves 152a,
These arcs 134 to 139 correspond to bases of developed 153a, and 154a de?nes the cross section of the take-up
cones, each cone having a different slope because of the roll 60 in the plane of the corresponding warp end 101a,
compound curvature of the surface 70. Chords 144 to 19115, and 1010. The curves 152a, 153a, and 154a may
149 are drawn across these arcs as hereinabove described be used as templates to cut separate cams (not shown),
in connection with the right circular cone shown in FIG. 55 each one of which is used as a portion of the take-up
6. The correction factors, or differentials in the warp roll 69. ' .
advance between the central warp end lying along the axis The principle of the construction of the template curves
101, and the ends passing through the edge of the fabric 152a, 153a, and 154a may perhaps be best understood
are the maximum spaces between the chords 144 ‘to 14? by a speci?c, detailed description of the construction of
[and the respective arcs 134 to 13-9. The correction fac 60 the ?rst such curve 152a. This curve 152a represents
tors for the intermediate warp ends may be readily deter the cross section of the roll 60 in the plane of the Warp
mined analogously to the determination of the inter end 101a. In order to achieve fabric shaping according
mediate correction factors hereinbefore described in con to the invention and to draw the ?ll threads into their
nection with FIG. 6. All of the correction factors may desired arcuate positions, this warp end must be taken
be approximated suf?ciently accunately for most com up at a slower rate than the central warp end during
mercial purposes by taking the longitudinal distances be a portion of the weaving. The rate of take up for this
warp end 101a must also be varied in a controlled
tween the transverse grid lines 84 to 89 and the respective
manner as the weaving progresses to weave the fabric
arcs 134 to 139 along the different warp ends. This ap to conform accurately to the surface 70.
proximation is relatively close in those portions of the Now, the radius R81 of the circle 152 represents the
fabric where the slope of the surface contour is not steep. starting point of Weaving, i.e., the fabric will come off
As the apex of the fabric is approached, however, the the loom from right to left as viewed in FIG. 2 and the
slope steepens and the approximation produces relatively curve 152a may be thought of as a cross section of the
large proportionate errors. For many practical purposes, roll 60, rotating in a counterclockwise direction with the
however, even such relatively large errors may be toler fabric being trained overit. When the ?lling is laid in
9. 16
the warp in the position of the base grid line 81, the take surface 70 is non~circular in cross section, the correction
up roll will be oriented so that its line of tangency with factors must be multiplied in each case by a further
the fabric intersects the radius R31. During the ?rst factor, which may be called for convenience the com
portion of the weaving all the warp ends are taken up pensating factor. The compensating factor is a measure
evenly to weave the cylindrical portion 34 of the fabric. of departure from true circularity and may be de?ned
The ?rst portion of the curve 152a, accordingly, coin as ‘the ratio between the actual transverse grid line length
cides with the circumference of the circle 152. At a and Zn times the orthographic projection ofthe‘corre
point between the transverse grid lines 83 and 84, how spending measuring line on the plane of symmetry. If
ever, the fabric starts to taper, and correction is needed. the true-length diagram of a surface of non-circular cross
The ?rst correction factor to be encountered is the one 10 section is symmetrical about its longitudinal axis, the
approximated by the distance between the transverse grid compensating factors are the same on both sides of the
line 84 and the arc 134 (FIG. 7) all the correction factors . axis. But if the true-length diagram is unsymmetrical‘
for the curve 152:: being taken along the warp end 1131a. with respect to its longitudinal axis the compensating
A point 174 is then marked on the radius R84 that cor factors must be computed separately for the two, op
responds to the grid line 84. This point 174 is spaced ' posite sides.
inwardly from the circumference of the circle 152 a The cam-shaped take-up roll may, alternatively, be
distance equal to the ?rst correction factor divided by 2n. made so that its entire circumference corresponds 'to
A second point 175 is marked on the next radius R85 only the tapering portions of the fabric to be woven such
spaced inwardly from the circle circumference a distance as the puckered portions 48 of thefabric 36 (FIGS. 2
equal to 1/211- tirnes the next correction factor, which is and 2a) and an auxiliary, cylindrical take-up roll 18%
the distance from the line 85 to the arc 135. Other points may be used during weaving of the straight, or non
176, 177, and 178 are similarly established on the suc tapered portions, as illustratively shown in FIG. 12-.
ceeding radii R86, R37, and R88, respectively. No cor In ‘FIG. 12, there is illustrated a loom 56' which may '
rection factor need be taken at the grid line 89 since the be exactly similar to the loom 56 shown in FIGS. 3 and 4,
Warp end lilizz is dropped from the fabric before that 25 except that in place of the single take-up roll 61} two
grid line 89 is reached. All of the points 174 to 178 takeaup rolls ‘60" and 1780‘ are provided, arranged to be
are then connected together by the smoothly curved alternately brought into engagement with the fabric 35
template line 1512a. This curve 152a is extended, either being woven. ' The take-up roll v6i)" is'cam-shaped, and
by approximation or by appropriate measurement to a of tapering. longitudinal section. Its complete circumfer
length equal to the complete length of the warp end ence corresponds to the tapered, ogive-shaped portions
191:: included in the fabric. It is then extended as 38 of . the fabric‘ 36. The cylindrical portions '44 of the
directly as desired to the outer end of the starting fabric, are woven using the cylindrical take-up roll 180.
radius R81. _
This arrangement ‘allows greater ?exibility in weaving
‘Separate templates 153a and 154a are similarly made since the lengths of the cylindrical portions of the fabric
for each of the selected intermediate‘warp ends 1411b 35 may be varied as desired without going to the trouble
and 11110, the longitudinal axis 191 being translated, as of making up new cam-shaped rolls.
heretofore stated, to a full circle. If the fabric to be The two rolls 60’ and 180 may be mounted upon sepa
woven is not symmetrical about the longitudinal axis rate shafts '68‘ and 1812, respectively,‘journalled in a pair
161, diiferent templates are required for the warp ends of end plates 184 and 1186, which may be rotated to bring
on opposite sides of the axis 101. In the instant case, one or the other of the rolls 60" and 180into position
however, the curved surface 70 illustrated has axial sym to engage the'fabric 36-. The end plates 18-4 and 186
metry, and, therefore, two cam sections may be made may be rotatably mounted upon any ‘convenient supports
from each of the templates, one to be disposed on each upon the loom 56’ and may be controlled by means
side of the roll center, and symmetrically spaced there of a hand crank 188. Rotational drive for the take-up
from with respect to its matching member. ‘ W _ v 45 rolls 60' and 180 may be provided by a chain and sprocket
Cam sections (not separately shown) conforming in arrangement (not generally designated) mounted upon
shape to the template curves 152a, 153a, and 154a are one of theend plates 186. This drive may, illustratively,
secured together in alignment upon a common shaft 68 comprise a ‘central sprocket 190 ?xed upon a shaft 192
(FIG. 11) and are preferably faired together to form driven by the conventional roll drive chain 194." The cen
a smoothly curved roll 61) as illustrated. ' If the surface 50 tral sprocket 190‘ engages and drives a chain 196 which
to be ?tted by the woven articles is relatively gently is trained around sprockets 198 and 290 ?xed upon the
curved, relatively few templates may be required. If shafts 68 and 132, respectively. , '
it is sharply curved, however, or of irregular character, - During weaving of the developable, or non-tapering
‘the grid spaces are preferably made relatively small and portions of the fabric, the cylindrical roll 1811 may be
a larger number of templates are made to provide a rela usedto take up all, of the warp ends evenly and at a
tively higher degree of correction accuracy and precision. uniform rate, When weaving of the tapering ‘sections
The roll 65} is preferably covered with card clothing 61, of the fabric commences, the crank 188 is operated to
sandpaper, or the like for positive driving engagement reverse the positions of the rolls 160' and 1-80, bringing
with the fabric 36. 1 the shaped take~up roll ‘60’ into engagement with; the
During Weaving with a shaped take-up roll, such as 60 fabric 316 to take up the dilferent warp ends ‘at different
the roll 60 shown in FIG. 11, the entire warp of the varying rates to shape the fabric. Latch dogs such as
fabric is taken up evenly and at a uniform rate as long the dog ZhZ'may be‘provided, if desired, to engage one
as it is drawn against the cylindrical portion of the take-up or both of the end plates 184 and 186 to prevent ac
roll 61). When, however, the roll 60 is angularly ad cidental movement of the two rolls 60-’ and 186 about
vanced su?iciently to bring tapered portions of its con 65 their common axis. '
tour to bear against the fabric, warp ends spaced from It will be appreciated that,‘ particularly for Weaving
the center of the fabric are taken up at a slower rate articles of relatively complicated shapes, a second shaped‘
than the central end, and a curvilinear character is im take-up roll' may be substituted in place of the cylindri
parted to the fabric. cal roll 18%. Also, more than two take-up rollsimay be
In the foregoing discussion, the assumption was made mounted upon the end plates 184 and 186 for selective
that the surface 711 to be ?tted by the woven fabric was‘ alternate‘use. I '
of circular cross section throughout its length. If this
is the case, as it is in many practical instances, cam-shaped Bent Bar Weaving
rolls shaped according to the method described provide Shaped fabric weaving according to ‘the invention may
relatively close curvature corrections. 1f, however, the 75 also be accomplished using a modi?ed form of a con
11 12
ventional bent bar take-up roll assembly as illustrated in described, and in operation the rolls 22b and 222 are
FIGS. 13 to 15. These take-up rolls 220 and 222 may rotated about their straight ‘axis 236 to vary the ‘rates of
be similar to those used in the textile industry as an ex take-up of all the warp ends except the center end repre
pander preceding a squeeze roll or padding operation. sented by the longitudinal axis 101, which end extends
They are geared together, as schematically indicated, by through the apex 238 of the meeting line 239 of the
the gears 224 and 226, and mounted for rotation, each rolls, and passes through the straight axis 236. The
roll about its own arcuate axis. The rolls 220 and 222 rolls 220 and 222 are not rotated about their straight axis
may be driven from both ends by any convenient means 236 during :Weaving of cylindrical, or non-tapering por
such as a pair of synchronized electric motors 223. They tions of the fabric. Thus, when weaving from left to
may be made of separate, interlocking cylindrical sec 10 right as viewed in FIG. 7, no rotation of the rolls about
tions 225 mounted upon ?xed, arcuate bars (not sepa the axis 236 is required until the pick represented by the
rately designated) and covered with padding material and transverse grid line '84 is approached.
a ?exible, elastic cover 227 capable of maintaining its Between the point at which the fabric ?rst starts’to
surface characteristics under the continual ?exing im taper and this pick (grid line 84) the rolls are rotated
posed by the roll rotation. sufficiently to permit the warp end 11010 that passes through
According to the present invention, the pair of rolls the intersections of this pick with the drop line (the curve
220 and 222 are mounted upon a rigid frame 23%‘, which 74) to lag a distance equal to the correction factor for
is pivoted upon?xed supports 232 and 234 so that’ the that end at ‘that pick. As hereinabove described, this
rolls 220 and Y222 may. be swung about a straight axis, as correction factor is equal to the distance between the line
indicated by the dot-ted line 236, independently of and 84 and the chord 1%. As the weaving continues, the
simultaneously with their rotation about their own arcuate rotation of the rolls 220 and 222 about their straight axis
axes. 235 is continued at an accelerating rate so that as each
Weaving of curvilinear fabrics having an axis of sym end is dropped from the weave it has lagged with re
metry may be accomplished with the bent bar take-up spect to the center end (the axis 1G1) a distance equal
roll assembly, using the same basic principles herein to the full correction factor taken at the drop line 74.
above described for varying the take-up rates of di?erent For example, taking the warp end represented by the
warp ends as the weaving progresses. The straight axis broken line ldld, it will be seen that it is dropped from
236 passes through the apex 238 of the meeting line 239 the weave approximately at the pick represented by the
of the rolls 226 and 222. During weaving, the rate of transverse grid line 88. The correction factor for this
rotation of the rolls about their arcuate axes is main end at the drop line 74 is represented by the distance be
tained constant (with respect to the picking rate), and, tween the line 88 and the chord 148. The total, cumu—
therefore, the center of the warp, which is drawn through lative rotation‘of the rolls 220 and 222, about their straight
the apex point 238 is advanced at a constant rate regard axis 236 is made sufficient to permit this end 101d to
less of the rotation of the rolls about their straight axis lag behind the center end by the full correction factor
236. at the time that the pick represented by the line .88 is
The diameter of the rolls 22d and 222, and their curva woven. The total length of the warp end 101d from the
ture may be varied as desired, and are not critical in the base 81" of the fabric to the drop line 74 is less than the
practice of the invention, except that the curvature of the corresponding length of the center warp end 10-1 by an
roll axes is preferably sufficient to accomplish the full amount equal to this correction factor (the corresponding
required shaping correction with a minimum angular length of the center warp end 1011 being taken in this case
travel of the rolls about their straight axis 236. If too from the base 81” to ‘the pick represented by the grid
line 88). . ‘
much angular travel about the straight axis 236- is used,
shaping accuracy may be adversely a?ected since the Any .convenient means may be provided to accom
fabric may then be drawn too far along one of the rolls plish the desired rotation of the roll assembly frame 230
220 or 222 away from the meeting line 239. 45 about the straight axis 236 in conformity with the cor
FIG. 15 illustrates a pin type bent bar take-up I011 rection factor system described. I-llustratively, this'means
240, which may be used in place of the roll assembly 220 may comprise a hand crank 241 attached to the shaft 243
and 222 shown in FIG. 13 and in an exactly similar man of the frame 230, so that the rotation may be accom
ner thereto. The pins .2441 projecting radially from the plished manually. For convenience, a dial and pointer
roller 240 grip the fabric and advance it at a controlled 50
24-5 may lac-provided to indicate the angular position of
rate similarly to the squeeze action of the pair of rollers the rolls 220 and 222 about the axis 236. In this event,
220 and 222. The roll 24%} may, alternatively, be cov
the correction factors would be converted to angular dis
ered with card clothing to grip the fabric in place of the placement factors and the weaver should be provided with
a chart indicating desired angular correction factors as
pins 244., ~
a function of the weaving progress. In most instances,
The rotation of the take-up rolls 22b and 222, or of
the take-up roll 240 about the straight axis 236 that is however, a variable speed transmission device (not shown)
may be connected between the take-up drive chain 194'
required to shape a fabric being woven to a desired con—
tour may be determined from the true-length diagram (FIG. 4) ‘and the shaft 243 of the roll assembly frame
230. The driving ratio of the transmission may then
of the contour, using correction factors determined as be varied in response to the operation of the Jacquard
hereinab-ove described in connection ‘with the determi 60 head, the pertinent information being punched upon the
nation of the shape of the cam-shaped take-up roll 60. cards. The connection between ‘the drive chain 194 and
Referring again to FIG. 7, the curvature corrections re the shaft 243 may comprise any of many known, con
quired to shape a fabric using the bent bar take-up de tinuously variable speed transmission devices, such as,
vice are exactly the same as those heretofore described, for example, a wheel and disc transmission in which the
except that only the correction factors along the ‘drop ‘of a driving wheel frictional-1y engages ‘the face of ya
line” need be used, i.e., only the correction factors taken driven disc, the wheel being radially movable across the
at points along the curve 7-4. The rotation of the bent face of the disc to vary the drive ratio. Other equivalent
bar rolls V220 and 222 about the straight axis 236 is ad variable speed drive structures may be used according to
justed to provide the needed corrections along the drop choice. . -
line as the weaving progresses, and when ‘this is done 70 It is appreciated that the curvature corrections achieved
the axial curvature of the rolls 220 and 222 automatically the bent bar take-up method of weaving diifer from the
producesthe proper curvature correction in the body of curvature corrections accomplished by the cam-shaped
the fabric, i.e., in that portion of the fabric represented take-up roll. ' The differences arise because in the bent
by the area enclosed within the curve 74. v ' bar method the curvature correction for each warp. end
I The correction factors are determined as ‘heretofore 2 is the full, cumulative correction factor, while in the
13 1d
cam-shaped take-up roll the curvature correction is slight placed half-way between the header 4% and the track
ly less than this amount. The differences, however, ‘are 408, the radial dimensions of the roll 410 may be half
relatively small ‘and in bothcases sufficiently accurate as great as those of the roll 6%} heretofore described.
shaping is accomplished to achieve the principal objects The slots 406 are made su?iciently long to accommodate
of the invention and to weave fabrics conforming closely the full travel of the dent wires 402 required for the
to predetermined surface contours. The cam-shaped take largest correction factor.
up roll method is more versatile than the bent bar meth
od, since such rolls may be shaped for weaving curvilin Weaving in Open Form
ear fabrics having no axial symmetry. On the other A novel fan-shaped reed 300 for weaving curvilinear
hand, the bent bar method has the advantages of struc 10 fabrics in open, or extended form is illustrated in FIG.v 19
tural simplicity, and ?exibility in that one bent bar as and includes‘ curved upper and lower dent Wires 302 and
sembly may be used for weaving fabrics of many dif 304, respectively. The determination of the exact curva
ferent sizes and shapes. tures of the dent wires required for weaving fabrics to
As shown schematically in FIG. 16 (sheet 2), the bent conform to di?erent contours will be described herein
bar take-up system readily lends itself to weaving from a 15 after, but for the present it should be noted that such
yarn beam 280 in place of the creel 58‘ hereinabove de curvature is necessary in this method of weaving in order
scribed. Ordinarily, variat-ions in the rates of take-up to maintain a uniform Warp density in the woven fabric.
of different warp ends require the use of a variable le - In operation, a warp is threaded through the reed 300
out device, such as a creel, or a multisection yarn beam in the usual manner, and means are provided to shape
of relatively great ?exibility in order to insure proper ten 20 the warp to conform to a desired surface contour when
sioning of the warp. According to- the present invention, the reed sweeps forward to beat up a ?ll thread. When
however, the slack created by the variable take-up rolls the reed isretracted, the shaping means are de-energized
220 and 222 may be taken up by a set of auxiliary take-up or otherwise made ineffective, and a shed is formed in
rolls 282 and 284 mounted ‘between the warp beam 280 the warp for-the laying of another fill thread. The dent
and the lay of the loom, which in FIG. 16 is indicated 25 wires 392 and 304 of the reed 300 are curved in such a
by the broken line 286. The auxiliary bent bar rolls Way that when the shaping means shape the fabric to a
282 and 284- are rotated about a straight axis similarly desired surface contour, the wrap ends are always uni
to the take-up rolls 220 and 222, but in the ‘opposite di formly spaced one from another. The curvatures of the
rection. The auxiliary rolls 282 and 284 are driven syn dent wires 392 and 304 are coordinated with the'shaping
chronously with the take-up rolls 220 and 222, taking 30 means.
up slack in the warp that otherwise would be developed According to one speci?c embodiment of this feature
by the take-up rolls 220 and 222, and maintaining an of the present invention, as shown in FIGS. 20 to 24, a
even tension across the width of the warp :as it is let out fan reed 391 of double construction is provided, includ
from the beam 280. ing front and rear dent wires 302’ and 304’, and 302"
Pivoted Dent Wire Reed 35 and 304", respectively, all mounted in a generally cuboidal
frame 306, and preferably reinforced by central trans
Weaving of shaped fabrics may also be accomplished verse members 303 and 310. The front transverse mem
according to another embodiment of the invention, using ber 310 is preferably wedge shaped, as best shown in FIG.
a reed 409 as illustrated in FIGS. 17 and 18. The dent 23 to minimize any tendency it may have to form gaps
wires 402 of this reed 409 are pivoted at one end upon 40 between the upper and lower halves of a fabric woven in‘
a header frame member 404» so that they may be swung tubular form. The ?ll thread tension tends to close such
through a vertical arc parallel to the direction in which gaps automatically, but the fabric uniformity may be some
the reed sweeps. The ends of the dent wires 402 opposite what improved if the gaps are minimized to start with. ,
from the header 404 are extended through slots 406 formed Each one of the dent wires 392', 304', 302” and 304",
in the shuttle track 408, ‘and are connected to individual except the central ones at the middle of the reed, is
retracting springs 4&5. A shaped back-up roll 4-10 is of L-shaped horizontal section, having aforwardly fac
mounted upon a shaft 412 immediately behind the dent ing web portion 312 and a transverse flange 314. The
wires 402. The shaft 412 is journalled in slidable sup transverse ?anges 314 are shaped so that'their edges lie
ports 414 which ride on ways 416. The roll 410 may be equidistantly from the next adjacent wires, forming warp
driven into and out of engagement with the dent wires 50 guide slots, or dent spaces 316 of uniform width but curved
402 by means of a pneumatic cylinder assembly 418 disposition. The rear dent wires 302" and 304” vare
connected to the shaft 412 and mounted upon a ?xed arranged similarly to the front ones and in opposition
bracket 417 on the lay of the loom. The cylinder 418 is thereto. The‘ Warp ends (not shown) are individually
energized to advance the roll 410 into engagement with threaded through upper and lower tubes 320 and 322,
the dent wires 4% when the reed sweeps to its beat up which are slidably mounted between the front and rear
position (as shown in solid lines in FIG. 18), and is re dent wires for vertically travel in the dent spaces 316. The
versed to retract the roll 410 when the reed is retracted. tubes 3'20 and 322 are provided with out-turned annular
The roll 410 is shaped to selectively position the dent ?anges 324 near their ends, which ?anges bear against
wires 402 to beat up the fill threads of a fabric to con the dent Wires for positive guiding action.
trolled curvilinear positions. The roll 410 is rotatively 60 The tubes 32% and 322 are individually supported upon
driven by any desired mechanism such as a ratchet 419 ?exible heddles 326 and 328 which function to position
driven by a pawl (not shown) pivoted on the loom frame, the tubes vertically during weaving. The heddles 326
to present a new line of contact to the dent wires 4&2 ' and ‘328 extend through a perforated spacer plate 329‘
on each successive pick. Successive ?ll threads are thus ?xed at the top of the reed, and are slidably attached to
beaten up into different, predetermined curvilinear posi 65 guide rods, or bars 330 and 332 which extend over the
tions. The roll 410 is shaped to curve the reed 490 reed and span its sweep. At the rear (to the left as
to beat up the ?ll threads into arcuate positions corre viewed in FIGS. 20 and 21) these guide bars 330‘and
sponding to the arcs 134 to 139 shown in FIG. 7. 332 are suspended on Jacquard cords 336, which may be
The shape of the I011 410 may be determined in an actuated in a conventional manner to raise and lower the
exactly similar manner to the shape of the cam-shaped 70 rearward ends of the bars 330 and 332. Forwardly, the
take-up roll 60 (FIG. 11) heretofore described, with the bars 339 and 332 extend over a pair of shaped rolls 340
exception that because of the leverage factor, the size of and 342, respectively, and through a comb, or slotted
the roll 410 may be varied. For example, if the warp ‘ guide 344, which retains the bars in their desired trans~
to be woven is threaded through the reed 400 immediately verseiy spaced relationship. Individual biasing ‘weights
adjacent to the shuttle track 498, and the roll 41% is 75 346 are suspended from the bars 330 and 332 to assist

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