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Lesson Plan 2

I. Title and Grade Level:

Christmas, Pre-K

II. Lesson Essential Question:

What is Christmas?

III. Standard:
Grade Pre-K- Key Ideas and Details

​IV. Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessments

SWBAT recall what the holiday Christmas is. TWBAT assess students acquired knowledge
by observing students make clear and concise

V. Materials:
● Gingerbread people shapes
● large craft sticks
● Glue
● Small buttons
● Gumdrops

VI. Pre-Lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge:

The students will be read a book about the gingerbread man. The teacher will talk about
how Christmas is important to certain families and that it is spent with the family.

VII. Lesson Beginning:

We are going to hook the kids into the lesson by telling them that we are going to pretend
to be bakers. Once their imagination starts to run, we can continue explaining what we do
on Christmas day or prior to it. I will then show them my own gingerbread man and they
will be able to began theirs.
VIII. Instruction Plan:
1. Students will be put into three groups of 7 and one group of 8.
2. Gingerbread people shapes will be passed out.
3. Next black markers will be passed around.
4. The students will be given a basket with buttons and a basket with gumdrops.
5. After writing their names, they will began to place their gumdrops and buttons to
decorate the gingerbread man.
6. When they are done decorating, a teacher will help them glue a large popsicle
stick on the back to make a gingerbread stick puppet
7. After they are done, the teacher will place them to dry.
8. The students will then return on the rug to talk about what they just did.

IX. Conclusion:
Students will share how they liked the activity and if they understood the concept. We
will talk about the importance of Christmas and explain the different things we can do on
Christmas Day that other families do as tradition.

X. Citations:

Common Core State Standards Initiative (Ed.) (2016).Grade Pre-K>>key ideas

and details
Retrieved from

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