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TEK, Modern Western

Science and the Solar

Many early civilizations, for
example, Harappans, Mayans, and ancient
Chinese used astronomy to keep track of time, orient
their cities, and to try to predict the future.

Early Early astronomy was a mix of careful observation of

the positions and motions of the heavenly bodies,
Astronomy religion, and astrology.

The Greeks named the stars and plotted their

positions. While Europe muddled through the Dark
Ages, astronomers in the Middle East translated
Greek texts into Arabic, preserving and expanding
humanity's knowledge of the sky.
• In British Columbia, Aboriginal peoples’ knowledge of the universe and
solar system was used in many ways.
• Practical knowledge allowed Aboriginal peoples to accurately
measure time and seasons
• Navigation: track and map distances and locations The aboriginal
peoples of British Columbia made daily decisions using their
knowledge of the moon, planets and stars.
• Fishing was often influenced by lunar positioning.
• It was observed that there were 13 lunar months, of 29.5 days,
throughout the year.
• The Coast Salish, for example, named these lunar months,
and associated each with knowledge of connected seasons,
cultural activities and traditions.
• By recognizing the patterns the stars and planets followed, predictable
seasons were followed from year to year.

British Columbia
An Interconnected
• Aboriginal peoples, like Western scientists, have long
observed the Moon, Sun, planets, and other
celestial bodies and theorized about Earth’s
relationship with all of these bodies.
• Aboriginal peoples believed thought to be made up
of a number of interconnected areas, or realms.
• Common realms include the undersea or sea world,
the land world, the spirit world, and the sky world.
• Aboriginal peoples know that these realms cannot
be separated
Observation (S.M.)
• Western science is based on the physical realm
and involves the study of phenomena that can
be physically observed, measured,
documented, and tested.
• Aboriginal knowledge can similarly be based Ochek Atchakosuk - The Fisher Star

on physical truth, but often uses knowledge

gained from other realms; everything is
• The spiritual realm is a source of knowledge
and truth as the physical realm.
The Big Dipper (US) or the Plough (UK, Ireland)
• British Columbia, Aboriginal peoples relied on “reading” the
predictable positions of planets and stars in the night sky for
• Traditional hunters could determine their location on the
land and traditional fishermen and mariners could
determine their location on the ocean.
• Knowing the position of celestial bodies at specific times of
the year also gives Aboriginal peoples the ability to
accurately measure the length of seasons

The Use of Planet and Star Positions

by the stars
Define the term “holistic”

Define “Western science”

How would knowledge of the phases of the moon aid someone working on
or near the ocean?

You task … Explain how knowledge of the positions and movements of the Moon, the
stars, and the Sun would enable someone to tell time

Aboriginal people observed the summer and winter solstices with great
interest. What did these times of year indicate for early people?

How is Aboriginal knowledge similar to Western scientific knowledge and

what makes Aboriginal knowledge different from Western scientific

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