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Jaco Square Sen eancaco, Calis gua eae! . =z Decenber 14, 1983 ur, Willfas Campbell APPLE COMPUTER THC. 20525 Mariaei Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Suagect: mae "1984" Tease Commercial Dear BAL ‘The purpose of the followig is to re-visit the issue of the airti the "1984" tease commercial Background The agency was acked to eliminate the 1984 spot from the Mae launch due to three factors: the need to reserve funds uotil later co in the laueh; the expoctes increase in PR support: and, tue less than wars, Tecestion to the comercial from the Board of Directors. We are in negotiation to sell off the two Super Bowl spots. We have bo other comfteents. Me Bave approval to run the tease comercial in Los Angeles and we are in the process of testing the spot via the ASI systeu which i= a5 in-theater method. Becommendatice We believe there continues to bé AB important benefit in utilizing the 1964 spet at the start of tue launch. We are therefore recommending that it's use be linited to only Apple's top 10 markets which Tepresent 31% of the U.S. These sarkets would include New York, Los Aogeles, Chicago, PBiladelphia, Sas Francisco, Boston, Detroit, Washington, D.c., Dallas/Ft. Worth asd Houston. To air the senedule (00 GHDS) is early and late fringe a£ opposed to the previously Fecomsended network schedule would require approximately $305,000. If the issue of funding cas be resolved and/or we are unsuccessful io felling off the Super foxl at the price paid, further consideration should be gives to airing satiosally. Rationale ‘There arc several factors wRich bare caused us to further assess this Aasue: gontinued Generation of Macintosh Awareness it bas been generally greed that there is a& important seed to establish immediate ad broad avarenees for Macintosh at the tine of lauach. a Believe that the 1986 commercia! continues to represeat ‘Dore usigue and powerful awareness generating vehicle than aay other which Apple will tive at its disposal at that tine, Gncluding PZ. Uslike the valee of publicity, the comercial represeats Apple's oD statezent of intest for the Naciatos! preduet and is an ispscrful dencostration of corporate Confidence. We also believe that for that reason, the Gonsereial itself will geserate considerable PR aid that PR will revolve afousé Apple Saving introduced a significant ew product and baving created another tsdustry a We need to ensure that the launch of Maciatosh is perceived 2 significent evest and not just as another product fatroduetion, aude Believe taat the 1984 comercial is uniquely comvincing ia this regard. ‘There's algo the unique a04 timely opportunity to take advantage of the already prominest editorial which the year "1954" will generate, and to capitalize oo the public awareness and "hype" which will undoubtedly prevail St the tise of the Mac launch. The concept of the Coasercial will be exeily understood by far more people Io January 1984 then it is sow. It seeam to be © Sigoificant missed opportunity, eith the comercial in hand and available for use, for Apple not to ride the crest of this wave of public avaresoss and interest. Surely, no one ise will be able to preeapt this posture the way we have (see examples of recent editorial impact). Ease Of Use Stra = We are coafident that the recently Epptoved sowsefsieis cor tue wac introduction will be effective in establishing the uniqueness of the Macintosh Product i-e., its radical ease of learning and wse. However, Sith the receat iatreductios and heavy expenditures benind Hevlett-Packard’s Touch Screen, Visicorp's Vision aad 003 Microsoft's windowing developments for I5M, two of which are ‘based oo screen-sinilar techsology and all’ of which will iavolve & mouse interface, it Ix now even more crucial to create a sense of significant difference around the MaciatosD lunch in the midst of this clutter. The 1984 commercial Eruly elevates the Ibuncs of Macintosh to sociological proportions - it represests statement of importance, of chance end as such, we believe will strongly cue the coatext of the introductory campaign and will considerably elevate its effectivesess. continued Introductory Copy - Part of the strength of the approved ‘Gptredaectory copy is it's sicplicity and the fact that it understated. It is 4 cleaz, simple representation of Maciatosh’s ease of learsing and case of usc. And, wbile this creative approach is Bighly compatibie with the product, at the same tine we believe that the combination bf such a revolutions=y grad statement as is cade in the *igs4’ spot followed by the usderstated simplicity of the “Computer For The Rest Of Uc" would represent = far more jowerful eombisation thas the latter alose. The link etwoan the two comercials is almost perfect. 1984 apeaks to Apple's introductica of a revolutionary sew techno~ logically advanced computer to free people from computer phobia asd computerization; “The computer for the rest of Ue" delivers Macintosh the product and its benefits. Reduced Funding - The plan proposed bere to run in only the Fey potctial cakets reducer significantly the anouat of , ¥8t allows ws to benefit fron the 5 level in these critical areas. More over, if fusdisg Temiias az isece in supporting later tine periods for the launch, we sight recousider the prudence Bf dropping the insert co beavily at the start of the launch gives so little product 1s available It is also inportast to sote that we have as yet been unable to sell off the Superbowl. It say go into e distress mle Situation and then we would have to re-evaluate shether sore would be gained from airing the spot tn network. copy Test Results ~ Our origisal thiakise and Limited qualitative suggested that the 1954 comercial would Be highly relevant asd compativle wit® the overall Macietesh announcement plas. The Macintosh tease will very quickly be resolved by the PR Jauseh whieh Will Bopefully costioue to generate awareness: and significasce arousd the Macintosh eveat. Then tho insert @stablishes the “Computer for the rest of us" thought aad defines the product, after which the introductory TV Sstablishes “radteai easo of use" strategy. This bas been Firmly and coafidently established by the consuser research eondueted to Gate. ‘Tae very preliminary results of the receatly completed ASI test indicate tat we Mave a strong and effective Communication which perfores above the norm on @ ounber ‘of key Seasures. We will provide the full up results as Soon as we bave thea 45 e¢ Dave requested a rush report continued

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