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Concept Close-Up:

Comparing the Aims of Argument

The aims of argument have much in common. For example, besides sharing argument, they all tend to draw on sources of
knowledge (research) and to deal with controversial issues. But the aims also differ from one another, mainly in terms of purpose,
audience, situation, and method, as summarized here.

Purpose Audience Situation Method

Inquiry Seeks truth Oneself, friends, and Informal; a Questions

colleagues dialogue

Convincing Seeks assent to Less intimate; wants More formal; a Case-making

a thesis careful reasoning monologue

Persuading Seeks action More broadly public, Pressing need for Appeals to reason

less academic a decision and emotions

Negotiating Seeks consensus Polarized by Need to cooperate, "Give-and-take"

differences preserve relations

We offer this chart as a general guide to the aims of argument. Think of it as the "big picture" you can always return to as you w .OFk
your way through Part Two, which deals with each of the aims in detail.

We hope you will explore on your own how the aims converge and diverge and how they overlap and interact in specific cases.


The Aims of Argument

Timothy W. Crusius
Southern Methodist University

Carolyn E. Channell
Southern Methodist University
Mc Graw
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McGraw-Hill Higher Education

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The Aims of Argument: A Brief Guide

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Crusius, Timothy W., 1950-

The aims of argument: a brief guide/Timothy W. Crusius, Carolyn E. Channell.—4th ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-07-294821-3
1. English language—Rhetoric. 2. Persuasion (Rhetoric) 3. Report writing. I. Channell, Carolyn E. II. Title.

PE1431.C778 2002

808'.0427—dc21 2002023046

For W. Ross Winterowd

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