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Drive into Danger Rosemary Border

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Put these instructions to Andy and Kim in the right
a Gary can’t work because he has a bad arm. order. Number them 1–5.

b Andy has a licence to drive a truck. a Get bottles of wine at Lyon.

c Kim can speak French. b Take the ferry from Dover to Calais.
d At the motorway Andy looks under the c Get tables from Faversham.
truck. d Stop at the truck stop near Dijon.

e Kim finds a box. e Stop at the truck stop near Reims.

f The red car crashes into the back of the
truck. 20 marks
g Andy and Kim drive into a rubbish dump.
h Kim hides in a rubbish skip. 5 Fill in the gaps using: arrest, arrive, drive, escape,
gets, jumps, opens, take, tells, throws
i Andy gets the police.
j Andy and Kim go to a wine shop. Kim and Andy ................ a quiet country road
through small villages to ................ from the
20 marks drugs men. They ................ the truck into a
rubbish dump. Andy ................ the parcel of
2 Who says this? Who do they say it to? Kim, Mark, drugs into a skip. The drugs men ................ in
Gary, someone, Andy, Man in a black suit, the police a white car. Andy ................ out of the truck;
a ‘Yes, I can drive a truck. I’ve got a licence.’ Kim ................ the door suddenly and knocks
................ says this to ................ one of the men down. She ................ the gun and
b ‘Look for a girl with brown hair and a boy in a ................ the men to climb into the skip. The
yellow shirt.’ police arrive and ................ the two men.
................ says this to ................
c ‘Under a hot, dirty, oily truck? Nobody 20 marks
does that.’
................ says this to ................ Total marks
d ‘Give me the parcel.’
................ says this to ................
e ‘Where are the drugs?’
................ says this to ................

20 marks

3 Match a word from A with a definition from B.

1 gun
2 drugs
3 danger
4 motorway
5 ferry
a a way of getting cars and trucks across the sea
b something that can hurt you or get you into
c something that shoots and kills people
d something that some people take to make them
feel happy or sleepy
e a big road where you can drive fast

20 marks

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Drive into Danger Rosemary Border

Setting 14 _____ is wearing a yellow shirt.

a F Mark b F Andy c F Kim d F Gary
Choose the best answer.
15 _____ can speak French.
1 The story happens in _____. a F Andy b F Kim c F Kim’s father
a F Ireland b F America c F Italy d F Mark
d F France 16 Gary drives to France _____.
2 Mark Miles is _____. a F every day b F every month
a F a truck driver b F the owner of a table c F every week d F every two weeks
company c F the owner of a wine 17 The man in the green shirt is _____.
company d F the owner of a truck company a F tired b F thin c F happy d F fat
3 Kim Parker is _____. 18 _____ has got a gun.
a F a student b F a truck driver a F The man in the grey suit b F The man in
c F a policewoman d F a secretary the green shirt c F The man in the black
4 Andy is _____. suit d F Andy
a F Kim’s boyfriend b F Mark’s son 19 Kim gives _____ to the policemen.
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

c F a truck driver d F Kim’s brother a F the ladder b F the gun

5 Gary Slater can’t drive because _____. c F the truck d F the drugs
a F he is on holiday b F he has got a bad 20 The man at the wine shop in Lyon looks _____.
arm c F he has got a bad leg d F he hasn’t a F angry b F tired c F happy

got a passport d F hungry

6 _____ can drive the truck to France.
a F Kim b F Andy c F Mark 20 marks
d F Mark’s wife
7 Kim and Andy must get _____ from Faversham.
a F wine b F a truck c F tables Dialogue
d F coffee
Who says or thinks this?
8 All truck drivers must stop for _____ every four
21 ‘I’m very sorry, but I can’t drive today.’
a F Kim b F Kim’s father c F Gary
a F 10 minutes b F half an hour
d F Andy
c F one hour d F 45 minutes
22 ‘Can you drive a truck?’
9 Gary tells Kim and Andy to stop at _____.
a F Mark b F Andy c F Gary d F Kim
a F Reims and Dijon b F Paris and Lyons
23 ‘I’ve got a licence.’
c F Calais and Dijon d F Reims and Paris
a F Andy b F Kim c F Kim’s father
10 When they leave, Gary _____
d F Mark
a F goes to the doctor b F makes a cup of
24 ‘At about four o’clock you must stop again here,
coffee c F makes a phone call d F goes to
near Dijon.’
the pub
a F Mark b F Andy c F Kim d F Gary
20 marks 25 ‘You’re right. The truck is losing oil.’
a F a mechanic b F Gary c F Andy
d F Kim
Characters 26 ‘Someone’s looking under the truck!’
a F Kim b F Andy c F a policeman
Choose the best answer.
d F Gary
11 Kim has got _____ hair. 27 ‘We’re in danger. I must do something.’
a F red b F black c F brown d F blond a F the man in the green shirt
12 She is working in Mark’s office _____. b F the man in the black suit c F Kim
a F for one year b F in her holiday d F Mark
c F for one week d F for two days 28 ‘We must phone for help.’
13 Kim’s father _____. a F Andy b F Kim c F the man in the
a F makes tables b F sells wine green shirt d F the man in the black suit
c F is a policeman d F is one of Mark’s

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Drive into Danger Rosemary Border

29 ‘Give me the parcel.’ 43 A red car follows them because _____.

a F Kim b F the man in the black suit a F the man hasn’t got his parcel b F the man
c F Andy d F the man in the green shirt doesn’t like cheese sandwiches c F the man
30 ‘Why are you late?’ wants to buy a table d F they are losing oil
a F Mark b F Gary c F Kim’s father 44 They find _____ in the parcel.
d F the man in the wine shop a F fifty pounds b F fifty pence
c F fifty euros d F fifty bags of drugs
20 marks 45 _____ throws the drugs into a skip.
a F Andy b F Kim c F The fat man
d F A truck driver
Vocabulary 46 Two men arrive _____.
Choose the best answer. a F in a white truck b F in a police car
31 you need this piece of paper before you can c F in a white car d F in a red car
drive 47 Andy drives away _____.
a F licence b F card c F letter d F map a F in the truck b F in the men’s car

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
32 a place where you can eat and drink c F in a red car d F in a green car
a F coffee b F café c F tea d F dump 48 When Kim opens her door suddenly, _____.
33 you look at this to find a place when you are a F one man jumps into the truck
travelling b F the men jump into her truck c F the big

a F map b F letter c F book d F phone mirror hits the man with the gun d F the man
34 a big road where you can drive fast with the gun hits Kim
a F motorroad b F motorway 49 The men jump into the skip _____.
c F roadway d F autoway a F and find the drugs before they leave
35 to go down suddenly b F and fall asleep c F and phone the
a F throw b F jump c F fall d F hit police d F and Kim takes the ladder away
36 something in paper you can send in the post 50 _____ come back with Andy.
a F skip b F bag c F ticket d F parcel a F Two policemen b F Two truck drivers
37 to go after someone or something c F Four policemen d F Four truck drivers
a F follow b F throw c F skip d F laugh
20 marks
39 a place for things that people do not want any
a F truck stop b F sleeping bag Total marks
c F rubbish dump d F village
38 to send something through the air with your
a F laugh b F hit c F throw d F drive
40 you use this to go up something high
a F entrance b F ferry c F box
d F ladder

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Kim finds _____ under the truck.
a F sandwiches b F a box
c F some wine d F Gary
42 A man takes something from the truck _____.
a F at the Reims truck stop b F at the Dijon
truck stop c F at Faversham d F at Lyons

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