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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

17 February 2019 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C


oday’s Liturgy of the Word invites us to reflect on two funda-
mental choices: blessing or curse, life or death. We choose
the best when we put our trust in the Lord and live according
to this choice. Such is the message of the Beatitudes. The Lord should
be our only Treasure, our Friend, our Guide, and our final Reward.
In this Eucharist, we will pray in a special manner for the grace to
always stay close to the Lord and live by the light of his Beatitudes.
We will also pray for those who are blinded by their passions and
make choices that are destructive of their dignity and endanger their
eternal salvation. May all of us see the light and live according to the
teaching and example of Jesus.

selves or others. Lord, enly King, O God, almighty

have mercy! Father.
All – Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, you came to Begotten Son, Lord God,
(To be recited only when no Entrance teach us to love one anoth- Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
Hymn is sung.) er as you love us, but we ther, you take away the sins
Be my protector, O God, are often carried away by of the world, have mercy on
a mighty stronghold to save envy, anger and even ha- us; you take away the sins of
me. For you are my rock, my tred. Christ, have mercy! the world, receive our prayer;
stronghold! Lead me, guide All –Christ, have mercy! you are seated at the right
me, for the sake of your name. P –Lord Jesus, you open for hand of the Father, have mer-
us the gates of eternal cy on us. For you alone are
Greeting life, but we often walk the Holy One, you alone are
P –Blessed be the Lord, the the road that leads to the Lord, you alone are the
source and support of all that eternal death. Lord, have Most High, Jesus Christ, with
is good. May His grace and mercy! the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
peace be with you all! All – Lord, have mercy! God the Father. Amen!
All – And also with you! P –May almighty God have
mercy on us, forgive us our Collect (Opening Prayer)
Penitential Act sins, and bring us to everlast- P –O God, who teach us that
P –As we prepare to cel- ing life. you abide in hearts that are just
ebrate the Holy Eucharist, let All – Amen!
and true, grant that we may be
us call to mind our sins and so fashioned by your grace as
ask the Lord’s forgiveness Gloria
to become a dwelling pleasing
and the wisdom to always All –Glory to God in the to you.
make right choices. (Pause) highest, and on earth peace Through our Lord Jesus
P –Lord Jesus, you are the to people of good will. We Christ, your Son, who lives and
source of all happiness, praise you, we bless you, we reigns with you in the unity of
but we often choose what adore you, we glorify you, the Holy Spirit, one God, for
cause spiritual unhap- we give you thanks for your ever and ever.
piness and death to our- great glory, Lord God, heav- All –Amen!
* He is like a tree planted serious warnings against those
near running water, that who focus on earthly pleasures
yields its fruit in due season, instead of pursuing higher
and whose leaves never fade. values. These contrasting life
1st Reading Jer 17:5-8 Whatever he does, prospers. situations and aspirations are
Today the prophet Jeremi- R. an echo of the message of the
ah reminds us of two opposite * Not so the wicked, not so! prophet Jeremiah and of the
choices in life: to put one’s They are like chaff which the Responsorial Psalm.
trust in material things and wind drives away. For the P –A proclamation from the
human beings, while turning Lord watches over the way holy Gospel according to
away from the Lord, or to hum- of the just, but the way of the Luke
bly place our trust and hope in wicked vanishes. R. All – Glory to you, O Lord!
the Lord. The deadly outcome
2nd Reading 1 Cor 15:12.16-20 Jesus came down with the
of the first choice should not Twelve and stood on a stretch
leave us uncertain about what After having restated the
reality of Christ’s resurrection, of level ground with a great
we should do. crowd of his disciples and a
the apostle Paul points out that
R –A proclamation from to deny the resurrection of all large number of the people
the Book of the Prophet from all Judea and Jerusalem
the dead amounts to a denial and the coastal region of Tyre
Jeremiah of the resurrection of Christ and Sidon.
Thus says the Lord: himself – something that would And raising his eyes to-
Cursed is the man who trusts undermine the entire Christian ward his disciples he said:
in human beings, who seeks faith. “Blessed are you who are
his strength in flesh, whose poor, for the kingdom of God
heart turns away from the R –A proclamation from the
First Letter of Paul to the is yours.
Lord. He is like a barren bush Blessed are you who are
in the desert that enjoys no Corinthians
now hungry, for you will be
change of season, but stands in Brothers and sisters: satisfied.
a lava waste, a salt and empty If Christ is preached as Blessed are you who are
earth. raised from the dead, how can now weeping, for you will
Blessed is the man who some among you say there is laugh.
trusts in the Lord, whose hope no resurrection of the dead? Blessed are you when peo-
is the Lord. He is like a tree If the dead are not raised, nei- ple hate you, and when they
planted beside the waters that ther has Christ been raised. exclude and insult you, and
stretches out its roots to the And if Christ has not been denounce your name as evil on
stream. It fears not the heat raised, your faith is vain; you account of the Son of Man. Re-
when it comes, its leaves stay are still in your sins. Then joice and leap for joy on that
green. In the year of drought those who have fallen asleep day! Behold, your reward will
it shows no distress, but still in Christ have perished. If for be great in heaven. For their
bears fruit. this life only we have hoped in ancestors treated the prophets
Christ, we are the most piti- in the same way.
The Word of the Lord! But woe to you who are
All – Thanks be to God! able people of all. rich, for you have received
But now Christ has been your consolation.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 1 raised from the dead, the first- Woe to you who are filled
fruits of those who have fallen now, for you will be hungry.
R –Blessed are they who hope asleep.
in the Lord! Woe to you who laugh now,
R. M. Velez for you will grieve and weep.
The Word of the Lord!
      
F Dm C All – Thanks be to God! Woe to you when all speak
well of you, for their ancestors
Gospel Acclamation Lk 6:23 treated the false prophets in
Blessed are they who this way.”
All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
Rejoice and be glad; The Gospel of the Lord!
  
your reward will be great All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
in heaven. Christ!
hope in the Lord! Alleluia! Alleluia!
* Blessed is the man who Gospel Lk 6:17.20-26
follows not the counsel of the Jesus is still at the begin- Profession of Faith
wicked, nor walks in the way ning of his apostolic ministry (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
of sinners, nor sits in the com- and already finds himself sur-
pany of the insolent, but de- rounded by immense crowds. All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
lights in the law of the Lord He has words of hope for all ther almighty, maker of heaven
and meditates on his law day those who are poor, suffering and earth, of all things visible
and night. R. or ill-treated. But he has also and invisible.
17 February 2019
I believe in one Lord Jesus and promotes what is good P –Let us give thanks to the
Christ, the Only Begotten Son and worthy of praise, let us Lord our God!
of God, born of the Father be- pray! R. All –It is right and just!
fore all ages. God from God, C –That all the media prac- P –It is truly right and just,
Light from Light, true God from titioners may be totally im- our duty and our salvation,
true God, begotten, not made, bued with authentic values always and everywhere to
consubstantial with the Father; and inspire their audiences to give you thanks, Lord, holy
Father, almighty and eter-
through him all things were choose what is right and vir- nal God, through Christ our
made. For us men and for our tuous, let us pray! R. Lord.
salvation he came down from For by his birth he brought
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy C –That all parents and edu-
cators may instill in the young renewal to humanity’s fallen
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- state, and by his suffering,
gin Mary, and became man.* generations a sincere love for
truth, sincerity, purity, and canceled out our sins; by his
For our sake he was crucified rising from the dead, he has
love for God and people, let
under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
us pray! R. opened the way to eternal life,
fered death and was buried, and and by ascending to you, O
rose again on the third day in C –That all of us may work Father, he has unlocked the
accordance with the Scriptures. in harmony and synergy to gates of heaven.
He ascended into heaven and is build up a society character- And so, with the company
seated at the right hand of the ized by the authentic Filipino of Angels and Saints, we sing
Father. He will come again in values of compassion, gener- the hymn of your praise, as
glory to judge the living and the osity, fairness, religiosity and without end we acclaim:
dead and his kingdom will have peacefulness, let us pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
no end. God of power and might,
I believe in the Holy Spirit, C – Let us pray in silence for heaven and earth are full of
the Lord, the giver of life, who our personal intentions. your glory. Hosanna in the
proceeds from the Father and (Pause) Let us pray! R. highest!
Blessed is he who comes in
the Son, who with the Father P –Lord God, help us to love the name of the Lord. Hosan-
and the Son is adored and glori- what you love and reject what na in the highest!
fied, who has spoken through you reject, and thereby inherit
the prophets. the eternal life and happiness Memorial Acclamation
I believe in one, holy, cath- of the Kingdom where you P –The mystery of faith!
olic and apostolic Church. I live and reign for ever and All – When we eat this Bread
confess one Baptism for the ever. and drink this Cup, we
forgiveness of sins and I look All – Amen! proclaim your Death,
forward to the resurrection of O Lord, until you come
the dead and the life of the world again!
to come. Amen!

Prayer of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts

P –Admonished by the con- P –Pray, brethren. . .
tent of today’s First Reading, All – May the Lord accept the All – Our Father . . .
the Responsorial Psalm, and sacrifice at your hands, for the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
the Gospel passage, let us ask praise and glory of his name, All –For the kingdom, the
of the Lord the grace to al- for our good and the good of power, and the glory are
ways make right choices and all his holy Church. yours, now and for ever.
persevere in them as we say:
All – Lord, graciously hear us! Prayer over the Offerings Sign of Peace
C –That the Church may P –May this oblation, O Breaking of the Bread
never tire of exhorting all Lord, we pray, cleanse and All – Lamb of God . . .
men and women to make renew us, and may it become
choices that are in line with for those who do your will the Communion
God’s will, let us pray! R. source of eternal reward. P –Behold the Lamb of God,
Through Christ our Lord. behold him who takes away the
C –That the Holy Father and All – Amen!
all our spiritual leaders may sins of the world. Blessed are
constantly guide and inspire Preface IV those called to the Supper of
us to live according to God’s the Lamb.
law, let us pray! R. P –The Lord be with you! All – Lord, I am not worthy
All –And with your spirit! that you should enter under
C –That our political and P –Lift up your hearts! my roof, but only say the
cultural leaders may create All –We lift them up to the word and my soul shall be
an environment that supports Lord! healed.
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
Communion Hymn is sung.)
The Way of Life and the Way of Death
by Jess P. Balon
They ate and had their
fill, and what they craved the If some of the Beatitudes in the Gospel of Matthew surprise us,
Lord gave them; they were all those in the Gospel of Luke shock us. In fact, they sound not only
not disappointed in what they blunt, but alienating, as they project into a vague future the straight-
craved. ening up of situations that are definitely against our most natural
aspirations. A superficial reading of these four Beatitudes would easily
Prayer after Communion lead us to conclude that Karl Marx was right when he stated that
P –Having fed upon these “religion is the opiate of the people.”
heavenly delights, we pray, But a more attentive reading of the four “Beatitudes” and four
O Lord, that we may always “Woes” enables us to realize that they are not a sort of consuelo de
long for that food by which bobo, but a series of striking restatements within the perspective
we truly live. of the Kingdom of God, of the ancient saying of the “two ways”:
Through Christ our Lord. one of which leads to life and the other to death.
All – Amen!
Behind those four shocking statements which call “Blest” people
who suffer in one way or another, there lies the unstated reason for
such “blessedness”: their trust in the Lord and their choice to
build their life on Him. This is their “fundamental option.” This is
what brings them to rely fully on God’s love, faithfulness, wisdom, and
P –The Lord be with you! justice, even in situations of poverty, hunger, pain, persecution, and
All – And with your spirit! any other form of suffering. What makes them blessed is not their
P –Bow your heads and present condition of deprivation or rejection, but their basic attitude
pray for God’s blessing. of trust in the Lord, while doing their best to cope with such
(Pause) arduous situations in humble faith.
P –May the Lord fill your For those who build on such a solid foundation, any form of suf-
minds with His truth and fering will not be hopeless, for they do not last for ever. In the faith
your hearts with His love perspective of eternal life, what lasts for ever is the fulfillment of
that you may become God’s plan and the reward which He has in store for those who
a beacon of hope and have entrusted themselves to Him and have done their best to
inspiration to all those do His will. It is this type of believers and doers, whom Jesus calls
around you. “blessed,” for God will welcome them into His Kingdom. He will fully
All – Amen! satisfy all their needs; He will amply make up for their past suf-
P –May He give you a keen ferings, and give them the reward of the saints. This is what the
appreciation of the beau- four Beatitudes of the Gospel of Luke are all about.
ty of virtue and a firm re- The four “woes” that follow focus on an opposite orientation in life.
jection of the ugliness of They are addressed to people for whom, apparently, things go well
sin. but who have committed the tragic mistake of trusting exces-
All – Amen! sively in themselves and other creatures, giving to them the total
P –May He empower you to priority which should be given to God alone. They pin their aspira-
defend and promote all tions and hopes in something or someone that, in the end, will prove
that ennobles your na- incapable of fulfilling them.
ture, and reject whatever Those who have made such a choice, may – for a time – feel rich,
demeans and profanes its have all their cravings satisfied, enjoy life and popularity . . . . But for
sacredness. as long as they make these enjoyments their highest aspirations –
All – Amen! their gods! – their life orientation will remain a delusion, and its final
outcome a complete failure. The road that seems so attractive and
P –May almighty God bless easy, in reality, will turn out to be deceptive and treacherous, for it
you: the Father, and the leads to irreparable disaster.
Son, and the Holy Spirit. With his stern “woes,” Jesus today warns them to realize the
All – Amen! danger of their present situation and urges them to make an about-
P –Go in peace to love and face before it is too late. While to those who are on “the road of life,”
serve the Lord. Jesus offers his encouragement to persevere in it, for that is the road
All – Thanks be to God! of the Kingdom.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio, R. Molomog
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