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1 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 • V O LU M E 3 6 2 • I S S U E 6 4 2 0
Great scopes!
Astronomers dream big


GEDI data will yield maps of forest
ILLUMINATING THE BRAIN carbon and biodiversity By G. Popkin

1269 Neuron-specific signatures in GENOMIC TROVE
1262 Revealing the brain’s molecular the chromosomal connectome Regulatory DNA take center stage in
architecture The PsychENCODE Consortium associated with schizophrenia risk search for mechanisms of disease
RESEARCH ARTICLES P. Rajarajan et al. By K. Servick
1264 Integrative functional
genomic analysis of human brain
development and neuropsychiatric
1270 Genome-wide de novo risk score THE BODY
risks M. Li et al. implicates promoter variation in autism Wire-free devices that dissolve could
spectrum disorder J.-Y. An et al. expand the use of electric pulses in
1265 Transcriptome-wide isoform-level
dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, and 1229 WHY MODERN HUMANS HAVE
bipolar disorder M. J. Gandal et al. ROUND HEADS
influence brain By A. Gibbons
The human brain is the ▶ PODCAST
1266 Comprehensive functional genomic product of myriad molecu-
resource and integrative model for the lar and genetic interactions. 1229 CONFERENCES SCORE WELL ON
Here, a neon brain illustra- CHILD CARE
human brain D. Wang et al.
tion represents individual Male-dominated disciplines lead the
genetic variability, some of pack By K. Langin
which may lead to disease
1267 Spatiotemporal transcriptomic (denoted by dim or dark
divergence across human segments), as investigated
and macaque brain development by the PsychENCODE Consortium. This issue 1230 STARRY EYES
sheds light on neurogenetic and epigenetic varia- NASA is planning four of the largest
Y. Zhu et al.
tion in developing and adult neurotypical brains, as space telescopes ever. But which one
well as in schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, will fly? By D. Clery
TEXT: and bipolar disorder. See page 1262.
1268 Transcriptome and epigenome Illustration: V. Altounian/Science
landscape of human cortical
development modeled in organoids
A. Amiri et al.
scitranslmed.aat8178 ▶ SCI. TRANSL. MED.
RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY; FOR FULL 10.1126/scitranslmed.aat6912 ▶ SCI. ADV.
TEXT: 10.1126/sciadv.aav8550 ▶ NEWS STORY P. 1227 POLICY FORUM
NIH ordered staff scientists not to
procure new tissue By M. Wadman and A human-centric worldview is
J. Kaiser blinding humanity to the
consequences of our actions By E. Crist
1218 News at a glance 1224 U.N. HIV/AIDS AGENCY ASSAILED ▶ EDITORIAL P. 1217; POLICY FORUM P. 1236

IN DEPTH Independent panel calls for replacing

executive director By J. Cohen IN SHRINKING GELS
1222 IRELAND SLASHES PEAT POWER Photopatterning of reactive sites
Harvested from drained and GROW, DESPITE USE OF VACCINE patterning of nanoparticles
denuded bogs, peat is more DRC conflict hampers effort to track and By T. E. Long and C. B. Williams
polluting than coal By E. Toner contain virus By J. Cohen ▶ REPORT P. 1281

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1211

Published by AAAS
1247 & 1306
1 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 • V O LU M E 3 6 2 • I S S U E 6 4 2 0
antibodies cloned

DOMESTICATION? AND DATA Observation of the geometric phase
Unraveling the history of maize By S. M. Wolf and B. J. Evans effect in the H + HD W H2 + D reaction
domesticates reveals a complex journey D. Yuan et al.
into South America By M. A. Zeder 1257 WORKING GOVERNANCE
By D. Brockington et al. Atmospheric 14C/12C changes during the
1247 PEANUT ALLERGEN–SPECIFIC last glacial period from Hulu Cave
Characterizing peanut-specific
antibodies may identify targets
1.9-million- and 2.4-million-year-old
to treat food allergy
artifacts and stone tool–cutmarked
By H. J. Gould and F. Ramadani
bones from Ain Boucherit, Algeria
▶ REPORT P. 1306
M. Sahnouni et al.
A potent stimulant induces parasitic 1246 1301 PLANT SCIENCE
A femtomolar-range suicide germination
plant germination that causes it to die
By H. Bouwmeester
▶ REPORT P. 1301
& 1309 stimulant for the parasitic plant Striga
hermonthica D. Uraguchi et al.


Lessons from failed clinical trials can
High-affinity allergen-specific human
antibodies cloned from single IgE B cell
improve the development of Alzheimer’s transcriptomes D. Croote et al.
disease–modifying therapies IN BRIEF ▶ PERSPECTIVE P. 1247
By T. E. Golde et al. 1259 From Science and other journals 1309 MAIZE DOMESTICATION
BOOKS ET AL. Multiproxy evidence highlights
RESEARCH ARTICLE a complex evolutionary legacy
1252 SEARCHING FOR THE SINGULARITY 1271 SUPERCONDUCTIVITY of maize in South America L. Kistler et al.
An embedded journalist tells the tale Revealing hidden spin-momentum ▶ PERSPECTIVE P. 1246
of an Earth-sized telescope that could locking in a high-temperature cuprate
provide the first image of a black hole superconductor K. Gotlieb et al.
1253 UNLOCKING THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESS Wake-up call from Hong Kong
A complexity expert reveals how 1276 ELECTROCATALYSIS
Ultralow-loading platinum-cobalt fuel By V. J. Dzau et al.
social networks create recognition
and acclaim By R. M. D’Souza cell catalysts derived from imidazolate
frameworks L. Chong et al. 1217 EDITORIAL
Choices in the climate commons
Vivid portraits of patients, 3D nanofabrication by volumetric

deposition and controlled shrinkage

scientists, and physicians reveal 1318 WORKING LIFE
of patterned scaffolds D. Oran et al.
the promise of immunotherapy Spirals of science
By C. W. Simpkins By Luke A. Schwerdtfeger
Evolution of a highly active and Science Staff .............................................1214
1255 SANCTIONING TO EXTINCTION IN IRAN enantiospecific metalloenzyme from New Products ............................................1314
By L. Khalatbari et al. short peptides S. Studer et al. Science Careers ........................................1315

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SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1213

Published by AAAS

Wake-up call from Hong Kong

he Second International Summit on Human Ge- To maintain the public’s trust that someday genome Victor J. Dzau
nome Editing, held in Hong Kong last month, was editing will be able to treat or prevent disease, the is the president
rocked by the revelation from a researcher from research community needs to take steps now to dem- of the U.S.
Shenzhen that twins were born whose healthy em- onstrate that this new tool can be applied with com- National Academy
bryonic genomes had been edited to confer resis- petence, integrity, and benevolence. Unfortunately, it of Medicine.
tance to HIV. Despite widespread condemnation appears that the case presented in Hong Kong might
by the summit organizing committee, world sci- have failed on all counts, risking human lives as well as
entific academies, and prominent scientific leaders that rash or hasty political reaction. Marcia McNutt
such research was “deeply disturbing” and “irrespon- Establishing standards alone will not suffice. We is president of
sible,” and the launch of an investigation in China into also need an international mechanism that would en-
the U.S. National
the researcher’s actions, it is apparent that the ability to able scientists to raise concerns about cases of research
Academy of Sciences.
use CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the that are not conforming to
human genome has outpaced the accepted principles or
nascent efforts by the scien- standards. The Second Inter-
tific and medical communi- national Summit organizers Chunli Bai
ties to confront the complex have called for establishing is president of
ethical and governance issues an ongoing international fo- the Chinese
that they raise. The current rum on human genome edit- Academy of Sciences.
guidelines and principles on ing that could provide such a
human germline genome ed- mechanism, along with other
iting are based on sound sci- important functions such as
entific and ethical principles. helping to speed the develop-
However, this case highlights ment of regulatory science,
the urgent need to accelerate providing a clearinghouse
efforts to reach international for information about gover-
agreement upon more specif- nance options, contributing
ic criteria and standards that to the long-term development
have to be met before human of common regulatory stan-
germline editing would be dards, and enhancing coordi-
deemed permissible. nation of research and clinical
Together, we call upon inter- applications through an inter-
national academies to quickly “We need…broad agreement national registry of planned
convene international experts and ongoing experiments.
and stakeholders to produce
on…criteria for human germline More than 40 years ago,
an expedited report that will genome editing research…” scientists organized the re-
inform the development of nowned Asilomar Conference
these criteria and standards to which all genome editing on Recombinant DNA amid concerns about safety and
in human embryos for reproductive purposes must con- efficacy of what was then a revolutionary new biomedi-
form, and to engage scientific bodies around the world cal technology. They publicly discussed and debated
in this effort. The United States National Academies are the issues, and ultimately, they were able to reach con-
willing to lead in this endeavor. Academies are well-posi- sensus on a set of research guidelines that eventually
tioned to convene needed international expertise and to formed the basis for official government policy. The
help foster broad scientific consensus on the responsible model of Asilomar still offers important lessons. We
pursuit of human genome editing research and clinical need to build upon the work done at recent interna-
applications. We strongly believe that international con- tional summits and the guidance provided by numerous

sensus on such standards is important to avoid the po- organizations to achieve broad agreement on specific
tential for researchers to rationalize the justification or standards and criteria for human germline genome
seek out convenient locales for conducting dangerous and editing research and clinical applications—agreement
unethical experimentation. The establishment of interna- that should include not only the scientific and clinical
tional scientific standards is not intended to substitute communities, but also society as a whole.
for national regulation but could inform such regulation. –Victor J. Dzau, Marcia McNutt, Chunli Bai


SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1215

Published by AAAS

Choices in the climate commons

limate change is a tragedy of the commons of exis- stratospheric ozone layer, meets all three requirements,
tential importance. At the annual United Nations thanks partially to a ban on trade in chlorofluorocarbons
climate summit that concludes this week, par- between parties to the protocol and nonparties. Because
ties will affirm the necessity to avoid dangerous of the ban, once the vast majority of countries joined the
climate change. But between now and next year’s agreement, all others wanted to join. William Nordhaus, a
summit, these same countries will in many ways recipient of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic
act so as to hasten the outcome that they say must Sciences, has recently analyzed a similar cure for climate
be avoided. This disjunction between what countries say change in which members of a “climate club” who agree
Scott Barrett
and what they do has been repeated every year since to curb emissions impose a tariff on imports from non-
is the Lenfest-
the first summit in 1995. It is a pattern of behavior that members to encourage their participation. Unfortunately,
Earth Institute
seems irrational, but that can be his analysis shows that as the car-
Professor of
explained. American ecologist bon tax rises to the level needed
Garrett Hardin’s classic article, to stabilize the climate, participa- Natural Resource
“The Tragedy of the Commons,” tion in the club collapses. Economics
published in Science 50 years ago Breaking up the problem at Columbia
this week, vividly describes the may provide more leverage University, New
dilemma that causes this behav- for enforcement. The Kigali York, NY, USA.
ior (see page 1236). Amendment to the Montreal sb3116@
Herders, wrote Hardin, are Protocol, adopted in December
motivated by private gain, so 2016, phases down hydrofluoro-
have incentives to add animals carbons, a group of greenhouse
to their shared pasture “with- gases, and this will be effective in

out limit.” As in the climate addressing this particular cause

change game, all herders also of climate change for the same
want their pasture to be saved, reasons that the Montreal Proto-
but none is willing to bear the col has been effective in protect-
personal sacrifice needed to ing the ozone layer. Other climate
prevent its destruction. Saving agreements, adopted in parallel
the pasture requires collective with the Paris Agreement, should
action. Hardin’s proposed cor- be negotiated for individual sec-
rective is “mutual coercion.” “…we will have to choose tors, such as aluminum and steel
Writing in 1651, British philoso- and international aviation and
pher Thomas Hobbes similarly
between risks to address the shipping, all linked to trade.
concluded that a sovereign is scale of this problem…” However, the time has come
needed to tie people “by fear to contemplate other, more
of punishment to the performance of their covenants.” radical solutions. The October 2018 Intergovernmen-
However, a critical difference between climate change tal Panel on Climate Change special report concluded
and Hardin’s parable is that the players in the climate that limiting temperature change to 1.5°C cannot be
game are nation states. Although individuals can be sub- achieved by simply curbing emissions, but requires re-
jected to coercion by a higher authority, human organiza- moving CO2 from the atmosphere. The only true “back-
tion has not evolved to give any institution sovereignty stop” for limiting climate change is removal of CO2 by
over the nation state. Solutions to global collective action industrial processes, which converts the problem from
problems must involve covenants (treaties) among states one of changing behavior into one of joint financing of
that are self-enforcing. a large-scale project. Another option, solar geoengineer-
To stabilize the climate, a treaty must get all states to (i) ing, acts directly on global mean temperature, but is
participate in and (ii) comply with an agreement that (iii) considered risky. Of course, not using it could also be
drives emissions to zero. The Paris Agreement, adopted at risky. In the end, regardless of pathways forward, we
the 2015 summit, secures the first requirement, and pos- will have to choose between risks to address the scale of EARTH
sibly the second, but only because it is a voluntary agree- this problem and achieve, rather than merely aspire to, Read more articles
ment and will fall short of meeting the third requirement. global collective action on climate change. online at
The Montreal Protocol, negotiated in 1987 to protect the –Scott Barrett TomorrowsEarth


SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1217

Published by AAAS
We are not going to punish them for the
“ actions of their leaders.

Associate Provost Richard Lester of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
in The Boston Globe, on accepting research money and partners from Saudi Arabia.

IN BRIEF Canada denies researchers’ visas

Edited by Jeffrey Brainard
I N T E R N AT I O N A L A F FA I R S | Dozens of
African researchers were denied visas
PUBLISHING for an artificial intelligence (AI) meeting
in Montreal, Canada, last week, even as
China supports open-access plan the government takes steps to advance
the country’s standing in AI and the field
aims for greater inclusivity. Black in AI, a

lan S, the push by European science funders for immediate open
daylong workshop for scientists of African
access (OA) to research publications, got a boost last week when descent, held during a leading AI confer-
China’s largest government research funder and two national ence called Neural Information Processing
science libraries said they back its goals of making journal ar- Systems, invited more than 200 African
ticles freely available after 1 January 2020. Chinese agencies now scientists to participate. About half of the
requested visas were denied or delayed
allow papers developed with their funding to reside behind a
until too late, in many cases because
journal paywall for up to 12 months, after which they must be made OA. researchers were suspected of not planning
But in position papers released last week, the three agencies state they to return to their home countries. Timnit
intend to require immediate OA as soon as possible. “The exact timing Gebru, a researcher at Google in Mountain
View, California, and co-founder of Black
of implementing the new policy is now being discussed, but surely it
in AI, said African researchers’ difficulty
will not be long,” says Zhang Xiaolin of the National Science Library obtaining visas for Canada is “a long-
of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, which issued one of standing problem” that demands attention.
the statements; the others came from the National Natural Science An immigration official said in an inter-
Foundation of China and the National Science and Technology Library. view that people from all countries were
evaluated using the same criteria.
Chinese funders won’t necessarily endorse Plan S formally, but the state-
ments do call for comparable measures, including capping OA article-
processing charges. In 2016, China produced more scientific papers More jobs for Ph.D. recipients

CA R E E R S | Employment prospects for
than any other country, the U.S. National Science Foundation reported.
graduating U.S. doctoral students may
be looking up. In the 2016–17 academic
year, the percentage who reported landing
jobs, including postdoctoral appoint-
ments, rose after declining for more than a
decade, according to the National Science
Explosion kills Indian researcher Panel confirms bullying claims Foundation’s Survey of Earned Doctorates.
LAB SAFETY | A researcher was killed WO R K P L AC E | Empathy expert Tania Singer The report didn’t describe how many of
and three others seriously injured last has resigned as director of the Max Planck these jobs were science related.
week when a gas cylinder exploded at one Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain
of India’s premier research facilities for Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, effective Percentage employed upon graduation
unknown reasons. Manoj Kumar, 32, an 1 January 2019, after a commission confirmed Life sciences Math and computer sciences
employee of a startup named Super-Wave allegations of bullying, the Max Planck Physical sciences and earth sciences Engineering
Technology, died at the Laboratory for Society (MPG) announced last week. In Psychology and social sciences
Hypersonic and Shock Wave Research of August, Science reported that researchers at 80%
the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru. the institute said that Singer had created an
The laboratory houses four tubes that “atmosphere of fear” and mistreated female 75
use liquid hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, employees who became pregnant (Science,
and helium to generate shock waves. The 17 August, p. 630). In a letter to her former 70
institute’s students and researchers are not lab members dated 2 December, Singer apolo-
mandated to take safety training, says its gized “for the mistakes I made as a young 65
director, Anurag Kumar. “It is left to individ- director of a big Max Planck Department.”
ual professors to instruct the staff on safety She will work as a neuroscientist in Berlin 60
as they are the most knowledgeable about with a small group under the guidance of the 55
the equipment they handle.” vice president of MPG. ’01 ’03 ’05 ’07 ’09 ’11 ’13 ’15 ’17

1218 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
NCI cuts operations budget 5%
FUNDING | Despite a growing budget, the
U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) in
Bethesda, Maryland, is trimming internal
operating budgets by 5% to free up funds
for a growing number of grants generated
by a rise in applications. It will also shave
continuing grants to extramural research-
ers by 3% during the 2019 fiscal year,
except for cancer centers, “moonshot”
grants for cancer cures, and training cen-
ters. The cuts reflect the institute’s struggle
to maintain success rates—the odds that a
proposal will be funded—in the face of a 46%
rise in applications since 2013. NCI’s success
rate of 12% in 2017 was much lower than the
19% rate across the entire National Institutes
of Health. Although NCI’s budget will rise 3%
in 2019, to $5.74 billion, its funds are being
stretched thin by rising federal salaries, larger
grants and training stipends, and other costs,
NCI Director Ned Sharpless said last week. k.

Carbon dioxide emissions tick up

| As world leaders
gathered last week for the annual United
Nations talks on climate change in
Katowice, Poland, they were greeted
with grim news: For the second year in
a row, carbon dioxide emissions from
fossil fuels will hit a new high, growing
2.7% this year to a record 37.1 gigatons,
according to an estimate by the Global

Carbon Project, an international consortium um
of scientists. The increases follow a flatlining
from 2014 to 2016 that had bred hope that at
the world had begun to limit emissions off
greenhouse gases. Emissions rose especially lly
in India, up 6.3% thanks to expanded use
of coal-fired power; China, up 4.7%, driven n
by burning of natural gas; and the United d
States, up 2.5%, attributed to an unusuallyy
cold winter and hot summer.

U.K. science minister named

LEADERSHIP | Brexit is causing more
tumult for science in the United Kingdom. m.
Chris Skidmore was appointed minister PALEONTOLOGY
for science and universities last week, the
third person in the position in less than a Celebrity T. rex
year. Skidmore replaces Sam Gyimah, who
resigned in late November to protest thee
gets a makeover

plan for leaving the European Union that at ue the Tyrannosaurus rex, the most complete and largest T. rex fossil known—
Prime Minister Theresa May negotiated and the only one with a Twitter account (@SUEtheTrex)—is going back on display
last month. Like other science ministers, this month with a new look. In February, staff at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois,
Skidmore brings a political background disassembled Sue to make room for another exhibit. She returns to display on
as a member of Parliament rather than 21 December, and paleontologists have given the fossil a scientific update, adding
research experience to the post. His tenure riblike bones called gastralia that scientists think helped the dinosaur breathe. They
may be even shorter, as the future of May’s also repositioned the wishbone and the arms, based on research done since Sue first
government hangs in the balance over went on display in 2000 (top). Her more rotund look (bottom) fits with new estimates of
Brexit politics. her weight—now 9 or 10 tons, up from 5 to 7 tons—based on 3D scans of her bones.

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1219

Published by AAAS

TRUMP TRACKER seek to publish in these journals as the

A Trump administration plan senior authors, a study of “chaperoning”
would reduce protected has found. In Nature, for example, the
habitat for the sage grouse. share of papers by senior authors (defined
as last authors) who earlier published
there in a different author position grew
from 16% to 22% since 1990, whereas
senior authors without this experience
dropped from 39% to 31%. The benefit
of being chaperoned was strongest in
interdisciplinary journals, and then, in
decreasing order, in journals for biology,
medicine, chemistry, physics, and math,
the authors report in the 10 December
issue of the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences; they examined papers
published in 386 scientific journals from
1960 to 2012. Chaperoned authors may be
increasing because of better mentoring and
opportunities to build reputation and con-
nections, the study suggests.

White House targets environment, climate measures Voyager 2 heads for the stars
U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration continues to draw controversy for S PAC E E X P L O R AT I O N | NASA’s Voyager
its environmental proposals and policies involving science, including these this month. 2 probe has become only the second
humanmade object to enter interstellar
Sage grouse President Barack Obama. But analysts space. The craft, launched in 1977, left
The Department of the Interior on say the move won’t reverse the decline of the heliosphere—the protective bubble of
6 December released a new plan for pro- coal as a U.S. electricity source. particles and magnetic fields created by
tecting the sage grouse, a bird threatened the sun—on 5 November, mission scientists
by development in six western states. Wetlands announced this week after examining the
It weakens protections for nearly 85%, or The administration on 11 December pro- probe’s instruments. The craft’s sister,
3.6 million hectares, of grouse habitat. posed to slash the number of wetlands Voyager 1, crossed this boundary in 2012;
protected by federal law. Ephemeral both continue to send back useful data.
Ocean science streams that run only during wet periods
The White House deleted a chapter on would lose protection.
climate change from a new 10-year plan
Little Foot’s big debut
for federal investments in ocean science Climate change PA L E OA N T H R O P O L O GY | The world’s most
and technology. Plans issued in 2007 U.S. diplomats at global climate talks complete skeleton of an early hominin
and 2010 had climate chapters. in Poland this week joined Russia and known as Little Foot got her long-awaited
Saudi Arabia in opposing a statement close-up last week, when researchers
Coal power plants acknowledging the growing risks published the first detailed analyses of her
The Environmental Protection Agency on of global warming. Earlier this month, fossil remains. Little Foot was discovered in
6 December said new coal-fired power the United States refused to sign a a South African cave in the late 1990s and
plants can emit more carbon dioxide than similar statement at the G20 economic excavated gradually for more than a decade.
allowed under a plan proposed by former summit in Argentina. She lived some 3.67 million years ago and
was primarily bipedal, researchers reported
in four un–peer-reviewed papers on the
bioRxiv preprint server. What’s more, they
the long-predicted Higgs boson, central claim, her features don’t closely match those
Collider idles for upgrades to explaining how all other fundamental of Australopithecus africanus, a species
PA R T I C L E P H YS I C S | The world’s larg- particles get their mass. However, the LHC from around that time found in the same
est atom smasher turned off last week has yet to discover anything unexpected. cave. Instead, the researchers argue, Little
for a 2-year pit stop. The Large Hadron The increased data will help physicists Foot (so named for the small size of her foot

Collider (LHC) at the European particle search for rarer decays and subtler signs of bones) was a member of A. prometheus, a
physics laboratory, CERN, near Geneva, something new. species proposed in 1948 but never fully
Switzerland, will remain offline until 2021 accepted. Other researchers remain skepti-
while researchers upgrade accelerators cal and say more research is needed to work
and detectors to handle more collisions ‘Chaperoned’ authors prosper out how much variation is expected within
at slightly higher energies. The work is P U B L I S H I N G | Researchers who first these ancient species.
the first step in a plan to boost the LHC’s publish in prestigious, interdisciplinary
collision rate by as much as five times journals as junior team members increas- SCIENCEMAG.ORG/NEWS
by 2026. In 2012, the LHC blasted out ingly have an advantage later, when they Read more news from Science online.

1220 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Ireland slashes peat power to lower emissions

Harvested from drained and denuded bogs, peat is more polluting than coal

By Emily Toner moss and other plant matter—is also a ready sources of electricity. And approximately
fuel for power plants. Peat power peaked in 60 bogs no longer needed for fuel will be

n a cold, gray morning in November, the 1960s, providing 40% of Ireland’s elec- converted back to wetlands or put to com-
the Corneveagh Bog in central Ire- tricity. But peat is particularly polluting. mercial uses such as land for wind farms.
land is a scene of industrial harvest. Burning it for electricity emits more carbon Behind the phaseout is Ireland’s promise
Like other Irish bogs, it has been dioxide than coal, and nearly twice as much to the European Union to reduce green-
drained and stripped of its moss and as natural gas. In 2016, peat generated nearly house gas emissions by 20% in 2020, com-
heather to reveal the rich, black soil 8% of Ireland’s electricity, but was responsi- pared with 2005 levels. “The country’s
beneath: peat. The peat is scored with tread ble for 20% of that sector’s carbon emissions. decarbonization agenda is driving Bord
marks left by the machines that shaved off “The ceasing of burning peat is a no-brainer,” na Móna’s step down from peat,” says Joe
a crumbly layer and turned it over to dry. A says Tony Lowes, a founder of Friends of the Lane, the company’s chief operating officer.
long mound of peat, stripped and dried ear- Irish Environment in Eyeries. Even so, Ireland will miss its goal. Despite
lier in the season, is covered in plastic, wait- rapid growth in wind power and increas-
ing to be piled into rail cars and taken to a ingly energy efficient homes and vehicles,
nearby power plant. There, the carbon-rich it will struggle to reduce emissions by even
soil will be burned to generate electricity. “There’s a lot of bare 1%, says Phillip O’Brien, scientific officer for
But not for much longer, says Barry peat around. There’s a lot the Irish Environmental Protection Agency
O’Loughlin, an ecologist employed by Bord in Dublin.
na Móna, a state-owned peat harvesting of hemorrhaging carbon.” Like any energy transition, this one
and energy company based in Newbridge Catherine O’Connell, comes with a human cost. Up to 430 jobs
that owns Corneveagh Bog. Bord na Móna, Irish Peatland Conservation Council will be lost, Lane says. “Most of the people

which means “Peat Board,” will soon retire who will lose their jobs are people who have
dozens of bogs like Corneveagh from en- That is now beginning to happen. By worked for Bord na Móna for a long time—
ergy production. Its team of four ecologists the end of 2019, the Irish government will people whose fathers, grandfathers, and vil-
will rehabilitate many of them by blocking eliminate all of the roughly €100 million in lages are all tied to the company.”
drains, soaking the ground, and reestablish- annual industry subsidies it now pays for And replacing peat with biomass, as the
ing plant life, O’Loughlin says as his boots peat-generated electricity. Bord na Móna, power companies plan to do, is not a pana-
crunch through the frosty soil. “We bring which supplies peat to the three remain- cea. A decade ago, Bord na Móna began to
life back into the bog again.” ing power stations burning it for electric- cofuel a peat-burning station with mixtures
In Ireland, peat has been used for centu- ity, announced in October that it would cut of biomass including a grass called miscan-
ries to warm homes and fire whiskey distill- its peat supply for electricity by a third by thus, olive pits, almond shells, palm kernel
eries. For a country with little coal, oil, and 2020 and end it completely by 2027. Ireland shells, and beet pulp, much of it imported
gas, peat—deep layers of partially decayed will need to find alternative, lower carbon from all over the world. Because biomass

1222 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420

Corrected 13 December 2018. See full text. SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Industrial peat extraction has stripped dozens of Irish U.S. RESEARCH POLICY
bogs of their heather and moss.

takes up carbon from the atmosphere as it

grows, the European Union counts it as a
Trump officials move to limit
carbon-neutral, renewable resource—even
though transportation, processing, and human fetal tissue research
land-use costs make it less so. “The un-
regulated or unfettered use of biomass NIH ordered staff scientists not to procure new tissue
would lead to serious problems,” says Robert
Matthews, a scientist at Forest Research in By Meredith Wadman and Jocelyn Kaiser Research using human fetal tissue from
Surrey, U.K. In 2021, European legislation elective abortions is legal in the United

will tighten biomass standards, reducing resident Donald Trump’s administra- States, but antiabortion groups and some
the advantages of burning it from a carbon tion is taking steps to limit the use of lawmakers in Congress fiercely oppose fed-
accounting standpoint. human fetal tissue from elective abor- eral funding for such work. In September,
Rehabilitating the harvested peatlands, tions in biomedical research. Last the Trump administration canceled a con-
however, is a clear plus for climate. When week, administration officials told re- tract under which the Food and Drug Ad-
bogs are drained to harvest peat, or for any searchers at one California university ministration (FDA) acquired fetal tissue for
other use, such as agriculture, grazing, or that their contract work involving fetal tissue testing drugs. Last week, the Department of
forestry, exposure to oxygen jump-starts the would not receive the usual 1-year extension. Health and Human Services (HHS), which
decomposition of the stored organic mat- And Science has learned that in September, oversees NIH, told researchers at the Uni-
ter, releasing carbon into the atmosphere. officials quietly ordered scientists employed versity of California (UC), San Francisco,
A 2013 study of Irish peatland carbon emis- by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in that it would be extending a contract for
sions, published in Irish Geography, found Bethesda, Maryland, to stop acquiring new work involving fetal tissue for just 90 days
that each hectare of industrially drained fetal tissue for experiments. instead of 1 year. HHS denied reports it was
and stripped peatland emits 2.1 tons of car- Both moves come as the administration planning to cancel the contract.
bon per year—the equivalent of driving a is reviewing all federally funded research Last week, an NIH spokesperson also
car 30,000 kilometers. And that’s before the with fetal tissue, which is used to study sev- confirmed that earlier this year the agency
harvested peat is burned. eral diseases. The actions have prompted told staff scientists in NIH’s intramural
Those emissions cease as soon as drains fears that NIH-funded university scientists program “to pause procurements of fetal
are blocked and the water table rises to re- who work with fetal tissue could face a tissue” pending the outcome of the HHS
saturate the peat, cutting off oxygen. As a broader clampdown. review. NIH officials say the pause affects
result, say ecologists, conserving peatlands The administration’s actions are already two laboratories, one operated by the Na-
has a triple benefit: reducing emissions affecting research, scientists say. The NIH tional Eye Institute in Bethesda and one at
from both power plants and exposed fields order, which was not made public, dis- the Rocky Mountain Laboratories (RML) in
and, with restored plant life, sequestering rupted one study of the virus that causes Hamilton, Montana, a part of the National
more carbon in future peat deposits. “Peat- AIDS. “We were all poised to go and then Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
lands are our rainforest, our carbon sink,” the bombshell was dropped,” says HIV re- (NIAID). RML researchers use fetal tissue
Lowes says. searcher Warner Greene, director of the to create humanized mice, which have im-

Moreover, healthy peatlands improve Gladstone Center for HIV Cure Research mune systems that behave like a human’s.
water quality and provide needed habi- in San Francisco, California. “The decision They obtain the tissue from Advanced Bio-
tat for threatened species such as curlews completely knocked our collaboration off science Resources (ABR), a nonprofit based
and marsh fritillary butterflies. “Our goal the rails. We were devastated.” in Alameda, California.
is to make things as wet as we can, where
we can,” says Catherine Farrell, an eco-
logist at Bord na Móna. She says that of the
80,000 hectares of peatland under com-
pany management, 18,000 hectares have
been rehabilitated.
But in a country where peat smoke rises
from chimneys every day, that’s just a start.
People cut peat to burn in their houses from
another 600,000 hectares of peatlands,
and there are few plans for rehabilitating
these degraded bogs. Catherine O’Connell,
director of the Irish Peatland Conservation
Council in Lullymore, would like to see
more action to heal the bogs. “There’s a lot
of bare peat around,” she says. “There’s a lot
of hemorrhaging carbon.” j

Emily Toner is a geographer and journalist

on a Fulbright–National Geographic fellow-
ship in Tullamore, Ireland. Researchers at the Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, Montana, halted an ongoing HIV research project.

Corrected 13 December 2018. See full text. 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1223
Published by AAAS

According to emails provided by Greene, PUBLIC HEALTH

RML researcher Kim Hasenkrug had pre-
pared humanized mice for testing an anti-
body that might prevent HIV from quickly
establishing reservoirs in the human body.
U.N. HIV/AIDS agency assailed
(Hasenkrug could not be reached for com-
ment.) On 11 September, Greene’s group for culture of harassment
got word from Hasenkrug that the mice
were ready, and it sent him the antibody. Independent panel calls for replacing executive director
But on 28 September, Hasenkrug informed
Greene by email that HHS had “directed By Jon Cohen wrongdoing. The second allegation, against
me to discontinue procuring fetal tis- a UNAIDS country director, is now being

sue from ABR, the only source for us. … he Joint United Nations Programme evaluated by WHO. The four-member panel
This effectively stops all of our research on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) in Geneva, of UNAIDS outsiders who authored the new
to discover a cure for HIV.” The ban made Switzerland, is the global command report was sharply critical of how agency
it impossible to produce enough mice to center for the fight against HIV/AIDS. leadership responded to these incidents
complete a statistically convincing study. With a $220 million budget and a and described “widespread harassment
(NIH says it asked Hasenkrug to inform staff of 700, it stages campaigns to within the organization.” Although only
it if his group required new tissue. But an spur treatment and prevention and battles 3.8% of survey respondents reported sexual
NIAID email to Hasenkrug that the agency discrimination, especially against “mar- harassment within the past year, 43.2% said
provided to Science simply instructs him ginalized” groups heavily affected by HIV/ they had experienced abuse of authority.
to hold off on “additional” purchases from AIDS. But the agency itself is rife with ha- The panel asserts that in interviews, Sidibé
ABR “for the next 2-3 months,” a pause that rassment, bullying, and abuse of power, a “accepted no responsibility for actions and
“maybe[sic] extended depending on events report said last week, citing a “broken or- effects of decisions and practices creating
at levels above all of us.”) ganisational culture” and the conditions that led to this
The order roughly coincided with the calling for a new leader. review.” In a lengthy rebuttal
launch of the HHS review and the decision At press time, the agen- to the panel’s report, he chal-
to kill the FDA contract, which was also cy’s Programme Coordinat- lenges some of its details,
with ABR. (HHS said it was “not sufficiently ing Board was meeting to spells out an “agenda for
assured” that ABR’s contract “included the decide the fate of its execu- change,” and asks to remain.
appropriate protections applicable to fetal tive director, Michel Sidibé, “I want to lead this change.
tissue research.”) who initiated the review. I want to leave a UNAIDS
Academic scientists with federal grants Sweden, UNAIDS’s sec- that is fit for purpose for the
now worry that they, too, could face restric- ond largest donor, said it next generation.”
tions. “Everything I am doing involves hu- would freeze support until The panel recommends
manized mice. It would shut my lab down he leaves. In the long run, a different course. “A trust-
if we were not able to use fetal tissues,” the future of UNAIDS itself worthy, energetic leader
says Jerome Zack, a virologist who studies may be in jeopardy, says Michel Sidibé hopes to stay at the should be appointed who can
HIV at UC Los Angeles and has been using Sten Vermund, who heads helm of the Joint United Nations earn the confidence of the
humanized mice for 25 years. The mice, he the Yale School of Public Programme on HIV/AIDS. staff and return UNAIDS to
notes, are also used by cancer scientists de- Health. “It was really hard its fundamental commitment
veloping immunotherapy drugs. to read that report,” he says. to non-discrimination, due process, and good
One concern is that HHS will cut off sup- Based on surveys of more than 60% of the governance,” the report says.
plies from ABR, the largest commercial staff and interviews or written submissions Some researchers praised the report. “The
source of fetal tissue in the United States, from 100 of them, the report praises Sidibé panel did a really great job in undertaking
which could hurt a swath of U.S. scientists for his “outstanding contribution” over the their task, and that is reflected in the com-
who rely on the firm. “ABR is the most reli- past decade. But it faults him for creating “a prehensiveness and specificity of their find-
able,” Zack says. patriarchal culture tolerating harassment ings and recommendations,” says Quarraisha
A House of Representatives panel, mean- and abuse of authority.” It further criticizes Abdool Karim, an epidemiologist at the Cen-
while, planned to hold a 13 December hear- him for “setting a tone of favouritism, pre- tre for the AIDS Programme of Research in
ing on alternatives to using fetal tissue, and ferment, opaqueness, license for wrong- South Africa in Durban and a special UN-
HHS has scheduled an 18 December work- doing, and retaliation against those who AIDS ambassador for adolescents.
shop on the same topic. This week, NIH also speak up.” Chris Beyrer, an epidemiologist The panel contends that UNAIDS’s prob-
said it will spend up to $20 million over at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School lems stem from its unique position within
2 years on research into alternatives. of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, the U.N. system, which has led to it being
“Why are we having this discussion?” and former head of the International AIDS “governed in a way that has produced a
about alternatives, asks biologist Irving Society, says the findings are “particularly vacuum of accountability.” Vermund sug-
Weissman of Stanford University in Palo troubling” because gender inequalities are gests this could lead to soul searching about
Alto, California, who is invited to the HHS a central driver of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. whether UNAIDS should continue to exist

event. The impetus for seeking alternatives, Sidibé called for the inquiry in the wake as a special agency. “Is UNAIDS serving the
he says, is “not from scientists working in of two allegations of sexual harassment. purpose for which it was formed and could
the field and trying to understand and treat One involved his deputy executive director; those functions be better subsumed in the
diseases. It’s a political force apparently an independent investigation by the World WHO?” he wonders. “Ultimately, you have to
coming from above the NIH level.” j Health Organization (WHO) found no ask that question.” j

1224 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
A baby who may have Ebola is carried to a treatment
center in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

with a case, which underscores how the vio-

lence has interfered with contact tracing.
Salama says funding for the response in
the DRC has been ample so far, but will run
out in January 2019. Programs to support
readiness and preparedness efforts in nine
neighboring countries need another $45 mil-
lion, he says. He’s particularly worried about
Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, and South Sudan,
all bordering the DRC. “If there is a case, as is
very likely in surrounding countries, we want
to pick up that first one so we can have a very
robust response,” Salama says.
He adds that the front-line respond-
ers from the DRC, WHO’s 300 staffers
on the ground, and personnel from non-
governmental organizations such as Doctors
INFECTIOUS DISEASES Without Borders and ALIMA are “frankly
exhausted” from working long days in a con-

Worries about Ebola outbreak flict zone. “Where can we keep finding these
brave people who are expert in viral hemor-
rhagic fever and know how to operate in a

grow, despite use of vaccine conflict affected area?” he asks.

CDC has perhaps more people with this
twin skill set than any other institution, and
DRC conflict hampers effort to track and contain virus it’s working closely with WHO and others—
but not in the hot zone. Salama says the com-
By Jon Cohen and raise the risk of wider spread. Without plexities of this outbreak, such as the surpris-
more financial and personnel support from ing role of malaria cases, require a nimble

s an Ebola outbreak in a conflict- wealthy countries, the situation could ex- response, which would make CDC’s seasoned
plagued region of the Democratic Re- pand quickly and become a long-running staff invaluable. “A senior leadership cadre
public of the Congo (DRC) continues calamity similar to the Ebola epidemic that has long-term experience and can help drive
to spread after 4 months, there’s a devastated three West African countries from teams in the right direction,” he says.
glimmer of hope: An experimental Eb- 2014 to 2016, warns an editorial published Epidemiologist Jennifer Nuzzo, an au-
ola vaccine appears to be helping the last month in The New England Journal of thor on the NEJM editorial and signer of
communities it reaches. More than 40,000 Medicine (NEJM). A consensus statement the consensus statement, hopes the pressure
people have received the vaccine, by far the from 25 public health and policy experts, also will lead the U.S. government to rethink the
largest use of it since a trial in 2015 showed published the month, in The Journal of the policy of keeping CDC out of the region. “The
it worked well. The vaccine’s effectiveness in American Medical Association, calls the out- situation is serious enough that we’re pulling
this outbreak has not been formally assessed. break “exceptionally” dangerous. all the levers we can,” says Nuzzo, who works
But Peter Salama, who heads the Ebola re- The editorials urge the U.S. government at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
sponse for the World Health Organization to change a policy that prevents its Centers of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland.
(WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, says, “I think for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Salama, however, is skeptical the editorials
it’s having a major impact.” from sending staff to the region because of will change the U.S. government’s position.
WHO, which works in concert with the security concerns. And many are calling for a Salama says if malaria cases drop, fewer
DRC’s Ministry of Public Health, can’t dis- WHO-established review panel to designate people will visit health clinics, which could
tribute the vaccine as widely as it would the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of slow Ebola’s spread. To that end, Ebola re-
like, however, because of limited supplies, International Concern, which could drive sponders are distributing insecticide-treated
Salama notes. And the obvious targets for more countries to contribute to the response. bed nets. They’re also beginning to offer the
vaccination—people who have had contact Although the toll so far is much smaller Ebola vaccine at malaria clinics. But fewer
with cases—have been difficult to identify than the West African epidemic’s 28,000 than 260,000 doses remain, and there are
and reach because of the ongoing conflict; a cases and 11,000 deaths, it’s now the second competing demands, including a push to vac-

small number of front-line health care work- largest Ebola outbreak ever documented, and cinate health care workers in the bordering
ers have even been caught in the crossfire. one of the longest running. The outbreak has countries. (Uganda has started to do so, and
So far the outbreak has tallied some hit mothers and their young children espe- South Sudan plans to begin 19 December.)
500 cases, about half of whom have died, ac- cially hard, because many sought care for Salama estimates that even in a best-
cording to the DRC. It spans a region of the malaria at health centers that unknowingly case scenario the outbreak will run another
DRC’s northeast that abuts four other coun- have Ebola cases. Women have made up 62% 6 months. And it could be far worse. “This is
tries, and Salama and many others worry of all cases, and 24% were children under age the kind of massive, massive priority that the
about the deadly virus jumping a border, 15. Only about 50% of new infections are in whole world should be very much focused on
which would require separate response teams people identified as having been in contact and willing to contribute to solving.” j

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1225

Published by AAAS
REMOTE SENSING To map the understory, the GEDI laser will penetrate
treetops in tropical forests such as the Amazon.

Space laser to map trees in 3D 51.6° north and south. That means it will
miss the boreal forests of North America
GEDI data will yield maps of forest carbon and biodiversity and Asia. And it will likely be displaced by a
Japanese instrument after 2 years. The short
By Gabriel Popkin that, at 1-kilometer resolution, should vastly mission will make it harder to answer an ur-
shrink the errors of previous maps. gent question: Are tropical forests overall a

allying up the biomass in a forest—and Countries that want to use the carbon carbon sink, capturing some of the emissions
monitoring changes to it—is no easy stored in their forests to help meet Paris from vehicles and industry, or a source? That
task. You can cordon off a patch of for- agreement climate targets may use those depends on whether forest growth is seques-
est and use tape measures to assess maps to gauge progress, says Naikoa Aguilar- tering more carbon than deforestation and
tree growth, hoping your patch is rep- Amuchastegui, director of forest carbon sci- degradation are releasing. But seeing such a
resentative of the wider forest. Or you ence at the World Wildlife Fund in Wash- trend requires years of continuous data, says
can turn to aerial or satellite photography—if ington, D.C. Researchers tracking forest Wayne Walker of the Woods Hole Research
the pictures are available and sharp enough. degradation, due to the selective logging of Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts. “Noth-
But even the best cameras can’t see past the individual trees and fuelwood harvesting ing’s better than a long-term record.”
forest canopy to the understory. from the understory, are eager for the data, GEDI also can’t distinguish tree species,
On 5 December, scientists gained a new too. Those activities are invisible to imag- which vary in carbon density. Dubayah is
tool for this tricky business when NASA’s ing satellites such as Landsat, says Laura using species-specific measurements from
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation Duncanson, a research scientist at NASA’s about 5000 field plots to calibrate the GEDI
(GEDI) was launched on a SpaceX rocket. Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, data. But with more than 40,000 tree species
The instrument, the size of a large refrig- Maryland. “GEDI gets you that third dimen- in the tropics, even more field plots would
erator, is now mounted on the International sion,” she says. help, says Oliver Phillips, an ecologist at the
Space Station, where it will soon gather data The 3D maps could also identify the for- University of Leeds in the United Kingdom
on the height and 3D structure of tropical ests with the rich structure and diverse veg- who runs a large tropical forest plot network.
and temperate forests. The campaign will etation favored by at-risk species such as the “A large ground effort is needed to get maxi-
help scientists understand whether forests orangutan, says Scott Goetz, an ecologist at mum value from this,” Phillips says.
are slowing or amplifying climate change, Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff and Researchers may be able to work around
and identify prime habitat for valued species. a mission deputy principal investigator. The some of these limitations. Alessandro
“We’ve wanted this data set desperately,” says maps could find priority areas for conserva- Baccini, a remote sensing scientist also at
Ralph Dubayah, a geographer at the Univer- tion, and even help plan habitat corridors for Woods Hole, hopes to train machine learn-
sity of Maryland in College Park and the proj- wildlife migrating because of climate change. ing algorithms to extend carbon estimates
ect’s principal investigator. The finely tuned laser will resolve the into the past and future by using GEDI’s
GEDI will harness a technology called light heights of treetops and the ground more pre- carbon maps to calibrate long-term forest-
detection and ranging (lidar). Like its cousin cisely than previous instruments—crucial for cover data from imaging satellites. He adds
radar, lidar sends out electromagnetic pulses monitoring the health of the carbon-dense that by combining data from GEDI and
and measures the reflections. But whereas mangrove forests that shroud tropical coast- ICESat-2, a NASA lidar satellite launched
radar uses radio waves, GEDI’s lidar uses la- lines, says Goddard research scientist Lola in September that primarily measures ice
ser light, firing 242 times per second in the Fatoyinbo Agueh. Knowing how high the sheets but is flying over the whole planet,

near-infrared. The focused, high-frequency mangroves sit above the water will determine investigators could construct a global car-
radiation offers sharp resolution and can whether they will keep pace with sea level bon map—one that includes the boreal for-
penetrate dense forests, bouncing not only rise or die back, releasing stored carbon—a est. Still, Baccini wants more. “Why can’t we
off the treetops, but also off midstory leaves, key input for climate models, she says. have a proper mission designed for vegeta-
branches, and the ground. Dubayah and his GEDI’s perch on the space station— tion that is global?” he asks. j
colleagues will combine GEDI data with chosen to keep its cost below a $94 million
ground measurements and statistical mod- cap—comes with a drawback, however. Its Gabriel Popkin is a journalist in Mount
els to produce maps of tropical forest carbon view will be confined to latitudes between Rainier, Maryland.

1226 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Human brain samples yield a genomic trove

Regulatory DNA takes center stage in search for mechanisms of disease

By Kelly Servick rectly lead to new drugs for illnesses. But program director who has coordinated and
many expect it to reveal clues to how com- overseen PsychENCODE. Those windows,

ore than 2000 human brains stored plex diseases develop. in turn, might be the times when inter-
in tissue banks are giving up their The collaborators analyzed their brain vention would be most valuable. Doctors
genetic secrets. Genome scans have samples with RNA sequencing to find out can already observe, based on a patient’s
already revealed hundreds of loca- which genes were transcribed. They also symptoms, when a disease seems to take
tions where DNA tends to differ did various epigenetic analyses, such as hold, but, she says, “having a biological
between people with and without measuring how DNA’s folded structure clue would be thrilling.”
a particular psychiatric disease. But those brings regulatory regions into contact with The project’s namesake, ENCODE (Ency-
studies don’t pin down specific culprit distant protein-coding regions. clopedia of DNA Elements), was a broader
genes or what they do in the brain. “There The immense data set allows research- quest to map noncoding regions of the hu-
was kind of a missing link,” says Daniel ers to identify genome “modules”—groups man genome. Its initial results, unveiled
Geschwind, a neurogeneticist at the Univer- of genes that tend to be expressed together in 2012, stirred controversy. Scientists
sity of California (UC), Los Angeles. He and and have common functions. Unique pat- disputed the team’s claim that most of the
others in the 3-year-old PsychENCODE Con- terns of gene expression in a module might genome was functional and questioned
sortium, fueled by roughly $50 million from reveal a nuanced genetic feature of a dis- whether the project’s insights would be
the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) ease. For example, previous studies have worth NIH’s $185 million investment
in Bethesda, Maryland, have (Science, 21 March 2014, p. 1306).
tried to bridge that gap by track- Dan Graur, an evolutionary ge-
ing which genes are expressed, neticist at the University of Hous-
and where. ton in Texas and one of the most
The consortium focuses on reg- outspoken critics of ENCODE, also
ulatory regions, which control finds fault with some of the initial
the expression of protein-coding PsychENCODE results. The proj-
genes, and which previous studies ect targets psychiatric disorders
implicated as drivers of psychiat- that are themselves poorly de-
ric disease risk. PsychENCODE fined, he says. “If you take some-
collaborators have cataloged dif- thing vague and correlate it with
ferences in the activity of these millions of genetic and epigenetic
regulatory regions in different variations, you are bound to get
parts of the brain, at different statistical significance that will
stages of brain development, and have little biological significance.”
in brains affected by different Neurogeneticist Kevin Mitchell
disorders—chiefly schizophrenia, of Trinity College Dublin echoes
autism, and bipolar. some of Graur’s concerns. “I’m
The result, outlined this week Tissue from brain banks fed a genomic data set that may hold clues to the not fully convinced that we know
in a series of papers in Science origins of schizophrenia, autism, and other conditions. more today than we did yester-
and its sister journals Science day,” he says. He doubts that a
Advances and Science Translational Medi- shown the expression of genes involved in profile of gene expression can define dis-
cine, is the most complete picture yet neural signaling tends to be unusually low orders as heterogeneous as schizophrenia
of how regulatory regions influence the in autism, and to a lesser extent, in bipo- or autism—or give new insights into how
brain. In one of the new papers, for ex- lar disorder and schizophrenia. But Psych- to treat them. “It’s a huge amount of work,
ample, researchers describe DNA sites ENCODE data enabled a finer-grained very well intended and very well done,” he
where a variation in a sequence changes analysis. They revealed modules includ- says, “but there are some limits to what you
the expression of a protein-coding gene ing one containing genes that control how can do with genomics.”
elsewhere. Before PsychENCODE, that list cells package and release their chemi- But many researchers defend the proj-
consisted of fewer than 5000 locations, cal messengers into synapses. That set of ect’s value. “I’m sure there are researchers
Geschwind says, but the consortium’s work genes, it turns out, is especially active in out there who will look at these first papers
has brought the total to roughly 16,000. schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but and say, … ‘Where is our paradigm-shifting
“These data allow us to do things we’ve not in autism. Such details might point finding?’” says Alexander Nord, a neuro-

been wanting to do for a while,” says to brain processes that could be targets geneticist at UC Davis who was not in the
Gerome Breen, a psychiatric geneticist at for therapies. consortium. “That’s a bit of a straw man,
King’s College London who was not in the The new data set can also reveal win- expecting us to find that in one set of anal-
consortium but plans to use its publicly dows of brain development when disease- yses.” The data set will grow richer as re-
available data set. Not all researchers are associated genes seem to have the most searchers work to interpret it, he says. “It’s
optimistic that the new data set will di- influence, says Geetha Senthil, the NIH not going to go out of style.” j

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1227

Published by AAAS


Bioelectronics that vanish in the body

Wire-free devices that dissolve could expand the use of electric pulses in medicine

By Robert F. Service, in Boston Rogers and his collaborators wondered electrical current. In one study reported on
whether they could extend the treatment 29 November in ACS Nano, a fingertip-size

mplanted electronics can steady hearts, by harnessing the soft, flexible, dissolv- generator that delivered a stream of tiny
calm tremors, and heal wounds—but at able electronic materials they developed a electrical pulses to wounds on rats’ skin
a cost. These machines are often large, few years ago (Science, 28 September 2012, sped healing. And at the meeting, Wang
obtrusive contraptions with batteries p. 1640). They used a mix of metals, semi- described similar generators that mimic
and wires, which require surgery to conductors, and polymers to fashion a sim- commercially available implanted elec-
implant and sometimes need replace- ple coil with two electrodes. The coil was trodes meant to help patients with obesity
ment. That’s changing. At a meeting of designed to act as an antenna, picking up lose weight.
the Materials Research Society here last radiofrequency pulses transmitted wire- These devices stimulate a branch of
month, biomedical engineers unveiled bio- lessly from outside the body, and converting the vagus nerve, which runs from the co-
electronics that can do more in less space, them into mild electrical pulses. Rogers and lon and stomach to the brain stem, help-
require no batteries, and can even dissolve his team implanted the devices in 25 rats in ing relay signals of fullness after eating.
when no longer needed. which they had cut the sciatic nerve to one Available devices are pacemaker-size and
“Huge leaps in technology [are] being of the hind legs, and stimulated the nerve contain batteries that often need replace-
made in this field,” says Shervanthi Homer- ends for 1 hour a day for up to 6 days. ment, requiring repeated surgeries. Wang
Vanniasinkam, a biomedical engineer at The stimulation sped nerve healing by and his colleagues wanted to see whether
University College London. By making bio- about 50% compared with animals that re- their much smaller device, which requires
electronics easier to live with, these ad- ceived no stimulation or just one or a few no batteries, could do the same job.
vances could expand their use. “If you can days of it, they reported in the 8 October They implanted their device on the
tap into this, you can bring a new approach issue of Nature Medicine. And there was outer wall of a rat’s stomach, so the organ’s
to medicine beyond pharmaceuticals,” says no need to reopen the wounds to remove motions during eating would power the
generator. At the meeting, Wang
reported that animals with the
generator ate at normal times,
but less than control animals.
The rats lost 38% of their weight
over 18 days, at which point their
weight stabilized.
Jacob Robinson, an applied
physicist at Rice University in
Houston, Texas, shrank his im-
plantable stimulator even fur-
ther, to the size of a grain of rice.
It is powered not by movement,
but by magnetic field pulses de-
livered from outside the body,
This implantable electronic device can speed nerve healing and dissolves when its work is done. and is intended to replace the
large, battery-powered brain stim-
Bernhard Wolfrum, a neuroelectronics ex- the gadgets. The materials broke down and ulators used to control tremors in some
pert at the Technical University of Munich were excreted. “After 21 days the device is patients with Parkinson’s disease. In rats
in Germany. “There are a lot of people completely gone, and there appeared to with a version of the disease, Robinson
moving in this direction.” be no adverse effect” from degradation, implanted his minuscule device in the sub-
One is John Rogers, a materials scientist Rogers says. thalamic nucleus, the same brain region
at Northwestern University in Evanston, Il- “There is no doubt there is a poten- targeted by larger devices. The animals’

linois, who is trying to improve on an exist- tial clinical application here,” Homer- tremors disappeared, and their movements
ing device that surgeons use to stimulate Vanniasinkam says. However, she notes became normal, he said at the meeting.
healing of damaged peripheral nerves in that before dissolvable electronics make “It’s very encouraging,” Rogers says.
trauma patients. During surgery, doctors their way into people, researchers will Robinson and others are aiming their stim-
suture severed nerves back together and need to confirm that all the materials from ulators at well-established clinical areas
then provide gentle electrical stimulation the devices degrade safely. with an urgent need for better devices, he
by placing electrodes on either side of the Xudong Wang, a bioelectronics expert at notes. “Having immediate use is going to
repair. But because surgeons close wounds the University of Wisconsin in Madison, is be very powerful,” Rogers says, because it
as soon as possible to prevent infection, developing miniature, wireless devices that could help speed the approval of such de-
they typically provide this stimulation for take advantage of a technology pioneered vices by regulators—and smooth their way
an hour or less. by others to convert the body’s motion into into patients. j

1228 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

score well
Neanderthal Modern human
on child care
Male-dominated disciplines
HUMAN EVOLUTION lead the pack

Why modern humans have By Katie Langin

his year, 68% of major scientific con-

round heads ferences held in North America pro-

vided child care support for parent
attendees, Science found after exam-
Neanderthal DNA points to genes that influence brain ining resources available at 34 meet-
ings, each attended by more than
By Ann Gibbons applied that index to MRI scans from 4468 1000 people. An even larger share—94%—
people of European ancestry whose DNA made a lactation room available for nurs-

ver since researchers first got a good had been genotyped. The team identified two ing mothers.
look at a Neanderthal skull in the Neanderthal DNA fragments that were corre- “That’s good,” says Rebecca Calisi, an ani-
1860s, they were struck by its strange lated with slightly less globular heads. These mal physiologist at the University of Califor-
shape: stretched from front to back DNA fragments affect the expression of two nia, Davis, and author of an opinion piece
like a football rather than round like a genes: UBR4, which regulates the develop- published in March arguing that conferences
basketball, as in living people. But why ment of neurons, and PHLPP1, which affects need to do a better job supporting parent at-
our heads and those of our ice age cousins the development of myelin sheaths that insu- tendees. But, she adds, they still aren’t good
looked different remained a mystery. late axons, or projections of neurons. enough—those statistics should be 100%.
Now, researchers have found an ingenious The Neanderthal variants may lower URB4 Of the conferences that offered sup-
way to identify genes that help explain the expression in the basal ganglia and also lead port, 83% arranged for licensed providers
contrast. By analyzing traces of Neanderthal to less myelination of axons in the cerebel- to operate at conference facilities, where
DNA that linger in Europeans from their lum, a structure at the back of the brain. This parents were charged between $40 and
ancestors’ trysts, researchers have identi- could contribute to subtle differences in neu- $110 a day. Two societies offered free child
fied two Neanderthal gene variants linked ronal connectivity and how the cerebellum care at their annual meetings: the Ameri-
to slightly less globular head shape in living regulates motor skills and speech, says se- can Chemical Society and the American
people, the team reports this week in Current nior author Simon Fisher of the Max Planck Association of Physical Anthropologists.
Biology. The genes also influence brain or- Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, Five conferences awarded child care grants
ganization, offering a clue to how evolution the Netherlands. But any effects of the Nean- that parents could use for a variety of child
acting on the brain might have reshaped the derthal genes in living people would be slight care-related expenses, for example, to pay
skull. This “very important study” pinpoints because so many genes shape the brain. for their child’s travel, for travel expenses
genes that have a “direct effect on brain Tying Neanderthal DNA to brain scans in incurred by a caregiver, or to hire a nanny.
shape and, presumably, brain function in hu- living people is an “innovative and exciting The disciplines with the most room for
mans today,” says paleoanthropologist Chris approach” because “soft tissue in the brain improvement are the ones that tend to have
Stringer of the Natural History Museum in is impossible to access from the fossil re- a greater share of women. Only about half
London, who was not a part of the work. cord,” says anthropologist Katerina Harvati of the 18 conferences in the life sciences
Cradle a newborn and you’ll see that in- of the University of Tübingen in Germany. and social sciences offered child care ac-
fants start life with elongated skulls, some- She’d like to see the findings confirmed in commodations for parents—a much lower
what like Neanderthals. It’s only when the more people. percentage than in the physical sciences,
modern human brain nearly doubles in size Indeed, Gunz and Fisher plan to delve math, and computer sciences (85% of 13).
in the first year of life that the skull becomes into the UK Biobank, a giant database of Of three multidisciplinary conferences, two
globular, says paleoanthropologist Philipp British people’s health records and DNA. provided child care accommodations.
Gunz of the Max Planck Institute for Evolu- They hope to use Biobank brain scans to “There’s still so much to do, but it’s great

tionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. find more genes and to explore how Nean- to see” so many conferences helping parents,
He and his colleagues analyzed derthal brains would have func- Calisi says. “Whether it’s one small baby step,
computerized tomography scans Scans of skulls show tioned. “The Neanderthal DNA or a huge leap, as long as we’re going in the
of modern human and Neander- modern human infants that remains in us can help us right direction that’s what’s important.” j
thal skulls to develop a “globu- start out with elongated think about what their brains
larity index” of human brains. heads—somewhat like were like,” says geneticist Tony Read more about the results and the
To explore the underlying dif- Neanderthals—but they Capra of Vanderbilt University personal stories behind the data at https://
ferences in brain tissue, they round out in adulthood. in Nashville. j

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1229

Published by AAAS


NASA is planning four of the largest

space telescopes ever. But which one will fly?

By Daniel Clery; Illustration by Eiko Ojala; Graphics by Chris Bickel

or NASA astronomers, this was mers, broken into committees, will identify universe’s first black holes to learn how they
not a good year. In June, a review science goals and develop a wish list of tele- help galaxies form and evolve. And the Ori-
board found that the agency’s prized scopes, both on the ground and in space, that gins Space Telescope, with machinery to chill
observatory—the already overdue could best address them. One of the tough- its telescope to just 4° above absolute zero,
and vastly overbudget $8.8 billion est tasks will be to decide which—if any—of would study a little-explored kind of infrared
James Webb Space Telescope four proposed successors to the JWST and radiation emanating from the cold gases and
(JWST)—was still years away from WFIRST most deserves to fly as a NASA flag- dust that fuel star and planet formation.
taking flight and capturing the faint ship observatory. It would be launched in the Whichever concept rises to the top, re-
light of the universe’s first stars. The 2030s to L2, a gravitationally balanced spot searchers hope it has a smoother path to
holdup: torn sunshields and loose bolts. between the sun and Earth. space than the missions chosen in previous
Also in trouble was the next big astro- On the following pages, Science examines surveys. The 2001 survey picked the JWST
physics mission in line, the Wide Field those dream telescopes. The Large UV Opti- as its top priority, but that telescope will be
Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), in- cal Infrared Surveyor (LUVOIR), a 15-meter- lucky to meet its scheduled launch in 2021,
tended to pin down the nature of mysteri- wide giant with 40 times the light-collecting 2 decades later. WFIRST was the top pick of
ous dark energy by surveying wide swaths power of the Hubble Space Telescope, is a bid the 2010 survey, but it won’t fly before 2025.
of the sky. Not even off the drawing board, to look back at the universe’s first galaxies, There’s a general sense that the initial pro-
WFIRST was predicted to burst its $3.2 bil- and to answer the question: Is there life else- posals were immature and unrealistic, says
lion budget by $400 million, another review where in the universe? The Habitable Exo- Roger Blandford of Stanford University in
panel found—not a plus for a mission that planet Observatory (HabEx) would also focus Palo Alto, California, who chaired the 2010
the administration of President Donald on that question, but with a smaller mirror. survey. “There’s frustration all around.”
Trump was already thinking of canceling. HabEx would fly in tandem with a separate This time, NASA wants the concepts on a
Yet astronomers are about to look skyward spacecraft carrying a starshade the size of a firmer footing. Not only did the agency iden-
and dream even bigger dreams. The decadal soccer field. By blocking the glare of a star, tify the four flagship concepts early, back in
survey in astrophysics, which sets priorities the starshade would reveal Earth-like exo- 2015, but it has since funded teams to work
for future missions by NASA, the Department planets, enabling HabEx to scrutinize their up rough designs for each one. In June 2019,
of Energy, and the National Science Founda- faint light for signatures of life. The Lynx X- the teams will deliver to NASA a report that
tion, began last month. Dozens of astrono- ray Observatory would gather x-rays from the includes two concepts—one expensive and

1230 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
big, the other constrained and relatively af- be out of reach. LUVOIR and HabEx will decade NASEM has been paying The Aero-
fordable at less than $5 billion in most cases. compete head-to-head for the committee’s space Corporation of El Segundo, California,
(Here, Science examines the larger concepts.) attention, and HabEx and LUVOIR team to apply a cost model called CATE (for Cost
“This prepreparation will put the survey member Chris Stark of STScI says there And Technical Evaluation) to any proposals
in a better situation to evaluate the possi- won’t be a need to launch both. “There are a decadal wishes to consider.
bilities,” says Fiona Harrison, a high-energy only so many nearby stars.” CATE draws on a database that goes
astrophysicist at the California Institute of Origins would look back in time to see back decades and contains details of cost
Technology in Pasadena who was named how dust and molecules coalesced to create and performance for more than 150 NASA
last month as co-chair of the survey along the first galaxies and black holes and how missions and 700 instruments. When pre-
with Robert Kennicutt of Texas A&M Uni- the disks around young stars clump into exo- sented with a new mission, CATE can say
versity in College Station. The product of planets. But the JWST and the Atacama how similar missions have fared in the past.
the decadal survey—a prioritized list of mis- Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in The model is particularly powerful in assess-
sions delivered in 2020—is supposed to be Chile can capture some of the same wave- ing the things that can go wrong. “The best
consensual, in part so that agencies and sci- lengths, squeezing Origins’s discovery space. forecasters can’t have hands on all the un-
entists can lobby Congress for funding with Lynx would take up the mantle of known unknowns,” says Debra Emmons, a
a unified voice. But competition among the NASA’s aging Chandra X-ray Observatory, senior manager with Aerospace in Chantilly,
four flagships will be fierce. zooming in on hot gas swirling into a black Virginia. For example, if a sensor takes lon-
LUVOIR’s backers tout its wide appeal hole or jetting from the center of a galaxy. ger than expected to develop, or if an inter-
as a general-purpose observatory in the That would placate x-ray astronomers still national partner delivers an instrument

A race to the stars

Four NASA space telescope concepts targeting different wavelengths and goals are competing to fly in the 2030s. Astronomers are now picking a favorite.


X-ray Ultraviolet Visible Infrared
Inf d

Science First supermassive

assive First Earth-like Planet-forming
Pla neett-
targets black holes galaxies exoplanets disks
dis kkss

mold of Hubble. LUVOIR’s instruments smarting from the low rating their Inter- late, the project can be delayed and costs
cover the parts of the spectrum where the national X-ray Observatory proposal received can rise. “[CATE] assesses technical threats,
universe is brightest, and the huge size of in the 2010 decadal survey. “We got robbed at monetizes them, and makes a forward pro-
its mirror means it can peer the farthest, the last decadal,” says STScI x-ray astronomer jection,” she says. Paul Hertz, NASA’s astro-
at the faintest objects, with the sharpest vi- Rachel Osten. “Is it time for x-rays?” physics chief in Washington, D.C., calls it “a
sion. “It transcends astrophysics,” says Jason Whichever mission wins the decadal’s great addition to the tool set.”
Kalirai of the Space Telescope Science Insti- favor, funders will ask: How do we know The project teams are wary of the exercise,
tute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland. Critics it won’t be another JWST, swallowing up fearing that if they produce a scientifically
argue that LUVOIR’s huge mirror will lead budgets and delaying other projects? Study bold and technically challenging proposal,
to a huge price tag and inevitable delays, as director Dwayne Day of the National Acade- CATE might judge it to be risky and expen-
the JWST’s 6.5-meter mirror already has. mies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine sive, Emmons says. And NASA wants the
Proponents of the cheaper HabEx hope (NASEM) in Washington, D.C., which orga- four project teams to be ambitious. “The
it will ride high on surging enthusiasm nizes the decadals, says the survey is taking missions had better be hard to do because
for exoplanets—and a concern for simplic- a sophisticated approach to estimating costs, the questions are hard,” Hertz says.

ity and thrift. But flying in formation with hoping “to avoid sticker shock, committing But with the still-grounded JWST on ev-
a distant starshade is an untested tech- to something that is too expensive to afford.” erybody’s mind, astronomers are eager to
nique. And though HabEx can study a few Day says project teams usually estimate ensure that the winner of the great space
nearby planets in detail, its smaller mirror— costs by tallying labor, materials, and test- telescope bake-off is at once dreamy and real.
4 meters compared with LUVOIR’s ing. “It’s good, but it leaves out unforeseen Blandford says: “It gives a rationale for mak-
15 meters—means more distant worlds will circumstances, threats.” So, for the past ing these terrible decisions.” j

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1231

Published by AAAS
X-ray Ultraviolet Infrared
9.1-meter Visible
primary Instruments: Five A cold stare at the faint
mirror Orbit location: Sun-Earth L2 glow of gas and dust
Launcher: Space Launch System block 2
The Origins Space Telescope will
Launch mass: 30 metric tons stare at the cold universe: galactic
Primary science targets: Gas clouds and planet-forming disks gas clouds, planet-forming disks,
exoplanet atmospheres, and other

ORIGINS objects that don’t burn bright

but glow feebly in the far infrared.
Solar panel That means the telescope itself
must be frigid, chilled to 4° above
absolute zero to stanch its own
sunshield infrared light. Earth’s atmosphere
largely blocks the far infrared, and
few instruments have studied the
range of wavelengths targeted by
Origins. One pioneer was Europe’s
Mirror Herschel Space Observatory,
which from 2009 to 2013 cooled
its instruments by boiling off a lim-
ited supply of liquid helium. Origins
will be much more sensitive as well
as long-lived: Solar-powered me-
chanical cryocoolers will chill the
cooled bafe entire 9.1-meter telescope and its
Stay cool five instruments while a sunshield
Origins must be chilled to
fends off the sun’s heat.
reduce its own infrared glow.
Sunshields drop temperatures to The three biggest challenges in
35 K. Solar-powered, mechanical developing Origins are “detectors,
cryocoolers take the telescope to 4 K detectors, and detectors,” says Ori-
without the need to rely on a limited gins study scientist Dave Leisawitz
supply of liquid helium. of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
Heat in Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
Heat out
Instruments Neither industry nor the military
(0.05 K) Outer sunshield Approaching has much interest in far-infrared
(350 K) absolute zero detectors, so astronomers are do-
Detectors must be ing the R&D themselves, weighing
Inner sunshield cooled even further,
(35 K) to 0.05 K. A magnetic
three rival technologies. “There is
field aligns salt a clear path to choosing one or the
Sun’s rays molecules in a other,” Leisawitz says. Such detec-
“salt pill.” As they tors have not flown in space before,
Actively cooled drift out of alignment and Origins co-leader Margaret
bafe (4 K) they absorb heat. Meixner of the Space Telescope
Mirror (4 K) Realignment
Front view Science Institute (STScI) in Balti-

pumps heat out of

of Origins the capsule. more, Maryland, says, “We want to
Salt pill make them bigger, more sensitive,
and more efficient.”
By tracking infrared emissions
Sensing the far infrared from simple molecules, dust, and
Far-infrared photons are feeble. Two rival detector types, never flown in space, each rely on superconducting aromatic hydrocarbons, Origins
circuits with zero resistance. Detector arrays must be scaled up from 1000 to as many as 16,000 pixels. could follow gas clouds collapsing
into stars and dust disks spawn-
Microwave kinetic inductance detector Transition edge sensor ing planets. Water also falls into
Incoming photons break up the pairs of electrons that The detector is kept right at its Origins’s spectral sweet spot.
confer superconductivity in a resonant circuit, resulting superconducting transition temperature.
By monitoring water’s spectral
in a detectable change in electrical properties. The slight heating from a photon
creates a detectable rise in resistance. lines, Origins could track it from
interstellar clouds to proto-
planetary disks and onto habit-
Single pixel able worlds. “The greatest discov-
Pixel array eries,” says Origins team member
Klaus Pontoppidan at STScI, “will
be things we haven’t even thought
about yet.”

VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1233

Published by AAAS
X-ray Ultraviolet Infrared
Instruments: Three Seeking the light of
mirror Orbit location: Sun-Earth L2 Earth-like worlds
Launcher: Space Launch System block 1B
The Habitable Exoplanet Observa-
Launch mass: 35 metric tons tory (HabEx) would look for signs
Primary science targets: Earth-like exoplanets of life light-years away. Although
thousands of exoplanets have

HABEX been discovered indirectly, only a

few large ones have emerged shyly
Formation flying Exoplanet from the glare of their star for a
The starshade must fly snapshot. No current telescope
far from HabEx to block the HabEx can capture the faint light of small
blocked Star
glare of a distant star so rocky worlds like our own, let alone
that orbiting planets—
124,000-kilometer tease it apart for signs of oxygen,
10 million times dimmer—
separation methane, and other biosignatures.
can be seen.
Starshade “We want to design [HabEx] from
the ground up to image Earth-sized
1 Stowed shade 2 Petals unfurl 3 Petals rotate 90° 4 Truss deploys 5 Deployed starshade planets,” says team co-leader Scott
Gaudi of Ohio State University
in Columbus.
HabEx’s monolithic 4-meter
mirror is designed to work in
concert with a starshade, a
Starshade petal
flower-shaped mask 72 meters
across, which would float 124,000
kilometers away from the tele-
scope. With the starshade blocking
light from a star, HabEx could see
planets around it that are one
diameter ten-billionth as bright. “These are
The petal shape softens the edge potentially the faintest objects
of the starshade, reducing the amount ever studied with telescopes,” says
of scattered starlight.
team member Chris Stark of the
Instrument box Space Telescope Science Institute
in Baltimore, Maryland. HabEx will
also have a coronagraph, a com-
plex internal device that blocks
starlight, but less effectively than
Forward scarf
the starshade and over a narrower
range of wavelengths.
Using just the coronagraph,
HabEx would survey about
50 nearby planetary systems, iden-
tifying promising Earth-like planets.
Then the fuel-hungry starshade
would maneuver into place for
Bafe tube Sunshade Main bus/avionics observations of about 10 systems
that host exo-Earths. No starshade
has ever flown. But Gaudi says
HabEx is still a cheaper, safer
choice than its primary competitor,
Unobstructed view Incoming beam Deformable mirror the giant Large UV Optical Infrared
The off-axis design avoids the need Surveyor. “HabEx is the least risky
for secondary mirror support Exoplanet telescope to do this,” he says.
struts that could scatter light and With report after report arguing
swamp precious exoplanet photons. Mask
for the importance of finding life
on an Earth-like planet—as well

Secondary mirror Tertiary mirror

Lyot stop as public and congressional
Masked image support for the quest—the team
feld believes it has momentum. “It’s a
The ultimate shades
A coronagraph does the job of a starshade, but internally. Deformable goal for many astronomers: the
mirrors smooth incoming light. A mask less than a millimeter across ultimate answer to the question,
BaDe tube Primary of-axis mirror removes the star’s glare, while a Lyot stop catches stray light. are we alone?” Stark says.

VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1235

Published by AAAS

of canals, who get water first, may take too much unless they also The reconstruction of these rules demonstrates that regulation often
depend on the tail enders for other things, such as contributions to adapted to changing circumstances, and that survival over many cen-
maintain the whole system. turies was not an exception, but the norm. Those rule books provide
Behavioral experiments, originally designed as games simulating essentially the same type of data as collected through fieldwork by
commons dilemmas in the laboratories, have been adapted to be Ostrom and colleagues (2), but whereas Ostrom’s list of design prin-
played with real commoners in the field. These games have shown ciples is the common denominator of a large set of commons studied
the importance of communication, repeated interactions, informa- at a specific moment in time, the historical data allow for a longitudi-
tion, and perceived fairness of the distribution of costs and ben- nal study of the temporal dynamics of a common, of governance that
efits in influencing collective action. We are testing whether these needed to adapt or else collapse. An ongoing study of large datasets
games could be adapted from a research instrument to a tool that of 30 historical commons across the Netherlands, Spain, and the
can also help water users understand the trade-offs and potential United Kingdom (15) is suggesting some ways in which Ostrom’s list,
value of cooperation. In our groundwater game, players choose and work building on it, may need to be updated. For example, sanc-
between crops with different water consumption and profitability tioning—in particular, graduated sanction, incrementally based on
and see the simulated effects on aquifer sustainability, showing the repetition of violations—has been seen as an essential component
that short-term profits by some come at long-term costs borne by to make self-governing commons work, yet graduated sanctioning is
all. In India, sites where this game was played were significantly hardly ever found in commons surviving more than 200 years (the
more likely to adopt rules governing groundwater use, compared minimum years of survival as set in the study) (17). This suggests
with control communities (11). that in order to achieve long-term survival, this particular type of
At a larger scale, multistakeholder participatory processes can sanctioning may have been less essential than suggested in Ostrom’s
sometimes create common understanding and consensus about op- principles, and that those commons with graduated sanctioning
portunities for improving the complex governance of multiple water in Ostrom’s database may have been through a severe period, with
uses and users in river basins, including water quality improvement many trials and errors of sanctioning, with the graduated version as
and reservoir reoperation for restoring more natural flow regimes the very last resort. Futhermore, analyzing rules and sanctions over
in rivers (12). Ostrom’s concepts of polycentric governance (4) and the lifetime of several commons, there appears to be an inverse cor-
the rich literature on multistakeholder platforms and comanage- relation between the effort put into developing sanctions (expressed
ment arrangements between the state and communities (10) provide as the number of rules accompanied by a sanction) and the longevity
insights—though not blueprints—for ways to better manage water of a common (expressed as the number of years between emergence
commons in the future. Payment for environmental services and dissolution), suggesting that commons that managed to survive
financed by downstream users such as municipal water systems longest invested least in designing and applying sanctions (18). This
can encourage upstream conservation, such as seen in the Delaware counterintuitive result may be explained by the longer-lasting com-
County watershed that feeds New York City, but building trust be- mons investing more time and effort in (compulsory) commoners’
tween government agencies and different types of water users is key. meetings, leading to a more thorough understanding by commoners
of why rules—and changes thereof—were necessary, and possibly, as
a consequence, leading to less free-riding. Historical analysis can add
Revealing historical resilience unexpected insights to our understanding of which methods can be
used to keep commons functioning in the long run, steering them
By Tine De Moor4 away from a tragedy.

The practice of managing and using land and other natural resources
in common—what the term “commons” originally referred to—has
a long history. “Commoners” exercised rights to use resources over
Couple issues to address conflict
large expanses of permanently uncultivated, or only temporarily cul- By Matthew O. Jackson5,6,7
tivated, open country such as heathland, rough pasture, or woodland.
Commons were an essential component of early modern agriculture Over the past five decades, we have come to a deep understanding
in many parts of Europe until the 19th century; their disappear- of commons problems and how to solve them: They are not zero-
ance (through enclosures) was a key political issue at the time and sum games, but instead offer substantial gains from cooperation.
has been the subject of considerable historiographical debate since. Game theory and market design have helped us understand how to
Historians, whose work on commons was for a long time mainly provide appropriate incentives (19–21). For instance, taxes as well as
descriptive, have provided evidence that—contrary to Hardin’s as- cap-and-trade systems can be designed to make the price of emit-
sumption—historical commons were dynamic institutions, with con- ting carbon include its ultimate social/climate cost, and subsidies
tinuous rule-making, changing, intensive communication between can make the prices of alternative technologies reflect their ultimate
the commoners and with effective monitoring mechanisms (13). Con- social benefit. However, a challenge with global commons problems
trary to arguments in favor of their dissolution, common resources is that solving the incentive problems often leads the collective gains
were used in an efficient manner, and improvements associated with to be distributed very unevenly (22); the costs can even outweigh the
enclosing common land and limiting access to commoners were benefits for some parties. There are many players with enormous
probably not as large as originally thought by reformers (14). differences in wealth and interests around the planet—both within
A more analytic approach to commons’ history, using archival re- and across countries—facing different consequences from commons
cords for many commons dating back to medieval times (in Europe), problems and abilities to pay for them. Yet, universal cooperation
can provide insights about what makes a self-governing institution is needed, including coordinated limits and the willingness and the
resilient for major crises and external shocks. After all, true resilience ability to enforce those limits. Thus, the main challenges that we
can take multiple generations and even centuries to surface. Histori- face are political. Crafting a policy that addresses everyone’s needs
cal sources are often still available, in the form of extensive written becomes an even bigger challenge when combined with constantly
rulebooks, in many cases for commons with a lifetime of several changing political leadership with short-term perspectives and
hundreds of years during which rules changed frequently (15, 16). impatient citizens who make it difficult to incur large costs today for

1238 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Uncoordinated management of fishing, shipping, and seabed mining challenges the health, productivity, and resilience of the global ocean commons.

benefits that may not accrue for decades and involve considerable undermine ocean health, productivity, and resilience, exacerbating
uncertainty and may affect others more than themselves. A natural the challenge of achieving equitable and sustainable management
reaction to this is to try to simplify things by concentrating on one of our shared ocean (26).
issue at a time. Although this may seem sensible at first blush, the Since Hardin in 1968, the concept of the global ocean commons
key to crafting policies that address a multitude of conflicting inter- has evolved. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of
ests is actually to couple issues together (23). If there is an issue on the Sea (UNCLOS) tempered the right of States to access resources
which a group has little to gain and much to lose, then one gets their of the high seas and international seabed (“the Area”) with obliga-
consent by including some other issue on which they have much tions to build capacity, advance scientific knowledge, and protect
to gain and little to lose. This is a principle underlying omnibus the environment. UNCLOS further designated the Area and its
legislation: the packaging of unrelated issues into one large bill (24). mineral resources as the “common heritage of mankind” to be
Global organizations such as the United Nations have wide scope managed by the International Seabed Authority for “the benefit
and can envision such compromise, but they are funded at a handful of mankind as a whole.” In the 1990s, States acknowledged that
of billions of dollars when tens of trillions are at stake, and they lack biodiversity loss and climate change were “common concerns”
full international buy-in and trust. The exception is the World Trade (27). More recently, concepts such as precaution, ecosystem-based
Organization (WTO); more than half of world gross domestic prod- approaches, and marine protected areas (MPAs) have been incor-
uct crosses country borders. However, the WTO’s scope is limited porated into international commitments (27), including United
to trade agreements. In the absence of a world organization with Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 14.
sufficient jurisdiction and large enough carrots and sticks, there is a However, global ocean health remains under threat because
need for the leadership of key countries to step up and craft an omni- mechanisms to enable and enforce existing UNCLOS obligations
bus agreement that couples commons problems with other issues, remain weak (25). Despite new technologies to monitor activities
with something for everyone. Packaging issues produces an attrac- and impacts (28), the current system of managing fishing, ship-
tive agreement that entices participation, rather than coercing it by ping, and seabed mining separately begets inconsistent, conflict-
threatening nonparticipants with trade sanctions that may run afoul ing, and frequently unsustainable results (25). For example, illegal
of existing treaties, fuel a trade war, or be costly to follow through fishing is worse in some places than others; mineral exploration
with. Coupling global commons problems with other large issues rights are being granted atop important fishing, scientific research,
will complicate our lives, but it is the only way to forge and enforce and cable sites; and biodiversity values are frequently ignored (25).

agreements at an appropriate scale, which everyone will sign onto. Meanwhile, the lack of centralized reporting hinders efforts to
Without powerful international leadership, large global commons hold accountable the few that block conservation measures despite
problems will continue to be ceded to humanitarian organizations treaty requirements (27, 29) and compelling evidence of need (26).
and the voluntary behaviors of groups here and there. In the Southern Ocean, for instance, compromises made to secure
consensus for the Ross Sea MPA (29) highlighted the power of a
very few states to weaken protections.
An ocean of opportunity Conversely, on the rare occasions that the UN has called on sec-
toral bodies to implement specific requirements to tackle threats
By Kristina M. Gjerde8 and Harriet Harden-Davies9 to biodiversity, substantial progress has been made. A 2006 UN
resolution requiring states sponsoring bottom fishing to conduct
In many ways, the global ocean beyond national boundaries—two- prior assessments, adopt measures to avoid substantial impacts,
thirds of the ocean’s surface—epitomises the tragedy of the com- and crucially, report to the UN has protected vast areas of the deep
mons. Access remains difficult to control, resources are declining, seabed. However, as ocean stressors multiply, the UN has recog-
and pollution pervades the deepest abyss (25). Combined with nized the need for a more comprehensive approach to biodiversity
ocean warming, deoxygenation, and acidification, these impacts conservation and use (25).

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1239

Published by AAAS

In September, the UN convened the first intergovernmental worked to systematize the study of knowledge commons and build
conference to negotiate a legally binding agreement under a new field of interdisciplinary research in which law, econom-
UNCLOS for conservation and sustainable use of marine biodi- ics, sociology, political science, network science, and other fields
versity beyond national jurisdiction. The negotiations present an converge. Dozens of case studies have begun to reveal an empiri-
opportunity to elaborate and modernize existing requirements cal picture of knowledge commons. A representative theme is
to conduct environmental impact assessments; proactively adopt that knowledge commons confront diverse social dilemmas not
conservation measures, including MPAs; avoid substantial harm to reducible to the simple free rider or tragic commons. Rare-disease
biodiversity; and improve accountability through regular report- research consortia, for example, address numerous governance
ing. The agreement can thus create rules, monitoring systems, and challenges, including allocating research funding, authorship
sanctioning powers to enhance compliance while ensuring more credit, and other rivalrous resources; overcoming potential anti-
sustainable outcomes at the global, regional, and sectoral levels. commons dilemmas arising from researchers’ incentives to hoard
Science also has a major role to play as a catalyst for unify- access to patients and their data; maintaining privacy, security,
ing stakeholders behind common concerns (30). The agreement and the trust of patients and their families; reducing transaction
can boost capacity and understanding by fostering collaboration costs of cooperation between widely dispersed researchers; and
in marine science, knowledge exchange, and technology trans- managing interactions with outsiders, such as pharmaceutical
fer, including on marine genetic resources (30). The UN Decade companies. The diversity of dilemmas is matched by the surprising
of Ocean Science 2021–2030 could further facilitate knowledge diversity of participants critical to successful collaboration. Har-
advancement and collective capacity to enable informed, equitable, din’s sheep-herder must be replaced with researchers, clinicians,
and sustainable management of our global ocean commons. The patients, site coordinators, funders, third-party data custodians,
question is, will states adopt the mutual restraints and allocate and even government officials.
the required resources to evade tragedy and renew ocean health? Despite growing evidence, we’re still far from design principles,
There is hope, but little time. An ambitious agreement is needed much less strong prescriptions. Yet social demand for trusted gov-
by 2020 to protect our common interest in a healthy, productive, ernance of shared knowledge resources, ranging from medical data
and resilient ocean in the challenging decades to come. (35) to algorithmically generated intelligence, is growing, even as
public trust in governments and markets as sources of governance
seems tenuous. Many researchers and policymakers understood
Common knowledge the scope of Ostrom’s commons-based framework as limited, for
example, to small communities managing local resources. Now,
By Brett M. Frischmann10, Michael J. Madison11, more than ever, we need to explore if, when, and how commons
Katherine J. Strandburg12 governance can scale.

Intellectual resources have their own tragedy-of-the-commons

allegory. Replace Hardin’s pasture with an idea, and consider what
happens when the resource, the idea, is openly accessible to all.
The antimicrobial commons
Everyone who can profitably make use of the idea will do so, as By Angela R McLean13,14 and Christopher Dye13
much and as often and in whatever manner suits them. But ideas
are public goods, not common pool resources; ideas are not con- It has become commonplace (36–38) to refer to the rise of anti-
gested or depleted by overuse. Unlike the pasture, unconstrained microbial resistance (AMR) as a tragedy of the commons. Each
consumption of ideas seems good, and often it is. individual wishes to use the common-pool resource of function-
But there’s a catch. Ideas are products of human intellect, often ing antimicrobials whenever they might have a beneficial effect
requiring investment of time, effort, and capital. Unconstrained
consumption by free riders, who invest little or nothing in creating
the ideas, presents a risk for those who might make such invest-
ments in creating knowledge because they may struggle to recover
a sufficient return on their investment. Anticipating this, they may
underinvest, contributing to tragic underproduction of intellectual
Avoiding cultural, technological, and scientific stagnation thus
seems to require collective action to ensure adequate investment
in knowledge creation. To facilitate this, many analysts assume two
options: government subsidies or intellectual property-enabled

markets. Though both are indeed important drivers of knowledge

production, so are “knowledge commons,” which we should not
take for granted.
Knowledge commons refers to institutionalized community
governance of the sharing and, in many cases, creation and cura-
tion of intellectual and cultural resources (31). Examples range
from scientific research commons, including data, literature, and
research materials (32), to intellectual property pools, entrepre-
neurial/user innovation commons, rare-disease clinical research
consortia, open-source software projects, and Wikipedia (31). Un-
derstanding how such communities share and develop knowledge
is crucial in today’s “information society.” Antimicrobial use could be decreased if overuse led to loss of good reputation,
Following Ostrom (2, 33) and Hess and Ostrom (34), we have and rules for prescribing established boundaries of “reputable” behaviors.

1240 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

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(whether in treating human illness or in raising livestock), but guide the creation of new resources (discovery of antimicrobials),
overuse accelerates the spread of drug-resistant pathogens, so besides conserving the ones we already have? In the face of these
the drugs become useless to all—and therein lies the tragedy. pressing questions, taking a broader view of the AMR tragedy,
One way or another, some individual freedoms must be sacri- and of its resolution, will show how best to govern the antimicro-
ficed in order to maintain a valuable resource for the common bial commons.
good. Whereas Hardin emphasized private or state ownership to
achieve this, Ostrom argued that those who share in exploiting a
1. G. Hardin, Science 162, 1243 (1968).
common-pool resource can develop their own rules to prevent its 2. E. Ostrom, Governing the Commons. The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action
overuse. She identified factors that are conducive to the estab- (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990).
lishment of effective institutions to regulate the exploitation of a 3. P. J. Richerson, R. Boyd, Not by Genes Alone (Univ. of Chicago Press, 2005).
resource: Users have common interests; they place a high value 4. S. Mathew, R. Boyd, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108, 11375 (2011).
5. P. Richerson et al., Behav. Brain Sci. 39, e30 (2016).
on the resource far into the future; users support effective moni- 6. K. Appiah, The Honor Code, How Moral Revolutions Happen (Norton, 2010).
toring; accurate information is valued and easily communicated; 7. H. P. Young, Annu. Rev. Econ. 7, 359 (2015).
and it is feasible to establish binding and enforceable regula- 8. T. Kuran, 1995. Private Truths, Public Lies, Harvard University Press, Cambridge
tions. Ostrom warned that large groups often struggle to govern 9. E. W. Coward Jr., Ed., Irrigation and Agricultural Development in Asia: Perspectives from the
Social Sciences (Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY, 1980).
common pool resources and that boundary rules are needed to
10. R. Meinzen-Dick, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104, 15200 (2007).
determine rights and responsibilities. 11. R. Meinzen-Dick et al., World Dev. 107, 40 (2018).
Many of Ostrom’s observations are starting to be fulfilled in the 12. P. A. Sabatier et al., Swimming Upstream: Collaborative Approaches to Watershed
search for solutions to the problems of AMR, even if few people in Management (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2005).
13. P. Warde, M. De Moor, L. Shaw-Taylor, in The Management of Common Land in North West
this area explicitly set out to apply her work. The growing threat
Europe, c. 1500-1850 (CORN publication series no. 8), M. De Moor et al., Eds. (Brepols, 2002),
of AMR is increasingly understood by medical professionals, pp. 15–32.
policy professionals, and the public alike. The associated discourse 14. G. Clark, J. Econ. Hist. 58, 73 (1998).
reflects the common, long-term interests of these diverse users 15. T. De Moor, M. Laborda-Pemán, J. M. Lana-Berasain, R. Van Weeren, A. Winchester, Int. J.
(39). The widely accepted need for better surveillance of AMR sig- Commons 10, 529 (2016).
16. M. Casari, C. R. Plott, J. Econ. Behav. Organ. 51, 217 (2003).
nals rising support for effective monitoring and accurate, shared 17. R. Van Weeren, T. De Moor, Agric. Hist. Rev. II, 256 (2014).
information. In a growing search for effective rules, physicians are 18. T. De Moor, A. Tukker, in Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes (Rural History
adhering more strictly to evidence-based guidance for diagnos- Yearbook), N. Grüne, J. Hübner, G. Siegl, Eds. (Studien Verlag, 2015), pp. 175–206.
ing infections; for infection control in hospitals; for procuring, 19. B. Harstad, Rev. Econ. Stud. 79, 1527 (2012).
20. M. Golosov, J. Hassler, P. Krusell, A. Tsyvinski, Econometrica 82, 41 (2014).
prescribing and dispensing antimicrobials; and for ensuring that 21. W. D. Nordhaus, Am. Econ. Rev. 105, 1339 (2015).
patients complete treatments. Beyond codes of practice, govern- 22. P. K. Dutta, R. Radner, J. Econ. Behav. Organ. 71, 187 (2009).
ments have in some settings introduced methods of enforcement, 23. M. O. Jackson, H. F. Sonnenschein, Econometrica 75, 241 (2007).
such as restricting the use of essential drugs to certified treatment 24. G. S. Krutz, Hitching a Ride: Omnibus Legislating in the US Congress (Ohio State Univ. Press,
centres. And public health specialists have called for AMR to be
25. G. Wright, J. Rochette, K. M. Gjerde, L. A. Levin, Nature 554, 163 (2018).
included among the International Health Regulations, a legally 26. D. J. McCauley et al., Science 347, 1255641 (2015).
binding agreement to prevent the international spread of disease. 27. K. M. Gjerde et al., Aquat. Conserv. 26 (uppl. 2), 45 (2016).
Last, the global nature of the challenge is acknowledged in the 28. D. C. Dunn et al., Fish Fish. 19, 729 (2018).
29. C. M. Brooks et al., Science 354, 185 (2016).
World Health Organization’s leadership in developing new norms
30. H. Harden-Davies, ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75, 426 (2017).
for using existing antimicrobials and investing in new ones (40). 31. B. M. Frischmann, M. J. Madison, K. J. Strandburg, Eds., Governing Knowledge Commons
Some other useful ideas arise when AMR is viewed as a tragedy (Oxford Univ. Press, 2014).
of the commons. For example, a desire not to be seen as selfish 32. J. H. Reichman, P. F. Uhlir, T. Dedeurwaerdere, Governing Digitally Integrated Genetic
offers a potential solution: antimicrobial use could be decreased Resources, Data, and Literature: Globally Intellectual Property Strategies for a Redesigned
Microbial Research Commons (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016).
if overuse led to loss of good reputation, and rules for appropriate 33. E. Ostrom, Understanding Institutional Diversity (Princeton Univ. Press, 2005).
prescribing helped establish boundaries of “reputable” behaviors 34. C. Hess, E. Ostrom, Eds., Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice
(41). Further, the “large groups” problem may be less acute if local (MIT Press, 2007).
effects are strong enough that a region or nation can benefit from 35. K. J. Strandburg, B. M. Frischmann, M. J. Madison, Eds., Governing Medical Knowledge
Commons (Cambridge Univ. Press 2017).
reducing their own usage, even if their neighbors do not (42). 36. B. R. Levin, Clin. Infect. Dis. 33, S161 (2001).
In 1968, Hardin remarked that the tragedy of the commons 37. K. S. O’Brien et al., Comput. Math. Methods Med. 2014, 837929 (2014).
was understood mostly as a set of special cases rather than as a 38. A. Hollis, P. Maybarduk, J. Law Med. Ethics 43, 33 (2015).
general problem of resource management. The AMR tragedy will 39. R. Laxminarayan et al., Lancet Infect. Dis. 13, 1057 (2013).
40. WHO, Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2015);
benefit from the application of the broad principles of governing
a wide range of common pool resources. That will bring focus, 41. F. Baquero, J. Campos, Rev. Esp. Quimioter. 16, 11 (2003).
for example, to the question of “boundary rules”. Can one country 42. K. R. Foster, H. Grundmann, PLOS Med. 3, e29 (2006).
ever manage AMR alone, and can AMR for human infections be
controlled without also controlling agricultural use? Also un-
Funding for R.M.-D. was provided by the CGIAR Research Program on Policies,
certain is the best mechanism of control: When are binding and
Institutions, and Markets.
enforceable regulations preferred over guidelines and codes of
practice? How can the principles laid out by Hardin and Ostrom 10.1126/science.aaw0911

School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA; 2Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis,
CA, USA; 3International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA; 4Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; 5Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, USA; 6Sante Fe Insitute, Santa Fe, NM, USA. 7Canadian Institute For Advanced Research, Toronto, ON, Canada. 8IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme
and World Commission on Protected Areas, Cambridge, MA, USA; 9Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law, Villanova, PA, USA; 11University of Pittsburgh, School of Law, Pittsburgh, PA, USA; 12New York
University School of Law. New York, NY, USA; 13All Souls College, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 4AL, UK;, 14Oxford
Martin Programme on Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3BD, UK.

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1241

Published by AAAS
food, energy, and materials are used. This
Rising human consumption is driving quantitative and qualitative change can be
widespread destruction of natural systems, achieved by actions that can lower the global
such as this forest in British Columbia. population within a human-rights frame-
work, shrink animal agriculture, phase out
fossil fuels, and transform an extractionist,
overproducing, throwaway, and polluting
economy into a recycling, less busy, thrifty,
more ecologically benign economy (10–12).
These shifts must align with a new ethos in
civil society toward shared norms of mind-
fulness around dietary choices, avoidance
of waste, conservation of energy, and reuse
and recycling of materials.
Scaling down can be complemented with
substantially pulling back our presence from
the natural world. Achieving continental-
scale protection of terrestrial and marine
habitats will enable sharing Earth generously
with all its life forms (13). Recent research
reveals that large-scale nature conservation
is also a powerful counter to climate change
by absorbing a sizable portion of the carbon
dioxide of the industrial age and preventing
additional carbon (stored in the ecosphere)
from being released (14, 15). Vastly expand-
ing marine protected areas will support the
resurgence of marine life. Ambitious forest,
grasslands, freshwater ecologies, and wet-
lands protection and restoration will prevent
extinctions and preempt an anthropogenic
mass extinction event. A robust global net-
work of green and blue protected areas will
save wildlife populations and animal migra-
tions from their current downward spirals.
Preserving the night sky in extensive swathes
of wild nature will keep an open portal into
the cosmos we inhabit.
Many of the global approaches called for
in this pivotal moment may lack the glamor
of technological and engineering break-
political inaction, because it is widely as- or implicitly, limitations are resisted as op- throughs, but they promise far-reaching
sumed that technological innovations and pressive and unworthy of humanity’s stature. strides in resolving the ecological crisis
interventions will overcome problems. By operating on all these levels, the world- and preventing human and nonhuman suf-
Fourth, the worldview impedes humans view of human distinction-and-prerogative fering. Paramount examples include state-
from recoiling from, or even seeing, the obstructs the capacity to question human of-the-art family planning services for all
violence of an expansionism that fuels ex- hegemony for the sake of Earth’s inher- (including modern contraceptive technolo-
tinctions, population plunges, mass mortal- ent splendor and in the service of a high- gies), universal education from the age of 4
ity events, and starvations of nonhumans. quality human life within a downsized, to 17 or 18, substantial reduction of animal-
Because these experiences are happening to equitable global civilization nested in an all- product consumption, adoption of the re-
“the merely living,” they are nonissues for species commonwealth. Instead, the trends duce-reuse-recycle paradigm as an everyday
mainstream media and the political sphere, of more—on the population, consumption, norm, massive protection of wild nature,
which are focused almost exclusively on and infrastructure fronts—are left to persist and adoption of sustainable and ethical
human affairs. For example, humanity’s their course seemingly unassailable. food production practices on land and sea.
impact has become so pervasive that migra-
tory animal species are in decline and the TOWARD SCALING DOWN BEYOND HUMAN DOMINANCE
very phenomenon of migration is disap- AND PULLING BACK The dominant framework of technofixes,
pearing around the world. Yet neither the The reigning human-nature hierarchical technological schemes, and fine-tuning ef-
loss of animal migrations nor the suffering worldview thus hinders the recognition that ficiencies is by itself no match for the tidal
of the animals involved seem to be matters scaling down and pulling back is the most wave of human expansionism expected in
of concern in public arenas. farsighted path forward. Scaling down in- this century. Looming before us is the immi-
Lastly, the supremacist worldview insinu- volves reducing the overall amount of food, nent escalation of food, energy, materials,
ates that embracing limitations is unbefit- water, energy, and materials that humanity and commodities production, and resulting
ting of human distinction. Whether openly consumes and making certain shifts in what increases in wildlands destruction, species

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1243

Published by AAAS

extinctions, wildlife extirpations, freshwa- 3D PRINTING

ter appropriation, ocean degradation, ex-
tractionist operations, and the production
of industrial, pesticide, nitrogen, manure,
plastic, and other waste—all unfolding
Printing nanomaterials
amid climate-change ordeals.
In the face of this juggernaut, a singu- in shrinking gels
lar focus on a techno-managerial portfolio
seems fueled by a source other than prag- Photopatterning of reactive sites in gels enables
matism alone. That portfolio—which would arbitrary patterning of nanoparticles
include such initiatives as climate geoen-
gineering, desalination, de-extinction, and
off-planet colonization—is in keeping with By Timothy E. Long and manufacturing (often termed 3D printing), in
the social rubric of human distinction. The Christopher B. Williams that they can pattern materials in 3D space
prevalent corpus resonates with a Pro- without a photomask (3). One such process,

methean impulse to sustain human hege- he creation of nanoscale electronics, direct laser writing, is an exceptional pro-
mony while avoiding the most expeditious photonics, plasmonics, and mechani- cess for the preparation of arbitrary 3D ge-
approach to the ecological predicament— cally robust metamaterials will benefit ometries (4, 5). Rastering femtosecond laser
contracting humanity’s scale and scope by from nanofabrication processes that pulses through microscope optics into a pho-
means that will simultaneously strengthen allow a designer full control in ma- topolymer precursor enables selective photo-
human rights, facilitate the abolition of nipulating nanomaterial precursors curing anywhere in the material through the
poverty, elevate our quality of life, counter in a programmable and volumetric man- interaction of multiple photons to create dis-
the dangers of climate change, and preserve ner. Despite decades of research, it remains crete, polymerized voxels (3D pixels).
Earth’s magnificent biodiversity. challenging to design nanofabrication pro- Although this technique creates 3D struc-
To pursue scaling down and pulling back cesses that can produce complex free-form tures of any arbitrary geometry, its fabri-
the human factor requires us to reimag- three-dimensional (3D) objects at the scale cation resolution is often limited by the
ine the human in a register that no longer of tens of nanometers. On page 1281 of this wavelength of ultraviolet light to hundreds
identifies human greatness with dominance issue, Oran et al. (1) report on the photopat- of nanometers (6, 7). Expanding the material
within the ecosphere and domination over terning of reactive sites into water-swollen, selection for the process beyond electrical
nonhumans. The present historical time in- chemically cross-linked acrylic gels for the insulators has also proven challenging. Cre-
vites opening our imagination toward a new subsequent site-specific ating functional metallic
vision of humanity no longer obstructed by deposition of nanomateri- materials with this process
the worldview of human supremacy. Learn- als and nanoparticles. After is only permitted through
ing to inhabit Earth with care, grace, and chemical and thermal de- “…Oran et al. avoid patterning polymer-particle
proper measure promises material and spir- hydration, the gel scaffold any detrimental nanocomposites (8), metal-
itual abundance for all. j holds the nanomaterials in coating the entirety of the
a distinct 3D arrangement. interactions of printed surface, or multi-
1. W. Steffen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 8252
This process, termed implo-
sion fabrication (ImpFab)
nanoparticles photon-induced reduction
of metal ions. Postprocess
2. G. Ceballos et al., The Annihilation of Nature: Human because the scaffold of the during exposure…” coating does not allow for
Extinction of Birds and Mammals (Johns Hopkins Univ.
Press, 2015). gel effectively “implodes” selective deposition and
3. T. Butler, Ed., Overdevelopment, Overpopulation, upon solvent removal, provides an oppor- limits the geometries that are achievable
Overshoot (Grof, 2015). tunity to fabricate centimeter-scale assem- (see the figure, right). Irradiating polymer
4. W. Ripple, BioScience 67, 1026 (2017).
5. P. Ehrlich, J. Harte, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112, 14743 blies of nanomaterials that possess multiple composites and multiphoton-induced re-
(2015). functionalities. duction of metal ions constrain resolution
6. G. Steiner, Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents:
The Moral Status of Animals in the History of Western The macroscopic dimension of a solvent- through refraction effects and the limited
Philosophy (Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 2010). swollen gel provides sufficient molecular control of growth and aggregation during
7. J. Mander, V. Tauli-Corpuz, Eds., Paradigm Wars: mobility to host efficient chemical reactions. photoreduction, respectively (9).
Indigenous Peoples’ Resistance to Globalization (Sierra
Club Books, 2006). However, the utility of a covalently cross- As such, fabricating truly arbitrary 3D
8. J. Watts, J. Vidal, The Guardian, 13 July 2017; www.the- linked gel as a “nanomanufacturing reactor” metallic shapes at the scale of tens of
defenders-being-killed-in-record-numbers-globally-new- for the creation of programmable nanoma- nanometers has yet to be demonstrated.
research-reveals. terials has remained unrealized until now. Researchers remain challenged to circum-
9. E. Crist, Abundant Earth: Toward an Ecological Civilization Top-down processes such as photolithogra- vent the resolution and material selection
(Univ. of Chicago Press, 2018).
10. R. Dietz, D. O’Neill, Enough Is Enough: Building a phy can create structures with spatial reso- constraints imposed by direct laser writing.
Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources lutions approaching tens of nanometers (2), Oran et al. combined the unusual volumet-
(Berrett-Koehler, 2013).
11. B. Machovina et al., Sci. Total Environ. 536, 419 (2015). but the fundamental process methodologies ric reduction properties of water-swollen
12. R. Engelman, in A Future Beyond Growth: Toward a limit the creation of arbitrary geometries in gels (hydrogels) and a templating approach
Steady State Economy, H. Washington, P. Twomey, Eds. three dimensions. to fabricate complex 3D metallic nano-
(Routledge, 2016), pp. 32–42.
13. E. O. Wilson, Half Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life (Norton, Researchers are now implementing bot- structures at an unprecedented scale (see
2016). tom-up nanofabrication processes that are the figure, left). They leveraged the stable
14. B. Griscom et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, 11645
(2017). similar to more recent efforts in additive deswelling performance of a hydrogel in the
15. C. M. Roberts et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114, 6167 context of metallic nanofabrication. In par-
(2017). ticular, they photopatterned water-swollen
Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061,
10.1126/science.aau6026 USA. Email: gels with two-photon laser direct writing to

1244 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

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Precisely placing nanomaterials can create discontinuous shapes along the
The ImpFab method of Oran et al. enables selective nanomaterial compositions with 3D geometries hydrogel surface.
rather than simply coating 3D printed parts. Although direct laser writing is suitable
for patterning materials onto substrates and
Conventional coatings Conventional lithography in free-form shapes, the process cannot cre-
Volumetric methods for coating 3D printed parts Optical interactions between particles in photopolymer ate discontinuous multimaterial structures
with nanoparticles yield poor results b
because precursors and incident light lead to poor feature resolution at the resolution Oran et al. demonstrated.
the coverage is sparse and confned tot the surface. because of the scattering of light from
fro the nanoparticles.
The precise delivery of nanomaterials in
multiple, complex patterns that they report
enables unprecedented formation of nano-
3D printed part Stereolithography materials of controlled geometry and high
of photopolymer performance. The process chain effectively
loaded with particles separates geometry definition through
direct laser writing, material definition
through chemical templating and sintering,
and pattern resolving through gel deswell-
tri coating Extraction of residual
u photopolymer
dua ing. Separation of these steps circumvents
the traditional materials, resolution, and
geometric complexity constraints imposed
by existing nanofabrication processes.
The work by Oran et al. also creates op-
Sparse spatial Particle interaction
coating leads to with light lowers
portunities for studying the influence of the
poor properties. resolution. molecular architecture of the gel. Gels are
complex structures that can vary in chemi-
cal composition, molecular weight between
cross-link points, and dangling chain ends,
and in whether they are physical versus
ImpFab processing chemical networks. These parameters in
This method eliminates particle interactions with incident ultraviolet light and enables selective particle coating. structure will influence the precise location
The fnal dehydration step shrinks the gel in an implosive process. in the gel of reactive sites for two-photon ex-
citation and also must be considered in ef-
Attachment of forts to expand the available photoinduced
small particles chemistries in the aqueous state. Extension
to functionalized to other materials only depends on develop-
Auorescein Dehydration
ing deposition chemistry that can proceed
at room temperature in aqueous media.
Thus, the method developed by Oran et al.
should allow researchers to consider a myr-
Dehydration yields
Patterning 3D shape and attaching fuorescein selectively coated iad of new materials and reaction pathways,
to network using two-photon lithography nanoscale part. including other semiconductors or metals.
The ability to process free-form, multima-
create reactive sites that enable site-specific intensify the concentration of materials as terial nanostructures with discontinuous
postprocess functionalization of nanomate- well as form a spatially arranged multinano- nanowires will enable next-generation de-
rials and nanoparticles. Dehydration then material structure. Repetition of the process signs of photonic, electrical, and mechanical
rapidly shrinks the fabricated structure to chain also allows the introduction of multiple metamaterials, as well as microelectronics,
1/10 its original size. nanomaterials as well as multiple patterns of actuators, and sensors. j
Oran et al. build on earlier efforts that re- nanomaterial structure.
ported the efficient reaction of fluorescein The modularity of the methodology of
1. D. Oran et al., Science 362, 1281 (2018).
with carboxylate-containing hydrogels dur- Oran et al. for creating 3D patterns is an 2. K. Fukuda, T. Someya, Adv. Mater. 29, 1602736 (2017).
ing two-photon excitation (10). Their key important aspect of their contribution. Writ- 3. J. R. Tumbleston et al., Science 347, 1349 (2015).
realization was that fluorescein derivatives ing into a 3D swollen gel and delivering a 4. Y.-L. Zhang, Q.-D. Chen, H. Xia, H.-B. Sun, Nano Today 5,
435 (2010).
also potentially serve as chaperones for the patterned array of functionality represent 5. A. Selimis, V. Mironov, M. Farsari, Microelectron. Eng. 132,
concurrent introduction of functionality an important departure from traditional 83 (2015).
and create sites for subsequent colocation of 2D and 3D lithographic printing where the 6. A. Marino, C. Filippeschi, V. Mattoli, B. Mazzolai, G. Ciofani,
Nanoscale 7, 2841 (2015).
nanomaterials. This multistep segregation patterned energy defines a printed photo- 7. S. Ali, M. L. Cuchiara, J. L. West, Methods Cell Biol. 121, 105
of defining geometry and defining material polymer structure. This approach addresses (2014).
ensures that the nanomaterials are not pres- a key challenge in 3D direct laser writing in 8. Q. Hu et al., Sci. Rep. 7, 17150 (2017).

9. Z.-C. Ma, Y.-L. Zhang, B. Han, Q.-D. Chen, H.-B. Sun, Small
ent during the patterning step. Thus, Oran terms of precisely depositing nanomaterials Methods 2, 1 (2018).
et al. avoid any detrimental interactions of onto printed objects, versus the more preva- 10. M. A. Skylar-Scott, M.-C. Liu, Y. Wu, A. Dixit, M. F. Yanik, Adv.
nanoparticles during exposure that can oc- lent stochastic introduction of nanoparticles Healthcare Mater. 5, 1233 (2016).
cur in mask-projection stereolithographic that degrades both performance and printing
printing processes (see the figure, middle). resolution. Furthermore, two-photon laser We thank V. Meenakshisundaram for help in preparing the figure.
Moreover, the addition of compounds after writing allows for patterning energy with
the initial conjugation of nanomaterials can voxel-level control in 3D space, so the process 10.1126/science.aav5712

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1245

Published by AAAS


Did maize dispersal precede domestication?

Unraveling the history of maize domesticates reveals a complex journey into South America

By Melinda A. Zeder further. Conventional wisdom had been that animals domesticated at different times in
maize dispersed into South America well af- different parts of the globe (4).

he domestication of plants and animals ter it was fully domesticated. In a major de- Traditional dispersal scenarios envisioned
and their dispersal across the globe parture, Kistler et al. demonstrate that the a process in which domesticates moved out of
triggered a millennia-long process by maize lineage that made its way into South a restricted number of domestication centers
which human activity has become the America began its journey out of central in a wave-like fashion through demic move-
dominant influence on climate and the Mexico in a state of partial domestication ment or though trade. As this wave advanced,
environment (1). Domestication was a shortly after initial domestication. At the indigenous hunter-gatherers were either dis-
watershed development that ushered in the same time, the authors show that other semi- placed by colonizing farming populations
Anthropocene (2). How, when, where, and domesticated lineages followed independent or induced to adopt farming and herding as
why humans embarked on this path is cen- trajectories through Mexico and beyond, as more productive alternatives to traditional
tral to understanding how we might chart they diversified into various extant landraces foraging strategies (7). We now know the
our way in an uncertain fu- process was much more com-
ture. On page 1309 of this plex. Colonizing populations
issue, Kistler et al. (3) report did indeed move out of the
on the dispersal of maize into Near East into Europe with
and across northern South their domesticates following
America. The study contrib- two paths—by sea around
utes to the growing appre- the Mediterranean Basin and
ciation of domestication as over land through central
a complex, coevolutionary and into western Europe (8).
journey taken by humans In each case, however, they
and receptive plant and ani- established pioneering farm-
mal species over hundreds, ing communities in areas
if not thousands, of years. that were largely devoid of
The study also joins others in indigenous foragers. Complex
showing how human popula- hunter-gatherers in Europe,
tions incorporated dispersing reliant on broad-spectrum
domesticates into indigenous strategies that included wild
systems of exploitation and and managed local resources,
manipulation of local re- Maize was probably “semi-domesticated” in Mexico before it dispersed into South America. often resisted adopting these
sources. More broadly, this domesticates, sometimes for
research speaks to the promise of domes- of maize. Despite separate histories, some hundreds of years, before selectively incorpo-
tication research in assessing fundamental lineages—those that experienced subsequent rating some of them into their existing subsis-
questions about evolution and the interface gene flow with maize’s wild progenitor teo- tence regimes in highly individualistic ways.
of natural and cultural systems that shape it. sinte and those, like the South American lin- In parts of Africa unsuited to Near Eastern
Domestication was once viewed as a eage, that did not—came to possess the full crop plants, low numbers of domesticated
binary process by which a free-living wild suite of fixed domestication traits of modern caprines and cattle introduced from the Near
organism crossed a threshold to become a maize. This further implies, Kistler et al. ar- East were incorporated into the subsistence
domesticated one under human control. It is gue, that each partially domesticated pioneer economies of mobile foraging populations
now clear that domestication is a nonbinary possessed the “building blocks” of fully do- that followed the seasonal round of migrat-
process that involves complex interactions mesticated maize. The subsequent fixation ing herd animals.
between humans and target species over long and linkage of modern maize alleles in these Kistler et al. provide another example of
stretches of time and space (4). Several recent different lineages were the outcome of con- this process in which low-level food produc-
studies have combined genetic and archaeo- tinued parallel, but independent, interactions ing societies in the Amazon and Andes folded
logical techniques to document the progres- between this evolving crop plant and humans maize into a mix of locally domesticated,
sive fixation of different domestication genes in the different regions into which the plant loosely managed, and wild resources. This
in maize over a 2000-year period as this crop dispersed. This conclusion raises questions pattern echoes that observed in eastern North

plant dispersed from central Mexico into the about the nature of the human-plant inter- America, where maize was incorporated, as
southwestern United States (5, 6). Kistler et actions that, although proceeding at different a minor component, into existing food-pro-
al. track the dispersal of maize into South rates and with different sequences of allelic ducing economies based on a mix of local do-
America, taking this research several steps fixation, nevertheless produced the same mesticates and wild resources (9). It was only
suite of domestication traits characteristic after hundreds of years of subsequent evolu-
of what is known as the “domestication syn- tion of maize and, in the case of Amazonia,
Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA. Email: drome”—not only in maize but also in wheat, human-mitigated landscape transformation barley, rice, legumes, and other plants and that intensive maize production replaced

1246 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
broad-based food producing economies. In IMMUNOLOGY
each case, recipient populations made stra-
tegic decisions about the utility of incorpo-
rating introduced domesticates into existing
subsistence practices that were encoded in
Peanut allergen–specific
systems of ecological knowledge about local
environments and biotic resources and pro- antibodies go public
duced stable subsistence economies.
The study of Kistler et al. also reveals the
Characterizing peanut-specific antibodies may
value of domestication as a model for explor- identify targets to treat food allergy
ing evolution—both biological and cultural.
A debate is currently roiling evolutionary
biology over the need to revise and extend By Hannah J. Gould and Faruk Ramadani the immune response. Until recently, the far
traditional evolutionary theory through the less abundant IgE-expressing B cells have

development of an extended evolutionary hanges in the human environment proved to be elusive. On page 1306 of this
synthesis (EES) (10). As Kistler et al. demon- and activities over the past few de- issue, Croote et al. (5) have analyzed single
strate, the domestication of plants and ani- cades have caused an epidemic of food B cells from six individuals with peanut al-
mals touches on all the areas of contention allergies (1). People suffering from al- lergy, which enabled the identification of
in this debate (4). The expanded time frame lergies often feel that they live on a the natural Ig heavy- and light-chain pairs
for the manifestation and fixation of key do- cliff edge, as the allergens to which from IgE-expressing B cells that are respon-
mestication traits documented by Kistler et they react are potentially fatal (2). For ex- sible for peanut allergy. With this informa-
al. provides an opportunity to evaluate the ample, tiny amounts of peanut picked up on tion they produced recombinant antibodies,
role of constructive developmental processes skin or contaminating other foods can be identified the peanut allergen–specific anti-
(especially phenotypic plasticity and niche dangerous to peanut-sensitized individuals bodies, and used site-directed mutagenesis
construction) that advocates of the EES be- (2–4). Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to suppress their activity. The mutated anti-
lieve lend directional bias to the variation on mediate the allergic response. They bind to bodies could be used to treat peanut allergy.
which evolution operates (11). It also provides specific receptors on inflammatory immune Whole-exome sequencing of single B cells
a window into how traits that arise through cells: mast cells in mucosal tissues lining from peanut-allergic individuals yielded
these processes become fixed parts of the do- body surfaces and cavities, and basophils in two principal components of gene expres-
mesticate’s genome. The coevolutionary rela- the circulation. These cells mediate allergic sion, representing naïve or memory B cells
tionships between humans and target species responses triggered by specific antigens (al- and plasmablasts (the circulating precur-
responsible for the initial domestication of lergens) that are recognized by IgE. B cells sors of plasma cells). The majority of IgE-
maize and its later evolution allow for an as- expressing IgG antibodies have long served expressing cells were plasmablasts, whereas
sessment of the evolutionary consequences as the paradigm for the development of B the majority of cells expressing IgG or IgA
of ecological inheritance and social learning cells into antibody-secreting plasma cells in (the more abundant antibody classes) were
that EES proponents see as additional inheri- naïve or memory B cells. It has previously
tance systems guiding evolution (12). As such, been observed that IgE-expressing B cells
School of Biomedical Sciences and Randall Centre in Cell and
the study of Kistler et al. joins other studies Molecular Biophysics, King’s College London, London SE1 1UL, tend to develop into the plasma cell lineage
of initial domestication in providing a robust UK. Email:; as opposed to the memory cell lineage. The
body of genetic, archaeological, and archaeo-
biological data within a well-constrained
temporal framework to serve as models for From sensitization to peanut allergy
evaluating core EES assumptions about evo- Dendritic cells in the skin pick up peanut allergens and present them to peanut allergen–specific T helper 2
lution and the interface of human and natu- (TH 2) cells, which in turn present them to B cells. Interaction between peanut allergen–specific TH 2 cells and
ral systems that shape it (4). j B cells solicits help from TH 2 cells for B cell proliferation, somatic hypermutation and affinity maturation,
class switching to IgE, and plasma cell differentiation. Allergen-specific IgE secreted by plasma cells binds
to resident mast cells in the gut, so the ingestion of peanuts triggers an allergic reaction.
1. N. L. Boivin et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113, 6388
2. B. D. Smith, M. A. Zeder, Anthropocene 4, 8 (2013). Sensitization
3. L. Kistler et al., Science 362, 1309 (2018). Peanut-specifc IgE
4. M. A. Zeder, Evol. Anthropol. 10.1002/evan.21747 (2018).
5. R. R. da Fonseca et al., Nat. Plants 1, 14003 (2015). Mast cell
6. M. Vallebueno-Estrada et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
113, 14151 (2016).
7. A. J. Ammerman, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, The Neolithic TH 2
B cell
Transition and the Genetics of Populations in Europe
(Princeton Univ. Press, 1984). Dendritic
tic Peanut-specifc
8. M. A. Zeder, in From Colonization to Globalization: Species cell T cell
Movement in Human History, N. Boivin, R. Crassard, M.
Petraglia, Eds. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017), chap. 11.
Allergic reaction FceRI
9. B. D. Smith, in From Colonization to Globalization: Species

Movement in Human History, N. Boivin, R. Crassard, M.

Petraglia, Eds. (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017), chap. 13.
10. K. Laland et al., Nature 514, 161 (2014).
11. G. Müller, Interface Focus 7, 20170015 (2017).
12. K. Laland et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 282, 20151019 (2015).

Peanut allergens Histamines, leukotrienes,

10.1126/science.aav7358 cytokines, and prostaglandins

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1247

Published by AAAS

IgE plasma cells inherit their antigen speci- against commonly encountered pathogens. AGRICULTURE
ficity from B cells of other antibody classes, Whether the conserved sequences serve
which have undergone affinity maturation.
This is advantageous for their biological
function in immediate hypersensitivity to
the same purpose now or allergens are
mistaken for the pathogens that affected
our ancestors is unclear (12).
Can witchweed
antigens as it cuts out the time that would
be required for affinity maturation of IgE
The six convergent clones were ex-
pressed as recombinant antibodies. This be wiped out?
memory B cells (6, 7). revealed high levels of somatic hypermuta-
In immune responses, antigens bind to tion, reflecting affinity maturation in the
A potent stimulant induces
specific B cells expressing a membrane- B cells specific for the three most com- parasitic plant germination
bound form of the antibody [the B cell mon and clinically relevant peanut aller-
receptor (BCR)], which stimulates B cell gens, Ara h 1, Ara h 2, and Ara h 3. The that causes it to die
maturation through the processes of so- coincidence of convergence and peanut
matic hypermutation (mutations affecting specificity here is remarkable. Genetic mu- By Harro Bouwmeester
the antibody affinity for antigen) and af- tagenesis gave insight into the crucial resi-

finity maturation (the selection of cells ex- dues for activity, and this could be further oot parasitic weeds of the Oro-
pressing BCRs with the highest affinity for understood through high-resolution crys- banchaceae such as broomrapes and
antigen). The cells may also undergo class tal structure determination of the allergen- witchweeds form a serious threat
switching (from IgM to IgG, IgA, or IgE) to antibody complexes (13). One other B cell to agriculture in many countries
the most effective antibody class for a par- was shown to express an Ara h 3–specific around the world (1). They cause
ticular location in the body. IgE expression IgE antibody. This cell was especially in- large yield losses in crops such as
is needed for protection from parasites teresting because the IgE was related to sorghum, millet, maize, rapeseed, tomato,
at barriers to the environment (airways, an IgG4 (an IgG subclass) in the same cell. sunflower, and legumes (1). These obligate
gut, skin). The cost of this elaborate im- This confirms previous reports of related parasitic plants are dependent on a host
mune mechanism is frequently the lack of IgG4 and IgEs in allergy (10). IgG4 is an for survival, using them to grow and repro-
normal tolerance to harmless allergens, antibody class that confers tolerance to duce on. Therefore, they only germinate in
causing allergy. allergens by competing with IgE for spe- the presence of a germination stimulant
There is compelling clinical and experi- cific antigens (14, 15) and is dramatically exuded by the host root (2). On page 1301
mental evidence that both IgE class switch- increased in specific allergen immuno- of this issue, Uraguchi et al. (3) reveal the
ing and somatic hypermutation in humans therapy. It is reassuring that the immune discovery of a potent synthetic germination
occur transiently in the respiratory tract system itself can operate a mechanism to stimulant. Their discovery provides the ba-
upon allergen stimulation (8–10). Whether prevent or ameliorate allergy, which can be sis for the development of an agrochemi-
primary contact with peanuts through the exploited in the clinic. cal that may be used to germinate parasitic
skin (3, 4) is followed by local class switch- Further research on these antibodies
ing to IgE in the aerodigestive tract in food could lead to modified antibodies or anti-
allergy remains to be investigated. Immedi- body fragments that compete with IgE for
ate hypersensitivity that is characteristic of allergen binding and prevent the allergic “...SPL7 can induce suicidal
allergic reactions mediated by IgE occurs response. Future use of whole-exome se- germination of Striga in
in the gut as it does in the airways (see the quencing, perhaps comparing the develop-
figure). The IgE-expressing B cells isolated ment of IgE-expressing plasma cells with soil and thus reduces Striga
from blood by Croote et al. may represent
peanut-specific cells that have migrated out
those expressing other antibody classes,
may identify genes that regulate IgE plasma
infection of maize...”
of the tissue to other sites in the body where cell development and survival that could
they continue to function (10, 11). be counteracted. The work of Croote et al. weeds in the absence of a host (so that they
The authors focused on B cells that were exemplifies a concerted approach to un- will die, called suicide germination) and
of interest because the variable region se- derstanding and potentially intervening in gives insight into what may be determining
quences in six B cells from two of the six allergic disease. j host specificity of these parasites.
individuals studied were similar. Such sim- The tight control of germination of these
ilarity between individuals is highly im- root parasitic plants is caused by their abil-
1. T. A. E. Platts-Mills, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 136, 3 (2015).
probable (one in 1014 potential sequences in 2. J. Couzin-Frankel, Science 362, 278 (2018). ity to respond to germination stimulants
the far fewer number of B cells that occur 3. G. lack et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 348, 977 (2003). (4). These are secreted by the roots of host
in each individual). The similarities sug- 4. S. M. Chan et al., Allergy 67, 336 (2012). plants and induce seed germination. Al-
5. D. Coote et al., Science 362, 1306 (2018).
gest that the antigen-binding sequences 6. A. Erazo et al., Immunity 26, 191 (2007). though several compounds, from different
are convergent or “public” sequences (in- 7. F. Ramadani et al. Allergy 72, 66 (2017). chemical classes, in the root exudate have
herited sequences that are conserved in 8. P. Campo et al., Clin. Exp. Allergy 45, 872 (2015). been identified as germination stimulants,
9. H. J Gould et al., Trends Immunol. 27, 446 (2006).
evolution). Convergent sequences have 10. H. J. Gould, C. Y. Wu, Int. Immunol. 30, 403 (2018).
the most important class is the strigolac-
been observed in infectious disease and 11. L. Ohm-Laursen et al., Front. Imunol. 9, 1978 (2018). tones (5) (see the figure). The first discov-
in vaccination studies. A rationale is to 12. N. Tyagi et al., PLOS Comput. Biol. 11, e1004546 (2015). ered strigolactone, strigol, was isolated from
13. A. N. Mitropoulou et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115,
hand: The relatively small germline gene E8707 (2018).
the root exudate of cotton and induced ger-
repertoire encoding the Ig variable region 14. A. F. Santos et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 135, 1249 mination of the root parasitic plant Striga
sequences, compared to the repertoire re- (2015).
15. L. K. James et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 130, 605 (2012).
sulting from somatic hypermutation and
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS), University
affinity maturation of the B cells, may have of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam,
evolved in our ancestors to protect them 10.1126/science.aav3709 Netherlands. Email:

1248 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
lutea (6). At least 25 other strigo- Strigolactone signaling in plants The work of Uraguchi et al.
lactones have been identified in Plants secrete different types of strigolactones from their roots confirms the crucial importance
root exudates of different plant into the soil, where they induce the germination of parasitic of the D-ring for the biological
species and shown to be germi- plant seeds and hyphal branching of symbiotic AM fungi. The activity of the strigolactones. Im-
nation stimulants of root para- strigolactones are also a plant hormone with endogenous portantly, the authors touched
sitic Striga, Orobanche, Alectra, functions, such as the inhibition of branching. on a phenomenon so far hardly
and Phelipanche spp. (5, 7). addressed in the field: Does spec-
It took more than 50 years to ificity in germination contribute
answer why plants are produc- to target host specificity (5)? A
ing and secreting strigolactones Parasitic number of S. hermonthica hosts
plant seed
(obviously not to induce germi- germination produce quite different strigolac-
nation of parasitic plant seed). tones (5, 7). Sorghum produces
In 2005, it was reported that mainly strigol-type strigolac-
strigolactones induce hyphal tones, such as the 5-deoxystrigol
branching in arbuscular mycor- that was also used by Uragu-
rhizal (AM) fungi (8). AM fungi chi et al. (3, 5, 7). Millet pro-
engage in a symbiotic interac- duces mainly orobanchol-type
tion in the roots of most land strigolactones, whereas maize
plants: They supply water and produces noncanonical strigo-
nutrients in return for assimi- AM lactones (5, 7). Yet, all three are
lates produced from photosyn- branching severely infected by S. hermon-
thesis. Later, it was discovered thica, albeit by different strains.
that the strigolactones are also Whether selectivity to the strigo-
a plant hormone that regulate lactones produced by these hosts
plant branching (9, 10). Further plays a role in this strain prefer-
Noncanonical Strigol-type Orobanchol-type
studies discovered that strigo- strigolactones strigolactones strigolactones
ence, and whether ligand speci-
lactones also regulate other (e.g., zealactone) (e.g., 5-deoxystrigol) (e.g., orobanchol) ficity of the different ShHTLs is
aspects of plant development, O O important, is a conundrum.
including root architecture and C SPL7 is an interesting lead for
leaf senescence (4). A B the development of suicide ger-
Since these discoveries, strigo- O O O O mination stimulants that could
lactone biosynthesis was partially O D O O be used to clear fields from
elucidated (11)—although our Striga, before a crop is planted.
knowledge is far from complete There are, however, several
(5). Strigolactone perception was also inves- tated suggest that the interaction of SPL7 challenges that need to be overcome. For
tigated, including the discovery of the strigo- with ShHTL7 involves different amino ac- application in the African continent, the
lactone receptor, D14 (12). In the root parasitic ids than for 5-deoxystrigol. Although the molecules must be extremely cheap, if not
broomrapes and witchweeds, however, a re- authors do not show what the mechanism free. In addition, the application on a field
ceptor homologous to D14, HYPOSENSITIVE underlying this difference is, it is now clear and sufficient penetration into the soil will
TO LIGHT (HTL), was shown to have dupli- that amino acids outside the ligand bind- probably need large amounts of water (15).
cated and evolved new ligand binding speci- ing pocket are important in ligand speci- Clearly, a lot of research is still needed to
ficity, allowing these parasites to germinate ficity. This will help direct investigations bring this finding to the field. However, the
upon perception of strigolactones secreted into the causes of strigolactone specificity study of Uraguchi et al. may lead to new ap-
by their host (13, 14). Intriguingly, the exact in these parasites. proaches, such as engineering of the strigo-
role and ligand of HTL in other, nonparasitic This result was further underpinned lactone profile of the crops, which could
plants remains elusive (12). with experiments in which the effect of also result in solutions for this tremendous
Uraguchi et al. used Striga hermonthica SPL7 was compared with that of GR24 (a agricultural problem that causes hardship
(witchweed) HTL, ShHTL7, as a sensitive synthetic strigolactone with a similar D- for millions of African farmers. j
biosensor for germination stimulants. In a ring as that of SPL7). SPL7 did not have
chemical screen using Striga germination the hormonal effect that GR24 has—for
1. C. Parker, Weed Sci. 60, 269 (2012).
as a readout, they identified a molecule example, in inhibiting shoot branching 2. H. J. Bouwmeester, R. Matusova, S. Zhongkui, M. H. Beale,
that had considerable potency. Serendipi- or inducing root hair elongation in Arabi- Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 6, 358 (2003).
tously, most of the activity was due to the dopsis thaliana. SPL7 also hardly affected 3. D. Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301 (2018).
4. S. Al-Babili, H. J. Bouwmeester, Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 66,
presence of a synthetic impurity, which AM fungi hyphal branching, in contrast 161 (2015).
had the classical D-ring that is also present to GR24. This suggests that through the 5. Y. Wang, H. J. Bouwmeester, J. Exp. Bot. 69, 2219 (2018).
in all strigolactones (see the figure). Upon structure of the rest of the molecule SPL7 6. C. E. Cook et al., Science 154, 1189 (1966).
7. K. Yoneyama et al., J. Exp. Bot. 69, 2231 (2018).
further optimization of this molecule, the has a high affinity for ShHTL7, whereas its

8. K. Akiyama et al., Nature 435, 824 (2005).

authors generated sphynolactone-7 (SPL7), affinity for other strigolactone receptors, 9. V. Gomez-Roldan et al., Nature 455, 189 (2008).
a molecule with an affinity for ShHTL7 that such as D14 in A. thaliana and the as yet 10. M. Umehara et al., 455, 195 (2008).
11. A. Alder et al., Science 335, 1348 (2012).
is comparable with the affinity of the most unknown receptor in AM fungi, is very low. 12. M. T. Waters et al., Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 68, 291 (2017).
potent natural strigolactone known, 5-de- Last, the authors showed that SPL7 can in- 13. C. E. Conn et al., Science 349, 540 (2015).
oxystrigol. However, intriguingly, experi- duce suicidal germination of Striga in soil 14. S. Toh et al., Science 350, 203 (2015).
15. B. Zwanenburg et al., Pest Manag. Sci. 65, 478 (2009).
ments in which amino acids outside the and thus reduces Striga infection of maize
ligand binding pocket of ShHTL7 were mu- that is sown afterward. 10.1126/science.aav8482

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1249

Published by AAAS

NEURODEGENERATION studies, a potentially effective drug may have

been tested at the wrong disease stage, but in

Alzheimer’s disease: many studies, it has simply been the wrong

drug. Although methods are available to as-
sess target engagement and assess efficacy
The right drug, the right time with biomarkers, they have not been applied
consistently in early-phase trials. Moreover,
evidence for sufficient target engagement was
Lessons from failed clinical trials can improve the often underemphasized in go-no-go decisions
development of Alzheimer’s disease–modifying therapies to move therapies into pivotal clinical trials.
In several concluded phase 3 studies of
AD therapies, ~20% of individuals enrolled
By Todd E. Golde1, Steven T. DeKosky1, the A/T/N (Ab/tau/neurodegeneration) diag- with a clinical AD diagnosis did not have
Douglas Galasko2 nostic staging system (2). Further, the ACH AD when biomarker studies were assessed
provides a framework for aligning different postenrollment (8). Most trials now use Ab

lzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-asso- therapeutic interventions with disease stage imaging or cerebrospinal fluid–based bio-
ciated neurodegenerative disease that (3) (see the figure). This framework has not markers to document AD pathology in par-
is reaching epidemic proportions as a been applied consistently in clinical trials of ticipants. This is a critical and ethical step if
result of the aging of the world’s popu- drugs that target AD. Instead, many drugs the therapy is targeting mechanisms under-
lation. Impressive gains in our under- were tested at disease stages where there was lying AD. Ongoing advances in blood-based
standing of AD pathogenesis have not concern that limited efficacy would be pre- AD biomarkers will likely increase efficiency
yet translated into disease-modifying thera- dicted by the ACH, primarily because testing and reduce the costs of cohort selection. Ad-
pies that benefit patients. Is this because the in symptomatic patients was the most fea- ditional progress with biomarkers and more
knowledge that guides target identification sible route forward. Further, several trials did sensitive cognitive assessments that accu-
and, hence, therapeutics, is insufficient? Are not define optimal doses or show evidence of rately track degeneration and functional de-
current clinical trial designs not optimal? sufficient target engagement. To optimize the cline from the earliest signs of pathology will
Or are other factors contributing? Here, we chances of success, therapies must be tested also improve the chances of success.
highlight the challenges of developing effec- at a disease stage where they are most likely AD clinical trials have been powered to de-
tive AD therapies and discuss how lessons to show efficacy (i.e., the right time) and do tect relatively small changes in rates of cogni-
learned from failed trials must be imple- so only when target engagement and an ef- tive or functional decline (typically, 25 to 30%
mented to increase the likelihood of success. fective dose have been established in early- slowing of decline over 18 months) when AD
Compelling data support a contemporary phase clinical trials (i.e., the right drug). It is symptomatic. These trials require large
version of the amyloid cascade hypothesis is also necessary to ensure that preclinical cohorts, increasing costs and recruitment
(ACH) in the pathogenesis of AD (1) (see the studies supporting advancement of a therapy time. If a statistically significant slowing of
figure). The ACH posits that slow, progressive to human studies are rigorous and reproduc- decline was achieved, such an effect might be
accumulation of aggregates of the amyloid- ible, and to evaluate, to the extent possible, sufficient for FDA approval but may not be
b protein (Ab) in the brain triggers AD by the stage of disease where the therapy is most clinically meaningful to patients and fami-
initiating a complex pathological cascade likely to show efficacy. lies. Testing drugs appropriate for disease
that accelerates tau pathological pathways Completed disease-modifying AD clini- stage with biomarker-defined participants
and leads to neurodegeneration and clini- cal trials, primarily of drugs that target and using enough patients for larger clinical
cal dementia. Factors such as genetics [for Ab, have tested limited aspects of the effect sizes (for example, 40 to 50% slowing
example, apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 vari- ACH; many failed in phase 3, the final of decline over 18 months) could reduce costs
ant and others], head trauma, lifestyle (for stage with the potential for U.S. Food and and increase predictive power, especially of
example, exercise, sleep), systemic inflam- Drug Administration (FDA) approval (see early-phase trials.
mation, and vascular disease may interact to supplementary materials). Only trials with Efforts now focus on testing agents at
influence risk or pathologic processes. The proven target engagement, such as those of earlier disease stages where efficacy may be
ACH provides the rationale for therapeutics solanezumab and verubecestat, truly tested more likely. Secondary prevention trials in
designed to (i) alter Ab aggregate accumu- some aspect of the ACH (4, 5). Solanezumab asymptomatic individuals who are positive
lation and the “toxic” actions of these ag- and verubecestat both targeted soluble Ab, for AD biomarkers and, in some instances,
gregates; (ii) prevent tau accumulation; and which might slow accumulation in pre- with high genetic risk for AD are testing in-
(iii) target subsequent cellular dysfunction symptomatic stages, but should have lim- terventions that target Ab [for example, the
contributing to the complex downstream ited effects on preexisting Ab pathology, as Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (9), the A4
neurodegenerative processes that result in predicted from preclinical studies in mouse study (10), and the Dominantly Inherited
symptomatic AD. These diagnostic pathologi- models (6, 7). In retrospect, such negative Alzheimer Network trials unit (11)]. In con-
cal features of AD can now be assessed by a results are not surprising—by the time clini- trast to intervention in symptomatic AD,
research classification scheme using imag- cal symptoms appear, Ab aggregates have a therapy with modest impact on Ab could
ing- and fluid-based biomarkers in humans, accumulated over many years and the brain show clinical benefit over time, because pre-
has undergone extensive degeneration. symptomatic patients are less affected by
Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute, Center
Can better clinical trials be designed based tau deposition and structural damage occur-
for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease,
Departments of Neuroscience and Neurology, College on the ACH? Assessing disease modification ring in symptomatic patients. However, not
of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. in AD requires multiyear cycles of innovation all individuals with positive Ab biomarkers
Department of Neurosciences and Shiley-Marcos and optimization. Practical, safety, financial, will develop AD, and they are healthy; these
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, University of California
San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. Email:; and regulatory considerations have contrib- secondary prevention trial drugs require a; uted to suboptimal clinical studies. In some benign safety profile. Recent guidance from

1250 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
A framework for selecting the right time for the right drug cologic interventions such as
The amyloid cascade hypothesis provides a framework for timing interventions, depending on the target and likelihood that a therapy exercise, behavioral thera-
will be successful at a given stage of AD, inferred from cross-sectional autopsy studies and in vivo human biomarker studies (1–3). pies, and diet are important.
Such interventions may have
Downstream pathologies become self-reinforcing benefit in trials, although the
effect size is typically small.
Risk factors Tau and other Symptom Symptom On a larger scale, and initi-
proteinopathies onset progression
• Genetic alterations Aβ aggregate Degenerative ated early enough (midlife),
• Time (aging) accumulation changes Regional Widespread these strategies could lower
• Environmental factors? brain organ brain organ
• Other? failure failure population risk and have
Complex cellular
public health benefit.
As interventions are tested
Theoretical time from symptom onset to prevent symptom onset,
Years >-30 >-20 >-15 >-10 0 +10 lack of therapeutic success
Inhibition of Aβ production or aggregation in symptomatic studies may
Aβ aggregate removal or toxicity neutralization lead to diminishing efforts
Blocking extracelular tau spread to develop therapies that
Probability of success Tau clearance or blocking tau toxicity benefit those who already
for AD therapies suffer from AD. Despite the
Correction of cellular dysfunction, including immune therapies
Low High Neurorestoration
less certain biology, imper-
smaller associated with fect animal models, and chal-
eOect size larger eOect size Symptomatic therapies
lenges of treating complex
Primary Secondary Current testing in neurodegenerative dysfunc-
prevention prevention symptomatic phase tion, efforts must continue
to identify new therapeutic
approaches for the millions
the FDA (12) suggests that acceptance of extremely safe and well tolerated. of individuals who have AD and the millions
biomarker endpoints in clinical trials might If Ab aggregate clearance does not have who will become symptomatic before an ef-
be sufficient for drug approval—a consider- clinical benefit in phase 3 studies in symp- fective prophylactic treatment is identified.
able change to the requirement for clinical tomatic AD, there are concerns that financial Selecting the right drug or drug combination
endpoints, which would take far longer. The considerations may limit enthusiasm for fur- to combat the pathological changes in symp-
nature of the biomarker result that might en- ther trials—even though primary and second- tomatic patients is a huge challenge, but one
able FDA approval remains uncertain and, ary prevention studies are the logical path we must take on. We must continue to build a
similar to the history of approval of statins forward. The expense and cost of trials to more predictive, translational road map and
for cardiovascular disease, subsequent post- show benefit in a slowly progressive disease, adhere to the principles of good drug devel-
market (phase 4) studies evaluating clinical coupled with multiple failures, have already opment to ensure that efforts from basic sci-
efficacy would be required. resulted in a decline in private sector invest- ence translated to clinical trial design meet
Ab antibodies (aducanumab, BAN2401, ments. Loss of investment may accelerate if the challenges of treatment and prevention. j
gantenerumab, LY3002813) being tested in failures continue.
symptomatic AD patients appear capable Patients with mild AD still progress after
1. J. Hardy, D. J. Selkoe, Science 297, 353 (2002).
of reducing Ab aggregates, as assessed by their PET-Ab burden is reduced (albeit, pos- 2. C. R. Jack Jr. et al., Neurology 87, 539 (2016).
Ab positron emission tomography (PET), in sibly, at a slower rate), reinforcing the pos- 3. T. E. Golde, J. Neurochem 139 (suppl 2), 224 (2016).
4. M. F. Egan et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 378, 1691 (2018).
some cases eliminating the Ab signal (13, sibility that downstream changes become 5. R. S. Doody et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 370, 311 (2014).
14). Although hints of clinical benefit have independent of Ab pathology. The point at 6. P. Das et al., Mol. Neurodegener. 7, 39 (2012).
emerged from these studies, the effects re- which this independence emerges is almost 7. P. Seubert et al., Neurodegener. Dis. 5, 65 (2008).
8. S. Salloway et al., N. Engl. J. Med. 370, 322 (2014).
ported to date are small and potentially influ- certain to be defined by ongoing anti-Ab 9. E. M. Reiman et al., J. Alzheimers Dis. 26 (suppl. 3), 321
enced by unbalanced cohorts or small group trials. Moreover, identification of therapeu- (2011).
10. R. I. Sperling et al., Arthritis Rheum. 33, 1149 (1990).
sizes, and will need to be reproduced in tic targets beyond Ab is essential. A limited 11. R. J. Bateman et al., Alzheimers Dement. 13, 8 (2017).
phase 3 trials. Autopsy studies will be needed number of current trials target tau, despite 12.
to determine the impact of diminished Ab considerable interest and long-standing GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/
PET ligand signal on brain levels of Ab, tau, knowledge of its pathophysiological roles 13. S. Ostrowitzki et al., Alzheimers Res. Ther. 9, 95 (2017).
and downstream pathology. (15). Indeed, the extent of tau aggregation 14. J. Sevigny et al., Nature 537, 50 (2016).
15. J. L. Cummings et al., Alzheimers Res. Ther. 6, 37 (2014).
The ultimate test of the ACH, and the has long been known to have a direct rela-
test most likely to have the greatest health tionship to symptoms; biomarkers, including ACK N OW LE D G M E N TS
impact, will be in primary prevention stud- tau PET imaging, allow it to be assessed in The authors are supported by NIH grants (AG046139,
ies—where an Ab-targeting therapy is ini- patients. Nevertheless, tau remains a chal- AG047266, AG005131). T.E.G. is cofounder of Lacerta Inc. and
inventor on patents relating to AD therapeutics. D.G. is a consul-
tiated prior to detectable Ab accumulation lenging therapeutic target. First-generation tant for vTv Therapeutics and on the data and safety monitoring
in the brain. No such study has yet been tau immunotherapy trials are under way, as board for Cognition Therapeutics. S.T.DeK. serves on a science

launched, although planning is under way. are efforts to lower tau levels using modified advisory board for Amgen, a data monitoring committee for
Biogen, and medical advisory board for Cognition Therapeutics.
Such studies will likely require many years antisense oligonucleotide and a few small-
to obtain a biomarker readout and even molecule studies. SUP P LE M E N TARY M AT E RIALS
longer to test definitively that an interven- Given the unmet medical need and the
tion prevents or slows development of AD impact of lifestyle and vascular mechanisms
symptoms. Thus, the therapy needs to be on dementia risk, evaluations of nonpharma- 10.1126/science.aau0437

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1251

Published by AAAS
Fog envelops Mexico’s Large Millimeter Telescope,
one of the Event Horizon Telescope instruments.

not just mean on the same night or even

during the same few minutes. It means each
telescope must collect a data stream digitally
stamped with the time of the observation
to an accuracy of a minuscule fraction of a
second so that the data can later be precisely
aligned, combined, and correlated.
The state-of-the-art clocks capable of such
accuracy are called hydrogen masers. These
massive, finicky beasts have to be transported
to each site and carefully installed and cali-
brated. In one of the most entertaining parts
of his book, Fletcher describes a high-altitude
maser installation at a telescope in the moun-
tains of Mexico that was nearly thwarted by
muddy roads, sudden snowfall, and bandits.
B O OKS et al . In the end, the delicate machine was swung,
“Tarzan-style,” into place.
Then there is the weather. If it does not
ASTROPHYSICS cooperate at even one site on the night the
network is supposed to be observing, the

Searching for the singularity remaining telescopes might not be able to

collect enough data to resolve anything of in-
terest. But when the weather is clear, the see-
An embedded journalist tells the tale of an Earth-sized ing can be glorious. As Fletcher puts it, if the
black hole at the center of our Galaxy “were
telescope that could provide the first image of a black hole to develop sentience and look back, it would
see a conveyor belt of silver dishes mounted
By Matthew Kleban Avery Broderick): “[T]he first picture of a on mountains, a sparsely mirrored disco ball
black hole could be just as important as Pale spinning at the speed of night and day.”

ize matters, especially when it comes Blue Dot.” However, such a picture would say Negotiating the politics of the EHT collabo-
to telescopes. This is partly because something different, “it would say, there are ration may be the largest challenge facing the
larger instruments collect more light monsters out there.” endeavor. Questions of who’s involved, who’s
and see better in the dark. But just Fletcher, a writer and a senior editor at in charge, and who gets credit for what are
as two separated eyes allow for stereo Scientific American, spent 6 years embedded a recurring theme in the book. “‘You know
perception, the larger the distance with teams of astronomers as they traveled to what they’re fighting about, don’t you?…
between points on a telescope, or the far- distant telescopes, set up finicky equipment, They’re fighting over who gets their name on
ther apart several coordinated and wrestled over control of, and the Nobel Prize,’” an anonymous astronomer
telescopes are, the more precisely individual credit for, the forthcom- confides to Fletcher.
distant objects can be resolved. ing science. The result is an ambi- It was only in the past 2 years that the EHT
Seth Fletcher’s Einstein’s tious and richly detailed account matured to the point that it had the capabil-
Shadow is the story of the Event told mainly from the viewpoint of ity to image these distant black holes. Some
Horizon Telescope (EHT)—an Shep Doeleman of the Massachu- unexpected technical glitch might have pre-
astrophysical endeavor on an ex- setts Institute of Technology as he vented it from producing any image at all.
traordinary scale that knits radio conceives the idea for the EHT, On the other hand, the data may constitute
telescopes at far-flung locations struggles with technical obstacles, a beautiful confirmation of Einstein’s theory
Einstein’s Shadow
across the globe into what is, in ef- Seth Fletcher
and absorbs a rival group. Far or possibly even something completely unex-
fect, a single telescope the size of Ecco, 2018. 283 pp. from the romantic image of the pected and revolutionary. Unfortunately for
Earth.  The goal of the EHT is to lone astronomer glued to his eye- Fletcher, the 6 years he was embedded with
capture a direct image of the supermassive piece, Doeleman (now at Harvard University the team did not suffice to reveal the answer.
black hole believed to lurk at the center of and head of the EHT) is portrayed rushing Here lies the book’s one notable shortcom-
our Galaxy and another even more massive around the world, simultaneously filling the ing—it is a story without a climax. With the
hole at the center of the M87 galaxy. roles of astronomer, technician, administra- possible exception of a few researchers bound

Although nearly any scientist in the field tor, politician, and occasionally, weatherman. by secrecy, no one knows what the EHT ob-
(including this writer) would bet at long odds If one’s brain received a signal from the served, and so Fletcher’s narrative abruptly
that there is, in fact, a black hole there, as left ear with a delay relative to the right, the fades to black. This is not a fatal flaw, but it
Fletcher writes (paraphrasing astrophysicist listener would struggle to localize where the detracts from what is otherwise a refresh-
sound was coming from. In the same way, ingly fast-paced account of this extraordinary
each telescope in the EHT’s network must scientific enterprise. j
The reviewer is at the Department of Physics,
New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA. observe the same part of the sky at the same
Email: time. “At the same time,” in this case, does 10.1126/science.aaw0776

1252 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS


Unlocking the science of success

A complexity expert reveals how social networks create recognition and acclaim

By Raissa M. D’Souza matter most. And even when performance The Formula
can be measured, for the highest achiev- The Universal Laws
of Success

ant to master your professional ers, just a small increase in performance
and social networks to maximize can lead to an exponential increase in how Albert-László Barabási
Little, Brown, 2018. 316 pp.
recognition? Want to learn how we perceive their value and in the amount
to build productive teams that of recognition they receive. Performance
create lasting impact? In his new is ultimately limited by our personal abili-
book, The Formula: The Univer- ties, but recognition, which comes from the networks that create success, so the
sal Laws of Success, Albert-László Barabási the networks, is unbounded. scientific study of success also reveals a lot
translates almost a decade of scholarly Even when performance can be pre- about human nature. Although teamwork
research on the science of success into a cisely quantified, measurement biases can is typically at the core of any major suc-
lively and compelling narrative woven to- creep in. For instance, a judge of a gym- cess, we are quick to reward the credit to
gether with captivating stories and his own nastics competition is unlikely to give per- one lone individual. We like to create su-
deeply personal experiences. fect marks to the first competitor, placing perstars to idolize and aspire to.
The book reveals the scientific under- athletes in the first performance slot at a Society must also be ready to enter-
pinnings behind many informal “rules disadvantage. That opening competitor tain a new idea for it to be adopted. We
of thumb” used by successful people and is further penalized if the second-round are excited about new things that balance
provides scientific explanations comfort and discomfort, asimilar-
for why our efforts to succeed of- ity and innovation. Too little inno-
ten yield counterintuitive results. vation is boring, and too much is
For instance, why are some ideas incomprehensible. How to strike
ignored in their own time but then the right balance? One strategy
catch like wildfire later? Why do presented is to build a team that
two individuals with seemingly includes “forbidden triads” like
similar levels of skill and perform- Miles Davis did in creating his
ance achieve widely different lev- timeless masterpiece, Kind of Blue.
els of notoriety? This means, for instance, bringing
In order to understand “success,” in the strong collaborators of your
we must first define it. At its most strong collaborators. Of course, as
basic, success is about achieving a Barabási shows, dumb luck, grit,
specified goal. Typically, we also and perseverance all play a role in
associate success with recognition success too.
from our peers, fame, and profit. It is worth noting that “success”
In The Formula, Barabási shows us measured in terms of recognition
that achieving this sort of success is not synonymous with happi-
relies inherently on the workings ness. Arguably, success is about
of the invisible professional and High-quality work is essential, but visibility can also help breed success. achieving goals that matter to us
social networks that shape our personally, and most of us do like
world. He defines “success” as the intan- performances are ordered from worst to to receive recognition from our peers, all of
gible things, separate from performance, best, as is often the case in Olympic sports. which can enhance our happiness.
that bring about recognition. In a world where minuscule score differ- The Formula is an important book for
Taking us on a wildly entertaining ences between the ultra-elite can lead to us all to read. It weaves together meticu-
journey from the precision-measurement extremely varying levels of success, it is lously researched historical context with
world of individual performance sports, important to be aware of such effects. more than a decade of Barabási’s and other
such as running and tennis, to the intangi- The Formula also shows us how to quan- scholars’ “eureka moments” and research
ble world of art and music, to team-based tify the old adage that “success breeds findings to extract scientific principles and
efforts, Barabási reveals how to extract success.” An initial kickstart in visibil- actionable insights for achieving success.
five “laws” that govern the recognition we ity, coupled with high performance and And it shows us how the numerous social

will receive. He begins by showing us that ability (which Barabási calls “fitness”), and professional networks that are embed-
when performance cannot be quantified compounds. Although a kickstart to a per- ded in society shape the success stories of
directly, it is the perceptions of others that former of low intrinsic quality may ini- individuals and provides an intimate por-
tially lead to high visibility, given enough trait of a great scientist and his own path
time that performer should ultimately fade to resounding success. j
The reviewer is at the Department of Computer Science into obscurity.
and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616, No success story is that of a single in- 10.1126/science.aav7140
USA. Email: dividual. Moreover, we collectively form

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1253

Published by AAAS


A new hope for beating back cancer

Vivid portraits of patients, scientists, and physicians reveal the promise of immunotherapy

By Carolyn Wong Simpkins doom the nascent hopes of cancer immu- The Breakthrough
notherapy. “My initial reaction upon seeing Immunotherapy and the
Race to Cure Cancer

very cancer is a living, ever-evolving, him … was, ‘Are you kidding me?’” How-
mutated derivation of a body’s own ever, Schwartz was ultimately admitted to Charles Graeber
Twelve, 2018. 320 pp.
cells. This makes fighting a cancer the study and responded beautifully to the
like fighting the mythological many- treatment. “Right away, I just came back to
headed hydra. Cut off one head, and life,” Schwartz would tell Graeber.
two may grow in its place. Later, Graeber steps back to examine introduced as “a hard living harmonica-
In The Breakthrough, journalist Charles the historical origins of the concept that playing Texan who … looks like something
Graeber tells the story of how we may fi- the immune system could be unleashed to between Jerry Garcia and Ben Franklin.”
nally slay the beast. The “breakthrough” combat cancer. This story is centered on a Graeber also crafts beautifully evocative
referenced in the title is not a single drug or series of finely drawn characters, includ- phrases that illuminate the workings of
treatment but a series of revelations regard- ing Elizabeth “Bessie” Dashiell, a child- the body and the harsh reality of disease,
ing how the body’s immune system regu- hood companion of John D. Rockefeller describing, for example, “tumors leapfrog-
lates itself and how cancer can hijack it to Jr. whose untimely death would inspire ging each other like kids grabbing a bat
avoid our defenses. This, Graeber argues, is her surgeon, William Coley, portrayed by handle for dibs.” My favorite analogy was
cancer’s “penicillin moment,” one in which he likened the
opening the door to a radically kidney’s filtering glomeruli to
new therapeutic approach. “a demolition worker clearing
Graeber is remarkably out asbestos from a condemned
skilled at explaining complex building” to explain the particu-
immunological phenomena lar vulnerability of the kidney to
and captures the convoluted aggressive malignancy.
dynamics of scientific discov- The book’s final chapter takes
ery. He centers each part of readers back to the characters
the narrative on a character we met at the start of the book
or two, whom he brings to but adds little to the scientific or
vivid and sympathetic life, clinical story. I recommend sav-
highlighting not just their ing chapter 6 to read as your fi-
work or their disease but also nal chapter. It also revisits some
their humanity, their person- of the story’s early characters
ality, and the emotional chal- while offering a frank discus-
lenges they face. sion of the limitations of immu-
Nowhere are these strands notherapy, the latter of which is
woven together as powerfully much needed in the current era
as in the first chapter. To il- of scientific and medical hype.
lustrate the game-changing na- In The Breakthrough, Dan Chen (left) candidly reflects on a memorable clinical trial. Readers who come to this
ture of cancer immunotherapy, book with some knowledge of
Graeber introduces “Patient 101006 JDS,” a Graeber as a cross between Indiana Jones the immune system’s workings will find
finance guy turned music industry execu- and Sherlock Holmes, to chase down every a very satisfying read, with entertain-
tive named Jeff Schwartz. Diagnosed with lead—from scientific clues in the labora- ing and largely accurate overviews of the
stage 4 kidney cancer in February 2014 and tory to sociological data in the tenements workings of the immune system, an excit-
fading fast, on 20 December, Schwartz se- of Manhattan’s lower east side—ultimately ing flyover of the scientific journey that’s
cured the last spot in a clinical trial of a new earning him the moniker the “father of im- brought us to our current understanding,
immunotherapy candidate. munotherapy.” Far from a dry accounting and important reminders of the humanity

The physician overseeing the trial, Dan of historical events, look for the themes of of every player in this saga. Scientists and
Chen, recalls wrestling with the decision chance observation, persistence, and fan- clinicians who work in cancer or immune-
of whether to admit Schwartz—whose tastical luck that find resonance through- related disorders may wish to gift this to
advanced disease and poor performance out the rest of the story. partners, children, parents, and friends
status made him a less-than-ideal can- Graeber intersperses portraits of the sci- who’ve never quite grasped what it is they
didate—into a trial that could launch or entists seeking to uncover the immune sys- work on. But this book really shines as a
tem’s inner workings throughout the book, resource for laypeople who seek a better
alongside accessible explanations of their understanding of the immune system, of
The reviewer is a physician and molecular biologist who discoveries. Along the way, we meet many cancer, and of the research process. j
consults on health systems and data for technology and health
care organizations. Chevy Chase, MD 20815, USA. luminaries of the field, including a certain
Email: recent Nobel recipient who is colorfully 10.1126/science.aav6272

1254 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Sanctions could drive Iran’s
Asiatic cheetah to extinction.

7. Unite4Heritage, UNESCO, “UNESCO’s response to protect

culture in crises” (Paris, France, 2016).
8. K. King et al., “Understanding humanitarian exemptions:
U.N. Security Council sanctions and principled humanitar-
ian action” (2016).
9. B. J. Cardinale et al., Nature 486, 59 (2015).
10. United Nations, Convention on Biological Diversity (1992).
11. IUCN, Resolution 2.37, “Support for environmental
defenders,” adopted at World Conservation Congress
2000 in Amman, Jordan (2000); https://portals.
12. S. Ostrowski, Cat News 66, 5 (2017).


Defending the return

of results and data
LET TERS The National Academies of Science,
Engineering, and Medicine recently
published a committee report on return
Edited by Jennifer Sills responsibilities to safeguard ecosystems of individuals’ research results and data,
and biodiversity. Additional measures proclaiming commitment to increasing
Sanctioning to are needed to ensure that countries meet
their CBD obligations during conflicts.
research participants’ access (1). Our Policy
Forum, “Return of results and data to study
extinction in Iran Exemptions should allow the international
cooperation and resources needed to save
participants” (12 October, p. 159), showed
that the report’s recommendations would
The lifting of economic sanctions on Iran threatened species. Countries must also be actually constrict participants’ access, erod-
in early 2016 raised hopes among conserva- required to adhere to their responsibilities ing crucial federal privacy protections and
tionists that much-needed support would (11) to safeguard conservation personnel rejecting two decades of consensus recom-
finally be made available (1) to protect the (“In letter, researchers call for ‘fair and just’ mendations on how to return results safely
country’s unique and threatened biodi- treatment of Iranian researchers accused of and ethically. In their Letter, “Standardizing
versity (2). Unfortunately, on 4 November, espionage,” R. Stone, 21 November; https:// return of participant results” (J. R. Botkin et
economic sanctions were reimposed, likely Without such mea- al., 16 November, p. 759), committee mem-
leading to serious repercussions on biodi- sures, we may see the first continent-wide bers defend their report. Their letter again
versity conservation (3). extinction of a big cat, the Asiatic cheetah, shows misunderstanding of the law and
Conservation of threatened biodiver- in modern times (12). reluctance to trust research participants
sity often relies heavily on international L. Khalatbari1,2, J. C. Brito1,2, with access to their own data and results.
cooperation, which can become impossible A. Ghoddousi3, H. Abolghasemi4, The committee’s report is based on
under economic sanctions. Sanctions reduce U. Breitenmoser5,6, Ch. Breitenmoser- a disputed position by the Centers for
opportunities to transfer international Würsten5, G. H. Yusefi1,2, Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS),
expertise and skills (2) and erect barriers to S. Ostrowski7, S. M. Durant8* which maintains that a laboratory must
international financial support (4), which 1
CIBIO/InBIO, Centro de Investigação em be certified under the Clinical Laboratory
together limit the capacity of conservation- Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos da Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA)
Universidade do Porto, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal.
ists within sanctioned countries to enact 2
Departamento de Biologia da Faculdade de in order to return individual-specific results
effective conservation interventions. These Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 4169-007 Porto, (1). Unfortunately, the report’s Statement
factors have hampered conservation efforts Portugal. 3Geography Department, Humboldt of Task directed the committee to evaluate
University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 4Tehran,
to save the critically endangered Asiatic Tehran, Iran. 5IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group, c/o current regulations and recommend alter-
cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) (5), KORA, 3074 Muri, Switzerland. 6Center of Fish and natives but prohibited them from analyzing
the population of which is confined entirely Wildlife Health, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland. “the scope or applicability of CLIA” and
IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group, Paris, France.
to Iran and now numbers fewer than 50 8
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, whether this CMS position is correct (1). Our
individuals (6). London, UK. Policy Forum showed that the CMS position
Rightly, international law enshrines *Corresponding author. is incorrect. Under the CLIA statute and reg-
peoples’ right to humanitarian relief during ulations, CMS can require CLIA compliance

conflicts and embargos (7). Recently, the R EF ER ENCES only if a research laboratory provides infor-
United Nations has taken steps to protect 1. A. Ghoddousi et al., Front. Ecol. Environ. 15, 9 (2017). mation for clinical use; other purposes fall
globally important cultural heritage sites 2. H. Jowkar et al., Iran. Stud. 49, 1065 (2016). outside CLIA, including providing results to
3. M. Rao et al., AMBIO 43, 789 (2013).
during conflict (8). Biodiversity, which 4. D. O’Driscoll, “Impact of economic sanctions on poverty trigger clinical confirmation or allow partici-
has global value and is critical for human and economic growth,” K4D Helpdesk Report (Institute of pants to contribute data to further research.
well-being (9), requires similar protec- Development Studies, Brighton, UK, 2017). Basic administrative law analysis shows the
5. H. Jowkar et al., The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
tions. The UN Convention on Biological (2008); defect in the CMS position.
Diversity (CBD) (10) enshrines international 6. L. Khalatbari et al., Cat News 66, 10 (2017). Botkin et al. claim that “there is no

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1255

Published by AAAS

consensus” about the defect in CMS’s Academies committee should recommend As our Policy Forum and others recog-
position and that it “has not been over- normatively as a solution. To devise sound nize, individuals have strong interests in
ruled by the courts.” However, the federal recommendations for law and policy, the access to their research results and data,
Secretary’s Advisory Committee on committee needed to fully analyze the especially as research transitions to more
Human Research Protections (SACHRP) relevant statutes and legal options. We did participatory models (6–8). The barriers
found the CMS position “at odds with the not urge “ignoring” the CMS position; we advocated by the committee are based on
plain language” of the CLIA regulation urged the opposite—thorough analysis. inadequate legal analysis, inaccurate synthe-
(2), which follows the statute’s language. The committee did not provide this, as the sis of current guidelines, and refusal to trust
Neither source that Botkin et al. cite actu- Statement of Task forbade it.   research participants. We urge regulatory
ally defends the CMS position under the Botkin et al. also defend their rec- agencies, research institutions, and investi-
administrative law principles on which our ommendation to amend the Health gators to perform a full analysis of the law
Policy Forum relied. Such legal analysis is Insurance Portability and Accountability and literature before acting on the recom-
based on established administrative law Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule to exclude mendations of this Academies report.
doctrines and does not depend on consen- much research data and results from the Susan M. Wolf 1* and Barbara J. Evans2
sus, but on the plain language of enacted individually accessible Designated Record 1
Law School, Medical School, Consortium on
Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life
statutes and regulations. Set. This similarly suffers from inadequate
Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
One also cannot assume that a federal legal analysis. The HIPAA access right MN 55455, USA. 2Law Center, Department of
agency’s position is legally correct simply clearly applies to research information, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center on
Biotechnology and Law, University of Houston,
because it has not yet been “overruled.” including from non-CLIA laboratories. As Houston, TX 77204, USA.
Various legal doctrines limit courts’ abil- SACHRP notes, the Designated Record *Corresponding author. Email:
ity to hear challenges to agency position Set may include test results “from non–
statements (3). It is naïve to assume courts CLIA-certified research laboratories” (2).
1. The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and
promptly “overrule” errant agencies. And when CLIA-confirmation is unavail- Medicine, “Returning individual research results to
Botkin et al. claim that “many research able, “the results should still be provided participants: Guidance for a new research paradigm”
institutions” are following the CMS posi- upon the individual’s request,” as this is (Consensus Study Report, 2018).
2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
tion but cite no support (and the report “required by law” (2). Congress extended Office for Human Research Protections, Secretary’s
indicates that others return non-CLIA HIPAA access rights to genetic informa- Advisory Committee for Human Research Protections
results). Whatever some institutions may tion, including from research (4, 5). People (SACHRP), “Attachment C: Return of individual results and
special consideration of issues arising from amendments
be doing to minimize risk in a confusing need access, regardless of data quality, to of HIPAA and CLIA” (2015).
legal landscape says nothing about what an assess their privacy risks. 3. N. A. Mendelson, Cornell Law Rev. 92, 397 (2007).

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4. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, Pub. Whether as core or periphery, the and political support needed for maintain-
L. 110–233, 122 Stat. 881 (May 21, 2008), §§ 102, 105; critical challenge is to understand what ing biodiversity in the long term.
110publ233.pdf. governance works best to conserve Dan Brockington1*, William M. Adams2,
5. Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 300gg-91(d)(16)– the biodiversity of private, communal, Bina Agarwal3, Arun Agrawal4,
(18); and state-managed resources (3, 4). On
pdf/USCODE-2010-title42-chap6A-subchapXXV-partC- Bram Büscher5, Ashwini Chhatre6,
sec300gg-91.pdf. working lands, the potential for biodiver- Rosaleen Duffy7, Robert Fletcher5,
6. J. Bollinger et al., Genet. Med. 14, 451 (2012). sity-rich management depends on who Johan A. Oldekop3
7. J. L. Ohayon et al., Environ. Res. 153, 140 (2017).
owns and controls land or water use, on 1
Sheffield Institute for International Development,
8. A. Thorogood et al., Hum. Genom. 12, 7 (2018). University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN,
what terms, and with what objectives. UK. 2Department of Geography, University of
10.1126/science.aaw1851 Rights to resources, the rules controlling Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EN, UK. 3Global
their use, and the arrangements by which Development Institute, University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, UK. 4School for Environment
Working governance these are forged, enforced, and revised
are critical to conservation success (5,
and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109, USA. 5Sociology of Development

for working land 6). Even as there are calls for improved
governance, knowledge about the rela-
and Change, Department of Social Sciences,
Wageningen University, 6700AC Wageningen,
Netherlands. 6Department of Economics and Public
In their Review “Landscapes that work tive effectiveness of different governance Policy, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500 111, India. 7Department of Politics,
for biodiversity and people” (19 October, arrangements, and the political and social University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK.
p. eaau6020), C. Kremen and A. M. coalitions necessary to support them, *Corresponding author.
Merenlender discuss techniques that can remains in its infancy. Email:
preserve both ecosystem services and Rural people play a vital role in the pro- RE FE RE N CES
biodiversity in landscapes that have been tection of biodiversity in most landscapes, 1. D. Nepstad et al., Conserv. Biol. 20, 65 (2006).
modified by humans. They suggest that both within and outside protected areas (7, 2. E. Ostrom, H. Nagendra, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103,
working lands can form useful peripheries 8). The conservation challenge lies in iden- 19224 (2006).
3. J. Schleicher et al., Sci. Rep. 7, 11318 (2017).
to core protected areas. However, if appro- tifying what specific forms of governance 4. J. A. Oldekop et al., Conserv. Biol. 30, 133 (2016).
priately managed, working lands can do arrangements will work in particular loca- 5. A. Agrawal et al., Science 320, 1460 (2008).
more than just provide appropriate land use tions and with which rural peoples. Models 6. L. Persha et al., Science 331, 1606 (2011).
7. S. T. Garnett et al., Nat. Sustain. 1, 369 (2018).
around strictly protected areas. Some work- must vary; we should design governance 8. B. Agarwal, Gender and Green Governance: The Political
ing lands and less-strict forms of protection arrangements for different contexts. Only Economy of Women’s Presence Within and Beyond
Community Forestry (OUP, Oxford, 2010).
afford comparable conservation outcomes to solutions tailored to the particularities of
state-controlled protected areas (1, 2). each region can win the enduring social 10.1126/science.aav8452



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Simulation and experiment
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Yuan et al., p. 1289

IN S CIENCE JOUR NAL S Edited by Stella Hurtley


Shrinking problems
in 3D printing

lthough a range of materials can
now be fabricated using additive
manufacturing techniques, these
usually involve assembly of a
series of stacked layers, which
restricts three-dimensional (3D) geom-
etry. Oran et al. developed a method
to print a range of materials, including
metals and semiconductors, inside a
gel scaffold (see the Perspective by
Long and Williams). When the hydro-
gels were dehydrated, they shrunk
10-fold, which pushed the feature sizes
down to the nanoscale. —MSL
Science, this issue p. 1281; see also p. 1244

Use of a gel scaffold allows for more-complex

3D printing

ENZYMOLOGY architecture in unpredictable substrate. The resulting catalyst believed. Furthermore, either
ways. —MAF had high activity and durabil- stone tool manufacture and use
Evolution trains a Science, this issue p. 1285 ity, despite its relatively low Pt dispersed early from East Africa
from-scratch catalyst content. —PDS or stone tool manufacture and
Metal-bound peptides can Science, this issue p. 1276 use originated in both North and
catalyze simple reactions such East Africa. —AMS
as ester hydrolysis and may have Combine and conquer Science, this issue p. 1297
been the starting point for the Platinum (Pt)–group metals, ARCHAEOLOGY
evolution of modern enzymes. which are scarce and expensive,
Studer et al. selected progres- are used for the demanding oxy-
Early humans in PLANT SCIENCE
sively more-proficient variants gen reduction reaction (ORR) in northern Africa A step toward control
of a small protein derived from hydrogen fuel cells. One compet- Evidence for the earliest stone
a computationally designed ing approach for reducing their tools produced by human of a noxious weed

zinc-binding peptide. The result- use is to create nanoparticles ancestors (from ~2.6 million The parasitic plant Striga her-
ing enzyme could perform the with earth-abundant metals to years ago) has hitherto come monthica causes extensive crop
trained reaction at rates typical increase their activity and sur- from East Africa. Sahnouni et al. losses, particularly in Africa.
for naturally evolved enzymes face area; another is to replace report the discovery of Oldowan Strigolactone hormones can
and serendipitously developed them with metals such as cobalt stone artifacts and associated be used to initiate germination
a strong preference for a single (Co) in carbide or nitride sites. cutmarks on fossil bones exca- of Striga seeds when no host
enantiomer of the substrate. A Chong et al. thermally activated vated in Algeria, with the earliest crop is present, which causes
structure of the final catalyst a Co metal-organic framework dated to 2.4 million years ago. the nascent Striga plants to die.
highlights how small, progres- compound to create ORR-active Thus, hominins inhabited the Unfortunately, strigolactones
sive changes can remodel both Co sites and then grew PtCo Mediterranean fringe in North are also used by crop plants to
catalytic residues and protein alloy nanoparticles on this Africa earlier than commonly establish beneficial mutualisms.

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1259

Published by AAAS

Uraguchi et al. developed a a “semidomesticated” lineage

hybrid molecule that can initi- that moved out of Mexico. Later Edited by Caroline Ash
ate Striga germination without improvements then occurred
interfering with strigolactone- among multiple South American
dependent events in the populations, including those in GALAXY EVOLUTION
host (see the Perspective by southwestern Amazonia. —LMZ
Bouwmeester). The compound Science, this issue p. 1309; Galaxy pairs follow filaments
has the potential to diversify see also p. 1246

alaxies are nonuniformly distributed
routes toward protecting fields in the Universe, forming a cosmic web
from Striga infestation. —PJH of filaments and clusters. Filaments
Science, this issue p. 1301; DIAGNOSTICS occupy about 5% of the volume of the
see also p. 1248
Differentiating febrile Universe but contain about a third of
the galaxies, which grow by merging. Mesa
disease in the field et al. identified pairs of neighboring galaxies
Many infectious diseases embedded within filaments. They found that
IgE B cells unmasked present with common clini- the orientation of the pairs preferentially align
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) cal symptoms, such as fever, with the axes of the surrounding filaments,
antibodies play a central role which complicates diagnosis at with the effect being more pronounced for
in immune responses against the point of need. Sebba et al. elliptical galaxies than for spirals. Because
helminth and protozoan used surface-enhanced Raman galaxy spins are known to follow the filament
parasites; however, they also scattering (SERS) nanotags to direction, this implies that major merger
contribute to allergies. IgE distinguish Ebola virus infec- events have a preferred orientation in this
antibodies (and the B cells tions from Lassa fever and environment. —KTS
generating them) are rare malaria. The no-wash triplex
Astron. Astrophys. 619, A24 (2018).
and thus poorly character- assay workflow adds a small
ized. Croote et al. performed volume of blood and buffer
single-cell RNA sequencing of to dried SERS reagents and
peripheral blood B cells from delivers a readout within 30 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY scales. Bernhardsgrütter et al.
patients with peanut allergies minutes. The assay detected characterized a protein cage
and delineated each cell’s parasite- and virus-specific
Searching for the best formed by conjoined catalytic
gene expression, splice vari- antigens spiked into blood, conditions domains, creating an incred-
ants, and antibody sequences Ebola infections in nonhu- The vastness of the archival ibly small “nanoreactor” for
(see the Perspective by Gould man primates, and Ebola and chemistry literature is both a three sequential reactions in a
and Ramadani). Unlike other malaria infections in human blessing and a curse. The reac- carbon-fixation pathway. A crys-
isotypes, circulating IgE B cells blood samples collected from tion that you’re looking for is tal structure revealed that each
were mostly immature plasma- endemic regions during field probably in there, provided you domain houses an independent
blasts. Surprisingly, certain IgE testing. —CC take enough time to search for active site facing the interior
antibodies manifested identi- Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaat0944 (2018). it. Gao et al. trained a neural compartment. Enzyme kinetics
cal gene rearrangements in network model on 10 million suggest that the cage can close
unrelated individuals. These IgE known reactions to speed upon substrate and cofactor
antibodies showed high affinity up this process. Specifically, binding, preventing release of
and unexpected cross-reactiv- EDUCATION the model was charged with reaction intermediates, which
ity to peanut allergens. —STS predicting a catalyst, reagents, have reactive moieties. —MAF
Science, this issue p. 1306;
Later school start helps solvents, and temperature to Nat. Chem. Biol. 14, 1127 (2018).
see also p. 1247 sleep and grades achieve a given transformation.
Chronic sleep deprivation dur- When tested, the model’s top-10
ing adolescence is a growing list of suggestions produced a
MAIZE DOMESTICATION problem. In 2017, the Seattle close match to actual condi-
The complexity of maize school district became the larg- tions nearly 70% of the time, Folding to self-destruct
est U.S. school district to delay with a ±20°C error margin in The bacterial enzyme glucos-
domestication secondary-school start times temperature. —JSY amine-6-phosphate synthase
Maize originated in what is by nearly an hour. During this ACS Cent. Sci. 4, 1465 (2018). (GlmS) is essential for synthesis
now central Mexico about transition, Dunster et al. used of the cell wall. Its expression is
9000 years ago and spread activity wristwatches to collect regulated by a structured mes-
throughout the Americas before quantitative evidence about the senger RNA (mRNA) element,
European contact. Kistler et effects of a later school start A cage for catalysts the glmS riboswitch. Most ribo-
al. applied genomic analysis time. The change increased The biosynthetic reactions that switches are stabilized in an “on”
to ancient and extant South daily sleep by more than a half power cells often require unsta- conformational state by binding

American maize lineages to hour, improved the median of ble or toxic intermediates that a ligand. In GlmS, however, ligand
investigate the genetic changes students’ grades by 4.5%, and must be contained and kept at binding leads to self-cleavage,
that accompanied domestica- reduced absenteeism and tardi- low concentrations. One strat- and this, in turn, targets the
tion (see the Perspective by ness. —PJB egy to manage transient species mRNA for degradation. Savinov
Zeder). The origin of modern Sci. Adv. 10.1126/sciadv.aau6200 is physical encapsulation, which and Block used optical tweezers
maize cultivars likely involved (2018). can occur at many different size to measure folding dynamics

1260 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Spiral galaxy pairs tend to
align their spin axes with
the direction of the spine of
their host cosmic filament.

and cleavage rates for the core muscle loses its capacity to when treated with a-Klotho, approach was tested in both
glmS ribozyme with and with- regenerate after injury. Sahu older animals with muscle mouse and baboon preeclamp-
out ligand. A specific duplex et al. report that a-Klotho, injury could regenerate muscle sia models. —SYM
called P2.2 folds last and tran- a protein that suppresses fiber and function. —LC Nat. Biotech. 36, 1164 (2018).
siently. Ligand binding does aging phenotypes in other Nat. Commun. 9, 4859 (2018).
not stabilize the P2.2 duplex; it tissues, may rescue muscle
is only when ligand binds this vitality. Muscle progenitor
structure that cleavage occurs. cells from aged mice showed Robotic rat friends
A compound that stabilizes the decreased a-Klotho expres- RNA treats preeclampsia Robots are becoming increas-
duplex could make an antibi- sion. Moreover, young muscle Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) ingly prevalent throughout
otic candidate. —VV progenitor cells deficient in bound to cholesterol can be society. Surprisingly perhaps,
a-Klotho were senescent,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 11976 nonselectively taken up by a humans can feel a sense of
(2018).with damaged mitochondrial range of tissues with high blood altruism and empathy with
DNA, compromised struc- flow and porous (fenestrated) robots that have human or
tural integrity, and impaired endothelium. Turanov et al. animal traits. Such responses
bioenergetics. The result is showed that such hydropho- raise questions about how
Repairing injured muscle defective myofiber struc- bic siRNA accumulates in the robots might affect social
As we become older, it takes ture and an impaired repair placenta, which offers possibili- interactions. Quinn et al. show
longer to heal. Aging skeletal response to injury. However, ties for a range of therapies for that rats, a highly social species
pregnancy-related dis- that displays several types of
eases. Preeclampsia reciprocity and empathy, will
is a pregnancy help small robots “escape”
disorder caused by a from a cage. Help is even more
circulating tyrosine prompt for those robots that
kinase called sFLT1, show rat-like social and helping
which inhibits blood behaviors. These results raise
vessel formation in important questions about
the placenta, thus the impact of robot deploy-
risking damage to the ment, not just for humans but
pregnancy. Placenta- for other social species too.
originated sFLT1 has Importantly, these findings also
a different sequence dispel some of the questions
than FTL1 in other that have been raised about

tissues, which means the validity of empathy findings

an siRNA can be in species other than our own.
Immunofluorescence shows that the increase in a-Klotho (green) in damaged tissue is designed to selec- —SNV
reduced with aging (right). tively silence it. This Anim. Behav. Cogn. 5, 368 (2018).

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1261

Published by AAAS

ALSO IN SCIENCE JOURNALS Edited by Stella Hurtley


Revealing spin-orbit The whole story Improving Alzheimer’s
coupling in a cuprate An accurate, precise record of disease drug development
Strong coupling between the the carbon-14 (14C) content of There has been consider-
spin and orbital degrees of free- the atmosphere is important for able investment and effort in
dom is crucial in generating the developing chronologies in cli- developing drugs to slow the
exotic band structure of topolog- mate change, archaeology, and progress of Alzheimer’s disease,
ical insulators. The combination many other disciplines. Cheng et but clinical trials have been
of spin-orbit coupling with al. provide a record that covers disappointing. In a Perspective,
electronic correlations could the full range of the 14C dating Golde et al. discuss the problems
lead to exotic effects; however, method (~54,000 years), using that have thwarted Alzheimer’s
these two types of interactions paired measurements of 14C/12C disease drug development, in
are rarely found to be strong in and thorium-230 (230Th) ages particular, treating patients too
the same material. Gotlieb et al. from two stalagmites from Hulu late during disease progression.
used spin- and angle-resolved Cave, China. The advantage of Efforts to improve treatment and
photoemission spectroscopy to matching absolute 230Th ages prevention strategies require
map out the spin texture in the and 14C/12C allowed the authors a mechanism-based approach
cuprate Bi2212. Surprisingly, to fashion a seamless record that also ensures disease pro-
they found signatures of spin- from a single source with low gression is followed accurately
momentum locking, not unlike uncertainties, particularly in the during clinical trials. —GKA
that seen in topological insula- older sections. —HJS Science, this issue p. 1250
tors. Thus, in addition to strong Science, this issue p. 1293
electronic correlations, this
cuprate also has considerable NEUROSCIENCE
spin-orbit coupling. —JS ECOLOGY
Treating stroke with a
Science, this issue p. 1271
A new path for humanity microRNA mimic
Scientific evidence of an ecologi- The loss and subsequent return
CHEMICAL PHYSICS cal and climatic crisis caused by of blood flow in the brain that
human actions is compelling, occurs with a stroke damages
Pinpointing the role of yet humanity is largely con- brain tissue and can be lethal
geometric phase tinuing on its current, heavily or severely impair cognitive
During chemical reactions, resource-dependent path. In a and motor functions. Kim et
electrons usually rearrange more Perspective, Crist argues that al. treated rodents with an
quickly than nuclei. Thus, theo- the main reasons why humanity oligonucleotide mimicking the
rists often adopt an adiabatic is not changing course lie in a microRNA miR-7 either before or
framework that considers vibra- human-centric worldview that within 30 minutes of an experi-
tional and rotational dynamics discounts the value and needs mentally induced stroke. The
within single electronic states. of nonhuman life. As a result, approach successfully reduced
Near the regime where two placing limits on consumption the amount of brain damage and
electronic states intersect, the appears oppressive, and techno- improved motor recovery in the
dynamics get more compli- logical solutions gain supremacy animals. The mimic appeared to
cated, and a geometric phase over efforts to reduce human work by repressing the expres-
factor is introduced to maintain impacts. Resolving the ecologi- sion of the protein a-synuclein,
the simplifying power of the cal and climatic crisis will instead which is associated with neu-
adiabatic treatment. Yuan et al. require humanity to scale back ronal death in various diseases.
conducted precise experimental its impacts. This will only be —LKF
measurements that validate possible if we humans reimagine Sci. Signal. 11, eaat4285 (2018).
this approach. They studied the ourselves as part of the eco-
elementary H + HD reaction at sphere. —JFU and SNV
energies just above the inter- Science, this issue p. 1242
section of electronic states and
observed angular oscillations
in the product-state cross sec-
tions that are well reproduced
by simulations that include the
geometric phase. —JSY
Science, this issue p. 1289

1261-B 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS



he brain, our most complex organ, is at the root of both expression change throughout development and reveal how
the cognitive and behavioral repertoires that make neuropsychiatric risk genes are concentrated into distinct co-
us unique as a species and underlies susceptibility to expression modules and cell types. Developmental analysis of
neuropsychiatric disorders. Healthy brain develop- macaque and human brains reveals shared and divergent spa-
ment and neurological function rely on precise spatio- tiotemporal features and expression of neuropsychiatric risk
temporal regulation of the transcriptome, which varies genes. Another study shows how the transcriptomes of afect-
substantially by brain region and cell type. Recent ad- ed and neurotypical brains exhibit diferences in gene regula-
vances in the genetics of neuropsychiatric disorders tory networks and mRNA splicing, thus highlighting the im-
reveal a highly polygenic risk architecture involving portance of isoform-level regulation and cell type specificity
contributions of multiple common variants with small efects in neuropsychiatric disorders. Because we examined a large
and rare variants with a range of efects. Be- number of individuals, quantitative trait
cause most of this genetic variation resides INSIDE loci (QTL) identification is improved, and
in noncoding regions of the genome, estab- QTLs are found to be associated with varia-
lishment of mechanistic links between vari- tion in cell type proportions in the brain,
Integrative functional genomic
ants and disease phenotypes is impeded by analysis of human brain development as well as those afecting chromatin, DNA
a lack of a comprehensive understanding of and neuropsychiatric risks p. 1264 hydroxymethylation, and gene expression.
the regulatory and epigenomic landscape of Transcriptome-wide isoform-level
Additional investigations highlight the
the human brain. dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, role of noncoding regions, particularly
To address this matter, the PsychENCODE and bipolar disorder p. 1265 promotors, in ASD, as well as the three-
Consortium was established in 2015 by the Comprehensive functional genomic dimensional structure of the genome and
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) resource and integrative model for specific noncoding RNAs and transcription
to characterize the full spectrum of genomic the human brain p. 1266 factors in schizophrenia. For these papers,
elements active within the human brain and Spatiotemporal transcriptomic the consortium developed analytical and
to elucidate their roles in development, evo- divergence across human and biological tools. These include model sys-
macaque brain development p. 1267
lution, and neuropsychiatric disorders. To tems for delineating regulatory networks:
reach this objective, a multidisciplinary team Transcriptome and epigenome human induced pluripotent stem cell–
of investigators across 15 research institutes landscape of human cortical derived cerebral organoids and primary
development modeled in organoids
has generated an integrative atlas of the p. 1268 cultured olfactory neuroepithelial cells.
human brain by analyzing transcriptomic, Finally, all data and associated analysis
Neuron-specifc signatures in the
epigenomic, and genomic data of postmor- chromosomal connectome associated products are available from the consortium
tem adult and developing human brains at with schizophrenia risk p. 1269 website (
both the tissue and single-cell levels. Samples Genome-wide de novo risk score
Overall, eforts such as the PsychENCODE
from more than 2000 individuals were phe- implicates promoter variation in project address how to link molecules, genes,
notypically characterized as neurotypical or autism spectrum disorder p. 1270 and their regulatory elements to higher lev-
diagnosed with schizophrenia, autism spec- els of biological complexity, from a single
trum disorder (ASD), or bipolar disorder. RELATED ITEMS cell to human behavior. However, continued
In Science, Science Translational Medicine, c SCI. TRANSL. MED. investigations are necessary, and the NIMH
and Science Advances, we present manu- 10.1126/scitranslmed.aat8178 and the PsychENCODE Consortium envi-
scripts that provide insights into the biology c SCI. TRANSL. MED. sion future work that will provide additional
of the developing, adult, and diseased human 10.1126/scitranslmed.aat6912 insights into human brain origin, develop-
brain. These papers are organized around c SCI. ADV. 10.1126/sciadv.aav8550 ment, and function in health and disease.

three flagship articles, the first analyzing c NEWS STORY P. 1227 We dedicate this series of papers to
human development, the second examining Pamela Sklar, one of the chief architects and
disease transcriptomes, and the third de- Genetic variants may lead to disease, leaders of the PsychENCODE Consortium.
scribing integration of tissue and single-cell denoted here by a dimmed letter Pamela’s vision and ideas resonate through-
data with deep-learning approaches. representing a nucleotide. The out our studies.
The consortium’s integrative genomic PsychENCODE Consortium presents
analyses elucidate the mechanisms by research to link the efects of genetic *Corresponding author: Nenad Sestan
which cellular diversity and patterns of gene variation to gene expression in the brain. (

SCIENCE 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 1263

Published by AAAS

◥ transcriptome, DNA methylation, and histone

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY modifications across multiple brain regions
ranging in age from embryonic development
through adulthood. We observed a widespread
transcriptomic transition beginning during late
fetal development and consisting of sharply
Integrative functional genomic decreased regional differences. This reduction
coincided with increases in the transcriptional

analysis of human brain development signatures of mature neurons and the expression
of genes associated with dendrite development,
synapse development, and
and neuropsychiatric risks ON OUR WEBSITE

neuronal activity, all of

which were temporally syn-
Read the full article
Mingfeng Li*, Gabriel Santpere*, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa*, Oleg V. Evgrafov*, at http://dx.doi. chronous across neocortical
org/10.1126/ areas, as well as myelina-
Forrest O. Gulden*, Sirisha Pochareddy*, Susan M. Sunkin*, Zhen Li*, Yurae Shin*,
science.aat7615 tion and oligodendrocytes,
Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, Donna M. Werling, Robert R. Kitchen, Hyo Jung Kang, ..................................................
Mihovil Pletikos, Jinmyung Choi, Sydney Muchnik, Xuming Xu, Daifeng Wang, which were asynchronous.
Belen Lorente-Galdos, Shuang Liu, Paola Giusti-Rodríguez, Hyejung Won, Moreover, genes including MEF2C, SATB2, and
Christiaan A. de Leeuw, Antonio F. Pardiñas, BrainSpan Consortium, TCF4, with genetic associations to multiple
PsychENCODE Consortium, PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup, Ming Hu, Fulai Jin, brain-related traits and disorders, converged in
Yun Li, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O’Donovan, James T. R. Walters, Danielle Posthuma, a small number of modules exhibiting spatial
Pat Levitt, Daniel R. Weinberger, Thomas M. Hyde, Joel E. Kleinman, or spatiotemporal specificity.
Daniel H. Geschwind, Michael J. Hawrylycz, Matthew W. State, Stephan J. Sanders,
Patrick F. Sullivan, Mark B. Gerstein†, Ed S. Lein†, James A. Knowles†, Nenad Sestan† CONCLUSION: We generated and applied our
dataset to document transcriptomic and epige-
netic changes across human development and
INTRODUCTION: The brain is responsible knowledge not just of endpoint differences be- then related those changes to major neuro-
for cognition, behavior, and much of what tween healthy and diseased brains but also psychiatric disorders. These data allowed us to
makes us uniquely human. The development of the developmental and cellular contexts in identify genes, cell types, gene coexpression
of the brain is a highly complex process, and which these differences arise. Moreover, an modules, and spatiotemporal loci where dis-
this process is reliant on precise regulation of emerging body of research indicates that many ease risk might converge, demonstrating the
molecular and cellular events grounded in the aspects of the development and physiology of utility of the dataset and providing new in-
spatiotemporal regulation of the transcrip-
tome. Disruption of this regulation can lead
the human brain are not well recapitulated in
model organisms, and therefore it is necessary
sights into human development and disease.

to neuropsychiatric disorders. that neuropsychiatric disorders be understood
in the broader context of the developing and
The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
RATIONALE: The regulatory, epigenomic, and adult human brain. *These authors contributed equally to this work.
transcriptomic features of the human brain †Corresponding author. Email:
have not been comprehensively compiled across RESULTS: Here we describe the generation and (M.B.G.); (E.S.L.); james.knowles@ (J.A.K.); (N.S.)
time, regions, or cell types. Understanding the analysis of a variety of genomic data modalities Cite this article as M. Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615
etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders requires at the tissue and single-cell levels, including (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7615

Embryonic Fetal Perinatal Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood

Spatiotemporal dynamics of human brain development and neuro- purple, low) to regulatory elements in the fetal and adult brains, cell type–
psychiatric risks. Human brain development begins during embryonic specific signatures, and genetic loci associated with neuropsychiatric
development and continues through adulthood (top). Integrating data disorders (bottom right; gray circles indicate enrichment for corresponding
modalities (bottom left) revealed age- and cell type–specific properties and features among module genes). Relationships depicted in this panel do
global patterns of transcriptional dynamics, including a late fetal transition not correspond to specific observations. CBC, cerebellar cortex; STR, striatum;
(bottom middle).We related the variation in gene expression (brown, high; HIP, hippocampus; MD, mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus; AMY, amygdala.

Li et al., Science 362, 1264 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ scriptome (1–4). There is increasingly persuasive

RESEARCH ARTICLE evidence that dysregulation of the transcrip-
tional, regulatory, and epigenetic processes un-
derlying the spatial architecture and temporal
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS progression of human neurodevelopment can
have dire consequences for brain function or

Integrative functional genomic strongly affect the risk of neuropsychiatric dis-

orders (5–7). Indeed, many of the regulatory and
epigenomic features governing the transcriptome
analysis of human brain development of the developing human nervous system may be
specific to particular developmental contexts in

and neuropsychiatric risks humans or closely related primate species. As such,

it is difficult to identify or fully study human func-
tional genomic elements using most common
Mingfeng Li1*, Gabriel Santpere1*, Yuka Imamura Kawasawa1,2*, Oleg V. Evgrafov3*, model organisms or cell culture systems (8). Assay-
Forrest O. Gulden1*, Sirisha Pochareddy1*, Susan M. Sunkin4*, Zhen Li1*, ing human cells and postmortem tissues solves
Yurae Shin1,5*, Ying Zhu1, André M. M. Sousa1, Donna M. Werling6, some of these problems, but challenges, including
Robert R. Kitchen7,8, Hyo Jung Kang1,9, Mihovil Pletikos1,10, Jinmyung Choi1, the availability and quality of developmental tis-
Sydney Muchnik1, Xuming Xu1, Daifeng Wang11, Belen Lorente-Galdos1, Shuang Liu1,7, sue, limit the scale of such analyses. Consequent-
Paola Giusti-Rodríguez12, Hyejung Won12,13, Christiaan A. de Leeuw14, ly, despite ongoing efforts, our understanding of
Antonio F. Pardiñas15, BrainSpan Consortium†, PsychENCODE Consortium†, different facets of the transcriptional, regulatory,
PsychENCODE Developmental Subgroup†, Ming Hu16, Fulai Jin17, Yun Li18, and epigenetic architecture of the human ner-
Michael J. Owen15, Michael C. O’Donovan15, James T. R. Walters15, vous system, particularly during early develop-
mental periods, remains highly incomplete (8–21).
Danielle Posthuma14, Pat Levitt19,20, Daniel R. Weinberger21, Thomas M. Hyde21,
To begin rectifying this deficiency, the Na-
Joel E. Kleinman21, Daniel H. Geschwind22,23,24, Michael J. Hawrylycz4,
tional Institutes of Health–funded PsychENCODE
Matthew W. State6, Stephan J. Sanders6, Patrick F. Sullivan11, Mark B. Gerstein7,25,26,27‡,
( and BrainSpan Consortia
Ed S. Lein4‡, James A. Knowles3‡, Nenad Sestan1,8,28,29,30‡
( sought to generate and
analyze multidimensional genomics data from
To broaden our understanding of human neurodevelopment, we profiled transcriptomic
the developing and adult human brain in healthy
and epigenomic landscapes across brain regions and/or cell types for the entire span of
and disease states.
prenatal and postnatal development. Integrative analysis revealed temporal, regional,
sex, and cell type–specific dynamics. We observed a global transcriptomic cup-shaped Study design and data generation
pattern, characterized by a late fetal transition associated with sharply decreased regional
Here we describe the generation and integrated
differences and changes in cellular composition and maturation, followed by a reversal
analysis of multiple genomic data modalities,
in childhood-adolescence, and accompanied by epigenomic reorganizations. Analysis
including transcriptomic profile, DNA methyla-
of gene coexpression modules revealed relationships with epigenomic regulation and
tion status, histone modifications, CTCF binding
neurodevelopmental processes. Genes with genetic associations to brain-based traits and
sites, and genotype generated from bulk tissue
neuropsychiatric disorders (including MEF2C, SATB2, SOX5, TCF4, and TSHZ3) converged in a
(1230 samples from 48 brains) or at the single-
small number of modules and distinct cell types, revealing insights into neurodevelopment
cell or single-nucleus level (18,288 cells or nuclei
and the genomic basis of neuropsychiatric risks.
from 12 brains) from 60 de-identified postmor-

tem brains obtained from clinically and histo-
he development of the human central ner- the course of development, they undergo a vari- pathologically unremarkable donors of both
vous system is an intricate process that ety of molecular and morphological changes. As sexes and multiple ancestries. Subject ages ranged
unfolds over several decades, during which a consequence, the characteristics of a given from 5 postconceptional weeks (PCW) to 64
time numerous distinct cell types are gen- cell, circuit, or brain region described at a given postnatal years (PY) (Fig. 1 and tables S1 to S6).
erated and assembled into functionally time offer only a snapshot of that unit. Genotyping of DNA extracted from brain with a
distinct circuits and regions (1–4). These basic The processes guiding the development of the HumanOmni2.5-8 BeadChip confirmed subject
components of the brain are neither born ma- nervous system are reliant on the diversity and ancestry and revealed no obvious genomic ab-
ture nor static throughout their lifetimes; over precise spatiotemporal regulation of the tran- normalities (22).

Department of Neuroscience and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 2Departments of Pharmacology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Institute for Personalized Medicine, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA. 3Department of Cell Biology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn NY, USA. 4Allen
Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, WA, USA. 5National Research Foundation of Korea, Daejeon, South Korea. 6Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,
CA, USA. 7Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 8Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 9Department of
Life Science, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 10Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, MA, USA. 11Department of Biomedical Informatics Stony Brook
University, NY, USA. 12Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 13UNC Neuroscience Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.
Department of Complex Trait Genetics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, VU University, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 15MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics,
Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. 16Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA. 17Department of Genetics and Genome Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA. 18Department of Genetics and
Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 19Department of Pediatrics, Institute for the Developing Mind Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA,
USA. 20Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 21Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Johns Hopkins Medical Campus, Baltimore, MD, USA. 22Department of Neurology, David
Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 23Center for Autism Research and Treatment, Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute, David
Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 24Department of Human Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, USA. 25Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 26Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA.
Department of Statistics & Data Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 28Department of Genetics, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 29Department of Comparative
Medicine, Program in Integrative Cell Signaling and Neurobiology of Metabolism, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA. 30Program in Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration, and
Repair and Yale Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †For each consortium, authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementary materials. ‡Corresponding author. Email: (M.B.G.); (E.S.L.); (J.A.K.); (N.S.)

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 13


A Newborn PY 0.5 3 64
18 22 27
9 12 15

Conception Birth
Embryonic Fetal development Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(after Kang et al.)

Age (PCW/PY) 5 6 8 9 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 35 37 0 0.25 0.3 0.5 0.8 1 2 2.5 2.8 4 8 8.3 10.7 13 15 18 19 21 23 30 36 37 40 64

Window (W) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9

B Genotyping
small RNA-seq
DNA methylation
Histone modifications
Single cell RNA-seq
Single nucleus RNA-seq

Fig. 1. Overview of the data generated in this study. (A) The to adulthood), age [5 PCW to 64 PY (19)], and developmental windows
developmental time span of the human brain, from embryonic ages (W1 to W9). Each circle represents a brain, and color indicates
(≤8 PCW) through fetal development, infancy, childhood, adolescence, the sex [red circles (female) and blue circles (male)]. (B) Postmortem
and adulthood, with PCW and PY indicated. Below is the distribution human brains sampled for different data modalities in this study
of samples in this study across broad developmental phases (embryonic are indicated.

For transcriptome analysis, tissue-level mRNA and H3K27ac (acetylated histone H3 lysine 27) clustering analysis and found that all samples
sequencing (mRNA-seq) was performed on a and the epigenetic regulatory protein CTCF, from W5, including the late fetal samples, were
total of 607 histologically verified, high-quality which together identify a large fraction of pro- more similar to early postnatal samples than to
tissue samples from 16 anatomical brain regions moters, repressors, active enhancers, and insu- late mid-fetal samples (fig. S13). Analysis of large-
[11 areas of the neocortex (NCX), hippocampus lators. These data were generated from DFC scale, intraregional changes in the transcriptome
(HIP), amygdala (AMY), striatum (STR), medio- and CBC of a subset of samples from mid-fetal, across time also suggest a major transition that
dorsal nucleus of thalamus (MD), and cerebellar infant, and adult brains (Fig. 1 and table S6). begins before birth. The transcriptomes of major
cortex (CBC)] involved in higher-order cognition Stringent quality control measures (figs. S1 to S8) brain regions and neocortical areas correlated
and behavior [Fig. 2A, (22)]. These regions were were applied to all datasets before in-depth an- well across both embryonic and early to mid-
systematically dissected from 41 brains ranging alyses. We also validated some results by applying fetal (W1 to W4) and later postnatal (W6 to W9)
in age from 8 PCW to 40 PY [18 females and independent approaches (figs. S9, S10, and S18). development but displayed a sharp decrease in
23 males; postmortem interval (PMI) = 12.9 ± Finally, to enable more powerful comparisons, we correlation across late fetal development and
10.4 hours; tissue pH = 6.5 ± 0.3; RNA integrity grouped specimens into nine time windows (W1 to early infancy (W5) (Fig. 2C and fig. S14). This
number = 8.8 ± 1] (Fig. 1 and table S1). Because W9) on the basis of major neurodevelopmental transition was also apparent at the inter-
of the limited amounts of prenatal samples, small- milestones and unsupervised transcriptome- regional level. Pairwise comparisons of gene
RNA sequencing (smRNA-seq) was performed on based temporal arrangement of constituent spec- expression across all 16 brain regions found a
16 regions of 22 postnatal brains, with 278 sam- imens (Fig. 1A and tables S1 to S6). reduction in the number of genes showing
ples passing quality control measures (Fig. 1 and differential regional expression during W5
table S2). These tissue-level RNA-seq analyses Global spatiotemporal dynamics relative to all other windows (fig. S15). Taken
were complemented by single-cell RNA sequenc- We found that most protein-coding genes were together, our observation of high variation
ing (scRNA-seq) data generated from 1195 cells temporally (67.8%) or spatially (54.5%) differ- during embryonic and early to mid-fetal ages
collected from embryonic fronto-parietal neo- entially expressed (22) between at least two time followed by a decrease across late fetal ages
cortical wall and mid-fetal fronto-parietal neo- windows or regions, respectively, with the ma- and the subsequent resumption of higher levels
cortical plate and adjacent subplate zone of an jority of spatially differentially expressed genes of inter- and intraregional variation during late
independent set of nine brains ranging in age (95.8%) also temporally differentially expressed. childhood and adolescence revealed a cup-shaped,
from 5 to 20 PCW (Fig. 1 and table S3) and To gain a broad understanding of this tran- or hourglass-like, pattern of transcriptomic devel-
single-nuclei RNA sequencing data (snRNA-seq) scriptomic variation, we analyzed the level of opment (Fig. 2D).
generated from 17,093 nuclei from the dorso- similarity between individual samples in the To further explore how regional transcriptomic
lateral prefrontal cortex (DFC, also termed DLPFC) mRNA-seq dataset using multidimensional scal- profiles change with age, we applied the adjust-
of three adult brains (Fig. 1 and table S4). For epi- ing applied to both gene and isoform transcript- ment for confounding principal components anal-
genome analyses, DNA cytosine methylation was level analyses (Fig. 2B and figs. S11 and S12). In ysis algorithm (AC-PCA) (23), which adjusts for
profiled with the Infinium HumanMethylation450 both analyses, we found a clear divide between interindividual variations. Within any given de-
BeadChip in 269 postnatal samples covering samples from embryonic through late mid-fetal velopmental window, AC-PCA exhibited a clear
the same 16 brain regions analyzed by RNA-seq development (W1 to W4) and samples from late separation of brain regions, but the average dis-
(Fig. 1 and table S5). Additional epigenomic data infancy through adulthood (W6 to W9), with similarity between transcription profiles of brain
was generated with chromatin immunoprecipi- samples from the late fetal period through early regions declined from W1 to W5 and then in-
tation sequencing (ChIP-seq) for histone marks infancy (W5) generally spanning this divide. To creased with age after W5 (Fig. 2, E and F, and fig.
H3K4me3 (trimethylated histone H3 lysine 4), determine the relationship between these three S16). Implying a relationship between transcrip-
H3K27me3 (trimethylated histone H3 lysine 27), groups, we performed unsupervised hierarchical tional signatures and developmental origin, we

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 13


A Neocortex (NCX) Cerebrum Thalamus Cerebellum


Prefrontal cortex (PFC) Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe

Prenatal brain Postnatal brain

B C Intra-regional differences D Inter-regional differences

Prenatal samples 0.7
W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9
Postnatal samples 1.0
W1 0.9

Mean difference
W2 0.7
0.5 0.5

Pearson correlation
W4 0.4

W6−9 HIP


50 100 AMY
−100 −50 0 50 100 500 20
00 STR
MDS 1 CBC Post-conce 10000 MD
(log2 scal n days CBC
E Late midfetal Late fetal-infancy Early adulthood F
(W4: 19 - 22 pcw) (W5: 35 pcw - 0.3 py) (W9: 21 - 40 py)
All regions One region removed
Cerebrum 15e+3
5e+3 Cerebrum All
PC2 (14.9 %)

12e+3 NCX
PC2 (12.3%)

Mean distance
PC2 (7.9%)


0 9e+3 AMY
HIP 6e+3 MD
-5e+3 AMY CBC
MD 3e+3






−1e+4 0 1e+4 −1e+4 0 1e+4 −1e+4 0 1e+4
PC1 (23.4 %) PC1 (16.2 %) PC1 (31.7 %) Prenatal Postnatal Prenatal Postnatal

Fig. 2. Global transcriptomic architecture of the developing human developmental cup-shaped pattern in brain development. The interregional
brain. (A) mRNA-seq dataset includes 11 neocortical areas (NCX) and five difference was measured as the upper quartile of the average absolute
additional regions of the brain. IPC, posterior inferior parietal cortex; difference in gene expression of each area compared to all other areas.
A1C, primary auditory (A1) cortex; STC, superior temporal cortex; ITC, (E) AC-PCA for samples from all brain regions at late mid-fetal ages (W4),
inferior temporal cortex; V1C, primary visual (V1) cortex. (B) The first two late fetal ages and early infancy (W5), and early adulthood (W9) showed
multidimensional scaling components from gene expression showed that interregional differences were generally greater during W4 and W9
samples from late fetal ages and early infancy (W5, gray) clustered but reduced across W5. (F) Pairwise distance across samples using the first
between samples from exclusively prenatal windows (W1 to W4, blue) and two principal components for all regions (left) or excluding one region at
exclusively postnatal windows (W6 to W9, red). (C) Intraregional Pearson’s a time (right) demonstrated that the reduction of variation we observed is
correlation analysis found that samples within exclusively prenatal common across multiple brain regions, once the most differentiated
(W1 to W4) or postnatal (W6 to W9) windows correlated within, but not transcriptomic profile (the cerebellum) is excluded. The shaded bands are
across, those ages. (D) Interregional transcriptomic differences revealed a 95% confidence intervals of the fitted lines.

found that dorsal pallium–derived structures relative transcriptomic uniqueness of the CBC, its The global late fetal transition and overall cup-
of the cerebrum (i.e., NCX, HIP, and AMY) as exclusion unmasked a qualitatively distinct and shaped developmental dynamics we observed
well as STR became increasingly similar across pronounced cup-shaped pattern with a transition were also apparent when this analysis was re-
prenatal development, whereas CBC and MD beginning before birth and spanning the late peated for the 11 neocortical areas included in
remained most distinct across all time windows. fetal period and early infancy (Fig. 2F). CBC was this study (Fig. 3A and fig. S16). We observed
To confirm these observations and to evaluate again the most distinct region of the brain after greater dissimilarity across areas at early fetal
the contribution of each brain region to the re- multidimensional scaling analysis for expressed ages (Fig. 3A), with prefrontal areas [medial pre-
gional variation described by AC-PCA, we quanti- mature microRNAs (miRNAs), a small RNA spe- frontal cortex (MFC), orbital prefrontal cortex
fied the mean distance in the first two principal cies enriched within our smRNA-seq dataset, and (OFC), DFC, and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
components across brain regions, excluding from the dominant contributor to miRNA expression (VFC)] being the most distinct. In addition, re-
the AC-PCA one region at a time. Because of the variance (fig. S17). flecting the spatial and functional topography of

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 13


A Late midfetal Late fetal-infancy Early adulthood B

(W4: 19 - 22 pcw) (W5: 35 pcw - 0.3 py) (W9: 21 - 40 py)
4000 All regions One region removed
V1C OFC 5000 MFC

Mean distance
2000 ITC V1C DFC
PC2 (2.6 %)


PC2 (2.9%)

PC2 (2.4%)
M1C 4000

3000 S1C
−2000 A1C IPC
STC 2000 A1C
−4000 V1C ITC







−2500 0 2500 5000 −2500 0 2500 5000 −2500 0 2500 5000 V1C
PC1 (3.6 %) PC1 (4.6 %) PC1 (8.6 %) Prenatal Postnatal Prenatal Postnatal


variation across NCX


Maximum cell type

W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9
NPC prenat InN prenat Oligo prenat DFC 8
ExN prenat InN adult Microglia prenat
0.50 ExN adult Astro prenat Endo prenat 6
Cell type deconvolution


NPC prenat 9
0.25 ExN prenat
ExN adult 3
InN prenat 0
InN adult
Astro prenat Proportion
Oligo prenat 0.1
0.0 0.2
Microglia prenat 0.3
Endo prenat 0.4

50 100 200 500 2000 10000

Post-conception days (Log10) Prenatal Postnatal

Fig. 3. Dynamics of cellular heterogeneity in the human neocortex. adult human brains (27). (D) Maximum interareal variance across cell
(A) AC-PCA conducted on 11 neocortical areas showed decreased interareal types for each window. (E) Neocortical areal variation in the transcriptomic
variation across W5, similar to our observations of interregional variation in signatures of each major cell type assayed in each developmental
major brain regions. (B) Pairwise distance across samples using the first window. Because of dissection protocols and rapid brain growth across
two principal components identified a late fetal transition in all of the early fetal development, progenitor cell proportions are nonreliable
neocortical areas we assessed, similar to what we observed across other brain estimates after W2 [red dashed line in (C)]. The shaded bands are 95% (B)
regions. (C) Deconvolution of tissue-level data using cell type–enriched and 50% (C) confidence intervals of the fitted lines. NPC, neural
markers identified through single-cell sequencing of primary cells from 5 to progenitor cells; ExN, excitatory neurons; InN, interneurons; Astro,
20 PCW postmortem human brains as well as from single-nuclei sequencing of astroglial lineage; Oligo, oligodendrocytes; Endo, endothelial cells.

the NCX, both rostro-caudal and dorsal-ventral these observations, we found that genes exhibit- seq data after an initial division of the dataset
axes were evident in the transcriptome during ing the highest interregional variation in expres- on the basis of the age of the donor brain (i.e.,
fetal development. Areal differences were also sion in any given window [see (22)] exhibited a embryonic or fetal), obtaining 24 transcriptomi-
seen at later ages, with functional considera- higher PSI during that window than iteratively cally distinct cell clusters (fig. S20). Reflecting the
tions likely taking precedence over topograph- chosen control groups of genes (fig. S18). Taken rapid developmental change occurring across
ical arrangements. For example, VFC clustered together, these analyses suggest that broad embryonic and fetal development and the rela-
closely with primary motor (M1C) and somato- phenomena in the developing human brain, tive homogeneity of cell-type composition as
sensory (S1C) cortex, likely reflecting functional including a late fetal transition in intra- and compared to adult ages, as well as the specific
relationships with orofacial regions of the motor interregional transcriptomic variation, may distribution of samples in our dataset, a num-
and somatosensory perisylvian cortex (fig. S16). be amplified by alternative splicing. ber of these clusters were comprised of cells from
Across the entirety of human brain development, only a single donor brain, and vice versa. Sug-
transcriptomic variation between cortical regions Cellular heterogeneity and gesting that this resulted from spatiotemporal
also showed a pronounced decrease centered on developmental dynamics changes across brain development rather than
the late fetal and early infancy samples of W5 (i.e., The high interareal variation observed during artifactual changes related to data processing,
perinatal window), again reminiscent of a cup- embryonic and early to mid-fetal development we confirmed broad classifications of individ-
shaped pattern (Fig. 3, A and B, and fig. S16). (Fig. 3B) coincides with a crucial period in neu- ual cells and general relationships between cell
Similar to gene expression, global measures of ral development and the suspected etiology of clusters and donor brains using an alternative
alternative splicing, such as the ratio between psychiatric diseases (4). To help understand the clustering algorithm (fig. S21). Differential ex-
reads including or excluding exons [i.e., the per- temporal dynamics underlying this variation pression analysis and measurements of expression
cent spliced in index (PSI)], were higher during in gene expression, we analyzed our scRNA-seq specificity recovered well-known gene markers
prenatal than postnatal ages (fig. S18 and table data from embryonic fronto-parietal neocortical of distinct types of neuronal and non-neuronal
S7). So too was the gene expression of 68 RNA- wall and mid-fetal fronto-parietal neocortical progenitor and postmitotic cell types (figs. S20
binding proteins selected because of their in- plate and adjacent subplate zone alongside our and S22 and table S8), as well as closely related
volvement in RNA splicing and their analysis in snRNA-seq data from adult human NCX and groups of cell types (i.e., markers enriched in all
adulthood by the Genotype-Tissue Expression other independent datasets from overlapping prenatal excitatory neuron clusters) (fig. S22).
(GTEx) project (24). Hierarchical clustering of developmental time points (12, 25, 26). To do We complemented these data with snRNA-seq
expression data for these proteins also revealed so, we first applied a clustering and classifica- from adult human DFC (fig. S20), from which
a late fetal transition (fig. S19). Coincident with tion algorithm (27, 28) to the prenatal scRNA- we identified 29 transcriptomically distinct cell

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 13


clusters representing various populations of immunohistochemistry on independent speci- window at least partially explain the observed
glutamatergic excitatory projection neurons, mens confirmed the robust coexpression of these pattern of interareal differences across develop-
GABAergic interneurons, oligodendrocyte pro- genes in L1 of the prenatal cortex, but not in L1 ment. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis
genitor cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, mi- or in other cortical layers of the adult cortex using the top variant genes in each window, with
croglia, endothelial cells, and mural cells (i.e., (fig. S26). These data imply that the molecular all genes expressed in each window as background,
pericytes and vascular smooth muscle cells) identities of many neuronal cell types are not provided further support for these changes in cell
(fig. S21). Alignment of our prenatal data with fully resolved before the end of mid-fetal de- composition across areas and time. Commensurate
adult snRNA-seq data revealed hierarchical rela- velopment and are likely malleable during early with the changes we observed in discrete cell
tionships and similarities between major cell postmitotic differentiation. populations, biological processes—including
classes, reflecting their developmental origins Next, we utilized our single-cell and single- neurogenesis in early developmental windows
and functional properties (fig. S23). Notably, nucleus datasets to deconvolve bulk tissue mRNA- (W1 to W4), myelination in the perinatal window
putative embryonic and fetal excitatory neurons seq samples and estimate temporal changes in (W5), and sensory and ion activity calcium-related
clustered near, but did not wholly overlap with, the relative proportions of major cell types in biological processes in later postnatal windows
their adult counterparts. We also observed tran- the NCX. The combined analysis revealed the (W7 to W9), among others—exhibited regional
sient transcriptomic entities, such as fetal cells cellular architecture of distinct neocortical areas variation in the global brain transcriptome (fig.
in the oligodendrocyte lineage that clustered and their variations across development. We S31 and table S9). Similar patterns of inter-
separately from their adult counterparts. Sim- observed temporal changes in cellular compo- regional variation involving discrete cell types
ilarly, nascent excitatory neurons generally did sition and maturational states, including the were also observed in the macaque neocorti-
not cluster with progenitor cells nor with fetal most dramatic changes during a late fetal tran- cal transcriptome (34), indicating that these are
or adult excitatory neurons, indicating their sition (Fig. 3, C to E). For example, transcriptomic conserved and consistent features of prenatal
maturationally distinct status. Confirming the signatures for fetal excitatory neurons and fetal primate NCX.
validity of our prenatal scRNA-seq and adult interneurons were generally inversely correlated Other lines of evidence also suggested pro-
snRNA-seq data, alignment of our prenatal data with progenitor cell signatures during embryonic nounced and qualitatively distinct regional dif-
with cells from a previously published dataset and early fetal development, but fetal neuron ferences in myelination, synaptic function, and
(9) consisting of mid-fetal and adult human signatures nonetheless decreased across mid- neuronal activity. For example, although we
neocortical cells yielded similar relationships fetal to late fetal development despite a concom- observed differences in the expression of genes
between prenatal and adult cell types (fig. S23). itant reduction in the progenitor cell signature, associated with these processes (10) across the
Comparison of neuronal transcriptomes from an observation that was likely affected by our NCX (fig. S31 and table S9), TempShift, a Gaussian-
our prenatal single cells with both our adult dissection strategy [Fig. 3C, (22)]. Similarly, sig- based model that allows the quantification of
single-nucleus data and independently gener- natures for adult excitatory neurons increased temporal shifts in the trajectories of groups of
ated adult single-nucleus data (27) also confirmed rapidly across the late fetal period and early genes represented by their first principal compo-
key differences between embryonic, mid-fetal, infancy, coincident with the decrease in signa- nents (34), indicated that of these processes, only
and adult populations. We observed limited tran- tures of fetal excitatory neurons and interneurons genes associated with myelination displayed such
scriptional diversity in embryonic and mid-fetal (Fig. 3C). As expected, the molecular signatures a shift (Fig. 4A). Conversely, perhaps reflecting
excitatory and inhibitory neuron populations in for early born, deep-layer excitatory neurons pre- functional or areal diversity in cell subtypes, we
the NCX as compared to the adult counterparts. ceded those for late born, upper-layer excitatory observed no similar temporal shift in the ex-
The clusters identified in our prenatal dataset neurons (fig. S27). Transcriptomic signatures for pression of genes associated with synaptogenesis
did not express specific combinations of marker prenatal oligodendrocytes and prenatal astro- or neuronal activity, confirming these results
genes described for the adult excitatory (fig. S24) cytes also began to emerge during mid-fetal pe- through reference to published posttranslational
and inhibitory (fig. S25) neurons. For example, riods and increased rapidly across the late fetal analyses of myelinated fiber density (35) and
the embryonic and mid-fetal neocortical excit- transition and early infancy (Fig. 3C). Demon- synaptic density (36) conducted across multiple
atory neurons expressed combinations of genes strating the robustness of these observations, neocortical areas (Fig. 4B). Crucially, although
known to be selectively enriched in different independent deconvolution using two alternate genes associated with these processes were ex-
layers in adult human or mouse NCX (29–31), fetal single-cell datasets (12, 26) yielded similar pressed across the late fetal transition (Fig. 4C),
as previously shown in the prenatal human and results (figs. S27 and S30). of the processes analyzed, only myelination con-
mouse NCX (12, 31). Notably, genes enriched in Given the increase in adult cell-type signatures tributed to the increased interareal differences
adult excitatory projection neuron subtypes lo- during W5, we next reasoned that the observed we observed during this period (Fig. 4D). Sug-
cated in layer (L) 5 and L6, such as BCL11B decrease in interregional transcriptomic diver- gesting that these differences are a conserved fea-
(CTIP2) and FEZF2 (FEZL, ZFP312, or ZNF312), gence during late fetal periods and infancy may ture of primate development, we also observed
were coexpressed with L2 to L4 intracerebral reflect a synchronized transition from fetal to similar areal differences in the transcriptional sig-
excitatory projection neuron markers, such as more mature features of neural cells. Conse- natures of oligodendrocytes in the macaque NCX.
CUX2, in certain embryonic and mid-fetal ex- quently, we analyzed the variance in cell type– Overall, these observations indicate that higher
citatory cell types (figs. S24 and S26). We also specific signatures across neocortical areas, which levels of divergence during early prenatal and
observed temporal changes in the coexpression varies in accordance with their relative pro- later postnatal development reflect regional var-
patterns of cell type–specific marker genes in portion, and found that the maximum cell type iations in cell type composition, likely arising from
other cell types. For example, single-cell data interareal variation through time recapitulated topographical variation in progenitor popula-
from mid-fetal NCX revealed frequent coexpres- the developmental cup-shaped pattern (Fig. 3D), tions and neuron development during prenatal
sion of RELN, a marker for L1 Cajal-Retzius neu- with large variation in the proportion of neural ages and cell type and functional diversification
rons (32), and PCP4 [75.9% of 133 PCP4 -expressing progenitor cells and fetal excitatory neurons during later postnatal ages.
cells; reads per kilobase of exon model per mil- (figs. S28 and S29). Beginning during early post-
lion mapped reads (RPKM) ≥ 1], a marker pre- natal periods, we observed increased proportions Spatiotemporal and multimodal integration
viously shown to be expressed by deep-layer and variance in the signatures of astrocytes and, We next sought to assess temporal variation in
excitatory neurons (33). By contrast, analysis by adulthood, mature excitatory neurons (Fig. epigenetic signatures and their relationships to
of snRNA-seq data suggested only sporadic co- 3E). These observed temporal differences in the gene expression, development, and biological
expression of these genes [10.8% of 6084 PCP4- magnitudes and variances of the relative pro- processes. Global DNA methylation profiling
expressing cells; unique molecular identifier portions of certain cell types and the global het- revealed that most CpG loci were either hyper-
(UMI) ≥ 1] in the adult human DFC. Subsequent erogeneity of the cell type composition at each methylated [37.5%; beta value (b) ≥ 0.8] or

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 13


hypomethylated (31.8%; b ≤ 0.2) in at least one tion, with 64% of tested sites differentially meth- putative enhancers (43%) were not differentially
sample (fig. S32), but only about 10% of the ylated between at least two brain regions at enriched between DFC and CBC at either fetal
tested methylation sites were progressively hyper- postnatal ages. Additionally, 16% of tested sites or adult ages. However, a greater proportion of
or hypomethylated through prenatal windows, were differentially methylated between at least putative enhancers [H3K27ac-enriched regions
postnatal windows, or both. Similarly, most two neocortical areas. Conversely, most putative not overlapping H3K4me3-enriched regions or
methylation sites also exhibited regional varia- promoters (66%) and a substantial proportion of proximal to a transcription start site (TSS)]

A Transcriptomic Transcriptomic Transcriptomic

myelination temporal gradient synaptogenesis temporal gradient neuronal activity temporal gradient









B Transcriptome Myelinated fiber density C Transcriptome Synaptic density

TimeShift (log2 [days])

TimeShift (log2 [days])
TimeShift (log2 [days])
TimeShift (log2 [days])

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


D W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9
eigengene value


Neuron differentiation
Dendrite development
Synapse development
Neuronal activity
E Astrocytes
regional expression

0.75 Oligodendrocytes
SD of

(w/o myelination-related genes)


64 256 1024 4096 16384
Post-conception days (Log2)

Fig. 4. Timing and temporal variation of gene expression associated myelinated fiber density (35) (B) and synaptic density (36) (C) in multiple
with key neurodevelopmental processes. (A) Temporal variation, as neocortical areas yielded relationships between areas similar to those
determined by the TempShift algorithm (34), in the expression of genes observed in the transcriptome. (D) Expression of genes associated with
associated with myelination showed a broad gradient across the NCX and assorted biological processes highlights pronounced change during the
other brain regions, whereas synaptogenesis showed only a shift between late fetal period and W5. (E) Variation in myelination-associated genes
brain regions (but not neocortical areas) and neuronal activity indicated peaks during W5, as evidenced by the standard deviation of the fitted
the distinct nature of the cerebellum. (B and C) Application of the regional mean, driving interregional variation during this and neighboring
TempShift algorithm to previously published posttranslational analyses of (W4 and W6) windows.

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 13


were regionally (15%), temporally (17%), or spatio- were selectively validated using quantitative ylated were associated with genes that were
temporally (24%) enriched than putative pro- droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) expressed at low levels at the corresponding
moters (8, 14, and 12%, respectively). These (fig. S10). We next explored correlations between age, and vice versa. These relationships were not
differences, which suggest a greater role for methylation, histone modifications, and gene strongly indicated for methylation at other lo-
enhancers relative to promoters in contributing expression (figs. S32 to S34). In the adult, we cations in the gene body (fig. S32). The presence
to differential spatiotemporal gene expression, found that TSSs that were more highly meth- of CBC-enriched H3K4me3 and H3K27ac marks in


P on lt
on l

si ta

si du

et l

m ta

et l
es fe

rm ta
es a

po tna

pe tna
pr er

pr er

ex igh

ex igh

hy os

hy s



Fetal enhancers

Log2 OR
Adult enhancers 3

Chemical synaptic

Nervous system





of neurons

of neurons
Glial cell








ha lt
en eta

en du


en ll





hyper-methylated Enrichment
postnatally Depletion
hypo-methylated Non-significant
postnatally Significant
Gene ontology terms

C All WGCNA modules 73

29 Spatial DEX 44

16 Late fetal transition 13 17 Late fetal transition 27

W9 W6 W9
W2 W6
W7 W2
Enriched in: Enriched in: Enriched in:
Sex-DEX W6 G-type W2 N-type

W6 W5
W5 W4

Fetal enhancers Adult enhancers Prenatal sex-DEX

Glial (G)


NUM sites Non-NUM sites Late fetal sex-DEX

Neuronal expression Glial expression Postnatal sex-DEX

Fig. 5. Integration of gene expression and epigenetic regulation with ontology terms. (C) Modules identified through WGCNA were segregated
cell types and biological processes. (A) Fetal-active enhancers (top left) by regulation across brain regions, prenatal and postnatal gene expression
were generally enriched for sites where methylation progressively increased in the NCX, both, or neither. Spatiotemporal modules (right) were
across postnatal ages and associated with genes whose expression was enriched for modules that are themselves enriched for genes associated
higher during fetal development than adulthood and whose expression was with enhancers active in the fetal DFC, associated with sites under-
enriched in neurons as compared to glia. Conversely, adult-active enhancers methylated in NeuN-positive (neuronal) cells, and/or enriched in neurons
were enriched for sites exhibiting progressively lower methylation across (N-type associations). Temporal, nonspatial modules (second from left)
postnatal ages and depleted for associations with higher fetal gene were enriched for modules that are themselves enriched for genes
expression and expression in neurons. These enhancers were also enriched associated with enhancers active in the adult DFC, associated with sites
for gene ontology terms generally involving neurons and glia, respectively. OR, undermethylated in non-NeuN-positive (non-neuronal) cells, and/or genes
odds ratio. (B) Sites where methylation progressively increased across enriched in glia (G-type associations). Modules exhibiting no spatial or
postnatal ages and where methylation progressively decreased across temporal specificity (left) were enriched for genes exhibiting sex-biased
postnatal ages were generally enriched for fetal enhancers and genes whose gene expression across neocortical development. Full circles (gray)
expression was enriched in neurons, or adult enhancers and genes whose indicate the proportion of modules in each category of modules exhibiting
expression was enriched in glia, respectively, as well as related gene their greatest rate of change in W1 through W9.

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 13


the adult human brain also correlated strongly (Fig. 5B and fig. S35). Taken together, these data fig. S37 and table S12] were enriched among
with increased gene expression in CBC relative to demonstrate relationships between gene ex- the 13 modules where temporal (P < 0.0002,
DFC (fig. S33), and vice versa. Similarly, putative pression and epigenetic modifications, includ- hypergeometric test), but not spatial, specific-
fetal-active and adult-active enhancers were as- ing methylation status and putative regulatory ity was observed. These observations indicate
sociated with higher fetal or adult gene ex- elements, as well as signatures of specific cell increased spatial diversity of neuronal cell types
pression, respectively. types and developmental programs. relative to glial cell populations.
In addition to epigenetic effects on gene ex- We next sought further evidence that cellu- Analyses by sex revealed that modules en-
pression, we observed discrete relationships lar dynamics contributed to the late fetal tran- riched for the 783 genes exhibiting sex-differential
between specific enhancers, methylation sites, sition through the analysis of cell type– and expression (sex-DEX) in at least two consecu-
and cell type–specific signatures. For example, spatiotemporal-specific patterns of gene ex- tive windows in at least one brain region were
enhancers identified during the fetal period pression and epigenetic regulation. We curated enriched among modules with no spatial or tem-
were enriched for methylation sites that were 73 gene coexpression modules resulting from poral differential expression in the NCX (P <
progressively more methylated across postnatal weighted gene correlation network analysis 0.0029, hypergeometric test) and depleted among
ages (post-up), whereas adult-active enhancers (WGCNA) according to spatial relationships be- spatiotemporal modules (P < 0.0021, hypergeo-
were enriched for methylation sites that were tween brain regions and the temporal relation- metric test) (Fig. 5C and fig. S37). There were
progressively less methylated across postnatal ships of gene expression in the NCX across the four modules exhibiting temporal expression
ages (post-down) (P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test) late fetal transition (fig. S36 and tables S10 differences in the NCX that were also enriched
[Fig. 5A and fig. S35, (22)]. Both post-up and and S11). We found 44 modules that showed for sex-biased genes, as well as glial and other
post-down sites were themselves depleted at expression differences among regions in the cell type–enriched markers, but these did not
TSSs and enriched for sites undermethylated brain (spatial), 40 modules that showed expres- represent a significant enrichment in sex-DEX
in neurons [neuron undermethylated (NUM) sion differences between prenatal and postnatal enriched modules among strictly temporal mod-
sites] and undermethylated in non-neurons (non- neocortical areas (temporal), 16 modules that ules (P < 0.132, hypergeometric test). In addi-
NUM sites) (fig. S35). They were also enriched were neither spatially nor temporally dynamic, tion, no module comprised of autosomal genes
for fetal and adult enhancers, respectively (Fig. and 27 modules that exhibited both spatial and exhibited persistent male or female dimorphism
5B). Post-up sites were also enriched in both temporal differences (Fig. 5C). A significantly across both prenatal development and later post-
neuron- and glia-enriched-genes, whereas post- greater than expected number of these spatio- natal ages such as adolescence or adulthood
down sites were enriched only in glial genes temporally dynamic modules (including modules (figs. S38 and S39); in cases in which an auto-
(Fig. 5B) (P < 0.05, Fisher’s exact test). Further 2, 10, 32, and 37) exhibited their greatest change somal module was sex-DEX throughout devel-
suggesting a relationship between enhancer ac- in neocortical expression from W2 through opment, the sex exhibiting higher expression
tivity, methylation, and cell type, genes associated W5 (P < 0.0118, hypergeometric test) (Fig. 5C, reversed between early and late postnatal de-
with fetal-active enhancers, as well as those as- fig. S37, and table S12). Genes whose expression velopment (fig. S39). This observation was up-
sociated with differentially methylated regions was enriched in excitatory neurons, genes asso- held when multiple thresholds were used for the
(DMRs) composed of post-up sites (22), were en- ciated with putative fetal-active enhancers, and/or identification of sexual dimorphism (fig. S40).
riched for GO terms related to early events in genes associated with NUM sites—a selection Similarly, we identified no autosomal genes that
neural development—such as neurogenesis, cell of characteristics we refer to collectively as neu- exhibited sexual dimorphism throughout devel-
differentiation, and synaptic transmission—but ronal (N)–type associations—were also enriched opment in all brain regions or neocortical areas
generally not for processes occurring later in in spatiotemporal dynamic modules (P < 0.0029, (figs. S38 and S39).
development (Fig. 5B and fig. S35). By contrast, hypergeometric test) (Fig. 5C, fig. S37, and table
genes near adult-active enhancers and post- S12). Conversely, genes associated with adult- Cellular and temporal convergence
down DMRs exhibited enrichment for postnatal active enhancers, methylation sites hypomethyl- of neuropsychiatric disease risks
or adult processes including myelination and ated in non-NUM sites, and glial genes [glial Loci implicated in several neuropsychiatric dis-
axon ensheathment (P < 0.01, Fisher’s exact test) (G)–type modules or associations in Fig. 5C, orders have been identified through genome-wide

Fetal Depleted


Infant Corrected
H3K27ac peaks



Infant 4

Adult 6


Fig. 6. Enrichment analysis for GWAS loci among putative regulatory depressive disorder [MDD, (42)], bipolar disorder [BD, (43)], Alzheimer’s
elements. Putative promoters and enhancers (H3K27ac peaks) specific disease [AD, (38)], Parkinson’s disease [PD, (39)], IQ, (44), or neuroticism
for DFC or CBC in the fetal, infant, or adult were enriched for SNP [Neurot, (45)] but not for non-neural disorders or traits such as height
heritability identified through partitioned LD score regression analysis from [HGT, (46)] or diabetes [HBA1C, (49)]. Solid color indicates significance
GWASs for autism spectrum disorder [ASD, (40)], attention-deficit for Bonferroni adjusted P value, and faint color indicates nominal
hyperactive disorder [ADHD, (41)], schizophrenia [SCZ, (37)], major significance at LD score regression P < 0.05.

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 13


association studies (GWAS) and are enriched in the second, more stringent list (list 2), we ex- all traits and modules was <0.3] (table S11). At
putative noncoding regulatory elements (29–31). cluded those genes whose only association to a the gene level, multiple genes in ME37 identi-
We sought to determine whether the propor- GWAS locus was via Hi-C interactions identified fied using our less stringent criteria for interac-
tion of phenotypic variance explained by com- in only one of the two Hi-C datasets (table S14). tion were associated with up to four or more
mon single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) We next sought to determine the cell types en- different traits and disorders, including MEF2C,
in large neuropsychiatric GWAS (i.e., SNP heri- riched for the expression of the high-stringency ZNF184, TCF4, and SATB2, all genes critical for
tability) was enriched in the cis-regulatory ele- genes implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders neurodevelopment and/or implicated in neuro-
ments we identified at W1, W4, W5, and W9 in or brain-based traits, using our prenatal scRNA- developmental disorders (57–65) (Fig. 7, B and
DFC and CBC. Toward this end, we collected seq and adult snRNA-seq datasets and match- C). We also found that ME37 was specifically
GWAS data concerning neuropsychiatric dis- ing prenatal and adult datasets generated from enriched in clusters of excitatory neurons in
orders or personality traits including schizo- the macaque (34). We found numerous cell types the fetal and adult NCX (Fig. 7D), and further
phrenia (SCZ) from CLOZUK (37), Alzheimer’s enriched for disease-associated loci in both hu- analysis of adult excitatory neuron populations
disease (AD) from IGAP (38), Parkinson’s dis- man and macaque (fig. S42). For example, neo- identified in this study and an independent data-
ease (PD) (39), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) cortical excitatory neurons were enriched for base of adult single nucleus data (27) suggested
(40), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder the expression of genes we associated with IQ that this enrichment was selective for deep-layer
(ADHD) from iPSYCH (41), major depressive in both the fetal and adult human as well as the neocortical neurons (fig. S43).
disorder (MDD) (42), bipolar disorder (BD) (43), fetal and adult macaque. However, we found As the ASD GWAS resulted in only 13 signif-
intelligence quotient (IQ) (44), and neuroticism no other excitatory neuron populations in the icant genes, eight of which were non-protein
(45), as well as non-neural traits such as height macaque AMY, STR, HIP, thalamus, or cere- coding, and because de novo germline muta-
from GIANT (46), inflammatory bowel disease bellum enriched for genes associated with IQ. tions are known to contribute to ASD risk (66),
(IBD) (47), total cholesterol levels (48), and an Similarly, neural progenitors in the prenatal we next developed two nonoverlapping lists of
endophenotype associated with diabetes (HBA1C) macaque AMY, but not progenitors in the pre- neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) [ASD,
(49). Using partitioned linkage disequilibrium natal macaque HIP, thalamus, NCX, or STR, intellectual disability (ID), and developmental
(LD) score regression analysis, we found that were enriched for the expression of genes asso- delay (DD)]. The first list was comprised of 65
SNP heritability in SCZ, IQ, and neuroticism ciated with MDD, a finding especially intriguing high-confidence ASD risk genes (hcASD) asso-
were exclusively enriched in DFC-specific, but given the variable or potentially increased size of ciated with de novo mutations (66). The second
not CBC-specific, regulatory elements as iden- some amygdalar nuclei in MDD patients (54, 55). list included all ASD genes documented in the
tified by peak regions of H3K27ac activity. By Similarly confirmatory was the enrichment of SFARI database ( under cat-
contrast, SNP heritability in AD or PD rendered SCZ risk genes in cortical excitatory neurons (56), egories “syndromic” or with scores from 1 to 4, as
no significant associations, and the analysis on with enrichment also observed in embryonic well as an independent list of genes associated
ASD, ADHD, BD, and MDD was only nominally and/or fetal progenitor cells and adult cortical with DD (67), with genes overlapping the hcASD
enriched or not enriched in putative region- interneurons. list removed. We found that these genes were
specific fetal enhancers [Fig. 6 and fig. S41, (22)]. Analysis of gene coexpression modules found also significantly enriched in ME37 (FDR <
Non-neural traits (such as height and HBA1C) that genes in the more-stringent early-onset 0.0001, Fisher’s exact test), and, commensurate
were also not enriched in either DFC- or CBC- disease (ADHD, SCZ, and MDD) risk lists con- with the cell-type enrichment found in ME37,
specific regulatory elements but were instead verged on 7 of 73 coexpression modules, where- the expression of genes in both of these lists
enriched in regulatory elements active in the as adult-onset disease (AD and PD) risk-gene was also enriched in several clusters of fetal
two brain regions (fig. S41), indicating a gen- lists converged on five partially overlapping and adult excitatory neurons identified in our
eral enrichment of many of our tested GWASs modules (fig. S37 and table S12). Eight of these single-cell dataset (Fig. 7D). Medium spiny neu-
in H3K27ac regions when considering a set of 10 total disease-associated modules (Fig. 7A) rons in the STR, a population that has also been
more ubiquitous regulatory regions. exhibited spatiotemporal or temporal specific- previously linked to ASD (68), were also enriched
After aggregating GWAS SNPs and identify- ity, and all modules exhibited their greatest for the expression of ASD risk genes in the pre-
ing candidate associated regions on the basis spatiotemporal change during either W2 or W5 natal macaque (Fig. 7D).
of their P values and LD patterns in individuals (fig. S37). A significant number of modules asso- We finally studied the overlap between WGCNA
of northwest European ancestry (50), we next ciated with adult-onset disorders were enriched modules and modules significantly enriched in
leveraged partially overlapping Hi-C datasets, for signatures of glial gene expression (P < 0.0266, differentially expressed genes in postmortem
derived from mid-fetal and adult NCX and hypergeometric test, table S12), and of particular brains from patients of SCZ, BD, and ASD (69).
processed by two independent research groups interest were modules ME3 and ME7, which, in Interestingly, we found little overlap between
(51–53), as well as H3K27ac activity in the brain, addition to glial signatures, were enriched for modules enriched in genes exhibiting postmor-
to develop two lists of genes putatively associated non-NUM sites, adult-active enhancers, sex-DEX tem differences in expression between SCZ, BD,
with those GWAS-associated regions. To do genes, and AD-associated risk genes (Fig. 7A). or ASD, as compared with neurotypical controls,
so, we initially populated both lists of disease- Another module of interest was ME37, a mod- and modules enriched in GWAS risk genes for
associated genes by identifying TSSs overlapping ule of 145 genes enriched for NUM sites and fetal these same disorders (P > 0.05, hypergeometric
H3K27ac peaks that themselves overlapped a enhancers and whose expression was enriched test) (fig. S37). Emphasizing the necessity of study-
GWAS significant region, as well as genes direct- specifically in neurons as opposed to neural pro- ing neurotypical brain development, these ob-
ly affected by GWAS significant variants within genitors or glia. ME37 was also exceptional for its servations may suggest a decoupling between
the LD region, as predicted by EnsemblV78. We disease association, as it was enriched for genes the primary genetic causes of some neurological
next expanded these lists of disease-associated associated with SCZ, IQ, and neuroticism but or psychiatric disorders and second-order effects
genes by identifying TSSs that interact with not for non-neurological characteristics such manifesting as changes in gene expression months
H3K27ac peaks overlapping GWAS significant as height or a HBA1C-related trait (Fig. 7A). Com- or years after disease onset.
regions, excluding interactions that did not over- plementary module-based association analysis
lap with at least one H3K27ac peak at each end with Multi-marker Analysis of GenoMic Annota- Discussion
or where peak-to-peak interactions were not tion (MAGMA), which tested for an enrichment In this study, we have presented a comprehensive
concordant in time and brain region. In the first, in association to disease specifically around genes dataset and a multiplatform functional genomic
less stringent list (list 1), a single interaction from in any given module, confirmed enrichment for analysis of the developing and adult human brain.
either of the two Hi-C datasets was sufficient to SCZ, IQ, and neuroticism in ME37 [MAGMA P The presence of these multiple data modalities in
associate a gene to a GWAS locus (table S13). For values < 0.01; the false discovery rate (FDR) for a unified resource, and largely from the same

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 13


Fig. 7. Convergence Cell types DNAm Enhancers GWAS

of risk for brain-


Prenatal Postnatal





based traits and dis-






W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9
orders on discrete
coexpression mod-
ME37 WGCNA modules
ules and cell types. ME2
(A) Genes associated ME32
with disease risk ME20
(right; light yellow ME58
indicates neuro-
psychiatric disorder or
brain-based trait, and ME6
dark yellow indicates High Low
adult-onset disorder) Eigengene mean value

were identified by B SFARI etc GWAS C

integrating GWAS, MEF2C
Hi-C, and H3K27ac SHISA2 DOK5
TCF4 AC144831.1 GRB2
data and converged CTC-467M3.3
SOBP AC010890.1
on 10 WGCNA mod- LINC01415 RP11-2N1.2 CCSAP ADRA2A

ules. Many of these GRAP2 NR4A3 CHST15 RSPO3

modules exhibited ST3GAL1 HECA KLHL1
dynamic expression UNC5D TIAM2 TCF4


across time; the bold EMX1

PTPRG-AS1 BAHD1 RP11-439L18.2

rectangles in the left EXOC3L4 OGFR
RP11-562L8.1 SPIRE1
panel indicate the FAM135A PEX5
RP11-434H14.1 MAFB EML1 DPP4
windows with greatest RP11-562L8.1



rate of change. Many RP5-896L10.1 FAM126A CTC-467M3.3 KB-1836B5.4
were also enriched for RSPO3
gene expression asso- RP11-449L23.3 NLGN1
SATB2-AS1 RP11-449L23.2 AC003665.1EMX1
ciated with distinct SNX7

cell types (orange), NTSR1 LINC01415 IER5L

NEUROD2 RP11-286B14.1

putative active TSHZ3 ABRACL

ZNF184 RP11-434H14.1
enhancers (green), ARL14EP RP11-21C4.1 BHLHE22 IL27RA
and/or sites under- TBR1

CTA-929C8.6 THBS1 RP11-64C12.6

methylated in NeuN- DPP4 SLA GRM2 KCNT2ULBP2
RP11-552E20.4 RP11-92C4.6 PPP1R14C
positive (NUM) or GUCY1A2 SLC35F2 CIDEA






NeuN-negative cells GPR64 CCBE1 HDAC9

(blue, non-NUM). ERICH1C8ORF34

(B) Schematic high-

lighting genes in ME37 D Human Human Macaque
that were implicated by (Embryonic & mid-fetal) Macaque (Mid-fetal) (Adult) (Adult)*
our study in multiple NCX NCX (DFC) HIP AMY STR MD CBC NCX (DFC)
neuropsychiatric 25
disorders (ADHD, SCZ,

ME 37 (w/o hcASD)
Enrichment (-log10 [P-adj])

MDD, or BD) and neu-

rological traits (IQ or
Neurot) (list 1, light 25
blue; list 2, dark blue), 15

as well as neurodevel- 5
opmental disorder
(NDD) risk genes,

including two inde- 15

pendent lists of high- 5

confidence risk genes

IPC NasN ExN InN PurkN MSN GraN Astro OPC Oligo Blood
associated with ASD
through de novo mu-
tations or copy number variants [dark blue, (66)] as well as ASD risk genes identified from the SFARI dataset (light blue, or for developmental
delay (67). Genes implicated in only a single disorder or trait are not shown in this panel. (C) Network representation of ME37 showing connectivity between
genes based on Pearson correlation. Genes linked to NDDs or neurological characteristics in our study are indicated using either dark blue–shaded or light
blue–shaded hexagons, as in (B). The size of a given hexagon (or circle, indicating no association in this study) is proportional to the degree of each
gene under a minimum correlation value of 0.7. (D) Enrichment for genes in ME37 or two lists of ASD risk genes among the fetal and adult cell types
we identified from human NCX and multiple regions of the macaque (34) brain. For graphical representation, log10 P values are capped at 25. *Adult
macaque cells were classified into human adult clusters using Random Forest. NEP/RGC, neural epithelial progenitor/radial glial lineage; MSN, medium spiny
neurons; NasN, nascent neurons; GraN, granule neurons; PurkN, Purkinje neurons; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells.

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 10 of 13


tissue samples, allows the integration of infor- by Brodmann (73), an ontogenetic six-layered critical roles in the development of cortical ex-
mation spanning prenatal and postnatal human Grundtypus foreshadows the adult NCX and citatory projection neurons and are mutated in
brain development. Resource description and ac- transiently transforms the entirety of the neo- NDDs (29–31, 65, 77, 78). Similarly, the popula-
cess are available at cortical plate beginning in the late fetal period, tion of genes included in ME37, as well as genes
and or in our W5. Furthermore, consistent with the linked to ASD and NDD, also exhibit regional
Although transcriptomic differences between extensive changes we observed in the cerebel- and cell type–specific convergence in neocortical
distinct brain regions remain across time, they lar transcriptome during late fetal development excitatory neurons. Moreover, the identification of
are developmentally specified and exhibit an and early postnatal ages, cerebellar granule cells, ME37 and the overlap of genes in this module
overall cup-shaped pattern centered on a late a cell type that represents about two-thirds of all with those implicated in ASD and NDD illustrates
fetal transition after a period of high intra- and neurons in the brain, are also generated pre- how disease-association signals from common
interregional variation during embryonic and dominately during this period (74). The late fetal variants unveiled by GWAS for any given neuro-
early or mid-fetal development. Multiple analy- transition may therefore follow an inflection psychiatric disorder can identify genes that have
ses of distinct transcriptomic features all con- point after which developmental and spatiotem- also been associated with the etiology of a differ-
firm this transition begins well before birth. Our poral transcriptomic variations are transiently ent disease through the study of de novo muta-
complementary transcriptomic study of the de- consolidated in advance of the emergence of tions in patient populations (76). Although not
veloping rhesus macaque brain (34) also re- cellular and functional differences between adult every gene in ME37 is likely to contribute to
vealed a similar global developmental pattern, brain regions. neuropsychiatric disease etiology, the coinci-
with a first transition beginning before birth, The mid-fetal period of high intra- and in- dent enrichment within this module of genes
indicating that this is a conserved feature of terregional divergence that immediately pre- associated with multiple disorders or neurolog-
catarrhine primate neurodevelopment and not cedes the late fetal transition also coincides with ical traits, along with the multitude of genes in
due to an artifact resulting from difficulties a key developmental period previously associated this module that are associated directly, suggests
acquiring samples from late fetal and early post- with the etiology of ASD and SCZ (63, 65, 75). that neuropsychiatric disease might be consid-
natal development. Such a phenomenon is con- Consequently, understanding the developmental ered through a broader lens encompassing ad-
sistent with previously observed differences in and evolutionary history of this period may be ditional aspects of brain dysfunction.
transcriptomic and methylomic profiles of mid- essential for understanding neuropsychiatric Interestingly, there is little overlap between
fetal and postnatal human NCX (17–20) and disease. Integrating our multiple data modal- the risk gene–associated modules we identified
coincident with processes involved in region- ities with gene coexpression modules allowed us and modules enriched in genes that are differ-
specific cell type generation, differentiation, and to organize and characterize the whole-brain entially expressed in postmortem brains of SCZ,
maturation (2). Crucially, this transition is nota- developmental transcriptome and identify mod- ASD, and BD, as compared to controls (69). This
bly distinct from previously reported phyloge- ules with dynamic spatiotemporal trajectories, comparison may help discriminate gene net-
netic hourglass-like patterns that occur during many of them showing a sharp late fetal tran- works that are primary causes from those that
the embryonic organogenetic period in several sition, and enrichment in specific cell types, epi- are secondary or reactive in these neuropsychi-
invertebrate and vertebrate species (70, 71). More- genetic activity, and disease-associated genes. Of atric disorders while emphasizing the importance
over, the developmental (ontogenetic) cup-shaped particular interest is ME37, a module displaying of studying disease in the context of neurotypical
pattern we observe coincides with an “evolution- the greatest rate of change in the NCX within the development.
ary” (phylogenetic) cup-shaped pattern, in which late fetal transition and in which putative risk Taken together, these observations demon-
developmental periods exhibiting high levels genes for ASD, NDD, SCZ, IQ, and neuroticism strate the utility of this resource to perform
of interregional differences (for example, early converged. Several of the genes in ME37 were integrated analysis for the understanding of
to mid-fetal periods) also exhibit less conser- implicated by our study in multiple disorders brain development and function and for the rapid
vation in gene expression patterns between hu- and traits and have been linked previously to interpretation of findings from neuropsychiatric
man and macaque (34). neurodevelopment and human disease. For ex- genomics.
Among the processes that become prominent ample, MEF2C controls activity-dependent expres-
during the late fetal period are astrogliogenesis, sion of neuronal genes, including those linked Materials and methods summary
synaptogenesis, dendritogenesis, and neuronal to synapse function and ASD (61, 63), and Mef 2c- A full description of the materials and methods is
activity. In contrast to a previous report of robust mutant mice display numerous behaviors remi- available in the supplementary materials. Brief-
areal differences in the progression of synapto- niscent of ASD, ID, and SCZ (58). Similarly, TCF4 ly, we precisely dissected multiple brain regions
genesis during the same time period in humans regulates key neurodevelopmental processes, (HIP, STR, AMY, cerebellum, thalamus, and 11
(36), this and an accompanying study (34) found such as neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, neocortical areas) in more than 60 postmortem
that genes associated with these processes ex- DNA methylation, and memory function pro- human brains ranging in age from 5 PCW to 64 PY.
hibit largely synchronous expression trajectories cesses (62, 64). Moreover, mutations in both We then applied bulk tissue RNA-seq, scRNA-seq
across the developing NCX in both humans and MEF2C and TCF4 result in intellectual disability and snRNA-seq, smRNA-seq, DNA methylation
macaque. However, myelination—which sharply in humans (57, 59, 60). Numerous other genes in assay, or ChIP-seq to generate multimodal data-
increases during late fetal development, peaks this module are similarly involved in neurode- sets, often from the same brain. After applying
after birth, and extends through childhood and velopment, have been implicated in human brain stringent quality control checks and indepen-
adolescence (72)—is temporally asynchronous. disease, and are highly plausible disease-risk dent analysis of each dataset, we performed in-
This asynchronicity in oligodendrocyte develop- genes and potentially therapeutic candidates. tegrated analyses to gain insights into human
ment and myelination is not apparent at the For example, NR4A2, a gene encoding another brain development, function, and disease.
level of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs), transcription factor in ME37 that we linked to
which suggests that the maturation of OPCs into neuroticism and IQ, has been linked to ASD
myelinating oligodendrocytes is a process with and SCZ, among other disorders. Our study also
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78. A. N. Lamb et al., Haploinsufficiency of SOX5 at 12p12.1 is University), K. White (University of Chicago), J. Willsey (University
associated with developmental delays with prominent language of California, San Francisco), and P. Zandi (Johns Hopkins Materials and Methods
delay, behavior problems, and mild dysmorphic features. University). The BrainSpan Project Consortium was supported by Figs. S1 to S43
Hum. Mutat. 33, 728–740 (2012). doi: 10.1002/humu.22037; grants MH089929, MH090047, and MH089921 from NIMH. Tables S1 to S16
pmid: 22290657 Additional support was provided by the Kavli Foundation, the Consortia Authors and Affiliations
James S. McDonnell Foundation, the Beatriu de Pinós program References (79–124)
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS (BP-DGR 2014 to B.L.-G.), and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver
We are grateful to the many individuals in our laboratories and at National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 2 April 2018; accepted 15 November 2018
our institutions who have provided support and contributed to (5R24HD000836). S.J.S. and D.M.W. were supported by a grant 10.1126/science.aat7615

Li et al., Science 362, eaat7615 (2018) 14 December 2018 13 of 13


◥ local splicing, transcript isoform expression, and

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY coexpression networks for both protein-coding
and noncoding genes—provides an in-depth
view of ASD, SCZ, and BD molecular pathology.
More than 25% of the transcriptome exhibits
differential splicing or expression in at least
Transcriptome-wide isoform-level one disorder, including hundreds of noncod-
ing RNAs (ncRNAs), most of which have un-

dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, explored functions but collectively exhibit

patterns of selective constraint. Changes at the
isoform level, as opposed
and bipolar disorder ON OUR WEBSITE

to the gene level, show the

largest effect sizes and ge-
Read the full article
Michael J. Gandal*, Pan Zhang, Evi Hadjimichael, Rebecca L. Walker, Chao Chen, at http://dx.doi. netic enrichment and the
org/10.1126/ greatest disease specific-
Shuang Liu, Hyejung Won, Harm van Bakel, Merina Varghese, Yongjun Wang,
science.aat8127 ity. We identified coexpres-
Annie W. Shieh, Jillian Haney, Sepideh Parhami, Judson Belmont, Minsoo Kim, ..................................................
Patricia Moran Losada, Zenab Khan, Justyna Mleczko, Yan Xia, Rujia Dai, sion modules associated
Daifeng Wang, Yucheng T. Yang, Min Xu, Kenneth Fish, Patrick R. Hof, with each disorder, many with enrichment for
Jonathan Warrell, Dominic Fitzgerald, Kevin White, Andrew E. Jaffe, cell type–specific markers, and several modules
PsychENCODE Consortium†, Mette A. Peters, Mark Gerstein, Chunyu Liu*, significantly dysregulated across all three disor-
Lilia M. Iakoucheva*, Dalila Pinto*, Daniel H. Geschwind* ders. These enabled parsing of down-regulated
neuronal and synaptic components into a vari-
ety of cell type– and disease-specific signals,
INTRODUCTION: Our understanding of the RATIONALE: The transcriptome represents a including multiple excitatory neuron and dis-
pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, including quantitative phenotype that provides biological tinct interneuron modules with differential
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia context for understanding the molecular path- patterns of disease association, as well as com-
(SCZ), and bipolar disorder (BD), lags behind ways disrupted in major psychiatric disorders. mon and rare genetic risk variant enrichment.
other fields of medicine. The diagnosis and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) in a large cohort of The glial-immune signal demonstrates shared
study of these disorders currently depend on cases and controls can advance our knowledge disruption of the blood-brain barrier and up-
behavioral, symptomatic characterization. De- of the biology disrupted in each disorder and regulation of NFkB-associated genes, as well
fining genetic contributions to disease risk provide a foundational resource for integration as disease-specific alterations in microglial-,
allows for biological, mechanistic understand- with genomic and genetic data. astrocyte-, and interferon-response modules.
ing but is challenged by genetic complexity, A coexpression module associated with psychi-
polygenicity, and the lack of a cohesive neuro- RESULTS: Analysis across multiple levels of atric medication exposure in SCZ and BD was
biological model to interpret findings. transcriptomic organization—gene expression, enriched for activity-dependent immediate early
gene pathways. To identify causal drivers, we
Transcriptomic Framework Biological Insight integrated polygenic risk scores and performed
ASD (n=51) Isoform-Level Specificity a transcriptome-wide association study and
SCZ (n=559) isoform A A
isoM1: Neuron summary-data–based Mendelian randomization.
BD (n=222) Gene ASD Candidate risk genes—5 in ASD, 11 in BD, and
Control (n=936) 64 in SCZ, including shared genes between SCZ
B isoM2: Astrocyte
isoform B SCZ and BD—are supported by multiple methods.
Genotypes RNA-Seq These analyses begin to define a mechanistic basis
Local Splicing Alterations
for the composite activity of genetic risk variants.
Transcript Δ CONCLUSION: Integration of RNA-seq and
genetic data from ASD, SCZ, and BD provides a
Local Noncoding RNA Dysregulation quantitative, genome-wide resource for mech-
anistic insight and therapeutic development at These data inform
the molecular pathways and cell types involved,
Network-Level Integration emphasizing the importance of splicing and
Gene isoform-level gene regulatory mechanisms in
Isoform Altered Neural-Immune Trajectories
ncRNA defining cell type and disease specificity, and,
Interferon Microglia NFkB
Hub response when integrated with genome-wide association
studies, permit the discovery of candidate risk

SCZ genes.

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.

*Corresponding author. Email:
The PsychENCODE cross-disorder transcriptomic resource. Human brain RNA-seq was (M.J.G.); (C.L.); (L.M.I.);
integrated with genotypes across individuals with ASD, SCZ, BD, and controls, identifying (D.P.); (D.H.G.)
pervasive dysregulation, including protein-coding, noncoding, splicing, and isoform-level changes. †PsychENCODE Consortium authors and affiliations are
listed in the supplementary materials.
Systems-level and integrative genomic analyses prioritize previously unknown neurogenetic Cite this article as M. J. Gandal et al., Science 362,
mechanisms and provide insight into the molecular neuropathology of these disorders. eaat8127 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat8127

Gandal et al., Science 362, 1265 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ of understanding transcriptional regulation and

RESEARCH ARTICLE noncoding genome function, several consortia
(8, 10–12) have undertaken large-scale efforts
to provide maps of the transcriptome and its
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS genetic and epigenetic regulation across human
tissues. Although some have included central

Transcriptome-wide isoform-level nervous system (CNS) tissues, a more compre-

hensive analysis focusing on the brain in both
healthy and disease states is necessary to ac-
dysregulation in ASD, schizophrenia, celerate our understanding of the molecular
mechanisms of these disorders (13–16).

and bipolar disorder We present results of the analysis of RNA se-

quencing (RNA-seq) data from the PsychENCODE
Consortium (16), integrating genetic and genomic
Michael J. Gandal1,2,3,4*, Pan Zhang5, Evi Hadjimichael6,7,8,9, Rebecca L. Walker2,3,4, data from more than 2000 well-curated, high-
Chao Chen10,11, Shuang Liu12, Hyejung Won2,3,4,13,14, Harm van Bakel7, quality postmortem brain samples from individ-
Merina Varghese9,15, Yongjun Wang16, Annie W. Shieh17, Jillian Haney1,2,3, uals with SCZ, BD, and ASD, as well as controls
Sepideh Parhami1,2,3, Judson Belmont6,7,8,9, Minsoo Kim1,4, Patricia Moran Losada5, (17). We provide a comprehensive resource of
Zenab Khan7, Justyna Mleczko18, Yan Xia10,17, Rujia Dai10,17, Daifeng Wang19, disease-relevant gene expression changes and
Yucheng T. Yang12, Min Xu12, Kenneth Fish18, Patrick R. Hof 9,15, 20, transcriptional networks in the postnatal human
Jonathan Warrell12, Dominic Fitzgerald21, Kevin White21,22,23, Andrew E. Jaffe24,25, brain (see for data
PsychENCODE Consortium†, Mette A. Peters26, Mark Gerstein12, Chunyu Liu10,17,27*, and annotations). Data were generated across
Lilia M. Iakoucheva5*, Dalila Pinto6,7,8,9*, Daniel H. Geschwind1,2,3,4* eight studies (18, 19, 20), uniformly processed,
and combined through a consolidated genomic
Most genetic risk for psychiatric disease lies in regulatory regions, implicating pathogenic data processing pipeline (21) (fig. S1), yielding a
dysregulation of gene expression and splicing. However, comprehensive assessments of total of 2188 samples passing quality control
transcriptomic organization in diseased brains are limited. In this work, we integrated (QC) for this analysis, representing frontal and
genotypes and RNA sequencing in brain samples from 1695 individuals with autism spectrum temporal cerebral cortices from 1695 individuals
disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, as well as controls. More than 25% of across the human life span, including 279 tech-
the transcriptome exhibits differential splicing or expression, with isoform-level changes nical replicates (fig. S2). Extensive QC steps were
capturing the largest disease effects and genetic enrichments. Coexpression networks isolate taken within and across individual studies, re-
disease-specific neuronal alterations, as well as microglial, astrocyte, and interferon-response sulting in the detection of 16,541 protein-coding
modules defining previously unidentified neural-immune mechanisms. We integrated genetic and 9233 noncoding genes based on Gencode v19
and genomic data to perform a transcriptome-wide association study, prioritizing disease annotations (21) (fig. S3). There was substan-
loci likely mediated by cis effects on brain expression.This transcriptome-wide characterization tial heterogeneity in RNA-seq methodologies
of the molecular pathology across three major psychiatric disorders provides a comprehensive across cohorts, which was accounted for by in-
resource for mechanistic insight and therapeutic development. cluding 28 surrogate variables and aggregate
sequencing metrics as covariates in downstream

analyses of differential expression (DE) at gene,
eveloping more-effective treatments for imparts risk, both individually and in aggregate, isoform, and local splicing levels (21). DE did
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizo- are still largely unknown (2–4). not overlap with experimentally defined brain
phrenia (SCZ), and bipolar disorder (BD), The majority of disease-associated genetic var- RNA degradation metrics indicating that re-
three common psychiatric disorders that iation lies in noncoding regions (5) enriched for sults were not driven by RNA-quality confounds
confer lifelong disability, is a major inter- noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) and cis-regulatory (fig. S4) (22).
national public health priority (1). Studies have elements that regulate gene expression and splic- To provide a comprehensive view of the
identified hundreds of causal genetic variants ing of their cognate coding gene targets (6, 7). genomic architecture of these disorders, we
robustly associated with these disorders and Such regulatory relationships show substantial characterized several levels of transcriptomic
thousands more that likely contribute to their heterogeneity across human cell types, tissues, organization—gene-level, transcript isoform,
pathogenesis (2). However, the neurobiological and developmental stages (8) and are often highly local splicing, and coexpression networks—for
mechanisms through which genetic variation species specific (9). Recognizing the importance protein-coding and noncoding gene biotypes.

Department of Psychiatry, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 2Program in
Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 3Department of Neurology, Center for Autism Research
and Treatment, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 4Department of Human
Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 5Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla,
CA 92093, USA. 6Department of Psychiatry, and Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 7Department of Genetics and
Genomic Sciences, and Icahn Institute for Data Science and Genomic Technology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 8The Mindich Child Health and Development
Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 9Friedman Brain Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 10The School of Life
Sciences, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410078, China. 11National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410078, China. 12Program in
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Departments of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Computer Science, and Statistics & Data Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.
Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 14UNC Neuroscience Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 15Fishberg Department of
Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 16The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China. 17Department of
Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY 13210, USA. 18Departments of Medicine and Cardiology, Cardiovascular Research Center, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
NY 10029, USA. 19Department of Biomedical Informatics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA. 20Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 21Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 22Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
60637, USA. 23Tempus Labs, Chicago, IL 60654, USA. 24Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. 25Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA. 26CNS Data Coordination Group, Sage Bionetworks, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 27School of Psychology, Shaanxi Normal University, Xian, Shaanxi 710000, China.
*Corresponding author. Email: (M.J.G.); (C.L.); (L.M.I.); (D.P.); (D.H.G.)
†PsychENCODE Consortium authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementary materials.

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 15


We integrated results with common genetic SCZ, and BD (n = 767, 3803, and 248 isoforms annotated ncRNAs (Fig. 1F), consistent with the
variation and disease genome-wide associa- at FDR < 0.05, respectively; table S1). Notably, observed increased purifying selection in brain-
tion study (GWAS) results to identify putative at the DTE level, the cross-disorder overlap was expressed genes (27). We identified 74 NPncRNAs
regulatory targets of genetic risk variants. Al- significantly attenuated (Fig. 1C), suggesting that (~8%) under purifying selection in humans, with
though each level provides important disease- alternative transcript usage and/or splicing con- average exon-level context-dependent tolerance
specific and shared molecular pathology, we fers a substantial portion of disease specificity. scores (CDTS) below the 10th percentile (21).
find that isoform-level changes show the largest In addition, isoform-level alterations in disease More than 200 NPncRNAs exhibited broad and
effects in diseased brains, are most reflective of exhibited substantially larger effect sizes com- nonspecific expression patterns across cell types,
genetic risk, and provide the greatest disease pared with gene-level changes (mean |log2FC| whereas 66 were expressed within a specific
specificity when assembled into coexpression 0.25 versus 0.14, P < 2 × 10−16, K-S test), par- cell type class (table S2). Notable examples are:
networks. ticularly for protein-coding biotypes (Fig. 1A), LINC00996, which is down-regulated in SCZ
We recognize that these analyses involve a consistent with recent work demonstrating the (log2FC −0.71, FDR < 5 × 10−11) and BD (log2FC
variety of steps and data types and are neces- importance of splicing dysregulation in disease −0.45, FDR = 0.02) and restricted to microglia
sarily multifaceted and complex. We therefore pathogenesis (25). Furthermore, although iso- in the brain (fig. S6); LINC00343, which is ex-
organize results into two major sections. The form and gene-level changes exhibited similar pressed in excitatory neurons and down-regulated
first is at the level of individual genes and gene pathway and cell type enrichments (e.g., Fig. 1, in BD (log2FC −0.33, FDR = 0.012) with a trend
products, starting with gene-level transcriptomic D and E), isoform-level analysis identified DE in SCZ (log2FC −0.15, FDR 0.065); and LINC00634,
analyses, as well as isoform and splicing analyses, transcripts that did not show DGE (isoform-only an unstudied brain-enriched lincRNA down-
followed by identification of potential genetic DE), including 811 in SCZ, 294 in ASD, and 60 in regulated in SCZ (log2FC −0.06, FDR 0.027) with
drivers. The second section is anchored in gene BD. These isoform-only DE genes were more a genome-wide significant SCZ TWAS associa-
network analysis, where we identify coexpres- likely to be down-regulated than up-regulated tion as described below.
sion modules at both gene and isoform levels in disease (one-sample t test, P < 10−16), exhibited
and assess their relationship to genetic risk. As greatest overlap with excitatory neuron clusters Local splicing dysregulation in disease
these networks reveal many layers of biology, we [odds ratios (ORs) > 4, Fisher’s exact test, FDRs Isoform-level diversity is achieved by combina-
provide an interactive website to permit their in- < 10−10], and showed significant enrichment for torial use of alternative transcription start sites,
depth exploration ( neuron projection development, mRNA metabo- polyadenylation, and splicing (28). We used
lism, and synaptic pathways (FDR < 3 × 10−3; LeafCutter (29) to assess local differential splicing
Gene and isoform expression alterations table S1). To validate DTE results, we performed (DS) in ASD, SCZ, and BD compared with controls
RNA-seq–based quantifications enabled assess- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on several se- using de novo aligned RNA-seq reads, controlling
ment of coding and noncoding genes and lected transcripts in a subset of ASD, SCZ, and for the same covariates as DGE and DTE (fig. S7).
transcript isoforms, imputed using the RSEM control samples (21) and found significant con- This approach complements DTE by consider-
software package guided by Gencode v19 anno- cordance in fold-changes compared with those ing aggregate changes in intron usage affecting
tations (21, 23). In accordance with previous re- from RNA-seq data (fig. S5, A and B). Together, exons that may be shared by multiple transcripts
sults (13), we observed pervasive differential gene these results suggest that isoform-level changes and is consequently not restricted to the spec-
expression (DGE) in ASD, SCZ, and BD [n = 1611, are most reflective of neuronal and synaptic dys- ified genome annotation (21). Previous studies
4821, and 1119 genes at false discovery rate function characteristic of each disorder. have identified alterations in local splicing events
(FDR) < 0.05, respectively; Fig. 1A and table S1]. in ASD (19, 30) and in smaller cohorts in SCZ
There was substantial cross-disorder sharing of Differential expression of the (18, 24) and BD (31).
this DE signal and a gradient of transcriptomic noncoding transcriptome We identified 515 DS intron clusters in 472
severity with the largest changes in ASD com- ncRNAs represent the largest class of transcripts genes across all disorders (FDR < 0.1), 117 of
pared with SCZ or BD (ASD versus SCZ, mean in the human genome and have increasingly which (25%) contained one or more previously
|log2FC| 0.26 versus 0.10, P < 2 × 10−16, Kolmogorov- been associated with complex phenotypes (26). unidentified exons (table S3 and Fig. 2A). Vali-
Smirnov (K-S) test; ASD versus BD, mean |log2FC| However, most have limited functional annota- dation of DS changes for 9 genes in a subset of
0.26 versus 0.15, P < 2 × 10−16, K-S test), as ob- tion, particularly in the human brain, and have cases and controls (n = 5 to 10 in each group)
served previously (13). Altogether, more than been only minimally characterized in the context by semiquantitative reverse transcription (RT)–
one-quarter of the brain transcriptome was of psychiatric disease. On the basis of Gencode PCR showed percent spliced-in (PSI) changes
affected in at least one disorder (Fig. 1, A to C; annotations, we identified 944 ncRNAs exhibiting consistent with those reported by LeafCutter
complete gene list, table S1). gene- or isoform-level DE in at least one disorder (fig. S5, C to E). The most commonly observed
DGE results were concordant with previously [hereafter referred to as neuropsychiatric (NP) local splicing change was exon skipping (41 to
published datasets for all three disorders (fig. S4), ncRNAs (21)], 693 of which were differentially 60%), followed by alternative 5′ exon inclusion
although some had overlapping samples. We expressed in SCZ, 178 in ASD, and 174 in BD. Of (e.g., due to alternative promoter usage; 11 to
observed significant concordance of DGE effect these, 208, 60, and 52 are annotated as inter- 21%) and alternative 3′ splice site usage (5 to
sizes with those from a microarray meta-analysis genic long ncRNAs (lincRNAs) in each disorder, 18%) (table S3 and fig. S8A). DS genes over-
of each disorder [ASD: ⍴ = 0.8, SCZ: ⍴ = 0.78, respectively. To place these NPncRNAs within lapped significantly with DTE results for ASD
BD: ⍴ = 0.64, Spearman ⍴ of log2FC, all P values < a functional context, we examined expression and SCZ (fig. S8B), but not BD, which likely
10−16 (13)] and with previous RNA-seq studies patterns across human tissues, cell types, and still remains underpowered. There was signif-
of individual disorders [ASD: ⍴ = 0.96 (19); SCZ developmental time periods, as well as sequence icant cross-disorder correlation in PSI changes
⍴ = 0.78 (18); SCZ ⍴ = 0.80 (24); BD ⍴ = 0.85 characteristics including evolutionary conserva- (Spearman’s ⍴ = 0.59 SCZ-BD, ⍴ = 0.52 SCZ-
(13); Spearman ⍴ of log2FC, all P values < 10−16]. tion, selection, and constraint. We highlight ASD, all P < 10−4) and, subsequently, overlap
These DE genes exhibited substantial enrichment several noncoding genes exhibiting DE across among DS genes (Fig. 2, A and B), although the
for known pathways and cell type–specific mark- multiple disorders (fig. S6) and provide compre- majority of splicing changes still are disorder
ers derived from single-nucleus RNA-seq in the hensive annotations for each NPncRNA (table S2), specific. Only two genes, DTNA and AHCYL1,
human brain (Fig. 1, D and E) (21), consistent including cell type specificity, developmental tra- were significantly differentially spliced in all
with previously observed patterns (13, 19). jectory, and constraint, to begin to elucidate a three disorders (fig. S9). Differentially spliced
Expanding these analyses to the transcript functional context in the human brain. genes showed significant (FDR < 0.05) enrich-
isoform level, we observed widespread differ- As a class, NPncRNAs were under greater se- ment for signaling, cell communication, actin cyto-
ential transcript expression (DTE) across ASD, lective constraint compared with all Gencode skeleton, synapse, and neuronal development

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 15


pathways across disorders (Fig. 2C and fig. S8C) plicated by splicing dysfunction include plasma tein binding in ASD; angiotensin receptor sig-
and were relatively broadly expressed across cell membrane receptor complex, endocytic vesicle, naling in BD; and guanosine triphosphatase
types (Fig. 2D). Disorder-specific pathways im- regulation of cell growth and cytoskeletal pro- receptor activity, neuron development, and actin

A B DE vs Sample Size
1000 5000
100 Gene Platform

# DE Genes
10 RNAseq
3000 Microarray
2000 Disorder
# Genes with FDR < 0.05

1000 ASD

protein coding
0 200 400
Number of Cases
100 Gene Isoform
1000 C

Up- 68 247
10 1254
regulated 330
359 51
10 65 1
305 360
1000 4

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Effect Size (abs log 2 FC) 1831
2274 85 365
Down- 258
regulated 583 1

D 260 22 69

Downregulated Upregulated 115

transmembrane transporter activity inflammatory response
receptor activity
substrate-specific transmembrane
response to cytokine E DE Cell Type Enrichment
transporter activity receptor activity
transmembrane transporter activity
response to external Gene Isoform
synapse part biotic stimulus
signaling receptor activity innate immune response SCZ 4.3* 1.4* 5.9* 1.8* 1.8*
* OR
acute inflammatory Feature

transmembrane receptor activity response BD 1.7* 1.8* 2.5* 2.6*
synapse cytokine production Gene -log10FDR
leukocyte cell−cell adhesion cell-cell substrate Isoform ASD
adherens junction 3.4* 3.1* 4.5* 5.8*
regulation of natural killer 40
cell chemotaxis cell-cell substrate junction
natural killer cell chemotaxis Disorder
plasma membrane region cellular response to zinc ion SCZ 3.8* 1.6* 1.7* 5.4* 5.3* 2.3* 3.3* 2.7* 2.4* 6.5* 7.5* 2.7* 4.1* 20

CCR1 chemokine receptor binding response to zinc ion BD BD 0
11* 6.2* 2.7* 7.8*
external side of plasma membrane monosaccharide SCZ
metabolic process
cell part morphogenesis
hepoxilin metabolic process ASD 3.3* 5.7* 4.7* 4.5* 5.6* 5.8* 4.5* 5.9*
plasma membrane bounded cell
projection morphogenesis modulation by virus of







Ex Neuron



Ex Neuron




cell projection mophogenesis host transcription
regulation of lymphocyte modulation by symbiont
mediated immunity of host transcription
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
-log10 FDR -log10 FDR

F 944 ‘Psychiatric ncRNAs’

Human Constraint Developmental Regulation Tissue Specificity Brain Cell-Type Specificity

Observed CDTS quantile

1.00 Top Tissue Expression Top Cell-Type Expression

Scaled expression

CNS Excit. Neuron

0.75 1 Reproductive Oligo
Endocrine Astrocyte
0.50 0 Blood/Immune
Other Interneuron
Cardiovascular Endothelial
−2 GI/digestive
0.00 Periyte
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 100 1000 10000 0 100 200 0 50 100 150
Expected CDTS quantile Days post−conception Count Count

Fig. 1. Gene and isoform expression dysregulation in brain genes or isoforms. The top five pathways are shown for each
samples from individuals with psychiatric disorders. (A) DE effect disorder. (E) Heatmap depicting cell type specificity of enrichment
size (|log2FC|) histograms are shown for protein-coding, lncRNA, signals. Differentially expressed features show substantial
and pseudogene biotypes up- or down-regulated (FDR < 0.05) enrichment for known CNS cell type markers, defined at the gene
in disease. Isoform-level changes (DTE; blue) show larger effect sizes level from single-cell RNA-seq. (F) Annotation of 944 ncRNAs
than at the gene level (DGE; red), particularly for protein-coding DE in at least one disorder. From left to right: Sequence-based
biotypes in ASD and SCZ. (B) A literature-based comparison shows characterization of ncRNAs for measures of human selective
that the number of DE genes detected is dependent on study constraint; brain developmental expression trajectories
sample size for each disorder. (C) Venn diagrams depict overlap are similar across each disorder (colored lines represent mean
among up- or down-regulated genes and isoforms across disorders. trajectory across disorders); tissue specificity; and CNS cell
(D) Gene ontology enrichments are shown for differentially expressed type expression patterns.

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 15


Fig. 2. Aberrant local splicing and isoform usage in ASD, SCZ, and BD. binding domain C0 of NMDA receptor NR1 subunit. Visualization of splicing
(A) Venn diagram showing cross-disorder overlap for 472 genes with events in cluster clu_35560 with the change in PSI (DPSI) for ASD (left)
significant differentially spliced (DS) intron clusters (FDR < 10%) and SCZ (right) group comparisons. FDR-corrected P values (q) are
identified by LeafCutter. P values for hypergeometric tests of pairwise indicated for each comparison. Covariate-adjusted average PSI levels in
overlaps between each disorder are shown at the bottom. (B) Scatter ASD or SCZ (red) versus CTL (blue) are indicated at each intron.
plots comparing PSI changes for all 1287 introns in 515 significant (F) Violin plots with the distribution of covariate-adjusted PSI per sample
DS clusters in at least one disorder, for significant disease pairs SCZ for the intron skipping E4 are shown for each disease group comparison.
versus ASD and SCZ versus BD (Spearman’s ⍴ = 0.52 and 0.59, (G) DGE for GRIN1 in each disorder (*FDR < 5%). (H) Whole-gene
respectively). Principal component regression lines are shown in red, view of NRXN1 highlighting (dashed lines) the intron cluster with
with regression slopes for ASD and BD DPSI compared to SCZ in significant DS in ASD (clu_28264; chr2:50,847,321-50,850,452), as well
the top-left corner. (C) Top 10 gene ontology (GO) enrichments for as transcripts NRXN1-004 and NRXN1-012 that show significant DTU in
DS genes in each disorder (see also fig. S8C). (D) Significant SCZ and/or BD. Protein domain mappings are shown in purple.
enrichment for neuronal and astrocyte markers (ASD and SCZ), as well DM, protein domains; Tx, transcripts; ConA-like_dom_sf, concanavalin
as oligodendrocyte and microglia (SCZ) cell type markers in DS genes. A–like lectin/glucanase domain; EGF-like, epidermal growth factor-like
The odds ratio (*OR) is given only for FDR < 5% and OR > 1. Oligo, domain; laminin_G, laminin G domain; neurexin-like, neurexin/syndecan/
oligodendrocytes; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. (E) A significant glycophorin C domain. (I) (Left) Close-up of exons and protein domains
DS intron cluster in GRIN1 (clu_35560; chr9:140,040,354-140,043,461) mapped onto the DS cluster and FDR-corrected P value (q). (Right)
showing increased exon 4 (E4) skipping in both ASD and SCZ. Increased or Visualization of introns in cluster clu_28264 with their change in percent
decreased intron usage in ASD and SCZ cases compared to controls is spliced in (DPSI). Covariate-adjusted average PSI levels in ASD (red)
highlighted in red and blue, respectively. Protein domains are annotated as versus CTL (blue) are indicated for each intron. (J) Violin plots with the
ANF_receptor, extracellular receptor family ligand binding domain; distribution of covariate-adjusted PSI per sample for the largest intron
Lig_chan, ionotropic glutamate receptor; Lig_chan-Glu_bd, ligated ion skipping exon 8 (E8). (K) Bar plots for changes in gene expression and
channel L-glutamate- and glycine-binding site; CaM_bdg_C0, calmodulin- transcript usage for NRXN1-004 and NRXN1-012 (*FDR < 5%).

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 15


cytoskeleton in SCZ. We also found significant clusters and splicing changes identified in a variation and more likely the consequence of a
enrichment of splicing changes in targets of two previous study (19) that used a different method downstream cascade of biological events follow-
RNA binding proteins that regulate synaptic and only a subset of the samples in our ASD ing earlier-acting genetic risk factors.
transmission and whose targets are implicated and control cohorts (table S3). Overall, this ex- We were also interested in determining the
in both ASD and SCZ, the neuronal splicing reg- amination of local splicing across three major degree to which genes showed increases in the
ulator RBFOX1 (FDR = 5.16 × 10−11) (32) and the neuropsychiatric disorders, coupled with the magnitude of DE over the duration of illness,
fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) analysis of isoform-level regulation, emphasizes as a positive relationship would be expected if
(FDR = 3.10 × 10−21) (33). Notably, 48 DS genes the need to understand the regulation and func- age-related cumulative exposures (e.g., drugs,
(10%; FDR = 8.8 × 10−4) encode RNA binding tion of transcript isoforms at a cell type–specific smoking) were driving these changes. To assess
proteins or splicing factors (34), with at least level in the human nervous system. this, we fit local regression models to case and
six splicing factors also showing DTE in ASD control sample-level expression measurements
(MATR3), SCZ (QKI, RBM3, SRRM2, U2AF1), or Identifying drivers of as a function of age and computed age-specific
both (SRSF11). transcriptome dysregulation DE effect sizes (fig. S10). Of 4821 differentially
Many differential splicing events show pre- We next sought to determine whether changes expressed genes in SCZ, only 143 showed even
dictable functional consequences on protein observed across levels of transcriptomic orga- nominal association between effect size mag-
isoforms. Notable examples include GRIN1 and nization are reflective of the same, or distinct, nitude and age. Similar associations were seen
NRXN1, which are known risk loci for neuro- underlying biological processes. Further, tran- in 29 of 1119 differentially expressed genes in BD
developmental disorders (35, 36). GRIN1 encodes scriptomic changes may represent a causal patho- and 85 of 1611 differentially expressed genes in
the obligatory subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate physiology or may be a consequence of disease. ASD. Consequently, this would not support sub-
(NMDA)–type glutamate ionotropic receptors, To begin to address this, we assessed the relation- stantial age-related environmental exposures as
is up-regulated in SCZ and BD, and shows in- ships among transcriptomic features and with the mechanism for the vast majority of differen-
creased skipping of exon 4 in both ASD and SCZ polygenic risk scores (PRS) for disease, which tially expressed genes.
that affects its extracellular ligand-binding do- provide a directional, genetic anchor (Fig. 3A). Using gene expression data from animal
main (Fig. 2, E to G). NRXN1 is a heterotypic, Across all three disorders, there was strong models, we investigated whether exposure to
presynaptic cell adhesion molecule that under- concordance among differential gene, isoform, commonly used psychiatric medications could
goes extensive alternative splicing and plays a and ncRNA signals, as summarized by their recapitulate observed gene expression changes
key role in the maturation and function of syn- first principal component (Fig. 3A). Notably, in disease (fig. S11). Overall, with the exception
apses (35, 37). We observed various DS and/or DS exhibited greatest overlap with the ncRNA of lithium, chronic exposure to medications—
differential transcript usage (DTU) changes in signal, suggesting a role for noncoding genes in including antipsychotics (clozapine, haloperidol),
NRXN1 in ASD, SCZ, and/or BD (Fig. 2, H to K). regulating local splicing events. mood stabilizers (lamotrigine), and SSRI anti-
An exon skipping event in ASD disrupts a laminin Significant associations with PRS were observed depressants (fluoxetine)—had a small effect on
domain in NRXN1 (Fig. 2, I and J), changes that for DGE and DTE signals in SCZ, with greater the transcriptome, in many cases with no dif-
are predicted to have major effects on its func- polygenic association at the isoform level in ac- ferentially expressed genes at traditional FDR
tion (Fig. 2H). Another example is CADPS, which cordance with the larger transcript isoform effect thresholds (21). Even at more liberal thresholds,
is located within an ASD GWAS risk locus and sizes observed. Transcript-level DE also showed the overlap between medication-driven and dis-
supported by high-resolution chromosome con- the greatest enrichment for SCZ single-nucleotide ease signal remains sparse. One notable exception
formation capture (Hi-C)–defined chromatin polymorphism (SNP) heritability, as measured by was a module that reflects major components of
interactions as a putative target gene (38) and stratified LD (linkage disequilibrium) score re- a well-described (40) neural activity–dependent
manifests multiple isoform and splice alterations gression (21, 39) (Fig. 3B). The overall magnitude gene expression program, whose disease rela-
in ASD (fig. S9 and tables S1 and S3). of genetic enrichment was modest, however, tionships are refined in the network analysis
We found significant overlap (42%, P = 3.42 × suggesting that most observed transcriptomic section below. Finally, we note that other un-
10−27; Fisher’s exact test) of the ASD DS intron alterations are less a proximal effect of genetic measured factors could potentially contribute

Fig. 3. Overlap and genetic

enrichment among
dysregulated transcriptomic
features. (A) Scatterplots
demonstrate overlap among
dysregulated transcriptomic
features, summarized by their
first principal component across
subjects (R2 values; *P < 0.05).
PRS show greatest association
with differential transcript
signal in SCZ. (B) SNP
heritability in SCZ is enriched
among multiple differentially
expressed transcriptomic
features, with down-regulated
isoforms showing the most
substantial association via
stratified LD-score regression.
(C) Several individual genes and
isoforms exhibit genome-wide
significant associations with
disease PRS. Plots are split by direction of association with increasing PRS. In ASD, most associations localize to the 17q21.31 locus, harboring a
common inversion polymorphism.

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 15


to gene expression variation in postmortem tissue, psychiatric GWAS signal within CNS-expressed also concordantly differentially expressed in SCZ
including agonal events or smoking (22, 41, 42) regulatory elements (39), we reasoned that our brains in the same direction as predicted by
in addition to those measured and used as co- dataset would provide substantial power and TWAS. Altogether, 64 genes were consistently
variates, such as RNA integrity and postmortem specificity. Indeed, we identified 14,750 genes prioritized across multiple methods, including
interval. We used surrogate variable correction with heritable cis-regulated brain expression in 10 ncRNAs (table S4) (21). These included a
in our analyses to account for such unmea- the PsychENCODE cohort, enabling increased number of previously unknown candidates for
sured confounders (43), which is a standard transcriptomic coverage for detection of associ- SCZ: two down-regulated lysine methyltransfer-
approach (44). ation signal (Fig. 4). In BD, TWAS prioritizes 17 ases (SETD6, SETD8); RERE, a down-regulated,
genes across 14 distinct loci (Bonferroni-corrected mutationally intolerant nuclear receptor co-
Transcriptome-wide association P < 0.05; Fig. 4 and table S4), none of which regulator of retinoic acid signaling associated
We next sought to leverage this transcriptomic exhibited DE. At loci with multiple hits, we with a rare neurodevelopmental genetic syn-
dataset to prioritize candidate disease risk genes applied conditional analyses to further fine- drome; LINC00634, a down-regulated poorly
with predicted genetically driven effects on map these regions (21). For orthogonal validation, annotated brain-enriched lincRNA; and SLC12A5,
expression in brain. We identified 18 genes we conducted summary-data–based Mendelian which encodes a mitochondrial Ca2+ binding
or isoforms whose expression was significantly randomization (SMR), a complementary method aspartate/glutamate carrier protein, associated
associated with PRS [(21); Bonferroni-corrected that tests for pleiotropic associations in the cis with a recessive epileptic encephalopathy. Most
P < 0.05]: 16 in ASD and 2 in SCZ, with none in window with an accompanying HEIDI test to genes identified in this analysis show disease-
BD (Fig. 3C and table S4). In ASD, the majority distinguish linkage from pleiotropy (48). Eleven specific effects, as only four genes (MCHR1, VPS45,
of associations map to 17q21.31, which harbors genes—BMPR1B, DCLK3, HAPLN4, HLF, LMAN2L, SNAP91, and DCLK3) showed overlap between
a common inversion polymorphism and rare MCHR1, UBE2Q2L, SNAP91, TTC39A, TMEM258, SCZ and BD TWAS, and none overlapped with
deleterious structural variants associated with and VPS45—showed consistent association (21) ASD. Overall, this analysis provides a core set
intellectual disability (45). Additional associa- across multiple analyses (table S4). The two of strong candidate genes implicated by risk loci
tions for ASD included two poorly annotated isoforms with PRS associations in BD (NCALD, and provides a mechanistic basis for the com-
pseudogenes, FAM86B3P and RP11-481A20.10. SNF8) were nonsignificant in TWAS, perhaps posite activity of disease risk variants.
In SCZ, PRS was associated with up-regulation of owing to lack of a nearby genome-wide signif-
the established risk gene C4A (3). Concordantly, icant locus or isoform-specific regulation, which Networks refine shared
we found a strong positive correlation between suggests that those expression changes may be cross-disorder signals
C4A expression and genetically imputed C4A driven by trans-acting factors. To place transcriptomic changes within a systems-
copy number (R = 0.36, P = 6 × 10−21) and im- In ASD, TWAS prioritizes 12 genes across level context and more fully investigate the spe-
puted number of C4-HERV elements (R = 0.35, three genomic loci (Bonferroni-corrected P < 0.05; cific molecular neuropathology of these disorders,
P = 4 × 10−20) but a slight negative association Fig. 4). This includes the 17q21.31 region, which we performed weighted gene correlation network
with C4B copy number [R = −0.087, P = 0.03 showed multiple PRS associations as described analysis (WGCNA) to create independent gene-
(21)]. At less stringent thresholds (FDR-corrected above but did not reach genome-wide signifi- and isoform-level networks (14, 49, 50), which we
P < 0.05), we identified BD PRS associations cance in the largest GWAS to date (38). Of the then assessed for disease association and GWAS
with isoforms of the neuronal calcium sensor seven TWAS-significant genes at this locus, con- enrichment by using stratified LD score regres-
NCALD and SNF8, an endosomal sorting pro- ditional analysis prioritizes one—LRRC37A, which sion [(21); see for
tein, as well as several additional associations is further supported by SMR and Hi-C interaction interactive visualization]. Although calculated
in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in fetal brain (38). LRRC37A is intriguing due separately, gene- and isoform-level networks gen-
region in SCZ, which harbors the largest GWAS to its primate-specific evolutionary expansion, erally reflected equivalent biological processes, as
peak composed of multiple independent sig- loss-of-function intolerance, and expression pat- demonstrated by hierarchical clustering (Fig. 5A).
nals (3) but is difficult to parse due to complex terns in the brain and testis (45). However, com- However, the isoform-level networks captured
patterns of LD. These included two lncRNAs, mon variants in GWAS are also likely tagging the greater detail, and a larger proportion were as-
HCG17 and HCG23, as well as the MHC class I common inversion and other recurrent struc- sociated with disease GWAS than gene-level
heavy-chain receptor HLA-C. However, expres- tural variants present at this locus (45). TWAS networks (61% versus 41% with nominal GWAS
sion of all three was also significantly (P < 0.05) additionally prioritizes genes on chromosomes enrichment, P = 0.07, c2; Fig. 5A). Consistent
correlated with imputed C4A copy number, 8 and 20 (Fig. 4). Altogether, five genes showed with expectations, modules showed enrichment
suggesting pleiotropic effects. consistent associations with ASD across multiple for gene ontology pathways, and we identified
Taking an orthogonal approach, we performed methods: LRRC37A, FAM86B3P, PINX1, XKR6, modules strongly and selectively enriched for
a formal transcriptome-wide association study and RP11-481A20.10 (table S4) (21). markers of all major CNS cell types (Fig. 5, A
(TWAS) (46) to directly identify genes whose cis- In SCZ, TWAS identifies 193 genes, of which and B, and fig. S12), facilitating computational
regulated expression is associated with disease 107 remain significant after conditional analy- deconvolution of cell type–specific signatures
(21). TWAS and related methods have the ad- sis at each gene within multi-hit loci. Excluding (14, 49, 51). For ease of subsequent presentation,
vantage of aggregating the effects of multiple the MHC region, there remained 164 significant we grouped gene-isoform module pairs that co-
SNPs onto specific genes, reducing multiple com- genes representing 78 genome-wide significant cluster, have overlapping parent genes, and rep-
parisons and increasing power for association GWAS loci (Fig. 4 and table S4). A previous resent equivalent biological processes.
testing, although results can still be influenced TWAS study in SCZ primarily based on non- The large sample sizes, coupled with the spe-
by LD and pleiotropy (46, 47). Further, by im- neural tissue prioritized 157 genes, 37 of which cificity of isoform-level quantifications, enabled
puting the cis-regulated heritable component are identified here, a significant overlap (OR = refinement of previously identified gene networks
of brain gene expression into the association 61, P < 10−42, Fisher’s exact test). Moreover, 60 related to ASD, BD, and SCZ (13–15, 18, 19, 52). Of
cohort, TWAS enables direct prediction of the TWAS-prioritized genes overlapped with the list a combined 90 modules, including 34 gene-level
transcriptomic effects of disease-associated ge- of 321 high-confidence SCZ risk genes in a com- (geneM) and 56 isoform-level (isoM) modules,
netic variation, identifying potential mechanisms panion manuscript (17), identified using gene 61 (68%) showed significant association with at
through which variants may impart risk. How- regulatory networks and a deep learning ap- least one disorder, demonstrating the pervasive
ever, the limited size of brain eQTL (expression proach (OR = 34.7, P < 10−60, Fisher’s exact test). nature of transcriptome dysregulation in psy-
quantitative trait loci) datasets to date has ne- Of the 107 conditionally significant genes pri- chiatric disease. Five modules are shared across
cessitated the use of non-CNS tissues to define oritized by TWAS, 62 were further supported all three disorders, 3 up-regulated and 2 down-
TWAS weights (46). Given the enrichment of by SMR (PSMR < 0.05, PHEIDI > 0.05), and 11 were regulated; 22 modules are shared by two of the

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 15


three disorders, and 36 demonstrate more spe- pair (geneM5/isoM5; further discussed in the In contrast to individual genes or isoforms,
cific patterns of dysregulation in either ASD, SCZ, “Distinct neural-immune trajectories” section) no modules were significantly associated with
or BD (Fig. 5 and table S5). It is notable that of and a module (geneM31) enriched primarily for PRS after multiple-testing correction. However,
these 61 coexpression modules with a disease- genes with roles in the postsynaptic density, den- 19 modules were significantly (FDR < 0.05) en-
association, 41 demonstrate cell type enrichments, dritic compartments, and receptor-mediated pre- riched for SNP heritability on the basis of pub-
consistent with the strong cell type disease-related synaptic signaling that are expressed in excitatory lished GWASs (21) (Fig. 5A and fig. S13). A notable
signal that was observed via both supervised and neurons and, to a lesser extent, inhibitory neu- example is geneM2/isoM13, which is enriched for
unsupervised methods in a companion study (17). rons (Fig. 5C). Notably, DCLK3, one of the hubs oligodendrocyte markers and neuron projection
This demonstrates the importance of cell type– of geneM31, is a genome-wide significant TWAS developmental pathways and is down-regulated
specific changes in the molecular pathology of hit in both SCZ and BD. The third biological in ASD and SCZ, with a trend in BD (Fig. 5C).
these major psychiatric disorders; the cell type process, geneM26/isoM22 (Fig. 5C), is down- isoM13 showed the greatest overall significance
relationships defined by the disease modules sub- regulated and enriched for endothelial and peri- of enrichment for SCZ and educational attain-
stantially enhance our knowledge of these pro- cyte genes, with hubs that represent markers of ment GWAS and was also enriched in BD GWAS
cesses, as we outline below. the blood-brain barrier, including ITIH5, SLC38A5, to a lesser degree. Further, this module is en-
The five modules shared between ASD, BD, ABCB1, and GPR124, a critical regulator of brain- riched for genes harboring ultrarare variants
and SCZ can be summarized to represent three specific angiogenesis (53, 54). This highlights identified in SCZ (55) (fig. S13). Finally, we also
distinct biological processes. Two of these pro- specific, shared alterations in neuronal-glial- observe pervasive and distinct enrichments for
cesses are up-regulated, including an inflamma- endothelial interactions across these neuropsy- syndromic genes and rare variants identified
tory NFkB (nuclear factor kB) signaling module chiatric disorders. through whole-exome sequencing in individuals

Fig. 4. Transcriptome-wide association. Results from a TWAS prioritize 193 genes (164 outside of MHC) are prioritized at Bonferroni-corrected
genes whose cis-regulated expression in brain is associated with disease. P < 0.05, including 107 genes with conditionally independent signals.
Plots show conditionally-independent TWAS prioritized genes, with lighter Of these, 23 are also differentially expressed in SCZ brains with 11 in the
shades depicting marginal associations. The sign of TWAS z-scores indicates same direction as predicted. (B) Seventeen genes are prioritized in BD,
predicted direction of effect. Genes significantly up- or down-regulated in of which 15 are conditionally independent. (C) In ASD, a TWAS prioritizes
diseased brain are shown with arrows, indicating directionality. (A) In SCZ, 12 genes, of which 5 are conditionally independent.

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 15


with neurodevelopmental disorders (table S5 specificity of isoform-level qualifications, enabled in ASD (Fig. 6B), contains the predominant brain-
and fig. S13). us to identify synaptic modules containing expressed RBFOX1 isoform and includes several
isoforms with distinct disease associations and cation channels (e.g., HCN1, SCN8A). The second
Neuronal isoform networks capture to separate signals from excitatory and inhibi- most abundant RBFOX1 isoform is in another
disease specificity tory neurons (Fig. 5B). module, isoM17, which is down-regulated in both
Multiple neuronal and synaptic signaling path- A salient example of differential module mem- ASD and SCZ (Fig. 6B). Experiments in mouse
ways have been previously shown to be down- bership and disease association of transcript indicate that RBFOX1 has distinct nuclear and
regulated in a diminishing gradient across ASD, isoforms is RBFOX1, a major neuronal splicing cytoplasmic isoforms with differing functions, the
SCZ, and BD brains without identification of regulator implicated across multiple neurodevelop- nuclear isoform primarily regulating pre-mRNA
clear disease-specific signals for these neuronal- mental and psychiatric disorders (15, 32, 58, 59). alternative splicing, and the cytoplasmic isoform
synaptic gene sets (13, 15, 18, 19, 56, 57). We do Previous work has identified down-regulated binding to the 3′ untranslated region to stabilize
observe neuronal modules broadly dysregulated neuronal modules in ASD and SCZ containing target transcripts involved in regulation of neu-
across multiple disorders, including a neuronal/ RBFOX1 as a hub (13, 15). In this study, we ronal excitability (28, 32, 58, 60). isoM17 shows
synaptic module (isoM18) with multiple isoforms identified two neuronal modules with distinct greater enrichment for nuclear RBFOX1 targets
of the known ASD risk gene, ANK2, as hubs. RBFOX1 isoforms as hub genes (Fig. 6A). The (Fig. 6C), whereas isoM2 shows stronger overlap
However, the large sample size, coupled with the module pair geneM1/isoM2, down-regulated only with cytoplasmic targets (32). Consistent with a

Fig. 5. Gene and isoform coexpression networks capture shared and score regression (*FDR < 0.05, –P < 0.05). (B) Coexpression modules
disease-specific cellular processes and interactions. (A) Coexpression capture specific cellular identities and biological pathways. Colored circles
networks demonstrate pervasive dysregulation across psychiatric disorders. represent module DE effect size in disease, with red outlines representing
Hierarchical clustering shows that separate gene- and isoform-based GWAS enrichment in that disorder. Modules are organized and labeled
networks are highly overlapping, with greater specificity conferred at the based on CNS cell type and top gene ontology enrichments. (C) Examples
isoform level. Disease associations are shown for each module (linear of specific modules dysregulated across disorders, with the top 25 hub
regression b value, *FDR < 0.05, –P < 0.05). Module enrichments (*FDR < genes shown. Edges represent coexpression (Pearson correlation > 0.5) and
0.05) are shown for major CNS cell types. Enrichments are shown for known protein-protein interactions. Nodes are colored to represent
GWAS results from SCZ (59), BD (97), and ASD (38), using stratified LD disorders in which that gene is differentially expressed (*FDR < 0.05).

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 15


predicted splicing-regulatory effect, isoM17 shows acid (GABA) synthesizing enzymes (GAD1, GAD2), S11A). Furthermore, geneM21/isoM30 expres-
greater enrichment for genes exhibiting DS in multiple GABA transporters (SLC6A1, SLC24A3), sion was negatively correlated with the degree
ASD and SCZ (Fig. 6D). In accordance with a many other known interneuron markers of lifetime antipsychotic exposure in the subset
predicted role in regulating excitability, isoM2 (RELN, VIP), as well as DLX1 and the lncRNA of patients for whom these data were available
shows strong enrichment for epilepsy risk genes DLX6-AS1, both critical known regulators of in- (P = 0.001, Pearson correlation; fig. S11B). As
(Fig. 6E). Moreover, the two modules show dif- hibitory neuron development (62). This inhib- such, it will be worthwhile to determine whether
ferential association with common genetic risk itory neuron–related module is not enriched for this module is a core driver of the therapeutic
(Fig. 6E), with isoM2 exhibiting GWAS enrich- common or rare genetic disease–associated var- response, as has been suggested (65). Finally,
ment across SCZ, BD, and major depressive iation, although other studies have found enrich- other neuronal modules distinguished SCZ and
disorder (MDD). This widespread enrichment ment for SCZ GWAS signal among interneuron BD from ASD (Fig. 5B), including geneM7, en-
of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disease markers defined in other ways (63). riched for synaptic and metabolic processes
risk factors—from rare variants in epilepsy to Several neuronal modules that distinguish be- with the splicing regulator NOVA2 (Fig. 5C). This
common variants in BD, SCZ, and MDD—is con- tween the disorders differentiate BD and SCZ neuronal module was significantly enriched for
sistent with a model in which broad neuropsy- from ASD, including the module pair geneM21/ both BD and SCZ GWAS signals, supporting a
chiatric liability emanates from myriad forms of isoM30 (Fig. 5C), which captures known elements causal role for this module.
dysregulation in neuronal excitability, all linked of activity-dependent neuronal gene regulation,
via RBFOX1. These results highlight the impor- whose hubs include classic early-response (ARC, Distinct neural-immune trajectories
tance of further studies focused on understanding EGR1, NPAS4, NR4A1) and late-response genes Previous work has identified differential acti-
the relationship between human RBFOX1 transcript (BDNF, HOMER1) (40). Although these modules vation of glial and neural-immune processes in
diversity and functional divergence, as most of what were not significantly down-regulated in ASD, brains from patients with psychiatric disorders
is known is based on mouse, and the human shows subsampling indicates that the differences be- (15, 52, 57, 66–69), including up-regulation of
far greater transcript diversity (32, 58, 61). tween disorders could be driven by sample size astrocytes in SCZ and BD (13, 57) and both mi-
Previous transcriptional networks related to (fig. S14). These genes play critical roles in reg- croglia and astrocytes in ASD (19, 70). Evidence
ASD, BD, and SCZ did not separate inhibitory ulating synaptic plasticity and the balance of supports hyperactive complement-mediated syn-
and excitatory neuron signals (13). The increased excitatory and inhibitory synapses (40). Of note, aptic pruning in SCZ pathophysiology, presum-
resolution here allowed us to identify several a nearly identical module was recently identi- ably through microglia (3), although postmortem
modules enriched in inhibitory interneuron mark- fied as a sex-specific transcriptional signature of microglial up-regulation was observed only in
ers (Fig. 5B), including geneM23/isoM19, which major depression and stress susceptibility (64). ASD (13, 19, 70). We examined whether our large
is down-regulated in ASD and SCZ, with a We further observed that these modules may cohort of ~1000 control brains, capturing an age
trend toward down-regulation observed in BD; be affected by medication exposure. Indeed, range from birth to 90 years, would enable re-
downsampling in the SCZ dataset suggests that geneM21/isoM30 was associated with genes finement of the nature and timing of this neuro-
the lack of significance in BD may be due to a down-regulated by chronic high doses of the inflammatory signal and potential relationship
smaller sample size (fig. S14). This module pair antipsychotic haloperidol, as well as genes up- to disease pathogenesis (Fig. 7A). Four modules
contained as hubs the two major g-aminobutyric regulated by the antidepressant fluoxetine (fig. were directly related to neural-immune processes

Fig. 6. Two RBFOX1 isoform modules capture distinct biological and which is down-regulated in ASD and SCZ. (C) Modules show distinct
disease associations. (A) Previous studies have identified RBFOX1 as a enrichments for nuclear and cytoplasmic RBFOX1 targets, defined
critical hub of neuronal and synaptic modules down-regulated across experimentally in mouse (32). (D) Genes harboring DS events observed
multiple psychiatric disorders (13, 15). We identified two pairs of modules in ASD and SCZ show greater overlap with isoM17, consistent with its
with distinct RBFOX1 isoforms as hub genes. Plots show the top 25 hub association with nuclear RBFOX1 targets. (E) Modules show distinct
genes of modules isoM2 and isoM17, following the same coloring scheme patterns of genetic association. isoM2 exhibits broad enrichment
as in Fig. 5C. (B) Distinct module-eigengene trait associations are for GWAS signal in SCZ, BD, and MDD, as well as for epilepsy risk genes,
observed for isoM2 (down-regulated in ASD only) compared with isoM17, whereas isoM17 shows no apparent genetic enrichment (21).

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 15


(Fig. 7, A to C), two of which are gene/isoform early development, coincident with clinical onset. signed networks with strong cell type and GWAS
module pairs that correspond clearly to cell type– In contrast, in SCZ and BD, the microglial mod- enrichments, which captured 7186 negatively
specific gene expression: one representing microg- ule is actually down-regulated, driven by a later correlated lncRNA-mRNA pairs within the same
lia (geneM6/isoM15) and the other astrocytes dynamic decrease, dropping below controls after module (fig. S15). We provide a table of putative
(geneM3/isoM1), as they are strongly and selec- age ~30. The NFkB module, which is up-regulated mRNA targets for these brain-expressed lncRNAs,
tively enriched for canonical cell type–specific across all three disorders, maximally diverges including 209 exhibiting DE in ASD, 122 in BD,
marker genes (Fig. 7, C to E). Two additional from controls during early adulthood, coincident and 241 in SCZ (table S6).
immune-related modules appear to represent more with typical disease onset in SCZ and BD. Accord- A salient example of the power of this ap-
broadly expressed signaling pathways: interferon ingly, this NFkB module contained C4A, the top proach for functional annotation is LINC00473,
(IFN) response (geneM32) and NFkB (geneM5/ GWAS-supported, and strongly up-regulated, risk a hub of the neuronal activity–dependent gene
isoM5). The IFN-response module (geneM32) con- gene for SCZ (3). This pattern is distinct from regulation module (geneM21/isoM30; Fig. 5C).
tains critical components of the IFN-stimulated that of ASD, which shows a dynamic trajectory Expressed in excitatory neurons and down-
gene factor 3 (ISGF3) complex that activates the but remains up-regulated throughout (Fig. 7F). regulated in SCZ (log2FC −0.16, FDR < 0.002),
transcription of downstream IFN-stimulated genes, LINC00473 is regulated by synaptic activity and
which comprise 59 of the 61 genes in this module Noncoding modules and lncRNA down-regulates immediate early gene expression
(71). The NFkB module pair (geneM5/isoM5) in- regulatory relationships (74), consistent with its hub status in this mod-
cludes four out of five NFkB family members As many lncRNAs are predicted to have transcrip- ule. Similarly, we identify the lncRNA DLX6-AS1,
(NFkB1, NFkB2, REL, RELA), as well as many tional regulatory roles, we next assessed whether a known developmental regulator of interneuron
downstream transcription factor targets and mRNA-based coexpression networks could pro- specification (62), as the most central hub gene
upstream activators of this pathway. vide additional functional annotation for ncRNAs. in the interneuron module (geneM23/isoM19),
The dynamic trajectories of these processes As a subset of lncRNAs are thought to function which is down-regulated in ASD and SCZ. This
in cases with respect to controls reveal distinct by repressing mRNA targets (72), we applied interneuron module also contains LINC00643
patterns across disorders (Fig. 7F). The IFN- csuWGCNA (73) to identify potential regula- and LINC01166, two poorly annotated, brain-
response and microglial modules are most tory relationships (21). We identified 39 modules enriched lncRNAs. LINC00643 is down-regulated
strongly up-regulated in ASD, peaking during (csuM) using csuWGCNA, all preserved in the in SCZ (log2FC −0.06, FDR = 0.04), whereas

A C Astrocyte
Interferon Response
Neuro-immune/Inflammatory signal
geneM3/isoM1 geneM3/isoM1 geneM3/isoM1

(e.g., asdM16 ref 15) PLSCR1

Astrocyte Microglia SPON1 ITGA5 PXDC1 CD74
(e.g., CD4, ref 13) (e.g., CD11, ref 13) MSN LAIR1 RSAD2 XAF1

D small molecule catabolic process

carboxylic acid catabolic process
sensory organ development Astrocyte E
oxidation−reduction process
Astrocyte NFkB Microglia IFN
Astrocyte NFkB Microglia IFN Resp. inflammatory response
response to cytokine NFkB Pericyte

response to bacterium OPC Dataset

response to lipopolysaccharide Goldman
immune effector process KerenShaul
regulation of immune response Microglia
myeloid leukocyte activation Granulocytes.cluster2 Lake
positive regulation of immune system process
defense response to virus
Granulocytes.cluster1 Zeisel
0.02 * type I interferon signaling pathway
cellular response to type I interferon
negative regulation of viral process
* 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 100 200 0 20 40 60 0 100 200 0 5 10 15
F -log10FDR -log10FDR
Module beta

* Astrocyte (geneM3/isoM1)
NFkB (geneM5/isoM5) geneM3/isoM1
Microglia (geneM6/isoM15)
Interferon Response (geneM32)

* 4

* * Group
* 2

0.00 0 SCZ


geneM3/ geneM5/
* *
geneM6/ 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75
isoM1 geneM3/isoM1
isoM5 isoM15 Age

Fig. 7. Distinct neural-immune trajectories in disease. (A) Coexpression lines). Nodes follow the same coloring scheme as in Fig. 5C. Hubs in the
networks refine the neural-immune/inflammatory processes up-regulated astrocyte module (geneM3/isoM1) include several canonical, specific
in ASD, SCZ, and BD. Previous work has identified specific contributions to astrocyte markers, including SOX9, GJA1, SPON1, and NOTCH2. Microglial
this signal from astrocyte and microglial populations (13, 19). Here, we module hub genes include canonical, specific microglial markers, including
identify additional contributions from distinct IFN-response and NFkB AIF1, CSF1R, TYROBP, and TMEM119. The NFkB module includes many
signaling modules. (B) Eigengene-disease associations are shown for each known downstream transcription factor targets (JAK3, STAT3, JUNB, and
of four identified neural-immune module pairs. The astrocyte and IFN- FOS) and upstream activators (IL1R1, nine TNF receptor superfamily
response modules are up-regulated in ASD and SCZ. NFkB signaling is members) of this pathway. (D) The top four GO enrichments are shown
elevated across all three disorders. The microglial module is up-regulated for each module. (E) Module enrichment for known cell type–specific
in ASD and down-regulated in SCZ and BD. (C) Top hub genes for each marker genes, collated from sequencing studies of neural-immune cell types
module are shown, along with edges supported by coexpression (light gray; (98–102). (F) Module eigengene expression across age demonstrates
Pearson correlation > 0.5) and known protein-protein interactions (dark distinct and dynamic neural-immune trajectories for each disorder.

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 10 of 15


LINC01166 is significantly down-regulated in lncRNA exhibiting predominant brain expres- transcript usage or splicing, versus DE, we sur-
BD (log2FC −0.17, FDR < 0.05) with trends in sion and a hub of these oligodendrocyte mod- veyed genes exhibiting DTU across disorders
ASD and SCZ (FDR < 0.1). Our data suggest a ules, without previous mechanistic links to (21). We identified 134 such “switch isoforms,”
role for these lncRNAs in interneuron develop- myelination (75, 76). The lncRNAs MIAT and corresponding to 64 genes displaying differ-
ment, making them intriguing candidates for MEG3 are negatively correlated with most of ent DTU between ASD and SCZ (table S7). As
follow-up studies. Using fluorescence in situ the hubs in this module, including SOX2-OT an example, isoforms of SMARCA2, a member
hybridization (FISH), we confirmed that both (fig. S15). MIAT is also known to interact with of the BAF-complex strongly implicated in sev-
LINC00643 and LINC01166 are expressed in QKI, an established regulator of oligodendrocyte- eral neurodevelopmental disorders including
GAD1+ GABAergic neurons in area 9 of the adult gene splicing also located in this module (77, 78). ASD (79), are up- and down-regulated in ASD
brain, present both in the cell nucleus and the These analyses predict critical roles for these often and SCZ, respectively (fig. S17). Conversely, the
cytoplasm (Fig. 8A and fig. S16), although ex- overlooked noncoding genes in oligodendrocyte isoforms of NIPBL, a gene associated with
pression was also detected in other non-GAD1+ function (77, 78) and potentially in psychiatric Cornelia de Lange syndrome (80), are down-
neurons as well. conditions. and up-regulated in ASD and SCZ, respectively
Multiple ncRNAs including SOX2-OT, MIAT, (fig. S17). Such opposing changes in isoform ex-
and MEG3 are enriched in oligodendrocyte mod- Isoform network specificity pression of various genes may represent dif-
ules (geneM2/isoM13/csuM1; Fig. 5C) that are and switching ferences in disease progression or symptom
down-regulated in both SCZ and ASD. SOX2-OT To more comprehensively assess whether aspects manifestation in diseases such as ASD and SCZ,
is a heavily spliced, evolutionarily conserved of disease specificity are conferred by alternative mediated by genetic risk variants that create

113.8 Mb 113.9 Mb 114 Mb 114.1 Mb 114.2 Mb
Hs-LINC00643-C2 Hs-LINC01166-C3 5’ 3’
DAPI / GAD1 / Lipofuscin DAPI / GAD1 / Lipofuscin 010
ANK2-013 ANK2-006
021 015
ANK2−013 ANK2−006 007
Ankyrin repeats ZU5 domain DEATH domain 022
Stop gain 019
ASD CNV deletion Splice 025 020 023
Missense 011
Microexon (3-27nt) 024

B D E F 35 7
Number of Overlapped Genes

006 013 * 30 6
0.5 *
Isoform Ratio Change (%)

25 5

log2 (OR)


20 4
ANK2-013 ANK2-006 15 3
10 2
−1.5 FDR = 0.05
5 1
Microexon, ASD
−2.0 * Microexon, SCZ 0 0


FM ta i

Sy ons ets

m ed

ln D
pL ble

LG D .99

8 oc

Average exon
N e



R rge

D ns
ro in


C arg

LG > 0

H sk

nd tra



(143 ± 5% nt)




Fig. 8. LncRNA annotation, ANK2 isoform switching, and microexon entirely eliminated by a de novo CNV deletion in ASD. (D) Disease-specific
enrichment. (A) FISH images demonstrate interneuron expression for two coexpressed PPI network. Both ANK2-006 and ANK2-013 interact with
poorly annotated lincRNAs—LINC00643 and LINC01166—in area 9 of adult NRCAM. The ASD-associated isoform ANK2-013 has two additional
human prefrontal cortex. Sections were labeled with GAD1 probe (green) interacting partners, SCN4B and TAF9. (E) As a class, switch isoforms are
to indicate GABAergic neurons and lncRNA (magenta) probes for significantly enriched for microexon(s). In contrast, exons of average
LINC00643 (left) or for LINC01166 (right). All sections were counter- length are not enriched among switch isoforms. The y axis displays odds
stained with DAPI (blue) to reveal cell nuclei. Lipofuscin autofluorescence ratio on a log2 scale. P values are calculated using logistic regression and
is visible in both the green and red channels and appears orange. Scale corrected for multiple comparisons. (F) Enrichment of 64 genes with
bar, 10 mm. FISH was repeated at least twice on independent samples switch isoforms for: ASD risk loci (81); CHD8 targets (103); FMRP targets
(table S9) (21), with similar results (see also fig. S16). (B) ANK2 isoforms (33); mutationally constraint genes (104); syndromic and highly ranked
ANK2-006 and ANK2-013 show significant DTU in SCZ and ASD, (1 and 2) genes from SFARI Gene database; vulnerable ASD genes (105);
respectively (*FDR < 0.05). (C) Exon structure of ANK2 highlighting genes with probability of loss-of-function intolerance (pLI) > 0.99 as
(dashed lines) the ANK2-006 and ANK2-013 isoforms. (Inset) These reported by the Exome Aggregation Consortium (106); genes with
isoforms have different protein domains and carry different microexons. likely-gene-disruption (LGD) or LGD plus missense de novo mutations
ANK2-006 is affected by multiple ASD DNMs, while ANK2-013 could be (DNMs) found in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders (21).

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 11 of 15


subtle differences in isoforms within the same are most enriched for genetic risk, and provide powered brain-relevant TWAS in SCZ, and to a
gene that exhibit distinct biological effects in the greatest disease specificity when assembled lesser extent in BD and ASD, we are further able
each disorder. A noteworthy example is the ASD into coexpression networks. Notably, disturbances to elucidate candidate molecular mechanisms
risk gene ANK2 (81), whose two alternatively in the expression of distinct isoforms of more through which disease-associated variants may
spliced isoforms, ANK2-006 and ANK2-013, are than 50 genes are differentially observed in SCZ act. TWAS prioritizes dozens of previously un-
differentially regulated in SCZ and ASD (Fig. 8B). and ASD, which in the case of the ASD risk gene identified candidate disease genes, including
These switch isoforms show markedly different ANK2 is predicted to affect different cell types many that are dysregulated in diseased brain.
expression patterns, belonging to different coex- in each disorder. Moreover, we observe disease- Similar to the eQTLs identified in a companion
pression modules, geneM3/isoM1 (Fig. 7C) and associated changes in the splicing of dozens of study (17), the majority of these loci do not
isoM18, which are enriched in astrocyte and neu- RNA-binding proteins and splicing factors, most of overlap with disease GWAS association signals.
ronal cell types, respectively (Fig. 5A and fig. S12). whose targets and functions are unknown. Similar- Rather, most are outside of the LD block and
The protein domain structure of these transcripts ly, nearly 1000 ncRNAs are dysregulated in at least distal to the original association signal, highlight-
is also nonoverlapping, with ANK2-006 carrying one disorder, many with significant CNS enrich- ing the importance of orthogonal functional data
exclusively ZU5 and DEATH domains and ANK2- ment but, until now, limited functional annotation. types, such as transcriptome or epigenetic data
013 carrying exclusively ankyrin repeat domains This work highlights isoform-level dysregula- (16, 47, 82, 89), in deciphering the underlying
(Fig. 8C). Both isoforms are affected by a de novo tion as a critical, and relatively underexplored, mechanisms of disease-associated genetic effects.
ASD CNV, and ANK-006 also carries de novo proximal mechanism linking genetic risk fac- As with any case-control association study,
mutations from neurodevelopmental disorders. tors with psychiatric disease pathophysiology. multiple potential factors, many of which may
Both isoforms bind to the neuronal cell adhe- In contrast to local splicing changes, isoform- represent reactive processes, contribute to gene
sion molecule NRCAM, but ANK2-013 has two level quantifications require imputation from expression changes in postmortem human brain
additional partners: TAF9 and SCN4B (Fig. 8D), short-read RNA-seq data guided by existing ge- samples. At each step of analysis, we have at-
likely cell type–specific interactions that suggest nomic annotations. Consequently, the accuracy tempted to mitigate the contribution of these
distinct functions of the isoforms of this gene in of these estimates is hindered by incomplete factors through known and hidden covariate
different neural cell types and diseases. annotations, as well as by limitations of short- correction, assessment of age trajectories, and
Finally, several studies have demonstrated that read sequencing, coverage, and genomic biases enrichment for causal genetic variation. Sup-
genes carrying microexons are preferentially ex- like GC content (84, 85). This may be particu- porting the generalizability of our results, we
pressed in the brain and their splicing is dys- larly problematic in the brain, where alternative find significant correlations of the log2FC be-
regulated in ASD (30, 82, 83). This PsychENCODE splicing patterns are more distinct than in other tween randomly split halves of the data (fig. S3).
sample provided the opportunity to assess the organ systems (82). We present experimental This likely varies by transcript class, and some
role of microexons in a far larger cohort and validations for several specific isoforms but try of the modest correlations are likely due to low-
across disorders. Indeed, we found that switch to focus on the class of dysregulated isoforms, abundance genes, such as ncRNAs, which we
isoforms with microexons (3 to 27 base pairs) are and the modules and biological processes they prefer to include, though we recognize the in-
significantly enriched in both ASD (FDR = 0.03) represent, rather than individual cases, which herent tension between expression level and
and SCZ (FDR = 0.03, logistic regression) (Fig. 8E) may be more susceptible to bias. Longer-read measurement accuracy. We provide access to
(21). Genes with switch isoforms are also enriched sequencing, which provides a more precise means this extensive resource, both in terms of raw
for the regulatory targets of two ASD risk genes, for isoform quantification, will be of great utility and processed data and as browsable network
CHD8 and FMRP, as well as highly mutationally as it becomes more feasible at scale. modules (
constrained genes (pLI > 0.99), syndromic ASD Several broad shared patterns of gene expres- A large proportion of disease-associated co-
genes, and in genes with de novo exonic muta- sion dysregulation have been observed in post- expression modules are enriched for cell type–
tions in ASD, SCZ, and BD (Fig. 8F and table S7) mortem brain samples in previous studies—most specific markers, as is overall disease DE signal,
(21). These data confirm the importance of prominently, a gradient of down-regulation of indicating that transcriptomic alterations in dis-
microexon regulation in neuropsychiatric dis- neuronal and synaptic signaling genes and up- ease are likely driven substantially by (even subtle)
orders beyond ASD, and its potential role in regulation of glial-immune or neuroinflamma- shifts in cell type proportions, or cell type–specific
distinguishing among biological pathways dif- tory signals. In this study, we refine these signals pathways, consistent with our previous obser-
ferentially affected across conditions. This role by distinguishing both up and down-regulated vations (13) and those in a companion study
for microexons further highlights local splicing neuron-related processes that are differentially (17). Functional genomic studies often remove
regulation as a potential mechanism conferring altered across these three disorders. Furthermore, such cell type–specific signals, through the use
key aspects of disease specificity, extending the we extend previous work that identified broad of large numbers of expression-derived principal
larger disease signal observed at the isoform neuroinflammatory dysregulation in SCZ, ASD, components or surrogate variables as covariates,
level in coexpression and DE analyses. and BD by identifying specific pathways involv- to mitigate unwanted sources of variation and
ing IFN-response, NFkB, astrocytes, and microg- maximize detection of cis eQTLs (44). We retain
Discussion lia that manifest distinct temporal patterns across the cell type–specific signals as much as possi-
We present a large-scale RNA-seq analysis of conditions. A module enriched for microglial- ble, reasoning that cell type–related alterations
the cerebral cortex across three major psychi- associated genes, for example, shows a clear may directly inform the molecular pathology
atric disorders, including extensive analyses of distinction between disorders, with strong of disease in psychiatric disorders, in which
the noncoding and alternatively spliced tran- up-regulation observed in ASD and significant there is no known microscopic or macroscopic
scriptome, as well as gene- and isoform-level down-regulation in SCZ and BD. Overall, these pathology. This rationale is supported by the con-
coexpression networks. The scope and com- results provide increased specificity to the ob- sistent observation of the dynamic and disease-
plexity of these data do not immediately lend servations that ASD, BD, and SCZ are associ- specific microglial up-regulation observed in ASD
themselves to simple mechanistic reduction. ated with elevated neuroinflammatory processes and the shared astrocyte up-regulation in SCZ
Nevertheless, at each level of analysis, we present (69, 86–88). and ASD. This approach, however, reduces the
concrete examples that provide proofs-of-principle By integrating transcriptomic data with ge- ability to detect genetic enrichment from GWAS,
and starting points for investigations targeting netic variation, we identify multiple disease- as current methods predominantly capture cis-
shared and distinct disease mechanisms to con- associated coexpression modules enriched for acting regulatory effects. The modesty of genetic
nect causal drivers with brain-level perturbations. causal variation, as well as mechanisms poten- enrichments among disease-associated transcrip-
Broadly, we find that isoform-level changes tially underlying specific disease loci in each of tomic alterations may also indicate that gene ex-
exhibit the largest effect sizes in diseased brain, the diseases. In parallel, by performing a well- pression changes reflect an indirect cascade of

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 12 of 15


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96. J. Yang, S. H. Lee, M. E. Goddard, P. M. Visscher, GCTA: T. Lehner, L. Bingaman, D. Panchision, A. Arguello, and R01MH075916, P50M096891, P50MH084053S1, R37MH057881,
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797–805 (2016). doi: 10.1038/ni.3423; pmid: 27135602 Funding: The work is funded by the U.S. National Institute of data are available at (90). Summary data are available on our
100. H. Keren-Shaul et al., A Unique Microglia Type Associated Mental Health (NIMH) (grants P50-MH106438, D.H.G.; companion website at
with Restricting Development of Alzheimer’s Disease. Cell R01-MH094714, D.H.G.; U01-MH103339, D.H.G.; R01-MH110927,
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cortex and hippocampus revealed by single-cell RNA-seq. D.P.; R01-MH110555, D.P.; R01-MH109715, D.P.), the
Materials and Methods
Science 347, 1138–1142 (2015). doi: 10.1126/science. Simons Foundation for Autism Research Initiative (SFARI
Figs. S1 to S17
aaa1934; pmid: 25700174 grant 206733, D.H.G.; SFARI grant 345469, LMI; SFARI Bridge to
Tables S1 to S9
102. Y. Zhang et al., Purification and Characterization of Independence Award, M.J.G.; Simons Foundation Grant FA
PsychENCODE Consortium Authors and Affiliations
Progenitor and Mature Human Astrocytes Reveals 345922, P.R.H.), the National Natural Science Foundation of
References (107–146)
Transcriptional and Functional Differences with Mouse. China (grants 81401114, C.C.; 31571312, C.C.), the National Key
Neuron 89, 37–53 (2016). doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.11.013; Plan for Scientific Research and Development of China 10 April 2018; accepted 13 November 2018
pmid: 26687838 (2016YFC1306000, C.C.), the Innovation-Driven Project of 10.1126/science.aat8127

Gandal et al., Science 362, eaat8127 (2018) 14 December 2018 15 of 15


◥ associating domains; and ~2.5 million expres-

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY sion quantitative-trait loci (QTLs) comprising
~238,000 linkage-disequilibrium–independent
single-nucleotide polymorphisms and of other
types of QTLs associated with splice isoforms,
cell fractions, and chromatin activity. By
Comprehensive functional genomic using these, we found that >88% of the cross-
population variation in brain gene expression

resource and integrative model for can be accounted for by cell fraction changes.
Furthermore, a number of disorders and aging
are associated with changes
the human brain ON OUR WEBSITE

in cell-type proportions.
The derived data also en-
Read the full article
Daifeng Wang*, Shuang Liu*, Jonathan Warrell*, Hyejung Won*, Xu Shi*, at http://dx.doi. able comparison between
Fabio C. P. Navarro*, Declan Clarke*, Mengting Gu*, Prashant Emani*, Yucheng T. Yang, org/10.1126/ the brain and other tis-
science.aat8464 sues. In particular, by using
Min Xu, Michael J. Gandal, Shaoke Lou, Jing Zhang, Jonathan J. Park, Chengfei Yan, ..................................................
Suhn Kyong Rhie, Kasidet Manakongtreecheep, Holly Zhou, Aparna Nathan, Mette Peters, spectral analyses, we found
Eugenio Mattei, Dominic Fitzgerald, Tonya Brunetti, Jill Moore, Yan Jiang, Kiran Girdhar, that the brain has distinct expression and epi-
Gabriel E. Hoffman, Selim Kalayci, Zeynep H. Gümüş, Gregory E. Crawford, genetic patterns, including a greater extent of
PsychENCODE Consortium†, Panos Roussos, Schahram Akbarian, Andrew E. Jaffe, noncoding transcription than other tissues.
Kevin P. White, Zhiping Weng, Nenad Sestan, Daniel H. Geschwind‡, The top level of the resource consists of in-
James A. Knowles‡, Mark B. Gerstein‡ tegrative networks for regulation and machine-
learning models for disease prediction. The
INTRODUCTION: Strong genetic associations scriptomic data from ~32,000 cells for major networks include a full gene regulatory net-
have been found for a number of psychiatric dis- brain regions. We have merged these with work (GRN) for the brain, linking transcription
orders. However, understanding the underlying data from Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx), factors, enhancers, and target genes from merg-
molecular mechanisms remains challenging. ENCODE, Roadmap Epigenomics, and single- ing of the QTLs, generalized element-activity
cell analyses. Via uniform processing, we created correlations, and Hi-C data. By using this net-
RATIONALE: To address this challenge, the a harmonized resource, allowing us to survey work, we link disease genes to genome-wide
PsychENCODE Consortium has developed a com- functional genomics data on the brain over a association study (GWAS) variants for psychi-
prehensive online resource and integrative models sample size of 1866 individuals. atric disorders. For schizophrenia, we linked
for the functional genomics of the human brain. From this uniformly processed dataset, we 321 genes to the 142 reported GWAS loci. We
created derived data products. These include lists then embedded the regulatory network into
RESULTS: The base of the pyramidal resource of brain-expressed genes, coexpression modules, a deep-learning model to predict psychiatric
is the datasets generated by PsychENCODE, and single-cell expression profiles for many phenotypes from genotype and expression. Our
including bulk transcriptome, chromatin, geno- brain cell types; ~79,000 brain-active enhancers model gives a ~6-fold improvement in predic-
type, and Hi-C datasets and single-cell tran- with associated Hi-C loops and topologically tion over additive polygenic risk scores. More-
over, it achieves a ~3-fold improvement over
additive models, even when the gene expression
Functional genomic resource and DSPN Regulatory data are imputed, highlighting the value of
integrative model for the human brain network having just a small amount of transcriptome
data for disease prediction. Lastly, it highlights
key genes and pathways associated with disorder
prediction, including immunological, synaptic,
and metabolic pathways, recapitulating de novo
Comparison to other tissues results from more targeted analyses.

Inte QTLs CONCLUSION: Our resource and integrative


grat el
ive Mod analyses have uncovered genomic elements and
Der networks in the brain, which in turn have pro-
a PC1 vided insight into the molecular mechanisms
line underlying psychiatric disorders. Our deep-
ults learning model improves disease risk predic-
Raw Enhancers tion over traditional approaches and can be

a ATAC-seq extended with additional data types (e.g.,
H3K27ac As
y so
microRNA and neuroimaging).

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
A comprehensive functional genomic resource for the adult human brain. The resource
†PsychENCODE Consortium authors with their affiliations
forms a three-layer pyramid. The bottom layer includes sequencing datasets for traits, such as appear at the end of the full article online.
schizophrenia. The middle layer represents derived datasets, including functional genomic ‡Corresponding author. Email:
elements and QTLs. The top layer contains integrated models, which link genotypes to (D.H.G.); (J.A.K.); (M.B.G.)
phenotypes. DSPN, Deep Structured Phenotype Network; PC1 and PC2, principal components Cite this article as D. Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464
1 and 2; ref, reference; alt, alternate; H3K27ac, histone H3 acetylation at lysine 27. (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat8464

Wang et al., Science 362, 1266 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ regions acting as enhancers and promoters (8–10).

RESEARCH ARTICLE However, none of these projects have focused their
efforts on the human brain. Initial work focusing
on brain-specific functional genomics has provided
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS greater insight but could be enhanced with larger
sample sizes (11, 12). Moreover, new methodologies,

Comprehensive functional genomic such as Hi-C and single-cell sequencing, have yet to
be fully integrated at scale with brain genomics
data (13–16).
resource and integrative model Hence, the PsychENCODE Consortium has
generated large-scale data to provide insight into

for the human brain the brain and psychiatric disorders, including
data derived through genotyping, bulk and single-
cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), chromatin im-
Daifeng Wang1,2,3*, Shuang Liu1,2*, Jonathan Warrell1,2*, Hyejung Won4,5*, Xu Shi1,2*, munoprecipitation with sequencing (ChIP-seq),
Fabio C. P. Navarro1,2*, Declan Clarke1,2*, Mengting Gu1*, Prashant Emani1,2*, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using
Yucheng T. Yang1,2, Min Xu1,2, Michael J. Gandal6, Shaoke Lou1,2, Jing Zhang1,2, sequencing (ATAC-seq), and Hi-C (17). All data
Jonathan J. Park1,2, Chengfei Yan1,2, Suhn Kyong Rhie7, Kasidet Manakongtreecheep1,2, have been placed into a central, publicly available
Holly Zhou1,2, Aparna Nathan1,2, Mette Peters8, Eugenio Mattei9, Dominic Fitzgerald10, resource that also integrates relevant reprocessed
Tonya Brunetti10, Jill Moore9, Yan Jiang11, Kiran Girdhar12, Gabriel E. Hoffman12, data from related projects, including ENCODE,
Selim Kalayci12, Zeynep H. Gümüş12, Gregory E. Crawford13, PsychENCODE Consortium†, the CommonMind Consortium (CMC), GTEx, and
Panos Roussos11,12, Schahram Akbarian11,14, Andrew E. Jaffe15, Kevin P. White10,16, Roadmap. By using this resource, we identified
Zhiping Weng9, Nenad Sestan17, Daniel H. Geschwind18,19,20‡, functional elements, quantitative-trait loci (QTLs),
and regulatory-network linkages specific to the
James A. Knowles21‡, Mark B. Gerstein1,2,22,23‡
adult brain. Moreover, we combined these ele-
Despite progress in defining genetic risk for psychiatric disorders, their molecular mechanisms
ments and networks to build an integrated deep-
remain elusive. Addressing this, the PsychENCODE Consortium has generated a
learning model that predicts high-level traits
comprehensive online resource for the adult brain across 1866 individuals. The
from genotype via intermediate molecular phe-
PsychENCODE resource contains ~79,000 brain-active enhancers, sets of Hi-C linkages, and
notypes. By “intermediate phenotypes,” we mean
topologically associating domains; single-cell expression profiles for many cell types;
the readouts of functional genomic information
expression quantitative-trait loci (QTLs); and further QTLs associated with chromatin,
on genomic elements (e.g., gene expression and
splicing, and cell-type proportions. Integration shows that varying cell-type proportions
chromatin activity). In some contexts, these are
largely account for the cross-population variation in expression (with >88% reconstruction
also referred to as “molecular endophenotypes”
(18). However, we include additional low-level
accuracy). It also allows building of a gene regulatory network, linking genome-wide
“phenotypes,” such as cell fractions, so we use
association study variants to genes (e.g., 321 for schizophrenia). We embed this network into
the more general term “intermediate phenotype.”
an interpretable deep-learning model, which improves disease prediction by ~6-fold
We also refer to the high-level traits as “observed
versus polygenic risk scores and identifies key genes and pathways in psychiatric disorders.
phenotypes,” which include both classical clini-

cal variables and characteristics of healthy indi-
isorders of the brain affect nearly one-fifth tified 142 GWAS loci associated with schizophrenia viduals, such as gender and age.
of the world’s population (1). Decades of (SCZ) (6)—for most of these variants, we have
research have led to little progress in our little understanding of the molecular mechanisms Resource construction
understanding of the molecular causes of affecting the brain (7). The PsychENCODE resource (19) is the central
psychiatric disorders. This contrasts with Many of these variants lie in noncoding regions, website for this paper. It organizes data hierarchi-
cardiac disease, for which lifestyle and pharma- and large-scale studies have begun to elucidate cally, with a base of raw data files, a middle layer
cological modification of environmental risk fac- the changes in genetic and epigenetic activity of uniformly processed and easily shareable re-
tors has had profound effects on morbidity, or associated with these genomic alterations, sug- sults (such as open chromatin regions and gene
cancer, which is now understood to be a direct gesting potential molecular mechanisms. In par- expression quantifications), and a top-level “cap”
disorder of the genome (2–5). Although genome- ticular, the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) of an integrative, deep-learning model, based on
wide association studies (GWAS) have identified project has associated many noncoding variants regulatory networks and QTLs. To build the base
many genomic variants strongly associated with with expression quantitative-trait loci (eQTLs), layer, we included all adult brain data from
neuropsychiatric disease risk—for instance, the and the ENCODE and Roadmap Epigenomics PsychENCODE and merged these with relevant
Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) has iden- (Roadmap) projects have identified noncoding data from ENCODE, CMC, GTEx, Roadmap, and

Program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 2Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, CT
06520, USA. 3Department of Biomedical Informatics, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA. 4Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.
UNC Neuroscience Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA. 6Department of Psychiatry, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California–Los
Angeles, 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 7Keck School of Medicine and Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
90007, USA. 8Sage Bionetworks, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. 9Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 01605, USA. 10Institute
for Genomics and Systems Biology, Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. 11Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY 10029, USA. 12Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 13Center for Genomic and Computational Biology,
Department of Pediatrics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA. 14Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 15Lieber Institute for
Brain Development, Johns Hopkins Medical Campus, and Departments of Mental Health and Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.
Tempus Labs, Chicago, IL 60654, USA. 17Department of Neuroscience and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 18Department of Human
Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 19Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of
Medicine, University of California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 20Department of Neurology, Center for Autism Research and Treatment, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of
Medicine, University of California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA. 21SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA. 22Department of Computer
Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 23Department of Statistics and Data Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †PsychENCODE Consortium authors with their affiliations appear at the end of this paper.
‡Corresponding author. Email: (D.H.G.); (J.A.K.); (M.B.G.)

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 13


recent single-cell studies (table S1 and Fig. 1). In of brain tissues, which we used to develop an proportions of basic cell types (23–28). However,
total, the resource contains 3810 genotype, tran- anchoring annotation (21). it is unclear how these changes in cell propor-
scriptome, chromatin, and Hi-C datasets from tions can contribute to the variation in tissue-
PsychENCODE and 1662 datasets obtained by Transcriptome analysis: Bulk and level gene expression observed across a population
using similar bulk assays merged from outside single cell of individuals. To address this question, we used
the consortium. Overall, the datasets from the To identify the genomic elements exhibiting tran- two complementary strategies across our cohort
prefrontal cortex (PFC) involve sampling from scriptional activities specific to the brain, we took of 1866 individuals.
1866 individuals. The resource also has single-cell a conservative approach and used the standard- First, we used standard pipelines to uni-
RNA-seq data for 18,025 cells from PsychENCODE ized and established ENCODE pipeline to uni- formly process single-cell RNA-seq data from
and 14,012 cells from outside sources (20). These formly process RNA-seq data from PsychENCODE, PsychENCODE, in conjunction with other single-
data represent a range of psychiatric disorders, GTEx, and Roadmap (figs. S2 and S3). This con- cell studies on the brain (14, 16, 20). Then we
including SCZ, bipolar disorder (BPD), and autism sistency makes our expression data and subse- assembled profiles of brain cell types, including
spectrum disorder (ASD). The individual geno- quent results (including eQTLs and single-cell both excitatory and inhibitory neurons (denoted
typing and raw next-generation sequencing of analyses) comparable with previous work. Using as Ex1 to Ex9 and In1 to In8, respectively, ac-
transcriptomics and epigenomics are restricted these data, we identified noncoding regions of cording to previous conventions), major nonneu-
for privacy protection, but access can be obtained transcription and sets of differentially expressed ronal types (e.g., microglia and astrocytes), and
upon approval. The protocols for all associated data and coexpressed genes (21, 22). additional cell types associated with development
are readily available (fig. S1). Finally, PsychENCODE Brain tissue is composed of a variety of basic (21). Depending on the underlying sequencing
has developed a reference brain project on the cell types. Gene expression changes observed at and quantification, our profiles were of two
PFC by using matched assays on the same set the tissue level may be due to changes in the fundamentally different formats, transcripts per

Fig. 1. Comprehensive data resource for functional genomics of and 25 GTEx individuals for a total of 1387 individuals matched to
the human brain. The functional genomics data generated by the RNA-seq samples for QTL analysis after quality control filtering), and
PsychENCODE Consortium (PEC) constitute a multidimensional explo- H3K27ac ChIP-seq (408 PsychENCODE and 5 Roadmap samples).
ration across tissue, developmental stage, disorder, species, assay, and The number of cells assayed by small conditional RNA sequencing
sex. The central data cube represents the results of our data integration (scRNA-seq) (right-hand y axis) is 18,025 for PsychENCODE and
for the three dimensions of disorder, assay, and tissue, where the 14,012 for external (ext.) datasets. Disorder: Across all assays, there
numbers of datasets in the analysis are depicted. Projections of the data are 113 GTEx and 926 PsychENCODE control individuals and 558 SCZ,
onto each of these three parameters are shown as graphs for assay and 217 BPD, 44 ASD, and 8 affective disorder (AFF) individuals from
disorder and as a schematic for the primary brain regions of interest. PsychENCODE, resulting in 1866 individuals. Tissue: Three brain regions
Assay: Dataset numbers for a subset of assays are shown, including are considered—the PFC (n = 26,769 samples), TC (n = 2153 samples),
RNA-seq (2040 PsychENCODE samples and 1632 GTEx samples, used and CB (n = 348 samples). See table S11 and (19) for more details.
in multiple downstream analyses), genotypes (1362 PsychENCODE HBCC, Human Brain Collection Core.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 13


kilobase million (TPM) and unique molecular across cell types than they did in bulk tissue We then examined how variation in the pro-
identifier (UMI) counts. The former (TPM profiles) measurements across individuals in a population portions of basic cell types contributes to varia-
includes the uniformly processed PsychENCODE (Fig. 2A). This suggests that cell-type changes tion in bulk expression. To this end, we estimated
developmental single-cell data merged with pub- across individuals could contribute substantially the relative proportions of various cell types (“cell
lished adult and developmental data (fig. S4 and to variation in individual bulk expression levels. fractions”) for each tissue sample. In particular,
table S2) (14, 16). By contrast, the UMI profiles Second, we used an unsupervised analysis we deconvolved the bulk tissue-level expression
are built by merging PsychENCODE adult single- to identify the primary components of bulk ex- matrix by using the single-cell signatures to esti-
cell profiles with other recently published data- pression variation. We decomposed the bulk gene mate cell fractions across individuals (matrix W),
sets (14). Both formats share common neuronal expression matrix by using nonnegative matrix solving B ≈ CW (Fig. 2B) (21). As a validation, our
and major nonneuronal cell types and are used factorization (NMF) (B ≈ VH, where B, V, and H estimated fractions of NEU+/− cells matched the
interchangeably in various analyses in this study represent matrices) and determined whether the experimentally determined fractions from refer-
(fig. S5 and tables S3 and S4). Moreover, the ex- top components (NMF-TCs), capturing the major- ence brain samples (median difference = 0.04)
pression values of biomarker genes for the same ity of covariance (columns of V ) (Fig. 2B), were (fig. S10). Overall, our analyses demonstrated
cell type were correlated between two formats consistently associated with the single-cell sig- that variation in cell types contributed substan-
(figs. S6 and S7). However, our TPM profiles have natures (Fig. 2C) (21). A number of NMF-TCs tially to bulk variation. That is, weighted combi-
additional development-specific cell types, such were, in fact, highly correlated with cell types nations of single-cell signatures could account
as quiescent and replicating. from matrix C for both TPM and UMI data—e.g., for most of the population-level expression varia-
From both sets of profiles, we can generate a component NMF-17 is correlated with the Ex2 tion, with an accuracy of >88% (Fig. 2D) (1 − ||B −
matrix C of expression signatures, comprising cell type (correlation coefficient r = 0.63) (Fig. 2C CW||2/||B||2 > 88%), and when calculated on a
marker genes and their expression levels across and fig. S9). This demonstrates that an unsup- per-person basis, this quantity varies ±4% over the
various cells (fig. S8). In this matrix, a number ervised analysis derived solely from bulk data 1866 individuals in our cohort (figs. S11 and S12).
of genes (e.g., the gene for dopamine receptor can roughly recapitulate the single-cell signa- Also, our results explained more variation than
DRD3) had expression levels that varied more tures, partially corroborating them. previous deconvolution approaches (fig. S13) (21).

Fig. 2. Deconvolution analysis of bulk and single-cell transcriptomics the cell fractions across individuals (the matrix W); i.e., B ≈ CW. The
reveals cell fraction changes across the population. (A) Genes three major cell types analyzed are depicted with neuronal cells in
had significantly higher expression variability across single cells red, nonneuronal cells in blue, and developmental cells in green, as
sampled from different types of brain cells than across equivalent tissue highlighted by column groups in matrix C (also row groups in W).
samples taken from a population of individuals. (Left) Dopamine gene frac, fraction. (D) The estimated cell fractions can account for >88% of
DRD3. (B) The heatmap shows the Pearson correlation coefficients of the bulk tissue expression variation across the population. (E) Cell
gene expression between the NMF-TCs and single-cell signatures (for fraction changes across genders and brain disorders. **Differences from
n = 457 biomarker genes) (15). Micro, microglia; OPC, oligodendrocyte control samples are significant (via a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test)
progenitor cells; endo, endothelial cells; astro, astrocytes; oligo, after accounting for age distributions. See table S12 for more detail.
oligodendrocytes; peri, pericytes; quies, quiescent cells; repl, replicating CTL, control. (F) Changing cell fractions (for Ex3), gene expression
cells. (C) (Top) The bulk tissue gene expression matrix (B, genes by (for SST), and promoter methylation level (median level, for SST)
individuals) can be decomposed by NMF (see fig. S52). (Bottom) across age groups are shown. With increasing age, the fractions of Ex3 and
The bulk tissue gene expression matrix B can be also deconvolved by Ex4 significantly increase, and some nonneuronal types decrease (Ex3
the single-cell gene expression matrix (C, genes by cell types) to estimate trend analysis, P < 6.3 × 10−10).

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 13


We identified cell fraction changes associated methylation with age, perhaps explaining its de- and fig. S23) (21). Overall, we annotated a refer-
with different traits (Fig. 2E and figs. S14 to S17). creasing expression. Other genes known to be as- ence set of 79,056 enhancers in the PFC. [We also
For example, particular types of excitatory and sociated with brain aging, such as those for EGR1 provide a filtered subset (21).]
inhibitory neurons (such as In6) are present in (early growth response) and CP (ceruloplasmin), Assessing the variability across individuals
different fractions in male and female samples exhibit different trends (Fig. 2F and figs. S20 and and tissues is more difficult for enhancers than
(Fig. 2E). Also, in individuals with ASD, the frac- S21) (21, 31). for gene expression (32). Not only is the varia-
tion of Ex5 was higher and that of oligodendro- bility in chromatin-mark level at enhancers across
cytes, lower, with some commensurate increase Enhancers different individuals and tissues high, but the
for microglia and astrocytes (Fig. 2E and fig. S18) To annotate brain-active enhancers, we used boundaries of enhancers can grow and shrink,
(24, 29). chromatin modification data from the reference sometimes disappearing altogether (e.g., for
Lastly, we observed an association with age. In brain, supplemented by deoxyribonuclease sequenc- H3K27ac) (Fig. 3A). To investigate this in more
particular, with increasing age, the fractions of ing (DNase-seq) and ChIP-seq data from Roadmap detail, we uniformly processed the H3K27ac data
Ex3 and Ex4 significantly increased and the frac- PFC samples. All data were processed by standard from the PFC, temporal cortex (TC), and cerebel-
tions of some nonneuronal types decreased (Fig. ENCODE ChIP-seq pipelines to ensure maximal lum (CB) on a cohort of 50 individuals, primarily
2F and fig. S19). These changes may be associated compatibility of our results (fig. S22). Consistent of European descent and sequenced to similar
with differential expression of specific genes, e.g., with ENCODE, we define active enhancers as open depths (21) (fig. S24). Aggregating data across the
the gene for somatostatin (SST), known to be as- chromatin regions enriched in H3K27ac (histone H3 cohort resulted in a total of 37,761 H3K27ac
sociated with aging and neurotransmission (Fig. acetylation at lysine 27) and depleted in H3K4me3 “peaks” (enriched regions) in the PFC, 42,683 in
2F) (30). Also, SST exhibits increasing promoter (histone H3 trimethylation at lysine 4) (Fig. 3A the TC, and 26,631 in the CB—where each peak is

Fig. 3. Comparative analysis of transcriptomics and epigenomics PsychENCODE samples (dark green ellipses), external brain samples (light
between the brain and other tissues. (A) Epigenetics signals of the green ellipses), and other non-brain tissues (magenta ellipses) are plotted.
reference brain (purple) were used to identify active enhancers with (D) The extent of transcription for coding (arrowhead) and noncoding
the ENCODE enhancer pipeline. The H3K27ac signal tracks at the (diamond) regions. The average transcription extent (x axis) is shown
corresponding enhancer region from each individual in the cohort are compared with the cumulative extent of transcription across a cohort
shown in green, with the gradient showing the normalized signal value of individuals (y axis) for select tissue types, including the CB, cortex, lung,
for each H3K27ac peak. (B) The overlap of the H3K27ac peaks from an skin, and testis, by using polyadenylate RNA-seq data. (E and F) Similar
individual in the population with the reference brain enhancers is shown to (C), but now for transcription rather than epigenetics. (E) RCA
as a Venn diagram. The histogram shows the varying percentages of coefficients for gene expression data from PsychENCODE, GTEx brains,
overlapped H3K27ac peaks across individuals. (C) The tissue clusters of and other tissue samples are shown in dark green, light green, and
RCA coefficients [principal component 1 (PC1) versus PC2] for chromatin magenta, respectively. (F) The center (cross) and ranges of different tissue
data of any potential regulatory elements are shown. Clusters of clusters (dashed ellipses) are shown on an RCA scatterplot of (E).

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 13


present in more than half of the individuals sur- We also examined how many of the enhancers enhancers was active in more than half the cohort
veyed. In a comparison of aggregated sets for in the reference brain are active (i.e., have en- (68%) (Fig. 3B). To estimate the total number of
these three brain regions, the PFC was more riched H3K27ac) in each of the individuals in our enhancers in the PFC, we calculated the cumu-
similar to the TC than the CB (~90% versus 34% cohort. As expected, not every reference enhancer lative number of active regions across the cohort
overlap in peaks). This difference is consistent was active in each individual. On average, only (fig. S25). This increased for the first 20 individ-
with previous reports and suggests potentially ~70% ± 15% (~54,000) of the enhancers in the uals sampled but saturated at the 30th. Thus, we
different cell-type composition in the CB and the reference brain were active in an individual in the hypothesize that pooling PFC enhancers from
cortex (33, 34). cohort, and a similar fraction of the reference ~30 individuals is sufficient to cover nearly all

A PsychENCODE all eGenes

B C 20,796,219 20,805,000 20,810,000 20,815,000
GTEx Overlap
chr1 5' 3'
EH37E0074243 EH37E0074249
Number of eGenes

Testis G/G
PsychENCODE coding eGenes G/T
15000 π1=0.9 G/T
10000 T/T
BrainCloud π1=0.93 Brain DLPFC
5000 GTEx BA9 T/T
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1.0 π1 0.5 0.5 SNP-eGene pair 1.0
Sample Size
cQTL 1.5

chr7 C/C ref 2.0

rs7797344 T/T alt > 2.5


Brain Enhancer





3’ & 5’ UTR

(ref alt)

Non significant
| % Δ|

p < 0.05
p < 0.0001

0 p < 1e-10
p < 1e-25
Ex3 In6 Micro Ex4 In8 Ex7 Endo Astro Ex5

F Gene Model MTOR

# SNPs 15

0 6
log10 10

Number of
SNPs π1 5

intermediate phenotype 0 30

eQTL 32,944 eGenes 1,341,182 20

cQTL* 8,464 Enhancers 7,976
9 10
Hi-C interaction
fQTL 9 Cell types 1,672
chr 1 5' 3'
11.1 mb 11.2 mb 11.3 mb

Fig. 4. QTLs in the adult brain. (A) The frequency of genes with at least expression. Only Ex3 constitutes a statistically significant fQTL with this SNP
one eQTL (eGenes) is shown across different studies. The number of eGenes (as designated by the asterisk). ref, reference; alt, alternate. (E) The
increased as the sample size increased. PsychENCODE eGenes are close enrichment of QTLs in different genomic annotations is shown. Pink circles
to saturation for protein-coding genes. The estimated replication p1 values indicate highly significant enrichment (P < 1 × 10−25 and OR > 2.5). OR,
for GTEx and CMC eQTLs versus PsychENCODE are shown (36). (B) The odds ratio; TFBS, TF binding site; UTR, untranslated region. (F) Numbers
similarity between PsychENCODE brain dorsolateral PFC (DLPFC) eQTLs of identified QTL-associated elements (eGenes, enhancers, and cell types) and
and GTEx eQTLs of other tissues are evaluated by p1 values and SNP-eGene QTL SNPs are shown in the bottom left table. Asterisks indicate that, for
overlap rates. Both p1 values and SNP-eGene overlap rates are higher for cQTLs, we show only the number of top SNPs for each enhancer. Overlaps of
brain DLPFC than for the other tissues. (C) An example of an H3K27ac all QTL SNPs are shown in heatmaps (square rows). The linked circles show
signal across individuals in a representative genomic region, showing largely the overlap of QTL types. The intersections of other QTLs with eQTLs are
congruent identification of regions of open chromatin. The region within the evaluated by using p1 values in the orange bar plot.The greatest intersection
dashed rectangle represents a cQTL; the signal magnitudes for individuals is between cQTLs and eQTLs. An example is displayed on the right: the
with a G/G or G/T genotype were lower than those for individuals with a intersection of eQTL SNPs (for the MTOR gene) and cQTL SNPs (for the
T/T genotype. chr1, chromosome 1; rs, reference SNP. (D) An example of the H3K27ac signal on an enhancer ~50 kb upstream of the gene). Hi-C interactions
mechanism by which an fQTL may affect phenotype. This fQTL overlaps with (bottom) indicate that the enhancer interacts with the promoter of MTOR,
an eQTL for FZD9, a gene located in the 7q11.23 region that is deleted in suggesting that the cQTL SNPs potentially mediate the expression modulation
Williams syndrome.The fQTL may affect the fraction of Ex3 by regulating FZD9 manifest by the eQTL SNPs.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 13


possible PFC enhancer regions, estimated at local relationships but “shatters” global struc- glance, this is surprising, as one expects great dif-
~120,000. ture. RCA is a compromise (21): It captures local ferences in enhancer usage between tissues. How-
structure while maintaining meaningful distances ever, our analysis compares chromatin signals
Consistent comparison: Transcriptome globally. We used RCA to project gene expression over all regulatory elements from ENCODE (in-
and epigenome from PsychENCODE samples against a reference cluding enhancers and promoters), which is logic-
As we uniformly processed the transcriptomic panel of gene expression for different tissues de- ally consistent with our expression comparison
and epigenomic data across the PsychENCODE, rived from GTEx and then reduced the dimen- across all protein-coding genes (Fig. 3, F versus
ENCODE, GTEx, and Roadmap datasets, we could sionality of the projections with PCA. RCA thus C, and tables S5 to S7). As the total number of
compare the brain with other organs in a con- allowed us to represent high-dimensional expres- human regulatory elements is much larger than
sistent fashion and also compare transcriptome sion data in a simple two-coordinate diagram. the number of brain-active enhancers (~1.3 million
variation with that of the epigenome (Fig. 3, C to For gene expression, RCA revealed that the versus ~79,000), our results likely reflect the fact
F). Several approaches, including principal com- brain separates from the other tissues in the first that there are proportionately fewer brain-active
ponents anaylsis (PCA), t-distributed stochastic component (Fig. 3E and fig. S26). In particular, regulatory elements than protein-coding genes
neighbor embedding (t-SNE), and reference com- for the brain, intertissue comparisons exhibit more (6% versus 60%).
ponent analysis (RCA), were tested to determine differences than intratissue ones (figs. S27 to S30). Up to this point, our analysis has focused
the best method for comparison. We found that, A different picture emerged for chromatin. The on annotated regions (genes, promoters, and
although popular and interpretable, PCA de- H3K27ac chromatin levels at all regulatory posi- enhancers). However, in addition to the canon-
emphasizes local structure and is overly influ- tions were, overall, less distinguishable between ical expression differences in protein-coding
enced by outliers; by contrast, t-SNE preserves the brain and other tissues (Fig. 3C) (21). At first genes, we also found differences in unannotated

Fig. 5. Building a gene regulatory network (GRN) from Hi-C and data architecture more than nonrelated tissue types. Fetal brain shows chromatin
integration. (A) A full Hi-C dataset from adult brain reveals the higher- architecture distinct from that in adult brain, indicating extensive rewiring of
order structure of the genome, ranging from contact maps (top) to TADs and chromatin structures during brain development. ES, embryonic stem cell.
promoter-based interactions. (Bottom) A schematic of how we leveraged (E) Genes assigned to fetal active elements are prenatally enriched,
gene regulatory linkages involving TADs, TFs, enhancers (Enh), and target whereas genes assigned to adult active elements are postnatally enriched.
genes (TG) to build a full GRN (fig. S42) and a high-confidence subnetwork (F) Genes assigned to fetal active elements are relatively more enriched
consisting of 43,181 TF–to–target gene promoter and 42,681 enhancer–to– in neurons in the adult brain and fetal (developmental) brain, whereas
target gene promoter linkages (21). (B) We compared the number of genes genes assigned to adult active elements are relatively more enriched in glia
(left y axis, dotted line) and the normalized gene expression levels (right y axis, (adult astrocytes, endothelial cells, and oligodendrocytes). Ex. N, excitatory
boxes) with the number of enhancers that interact with the gene promoters. neuron; Int. N, inhibitory neuron; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; NEP,
Boxes show means and SDs. (C) QTLs that were supported by Hi-C evidence neuroepithelial cells; trans, transient cell type. (G) The circos plots show the
(174,719) showed more significant P values than those that were not (promoter linkages from the full regulatory network targeting the cell-type–specific
or exonic QTLs, 130,155; nonsupported QTLs, 1,065,311). (D) Cross-tissue biomarker genes. The biomarker genes for excitatory or inhibitory neuronal
comparison of chromatin architecture indicates that adult brains in PsychEN- type are the biomarker genes shared by at least five excitatory or inhibitory
CODE and Roadmap (e.g., DLPFC and hippocampus tissues) share chromatin subtypes (20). Selected TFs for particular cell types are highlighted.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 13


noncoding and intergenic regions (fig. S30). In cQTLs, and fQTLs, respectively). For eQTLs, we estimate identified substantially more eQTLs and
particular, testes and lung have the largest extent adopted a standard approach, closely adhering to associated eGenes than previous studies, reflect-
of transcription overall (the most genes tran- the GTEx pipeline for maximal compatibility (figs. ing our large sample size (8, 11, 21). The number of
scribed) for protein-coding genes (Fig. 3D). How- S31 to S33) (35). (However, for maximal utility of eGenes, in fact, approaches the total number of
ever, when we shift to unannotated regions, the the resource, we also provide alternate lists, fil- genes estimated to be expressed in the brain. That
ordering changes: Brain tissues, such as the cortex tered more conservatively.) In the PFC, we iden- said, a very large fraction of the smaller GTEx and
and CB, now have a greater extent of transcription tified ~2.5 million cis-eQTLs involving ~33,000 CMC brain eQTL sets was contained within our
than any other tissue. eGenes (expressed genes) [~17,000 noncoding set (as evident from overlap testing with the
and ~16,000 coding, with a false discovery rate of p1 statistic) (Fig. 4A) (36). Moreover, as expected,
QTL analysis <0.05] (Fig. 4A). We found 1,341,182 eQTL single- our brain eQTL set showed higher p1 similarity to
We used the data in the brain resource to identify nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from ~5.3 mil- and SNP-eGene overlap with GTEx brain eQTLs
QTLs affecting gene expression and chromatin lion total SNPs tested in 1-Mb windows around than with those from other tissues (Fig. 4B and
activity. We calculated expression, splicing-isoform, genes, constituting 238,194 independent SNPs fig. S31). Lastly, we applied the QTL pipeline to
chromatin, and cell fraction QTLs (eQTLs, isoQTLs, after linkage-disequilibrium (LD) pruning. This isoform levels to calculate a set of isoQTLs. We

Fig. 6. GRNs assign genes to GWAS loci for psychiatric disorders. that GWAS SNPs that overlap with CHRNA2 eQTLs also have chromatin
(A) A schematic depicting how SCZ GWAS loci were assigned to putative interactions and activity correlations with the same gene. Orange dots refer
genes. The number of SCZ GWAS loci and their putative target genes (SCZ to SNPs that overlap between eQTLs and GWAS plots. (D) TFs that are
genes) annotated by each assignment strategy is indicated (top). The overlap significantly enriched in enhancers (left) and promoters (right) of SCZ genes.
between SCZ genes defined by QTL associations (QTL), chromatin interactions FDR, false discovery rate. (E) SCZ genes show higher expression levels in
(Hi-C), and activity relationships (activity) is depicted in a Venn diagram neurons (particularly excitatory neurons) than in other cell types. (F) Brain
(bottom). SCZ genes with more than two evidence sources were defined as disorder GWAS show stronger heritability enrichment in brain regulatory
high-confidence (high conf.) genes. (B) A GRN of TFs, enhancers, and 321 SCZ variants (eQTLs) and elements (enhancers) than non–brain disorder GWAS.
high-confidence genes, on the basis of TF activity linkages. A subnetwork for ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; T2D, type 2 diabetes; CAD,
CACNA1C is highlighted on the right. (C) An example of the evidence indicating coronary artery disease; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 13


performed filtering in a variety of different ways, overlap (0.89 versus 0.11). Moreover, eQTL-cQTL In addition to Hi-C linkages, we tried to find
generating a number of different lists (21). overlaps often suggested that the expression- further regulatory connections by relating the
For cQTLs, no established methods exist for modulating function of an eQTL derived from activity of TFs to target genes (Fig. 5A). In par-
large-scale data, although there have been pre- chromatin changes (e.g., for MTOR) (Fig. 4F). ticular, for each potential target of a TF, we
vious efforts (37, 38). To identify cQTLs, we fo- Overall, the total number of overlapping QTLs created a linkage if it had a “good binding site”
cused on our reference set of enhancers and was 2477 (which we dub multi-QTLs) (Fig. 4F). (matching the TF’s motif) in gene-proximal open
examined how H3K27ac activity varied at these chromatin regions (either promoters or brain-
loci across 292 individuals (Fig. 4C) (21). Overall, Regulatory networks active enhancers) and if it had a high coefficient
we identified ~2000 cQTLs in addition to 6200 We next integrated the genomic elements de- in a regularized, elastic net regression, relating
identified from individuals within the CMC co- scribed above into a regulatory network. We first TF activity to target expression (fig. S42) (21).
hort (39). processed a Hi-C dataset for adult brain in the Elastic net regression assumes that target gene
We next identified SNPs associated with changes same reference samples used for enhancer iden- expression is determined by a linear combina-
in the relative abundances of specific cell types. tification, providing a physical basis for interac- tion of the expression levels of its regulating TFs,
We refer to such relationships with the term tions between enhancers and promoters (Fig. 5A via regression coefficients (using sparsified L1
fQTLs. In total, we identified 1672 distinct SNPs and table S8) (13, 21). In total, we identified 2735 and L2 regularization). Overall, we found that a
constituting 4199 fQTLs (fig. S34). The excitatory topologically associating domains (TADs) and subset of regulatory connections could predict
neurons Ex4 and Ex5 were associated with the ~90,000 enhancer-promoter interactions (fig. the expression of 8930 genes with a mean square
most fQTLs (1060 and 896, respectively). The S36). As expected, ~75% of enhancer-promoter error (MSE) of <0.05 (fig. S43). For example, we
biological mechanism governing an fQTL may interactions occurred within the same TAD, and could predict the expression of the ASD-associated
involve other QTL types, such as eQTLs. An il- genes with more enhancers tended to have high- gene CHD8 with MSE = 0.034 (equivalent to co-
lustrative example is the FZD9 gene (Fig. 4D): er expression (Fig. 5B and fig. S36). We inte- efficient of determination R2 = 0.77 over the pop-
We found that the expression levels of this gene grated the Hi-C data with QTLs; surprisingly, ulation) (21). Lastly, the enhancer-binding TFs
were associated with a neighboring noncoding QTLs involving SNPs distal to eGenes but linked with high regression coefficients—implying a high
SNP via an eQTL, and this same SNP was asso- by Hi-C interactions showed significantly stron- chance for TF regulation of the target genes via
ciated with the proportion of Ex3 cells via an ger associations (as indicated by the QTL P value) particular bound enhancers—provide a third set
fQTL. Perhaps connected to this, deletion var- than those with SNPs directly in the eGene pro- of putative enhancer-to-gene links.
iants upstream of FZD9 had previously been moter or exons (Fig. 5C and fig. S37). Collectively, we generated a full regulatory
associated with cell fraction changes related to To gain insights into the brain chromatin, network, linking enhancers, TFs, and target genes
Williams syndrome (40). we compared the adult PsychENCODE Hi-C (fig. S42). This includes 43,181 proximal and
Next, we attempted to recalibrate the observed dataset with those from other tissues in a similar 42,681 distal linkages involving 11,573 protein-
gene expression variation by considering fQTLs. fashion to the transcriptomic and epigenomic encoding target genes (TF–to–target gene via pro-
In particular, our scheme described above for ap- comparisons described above. In particular, we moter for proximal versus via enhancer–target
proximately deconvolving gene expression from selected a set of tissues and cell types from gene connection for distal) (Fig. 5A) (15, 21). As
heterogeneous bulk tissue (matrix B) into single- ENCODE and Roadmap, consistently processed functioning regulatory connections reflect cell type,
cell signatures (matrix C) and estimated cell their associated Hi-C data at a low resolution, we also generated potential cell-type–specific
fractions (matrix W) enables us to calculate the and compared them with our reference-brain Hi-C regulatory networks (Fig. 5, F and G, and fig.
residual gene expression (D) remaining after ac- data. As expected, we found that all the samples S44). In these, we found a number of well-known
counting for cell fraction changes (Fig. 2). Speci- for adult brain regions tend to separate markedly TFs associated with brain development—e.g.,
fically, it is the component of the bulk tissue from the other tissues in terms of A-B compart- NEUROG1, DLGAP2, and MEF2A for excitatory
expression variation that cannot be explained by ment similarity and other metrics (Fig. 5D and neurons and GAD1, GAD2, and LHX6 for inhib-
the changing cell fractions alone: D = B − CW. fig. S38). itory neurons (Fig. 5G) (43–46). Lastly, for broad
We can subsequently use this quantity to deter- In addition to data for the adult brain, we also utility on the resource website, we also provide
mine “residual QTLs” by directly correlating it added PsychENCODE Hi-C data for the fetal an expanded regulatory network with slightly
with genotype. In total, this results in 202,940 brain into the comparison, assessing the degree different parameterization (fig. S42).
SNPs involved in residual eQTLs. Potentially, to which the chromatin differences between de-
one can elaborate on this further by allowing the velopmental stages relate to those between tis- Linking GWAS variants to genes
correlations to be done in a cell-type–specific sues (Fig. 5D). We found that whereas Hi-C We used our regulatory network based on Hi-C,
fashion (fig. S35). datasets for the adult brain clustered together, QTLs, and activity relationships to connect non-
To further dissect the associations between the Hi-C dataset for the fetal brain was distinct coding GWAS loci to potential disease genes. In
genomic elements and QTLs, we compared all (Fig. 5D and fig. S39). Only ~31% of the inter- particular, for the 142 SCZ GWAS loci, we iden-
of the different types of QTLs with one another actions in our adult Hi-C data were detected in tified a set of 1111 putative SCZ-associated genes,
and with genomic annotations (Fig. 4E). As ex- the fetal dataset (figs. S39 and S40) (13). Though covering 119 loci (the SCZ genes) (Fig. 6A) (47). Of
pected, eQTLs tended to be enriched at promoters, hard to exactly quantify, this difference appears these, 321 constitute a “high-confidence” set sup-
and cQTLs, at enhancers and transcription factor to be larger than that seen from cross-tissue ported by more than two evidence sources (e.g.,
(TF)–binding sites; fQTLs were spread over many transcriptome comparison, with fetal samples QTLs and Hi-C) (Fig. 6, A and B, and fig. S45);
different elements. Also, an appreciable number included (fig. S41). We did a number of other examples include the CHRNA2 and CACNA1C
of eQTLs were enriched on the promoter of a comparisons between fetal and adult brain Hi-C genes (Fig. 6, B and C). Overall, the SCZ genes
different gene from the one regulated, suggesting datasets, analyzing the regulatory elements and represent an increase from the 22 genes reported
the activity of an Epromoter, a regulatory element genes linked by each. As expected, we found in an earlier QTL study and a larger number than
with dual promoter and enhancer functions (41). fetus-linked genes to be more highly expressed can be linked simply by genomic proximity (176)
For the overlap among different QTLs, we ex- prenatally and adult-linked ones postnatally (Fig. 6A) (11, 47). The majority of SCZ genes were
pected that most cQTLs and fQTLs would be a (Fig. 5E). In addition, the fetus-linked genes were not even in LD with the index SNPs (~67%, or 748
subset of the much larger number of eQTLs; preferentially expressed in developmental cell types of 1111 genes with r2 < 0.6) (fig. S45), consistent
somewhat surprisingly, an appreciable number (Fig. 5F). They were also highly expressed in adult with the fact that regulatory relationships often
of these did not overlap (Fig. 4F). To evaluate this neurons, whereas the adult-linked ones were do not follow linear genome organization (13).
precisely, we calculated p1 statistics and found preferentially expressed in glia, reflecting known We then looked at the characteristics of the
that the cQTL overlap was larger than the fQTL cell-type composition (Fig. 5, D and F) (42). 1111 SCZ genes (and the high-confidence subset

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 13


of 321). As expected, they shared many character- SOX7, TFs critical for early cortical specification tween our brain eQTLs and enhancers and many
istics with known SCZ-associated genes, being and neuronal apoptosis, respectively (48, 49). brain disorder GWAS variants, much more so
enriched in translational regulators, cholinergic Lastly, we integrated the SCZ genes with single- than for GWAS variants for non-brain diseases
receptors, calcium channels, synaptic genes, SCZ cell profiles and found that they are highly ex- (Fig. 6F and table S9).
differentially expressed genes, and loss-of-function– pressed in neurons, particularly excitatory ones,
intolerant genes (fig. S45) (47). Next, we identified consistent with the recent findings (Fig. 6E) (47). Integrative deep-learning model
the TFs regulating the SCZ genes (on the basis of In addition to SCZ, we also looked at other The full interaction between genotype and
our regulatory network, either directly or via an diseases linked by our regulatory network. In phenotype involves many levels, beyond those
enhancer) (Fig. 6D). These include LHX9 and particular, we found aggregate associations be- encapsulated by the regulatory network. We

Fig. 7. DSPN deep-learning model links genetic variation to psychiat- without imputation for the DSPN (colors highlight relevant models for each
ric disorders and other traits. (A) The schematic outlines the structure comparison). Performance accuracy is shown first, with variance explained
of the following models: logistic regression (LR), conditional Restricted on the liability scale in brackets. All models were tested on identical data
Boltzmann Machine (cRBM), conditional Deep Boltzmann Machine splits, which were balanced for predicted trait and covariates (including
(cDBM), and DSPN. Nodes are partitioned into four layers (L0 to L3) and gender, ethnicity, age, and assay). RNA-seq, cell fraction, and H3K27ac
colored according to their status as visible, visible or imputed (depending data were binarized by thresholding at median values (per gene, cell type,
on whether nodes were observed or not at test time), or hidden. (B) DSPN and enhancer, respectively), as was age (median, 51 years) when
structure is shown in further detail, with the biological interpretation of predicted. LR-gene and LR-trans are logistic models using genetic and
layers L0, L1, and L3 highlighted. The GRN structure learned previously transcriptomic predictors, respectively; DSPN-impute and DSPN-full are
(Fig. 5A) is embedded in layers L0 and L1, with different types of regulatory models with imputed intermediate phenotypes (genotype predictors only)
linkages and functional elements shown. Co-expr. mods., coexpression and fully observed intermediate phenotypes (transcriptome predictors),
modules. (C) The performance of different models is summarized, with respectively. Differential performance is shown in terms of improvement
comparisons of performance across models of different complexity and of above chance, with liability variance score increases in brackets. GEN,
transcriptome versus genome predictors, corresponding to being with or gender; ETH, ethnicity; AOD, age of individual at death.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 13


addressed this by embedding our regulatory its. Our best liability scores (from just the First, in terms of QTLs, we identified a set of
network into a larger multilevel model. In partic- genotype at QTL-associated variants) are subs- eQTLs several times as large as those in previ-
ular, we developed an interpretable deep-learning tantially below these bounds, implying that ad- ous studies, targeting a saturating proportion
framework, the Deep Structured Phenotype ditional data would be beneficial. By contrast, of protein-coding genes. Moreover, we were
Network (DSPN) (21). This model combines a the variance explained by the full DSPN model able to identify a substantial number of cQTLs.
Deep Boltzmann Machine architecture with con- exceeds that explained by common SNPs in SCZ PsychENCODE was, in fact, among the first
ditional and lateral connections derived from the and BPD, possibly reflecting the influence of rare efforts to generate ChIP-seq data across a large
regulatory network (50). Traditional classifica- variants and epistatic interactions (32.8 and cohort of brain samples, with experiments fo-
tion methods such as logistic regression predict 37.4% respectively—the variance of 11.3% for cused primarily on H3K27ac. In the future,
phenotype directly from genotype, without using ASD is slightly lower). However, these estimates further increasing cohort size and performing
intermediates such as the transcriptome (Fig. 7A). may be confounded by trait-associated variation additional chromatin assays, such as STARR-
In contrast, the DSPN is constructed via a series that is environmental in origin (fig. S47). seq (self-transcribing active regulatory region
of intermediate models that add layers of struc- A key aspect of the DSPN is its interpret- sequencing) and ChIP-seq for other histone
ture. We included layers for intermediate molec- ability. In particular, we examined the specific modifications, will improve the identification of
ular phenotypes associated with specific genes connections learned by the DSPN between inter- enhancers and cQTLs (52). More fundamentally,
(i.e., their gene expression and chromatin state) mediate and high-level phenotypes. Here, we one-dimensional fluctuations in the chromatin
and predefined gene groupings (cell-type marker included coexpression modules in the model, signal reflect changes in three-dimensional chro-
genes and coexpression modules), multiple higher referring to this modification as “DSPN-mod” matin architecture, and new metrics beyond
layers for inferred groupings (hidden nodes), and (fig. S48). Using it, we determined which modules cQTLs may be needed.
a top layer for observed traits (psychiatric dis- were prioritized, as well as the sets of genes Second, in terms of single-cell analysis, we
orders and other brain phenotypes). Finally, we associated with latent nodes that were found at found that varying proportions of basic cell types
used sparse inter- and intralevel connectivity each hidden layer (Fig. 8A and table S10) (15, 21). (with different expression signatures) accounted
to integrate our knowledge of QTLs, regulatory Broadly, we take an unbiased view of all 5024 for a large fraction of the expression variation
networks, and coexpression modules from the modules and higher-order groupings constructed across a population of individuals. However,
sections above (Fig. 7B). By using a generative from these and then prioritize a subset of ~180 this assumes that the expression levels character-
architecture, we ensure that the model is able modules and groupings for each psychiatric dis- izing a signature are fairly constant over a popu-
to impute intermediate phenotypes, as well as order, showing these to be enriched in specific lation of cells of a given cell type. In the future,
provide forward predictions from genotypes functional categories and to intersect substantial- larger-scale single-cell studies will allow us to
to traits. ly with the modules from more disease-focused examine this question in detail, perhaps quanti-
Using the full model with the genome and analyses (Fig. 8, B and C, and fig. S49) (22). [For fying and bounding environment-associated
transcriptome data provided, we demonstrated completeness, we provide a full table showing transcriptional variability. In addition, current
that the extra layers of structure in the DSPN the prioritization and functional categories for single-cell techniques suffer from low sensitiv-
allowed us to achieve substantially better trait all possible modules associated with various traits ity and dropouts; thus, it remains challenging
prediction than traditional additive models (Fig. (fig. S50).] In particular, we found that cross- to reliably quantify low-abundance transcripts
7C). For instance, a logistic predictor was able to disorder prioritized modules are associated with (15, 53). This is particularly the case for spe-
gain a 2.4-fold improvement when including the functional categories such as “immune processes,” cific brain cell substructures, such as axons and
transcriptome versus using the genome alone “synaptic activity,” and “splicing,” consistent with dendrites (15).
(+9.3% for the transcriptome versus +3.8% for the findings from more disease-focused analyses Third, we developed a comprehensive deep-
the genome, above a 50% random baseline). (Fig. 8C) (22). Also, we showed that prioritized learning model, the DSPN, and used it to il-
By contrast, the DSPN was able to gain a larger, SCZ and BPD modules are enriched for known lustrate how functional genomics data could
6-fold improvement (+22.9% versus +3.8%), which GWAS SNPs (fig. S51) (for ASD, the lack of GWAS improve the link between genotype and pheno-
may reflect its ability to incorporate nonlinear SNPs precludes similar analyses). For SCZ, which type. In particular, by integrating regulatory-
interactions. This result clearly manifests that is the best characterized of the three disorders, network connectivity and latent factors, the DSPN
the transcriptome carries additional information, we find enrichments for pathways and genes improves trait prediction over traditional additive
which the DSPN is able to extract. Moreover, the known to be associated with the disease, in- models. Moreover, it takes into account depen-
DSPN allows us to perform joint inference and cluding glutamatergic-synapse pathway genes, dencies between gene expression levels not mod-
imputation of intermediate phenotypes (i.e., tran- such as GRIN1; calcium-signaling pathway and eled by univariate eQTL methods. In this study,
scriptome and epigenome) and observed traits astrocyte-marker genes; and complement cas- we kept our eQTL methods very standard, closely
from just the genotype alone, achieving a ~3.1- cade pathway genes such as C4A, C4B, and CLU following the GTEx paradigm. This separation we
fold improvement over a logistic predictor in (Fig. 8D) (22). Other prioritized modules include make between univariate eQTL detection and
this context (Fig. 7C and fig. S46). Overall, these well-characterized genes such as MIAT, RBFOX1, multivariate integrative modeling allows us to
results demonstrate the usefulness of even a and ANK2 (SCZ); RELA, NFkB2, and NIPBL compare our eQTLs directly with those from
limited amount of functional genomic informa- (ASD); and HOMER1 (BPD), consistent with the previous analyses, such as the CMC study. How-
tion for unraveling gene-disease relationships results of (22). Finally, we identify modules as- ever, multivariate-based methods for QTLs have
and show that the structure learned from such sociated with aging, finding that they are en- been used elsewhere and, in the future, may be
data can be used to make more accurate predic- riched in Ex4 neuronal cell-type genes, synaptic combined with our approach (54, 55).
tions of observed traits, even on samples for and longevity functions, and the gene NRGN—all Further, in the future, we can envision how
which intermediate phenotypes are imputed. consistent with differential expression analysis our DSPN approach can be extended to model-
We transformed our results to the liability (Fig. 8D and fig. S20). ing additional intermediate phenotypes. In par-
scale for comparison with narrow-sense herita- ticular, we can naturally embed in the middle
bility estimates (Fig. 7C) (21). Prior studies have Conclusions levels of the model additional types of QTLs and
estimated that common SNPs explain 25.6, 20.5, We have developed a comprehensive resource phenotype-phenotype interactions—e.g., QTLs as-
and 19% of the genetic variance for SCZ, BPD, for functional genomics of the adult brain by sociated with microRNAs, neuroimaging, human-
and ASD, respectively (51). These may be taken as integrating PsychENCODE data with a broad and primate-specific genes, and developmental
theoretical upper bounds for additive models, range of publicly available datasets. In closing, brain enhancers (56–59).
given unlimited common-variant data. By con- we review our main findings and ways that they We expect that the DSPN will improve ac-
trast, nonlinear predictors can exceed these lim- can be improved in the future. curacy mainly for complex traits with a highly

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 10 of 13


polygenic architecture, but not necessarily for performance is low, it may still provide insights age, but this very fact highlights the similarity of
traits that are strongly determined by only a few about intermediate phenotypes; for instance, in the transcriptome between sexes (60). Finally,
variants, such as Mendelian disorders, or are our analysis, the PFC transcriptome appears sub- although our focus has been on common SNPs,
closely correlated with population structure, stantially less predictive with respect to gender the DSPN may be able to capture the effects
such as ethnicity. However, even when the DSPN (after removing the sex chromosome genes) than of rare variants, such as those known to be

Fig. 8. Interpretation of
the DSPN model high-
lights functional associa-
tions and shared disease
mechanisms. (A) The sche-
matic illustrates the module
(MOD) and higher-order
grouping (HOG) prioritiza-
tion schemes. Red and blue
lines represent positive and
negative weights, respec-
tively, and full and dotted
lines represent first and sec-
ond ranks by absolute value
[creating a directed acyclic
graph (DAG) with branching
factor 4, rooted at L3]. High-
lighted nodes (gray) in L1d
show positive prioritized
MODs, for which a positive
path (containing an even
number of negative links)
exists connecting the
module to the SCZ node.
a1/a2 and b1/b2 highlight
“best positive paths” from a
and b, respectively, to SCZ in
terms of absolute rank score.
Associated HOGs are
defined for a1/a2, containing
all nodes in L1d having a path
in the DAG to a1 (respectively
a2), which is identically
signed to the best path from
a to a1 (respectively a2) (21).
Positive prioritized HOGs are
associated with nodes on
best paths from all positive
prioritized MODs; negative
prioritized MODs and HOGs
are calculated similarly.
(B) Summary of the func-
tional annotation scheme.
(i) A total of 5024 weighted
gene coexpression network
analysis (WGCNA) MODs
(modules and submodules)
are derived from multiple
data splits. (ii) MODs are
prioritized as in (A) for each
disorder, and (iii) associated
HOGs are calculated. (iv)
Gene set enrichment analysis associates functional terms with all MODs are as in the key in (B). Highlighted ranks and terms correspond to examples
and HOGs. (v) Terms are ranked per disorder by counting the number of shown in (D). See fig. S49 for extended ranking. sig., signaling; staph.,
prioritized MODs or HOGs they associate with, and broad functional categories staphylococcus; inf., infection; dop., dopamine; cGMP-PKG, guanosine
are defined; (vi) prioritized MODs and HOGs are linked to potentially 3′,5′-monophosphate–cGMP-dependent protein kinase; int., interaction.
interesting genes, enhancers, and SNPs by using GRN connectivity. proc., (D) Examples of associations between prioritized MODs or HOGs and genes,
processing. (C) Upper segment of cross-disorder ranking of Gene Ontology enhancers, and SNPs for each disorder and age model. Associated
(GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) functional functional terms and categories are as in (B). A table providing coordinates
terms, where cross-disorder ranks are assigned by using the average of eQTLs and cQTLs for all examples shown is provided in table S13.
per-disorder rank ordering. Ranking score levels and functional categories Chem. syn. trans., chemical synaptic transmission.

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 11 of 13


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ACKN OW LEDG MENTS substantially to the paper through either data generation or Heather Witt23, Shannon Schreiner23, Oleg V. Evgrafov24,
Funding: Data were generated as part of the PsychENCODE analysis: data generation, H.W., M.J.G., Y.J., G.E.H., G.E.C., P.R., James A. Knowles24, Mark Gerstein25, Shuang Liu25,
Consortium, supported by U01MH103339, U01MH103365, S.A., A.E.J., K.P.W., N.S., and D.H.G.; and data analysis, D.W., Daifeng Wang26, Fabio C. P. Navarro25, Jonathan Warrell25,
U01MH103392, U01MH103340, U01MH103346, U01MH116492, S.Li., J.W., H.W., X.S., F.C.P.N., D.C., M.G., P.E., Y.T.Y., M.X., Declan Clarke25, Prashant S. Emani25, Mengting Gu25, Xu Shi25,
R01MH105472, R01MH094714, R01MH105898, R01MH110920, M.J.G., S.Lo., J.Z., J.J.P., C.Y., S.K.R., K.M., H.Z., A.N., M.P., Min Xu25, Yucheng T. Yang25, Robert R. Kitchen25, Gamze Gürsoy25,
R01MH110905, R01MH110926, R01MH110927, R01MH110928, E.M., D.F., T.B., J.M., K.G., S.K., Z.H.G., G.E.C., P.R., S.A., A.E.J., Jing Zhang25, Becky C. Carlyle25, Angus C. Nairn25, Mingfeng Li25,
R01MH109715, R01MH111721, R21MH102791, R01MH110921, K.P.W., Z.W., N.S., D.H.G., J.A.K., and M.B.G. The three Sirisha Pochareddy25, Nenad Sestan25, Mario Skarica25,
R01MH109677, R21MH105881, R21MH103877, R21MH109956, corresponding authors co-led the analysis. Competing interests: Zhen Li25, Andre M. M. Sousa25, Gabriel Santpere25,
R21MH105853, and P50MH106934, awarded to S.A. (Icahn School G.E.C. is a co-founder of Element Genomics. K.P.W. is associated Jinmyung Choi25, Ying Zhu25, Tianliuyun Gao25, Daniel J. Miller25,
of Medicine at Mount Sinai); A. Chess (Icahn School of Medicine with Tempus Labs. The other authors declare no competing Adriana Cherskov25, Mo Yang25, Anahita Amiri25,
at Mount Sinai); G.E.C. (Duke University); S. Dracheva (Icahn interests. Data and materials availability: All data are available Gianfilippo Coppola25, Jessica Mariani25, Soraya Scuderi25,
School of Medicine at Mount Sinai); P. Farnham (University of in the main text or the supplementary materials. Associated data Anna Szekely25, Flora M. Vaccarino25, Feinan Wu25,
Southern California); Z.W. (UMass Medical School); M.B.G. (Yale files are available under individual file identifiers at the Sherman Weissman25, Tanmoy Roychowdhury27, Alexej Abyzov27
University); D.H.G. (University of California–Los Angeles); F. Goes PsychEncode resource site (19). Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. 2Johns Hopkins University,
(Johns Hopkins University); T. M. Hyde (Lieber Institute for Brain Baltimore, MD, USA. 3Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Development); A.E.J. (Lieber Institute for Brain Development); The PsychENCODE Consortium Lieber Institute for Brain Development, Baltimore, MD, USA.
J.A.K. (SUNY Downstate Medical Center); C. Liu (SUNY Upstate Allison E. Ashley-Koch1, Gregory E. Crawford1, Melanie E. Garrett1, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.
Medical University); D. Pinto (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Lingyun Song1, Alexias Safi1, Graham D. Johnson1, Human Brain Collection Core, National Institutes of Health,
Sinai); P.R. (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai); N.S. Gregory A. Wray1, Timothy E Reddy1, Fernando S. Goes2, Bethesda, MD, USA. 7University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, PA,
(Yale University); P. Sklar (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Peter Zandi2, Julien Bryois3, Andrew E. Jaffe4, Amanda J. Price4, USA. 8James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.
Sinai); M. State (University of California–San Francisco); P. Sullivan Nikolay A. Ivanov4, Leonardo Collado-Torres4, Thomas M. Hyde4, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 10Mount
(University of North Carolina); F. Vaccarino (Yale University); Emily E. Burke4, Joel E. Kleiman4, Ran Tao4, Joo Heon Shin4, Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 11Sage Bionetworks, Seattle, WA,
D. Weinberger (Lieber Institute for Brain Development); Schahram Akbarian5, Kiran Girdhar5, Yan Jiang5, Marija Kundakovic5, USA. 12St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Memphis, TN, USA.
S. Weissman (Yale University); K.P.W. (University of Chicago); Leanne Brown5, Bibi S. Kassim5, Royce B. Park5, Jennifer R Wiseman5, Stanley Medical Research Institute, Kensington, MD, USA.
A. J. Willsey (University of California–San Francisco); and Elizabeth Zharovsky5, Rivka Jacobov5, Olivia Devillers5, Elie Flatow5, Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Sun City, AZ, USA.
P. Zandi (Johns Hopkins University), L. Mangravite and M.P. Gabriel E. Hoffman5, Barbara K. Lipska6, David A. Lewis7, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China. 16SUNY
(Sage Bionetworks), and A. Arguello, L. Bingaman, T. Lehner, Vahram Haroutunian5,8, Chang-Gyu Hahn9, Alexander W. Charney10, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA. 17The University
D. Panchision, and G. Senthil (NIMH). A subset of the Stella Dracheva10, Alexey Kozlenkov10, Judson Belmont5, of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 18University of California–Los
transcriptome (RNA-seq) data was generated as part of the Diane DelValle5, Nancy Francoeur5, Evi Hadjimichael5, Dalila Pinto5, Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 19University of California–San
CMC, supported by funding from Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Harm van Bakel5, Panos Roussos10, John F. Fullard10, Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA. 20University of Illinois at
F. Hoffman–La Roche, and NIH grants R01MH085542, Jaroslav Bendl10, Mads E. Hauberg10, Lara M Mangravite11, Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. 21University of Massachusetts
R01MH093725, P50MH066392, P50MH080405, R01MH097276, Mette A. Peters11, Yooree Chae11, Junmin Peng12, Mingming Niu12, Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA. 22University of North
RO1-MH-075916, P50M096891, P50MH084053S1, R37MH057881, Xusheng Wang12, Maree J. Webster13, Thomas G. Beach14, Carolina–Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 23University of
R37MH057881S1, HHSN271201300031C, AG02219, AG05138, Chao Chen15, Yi Jiang15, Rujia Dai15, Annie W. Shieh16, Chunyu Liu16, Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 24SUNY Downstate
and MH06692. Brain tissue for the study was obtained from Kay S. Grennan16, Yan Xia15,16, Ramu Vadukapuram16, Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, USA. 25Yale University, New
the following brain bank collections: the Mount Sinai NIH Brain Yongjun Wang15, Dominic Fitzgerald17, Lijun Cheng17, Miguel Brown17, Haven, CT, USA. 26Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY,
and Tissue Repository, the University of Pennsylvania Alzheimer’s Mimi Brown17, Tonya Brunetti17, Thomas Goodman17, USA. 27Mayo Clinic Rochester, Rochester, MN, USA.
Disease Core Center, the University of Pittsburgh NeuroBioBank Majd Alsayed17, Michael J. Gandal18, Daniel H. Geschwind18,
and Brain and Tissue Repositories, and the NIMH Human Brain Hyejung Won18, Damon Polioudakis18, Brie Wamsley18, Jiani Yin18, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
Collection Core. CMC leadership is as follows: P. Sklar and Tarik Hadzic18, Luis De La Torre Ubieta18, Vivek Swarup18,
J. Buxbaum (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), B. Devlin Stephan J. Sanders19, Matthew W. State19, Donna M. Werling19, Supplementary Text
and D. Lewis (University of Pittsburgh), R. Gur and C.-G. Hahn Joon-Yong An19, Brooke Sheppard19, A. Jeremy Willsey19, Figs. S1 to S52
(University of Pennsylvania), K. Hirai and H. Toyoshiba Kevin P. White17, Mohana Ray17, Gina Giase16, Amira Kefi20, Tables S1 to S13
(Takeda Pharmaceuticals), E. Domenici and L. Essioux Eugenio Mattei21, Michael Purcaro21, Zhiping Weng21, Jill Moore21,
References (62–111)
(F. Hoffman–La Roche), L. Mangravite and M.P. (Sage Henry Pratt21, Jack Huey21, Tyler Borrman21, Patrick F. Sullivan22,
Bionetworks), and T. Lehner and B. Lipska (NIMH). Z.H.G. is Paola Giusti-Rodriguez22, Yunjung Kim22, Patrick Sullivan22,
supported by NIH/NIAID grant U19AI118610. Author Jin Szatkiewicz22, Suhn Kyong Rhie23, Christoper Armoskus23, 10 April 2018; accepted 15 November 2018
contributions: All individually named authors contributed Adrian Camarena23, Peggy J. Farnham23, Valeria N. Spitsyna23, 10.1126/science.aat8464

Wang et al., Science 362, eaat8464 (2018) 14 December 2018 13 of 13


◥ related species and the most commonly

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY studied nonhuman primate. We created and
applied TranscriptomeAge and TempShift al-
gorithms to age-match developing specimens
between the species and to more rigorously
identify temporal differences in gene expres-
Spatiotemporal transcriptomic sion within and across the species. By analyz-
ing regional and temporal patterns of gene

divergence across human and expression in both the developing human and
macaque brain, and comparing these patterns
to a complementary data-
macaque brain development ON OUR WEBSITE

set that included trans-

criptomic information from
Read the full article
Ying Zhu*, André M. M. Sousa*, Tianliuyun Gao*, Mario Skarica*, Mingfeng Li*, at http://dx.doi. the adult chimpanzee, we
Gabriel Santpere, Paula Esteller-Cucala, David Juan, Luis Ferrández-Peral, org/10.1126/ identified shared and di-
science.aat8077 vergent transcriptomic
Forrest O. Gulden, Mo Yang, Daniel J. Miller, Tomas Marques-Bonet, ..................................................
Yuka Imamura Kawasawa, Hongyu Zhao, Nenad Sestan† features of human brain
development. Furthermore, integration with
single-cell and single-nucleus transcriptomic
INTRODUCTION: Improved understanding tinct cell types, neural circuits, and regions. data covering prenatal and adult periods of
of how the developing human nervous sys- However, the precise molecular mechanisms both species revealed that the developmental
tem differs from that of closely related non- underlying shared and unique features of the divergence between humans and macaques can
human primates is fundamental for teasing developing human nervous system have been be traced to distinct cell types enriched in dif-
out human-specific aspects of behavior, co- only minimally characterized. ferent developmental times and brain regions,
gnition, and disorders. including the prefrontal cortex, a region of the
RESULTS: We generated complementary brain associated with distinctly human aspects
RATIONALE: The shared and unique func- tissue-level and single-cell transcriptomic data- of cognition and behavior.
tional properties of the human nervous sys- sets from up to 16 brain regions covering We found two phases of prominent species
tem are rooted in the complex transcriptional prenatal and postnatal development in humans differences: embryonic to late midfetal devel-
programs governing the development of dis- and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), a closely opment and adolescence/young adulthood. This
evolutionary cup-shaped or hourglass-like pat-
tern, with high divergence in prenatal develop-
Human Human-macaque divergence
ment and adolescence/young adulthood and
lower divergence in early postnatal develop-
ment, resembles the developmental cup-shaped
pattern described in the accompanying study by
Li et al. Even though the developmental (onto-
genetic) and evolutionary (phylogenetic) pat-
terns have similar profiles, the overlap of genes
driving these two patterns is not substantial,
indicating the existence of different molecular
mechanisms and constraints for regional spec-
Matched by ification and species divergence.
age Prenatal Postnatal Adult Notably, we also identified numerous genes
development development
and gene coexpression modules exhibiting
human-distinct patterns in either temporal
Single-cell RNA-Seq (heterochronic) or spatial (heterotopic) gene
Matched by
16 brain regions expression, as well as genes with human-
distinct developmental expression, linked to
autism spectrum disorder, schizophrenia, and
Rhesus macaque
other neurological or psychiatric diseases. This
finding potentially suggests mechanistic under-
pinnings of these disorders.

CONCLUSION: Our study provides insights

into the evolution of gene expression in the
Concerted ontogenetic and phylogenetic transcriptomic divergence in human and developing human brain and may shed some
light on potentially human-specific underpin-

macaque brain. Left: Human and macaque brain regions spanning both prenatal and
postnatal development were age-matched using TranscriptomeAge. Right: Phylogenetic tran- nings of certain neuropsychiatric disorders.
scriptomic divergence between humans and macaques resembles the developmental
(ontogenetic) cup-shaped pattern of each species, with high divergence in prenatal development The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
and adolescence/young adulthood and lower divergence during the early postnatal period *These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email:
(from perinatal to adolescence). Single-cell transcriptomics revealed shared and divergent Cite this article as Y. Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077
transcriptomic features of distinct cell types. (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat8077

Zhu et al., Science 362, 1267 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ human nervous system (27–31). However, a

RESEARCH ARTICLE systematic characterization of the spatial and
temporal transcriptomic landscapes of the ma-
caque brain at the region-specific and single-cell
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS levels, as well as the identification of shared and
divergent features between humans and ma-

Spatiotemporal transcriptomic caques, are lacking. Data and analyses such as

we present here should provide both retrospective
and prospective benefits to the fields of neuro-
divergence across human and science, evolutionary biology, genomics, and

macaque brain development Study design, data generation, and

integrated analysis
Ying Zhu1,2*, André M. M. Sousa1*, Tianliuyun Gao1*, Mario Skarica1*, Mingfeng Li1*, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data were obtained
Gabriel Santpere1, Paula Esteller-Cucala3, David Juan3, Luis Ferrández-Peral3, from bulk tissue (366 samples from 26 prenatal
Forrest O. Gulden1, Mo Yang1, Daniel J. Miller1, Tomas Marques-Bonet3,4,5,6, and postnatal brains) or single cells/nuclei
Yuka Imamura Kawasawa7, Hongyu Zhao2, Nenad Sestan1,8† (113,274 cells or nuclei from two fetal and three
adult brains) from post mortem rhesus macaque
Human nervous system development is an intricate and protracted process that requires specimens. Both tissue and single cell/nucleus
precise spatiotemporal transcriptional regulation. We generated tissue-level and single-cell datasets were subjected to multiple quality con-
transcriptomic data from up to 16 brain regions covering prenatal and postnatal rhesus trol measures (figs. S1 to S6 and tables S1 and S2)
macaque development. Integrative analysis with complementary human data revealed that (32). Tissue-level samples covered the entire span
global intraspecies (ontogenetic) and interspecies (phylogenetic) regional transcriptomic of both prenatal and postnatal neurodevelopment
differences exhibit concerted cup-shaped patterns, with a late fetal-to-infancy (perinatal) (Fig. 1, A and B, and table S1) and included 11
convergence. Prenatal neocortical transcriptomic patterns revealed transient topographic areas of the cerebral neocortex (NCX), hippo-
gradients, whereas postnatal patterns largely reflected functional hierarchy. Genes campus (HIP), amygdala (AMY), striatum (STR),
exhibiting heterotopic and heterochronic divergence included those transiently enriched mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus (MD), and ce-
in the prenatal prefrontal cortex or linked to autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. rebellar cortex (CBC). Subject ages ranged from
Our findings shed light on transcriptomic programs underlying the evolution of human brain 60 post-conception days (PCD) to 11 postnatal
development and the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders. years (PY) and were matched by age and brain
region to 36 human brains from an accompany-

ing study (33) and five adult chimpanzee brains
he development of the human nervous and functional interpretations of polymorphisms from a previous study (34) (Fig. 1A). To investi-
system is an intricate process that unfolds and disease-associated variations in the hu- gate the contribution of different factors to the
over a prolonged time course, ranging from man and nonhuman primate (NHP) genomes global transcriptome dynamics, we applied un-
years to decades, depending on the region (11, 17, 21, 23). Moreover, neither the extent of supervised clustering and principal components
(1–6). Precise spatial and temporal regula- molecular changes underlying human-specific analysis, which revealed that age, species, and
tion of gene expression is crucial for all aspects of differences nor the specific developmental regions contributed more to the global tran-
human nervous system development, evolution, programs affected by these changes have been scriptomic differences than did other tested
and function (6–13). Consequently, alterations in thoroughly studied. variables (figs. S3 and S4).
this process have been linked to psychiatric and The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is the To explore cell type origins of tissue-level
neurological disorders, some of which may ex- most widely studied NHP in neuroscience and interspecies differences, we conducted single-
hibit primate- or human-specific manifestations medicine (24–26). The macaque nervous system cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) on 86,341 cells from
(11, 14–18). However, our ability to explain many parallels the human nervous system with its six matching regions of two 110-PCD fetal ma-
aspects of human nervous system development complex cellular architecture and extended caque brains [i.e., the dorsolateral prefrontal neo-
and disorders at a mechanistic level has been development, and thereby offers a unique op- cortex (DFC, also called DLPFC), HIP, AMY, STR,
limited by our evolutionary distance from genet- portunity to study features of neurodevelopment MD, and CBC] and single-nucleus RNA-seq
ically tractable model organisms, such as the that are shared and divergent between the two (snRNA-seq) of 26,933 nuclei from three adult
mouse (15, 16, 19–22), and by a lack of contextual closely related primates. Furthermore, studies macaque DFCs (8, 11, and 11 PY; tables S2 and S3)
of post mortem NHP tissues provide a unique (32). These data were complemented by 17,093
opportunity to validate results obtained using snRNA-seq samples from adult humans [see (33)]
Department of Neuroscience and Kavli Institute for
Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
post mortem human tissue, especially those from as well as two scRNA-seq datasets from embry-
Department of Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health, critical developmental periods that can be con- onic and fetal human NCX (33, 35). In the six fetal
New Haven, CT, USA. 3Institute of Evolutionary Biology founded by ante mortem and post mortem fac- macaque brain regions, we identified 129 tran-
(UPF-CSIC), PRBB, Barcelona, Spain. 4Catalan Institution of tors and tissue quality. Finally, substantial scriptomically distinct clusters of cell types (i.e., 19
Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain.
CNAG-CRG, Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG),
advances in transgenic and genome-editing in DFC, 20 in HIP, 25 in AMY, 22 in STR, 20 in
Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), technologies now allow the possibility of creating MD, and 23 in CBC) (figs. S7 to S12 and tables S3
Barcelona, Spain. 6Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel more precise genetic models for human dis- and S4). In the adult human DFC (fig. S13) and
Crusafont, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, orders in macaques (24–26). This will facilitate adult macaque DFC (fig. S14), we identified 29
Spain. 7Departments of Pharmacology and Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, Institute for Personalized Medicine,
the interrogation of the effects of specific gene and 21 transcriptomically distinct cell types, re-
Penn State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA. mutations in a model that is closer to the human spectively (tables S3, S5, and S6). Alignment of
Departments of Genetics, Psychiatry, and Comparative brain than any other experimental animal. our macaque fetal data with the adult single-
Medicine, Program in Cellular Neuroscience, Comparative transcriptomic profiling offers nucleus data revealed hierarchical relationships
Neurodegeneration and Repair, and Yale Child Study Center,
Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
unbiased insight into conserved and clade- or and similarities between major cell classes, ref-
*These authors contributed equally to this work. species-specific molecular programs underlying lecting their ontogenetic origins and functional
†Corresponding author. Email: cellular and functional development of the properties (fig. S15). Cell clusters were categorized

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 15


by their gene expression patterns and assigned we found a few clusters in subcortical regions remains), individual differences, and other tech-
identities commensurate with their predicted (AMY, 2 of 25 clusters; CBC, 1 of 23 clusters; nical bias. We used the single-cell datasets in
cell type and, in the case of human adult neo- STR, 1 of 22 clusters) that included cells from a this and the accompanying study (33) to de-
cortical excitatory neurons, their putative laminar single donor brain. This might be due to variations convolve tissue-level RNA-seq data, identify
identity. Although the majority of cell clusters in dissection, age (even though both fetal ma- temporal changes in cell type–specific signa-
were composed of cells derived from all brains, caques were 110 PCD, a 3- to 4-day variation tures, analyze differences in cell types and their


23 & 23 PY

31 & 31 PY

110, 110, 110 & 111 PCD

Fetal Infancy Childhood Adult Macaque birth
TranscriptomeAge predicted age (pcd [log2])


27 PY

80, 81 & 82 PCD


0.58 & 0.58 PY

11, 11 & 11 PY
Adolescence Rhesus

0 & 0.005 PY
60 & 60 PCD

1, 1 & 1 PY

2 & 2 PY

7 & 7 PY

3.5 PY

4 PY

5 PY

Fetal period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(Kang et al)
Embryonic Early- Mid- Late- Infancy Childhood Adolescence Adulthood
64 256 1024 4096 16384 Fetal
Real age (PCD [log2])
Human birth

C 0.4
1 (Neurogenesis) 2 (Neuronal differentiation) 3 (Astrogliogenesis) 4 (Synaptogenesis) 5 (Myelination)


















Significant True False -log10 (P value) 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 16

Fig. 1. Conserved and divergent transcriptomic features of human and (neuronal differentiation and astrogliogenesis), there is a synchrony between
macaque neurodevelopmental processes. (A) Plot depicting the real age humans and macaques, whereas for transcriptomic signatures 4 and 5
(x axis) and the age predicted by TranscriptomeAge (y axis) of human, (synaptogenesis and myelination), there is heterochrony between the
chimpanzee, and macaque. Macaque (164 PCD) and human (266 PCD) births species, with acceleration in human synaptogenesis and delay in human
are shown as green and red dashed lines, respectively. (B) Schematic showing myelination. Prefrontal cortical areas are plotted in red, primary motor
human developmental periods as described in Kang et al. (29) and the cortex in orange, parietal areas in green, temporal areas in blue, and primary
matched macaque developmental and chimpanzee adult datasets. Each line visual cortex in gray. MFC, medial prefrontal cortex; OFC, orbital prefrontal
corresponds to one macaque or one chimpanzee specimen and the cortex; DFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; VFC, ventrolateral prefrontal
corresponding predicted age when compared to human neurodevelopment. cortex; M1C, primary motor cortex; S1C, primary somatosensory cortex;
PCD, post-conception day; PY, postnatal year. The asterisk indicates the IPC, inferior posterior parietal cortex; A1C, primary auditory cortex; STC,
extension of the early fetal period, in which early fetal macaques (60 PCD) superior temporal cortex; ITC, inferior temporal cortex; V1C, primary visual
cluster with midfetal humans. (C) The weight (W) of five transcriptomic cortex. (D) Cell type enrichment is shown for each signature. P values
signatures in the developing human (solid line) and macaque (dashed line) adjusted by Benjamini-Hochberg procedure are plotted (with ranges indi-
NCX and the respective association with neurodevelopmental processes. In cated by size of dots); significance is labeled by color (red, true; gray, false).
signature 1 (neurogenesis), the arrow indicates the point at which the signature H, human; M, macaque; eNEP/RGC, embryonic neuroepithelial progenitor/
reaches the minimum in humans (red) and macaques (green). The asterisk radial glial cell; eIPC, embryonic intermediate progenitor cell; eNasN,
indicates the same as in (B). In transcriptomic signatures 2, 3, 4, and 5, arrows embryonic nascent neuron; ExN, excitatory neuron; InN, interneuron; Astro,
indicate the point at which the signatures reach the maximum in humans (red) astrocyte; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cell; Oligo, oligodendrocyte;
and macaques (green). Note that for transcriptomic signatures 2 and 3 Endo, endothelial cell; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle cell.

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 15


transcriptomic profiles, and conduct cell type common principles of transcriptomic regional plementary study in humans (27, 29, 30, 33, 36).
enrichment analyses. architecture across development in macaques A hierarchical clustering of both fetal and post-
and humans (figs. S3 and S4). Among macaque natal NCX areal samples revealed their grouping
Similarities and differences in the regions, these analyses showed distinct and de- by topographical proximity and functional over-
spatiotemporal dynamics of the human velopmentally regulated clustering of the NCX lap, similar to those relationships that we ob-
and macaque brain transcriptomes (combination of 11 areas), HIP, and AMY, with served in the human brain (fig. S3). Thus, these
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and princi- CBC exhibiting the most distinctive transcriptional results show that the transcriptomic architecture
pal components analysis of bulk tissue revealed profile—an observation shared with our com- of the macaque brain is regionally and temporally

Fig. 2. Ontogenetic interregional

A Human B Macaque
transcriptomic differences display
a cup-shaped pattern in humans
and macaques. (A and B) The
interregional difference was measured
as the average distance of each
Inter-regional difference

neocortical area to all other areas in 0.25 0.25

the human (A) and macaque (B)
neocortices across development. The
0.2 0.2
upper-quartile interregional difference
among all genes is plotted; the color
V1C 0.28 V1C
scale indicates magnitude. The gray ITC ITC
0.15 STC 0.15 STC
planes represent the transition from A1C 0.24 A1C
prenatal to early postnatal develop- S1C S1C
ment (late fetal transition) and from VFC VFC
adolescence to adulthood. (C) The DFC 0.16 DFC


number of coexpression modules that OFC Time OFC


display gradient-like expression


(anterior to posterior, posterior to

anterior, medial to lateral, temporal
lobe–enriched) and enrichment in C 4 Anterior to posterior 2
primary areas or enrichment in
association areas in each develop- 2 Posterior to anterior
mental phase. Left, human modules;
1 Medial to lateral
right, macaque modules. (D) Donut
plots depicting the modules from 1 Temporal lobe 2
(C) that exhibited species-distinct
interregional differences. The expres- 2 5 Primary areas 12 4
sion pattern of each species-distinct
module is shown for humans (top) 1 5 Association areas 13 5
and macaques (bottom). Color scales
indicate expression level of the genes Prenatal Early postnatal Adult Prenatal Early postnatal Adult

in each module. Prenatal modules D Prenatal Early postnatal Adult

show a human-distinct anterior-to-
posterior expression gradient (left); al areas nt
ont al
macaque-distinct early postnatal efr



modules show enrichment in primary OFC VFC OFC VFC OFC VFC

or association areas (center); and a MFC M1C MFC M1C MFC M1C

macaque-distinct adult module is


enriched in association areas, espe-

Parietal lob

MM 234
HS 87






cially in MFC (right). HS, human

(Homo sapiens) module; MM, IPC IPC IPC
macaque (Macaca mulatta) module.




Oc Tem
poral lobe





MM 234
HS 87








−0.04 0.00 0.04 0.08 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 15


specified and reflects conserved global patterns of transcriptome, we used the XSAnno computa- 26,514 orthologous protein-coding and noncoding
ontogenetic and functional differences that are tional framework (37) to minimize biases in com- mRNA genes for human-macaque and human-
also found in humans. parative data analyses arising from the disparate chimpanzee-macaque comparisons, respectively
To explore species similarities and differences quality of gene annotation for the two species. We (fig. S2) (32). Next, we developed TranscriptomeAge,
in the spatiotemporal dynamics of the brain created common annotation sets of 27,932 and an algorithm to unbiasedly predict the equivalent

PFC Adult
0.7 DEX
Human / macaque divergence


0.5 1373
2702 805
0.6 10

767 234
MD Prenatal
STR postnatal 0
0.5 V1C DEU 599
0 1000 2000 3000

ITC Number of highest ranked genes
Neocortical ar 143
S1C 269 Phase Species
717 Prenatal Human
DFC Macaque
Early postnatal
494 396

OFC 570 Adult

Ad le

Prenatal Early postnatal Adult







































Neocortical areas Neocortical areas Neocortical areas

Human Macaque
True Absolute
Significant 2 4 6 Log2 (fold-change)
False Log2 (fold-change)

Fig. 3. Transcriptomic divergence between humans and macaques examples of genes showing global or regional interspecies differential
throughout neurodevelopment reveals a phylogenetic cup-shaped expression. Brain regions displaying significant differential expression
pattern. (A) Interspecies divergence, measured as absolute difference in between humans and macaques are shown with black circumference. Red
gene expression, between humans and macaques in each brain region circles show up-regulation in humans; blue, up-regulation in macaques.
throughout development (coded as in Fig. 2A). The upper-quartile Circle size indicates absolute log2 fold change. (D) Percentage of overlap
divergence among all genes is plotted. The gray planes represent the between genes showing the highest interspecies divergence in each region
transition from prenatal to early postnatal development (late fetal (driving the evolutionary cup-shaped pattern) and genes with the largest
transition, left) and from adolescence to adulthood (right). (B) Venn pairwise distance between brain regions in prenatal, early postnatal, and
diagrams displaying the number of differentially expressed genes (DEX, adult human and macaque brains (driving the developmental cup-shaped
top) or genes with differential exon usage (DEU, bottom) between humans pattern). The result is plotted using a variable number of the highest-
and macaques in at least one brain region during prenatal development, ranked genes based on interregional difference and interspecies
early postnatal development, and adulthood. (C) Bubble matrix with divergence. Data are means ± SD across regions.

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 15


ages of human and macaque samples on the A and B, and figs. S16 to S18). However, we Second, we found that 2-, 3.5-, 4-, 5-, and 7-PY
basis of temporal transcriptomic changes (32). identified two human developmental periods macaque specimens, of which at least the
We chose to optimize this model for age- where alignment suggested that they are tran- youngest should chronologically match to hu-
matching the aforementioned 11 neocortical scriptomically distinct from macaques and/or man childhood (39), did not align with any of
areas, which are highly similar in terms of their are especially protracted. First, 60-PCD macaque our human specimens from early or late child-
transcriptomes, cellular composition, and devel- specimens [which correspond to the human early hood [1 to 12 PY, or periods 9 and 10 according
opmental trajectories when compared to other fetal period (29) according to the Translating to (29)] but did align with adolescent and adult
brain regions [see (33)]. TranscriptomeAge con- Time model (38)] were most closely aligned with humans (Fig. 1, A and B). Consistent with pre-
firmed transcriptomic similarities in both species midfetal human samples (102 to 115 PCD, i.e., vious morphophysiological and behavioral
coinciding with major prenatal and postnatal 14.5 to 16.5 post-conception weeks). This suggests studies (5), these results indicate that mac-
developmental phases, including fetal develop- that, transcriptomically, human brain devel- aques lack global transcriptomic signatures
ment, infancy, childhood, and adulthood (Fig. 1, opment is protracted even at early fetal periods. of late childhood and/or that humans have a

A Human upregulated genes Macaque upregulated genes

PFC Prenatal DEX





InN3 Significant
B Human upregulated genes Macaque upregulated genes True
PFC Early postnatal DEX -log10 (P value)

nonPFC 0 to 2
2 to 5
5 to 10
10 to 15
15 to 20

C Genes with human-specific differential expression

Human adult cell types Macaque adult cell types

CD38 Down in all brain regions

CLUL1 Up in all brain regions

TWIST1 Down in NCX

PKD2L1 Up in NCX

(prefrontal cortex)


Preferential expression measure Preferential expression measure

−1.1 to 0 0 to 0.1 0.1 to 0.3 0.3 to 0.5 0.5 to 1
−1.0 0.0 1.0

Fig. 4. Cell type specificity of species differences. (A) Cell type (NCX), prefrontal areas (PFC), and non-prefrontal areas (nonPFC).
enrichment for differentially expressed genes up- or down-regulated in Significance (average −log10 P > 2) is labeled by color (red, true; gray,
human neocortical areas. Enrichment of genes up-regulated in humans or false). (B) Same as (A) for early postnatal and adult periods. (C) Cell type
macaques was tested using single cells from prenatal human NCX (33) enrichment of selected genes showing human-distinct up- or down-
or macaque DFC, respectively. The plot shows –log10 P values adjusted by regulation in adult brain regions or neocortical areas (34). Preferential
Benjamini-Hochberg procedure averaged across all neocortical areas expression measure is plotted to show the cell type specificity.

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 15


prolonged childhood relative to macaques without reaching an obvious plateau until 40 PY, lutionary influences, which led us to investigate
(Fig. 1, A and B). but in the macaque NCX the myelination sig- the gene expression patterns, developmental pro-
nature reached a plateau around the first post- cesses, and cell types underlying this transcrip-
Species differences in the natal year (Fig. 1C). This corresponds to early tomic phenomenon.
timing of concerted childhood in human neurodevelopment [window 6 To do so, we considered three phases of brain
neurodevelopmental processes or period 10 according to (33) and (29), respectively] development mirroring major transitions in the
We hypothesized that the observed developmental and is consistent with histological studies and cup-shaped pattern: prenatal development, early
differences between humans and macaques might reflective of previously reported hierarchical postnatal development, and adulthood. Between
be grounded on transcriptomic changes in con- maturation of neocortical areas (43–47). Similarly, these three phases are two transitional periods: a
certed biological processes in developmental we corroborated synchronous or concurrent tran- steep late fetal transition (33) and a more mod-
timing (i.e., heterochrony). By decomposing the scriptomic patterns of neocortical synaptogenesis erate transition between childhood/adolescence
gene expression matrix of human neocortical by analyzing previously collected data on synaptic and adulthood. We performed weighted gene
samples, we identified five transcriptomic sig- density in multiple areas of the macaque NCX coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) inde-
natures underlying neocortical development (32). (48) (fig. S19). However, we observed that the pendently for each phase and species, resulting
Using top cell type–specific genes derived from synaptogenesis transcriptomic trajectory peaked in Homo sapiens (HS) and macaque (Macaca
our prenatal single-cell and adult single-nucleus earlier in humans than in macaques, at the mulatta, MM) modules (32) (table S7), with
data, we analyzed cell type enrichment of each of transition between late infancy and early child- analyses conducted on 11 neocortical areas; this
the five signatures, and ascribed them to neuro- hood (Fig. 1C). In addition, expression trajecto- allowed us to identify discrete spatiotemporal
genesis, neuronal differentiation, astrogliogenesis, ries of genes induced by neuronal activity—a expression patterns that otherwise might be co-
synaptogenesis, and oligodendrocyte differentia- process critical for synaptogenesis—also showed mingled as a result of the highly disparate nature
tion and myelination (Fig. 1, C and D, and fig. S19). drastic increases during late fetal development of CBC and other non-neocortical regions. Within
To determine whether the transcriptomic signa- and infancy, and, like the synaptogenesis trajec- the prenatal phase, we found 12 modules consist-
tures we identified were correctly assigned, we tory, displayed a concurrent or synchronous shape ing of genes exhibiting spatial expression gra-
compared their developmental patterns to the across neocortical areas [see (33)]. Interestingly, dients along the anterior-posterior (8 modules)
timing of major human neurodevelopmental the developmental transcriptomic profile of DCX and medial-lateral (1 module) axes of the NCX
processes, expression trajectories of key genes (a marker of nascent, migrating neurons) showed and broadly reflecting prospective neocortical
previously implicated in those processes, and that macaques maintain higher expression in the areal topography (Fig. 2C). For example, prenatal
trajectories of cell type proportions identified hippocampus throughout postnatal development modules HS85 and HS87 exhibited prefrontal/
by the deconvolution of tissue-level data (figs. and adulthood; this suggests that postnatal neuro- frontal-enriched graded expression in the hu-
S19 and S20). We found that the developmental genesis is more prominent in the macaque hip- man brain, tapering to lowest expression in the
trajectories of genes associated with neuronal pocampus than in the human hippocampus, as temporal and occipital lobes (Fig. 2D). Fur-
differentiation, synaptogenesis, and myelination, recently shown (fig. S19) (49). Thus, both species thermore, prenatal modules, such as HS15 and
as well as the cell type proportions of fetal hu- exhibited distinct transcriptomic signatures of MM57, had their highest expression restricted
man or macaque excitatory neurons, astrocytes, neoteny, such as prolonged myelination in hu- to the temporal lobe (table S8 and figs. S22 and
and oligodendrocytes, matched those of the mans and prolonged postnatal hippocampal S23) during prenatal development.
corresponding transcriptomic signatures (fig. neurogenesis in macaques. Together, these data In contrast to the prenatal phase, modules
S20). Moreover, the identities we assigned to suggest that the temporal staging of major neuro- identified from early postnatal development (i.e.,
these transcriptomic signatures were confirmed developmental processes, in particular with infancy, childhood, and adolescence) in either
by comparison of transcriptomic signatures to myelination beginning in primary areas before species did not exhibit anterior-to-posterior or
independently generated nontranscriptomic data association neocortical areas, is a conserved medial-to-lateral expression gradients. Rather,
predicting the start and end of human neocortical feature of primate development, although the the greater regional synchrony characterizing
neurogenesis (for neurogenesis) (40) and to data temporal progression of certain processes is gene expression in this phase yielded differences
measuring the number of doublecortin (DCX)– heterochronic. organized not around topography but between
immunopositive nascent neurons in the human primary and association areas of the NCX (Fig.
hippocampus throughout development and adult- Concerted ontogenetic and phylogenetic 2C, figs. S24 and S25, and table S9). This suggests
hood (for neuronal migration and initial differen- transcriptomic divergence that the gradient-like transcriptomic patterns
tiation) (41), developmental variation in synaptic After matching the global transcriptome by age arising during prenatal development are super-
density in the human cortex (for synaptogenesis) between the two species, we analyzed regional seded by myelination and neuronal activity–
(42), and myelinated fiber length density (for mye- differences in gene expression (heterotopy) related processes postnatally, which may differ-
lination) (43) (fig. S19). within each species. By adopting Gaussian- entiate the separation between primary and
Next, we analyzed how the shape of the five process models to accommodate the spatio- association areas. Early postnatal modules such as
transcriptomic trajectories was conserved across temporal correlations of gene expression (32), MM42, MM24, and MM23, among others, exhib-
the 11 neocortical areas within each species and we found that the developmental cup-shaped ited greater expression in primary areas such as
between species. Analysis of their trajectories or hourglass-like pattern of transcriptomic in- the primary motor cortex (M1C), primary auditory
within each species revealed that the shape of a terregional differences we observed in humans cortex (A1C), and primary visual cortex (V1C) than
given trajectory is similar across neocortical (33) is also present in macaque neocortices and in association areas such as DFC and ventrolateral
areas (Fig. 1C and fig. S17). However, the trans- other brain regions (Fig. 2, A and B, and fig. S21), prefrontal cortex (VFC) (Fig. 2D).
criptomic trajectories associated with oligo- with greater differential expression between re- The transition to young adulthood was marked
dendrocyte differentiation and myelination gions observed during early and midfetal ages by another decrease in interregional differences,
exhibited a prominent temporal shift (asyn- preceding this period and subsequent young but this reduction was not as pronounced as in
chrony) across neocortical areas in both species adulthood. Notably, two brain regions—CBC and the late fetal transition, nor were interregional
(fig. S17). Between species, myelination and, to a STR—exhibited greater differences, relative to patterns of gene expression markedly different in
lesser extent, synaptogenesis exhibited species other brain regions, beginning immediately after the adult. Thus, gene expression differences be-
differences in the shapes of these trajectories; birth, rather than beginning during childhood tween primary and association areas continued
the myelination transcriptomic signature pro- or adolescence (fig. S21). This suggests that the to drive regional variation in both adult humans
gressively increased in the human NCX beginning development of the primate forebrain may be and macaques (Fig. 2, C and D, figs. S26 and S27,
from late fetal development through adulthood constrained by unique developmental or evo- and table S10). Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 15


analysis using the top variant genes in each period, aspects of transcriptomic variation both within Confirming the observed regional diversifica-
with all genes expressed in each period as back- and among species. tion in each species, postnatal development dis-
ground, indicated differential enrichment of biol- played the lowest number of differentially
ogical processes associated with different cell Heterotopic changes in human expressed genes between species; most of these
populations across areas and time. As observed and macaque brain transcriptomes (89.3%) were also differentially expressed in
in the accompanying human study (33) and com- We next investigated the transcriptomic diver- adulthood, the phase where we observed the
mensurate with the developmental trajectories gence between humans and macaques for each greatest number of interspecies differentially
of the observed transcriptomic signatures, the brain region across development. We found that expressed genes (Fig. 3B and table S11). Genes
functional terms enriched prenatally were gen- the developmental phases exhibiting high levels differentially expressed between humans and
erally related to neurogenesis and neuronal dif- of interregional differences within each species macaques exhibited distinct patterns of spatio-
ferentiation, whereas early postnatal and adult (i.e., prenatal development and young adulthood) temporal divergence (Fig. 3C) and showed di-
functional terms were enriched for processes re- also displayed greater transcriptomic divergence verse functional enrichment (table S12). Although
lated to synaptogenesis and myelination (fig. S28). between the two species, revealing a concerted 229 genes (2.6%) displayed up- or down-regulation
We next sought to determine whether the phylogenetic (evolutionary) cup-shaped pattern in all the sampled brain regions throughout
regional-specific expression patterns of coexpres- (Fig. 3A). This phylogenetic cup-shaped pattern development and adulthood, others were spe-
sion modules detected in human brains cor- divided neurodevelopment into the same three cifically up- or down-regulated in a subset of brain
related with their expression patterns in macaque phases as the regional ontogenetic (develop- regions and/or during a particular developmental
brains, and vice versa (32). We found that two mental) cup shape (Fig. 3A). However, unlike the phase.
human prenatal modules contained genes exhib- ontogenetic (developmental) cup-shaped pattern, To test whether genes with differential ex-
iting a pronounced anterior-to-posterior gradient where CBC, MD, and STR disproportionally ex- pression between humans and macaques showed
in the human NCX, HS85 and HS87, but these hibited more intraspecies differences than NCX, distinct conservation profiles, we compared values
genes did not exhibit enriched expression in the HIP, and AMY, all regions appeared to exhibit a of dN/dS (the ratio of nonsynonymous to syn-
macaque prefrontal cortex (Fig. 2D and table relatively similar amount of interspecies differ- onymous substitution rates) for the whole set of
S8). Among genes in these modules were RGMA ences (Fig. 3A). Interestingly, interspecies dif- genes differentially expressed in any of the 16 brain
and SLIT3, two genes encoding axon guidance ferences among neocortical areas were distinct regions in at least one of the three developmental
molecules (50), and BRINP2 and CXXC5, which enough to provide clear clustering of topograph- phases (32). We found that the differentially ex-
encode proteins involved in retinoic acid signal- ically and functionally related prefrontal areas pressed genes between humans and macaques
ing (51), potentially implicating this signaling [i.e., MFC, orbital prefrontal cortex (OFC), DFC, also show significantly higher dN/dS values as-
pathway—critical for early brain development and VFC], particularly during prenatal develop- sociated with higher evolutionary rates than the
and neuronal differentiation (51)—in the pat- ment, or topographically distributed nonvisual remaining protein-coding genes (Wilcoxon-Mann-
terning of the human prefrontal cortex. We also primary areas (i.e., M1C, S1C, and A1C) in adult- Whitney P = 2.2 × 10−8, n = 4429 genes). This re-
observed that several modules in macaque post- hood. Prospective areas of the prefrontal cortex, sult was also observed when we focused on the
natal development that did not correlate well which underlie some of the most distinctly hu- genes differentially expressed in prenatal de-
with human modules (MM23, MM24, MM26, man aspects of cognition, were more phyloge- velopment (P = 3.7 × 10−11, n = 2380 genes),
and MM42) were enriched for genes that are netically distinct than other neocortical areas early postnatal development (P = 4.5 × 10−24, n =
expressed in oligodendrocytes (Fig. 2D, fig. S24, during early prenatal development (Fig. 3A and 1765 genes), or adulthood (P = 1.0 × 10−6, n = 3837
and table S9) and were up-regulated in all pri- fig. S30). Together, these findings suggest that genes) separately. Moreover, these higher dN/dS
mary areas of macaque NCX relative to asso- the evolutionary and developmental constraints values for differentially expressed genes remained
ciation areas. Conversely, genes in these modules acting on the brain transcriptome, in particular highly significant in all the brain regions and
were up-regulated in humans only in M1C and the NCX, may share some overlapping features. developmental phases analyzed, highlighting the
A1C, but not in primary somatosensory cortex To gain insight into the transcriptomic pro- consistent association between interspecies tran-
(S1C) or V1C (fig. S24 and table S9). Integration grams driving phylogenetic divergence across scriptional variation and gene evolution.
with our multi-regional database of the adult neocortical areas, we conducted a functional Integration with our complementary dataset
chimpanzee transcriptome (34) indicates that annotation of the top 100 genes driving the generated on adult chimpanzee brains (34) re-
the macaque gene expression pattern, rather observed variation along the first principal vealed that 531 (10.6%), 507 (12.9%), and 1079
than the human gene expression pattern, may component (PC1). We found that interspecies (13.9%) genes differentially expressed between
be unique among these species (fig. S29). Many divergence in the prenatal prefrontal cortex species in prenatal development, early postnatal
of the species-specific patterns of diversifica- could be explained by an enrichment of genes development, and adulthood, respectively, showed
tion between primary and association areas that related to cell proliferation [false discovery rate human-specific expression in the same brain
we observed during early postnatal development (FDR) < 10−5]. This indicated that the observed region in the adult brain. Several genes among
were preserved in adult modules of both species interspecies divergence in the prefrontal cortex those exhibiting species- or human-specific pat-
(fig. S26), with some notable exceptions. For ex- was likely due to a different proportion of pro- terns of gene expression were developmentally
ample, the adult macaque module MM25 exhib- genitor cells in the early fetal human prefrontal and regionally regulated. PKD2L1, a gene that
ited up-regulation in association areas in both tissue samples (fig. S30). In contrast, during encodes an ion channel (52), exhibited human-
species, but prominent up-regulation in the medial postnatal development, PC1 separated prefrontal specific up-regulation only postnatally (Fig. 3C).
prefrontal cortex (MFC) and down-regulation in areas and the inferior temporal cortex (ITC) from Conversely, TWIST1, a gene encoding a tran-
V1C were observed only in macaques (Fig. 2D, the other neocortical areas. This pattern was scriptional factor implicated in Saethre-Chotzen
fig. S26, and table S10). mainly driven by genes associated with myelination- syndrome (53), showed human-specific down-
These findings reaffirm a conserved frame- associated categories (FDR < 0.05; fig. S30) and regulation only postnatally (Fig. 3C). In contrast,
work in primate neocortical development and genes associated with synaptic transmission MET, a gene linked to autism spectrum disor-
function (21), including a topographic basis for (FDR < 0.05; fig. S29). Although speculative, ders (54), showed human-specific up-regulation
transcriptomic differences during prenatal de- these observations potentially link the expansion in the prefrontal cortex and STR postnatally (Fig.
velopment and functional relationships post- of the human prefrontal cortex, the wealth of 3C). PTH2R, a gene encoding the parathyroid
natally. Our analyses also suggest that interregional human-specific connectivity made possible by hormone 2 receptor, exhibited macaque-distinct
and interspecies differences in oligodendrocyte that extension, and the altered patterns of up-regulation in the prenatal NCX but human-
development and myelination, particularly dur- myelination we observe between humans and distinct up-regulation in the adult NCX, and
ing early postnatal development, mediate key macaques. immunohistochemistry showed that PTH2R is

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 15


enriched in excitatory neurons (fig. S31). These To gain a more complete understanding of the the early postnatal phase, and 1728 during adult-
results show that at least some of the tissue- interspecies transcriptomic differences, we per- hood (Fig. 3B and fig. S32). In our set of differ-
level interspecies differences we observed are formed an analysis of interspecies differential entially used exonic elements, non–protein-coding
due to changes at the level of specific cell types. exon usage as a conservative way of exploring regions were overrepresented (P < 2.2 × 10−16, c2
Furthermore, even though the ontogenetic and the impact of putative differential alternative independence test), with 4705 of the 5372 dif-
phylogenetic patterns have similar profiles, splicing. We detected largely similar numbers of ferentially used exonic elements in noncoding
the overlap of genes driving these two patterns is genes containing differentially used exons be- regions. This enrichment was especially strong
not substantial (Fig. 3D), indicating the exis- tween species in all developmental phases (32) for non–untranslated region (UTR) exonic ele-
tence of different molecular mechanisms and (table S13), with 1924 genes showing interspe- ments belonging to non–protein-coding tran-
constraints for regional specification and spe- cies differential exon usage in at least one brain scripts from protein-coding genes and 5′ UTR
cies divergence. region during the prenatal phase, 1952 during regions (P < 2.2 × 10−16), but was also significant

A Embryonic and fetal cell types B Adult cell types

−0.4 0 0.4 −0.5 0.5

Astro2 InN2
Astro3 InN5
Astro4 InN4
Astro1 InN3
Oligo ExN3

Pericyte ExN8
Endo ExN1
Microglia1 ExN10
Microglia2 ExN7
InN2 ExN9
InN1 ExN5
InN3 Oligo
ExN3 Astro1
ExN2 Astro2
Blood Pericyte

Human Human

Astro Prenatal

InN3 Adult



































Inter-species differential expression Human down Human up

Fig. 5. Shared and divergent transcriptomic features of homologous cell types between humans and macaques. (A) Dendrogram and heat
map showing diversity and correlation of prenatal cell types within and between the two species. The human single cells were from (33). (B) Dendrogram
and heat map showing diversity and correlation of adult cell types within and between the two species. (C) Cell type specificity of interspecies
differentially expressed genes based on the single cell/nucleus information. Blue, human down-regulated genes; red, human up-regulated genes.

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 15


A Prenatal RC21 Prenatal RC34 Prenatal RC10 Adult RC25








Significant True False - log10 (P value) 0 to 2 2 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 Early Late
areal expression areal expression
TempShift (ΔT)
PTRF −2 0 2
Prenatal EC14
CYP17A1 EGR1 3.0

−log10 (P value)

CAMK2D NR3C1 2.0

CPT1A 1.0

0.0 M
Axonal guidance signaling
Glutamate receptor signaling
CREB signaling in neurons
Protein kinase A signaling
Acute phase response signaling

MME ARHGAP31 CSNK1A1 SLC7A11 in human in macaque
ARHGAP22 DBN1 −2 0 2

Fig. 6. Heterochronic expression of regional and interspecies gene earlier expression in primary areas of the macaque cortex and enrichment
clusters. (A) Clusters of genes exhibiting species-distinct regional for genes associated with oligodendrocytes. (B) A network of 139
heterochronic expression patterns in human and macaque brains at interspecies heterochronic genes (blue) is enriched for targets of putative
various prenatal periods and adulthood. The timing of expression upstream transcriptional regulators that include those encoded by eight
of genes in the cluster is represented by a color scale (blue, earlier genes of the same network (red) and TWIST1 (green), a transcription
expression; red, later expression). Prenatal heterochronic regional factor with interspecies heterotopic expression (fig. S34). Arrows indicate
clusters RC21 and RC34 show earlier expression in human prenatal direction of regulation. (C) Top five canonical pathways enriched among
frontoparietal perisylvian neocortical areas (M1C, S1C, and IPC) and interspecies heterochronic genes in at least one neocortical area. The
enrichment in neural progenitors. RC10 is composed of genes with earlier dashed red line corresponds to P = 0.01. (D) Cluster EC14 shows inter-
expression in the human prenatal prefrontal cortex and enrichment in species heterochronic expression, exhibits a delayed expression specifically in
astrocytes. These observed regional expression patterns are not present in the human prenatal prefrontal cortex, and is enriched for genes selectively
the macaque prenatal NCX. Adult heterochronic cluster RC25 shows expressed by intermediate progenitor cells (IPC).

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 15


for 3′ UTR regions (P = 1.81 × 10−11) and non-UTR species differentially expressed genes in the NCX By integrating our single-cell datasets with
exonic elements from non–protein-coding genes contained TFBSs for transcription factors that a tissue-level transcriptomic dataset of adult
(P = 0.02364); these results suggest that post- were differentially expressed between species in human, chimpanzee, and macaque brains (34),
transcriptional regulation may contribute to the NCX. The same was true for 33% of all differ- we identified the cell type enrichment of several
species differences at the exon level. entially expressed genes retrieved from the CBC, genes showing human-specific up- or down-
29% for the differentially expressed genes in the regulation in NCX or all brain regions relative to
Phylogenetic divergence in MD, and 8.5% of the differentially expressed chimpanzees and macaques. For example, CD38
transcriptional heterotopic regulation genes in the STR. was found to be down-regulated in all human
Because transcription factors can regulate the Analysis of epigenomic data (58) in matched brain regions and enriched in astrocytes (Fig. 4C).
expression of multiple genes, the differential brain regions and developmental stages showed This gene encodes a glycoprotein that is im-
expression we observed between species in dif- that all TFBSs enriched in differentially expressed portant in the regulation of intracellular calcium,
ferent brain regions might be mediated in part genes were also found to be enriched in differen- and its deletion leads to impaired development
by differential expression of a relatively small tial regulatory elements. The good agreement be- of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in mice (60).
number of transcription factors. To assess this tween the two independent datasets supports the CLUL1, a gene reported to be specifically expressed
possibility, we searched for transcription factor regulatory relevance of these differentially ex- in cone photoreceptor cells (61), showed human-
binding sites (TFBSs) that were enriched in the pressed TFBSs in driving the expression changes specific up-regulation in all brain regions and
annotated promoters of interspecies differen- of other differentially expressed genes. was enriched in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.
tially expressed genes for each brain region and TWIST1 exhibited human-specific down-regulation
developmental stage in our analysis (32). We Diversity and cell type specificity in all neocortical areas postnatally and was en-
found that the binding sites for 86 transcription of species differences riched in upper-layer excitatory neurons (Fig. 4C).
factors were enriched among interspecies dif- To explore whether cell type–specific transcrip- Conversely, PKD2L1 is up-regulated in NCX post-
ferentially expressed genes; 7 of these 86 tran- tomic changes account for the interspecies di- natally and was enriched in putative deep-layer
scription factors were differentially expressed vergence observed at the tissue level, we tested excitatory neurons (Fig. 4C). MET exhibited human-
between humans and macaques (table S14). the enrichment of human up-regulated genes in specific up-regulation in the prefrontal cortex and
RUNX2 was differentially expressed between hu- human single cells and human down-regulated STR postnatally and was enriched in upper-layer
mans and macaques in the prenatal HIP, PAX7 genes in macaque single cells. Furthermore, we excitatory neurons (Fig. 4C).
in the early postnatal AMY, STAT6 in the pre- used prenatal scRNA-seq data for prenatal dif-
natal NCX, STAT4 in the early postnatal and ferentially expressed genes and adult snRNA-seq Shared and divergent transcriptomic
adult NCX, SNAI2 in the adult CBC, and EWSR1 data for the early postnatal and adulthood periods features of homologous cell types
and NEUROD1 in the adult NCX. Although these (Fig. 4, A and B, and fig. S33). In all prenatal To test whether the observed differential expres-
enriched motifs were found in only a relatively neocortical areas, human up-regulated genes sion between humans and macaques was due
small proportion of the promoters of the inter- were enriched in neural progenitors, indicating to differences in cell type composition or due to
species differentially expressed genes (table S15), that the human NCX may possess more neural transcriptomic differences between homologous
expression changes of almost 30% of the differ- progenitors at matched time points relative to cell types, we performed a comparative analysis
entially expressed genes in the NCX can be ex- macaque counterparts, although we cannot com- between human and macaque cell types of pre-
plained solely by the transcription factors STAT4, pletely exclude the possibility that a lack of natal and adult dorsolateral prefrontal cortices.
EWSR1, and NEUROD1, which have been pre- macaque samples matching human early fetal The correlation between human and macaque
viously implicated in neuronal development (55) samples (Fig. 1, A and B) might contribute to cell types showed that all human cell types had a
and brain disorders (56, 57). This suggests that this observation, despite the efforts we made to close homolog in macaques, and vice versa (Fig. 5,
species differences in the expression levels of minimize the effects of sampling bias between A and B). Nonetheless, we identified genes show-
influential transcription factors could be pheno- species by fitting a Gaussian-process model. In ing interspecies differential expression in homol-
typically relevant. contrast, macaque up-regulated genes were en- ogous cell types (Fig. 5C). To avoid biases inherent
To substantiate the possibility that these riched in multiple subtypes of excitatory and to high variation in scRNA-seq or snRNA-seq, we
transcription factors might regulate interspecies inhibitory neurons in all neocortical areas (Fig. filtered out genes that did not display differential
differences in gene expression, we next con- 4A). Interestingly, a specific subtype of excitatory expression between species at the tissue level and
ducted an independent analysis that integrated neurons (i.e., ExN2) was enriched for the mac- only included genes that exhibited enrichment in
epigenomic data. We used previously published aque up-regulated genes only in prefrontal areas. cell types where they showed interspecies differ-
data on macaque-human differential regulatory In the postnatal and adult NCX, human up- ential expression [preferential expression measure
elements (active promoters and enhancers) in regulated genes were enriched in a single pop- > 0.3 (32)].
several regions of adult brains (58). Using region- ulation of likely upper-layer excitatory neurons We identified 14 differentially expressed genes
matched (i.e., NCX, STR, MD, and CBC) aspects (ExN2b), which was not described in a recent in prenatal development and 41 differentially ex-
of this dataset, we performed TFBS enrichments snRNA-seq study of the adult human NCX (59). pressed genes in adulthood (Fig. 5C). For example,
for the regions defined as up-regulated in hu- Conversely, postnatally up-regulated macaque TRIM54, which encodes a protein implicated in
mans as well as those down-regulated in humans genes were enriched in multiple subtypes of ex- axonal growth (62), was down-regulated in hu-
relative to macaques (32) (tables S16 to S18). As citatory neurons (Fig. 4B). Interspecies differen- man prenatal neocortical excitatory neurons (Fig.
before, we then compared TFBSs enriched among tially expressed genes in non-neocortical brain 5C). VW2CL, which encodes a protein associated
regulatory elements differentially detected in regions of the prenatal brain were also enriched with a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic
humans and macaques with the transcription in specific cell types (fig. S33). For example, genes acid (AMPA)–type glutamate receptors (63), was
factors differentially expressed in a given area or displaying interspecies differential expression down-regulated in prenatal human neocortical
region between species. We observed a higher in HIP and CBC were enriched in a population interneurons. SLC17A8 (aka VGLUT3), which en-
number of differentially expressed transcription of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) and codes vesicular glutamate transporter 3, is up-
factors associated with binding sites selective for external granular layer transition to granule regulated in human postnatal somatostatin-positive
epigenetic loci down-regulated in humans (17, 6, neuron (EGL-TransGraN) cells, respectively. interneurons (InN8). Overall, we found that hu-
6, and 1 for NCX, CBC, MD, and STR, respective- Furthermore, genes showing interspecies dif- man DFC cell types showed high correlation with
ly) than for loci up-regulated in humans (3, 1, and ferential expression in HIP, AMY, STR, and CBC macaque DFC cell types and that only a small set
1 for NCX, CBC, and MD, respectively). More- were enriched in a population of microglia of genes displayed differential expression between
over, 86% of promoters associated with inter- (fig. S34). these homologous cell types (Fig. 5C). Thus, the

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 10 of 15


interspecies differences identified at the tissue Despite the global enrichment of heterochronic genesis relative to macaques. Similarly, the
level are likely to result from variations in cellular genes in prenatal development (fig. S36), we also species-distinct maturation gradients of neural
diversity, abundance, and, to a lesser extent, identified clusters exhibiting higher interregional progenitors, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes also
transcriptional divergence between cell types. differences in postnatal development and adult- support observations we made concerning inter-
hood. One example is RC25, a cluster enriched for species heterotopy. These results were supported
Heterochronic changes in human oligodendrocyte markers that exhibited a pattern by selective validation of the expression profiles
and macaque brain transcriptomes of early expression in primary motor and somato- of heterochronic genes; using droplet digital poly-
The observed heterotopic differences may re- sensory areas in the macaque NCX but not the merase chain reaction, we selected five genes with
sult, in part, from changes in the timing of gene human NCX (Fig. 6A). This finding corroborates different developmental profiles across regions
expression, or heterochrony. To identify such myelination-related regional asynchrony (be- and species (figs. S39 to S43), which enabled us to
heterochronic differences, we created a Gaussian cause primary areas myelinate earlier) as well confirm the expression profiles of these genes as
process–based model [TempShift (32)] and ap- as interspecies heterochrony in oligodendrocyte well as to ensure that our observations were not
plied this model independently to human and maturation and myelination-associated processes. the result of biases introduced by TranscriptomeAge.
macaque gene expression datasets. To maintain Reflective of the cup-shaped pattern of regional
consistency with earlier analyses, we focused our variation in global development, the regional Species difference in spatiotemporal
analysis on 11 neocortical areas, which had similar clusters also suggest the asynchronous matura- expression of disease genes
transcriptomic signatures relative to other brain tion of prenatal areas, a gradual synchronization Next, we investigated whether genes associated
regions [see (33)]. We identified genes with during early postnatal development in both with risk for neuropsychiatric disorders exhibited
interregional temporal differences within neo- species, and additional postnatal and adult differences in their spatiotemporal expression
cortical areas of each species and aggregated differences driven in part by myelination. between humans and macaques. We focused our
them into 36 regional clusters (RCs; fig. S35 We next applied TempShift to identify genes analysis on genes linked to autism spectrum dis-
and table S19). For both human and macaque exhibiting interspecies heterochronic divergence. orders (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental dis-
brains, analysis of all heterochronic genes re- Among 11 neocortical areas, we identified approx- orders (NDD), attention deficit hyperactivity
vealed greater interareal differences during pre- imately 3.9% of coding and noncoding mRNA disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia (SCZ), bipolar
natal periods than at early postnatal or adult genes (1100 of 27,932 analyzed orthologous genes) disorder (BD), major depressive disorder (MDD),
ages (fig. S36). In addition, although we observed exhibiting interspecies heterochronic expression Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Parkinson’s dis-
differences in interareal heterochrony between in at least one neocortical area. We then used ease (PD) in previous genetic studies or through
the early postnatal phase and the adult phase in Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Qiagen) to assess our integrative analysis from the accompanying
humans, we did not observe these differences in upstream transcriptional regulation of hetero- study (33) (table S21). We next sought to deter-
macaques (fig. S36). This suggests that inter- chronic genes. We found that the differential mine whether the expression of genes associated
regional synchrony in macaques precedes that expression of 139 interspecies heterochronic with these neuropsychiatric disorders were en-
in age-matched humans, possibly reflecting the genes could be explained by as few as eight co- riched in any particular developmental phase.
protracted development of the human brain regulated heterochronic transcriptional regula- Consistent with previous studies associating the
during childhood and the earlier plateauing of tors (Fig. 6B) (32), plus one transcription factor midfetal time frame with specific high-confidence
myelination-associated processes in macaque with heterotopic expression (down-regulated in ASD (hcASD) genes (64), we found that a larger
postnatal development (Fig. 1C and fig. S19). the postnatal human NCX) between species, group of hcASD genes were more highly ex-
Analysis of the regional clusters revealed fur- TWIST1 (fig. S37). A majority (90 of 139) of these pressed in the prenatal brains than in the early
ther insights into shared and species-distinct putative target genes of the nine transcriptional postnatal and adult brains in both species (fig.
aspects of neurodevelopment. For example, we regulators exhibited accelerated expression in S44). In contrast, AD-related genes were more
identified five regional clusters (RC4, 21, 26, 29, the human NCX. As mentioned above, humans highly expressed in the early postnatal and
and 34) enriched for genes expressed selectively exhibit an accelerated heterochronic pattern for adult brains than in the prenatal brains in both
by neural progenitors that exhibited temporal the synaptogenesis transcriptomic signature; the species (fig. S44). Other groups of disease-related
differences between human neocortical areas presence of FOS, a neuronal activity–regulated genes did not show any obvious global differ-
(fig. S35). Each of these clusters exhibited a gra- gene, as one of the hubs of this transcriptional ence across development. We identified genes
dient whereby a decrease in expression in central network indicates that this accelerated synapto- with heterochronic or heterotopic expression
regions of the prenatal NCX preceded a decrease genesis likely drives the accelerated expression of between the two species that are associated with
at the anterior and posterior poles, suggesting several genes in the human NCX. Furthermore, ASD (6 and 0, respectively), non-hcASD NDD (56
increased progenitor populations or a prolonged an ontological analysis of the genes with hetero- and 14, respectively), and SCZ (45 and 14, respec-
neurogenic period in the prefrontal cortex as chronic expression revealed an enrichment for tively) (Fig. 7). This finding potentially suggests
well as superior temporal cortex (STC), ITC, and functional categories such as “axonal guidance the involvement of species-specific aspects in the
V1C. However, although we observed similar tem- signaling,” “glutamate receptor signaling,” and etiology of ASD, NDD, and SCZ. Unsupervised
poral gradients in macaques for RC4, 26, and 29, “CREB signaling in neurons” (Fig. 6C), which hierarchical clustering of SCZ-associated genes
neither RC21 nor RC34—the modules exhibiting suggests that heterochronic processes include with heterotopic expression yielded five obvious
the sharpest delay in the posterior NCX—exhibited molecular pathways related to axon guidance spatiotemporal clusters, three of which exhib-
a similar central-to-polar gradient in macaques and synaptic activity. ited species differences exclusively during pre-
(Fig. 6A). Conversely, RC10 and RC12 exhibited We next identified 15 evolutionary clusters natal development (fig. S44). NDD-associated
an inverse gradient in humans, with decreased (ECs) on the basis of the 1100 heterochronic genes with heterotopic expression did not yield
expression in the prefrontal NCX, STC, ITC, and genes displaying interspecies neocortical het- any obvious spatiotemporal clusters. Of the pre-
V1C preceding a decrease in the central cortex. erochronic expression patterns (table S20). Among natal clusters, cluster 1 showed enrichment in the
These modules, which are enriched in astrocytes, the evolutionary clusters, EC14 exhibited a delayed prefrontal cortex, cluster 3 in the temporal cortex,
did not exhibit a similar gradient in macaques expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal and cluster 2 in both the frontal and temporal
(Fig. 6A and fig. S35). This indicates that even cortex and was enriched for intermediate pro- cortices, in humans; in macaques, cluster 4 dis-
though the transcriptomic signature associated genitor cell (IPC) markers (Fig. 6D and fig. S38), played an enrichment in the postnatal and adult
with astrogliogenesis showed a global synchro- in agreement with the progenitor cell population frontal cortex, and cluster 5 exhibited a similar
nicity between species (Fig. 1C and fig. S19), a differences we observed previously in the pre- enrichment in the adult prefrontal cortex (Fig. 7D).
smaller group of genes enriched in astrocytes frontal cortex, indicating that this neocortical Further analysis revealed that the ASD-
displayed heterochrony between species. prefrontal area likely has a protracted neuro- associated genes SHANK2 and SHANK3, which

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 11 of 15


encode synaptic scaffolding proteins at the post- underpinnings for potential human-specific ders. We observed that 413 genes with differen-
synaptic density of excitatory glutamatergic syn- aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders. For ex- tially expressed exonic elements were linked to
apses, exhibited earlier expression in the macaque ample, the presence of human-distinct heter- the studied diseases. Moreover, we detected 35
NCX and other brain regions relative to humans ochrony in synapse-related proteins associated disease genes showing differentially used exonic
(Fig. 7B). Commensurate with a role for these pro- with ASD, coupled with the lack of obvious elements with predicted binding sites (65) for
teins in neural circuit development, and in heterotopic expression in hcASD genes, may microRNAs (miRNAs) independently associated
agreement with analyses suggesting the involvement suggest that conserved neurodevelopmental with central nervous system diseases (66) (table
of neocortical projection neurons in the etiology programs common to primate species are un- S22). Several of these genes (e.g., GRIN2B, BCL11B,
of ASD, these two genes also became progres- iquely shifted temporally in some areas in the and NKPD1) were potentially targeted by a large
sively more expressed across prenatal ages in human brain, potentially implicating key devel- number of disease-associated miRNAs (fig. S46),
both humans and macaques (fig. S45). SCZ- opmental periods, places, and cell types involved and gene-miRNA interactions have already been
associated genes displaying interspecies heter- in disease etiology. Similarly, the heterochronic experimentally validated for 11 of the 35 genes we
ochrony included GRIA1, a glutamate ionotropic and heterotopic changes we associated with SCZ— identified, according to miRTarBase (67) (table
receptor AMPA-type subunit that has different in particular, those affecting the prenatal pre- S23). For example, we detected differential exon
expression trajectories in MFC and OFC rel- frontal and temporal cortices—may be involved usage of BCL11B, a gene involved in the develop-
ative to other neocortical areas, and that is ex- in human-specific aspect of disease etiology. ment of medium spiny neurons (68), between
pressed earlier in human VFC, M1C, S1C, IPC, Given the importance of UTRs and other humans and macaques in the adult STR (fig. S46).
and STC (Fig. 7B and fig. S45). noncoding regions in the regulation of gene However, although BCL11B shows lower expres-
These evolutionary changes in the spatio- expression as well as disease, we next explored sion in the human STR than in the macaque
temporal expression of certain disease-associated differences in exon usage between species in STR, the exonic element containing the 3′UTR of
genes might therefore imply transcriptional genes associated with neuropsychiatric disor- BCL11B was itself not differentially expressed.

A Heterochronic divergence
SHANK2 TempShift (ΔT) Absolute ΔT
-log10 (P value)
NDD (w/o hcASD) CACNA1I Early in macaque 0
MDD BCL11A 0 2
Early in human −2
Heterotopic divergence
hcASD Cluster
NDD (w/o hcASD) SPAST Significant
SCZ 2 SNAP91 Heterochronic True
BD 3 divergence
MDD False

PD 5

0 20 40 60 Neocortical areas
Number of genes

D Prenatal development Early postnatal development Adulthood

Human Macaque Human Macaque Human Macaque
l areas nta
onta l






Parietal lob






ster ster


Clu Clu Clu







Oc Tem
poral lobe Centered
expression −1 0 1

Fig. 7. Heterotopic and/or heterochronic expression of disease- expression in macaques. (C) Bar plot depicting the number of genes
associated genes between humans and macaques. (A) Bar plot associated with neuropsychiatric disorders that exhibit heterotopic
depicting the number of genes associated with autism spectrum divergence between humans and macaques. The 14 SCZ-associated genes
disorder (ASD; hc, high confidence), neurodevelopmental disorders that displayed heterotopy are grouped into five clusters on the basis of
(NDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia their spatiotemporal expression profiles (fig. S41). (D) Donut plots
(SCZ), bipolar disorder (BD), major depressive disorder (MDD), exhibiting the centered expression of the five SCZ-associated heterotopic
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Parkinson’s disease (PD) that display clusters in prenatal development, early postnatal development, and
heterochronic divergence between humans and macaques. (B) Bubble adulthood. Clusters that are not significantly divergent between species in
matrix showing the heterochronic expression of ASD- and SCZ-associated each period are gray and do not have a black border. Red indicates high
genes. Blue represents earlier expression in humans; red represents earlier expression; blue indicates low expression.

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 12 of 15


This observation suggests that overexpression patterns involved brain regions such as the de- 10X Genomics and sequencing was done with
in macaques is associated with an alternative veloping prefrontal areas, which are central to Illumina platforms.
isoform containing a shorter 3′UTR region. This the evolution of distinctly human aspects of cog- For tissue-level analysis, we generated an-
shorter 3’UTR lacks predicted binding sites for nition and behavior (19–21). Surprisingly, we also notations of human-macaque orthologs using
various miRNAs, including members of the brain- found that developmental phases exhibiting high the XSAnno pipeline, and matched the de-
specific miR-219 family, which have been experi- levels of interregional differences (i.e., early to velopmental age of human and macaque sam-
mentally shown to interact with BCL11B mRNA midfetal periods and young adulthood) were also ples based on their respective transcriptome
(69). Together, these findings indicate that certain less conserved between the two species. The co- using our algorithm TranscriptomeAge. We
genes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders incident convergence of the ontogenetic and also developed TempShift, a method based on
exhibit changes in the timing of their expression, phylogenetic cups during the late fetal period a Gaussian-process model, to reveal the inter-
location, and splicing pattern between human and infancy is strikingly distinct from the pre- regional differences, interspecies divergence,
and NHP brains, and thus may lead to species viously reported phylogenetic transcriptomic and genes with heterotopic and heterochronic
differences in disease pathogenesis. hourglass-like pattern that occurs during the expression. We also queried differentially ex-
embryonic organogenetic period (71, 72). pressed genes for enrichment in transcription
Discussion Genes with divergent spatiotemporal expres- factor binding sites using, and
In this study, we present a comprehensive sion patterns included those previously linked to analyzed interspecies differential exon usage
spatiotemporal transcriptomic brain dataset ASD, SCZ, and NDD. These species differences in using the R package DEXSeq.
of the macaque brain. Our integrative and the expression of disease-associated genes linked The single cell/nucleus data were first ana-
comparative analysis involving complementary to synapse formation, neuronal development, and lyzed by cellranger for decoding, alignment, qua-
humans and adult chimpanzees (33, 34) revealed function, as well as regional and species differ- lity filtering, and UMI counting. After that, data
similarities and differences in the spatiotem- ences in synaptogenesis and myelination, might were further analyzed with Seurat according to
poral transcriptomic architecture of the brain have implications for the overall development of its guidelines, and cell types were clustered for
and the progression of major neurodevelopmen- neural circuitry and consequently human cogni- classification with SpecScore.R. To perform direct
tal processes between the two species. For ex- tion and behavior. These observations are possibly comparisons between human and macaque at the
ample, we have identified shared and divergent relevant for recent NHP models of neuropsychiatric single-cell level, we focused on the homologous
transcriptomic features among homologous brain disease, such as the SHANK3-deficient macaque genes between these species and aligned monkey
regions and cell types. We found transcriptomic model (73), which might therefore not be capable and human cells together to further analyze in-
evidence suggesting that human childhood is of fully capturing human-distinct aspects of terspecies divergence of homologous cell types
especially protracted relative to that of macaques. SHANK3 regulation during neurodevelopment. (fig. S47). We used MetageneBicorPlot function
It has long been recognized that the develop- Our study reveals insights into the evolution of to examine the correlation of neuronal and glial
ment of the human brain is prolonged relative to gene expression in the developing human brain. cell subtypes, and we employed correlation anal-
that of other NHPs, and that this slower rate of Future work on the development patterns and ysis to detect the correspondence of excitatory
maturation expands the period of neural plas- the functional validation of the genes we report neuron and interneuron subtypes. Finally, we
ticity and capacity for learning activities, memory, to have heterotopic and/or expression patterns did functional enrichment of disease-associated
and complex sensory perception, all processes between humans and macaques will likely shed genes in both tissue-level and single-cell datasets.
necessary for higher-order cognition (1–4, 14, 28). some light on potentially human-specific under-
We also found that, relative to macaques, the early pinnings of certain neuropsychiatric disorders. REFERENCES AND NOTES
periods of human fetal neurodevelopment are 1. M. F. A. Montagu, Time, Morphology, and Neoteny in the
transcriptomically distinct and protracted. A Materials and methods Evolution of Man. Am. Anthropol. 57, 13–27 (1955).
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T. M. Hyde (Lieber Institute for Brain Development), A. Jaffe d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC of the other authors. Competing interests: Authors have no
(Lieber Institute for Brain Development), J. A. Knowles 2017 SGR 880) (T.M.-B.); a Formació de Personal Investigador conflict of interest. Data and materials availability: Data are
(University of Southern California), C. Liu (SUNY Upstate Medical fellowship from Generalitat de Catalunya (FI_B00122) (P.E.-C.); available at NCBI BioProjects (accession number PRJNA448973)
University), D. Pinto (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), La Caixa Foundation (L.F.-P.); a Juan de la Cierva fellowship (FJCI- and via Synapse in All algorithms, packages, and
P. Roussos (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), S. Sanders 2016-29558) from MICINN (D.J.); and NIH grants MH109904 and scripts are available at Supplement
(University of California, San Francisco), P. Sklar (Icahn School MH106874, the Kavli Foundation, and the James S. McDonnell contains additional data.
of Medicine at Mount Sinai), M. State (University of California, Foundation. Author contributions: A.M.M.S. and N.S. designed
San Francisco), P. Sullivan (University of North Carolina), the study and procured and dissected all samples; A.M.M.S. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
F. Vaccarino (Yale University), D. Weinberger (Lieber Institute for and Y.I.K. performed all tissue-level experiments and validations;
Brain Development), S. Weissman (Yale University), K. White T.G. and M.S. performed single-cell experiments; M.S., D.J.M.,
Materials and Methods
(University of Chicago), J. Willsey (University of California, and M.Y. performed single-nucleus experiments; Y.Z. developed
Figs. S1 to S47
San Francisco), P. Zandi (Johns Hopkins University), and N.S. Also TranscriptomeAge and TempShift under supervision of H.Z.; Y.Z.,
Tables S1 to S27
supported by BFU2017-86471-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE), U01 M.L., and G.S. analyzed the data; P.E.-C., D.J., L.F.-P., and
References (75–98)
MH106874 grant, Howard Hughes International Early Career, T.M.-B. performed transcription factor enrichment, differential
3P30AG021342-16S2 (H.Z.); Obra Social “La Caixa” and Secretaria exon usage analyses, and evolutionary conservation analyses; and 6 April 2018; accepted 8 November 2018
d’Universitats i Recerca and CERCA Programme del Departament Y.Z., A.M.M.S., F.O.G., and N.S. wrote the manuscript with input 10.1126/science.aat8077

Zhu et al., Science 362, eaat8077 (2018) 14 December 2018 15 of 15


◥ cell (hiPSC)–derived cortical organoids and com-

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY pared organoids to isogenic fetal brain tissue.

RESULTS: Fetal fibroblast–derived hiPSC

lines were used to generate cortically patterned
organoids and to compare oganoids’ epigenome
Transcriptome and epigenome and transcriptome to that of isogenic fetal brains
and external datasets. Organoids model corti-

landscape of human cortical cal development between 5 and 16 postconcep-

tion weeks, thus enabling us to study transitions
from cortical stem cells to
development modeled in organoids ON OUR WEBSITE progenitors to early neu-
rons. The greatest changes

Read the full article

Anahita Amiri*, Gianfilippo Coppola*, Soraya Scuderi*, Feinan Wu*, at http://dx.doi. occur at the transition
org/10.1126/ from stem cells to progen-
Tanmoy Roychowdhury*, Fuchen Liu, Sirisha Pochareddy, Yurae Shin, Alexias Safi,
science.aat6720 itors. The regulatory land-
Lingyun Song, Ying Zhu, André M. M. Sousa, The PsychENCODE Consortium†, ..................................................
Mark Gerstein, Gregory E. Crawford, Nenad Sestan, Alexej Abyzov‡, Flora M. Vaccarino‡ scape encompasses a total
set of 96,375 enhancers linked to target genes,
with 49,640 enhancers being active in organ-
INTRODUCTION: The human cerebral cortex tion of noncoding mutations is lagging behind oids but not in mid-fetal brain, suggesting major
has undergone an extraordinary increase in size owing to limited annotation of functional ele- roles in cortical neuron specification. Enhancers
and complexity during mammalian evolution. ments in the noncoding genome. that gained activity in the human lineage are
Cortical cell lineages are specified in the em- active in the earliest stages of organoid devel-
bryo, and genetic and epidemiological evidence RATIONALE: We set out to discover gene- opment, when they target genes that regulate
implicates early cortical development in the regulatory elements and chart their dynamic the growth of radial glial cells.
etiology of neuropsychiatric disorders such activity during prenatal human cortical develop- Parallel weighted gene coexpression network
as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellec- ment, focusing on enhancers, which carry most analysis (WGCNA) of transcriptome and enhanc-
tual disabilities, and schizophrenia. Most of of the weight upon regulation of gene expression. er activities defined a number of modules of
the disease-implicated genomic variants are We longitudinally modeled human brain devel- coexpressed genes and coactive enhancers,
located outside of genes, and the interpreta- opment using human induced pluripotent stem following just six and four global temporal
patterns that we refer to as supermod-
Initial sample collection ules, likely reflecting fundamental pro-
grams in embryonic and fetal brain.
Compa WGCNA network: convergence between Correlations between gene expression
ith genes and enhancers and enhancer activity allowed stratify-
an fetal samples A−reg Enhancer modules
Hum r ASD related modules ing enhancers into two categories: ac-
Sk R−reg

ull tivating regulators (A-regs) and repressive




regulators (R-regs). Several enhancer






modules converged with gene modules,



9 2

and data collection suggesting that coexpressed genes are


29 co-active gene-linked
ES/iPS cells

H3K27Me3 H3K27ac H3K4Me3 regulated by enhancers with correlated

enhancer modules

patterns of activity. Furthermore, en-

Repressed Enhancer Promoter hancers active in organoids and fetal
14 P

brains were enriched for ASD de novo



RNA variants that disrupt binding sites of


54 co-expressed

homeodomain, Hes1, NR4A2, Sox3, and



oid gene modules
TD11 NFIX transcription factors.
CW CONCLUSION: We validated hiPSC-
Enhancers and disease

derived cortical organoids as a suitable

TF binding
327,877 putative enhancers motif
model system for studying gene regulation
in human embryonic brain development,
Hi-C and Proximity G/G G/G evolution, and disease. Our results suggest

96,375 gene-linked enhancers

that organoids may reveal how noncoding

52% 35% 13%


ASD Normal
mutations contribute to ASD etiology.

Organoids Fetal cortex A−reg proband sibling
The list of author affiliations is available in the full
article online.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Summary of the study, analyses, and main results. Data were generated for iPSC-derived human †The PsychENCODE Consortium authors and
telencephalic organoids and isogenic fetal cortex. Organoids modeled embryonic and early fetal affiliations are listed in the supplementary materials.
cortex and show a larger repertoire of enhancers. Enhancers could be divided into activators and ‡Corresponding author: Email: abyzov.alexej@ (A.A.); (F.M.V.)
repressors of gene expression. We derived networks of modules and supermodules with correlated Cite this article as A. Amiri et al., Science 362,
gene and enhancer activities, some of which were implicated in autism spectrum disorders (ASD). eaat6720 (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6720

Amiri et al., Science 362, 1268 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ of postmortem fetal specimens 310, 313, and 320,

RESEARCH ARTICLE aged between 15 and 17 PCWs, for which cortical
tissue was available (fig. S2 and table S1). The
hiPSC lines derived from fetal fibroblasts were
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS comparable to those derived from adult fibro-
blasts with regard to pluripotency, growth rate,

Transcriptome and epigenome and differentiation potential (figs. S3 and S4 and

table S2) (8). From two hiPSC lines per each of
the fetal specimens, we generated telencephalic
landscape of human cortical organoids patterned to the dorsal forebrain (6),
grew them under proliferative conditions for 11

development modeled in organoids days, and then moved them into a terminal dif-
ferentiation (TD) medium. Organoids were ran-
domly collected for RNA sequencing (RNA-seq)
Anahita Amiri1*, Gianfilippo Coppola1*, Soraya Scuderi1*, Feinan Wu1*, from whole cells as well as nuclear fractions and
Tanmoy Roychowdhury2*, Fuchen Liu3, Sirisha Pochareddy3, Yurae Shin3,4, histone mark chromatin immunoprecipitation
Alexias Safi5, Lingyun Song5, Ying Zhu3,6, André M. M. Sousa3, sequencing (ChIP-seq) from nuclear fractions at
The PsychENCODE Consortium†, Mark Gerstein7, Gregory E. Crawford5, around day 0, day 11, and day 30 of TD in vitro
Nenad Sestan3,8, Alexej Abyzov2‡, Flora M. Vaccarino1,3,8‡ (TD0, TD11, and TD30, respectively). The tran-
scriptomes of whole cells and nuclear RNA were
Genes implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders are active in human fetal brain, yet difficult highly correlated (fig. S5) (8); hence, we used the
to study in a longitudinal fashion. We demonstrate that organoids from human pluripotent cellular transcriptome for all subsequent analyses.
cells model cerebral cortical development on the molecular level before 16 weeks Peaks of three histone marks [trimethylation of
postconception. A multiomics analysis revealed differentially active genes and enhancers, histone H3 on lysine 4 (H3K4me3), acetylation of
with the greatest changes occurring at the transition from stem cells to progenitors. histone H3 on lysine 27 (H3K27ac), and trimethyla-
Networks of converging gene and enhancer modules were assembled into six and four tion of histone H3 on lysine 27 (H3K27me3)] were
global patterns of expression and activity across time. A pattern with progressive called to mark functional elements including en-
down-regulation was enriched with human-gained enhancers, suggesting their importance hancers, promoters, or polycomb-repressed regions
in early human brain development. A few convergent gene and enhancer modules were (table S3) (8). To place organoids in a human devel-
enriched in autism-associated genes and genomic variants in autistic children. The opmental context, we then compared transcrip-
organoid model helps identify functional elements that may drive disease onset. tomes and chromatin marks from organoids with
those from the corresponding isogenic cortical

tissue, human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines,
atterning of the mammalian brain into re- developing human brain is very limited, largely and brain tissue of various ages obtained from the
gions of specific size and fate, demarcated owing to the relative scarcity of available human PsychENCODE developmental dataset (9), other
by transcription factor expression and en- brain tissue at early developmental time points. PsychENCODE projects (10), and the Roadmap
hancer activity, is already in progress around The human cerebral cortex has undergone an Epigenomics project (11) (Fig. 1A).
the time the neural tube closes in the fourth extraordinary increase in size and complexity Hierarchical clustering of transcriptomes and
postconceptional week (PCW) in humans and fore- during mammalian evolution, in part through histone marks revealed that fetal, perinatal, and
stalls species-specific mechanisms of neurogenesis, the symmetrical division and the exponential adult brain samples formed separate clusters
connectivity, and function (1–3). A growing list of increase in number of radial glial (RG) cells, (Fig. 1, B to D), confirming fundamental differences
genetic and epidemiological evidence implicates which are the cortical stem cells (1). The genetic in gene expression in prenatal versus postnatal
early neurodevelopment in the etiology of many and molecular underpinnings of this process are stages of brain development (12, 13). Furthermore,
common neuropsychiatric disorders, such as still unclear, perhaps because these events occur hiPSC and hESC lines from different sources (in-
autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual dis- embryonically, before the cortical anlage is formed cluding ours) and brain organoids clustered to-
abilities, and schizophrenia (4–7). Development, during the fetal period. Human induced pluri- gether with fetal brain tissue and separately from
including cell proliferation, interaction, and dif- potent stem cells (hiPSCs) and hiPSC-derived adult brain tissue. However, hiPSC and hESC lines
ferentiation, is the result of an inherent gene organoids allow investigators to gain specific and formed a distinct subcluster, highlighting differ-
regulation governed by complex interactions direct insights into the genetic and molecular ences between organoids and pluripotent cells.
between enhancers, promoters, noncoding RNAs, events that drive these very early aspects of hu- Within each cluster, datasets for the same cell type
and transcription regulatory proteins. However, the man cortical development. but from different sources were highly concordant
understanding of epigenetic gene regulation in the with each other (i.e., our data, those of Roadmap
Brain organoids match embryonic Epigenomics, and the PsychENCODE developmen-
1 to early fetal stages of human tal dataset), suggesting that batch effects were
Child Study Center, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520,
USA. 2Department of Health Sciences Research, Center for cortical development not responsible for the observed clustering.
Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, We produced hiPSC lines from fibroblasts iso- Within our datasets, organoid transcriptomes
USA. 3Department of Neuroscience, Yale University, New
Haven, CT 06520, USA. 4National Research Foundation of
lated from human postmortem fetuses at mid- clustered by in vitro age (i.e., TD0, TD11, and
Korea, Daejeon, South Korea. 5Department of Pediatrics, gestation, and we differentiated these lines into TD30) irrespective of the hiPSC lines from which
Division of Medical Genetics, Duke University, Durham, NC telencephalic organoids patterned to the dorsal they were generated, suggesting that the tran-
27708, USA. 6Department of Biostatistics, Yale School forebrain; samples of cerebral cortex were col- scriptome reveals well-defined, stage-specific cel-
of Public Health, New Haven, CT, USA. 7Department
of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Department of
lected from the same specimens for compara- lular differentiation processes (Fig. 1E and fig.
Computer Science, and Department of Statistics and Data Science, tive analyses (fig. S1). To assess the validity of S6). Invariably, organoids clustered separately
Yale University, New haven, CT 06520, USA. 8Kavli Institute for hiPSC-derived telencephalic organoids as a mod- from the corresponding isogenic fetal cortex. To
Neuroscience, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. el of human brain development, we compared understand the relationships between organoids
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †The PsychENCODE
Consortium authors and affiliations are listed in the supplementary
overall gene expression and regulation of orga- and the developing human brain, we classified the
materials. ‡Corresponding author: Email: noids with isogenic cortical brain tissue. Sev- organoids against the PsychENCODE develop-
(A.A.); (F.M.V.) eral iPSC lines were derived from skin fibroblasts mental dataset (9), which spans a wide range of

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 9


Fig. 1. Comparison of tran-

A Analyzed samples from various projects F

scriptome and epigenome


Correlation coefficient

iG Ca




oa tr
R = RNA−seq 12PCW

Br o r k

of organoid and isogenic fetal







C = ChIP−seq








brain. (A) Dataset and sample Organoid RC 17PCW
annotation. Samples are from Fetal RC RC R C R
both our project (hiPSC lines, Newborn R RC R C 35PCW
Adult RC R R R RC R C C R R 37PCW
organoids, fetal brain samples), Olfactory
C 4Mon
other PsychENCODE projects, 10Mon

B Transcriptome
and the Roadmap Epigenomics 2Yr

project. Colors correspond to 93 TD0 TD11 TD30 CTX2 CTX1

datasets represented in (B) to
(D). (B to D) Hierarchical clus-
tering dendrograms of samples

by transcriptomes (B) and
ChIP-seq peaks of H3K27ac 5 CTX vs TD0 CTX vs TD11
(C) and H3K4me3 (D). (53295) (
(E) Hierarchical clustering of 0
organoids and isogenic post- 10359 3708
mortem cortexes by transcrip- C H3K27ac 33804

2518 8152
tomes and gene-associated 3
enhancer elements. Organoid 2

CTX vs TD0 CTX vs TD11

and brain samples used for (10815)) ((8122) CTX vs TD30
clustering are shown on top. (51126)
Colors and shapes corre- 3315
spond to the datasets repre- 5574

sented in the panels below. D H3K4me3 792 1178

(F) Transcriptome-based 2 1603

classification of organoids and

CTX vs TD30
isogenic cortexes by age (8) 1
against the tissues from the
PsychENCODE developmental
dataset (PCW, postconcep-
tional week) from Li et al. (9). H
For each sample, red shading E Sample No. from this work

R = RNA−seq

indicates the average of cor- Glycolysis




C = ChIP−seq vRG/oRG/Astro
Choroid/early RG
relation coefficients above the R C R C R C Glyc MGE-RG/divRG/earlyRG
TD0 1 2 2 1 2 2
cut-off as defined in (8) be- Choroid/eRG Excitatory neuron/early/late
TD11 1 2 2 2 2 2 RG/Astro
tween our sample and those TD30 1 3 2 2 2 2 Unknown 1
CTX1 1 1 1 1 1 1
eRG/Choroid Novel
in Li et al. (9). White boxes CTX2 1 1 1 1 1 1 IPC/divRG
MGE-RG/eRG Inhibitory/Excitatory neuron
indicate correlations below Transcriptome IPC/dRG OPC IN/EN
ventr/outer RG/Astro
the cut-off. Correlations to MGE-RG/Astro
brains older than 2 years of 0.4
U1 earlyRG/Choroid
Novel Choroid/IPC
age were all below the cut-off EN Unknown 3/Glycolysis

and thus were not displayed. Excitatory neuron
(G) Overlap of differentially OPC/Astrocyte
0.0 EN Choroid/IPC
expressed genes (DEGs) and U3/Glyc
TD0 TD11 TD30 CTX1/2
differentially active enhancers
(DAEs) between organoids Enhancers
at each differentiation time
point and isogenic fetal
1.0 I DEGs DAEs
TD11 vs TD0 TD30 vs TD11 TD11 vs TD0 TD30 vs TD11
cortex (CTX). (H) tSNE (3436) (1399) ((15485)) (4871)
( )

scatterplot of 17,837 nuclei,
colored by cluster. Clusters 2680 643 15015 4401
0.0 756 470
arising predominantly
TD0 TD11 TD30 CTX1/2
from fetal cortex are circled.
RG, radial glia; MGE, medial
ganglionic eminence; IPC, intermediate progenitor cells; OPC, oligodendrocyte precursor cells. “Novel” means no correspondence to previous
annotations. (I) Counts of DEGs and DAEs between organoids at different stages of development.

human ages and brain regions. Organoids’ tran- suggesting that organoids model late embryonic which roughly half was up-regulated and half
scriptomes mapped most closely to the human to early fetal stages of telencephalic development. down-regulated (Fig. 1G and table S4). Although
neocortex between 8 and 16 PCWs of develop- We next compared transcriptomes between some stage-specific DEGs were present, particu-
ment, with the isogenic fetal brain samples each stage of organoid development and the larly at TD0 (24%), most of the differences (63%)
mapping most consistently around 16 PCW, in postmortem fetal cortical tissue from the same were shared across two or more organoid stages.
good agreement with their annotated age (Fig. 1F). individual. Overall, there was a large number of Top Gene Ontology (GO) terms for this common
This analysis places the organoids substantially differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between set of organoid-brain DEGs were neurogenesis
earlier than their corresponding mid-fetal brains, each organoid stage and isogenic brain tissue, of and regulation of nervous system development,

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 9


whereas the TD0-specific set of organoid-brain RG/dorsal RG/eRG), 6 (IPC/divRG), and 10 (eRG/ were active in organoids and the isogenic mid-
DEGs were related to DNA replication, consistent Choroid) decreased over time, consistent with fetal cortex, respectively. Of the former, 49,640
with age and cell-type differences between fe- their being composed of mostly immature cells (59%) were active only in organoids (fig. S11E)
tal brain tissue and organoids (table S4). We originating from organoids at TD0 (fig. S6, C and down-regulated in the mid-fetal brain, suggest-
tested this hypothesis in silico, by assessing for and D, and table S6). By contrast, clusters 0 (Glyc) ing that organoids, and by extension, the embry-
overlap between the organoid-brain DEGs and and 12 (U3/Glyc), mostly from samples at TD30, onic and early fetal cortex, use roughly 1.8-fold
cell type–specific transcripts identified in fetal increased with time, perhaps suggesting changing as many enhancers as later developing cerebral
human brain (14). Genes up-regulated in the metabolic requirements among neural precursors cortex. Comparing enhancer numbers active in
fetal cortex were consistently enriched in markers (15). The remaining clusters, in particular clusters organoids across stages, an increasingly larger
for maturing excitatory neurons, interneurons, 3 (EN), 4, and 5 (unknown), reached a maximum number became active with the progression of
and newborn neurons compared to all organoid at TD11, consistent with findings that some new- organoid development, with roughly 11,700 en-
stages, whereas genes up-regulated in organoids at born neurons peak at an intermediate pseudoage hancers becoming active only at TD30 (fig. S11F).
TD0 and TD11 were enriched in markers for (15). Finally, we ordered the cells along a pseudo- Furthermore, hierarchical clustering analyses
dividing RG (fig. S6B and table S5). time (fig. S6, F to I), which revealed cell trajectories based upon the degree of enhancer activity (mag-
To validate bulk analyses, we performed single- along several dimensions (8). Cells originating nitude of the H3K27ac signal) (Fig. 1E) revealed
nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) (8) and from TD0 samples populated the top branch and two major clusters—organoids and the fetal cortex—
analyzed the cellular composition of organoids were nearly absent after the first branch point, where organoids’ enhancers clustered by in vitro
and the fetal brain (one sample per differentiation which is consistent with the pseudotime pro- age (i.e., TD0, TD11, and TD30) irrespective of
time point and one sample for brain). We shallow- gression (fig. S6H) from the top branch (time 0) genomic background of hiPSC lines, a pattern
sequenced about 10,000 cells per sample and to the left and right bottom branches (time 15). almost identical to that of transcriptome data
considered the top 6000 most informative cells Similarly, scoring individual cells using cell cycle (Fig. 1E and fig. S6). Finally, comparing enhancer
in each sample. We retained only cells expressing markers (fig. S6I) revealed a higher frequency of activity between each stage of organoid develop-
at least 500 genes, resulting in a final set of 17,837 actively cycling cells (G2-M or S phase) at the ment and fetal cortical tissue from the same indi-
cells that were used for analysis. Batch-corrected early pseudotimes and larger fractions of non- vidual showed that the three organoid stages
clustering of single cell’s transcriptomes by tSNE cycling cells (G1 phase) when moving along each shared a large number of differentially active
analysis from all samples identified 15 clusters path (8). In summary, from this integrated analy- enhancers (DAEs) with respect to the fetal cortex
(Fig. 1H), with 11 containing cells mostly from or- sis emerges a highly coherent picture of organoids’ (Fig. 1G), as observed with transcriptome data.
ganoids and 4 containing cells mostly from the fetal temporal evolution (i.e., differentiation and matu- Together, these analyses reveal a close parallelism
cortex (fig. S6, C and D). Differential expression ration), representing earlier stages with respect between gene expression and enhancer activities
analysis between any individual cluster and all to the corresponding 17-PCW fetal brain counter- across early development and suggest that gene
the others highlighted sets of marker genes for part, and mimicking early human brain develop- regulation in embryonic and early fetal develop-
each cluster (table S6), and we used a combina- ment, consistent with the classification of the bulk ment is driven by sets of early enhancers, most of
tion of published datasets of cell markers from transcriptome with the PsychENCODE develop- which are not active in the mid-fetal cerebral cortex.
single-cell RNA-seq studies of fetal human brain mental Capstone dataset.
samples (14, 15) to annotate them. The clusters We next defined putative promoter and en- Expression and regulatory changes
largely contributed by organoid cells overlapped hancer elements as well as repressed chromatin defining early developmental
with those identified in human developing brains from histone mark data by chromatin segmen- transitions in organoids
(15) (Fig. 1H and fig. S6E), and only one cluster, tation analyses (figs. S1 and S7 and tables S7 and To better understand the gene-regulatory changes
cluster 5, did not find any correspondence to the S8) (8). As a result, we identified 327,877 putative driving embryonic and early fetal development,
postmortem human dataset and was labeled enhancers (H3K27ac peaks, which lack H3K4me3 we analyzed DEGs and DAEs in organoids be-
“novel.” These organoid-specific clusters com- and H3K27me3 signals) across organoids and fe- tween transitions TD0 to TD11 and TD11 to TD30.
prised various types of RG cells including early tal brains (table S9). Among these enhancers, We found that the largest differences in gene
RG (eRG), outer RG (oRG), ventricular RG (vRG), H3K27ac signals are highly correlated with ATAC- expression and enhancer activity were at the
dividing RG (divRG), and truncated RG (tRG). In seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin first transition and that from ⅔ to ¾ of changes
addition, cluster 3 expresses early- and late-born using sequencing) signals, confirming the open were specific for this transition (Fig. 1I and tables
excitatory neuron (EN) markers, consistent with chromatin signatures and supporting the robust- S10 and S11), confirming that a substantial change
an organoid specification to dorsal cortex. Cell ness of our approach (fig. S7). We further connected in gene regulation must occur at the beginning of
clusters specific to the fetal cortex contained in- these enhancers to genes either by promoter- cortical stem cell differentiation. Down-regulated
hibitory and excitatory neurons (IN/EN) (clusters enhancer distance (within 20 kb) or by the strength genes specific for the first transition were related
7, 13), RG cells (cluster 8), and a small oligoden- of their physical interaction to gene promoters to mitosis and regulation of the cell cycle, includ-
drocyte precursor cell (OPC) cluster (cluster 14) on the basis of Hi-C data for fetal brains (16). ing cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK2, CDK4, and
(table S6). The presence of IN in the fetal cortex From the initial dataset of >300,000 putative CDK6) and DNA repair enzymes (TP53, BRCA1/2,
is expected, given that the cortex at PCW 17 is enhancers, 96,375 enhancers (29.4%) were found and PCNA), all showing a downward trend in ex-
already receiving migrating interneurons from to be associated with 22,835 protein-coding or pression, likely reflecting top proliferative activity
the developing basal ganglia. Timewise, our TD0 long intergenic noncoding RNA (lincRNA) genes of precursor cells at the earliest time point that
organoids (clusters 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10) containing (out of 27,585 such genes from Gencode V25 an- decreases during differentiation (fig. S12 and
RG and choroid cells matched with cells ranging notation) (17) and were used for further analyses table S11). Consistent with this observation, markers
from 6 to 9 PCWs in fetal brain samples (15). Cor- (table S10). The gene-associated enhancer data- for cell proliferation were progressively down-
respondingly, our CTX1 (clusters 7, 8, 13 and 14) set was corroborated by the observation of the regulated at the cellular level between TD0 and
matched with markers (MGE-RG, RG, IN, and trend that an increase in activity of enhancers or TD30 (fig. S3). Top functional annotations for
EN) seen in 15- to 16.5-PCW fetal brain (fig. S6, K associated number of enhancers leads to higher genes down-regulated at the second transition
and L). Together, the data confirmed the conclusion expression of interacting genes (figs. S8 to S10). (from TD11 to TD30) were instead related to
of bulk transcriptome analyses that organoids Of the 96,375 gene-linked enhancers, 90% are transcriptional regulation of pluripotent and
are younger than the fetal brain. concordant with those previously discovered by cortical precursor cells (i.e., SOX1/2, EOMES,
The fraction of cells in a cluster originating the ENCODE/Roadmap Consortia in various cell LHX2, FOXG1, POU3F2/3, SIX3, FEZF2, EMX2,
from a sample at each time point reveals some lines and tissues (18), and 10,243 (10%) were GLI1/3, NEUROD4, HES5/6, REST, and DLL3). By
clear trends: clusters 1 (Choroid/eRG), 2 (MGE- completely novel. Overall, 83,608 and 46,735 contrast, genes involved in the development of the

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 9


neuronal system and synaptic transmission were

up-regulated at both transitions and included
cell adhesion–, guidance– and synaptic molecule–
related genes, including a large number of recep-
tors, calcium and potassium channels, and synaptic
membrane recycling components, as well as intel-
lectual disability–related genes such as several
CNTN family members.
Performing ChIP-seq and RNA-seq in the same
samples provided an opportunity to assess the
impact of enhancers on the transcription of their
gene targets. We correlated enhancer activity
and expression of their associated genes across
the whole dataset (organoids and brain samples)
to reveal that, globally, 10.6% of gene-enhancer
pairs had significant positive or negative corre-
lations, corresponding to 15,026 enhancers and
7858 genes (table S12). Observation of both posi-
tive and negative correlations is reminiscent of
the finding that H3K27ac-enriched regulatory
regions, commonly referred to as enhancers, can
be bound by both activators and repressors of
gene transcription (19). We referred to 10,192
(67.8%) enhancers with positive correlations as
activating regulators (A-regs) of 5605 genes, and
to 4993 (33.2%) enhancers with negative corre-
lations as repressing regulators (R-regs) of 3251
genes. Moreover, 98.9% of enhancers are either
A-regs or R-regs but not both, consistent with the
notion that binding sites of activators and re-
pressors are mutually exclusive (20). Indeed,
across both transitions, we observed more pro-
nounced correlations between expression changes
of genes and activity change of linked A-regs
versus linked non-A-regs; similar observations
were made for R-regs (fig. S13A). Consistently,
differentially active A-regs and R-regs are as-
sociated with DEGs in the expected direction,
i.e., A-regs with increased activity are enriched
in up-regulated DEGs, whereas R-reg with in-
creased activity are enriched in down-regulated
DEGs (Fisher’s exact test, p < 2.2 × 10−16 for both
transitions) (fig. S13B), suggesting that differ-
ential activity of the identified enhancers is indeed
driving differential gene expression across or-
ganoid development.

Gene and enhancer network analyses

To study the temporal dynamics of gene expres-
sion and enhancer activities across the three
developmental time points, we used weighted
gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) Fig. 2. Modules of coexpressed genes and coactive enhancers during organoid differen-
(21). The resulting networks grouped gene tran- tiation. (A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of gene modules (1 through 54) by expression
scripts in 54 coexpressed modules (MG1 to MG54) eigengenes. Rows and columns represent gene modules and samples, respectively. (B) Unsupervised
and gene-associated enhancers into 29 coactive hierarchical clustering of enhancer modules (1 through 29) by activity eigengenes. Rows
modules (ME1 to ME29), each showing a specific and columns represent samples and enhancer modules, respectively. (C and D) Mean
trajectory along organoid differentiation (Fig. 2, module eigengenes (lines) across differentiation times grouped by gene (C) and enhancer
A and B, and tables S12 and S14). Unsupervised (D) supermodules, respectively. Dots represent values of eigengenes for individual modules.
hierarchical clustering of module eigengenes, (E to H) Enrichment of gene (E and G) and enhancer (F and H) modules for DEGs and DAEs and
which are representative of the gene expression for various enhancers and genes of interest from the literature, including HGE (human-gained
and enhancer activity of each module, grouped enhancers) (26), TF (genes encoding transcription factors during human fetal brain develop-
samples by differentiation time point. Using ment) (24), ASD (genes pertinent to autism spectrum disorder) (22), and DBD (genes pertinent
k-means clustering of each module’s eigengenes, to developing brain disorder) (23). (I) Correspondence between the gene and enhancer
we grouped the gene and enhancer modules into networks. The strongest A-reg (pink dots) and R-reg (cyan dots) for a subset of gene modules are
six and four “supermodules,” respectively, which overrepresented in a number of enhancer modules. Black circles emphasize converging genes
represent higher-order clustering of the modules and enhancer modules, both of which are ASD-associated [as shown in (G) and (H)]. Panels
(Fig. 2, C and D). (E) to (I) are aligned by the gene and enhancer modules shown in (A) and (B).

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 9


Supermodules exhibit specific profiles of ac- would suggest that coexpressed genes are likely ANK3, STXBP1, ACHE, WDR26, and ATP1A3);
tivities during the two transitions (8) and func- regulated by enhancers with correlated patterns and the MG51 module only shows DIAPH3, a
tional annotations (table S14). The monotonically of activity. To mitigate the ambiguity caused by lower-confidence gene (Fig. 3C and fig. S14).
up-regulated gene supermodule G1up comprised multiple enhancers per gene, we focused on Orthogonal analyses by quantitative polymer-
modules related to neurons, synapses, cell adhesion, the strongest A-regs or R-regs of a gene, defined ase chain reaction (qPCR) confirmed the ex-
and axon guidance and was hence dubbed as by the most positive or negative correlation be- pression level of these and other ASD genes in
governing synapse/transport. Conversely, the tween enhancer activity and gene expression. In- the organoid dataset (fig. S15). Overall, the re-
down-regulated supermodule G4down comprised deed, we find that A-regs and R-regs of 14 and sults suggest that our organoid model may be
modules enriched in DNA repair and cell cycle– 12 gene modules, respectively, are overrepre- used to unravel the roles of early prenatal neuro-
related genes and was thus dubbed as governing sented in a small number of enhancer modules development and genetic factors in ASD.
cell cycle/DNA repair (Fig. 2C), reflecting the cell [false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05, Fig. 2I]. Not
cycle annotation of TD0-to-TD11–down-regulated surprisingly, A-regs and R-regs linked to the Relevance of the organoid model to
DEGs (fig. S12). Other supermodules exhibited same gene module are overrepresented in differ- understanding human brain evolution
transition-specific changes. G2up, which exhibited ent enhancer modules with opposite trajectories To determine whether the organoid model is
peak up-regulated gene expression at TD11, was over time, e.g., A-regs of MG3 in G1up converges useful to understanding the genetic mechanisms
enriched in genes related to ribosome, trans- with ME10 and ME2 in E2up, but its R-regs con- driving human brain evolution, we assessed
lation, protein folding, and degradation. The tran- verges with ME28 in E3down. Such convergence the overlap of our enhancers with a list of 8996
scription supermodule G5down, down-regulated between the gene network and the enhancer human-gained enhancers (HGEs). These HGEs
at the second transition, included major tran- network suggests that coexpressed genes likely showed increased activity at very early stages
scription factors (TFs) expressed by cortical pro- share a set of co-regulated enhancers. More- of brain development (7 to 12 PCWs) in the
genitor cells, which show down-regulation at over, enhancers discovered in organoids hint at human lineage, compared with their homologs
TD11 to TD30 (fig. S12). By contrast, the G3up upstream elements that regulate the expression in rhesus macaque and mouse brains at similar
supermodule, up-regulated at the second transi- of disease-associated genes. For example, ASD- developmental time points (26). The majority
tion, was enriched in G protein receptor signaling, associated MG4, MG5, and MG51 gene modules (70%, 6295 out of 8996) of published HGEs over-
implying a previously unknown role of these mol- converge with ME9, ME29, and ME2, enhancer lapped with 9915 enhancers in our dataset, and
ecules in the earliest stages of cortical neuron modules that are associated with ASD genes as among the latter, 3310 are associated with genes
differentiation. Patterns of gene expression and well (Fig. 2, G to I, black circles). ME29 is par- (table S15). Out of 3310 gene-associated HGEs,
enhancer activity in the modules and supermod- ticularly interesting as it contains both A-regs and 2670 (85.3%) have differential activity between
ules were further confirmed by enrichment anal- R-regs for all three ASD-associated gene modules, organoids and fetal brains, suggesting a dynamic
ysis of DEG and DAEs (Fig. 2, E and F). Specifically, suggesting that it may be responsible for the co- role during brain development (fig. S16). The
gene modules and linked genes of enhancer mod- ordinated up- and down-regulation of genes mod- largest fraction of gene-associated HGEs are pro-
ules were enriched with DEGs for which gene ex- ules involved in autism pathogenesis. gressively declining in activity along organoid
pression changes were generally in the same The ASD-associated gene modules—MG4, MG5, differentiation and from organoids to fetal brain.
direction as their respective module eigengenes. and MG51—overlapped to a significant extent with Among eight enhancer modules enriched with
Further evidence for functional relevance of previously published ASD modules identified HGEs, six (all in the supermodule E3down) had
the modules and supermodules arises from in- by in vivo analyses of differential gene expression decreasing activity along organoid differentia-
tersection with genes relevant to neuropsychiat- between ASD patients and normal individuals tion (Fig. 2H). Genes targeted by HGEs in these
ric diseases. Genes within the SFARI dataset, a (Fig. 3A and table S14). Our MG4 and MG5 mod- six down-regulated modules were enriched in
curated list of genes associated with ASD, in- ules were annotated by neuronal and synaptic signaling pathways related to cell proliferation
cluding both rare mutations and common var- terms (Fig. 3B) and overlapped with neuronal and cell differentiation and communication and
iants (22), were significantly overrepresented and synaptic modules down-regulated in the included extracellular growth factors such as
in the MG4 and MG5 neuronal and synaptic ASD postmortem cerebral cortex (25) as well as FGF7 and FGF6, FGFRL1, ERBB4, IGF2, EGFL7,
modules and the MG51 cell cycle module (Fig. 2G with a synapse module up-regulated in brain VEGFA, and PDGFA (table S15). Overall, among
and table S14). SFARI genes were also enriched organoids from ASD individuals with macro- all 2908 HGE-linked genes, 824 are differentially
within gene targets of four enhancer modules cephaly (6). By contrast, our down-regulated expressed between human and macaque brain in
(ME9 and ME29 in supermodule E1up, and ME2 MG51 module was annotated by cell cycle and at least one of three brain ages—438 in fetal brains,
and ME13 in supermodule E2up) with up-regulated DNA repair terms (Fig. 3B) and overlapped with 346 in postnatal brains, and 724 in adult brains
patterns of activity across development, one of M3, a module harboring protein-disrupting, rare (27). Together, these findings suggest that HGEs
which, the ME2 module, was also enriched in de novo variants in ASD (4). No overlap was ob- are likely to be important regulators of genes
developmental brain disorder genes (23) (Fig. 2H). served with modules related to immune dysfunc- controlling cell proliferation and cell-to-cell inter-
Enrichment analysis also showed that a set of TFs tion and microglia in ASD (25) (Fig. 3A). Within actions in the human cerebral cortical primordium
pertinent to human cortical neurogenesis (24) each ASD-associated gene module, the distribu- during the very early stages of cortical morpho-
was preferentially associated with gene targets of tion of genes that are implicated in ASD and genesis. These data are consistent with ATAC-seq
two enhancer modules (ME3 and ME19, both in are targets of a member of the ME9, ME29, ME2, from in vivo human brain (24), which demon-
supermodule E3down) that have down-regulated and ME13 ASD-associated enhancer modules ap- strates that HGEs are active in germinal zones
enhancer activity across organoid development pears, overall, to be skewed toward the central and especially enriched in outer radial glia (oRG),
(Fig. 2H). This evidence supports the notion part of each module (i.e., the “strongest” hubs) which are expanded in humans (28).
that organoid culture can capture dynamic gene- (Fig. 3, C and D, and fig. S14). Given that hub
regulatory events present in early human brain genes are the drivers of a module, one may spec- Gene regulation and relevance
development and that such early events are ulate that mutations disrupting these genes are to disorders
potentially involved in disease pathogenesis. more likely to be penetrant and/or syndromic. More than 24% of the ASD genes in the SFARI
To assess the correspondence between the Looking at the first 100 hub genes (table S14), we dataset are differentially expressed in the organ-
gene network and the enhancer network, we find that the MG4 module shows two confident oid system across time, and over 80% are linked
examined whether enhancers linked to a gene and two syndromic ASD-associated genes (respec- to enhancers active in organoids or fetal brain
module are overrepresented in one or a small tively DSCAM, MYO5A, CAMK2B, and SMARCA2); (table S16). To understand whether enhancers
number of enhancer modules. Such convergence the MG5 module shows three confident and three active in organoids or fetal brain can inform
between a gene module and an enhancer module syndromic ASD-associated genes (respectively about common and rare genetic variants that

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 9


underlie ASD, we selected three subsets from the ment with personal variants inherited from 3327 with <5% minor allele frequency (MAF)
96,375 gene-associated enhancers: 11,448 early en- either parent in 540 families of the Simons were located within early, late, or constant en-
hancers, only active in all organoid stages; 8999 Simplex Collection (SSC). Each family consisted hancers (fig. S17, A to C). Among these, low–
late enhancers, only active in fetal brain; and of phenotypically normal parents, an ASD male allele frequency SNPs (MAF 0.1% to 5%) were
7865 constant enhancers, active at all stages of proband, and a normal male sibling (Fig. 4A). significantly enriched in probands relative to
organoid differentiation and in fetal brain (Fig. Out of an average 3.6 million inherited single- siblings in early but not in late or constant en-
4A). These enhancers were analyzed for enrich- nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) per person, hancers (p = 0.02 by one-sample t test, Fig. 4B).

hub gene
A C DEG at either transition
p-value SFARI gene
(ref 4) enhancer target
(ref 25)
(ref 6)

4 5 51
(DOWN in dev)

(UP in dev)



M19 Microglia
(UP in ASD)


Brown Synapse

B MG4 (G1up) q-value

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Neuronal System
Transmission across Synapses DEGs
Neurotransmitter Receptor SFARI
Membrane Trafficking

MG5 (G1up) q-value

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Membrane Trafficking
Vesicle-mediated transport
Golgi-to-ER retrograde transport
Intra-Golgi trafficking

MG51(G4down) q-value
0 20 40 60 80 100

Cell Cycle
Gene Expression
Chromosome Maintenance
DNA Repair center of module

Fig. 3. ASD-associated genes modules. (A) Overlap of ASD gene associated modules shown in (A). (C) Graphical representation of the
modules MG4, MG5, and MG51 from this study with transcript modules strongest interacting hub genes in the MG4 module network. Circles: genes;
associated with ASD from postmortem brain studies or enriched in ASD de lines: topological overlap above 0.95. Colors in circles annotate each gene as
novo mutations (DNM) (green, violet) (4, 25) and from an ASD patient- hub (red), DEG (green), SFARI gene (blue), and enhancer target (yellow).
derived organoid study (brown) (6). Rows are modules from this study and Enhancer target: genes targeted by enhancers in the ME9, ME29, ME13, and
columns are modules from other studies. Red shading represents the degree ME2 ASD-associated enhancer modules (Fig. 2I). (D) Frequency plots
of enrichment between pairs of modules. Corrected p values of significant within the MG4 module showing that enhancer targets, DEGs, and SFARI
overlaps (hypergeometric test) are numerically indicated as −log10(p value). genes have higher intramodular connectivity. x axis shows the weighted gene
(B) Bar plots of the top-scoring biological process terms for the ASD- connectivity, from low (peripheral genes) to high (central hub genes).

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 9


These SNPs were also enriched in the ME2 and scribed map can aid the identification of sets of brains (39, 40), although a notable aspect of the
ME29 enhancer modules (p = 0.05 and 0.03, re- genes, enhancers, and genomic variants under- organoid system is its ability to span very early
spectively, by one-sample t test) (Fig. 4B), which lying neurodevelopmental disorders and ASD in developmental transitions, which map to stages
converge with ASD-associated gene modules particular, because brain development is nearly earlier than those commonly available in post-
(Fig. 2I). These variants are relatively common, complete at the time of diagnosis (38). mortem human tissue. This finding is confirmed
and thus our results support the hypothesis of The majority of enhancer elements active in by single-cell transcriptome analyses, which re-
etiology of ASD via superposition of multiple our organoid system are not shared with iso- vealed a wide diversity of RG and progenitor
inherited variants of low effect size (29–32). genic mid-fetal brain tissue, which suggests that clusters throughout organoid development. All
Contrary to numerous inherited SNPs, there they play a role in earlier events, i.e., progenitor but one organoid-specific cell clusters find cor-
are only a few dozen de novo mutations (DNMs) proliferation and the specification of neuronal respondence to cell clusters in embryonic-fetal
in probands, which must have deleterious effects lineages. However, it remains unclear whether human brain. The one that did not could be the
in order to contribute to ASD phenotypes. We organoids fully recapitulate developmental pro- result of in vitro culturing. Through longitudi-
compared DNMs of probands and siblings of cesses, particularly those at later stages. Organ- nal analyses, we show that many genes and
the same family cohort (33). Out of 66,306 total oid preparations grown for longer periods in vitro their enhancer elements are differentially active
DNMs, 2422 were located in our dataset of gene- may show greater overlap with mid-fetal human in a stage-specific fashion from RG stem cells to
associated enhancers. There was a trend of having
a larger fraction of probands’ DNMs in constant
enhancers, which are active during a prolonged
period of development (Fig. 4C and fig. S17D). We
next elucidated the effect of individual DNMs
in the gene-associated enhancers on TF binding.
Around 24% of DNMs (out of 1240 and 1184 from
proband and sibling, respectively) overlapped with
at least one TF motif (figs. S17, E and F, and S18).
Overall, there was a larger number of TFs with
greater count of motif-breaking DNMs in pro-
bands than in siblings (more circles below the
diagonal than above in Fig. 4D). A significant
difference (p < 0.05 by binomial test) was ob-
served for TFs such as homeodomain, Hes1,
NR4A2, Sox3, and NFIX (table S17), which are
implicated in development, ASD, or mental dis-
orders (34, 35). De novo copy-number variants
at the NR4A2 gene locus at 2.q24.1, in particular,
have been associated with ASD with language
and cognitive impairment across multiple data-
sets (35). These observations provide genetic
support for the relevance of enhancer elements
identified in organoids in the complex etiology
of ASD and link noncoding variants to ASD
etiology, as previously proposed (36). Enhancers
discovered in this study also inform about the
possible regulatory role of SNPs that underlie the
etiology of schizophrenia (37) (fig. S17G).

Using forebrain organoids, we provide an initial
map of enhancer elements and corresponding
transcripts that are dynamically active in the
transitions between human cortical stem cells,
progenitors, and early cortical neurons. Although Fig. 4. Enrichment of variants in gene-associated enhancers. (A) Three subsets of enhancers
the cataloged functional elements may require were selected from all gene-associated enhancers. Early: enhancers active (denoted by +) in all
further validation of their in vivo activity, our organoid stages but inactive (denoted by -) in fetal brain (red); late: enhancers active in fetal brain
findings suggest that human brain organoids but inactive in all organoid stages (blue); constant: enhancers active in all organoid stages and
provide an avenue to approach the study of the fetal brain (green). Variants in 540 families from the Simons Simplex Collection were analyzed for
molecular and cellular events underlying brain enrichment in these enhancer sets. (B) Comparison of inherited personal SNPs between ASD
development. Indeed, our brain organoids pat- probands and normal siblings from the SSC revealed significant enrichment in probands versus
terned to forebrain, on both transcriptome and siblings (p ≤ 0.05 by one-sample t test) of low–allele frequency SNPs (MAF 0.1 to 5%) in early
regulatory levels, mimic the longitudinal devel- enhancers (red) and enhancer modules ME2 and ME29 (black). Dashed line at value of 0 represents
opment of the embryonic and early fetal cortical no difference between probands and siblings. *p < 0.05. (C) Fractions of DNMs in enhancers were
primordium. Because all organoid preparations compared in probands and siblings across the whole genome. P values (shown above the bars) were
(from other studies and with different protocols) calculated by using the chi-square test. (D) Count of motif-breaking DNMs in all gene-associated
patterned to the dorsal forebrain are derived enhancers were compared between probands and siblings. Circles represent TFs with counts of
from neural stem cells, it is likely that they share broken motifs in probands and siblings plotted on x- and y axis. The size of the circles is proportional
similar gene dynamics specific to the embryonic to the number of TFs. Circles away from the diagonal represent TFs enriched with motif-breaking
brain described here. Thus, our gene and enhan- DNMs in probands or siblings. A few TFs in the probands (colored circles) but not in the siblings were
cer analyses have wide implications, and the de- significantly enriched (p < 0.05 by binomial test) with motif-breaking DNMs.

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 9


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doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0059-2; pmid: 29483656 The following authors contributed equally to the study: A.Am.,
R01MH105898, R01MH094714, P50MH106934 awarded to
38. S. P. Pașca, The rise of three-dimensional human brain S.S., F.W., G.C., T.R. All authors participated in discussion of
Schahram Akbarian (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai),
cultures. Nature 553, 437–445 (2018). pmid: 29364288 results and manuscript editing. Competing interests: We
Gregory Crawford (Duke University), Stella Dracheva (Icahn School
39. A. M. Paşca et al., Functional cortical neurons and astrocytes declare no competing financial interests related to this article.
of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Peggy Farnham (University of
from human pluripotent stem cells in 3D culture. Nat. Methods Data and materials availability: Data for this manuscript will be
Southern California), Mark Gerstein (Yale University), Daniel
12, 671–678 (2015). doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3415; pmid: 26005811 available from Synapse (49).
Geschwind (University of California, Los Angeles), Fernando Goes
40. X. Qian et al., Brain-Region-Specific Organoids Using Mini- (Johns Hopkins University), Thomas M. Hyde (Lieber Institute for
bioreactors for Modeling ZIKV Exposure. Cell 165, 1238–1254 Brain Development), Andrew Jaffe (Lieber Institute for Brain
(2016). doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.04.032; pmid: 27118425 Development), James A. Knowles (University of Southern
41. M. D. Robinson, D. J. McCarthy, G. K. Smyth, edgeR: California), Chunyu Liu (SUNY Upstate Medical University), Dalila Materials and Methods
A Bioconductor package for differential expression analysis of Pinto (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Panos Roussos Figs. S1 to S18
digital gene expression data. Bioinformatics 26, 139–140 (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai), Stephan Sanders Tables S1 to S17
(2010). doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp616; pmid: 19910308 (University of California, San Francisco), Nenad Sestan PsychENCODE Consortium Authors and Affiliations
42. A. Butler, P. Hoffman, P. Smibert, E. Papalexi, R. Satija, (Yale University), Pamela Sklar (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount References (50–75)
Integrating single-cell transcriptomic data across different Sinai), Matthew State (University of California, San Francisco),
conditions, technologies, and species. Nat. Biotechnol. 36, Patrick Sullivan (University of North Carolina), Flora Vaccarino 30 March 2018; accepted 16 November 2018
411–420 (2018). doi: 10.1038/nbt.4096; pmid: 29608179 (Yale University), Daniel Weinberger (Lieber Institute for Brain 10.1126/science.aat6720

Amiri et al., Science 362, eaat6720 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 9


◥ interactions. Thus, for the NPC-specific interac-

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY tions, we counted 386 genes, including 146 with-
in the risk loci and another 240 genes positioned
elsewhere in the linear genome but connected
via intrachromosomal contacts to risk locus se-
quences. Similarly, for the neuron-specific inter-
Neuron-specific signatures actions, we identified 385 genes: 158 within risk
loci and 227 outside of risk loci. Last, for glia-

in the chromosomal connectome specific interactions, we identified 201 genes:

88 within and 113 outside of risk loci. We labeled
the genes located outside
associated with schizophrenia risk ON OUR WEBSITE

of schizophrenia risk loci

as “risk locus–connect,”
Read the full article
Prashanth Rajarajan*, Tyler Borrman*, Will Liao*, Nadine Schrode, Erin Flaherty, at http://dx.doi. which we define as a col-
Charlize Casiño, Samuel Powell, Chittampalli Yashaswini, Elizabeth A. LaMarca, org/10.1126/ lection of genes identified
Bibi Kassim, Behnam Javidfar, Sergio Espeso-Gil, Aiqun Li, Hyejung Won, science.aat4311 only through Hi-C inter-
Daniel H. Geschwind, Seok-Man Ho, Matthew MacDonald, Gabriel E. Hoffman, action data, expanding—
Panos Roussos, Bin Zhang, Chang-Gyu Hahn, Zhiping Weng†, depending on cell type—by 50 to 150% the
Kristen J. Brennand†, Schahram Akbarian†‡ current network of known genes overlapping
risk sequences that is informed only by genome-
INTRODUCTION: Chromosomal conforma- RESULTS: Neural differentiation was associ- wide association studies. This disease-related
tions, topologically associated chromatin do- ated with genome-wide 3DG remodeling, in- chromosomal connectome was associated with
mains (TADs) assembling in nested fashion cluding pruning and de novo formations of “clusters” of coordinated gene expression and
across hundreds of kilobases, and other “three- chromosomal loopings. The NPC-to-neuron protein interactions, with at least one cluster
dimensional genome” (3DG) structures bypass transition was defined by the pruning of loops strongly enriched for regulators of neuronal
the linear genome on a kilo- or megabase scale involving regulators of cell proliferation, mor- connectivity and synaptic plasticity and another
and play an important role in transcriptional phogenesis, and neurogenesis, which is con- cluster for chromatin-associated proteins, in-
regulation. Most of the genetic variants asso- sistent with a departure from a precursor stage cluding transcriptional regulators.
ciated with risk for schizophrenia (SZ) are toward postmitotic neuronal identity. Loops
common and could be located in enhancers, lost during NPC-to-glia transition included many CONCLUSION: Our study shows that neural
repressors, and other regulatory elements that genes associated with neuron-specific func- differentiation is associated with highly cell type–
influence gene expression; however, the role of tions, which is consistent with non-neuronal specific 3DG remodeling. This process is paral-
the brain’s 3DG for SZ genetic risk architec- lineage commitment. However, neurons together leled by an expansion of 3DG space associated
ture, including developmental and cell type– with NPCs, as compared with glia, harbored a with SZ risk. Specifically, developmentally reg-
specific regulation, remains poorly understood. much larger number of chromosomal interac- ulated chromosomal conformation changes at
tions anchored in common variant sequences SZ-relevant sequences disproportionally occurred
RATIONALE: We monitored changes in 3DG associated with SZ risk. Because spatial 3DG in neurons, highlighting the existence of cell
after isogenic differentiation of human induced proximity of genes is an indicator for potential type–specific disease risk vulnerabilities in
pluripotent stem cell–derived neural progenitor
cells (NPCs) into neurons or astrocyte-like glial
coregulation, we tested whether the neural cell
type–specific SZ-related “chromosomal connec-
spatial genome organization.

cells on a genome-wide scale using Hi-C. With tome” showed evidence of coordinated tran- The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
this in vitro model of brain development, we scriptional regulation and proteomic interaction *These authors contributed equally to this work.
mapped cell type–specific chromosomal confor- of the participating genes. †These authors contributed equally to this work.
‡Corresponding author. Email:
mations associated with SZ risk loci and de- To this end, we generated lists of genes an- Cite this article as P. Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311
fined a risk-associated expanded genome space. chored in cell type–specific SZ risk-associated (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat4311

Large-scale 3D genome remodeling during neural differentiation Schizophrenia Chromosomal connectome

risk locus associated with schizophrenia



224 240
Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Protein
Risk locus Risk locus-connect

3DG remodeling across neuronal differentiation with parallel expansion of SZ risk space. (Left) Chromatin conformation assays reveal
pruning of short-range loops in neurons along with widening of TADs upon differentiation from NPCs. (Right) Cell type–specific chromatin interactions,
functionally validated with CRISPR assays, expand the network of known risk-associated genes (blue circle), which show evidence for coregulation
at the transcriptomic and proteomic levels.

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, 1269 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ cell type–specific coordination at the level of the

RESEARCH ARTICLE chromosomal connectome, transcriptome, and


Neural progenitor differentiation
is associated with dynamic
Neuron-specific signatures 3DG remodeling
We applied in situ Hi-C to map the 3DG of two
in the chromosomal connectome male human induced pluripotent stem cell
(hiPSC)–derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs)

associated with schizophrenia risk (13), together with isogenic populations of in-
duced excitatory neurons (“neuron”) generated
through viral overexpression of the transcrip-
Prashanth Rajarajan1,2,3,4*, Tyler Borrman5*, Will Liao6*, Nadine Schrode2,3,4, tion factor NGN2 (14) and differentiations of
Erin Flaherty1,3,4,7, Charlize Casiño2, Samuel Powell1,2,3,4, Chittampalli Yashaswini1, astrocyte-like glial cells (“glia”) (Fig. 1, A and
Elizabeth A. LaMarca1,2,3,4, Bibi Kassim2,4, Behnam Javidfar2,4, Sergio Espeso-Gil2,4, B, and table S1) (15). Transcriptome RNA se-
Aiqun Li3,4, Hyejung Won8†‡, Daniel H. Geschwind8, Seok-Man Ho1,3,4, quencing (RNA-seq) comparison with published
Matthew MacDonald9, Gabriel E. Hoffman3, Panos Roussos2,3, Bin Zhang3, datasets (16) confirmed that the NPCs, but not
Chang-Gyu Hahn9, Zhiping Weng5§, Kristen J. Brennand2,3,4,7§, Schahram Akbarian2,4§¶ glia, from subjects S1 and S2 clustered together
with NPCs from independent donors, whereas S1
To explore the developmental reorganization of the three-dimensional genome of and S2 NGN2 neurons closely aligned with di-
the brain in the context of neuropsychiatric disease, we monitored chromosomal rected differentiation forebrain neurons (17) and
conformations in differentiating neural progenitor cells. Neuronal and glial differentiation prenatal brain datasets (fig. S1, A and B). As with
was associated with widespread developmental remodeling of the chromosomal our transcriptomic datasets, hierarchical cluster-
contact map and included interactions anchored in common variant sequences that ing of our Hi-C datasets after initial processing
confer heritable risk for schizophrenia. We describe cell type–specific chromosomal (fig. S2A) also showed clear separation by cell type
connectomes composed of schizophrenia risk variants and their distal targets, which (Fig. 1A and fig. S2B). Genome-scale interaction
altogether show enrichment for genes that regulate neuronal connectivity and chromatin matrices were enriched for intrachromosomal
remodeling, and evidence for coordinated transcriptional regulation and proteomic conformations (fig. S2C), with the exception of
interaction of the participating genes. Developmentally regulated chromosomal the negative control (“No Ligase”) NPC library, in
conformation changes at schizophrenia-relevant sequences disproportionally occurred in which we omitted the ligase step (Materials and
neurons, highlighting the existence of cell type–specific disease risk vulnerabilities in methods) and observed an interaction map with
spatial genome organization. no signal due to the loss of chimeric fragments (fig.
S2D). Given the observed correlation between tech-

nical replicates of Hi-C assays from the same do-
patial genome organization is highly regu- loop formations that bypass linear genome on nor and cell type, and the correlation between cell
lated and critically important for normal a kilobase (or megabase) scale and topological- type–specific Hi-C from the two donors (Pearson
brain development and function (1). Many ly associated domains (TADs) (3) that assemble correlation of PC1, Rtechnical replicates, range = 0.970
of the risk variants contributing to the in nested fashion across hundreds of kilobases to 0.979; Rsubject1-subject 2 by cell type, range = 0.962 to
heritability of complex genetic psychiatric (4–7). By linking noncoding schizophrenia- 0.970), we pooled by cell type for subsequent
disorders are located in noncoding sequences (2), associated genetic variants with distal gene analyses (fig. S2E).
presumably embedded in “three-dimensional targets, 3DG mapping with Hi-C (3, 8) and other We first focused on intrachromosomal loop
genome” (3DG) structures important for tran- genome-scale approaches could inform how formations, which are conservatively defined as
scriptional regulation, such as chromosomal higher-order chromatin organization affects ge- distinct contacts between two loci in the absence
netic risk for psychiatric disease. To date, only a of similar interactions in the surrounding se-
very limited number of Hi-C datasets exist for the quences (3). Our comparative analyses included
Icahn School of Medicine M.D./Ph.D. Program, Icahn School human brain: two generated from bulk tissue of published (3) in situ Hi-C data from the B
of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10027, USA.
Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
developing forebrain structures (7) and adult lymphocyte–derived cell line GM12878 (table
Sinai, New York, NY 10027, USA. 3Department of Genetics brain (9) and one from neural stem cells (10). S1). When analyzed with the HiCCUPS pipeline
and Genomics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Although such datasets have advanced our un- (5- and 10-kb loop resolutions combined, sub-
New York, NY 10027, USA. 4Friedman Brain Institute, derstanding of the genetic risk architecture sampled to 372 million valid-intrachromosomal
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
10027, USA. 5Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative
of psychiatric disease (7, 11), 3DG mapping read pairs to reflect the library with the fewest
Biology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, from postmortem tissue lacks cell type–specific reads after filtration) (3), 17,767 distinct loops
Worcester, MA 01605, USA. 6New York Genome Center, resolution and may not capture higher-order were called: n = 3118 (17.5%) were shared among
New York, NY 10013, USA. 7Department of Neuroscience, chromatin structures sensitive to the autolytic all four cell types, whereas n = 5068 (28.5%) were
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
10027, USA. 8Neurogenetics Program, Department of
process (12). We monitored developmentally specific to only one of the four cell types (Fig. 1C).
Neurology, Center for Autism Research and Treatment, regulated changes in chromosomal conforma- Biologically relevant terms such as “central ner-
Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University tions during the course of isogenic neuronal vous system development,” “forebrain develop-
of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
and glial differentiation, describing large-scale ment,” and “neuron differentiation” were among
Neuropsychiatric Signaling Program, Department of
Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of
pruning of chromosomal contacts during the the top gene ontology (GO) enrichments from
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. transition from neural progenitor cells (NPCs) genes overlapping loops shared between NPCs,
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †Present address: to neurons. Furthermore, we uncovered an ex- glia, and neurons (brain-specific) but not iden-
Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina, Chapel panded 3DG risk space for schizophrenia—with tified in lymphocytes (Fig. 1D and table S2), in-
Hill, NC 27599, USA. ‡Present address: UNC Neuroscience
Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599,
a functional network of disease-relevant regulators dicating strong tissue-specific loop signatures
USA. §These authors contributed equally to this work. of neuronal connectivity, synaptic signaling, and that were also confirmed in individual cell types

Corresponding author. Email: chromatin remodeling—and demonstrate neural (fig. S3A and tables S3 to S6).

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 11


Fig. 1. Neural differentiation is associated with large-scale remodeling S2C). (Right) “Arc map” showing intrachromosomal interactions at 40-kb
of the 3D genome. (A) (Top) Derivation scheme of isogenic cell types from resolution of the q-arm of chr17 for isogenic neurons, NPCs, and glia, as
two male control cell lines. Pink oval, donor hiPSC; orange, NPC; green, indicated, from subject 2. RNA-seq tracks for each cell type shown on top
neuron; purple, glia. (Bottom) Hierarchical clustering of intrachromosomal of arc maps. Green, neuron; orange, NPC; purple, glia. (F) FPKM gene
interactions (Materials and methods) from six in situ Hi-C libraries. a and b expression of CUX2 across three cell types with heatmap zoomed in on CUX2
are technical replicates of the same library; height corresponds to the loop (black arrow) (fig. S3). (G) Number of loops specific to each cell type
distance between libraries (Materials and methods) (fig. S2B). (B) Immuno- (not shared with other cell types) with one anchor in an A compartment
fluorescent staining of characteristic cell markers for NPCs (Nestin and and another in a B compartment (pink), both in B compartments (red),
SOX2), neurons (TUJ1 and MAP2), and glia (Vimentin and S100b). (C) Venn or both in A compartments (blue). (H) (Left) Box-and-whisker distribution
diagram of loop calls specific to and shared by different subsets of cells, plot of TAD size across four cell types. (Right) Median TAD length for each of
including previously published GM12878 lymphoblastoid Hi-C data. (D) Gene the four cell types. (I) Heatmaps at 40-kb resolution for a 3-Mb window
ontology (GO) enrichment (significant terms only) of genes overlapping at the CDH2 locus on chr18. (Bottom) Nested TAD landscape in glia with
anchors of loops shared by NPCs, neurons, and glia but absent in GM12878. multiple subTADs (black arrows) called, which (top) is absent from neuronal
(E) (Left) Cell-type pooled whole-genome heatmaps at 500-kb resolution (fig. Hi-C. RNA-seq tracks: green, neuron; purple, glia (figs. S1 to S5).

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 11


Fig. 2. Cell type–specific

chromosomal contact
maps at schizophrenia
risk loci. (A) Juicebox
observed/expected inter-
action heatmaps at 10-kb
resolution for the risk-
associated clustered PCDH
locus chr5:140023665−
140222664 for NPC, glia,
and neurons as indicated.
(Far right) Grayscale
heatmap depicts areas of
highly cell-specific con-
tact enrichments: up-
stream genes including
ANKHD1 (dotted rectangle
“A” and arrowhead) and
downstream PCDH gene
clusters (dotted rectangle
“B” and arrows). Clus-
tered PCDH gene expres-
sion patterns are available
in fig. S6A. (B) Violin plots
of observed/expected
interaction values in the
regions A and B high-
lighted in (A). (C) Map of
contacts identified by
binomial statistics. Red
box with dashed black
line represents the
schizophrenia risk locus,
dotted boxes regions
“A” and “B” in heatmaps.
(D) Cell-type resolved
contact map of 10-kb bins
(bold, black vertical lines)
within risk sequences
on chr12 (left), chrX
(middle), and chr5 (right);
NPC (orange), neuron
(green), glia (purple); –log
q value, significance of
contact between
schizophrenia risk locus
and each 10-kb bin; gene
models (“Genes”) below
with SNP-loop target
gene highlighted in red.
(E) Epigenomic editing
(CRISPRa with nuclease-
deficient dCas9 in NPCs)
for three risk SNP-target
gene pairs and their re-
spective control sequences
(top), measured with
quantitative reverse
transcription polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR)
(fold change from baseline) for VP64 (middle) and VPR (bottom) transcriptional activators. (F) Quantitative PCR gene expression changes upon
directing catalytically active Cas9 to schizophrenia risk-associated credible SNPs (vertical red dashes with rsIDs) interacting via chromosomal
contacts with promoters of ASCL1, EFNB1, and MATR3 in NPCs. Targeting strategy and contact distances depicted above; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
***P < 0.0001 (figs. S6 and S7).

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 11


Fig. 3. Expanded GWAS risk connectome is associated with gene

coregulation. (A) Counts of highly cell type–specific contacts asso-
ciated with schizophrenia risk in each of the three hiPSC-derived cell
types. (B) GO enrichment of genes located in schizophrenia risk
contacts in NPCs (left), neurons (middle), and glia (right). (C) (Left)
Schematic workflow of analyses performed with cell type–specific
contact genes, distinguished as “risk locus” and “risk locus–connect”
genes. (Middle) Venn diagram of genes located in the 145 loci and those
found in cell type–specific contacts, with numbers in blue indicating
“risk locus–connect” genes. (Right) Schematic workflow of analyses
performed with combined set of “risk locus” and “risk locus–connect”
genes. (D) RNA Pearson transcriptomic correlation heatmaps consisting of risk locus and risk locus–connect genes derived from the cell type–specific contacts of
NPCs (left), neurons (middle), and glia (right). Organization scores (|r|avg) for each heatmap are reported with P values from sampling analysis. Schematics
above heatmaps are representations of each cell type’s particular connectome (blue oval) and frequency distribution of organization scores from permutation
analyses of randomly generated heatmaps (red, observed organization score of heatmap being tested). The gray bar corresponds to n genes that have at least
1 count per million in RNA-seq dataset out of the total number of genes and are used to construct the heatmap; red and blue bars indicate how many of the
genes in the heatmap are in a risk locus (red) and are risk locus–connect (blue). Fuchsia, neuron connectivity/synaptic function genes; yellow, chromatin remodeling
genes as determined from gene ontology analysis in (E). Additional information on coexpression clusters is provided in tables S22 and S23 (figs. S8 and S9).

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 11


Fig. 4. Expanded GWAS risk connectome is linked to protein-protein neuronal TAD landscape (chr1, ~2 Mb) depicting a schizophrenia risk–associated
association networks. (A) Overview and representative examples (zoomed locus (red) with its risk locus–connect genes (blue), MED8, MPL, CDC20, and
in) of protein-protein association networks in NPCs (left), neurons (middle), RNF220, which are members of the neuronal schizophrenia protein network
and glia (right). Numbers of edges connecting the proteins in each network (green circle). CDC20 and RNF220 interact at the protein level (green circle
and STRING-computed P values are reported below. Gray bar indicates the with gray border). (D) (Left) Liquid chromotography–selected reaction
subset of these genes whose proteins are involved in the network out of the total monitoring (LC-SRM) mass spectrometry (MS) was performed on dorsolateral
number of genes from cell type–specific interactions; red and blue bars prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) tissue from 43 adult postmortem brains (23 schizophrenia,
indicate how many of the genes in the network are in a risk locus (red) and 20 control). (Middle) 182 neuronal proteins were reliably quantified, and four of
are risk locus–connect (blue). (B) Comparison of organization scores between them were observed to have associations in the neuron protein network in (A). (Right)
the full RNA transcriptomic correlation heatmaps (brown) (Fig. 3D) and the GABBR1, GRM3, GRIN2A, and GRIA1 proteins were found to have significantly
“STRING” heatmaps (tan) (figs. S13 to S15), consisting of only those genes in more correlated expression than expected by random permutation analysis.
protein networks for each cell type. Permutation test, **P < 0.01. (C) Representative Additional information on protein-protein interactions is provided in figs. S9 to S15.

Unexpectedly, there was a reduction (~40 to neuron-specific loop was at CUX2, a transcrip- active or inactive loops in neurons (Fig. 1G).
50% decrease) in the total number of chromo- tion factor whose expression marks a subset of However, among the genes overlapping an-
somal loops in neurons relative to isogenic glia cortical projection neurons (18) and that is highly chors of loops that underwent pruning during the
and NPCs (fig. S3, B and C). Reduced densities of expressed in our NGN2-induced neurons (Fig. 1F course of the NPC-to-neuron transition, regula-
chromosomal conformations were also evident and fig. S3, D and E). Examples of loops lost in tors of cell proliferation, morphogenesis, and
in genome browser visualization of chromo- neurons include one spanning the Ca2+ channel neurogenesis ranked prominently in the top 25
somal arms, including chr17q (Fig. 1E). Although and dystonia-risk gene, ANO3 (fig. S3F) (19). GO terms with significant enrichment (Benjamini-
both glia and NPCs harbored ~13,000 loop for- Furthermore, NPCs, neurons, and glia had similar Hochberg corrected P < 10−6 – 10−12) (fig. S3G
mations, only 7206 were identified in neurons proportions of loops anchored in solely active (A) and table S4B), which is consistent with a depar-
(Fig. 1C; fig. S3, B and C; and table S1), including compartments, solely inactive (B) compartments, ture from precursor stage toward postmitotic
442 neuron-specific loop formations. One such or in both, indicating no preferential loss of either neuronal identity (20). Likewise, loops lost during

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 11


NPC-to-glia transition were significantly enriched counterparts (fig. S4, D and E), suggesting that and C), and a subtle widening of average loop
(Benjamini-Hochberg corrected P < 10−3 – 10−6) for the changes in 3DG architecture from NPC to and TAD length in young neurons (Fig. 1H and
neuron-specific functions, including “transmission neurons do not simply reflect a generalized effect fig. S5, A to G).
across chemical synapse,” “g-aminobutyric acid explained by mitotic potential.
(GABA) receptor activation,” and “postsynapse” (fig. Along with having fewer total loops, neurons Chromosomal contacts associated
S3G and table S4C), which is consistent with exhibited a greater proportion of longer-range with schizophrenia risk sequences
non-neuronal lineage commitment. (>100 kb) loops than did NPCs or glia (two- Because many schizophrenia risk variants lie in
We defined “loop genes” as genes that either sample two-tailed Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, noncoding regions in proximity to several genes,
have gene body or transcription start site (TSS) KSrange = 0.1269 to 0.2317, P < 2.2 × 10−16 for we predicted that chromosomal contact map-
overlap with a loop anchor (5- or 10-kb bins three comparisons: Neu versus NPC/Glia/GM) ping could resolve putative regulatory elements
forming the points of contact in a chromatin loop). (fig. S5A). Likewise, in each of the alternative capable of conferring schizophrenia risk via their
Genes with loop-bound gene bodies (one-tailed in vitro and in vivo analyses considered above, physical proximity (bypassing linear genome) to
Z test, Zrange = 42.1 to 59.2, P < 10−324 for all) or neurons exhibited a greater proportion of longer- the target gene, as has been demonstrated in
loop-bound TSS (one-tail Z-test, Zrange = 15.2 to range (>100 kb) loops than did NPCs or glia [two- tissue in vivo (7, 11). We overlaid our cell type–
28.8, Prange < 2.32 × 10−52 to 4.40 × 10−182) both sample two-tailed Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, specific interactions onto the 145 risk loci as-
showed significantly greater expression [mean KS = 0.0427, P = 1.5 × 10−5 for hiPSC-NPC versus sociated with schizophrenia risk (2, 23). Because
log10(FPKM + 1); FPKM, fragments per kilobase forebrain neuron; KS = 0.0936, P = 1.1 × 10−16 for only very few loops (defined as distinct pixels
of exon per million fragments mapped] than that mESC-NPC versus mCN; KS = 0.0663, P = 2.04 × with greater contact frequency than neighboring
of background (all genes for all brain cell types) 10−8 for fetal CP (neuron) compared with GZ pixels on a contact map) (3) were associated with
(fig. S4A), suggesting that looping architec- (progenitor)] (fig. S5, B, C, D, and E). Therefore, schizophrenia risk loci (n = 212, 81, and 17 loops
ture was associated with increased gene expres- multiple in vitro and in vivo approaches com- in NPC, glia, and neurons, respectively) (table
sion. Furthermore, 3% of loops shared by NPCs, paring, in human and mouse, neural precursors S9), we applied an established alternative ap-
neurons, and glia (brain-specific loops) inter- to young neurons consistently show a reduced proach to more comprehensively explore the
connected a brain expression quantitative trait number of loops in neuron-enriched cultures 3DG in context of disease-relevant sequences
locus (eQTL) single-nucleotide polymorphism and tissues, primarily affecting shorter-range (7). This approach defines interactions as those
(SNP) with its destined target gene(s), repre- loops. filtered contacts that stand out over the global
senting significant enrichment over background Consistent with studies in peripheral tissues background and applies binomial statistics
as determined with 1000 random distance- and reporting conservation of the overall loop- to identify chromosomal contacts anchored at
functional annotation–matched loop samplings, independent TAD landscape across developmen- disease-relevant loci (7). To begin, we examined
(random sampling, one-sided empirical P = 0.012) tal stages, tissues, and species (when considering the 40 loci with strongest statistical evidence for
(Materials and methods) (fig. S4B). syntenic loci) (10, 22), overall TAD landscapes (3) colocalization of an adult postmortem brain
We aimed to confirm that the observed net remained similar between neurons, glia, and eQTL and schizophrenia genome-wide associa-
loss of loop formations during the NPC-to- NPCs. Nonetheless, TADs also showed a subtle tion study (GWAS) signal (24). Chromosomal
neuron transition could be replicated across a (~10%) increase in average size in neurons contacts were called for 29 of the 46 eQTLs pres-
variety of independent cell culture and in vivo compared with isogenic NPCs, independent of ent in the 40 loci, with 8 of 29 (28%) of the loci
approaches and was not specific to our meth- the differentiation protocol applied (Wilcoxon- showing significant interactions (binomial test,
odological choice of NGN2-induction. We con- Mann-Whitney test, P < 5.3 × 10−6) (Fig. 1H –log q value range = 1.33 to 11.0) between the
ducted an additional Hi-C experiment on cells and fig. S5, F and G), as highlighted here at a eQTL-SNPs (eSNPs) in the one contact anchor
differentiated from hiPSC-NPCs by means of a 3.4-Mb TAD at the CDH2 cell adhesion gene and the transcription start site of the associated
non-NGN2 protocol that used only differentia- locus (Fig. 1I). TAD remodeling may therefore gene(s) in the other anchor (table S10). We con-
tion medium and yielded a heterogeneous pop- reflect restructuring of nested subdomains with- clude that ~30% of risk locus–associated eQTLs
ulation of hiPSC-forebrain-neurons in addition in larger neuronal TADs (tables S7 and S8). To with strong evidence for colocalization with
to a small subset of glia (17). In addition, we re- examine whether such developmental reorgan- GWAS signal bypass the linear genome and are
analyzed Hi-C datasets generated from a mouse ization of the brain’s spatial genomes was as- in physical proximity to the proximal promoter
model of neural differentiation, consisting of sociated with a generalized shift in chromatin and transcription start site of the target gene,
mouse embryonic stem cell (mESCs), mESC- structure, we applied the assay for transposase resonating with previous findings in fetal brain
derived NPCs (mNPC), and cortical neurons accessible chromatin with high-throughput se- tissue that used a similar contact mapping
(mCN) differentiated from the mNPCs via in- quencing (ATAC-seq) to map open chromatin strategy (7).
hibition of the Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) pathway sequences before and after NGN2-neuronal Cell type–specific contact maps with 10-kb-wide
(21). To examine whether such genome-wide induction (table S1). Genome-wide distribution bins, queried for the schizophrenia-associated
chromosomal loop remodeling also occurred in profiles for transposase-accessible chromatin loci, frequently revealed differential chromo-
the developing brain in vivo, we reanalyzed Hi-C were only minimally different between NPCs somal conformations in NPCs, glia, and neu-
data from human fetal cortical plate (CP), mostly and neurons (fig. S5H) and further revealed that rons. For example, the risk locus upstream of
composed of young neurons, and forebrain ger- both NPCs and neurons showed low to moderate the PROTOCADHERIN cell adhesion molecule
minal zone (GZ), primarily harboring dividing chromatin accessibility [–2.5 < log2(ATAC signal) gene clusters (chromosome 5), which is critically
neural precursor cells in addition to a smaller < 1] for ≥89% of the anchor sequences compris- relevant for neuronal connectivity in develop-
subset of newly generated neurons (7). Across ing cell type–specific and shared “brain” loops in ing and adult brain (fig. S6A) (25, 26), showed
both the hiPSC-NPC-to-forebrain neuron and our cell culture system (fig. S5I). These findings, through both observed/expected interaction
mESC-mNPC-mCN differentiation, in vitro neu- taken together, point to widespread 3DG changes matrix (27) and global background-filtered con-
rons showed a 20% decrease in loops compared during the NPC-to-neuron transition and NPC- tact mapping (7) a bifurcated bundle of inter-
with their neural progenitors (fig. S4, C and D). to-glia transition in human and mouse brain that actions in NPCs, with one bundle emanating to
Consistent with this, in vivo CP (neuron) com- are unlikely attributable to global chromatin sequences 5′ and the other bundle to sequences
pared with GZ (progenitor) showed a 13% decrease accessibility differences. This includes highly 3′ from the locus. In neurons, the 3′ bundle was
in loops genome-wide (fig. S4E). The highly rep- cell type–specific signatures in gene ontologies maintained, but the 5′ bundle was “pruned,”
licative cell types included here, mouse ESCs and of differentiation-induced loop prunings, reflect- whereas glia showed the opposite pattern; these
human lymphoblastoid GM12878 cells, exhibited ing neuronal and glial (non-neuronal) lineage differences between the three cell types were
loop numbers very similar to their neuronal commitment (fig. S3, A and G, and table S4, B highly significant (observed/expected Wilcoxon

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 11


rank sum P < 10−9 to 10−15) (Fig. 2, A to C). Dos- from the SOX2 and MATR3 loci did not alter tion and other “linear epigenome” mappings
age of the noncoding schizophrenia risk-SNP target gene expression (Fig. 2, D and E, and strongly link the genetic risk architecture of
(rs111896713) at the PCDH locus significantly fig. S7, A and B), which could reflect practical schizophrenia specifically with neuronal, as op-
increased the expression of multiple PROTO- limitations in nonintegrative transfection- posed to non-neuronal, chromatin (36), which
CADHERIN genes (PCDHA2, PCDHA4, PCDHA7, based (as opposed to viral) methods, impact of would suggest that similar cell-specific signa-
PCDHA8, PCDHA9, PCDHA10, and PCDHA13) in epigenetic landscape, or suboptimal guide RNA tures may emerge in the risk-associated 3DG.
adult frontal cortex of a large cohort of 579 in- positioning (34), further limited by the 10-kb Neurons and NPCs, but not the isogenic glia,
dividuals, including cases with schizophrenia contact map resolution. Because portions of the showed a high preponderance of chromosomal
and controls (fig. S6B and table S11) (28). The af- MATR3-bound risk sequences are embedded in contacts with schizophrenia-associated risk loci
fected genes were interconnected to the disease- repressive chromatin, we directed five sgRNAs (Fig. 3A). There were 1203 contacts involving
relevant noncoding sequence in neurons and for Cas9 nuclease mutagenesis toward a 138–base schizophrenia risk sequences that were highly
NPCs but not in glia (fig. S6C). Therefore, cell pair (bp) sequence within a MATR3 long-range specific to neurons (median distance between
type–specific Hi-C identified chromosomal con- contact that was enriched with trimethyl-histone risk and target bins = 510 kb), 1100 highly specific
tacts anchored in schizophrenia-associated risk H3K27me3, commonly associated with Polycomb for NPCs (median distance between risk and
sequences that affected expression of the target repressive chromatin remodeling, in order to dis- target bins = 520 kb), whereas only 425 highly
gene(s). On the basis of earlier chromosome con- rupt it (fig. S7, C to E). This strategy produced a specific for glia (median distance between risk
formation capture assays at the site of candidate significant increase in MATR3 expression upon and target bins = 580 kb) (Fig. 3A; figs. S8, A and
genes, the underlying mechanisms may include ablation of the putative repressor sequence, B; and tables S15 to S17). There were also un-
alterations in transcription factor and other nu- whereas targeting MATR3 (linear genome) con- expectedly robust cell type– and gene ontology–
cleoprotein binding at loop-bound cis-regulatory trol sequence remained ineffective (fig. S7, D and specific signatures, including genes associated
elements (5) or even local disruption of chromo- E). We conducted additional genomic mutagen- with neuronal connectivity and synaptic signal-
somal conformations (6). esis assays, with sgRNAs directly overlapping ing (Fig. 3B and tables S18 and S19). Separate
Transcriptional profiles of hiPSC-derived NPCs credible SNPs participating in chromatin con- analysis of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
and neurons most closely resemble those of the tacts with ASCL1, EFNB1, EP300, MATR3, “PGC2” 108 risk loci (2) yielded similar results
human fetus in the first trimester (29); more- PCDHA7, PCDHA8, and PCDHA10 (table S10). (fig. S9, A and B).
over, a portion of the genetic risk architecture Cas9 nuclease deletion of interacting credible Because spatial 3DG proximity of genes is
of schizophrenia matches to regulatory elements SNPs significantly increased gene expression an indicator for potential coregulation (37),
that are highly active during prenatal develop- of ASCL1, EFNB1, and EP300 (Prange = 0.0053 to we tested whether the neural cell type–specific
ment (30). We surveyed in our Hi-C datasets 0.04, trange = 2.449 to 4.265) (Fig. 2F and fig. schizophrenia-related chromosomal connectome
seven loci encompassing 36 “credible” (potentially S7F). Similar targeting of four credible SNPs showed evidence of coordinated transcriptional
causal) schizophrenia-risk SNPs with known upstream of the clustered PCDH locus signifi- regulation and proteomic interaction of the par-
chromosomal interactions in fetal brain to genes cantly decreased levels, by ~50 to 60%, of PCDHA8 ticipating genes. To this end, we generated lists
important for neuron development and function and PCDHA10 (Prange = 0.0122 to 0.0124, trange = of genes anchored in the most highly cell type–
(7). We found that risk-associated chromosomal 4.326 to 4.343), two of the genes whose expression specific schizophrenia risk–associated contacts
contacts were conserved between our hiPSC- increased with dosage of the risk SNP rs111896713 (Materials and methods) (Fig. 3C, fig. S8B, and
NPCs and the published human fetal CP and in adult postmortem brain (figs. S6C and S7G). table S18). Thus, for the NPC-specific contacts,
germinal zone Hi-C datasets (7) for five of the Taken together, our (epi)genomic editing assays we counted 386 genes, including 146 within the
seven loci (71%) tested (CHRNA2, EFNB1, MATR3, (fig. S7H) demonstrate that chromosomal contacts risk loci and another 240 genes positioned else-
PCDH, and SOX2, but not ASCL1 or DRD2) (table anchored in schizophrenia risk loci potentially where in the linear genome but connected via
S12). To test the regulatory function of these affect target gene expression across hundreds an intrachromosomal contact to within-risk-locus
conserved risk sequence-bound conformations, of kilobases, which is consistent with predic- sequences. Similarly, for the neuron-specific con-
we performed single-guide RNA (sgRNA)–based tions from chromosomal conformation maps tacts, we identified 385 genes, including 158
epigenomic editing experiments on isogenic from hiPSC-derived brain cells described here, within risk loci and 227 outside of risk loci (Fig.
antibiotic-selected NPCs that stably express and from developing (7, 11) and adult (5) human 3C). Last, for glia-specific contacts, we identified
nuclease-deficient dCas9-VP64 (31, 32) or dCas9- brain tissue. 201 genes, including 88 within and 113 outside
VPR (33, 34) transactivators (table S13). Previous of risk loci. We labeled the intrachromosomal
studies in peripheral cell lines succeeded in Cell type–specific schizophrenia-related contact genes located outside of schizophrenia
inducing gene expression changes by placing chromosomal connectomes are risk loci as “risk locus-connect,” which we define
dCas9-repressor fusion proteins at the site of associated with gene co-regulation and as a collection of genes identified only through
chromosomal contacts separated by up to 2 Mb protein-protein association networks Hi-C interaction data, expanding—depending on
of linear genome from the promoter target (35). Having shown that the chromosomal contact cell type—by 50 to 150% the current network of
We tested ASCL1-, EFNB1-, MATR-3, and SOX2- maps anchored in sequences associated with known genes overlapping risk sequences that is
bound chromosomal contacts separated by 200- schizophrenia heritability undergo cell type– informed only by GWAS (Fig. 3C).
to 700-kb interspersed sequences (Fig. 2, D and specific regulation (Fig. 2, A to C), are reprodu- To examine whether such types of disease-
E; fig. S7A; and table S14). Pools of five individual cible in neural cell culture and fetal brain (table associated, cell type–specific chromosomal con-
sgRNAs directed against a risk-associated non- S12), frequently harbor risk-associated eQTLs nectomes were linked to a coordinated program
coding sequence bypassing 225 and 355 kb of (table S10), and bypass extensive stretches of of gene expression, we analyzed a merged tran-
genome consistently resulted in significantly de- linear genome to affect target gene expression scriptome dataset (comprised of 47 hiPSC-NPC
creased expression of ASCL1 [one-way analysis of in genomic and epigenomic editing assays (Fig. 2, and 47 hiPSC-forebrain-neuron RNA-seq libra-
variance (ANOVA), FVP64(2, 15) = 22.20, P < 0.0001; D to F, and fig. S7), we investigated chromosomal ries from 22 schizophrenia and control donors
Dunnett’s PVP64 = 0.023] and EFNB1 target genes contacts for all 145 GWAS-defined schizophrenia not related to the those of our Hi-C datasets)
[one-way ANOVA, FVP64(2, 6) = 14.47, P = 0.0051, risk loci together (23) (tables S15 to S17). We refer (16). We examined pair-wise correlations of the
Dunnett’s PVP64 = 0.0356; FVPR(2, 6) = 1.46, P = to the resulting “network” of risk loci and their collective sets of the 386 NPC, 385 neuron, and
0.0111, Dunnett’s PVPR = 0.0088], in comparison 3D proximal genes as the “schizophrenia-related 201 glia genes representing “risk locus” and “risk
with positive (promoter-bound) and negative chromosomal connectome.” locus–connect” genes (cell type–specific “risk
(linear genome) control sgRNAs. Epigenomic Earlier studies in adult brain had shown that connectomes”). The risk connectome for each
editing of risk sequence 500 to 600 kb distant open chromatin-associated histone modifica- cell type showed extremely strong pair-wise

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 11


correlations, with two of the largest clusters S21). Because the transcriptomic correlation Hi-C studies in mouse brain showed that chro-
visualized on the neuron and NPC correlation heatmap for the schizophrenia-related chromo- mosomal contacts preferentially occurred be-
matrices involving an admixture of 354 “risk somal connectome was significantly decreased tween loci targeted by the same transcription
locus” and “risk locus–connect” genes each, and by the removal specifically of the NPC STRING factors (21), and likewise, multiple schizophrenia
similarly 181 genes from the glia matrix (Fig. 3D protein network genes (P < 10−3) (table S24), this risk loci could converge on intra- and interchro-
and table S20). The averaged gene-by-gene trans- subset of STRING-interacting proteins may drive mosomal hubs sharing a similar regulatory ar-
cript correlation index for each matrix overall, the observed orchestrated coregulation. Within chitecture including specific enhancers as well
defined here as “organization score” (|r|avg), for these transcriptome- and proteome-based reg- as transcription and splicing factors (44–46).
the NPCs, neurons, and glia were 0.22 to 0.25. ulatory networks were numerous occasions of Intriguingly, the three major functional catego-
Such levels of organized gene expression were coregulated (RNA) and interacting (protein) ries associated with the genetic risk architec-
robustly significant for NPC and neurons, after risk locus and risk locus–connect genes that ture of schizophrenia—neuronal connectivity,
controlling for linear genomic distance (1000 share the same TAD, including CDC20, which synaptic signaling, and chromatin remodeling
random samplings, |r|avg, P < 0.001 for NPC regulates dendrite development (40, 41) and is (47, 48)—were heavily represented within the
and for neuron; P = 0.041 for glia) (Fig. 3D, fig. associated at the protein level with RNF220, an cell type–specific chromosomal connectomes
S9E, and table S21). There were four large clus- E3 ubiquitin-ligase and b-catenin stabilizer of neurons and NPCs described here (Fig. 3, B
ters in the correlation matrices of the neuronal (Fig. 4C) (42). and E) and in whole tissue in vivo (7, 11). Cell
and NPC risk connectome: neuronal connectivity To examine whether such coregulation could type–specific 3DG reorganization during the
and synaptic signaling proteins (neuron cluster be representative of the prefrontal cortex pro- course of neural progenitor differentiation, as
1 and NPC cluster 2) and epigenetic regulators teome of the adult brain, we screened a newly shown here, could therefore have profound
(neuron cluster 2 and NPC cluster 1). For exam- generated mass spectrometry–based dataset of implications for our understanding of the ge-
ple, within neuron cluster 1 (Fig. 3D, middle), 62 182 neuronal proteins, the majority of which netic underpinnings of psychiatric disease. For
of 125 genes encoded neural cell adhesion and were synaptic, quantified from prefrontal cortex example, inclusion of the cell type–specific risk
synaptic molecules, voltage-gated ion channels, of n = 23 adult schizophrenia and n = 20 control (sequence)–associated chromosomal connectome
and other neuron-specific genes (Fig. 3E and subjects (table S25) (43). Among the 182 proteins, may lead to refinements of cumulative schizo-
tables S22 and S23). We thus conclude that the there were four from the risk-associated neuro- phrenia risk allele burden estimates, including
chromosomal connectomes associated with schi- nal protein network (Fig. 4D): GABAB receptor “polygenic risk score” (PRS) or “biologically in-
zophrenia risk are cell type–specific, with the subunit GABBR1 and ionotropic (GRIA1 and formed multilocus profile scores” (BIMPS), which
neuronal risk connectome particularly enriched GRIN2A) and metabotropic glutamate receptor currently only explain a small portion of dis-
for genes pertaining to neuronal connectivity, subunits (GRM3). Protein-protein correlation ease risk (49). Cell type–specific intersection of
synaptic signaling, and chromatin remodeling scores were significantly higher for these four 3DG and genetic risk maps are of clinical inter-
(Fig. 3, D and E). Analyses of the subset of PGC2 risk-associated proteins than expected from est beyond psychiatric disorders; for example,
risk loci (108 and 145) provided similar results (fig. random permutation analysis from the pool of risk variants that confer susceptibility to auto-
S9, C to F). Additionally, organization scores for 182 proteins (P < 0.002) across patients and con- immune disease were embedded in physically
neuron cluster 1 and cluster 2 genes were sim- trols. We conclude that the schizophrenia-related interacting chromosomal loci in lymphoblastoid
ilar between hiPSC-derived NPCs and forebrain chromosomal connectome, tethering other por- cells (50). Our 3DG maps from neural progenitors
neurons from schizophrenia cases (n = 47) and tions of the genome to the sequences associated and their isogenic neurons and glia are accessible
control (n = 47), suggesting that many risk locus– with schizophrenia heritability, provides a struc- through the PsychENCODE Knowledge Portal
connect and risk locus genes are coregulated tural foundation for a functional connectome ( and more than double the
across individuals (fig. S9H). that reflects coordinated regulation of gene ex- number of currently available Hi-C datasets from
Numerous proteins encoded by risk locus and pression and interactions within the proteome. human brain (7, 9, 10), providing investigators
risk locus–connect genes were associated with with a resource to chart the expanded genome
synaptic signaling (table S24). The cell type– Discussion space associated with cognitive and neuropsychi-
specific risk locus–connect and risk locus genes Neural progenitor differentiation into neurons atric disease in context of cell type–specific re-
show significant protein-protein interaction and glia is associated with dynamic remodeling modeling of chromosomal conformations during
network effects for NPCs (P = 0.0004) and of chromosomal conformations, including loss early development.
neurons (P = 0.009) but not glia (Fig. 4A, figs. of many NPC-specific chromosomal contacts,
S10 to S12, and table S24) when examined by with differentiation-induced loop pruning pri- Materials and methods
using the STRING database v10.5 (38, 39). We marily affecting a subset of genes important for In situ Hi-C from hiPSC-derived cells
observed many proteomic clusters, including neurogenesis (NPC-to-neuron loss) and neuro- In situ Hi-C libraries were generated from 2 million
large groups of epigenomic regulators associ- nal function (NPC-to-glia loss). These findings to 5 million cultured hiPSC-derived NPCs, glia,
ated with the SWI/SNF (SWItch/Sucrose Non- broadly resonate with a recent report linking and neurons as described in (3) without mod-
Fermentable) chromatin remodeling complex neural differentiation to multiple scales of 3DG ifications in the protocol. Briefly, in situ Hi-C
and histone lysine methyltransferases and deme- folding, governed by multiple mechanisms, in- consists of 7 steps: (i) crosslinking cells with
thylases (Fig. 4A and figs. S10 and S11), many of cluding CTCF-dependent loop alterations, re- formaldehyde, (ii) digesting the DNA using a
which were the genes identified in NPC cluster pressive chromatin remodeling, and cell- and 4-cutter restriction enzyme (e.g., MboI) within
1 and neuron cluster 2 of the transcriptome lineage-specific transcription factor networks intact permeabilized nuclei, (iii) filling in and
analysis (Fig. 3, D and E). The transcriptomic (21). Our results suggest that developmental biotinylating the resulting 5′-overhangs, (iv)
correlation heatmaps for these protein net- 3DG remodeling affects a substantial portion ligating the blunt ends, (v) shearing the DNA,
works (“STRING” genes), when compared with of sequences that confer liability for schizo- (vi) pulling down the biotinylated ligation junc-
randomly generated subset heatmaps from the phrenia; furthermore, these genes in 3D phys- tions with streptavidin beads, and (vii) analyz-
overall (“Full”) schizophrenia-related chromo- ical proximity with schizophrenia-risk variants ing these fragments using paired end sequencing.
somal connectome (Fig. 3D), had higher organi- show a surprisingly strong correlation at the As quality control (QC) steps, we checked for
zation scores in NPCs and neurons (NPC |r|avg = level of the transcriptome and proteome. How efficient restriction with an agarose DNA gel
0.2963, P = 0.007; neuron |r|avg = 0.2877, P = might the disease-relevant reorganization of and for appropriate size selection in using the
0.008, glia |r|avg = 0.2225, P = 0.595, STRING the spatial genome (the “chromosomal con- Agilent Bioanalyzer after steps (v) and (vi). For
versus full permutation test) (Materials and nectome”) provide a structural foundation for the final QC, we performed superficial sequenc-
methods) (Fig. 4B, figs. S13 to S15, and table coordinated regulation of expression? Recent ing on the Illumina MiSeq (~2-3M reads/sample)

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 11


to assess quality of the libraries using metrics 0.10, 0.10; peak width (p) = 4, 2; window width our principal approach was to first estimate the
such as percent of reads passing filter, percent of (i ) = 7, 5; merge distance (d) = 20 kb, 20 kb. expected interaction counts for each interaction
chimeric reads, and percent of forward-reverse Values for parameters correspond to calls made distance by calculating the mean of all intra-
pairs (supplementary materials, table S1). For the at 5kb and 10kb, respectively. Representative chromosomal bin-bin interactions of the same
forebrain directed differentiation neuronal libra- neuronal and non-neuronal loops are presented separation distance throughout the raw intra-
ry from subject S1, the Arima Hi-C kit (Arima in fig. S3. As the number of loops called is de- chromosomal contact matrix. We used the
Genomics, San Diego) was used according to the pendent upon the number of Hi-C contacts in R package, HiTC (56), to facilitate manipulation
manufacturer’s instructions. the matrix (55), we also generated matrices with of our HiC-Pro-produced raw contact matrices
equivalent total Hi-C contacts via subsampling. and estimation of the expected counts at var-
Hi-C read mapping and matrix generation hiPSC-derived Hi-C interaction matrices were ious interaction distances. The probability of ob-
The Hi-C libraries were sequenced on the Illumina randomly subsampled to 372,787,143 cis only con- serving an interaction between a bin-of-interest
HiSeq1000 platform (125bp paired-end) (New York tacts (the lowest number of cis contacts across and another bin was then defined as the ex-
Genome Center). Technical replicates of subject all cell types) and HiCCUPS was rerun on the pected interaction between those two bins di-
S2 NPCs, neurons, and glia were also sequenced subsampled matrices. After loops were called vided by the sum of all expected interactions
to enhance resolution. Initial processing of the for each cell type, we performed a reevaluation between the bin-of-interest and all other intra-
raw 2 ×125 bp read pair FASTQ files was per- on this union set of loop loci. HiCCUPS was re- chromosomal bins. A P value was then calculated
formed using the HiC-Pro analysis pipeline (51). run using the union set of loop loci as input to as binomial probability of observing the number
In brief, HiC-Pro performs four major tasks: produce q-values for each loop in the union set of interaction counts or more between the bin-of-
aligning short reads, filtering for valid pairs, for every cell type. By default, HiCCUPS does not interest and some other bin where the number
binning, and normalizing contact matrices. HiC- output a q-value for every pixel. Hence, this re- of successes was defined as the observed inter-
Pro implements the truncation-based alignment evaluation produced q-values for pixels in cells action count, the number of tries as the total
strategy using Bowtie v2.2.3 (52), mapping full that did not pass the significance threshold. We number of observed interactions between the
reads end-to-end or the 5′ portion of reads pre- then defined any pixel from the union set with a bin-of-interest and all other intrachromosomal
ceding a GATCGATC ligation site that results q-value < 0.10 with respect to the donut neigh- bins, and the success probability as the prob-
from restriction enzyme digestion with MboI borhood surrounding the pixel to be a loop and ability of observing the bin-bin interaction es-
followed by end ligation. Invalid interactions defined the loop to be shared with any cell types timated from the expected mean interaction
such as same-strand, dangling-end, self-cycle, having a q-value < 0.10 for the same pixel. counts. The Benjamini-Hochberg method was
and single-end pairs are not retained. Binning These loop calls were used for comparing used to control false discovery rate (FDR) for
was performed in 10kb, 40 kb and 100 kb non- loop calls between cell types. Loops were also P values determined for all interactions with a
overlapping, adjacent windows across the ge- called and subsampled as above for the GM12878 bin-of-interest (includes all bins 1Mb up and
nome and resulting contact matrices were cell line using the processed data from (3) found downstream in our tests).
normalized using iterative correction and eigen- here:
vector decomposition (ICE) as previously de- acc=GSE63525. Loop calls were overlapped with Generation of stable selected
scribed (53), using HiC-Pro's default settings of compartment calls (supplementary materials, dCas9-VP64/VPR and Cas9 NPCs
100 maximum iterations, filtering of the sparse materials and methods), such that AA, BB, and All CRISPR-based epigenomic editing assays
bins (lowest 2%), and a relative result increment AB refer to loops with both anchors in A, both were performed on antibiotic-selected dCas9-
of 0.1 before declaring convergence (http://nservant. anchors in B, and one anchor in A and other VP64 (VP64 as the tetrameric VP16 activator Data are re- anchor in B, respectively. Loops in chromosomes domain) and dCas9-VPR (VPR as the tripartite
ported in browser-extensible-data-like (BED) for- 4, 18, 19, and X were removed from this com- activator, VP64-p65-Rta) NPCs derived as de-
mat and visualized in the Washington University partment analysis since the first principle com- scribed in (34). For generation of Cas9 stable,
Epigenome Browser (http://epigenomegateway. ponent most likely corresponded to p versus q selected NPCs, we used a plasmid of lentiCRISPR Hierarchical clustering was performed arm distinctions and not A versus B compartments. v2 gifted by Feng Zhang (Addgene plasmid #
on the ICE-corrected intrachromosomal contact 52961). DNA sequencing with a U6 primer con-
matrices after the bins with the 1% most extreme Hi-C interactions at risk loci firmed the identity. Lentiviral production and
interaction values were excluded as largely arti- To approach 3DG conformation in context of titration were performed as described previously
factual. Clustering was performed using Ward's the disease-relevant sequences, we adapted the (14). Control S1 and S2 NPCs were spinfected with
method on the 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100% most binomial statistics based mapping strategy lentiCRISPR v2 virus as described (34). 48 hours
variable remaining bins using (1-correlation) as a previously described by Won et al. (7). The set post-transduction, cells were selected by exposure
distance metric. The results using the 10% most of schizophrenia risk loci used in this study in- to puromycin at 0.3 mg/mL. Without transduction,
variable interaction bins, shown here in a cluster cluded the original (PGC2, Psychiatric Ge- all control cells died within around 5 days after the
dendrogram and a Pearson correlation matrix, nomics Consortium) (2) risk sequences, or 108 antibiotic addition. The puromycin-selected
are representative of these results. physically distinct association loci defined by NPCs were subject to Western blot analysis of
128 index SNPs (corrected P 10−8) and an ad- Cas9 expression. 30 mg of proteins were electro-
Hi-C loop calls using Juicer ditional 37 loci from the CLOZUK (a series of phoresed in NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris Protein Gels
Loop calling was performed using the software UK cases registered for clozapine treatment with (NP0323PK2, Life Technologies) in 1× MES
HiCCUPS (3). To format data for HiCCUPS input, a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia) study for a running buffer, 200 V constant, 35 min. Proteins
we remapped reads from Hi-C libraries using total of 145 loci defined by 179 independent were transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane
the Juicer pipeline (54). Similar to HiC-Pro, the genome-wide significant SNPs (corrected P < 5 × (IB23002, Life Technologies) on the iBlot® 2 Dry
Juicer pipeline performs read alignment, filter- 10–8), determined by GWAS in 40,675 cases and Blotting System (program P3, 7:00 min). The
ing, binning, and matrix normalization. Samples 64,643 controls (23). A risk locus is defined as membranes were incubated with primary anti-
were pooled for each cell type (S1 and 2 technical a collection of (SNPs) existing in linkage dis- bodies against Cas9 (1:250, monoclonal, clone 7A9,
replicates from S2) to generate the maximum equilibrium, ranging from 1bp to 8.9Mb (aver- Millipore) and b-Actin (1:10,000, mouse, 1406030,
amount of coverage required for accurate loop age 256.2 kb) in length and in total equivalent Ambion) overnight at 4°C. Then, membranes were
calling. The resulting .hic matrix files (MAPQ > 0) to approximately 0.012% of human genomic incubated with the IRDye-labeled secondary anti-
were then used as input to HiCCUPS. The fol- sequence. bodies for 45 min at RT in the dark on the rocker.
lowing parameters were set for HiCCUPS fol- To identify significantly enriched interac- Fluorescence was visualized using a Li-Cor Odyssey
lowing the analysis in (3): FDR threshold ( f ) = tions involving a bin of interest with another bin, Imaging System.

Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 9 of 11


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gRNAs were generated via in vitro transcription this interaction we randomly selected two 10kb from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Reports
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Rajarajan et al., Science 362, eaat4311 (2018) 14 December 2018 11 of 11


◥ RATIONALE: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS)

RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY provides the opportunity to identify the majority
of genetic variation in each individual. By per-
forming WGS on 1902 quartet families including
a child affected with ASD, one unaffected sibling
control, and their parents, we identified ~67 de
Genome-wide de novo risk score novo mutations across each child’s genome. To
characterize the functional role of these muta-

implicates promoter variation tions, we integrated multiple datasets relating to

gene function, genes implicated in neurodevel-
opmental disorders, con-
in autism spectrum disorder ON OUR WEBSITE

servation across species,

and epigenetic markers,
Read the full article
Joon-Yong An*, Kevin Lin*, Lingxue Zhu*, Donna M. Werling*, Shan Dong, at http://dx.doi. thereby combinatorially
org/10.1126/ defining 55,143 categories.
Harrison Brand, Harold Z. Wang, Xuefang Zhao, Grace B. Schwartz, Ryan L. Collins,
science.aat6576 The scope of the problem—
Benjamin B. Currall, Claudia Dastmalchi, Jeanselle Dea, Clif Duhn, Michael C. Gilson, ..................................................
Lambertus Klei, Lindsay Liang, Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou, Sirisha Pochareddy, testing for an excess of de
Nadav Ahituv, Joseph D. Buxbaum, Hilary Coon, Mark J. Daly, Young Shin Kim, novo mutations in cases relative to controls for
Gabor T. Marth, Benjamin M. Neale, Aaron R. Quinlan, John L. Rubenstein, each category—is challenging because there are
Nenad Sestan, Matthew W. State, A. Jeremy Willsey, Michael E. Talkowski†, more categories than families.
Bernie Devlin†, Kathryn Roeder†, Stephan J. Sanders†
RESULTS: Comparing cases to controls, we
observed an excess of de novo mutations in
INTRODUCTION: The DNA of protein-coding In contrast, the “noncoding genome” covers cases in individual categories in the coding
genes is transcribed into mRNA, which is trans- the remaining ~98.5% and includes elements genome but not in the noncoding genome.
lated into proteins. The “coding genome” de- that regulate when, where, and to what degree To overcome the challenge of detecting non-
scribes the DNA that contains the information protein-coding genes are transcribed. Under- coding association, we used machine learning
to make these proteins and represents ~1.5% of standing this noncoding sequence could provide tools to develop a de novo risk score to look for
the human genome. Newly arising de novo mu- insights into human disorders and refined con- an excess of de novo mutations across multiple
tations (variants observed in a child but not in trol of emerging genetic therapies. Yet little is categories. This score demonstrated a contri-
either parent) in the coding genome contrib- known about the role of mutations in noncod- bution to ASD risk from coding mutations
ute to numerous childhood developmental dis- ing regions, including whether they contribute and a weaker, but significant, contribution
orders, including autism spectrum disorder to childhood developmental disorders, which from noncoding mutations. This noncoding
(ASD). Discovery of these effects is aided by noncoding elements are most vulnerable to signal was driven by mutations in the pro-
the triplet code that enables the functional im- disruption, and the manner in which informa- moter region, defined as the 2000 nucleotides
pact of many mutations to be readily deciphered. tion is encoded in the noncoding genome. upstream of the transcription start site (TSS)
where mRNA synthesis starts. The strongest
Whole-genome sequencing Annotation to define Case-control association promoter signals were defined by conserva-
of 1,902 ASD families 55,143 categories in 55,143 categories tion across species and transcription factor
binding sites. Well-defined promoter elements
A/A Mother Father A/A (e.g., TATA-box) are usually observed within
80 nucleotides of the TSS; however, the strong-
est ASD association was observed distally, 750
ASD to 2000 nucleotides upstream of the TSS.
T/A Case Control A/A
CONCLUSION: We conclude that de novo
de novo mutation mutations in the noncoding genome contrib-
ute to ASD. The clearest evidence of noncod-
De novo risk score: Promoter mutations associated with ASD ing ASD association came from mutations at
Promoter Intron Exon UTR Intergenic evolutionarily conserved nucleotides in the pro-
GENE moter region. The enrichment for transcription
2,000bp upstream TSS factor binding sites, primarily in the distal
Sites conserved across species promoter, suggests that these mutations may
PhyloP disrupt gene transcription via their interac-
Distal promoter tion with enhancer elements in the promoter
Cases region, rather than interfering with transcrip-
Transcription factor binding sites
tional initiation directly.

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
Promoter regions in autism. De novo mutations from 1902 quartet families are assigned to *These authors contributed equally to this work.
55,143 annotation categories, which are each assessed for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) †Corresponding author. Email: talkowski@chgr.mgh.harvard.
association by comparing mutation counts in cases and sibling controls. A de novo risk score edu (M.E.T.); (B.D.); roeder@andrew.cmu.
edu (K.R.); (S.J.S.)
demonstrated a noncoding contribution to ASD driven by promoter mutations, especially at Cite this article as J.-Y. An et al., Science 362, eaat6576
sites conserved across species, in the distal promoter or targeted by transcription factors. (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aat6576

An et al., Science 362, 1270 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 1


◥ genome; however, the multiplicity of hypotheses

RESEARCH ARTICLE that can be tested in an unbiased screen requires
careful consideration of statistical interpretation.
To date, WGS analyses of as many as 519 families
PSYCHIATRIC GENOMICS with a child affected by ASD have yet to identify
a significant noncoding contribution from de

Genome-wide de novo risk score novo mutations, after appropriate correction for
the multiple comparisons necessary in genome-
wide analyses (13–16).
implicates promoter variation WGS analyses are complicated by the sheer
scale of the noncoding genome and by limited

in autism spectrum disorder methods to predict functional regions and dis-

ruptive variants. The category-wide association
study (CWAS) framework applies multiple an-
Joon-Yong An1*, Kevin Lin2*, Lingxue Zhu2*, Donna M. Werling1*, Shan Dong1, notation methods to define thousands of anno-
Harrison Brand3,4,5, Harold Z. Wang3, Xuefang Zhao3,4,5, Grace B. Schwartz1, tation categories, each of which is tested for
Ryan L. Collins3,4,6, Benjamin B. Currall3,4,5, Claudia Dastmalchi1, association with ASD. This CWAS approach is
Jeanselle Dea1, Clif Duhn1, Michael C. Gilson1, Lambertus Klei7, Lindsay Liang1, similar to that used in a genome-wide associa-
Eirene Markenscoff-Papadimitriou1, Sirisha Pochareddy8, Nadav Ahituv9,10, tion study, with single-nucleotide polymorphisms
Joseph D. Buxbaum11,12,13,14, Hilary Coon15,16, Mark J. Daly5,17,18, (SNPs) substituted for annotation categories, and
Young Shin Kim1, Gabor T. Marth19,20, Benjamin M. Neale5,17,18, uses similar correction for multiple comparisons
Aaron R. Quinlan16,19,20, John L. Rubenstein1, Nenad Sestan8, Matthew W. State1,10, (15, 17). The CWAS-defined categories can also
A. Jeremy Willsey1,21,22, Michael E. Talkowski3,4,5,23†, Bernie Devlin7†, be used to build a de novo risk score, akin to a
polygenic risk score, by selecting multiple annota-
Kathryn Roeder2,24†, Stephan J. Sanders1,10†
tion categories in a training cohort for assessment
Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) has facilitated the first genome-wide evaluations of the
in a testing cohort (15). This model is generated
contribution of de novo noncoding mutations to complex disorders. Using WGS, we
once, so it does not incur a multiple testing pe-
identified 255,106 de novo mutations among sample genomes from members of 1902
nalty. In the present study, our results demon-
quartet families in which one child, but not a sibling or their parents, was affected by
strate an association between de novo noncoding
autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In contrast to coding mutations, no noncoding functional
mutations and ASD that is driven by mutations
annotation category, analyzed in isolation, was significantly associated with ASD. Casting
in conserved promoter regions.
noncoding variation in the context of a de novo risk score across multiple annotation Identification of de novo mutations
categories, however, did demonstrate association with mutations localized to promoter in 1902 families
regions. We found that the strongest driver of this promoter signal emanates from
We analyzed the results of WGS in 7608 samples
evolutionarily conserved transcription factor binding sites distal to the transcription start
from 1902 quartet families from the Simons
site. These data suggest that de novo mutations in promoter regions, characterized by
Simplex Collection (18), each composed of a
evolutionary and functional signatures, contribute to ASD.
mother and father, a child affected by ASD, and

an unaffected sibling (table S1). This family-based
e novo mutations play an important role Identifying noncoding variants that regulate design enables the detection of newly arising
in human disorders that impair reproduc- gene function could provide important insights de novo mutations that are rare but can have
tive fitness, including autism spectrum into when, where, and in which cell type ASD drastic effects, and allows a direct comparison
disorder (ASD) (1), severe developmental pathology occurs. Such knowledge could have between ASD cases and their unaffected siblings
delay (2), epileptic encephalopathy (3), broad implications for targeted therapeutics (10). as controls. By comparing each affected and un-
and a spectrum of congenital anomalies (4, 5). Targeted sequencing of highly evolutionarily affected child to their parents, we identified 255,106
Analysis of de novo mutations in the 1.5% of conserved loci in 7930 families with a child de novo mutations in 1902 families (Fig. 1A and
the genome that encodes proteins has identi- affected by severe developmental delay identi- table S2), with 61.5 de novo single-nucleotide
fied numerous genes associated with ASD (1), fied a modest contribution from de novo muta- variants (SNVs) and 5.6 de novo insertions or
and these findings have provided a foundation tions at loci that are active in the fetal brain (12). deletions [indels; ≤50 base pairs (bp)] per child,
from which to interrogate ASD etiology (6–9). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) represents using a high-quality variant filter defined in our
The contribution of de novo variation in the the next critical step in such explorations, enabl- previous study (15). These mutation rates are
98.5% of sequence that constitutes the noncod- ing the contribution of noncoding de novo mu- similar to those reported previously (fig. S1). In-
ing genome remains largely unknown (10, 11). tations to be evaluated systematically across the dependent experimental validation confirmed

Department of Psychiatry, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2Department of Statistics and Data Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. 3Center for Genomic Medicine and Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. 4Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA. 5Program in Medical and Population Genetics and the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA. 6Program in Bioinformatics and
Integrative Genomics, Division of Medical Sciences, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 7Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
Department of Neuroscience and Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA. 9Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, USA. 10Institute for Human Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. 11Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 12Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA. 13Friedman Brain Institute, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 14Mindich Child Health and Development Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 15Department of Psychiatry,
University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 16Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 17Analytical and
Translational Genetics Unit and Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. 18Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
Department of Human Genetics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. 20USTAR Center for Genetic Discovery, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City,
UT, USA. 21Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA. 22Quantitative Biosciences Institute, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, USA. 23Departments of Pathology and Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. 24Computational Biology Department, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: (M.E.T.); (B.D.); (K.R.); (S.J.S.)

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 8


Fig. 1. Category-wide associa-

tion study on 1902 ASD
families. (A) De novo mutations
were identified in 7608 samples
from 1902 quartet families, each
including an ASD case and an
unaffected sibling control. The
mean genome-wide mutation
rate, corrected for paternal age,
is shown for cases and controls.
(B) Each mutation was anno-
tated against 70 annotation
terms in five groups, combina-
tions of which defined 55,143
annotation categories (table S3
and fig. S5). (C) A category-wide
association study (CWAS)
shows the degree to which de
novo protein-truncating variants
(PTVs) in each category (points)
are enriched in cases (right x
axis) or controls (left x axis)
against the statistical evidence
for this enrichment ( y axis). Red
lines show the threshold for
nominal significance (P = 0.05)
and significance after correction
for 6711 effective tests (19).
The red X shows the category of
all PTVs without other annota-
tions. (D and E) The equivalent
CWAS is shown for de novo
missense (D) and de novo non-
coding (E) variants. Statistical
tests: binomial exact test, two-
tailed [(C) to (E)].

97.1% of SNVs (238/245) and 82.7% of indels 55,143 annotation categories (Fig. 1B, fig. S5, stricted to “candidate” noncoding categories se-
(148/179) (19). No difference in noncoding de and table S3). Considering each category sepa- lected on the basis of assumptions about functional
novo rate was observed between cases and con- rately in a CWAS, 579 categories reached our impact as opposed to unbiased genome-wide
trols after correcting for the established correlation correction threshold of 7.5 × 10−6, generated by analyses, in cohorts ranging from 39 to 516 ASD
between parental age and de novo frequency (20) Eigen decomposition of 10,000 simulated data- families (13, 14, 22). Although these candidate
[corrected relative risk (cRR) = 1.005; P = 0.15 by sets (15). All 579 categories were enriched in categories were enriched at nominal significance
permutation of case-control labels; table S3 and cases rather than controls; 575 of these included in ASD cases in those initial discovery cohorts,
fig. S2]. Ancestry was not a significant predictor de novo PTV mutations (cRR = 1.92; P = 2.9 × 10−11, no candidate categories reached nominal signif-
of de novo mutation rate; thus, it was not in- binomial; Fig. 1C), and the remaining four cat- icance in this larger cohort, despite similar mu-
cluded in this correction (figs. S3 and S4). egories were subsets of missense mutations in tation rates (table S4). Similarly, we did not
genes previously associated with ASD (cRR = observe enrichment of mutations in ASD cases
Only protein-coding categories show 2.90; P = 5.7 × 10−6; Fig. 1D and fig. S6). No non- in the conserved noncoding elements described
genome-wide enrichment in cases coding categories reached the correction threshold with targeted sequencing of 6239 families with
In coding regions, ASD-associated mutations are (Fig. 1E). We note that many of the ASD-associated severe developmental delay (12), although we
found at a small number of critical loci—for ex- genes were identified by de novo PTVs, and to a note that our replication cohort is substantially
ample, protein-truncating variants (PTVs) in ~5% lesser extent de novo missense mutations, in these smaller than the discovery cohort and of a dif-
of genes (21). In the absence of an equivalent same cases (1). To focus on classes of variation with ferent phenotype.
definition for critical noncoding loci, we anno- more subtle impacts on ASD risk, we excluded all
tated the mutations against gene definitions, annotation categories that included PTVs from Analysis across multiple noncoding
ASD-associated gene lists, species conservation, further analysis. categories highlights the role of promoters
types of mutation, and functional annotations Previous analyses have used WGS data to No single noncoding annotation category passed
(e.g., ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, DNase-seq) to define screen the genome, but those analyses were re- our threshold of significance (Fig. 1E), so we

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 8


further explored the data by building a de novo predictor of case status (R2 = 1.67%, P = 5 × 10−12; 0.01; Fig. 2A and table S5). In contrast, the re-
risk score (15) to identify groups of categories Fig. 2A). Of the 238 annotation categories, 75 maining 118 noncoding categories, without
in an unsupervised genome-wide analysis. To were in coding regions (R2 = 1.08%, P = 4 × 10−9; promoters, were not significant predictors of
generate the score, we first restricted the analysis table S5) and 163 were noncoding (R2 = 0.54%, case status (R2 = 0.22%, P = 0.25; Fig. 2A). The 45
to annotation categories with a relatively small P = 0.02; table S5); this finding demonstrates a promoter categories selected in the risk score
number of de novo mutations (19). This thresh- noncoding contribution of de novo mutations encompassed 150 independent mutations, 112 in
olding step is critical because the presence of to ASD risk. cases and 38 in controls (table S6).
numerous de novo mutations in an annotation To understand the nature of this noncoding To examine whether this promoter signal was
category could represent false negatives in par- contribution, we assessed the relative frequen- detectable beyond these 150 mutations, we con-
ents (i.e., apparent de novo mutations that were cies of the individual annotation terms from sidered the pattern of de novo mutation enrich-
actually inherited variants), highly mutable re- which the 163 noncoding categories are com- ment across all 1855 promoter-defined annotation
gions, regions with limited impact on natural posed. The three annotation terms most fre- categories with ≥7 mutations. Of these, 112 were
selection, or categories covering large swaths quently selected were PhastCons-defined (23) enriched in cases at nominal significance, which
of the genome; none of these possibilities are evolutionarily conserved regions (68 of 163 cat- is more than expected (cross-category burden P =
likely to enrich for ASD risk at a small number egories), PhyloP-defined (24) evolutionarily con- 0.03; Fig. 2, B and C), unlike the six categories
of critical loci. Next, to select annotations likely served nucleotides (49 of 163 categories), and enriched at nominal significance in controls (cross-
to be important for risk from the remaining promoter regions, defined as 2 kb upstream of category burden P = 0.94; Fig. 2, B and C). Ten of
annotations, we generated a risk score using a the transcription start site (TSS) (45 of 163 cat- the 112 case-enriched categories were also se-
Lasso regression from 519 families, described in egories). The inclusion of 45 promoter catego- lected for inclusion in the de novo risk score; no
(15), to identify annotation categories with rates ries in the model is enriched by a factor of 2.45 control-enriched categories were selected.
of mutations that distinguish cases from con- over expectation (P = 6 × 10−7 after correcting
trols. The resulting risk score was composed of for 62 noncoding annotation terms; Fig. 2A and Promoter association is driven
238 annotation categories, each with a coeffi- table S5). The risk score remained a significant by evolutionary conservation
cient reflecting the contribution of the category predictor of case status with only these promoter To understand the types of variants and genes
to the score (table S5). Applying the risk score to categories included and accounted for the ma- that account for this association between pro-
1383 new families revealed it to be a significant jority of the noncoding signal (R2 = 0.50%, P = moter mutations and ASD, we performed an
exploratory analysis of the 6787 promoter region
mutations and the 1310 promoter annotation
categories with at least 20 mutations. Consid-
ering the correlation of P values across annotation
categories, on the basis of 10,000 simulations
(19), we identified 47 clusters, each composed of
multiple highly correlated categories (Fig. 3A
and table S7). Using the DAWN hidden Markov
random field model (25) to refine the evidence
for association based on the strength of associ-
ation in neighboring clusters, nine of the 47 clus-
ters were identified at a Bayesian false discovery
rate of 0.01 (Fig. 3A and Table 1).
Assessment of the overlap of mutations be-
tween clusters and annotation terms identified
two large groups of promoter mutations (Fig. 3, B
Coding and C): an “Active Transcription Start Site (TSS)”
no PTV group (RR = 1.03; P = 0.32, binomial test; Fig. 3D),
distinguished by correlated epigenetic markers
(C18 and C28; Fig. 3B), and a “Conserved Loci”
group (RR = 1.28; P = 0.0002, binomial test; Fig.
3D), distinguished by PhastCons and/or PhyloP
scores (C12, C20, C49, C63; Fig. 3B). Of the 931 de
novo mutations in the Conserved Loci group, 557
(60%) are also in the Active TSS group (Fig. 3C)
and removing these conserved loci from the
Active TSS group removes almost all of the signal
(RR = 1.00).
The three remaining small clusters show lim-
ited overlap with the Active TSS and Conserved
Fig. 2. Enrichment of conserved promoters in cases. (A) After excluding categories with PTVs, Loci groups (Fig. 3B and Table 1): C7, defined by
which are known to have a strong contribution to ASD, a de novo risk score was generated using long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) at active TSSs
Lasso regression to distinguish cases and controls in the first 519 families and tested on 1383 new (RR = 1.19); C42, defined by developmental delay
families. The same risk score was tested considering 163 noncoding categories only and, based on genes (2) (RR = 1.51); and C26, defined by pro-
the enrichment of promoter categories in the risk score, for 45 promoter categories and 118 cessed transcripts (RR = 2.00).
noncoding categories without promoters (table S5). (B) Considering 1855 promoter annotation When we consider all mutations in promoters
categories with ≥7 mutations, 118 reached nominal significance, 112 of which had an excess of as a single category, we see a nonsignificant trend
mutations in cases. (C) The observation of 112 nominally significant case-enriched categories (red toward weak enrichment in cases (3458 in cases
line) and six control-enriched categories (blue line) in (B) is compared to permuted expectation versus 3329 in controls; cRR = 1.03; P = 0.16,
(gray distribution). Statistical tests: Lasso regression with permutation testing (A); binomial, permutation test). Because the cluster analysis
two-sided (B); permutation testing (C). highlighted the role of evolutionary conservation

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 8


Mutations at Conserved Loci

Fig. 3. Mapping ASD association within promoter regions by annota- number of mutations in each group is shown in parentheses. (D) Estimates of
tion terms. (A) DAWN uses P-value correlations between 1310 promoter relative risk based on the number of de novo mutations in cases and
categories with ≥20 mutations to define 47 clusters (nodes, with size controls within each group. (E) Considering mutations at Conserved Loci,
representing the number of categories in the cluster). Evidence for ASD the degree of enrichment of mutations in cases versus controls (red line)
association is evaluated in the context of the local P-value correlation is shown in relation to permuted expectation (gray distributions). The
network (edges) to estimate false discovery rate (FDR). Enrichment is mean number of mutations per child is shown in parentheses. Nominally
shown by color for the nine clusters with FDR ≤ 0.01 (Table 1). (B) The significant uncorrected P values are shown in red. (F) Distribution of
number of de novo mutations shared between these nine clusters and nonverbal IQ in cases with mutations at Active TSS (blue) and Conserved
the annotation terms enriched in these clusters is shown as a correlation Loci (purple) promoters versus cases with neither (gray). Cases with de
with hierarchical clustering. The black boxes show the first five divisions novo PTVs were excluded from all groups. Statistical tests: DAWN (A);
based on hierarchical clustering with two large groups: Active TSS and permutation testing (E); Wilcoxon signed rank, two-sided (F). Box plot in (E)
Conserved Loci. The numbers of de novo mutations in each group are shown and (F) shows the median (black line), interquartile range (white box),
in parentheses. (C) The size and relationship of the groups of promoter and a further 1.5 times the interquartile range (whiskers). DD, developmental
mutations identified in (A) and (B), based on de novo mutation counts. The delay; MF, midfetal; REP, Roadmap Epigenome; UTR, untranslated region.

(Fig. 3D), we assessed case-control burden for all (28). Similarly, we observe stronger ASD associ- tween these two groups in conserved promoters
30,891 conserved mutations, split by GENCODE- ation at promoter regions if mutations seen in (P = 0.61, permutation test; fig. S8) or for con-
defined (26) genic regions (Fig. 3E). We observed gnomAD are excluded (470 versus 350; cRR = served missense mutations (P = 0.20, permuta-
an excess of mutations in cases at conserved loci 1.34; P = 3 × 10−5, permutation test). Given the tion test; fig. S8).
in promoters (522 versus 409; cRR = 1.26; P = rarity and high effect sizes of protein-disrupting
0.0003, permutation test), but not for mutations de novo mutations, we might expect a margin- Gene set enrichment and phenotype
in other noncoding regions (Fig. 3E and fig. S7). ally higher rate of risk-mediating mutations in in the Conserved Loci group
In coding regions, de novo mutations that are the 1759 ASD cases without previously identi- The Conserved Loci group includes the pro-
not observed in the general population according fied ASD-associated mutations (1) relative to moters of 886 unique genes, of which 53% are
to the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) the 143 families with prior findings (table S1). protein-coding, 15% are processed pseudogenes,
(27) are more likely to be associated with ASD However, no such difference was observed be- and 14% are lncRNAs (table S6) with similar

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 8


Table 1. Groups and clusters of categories within promoter regions.

CHD8 binding Total mutations Absolute Binomial DAWN DAWN

Cluster Description Active TSS Conserved loci
targets (case/control) RR P value RR P value

C7 Active TSS lncRNAs 98% 18% 0% 328 (178/150) 1.19 0.14 1.66 0.03
C12 PhastCons 59% 100% 8% 896 (495/401) 1.23 0.002 1.22 0.003
C18 Active TSS 100% 16% 10% 3097 (1600/1497) 1.07 0.07 1.1 0.03
C20 PhyloP 82% 100% 14% 164 (100/64) 1.56 0.006 1.48 0.03
C26 Processed transcripts 57% 20% 0% 51 (34/17) 2 0.02 2.39 0.009
C28 CHD8 targets 100% 21% 100% 365 (183/182) 1.01 1 1.34 0.03
C42 Developmental delay genes 77% 11% 10% 93 (56/37) 1.51 0.06 2.06 0.02
C49 CHD8 targets and PhyloP 100% 100% 100% 23 (16/7) 2.29 0.09 2.43 0.01
C63 PhyloP 79% 100% 12% 143 (91/52) 1.75 0.001 1.87 0.03
All promoters 53% 14% 5% 6787 (3458/3329) 1.04 0.12 — —
Active TSS group 100% 16% 10% 3570 (1815/1755) 1.03 0.32 — —
Conserved Loci group 60% 100% 8% 931 (522/409) 1.28 0.0002 — —

distributions in cases and controls except for 2.36; P = 0.07, Fisher exact test); both trends are we could not replicate candidate noncoding
processed transcripts (17 in cases, 0 in con- consistent with results seen in coding mutations. hypotheses described in previous analyses of
trols). In cases, genes with promoter mutations ASD and developmental delay cohorts (table S4)
in the Conserved Loci group are enriched for The distal promoter shows the strongest (12–14, 22, 33). However, a “de novo risk score,”
“regulation of cell differentiation” (GO:0045595, evidence of association, especially developed from a genome-wide Lasso analysis of
FDR = 0.02), “transcription, DNA-templated” at transcription factor binding sites multiple noncoding annotation categories, was a
(GO:0006351, FDR = 0.04), and “regulation of Because promoters are defined by their relation- significant predictor of ASD risk (Fig. 2A). Such
transcription by RNA polymerase II” (GO:0006357, ship to the TSS (31), we considered how ASD scores are routinely used in genomic analyses,
FDR = 0.04), whereas no biological processes are association varied by TSS distance, with the including polygenic risk scores of common var-
enriched in controls (table S8). Comparing cases expectation that association would diminish iants and, recently, a rare variant risk score for
to controls, there are nonsignificant trends to- with distance from the TSS. We first examined coding mutations in schizophrenia (34). Con-
ward enrichment in cases for ASD-associated four bins: the core promoter (≤80 bp), which we sistent with expectations, the magnitude of the
genes (5 in cases, 2 in controls) and several ASD- would expect to contain the TATA box, initiator contribution from noncoding mutations is smaller
related gene lists: brain-expressed (29), con- element, and/or downstream promoter element; than that of the coding region, even having ex-
strained (27), or CHD8 targets (8, 9, 30) (fig. S9 the proximal promoter (81 to 250 bp); and two cluded de novo PTVs (Fig. 2A). Yet this early itera-
and table S8). divisions of distal promoters (251 to 1000 bp, tion of a de novo risk score could underestimate
In coding regions, ASD-associated genes can 1001 to 2000 bp). In contrast to this expectation, the true risk conferred by all noncoding muta-
be identified by the presence of multiple inde- mutations in the Conserved Loci group are most tions, as has been seen for polygenic risk score
pendent PTVs in different cases disrupting the strongly enriched in the distal region (RR = 1.32; from common variants in successively larger
same gene (1). In the WGS data, this approach P = 0.005, binomial test; Fig. 4A). This distal cohorts (35).
did not yield specific promoters, because similar association prompted us to consider only muta- Enrichment of annotation terms in the de
numbers of promoters had multiple Conserved tions at experimentally defined transcription novo risk score reveals that it is mutations in
Loci mutations in cases and controls (11 pro- factor binding sites (JASPAR CORE) (32), which promoter regions (defined as 2000 bp upstream
moters in cases versus 7 in controls; P = 0.81, enhanced the association (RR = 2.05; P = 0.0003, of the TSS) that underlie this noncoding associ-
Fisher exact test). An equivalent analysis of binomial test; Fig. 4B). Although a trend toward ation with ASD (Fig. 2A); the risk score continues
damaging missense mutations, split into 2000- enrichment in cases is observed in the core pro- to demonstrate ASD association when consid-
bp blocks to simulate promoters, suggests that moter (Fig. 4, A and B), we do not see enrich- ering only promoter categories (45 of 163 cat-
we lack the power to detect specific promoters ment for motifs associated with RNA polymerase egories; Fig. 2A). A consistent association signal
in a cohort of this size (22 in cases, 17 in controls; II (e.g., TATA; table S6). Looking at the enrich- can be observed across all 1855 promoter catego-
P = 1.00). ment in cases across the promoter in 200-bp ries (Fig. 2B) and for 931 mutations at conserved
Prior analyses of coding mutations have found sliding windows (Fig. 4, C and D), the strongest loci (Fig. 3E). Notably, ASD cases with conserved
large comorbid effects on nonverbal IQ, with enrichment is observed between 750 and 2000 bp. promoter mutations have lower nonverbal IQ
ASD cases that carry ASD-associated mutations scores than ASD cases without these mutations
having a lower nonverbal IQ, on average (1). Discussion (Fig. 3F)—an effect also observed in children
Excluding cases with de novo PTVs, we observed These analyses used WGS from 7608 individ- with ASD-associated PTV mutations and mis-
a 4-point reduction in median nonverbal IQ for uals with an unbiased genome-wide association sense mutations (1). Within promoters, the most
cases with mutations in either the Active TSS framework to demonstrate that de novo non- robust association is observed for promoter
[P = 0.02, Wilcoxon signed-rank test (WSRT)] coding mutations alter risk for a complex neuro- mutations at Conserved Loci (Table 1), particu-
and/or Conserved Loci (P = 0.01, WSRT) groups, developmental disorder (Fig. 2). In a recent study larly at known transcription factor binding sites
relative to cases without such mutations (Fig. (15), we highlighted the importance of genome- (Fig. 4B) (32). At Conserved Loci, the relative risk
3F). Furthermore, individuals with Conserved wide analyses with appropriate correction for is similar to that observed for de novo damaging
Loci promoter mutations show a trend toward multiple testing to identify noncoding regions missense mutations (Fig. 3E). It is possible that
a higher rate of mutations in female ASD cases robustly associated with ASD. Following this the true relative risk is somewhat smaller, a phe-
(OR = 1.13; 95% CI = 0.74 to 1.73; P = 0.31, principle, no single noncoding annotation cat- nomenon seen many times when the genome is
Fisher exact test) and increased incidence of egory was significant after conservative cor- searched for loci of relatively small effect and
nonfebrile seizures (OR = 1.46; 95% CI = 0.90 to rection for multiple testing (Fig. 1E). Similarly, often called the winner’s curse. Surprisingly, the

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 8


strongest signal was not at the TSS and core mutations, terms that are also enriched in ASD- associated with risk. To facilitate such analyses by
promoter, but rather in the distal promoter, 750 associated genes (1); (ii) the trend toward en- others, we have generated a file of loci that meet
to 2000 bp away from the TSS (Fig. 4). As ex- richment for ASD-associated genes and several these criteria (table S9). Despite these promising
pected for the distal promoter, the mutations in other gene sets previously implicated in ASD insights, we cannot yet identify which of the 522
cases are frequently at experimentally defined (fig. S9); and (iii) the detection of clusters de- conserved promoter mutations in cases truly
transcription factor binding sites (Fig. 4D). fined by developmental delay genes and CHD8 confer risk, nor can we be confident which of the
A key question is whether the de novo var- binding targets (Fig. 3A and Table 1), both of remaining 126,031 noncoding case mutations do
iation found in promoter regions is targeting which are enriched for ASD risk genes. not. Instead, our results demonstrate that elucida-
the same set of genes implicated in ASD by de Our analysis establishes a specific hypothesis tion of the contribution of de novo noncoding
novo variants in protein-coding regions or a dis- that can be tested for replication in future ASD mutations to human disorders is feasible, and
tinct set of genes not yet known to play a role in cohorts and assessed in developmental and neuro- that the yields are likely to improve substantially
ASD. We favor the former possibility, although psychiatric disorder cohorts: De novo mutations at with increases in cohort size (10, 15).
we cannot definitively exclude the latter, on the conserved loci (46 vertebrate species PhastCons ≥ That conserved loci are one of the major fac-
basis of (i) the enrichment for GO terms relating 0.2 and/or 46 vertebrate species PhyloP ≥ 2) in tors underlying the promoter association could
to transcriptional regulation and cell differentia- promoter regions (2000 bp upstream of the TSS be interpreted to mean that nonhuman models
tion in the genes targeted by Conserved Loci based on GENCODEv27 annotation with VEP) are can be used to assay noncoding function in hu-
mans, although parallel work in humans will be
required to show that the specific regulatory ef-
fects are also conserved. Enrichment at transcrip-
tion factor binding sites is also promising. If
ASD association can be detected for specific trans-
cription factors or loci, it raises the prospect
of high-resolution neurobiological insights into
spatiotemporal development, especially when,
where, and in which cell type typical development
is disrupted in ASD. Such insights will require
detailed functional data on transcription factors
and how they relate to mutations found in ASD.
The association that we observe from these data
represents the integration of work from mul-
tiple fields, including human cohort collections
(2, 18), gene definitions (26), comparative genomics
(23, 24), and functional genomics (32, 36). Methods
and infrastructure are being developed to replicate
and refine this association, identify specific loci, or
extend beyond promoters. These include larger
cohorts with consistently analyzed WGS data [e.g.,
the WGSPD consortium (10)], refined annotation
of noncoding regions in the human brain [e.g., the
PsychENCODE consortium (36)], WGS-tailored
analytical methods (15, 25), and large-scale func-
tional assays [e.g., massively parallel reporter assays
(37)]. The evolving results from these fields provide
a path to improving diagnosis and novel therapeu-
tic strategies that could benefit a wide range of
human disorders.

Materials and methods

See (19) for additional details.

Detection and annotation

of de novo mutations
WGS data were generated by the New York
Genome Center with a mean coverage of 35.5 in
1902 ASD quartet families. Previously described
variant filtering criteria were applied (15) to
identify 255,106 high-quality de novo muta-
tions. These mutations were annotated using the
Fig. 4. Relationship of conserved promoter mutations to the TSS. (A) Frequency of Conserved Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP; version
Loci promoter mutations in cases and controls across the promoter region. (B) Frequency of 90.4a44397) with GENCODE v27 gene defini-
Conserved Loci promoter mutations in cases and controls at JASPAR transcription factor binding tions. Nucleotide sequence conservation across
sites (TFBSs) across the promoter region. (C) Enrichment of Conserved Loci promoter mutations in 46 vertebrate species (PhyloP, PhastCons), and
cases, shown as relative risk, in sliding windows of 200 bp across the promoter region. The purple regulatory regions (e.g., transcription factor bind-
line is the generalized additive model fit for relative risk and the 95% confidence interval is in ing sites, chromatin states) were annotated using
gray. Ticks under the plot show individual mutations in cases (red) and controls (blue). (D) The plot VEP. In addition to 424 previously validated
in (C) is repeated for Conserved Loci promoter mutations at JASPAR TFBS. Statistical tests: loci, 45 de novo mutations in promoter regions
binomial, two-sided [(A) and (B)]. Error bars show the 95% confidence interval (95% CI). with two or more mutations in different samples

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 8


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An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 7 of 8


Author contributions: Experimental design, J.-Y.A., K.L., L.Z., Deep Genomics scientific advisory board and a consultant for categories, and estimating the significance of clusters of
D.M.W., H.B., N.A., J.D.B., H.C., M.J.D., Y.S.K., G.T.M., B.M.N., Camp4 Therapeutics Corporation, Merck & Co., and Avanir annotation categories, see
A.R.Q., J.L.R., N.S., M.W.S., A.J.W., M.E.T., B.D., K.R., and S.J.S.; data Pharmaceuticals. M.W.S. is on the scientific advisory boards for zenodo.1489250.
generation, G.B.S., J.D., C.D., Y.S.K., and S.J.S.; data processing, ArRett Pharmaceuticals and BlackThorn Therapeutics and holds
J.-Y.A., D.M.W., S.D., C.D., M.C.G., L.L., and S.J.S.; annotation stock options in ArRett Pharmaceuticals. Data and code
of functional regions, J.-Y.A., D.M.W., E.M.-P., S.P., J.L.R., N.S., availability: All sequencing and phenotype data are hosted
and S.J.S.; data analysis, J.-Y.A., K.L., L.Z., D.M.W., S.D., H.B., by the Simons Foundation for Autism Research Initiative
H.Z.W., X.Z., G.B.S., R.L.C., B.B.C., L.K., M.E.T., B.D., K.R., (SFARI) and are available for approved researchers at SFARIbase Figs. S1 to S9
and S.J.S.; statistical analysis, J.-Y.A., K.L., L.Z., D.M.W., L.K., (, accession ID: SFARI_SSC_WGS_p, Tables S1 to S9
M.E.T., B.D., K.R., and S.J.S.; manuscript preparation, J.-Y.A., SFARI_SSC_WGS_1, and SFARI_SSC_WGS_2). The code for References (38–52)
K.L., L.Z., D.M.W., S.D., N.A., H.C., G.T.M., M.E.T., B.D., K.R., and running a category-wide association study can be accessed at
S.J.S. Competing interests: G.T.M. is co-founder and chief For methods for 21 March 2018; accepted 15 November 2018
scientific officer of Frameshift Labs Inc. B.M.N. is a member of the estimating the de novo risk score, clustering of annotation 10.1126/science.aat6576

An et al., Science 362, eaat6576 (2018) 14 December 2018 8 of 8


◥ superconducting states [for comparison, see

RESEARCH ARTICLE (23)]. The spin spectrometer used in this study
(24) more readily measures in-plane compo-
nents of spin than the out-of-plane component
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (Pz). However, as we discuss later, we expect
the latter to be negligible and found it to be

Revealing hidden spin-momentum zero within experimental uncertainty. Figure

1 shows the low-temperature spin-integrated
(Fig. 1, B and E) and spin-resolved (Fig. 1, C
locking in a high-temperature and F) maps of energy (E − EF) versus mo-
mentum (k) of the quasiparticle spectrum, where

cuprate superconductor EF is the Fermi energy. Data are shown for two
different momentum cuts: along the nodal di-
rection (G-Y) (Fig. 1, B and C), where the super-
Kenneth Gotlieb1,2*, Chiu-Yun Lin2,3*, Maksym Serbyn4, Wentao Zhang2,5, conducting gap is zero, and along an off-nodal
Christopher L. Smallwood2,3†, Christopher Jozwiak6, Hiroshi Eisaki7, Zahid Hussain6, direction (Fig. 1, E and F), where the super-
Ashvin Vishwanath8, Alessandra Lanzara2,3‡ conducting gap is ~10 meV. The location of the
cuts (thick black line) and the photoelectron
Cuprate superconductors have long been thought of as having strong electronic spin components (blue and red arrows) are
correlations but negligible spin-orbit coupling. Using spin- and angle-resolved shown in the insets of Fig. 1, B to F. In Fig. 1 and
photoemission spectroscopy, we discovered that one of the most studied cuprate the rest of the figures, we use blue and red to
superconductors, Bi2212, has a nontrivial spin texture with a spin-momentum locking indicate the two opposite spin components along
that circles the Brillouin zone center and a spin-layer locking that allows states of a given direction, and we hereafter refer to these
opposite spin to be localized in different parts of the unit cell. Our findings pose components as spin-up and spin-down, respec-
challenges for the vast majority of models of cuprates, such as the Hubbard model tively. The spin polarimeter we used is not sub-
and its variants, where spin-orbit interaction has been mostly neglected, and open ject to the instrumental asymmetries typical of
the intriguing question of how the high-temperature superconducting state emerges Mott-type detectors that require calibration or
in the presence of this nontrivial spin texture. renormalization (24). The spin polarization mea-
sured in this study is therefore intrinsic to the

any of the exotic properties of quantum (10–13). In the presence of superconductivity, for Figure 1 summarizes the most surprising find-
materials stem from the strength of spin- example, spin-orbit interaction can have funda- ings of this work: the presence of a nonzero spin
orbit coupling or electron-electron cor- mental consequences for the symmetry of the polarization in Bi2212 and its strong dependence
relations. At one end of the spectrum are order parameter (14), driving unusual pairing on momentum. Along the nodal direction, we
topological insulators, which have weak mechanisms (11, 15), creating Ising pairs (16), find that the photoelectron spin component per-
electron correlations but strong spin-orbit cou- and even realizing the conditions for the exis- pendicular to G-Y is strongly polarized up, as
pling (1, 2); at the other end are cuprate super- tence of previously unobserved particles (17–19). shown by the spin-resolved intensity map in
conductors, where electron correlations are the Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spec- Fig. 1C, which is primarily blue. The correspond-
dominant interaction. Although unusual forms troscopy (SARPES) has been instrumental in ing spin polarization P, defined as the relative
of spin response in the cuprates have been re- studying the consequences of such interplay difference between the numbers of spin-up and
ported previously (3, 4), the spin-orbit interac- for the electronic structure of a variety of mate- spin-down photoelectrons according to P = (I↑ −
tion has been mostly neglected or treated as a rials, from heavy fermions to iridates (20, 21), I↓)/(I↑ + I↓), is positive along this entire cut (Fig.
small perturbation to the Hubbard Hamiltonian thanks to its ability to simultaneously probe the 1D). The polarization shows an overall increase
and mean field theory in the context of the energy, momentum, and spin structure of quasi- as a function of momentum (or energy) from
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, leading to particles. However, because of earlier predictions roughly +20% at the Fermi momentum, kF (Fermi
negligible changes to the electronic ground state of negligible spin-orbit interaction in cuprates energy, EF), to as much as +40% for smaller
of cuprates (5–9). (6), the full spin character of quasiparticles has momenta (or higher binding energies), i.e., closer
Recently, there has been an upsurge of interest not been probed experimentally. Here, we report to the Brillouin zone center, G.
in materials in which both spin-orbit coupling such a study, revealing unexpected consequences Notably, when we move away from the nodal
and strong correlations are important because of of the spin-orbit interaction for the electronic direction, the perpendicular photoelectron spin
their potential to induce exotic quantum states structure of cuprates. component reverses and is strongly polarized
downward, as seen in the spin-resolved inten-
SARPES measurements of sity map in Fig. 1F, which is primarily red. The
1 overdoped Bi2212 reversal of the intensity peak from primarily
Graduate Group in Applied Science and Technology, University
of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 2Materials Sciences We studied the spin-dependent character of spin-up to primarily spin-down can be clearly
Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d (Bi2212) samples seen in Fig. 1H, where the SARPES spectra at
94720, USA. 3Department of Physics, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 4Institute of Science and Technology
(with the superconducting transition temper- kF as a function of energy [energy distribution
Austria, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria. 5School of Physics and ature Tc = 58 K) with SARPES over a wide curves (EDCs)] are directly compared for both
Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, range of energies, momenta, temperatures, and the nodal and off-nodal cuts.
China. 6Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National photon energies. We performed 10 distinct mea- A closer look reveals a similar increase of the
Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 7Electronics and
Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced
surements by coupling our efficient spectrom- value of spin polarization for the off-nodal cut
Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, eter (22) to a 6-eV pulsed laser source and (Fig. 1G) toward smaller jkj or higher binding
Japan. 8Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, synchrotron light of different photon energies. energy. In this case, the polarization is negative
MA 02138, USA. The in-plane components of the quasiparticle’s (P = −15%) at kF but eventually turns slightly
*These authors contributed equally to this work. †Present address:
Department of Physics and Astronomy, San José State University,
spin polarization (Px, Py) were mapped as a positive (P = +5%) at higher binding energy. In
San José, CA 95192, USA. function of energy and momentum over the summary, along both of these cuts, we observed
‡Corresponding author. Email: entire Brillouin zone, in both the normal and an unexpected nonzero spin polarization that

Gotlieb et al., Science 362, 1271–1275 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


becomes more positive as one goes toward higher at two points very near in emission angle (curves well-known property of Bi2212: the presence of
binding energies (i.e., deeper inside the Fermi a and b) but on opposite sides of the zone an incommensurate superstructure along the b
surface). The observed nonzero spin polariza- boundary, as well as similar polarizations for axis caused by the modulation of Bi-O layers.
tion has been reproduced under different ex- points separated by a reciprocal lattice vector This structural distortion creates umklapp bands
perimental conditions, with different samples and hence having similar momenta (curves a that are replicas of the main band on the Fermi
and sample surfaces [(Figs. 1 to 4) and (23)], and g) but nearly opposite emission angles, surface (dotted lines in Fig. 3A), shifted by the
different geometry (25), and several photon confirms the intrinsic nature of the effect and superstructure vector along the G-Y direction
energies. The effect also persists after sample its dependence on quasiparticle momentum (26, 27). Therefore, the second-order superstruc-
surface exposure to a vacuum of ≈5 × 10−11 torr rather than photoemission angle. Moreover, the tures of the main band, labeled SS1 and SS2, lie
over several days, the time scale over which presence of a nonzero spin polarization at dif- near G.
some of the experiments described herein were ferent photon energies (fig. S3) contributes to the These replica bands are clearly visible in
conducted. evidence that the observed effect is a property of the hn = 6 eV angle-resolved photoemission
Figure 2 shows the evolution of the photo- the quasiparticle initial state rather than being spectroscopy (ARPES) intensity maps (where
electron spin polarization along the Fermi sur- a final state effect. h is Planck’s constant and n is frequency) (Fig.
face and at a binding energy of 160 meV (see, e.g., 3C) at the two opposite sides of the G point
vertical lines in Fig. 1, C and F). The spin-resolved Final state versus intrinsic effect and disperse up toward G. The spin-resolved
EDCs at kF and at smaller momenta kHBE (where We can learn more about the pattern of spin po- EDCs at kF, measured along the dashed lines
HBE indicates high binding energy) are shown larization across momentum space by using a in Fig. 3C, are shown in Fig. 3D and measure
in Fig. 2, A and B, respectively; the location of
each spectrum is shown in Fig. 2C. In both
cases, we observe a net spin polarization that
decreases away from the node ðf ¼ 0°Þ, even-
tually reaches zero at an intermediate angle,
and for the spectra at k = kF, even switches
sign far away from the node. These results are
summarized quantitatively Fig. 2D for both
k = k F and k = k HBE [for the full energy de-
pendence of the spin polarization, see (23)].
The spin polarization is approximately even
about the nodal line, where it reaches its max-
imum with values as high as +40%. Notably,
it is higher at kHBE than at kF over the entire
angular range. On the Fermi surface, the two
spin channels I↑ and I↓ are each stronger in
different parts of momentum space. By con-
trast, at higher binding energy (Fig. 2F), the
dominant spin channel is spin-up, yielding
an overall positive spin polarization.
The presence of any spin polarization in pho-
toemission from Bi2212, let alone a momentum-
dependent spin texture, is unexpected. It is
therefore imperative, before proceeding to dis-
cuss the total spin texture, to assess whether
the observed spin polarization is the result of
a final state effect or represents physics in-
trinsic to the spin state of itinerant carriers
in the material.
Figure 3 shows the evolution of the spin po-
larization across the Brillouin zone boundary
(M point) (Fig. 3B) and Brillouin zone center
(G point) (Fig. 3D). Spin-resolved EDCs are shown
in Fig. 3B adjacent to the two opposite M points
within the first Brillouin zone (points b and g)
and for a point just across the Brillouin zone Fig. 1. Spin-resolved measurements along nodal (G-Y) and off-nodal cuts. (A) Experimental
boundary (a) that is separated by a reciprocal geometry. Pol., polarization; s-pol, s-polarized photons; e−, electron. (B) Spin-integrated
lattice vector from g. The locations of these mea- map of the band near EF along the nodal direction. (C) Spin-resolved map taken along
surements are represented by vertical arrows in the same cut as in (B), with darkness representing photoemission intensity I↑ + I↓ and color
Fig. 3A. To access this momentum window, we representing spin polarization P [see the color scale in (A)]. Momenta kF and kHBE are the
used higher-energy photons: 33 eV. The exper- positions of measurements in Fig. 2 where the band is at the Fermi level and high binding
imental geometry is shown in fig. S3A, and the energy, respectively. (D) Plot of the spin polarization along the band dispersion [dotted
measured spin component is perpendicular to gray line in (C)]. (E to G) Same as (B) to (D) but measured along a cut parallel to the nodal
the G-M direction. direction that intersects the Fermi surface 14° away from the node, as measured from
The data show a clear reversal of this com- the zone corner. The same spin component was measured in (B) to (D) and (E) to (G).
ponent of spin polarization at the two opposite Insets in (B) to (F) show the location of the cuts (thick black line) and the photoelectron spin
zone boundaries (curves b and g) and across components (arrows). In this and subsequent figures, blue and red represent spin-up
the zone boundary (curves a and b). The ob- and spin-down, respectively. (H) Spin-resolved EDCs taken at the node, as well as at the Fermi
servation of a reversal of the spin polarization momentum away from the node. arb., arbitrary.

Gotlieb et al., Science 362, 1271–1275 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


the component of the photoelectron spin per- SS2 in Fig. 3D. This reversal of the spin com- reversal symmetry by switching sign across
pendicular to the G-Y direction. Two clear ponent through a small angle across the Brillouin the G point.
observations can be made from the data. The zone center (SS1 versus SS2) corroborates the The second observation is that at the node,
first one is that the superstructure bands on reversal seen at opposite momenta in EDCs b the superstructure bands show opposite spin
the two sides of the G point have opposite spin and g, pointing to a spin polarization that not polarization with respect to the main bands of
polarization, as seen in the EDCs for SS1 and only is a function of k but also respects time which they represent a second-order replica.
That is, they match the spin of the main band in
the same quadrant of momentum space. Though
the superstructure band SS2 at +k is the second-
order replica of the main band MB2 at −k, the
spin direction is opposite to that of MB2 (see
MB2 in Figs. 3A and 1C for the relative spin
polarization). It is the superstructure band SS1
at −k that matches the positive spin polariza-
tion of the main band MB2 at −k. A more de-
tailed explanation for the opposite value of spin
polarization in the replica band relative to that of
its “parent band” is found in (23); these results
provide additional evidence that the observed
spin polarization reflects the spin structure of
the material bands.
In summary, the dependence of the spin
polarization on quasiparticle momentum; the
changes in the sign of polarization across the
Brillouin zone center and boundaries; the ob-
servation of nonzero spin polarizations for
different photon energies and geometries with
spin alternately parallel and perpendicular to
the electric field of light (see Fig. 1 and fig. S3A
Fig. 2. Spin-resolved measurements along the Fermi surface and at higher binding energy.
for more details); and the large values of spin
(A) Spin-resolved EDCs taken at momenta along the Fermi surface, as well as (B) inside the
polarization, up to 40%, strongly suggest that
Fermi surface where the dispersion is at EB ≈ 160 meV (where EB is binding energy). EDCs are
the observed effect is intrinsic and cannot be
marked by f, the angle from the zone corner (Y point) to kF, and are taken at momenta indicated in
explained solely by an interference between
(C) one quadrant of the Brillouin zone. The spin component measured was perpendicular to the
photoemission pathways, as recently proposed
G-Y direction and within the plane of the sample surface. (D) Spin polarization as a function of
(25). These findings point to an initial state
the Fermi surface angle, f, at kF (solid circles) and at higher binding energy (hollow circles).
with a well-defined spin texture in momentum
(E and F) Schematics of the texture of this spin component.

Full spin texture

Figure 4, A and B, shows the measured momentum-
Fig. 3. Measured spin dependent spin polarization parallel to the G-Y
polarization near direction, orthogonal to the spin component
M points and spin presented in Figs. 1 and 2 for several momenta.
polarization of the Spin-resolved EDCs for several momentum cuts
superstructures on are shown in Fig. 4A. For the nodal cut (e), the
either side of G. (A) Spin intensity peaks are quite similar for the two spin
textures from the two components (Fig. 4A), resulting in nearly zero
distinct experiments in orthogonal spin polarization (Fig. 4B). At the
(B) and (D) plotted in same time, we see opposite spin polarization at
the Bi2212 Brillouin zone. cuts that are displaced by the same angle but in
The main band is shown opposite directions from the node (d and z), im-
with thick lines, and its plying a reversal of the spin polarization compo-
superstructure replicas nent parallel to G-Y across the nodal point. Such
are shown as thin dotted a reversal is in contrast with the perpendicular
lines. (B) Spin-resolved spin component (see Fig. 2), which remains the
EDCs taken with hn = same across the nodal direction.
33 eV at momenta shown The full spin texture across the Brillouin
in (A) near the M points. zone, obtained from the trends about the nodal
(C) Spin-integrated map of line of the parallel and perpendicular spin com-
the superstructure taken ponents, is shown in Fig. 4C. The reversal of
with hn = 6 eV, showing the spin polarization across the G-Y symmetry
bands that replicate the line (Fig. 4, A and B) and across the Brillouin
main band dispersing zone quadrants (Figs. 2, A and B, and 3D),
up as they approach G. together with the spin polarization of replica
The dashed lines indicate bands, is consistent with a spin texture cir-
approximate positions cling the Brillouin zone center (G) clockwise.
of spin-resolved measurements. (D) Spin-resolved EDCs on either side of G. Meanwhile, at larger k, the larger angle (f)

Gotlieb et al., Science 362, 1271–1275 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


measurements in Fig. 2B with spin pointing in Fig. 4. Total in-plane spin

the direction opposite that at small f indicate texture. (A) Spin-resolved EDCs,
that the texture has a more complex momentum acquired with sensitivity to the
dependence. One possibility is a change in the component of spin parallel to
rotation direction of the spin pattern upon ap- G-Y. (B) Spin polarization as a
proaching boundaries of the Brillouin zone, function of the Fermi surface angle,
sketched in gray in Fig. 4C. f. The inset shows the positions
The spin-momentum locking inferred in Fig. 4C in one quadrant of the Brillouin
is reminiscent of a Rashba-type effect. In typ- zone where EDCs were taken.
ical observations of the Rashba effect, however, (C) Schematic of the addition of
two bands of opposite spin polarization are split the spin textures parallel [from
in energy. In this study, we observed only a single (B)] and perpendicular (from
spin polarization at any particular momen- Fig. 2D) to the G-Y direction. The
tum, regardless of the band’s binding energy counterclockwise circle of gray
at that point. This leads to a single spin text- arrows is consistent with the one
ure in k space. component of spin we were able
Local inversion symmetry breaking to measure at high k [see (23)
for further discussion of possible
We now present a possible explanation for complex spin textures].
the observed spin polarization and its mom-
entum dependence and discuss possible im-
plications for superconductivity. Perhaps the
most studied spin texture is the Dresselhaus-
Rashba effect (28, 29), which is manifested in
noncentrosymmetric materials (i.e., materials
lacking inversion symmetry) and gives rise to
spin-dependent effects, inducing a momentum
spin-splitting of the energy bands. Recently, it
has been pointed out that even in centrosym-
metric materials, a local electric field within
the unit cell can lead to spin-split bands (30)
whereas the net spin polarization remains zero layer in the unit cell, allowing for a nonzero the spin polarization alternates as a function
as the electric field averages to zero within the electric field within the unit cell (see the schematic of photon energy, as discussed in (23), sim-
unit cell. This local field can originate from in Fig. 5A). ilarly to the change in the relative strength of
specific structural characteristics that break local Although one would expect both Rashba and photoemission intensity from bonding and
inversion symmetry centered on Cu atoms, Dresselhaus contributions to spin-orbit coupling antibonding bands (44). However, this could
such as layered structures or some types of [R2 and D2 according to the notations in (30)], also be the result of a more complex dependence
lattice distortions that are present in the cup- it appears that the dominant components in of the spin-orbit entanglement on photon energy,
rates (31–36). In the case of a layered struc- our experiments come from the Rashba order. as shown extensively in other spin-orbit–coupled
ture, the local field is perpendicular to the This is likely a consequence of the strong an- materials, such as topological insulators (41, 45),
planes and the spin-split bands are spatially isotropy between ab and c axes in Bi2212, making where the sign of spin polarization can change
segregated in real space on top and bottom the Dresselhaus component subleading. Upon with photon energy and even be zero; more
layers (30). In the case of a structural distor- the addition of such spin-orbit coupling, the detailed studies and calculations are needed.
tion, the spin-split bands are segregated within former bonding (antibonding) band loses its By extending our tight-binding model to in-
different parts of the unit cell. The model in purely antisymmetric (symmetric) character corporate interference effects, we remove the
(30) has been successfully applied to account under mirror symmetry. However, we retain perfect cancellation of spin polarizations be-
for the nontrivial spin polarization observed this naming convention herein. Both bonding tween bonding and antibonding bands and get
in layered dichalcogenides (37, 38) and a BiS2- and antibonding bands remain doubly degene- a spin texture that reverses sign across the Fermi
based superconductor (39), as well as to ex- rate at any momentum in the Brillouin zone surface (fig. S6). In addition, the interference ef-
plain the nonzero nodal energy splitting be- as the crystal retains unbroken inversion and fects can also explain the opposite direction of
tween bonding and antibonding bands in a time reversal symmetries. However, these bands spin polarization between the original bands and
YBa2Cu3O6+d cuprate superconductor (9). acquire spin-momentum locking with opposite their superstructure replicas shown in Fig. 3, as
We extend this model to the case of bi- spin polarization on each individual Cu-O layer. discussed in detail in (23).
layer Bi2212 by using a tight-binding model The spin textures for the antibonding orbital Although our model can reproduce quali-
in the presence of a local electric field, treated in the two Cu-O layers that result from this tative aspects of the spin polarization observed
via Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling, as in (30); model are shown in Fig. 5B. Photoemission in our experiment, it does not capture the mag-
the details of the calculations are shown in measures the interference pattern of contri- nitude and precise momentum dependence
(23). The field is induced by the local break- butions from several near-surface layers (41) of the spin, which require more involved cal-
ing of inversion symmetry in Bi2212. Although and in this case has different intensity from culations. Reports in favor of a noncentrosym-
the crystallographic space group of Bi2212 is bonding and antibonding bands (42, 43). There- metric space group for Bi2212 (31, 32, 46) might
often regarded as centrosymmetric (40), the fore, a nonzero spin signal is expected, despite simply argue that it is the absence of any in-
local environment of Cu is noncentrosymmetric: inversion symmetry and the lack of resolved version center that allows for the reported non-
The Ca layer separating two Cu-O planes re- band splitting. This spin texture stems from zero spin texture, as in a standard Rashba
moves the inversion center from Cu. Each Cu-O differences in photoemission matrix elements system, rather than the creation of a local field.
layer is now subject to a different environment: for different components of the wave function, Such a scenario, however, would imply the pres-
One Cu-O layer has Bi-O ions above and Ca ions as well as the surface sensitivity of the measure- ence of spin-split bands that have not yet
below, whereas this is reversed for the other ment and interference effects. We find that been observed. Moreover, some of the structural

Gotlieb et al., Science 362, 1271–1275 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 5


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Gotlieb et al., Science 362, 1271–1275 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


◥ Co- and Zn-containing zeolitic imidazolate frame-

REPO R T work (ZIF, a subgroup of MOFs) as the precursors,
which we then thermally activated and catalyzed
with Pt to form alloy. The resulting catalysts
ELECTROCATALYSIS had very high mass activities (MAs) of 8.64 ±
0.25 A mgPt−1 and 12.36 ± 0.53 A mgPt−1 mea-
sured by RDE or 1.08 ± 0.17 A mgPt−1 and 1.77 ±
Ultralow-loading platinum-cobalt 0.39 A mgPt−1 measured in fuel cells at an inter-
nal resistance–corrected (iR-free) voltage of 0.9 V.
fuel cell catalysts derived from Both values exceed the U.S. Department of En-
ergy (DOE) target of 0.44 A mgPt−1 (22). The

imidazolate frameworks catalysts showed excellent activity in both high-

voltage and high–current density domains and
good durability in a 30,000 voltage-cycle accel-
Lina Chong1, Jianguo Wen2, Joseph Kubal2,3, Fatih G. Sen2, Jianxin Zou4, erated stress test (AST) in a fuel cell.
Jeffery Greeley3, Maria Chan2, Heather Barkholtz1, Wenjiang Ding4, Di-Jia Liu1* Our catalyst design is based on the following
rationales. Pt-Co alloy represents one of the most
Achieving high catalytic performance with the lowest possible amount of platinum active ORR catalysts and is currently used in
is critical for fuel cell cost reduction. Here we describe a method of preparing highly commercial fuel cell vehicles, whereas Co-ZIF–
active yet stable electrocatalysts containing ultralow-loading platinum content by derived PGM-free catalysts have also shown high
using cobalt or bimetallic cobalt and zinc zeolitic imidazolate frameworks as precursors. specific surface areas, densely distributed active
Synergistic catalysis between strained platinum-cobalt core-shell nanoparticles over sites, and excellent ORR activities in PEMFCs
a platinum-group metal (PGM)–free catalytic substrate led to excellent fuel cell (23). During thermal activation of Co-ZIF, a frac-
performance under 1 atmosphere of O2 or air at both high-voltage and high-current tion of Co2+ is reduced to metallic nanocrystal-
domains. Two catalysts achieved oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) mass activities of lites, whereas other Co ions are converted to
1.08 amperes per milligram of platinum (A mgPt−1) and 1.77 A mgPt−1 and retained atomically dispersed Co-Nx-Cy sites situated near-
64% and 15% of initial values after 30,000 voltage cycles in a fuel cell. Computational by. The Co nanocrystallites could serve as the
modeling reveals that the interaction between platinum-cobalt nanoparticles and seeds to amalgamate with subsequently added
PGM-free sites improves ORR activity and durability. Pt to form alloy nanoparticles (NPs) with a core-
shell structure. Close proximity between Pt-Co

NPs and Co-Nx-Cy sites could promote syner-
he oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is more of the O2 before they exit the electrode, resulting gistic catalysis.
sluggish in proton-exchange membrane fuel in a drop in the fuel cell current. The opposite We prepared a monometallic cobalt zeolitic
cells (PEMFCs) than hydrogen oxidation approach, dispersing Pt to the atomic level, can methylimidazolate framework, Co(mIm)2 (also
and requires three to five times as much result in fast Pt dissolution and poor catalytic ac- called ZIF-67), and a bimetallic ZIF containing
platinum (1–3). The high cost and scarcity tivity (11). A third approach is to use a platinum- zinc zeolitic methylimidazolate framework, Zn
of Pt have driven efforts to reduce Pt usage. Re- group metal (PGM)–free catalyst, which could (mIm)2 (also called ZIF-8), coated by ZIF-67 (ZIF-
cent examples include Pt–transition metal (TM) eliminate the Pt usage altogether. Such catalysts, 8@ZIF-67). Both ZIF-67 and ZIF-8@ZIF-67 were
alloys with distinctive three-dimensional (3D) generally prepared from earth-abundant elements then thermally activated. A subsequent control-
structures (4–8). Excellent ORR activity and dur- such as TMs (mostly Fe and Co) embedded in led acid wash formed PGM-free catalyst supports
ability were demonstrated by the rotating disk nitrogen-carbon composites (TM-Nx-Cy), have de- PF-1 and PF-2, respectively. These supports were
electrode (RDE) method in oxygen-saturated aq- monstrated promising ORR activity approaching ORR active by themselves and retained a fraction
ueous electrolyte. Although the RDE approach that of Pt (12–15). of metallic cobalt nanocrystallites.
provides important information about catalyt- When prepared from metal-organic frame- A Pt precursor was subsequently applied to
ically active sites, it does not fully reflect how works (MOFs) or porous organic polymers as PF-1 and PF-2, followed by in situ reduction in
the catalysts would perform in operating fuel precursors, these catalysts possess densely and oleylamine and high-temperature annealing un-
cell environments of different mass and charge uniformly populated active sites throughout the der ammonia (NH3) to obtain the final catalysts
transport limitations (9, 10). electrode, easily accessible by O2 fluxes (16, 17). LP@PF-1 and LP@PF-2. Figure 1A schematically
In fuel cells, catalysts in the membrane elec- The key drawback, however, is their poor stab- illustrates the characteristics of these catalysts.
trode need to be easily accessible by the react- ility under PEMFC operations. Unlike Pt catal- First, a majority of Pt was converted to Pt-Co NPs
ants, particularly under low fuel cell polarization ysts, of which the activity degradation is mainly that were uniformly dispersed over a substrate of
voltage where a large influx of reactant (O2) must caused by crystallite dissolution and agglomera- densely populated Co-Nx-Cy sites. Cobalt, how-
be converted to produce high current density. tion (18), the origin of the PGM-free catalyst ever, was found in three different forms. In ad-
For a small number of shaped but large crystal- deactivation is poorly understood because the dition to Pt-Co alloy and Co-Nx-Cy, it also existed
lites prepared within ultralow Pt loading limita- nature of the active site is still under debate as a metal crystallite encapsulated by onion-like
tion, there will not be enough crystallites to (19, 20). One possible cause is the oxidative de- graphitic layers [Co@graphene (fig. S1)], which
spread over the electrode surface to encounter all gradation by hydrogen peroxide produced dur- is also often considered catalytically active (13).
ing ORR (21). High-angle annular dark-field scanning trans-
If the shortcomings of ultralow-loading Pt mission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) im-
Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne and PGM-free catalysts were mutually compen- ages show that Pt-Co NPs are surrounded by an
National Laboratory, Lemont, IL 60439, USA. 2Center for
Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont,
sated through a synergistic interaction, Pt usage amorphous “particle-free” region, in which indi-
IL 60439, USA. 3Davidson School of Chemical Engineering, could be substantially reduced while maintain- vidual Co atoms and a trace amount of Pt atoms
Purdue University, 480 Stadium Mall Drive, West Lafayette, ing excellent activity and durability. We report can be distinguished (Fig. 1, B and C). The energy-
IN 47907, USA. 4National Engineering Research Center of the design and synthesis of synergistic ORR dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and the elec-
Light Alloys Net Forming and State Key Laboratory of Metal
Matrix Composite, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai
catalysts containing an ultralow concentration of tron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) analyses
200240, China. Pt alloy supported over PGM-free materials, de- identified primarily C, N, and Co2+ in these re-
*Corresponding author. Email: noted as LP@PF. We used a Co-containing and a gions (Fig. 1D and table S1). These compositions

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 6


represent a typical makeup of PGM-free catalysts utions from Pt-Co alloy, metallic Co@graphene (table S3). Meanwhile, the electron-transfer
(15) with good ORR activity (23). High-resolution clusters, and Co2+ ion embedded in N-decorated number n, calculated from the ring-to-disk cur-
transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) re- C support. After the NH3 treatment, the intensity rent ratios, was 3.99 for both LP@PF-1 and LP@
vealed that the Pt-Co NPs had a Pt-Co core and a of the pure Co metal peak at 7013 eV (green ar- PF-2, suggesting a nearly completed conversion
Pt shell (Fig. 1E and fig. S2 and S3). Apparent row) reduced substantially, whereas the peak at from O2 to H2O instead of H2O2. The Pt MA Tafel
ordering of Co and Pt in Pt-Co core with face- 7227 eV (red arrow) grew substantially (Fig. 2E), plot derived from LSV demonstrated substant-
centered cubic crystal structures was also ob- reflecting hybridized Co 4s and 4p orbitals by ially higher values for LP@PF-1 and LP@PF-2
served along the <100> and <110> directions, P t in the alloy (28) and conversion of some Co than those of the reference catalysts (Fig. 3B),
further supporting the existing of superstruc- (0) to Co(II)-Nx as corroborated by XPS. EXAFS whereas the specific current density Tafel plot
tures known to be highly active in catalysis (24). analysis revealed the loss of Co-Co peak inten- exhibited higher onset potentials and lower slopes
Lattice contraction led to surface segregation sity due to a decrease of metallic Co and an (fig. S11). LP@PF-1 and LP@PF-2 delivered high
and a highly strained Pt skin of three to four increase of alloy formation (fig. S10B). More im- Pt MAs of 8.64 A mgPt−1 and 12.36 A mgPt−1 at
monolayers (fig. S2B), which enhances the ORR portantly, it showed an enhancement of peak 0.9 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE),
activity (25). In many cases, the Pt shell was par- intensity at Co–N bond distance, indicating the respectively, and outperformed the commercial
tially covered by multilayered terraces composed increase of the N-ligated Co2+ population. The catalyst (Fig. 3C) and some recently reported
of Co, N, and C and identified as CoN or CoC atomically dispersed TM ligated by four N atoms nanostructured 3D Pt alloy catalysts (table S4)
from their interlayer spacing (Fig. 1E and figs. in a C matrix has been associated with the active (6, 7).
S2 and S4). The terraces could slow down the sites for ORR in PGM-free catalysts (15, 20, 29). We further incorporated the LP@PF catalysts in
dissolution of Pt-Co NPs while keeping the active We first measured the electrocatalytic ORR the cathode of the membrane electrode assembly
surface exposed. The Pt:Co ratios of the overall activities of LP@PF-1 and LP@PF-2 by the rota- (MEA) and tested their performances in a PEMFC
catalysts and the Pt-Co alloy NPs were analyzed ting ring-disk electrode (RRDE) at room tem- single cell with O2 or air as the cathodic gas feed.
by EDS (fig. S5A). The Pt:Co ratios of NP were perature in an O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 solution. The cathodic Pt loading were 0.033 mgPt cm−2
consistent with alloy compositions of 1:1 in For comparison, the PGM-free catalytic substrate for LP@PF-1 and 0.035 mgPt cm−2 for LP@PF-2,
LP@PF-1 and 3:1 in LP@PF-2, respectively, which PF-2, a commercial Pt/C catalyst (TKK, 46.7 wt % respectively. Figure 3D shows their current-
were further confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) Pt), and an in-house prepared 3 wt % Pt3Co/ZC voltage (i-V) polarizations and power density
(fig. S6 and table S2). This ratio was substantially catalyst were also tested. Pt3Co/ZC was prepared distributions measured under 1 bar of fully humi-
lower in bulk catalyst after averaging the con- by adding Pt3Co alloy NPs over ZIF-8–derived dified O2. For benchmarking, we also tested a
tributions from Co-Nx-Cy and Co@graphene sites. carbon (ZC). This catalyst is similar in compo- MEA with Pt3Co/ZC catalyst with cathodic load-
The NP sizes were narrowly distributed around sition and surface property to LP@PF-2, except it ing of 0.043 mgPt cm−2, a MEA with PF-2 cathode
average diameters of 5.6 ± 1.6 nm and 5.7± 1.7 nm lacks Co-Nx-Cy sites. Figure 3A displays the linear catalyst, and commercial MEAs with much higher
(fig. S7), and the overall Pt loadings were 2.72 sweep voltammetry (LSV) from the kinetic to the cathodic Pt loadings (Fig. 3D and fig. S12).
weight % (wt %) and 2.81 wt % for LP@PF-1 and diffusion-limiting regions. The halfwave potential Both MEAs with LP@PF-1 and LP@PF-2 dis-
LP@PF-2, respectively. The Brunauer-Emmett- E½, a gauge of electrocatalytic activity, increased played higher catalytic activities than the com-
Teller specific surface areas were 343 m2/g for in the order of PF-2 < Pt3Co/ZC ≤ commercial Pt/ parative MEAs in the high-voltage region (>0.7 V)
LP@PF-1 and 807 m2/g for LP@PF-2 (fig. S8). C < LP@PF-1 < LP@PF-2, with LP@PF-2 at 0.96 V in an H2-O2 cell. The MEA with LP@PF-2 cathode
We also investigated the electronic structures
of the Pt-Co alloys and the PGM-free catalyst
support using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy A E
(XPS), x-ray absorption near-edge structure
(XANES) spectroscopy, and extended x-ray ab- Pt
sorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy.
Electron transfer with Co causes a shift in the
Pt d-band center energy in Pt-Co alloys, which
Co@ Pt 3 Co
weakens OHad binding on the Pt surface and
thus improved ORR catalytic properties (26). As
expected, the Pt XPS shows a ~0.2 eV positive
energy shift in LP@PF-1 upon annealing in Pt-Co
NH3 (Fig. 2A). Co XPS also showed redistrib- core shell
CoN / CoC 2 nm
ution to more ionic Co2+ from Co0 (Fig. 2B), with
the Co+2:Co peak ratio changing from 1.8 to D
2.9 after NH3 treatment, forming additional
Co-Nx. The N 1s spectra demonstrated a high
Intenisty (a.u.)

content of pyridinic and pyrrolic N embedded in

the graphitic matrix with little change after the
NH3 treatment (Fig. 2C).
XANES analysis showed reduction of white
line intensity (gray arrow) at the Pt L3 edge,
which corroborates electron transfer from Co Co
3d to Pt 5d orbitals in Pt-Co alloy (27) (Fig. 2D).
300 400 500 600 700 800
Alloy formation was further confirmed by a char- Energy (eV)
acteristic Pt-Co interaction peak (red arrow)
at 11,576 eV (28). Similar changes in XPS and Fig. 1. LP@PF catalyst structure. (A) Schematics of LP@PF catalysts, showing coexistence of
XANES were also observed in LP@PF-2 (fig. Pt-Co NPs, Co@graphene, and Co-Nx-Cy PGM-free active sites. (B) A HAADF-STEM image of
S9). The transformation from Pt to Pt-Co alloy Pt-Co NPs in LP@PF-1 situated over (C) PGM-free support containing atomically dispersed
was further corroborated by EXAFS (fig. S10A) Co (circled in red) and trace Pt (circled in blue). (D) EELS analysis of the elemental composition
and XRD (fig. S6). XANES at the Co K-edge was of (C). a.u., arbitrary units. (E) HRTEM image of a representative Pt-Co alloy NP with Pt3Co
more convoluted because it included the contrib- superlattice core and Pt skin partially covered by CoN and CoC terraces.

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 6


catalyst demonstrated higher current density bility with its MA retained at 0.672 A mgPt−1 at er PGM-free active site area density and level of
than the commercial MEA through the entire 0.9 ViR-free (Fig. 3F), or 64% of its initial value. graphitization. In addition to high stability, such
polarization scan, even at 1/10th of the cathodic This value surpassed the catalyst durability goal structure promotes robust synergistic catalysis.
Pt loading. Its current density continued to of <40% MA loss after AST set by DOE (22). The PF-2 has higher porosity and surface area, which
increase nearly linearly with polarization volt- MA stability of LP@PF-1 was compared to a facilitates the interaction with airflow and, there-
age, a feature commonly observed in PGM-free state-of-the-art dealloyed PtNi catalyst (30) and fore, higher current density near the mass-
fuel cells and characteristically different from showed higher values at both beginning and end transport–limited region (9, 23). For comparisons,
conventional MEAs with PGM-only catalysts. of life, although the PtNi MEA demonstrated the MAs and H2-air fuel cell performances of LP@
Figure 3E shows the Pt MA Tafel plots derived higher retention of MA at the end of AST. The PF MEAs along with representative published
from the internal resistance corrected i-V polar- drop of the fuel cell voltage at current density of reports are provided in table S6.
izations (fig. S13) and Pt loading. Again, the LP@ 0.8 A cm−2 after 30,000 cycles was 6 mV, well The morphology, composition, and electronic
PF-1 and LP@PF-2 MEAs showed higher MAs within the DOE target of <30 mV loss. For MEA state of the LP@PF catalysts after AST were an-
than those of comparative MEAs. The fuel cell– with LP@PF-2, the MA was reduced to 0.263 A alyzed. For example, TEM analysis showed only
based Pt MAs measured at 0.9 ViR-free are 1.08 A mgPt−1 at 0.9 ViR-free, which is still comparable to minor changes in NP size distribution, with the
mgPt−1 for LP@PF-1 and 1.77 A mgPt−1 for LP@ the DOE target of 0.264 A mgPt−1 after AST based average particle dimension remaining the same
PF-2, respectively, representing an order of mag- on 40% loss of the initial activity of 0.44 A mgPt−1. within one standard deviation, from 5.6 ± 1.6 nm
nitude improvement compared with the com- The voltage drop at current density of 0.8 A cm−2 to 5.7 ± 1.6 nm for LP@PF-1 and from 5.7 ± 1.7 nm
mercial MEAs (Fig. 3F and table S5). These values was 47 mV. In addition to voltage cycling, we also to 6.0 ± 1.5 nm for LP@PF-2, respectively (figs.
exceed the 2025 target set by DOE (0.44 A mgPt−1 tested the MEA durability at constant voltage and S21 and S22). The HRTEM images also con-
at 0.9 ViR-free for MEA) by factors of approxi- found excellent performances with lower decay firmed the retention of Pt-Co core-shell struc-
mately two and four and represent record-high rates for LP@PF catalysts under both O2 and air ture beneath the Co-N-C terraces, which likely
ORR activities measured in a PEMFC (22). compared with the benchmarks (figs. S16 to S18). played an important role in preserving Pt-Co
The MEAs were also subjected to AST under Excellent MEA performances by LP@PF-1 and NPs during AST. EDS analysis averaged from
repeated cell voltage sweeps from 0.6 to 1.0 V LP@PF-2 were also observed when the fuel cells multiple samplings showed that the Pt:Co ratios
according to DOE catalyst stability evaluation were tested in H2-air under different stoichio- within single NPs after AST were also nearly
protocols (22). Fuel cell polarizations and MAs metries (flow rates) and pressures (Fig. 3H and unchanged for PtCo (44:56) in LP@PF-1 and
were measured periodically after designated volt- figs. S19 and S20). Both MEAs outperformed Pt3Co (74:26) in LP@PF-2, respectively. The Pt:
age cycles up to 30,000 (fig. S14). Figure 3G commercial MEAs at V > 0.6 V, reaching a cur- Co ratios in the bulk catalysts, however, increased
shows fuel cell i-V polarizations and power- rent density of 300 ± 10 mA cm−2 at 0.8 V, meet- from 7:93 to 19:81 for LP@PF-1 and 11:89 to 14:86
density distributions after 30,000 voltage cycles. ing the DOE target. LP@PF-1 showed slightly for LP@PF-2, respectively, presumably owing to
Although AST caused a substantial activity loss better fuel cell performances compared with the dissolution of a small amount of unalloyed
for the commercial MEA, the MEAs with LP@ LP@PF-2 at higher cell voltage but lower current cobalt (fig. S5B). The preservation of Pt-Co alloy
PF-1 and LP@PF-2 cathode catalysts showed im- density at low cell potential. We attribute this structures in both catalysts was further con-
proved durability (fig. S15). Especially, the MEA mainly to the difference in PGM-free substrate firmed by XRD of the cathode layers peeled from
with LP@PF-1 demonstrated the highest dura- structure. PF-1 has a lower surface area but high- MEAs after AST (fig. S23). The peeled cathode

Fig. 2. LP@PF
electronic LP@PF-1 Pt 4f LP@PF-1 Co 2p3/2 LP@PF-1 N 1s
structures. XPS (BN) Pt 4f5/2 (BN) (BN)
spectra of LP@PF- Pt2+4f7/2
Intensity (a. u.)

1 taken at (A) Pt 4f,

Intensity (a. u.)
Intensity (a. u.)

Pt 4f5/2 Co(II)-Nx
(B) Co 2p3/2, and LP@PF-1 LP@PF-1 Co LP@PF-1 pyrrolic-N
Pt 4f7/2
(C) N 1s transitions
before (BN) and
after NH3 treat- LP@PF-1 pyridonic-N
ment, as well as @30K @30k @30k
after a 30,000 volt-
age cycle AST in a
fuel cell. XANES
66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 776 778 780 782 784 396 398 400 402
spectra taken at
Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)
(D) Pt L3-edge and
(E) Co K-edge
before and after 1.2
Normalized intensity (a.u.)

1.2 Pt L3-edge
Normalized intensity (a.u.)

Co K-edge
NH3 treatment with
metal foils as 1.0
references. 0.9

0.6 0.6

0.3 LP@PF-1(BN) LP@PF-1(BN)
LP@PF-1 0.2 LP@PF-1
Pt foil Co foil
0.0 0.0
11550 11565 11580 11595 7710 7725 7740
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 6


layers were also investigated by XPS, which re- N was formed by attachment of OH to the carbon NPs and PGM-free sites. The synergistic cataly-
vealed an overall Pt:Co ratio of 21:79 in LP@PF- atom next to pyridinic-N, which was previously sis also exhibited improved catalyst stability of
1 and 20:80 in LP@PF-2, in agreement with the observed in a PGM-free catalyst after ORR (19). LP@PF versus the commercial Pt/C, Pt3Co/ZC,
EDS measurements (Fig. 2 and fig. S9). Com- To quantify the synergistic interaction be- and PGM-free catalysts (Fig. 3G and fig. S14) (23).
pared to the fresh catalyst, the Pt electronic state tween Pt-Co NPs and PGM-free active sites, we Such effects were only observed when the Pt-Co
in the aged catalyst remained nearly unchanged compared the specific current density of a fuel alloy NPs were annealed by NH3 over the PGM-
in the form of alloy. The Co+2:Co ratio also re- cell containing LP@PF-2 to that from Pt3Co/ZC free substrate. Because CoN and CoC adlayers
mained unchanged in LP@PF-1 at 2.9 after AST. and PF-2. Figure 3I shows that the specific cur- were formed during the in situ reduction in NH3,
The most substantial change came from the car- rent density of LP@PF-2 at any given voltage we speculate that they not only protect Pt-Co
bonaceous nitrogens. The pyridinic-N to pyrrolic- was about twice of the sum of the contributions NPs but also serve as “bridges” in transferring
N ratio was reduced from 2.7 to 2.2, possibly due from Pt3Co/ZC and PF-2. This indicates that the the reaction intermediate H2O2 from PGM-free
to partial conversion of pyridinic- to pyridonic-N synergistic ORR rate in LP@PF is substantially site to the Pt-Co NPs through a reverse spillover
shown by the new peak in Fig. 2C. The pyridonic- higher than the simple sum of that from Pt3Co during synergistic catalysis.

A 4 B C
j (mA cm-2) n (e transfer)


RDE MA@0.9V (A mg-1

E (V) vs. RHE 10


0 0.9
LP@PF-1(3.0 µg Ptcm-2)
-2 LP@PF-2(3.2 µg Ptcm ) LP@PF-1(3.0 µg Ptcm-2)

Pt3Co/ZC(3.9 µg Ptcm ) 0.8 LP@PF-2(3.2 µg cm ) -2 4
-4 Pt/C (15.8 µg Ptcm-2) Pt3Co/ZC(3.9 µg Ptcm-2)
PF-2 Pt/C (15.8 µg Ptcm-2)
-6 0.7 0
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Mass Activity (A mg )
E (V vs. RHE) E 1.0
iR-free cell voltage (V)

H2-O2 1.4 0K

Power density (W cm-2)

FC MA @0.9V (A mg-1
DOE 2020 target 30K
0.8 1.2 1.8
Cell voltage (V)

0.6 1.5


0.4 0.6 LP@PF-1 (0.033 mgPtcm-2) 0.9


0.4 LP@PF-2 (0.035 mgPtcm-2)
0.2 0.7 Pt3Co/ZC (0.043 mgPtcm ) -2
Pt/C(BASF) (0.35 mgPtcm ) -2 0.3
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.0
Current density (A cm-2) Mass activity (A mg-1
G 1.0
H 1.0 I 1.0
After 30K cycle H2-Air 1.0 LP@PF-2
iR-free cell voltage (V)

Power density (W cm-2)

Power density (W cm-2)

0.8 0.8
Cell Voltage (V)

0.9 Pt3Co/ZC
Cell voltage (V)

0.8 0.8
PF-2 + Pt3Co/ZC
0.6 0.6
0.6 0.6 0.8
0.4 0.4 0.4
LP@PF-1@1 bar 0.7
0.2 0.2 0.2 LP@PF-2@1 bar 0.2
LP@PF-1@2 bar
LP@PF-2@2 bar
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 -2 4
Current density (A cm ) -2
Current density (A cm ) -2 Specfic current density (A cm )

Fig. 3. Electrocatalytic activity and durability evaluations. (A) (Bottom) 30,000 voltage cycles, showing that LP@PF catalysts meet or exceed DOE’s
LSVs of different catalysts recorded at a rate of 10 mV s−1 and 1600 rotations 2025 MA targets for before (green dashed line, 0.44 A mgPt−1) and after
per minute in O2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4. j, current density. (Top) Number (red dashed line, 0.264 A mgPt−1 or 40% of the initial value) AST. (G) H2-O2
of transferred electrons (e−), n, at different potentials (E). (B) MA Tafel plots fuel cell i-V polarizations and power densities after 30 K voltage cycles.
derived from (A). (C) Comparison of MAs at 0.9 V versus RHE from (B). (H) H2-air fuel cell performances for the same MEAs containing LP@PF-1
(D) H2-O2 fuel cell i-V polarization (solid symbols and lines) and power density and LP@PF-2 under 1 or 2 bars of pressure. (I) Specific current densities of
(hollow symbols and dashed lines) plots recorded under 1 bar of O2 pressure PF-2, Pt3Co/ZC, LP@PF-2, and the sum of PF-2 and Pt3Co/ZC as a function
with cathode Pt loading of 0.033 mgPt cm−2 for LP@PF-1, 0.035 mgPt cm−2 of iR-free fuel cell voltage measured under 1 bar of H2-O2 pressure. For all
for LP@PF-2, 0.043 mgPt cm−2 for Pt3Co/ZC, and 0.35 mgPt cm−2 for fuel cell tests, membrane = Nafion 211, temperature = 80°C, and anode
commercial MEA. LP@PF-1, black stars; LP@PF-2, red diamonds; PF-2, green loading = 0.35 mgPt cm−2. For H2-O2 cell PH2 = PO2 = 100 kPa at 100% relative
triangles; 3% Pt3Co/ZC, blue spheres; commercial 47% Pt/C from TKK or humidity (RH) (back pressure = 50 kPa, absolute pressure = 150 kPa), flow
MEA from BASF, magenta squares. (E) Cathodic MA Tafel plots derived from rate = 200 ml min−1. For H2-air cell PH2 = Pair = 100 kPa or 200 kPa at 100% RH,
fuel cell measurement. The green star denotes the U.S. DOE 2025 target. H2 flow rate = 200 ml min−1 and airflow rate = 520 ml min−1 (equivalent of
(F) Fuel cell (FC) MAs at 0.9 ViR-free before (solid) and after (hatched) stoichiometries of 1.5/1.8 at 3.5 A cm−2 of the end of polarization).

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 6


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1.6 # Strained Pt Path
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We thank M. S. Ferrandon and D. J. Myers for experimental
result may explain why most alloy particles re- vided in the supplementary materials. assistance. Funding: This work was supported by U.S. DOE
main intact after AST. Strong binding of Pt-Co This analysis provides an explanation for our Fuel Cell Technologies Office through Office of Energy Efficiency
NPs with PGM-free site–mediated surface also experimentally observed synergistic catalysis over and Renewable Energy. The works performed at Argonne
generates intimate contact between the two with LP@PF with improved activity and durability National Laboratory’s Center for Nanoscale Materials and
Advanced Photo Source, U.S. DOE Office of Science User
better charge and reaction intermediate trans- at both high-voltage (kinetics-limited) and high- Facilities, are supported by Office of Science, U.S. DOE under
fers, which are further facilitated through im- current (mass transport–limited) regions of fuel contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. L.C. wishes to thank Argonne
proved hydrophilicity by the adlayer over the cell polarization. The Pt-Co alloy increases its uti- National Laboratory for the Maria Goeppert Mayer Fellowship.
Pt surface. lization efficiency by not only performing direct J.K. and J.G. acknowledge funding through the U.S. DOE,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical, Biological, and
DFT calculations were also carried out to ORR but also facilitating reduction of H2O2 gen- Geosciences Division under DE-SC0010379. J.K. wishes to
understand the enhanced activity of LP@PF erated from nearby PGM-free sites, leading to the thank U.S. DOE, Office of Science, Office of Workforce
catalysts. We calculated the thermodynamic bar- nearly four-electron transfer measured by RRDE Development for Teachers and Scientists, Office of Science
riers along two parallel ORR reaction pathways, and improved catalyst activity observed in the Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program. The SCGSR
program is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for
one over Pt (111) (with 4% strain, near the cal- fuel cell test. Because H2O2 is known to corrode Science and Education for the DOE under contract number
culated value for PtCo with a multilayer Pt skin) TM-based PGM-free sites and porous carbon DE‐SC0014664. This research used resources of the National
and another over a Co-N4 active site, through substrate, its breakdown also helps to preserve Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a
multistep sequential combination of protons and the catalyst integrity and durability. Our LP@ U.S. DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under
contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. J.Z. and W.D. wish to thank
electrons (Fig. 4 and fig. S26). Pt (111) has lower PF catalysts exhibit improved catalytic activity the National Key Research and Development Program of
but non-negligible barriers for the reaction steps, and durability with lower Pt usage in fuel cells. China (2016YFB0701200) and Chinese National Nature Science
including the stabilization of OOH# in step II# Remaining challenges include further reducing Foundation (51771112) for support. The views and opinions

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 6


of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or and D.-J.L. participated in the experiments and data SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
reflect those of the U.S. government or any agency thereof. analysis. J.W. acquired high-resolution images and
Neither the U.S. government nor any agency thereof, nor performed analysis. J.K., F.G.S., M.C., and J.G. performed Materials and Methods
any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed computational modeling. L.C., J.K., J.G., M.C., and Figs. S1 to S26
or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for D.-J.L. prepared the manuscript. Competing interests: Tables S1 to S8
the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, The authors declare no competing financial interests. References (31–50)
apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents Argonne National Laboratory received U.S. Patent 9,825,308
that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. related to this work. Data and materials availability: All 10 May 2018; accepted 26 October 2018
Authors contributions: D.-J.L. and L.C. conceived of the data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are Published online 8 November 2018
idea and designed the experiments. L.C., J.Z., H.B., W.D., present in the paper or the supplementary materials. 10.1126/science.aau0630

Chong et al., Science 362, 1276–1281 (2018) 14 December 2018 6 of 6


3D PRINTING molecules or nanoparticles used will not affect

the patterning. In the final phase, the patterned
and functionalized gel scaffold was shrunken by
3D nanofabrication by volumetric a factor of 10 to 20 in each dimension by using
acid or divalent cations over a period of hours,

deposition and controlled shrinkage and then it was dehydrated to achieve the desired
nanoscale resolution (Fig. 1, G and H). The scaf-
fold was not removed, as it supports the nanofab-
of patterned scaffolds ricated material and allows for the creation of
disconnected or high–aspect-ratio structures that
Daniel Oran1*, Samuel G. Rodriques1,2*, Ruixuan Gao1, Shoh Asano1,3,
would otherwise collapse outside of the scaffold.
We found the polyacrylate gel to be a suitable
Mark A. Skylar-Scott4,5, Fei Chen1,6, Paul W. Tillberg1,7†,
substrate for patterning and deposition. The gel
Adam H. Marblestone1‡, Edward S. Boyden1,6,8,9,10‡§
readily accommodated a wide variety of hydro-
philic reagents, including small molecules, bio-
Lithographic nanofabrication is often limited to successive fabrication of two-dimensional
molecules, semiconductor nanoparticles, and
(2D) layers. We present a strategy for the direct assembly of 3D nanomaterials consisting
metal nanoparticles (fig. S1, A to C). For laser
of metals, semiconductors, and biomolecules arranged in virtually any 3D geometry. We
powers below a critical threshold, the density of
used hydrogels as scaffolds for volumetric deposition of materials at defined points in space.
the deposited functional material was controlla-
We then optically patterned these scaffolds in three dimensions, attached one or more
ble (Fig. 1I and fig. S2). We estimated, based on
functional materials, and then shrank and dehydrated them in a controlled way to achieve
the maximum pattern fluorescence (fig. S2A),
nanoscale feature sizes in a solid substrate. We demonstrate that our process, Implosion
that binding sites are patterned into the gel at
Fabrication (ImpFab), can directly write highly conductive, 3D silver nanostructures
concentrations of at least 79.2 mM in the ex-
within an acrylic scaffold via volumetric silver deposition. Using ImpFab, we achieve
panded state, leading to a final concentration
resolutions in the tens of nanometers and complex, non–self-supporting 3D geometries
in the shrunken state of greater than 272.0 mM,
of interest for optical metamaterials.
or 1.64 × 1020 sites/cm3 for a 10× gel (see below).

By repeating our patterning and deposition pro-
ost nanofabrication techniques current- They should be porous and solvated, to allow for cess, we were able to deposit multiple materials
ly rely on two-dimensional (2D) and 2.5D introduction of reagents to their interior, while in different patterns in the same substrate, such
patterning strategies. Although popular also being dense, to allow material placement as gold nanoparticles and cadmium telluride
direct laser writing methods allow for the with nanoscale precision. To resolve this contra- nanoparticles (Fig. 1J). We observed by using
single-step fabrication of self-supporting, diction, we reasoned that an ideal scaffold could be fluorescence that the deposition of the second
polymeric 3D nanostructures (1–8), arbitrary 3D patterned in a solvated state and then collapsed material onto the first pattern was at most 18.5%
nanostructures (e.g., solid spheres of metal or and desiccated in a controlled way, densifying of the deposition of the second material onto the
metallic wires arranged in discontinuous pat- the patterned materials to obtain nanoscale second pattern, confirming that multiple mate-
terns) are not possible (9, 10). This raises the feature sizes. Although several groups have ex- rials may be independently patterned and depo-
question of whether a versatile 3D nanofabrica- perimented with shrinking materials, the shrink- sited using this process (fig. S3).
tion strategy can be developed that would allow ing process typically requires harsh conditions The shrinking process is performed either by
independent control over the geometry, fea- and chemical changes that may destroy func- exposing the expanded gel to hydrochloric acid
ture size, and chemical composition of the final tional materials (11–13). We use polyacrylate/ or to divalent cations (e.g., magnesium chloride)
material. polyacrylamide hydrogels for the scaffold mate- (fig. S1, A to C). The latter may be useful if the
A hallmark of 2D nanofabrication strategies is rial, as they have pore sizes in the range of 10 to patterned materials are sensitive to acid, although
that materials are deposited in a planar fashion 100 nm (14), they are known for their ability to we found that both streptavidin and DNA re-
onto a patterned surface. By analogy, we rea- expand and shrink up to ~10-fold in linear di- mained functionally intact after acid shrinking
soned that a general 3D nanofabrication strategy mension (15–18), and methods for optically pat- (fig. S1D). Gels that are shrunken in hydrochloric
could involve deposition of materials in a vol- terning hydrogels are well established (19–23). acid can subsequently be dehydrated, resulting
umetric fashion into a patterned scaffold. How- Our implementation took place in three phases in additional shrinking, and this process pre-
ever, such scaffolds face a fundamental tension: (24). It was previously found that two-photon served the patterned geometry (Fig. 1K). The
excitation of fluorescein within acrylate hydro- final dehydrated gel was transparent (fig. S4A),
MIT Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gels causes the fluorescein to react with the and atomic force microscopy (AFM) character-
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 2Department of Physics, hydrogel (21–23). We took advantage of this ization measured the surface roughness over a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA phenomenon to attach fluorescein molecules 1- by 1-mm window to be ~0.19 nm (root mean
02139, USA. 3Pfizer Internal Medicine Research Unit,
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 4John A. Paulson School of
carrying reactive groups to the expanded gel square) (fig. S4B). Except where stated other-
Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, in defined 3D patterns (Fig. 1, A and B). In the wise, all samples described as “shrunken” here
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 5Wyss Institute for Biologically second phase, after removal of the fluorescein were shrunken and dehydrated. We tested two
Inspired Engineering, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. patterning solution, the gel was functionalized different gel formulations that differed only in
Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
by depositing materials onto the patterned re- cross-linker concentration: 10× (0.075% cross-
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer active groups (Fig. 1, C and D) by using one of linker) and 20× (0.0172% cross-linker) (24). The
Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, several available conjugation chemistries. This 10× gels, and the patterns within, shrank con-
MA 02139, USA. 8Department of Brain and Cognitive volumetric deposition step defines the compo- sistently by a linear factor of 10.6 ± 0.8 in the
Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA 02139, USA. 9McGovern Institute, Massachusetts
sition of the material and may be followed by lateral dimension (mean ± SD, n = 5 gels) and
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 10Koch additional deposition chemistries (“intensifica- 34.8 ± 1.8 in the axial dimension (n = 6 gels)
Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, tion”) to boost the functionality of the deposited (Fig. 1L), with the disproportionate axial shrink
MA 02139, USA. molecules or nanomaterials (Fig. 1, E and F). Im- occurring during dehydration, possibly due to
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Present address: Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA 20147,
portantly, the functional molecules or nanopar- surface interactions between the shrinking poly-
USA. ‡These authors contributed equally to this work. ticles are not present during the patterning mer and the surface of the glass container. For
§Corresponding author. Email: process, so the specific physical properties of the the 20× gels, we observed 20.1 ± 2.9-fold shrink

Oran et al., Science 362, 1281–1285 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


Fig. 1. The ImpFab process. (A) Schematic of the patterning process, hydrogel matrix. (F) Image of silver deposited onto the pattern in (D) by
showing the expanded polyelectrolyte gel (black lines and dots, top insets) transmission optical microscopy. Following silver growth, the pattern has high
and fluorescein (green star, bottom inset) binding covalently to the optical density. (G) Schematic of the shrinking and dehydration process.
polymer matrix upon multiphoton excitation (red volume). Not to scale. (H) SEM image of the silverized pattern from (F) following shrinking and
Fluorescein bears a reactive group, R. h, Planck’s constant; n, frequency. dehydration. (I) Fluorescent patterns created with different laser powers
(B) Residual fluorescence of patterned fluorescein immediately following (24). (J) Image of a gel patterned with both metal nanoparticles (yellow) and
patterning. (C) Schematic of functionalization of patterned gel by CdTe quantum dots (blue) in different locations. (K) Images of fluorescent
attaching small molecules, proteins, DNA, or nanoparticles to reactive patterns before shrinking (left, 10× gel), after shrinking and dehydration in
R groups from (A). Red outline indicates patterned volume in (A). a 10× gel (top right) and after shrinking and dehydration in a 20× gel (bottom
(D) Image of fluorescent streptavidin nanoparticle conjugates attached right). (L) The mean lateral (blue) and axial (red) shrink factors (initial
to the pattern in (B). (E) Schematic of the volumetric deposition process, size/final size) for 10× gels (n = 6), including dehydration. (M) The mean
showing growth of silver (blue) on top of gold nanoparticles within the lateral shrink factor for 20× gels (yellow; n = 3). Error bars show SD.

in the lateral dimension (n = 4 gels) (Fig. 1M). (mean ± SD across samples, n = 5) (Fig. 2H) and imaged it before and after dehydration (fig.
The 20× gel formulation is challenging to for 10× gels. The mean within-sample stan- S5). As expected, the rectangular prism con-
handle manually due to its delicacy, and so the dard deviation of the line width was 8.3 nm. We tracted in the axial dimension during the de-
axial shrink factor was not measured and they estimated the isotropy of the shrinking process hydration step and turned into a cube.
were not used further, except for distortion by calculating the ratio of the longest diameter Because nanoscale metal structures are broad-
measurements. of the patterned circle to the orthogonal diame- ly important in fields such as nanophotonics,
To validate the minimum feature size of Im- ter (Fig. 2, C and D). The percent distortion thus metamaterials, and plasmonics, we applied ImpFab
plosion Fabrication (ImpFab), we designed a test calculated was 6.8 ± 6.9% for 10× gels (mean ± to create conductive silver structures. We anchored
pattern containing pairs of single-voxel–wide SD, n = 6 gels) and 8.2 ± 4.3% for 20× gels (n = 4 gold nanoparticles to patterned amines via a
lines (Fig. 2, A to D). Because such postshrink gels). We found that the ratio of axial to lateral biotin-streptavidin linkage (24). We were ini-
features are necessarily below the optical diffrac- shrink was on average within 3.1 ± 2.5% of the tially unable to deposit gold nanoparticles at
tion limit, we deposited gold nanoparticles and mean of this ratio (n = 6 10× gels), indicating that high enough concentrations to form conductive
employed scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the disproportionate axial shrink is highly repro- structures. We thus developed an intensification
to assess the resolution after shrinking. We ducible. Thus, it is possible to account for the process based on photographic intensification
estimated the resolution by measuring the line disproportionate axial shrink in the design of the chemistries, in which silver was deposited onto
width [full width at half maximum (FWHM)] pattern. To illustrate this point with the fabrica- the surface of gel-anchored gold nanoparticles in
(Fig. 2, E to G) and obtained a value of 59.6 ± 3.8 nm tion of a cube, we patterned a rectangular prism aqueous phase while the gel was in the expanded

Oran et al., Science 362, 1281–1285 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


Fig. 2. Resolution of implosion fabrication. (A) Design of the resolution shrinking. (F) SEM images of single-voxel lines after 10× shrinking. The
test pattern, including pairs of single-voxel-thick lines (bottom right). gel was functionalized with gold nanoparticles for contrast. (G) Cross-
(B) Fluorescence image of the patterns from (A). (C) Fluorescence image sectional intensity profiles of the lines imaged by SEM [dashed lines in (F)],
of the pattern from (B) after shrinking. (D) Measures of isotropy in showing how the FWHM of single voxel lines were measured. (H) Line
lateral and axial dimensions. Yellow and blue bars represent lateral isotropy widths, measured in (G), for five different gel samples. Dots are measure-
for 10× gels and 20× gels, respectively, and the red bar represents axial ments for individual lines; bars indicate means ± SD, across individual
isotropy for 10× gels. (E) Fluorescence images of single-voxel lines before lines within a single gel.

state (Fig. 1, E and F). Finally, the gel was treated when we used the same two-photon setup used (fig. S6B). By contrast, an ideal silver wire with
with a chelating agent to remove any remain- for the initial photopatterning step. We found the same geometry would have a resistance of
ing dissolved silver and was then shrunken via that samples irradiated at relatively low power 0.38 ohms, suggesting that our sintered struc-
exposure to hydrochloric acid and subsequent levels (24) showed a distinct change in the mor- tures achieved a mean conductivity 13.3% that
dehydration. phology of the embedded silver nanoparticles of bulk silver, with individual samples obtain-
Even with the silver intensification process, that was consistent with sintering (Fig. 3, B and ing conductivities as high as 30% that of bulk
wire structures fabricated using the method C). We measured the conductivity of three pat- silver (Fig. 3E).
above (Fig. 3A) were not reliably conductive, or terned silver squares both before and after sin- To verify that our method is compatible with a
they had resistances on the order of hundreds tering and found that the resistance of each wide range of 3D geometries, we fabricated struc-
of ohms. We tested several different methods of square decreased by 20- to 200-fold (Fig. 3D). tures with dimensions ranging from hundreds of
sintering, including treatment with oxygen plas- Sintered wires were measured in a four-point nanometers to several micrometers (Fig. 4, A to
ma, electrical discharge, and heating the sample probe system and were found to have linear C). We found that these structures retained
to ~500°C in an oven. However, none of these IV curves (fig. S6A). Wires sintered in this way their morphology following sintering (Fig. 4B).
methods resulted in well-preserved and evenly had an average resistance of 2.85 ± 1.68 ohms We fabricated a nonlayered, nonconnected 3D
sintered silver structures. Instead, we found that (mean ± SD, n = 10), with the resistance de- structure comprised of many 2D substructures
the silver patterns could be sintered effectively pending on the density of the patterned silver arranged at different angles relative to each other

Oran et al., Science 362, 1281–1285 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


in space, which would not lend itself to fab- silver was deposited throughout the volume of Due to the modular nature of ImpFab, the
rication by other means (Fig. 4D). Whereas our the 3D pattern (Fig. 4E). Finally, using con- extension of the ImpFab strategy to other kinds
previous experiments had only observed the focal microscopy, we were able to validate that of materials, such as other semiconductors or
fabrication of 2D silver structures, we used the structure retained its shape after shrink- metals, only requires the development of an
confocal reflection microscopy to confirm that ing (Fig. 4F). aqueous deposition chemistry that is compatible

Fig. 3. Characterization of silver conductivity. (A) SEM overview of a single conductive pad. Error bars show standard errors in a
a shrunken silver wire between two landing pads, prior to sintering. (B and four-point conductivity measurement. (E) Resistance of individual
C) SEM images of wires before (B) and after (C) sintering. (D) Resistance sintered wires (black dots) and the means (blue) and standard
of three separate conductive pads, each with dimensions of 35 mm deviations, compared to the theoretical conductivity of a similar
by 35 mm, measured before and after sintering. Each color represents structure made of bulk silver (green).

Fig. 4. Fabrication of 3D
metal nanostructures.
(A and B) 2D structures
fabricated with ImpFab
with micrometer-scale
resolution, before (A) and
after (B) sintering
(visualized via SEM).
(C) Similar structures
fabricated with a 100-nm
feature size, after
shrinking and dehydra-
tion but before sintering.
(D) Maximum-intensity
projection of a fluores-
cent image of a
3D structure before
shrinking (2, 28).
(E) Maximum-intensity
projection of a reflected
light image from the
same structure following
volumetric silver deposi-
tion, prior to shrinking.
(F) Maximum-intensity
projection of a fluorescent
image of the same struc-
ture shrunken but not

Oran et al., Science 362, 1281–1285 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 5


with the gel substrate. Future iterations may 12. M. Hegde et al., Adv. Mater. 29, 1701240 (2017). Scholars Program, the Open Philanthropy Project, John Doerr, ONR
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complexes for direct deposition of metals or 14. D. L. Holmes, N. C. Stellwagen, Electrophoresis 12, 612–619 Pioneer Award 1DP1NS087724, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory
semiconductors within the hydrogel (25, 26), or (1991). and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract number
DNA-addressed material deposition (27). Finally, 15. F. Chen, P. W. Tillberg, E. S. Boyden, Science 347, 543–548 W911NF1510548, NIH 1R01MH103910, NIH 2R01DA029639, the
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16. F. Ilmain, T. Tanaka, E. Kokufuta, Nature 349, 400–401 (1991). S.G.R. acknowledges funding through the Hertz Graduate Fellowship
microscope that was not optimized for pattern- 17. Y. Hirokawa, T. Tanaka, AIP Conf. Proc. 107, 203–208 and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
ing and that was limited to a 4-cm/s scan speed (1984). Program (award 1122374). Author contributions: S.G.R., D.O.,
(in postshrink dimensions), we were able to 18. A. Suzuki, T. Tanaka, Nature 346, 345–347 (1990). M.A.S.-S., F.C., P.W.T., A.H.M., and E.S.B. conceived of strategies
create objects spanning hundreds of microns 19. C. A. DeForest, K. S. Anseth, Nat. Chem. 3, 925–931 (2011). for implosion fabrication. S.G.R. and D.O. conceived of and developed
20. C. A. DeForest, K. S. Anseth, Angew. Chem. 124, 1852–1855 the implosion fabrication gel, patterning, deposition, intensification,
to millimeters (fig. S7). With the use of faster (2012). and shrink chemistries. S.G.R., D.O., R.G., A.H.M., and E.S.B.
patterning systems (23), ImpFab could ulti- 21. M. A. Skylar-Scott, M.-C. Liu, Y. Wu, M. F. Yanik, in Proc. SPIE conceived of validation strategies. R.G. performed imaging for the
mately enable the creation of centimeter-scale 10115, Advanced Fabrication Technologies for Micro/Nano results shown in Fig. 2F and fig. S4. S.A. wrote the program for
nanomaterials. Optics and Photonics X (International Society for Optics and generating arbitrary 3D patterns using the Zen software. S.G.R.,
Photonics, 2017), abstr. 101150L. D.O., A.H.M., and E.S.B. wrote the paper, with contributions and edits
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES 22. M. A. Skylar-Scott, M.-C. Liu, Y. Wu, A. Dixit, M. F. Yanik, from all authors. Competing interests: S.G.R., D.O., S.A., R.G.,
Adv. Healthc. Mater. 5, 1233–1243 (2016). F.C., P.W.T., A.H.M., M.A.S.-S., and E.S.B. are inventors on a patent
1. M. Deubel et al., Nat. Mater. 3, 444–447 (2004).
23. M. A. Scott, Z. D. Wissner-Gross, M. F. Yanik, Lab Chip 12, filed on implosion fabrication. A.H.M. is also affiliated with Deepmind
2. C. M. Soukoulis, M. Wegener, Nat. Photonics 5, 523–530
2265–2276 (2012). Technologies Ltd. F.C. is also affiliated with the Broad Institute of
24. Materials and methods are available as supplementary Harvard and MIT. Data and materials availability: Analyzed image
3. C. A. Ross, K. K. Berggren, J. Y. Cheng, Y. S. Jung, J.-B. Chang,
materials. data used to produce Fig. 1L and Fig. 2D (red bar) are provided
Adv. Mater. 26, 4386–4396 (2014).
4. J.-B. Chang et al., Nat. Commun. 5, 3305 (2014). 25. A. Miura et al., Opt. Mater. Express 7, 2224 (2017). as CSV files in the supplementary materials. Conductivity data
5. I. Wathuthanthri, Y. Liu, K. Du, W. Xu, C.-H. Choi, Adv. Funct. 26. K. Esumi, A. Suzuki, N. Aihara, K. Usui, K. Torigoe, Langmuir 14, used to produce Fig. 3, D and E, and fig. S6 are provided as CSV
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6. S. Matsui, T. Kaito, J. Fujita, M. Komuro, K. Kanda, J. Vac. Sci. 27. P. W. K. Rothemund, Nature 440, 297–302 (2006). fig. S2 and Fig. 2D (yellow and blue bars) and Fig. 2, G and H,
Technol. B 3181, 3–7 (2000). 28. D. B. Burckel et al., Adv. Mater. 22, 5053–5057 (2010). are provided in the supplementary materials.
7. S. Kawata, H. B. Sun, T. Tanaka, K. Takada, Nature 412, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
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8. L. R. Meza, S. Das, J. R. Greer, Science 345, 1322–1326 We thank, for helpful discussions, T. Swager, M. Soljacic, J. Bewersdorf,
Materials and Methods
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Figs. S1 to S7
9. A. Vyatskikh et al., Nat. Commun. 9, 593 (2018). N. Savidis, S. Terclavers, S. E. Kooi, E. B. Kromann, and M. Lessard
Tables S1 to S3
10. Y. Y. Cao, N. Takeyasu, T. Tanaka, X. M. Duan, S. Kawata, for useful suggestions and technical assistance with imaging.
Data S1
Small 5, 1144–1148 (2009). We thank the anonymous referees for helpful comments that
11. J. Bauer, A. Schroer, R. Schwaiger, O. Kraft, Nat. Mater. 15, improved the manuscript. Funding: E.S.B. acknowledges funding 18 June 2018; accepted 2 November 2018
438–443 (2016). by the Kavli Dream Team program, the HHMI-Simons Faculty 10.1126/science.aau5119

Oran et al., Science 362, 1281–1285 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


ENZYMOLOGY by cassette mutagenesis, and the most promising

mutations were shuffled. In addition, the full-
length gene was randomized by error-prone poly-
Evolution of a highly active merase chain reaction (PCR) to identify beneficial
mutations distant from the active site. Over the

and enantiospecific metalloenzyme course of evolution, self-acylating residues were

replaced by arginine (Lys68 and Lys78) or targeted
for randomization (Arg80) to prevent catalyst
from short peptides inactivation by covalent modification with the
substrate (figs. S4 and S5). An average of one to
Sabine Studer1, Douglas A. Hansen1*, Zbigniew L. Pianowski1†, Peer R. E. Mittl2,
two mutations were introduced per round of
evolution to afford MID1sc9, which has a total
Aaron Debon1, Sharon L. Guffy 3, Bryan S. Der 3‡, Brian Kuhlman3,4, Donald Hilvert1§
of 20 substitutions distributed nearly equally
over the N- and C-terminal helix-turn-helix frag-
Primordial sequence signatures in modern proteins imply ancestral origins tracing back to
ments (Fig. 2B and fig. S6).
simple peptides. Although short peptides seldom adopt unique folds, metal ions might
Because 21% of the protein was mutated by
have templated their assembly into higher-order structures in early evolution and imparted
design and directed evolution, possible changes
useful chemical reactivity. Recapitulating such a biogenetic scenario, we have combined
in Zn(II) coordination were probed by sequential
design and laboratory evolution to transform a zinc-binding peptide into a globular enzyme
replacement of each histidine in the original zinc
capable of accelerating ester cleavage with exacting enantiospecificity and high catalytic
binding site (His39, His61, and His65) by alanine
efficiency (kcat/KM ~ 106 M−1 s−1). The simultaneous optimization of structure and function
(fig. S7 and table S2). Surprisingly, substitution
in a naïve peptide scaffold not only illustrates a plausible enzyme evolutionary pathway
of His39 had little effect on catalytic activity,
from the distant past to the present but also proffers exciting future opportunities for
whereas replacement of His61 and His65 led to a
enzyme design and engineering.
greater than fivefold decrease in turnover num-

ber. Based on the sequence of the evolved pro-
etal ions are ubiquitous in nature, play- metal-binding residues with noncoordinating tein, we identified another histidine (His35) and
ing structural and/or catalytic roles in amino acids suggested by computation. The re- two glutamates (Glu32 and Glu58) as possible
nearly half of all proteins. This dual func- sulting single-chain MID1 variant, MID1sc, binds alternative metal-binding residues in close prox-
tionality conceivably fostered the emer- a single Zn(II) ion and hydrolyzes p-nitrophenyl imity to the original zinc site. Whereas substitu-
gence of primordial metalloenzymes from acetate at similar rates as MID1 (fig. S1). tion of Glu32 and Glu58 with glutamine had little
simpler peptidic precursors by an evolutionary For protein evolution, we developed a robust effect on catalytic efficiency, alanine substitution
pathway involving metal-mediated assembly, fol- and sensitive screening assay based on the racemic of His35 reduced activity >1000 fold, strongly sug-
lowed by polypeptide fusion and diversification fluorogenic ester 1 (Fig. 2A). MID1sc hydrolyzes gesting that His35, together with His61 and His65,
(Fig. 1A) (1–6). In mimicry of this process, protein ester (±)-1 with a turnover number (kcat) of 0.011 ± binds the catalytic zinc ion. This change in co-
designers have successfully used metal ions to 0.001 s−1 (mean ± SD) and an apparent second- ordination sphere occurred midway along the
template binding of weakly interacting peptides order rate constant (kcat/KM) of 18 ± 2 M−1 s−1. It evolutionary trajectory because His35 could still
and generate supramolecular structures that dis- also exhibits a twofold preference for cleavage of be replaced after the third round of mutagenesis
play modest catalytic activities at their interfaces the (R)-configured substrate enantiomer (fig. S2 without loss in esterase activity (table S1). With
(7–14). Here, such complexes are shown to be ex- and table S1). We optimized this initial catalytic the goal of eliminating potentially competitive
cellent starting points for the design and evolu- activity over nine rounds of laboratory evolution, zinc binding modes, we incorporated the E32Q
tion of highly active, globular metalloenzymes. exploiting both focused and random mutagene- (Glu32→Gln), H39A (His39→Ala), and E58Q
To explore metalloprotein biogenesis, we chose sis (Fig. 1B and fig. S3). Single residues close to (Glu58→Gln) mutations to give the final opti-
MID1, a homodimeric peptide containing two the zinc center, lining the primitive binding pock- mized construct, MID1sc10, which had >10,000-
interfacial Zn(II)His3 sites that was computation- et, and around the former zinc site were targeted fold higher activity than its MID1sc progenitor
ally designed from a monomeric, 46–amino acid–
long, helix-turn-helix fragment (11). The zinc ions
originally served as prostheses for peptide as- A B
sembly but also provided serendipitous activity
for ester bond hydrolysis thanks to a small hy-
drophobic binding pocket adjacent to an open
metal coordination site (12). Adopting nature’s
fusion and diversification strategy, we connected
adjacent N and C termini of the dimer subunits
via a short Gly-Ser-Gly linker and removed the Assembly Asymmetric
zinc site farthest from the linker by replacing

Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich,
Switzerland. 2Department of Biochemistry, University of
Zürich, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland. 3Department of
Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7365, USA. 4Lineberger
Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.
*Present address: Antheia Inc., Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. Fig. 1. Emulating metalloenzyme biogenesis from peptides. (A) Zinc-mediated assembly of helix-
†Present address: Institut für Organische Chemie, Karlsruher
turn-helix fragments, followed by fusion and asymmetric diversification, afforded MID1sc10, an
Institut für Technologie KIT, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany.
‡Present address: Capital One, Henrico, VA 23238, USA. efficient metalloesterase. (B) Simplified schematic showing the specific steps performed in the
§Corresponding author. Email: diversification process.

Studer et al., Science 362, 1285–1288 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 4


at subsaturating concentrations of racemic A B

ester 1. O O O
MID1sc10 is a highly active esterase. It pref-
erentially catalyzes the hydrolysis of (S)-1 with a O
kcat of 1.64 ± 0.04 s−1 and a kcat/KM of 980,000 ±
110,000 M−1 s−1 (Fig. 2C and table S1). These SO3
steady-state parameters attest to notable cata- OH
lytic proficiency [1/KTS = (kcat/KM)/kuncat = 9.3 ×
1010 M−1, where KTS is the apparent transition- O HO O O
state binding affinity and kuncat is the rate con-
stant for the uncatalyzed reaction (15)]. In this
respect, MID1sc10 is similar to typical natural 2 3
enzymes (16) and outperforms other artificial SO3
esterases, including catalytic antibodies (17), C D 990 x
computationally designed enzymes (18–21), and
engineered zinc metalloproteins (9, 12, 13, 22),
by two to five orders of magnitude (table S3).
It is also superior to the natural zinc metal- 0.004
loenzyme human carbonic anhydrase (hCAII), 0.002
which promiscuously hydrolyzes similarly ac- 2.2 x
tivated p-nitrophenyl acetate with a kcat/KM of 0
0 200 400
2500 M−1 s−1 (23). Even for its natural activity, the
mechanistically related hydration of carbon
dioxide, hCAII, a nearly perfect zinc enzyme,
has a catalytic proficiency that is 100-fold lower
than that of MID1sc10 (15). Fig. 2. Directed evolution of MID1sc. (A) MID1sc was evolved for the hydrolysis of fluorogenic ester
Given the importance of stereochemical con- 1 to give 2-phenylpropionate 2 and coumarin 3. The * indicates the chiral center. (B) Crystal structure
trol for industrial biocatalysis, the high enantio- of MID1sc10, showing the zinc ion as an orange sphere and the coordinating histidines as green sticks.
specificity achieved by MID1sc10, manifest in a Linkage of two polypeptides via a Gly-Ser-Gly sequence (orange) and removal of a second zinc site
990-fold kinetic preference for cleavage of the present in the original MID1 design (yellow spheres) afforded MID1sc, which was subsequently
(S)-configured ester (Fig. 2D and table S1), is par- optimized by mutagenesis and screening. The locations of beneficial mutations (magenta spheres)
ticularly notable. As the entire screen was per- and residues replaced to prevent competitive zinc binding modes (cyan spheres) are highlighted.
formed with racemic substrate, this property was (C) Michaelis-Menten plots for MID1sc (yellow and inset) and MID1sc10 (green) show a 70,000-fold
never subject to direct selection pressure. How- improvement in hydrolysis efficiency for (S)-configured 1 after optimization. v0/[E]0, initial rate divided
ever, active site mutations introduced in the third by total enzyme concentration. (D) The evolved variant MID1sc10 is highly enantioselective as a
round of evolution fostered the initial switch from consequence of a 2200-fold specificity switch from the modestly (R)-selective starting catalyst MID1sc.
the (R)-specific starting scaffold, and the new All error bars represent the SD of at least three independent measurements.
stereochemical preference was subsequently en-
hanced in step with specific activity (table S1). albeit with substantial structural changes com- ilar interactions to tune metal ion reactivity (25, 26).
Zinc is absolutely required for MID1sc10 catal- pared with MID1 (11). In addition to the altered Like carbonic anhydrase, MID1sc10 presumably
ysis; removal inactivates the enzyme. Nevertheless, Zn(II) coordination sphere identified by muta- exploits the Lewis acidity of Zn(II) to acidify a
it binds relatively weakly with an apparent dis- genesis, the crossover angle of the two helix-turn- coordinated water molecule and generate a high
sociation constant (Kd) of 26 mM (fig. S8). Con- helix fragments decreased to 47°, which is >30° local concentration of hydroxide for substrate
sistent with weak binding, zinc does not stabilize tighter than in MID1 (Fig. 3C, fig. S11, and table S5) cleavage. Fitting the pH-rate data for ester hy-
the evolved protein. Its thermal denaturation is but still considerably larger compared with canon- drolysis afforded a kinetic pKa of ~8 (fig. S13),
unaffected by Zn(II) (Fig. 3A), whereas the metal ical four-helix bundles (typically 20°) (24). This which is higher than the value of 6.8 determined
ion increases MID1’s melting temperature by dramatic conformational change was brought for ionization of zinc-bound water in carbonic
24°C (11). When Zn(II) is added to apo-MID1sc10, about by extensive remodeling of the protein anhydrase (25) but falls in the range of pKa’s ob-
signal broadening is observed in the 1H-15N- interior to accommodate the large ester substrate. served for other peptides and model complexes
heteronuclear single-quantum coherence (HSQC) Five out of 13 residues lining the substrate bind- (26), including MID1 (12).
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum ing pocket were mutated [M38W (Met38→Trp), Consistent with MID1sc10’s high enantiospec-
(Fig. 3B and fig. S9), suggesting the presence of K68R (Lys68→Arg), Q80S (Gln80→Ser), L83T ificity, only the (S)-enantiomer of phosphonate 4
several states that interconvert on an interme- (Leu83→Thr), and H84L (His84→Leu)], substan- is bound in the crystallized complex (fig. S14).
diate time scale. Together, these results indicate tially deepening and reconfiguring the active site The inhibitor adopts an extended conformation
that design and evolution converted the zinc ion for shape-complementary transition-state recog- with the 2-phenylpropionyl group sitting snugly
from an essential structural element into a ded- nition (Fig. 3, D and E). at the bottom of the hydrophobic pocket and
icated catalytic cofactor. Another early mutation, Q36P (Gln36→Pro), the charged leaving group near the entrance of
To elucidate the origins of these effects, we introduced a kink in the second helix, helping to the active site (Fig. 3E). This orientation allows the
cocrystallized MID1sc10 with racemic phospho- form a tighter binding pocket for the substrate phosphonate to coordinate Zn(II) via one of its
nate 4, a structural mimic of the esterolytic and facilitating replacement of His39 by His35 as oxygen atoms, as expected for a mechanism
transition state that competitively inhibits the a Zn(II) ligand (fig. S12 and movie S1). The re- involving nucleophilic attack of a zinc-bound
enzyme with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 1.1 ± sulting metal environment (Fig. 3F and fig. S7) hydroxide on the ester substrate (Fig. 3F). The
0.1 mM (fig. S10) and increases the enzyme’s resembles the zinc site in carbonic anhydrase other phosphonyl oxygen forms a bidentate
affinity for Zn(II) more than 100-fold (fig. S8). (25). Introduction of a second-shell hydrogen- hydrogen bond with the side chain of Arg68, a
The crystal structure, solved at 1.34-Å resolution bonding interaction between Gln 58 and the residue introduced during evolution. Similar
(Figs. 2B and 3, C to F, and table S4), confirmed backside nitrogen of His61 is intriguing in this interactions have been observed in zinc enzymes
that the protein adopts a helical bundle fold, context, because natural zinc enzymes utilize sim- like carboxypeptidase A (27) and contribute

Studer et al., Science 362, 1285–1288 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 4


A 0
B functionality needed to accelerate a chosen
target reaction and is one of the most promising
-5 approaches to tailored catalysts to emerge in the
past few years (29, 30). Although computationally
designed enzymes have been evolved to high
-15 activities for several reactions (31–34), creation
of efficient catalysts for the hydrolysis of esters

-20 like 1 has proved challenging (18–21). Instead of a
metal ion cofactor, computational designs have

9 8.5 8 relied on a single nucleophile (18, 20) or em-

20 40 60 80 95
Temperature (°C) δ -1H (ppm) bedded catalytic dyads (19) and triads (21) to
cleave the substrate via a transient acyl-enzyme
C D intermediate. However, even after laboratory
evolution, the apparent second-order rate con-
stants for protein acylation (k2/KS) have never
exceeded 2000 M−1 s−1 (table S3), and slow de-
acylation limits overall turnover (kcat/KM <
~100 M−1 s−1).
The comparative ease of evolving a 10,000-fold
more efficient zinc-dependent esterase is thus
striking and speaks to the efficacy of metal ion
catalysis. Even though no reaction-relevant chem-
ical information was provided by design, the
optimized MID1sc10 active site recapitulates
the natural mechanisms of native zinc enzymes,
F suggesting that the intrinsic chemical potential
P His35 of such systems is readily realizable once the
O metal ion is installed in an appropriate binding
pocket. The flexibility of the helical bundle fold
SO3 may have been advantageous in this respect,
expediting the evolutionary search for a chemi-
Gln58 cally and sterically complementary binding pocket
that could effectively align substrate and metal-
His61 ion-bound water and lower the transition state
barrier for ester hydrolysis.
His65 Arg68 MID1sc10 embodies the structural and func-
tional properties that metals likely imparted to
proteins long ago. Promiscuous binding of dif-
Fig. 3. Biophysical characterization and crystal structure of MID1sc10. (A) The thermal stability ferent substrate molecules and metal ions by
of MID1sc10 is similar in the presence (green) and absence (black) of zinc. [Q], mean residue ellipticity.
primordial scaffolds would have been a poten-
(B) Overlay of the 1H-15N-HSQC spectra of MID1sc10 in the presence (green) and absence (black)
tially rich source of novel activities. Looking
of zinc. For the full spectrum, see fig. S9. d, chemical shift; ppm, parts per million. (C) Structural forward, our simple metalloprotein may sim-
alignment of MID1sc10 (green) and MID1 (gray), illustrating the >30° tighter crossover angle. (D) The
ilarly constitute an excellent system for exploring
observed structural changes transformed the shallow binding site of MID1 (gray) into a deep, hydro-
divergent evolution and functional diversifica-
phobic pocket in MID1sc10 (green). (E) Cut-away view of the active site, showing the snug fit of tion. By elucidating how sophisticated enzymatic
phosphonate 4 in the binding pocket. The zinc ion is shown as an orange sphere and the ligand is functions emerge from naïve peptide scaffolds,
shown in space-filling representation (carbon, yellow; oxygen, red; phosphorus, black; sulfur, orange).
such experiments have the potential to inform
(F) View of the MID1sc10 active site with phosphonate 4 (yellow) coordinating to the Zn(II)His3 complex
ongoing efforts to create new metal-dependent
(orange sphere and green sticks). Arg68 and Gln58 form mechanistically relevant hydrogen bonds to protein catalysts for chemical transformations
phosphonate 4 and the backside nitrogen of His61, respectively. unknown in nature (8, 35–38).

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to Enzyme Catalysis and Protein Folding (W. H. Freeman and and D. L. Niquille for helpful discussions. Funding: The work was 4 June 2018; accepted 31 October 2018
Company, 1999). supported by the Lithuanian-Swiss Research and Development 10.1126/science.aau3744

Studer et al., Science 362, 1285–1288 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 4


CHEMICAL PHYSICS in the H + H2 → H2 + H reaction, Mead and

Truhlar showed that the GP would affect ob-

Observation of the geometric phase

servables only if the nuclear wave function en-
circled the CI, and the effect could be included by
introducing a vector potential (12). In 1988, Zhang

effect in the H + HD → H2 + D reaction and Miller performed full-dimensional quantum

dynamics calculations on the hydrogen exchange
reaction without considering the GP effect, which
Daofu Yuan1*, Yafu Guan2*, Wentao Chen1, Hailin Zhao2, Shengrui Yu3, agreed with the relevant experimental observa-
Chang Luo1, Yuxin Tan1, Ting Xie1, Xingan Wang1†, Zhigang Sun2†, tion, suggesting the GP effect is not important in
Dong H. Zhang2†, Xueming Yang 2,4† this reaction at low collision energy (13, 14).
Kuppermann and co-workers studied the GP ef-
Theory has established the importance of geometric phase (GP) effects in the adiabatic fect on the H + H2 reaction using the multivalued
dynamics of molecular systems with a conical intersection connecting the ground- and basis functions approach (15, 16) and predicted
excited-state potential energy surfaces, but direct observation of their manifestation strong GP effects in the differential cross sections
in chemical reactions remains a major challenge. Here, we report a high-resolution crossed (DCSs). Their predictions, however, were not re-
molecular beams study of the H + HD → H2 + D reaction at a collision energy slightly produced by later dynamics calculations (17–19)
above the conical intersection. Velocity map ion imaging revealed fast angular oscillations and by experiments (20, 21). Quantum reactive
in product quantum state–resolved differential cross sections in the forward scattering scattering studies by Kendrick and co-workers
direction for H2 products at specific rovibrational levels. The experimental results and by Althorpe and co-workers established that
agree with adiabatic quantum dynamical calculations only when the GP effect is included. the GP effect should be negligible at total energy
below 1.8 eV (19, 22–25), becoming significant

only at total energy above 3.5 eV. Theoretical
n a system of potential energy surfaces (PESs) such as the sodium trimer (8), as well as in the studies also pointed out that a clear signature of
connected through a conical intersection (CI), phenol photodissociation process (9, 10). the GP effect on this reaction would be a shift of
a geometric phase (GP) must be introduced The most important chemical reaction for the the fast angular oscillation in DCSs in the side-
that pertains to adiabatic motions encircling study of the GP effect is the hydrogen exchange ways scattering direction (19, 26).
the CI for the system to be treated properly reaction, H + H2 → H2 + H, because it has a well- Over the past two decades, high-resolution
in the adiabatic quantum mechanical framework. defined CI and can be treated most accurately by crossed beam studies using the H atom tagging
The GP effect was discovered independently by theory. In the associated set of PESs for this re- method have probed many important elemen-
Pancharatnam in 1956 in crystal optics (1) and by action, the CI between the ground electronic state tary reactions (27–30), including the H + D2 and
Longuet-Higgins et al. in 1958 in molecular sys- and the first excited state lies at about 2.75 eV (in H + HD reactions at various collision energies
tems (2). In 1984, Berry (3) generalized the GP total energy) (11), at which three hydrogen nuclei (20, 21, 31–33). No fast angular oscillations in
(also known as Berry phase) effect to all adiabatic form an equilateral triangular geometry of D3h DCSs for these latter reactions have been ob-
processes, after which it became a widely studied symmetry. In pioneering work on the role of GP served, most likely because the angular resolution
topic in physics. Over the past three decades, the
potentially profound influence of the GP on mate-
rial properties such as polarization, orbital mag-
netism, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties,
and quantum Hall effects has become clear (4–6).
The concept of GP is now essential for a coherent
understanding of many basic phenomena in physics.
CIs appear in the PESs of many molecular
systems and chemical reaction coordinates (7).
Near a CI, electronic motion and nuclear motion
are strongly coupled in contravention of the Born-
Oppenheimer approximation. When a molecular
system with a CI is treated theoretically in the
adiabatic framework, i.e., only considering the
lower energy electronic surface, the GP must be
introduced to ensure, in accord with quantum
mechanics, that the total wave function is single-
valued at each nuclear geometry. GP effects have
been investigated in detail in isolated molecules

Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the
Microscale and Department of Chemical Physics, University
of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, 230026, China.
State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics,
Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Dalian, 116023, China. 3Hangzhou Institute of
Advanced Studies, Zhejiang Normal University, Hangzhou,
311231, China. 4Department of Chemistry, School of Science,
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen,
518055, China. Fig. 1. Experimental images of the D atom product from the H + HD → H2 + D reaction at a
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
collision energy of 2.77 eV. The crossing angle of the two beams is 160°. F and B denote the forward
†Corresponding author. Email: (X.W.); (Z.S.); (D.H.Z.); xmyang@ (0°) and the backward scattering direction (180°) for the H2 coproduct in the center-of-mass frame or (X.Y.) (CM) relative to the H atom beam direction, respectively.

Yuan et al., Science 362, 1289–1293 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


of the experimental method was limited. More

recently, the PHOTOLOC (photoinitiated reaction
analyzed by the law of cosines) technique has A NGP B NGP
been applied to this search but with a similarly EXP 5.0 EXP
negative outcome (34–36).
We have developed a high-resolution time-
sliced velocity map ion imaging (VMI) apparatus 2.5
for H(D) atom product detection using the thresh-

DCS (arb.units)
old ionization technique for crossed beams scat-
tering studies (37). The VMI technique has proven
to be a powerful technique for accurately mea- 0.0 0.0
suring angular distributions of scattering prod- C GP D GP
ucts (38). The application of the threshold EXP 5.0 EXP
ionization scheme in this apparatus for D atom
product detection in the H + HD → H2 + D re-
action substantially reduced the recoil of the elec- 2.5
trons and consequently improved the velocity
resolution for the D atom product significantly.
Because of the high angular and velocity resolu-
tion, fast forward angular oscillations in this re- 0.0 0.0
-30 -15 0 15 30 -30 -15 0 15 30
action at the collision energy of 1.35 eV have been CM Scattering Angle (deg) CM Scattering Angle (deg)
observed and were attributed to corona scat-
terings in the reaction (37). At this collision Fig. 2. Comparisons of the experimental (EXP) and theoretical product angular distributions
energy, the reaction appears to occur with a of the H2 product from the H + HD (v = 0, j = 0) → H2 + D reaction at a collision energy
simple direct abstraction mechanism. Through of 2.77 eV. (A and C) Product rovibrational state is v′ = 0, j′ = 7. (B and D) Product rovibrational
this study, we concluded that the GP effect states are v′ = 1, j′ = 9 and v′ = 2, j′ = 3, which appear in the measured image as a merged ring.
plays a negligible role in the dynamics of this The theoretical results (dark blue lines) do not include the GP (NGP) in panels A and B but do include
reaction at this collision energy, which is far it (GP) in panels C and D. arb., arbitrary; deg, degree.
below the CI total energy of 2.75 eV (2.53 eV in
collision energy).
Here, we report a high-resolution crossed experimental setup, refer to the materials and for the H2 (v′ = 0, j′ = 7) product state shows a
beams study on the H + HD → H2 + D reaction at methods in the supplementary materials (SM). pronounced peak in the exact forward direction
a collision energy of 2.77 eV, corresponding to The experimental velocity map image of the (0°), whereas the theoretically calculated NGP
2.99 eV in total energy relative to the equilibrium D atom product from the H + HD → H2 + D distribution exhibits a deep valley there. The
energy of an H2 molecule, or 0.24 eV above the reaction at the collision energy of 2.77 eV (Fig. 1) same calculations have also been performed on
CI. In addition, we have carried out accurate shows rings that are well resolved in the for- the complete configuration interaction (CCI) PES,
adiabatic quantum mechanical calculations with ward scattering direction. These ring structures which is considered the most accurate adiabatic
and without considering the GP effect, as well as correspond to different rovibrational state struc- PES for the reaction system (39). The calculated
diabatic quantum dynamics calculations, to in- tures of the H2 product and are assignable (see results on the CCI PES are essentially the same
vestigate the GP effect on this reaction. fig. S4). Certain ring structures arise from a as those obtained on the BKMP2 PES (see fig.
In this experiment, the H atom beam was single rovibrational state, whereas most encom- S5), indicating that the disagreement between
generated by 193-nm laser photolysis of HI mole- pass combined rovibrational states of H2. For the experiment and the NGP calculation is not
cules in a pure HI beam at the nozzle tip. The fast each ring, there are fine oscillations in the angu- due to inaccuracies associated with a particular
H atom beam produced from the H + I(2P3/2) lar distribution in the forward direction as ob- adiabatic PES. Similar comparisons were made
channel was selected to react with HD. The HD served in the study at the collision energy of for additional H2 product rovibrational states
beam was produced by supersonic expansion 1.35 eV. We then acquired the experimental (see fig. S6), and the NGP-calculated angular
through a second pulsed valve (Even Lavie valve). angular distributions for the H2 product at the distributions similarly disagreed with the exper-
The HD gas sample was cooled to liquid nitrogen rovibrational level (v′ = 0, j′ = 7) and at the imental results.
temperature before expanding to the source combined levels (v′ = 1, j′ = 9 and v′ = 2, j′ = 3) We then carried out time-dependent adiabatic
chamber vacuum by means of a pulsed nozzle. in the forward scattering direction by extracting quantum dynamics calculations for the reaction
About 97% of the HD molecules in the beam the signals at a set of different scattering angles on the BKMP2 PES with inclusion of the GP as a
were in the ground vibrational and rotational (in 1° intervals) for the corresponding rings (Fig. 2, vector potential, as Althorpe and co-workers had
level (v = 0, j = 0). Both the pulsed H atom beam A and B). done for the H + H2 reaction (23). The applica-
and the HD beam were collimated by skimmers To ascertain whether the GP effect markedly tion of the vector potential for the H + HD re-
before entering the scattering chamber. The two influenced this reaction at this high collision en- action is slightly more complicated than for the
beams were spatially and temporally overlapped. ergy, we first carried out adiabatic quantum dy- H + H2 reaction because of the asymmetric
Differential pumping was used to reduce the re- namics calculations on the accurate adiabatic masses. In the present calculations, this vector
sidual HI background in the scattering chamber. Boothroyd-Keogh-Martin-Peterson-2 (BKMP2) PES potential was first derived in the mass-scaled
The D atom product was ionized by means of a with the GP effect not included (Fig. 2, A and B). hyperspherical coordinates and then was ex-
two-color [vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) + ultraviolet] The angular distribution patterns from the cal- pressed in the reactant Jacobi coordinates for
threshold ionization scheme and subsequently culations with no GP (NGP) are not in agreement the subsequent quantum reactive scattering cal-
detected using a VMI detector. During the ex- with the corresponding experimental results: culations. For more details about the reactive
periment, the VUV laser wavelength was scanned The oscillation patterns in the calculated NGP scattering theory including the GP in reactant
back and forth to cover the entire Doppler profile DCS are almost completely out of phase with Jacobi coordinates (40), refer to section VI in the
of the D atom product to achieve uniform de- the experimental results, with theoretical peaks SM. The calculated angular distributions with
tection efficiency for the D atom products with located at the experimental valley positions. In the GP effect included are shown in Fig. 2, C
different velocities. For more details about the particular, the experimental angular distribution and D. In marked contrast to the NGP results,

Yuan et al., Science 362, 1289–1293 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


1.5 A Diabatic


DCS (arb. units)


-30 -15 0 15 30
Scattering Angle (degree)

Fig. 3. Comparison between diabatic and

adiabatic with GP calculations for H2
product in specific quantum states. (A) H2 (v′ =
0, j′ = 7); (B) H2 (v′ = 1, j′ = 9 and v′ = 2, j′ = 3).

the theoretical angular distributions obtained Fig. 4. A cut view through the H + HD PES. The positions of the three H + HD geometric
with the GP effect included agree well with the arrangements, transition states (T), and CI (×) are shown. On the surface, representative one–
experimental results, with the calculated angular transition state (path 1) and two–transition state (path 2) reaction paths are shown. The cut was
oscillations exactly in phase with the experimen- calculated using hyperspherical coordinates (45) at a given overall separation r of 3.60 bohr without
tal results. This agreement suggests strongly that consideration of the mass difference between H and D atoms.
the GP effect can be seen in the adiabatic picture
for this benchmark reaction at this high collision The calculated DCS using the adiabatic ground- maximum at ~46 fs, which is still less than 0.09%
energy. Similar comparisons were made for ad- state PES including the GP effect agrees well with of that on the adiabatic ground state (see fig.
ditional H2 product levels (fig. S6), and results the DCS calculated using the diabatic coupled S7A). In addition, we have also computed the
were consistent with the above conclusion. PESs, and the calculated diabatic DCS is also in time-independent wave function as a function
Because the collision energy of this experi- good agreement with the experimental result, of hyperradius r in hyperspherical coordinates
ment is 0.24 eV above the CI, the question arises demonstrating that the dynamics of the reac- for J = 0 with the two hyperangular coordinates
whether the adiabatic excited state (or the upper tion can be accurately described using the diabatic integrated out (45). The results show that the
cone of the CI) has a significant effect on the theory without considering the GP effect, as ex- wave function of the adiabatic excited V2 is dis-
reaction dynamics. We therefore developed ac- pected. Therefore, the GP effect associated with tributed in a very narrow region around the CI,
curate diabatic PESs for the H3 system and the CI in a molecular system exists only in the with peak value less than 1% of that on the adia-
used them to carry out state-to-state quantum adiabatic picture. The present results also verify batic ground state V1 (see fig. S7B). By integrating
dynamics calculations. To construct the diabatic that the adiabatic theory including the GP can be the |y|2 distribution in fig. S7B, we estimated
PESs, we obtained the derivative coupling be- used to describe the detailed dynamics of this that the population on the excited state is only
tween the two lowest 2A′ states by performing chemical reaction at this collision energy as pre- about 0.053% of that on the ground state for the
MR-CISD (multireference configuration interac- cisely as the diabatic theory does. This, we be- J = 0 partial wave. For partial waves with larger
tion, with all single and double excitations) cal- lieve, has important implications for dynamics J value, the excited-state contribution becomes even
culations using the COLUMBUS program (41) studies of complicated quantum systems with smaller. The excited-state dynamics are different
with active space comprising three electrons CIs using adiabatic theory when diabatic treat- from those on the ground state, thus likely causing
distributed in nine a′ and two a″ orbitals and ment is very difficult or not possible. the small difference between the adiabatic + GP
basis of standard aug-cc-pVQZ (42). The deriv- There are some small differences in the for- and the diabatic calculations. These quantitative
ative couplings were then fitted using an arti- ward scattering peak between the diabatic and analyses confirm that the excited state plays a very
ficial neural network method (43). The ground the adiabatic GP results for the H2 product (v′ = minor role in the H + HD → H2 + D reaction at the
adiabatic PES of H3 was taken as the well-known 1, j′ = 9 and v′ = 2, j′ = 3) (Fig. 3B), implying that collision energy of 2.77 eV, suggesting the reaction
BKMP2 PES, but the energy difference between the excited state might play some small role at process occurs predominantly on the ground state
the ground and excited states was calculated this collision energy. To assess quantitatively and thus ensuring that the reaction at this col-
using the MOLPRO package (44) and fitted using the effect of the excited state, we have calculated lision energy can be adequately treated using adia-
the artificial neural network method. See the SM the time-dependent population of the adiabatic batic calculations on the ground state PES with GP.
for more details. The DCSs for the title reaction ground (V1) and excited (V2) states for H + HD It is intriguing that the GP effect on the H +
were then calculated using the diabatic PESs for at the collision energy of 2.77 eV for differential HD → H2 + D reaction can be seen so clearly in
the products H2 (v′ = 0, j′ = 7) and H2 (v′ = 1, j′ = 9 partial waves J = 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40. The the forward scattering direction. According to
and v′ = 2, j′ = 3) and are compared with the calculated results show that the J = 0 popula- the topological argument proposed by Althorpe
corresponding adiabatic GP results in Fig. 3. tion on the adiabatic excited state V2 reaches its and co-workers (19, 23) for the H + H2 reaction,

Yuan et al., Science 362, 1289–1293 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


the GP effect should not be important for a re- should be discussed strictly in the context of the
action that occurs through a single pathway, be- A adiabatic theory.

ICS (arb. units)

cause the GP only introduces a constant phase 2 This work demonstrates that fine angularly
Path 1
change to the wave functions of the pathway and Path 2 resolved scattering structure in the forward di-
thus will not influence the dynamics. In that con- rection for reaction products in specific quantum
text, there should be a second reaction pathway 1 2.77 eV states is an extremely sensitive probe of the GP
at this high collision energy that is markedly dif- effect in quantum dynamics of chemical reac-
ferent from the normal reaction pathway. Using tions in the adiabatic picture.
the topological argument, the GP effect can then
change the DCS through interference between 0 REFERENCES AND NOTES
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DCS (arb. units)

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sðqÞ ¼ j f1 ðqÞ þ f2 ðqÞj ¼ j f1 ðqÞj þ j f2 ðqÞj þ To explore why the GP effect is so pronounced (1997).
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43. I. E. Lagaris, A. Likas, D. I. Fotiadis, IEEE Trans. Neural Netw. 9, Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 21688102, no. 21127902, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
987–1000 (1998). no. 21433009), Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant no. XDB
44. H. J. Werner et al., MOLPRO, version 2012.1. A package of ab 17010000), and Ministry of Science and Technology. Author Materials and Methods
initio programs (2012). contributions: D.Y., W.C., C.L., Y.T., T.X., X.W., and X.Y. Supplementary Text
45. R. T. Pack, G. A. Parker, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 3888–3921 (1987). performed the crossed beams experiments and data analysis. Figs. S1 to S9
46. F. Bouakline, S. C. Althorpe, P. Larregaray, L. Bonnet, Y.G., H.Z., Z.S., and D.H.Z. performed the quantum dynamics Tables S1 and S2
Mol. Phys. 108, 969–980 (2010). calculations and data analysis. X.W., Z.S., D.H.Z., and X.Y. References (47–55)
designed the research. X.W., Z.S., D.H.Z., and X.Y. wrote the Data S1
ACKN OW LEDG MEN TS manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare no
We thank J. Sang and S. Wang for their help with the competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data 18 August 2018; accepted 2 November 2018
experiments. Funding: This work was supported by National are available in the supplementary data file. 10.1126/science.aav1356

Yuan et al., Science 362, 1289–1293 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


RADIOCARBON ferential contamination/diagenesis, and differ-

ential changes in the DCF.

Atmospheric 14C/12C changes during

Through comparison to the dendrochronology
record, DCF in H82 is low and constant within
tight bounds, even across major climate bounda-

the last glacial period from Hulu Cave ries, equivalent to a 14C age offset of merely 450 ±
70 years (8) (fig. S1). With the same DCF cor-
rection for MSD and MSL, we observe strong
Hai Cheng1,2*, R. Lawrence Edwards2*, John Southon3, Katsumi Matsumoto2, agreement between the overlapping portions of
Joshua M. Feinberg2,4, Ashish Sinha5, Weijian Zhou6, Hanying Li1, Xianglei Li1, D14C records from MSD and H82 as well as for
Yao Xu1, Shitao Chen7, Ming Tan8, Quan Wang7, Yongjin Wang7, Youfeng Ning1 MSD and MSL (Figs. 1 and 2 and fig. S6). Although
we cannot rule out scenarios where, for example,
Paired measurements of 14C/12C and 230Th ages from two Hulu Cave stalagmites the DFC shifts similarly in pairs of stalagmites,
complete a precise record of atmospheric 14C covering the full range of the 14C dating the replication among stalagmites is consistent
method (~54,000 years). Over the last glacial period, atmospheric 14C/12C ranges with small DCF for all three speleothems and
from values similar to modern values to values 1.70 times higher (42,000 to 39,000 years DCF stability within tight bounds over the period
ago). The latter correspond to 14C ages 5200 years less than calibrated ages and correlate of our extended record (fig. S6). We therefore
with the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion followed by Heinrich Stadial 4. Millennial-scale adopt the H82 DCF correction of 450 ±70 years
variations are largely attributable to Earth’s magnetic field changes and in part to for the entire record. 14C data from modern drip-
climate-related changes in the oceanic carbon cycle. A progressive shift to lower 14C/12C waters (figs. S7 to S9) suggest that the soil above
values between 25,000 and 11,000 years ago is likely related, in part, to progressively portions of the cave is characterized by open sys-
increasing ocean ventilation rates. tem conditions, which together with an unusual
sandstone ceiling above the three samples pro-

vide a possible explanation for the low DCF that
ibby pioneered the 14C dating method (1), submerged. Stalagmites, which can be excellent we infer for the three stalagmites (11, 12).
which revolutionized a number of scientific choices for 230 Th dating, typically contain a sig- A number of arguments support the accuracy
disciplines, most notably archeology and nificant fraction of carbon ultimately derived from of the record. The younger portion of the H82
climatology. However, variations in atmo- limestone bedrock, which is essentially 14C-free. record agrees with the dendrochronology record
spheric 14C, likely caused by changes in the Stalagmite-based calibrations must therefore cor- (8). The overlapping portions of the three stalag-
shielding of cosmic rays induced by the Earth’s rect for a dead carbon fraction (DCF), which can mite records are internally consistent. There is
and Sun’s magnetic fields and/or the redistribution be large and variable and is typically the main agreement between one of the highest values in
of 14C among different carbon reservoirs, were hurdle in such efforts (6, 7). our record (D14C = 700‰, at ~39.85 ka B.P.) with
soon recognized (2). These changes necessitate Southon et al. (8) demonstrated that the DCF a precisely and carefully determined independent
the calibration of 14C ages against a calendar time in one Hulu Cave (32°30′N, 119°10′E) stalagmite, data point based upon wood associated with the
scale. A precise and accurate 14C calibration is H82, was unusually small and stable, allowing a Campanian Ignimbrite and precise Ar-Ar dating
considered the Holy Grail of radiocarbon dating. precise and accurate 14C calibration in the 26.8 (13). Finally, two floating dendrochronology sec-
Our ability to calibrate the 14C time scale has to 10.6 ka B.P. (before the present; “present” is tions (14, 15) can be placed on the Hulu calibration
been limited by our ability to establish the abso- 1950 CE) interval (fig. S1). Here, we show that in such a way that overall trends and finer-scale
lute age of a material that contains information older Hulu Cave stalagmites, MSD and MSL, have features match the Hulu curve (11) (Figs. 1 and 2
about atmospheric 14C/12C. By the late 1980s, the similarly low and stable DCFs (Figs. 1 and 2), and fig. S10). We should point out, however, that
most recent portion of the 14C time scale [last which allow for precise and accurate 14C calibra- others have previously proposed a placement later
~10 thousand years (ka)] was calibrated extremely tion for the remainder of the 14C time scale back by ~1 ka for one of these floating chronologies
precisely using dendrochronology. The develop- to ~54 ka B.P. (16); see the supplementary materials for a dis-
ment of mass spectrometric 230 Th dating methods All three Hulu stalagmites record climatic cussion of this issue.
(3) and their continued refinement (4) opened up conditions in their oxygen isotopic compositions Considering the full record, there is a gen-
the possibility of extending the calibration much (9, 10), including Asian monsoon equivalents of eral correspondence with the latest IntCal com-
deeper in time, led to the first large extension of the stadial and interstadial events recorded in pilation (17) (Figs. 1 and 2) within fairly large
the calibration well back into the Pleistocene (5), Greenland and the Heinrich Stadials recorded uncertainties, confirming the general validity of
and ultimately has led to the current contribution. in North Atlantic sediments. Thus, we are able to the compilation. However, for the portion older
However, the 230 Th dating approach has its own compare our final 14C/12C record to the major than 30 ka B.P., clear differences emerge. The
constraints. Corals, which are good materials for climate events of the last glacial period, with Hulu record has less uncertainty and resolves
Th dating, do not accumulate continuously over negligible stratigraphic uncertainty. previously unknown fine-scale structure. Between
thousands of years and are difficult to collect since Here, we present ~300 pairs of 14C and 230Th 33.5 and 42.5 ka B.P., the Hulu record indicates
those in the time range of interest are now largely dates from MSD (51 to 18.5 ka B.P.) and MSL larger offsets between 230Th ages and 14C ages
(analyzed between 54 and 36 ka B.P.), extending than IntCal13, with offsets between the records as
the 14C record back to 54 ka B.P. (Fig. 1, figs. S2 high as 1 ka, corresponding to a higher D14C by as
Institute of Global Environmental Change, Xi’an Jiaotong
to S5, and tables S1 and S2). Temporal resolution much as 170‰ as recorded at Hulu. Conversely,
University, China. 2Department of Earth Sciences, University of per pair is ~170 years. We drilled sequential from 42.5 ka B.P. to the end of the IntCal curve
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 3Department of Earth System powders for 230 Th dating, leaving a ridge of solid at 50 ka B.P., the Hulu record indicates smaller
Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA. 4Institute for calcite behind for 14C dating (figs. S2 and S3). This offsets between 230Th and 14C ages, by ~1 ka,
Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
USA. 5Department of Earth Science, California State University
procedure avoids use of a powdered sample for which corresponds to ~140‰ lower D14C. From
Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA, USA. 6Institute of Earth C analysis, which can lead to 14C contamina- 50 to 54 ka B.P., the Hulu curve indicates similar
Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an, China. tion (8). Methods are described in the supple- though nominally higher D14C than during the
College of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, mentary materials (11). The large overlaps in ages subsequent few millennia. Another notable dif-
Nanjing, China. 8Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
between MSD and MSL (15 ka) and between H82 ference is the sharper and higher amplitude
*Corresponding author. Email: (H.C.); (8) and MSD (8 ka) (Figs. 1 and 2 and figs. S4 and increase in D14C around 42.5 ka B.P. A notable (R.L.E.) S5) allow us to test for precision, accuracy, dif- similarity is the lack of a prominent low D14C

Cheng et al., Science 362, 1293–1297 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


excursion around 31 ka B.P. This low, present in C ages are generally less than calendar ages gressive offset of 2.83% of the age due to the use
Cariaco sediment and Bahamas speleothem data- throughout the full record, reaching a maximum of the Libby half-life in calculating the 14C age.
sets (7, 18), was omitted from IntCal13 because of offset of ~5200 years between ~39.3 and ~40.8 ka Between 54 and 43 ka B.P., D14C values range
its absence from the Lake Suigetsu record (19). B.P. (Fig. 1). The offset is largely due to higher between 0 and 300‰, then increase sharply to
The Hulu data support this omission. atmospheric D14C, although there is also a pro- values exceeding 600‰ by 42 ka B.P. (Fig. 2).
High values continue until 38.8 ka B.P., reaching
the highest values in the full record of 700‰ at
40.8 and 39.3 ka B.P. Between 38.8 and 38.0 ka
B.P., D14C decreases sharply to values around
500%. Between 38.0 and 25.0 ka B.P., D14C values
exhibit millennial-scale variability with highs
around 600% and lows around 400%. Notable
is a relative high of about 600% at 33.8 ka B.P.
From 25.0 ka B.P. to the mid-19th century (as
previously known), D14C values gradually dimin-
ish from around 500% to 0, with significant
changes in slope between 16 and 11 ka B.P.
The new data provide critical constraints on the
causes of changes in D14C during the last 54 ka.
The millennial-scale pattern of D14C variations
(Fig. 3) has similarities to the geomagnetic re-
cord (Virtual Axial Dipole Moment data) (20),
suggesting that changes in shielding of cosmic
rays by the geomagnetic field are responsible for
much of the millennial-scale variation in D14C.
Of note is the coincidence within tight age un-
certainties between the abrupt increase in Hulu
D14C and the onset of the Laschamp magnetic
excursion at ~42.3 ka B.P. (21), as well as between
the period of weakest geomagnetic field during
the Laschamp (~41.1 ka B.P.) (21), which correlates
with the highest D14C values over the past 54 ka.
This suggests that the Laschamp is responsible
for both of these features. Additionally, a second
prominent peak in the Hulu record at ~34 ka B.P.
is consistent with the timing of the Mono Lake
excursion (22), suggesting that this excursion is
responsible for the D14C peak (Fig. 3).
We estimated the component of D14C variabil-
ity caused by geomagnetic field changes by using
a magnetic record (20), a cosmogenic produc-
tion model (23), and the MESMO-2 Earth system
model (24). The output simulates that compo-
nent of atmospheric D14C variability caused by
geomagnetic field changes alone (11) (Fig. 3C).
We subtracted this model curve from the observed
Hulu D14C record to obtain a model–observation
residual curve (DD14C), which shows the compo-
nent of the observed variability not captured by
our model, likely due to some combination of
uncertainties in the input magnetic field data,
inaccuracies in the model itself, solar modula-
tion of production, and changes in the carbon
cycle (Fig. 3E). We cannot use this residual as a
quantitative target curve for, say, a model with a
Fig. 1. Hulu speleothem 14C versus 230Th ages and comparison between Hulu and IntCal13 changing carbon cycle, as there are nonlinearities
C ages. (A) Hulu [olive-brown, H82 (8); blue, MSD, and green, MSL (this study), and in the overall problem (25). Nevertheless, we con-
IntCal13 14C (17)] vs. 230Th ages. 14C error bars are 1s. For clarity, uncertainties in IntCal13 sider the residual curve useful for the remaining
are not shown. The floating tree ring D14C datasets (purple) (14, 15) are tuned to the discussion, because it guides us to the magnitude
Hulu 14C record (11). The red square (1s) is the independent data point based on 14C and direction of observation–model differences.
measurements on wood associated with the Ar-Ar dated Campanian Ignimbrite (13). (B) 14C age The residual is characterized by a series of
difference (black) between Hulu dataset and IntCal13 (17). The gray envelope shows the millennial-scale events during the last glacial
uncertainty (1s). Hulu 14C ages are corrected for the DCF (450 ± 70 years) (8). (C) Calendar period (Fig. 4B). Given uncertainties, we have not
age minus IntCal13 (red)/Hulu (blue) 14C age. The light blue envelope shows the uncertainty attempted to assign a one-to-one correspondence
(1s). The three Hulu sample datasets replicate over contemporary growth periods. Hulu Cave between climate events and features in the re-
C data are consistent with IntCal13 between ~10.6 and 33.3 ka B.P. but lower in 14C ages sidual trace. However, we highlight two cases
between ~33.3 and 42 ka B.P. and higher between 42 and 53 ka B.P. where temporal constraints are robust and

Cheng et al., Science 362, 1293–1297 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


Fig. 2. Comparison of Hulu D14C data with IntCal13. Hulu D14C data are shown with error bars with the same color codes as in Fig. 1. IntCal13
and its dataset (17) are shown in the gray envelope and gray bars. 14C error bars are 1s. Hulu data overlap with IntCal13 between ~10.6 and 33.3 ka B.P.;
however, there are substantial offsets, particularly before 30 ka B.P., and the Hulu record exhibits substantial previously unknown millennial-scale
structure. The purple error bars and red square are the floating tree ring series and Campanian Ignimbrite data, as in Fig. 1.

where the trace shows a prominent feature, tributed to these high values, likely carbon cycle reached a similar conclusion as Bard et al. (5),
the Younger Dryas (YD) and Heinrich Stadial 4 changes associated with climate change. i.e., that production changes could not explain
(HS 4). In both cases, residual highs correlate Given the general character of the millennial- the full D14C shift over this interval and that
with cold anomalies in the North Atlantic region. scale variability in the residual trace, it is plau- carbon cycle changes could account for up to
For the YD, this observation confirms earlier sible that the relationships that we observe for 100‰ of the shift. Our work confirms some of
work (26–29). These studies all explained the the YD and HS 4 are more general features of the these conclusions, as our residual trace shows a
relatively high D14C by invoking carbon cycle last glacial period climate and carbon cycle. The significant decline after accounting for mag-
changes associated with climate change with, YD, HSs, and Greenland stadials (GSs) corre- netic field-related production changes.
in one case (29), an additional contribution from spond to weak modes in the Atlantic Meridional The broad lowering of D14C throughout this
solar modulation during the early YD. For HS Overturning Circulation (AMOC), as inferred interval could plausibly result from progressively
4, temporal constraints place the end of the from the 231Pa/230Th record (30). A weak mode increasing ocean ventilation. All other factors
Laschamp (16, 21) ~1 ka well before the prom- may increase atmospheric 14C due to diminished being equal, the shorter the mixing time, the less
inent residual peak that correlates with HS 4. flux of 14C to the intermediate and/or deep time for 14C to decay, the more 14C in deep waters
Even that long after the end of the Laschamp, ocean, as supported by observed increases in and, by mass balance, the lower the D14C of the
one would expect high atmospheric 14C, because radiocarbon-based ventilation ages during HS atmosphere. Presuming an average deep water
the e-folding time for reaching isotopic steady 1 and the YD in the western equatorial Atlantic age of 1000 years at 11 ka B.P. and a 60:1 ratio of
state after a production change is on the order (31). Regardless of the specific mechanisms, deep water to atmospheric carbon, the lowering
of thousands of years, the time scale of deep there is clear evidence at the millennial scale for of atmospheric D14C over this time period can be
ocean ventilation. However, the time scale for the elevated D14C at specific cold times in the North explained by a progressive shift in deep water
initial significant diminution of atmospheric 14C Atlantic, perhaps associated with AMOC slowdown. age from about 3000 years at 25 ka B.P. to the
following a production drop is a few hundred We now consider the long-term gradual lower- assumed 1000-year value at 11 ka B.P.
years, a time scale tied to reaching isotopic ing of D14C, from ~500‰ 25 ka B.P. to ~150‰ There is some support for the inference of
steady state with the upper portion of the ocean. 11 ka B.P. Bard et al. (5) attributed much of the increasing ventilation with time, as observa-
Our model captures this, as evidenced by the decline to steady increase in Earth’s magnetic tions indicate that the deep Southern Ocean
few-hundred-year difference between produc- field, with some (100 to 150‰) plausibly caused and South Pacific were poorly ventilated at the
tion shift (Fig. 3B) and D14C response (Fig. 3C) by carbon cycle changes. Köhler et al. (25) reached last glacial maximum (32–34). Deep ocean D14C
for numerous production changes. Since D14C similar conclusions. Notable was their use of the data for times since the last glacial maximum
does not fall in the centuries after the Laschamp ice core 10Be record to predict production-related (35) do not clearly resolve pre-Holocene from
but instead rises slightly to a high value that changes in D14C. This strategy takes into account Holocene ventilation ages, but they also do not
correlates with HS 4, we conclude that another production changes caused both by the terrestrial preclude large pre-Holocene ventilation ages.
factor besides magnetic field change has con- magnetic field and by solar modulation. They Thus, while it is likely that deep ocean ventilation

Cheng et al., Science 362, 1293–1297 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


Fig. 3. Comparison of 10Be flux, geomagnetic field, model and Fig. 4. Comparison of the DD 14 C record with other climate
Hulu 14C data. (A) Greenland 10Be flux (36). (B) Stacked geomagnetic proxy records. (A) Antarctic ice core dust flux record (EDC) (37).
field (gray, 1s envelope) (20). (C) The model D14C record (11) (gray, (B) The DD14 C record (the residual as determined for Fig. 3E)
1s envelope) based on 14C production inferred from the geomagnetic and composite atmospheric CO 2 record (yellow) (38).
field (20). (D) Blue and red envelopes (1s) are composite Hulu (10.6 to (C) Detrended DD14 C record (11). (D) The Hulu d18 O record
54.0 ka B.P.) and IntCal13 (0 to 10.6 ka B.P.) D14C data, respectively. (10). (E) Greenland ice core d18 O record (NGRIP) (39). Vertical
(E) The DD14C is the residual obtained by subtracting the model D14C light yellow bars indicate HS 4 and YD. The arrow shows the
result from the Hulu/Intcal13 D14C data. The gray envelope shows D14 C trend, as in Fig. 3.
the uncertainty from Hulu data and model uncertainties (1s). Two vertical
bars show the Laschamp and Mono Lake excursions. The arrow indicates
the large decline in D14C from ~25 to 11 ka B.P. See also fig. S10.

change accounts for a portion of the residual 25 7. D. L. Hoffmann et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 289, 1–10 18. K. A. Hughen, J. Southon, S. Lehman, C. Bertrand, J. Turnbull,
to 11 ka B.P. D14C drop, it is still not clear whether (2010). Quat. Sci. Rev. 25, 3216–3227 (2006).
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it can account for the full drop. Further work is Y. J. Wang, Quat. Sci. Rev. 33, 32–41 (2012). 20. C. Laj, H. Guillou, C. Kissel, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 387, 184–197
needed to close the loop on this critical issue. 9. Y. J. Wang et al., Science 294, 2345–2348 (2001). (2014).
10. H. Cheng et al., Nature 534, 640–646 (2016). 21. I. Lascu, J. M. Feinberg, J. A. Dorale, H. Cheng,
RE FE RENCES AND N OT ES 11. Materials and methods are available as supplementary R. Lawrence Edwards, Geology 44, 139–142 (2016).
1. W. F. Libby, Radiocarbon Dating (Univ. Chicago Press, 1952). materials. 22. S. Lund, L. Benson, R. Negrini, J. Liddicoat, S. Mensing,
2. H. de Vries, Proc. Koninkl. Nederl. Akad. Wetenschappen B 61, 12. A. L. Noronha et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 127, 37–47 (2015). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 458, 120–129 (2017).
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3. R. Lawrence Edwards, J. H. Chen, G. J. Wasserburg, 45940 (2017). 337–338, 114–120 (2012).
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 81, 175–192 (1987). 14. C. S. M. Turney et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 29, 3677–3682 24. K. Matsumoto, K. Tokos, A. Huston, H. Joy-Warren,
4. H. Cheng et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 371–372, 82–91 (2010). Geosci. Model Dev. 6, 477–494 (2013).
(2013). 15. C. S. M. Turney et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 137, 126–134 (2016). 25. P. Köhler, R. Muscheler, H. Fischer, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.
5. E. Bard, B. Hamelin, R. G. Fairbanks, A. Zindler, Nature 345, 16. R. Muscheler, F. Adolphi, A. Svensson, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 7, 2005GC001228 (2006).
405–410 (1990). 394, 209–215 (2014). 26. R. Lawrence Edwards et al., Science 260, 962–968
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27. K. A. Hughen, J. R. Southon, S. J. Lehman, J. T. Overpeck, 39. A. Svensson et al., Clim. Past 4, 47–57 (2008). S.T.C., M.T., Q.W., Y.J.W., and H.C. collected samples and performed
Science 290, 1951–1955 (2000). cave monitoring and fieldwork. All authors discussed the results
28. Y. T. Goslar et al., Nature 377, 414–417 (1995). ACKN OWLED GMEN TS and commented on the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors
29. R. Muscheler et al., Nat. Geosci. 1, 263–267 (2008). We thank W. Broecker for inspiring and supporting this work over declare no competing financial interests. Data and materials
30. L. G. Henry et al., Science 353, 470–474 (2016). decades. K. Tokos ran numerical model experiments using the availability: All data are available in the manuscript or the
31. E. Freeman et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 424, 237–244 (2015). facilities of the UM Minnesota Supercomputing Institute following the supplementary materials.
32. L. C. Skinner, S. Fallon, C. Waelbroeck, E. Michel, S. Barker, experiment design by K.M. Funding: This work was supported by
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33. T. A. Ronge et al., Nat. Commun. 7, 11487 (2016). 41561144003; U.S. NSF grants 0502535, 1103404, 0823554,
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Materials and Methods
Nat. Commun. 7, 11998 (2016). and Education Foundation. Author contributions: H.C., R.L.E., and
Supplementary Text
35. N. Zhao, O. Marchal, L. Keigwin, D. Amrhein, G. Gebbie, J.S. proposed and directed the research. R.L.E. led the writing
Figs. S1 to S10
Paleoceanogr. Paleoclimatol. 33, 128–151 (2018). and revision of the manuscript. H.C. and J.S. performed 230Th dating
Tables S1 and S2
36. R. Muscheler et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 219, 325–340 and 14C analysis of the speleothem samples, respectively. K.M.
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38. B. Bereiter et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 42, 542–549 (2015). J.M.F., and H.C. performed subsampling work and data analyses. 10.1126/science.aau0747

Cheng et al., Science 362, 1293–1297 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


ARCHAEOLOGY totaling a 50-m-thick profile (Fig. 1) [materials

and methods 1, see (12)]. The results indicate a
vertical succession of both normal and reversed
1.9-million- and 2.4-million-year-old magnetozones. The independent age control pro-
vided by numerical dating (ESR method) enabled

artifacts and stone tool–cutmarked us to anchor the local magnetic polarity stratig-
raphy to the global polarity time scale (GPTS) (15).
ESR dating was performed on optically bleached
bones from Ain Boucherit, Algeria quartz grains from Mb P, located ~1 m below AB-
Lw (Fig. 1). The ESR age calculations, using the
Mohamed Sahnouni1,2,3*, Josep M. Parés1, Mathieu Duval4,1, Isabel Cáceres5,6,
multiple centers approach (16), yielded highly
consistent dates for the Al and Ti-Li centers. A
Zoheir Harichane2,7, Jan van der Made8, Alfredo Pérez-González1,
final combined Al-Ti age is 1.92 ± 0.18 Ma ago (1s)
Salah Abdessadok9,2, Nadia Kandi10, Abdelkader Derradji2,11,
(fig. S3 and table S4). Although the uncertainty
Mohamed Medig11, Kamel Boulaghraif 2,12, Sileshi Semaw1,3
associated with the dose-rate evaluation may
affect this result [materials and methods 2, see
East Africa has provided the earliest known evidence for Oldowan stone artifacts and
(12)], this numerical chronology unambiguously
hominin-induced stone tool cutmarks dated to ~2.6 million years (Ma) ago. The ~1.8-million-
indicates that the reverse magnetozone in the
year-old stone artifacts from Ain Hanech (Algeria) were considered to represent the
lower part of the Ain Hanech Fm corresponds
oldest archaeological materials in North Africa. Here we report older stone artifacts and
to the early Matuyama chron (C2r), which is
cutmarked bones excavated from two nearby deposits at Ain Boucherit estimated to
chronologically constrained between 1.94 and
~1.9 Ma ago, and the older to ~2.4 Ma ago. Hence, the Ain Boucherit evidence shows that
2.58 Ma ago. Subsequent magnetostratigraphic
ancestral hominins inhabited the Mediterranean fringe in northern Africa much earlier
interpretations indicate that the bottom of the
than previously thought. The evidence strongly argues for early dispersal of stone tool
sequence begins with the Gilbert reversed polar-
manufacture and use from East Africa or a possible multiple-origin scenario of stone
ity (C2Ar), followed by the Gauss (C2An) normal
technology in both East and North Africa.
polarity, ending with the Matuyama above the

Olduvai subchron (C2n). Level AB-Lw in Mb P
he earliest archaeological evidence for the bones at Ain Boucherit come from two distinct falls within the lower Matuyama chron (C2r),
Oldowan and associated fossil bones with strata situated in a sedimentary outcrop cut by whereas level AB-Up in Mb R correlates to the
evidence of butchery is within the 2.6 million a deep ravine. The archeological strata belong to bottom of C2n (9). The Ain Hanech and El Kherba
to 1.9 million years (Ma) ago time interval, the Ain Hanech Formation (Fm), which rests on artifact-bearing layers, located higher up in Mb
primarily from East Africa (1–7). Most pa- an erosive disconformity atop the Oued Laatach T, are near the top of Olduvai, thus dating to
leoanthropologists believe that early hominins Fm [supplementary text S2, see (12)]. The Ain ~1.78 Ma ago (9). The calcrete deposits in Mb
dispersed into northern Africa much later (8). Hanech Fm contains six stratigraphic members U, which preserve Acheulean artifacts, are in the
Continued research at Ain Hanech and El Kherba (Mb), bottom to top, from P to U (Fig. 1), con- reverse chron C1r postdating Olduvai.
(Algeria) over the past two decades has expanded sisting of fluvial deposits made of alternating This chronostratigraphic framework is sup-
the geographic range and pushed back the evi- gravels and sandstone with mudstone. The low- ported by mammalian taxa (table S8), several
dence for hominin stone tool use and carnivory ermost artifact-bearing stratum (AB-Lw) is lo- of which are of biochronological relevance.
to ~1.8 Ma ago (9–11). We recently explored the cated in the sequence near the top of Mb P. Within Kolpochoerus heseloni (equivalent to K. limnetes)
nearby deposits at Ain Boucherit (Algeria) and this stratum, presence of fossil fauna was known (17) is present at Ain Hanech (fig. S7) and El Kherba
report evidence of Oldowan stone tools and asso- (13, 14), and we excavated in situ Oldowan artifacts (18), and its last appearance is ~1.7 Ma ago (19, 20).
ciated hominin-modified fossil bones from two in association with a sizable faunal assemblage, Anancus is present at AB-Lw (Mb P) (fig. S7, 1a
distinct strata estimated to ~2.4 and ~1.9 Ma ago, some with evidence of stone tool cutmarks. The and 1b) and at Ain Hanech (13), with the youngest
respectively. lithic artifacts were overall fresh, but the bones occurrence in East, South, and North Africa and
Ain Boucherit is an archaeological locality in were subjected to minor alterations (fig. S4). The Europe, dating to around 3.8 to 3.5, <3.1 to 2.5,
the Ain Hanech research area in northeastern materials were sealed in fine-grained sediments and 2.3 to 2.2 Ma ago, respectively (21, 22). In the
Algeria. The research area is in the Beni Fouda consisting primarily of silt, fine sand, and clay Indian subcontinent at Pinjor, and in China in
basin, one of the several intramontane sedi- (fig. S6). the Nihewan Fm (23, 24), the latest record for
mentary basins in the High Plateaus of eastern The second artifact-bearing stratum (AB-Up), Anancus dates to the earliest Pleistocene. Equus
Algeria. The stone tools and associated fossil 9 m higher in the sequence, is sealed by the over- numidicus from AB-Lw and the smaller E. tabeti
lying 3.5-m-thick Mb R deposits. A 38-m2 exca- from Ain Hanech and El Kherba have extremely
vation yielded a faunal assemblage associated gracile metapodials, whereas African species youn-
Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana
(CENIEH), Burgos, Spain. 2Centre National de Recherches
with Oldowan artifacts encased in a 0.40-m-thick ger than ~1.2 Ma ago are more robust (fig. S8),
Préhistoriques, Anthropologiques et Historiques (CNRPAH), silty clay and fine sand, underlain by gravels. The that is, until the appearance of the Late Pleistocene
Algiers, Algeria. 3Stone Age Institute and Anthropology fine-grained sediment context (fig. S6), the fresh E. melkiensis [supplementary text S4, see (12)].
Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA. quality of the artifacts with a large amount of These taxa support an early post-Olduvai age for
Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, Griffith
University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 5Àrea de
debitage, and the absence of preferred orienta- Ain Hanech and El Kherba (~1.8 Ma ago) (9) and
Prehistòria, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. tion or high dip of the remains suggest a low- the correlation of AB-Up and AB-Lw to Olduvai
Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social energy depositional environment (figs. S12 and and early Matuayama (C2r.2r) subchrons, respectively.
(IPHES), Tarragona, Spain. 7Musée National du Bardo, S13). Microscopic observations show some tapho- Therefore, the magnetostratigraphic and bio-
Algiers, Algeria. 8Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales and
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC),
nomic alterations related to water activities, but chronological data combined with the ESR age
Madrid, Spain. 9Département Homme et Environnement, sorting of skeletal parts is entirely absent (fig. S4). lead to the following interpretations: (i) AB-Lw is
Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN), Paris, France. The age of the Ain Boucherit archaeological chronostratigraphically positioned between the
Département d’Archéologie, Université Lamine Debaghine materials is constrained by means of magneto- beginning of the Olduvai subchron and the top of
Sétif 2, Sétif, Algeria. 11Institut d’Archéologie, Université
Alger 2, Algiers, Algeria. 12Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici,
stratigraphy, electron spin resonance (ESR), and the Gauss chron, and thus, it is chronologically
Università Degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy. mammalian biochronology. The magnetostrati- constrained between 1.94 and 2.58 Ma ago; and
*Corresponding author. Email: graphic study was carried out on two sections, (ii) AB-Up has been deposited during the Olduvai

Sahnouni et al., Science 362, 1297–1301 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


Fig. 1. Location of Ain Boucherit, stratigraphy, and magnetostratigraphic data of the site. The locations of sections A and B (labeled) are shown in
the maps on the right. Magnetostratigraphy is expressed with the virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) latitudinal position. The solid line connects the
averaged VGP latitude when several specimens (dots) are used. Data from the upper 22 m of section B are modified from (9).

U subchron and therefore has an age between 1.94

SAR (cm/ka) T and 1.78 Ma ago. Thus, the age of the Olduvai and
Stratigraphic members

S the Gauss chrons (15) and sediment accumulation

Upper Ain Boucherit 4.07 ± 0.85 R rates allowed further age estimation [supplemen-
(AB-Up) tary text S1, see (12)], which could not be achieved
Q with the ESR result alone, owing to current limi-
Lower Ain Boucherit (AB-Lw) 1.62 ± 0.35 tations of the method for long chronologies.
Assuming constant rates during the Olduvai and
P the Matuyama C2r and neglecting compaction
effects, we estimate the age of AB-Up and AB-Lw
to 1.92 ± 0.05 Ma ago and 2.44 ± 0.14 Ma ago,
2.06 ± 0.28 respectively (Fig. 2). The latter is, in our opinion, the
most reasonable age estimate for AB-Lw, al-
though we do acknowledge a slightly younger
age given the possibility of uncertainty on the
1.92±0.05 Ma 2.44±0.14 Ma position of the Gauss-Matuyama boundary [sup-
plementary text S1, see (12)].
The lithic assemblages from AB-Lw and AB-Up
are made on limestone and flint and consist of 17
and 236 specimens, respectively (Fig. 3, fig. S11,
C1r C2n C2r C2An C2Ar and table S10). The probable sources of the
Olduvai R Ka. Ma. limestone and flint raw materials were the nearby
Matuyama Gauss channel beds [supplementary text S5, see (12); fig.
S10]. The technological and typological features
Fig. 2. Sediment accumulation rate values for the Ain Boucherit section and interpolated numerical of the Ain Boucherit stone assemblages are sim-
ages obtained for AB-Lw and AB-Up. AB-Lw and AB-Up are indicated with open squares. The thickness ilar to the Oldowan from the Early Pleistocene
of the gray line and the vertical error bar on the individual points display the depth uncertainty (about 1 m sites in East Africa. The artifact assemblage from
from 0 to 22 m and about 2 m below). See further explanations in supplementary text S1 (12). SAR, AB-Lw includes seven cores, nine flakes, and one
sediment accumulation rate; cm/ka, cm per thousand years; R, Réunion; Ma., Mamoth; Ka., Kaena. retouched piece (Fig. 3). The AB-Lw cores are

Sahnouni et al., Science 362, 1297–1301 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


Fig. 3. Oldowan artifacts. (A and B) Oldowan artifacts from AB-Lw [(A), images 1 to 8] and AB-Up [(B), images 9 to 17], including unifacial cores
on limestone (1 and 9); bifacial core made of limestone (10) and on flint (2); polyhedral cores on limestone (11 and 12); subspherical core on limestone
(3); whole flakes on flint (7, 16, and 17) and on limestone (4, 5, 6, 13, and 14); and retouched pieces on flint (8 and 15).

variably flaked, with most retaining residual cor- spheroids (1.69%), and spheroids (0.84%). They and medium-sized bovids and equids (tables S5
tical areas, ranging from lightly flaked with two were variably flaked, from light to heavy; more to S7), also with the best skeletal representations;
to eight scars to heavily flaked, with one specimen than half still retain cortex. Specimens with the appendicular parts in both levels are the
bearing 29 scars. Despite marked technological high scar counts (15 to 30) represent 11.5% of the most abundant, followed by cranial and axial ele-
similarities, some of the cores are predominantly assemblage. There are also facetted subspheroids ments. Evidence of cutmarked and hammerstone-
polyhedral and subspherical. The flakes range with pitting marks suggestive of possible pound- percussed bones is present in both assemblages
between 30 and 58 mm in length, and most retain ing activities. The flakes are predominantly made (Fig. 4). The cutmarks are characterized by isolated
cortex. The retouched specimen is a notched on limestone, and nearly half of the specimens or grouped striae with straight trajectory and
scraper on a cortical flake made of flint. retain cortex on dorsal faces and platforms. The oblique or transversal orientations. Although
Abundant stone artifacts were recovered from retouched pieces, chiefly in flint, are small and variable in depth, many of the specimens have
AB-Up: 121 cores, 65 whole flakes (>2 cm), 3 re- can be typologically characterized as scrapers narrow V-shaped cutmarks in cross section with
touched flakes, and 47 fragments (Fig. 3). The and notched scrapers. clear internal microstriation and Hertzian cones.
cores are primarily made on limestone (95.8%), The faunal assemblages of AB-Lw and AB-Up In AB-Lw, cutmarks are recognized on 17 bones
with a few made on flint (4.13%). The cores include 296 [minimum number of individuals (5.7% of the assemblage), half of which belong to
include unifacial choppers (16.94%), bifacial (MNI) = 19] and 277 (MNI = 14) fossil bones, re- very small or small-sized animals. The cutmarks
choppers (8.05%), polyhedrons (23.05%), sub- spectively. They are primarily composed of small are located primarily on limb bones, on ribs, and

Sahnouni et al., Science 362, 1297–1301 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


of raw materials used or attributable to function-

related factors that we have yet to identify.
Moreover, except for Gona and Kanjera, Ain
Boucherit stands alone in Africa as the only site
with evidence of cutmarked and hammerstone-
percussed bones associated with in situ stone
tools dated to 2.4 Ma ago. In addition to Kanjera,
the Ain Boucherit materials represent a larger
sample excavated from a single site, allowing us
to make stronger inferences on how hominins
butchered carcasses. The Ain Boucherit data un-
ambiguously show hominin exploitation of meat
and marrow from all animal size categories and
skeletal parts involving skinning, evisceration,
and defleshing of upper and intermediate limbs.
These activities suggest early access to animal
carcasses by hominins (25, 26).
For decades, East Africa has been considered
the place of origin of the earliest hominins and
lithic technology. Surprisingly, the earliest cur-
rently known hominin dated to ~7.0 Ma ago,
and the ~3.3-million-year-old Australopithecus
bahrelghazali have been discovered in Chad, lo-
cated in the Sahara thousands of kilometers away
from the East African Rift (27, 28). Now that Ain
Boucherit has yielded Oldowan archaeology esti-
mated to 2.4 Ma ago, northern Africa and the
Sahara may be a repository of further archaeo-
logical materials. Despite its distance from East
Africa, the evidence from Ain Boucherit implies
either rapid expansion of stone tool manufacture
from East Africa to other parts of the continent
or a possible multiple-origin scenario of ances-
tral hominins and stone technology in both East
and North Africa. On the basis of the potential
of Ain Boucherit and the adjacent sedimentary
basins, we suggest that hominin fossils and
Oldowan artifacts as old as those documented
in East Africa could be discovered in North
Africa as well.


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micrograph detail (D). (E) Hammerstone-percussed medium-sized long bone from AB-Lw. (F) Bone 9. J. M. Parés et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 99, 203–209 (2014).
10. M. Sahnouni et al., J. Hum. Evol. 43, 925–937
flake from AB-Up. (G) Equid tibia from AB-Up, showing cortical percussion notch. (2002).
11. M. Sahnouni et al., J. Hum. Evol. 64, 137–150 (2013).
12. Materials and methods 1 to 3 and supplementary text S1 to S5
on cranial remains, suggesting skinning, eviscer- subtle typological variations compared to the are provided as supplementary materials.
ation, and defleshing activities (25) (table S7). near-contemporary East African assemblages 13. C. Arambourg, Les Vertébrés du Pléistocène de l’Afrique du
Nord, Volume 1 (Archives du Muséum national d’histoire
Four of the bones show hominin-induced per- dated to 2.6 to 1.9 Ma ago, such as Gona, Omo,
naturelle Series, vol. 10, Kapp & Lahure, Paris, 1970),
cussion marks, including percussion pits, med- Hadar (Ethiopia), West Turkana, and Kanjera pp. 1–127.
ullary or cortical percussion notches, and a bone (Kenya) (1, 3–6). In addition to the ubiquitous 14. C. Arambourg, Les Vertébrés villafranchiens d'Afrique du Nord
flake, implying marrow extraction. The AB-Up mode I core and flake stone assemblages, Ain (Singer-Polignac, 1979).
15. F. M. Gradstein, J. G. Ogg, M. D. Schmitz, G. M. Ogg, Eds.,
bone assemblage yielded two cutmarked bones Boucherit also yielded facetted subspheroids.
The Geologic Time Scale (Elsevier, ed. 1, 2012).
(an equid tibia and a medium-sized long bone) In East Africa, variable mode I artifact assem- 16. S. Toyoda, P. Voinchet, C. Falguères, J. M. Dolo, M. Laurent,
and seven hammerstone-percussed long bones, blages are documented with the early Oldowan Appl. Radiat. Isot. 52, 1357–1362 (2000).
which include large (equid) and medium-sized (2.6 to 2.0 Ma ago), but facetted spheroids are 17. H. S. B. Cooke, Geobios 30, 121–126 (1997).
18. M. Sahnouni, J. van der Made, in The Cutting Edge:
animals and a tibia of a small-sized animal. unknown at these early sites. The observed var-
New Approaches to the Archaeology of Human Origins,
The Ain Boucherit stone assemblages are iability between East and North Africa may be K. Schick, N. Toth, Eds. (Stone Age Institute Press, 2009),
typical of the Oldowan technology, though with a result of differences in the type and qualities pp. 179–210.

Sahnouni et al., Science 362, 1297–1301 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 5


19. T. D. White, in Paleoclimate and Evolution, With Emphasis ACKN OWLED GMEN TS directed the project; J.M.P. and M.D. led the geochronological
on Human Origins, E. S. Vrba, G. H. Denton, We would like to thank the Algerian Ministry of Culture for research; A.P.-G. and S.A. led geological research; M.S., Z.H.,
T. C. Partridge, L. H. Burckle, Eds. (Yale Univ. Press, 1995), the research permit; S. Hachi, director of CNRPAH; the Wilaya of A.D., and M.M. conducted the excavation and recovery of
pp. 369–384. Sétif; the municipality of Guelta Zergua; K. Guechi (president archaeological and fossil materials; M.S., Z.H., and S.S. conducted the
20. H. S. B. Cooke, in Hominin Environments in the East African of the University of Sétif 2) and Y. Aibeche (vice president lithic analysis; J.v.d.M. and K.B. conducted the paleontological
Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence, R. Bobe, of the same) for administrative and logistic support during analysis; and I.C. and N.K. conducted the taphonomical analysis.
Z. Alemseged, A. K. Behrensmeyer, Eds. (Springer, 2007), fieldwork at Ain Boucherit; and the CENIEH (Spain) staff, All authors participated in the writing of the manuscript. Competing
pp. 107–127. especially M. J. de Miguel del Barrio and B. de Santiago interests: The authors have no competing interests. Data and
21. W. J. E. Sanders, E. Gheerbrant, J. M. Harris, H. Saegusa, Salinas for administrative support. M.D. is grateful to V. Guilarte materials availability: All data are available in the paper and
C. Delmer, in Cenozoic Mammals of Africa, L. Werdelin, and D. Martínez Asturias for their invaluable contribution supplementary materials, and the archaeological and
W. J. Sanders, Eds. (Univ. California Press, Berkeley, 2010), in the ESR dating analytical procedure. J.M.P. thanks C. Álvarez paleontological materials are deposited in CNRPAH, Musée du
pp. 161–251. for fieldwork assistance and C. Saiz for sample preparation in Bardo, and Musée de Sétif in Algeria.
22. G. Garrido, G. A. Arribas, Palaeontol. Electronica 17, 1–16 (2014). the laboratory. Funding: Support by grants from CNRPAH,
23. A. C. Nanda, Quat. Int. 192, 6–13 (2008). MINECO (HAR2013-41351-P), The L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
24. G.-F. Chen, Vertebrata PalAsiatica 37, 175–189 (1999). the National Science Foundation (NSF-BCS-0517984), the
25. P. J. Nilssen, “An actualistic butchery study in South Africa Wenner-Gren Foundation (grants 7815 and 8323), the European Materials and Methods
and its implications for reconstructing hominid strategies Research Council (FP7-People-CIG2993581), and the Stone Supplementary Text
of carcass acquisition and butchery in the Upper Pleistocene Age Institute (Bloomington, IN) to M.S.; MINECO (CGL2010- Figs. S1 to S14
and Plio-Pleistocene,” thesis, University of Cape Town, 16821) to J.M.P. and M.D.; the Australian Research Council Tables S1 to S10
South Africa (2000). (Future Fellowship 150100215) to M.D.; and the European References (29–74)
26. M. Domínguez-Rodrigo, T. R. Pickering, S. Semaw, M. J. Rogers, Science Foundation (Synthesys GB-TAF-4119 and DE-TAF-668)
J. Hum. Evol. 48, 109–121 (2005). to J.v.d.M., CGL2015-65387-C3-1-P (MINECO/FEDER) to J.v.d.M. 26 April 2018; accepted 6 November 2018
27. M. Brunet et al., Nature 378, 273–275 (1995). and I.C., and AGAUR (2017SGR1040) and URV (2017PFR-URV-B2- Published online 29 November 2018
28. M. Brunet et al., Nature 418, 145–151 (2002). 91) to I.C. Author contributions: M.S. was principal author and 10.1126/science.aau0008

Sahnouni et al., Science 362, 1297–1301 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


PLANT SCIENCE over, in vitro binding suggests that the

divergence of ligand preferences in ShHTLs
is beneficial for Striga seeds to detect the
A femtomolar-range suicide blend of SLs exuding from preferred host
species (10). Among these ShHTL isoforms,

germination stimulant for the we have focused on ShHTL7 because this re-
ceptor is sensitive to picomolar levels of SLs

parasitic plant Striga hermonthica

when heterologously expressed in Arabidopsis,
and its large binding pocket ensures a response
to structurally diverse molecules (11, 12). These
Daisuke Uraguchi1*, Keiko Kuwata2, Yuh Hijikata2,3, Rie Yamaguchi2,
characteristics make ShHTL7 a suitable target
for the development of agonists for stimulating
Hanae Imaizumi2, Sathiyanarayanan AM2, Christin Rakers3†, Narumi Mori4,
Striga germination.
Kohki Akiyama4, Stephan Irle2,3‡, Peter McCourt5, Toshinori Kinoshita2,3,
Chemical analysis on SLs over the past
Takashi Ooi1,2,6*, Yuichiro Tsuchiya2*
40 years suggests that the structure of the
D-ring is essential to SL activity (2, 3). By
The parasitic plant Striga hermonthica has been causing devastating damage to
contrast, structural flexibility in the ABC-
the crop production in Africa. Because Striga requires host-generated strigolactones
portion has led to the development of various
to germinate, the identification of selective and potent strigolactone agonists
synthetic SLs or SL mimics, including GR24
could help control these noxious weeds. We developed a selective agonist,
or simplified phenol–D-ring derivatives called
sphynolactone-7, a hybrid molecule originated from chemical screening, that
debranones (2, 13). However, the structural
contains two functional modules derived from a synthetic scaffold and a core
element of the ABC-portion that would con-
component of strigolactones. Cooperative action of these modules in the activation
tribute to both potency and specificity to Striga
of a high-affinity strigolactone receptor ShHTL7 allows sphynolactone-7 to provoke
remains elusive. To explore the chemical
Striga germination with potency in the femtomolar range. We demonstrate that
characteristics that define species selectivity
sphynolactone-7 is effective for reducing Striga parasitism without impinging on host
toward Striga, we performed a small-molecule
strigolactone-related processes.
screen for compounds that germinate Striga

seeds (harvests from sorghum fields in Sudan).
triga hermonthica (Striga) parasitizes impede normal crop development. For example, This screening of 12,000 synthetic molecules
crops widely across various parts of sub- SLs are also plant chemical cues that attract was followed by additional synthesis of 60 an-
Saharan Africa, causing loss in crop yields root symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alogs of hit compounds that were found from
that result in economic pressure on mil- (AM fungi) that supply host plants with nutrients the initial screening. On the basis of median in-
lions of smallholder farmers and lead (3, 4). Here, we report the development of a hibitory concentration (IC50) using the fluo-
to annual losses of billions of dollars (1). Striga-selective SL agonist acting in the femto- rogenic SL-mimic Yoshimulactone Green (YLG),
Protecting crops from the numerous tiny molar range. the binding assay resulted in the identifica-
Striga seeds buried in the soil requires in- SLs are a group of plant-derived mole- tion of N-arylsulfonylpiperazine as a molec-
tegration of various approaches to suppress cules whose structures consist of buteno- ular scaffold that selectively bound to ShHTL7
infestation (1). A group of host-generated lide rings (D-rings), which are connected to (Fig. 1, A and B, fig. S1, and table S1). A rep-
small-molecule hormones, called strigolactones cyclic moieties, usually three-ring systems resentative molecule, SAM690, which con-
(SLs), provoke germination of Striga seeds. (ABC-rings), through an enol-ether bridge tains the arylsulfonylpiperazine moiety, exhibited
Because Striga is an obligate parasite, germina- (Fig. 1A). In vascular plants, SLs are plant potency toward Striga germination at the
tion in the absence of a host is lethal, and this hormones that optimize plant body archi- micromolar level. The mode of action of SAM690
has prompted researchers to develop SL agonists tectures through the DWARF14 (D14) family was similar to that of (+)-GR24, in that germi-
as inducers of suicidal germination to purge the of a/b hydrolase-fold receptors (5). D14 de- nation activity was suppressed by inhibition of
soil of viable Striga seeds (2). This approach re- fines a noncanonical receptor because it ini- ethylene production (Fig. 1C). However, unlike
quires the development of potent and accessible tiates signal transduction by using enzymatic (+)-GR24, SAM690 was not hydrolyzed by ShHTL7
compounds that only act on Striga and do not activity. Upon binding, SLs undergo cleavage (fig. S2) (10). These observations indicate that
of the enol-ether bridge through hydrolysis SAM690 stimulates Striga germination with se-
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-
to leave the D-ring as a covalently linked lective activation of ShHTL7 through a mecha-
cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan. 2Institute of intermediate molecule (CLIM) at the cata- nism independent of hydrolysis.
Transformative Bio-Molecules (WPI-ITbM), Nagoya lytic histidine residue in the receptor (6–8). During a series of above assays, we no-
University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Previous studies suggest that the ABC-portion ticed inconsistency in stimulant activities
Japan. 3Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University,
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan.
of the SL is released from the D14 pocket, and of several SAM690 derivatives depending
Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, the receptor–CLIM complex alters D14 con- on the purification method due to active im-
Osaka Prefecture University, 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, formation to recruit downstream negative reg- purity. This byproduct, although only 0.01%
Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan. 5Department of Cell and ulators such as the SCF MAX2 protein (7). In of the total product, appeared to be an un-
Systems Biology, University of Toronto, 25 Willcocks
Street, Toronto M5S 3B2, Canada. 6Core Research for
Striga, it is thought that SLs trigger seed usually oxidized molecule that has a hybrid
Evolutional Science and Technology, Japan Science and germination through 11 members of an in- structure resembling SAM690 with a D-ring–
Technology Agency (CREST), Japan Science and dependently diverged a/b hydrolase-fold re- like butenolide moiety (Fig. 1A and fig. S3).
Technology Agency (JST), Nagoya University, Nagoya 464- ceptors called Striga HYPOSENSITIVE TO In order to verify the structure and potency
8601, Japan.
*Corresponding author. Email:
LIGHT/KARRIKIN INSENSITIVE2 (ShHTL/ of this derivative, we established a three-step
jp (D.U.); (T.O.); yuichiro@itbm. KAI2, here called “ShHTLs”) (9–11). The hy- synthetic procedure, and the resulting oxi- (Y.T.) †Present address: Graduate School of drolytic activity of ShHTLs was exploited in dized SAM690 exhibited potency compara-
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, 46-29 Yoshida-Shimo- the development of fluorogenic SL probes to ble with that of (+)-GR24, as evident from
Adachi-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. ‡Present address:
Computational Sciences and Engineering Division & Chemical
uncover an ethylene-mediated amplification its minimum effective concentration (MEC)
Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN of a wave-like pattern of SL perception ini- of 10 pM (Fig. 1D). As expected from its struc-
37831, USA. tiated during Striga germination (10). More- ture, oxidized SAM690 was hydrolyzed by

Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301–1305 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 5


ShHTL7 (fig. S2). The structural similarity MEC from 10 pM to 10 fM (Fig. 1, A and D). ShHTL7) (the stability and toxicology of SPL7
of this compound to SLs led us to hypoth- We named the D-ring/sulfonylpiperazine- are summarized in fig. S5). The name is de-
esize that attaching a methyl group to the C4′ hybrid molecule sphynolactone-7 (SPL7) and rived from the sphinx, a mythical creature
position may enhance the potency of the mol- named its demethylated analog H-SPL7 (sulfo- with the head of a human and the body of a
ecules. Indeed, this modification improved nylpiperazine hybrid strigolactone mimic of lion, to represent the hybrid nature of the

A B SAM690 C E





Striga germination
10 10 10
ShHTL2 < < <
± 1.5

SAM690 10 10 10 9.3
Screened compound GR24 ShHTL3 < < < ± 1.7

MEC = 1 M synthetic SL 50% ShHTL4 10

± 0.04
DMSO 10 10 10
synthetic ShHTL5 < < <
± 1.3

by-product 10 10 10
ShHTL6 < < <
± 0.02

hydrolysis-resistant ShHTL7 8.9
± 3.2
± 0.35
± 0.08
± 0.01

S analogs 10 10
0% ShHTL8 < <
± 0.10
± 0.17

AVG - + - + 10 10 10
ShHTL9 < < <
± 0.2

GR24 SAM690 ShHTL10 10

MEC = 10 pM S
O ± 0.04

ShHTL11 10 10 7.8 1.6
D 100%
N O < <
attaching 4’-methyl ± 0.29 ± 0.04

to butenolide carba-H-SPL7 AtD14 10 10 10 0.44

Striga germination

O SPL7 < < < ± 0.05

O MEC = 1 M H-SPL7
S (+)-GR24
1’ N O
O 2’ O 5’
3’ 4’ O

sphynolactone-7 0%
1’-carba-SPL7 10 1 100 10 1 100 10 1
MEC = 100 nM nM pM fM
MEC = 10 fM

Fig. 1. Development of a femtomolar-range germination stimulant for (D) Striga germination in dilution series of SPL7, H-SPL7, 5DS, and (+)-GR24.
Striga. (A) Scheme of structure development. MEC represents the lowest (E) Competitive bindings to ShHTLs and AtD14. IC50 value (in micromolar)
concentration of the compound that produces any seed germination. in the YLG assay is presented as a heat map with SD (n = 3 technical
(B) SAM690 induces Striga seed germination at 10 mM. Scale bar, 1 mm. replicates). Data for 5DS was obtained from (10). Error bars in (C) and (D)
(C) 10 mM aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) suppresses (+)-GR24 and SAM690. indicate SD (n = 3 biological replicates).

A ShHTL7sept B


ShHTL7 to 5
mutations 5DS
ShHTL7quad 30 < 4.9 0.58 0.16
± 0.83 ± 0.03 ± 0.00

ShHTL7hext 30 < 10 < 3.4

± 0.24
± 0.01

ShHTL7sept 30 < 10 < 10 < 0.06

± 0.02

Fig. 2. Active-site residues differentiating selectivity of SPL7 and 5DS.

(A) Homology models of ShHTL7 and its septuple mutant with mutated
C 10.0
amino acids located in the active sites. Brown circles indicate polar to R = 0.81 R = 0.15

nonpolar mutations. The yellow dotted circle indicates reduction of

the pocket volume by T157Y. (T157Y indicates that threonine at Single
1.0 Double
position 157 was replaced by tyrosine). Single-letter abbreviations Triple
for the amino acid residues are as follows: C, Cys; L, Leu; M, Met; Quad
S, Ser; T, Thr, and Y, Tyr. (B) IC50 values (in micromolar) in the Quint
YLG assay with the mutant series of ShHTL7. Sixteen active-site 0.1
residues were replaced with those corresponding to ShHTL5. Quadruple, 0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 0.01 0.10 1.00

hextuple, and septuple mutants are shown with SD (n = 3 technical IC50 H-SPL7 IC50 5DS
replicates). (C) Distribution of IC50 values (in micromolar) in the
series of ShHTL7 mutants.

Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301–1305 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 5


ShHTL7 CLIM ShHTL7 + D-ring
+ + +
Potentiation SPL7 k-1CLIM Piperazine fragment Piperazine fragment
through hydrolysis SPL7 GR24

Relative CLIM formation

330 1
O ABC-portion analogs 50

k1CLIM (10 3/ M/s)

D-ring analogs GR24

k-1CLIM (10 3/s)

S 300 GR24
R = -0.32 25 0.5
R = -0.03
linker 30
SPL7 SPL7 T50 (sec) T50 (sec)
= 15.1 ± 1.5 = 1.9 ± 0.2
• Hydrolysis-independent Efficiency for
0 0
activation CLIM formation 0

1 M
1 nM

1 pM

1 nM

1 pM

1 fM

1 fM
1 M
• Selectivity to ShHTL7
MEC MEC time (sec)

Fig. 3. Mode of action of SPL7. (A) Annotation of structural modules of k1CLIM or k−1CLIM against MEC of Striga germination are
identified from the structure–activity–relationship study. presented. (C) Time-dependent CLIM formation quantified by LC-MS.
(B) Relationship between reaction rate constants and MEC among T 50 indicates the half-maximal time. Error bar indicates SD (n = 3
SPL7 analogs. (Top) Reaction scheme and (Bottom) scatter plot technical replicates).

A B 150
C 100

Relative expression

Length ( m)

0 0











Mock Medicago 2° SPL7 MEC (ng / disc)
root exudate 2°
(+)-GR24 0.1
2° 3° 3° SAM690 > 8,000
0.6 ± 0.1 2.0 ± 0.3 0±0 1.8 ± 0.3
(n) 26 26 17 16 H-SPL7 > 8,000
WT max4-1 1° 1° 1° SPL7 80

2 4
Striga emergence / host


1 2


0 0
DMSO 10 nM 100 pM 1 pM DMSO 10 nM 100 pM 1 pM
(n) 19 12 11 17 8 15 18 16

Fig. 4. Bioassays with SPL7. (A) SPL7 does not suppress shoot- as relative value to DMSO control with SD (n = 3, biological replicates).
branching phenotype of Arabidopsis SL biosynthetic mutant, max4-1, at (D) SPL7 shows 800 times less potency for AM fungi than that of
10 mM. Arrowheads indicate axillary branches. Average numbers of axillary (+)-GR24. MEC represents the lowest concentration of compound that
branches are indicated with SE; n indicates number of plants tested. induces multiple 3° hyphae. Data for (+)-GR24 were obtained from (19).
Scale bar, 5 cm. (B) SPL7 fails to enhance root hair elongation in Scale bar, 1 mm. (E) Suicide germination assay. Representative pictures
Arabidopsis wild-type at 10 mM. Average length of root hair is presented taken after 2 months (left) or 3 months (right) of cocultivation of
with SD (n = 7 biological replicates). Scale bar, 100 mm. (C) SPL7 fails to maize with Striga. The soil was pretreated with DMSO or 10 nM of SPL7.
induce SL-inducible BRANCHED1 (BRC1) expression in Arabidopsis Arrowheads indicate emerged Striga. Scale bar, 5 cm. (F) Number of
wild-type at 10 mM. Average expression obtained from quantitative reverse emerged Striga after 2 months of cocultivation. n indicates number of hosts
transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis is presented tested. Error bar indicates SE.

Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301–1305 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 5


molecule. The IC50 values of SPL7 improved tween potencies and the hydrolysis reac- less activity than that of (+)-GR24 (Fig. 4D)
from SAM690 (0.31 versus 8.9 mM), and our tion rate, we performed a kinetic analysis (19). Last, we evaluated the ability of SPL7 to
liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry similar to that involving surface plasmon induce suicide germination of Striga in a
(LC-MS) analysis revealed that SPL7 was resonance, which allows estimation of re- pot infestation assay (Fig. 4, E and F). In the
hydrolyzed by ShHTL7 to form CLIM at the action rate constants k1 and k−1 independently dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) control, Striga
catalytic histidine residue (Fig. 1E and figs. (15). Briefly, we obtained the parameter k1CLIM seeds parasitized maize and emerged from
S2 and S4) (7, 14). The potency of SPL7 is and (k −1 CLIM + k 2 ) by fitting an equation the soil at an average of one seedling per
comparable with that of (+)-5-deoxystrigol formularized from a reaction scheme in host. Soil treatment with SPL7 at a concen-
(5DS), a natural SL that is currently the Fig. 3B to experimentally obtained time- tration of 100 pM or higher for a week be-
most potent commercially available germi- dependent CLIM-formation curves (sup- fore planting maize reduced the emergence
nation stimulant for Striga. plementary materials, materials and methods) of Striga and protected the host plants from
Despite their high potencies, the pres- (8). We assumed (k−1CLIM + k2) ≈ k−1CLIM be- senescence caused by parasitism. By con-
ence of the N-arylsulfonylpiperazine scaf- cause observed stability of CLIM-ShHTL7 trast, GR24 requires 10 nM to obtain sim-
fold allows SPL7 to retain selectivity toward complex over 30 min theoretically limited ilar effect. Taken together, we concluded that
ShHTL7, whereas 5DS binds to all the SL k2 to <1% fraction of (k−1CLIM + k2) in our SPL7 is effective as a Striga-selective suicide-
receptors with different ranges of IC50 val- analysis. The kinetic analysis with SPL7 germination stimulant, at least in laboratory
ues (Fig. 1E) (10). To gain insight into this analogs allowed us to observe only a vague experiments.
difference in selectivity, we replaced 16 active- trend between potency and k 1 CLIM (r = The discovery of SPL7 reinforced the de-
site residues of ShHTL7 with those of ShHTL5 −0.32), indicating that the rate of CLIM sign principle of SL mimics as a hybrid of
(11). Using the YLG binding assay, we identi- formation, although important, was not a two functional modules, a modifiable syn-
fied seven residues that are essential for the sole factor for determining potency (Fig. thetic scaffold responsible for both receptor
binding with SPL7 (M139, T142, T157, L161, 3B and figs. S10 and S11). This interpreta- selectivity and potency as the ABC-portion
Y174, C194, and M219) (Fig. 2, A and B, and tion was supported by the observation with and the D-ring component of natural SLs.
fig. S6). The combination of these mutations GR24, in which the reaction rate of the Implications of the strategy for basic sci-
led to a distribution of IC50 values of SPL7, CLIM formation was higher (k1CLIM = 316 × ence includes direct dissection of the roles
which was correlated with that of H-SPL7 10 −3 /mM/s) than that of SPL7 (k 1 CLIM = of specific SL receptors in experimentally
[correlation coefficient (r = 0.81)] but not 43.5 × 10−3/mM/s) despite a potency 1000 intractable organisms such as Striga. For
with that of 5DS (r = 0.15) (Fig. 2C). These times lower than that of SPL7 (Figs. 1D and practical purpose, the strategy appears ap-
results indicate that SPL molecules use a 3, B and C). These results are contradictory plicable to other noxious parasitic weeds,
different subset of residues for binding com- to the model proposed for D14, thus indicat- including Orobanche or Phelipanche species.
pared with those of natural SLs, displaying ing that the ABC-portion of SPL7 has ad-
selectivity. Our computational investigation ditional functions other than accelerating
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12. D. Holbrook-Smith, S. Toh, Y. Tsuchiya, P. McCourt,
femtomolar range for several S. hermonthica eco- SPL7-ShHTL7 complex. Nat. Chem. Biol. 12, 724–729 (2016).
types that parasitize to different hosts (fig. S8). We next tested the utility of SPL7 as a 13. K. Fukui, D. Yamagami, S. Ito, T. Asami, Front. Plant Sci. 8, 936
Because SPL7 and GR24 have identical Striga-selective suicide germination stimu- (2017).
D-ring structures, the selectivity to ShHTL7 lant, using three organism-based bioassays. 14. R. Yao et al., Cell Res. 27, 838–841 (2017).
15. R. Karlsson, A. Michaelsson, L. Mattsson, J. Immunol. Methods
and the femtomolar-range potency must be First, we applied 10 mM SPL7 to a SL bio- 145, 229–240 (1991).
encoded in the ABC-portion of SPL7 (Fig. synthetic mutant, more axillary growth4- 16. K. Sorefan et al., Genes Dev. 17, 1469–1474 (2003).
3A). In light of an activation model solely 1 (max4-1), to see whether SPL7 restores 17. Y. Kapulnik et al., Planta 233, 209–216 (2011).
dependent on CLIM formation as proposed the increased branching phenotype (16). 18. D. C. Nelson et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108,
8897–8902 (2011).
in D14, the ABC-portion of SPL7 possibly SPL7 failed to rescue max4-1 branching 19. K. Akiyama, S. Ogasawara, S. Ito, H. Hayashi, Plant Cell Physiol.
contributes to efficient CLIM formation on defects, although a similar concentration 51, 1104–1117 (2010).
the receptor (7, 14). Alternatively, the ABC- of GR24 did suppress axillary branch emer-
portion may have additional functions other gence (Fig. 4A). SPL7 also failed to induce
We thank A. Babiker, S. Runo, and P. Matana for
than accelerating CLIM formation. We as- root hair elongation or induce SL-inducible providing the S. hermonthica seeds; K. Yoneyama for
sessed these possibilities through investiga- gene expressions in wild-type Arabidopsis providing O. minor seeds; and S. Hagihara and
tion of the relationship between potencies (Fig. 4, B and C) (17, 18). Thus, SPL7 exhibits M. Yoshimura for providing YLG. We thank N. Nakamichi
and D-ring hydrolysis using various SPL7 no hormonal SL activity in Arabidopsis as- for instructing quantitative RT-PCR analysis and
J. X. Yap for supporting biochemistry works. We thank
analogs. The potencies of two hydrolysis- says. Second, we evaluated the effect of SPL7 A. Miyazaki for proofreading. Authors contributions: The
resistant analogs, carba-H-SPL7 and 1′-carba- on AM fungi, which are agronomically im- chemical aspect of the research was managed by D.U.
SPL7, were ≥100 nM, implying that the portant microbes that support the growth and T.O. Conceptualization of the project and the
hydrolysis of D-ring is dispensable for ac- of crops. Whereas SLs induced multiple 3° management of biological aspect of the research
was performed by Y.T. Chemical screening was performed
tivity yet essential to gain the femtomolar- hyphal branches as in Medicago root exu- by Y.T. under the supervision of P.M. and T.K.; Y.T.
level potency (Fig. 1A and fig. S9). Next, to date, SPL7 exhibited only a mild effect at the and H.I. performed Striga germination assays and YLG
investigate the quantitative relationship be- highest concentration, showing 800 times assays. S.AM. synthesized analog series of initial

Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301–1305 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 5


hits, and R.Y. synthesized SPL7 analogs under the Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and and JP 2017-193773). We declare no financial
supervision of D.U. and T.O. Arabidopsis assays, Development Program from the Japan Science and conflicts of interest in relation to this work. Data and
quantitative RT-PCR, and suicide germination assay Technology Agency (T.K.). Support for C.R. from materials availability: All data are available in the
were performed by H.I. under supervision of Y.T.; the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science manuscript or the supplementary materials. The
N.M. performed hyphal branching assay with AM fungi (JSPS) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation complete sets of raw data underlying all figures in
under the supervision of K.A.; K.K. performed (AvH) is gratefully acknowledged. P.M. was funded the main text and supplement can be found in the
LC- MS analyses for small molecules and proteins. by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research supplementary materials.
Mathematical characterization of CLIM formation was Council of Canada (NSERC). ITbM is supported
performed by Y.H. Homology model and docking by the World Premier International Research Center SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
simulations were performed by C.R. under supervision Initiative (WPI), Japan. Competing interests: Nagoya
of S.I.; Y.T. wrote the overall story of the manuscript. The University has filed for patents regarding the following
Materials and Methods
manuscript was edited by D.U., P.M., T.K., and T.O. topics: “Regulators for germination in Striga species,”
Figs. S1 to S13
All the authors discussed the manuscript. Funding: This inventors Y.T., D.U., S.AM., S.H., M.Y., T.K., T.O.,
Table S1
work was supported by a Grant in Aid for Scientific and K.I. (patent publication nos. WO 2017/002898 and
References (20–30)
Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, JP 2017-014149); “Regulators for germination in
Sports, Science, and Technology (15KT0031 and 15K07102 parasitic plants,” inventors Y.T., D.U., T.O., T.K., 28 June 2018; accepted 25 October 2018
to Y.T. and 15H059556 to T.K.) and a grant from the and K.K. (patent application nos. PCT/JP2018/36785 10.1126/science.aau5445

Uraguchi et al., Science 362, 1301–1305 (2018) 14 December 2018 5 of 5


IMMUNOGENOMICS identifiable as plasmablasts (PBs) and naïve/

memory B cells (Fig. 1, B and C). PBs expressed
PRDM1, XBP1, and IRF4, which encode the triad
High-affinity allergen-specific human of transcription factors that drive plasma cell
differentiation (6). In contrast, naïve/memory

antibodies cloned from single B cells expressed IRF8, which encodes a transcrip-
tion factor that antagonizes the PB fate (7), as
well as MS4A1, which encodes the canonical
IgE B cell transcriptomes mature B cell surface marker CD20. Additional
FACS and gene expression data corroborated
Derek Croote1, Spyros Darmanis2, Kari C. Nadeau3,4,5, Stephen R. Quake1,2,6*
these B cell subsets (fig. S4).
Circulating IgE B cells overwhelmingly belonged
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies protect against helminth infections but can
to the PB subset (Fig. 1D and fig. S5A), which is in
also cause life-threatening allergic reactions. Despite their role in human health, the
contrast to the other isotypes but consistent with
cells that produce these antibodies are rarely observed and remain enigmatic. We
the preferential differentiation of IgE B cells into
isolated single IgE B cells from individuals with food allergies and used single-cell
PBs observed in mice (8). Notably, we found that
RNA sequencing to elucidate the gene expression and splicing patterns unique
the number of circulating IgE B cells for each
to these cells. We identified a surprising example of convergent evolution in which
individual correlated with total plasma IgE levels
IgE antibodies underwent identical gene rearrangements in unrelated individuals.
(fig. S1C). A similar phenomenon has been noted
Through the acquisition of variable region mutations, these IgE antibodies gained
in atopic individuals and individuals with hyper-
high affinity and unexpected cross-reactivity to the clinically important peanut
IgE syndrome (9).
allergens Ara h 2 and Ara h 3. These findings provide insight into IgE B cell
Across all individuals, the 89 IgE antibodies
transcriptomics and enable biochemical dissection of this antibody class.
we found varied widely in antibody heavy chain
variable region (VH) gene usage as well as

mutation frequency (Fig. 2A). They also varied
lthough the immunoglobulin E (IgE) anti- cluded B cells of other isotypes for comparison. in VH and light chain variable region (VL)
body class is the least abundant of all iso- The isotype identity of each B cell was deter- complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3)
types in humans, it plays an important role mined post hoc using the bioinformatic assem- lengths (fig. S6A). There was moderate correla-
in host defense against parasitic worm infec- bly of its heavy chain sequence from scRNA-seq tion between the VH and VL mutation frequency
tions (1). It can also become misdirected reads. This allowed us to sacrifice specificity and within single cells (fig. S6B), with evidence of se-
toward otherwise harmless antigens, as in the capture IgE B cells with high sensitivity while lection via an enrichment of replacement muta-
case of food allergies, where the recognition of avoiding stringent FACS gate purity require- tions relative to silent mutations in VH and VL
allergenic food proteins by IgE antibodies can ments or the need for complex gating schemes. CDRs (fig. S6C). Relative to other isotypes, IgE B
lead to symptoms ranging from urticaria to po- In total, 973 B cells were analyzed, of which 89 cells had a similar distribution of VH mutation
tentially fatal anaphylaxis. Despite their central were IgE. We were unable to purify useful num- frequency, use of l versus k light chains, and VH
role in immunity and allergic disease, human bers of such cells from nonallergic controls. V and J gene usage (fig. S6, D to F).
IgE antibodies are scarce and remain poorly Principal components analysis of normalized A host of major histocompatibility complex
characterized (2). Recent studies have inferred gene expression (fig. S3 and supplementary ma- (MHC) genes were robustly up-regulated in IgE
IgE B cell characteristics and origins (3, 4) and terials) separated B cells into two distinct clusters PBs relative to PBs of other isotypes (Fig. 2B),
have described clonal families to which IgE anti-
bodies belong (5). However, none have success-
fully isolated single IgE-producing cells or the
paired heavy and light chain sequences that
constitute individual IgE antibodies, leaving
unanswered questions regarding the functional
properties of such antibodies, the transcriptional
programs of these cells, and the degree to which
these features are shared across individuals. Here,
we report the successful isolation and transcrip-
tomic characterization of single IgE and IgG4
B cells from humans.
We performed plate-based single-cell RNA se-
quencing (scRNA-seq) on B cells isolated from
peripheral blood of six food-allergic individuals
(Fig. 1A). We used a simple fluorescence-activated
cell sorting (FACS) strategy (fig. S2 and supple-
mentary materials) that prioritized the capture
of single B cells with surface IgE; we also in-

Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
Fig. 1. Characterization of single B cells isolated from peripheral blood of food-allergic individ-
CA 94305, USA. 2Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, CA
94158, USA. 3Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma uals. (A) Study overview. (B to D) Analysis of single cells pooled from all six individuals, n = 973. Cells
Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. colored by B cell subset. (B) Principal components analysis of single-cell gene expression separates
Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA B cells into two distinct clusters. (C) Gene expression distributions [log2 counts per million (cpm)] of
94305, USA. 5Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University,
established transcription factors and marker genes identify the clusters in (B) as naïve/memory
Stanford, CA 94305, USA. 6Department of Applied Physics,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. (pink) and plasmablast (blue) B cell subsets. (D) Number of cells belonging to each subset by isotype.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: *P < 10–5 between IgE and each other isotype (Fisher exact test).

Croote et al., Science 362, 1306–1309 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 4


suggesting a more immature transcriptional pro- B cell receptor levels measured by others (3) and bodies were also among the most mutated of all
gram given the loss of MHC class II during the low relative IgE surface protein levels we ob- class-switched antibodies in our dataset and were
maturation of PBs to plasma cells (10). FCER2, served by FACS. Indeed, mIgE surface protein enriched in replacement mutations within the VH
which encodes the low-affinity IgE receptor CD23, levels on IgE B cells did not exceed those of some and VL CDRs (fig. S7, C and D).
was also highly up-regulated and coexpressed non-IgE B cells, which presumably display sur- We cloned and expressed the six IgE anti-
with ADAM10 in 30% of IgE PBs, indicating that face IgE as a result of CD23-mediated capture bodies belonging to this convergent CF in order
a subset of IgE PBs may secrete soluble CD23 (11). (fig. S2B). to assess whether they bind the natural forms of
LAPTM5, which encodes a negative regulator of By clustering cells into clonal families (CFs) the major allergenic peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
B cell activation and antibody production (12), according to the similarity of their antibody VH proteins Ara h 1, Ara h 2, or Ara h 3. Surprisingly,
was also up-regulated. Down-regulated genes sequences (19), we were able to observe elements all six antibodies were cross-reactive: They bound
included LGALS1, which supports plasma cell of classical germinal center phenomena such as strongly to Ara h 2, moderately to Ara h 3, and
survival (13), and those encoding the S100 pro- somatic hypermutation, class switching, and fate very weakly to Ara h 1 (Fig. 4B). Furthermore,
teins S100A4, S100A6, and S100A10, which may in- determination (Fig. 3). Only 49 cells formed CFs these antibodies have high affinity; dissociation
dicate reduced proliferative and survival signaling with multiple members (fig. S5B), which was constants determined by biolayer interferometry
(14, 15). One of the most significantly down- unsurprising given the vast diversity of po- for Ara h 2 and Ara h 3 were as low as picomolar
regulated genes in IgE PBs encodes spleen- tential immunoglobulin gene rearrangements. and subnanomolar, respectively (Fig. 4, C and D,
associated tyrosine kinase (SYK), which plays Overall, these CFs contained two to six sequen- and fig. S8). These affinities are comparable to
an essential role in B cell development, ac- ces, had variable isotype membership, and had some of the highest-affinity native human anti-
tivation, survival, and differentiation (16). Thus, a comprehensive distribution of VH mutation bodies against pathogens such as HIV, influenza,
the IgE PB cell state is immature relative to other frequency. Four CFs illustrated the two possible and malaria (20–22).
PBs with weakened activation, proliferation, and B cell differentiation pathways in that they We also cloned and expressed eight engineered
survival capacity. This suggests a potential mech- contained both PBs and memory B cells, where- variants of IgE antibody PA13P1H08 to assess the
anism for the short-lived IgE PB phenotype de- as other CFs contained cells belonging to multiple effects of VH and VL mutations on allergen bind-
scribed in murine models of allergy (17). isotypes. Notably, we also found that in contrast ing. Retaining the actual VH while swapping the
Human IgE B cells belonging to the naïve/ to other isotypes, IgE and IgG4 showed higher VL with another k VL from an antibody without
memory subset were deficient in immunoglobulin proportional membership in CFs (fig. S5C). peanut allergen specificity abrogated binding to
heavy chain membrane IgE (mIgE) transcripts, Surprisingly, we identified one CF (CF1) com- both allergenic proteins, whereas reverting both
as evidenced by a lack of membrane exon splicing prising cells belonging to multiple individuals: VH and VL to the inferred naïve sequences (fig.
relative to other common isotypes. Furthermore, Three were IgE PBs from individual PA12 and S7, E to G) largely eliminated Ara h 3 binding and
membrane exon splicing was detected in signif- three were IgE PBs from individual PA13 (Fig. 3). markedly reduced Ara h 2 affinity (Fig. 4D and fig.
icantly fewer IgE PBs than non-IgE PBs (Fig. 2, C The antibodies produced by these six cells were S8C). Reverting only the VH or VL reduced the
and D). The lack of mature mIgE transcripts, highly similar in VH and VL sequences (Fig. 4A affinity to Ara h 2 and Ara h 3, but dispropor-
which could be explained by atypical polyade- and fig. S7, A and B), and all used the IGHV3- tionately. We also found a synergistic contri-
nylation signals that lead to poor processing 30*18 and IGHJ6*02 VH genes as well as the bution of VH mutations to affinity through
of pre-mRNA (18), is consistent with low IgE IGKV3-20*01 and IGKJ2*01 VL genes. These anti- independent reversion of the VH CDR1, CDR2,

Fig. 2. Characterization of 89 IgE antibodies and the single B cells isotypes. Mean normalized read depth and 95% confidence interval are
that produce them. (A) Phylogenetic depiction of antibody heavy chain indicated by solid lines and shaded area, respectively, for the number of cells
variable region (VH) sequences arranged by VH V gene (background (n) inscribed. Heavy chains are oriented in the 5′ to 3′ direction and
color), individual of origin (node color), and VH mutation frequency (node membrane exons are the two most 3′ exons of each isotype. (D) Summary of
size). (B) Differential gene expression between IgE PBs (n = 81) and PBs (C), but depicting the fraction of cells of each isotype with any membrane
of other isotypes (n = 96). Positive log fold change indicates genes exon coverage for naïve/memory B cells (top) and PBs (bottom) and
enriched in IgE PBs. (C) Heavy chain constant region gene coverage isotypes with at least five cells of each subset. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.005,
histograms for naïve/memory B cells (top) and PBs (bottom) for select ***P < 0.0005 between IgE and other isotypes (Fisher exact test).

Croote et al., Science 362, 1306–1309 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 4


Fig. 3. Clonal families (CFs) capture B cell

phenomena relevant to allergic disease. For
each cell (node), the isotype (color), B cell subset
(outline thickness), individual of origin (shape),
and VH mutation frequency (size) are illustrated.
CFs referred to in the text are labeled.

CDR3, and framework regions. Interestingly,

reversion of the VH CDR2 increased Ara h 3
affinity while only marginally decreasing Ara h
2 affinity. Thus, although the inferred naïve anti-
body is capable of binding the most clinically
relevant peanut allergen Ara h 2 (23), mutations
in both VH and VL are necessary to produce
the high-affinity and cross-reactive antibodies
that we found in circulating IgE PBs of unrelated
We also cloned and expressed antibodies from Fig. 4. High-affinity cross-reactive human IgE antibodies belonging to CF1. (A) Highly similar
two other CFs. CF2 contained three IgE PBs VH and VL CDR3s depict convergent evolution in two unrelated individuals (PA12 and PA13).
from individual PA16 (two of which were iden- Positions with >50% conservation are shaded. Amino acid abbreviations: A, Ala; D, Asp; E, Glu;
tical), but these antibodies did not bind Ara h 1, F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr;
2, or 3, which was unsurprising given that this V, Val; Y, Tyr. (B) Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay depicting antibody cross-reactivity
individual had low plasma peanut-specific IgE to multiple peanut allergens. Commercially available mouse monoclonal a-Ara h antibodies
levels as well as IgE specific to other allergens served as positive controls. OD, optical density; hIgG, human IgG. (C) Biolayer interferometry was
(fig. S1). In contrast, CF3 contained an IgE PB used to determine antibody dissociation constants (KDs). Shown are binding curves for
(PA15P1D05) and IgG4 PB (PA15P1D12) from PA13P1H08 against Ara h 2 and Ara h 3. (D) Ara h 2 and Ara h 3 KDs for each CF1 antibody as well
individual PA15. These antibodies did not bind as eight engineered variants of PA13P1H08. For each variant, the VH and/or VL was either the
Ara h 1 appreciably, but bound Ara h 3 with actual sequence from PA13P1H08 (“A”), reverted to the inferred naïve sequence (“R”),
nanomolar affinity and Ara h 2 with subnano- swapped with another non–peanut-specific sequence (“S”), or had only specific region(s) of
molar affinity (fig. S8). Notably, these two anti- the sequence reverted (“r”). FWRs, framework regions.
bodies used the same VL V gene and a highly
similar VH V gene (IGHV3-30-3*01) as the six produced high-affinity cross-reactive peanut- peanut-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies. Further
convergent antibodies of CF1. specific IgE antibodies comprising identical gene study of such processes has the potential to in-
Our transcriptomic characterization of cir- rearrangements within respective VHs and VLs. crease our understanding of the contribution of
culating human IgE B cells suggests that an Convergent antibody evolution is believed to occur IgG4 to the reduced clinical allergen reactivity that
immature IgE PB gene expression program in response to a number of pathogens such as accompanies immunotherapy and early allergen
indicative of weakened activation, proliferation, influenza (26) and HIV (22). Although our results exposure (29). Lastly, we anticipate that either
and survival capacity contributes to the short- offer a single additional example, another study these antibodies or engineered variants could be
lived phenotype of these cells. Additionally, the of peanut-allergic individuals (27) reported IgE used as therapeutic agents. Recent clinical results
absence of mIgE transcript expression supports VH sequences that used identical V and J genes have shown that engineered allergen-specific IgG
the hypothesis that impaired membrane IgE ex- and shared at least 70% CDR3 identity with one antibodies provide effective treatment for cat
pression compromises IgE B cell entry into the or more of the six convergent antibodies in our allergies, perhaps by outcompeting native IgE for
memory compartment and/or memory B cell sur- dataset (fig. S9). antigen (30).
vival, therefore causing the scarcity of circulating We discovered high-affinity IgE antibodies
memory IgE B cells in vivo. These results show with cross-reactivity to two major peanut aller- REFERENCES AND NOTES
that the human IgE system shares many impor- gens and demonstrated that these properties orig- 1. C. M. Fitzsimmons, F. H. Falcone, D. W. Dunne, Front. Immunol.
tant features with that of the mouse. Studies inated from the acquisition of mutations within 5, 61 (2014).
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provides insight into the antibodies they pro- reactivity may be common within peanut-allergic 5. R. A. Hoh et al., J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 137, 157–167 (2016).
duce. We discovered a striking case of antibody individuals (28). We also found an example within 6. S. L. Nutt, P. D. Hodgkin, D. M. Tarlinton, L. M. Corcoran,
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(2010). 26. K. J. L. Jackson et al., Cell Host Microbe 16, 105–114 gene expression count matrix are available in the supplementary
13. A. Anginot, M. Espeli, L. Chasson, S. J. C. Mancini, C. Schiff, (2014). materials. Raw sequencing data are available from the Sequence
J. Immunol. 190, 5526–5533 (2013). Read Archive (SRA) under BioProject accession PRJNA472098.
27. K. Kiyotani et al., J. Hum. Genet. 63, 239–248 (2018).
14. W. Leśniak, Ł. P. Słomnicki, A. Filipek, Biochem. Biophys. Code associated with this manuscript is available at https://github.
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(2012). J. Okamoto and N. Neff for assistance with sequencing. Funding: Materials and Methods
18. A. Karnowski, G. Achatz-Straussberger, C. Klockenbusch, Supported by the Simons Foundation (SFLIFE #288992 to S.R.Q.), Figs. S1 to S9
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21. R. Murugan et al., Sci. Immunol. 3, eaap8029 (2018). D.C., S.D., K.C.N., and S.R.Q. designed the research; K.C.N. 10.1126/science.aau2599

Croote et al., Science 362, 1306–1309 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 4


MAIZE DOMESTICATION tables S2 and S3) and analyzed them alongside

published modern (n = 68) and ancient (n = 2)
maize and teosinte genomes (15).
Multiproxy evidence highlights Model-based clustering highlights extensive
admixture and population overlap between maize

a complex evolutionary legacy populations, but we observe several robust lin-

eages (15) (Fig. 1): (i) the Andes and the Pacific
coast of South America; (ii) lowland South
of maize in South America America, including the Amazon and Brazilian
Savanna; (iii) North America north of the do-
Logan Kistler1,2*, S. Yoshi Maezumi3,4, Jonas Gregorio de Souza3,
mestication center; and (iv) highland Mexico and
Central America, previously observed to contain
Natalia A. S. Przelomska1,5, Flaviane Malaquias Costa6, Oliver Smith7,
introgression from wild Z. mays ssp. mexicana
Hope Loiselle1,8, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal7, Nathan Wales9, Eduardo Rivail Ribeiro1,
(14, 16). We also observe a widespread “Pan-
Ryan R. Morrison2, Claudia Grimaldo10, Andre P. Prous11, Bernardo Arriaza12,
American” lineage spanning from northern Mexico
M. Thomas P. Gilbert7,13, Fabio de Oliveira Freitas14*, Robin G. Allaby 2* into lowland South America. In a previous analysis
based on multiple nuclear microsatellites, maize
Domesticated maize evolved from wild teosinte under human influences in Mexico beginning
formed a monophyletic subset of teosinte, with
around 9000 years before the present (yr B.P.), traversed Central America by ~7500 yr B.P.,
South American lineages as the most derived
and spread into South America by ~6500 yr B.P. Landrace and archaeological maize genomes elements in a phylogenetic tree (13). This pattern
from South America suggest that the ancestral population to South American maize was has been interpreted as evidence for a single
brought out of the domestication center in Mexico and became isolated from the wild teosinte
episode of domestication followed by dispersal
gene pool before traits of domesticated maize were fixed. Deeply structured lineages then culminating in the Andes after maize became
evolved within South America out of this partially domesticated progenitor population. established throughout the rest of the range
Genomic, linguistic, archaeological, and paleoecological data suggest that the southwestern of cultivation (13). However, archaeological
Amazon was a secondary improvement center for partially domesticated maize. Multiple waves
evidence for persistent maize cultivation in-
of human-mediated dispersal are responsible for the diversity and biogeography of modern dicates it was established in numerous loca-
South American maize. tions throughout South America by ~6500 to

4000 yr B.P. regionally. On the basis of this
aize (Zea mays ssp. mays) evolved remains establish that maize was brought to the information, we propose that South American
from wild Balsas teosinte (Z. mays southwestern United States and the Colorado maize was carried away from the Mesoamerican
ssp. parviglumis, hereafter parviglumis) Plateau by ~4000 years before the present (yr B.P.) domestication center soon after initial stages
in modern-day lowland Mexico beginning (7), traversing Panama by ~7500 yr B.P. (8) and of domestication and may have been one of
around 9000 years ago (1) and spread arriving in Coastal Peru (9), the Andes (10), and several partially domesticated maize lineages
to dominate food production systems through- lowland Bolivian Amazon (11) between ~6500 that independently fissioned from the primary
out much of the Americas by the beginning of and 6300 yr B.P. (Fig. 1 and table S1). Today, gene pool after the onset of domestication in
European colonization in the 15th century. maize is a staple food species, yielding over 6% Mexico (Fig. 2).
Archaeological and genetic data from ancient of all food calories for humans, plus more in Using f4 statistics (17), we observe asymmetry
DNA studies have highlighted aspects of maize livestock feed and processed foods (12). in parviglumis ancestry among modern maize
natural history, including the evolution and fixa- Maize domestication is thought to have oc- populations (Fig. 2). This reveals that maize-
tion of agricultural traits and adaptation of maize curred once, with little subsequent gene flow parviglumis gene flow was ongoing in some
to diverse new environments (2–6). Archaeological from parviglumis (13, 14). However, archaeoge- lineages after others became reproductively
nomic evidence reveals maize was only partially isolated. Whereas later gene flow from Z. mays
domesticated in Mexico by ~5300 yr B.P. (2, 3), ssp. mexicana, a highland subspecies of teosinte,
Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560,
carrying a mixture of wild-type and maize-like is well documented in some maize (6, 14, 16), this
USA. 2Department of Life Science, University of Warwick, alleles at loci involved in the domestication syn- finding contradicts the assumption that dis-
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. 3Department of Archaeology, College drome. For example, the domestic-type TGA1 persal and diversification throughout the Americas
of Humanities, University of Exeter, Laver Building, North gene variant responsible for eliminating the tough happened only after the severance of gene flow
Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QE, UK. 4Department of Geography
and Geology, The University of the West Indies, Mona
teosinte fruitcase was already present by this time from parviglumis (13, 14). Thus, while South
Campus, Kingston, Jamaica. 5Center for Conservation period (2), whereas other loci associated with American maize became reproductively isolated
Genomics, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, changes to seed dispersal and starch production from the wild progenitor when it was carried
National Zoo, Washington, DC 20008, USA. 6University of during domestication still carried wild-type var- away from the domestication center, maize lin-
São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luis de Queiroz,
Piracicaba, SP 13418-900, Brazil. 7Centre for GeoGenetics,
iants (2, 3). The state of partial domestication eages remaining in Mexico underwent continued
Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of sets these archaeogenomes apart from modern crop-wild gene flow before diversifying into extant
Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5-7, 1350 Copenhagen, fully domesticated maize, which carries a com- landraces over subsequent millennia. The Pan-
Denmark. 8Department of Anthropology, University of plete, stable set of domestication alleles con- American lineage shows excess shared ancestry
Washington, Denny Hall 314, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
Department of Archaeology, University of York, King's
ferring the domesticated phenotype. This partially with parviglumis relative to all other major groups
Manor, York YO1 7EP, UK. 10Department of Oncology, domesticated maize was grown in Mexico well (Fig. 2B), suggesting that this group emerged from
University of Oxford, Old Road Campus Research Building, after maize had become established in South the domestication center and dispersed after other
Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7DQ, UK. 11Museu de Historia America, which raises the question of how South maize lineages became regionally established.
Natural e Jardim Botânico da Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. 12Instituto de
American maize came to possess the full com- Because the Pan-American lineage carries excess
Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile. plement of fixed domestication traits. To reconcile parviglumis ancestry relative to the strictly South
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, archaeobotanical and genomic data concerning American lineages, it appears to represent a
University Museum, 7491 Trondheim, Norway. 14Embrapa the domestication and dispersal history of maize second episode of maize dispersal from Meso-
Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Brasília, DF, CEP
70770-901, Brazil.
in South America, we sequenced maize genomes america, reinforcing two major waves of maize
*Corresponding author. Email: (L.K.); fabio.freitas@ from 40 indigenous landraces and 9 archaeo- movement into South America as previously (F.O.F.); (R.G.A.) logical samples from South America (Fig. 1 and suggested (5).

Kistler et al., Science 362, 1309–1313 (2018) 14 December 2018 1 of 4


The genomes of two ancient maize cobs from

the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico at ~5300 yr B.P.
recently revealed a state of partial domestication,
a mixture of maize- and parviglumis-like alleles 4383 B.P.
at loci involved in domestication (2, 3). This is
North American
puzzling, given the sustained use of domesti- Pan-American
k= 5
cated maize from ~6500 yr B.P. onward in South 4030 B.P. ancestry groups Mex. and C. America Highlands
America (Fig. 1 and table S1) (11, 18). However, Lowland South America
principal components analysis and f3 statis- Zea mays ssp. parviglumis
4363 B.P.
tics reveal considerable genomic distance be- Archaeological Genome
tween these two Mesoamerican archaeogenomes parviglumis range
(Fig. 1 and fig. S2), and f3 statistics confirm that Tehuacan
San Marcos
6655 B.P.
the SM10 genome (3) is more maize-like, whereas 8750 B.P.
the Tehuacan162 genome (2) is more parviglumis- 6589 B.P.
like (fig. S2). In total, the two genomes are from
the same region and time period, and both are
partially domesticated, but otherwise, they appear 7746 B.P.
4030 B.P.
to represent independent samples out of a diverse
semidomesticated population containing an array
of domestic and wild-type alleles. 6000 B.P.

Given the state of partial domestication ob-

served in the Tehuacan and San Marcos ge- 6700 B.P.

nomes (2, 3), early South American maize emerging Z61


from their common ancestral population would 6500 B.P.
likely also have been a partially domesticated Z65
San Marcos
form of maize containing an assortment of wild

and domestic alleles. This ancestral population Z61
Z6 Arica5
Z2 3770 B.P.
likely harbored the building blocks for fully Z64 Arica5

domesticated maize but lacked the allelic fixa- Z65
Tehuacan Arica4
tion and linkage of the modern domesticated Z67 Z66

crop. We expect that in this ancestral semi-

domesticated population, domestication loci under
3730 B.P.
ongoing selection would have been continually

decoupled from their chromosomal neighborhood

through recombination (19, 20), resulting in an
enrichment of the original parviglumis genomic
background near domestication genes relative −0.20 −0.15 −0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
to its genome-wide retention. If the domestica-
tion syndrome was fully established in the com- Fig. 1. Distribution and ancestry proportions of maize genomes and principal components analysis
mon ancestor of all extant maize, no modern (PCA) of maize and parviglumis genomes. Pie colors reflect ancestral proportions estimated by
parviglumis genome should carry this enriched means of model-based clustering (k = 5) of modern maize genomes (15). Archaeological
affinity to domestication loci to differing degrees genomes were projected onto the PCA to mitigate degradation biases (15). Dates reflect early
in different maize lineages, because the same regional maize archaeobotanical remains (table S1 and fig. S1). C., Central; Mex., Mexico; PC1,
background would have become fixed in their First principal component; PC2, second principal component.
common ancestor. However, if South American
maize became isolated while fundamental do-
mestication was still ongoing, as we hypothesize, we observe that parviglumis ancestry is enriched ing sufficient diversity and ecological context to
then components of the parviglumis genomic near domestication genes in a pattern demon- continue the domestication process. Others, like
background are expected to differ between early strating that domestication-associated selec- ancestral South American maize, evolved into
stratified maize lineages. Therefore in this case, tion was still ongoing after the stratification fully domesticated lineages under continuing
modern parviglumis genomes would carry a of the major extant lineages from their semi- anthropogenic pressures.
specifically South American or non–South domesticated ancestral population. This pat- The earliest evidence places maize in the
American affinity for the enriched wild-type tern validates a model in which the ancestral southwestern Amazon by ~6500 yr B.P. (11), a
background near domestication loci. population in South America was itself only region serving as a geographic interface of the
We compared D-statistics (21) across the whole partially domesticated during its dispersal lowland and Andean-Pacific genetic lineages
genome (DWG) and within 10 kb of 186 known away from the domestication center. (Fig. 1). We hypothesize that the southwestern
domestication loci (Ddom) to test for these asym- In total, we find support for a model of strat- Amazon may have been a secondary improve-
metrical parviglumis contributions between pairs ified domestication in maize (Fig. 2). The initial ment center for the partially domesticated crop
of extant South American and non–South American stages of maize domestication likely occurred before the divergence of the two South American
maize around domestication genes (15). We only once within a diverse wild Balsas River basin groups. When maize arrived, southwestern
found that parviglumis enrichment associated gene pool, as previously suggested (13). However, Amazonia was a plant domestication hotspot
with domestication is highly patterned among before the domestication syndrome was fixed and (22). Additionally, microfossil assemblages (11, 22)
major ancestry groups, with several parviglumis stable, multiple lineages separated, and selection reveal the presence of polyculture (mixed crop-
genomes associated exclusively with either South pressures on domestication loci continued inde- ping) from ~6500 yr B.P. onward, such that a
American or non–South American Ddom enrich- pendently outside of the primary domestication new crop species could be integrated into ex-
ment and a significant association with ancestry center. Some of these divergent semidomesticated isting food production systems supporting do-
overall (Fig. 2C; c2 test P = 2.74 × 10−6). That is, populations likely led to terminal lineages lack- mestication activities.

Kistler et al., Science 362, 1309–1313 (2018) 14 December 2018 2 of 4


Fig. 2. A stratified domestication model

A for maize. (A) Schematic comparing
the conventional domestication model
under which maize became fully
domesticated and then dispersed
throughout the Americas, versus a
stratified domestication model in which
Domestication center parviglumis semidomesticated ancestral
domestic maize partially domesticated subpopulations
became reproductively isolated before
the fixation of the domestication syndrome.
H0 – Simple domestication diverse landraces
(B) f 4 statistics demonstrating excess
allele sharing between the Pan-American
lineage and wild parviglumis compared
Secondary improvement center H1 – Stratified domestication with other maize, revealing nonuniform
crop-wild gene flow after initial
domestication. Bars are three standard
errors under a block jackknife (15).
(C) Bar plot of enriched parviglumis
contributions to ancestry near domestication
genes, in which each bar is a parviglumis
genome contributing to South American
parviglumis semidomesticated maize (blue) or other maize (red)
diverse landraces D dom enrichment. Geographic segregation
C in D dom enrichment among parviglumis
Number of significant D dom enrichment cases

p1 p2 parviglumis p1 p2 parv. p1 p2 parv.

Tripsacum Trip. Trip. genomes suggests that the domestication
10 Enriched in South American maize syndrome was not yet fixed in a common
p1 p2 Enriched in other lineages
domesticated ancestor of modern maize.
Pan-American North American 8 2
test: p=2.74 x 10 -6
Pan-American Lowland South American
Pan-American Andean/Pacific
North American Lowland S. American 4

North American Andean/Pacific

Lowland South American Andean/Pacific

0 TI T T T T T T T T T T
−0.003 0.000 0.003 L1 IL0 IL0 IL0 IL0 IL1 IL0 IL1 IL0 IL0 IL1
2 9 3 6 1 5 7 0 2 4 1
f4(((p1,p2),parviglumis ),Tripsacum)

Fig. 3. Genomic relatedness overlapping

5500 linguistic and archaeological patterns in low-

land South America. Maize genomes with
≥50% Andean-Pacific ancestry and ≥99% South
American ancestry are connected by lines with
the two other genomes with which they share
the highest outgroup-f3 value. Geometric
enclosures and mound ring villages of southern
3630 Amazonia broadly coincide with the expansion
6500 940
700 of Arawak languages, whereas the Uru and Aratu
4310 850 ring villages coincide with the distribution of
700 1070 980 Macro-Jê languages (15) (figs. S3 and S4).
3770 Only the earliest regional dates for each
archaeological tradition are shown (see table
S4). Macro-Jê languages borrowing an Arawak
loanword for “maize” are based on (24).
Arawak homeland is shown approximately
in the modern location of Apurinã, in accordance
80°W 70°W 60°W 50°W 40°W with (29).
Maize genomes Archaeological traditions
Geometric enclosures Aratu and Uru
Modern Archaeological
and mound villages ring villages
Earliest dates Earliest dates
outgroup-f3 allele sharing
0.191 - 0.195 0.182 - 0.186 Language contact Paleoecology
Arawak homeland Early maize sites
0.196 - 0.201 0.187 - 0.190
‘maize’ loanword from
0.202 - 0.207 0.191 - 0.195 Arawak into Macro-Jê

Kistler et al., Science 362, 1309–1313 (2018) 14 December 2018 3 of 4


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Genome-wide mutation load
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evolving land-use practices. 23. B. Glaser, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 362, 187–196
Several landraces and two archaeogenomes 0.166 (2007).
(~700 yr B.P.) in eastern Brazil also show strong 24. E. R. Ribeiro, Liames 9, 61–76 (2009).
genetic links to Andean maize near the south- 25. J. G. de Souza et al., Nat. Commun. 9, 1125 (2018).
26. M. J. Heckenberger et al., Science 321, 1214–1217 (2008).
western Amazon (Fig. 3). This pattern closely mirrors 0.162 Pearson’s r 2 = 0.51; p = 4.9 x 10 -12
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linguistic patterns linking Andean, Amazonian, 28. C. R. Clement, Econ. Bot. 53, 203–216 (1999).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
and eastern Brazilian maize cultivation and sug- 29. R. S. Walker, L. A. Ribeiro, Proc. Biol. Sci. 278, 2562–2567
Distance from the Balsas Valley, Mexico
gests a second major west-to-east cultural ex- (2011).
pansion of maize traditions. A loanword for 30. L. Kistler et al., Dryad Digital Repository (2018); doi:10.5061/
Fig. 4. Genome-wide mutation load across
maize with possible Andean origins was trans- ancestry groups (non-admixed samples only
mitted from Amazonian Arawak languages—most in top panel) and load compared with dis- AC KNOWL ED GME NTS
likely originating in southwest Amazonia (24)— tance to the domestication center. Mutation We thank Admera Health for assistance with sequence data
into Macro-Jê stock languages in the Brazilian load is calculated as a proportion of the collection and D. Piperno for comments on the manuscript.
savanna and Atlantic coast (24) (fig. S3). Archae- Funding: Work was supported by Natural Environment Research
theoretical maximum load over observed single-
Council Independent Research Fellowship NE/L012030/1 to L.K.,
ological evidence suggests this expansion occurred nucleotide polymorphisms, and ancient load and a sub-award from Science and Technology Facilities Council
~1200 to 1000 yr B.P. with the spread of a cultural scores are rescaled for missingness using a grant ST/K001760/1 (PI Thomas Meagher, co-I Peter Kille) to
horizon of geometric enclosures and mound ring Procrustes transformation (15). Euclidean dis- L.K. and R.G.A. Author contributions: Study conceptualization
villages throughout southern Amazonia and ring and design: L.K., F.O.F, and R.G.A.; Sample acquisition: F.O.F., A.P.P.,
tance in degrees to the Balsas River valley is
C.G., B.A., and M.T.P.G.; Genomic data collection: L.K., F.O.F., O.S.,
villages in the central Brazilian savannas and the shown. And./Pac., Andean-Pacific. N.W., and R.R.M.; Genomic data analysis: L.K. and N.A.S.P.;
Atlantic coast (Fig. 3 and fig. S4) (25–27). This Archaeology and linguistic background and interpretation: J.G.S.,
process is roughly contemporaneous with archae- S.Y.M., F.O.F., F.M.C., and E.R.R.; Interpretation and integration of
ological Andean-admixed genomes in the area. pressures for regional adaptation, and the lat- results: L.K., S.Y.M., J.G.S., F.M.C., J.R.-M., N.W., F.O.F., and R.G.A.;
Visualization: L.K., S.Y.M., J.G.S., H.L., and N.A.S.P.; Manuscript
Thus, Arawak speakers likely brought nonlocal ter stages of domestication after isolation from
drafting: L.K., S.Y.M., and J.G.S., with input from N.A.S.P., F.O.F., and
Andean-Pacific maize lineages into a landscape the founding gene pool. We also find that R.G.A. All authors reviewed and contributed to the final manuscript.
where maize was an established component of Andean and Pacific maize from ~1000 yr B.P. Competing interests: We declare no competing interests. Data and
long-term land management and food produc- to the early colonial period has a low mutation materials availability: Raw sequence data, NCBI Sequence Read
Archive accession SRP152500. In-house scripts for data handling and
tion strategies. load compared with its modern Andean-Pacific
analysis (allele frequency estimation, f and D statistic calculation,
Finally, we quantified the mutation load in counterparts (Wilcoxon P = 0.002477) (15) (Fig. 4); genome alignment conformation for mutation load analysis, and
maize genomes—the accumulation of potentially although still elevated compared with non–South exclusion amplification duplicate removal), genome-wide GERP
deleterious alleles due to drift and selection American lineages. It is possible that Andean scoring details, genomic mappability bed file, SNP calls, and
mapDamage results are available in (30). Germplasm for newly
(16)—using a phylogenetic framework to estimate maize experienced a wave of deleterious allele
sequenced maize landraces is curated at the Embrapa gene bank in
evolutionary constraint (15). We observe that accumulation as human and crop populations Brasilia, Brazil, and Programa Cooperativo de Investigaciones en
South American lineages carry a higher muta- were disrupted by changes caused by the arrival Maíz in Peru, which provided sample material for this study to F.O.F.
tion load than other maize lineages. Mutation of Europeans (28). Alternatively, the increasing and C.G. Archaeological samples from Santa, Chorrillos, Ica, and Jujuy
were originally obtained from the PSUM Archaeological Project,
load increases linearly with distance from the mutation load in modern crops could repre-
Paurarku Archaeological Project and Samaca Archaeological Project,
domestication center and is linked with ancestry, sent the ongoing effects of burdensome allele facilitated by archaeologists V. Pimentel, K. Lane, D. Beresford-Jones,
and the Andean-Pacific group carries the highest accumulation over nine millennia of human and H. Yacobaccio.
burden of potentially deleterious variants (Fig. 4) intervention.
(15). The mutation load in the Andes has been SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
attributed to selection for high-altitude adapta- RE FERENCES AND NOTES
tions (16), but the elevated mutation load in 1. D. R. Piperno, A. J. Ranere, I. Holst, J. Iriarte, R. Dickau, Materials and Methods
lowland maize also suggests a history of shared Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106, 5019–5024 (2009). Figs. S1 to S4
2. J. Ramos-Madrigal et al., Curr. Biol. 26, 3195–3201 Tables S1 to S4
selection and drift effects prior to highland References (31–94)
adaptation. These processes would likely have 3. M. Vallebueno-Estrada et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113,
included a founder episode as maize was car- 14151–14156 (2016). 8 August 2018; accepted 22 October 2018
ried into South America, persistent selection 4. V. Jaenicke-Després et al., Science 302, 1206–1208 (2003). 10.1126/science.aav0207

Kistler et al., Science 362, 1309–1313 (2018) 14 December 2018 4 of 4

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destroy the ozone layer and trap heat with 300 times more efficiency data, which includes soil temperature and soil moisture. Scientists
than CO2 (1). will then analyze the data to estimate bacterial activity and nitrogen
The total economic losses from environmental pollution related to loss which enable them to assess the effects of BNI grasses on
nitrogen-based fertilizers are estimated to be €70~€320 billion, nitrogen retention and propose effective agricultural practice.
which more than doubles the agricultural revenues gained (2). e-kakashi is an example of how IoT can benefit both agriculture and
the environment. Dr. Takashi Togami, the developer of e-kakashi,
Biological Nitrification Inhibition (BNI) to reduce the sees it as a way to bring scientific solutions to everyday farming. ÒI
nitrogen footprint look forward to a day when farmers use e-kakashi like we use TVs
Many native tropical grasslands are highly nitrifying ecosystems, and smartphones.Ó
rapidly transforming nitrogen into very mobile forms. As explained Note 1. The names and logos of "e-kakashi" are registered
above, these forms have negative environmental effects, reducing trademarks or trademarks of PS Solutions Corp. in Japan.
agriculture productivity and stocking capacity of agropastoral
systems. On the other hand, some tropical grasses have high BNI. Note 2. Names of any other product, company or organization are
These plants release nitrification inhibitors and have the potential to registered trademarks or trademarks of the relevant company.
enhance crop productivity and improve the use of nitrogen in crop 1 Coskun D, et al. Nitrogen transformations in modern agriculture and the role of biological
rotations (3, 4). With the ultimate aim to develop productive and nitrification inhibition. Nat Plants. 2017;3:17074. doi: 10.1038/nplants.2017.74.
environmentally friendly agropastoral systems, the Ministry of 2 Sutton M, et al. Too much of a good thing. Nature. 2011;472(7342):159-61.
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan is supporting a doi: 10.1038/472159a.
3 Subbarao GV, et al. Evidence for biological nitrification inhibition in Brachiaria pastures.
research project run by Dr. Manabu Ishitani, a primary investigator Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009;106(41):17302-7. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0903694106.
at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Colombia), 4 Karwat H, et al. Residual effect of BNI by Brachiaria humidicola pasture on nitrogen
that is replacing native grass in farm fields with Brachiaria humidicola, recovery and grain yield of subsequent maize. Plant Soil. 2017; 420(1-2):389-406.
a tropical grass with high BNI.

Farming and
environmental data
collection and Farmers

Introduction of
high BNI grass e-kakashi Data-driven
farming practices

Native grassland
(Source: JIRCAS)
BNI grassland

Patía, Cauca
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Structural analyses of biomolecular condensates

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Quantitative Ecologist or Evolutionary Biologist: Open rank faculty position
The Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) at UCLA is searching for a quantitative biologist (open rank), in any area of ecology, evolution
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candidates to have or develop a robust research program to attract external funds, and to teach at the graduate and undergraduate levels with innovative
pedagogical approaches. The teaching expectation includes a new undergraduate introductory course (Statistics of Biological Systems), emphasizing
simulation-based approaches to problem solving. Necessary qualifications include a PhD degree in a relevant discipline and a strong background in
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Please direct inquires to Submit application packages online through and
include the following: (1) cover letter (2) curriculum vitae; (3) statement of research interests; (4) statement of teaching expertise; (5) statement of formal
and informal activities to promote equity, diversity and inclusion; and (6) names of three referees. All items should be distinct documents. Individuals
with a history of mentoring students under-represented in the sciences are encouraged to apply and to describe their experience in a cover letter. The
University of California seeks to recruit and retain a diverse workforce as a reflection of our commitment to serve the people of California, to maintain the
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must be submitted by January 3, 2019.

The EEB Department has 29 faculty with strengths in population ecology, evolutionary and conservation genomics, behavioral biology, plant biology, and
phylogenetics and paleobiology. EEB also features a large graduate program, three undergraduate majors (Biology; Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution;
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UCLA has programs to assist in partner employment, childcare, schooling and other family concerns. For additional information, visit the UCLAAcademic
Personnel Office website ( or the UC Office of the President’s website (

The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the
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By Luke A. Schwerdtfeger

Spirals of science

he timing was perfect. A few weeks after the experimental protocol that had served me for years
inexplicably stopped working, my grad school adviser approached me about writing a review
paper detailing the history of our field. I was feeling hopeless about my lab work. I had seemingly
tried everything to fix the broken tissue culture system, but nothing worked, crippling not only my
productivity, but also my confidence. Shifting my focus to literature review and writing offered a
welcome respite. And although I didn’t expect it, this historical venture ended up teaching me how
science proceeds across generations—and it provided the key to getting my research back on track.

While diving into the literature, importance of paying attention

I stumbled upon a string of re- to details, even minute and seem-
ports from the 1910s describing ingly insignificant ones, which
experiments that were shockingly were critical for reproducing such
similar to the protocol I had been an intricate method. Just as im-
struggling with. The more I read, portant, my excitement in trying
the more I questioned whether a challenging, complex method
anything I was doing was actu- got me out of my research slump.
ally novel. They led me to another Perhaps that was the true utility.
set of intriguing papers, including With renewed vigor and fo-
one from 1934 describing a tissue cus on the details, I finally got
culture method so complex that it my protocol working again,
seemed impossible. after nearly 5 months of trouble-
Maybe there was unrealized shooting. The problem turned
value in this long-forgotten sys- out to be infuriatingly simple:
tem, I thought. I set off to repli- a bad component in the tissue
cate the work. culture media. As fate would
After a couple of tries, I suc- have it, I got my protocol work-
ceeded, which provided a much- ing just as our review paper was
needed confidence boost. I was “Each generation is assisted accepted for publication.
amazed that such an advanced sys- by the knowledge of the My adviser often uses the
tem had been invented more than phrase “spirals of science” to de-
80 years ago. I couldn’t wait to tell scientists who came before.” scribe how science progresses.
my adviser that I had replicated it. The idea—which he inherited
To my surprise, he wasn’t as enthusiastic as I was. He from his postdoc adviser—is that researchers some-
asked a simple question: What’s the utility? I didn’t have times retrace paths conceptually similar to those ex-
an answer. This method was much more difficult than my plored by previous generations. But each generation is
current, albeit broken, protocol. So why should we care assisted by the knowledge of the scientists who came be-
about it? Why not instead pour my time and energy into fore, which allows the spiral to progress upward.
fixing my modern protocol? This notion hadn’t fully resonated with me when he
I was determined to come up with some hidden util- mentioned it after we found the tissue culture papers from
ity for the rediscovered system. It was too interesting, the 1910s. But after troubleshooting my protocol while
too radical compared with what I had been doing to not diving into the history of my field, I saw exactly what he

be useful. But I couldn’t think of anything. My surge meant. And I took confidence from the thought that, no
of inspiration gave way to gloom. I was stuck with my matter how slowly, I was progressing up the spiral. j
broken method.
Returning to my adviser’s office the next day, I was Luke A. Schwerdtfeger is a Ph.D. student at Colorado State
ready to admit that he was right and that replicating the University in Fort Collins. He thanks his adviser and
historical method had been a waste of time. But he asked mentor Stuart Tobet for helpful comments on the piece
another simple question: Had it taught me anything? The and the inspiration to write it. Send your career story
answer was yes. On a technical level, it reminded me of the to

1318 14 DECEMBER 2018 • VOL 362 ISSUE 6420 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

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