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Chemicals Lemon Oil (10 gm), Hydroxylamine hydrochloride
Reagent (7ml), methyl orange solution, Potassium
Hydroxide (0.5)

Glass Wares: Stoppered test tube, burette


• Lemon Oil is obtained from the outer part f fresh pericarp f the rips
or nearly ripe fruits of citrus lemon (Family: Rutaceae).

• A good quality of lemon Oil should contain not less than 4% w/w/ of
Aldeyde calculated as citral.

Chemistry of volatile Oils:

• Mostly volatile Oil consist of “Terpense’, which is defined as

“Natural Products whose structures may be divided into isoprene units

CH2 = C - CH – CH2

• Monoterpeness are composed of 2 isoprene Units. (C10 H16)

• Sesquiterpenes contains 3 Isoprene Units (C15 H24)
• Diterpenes have 4 Isoprene Unit (C20 H32)
• And tritepenes are composed of 6 Isprene Units (C30 H48)
• The terpenes found are mostly monoterpenes.
• Another major group of volatile Oil constituents are ‘Phenylproanoid’.
• These compounds contains the C6 phenyl ring with an attached C3 propane
side chain.
• Volatile Oils are also called as ethereal Oil or essential oil, which represent
the ‘essence’ or odoriferous constituents of the plants.
• So volatile oil are the odorous principles found in various plant parts and
mostly are colorless.

1 ml of 0.5 of potassium hydroxide in alcohol (60%) is equivalent to 0.07672gm

of citral)


Chemicals Powered Tea (50 gm), Ethanol (20 ml), magnesium Oxide (20
gm), sulphuric acid (30ml), 10% choloform, sodium hydroxide
(1%), nitric acid 2-3 drops, ammonium hydroxide (2 drops),
distilled water

Apparatus: Soxhelt Apparatus, Beaker 500 ml

• Chemically Caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethyl xanthine, Caffeine is methyl
derivative of xanthine and purine base alkalids.
• Mostly caffeine is obtained from the extract of tea leaves, power

• Caffeine is used as CNS stimulant, smooth muscle relaxant and also used
to relax the bronchitis in asthma.
• It has very less potent effects as diuretics than theobromine.
• It also increases the heart rate and also force of contraction.

Side Effects:
• The side effect of caffeine are insomnia, restlessness, emesis and it is
contra indicted in angina pectoris and in pregnancy.

1. Take 50 gm of power tea/coffee with 200 ml of ethanol for 6 hours and in
soxhlet apparatus transfer the extract in a porcelain dish (china dish)
containing magnesium oxide 20 gm in 200ml of water.
2. Evaporate the solvent with frequent stirring steam bath.
3. Boil the residue with 100 ml thrice (3 times), filter while hot on suction
pump, add 30 ml of 10% sulphuric acid to combine the filtrate and then
concentrate under the vacuum to about 1/3rd of original volume. Filter the
solution while hot, and extract with 5-25 ml portion of chloroform
4. Teat chloroform extract with 2 ml of 1% sodium hydroxide till decolrization
take place, add equal amount of water. Separate the chloroform layers
and evaporate the chloroform.
5. Extract and recrytalized the crude caffeine from a very small amount with
hot water. The yield is approximately 1 gm of sily needles of Caffeine.
6. It give a positive murexide test.

Murexide test:
Few crystals f caffeine are treated with 3-5 drops of nitric acid in porcelain dish
and evaporate it t dryness by addition of 2 drops of ammonium hydroxide to the
residue, it gives a purple color, Caffeine is present.

Object: To determine the mucilage content (%w/w) of
cinnamon bark (Cimamonium Zylanicum)

Material & Reagents

Requirements Soxhlet apparatus, Water bath, desiccators, ether, absolute
alcohol, powdered cinnamon.


1. Extra about 25g of accurately weigh Powered drug with solvent ether in a
soxhlet apparatus for about 6-8hourse.

2. Dry the marc and macerate overnight with 250 ml of absolute alcohol.
Discard the supernatant liquid after maceration as well as, the ether

3. Macerate the defatted and decolorized power for about 8-20 hours with
250 ml of 5% aqueous acetic acid solution. Repeats the maceration
process at least twice for the complete extraction of mucilage.

4. Combine the acid extracts, filter and concentrate to about 50ml by

evaporation on a water bath.

5. Precipitate the mucilage completely by addition of an excess of absolute

alcohol. Filter the entire mixture through a tarred of absolute alcohol.
Filter the entire mixture through a tarred filter paper. Wash the reside
repeatedly with small volume of absolute alcohol

6. Dry the filter paper and the residue a constant weight at 100o cool in a
desiccators and eight.

7. Calculate the percentage f mucilage with reference to air dried drug.

Object: To extract the oleo-resin from crushed rhizome
of air dried.

Soxhlet extractor, volatile Oil distillation Unit, desicator, acetne, alcohol
(90%), crushed ginger.

Synonym: Zingiber
Sources: Dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale
Family: Zingiberaceae

Chemical Constituents:

• It contains 1-3% f volatile, the principle constituents of which are

three sesquiterpene i-e bisaboline, zingiberene and zingiberol.

• The characteristics pungency of the drug is attributed to giner

oleoresin from which two aromatic ketones i-e zingerone and shogoal
have been isolated. In addition ginger contained 5% of starch.

• It is sued as flavour, condiment, aromatic, stimulant and carminative.


1. Distill off volatile il from the crushed drug (50gm) by subjecting to hydro-
distillation Unit.

2. Extract the exhausted dried ginger with five volumes of acetone is soxhlet
extractor for 4-6 hours.

3. Concentrate the exact by distilling off the solvent and re-extract the
residue with small quantity of alcohol (90%).

4. Evaporate off alcohol to recover the oleo-resin.


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