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NAME:……………………………………………… CLASS : 1………..

Answer all questions.

1. Complete the table below with correct S.I. Unit. (3 marks)
Physical quantity S.I. Unit
i Electric current
ii Temperature
iii Time

2. Fill in the blank with the correct fields of science based on the study given (5 marks)

Fields of science The studies

Study of force and energy
Study of climate and weather
Study of stars, planets and moon
Study of living thing
Study o f preventions, treatments and cure of disease.

3. Science also involves in natural phenomena that occurs in our every day life. Mark (/ ) for natural
phenomena and (X) for non-natural phenomena. (5 marks)

a) A blooming flower
b) A car excident that occur during traffic jam
c) A formation of rainbow
d) Sunrise
e) People walking on the street

4a. Table 1 shows the prefixes used in measurement. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate
(3 marks)
Prefixes Symbol Prefix value
Mega 1 000 000
Kilo k
c 0.01
Table 1

4b. Write the following values in the prefixes given

(4 marks)
a) 2.5 kg=___________________________g c) 700g =___________________________kg

b) 0.04m =________________________mm d) 3600s =_________________________min

5.The following diagram shows the symbols and examples of hazardous materials in the science laboratory. Fill
in the blank with the suitable answer.
(7 marks)

Flammable Acid Chlorofoam Flammable Irritant

Petrol Toxic Alkali Alcohol Ammonia

Types of substances Hazard symbol Two examples.

Corrosive i. ____________
ii. ____________

Mercury, cyanide
iii. ____________

Combustible iv. ____________

v. ____________

Hydrogen, sodium
vi. ____________

Bromine, chlorine
vii. ____________

6. Siti used three types of measuring tools, meter ruler, Vernier caliper and micrometer screw gauge to
measure a few quantities. Diagram 1 show the readings obtained by Siti.
Complete table 3 by writing the name of measurement tools and the corresponding readings.
(6 marks)

102.3 cm 0.514 cm 6.54 cm

Diagram 1

Quantity Reading Measuring tools

Height of a student a) d
Diameter of 25m ml beaker b) e)
Diameter of copper wire c) f)
Table 3

7 a. Match the function below with its correct apparatus. (3 marks)

Apparatus Function
i To support apparatus during

ii To separate mixtures of
solids and liquids with the
aid of filter papers.

iii To contain chemical and


7bi) State two apparatus that can be used to fill the liquids chemicals.
(2 marks)
7bii) State one difference between burette and pipette.
(1 mark)
8.a)Complete table 2 using the following formula.
(4 marks)

objects Mass (g) Volume (cm3) Density (g/cm3)

a)Stone 12.4 4
b)Wooden block 16 8
c) Alcohol 15 0.79
d) Gold 31 19.30
Table 2
b) The density of water is 1.0 g/cm3, Predict what will happen if you put the object in table 2, inside the water.
Draw a diagram in the given space below and lable the diagram that you have draw correctly.
(3 marks)

9 .A student wants to investigate how the length of pendulum affects the number of oscillations.

Figure 1

(a) State
(i) Manipulated variable : _________________________________________________________
(ii) Responding variable :__________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(b) What is the hypothesis for this experiment?
[2 marks]

********************************END OF QUESTION PAPER********************************

Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by,
…………………………... …………………………… …………………………..
Pn Farhana Pn Selvarani
Critical Friend Head of Science Department

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