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This chapter discusses the context of the problem. This includes the statement of the
problem wherein questions are formulated and defined the purpose of the study, as well as the
hypothesis, and the scope and limitations of the study. At the end of this chapter is the definition
of terms.


This chapter presents an overview of the study and its background. This contains the

reasons why the specific problem is being conferred, the aim of the researchers, the significance

of the study and also the operational words throughout the study.

No one can defined the reason of having depression specially, teenagers but there are

some studies where they centralize the causes of depression like some scientific studies of mental

health. The brain is making a chemical called neurotransmitters and serotonin that can affect the

emotion, feelings, and actions of a person. If the brain of the person is not in a right balance of

chemical, It may cause a big problem in mental health ,emotion and action.

This is the reason why we come up with the decision to make a research about a sensitive

topic that we can call “The new silent illness” . In this study we focus on the factors that may

cause a reason to lead the students to have a depression. We wanted to help those people

who suffer from depression.

More than 18 million adults, almost a tenth of the United States population above the age

of 17, have been found to demonstrate symptoms of a depressive disorder each year (Rosack,

2003). Although depression is more apparent in females, the disease does not discriminate on the

basis of age, gender, race, or any other demographics. Stress is a reoccurring factor in the lives

of many individuals diagnosed with this disorder. The theoretical work of Susan Lazarus and

Richard Folkman in 1984 described the correlation between stress and depression. Their

cognitive-transactional theory explained the differences between internal and external elements

of stress. External components include environmental or outside stimuli, and internal aspects

encompass a person’s cognitive process (Swanholm, Vosvick, & Chng, 2009). The transaction

between the two, as Lazarus and Folkman describe the interaction of both components, is an

ongoing negotiation. The AJHB reported that “the meaning an individual attaches to a situation

and how the situation is appraised determines whether the event is experienced as stressful”

(Swanholm, Vosvick, & Chng, 2009). With the importance placed on academic success in our

society and the need for rapid social and geographical adaptation, college students often fall

victim to these external components of stress.

Depression is being recognized much earlier in life than ever before. Fifty years ago the

average age of onset was around 30, whereas now teenagers are being diagnosed with depression

every day. Joetta Carr, PhD, chair of the American College Health Association’s National

College Health Assessment, stated that “Clinical depression often first appears in adolescence,

and mood disorders in college are prevalent and can be life- threatening” ("Depression; survey

shows," 2004). The seriousness of this disorder, and the drastic changes of those it affects, calls

for immediate attention. Depression is a major concern for American Universities and many

institutions are implementing health and counselling centers for students, “enabling them to

be successful in their college careers” ("Depression; survey shows," 2004).

Background of the study

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of

interest. Everybody can suffer from depression, no matter what their age, lifestyle, and family

or gender. It can destroy everything not just how people think but also the physical, social, and

health aspects.

Depression is defined as a state of intense sadness or despair that has progressed to a

level that is troublesome to an individual’s social functioning and the basic activities of daily

living. Many people understand the feelings associated with depression as “lacking motivation to

get through the day” or “feeling sad and lonely for no obvious reason.” Common feelings of

depression may include but are not limited to irritability, fatigue, apathy, and sadness. When

these feelings become stronger and more consistent, substance abuse and risky sexual behavior

tend to become outlets for young adults who experience frequent low feelings (Swanholm,

Vosvick, & Chng, 2009).

Objectives of the study

The general objective of this study is to know the factors that can affect the students who

suffer from depression. Also, it aims to help students to overcome and to prevent having a


The following are the specific objectives of this study:

● To know how long people experience the depression.

● To know how they will overcome the overflowing sadness that was caused by


● To determine what will be the effects of depression to their attitude and mind.

● To determine if who the people that will be affected of someone are who has a


● To give those people a good solution to overcome their depression.

● To avoid or prevent the things or reason that will cause people to have a


Statement of the problem

This study entitled “The Factors that causes depression to the selected grade 12 students

in Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon City” aims to determine the reasons why some

students undergo depression.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Strand

2. What are the different factors that affect people for having a depression?

3. How can other people affect their social relation?

4. What are the effects of depression to those people who experience it?

5. How do people with depression manage to handle their situation to what they are going


6. How do their loved ones comfort people who are suffering from depression?

7. Is there a relation in the demographic profile of the people with depression in terms of age,

gender, or strand?


Ho : There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the students

to the factors that affect those person who suffer from depression.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the social interactions of the students

To the factors that affect those person who suffer from depression.

Scopes and Delimitation

This study focuses on factors that affect the students who suffer from depression in Our

Lady of Fatima Quezon City. The respondents are 100 Grade 12 regular student 25 HUMMS

students 25 STEM students 25 ABM students and also 25 from GAS. The study will mainly

identify and assess the different factors that affect the students who suffer from depression. This

study will be conducted with a limited amount on financial and time framework.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study are beneficial to the following group of people:

1. Youth- the findings of this study will redound to the benefit of society considering that the

factors that can affect people to have a depression is stated here and in that way, they will

prevent themselves from having a depression.

2. Parents – it is beneficial for the parents because these days, there are lot of teenagers
suffering from depression and they are becoming a suicidal person when times passed by. This
study will help them to figure out if their child is one of those people who suffer from

3. Administration - This study will provide them an idea and information on how to manage or

handle those students who suffer from depression.

4. Counsellor - The result of this research can provide additional information to their profession.

5. Future researchers – This will serve as one of the reference that they will need in the future

and they can get an idea about depression in this study.

Definition of Terms

Depression- a mood or emotional state that is marked by feelings of low self-worth or

guilt and a reduced ability to enjoy life. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.)

Neurotransmitter- it also called chemical transmitter or chemical messenger, any of a

group of chemical agents released by neurons (nerve cells) to stimulate neighbouring

neurons or muscle or gland cells, thus allowing impulses to be passed from one cell to

the next throughout the nervous system. (Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.)

Serotonin- it occurs in the brain, intestinal tissue, blood platelets, and mast cells and is a

constituent of many venous, including wrap venom and toad venom. Serotonin is a potent

vasoconstrictor and functions as a neurotransmitter.



This chapter presents the related literature and studies, theoretical framework, conceptual
framework and research paradigm.

Foreign Literature

A lack of sleep, poor eating habits, and not enough exercise are a recipe for depression among

students. The stress that comes with academia — including financial worries, pressure to get a

good job after school, and failed relationships — is enough to force some students to leave

college or worse. According to Michael Kerr depressed students are at a greater risk of

developing problems such as substance abuse. Depressed students are more likely to binge drink,

smoke marijuana, and participate in risky sexual behaviors to cope with emotional pain than are

their non-depressed peers. Students themselves are often reluctant to seek help due to social

stigmas related to depression. A mental health evaluation that encompasses a student’s

developmental and family history, school performance, and any self-injurious behaviors

should be performed to evaluate at-risk students before a treatment plan is made.

People with depression are often seen as failures or losers, too feeble or lazy to pick themselves

up or pull themselves together. They tried too hard or took on too much standard at their life. If

they did not reach they set on life sees themselves as disappointments. According to Neel Buton

M.D “nothing could be further from the truth. If you feel the way you do, it’s most probably

because you tried too hard or took on too much, so hard and so much that you made yourself ill

with depression.” In other words, the world was simply not good enough for them. They wanted

more, you wanted better, and you wanted different, not just for themselves but for all those

people that surrounds them. So if they think they are ‘failure’ or a ‘loser’, that’s only because

they set the bar much too high. And that’s why they were depressed. Depression obviously

means feeling low. And the word low is capable of more than one meaning. When one feels sad,

the lines on one’s face seem to go down. According to Sally Ross when they think of feeling

low, the next thing is down; the next is within. In the very worst depression, a person is trying

like anything to go down, go into himself, have himself, even if it means being consciously

A person who grows up with someone with depression may be more susceptible to the illness. A

child who watches a depressed parent or sibling may learn to mimic that person’s behavior under

certain conditions. A child who sees a parent spend days in bed may not think it unusual.

According to Rashmi Nemade, Ph.D., Natalie Staats Reiss, Ph.D., And Mark Dombeck, Ph.D.

have also linked serotonin to depression. Serotonin is the “feel good” chemical that allows

communication between brain neurons. It is possible that an imbalance in serotonin can lead to

mood disorders and other issues such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic attacks. There

are many theories about the serotonin-depression link. Researchers continue to study serotonin as

the key to the genetic link. Problems with the serotonin transporter gene have also been

considered as a source for depression. Research has traced the presence of long and short

transporter genes to a possible genetic connection.

There are more several factors that causes depression. Amber Erickson Gabbey gives a possible

reason of why people is having a depression like genetic or heredity, bio chemical, hormonal,

seasonal or situational. Genetic it’s believed that many genes play a factor, if they had family

member who has a depression they may have a higher like hood experienced. Another example

is Biochemical, it’s believed that chemicals in your brain plays a big role in causing a depression.

Hormonal including menopause, childbirth, thyroid problems, or other disorder could cause

depression. Seasonal, many people develop feelings of lethargy, tiredness, and a loss of interest

in everyday activities. Situational like trauma, a big change, or a struggle in life can trigger a

case of depression. Losing loved one, being fired having financial troubles, or undergoing a

serious change can have a big impact on people.

Local Literature

Globally, depression is the leading factors causes ill health and disability. Numbers of

committing suicide in the Phillipines is alarming. In fact, the Philippines has the highest number

of depressed people in Southeast Asia. According to The National Statistics Office (NSO)

reports that mental illness is the third most common form of disability in the country, after visual

and hearing disabilities. It is reported by the Global Burden of Disease Study in 2015 that 3.3

million Filipinos suffer from depressive disorders, with suicide rates in 2.5 males and 1.7

females per 100,000 of the Filipino population according to the National Center for Mental

Health. Most suicides are among males in their 20s. Moreover, while the suicide rates are the

lowest among other ASEAN countries, this does not take into account some unrecorded

incidences, especially since talking about mental health is still a stigma among Filipino.

Philippines, are doing enough effort to stop Filipinos in committing suicide. According to

Senator Risa Hontiveros, one in five Filipinos suffers from a mental disorder. Moreover, suicide

rates in the country have risen in 20 years, from 1992 to 2012. The lack of psychiatrists in

country only adds to the dilemma of treating or counseling these individuals, with only one in

every 250,000 Filipinos. According to the Department of Health (DOH). What is more alarming

is the fact that the Philippines is only one of the few countries without a mental health bill for the

longest time. This is why the Comprehensive Mental Health Act, now on its way to becoming a

law, has been created to give rights to individuals suffering from mental illness, covering

protection from abuse and discrimination, access to right mental health care and facilities among

others, recognition of other forms of treatment, implementing basic mental health education and

awareness in schools, including having health care areas and facilities that are sanitary, safe, and

with privacy. While it is a serious medical condition, depression can be cured and treated, a

psychiatric said. According St. Luke’s Medical Center psychiatrist Bernadette Manalo Arcena,

the key to battling depressionis observing the signs and knowing when to seek medical help. She

mentioned some common causes based on she experienced with her patients. It could be the use

of alcohol, it could be the use pf substance. It could be a chemical problem-very low serotini can

lead to anxiety and being depressed. Also it could be relationship factors, as well as financial

problems and problems with work.

Local Studies

In the Philippines, the rise in the number of suicide cases and youth with mental health issues is

brought about by a mix of social and biological factors. A study conducted by WHO or World

Health Organization in the whole Philippines (2017), in the whole Philippines alone, they stated

that about 3.9 million people are living with depression and about 3.07million people are

living with anxiety. They added that depression is one of the most leading factor that makes one

person to commit suicide. They further explained that a serious national talk regarding

depression in which every Filipino is engaged is urgently needed. They also concluded on their

research that depression is a mental disorder that spread in a whole wide world and it can affect

our daily living. Unlike many large-scale international problems, a solution for depression is at

our hand.

Students may be vulnerable to depression. Now a days, depression is more likely and demanding

life of a college student, it is safe to assume that most students will experience periods of reactive

depression during their college careers. According to a study of the University of the East 2015.

The study investigates the relationship between the personal problems and depression among

college students. Three hundred ninety three (393) first year college students participated in the

study. They ranged in age from 16 to 17 years old. The sample purposively considered students

enrolled across programs: fine arts, business administration, engineering, and arts and sciences.

Descriptive analysis revealed that parents are frequent source of problems for first year college

students. Based on estimated correlation, personal problems and depression are significantly

related. Regression analysis was utilized to determine which of the personal problems had the

most effect on depression and results indicate that problem situations involving parents were

found to be the crucial factor. Of the 393 participants in the study, one hundred twelve (112) or

almost thirty percent (30%) of the first year college students who participated in the study are

suffering from “borderline” to “extreme” levels of depression. Moreover, it was found that

almost half (186 or 47%) of the respondents perceived that they cannot count on adults (e.g.,

teachers, guidance counselors, school administrators) at their school for emotional support.

Results of the study highlight the importance of mental health. The youth are very prone to

depression due to many factors that can affect their emotional, mental, psychological state of

mind in their everyday life especially being a student. As stated study of Doreen Leigh Bello and

Mylene Gumarao from Adventist University of the Philippines The results show that the

respondents have average stress.

The results show that the respondents have average stress level. Most of the respondents

experienced high physical stress, moderately high behavioral stress, and average emotional stress

in general. Among the coping strategies, emotion-focused coping and problem-focused coping

were often exhibited by the respondents while avoidant coping was rarely exhibited.depression.

A study conducted by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health to

determine the social and demographic factors associated with higher levels of depressive

symptoms among 2,436 Filipino university students. These factors were: frequency of smoking,

frequency of drinking, not living with biological parents, dissatisfaction with one’s financial

condition, level of closeness with parents, and level of closeness with peers.

Depression is a serious medical problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of

interest in activities. It affects how they thinks, feels and behaves, and it can cause emotional,

functional and physical problems. The study conducted by the Global Burden of Disease in 2015

reported that 3.3. million Filipinos suffer from depressive disorders, with suicide rates in 2.5

males and 1.7 females per 100,000. The World Health Organization, however, thinks that the

numbers could be just a portion of the actual problem, especially because in a Catholic country

like ours, talking about mental health creates a stigma among Filipinos, thus suicide incidents

could be under-reported. Filipinos think that people who are having a depression is not having a

mental disorder or mental illness that’s why many Filipinos are afraid to seek help or feel

embarrassed about it. Filipinos must be aware and to be knowledgeable about this issue.


During adulthood, adolescents has a great exposure of depression. In this case they currently

feeling the pressure and stress of being adult. As stated study conducted by School of Public

Health American University of Yerevan, Amenia 2013. Adolescents have the highest risk of

depression. In this range, 20% have some type of mental disorder and the most common is

depression. In 2013, a survey conducted by the Arabkir medical center in Armenia using proxy

measure pf depression among adolescents found 26% of adolescent depression.

More commonly referred to ad teenage depression, this mental and emotional disorder is no

different medically from adult depression. One of Adolescent depression is a serious problem

affecting 10.7% of all teens and 29.9% of high school students; 17% of high school students

have contemplated suicide. Yet, depression in teens is often unrecognized. This article relays the

tragic death of a 17-year-old, along with symptoms of depression and suicide in adolescents;

DSM-5 criteria for depression; treatments including protective factors, psychotherapy, and

medications; and imparts interventions for addressing this huge but silent crisis. (

Kroning,Maureen Kroning, Kayla Lroning 2015)

Also when child is experiencing a grief of sadness they are also prone to depression. A sudden

anger and feeling alone triggering children to have a depression. A study conducted by Nádia

Nara Rolim Lima, Vânia Barbosa do Nascimento and Alberto Olavo Advíncula Reis 2015 Cases

of depressive disorders have increased not only among adults, but also among children,4–6 with

a prevalence of 0.3% to 7.8% in children below 13 years old. In Brazil, the prevalence of

childhood depression among children below 14 years old varies from 0.2% to 7.5%, according to

the assessment method used.

In the short-term, depressive disorders might be a source of psychological suffering for these

children, whereas in the long-term they can compromise social, cognitive, and emotional aspects

of child development,2 becoming an important predictor of psychopathologies in adulthood.(

Nádia Nara Rolim Lima, Vânia Barbosa do Nascimento and Alberto Olavo Advíncula Reis


Depression has been on and continues to be on the rise particularly in students and youths.

Depression is likely to be due to a complex combination of the factors. A case sudy conducted by

University of Applied Sciences, Finland they examine the impact of stress on student, they

obtained different factors that causes depression namely Relationship factors, Environmental,

Academic factors, and Personal factors. With the respect to Relationship factors working with a

new people was the main cause of stress for for students. In the Environmental factors. In this

category worries about the future. In the case of Personal factors financial problems was the

main high student's to be stress and leading to depression.

In addition social support also plays big role in enhancing mental health if this issue disregarded

this may cause a person to be depress. A study conducted by Danielle Mitcheli explored the

relationship between a a social support of friends and family, gender and the steps an individual

takes to leave an emotionally abusive relationship. Primary analysis was run on 424 individuals

who presented for couples therapy at University Based Clinic. Results indicated that depression

was positively associated with taking more steps to leave an emotionally abusive relationship for

both gender. Family support was not associated with steps to leave for either gender; however,

social support of friends was negatively associated with steps to leave for females only. Social

support only moderated to the relationship between depression and to steps to leave with a higher

depression levels in the sample. A secondary analysis indicated that severity of abuse had the

strongest association with a steps to leave the relationship. The results have important

implication on how depression and social support are treated emotionally abused individuals.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

 Factors that can cause  Depression


Grade 12 Senior High School

Students of Our Lady of Fatima

Academic Year 2018-2019

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

There are two variables indicated here. In the dependent variable section, it is denoted there the

factors that can cause depression while in the independent section, it is denoted there the

depression itself. This figure shows the relationship of each variables. It shows how those factors

relate to the other variable.



1. Demographic Purposive Factors that

profile of the sampling can cause
respondents through the depression
use of survey
 Age questionnaire
 Gender
 Strand

2. Survey

Figure 2. Research Paradigm

In this figure, it shows the input which is the demographic profile of the students and the survey

questions that are needed to be answered. It also shows the process which is purposive sampling

through the use of survey questions. Lastly, the output. It is the outcome of this study which is to

determine the factors that can cause depression to the selected students of Our Lady of Fatima




This chapter covers the research design and methodology, including the locale/setting,
sampling, population, established during and after data collection, ethical considerations,
instruments and data analysis.

Research Design

In order to present a better result for this study, the researcher used the correlational research

which allow the researchers to determine the causes of Depression.

Research Setting

The venue for this research is Our lady of Fatima University, Quezon City. This is the chosen

Location of the researchers since the availability of the strands suitable for this study. The

Population in Our Lady of Fatima University, Quezon City is capable of providing the number

Of respondents.

Research Subject

Students who come from the said school above are the respondents for this research. They were

Composed of Grade 12 regular students, Twenty five (25) STEM students, Twenty five (25)

ABM students, Twenty five (25) GAS students, and also Twenty five (25) HUMMS students,

With a total of 100 students.

Research Ethics

The researchers assured the respondents that all of their answers will only be used for study and

they also assured them that their answers will not be publicized. The respondents of this research

are those people who have a depression and who had a depression. The researchers will not force

them to answer if they refuse to do so. This is for study purposes only. No one will be forced to

answer, they will only choose those people who are willing to answer each questions written in

the questionnaire. The researchers will make sure to respect each other’s privacy.

Research Instrument

In gathering a data, the researchers chose a survey questionnaire that is needed for the student’s

profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn out based on the researcher’s readings,

previous studies, professional literature, published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers personally distributed the questionnaires to the respondents. They briefly

discussed the significance of the study and how they should answer the questions. The

respondents were given an enough time for them to answer the questions very well. The

researchers went to four different strands which are the Stem, Abm, Humss and Gas to gather

data. After the researchers compiled the data, they tallied and tabulated it. And then these data

became the basis of analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment

After collecting the data needed, the researcher tabulated and analysed the gathered data with the

help of statistical tools.


Where: P=Percentage


N=Total number of respondents

Weighted Mean (WM)

∑ 𝑓𝑖𝑋𝑖
WM = 𝑁



Data Analysis

The data will be analyzed by using the questionnaires that the researchers provide for the

respondents to know the causes of depression to selected students of Our Lady of Fatima



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