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Current Eye Research

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Progression of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning

in Glaucoma Assessed by Cirrus Optical Coherence
Tomography-guided Progression Analysis

Jung Hwa Na, Kyung Rim Sung, Seunghee Baek, Jin Young Lee & Soa Kim

To cite this article: Jung Hwa Na, Kyung Rim Sung, Seunghee Baek, Jin Young Lee & Soa Kim
(2013) Progression of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning in Glaucoma Assessed by Cirrus Optical
Coherence Tomography-guided Progression Analysis, Current Eye Research, 38:3, 386-395, DOI:

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Published online: 26 Feb 2013.

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Current Eye Research, 2013; 38(3): 386–395
! Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN: 0271-3683 print / 1460-2202 online
DOI: 10.3109/02713683.2012.742913


Progression of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning in

Glaucoma Assessed by Cirrus Optical Coherence
Tomography-guided Progression Analysis
Jung Hwa Na1,2, Kyung Rim Sung1, Seunghee Baek3, Jin Young Lee1, and Soa Kim1

Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea,
Department of Ophthalmology, Kim’s Eye Hospital, Myung-Gok Eye Research Institute,
Konyang University, Seoul, Korea, and 3Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatics,
College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea

Purpose: To evaluate the performance of Cirrus spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT)-
guided progression analysis (GPA) software to detect progression of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning in
glaucoma patients.
Materials and methods: This retrospective cohort study included 272 eyes of 154 glaucoma patients. Median
follow-up time was 2.2 years, during which time data from at least four good-quality OCT examinations were
collected. Glaucomatous eyes were classified as either early or advanced group according to visual field (VF)
severity. Reference standard of glaucoma progression was defined by expert assessment of optic disc/RNFL
photographs or VF GPA data, or visual field index (VFI) linear regression analysis. Sensitivity and specificity of
OCT GPA, and agreement between OCT GPA findings and each reference standard strategy were estimated.
Results: Fifty-three eyes (19.5%) showed progression by at least one of the reference standard strategies, while
OCT GPA detected progression in 36 eyes (13.2%). When expert assessment of optic disc/RNFL photographs
and/or VF analysis was used as the reference standard, the sensitivity and specificity of OCT GPA employed to
detect glaucoma progression were 20.8% and 88.6%. Agreement between OCT GPA and either optic disc/RNFL
photographic evaluation or VF analysis was poor ( ¼ 0.12 and 0.03, respectively). RNFL photographic
assessment in early stage glaucoma showed best agreement with OCT GPA in terms of progression detection.
Discussion: The Cirrus OCT GPA detected a considerable number of eyes exhibiting glaucoma progression. OCT
GPA may be useful for progression detection in earlier stage of glaucoma to complement other reference
standard strategies.
Keywords: Glaucoma, progression, OCT

INTRODUCTION Several major clinical trials evaluating methods

used to detect glaucoma progression focused on VF
Glaucoma is defined by the presence of characteristic testing.1–4 To assess functional progression, the
structural changes in the optic disc and retinal nerve Guided Progression Analysis (GPA) mode of the
fiber layer (RNFL), with accompanying functional Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA) has frequently
visual field (VF) decay. Monitoring of disease pro- been employed in both clinical practice and research,
gression is crucial for careful management of glau- including the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial
coma patients. However, no gold standard identifying (EMGT).5 Although several other strategies for the
glaucomatous progression either structurally or func- determination of VF progression have been suggested,
tionally has yet been developed. the use of machine-integrated GPA software should

Received 25 July 2012; revised 20 September 2012; accepted 15 October 2012

Correspondence: Kyung Rim Sung, MD, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan,
388-1 Pungnap-2-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-736, Korea. Tel: þ82-2-3010-3680. Fax: þ82-2-470-6440. E-mail:

Glaucoma Progression Detection by OCT GPA 387

facilitate objective and efficient detection of glaucoma open-angle on slit-lamp and gonioscopic examin-
progression. ations. Our present study included patients with
Complete assessment of glaucoma progression glaucomatous optic nerve heads; these patients pre-
requires both structural and functional evaluation. In sented with enlarged cupping, diffuse or focal neural
several major clinical trials, including the Ocular rim thinning, disc hemorrhage or RNFL defects that
Hypertension Treatment Study and the EMGT, struc- were confirmed and agreed upon by two glaucoma
tural progression assessment based on changes in the specialists (KRS and JHN), regardless of the presence
optic disc as assessed by photography was of any VF abnormality.
employed.1,6–9 Although such subjective evaluation Patients with any other ophthalmic or neurologic
of the disc and the RNFL status is currently the condition that could result in a disc change, or with a
reference standard for the assessment of glaucomat- history of diabetes mellitus, were excluded. If surgical
ous structural change, these approaches are qualita- or laser treatment was performed during follow-up,
tive rather than quantitative, and even expert only the data obtained in the period before such
opinions vary.10,11 Therefore, it would be more effi- treatment were analyzed. All subjects were followed
cient for structural progression detection if standar- up at 6-month intervals via VF testing, stereoscopic
dized machine-integrated software can provide the optic disc photography, RNFL photography and
analysis of RNFL status serially like VF. Cirrus SD OCT scanning; all tests were performed at
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the same visit or within 2 weeks interval. All subjects
the performance of measured changes in RNFL were followed-up for at least 24 months.
thickness, as determined using the Cirrus spectral Institutional Review Board approval was obtained
domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) (Carl from the Asan Medical Center and our study design
Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, CA) machine-integrated followed the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
software termed GPA, to detect glaucoma progres-
sion. Specifically, we compared the glaucoma pro-
gression detection capability of the Cirrus OCT GPA Optic Disc and RNFL Assessment
with that afforded by either expert assessment of optic
disc and RNFL photographs, or VF assessment. Progression of optic disc and RNFL defects was
determined by evaluation of stereoscopic optic disc
and red-free RNFL photographs. Serial stereoscopic
METHODS photographs were displayed on an LCD monitor. Two
glaucoma experts (KRS and JHN) independently
Subjects assessed all photographs to estimate glaucoma pro-
gression between the first and last visits. The most
In this retrospective cohort study, glaucoma patients recent photography was compared to the baseline one
evaluated between September 2008 and November in each patient. Either grader was masked to the
2011 at the glaucoma clinic of the Asan Medical progression assessments rendered by the other and to
Center, Seoul, Korea, and who met our inclusion all clinical, OCT and VF information. Photographs
criteria, were consecutively included via medical were presented in chronological order, with masking
record review. of patient identification, age, and test date. Each
At initial testing, each participant received a com- grader viewed all photographs of each eye before
prehensive ophthalmologic examination including a making an assessment, and each was asked to
review of medical history; measurement of best- determine glaucomatous optic disc or RNFL progres-
corrected visual acuity (BCVA); slit-lamp biomicro- sion, as revealed by an increase in the extent of
scopy; Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT); neuroretinal rim thinning, enhancement of disc exca-
gonioscopy; dilated fundoscopic examination using vation, and/or any widening or deepening of an
a 90- or 78-diopter (D) lens; stereoscopic optic disc RNFL defect. Each grader classified each glaucomat-
photography; RNFL photography; a VF test (using the ous eye as either stable or progressing. If the opinions
HFA running the Swedish Interactive Threshold of the two observers differed, a third examiner (JYL)
Algorithm [SITA] standard 24-2; Carl Zeiss Meditec) made a final decision.
and SD OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec). VF
test were repeated within 2 weeks interval from initial
examination. First, VF was excluded to obviate the SD OCT Assessment
learning effect.
For inclusion, all participants had to meet the SD OCT images were obtained using the Cirrus HD-
following criteria: a BCVA of 20/40 or better, with a OCT system. The image acquisition procedure has
spherical refractive error between 6.0 and þ3.0 been described in detail elsewhere.12–14 Our Cirrus
diopters (D) and a cylinder correction within þ3 D, HD-OCT platform is calibrated on a regular basis by
and the presence of a normal anterior chamber and a technician employed by the manufacturer.
! 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
388 J. H. Na et al.

FIGURE 1. Cirrus Optical coherence tomography GPA printouts. Changes in the RNFL thickness map during follow-up (A), RNFL
thickness values in overall, superior, and inferior (B), and RNFL thickness profiles (C).
RNFL thickness measurements were obtained using progression is identified if the observed change from
the optic disc cube mode. Optic disc cube data are baseline to a test value exceeds the test–retest vari-
obtained from a three-dimensional dataset composed ability of the system. For example, if data from only
of 200 A-scans derived in turn from 200 B-scans that three examinations were available (a baseline and two
cover a 6  6 mm area centered on the optic disc. After follow-up tests), a ‘‘Possible Loss’’ was identified
the creation of an RNFL thickness map from the cube when the differences between baseline and both the
dataset, the inbuilt software automatically determines first and second follow-up values exceeded the test–
the center of the disc and next extracts a circumpa- retest variability. If the results of four examinations
pillary circle (1.73 mm in radius) from the dataset, were available (thus those of two baseline and two
prior to calculation of RNFL thickness measurements. follow-up tests), three of four such comparisons had
Pupil dilatation was performed in all subjects. All to meet our criterion. If the ‘‘Possible Loss’’ criterion
accepted images exhibited a centered optic disc; were was met on two successive visits, that patient was
well-focused, with even and adequate illumination; considered to show ‘‘Likely Loss’’. Both the RNFL
exhibited no eye motion within the measurement thickness maps and RNFL thickness profiles carry
circle; exhibited no segmentation error; and had a spatial criteria; at least 20 adjacent pixels in any pixel
signal strength (SS) 7. cluster must be affected if loss is to be identified using
The RNFL thicknesses of the four quadrants (tem- either modality, or at least 14 adjacent profile points
poral, superior, nasal and inferior), those of the 12 must be affected if the loss of any sort is to be
clock-hours, and average RNFL thickness, were identified. If follow-up data revealed a significant
employed as RNFL thickness parameters. For inclu- increased change, a ‘‘Possible Increase’’ was
sion in the analysis, at least four acceptable OCT identified.
images, taken at separate visits, were required. We considered that ‘‘Likely Loss’’ and ‘‘Possible
The Cirrus OCT GPA software analyzes data Loss’’ reflected glaucomatous progression.
yielded upon the use of the optic disc cube
200  200 mode. Three RNFL parameters are
employed to detect progression of reduction in VF Assessment
RNFL thickness; these are the RNFL thickness map,
the RNFL thickness profile and average RNFL thick- Only reliable VF test results (false-positive errors
ness (Figure 1). Using any such parameter, 515%, false-negative errors 515% and fixation loss
Current Eye Research
Glaucoma Progression Detection by OCT GPA 389

520%) were included in the analysis. The first set of score and one of the following: pattern deviation
VF test data was excluded to obviate any learning probability plot score, dB plot and either corrected
effect. Glaucomatous VF defects were identified when pattern standard deviation/pattern standard devi-
at least two of the following criteria were met: (1) a ation (CPSD/PSD) or GHT data.16,17
cluster of three points with a probability of less than All statistical analyses were performed using
5% on a pattern deviation map in at least one R.2.13.1 and SPSS version 15.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL).
hemifield, including at least one point with a prob-
ability of less than 1%, or a cluster of two points with a
probability of less than 1%; (2) glaucoma hemifield RESULTS
test (GHT) results outside normal limits and/or (3) a
pattern standard deviation (PSD) less than 5%. VF A total of 272 eyes from 154 subjects were included;
progression was determined using two methods: the median duration of follow-up was 2.2 (range,
event-based analysis (EA) and trend-based analysis 2.0–3.2) years. Of these 154 subjects, 75 (48.7%) were
(TA). To conduct EA, commercial software (HFA GPA; female. Interval period of each visit was median 0.62
Carl Zeiss Meditec) was employed. VF EA progres- (range, 0.60, 0.68) years. Total number of OCT tests
sion was defined as a significant deterioration from was 1185, optic disc stereophotographs and red-free
the baseline pattern deviation at three or more of the RNFL photographs was 1180, VF tests was 1178,
same test points evaluated on three consecutive average number of OCT test per eye was 4.3  0.5
examinations.5 The other VF progression criterion (range, 4–6), photographs per eye was 4.3  0.5 (range,
employed linear TA regression using visual field 4–6) and VF tests per eye was 4.3  0.8 (range, 4–6).
index (VFI) data. A significantly negative slope Table 1 showed the demographic and baseline char-
(p50.05) indicated VF TA progression. acteristics of all participants and subgroups according
to glaucoma severity. Corneal thickness showed
significant difference between two groups.

Descriptive statistics presented as mean and standard Progression estimated by reference

deviation (SD) for normally distributed variables and standards
as median, first quartile and third quartile values for
non-normally distributed variables. A generalized Overall, 53 eyes (19.5%) of 46 subjects showed
estimating equation (GEE) approach was used to progression upon expert assessment of stereoscopic
compare characteristics. optic disc and RNFL photographs, VF GPA and/or
Employing expert assessment of optic disc and VFI regression analysis. Among these 53 progressing
RNFL photographs and/or VF analysis as the refer- eyes, 15 (28%) showed progression based only on
ence standard, the sensitivity and specificity of optic disc and/or RNFL changes, 25 (47%) based only
detection of glaucoma progression using Cirrus OCT on VF changes and 13 (25%) based on both changes.
GPA software were assessed using a GEE approach Of the 28 eyes (24 subjects) in which progression was
for adjusting correlation between two eyes within one detected by stereoscopic optic disc/RNFL photog-
subject. The confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated raphy, 21 eyes showed widening or deepening of an
from the bootstrapping method (N ¼ 499). The extent RNFL defect and the remaining 7 eyes showed
of agreement between Cirrus OCT GPA data and optic neuroretinal rim thinning upon evaluation of photo-
disc/RNFL photographs or VF analysis in terms of graphs. Of the 38 eyes in which progression was
progression detection was measured using  statistics. detected by VF analysis, 34 eyes of 30 patients
A  value 0.00–0.20 indicates slight agreement, a value progressed by VF GPA and 4 eyes (4 patients) by
0.21–0.40 fair agreement, a value 0.41–0.60 moderate VFI trend analysis (Figure 2).
agreement, a value 0.61–0.80 substantial agreement
and a value 0.81–1.00 almost perfect agreement.15
Standard error (SE) was described with the  value. Progression Estimated by OCT GPA
To explore the extent of agreement between the
reference standard and OCT GPA at different stages of Cirrus OCT GPA detected progression in 36 eyes
glaucoma, we divided subjects into two groups, an (13.2%) of 34 subjects. Twenty-tree eyes progressed by
early glaucomatous group (EG) and a moderate-to- RNFL thickness mapping, 9 eyes by RNFL thickness
advanced glaucomatous group (AG), according to the profiles and 16 by average RNFL thickness assess-
Hodapp–Anderson–Parrish (HAP) grading scale of ment. Five eyes were detected by all three strategies.
VF severity. This staging system has been described in Thus, of the three strategies tested, RNFL thickness
detail elsewhere.16,17 Briefly, the system assigns glau- mapping most frequently detected progression. In the
coma patients to different stages of disease progres- mean time, 18 eyes showed ‘‘possible increase’’ in
sion using a combination of mean deviation (MD) OCT GPA.
! 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
390 J. H. Na et al.

TABLE 1. Baseline characteristics of subjects (means  standard deviations).

Total EG AG

N (Eyes) 272 220 52

Progressor (%) 53 (19.5%) 28 (12.7%) 25 (48.1%)
Age (years) 56.8  12.5 57.3  11.6 54.7  15.9
SE (diopters) 0.8  1.9 0.6  1.9 1.5  2.0
Initial IOP (mmHg) 16.9  4.1 16.8  3.8 17.0  4.5
CCT (mm) (progressors/ 540.7  35.2 541.9  34.1 536.1  39.4
non-progressors) (520.7  36.4/545.7  33.3)* (524.3  29.6/544.4  34.1)* (517.2  42.7/554.1  26.2)*
Follw-up IOP (progressors/ 14.2  2.4 14.2  2.4 14.1  2.4
non-progressors) (13.8  2.0/14.3  2.5) (13.9  1.9/14.2  2.5) (13.7  2.2/14.5  2.5)
VFI median (%) (first/last quartiles) 99 (96, 100) 99 (98, 100) 72 (55, 82)
MD median (dB) (first/last quartiles) 1.20 (3.91, 0.07) 0.73 (0.73, 0.12) 10.94 (14.12, 8.47)
PSD median (dB) (first/last quartiles) 1.82 (1.45, 4.62) 1.50 (1.37, 1.63) 11.72 (8.40, 13.29)
Average RNFL thickness (mm) 81.4  13.8 85.2  11.2 65.7  12.6
at baseline (progressors/ (75.9  14.3/82.5  12.9)* (83.9  12.0/85.6  11.1) (63.6  9.7/66.2  13.6)
Average RNFL thickness (mm) at last 79.6  13.6 82.9  11.1 63.5  12.9
follow up (progressors/ (74.0  14.1/81.2  13.0)* (80.6  11.3/83.5  11.0) (63.4  11.6/63.6  14.3)

AG ¼ moderate to advanced glaucomatous eyes; CCT ¼central corneal thickness; EG ¼ early glaucomatous eyes; IOP ¼ intraocular
pressure; MD ¼ mean deviation; N ¼ numbers; Progressor ¼ progressed eye detected by reference standard method; PSD ¼ pattern
standard deviation; RNFL ¼ retinal nerve fiber layer; SE ¼ spherical equivalent.
*Statistically significant difference (p50.05) between progressors and nonprogressors

Of the 38 eyes in which progression was detected

by VF analysis, 6 exhibited progression by Cirrus OCT
GPA. When VF analyses were employed as the
reference standard, the overall sensitivity and speci-
ficity of Cirrus OCT GPA in terms of progression
detection were 15.8% (95% CI, 4.8–29.6%) and 87.2%
(95% CI, 50.0–91.1%), respectively. Agreement in
terms of progression detection between the Cirrus
OCT GPA data and VF analysis was not good, with a 
value of 0.03 (SE 0.06, p ¼ 0.62) (Figure 3B, Table 2).
In subgroup analysis, agreement between each
FIGURE 2. A Venn diagram showing progression detection by reference strategy and OCT GPA was not good in
each four reference standard method, VFI linear regression, VF both EG and AG. Among them, agreement between
GPA, optic disc (Disc) and RNFL.
RNFL photographic assessment and OCT GPA in EG
was best ( ¼ 0.12 (SE 0.07, p ¼ 0.08), Table 2). Eyes that
Agreement Between Reference Standards were detected as progressing only by reference
and OCT GPA standards showed worse disease status at baseline
compared to eyes progressing only by the OCT GPA
When expert assessment of stereoscopic optic disc (Table 3).
and RNFL photographs was employed as the refer-
ence standard, the overall sensitivity and specificity of
Cirrus OCT GPA in terms of progression detection DISCUSSION
were 25.0% (95% CI, 10.1–44.9%) and 88.1% (95% CI,
50.0–92.0%), respectively.  between OCT GPA and In the time since Stratus time-domain OCT (Carl Zeiss
expert assessment of photographs was 0.12 (SE 0.07, Meditec Inc) data were incorporated into glaucoma
p ¼ 0.08) (Figure 3A, Table 2).  values between OCT assessment, many cross-sectional studies have con-
GPA three strategies and assessment of photographs firmed that this approach can discriminate between
were 0.11 (SE 0.079, p ¼ 0.06), 0.12 (SE 0.08, p ¼ 0.02) glaucomatous and healthy eyes.18–26 As glaucoma is a
and 0.07 (SE 0.07, p ¼ 0.25) in RNFL map, profile and progressive disease, it is more important that the
average RNFL thickness, respectively (Figure 4). valuable diagnostic capability of OCT should be
Among 21 eyes that showed widening or deepening further utilized as a longitudinal method of detecting
of an RNFL defect, 6 eyes were also detected as progression. Several approaches toward progression
progressors by Cirrus OCT GPA. Among 7 eyes that detection, using RNFL data obtained by OCT, have
showed rim changes, only one eye was also detected been developed. Some studies27,28 found that the
as progressor by OCT GPA. ability of OCT to detect progression was optimal
Current Eye Research
Glaucoma Progression Detection by OCT GPA 391

FIGURE 3. (A) Venn diagrams showing detection of glaucoma progression by employing the Cirrus Optical coherence tomography
GPA and by stereoscopic disc and RNFL photography (Photo) in early glaucoma group (EG) and moderate to advanced glaucoma
group (AG). (B) Venn diagrams showing detection of glaucoma progression by employing the Cirrus OCT GPA and by VF analysis in
EG and AG.

TABLE 2. The agreement between the reference standards and Cirrus OCT GPA. ( [SE]).
Photographs assessment
Disc or RNFL Disc RNFL VF analysis

Total subject (n ¼ 272) 0.12 (0.08) 0.00 (0.04) 0.13 (0.08) 0.03 (0.06)
Subgroup analysis
EG (n ¼ 220) 0.17 (0.09) 0.03 (0.02) 0.21 (0.09) 0.10 (0.08)
AG (n ¼ 52) 0.04 (0.12) 0.16 (0.19) 0.15 (0.04) 0.06 (0.09)

AG ¼ advanced glaucomatous eyes; EA ¼ event-based analysis; EG ¼ early glaucomatous eyes;

RNFL ¼ retinal nerve fiber layer; SE ¼ standard error; VF ¼ visual field

FIGURE 4. Venn diagrams showing detection of glaucoma progression by stereoscopic disc and RNFL photography (Photo) and by
employing the three strategies of Cirrus Optical coherence tomography GPA (OCT GPA); RNFL thickness map (Map) (A), average
RNFL thickness (AVG) (B) and RNFL thickness profiles (Profile) (C).

when an event-based approach was employed, been developed have both advantages and disadvan-
whereas other reports12,29–31 detected progression tages in terms of progression detection capability.
using trend-based analysis. Medeiros et al.31 reported Thus, it is important to formulate standardized
that RNFL thickness parameter evaluation could criteria that define progression.
reliably detect progression as determined by both Theoretically, the use of Cirrus SD OCT GPA might
standard automated perimetry (SAP) and optic disc afford several predictive advantages. SD technology
stereophotography. The various approaches that have affords a much higher scan speed than that of
! 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
392 J. H. Na et al.

TABLE 3. Comparison of baseline characteristics between eyes detected only by Cirrus OCT GPA and those detected only by
stereoscopic optic disc and RNFL photographs and/or VF analysis (means  standard deviations).

both by Progression
OCT GPA Progression only by
and reference only by reference
standards OCT GPA standards p Value*

N (Eyes) 11 25 42
Follw-up (year) 2.1  0.3 2.2  0.4 2.1  0.3 0.290
N of OCT tests per eye 4.3  0.5 4.4  0.6 4.4  0.5 0.984
Mean signal strength of OCT tests per eye 7.5  0.7 7.6  0.9 7.5  0.5 0.712
Age (years) 62.8  9.9 56.2  14.6 57.8  12.4 0.656
Spherical equivalent (diopters) 0.4  2.2 0.9  0.2 0.9  0.1 0.711
Initial IOP (mmHg) 16.6  2.8 17.8  6.6 16.9  4.2 0.530
Central corneal thickness (mm) 526.7  30.6 546.0  30.7 519.3  38.0 0.023
Mean follow up IOP (mmHg) 14.4  3.0 14.8  3.1 13.9  2.2 0.274
VFI (%) 95.7  5.6 94.8  8.9 78.6  20.4 50.001
MD (dB) 3.6  3.6 2.0  3.9 7.7  6.34 50.001
PSD (dB) 3.2  2.7 2.7  2.0 7.9  4.6 50.001
Average RNFL thickness (mm) 78.2  10.1 88.1  12.9 72.6  13.7 50.001

IOP ¼ intraocular pressure; MD ¼ mean deviation; N ¼ numbers; OCT GPA ¼ optical coherence tomography guided progression
analysis; PSD ¼ pattern standard deviation; RNFL ¼ retinal nerve fiber layer.
*Comparison between progression only by OCT GPA and progression only by reference standard

time-domain Stratus OCT; Cirrus SD OCT collects thickness is noted over time in either healthy or
three-dimensional data from an area around the optic glaucomatous eyes. The reasons for such increases in
disc, and en-face images are next derived from such thickness are not known; variability in instrumenta-
datasets. Through registration of serial images by tion is presumed to be responsible. Measurement
comparing blood vessel configuration among the en- variability is one of the obstacles which prevent
face images, the test–retest variability caused by the progression detection capability in OCT. Different
use of differing scan circle locations at each visit scan circle placement at each follow-up test has been
during which Stratus OCT is employed can be known as the source of measurement variability in
decreased. time-domain Stratus OCT. However, Cirrus OCT GPA
To the best of our knowledge, our present work is employed image registration technique using en-face
the first study to evaluate the glaucoma progression image to resolve this issue. Thus, our result of
detection capability of the Cirrus OCT GPA software. increased RNFL thickness which may be induced by
We found that the Cirrus OCT GPA detected a measurement variability suggested that either image
considerable number of progressing glaucomatous registration technique were insufficient to resolve this
eyes using three strategies: peripapillary RNFL thick- issue or other sources of measurement variability still
ness mapping, RNFL thickness profiling and assess- existed. For example, SS is known to be important in
ment of average RNFL thickness. Of the three this regard. In previous publications, SS of OCT
approaches, RNFL thickness mapping most fre- images was reported to affect RNFL thickness meas-
quently detected progression. Conventionally, OCT urement.34–37 The current version of Cirrus OCT GPA
RNFL thickness is determined by processing of data does not consider SS differences upon longitudinal
from a 360 peripapillary scan of diameter 3.4 mm. analysis, and thus SS variation among images may
Thus, in both RNFL thickness profiles and average contribute to the variability of measurements, result-
RNFL thickness measurements, minor RNFL change ing in reported artifactual increases in RNFL thickness
that is not apparent on that scan circle may be missed. during follow-up.
However, a deviation map displays abnormal RNFL When expert assessment of stereoscopic optic disc
changes, expressed in pixel units, over a three- and RNFL photographs was chosen as the reference
dimensional 6  6 mm-sized peripapillary RNFL standard, the sensitivity of Cirrus OCT GPA was not
area. Hence, RNFL thickness mapping may provide high, and agreement between Cirrus OCT GPA and
more information on peripapillary structure. Recently, expert assessment was not good ( ¼ 0.12). When
it has been reported that abnormal findings upon compared between optic disc and RNFL photographs,
RNFL thickness mapping were more useful in terms the agreement with Cirrus OCT GPA was better in
of glaucoma detection than were RNFL thickness RNFL photograph ( ¼ 0.13 versus 0.00, Table 2). That
values per se.32,33 In the mean time, the Cirrus OCT result might be explained by the fact that Cirrus OCT
GPA rather frequently detected ‘‘Possible Increases’’ GPA assesses only peripapillary RNFL changes and
(in 18 eyes). Generally, no significant increase in RNFL does not detect optic disc change in the current version.
Current Eye Research
Glaucoma Progression Detection by OCT GPA 393

In the mean time, 29 eyes that showed progression and RNFL photography, or VF analysis, as reference
only by Cirrus OCT GPA did not do so when standards; although these tests are currently reference
stereoscopic optic disc and RNFL photographs were standards for glaucoma diagnostic modality, none of
examined. Fundus photographic assessment in terms them are perfect in terms of detection of progression.
of progression detection depends on the quality of Supposed ‘‘progression’’ detected only by Cirrus OCT
photographs. Furthermore, in the case of diffuse RNFL GPA, thus not by using the two tests described above,
atrophy or lightly pigmented fundus which obscures remains controversial and requires longer follow-up
RNFL visibility, photographic assessment can be dif- to determine whether Cirrus OCT GPA can identify
ficult or inaccurate. Additionally, the result of photo- early disease progression before the occurrence of
graphic assessment is prone to be subjective because progressive change in optic disc and RNFL photog-
even experts showed different opinions in this regard raphy and VF.
in previous publication.10,11 Therefore, OCT GPA may In conclusion, the Cirrus OCT GPA software
have advantage over photographic assessment in those detected glaucomatous progression in a significant
cases. However, detection only by OCT GPA not by number of eyes. Generally, agreement between Cirrus
photo may suggest false positive of OCT GPA, thus OCT GPA data on the one hand, and expert assess-
further longitudinal follow up of these eyes is war- ment of optic disc and RNFL photographs or the
ranted for confirmation of true progression. results of VF examinations, on the other, was not
As reported in previous studies, agreement in good. Among several reference standard strategies,
terms of progression detection between VF data and RNFL photographic assessment in early stage
OCT results was also poor in our current glaucoma showed better agreement with Cirrus
analysis. 27,29,38–42 The discordance in progression OCT GPA. Glaucomatous progression may not be
between structure and function might be related to the reliably detected using a single method; all three
fundamental differences in instrument variability. established approaches should be used, in a
And it is also speculated that structural change and complementary manner, in clinical practice.
functional decay may not happen at the same time. Therefore, Cirrus OCT GPA may serve as a useful
The appearance of RNFL defects has been reported to tool for detection of progression, but it cannot replace
precede the development of apparent VF abnormal- stereoscopic optic disc and RNFL photograph assess-
ities in glaucomatous eyes,43,44 and the progression ment; the techniques are best regarded as
rates of structural and functional changes might thus complementary.
be different.39,41 Additionally, different scales between
VF MD (decibel, log scale) and OCT RNFL thick-
Declaration of Interest: The authors report no con-
ness(micron, linear scale) may contribute to
flicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for
the content and writing of the paper.
In subgroup analysis, EG showed better agreement
This study was supported by a grant of the Basic
between the RNFL photographic assessment and OCT
Science Research Program through the National
GPA than AG did (Table 2). Additionally, eyes that
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
progressed only by reference standards had more
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
advanced glaucoma at baseline than those progressed
(MEST) (NRF-2011-0013802).
only by the OCT GPA (Table 3). Thus, OCT GPA
which assesses change of circumpapillary RNFL
thickness can be useful for detection of progression
of earlier stage of glaucoma than for advanced
glaucoma. This could represent a floor effect for
detection of RNFL loss with OCT, or it could reflect
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