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2019 V rgo Annual Horoscope

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 V rgo 2019
Annual V rgo

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2019 Overv ew  Prev (/horoscopes/v rgo/annual/2018-01-01)
On 3rd December Jup ter w ll return to a fun, playful, romant c and creat vely charged part of your chart, jo n ng
forces w th both Saturn and Pluto here, for the f rst and only t me n our l fet me. Th s s someth ng that w ll dom nate
2020, but from the early days of th s year, th s s someth ng you are already work ng towards. The Sun w ll always
spend the f rst three weeks of every year n th s fun, playful, romant c and creat vely charged part of your chart and
w th Saturn and Pluto already here, th s s someth ng you need to take ser ously from the get go. Just to get the message
across, a solar ecl pse here on 6th January should get your attent on.

Matters of the heart and all th ngs fun, playful, romant c and creat ve w ll get a further boost when f rst Mars returns to an
adventurous part of your chart on 14th February and then Uranus on 6th March. Wh le Mars s only here for s x weeks, once
Uranus returns the planet of surpr se, synchron c ty and the unexpected s here unt l 2026, play ng a huge support role th s
year and espec ally n 2020. Yet wh le Jup ter w ll become part of th s wave on 3rd December, the planet of luck and expans on
w ll spend the major ty of 2019 n your home and fam ly sector, mak ng th s an mportant year for home, fam ly and/or property
matters. Th s s not only where your luck l es n 2019, but where there s potent al for growth. Th s s good news f you have or
are th nk ng of start ng a fam ly or even a home based bus ness.

In the meant me, after h s retrograde phase last year, Mars s not slow ng down th s year, manag ng to touch as many areas of
your chart and your l fe as poss ble. After leav ng an adventurous part of your chart on 31st March, Mars w ll return to your
career sector, where he w ll f re th ngs up profess onally. The planets follow ng beh nd h m w ll help to cap tal ze on what he
beg ns, between 31st March and 16th May. Yet best of all s the fact that Mars, who d dn’t v s t V rgo at all n 2018, w ll return
from 18th August to 4th October. Th s means Mars w ll be n V rgo throughout the whole of your b rthday month, f r ng up your
pass ons and f ght ng sp r t. All n all, there are few challenges th s year but a lot to not only get exc ted about now but to look
forward to n the clos ng weeks of th s year and as you l ne up for 2020.

Wh le romant c and relat onsh p matters w ll both be vy ng for your attent on from the get go, n terms of urgency n the very
early hours of the year then t has to be your relat onsh ps. You start the year w th Mars, warr or planet of the cosmos n your
relat onsh p sector. However, he w ll leave on New Year’s Day. Hav ng spent the f nal s x weeks of 2018 f r ng up your pass ons
and f ght ng sp r t, you w ll start the year w th a good sense of what you’re f ght ng for. Whether s ngle, n a relat onsh p or
between relat onsh ps, th s allows you to start the year w th a sense of resolve, allow ng you to make some authent c
resolut ons for the com ng year. It s not unt l Mercury, the planet of commun cat on returns for an extended v s t from 11th
February to 17th Apr l that the real mechan cs of relat onsh p bu ld ng w ll beg n. Th s g ves you t me to make January more
about matters of the heart, w th the two overlapp ng n February and March.

Every year w ll always beg n and end w th the Sun n your romant c sector, always has and always w ll. Th s makes t the norm
to have the solar spotl ght on matters of the heart and all th ngs romant c dur ng the f rst three weeks of 2019. What s not the
norm s the solar ecl pse here on 6th January and the element of fate th s br ngs nto play. Th s s all due to the South Node’s
return n November 2018, where t w ll keep the element of fate n play unt l leav ng n May 2020. Th s w ll also determ ne
where th s year’s ecl pses w ll fall. As well as a solar ecl pse on 6th January, there w ll be a lunar ecl pse here on 17th July.
Saturn’s return to your romant c sector n December 2017 has seen you put n a lot of work and effort, w th the hard taskmaster
of the cosmos demand ng that you take respons b l ty for matters of the heart.

Wh le Saturn w ll rema n here all year, w th the South Node here th ngs get a l ttle eas er, w th the element of fate now n play.
You also get more than a l ttle help from Venus, w th the planet of love mak ng not one, but two v s ts to your romant c sector
th s year. The f rst s from 4th February to 2nd March and the second from 26th November to 20th December. Venus’ return to
your romant c sector on 4th February, just a week before Mercury’s return to your relat onsh p sector on 11th February s what
turns February and March nto the most ausp c ous months of the year on both the romant c and relat onsh p fronts. However,
w th dreamy Neptune n your relat onsh p sector unt l 2026, Saturn n your romant c sector unt l December 2020 and Pluto unt l
2024, there sn’t a moment of 2019 that the love and relat onsh p gods aren’t act ve. Th ngs take a stunn ng turn on 3rd
December when lucky Jup ter returns to your romant c sector to k ck off your luck est year for love n over a decade.

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11.02.2019 V rgo Annual Horoscope
Th s s a f nanc al year of two halves, wh ch s often the case, w th a lot of focus on money matters n the f rst half of the year
and then the focus sh ft ng to ncome matters n the second half. Yet th s sn’t qu te the year of two halves that t usually s. For
w th Uranus n your f nanc al sector s nce 2010, even when ncome matters had the r turn, wh ch they always do n the f nal
four months of each year, they had compet t on. Th s year we have Uranus f nally ret r ng, leav ng your f nanc al sector on 6th
March and then not return ng for another e ght decades. Th s makes h s f nal months more mportant and puts even more
focus on money matters, but t means that when ncome matters get the r turn there w ll be less compet t on. The money gods
also have a tr ck up the r sleeves to ensure ncome matters do get a turn n the early part of the year.

Mars’ return to your f nanc al sector on New Year’s Day w ll see your f nanc al pass ons and f ght ng sp r t k ck n w th n the
early hours of the year. If you’ve made f nanc al resolut ons n the past and they fa l to launch, you haven’t met th s f nanc al
year yet. By the t me Mars leaves on 15th February, you w ll be well on the way to tak ng your f nanc al power back. It s just a
few weeks later that Uranus w ll leave on 6th March, allow ng money matters to go qu et unt l the Sun returns on 21st March,
turn ng the solar spotl ght onto your f nanc al s tuat on and money matters, as t does at th s t me every year. Yet w th Uranus
gone, a long term focus on money matters s over and th s s a more ord nary annual update, one that w ll run through to 15th

It s dur ng th s per od that the money gods on the ncome s de of the fence w ll launch the r assault. W thout Uranus n your
f nanc al sector, a Full Moon n your ncome sector on 21st March, the same day the Sun returns to your f nanc al sector, w ll
get m n mal push back. The money gods w ll l ke that so much they w ll do t aga n four weeks later, w th a second Full Moon
on the ncome front on 19th Apr l. W th money matters hav ng held more sway than ncome matters for years now, th s s an
attempt to balance the scales. Th s offers two opportun t es for unexpected ncome developments. However, the most lucrat ve
months of 2019 w ll run from 14th September to 19th November. W thout Uranus on the other s de of the sky n your f nanc al
sector, there won’t be the push back or the need to balance th s w th money matters as a whole, as has been the case for
years now. Th s creates a year where the focus s on money matters n the early months and on ncome matters later n the
year, but ncome forces aren’t ready to completely st ck to the r own lanes, str k ng out w th those two potent ally lucrat ve Full

Bus ness
2019 s not a major profess onal year for you, n that there sn’t planetary act v ty on the job or career fronts all year and that
su ts you just f ne. It was only n November that Mars wrapped up a nearly s x month v s t to your work sector and w th a Full
Moon on the career front at the end of November, you’ve had the thrust needed to br ng your 2018 profess onal year home.
You beg n the year w th no planetary act v ty n e ther of your two profess onal houses and th s s a huge advantage. Th s s a
chance to catch your breath, get your bear ngs and even delay throw ng yourself nto th s new profess onal year. As 2018 was
such a busy year, even the profess onal gods are tak ng the f rst three weeks of the year easy.

There w ll only be a sl ght overlap of act v ty on the career and job fronts th s year, allow ng you to focus on each separately. To
start w th the focus s on your work s tuat on and job matters, w th the Sun return ng to your work sector on 20th January, as he
does at th s t me every year. Th s s just over two months s nce Mars left, w th work and job matters hav ng had a chance to
settle and play out, but w th a f rebreak that allows you to see the Sun’s return as a fresh start. There sn’t a lot of planetary
act v ty on the job front, w th the Sun here from 20th January to 20th February, Mercury from 24th January to 11th February
and Venus from 2nd March to 27th March. However, these w ll be some of the best weeks of the year for work and job matters,
along w th Venus’ second v s t, from 20th December to 14th January 2020.

Now I h nted at an overlap between job and career matters. Held back by a retrograde phase last year Venus s late return ng
to your work sector and t s wh le she s st ll here that the f rst planetary act v ty on the career front w ll beg n, w th Juno’s
return to your career sector on 11th February. Juno s not a major player, but she made a short v s t here last October, wh le
Mars was n your work sector and Venus was n your ncome sector, both mak ng extended v s ts. W th two Full Moons n your
ncome sector th s year, one on 21st March and the second on 19th Apr l, th s w ll repl cate some of the cond t ons n play on
the ncome, work and career fronts last year. Venus w ll leave your work sector on 27th March, wrapp ng up all planetary
act v ty on the job front. However, t s just four days later that Mars w ll return to your career sector, tak ng what Juno has
already started and f r ng th ngs up. Just four days separate the end of a push on the job front and the start of th s year’s
planetary act v ty on the career front, wh ch starts n earnest on 31st March and w ll then run through to 4th July. Th s s
someth ng that s normally months apart.

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11.02.2019 V rgo Annual Horoscope

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L fe Dest ny (https://www.astrol ng/l feDest ny)
Your b rth chart represents a map of the solar system for the exact t me and place of your b rth, t's a bluepr nt of
your personal ty and represents a set of potent als, w th the contents be ng added through the exper ences of
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d fferent parts of your b rth chart.

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 About V rgo
V rgos are good at organ z ng stuff. Ruled by Mercury, they are neat, t dy and thoughtful people who always remember how
the r nd v dual fr ends take the r coffee. They actually have organ zed workshops w th a place for everyth ng and everyth ng n
ts place. They are good at th ngs l ke garden ng and heal ng, because they care about deta ls and make sure that
measurements are correct to the merest gram.

Analyt cal V rgos tend top p ck everyth ng to p eces, even the r relat onsh ps, to see how they work. They tend to worry about
th ngs that other people don't even not ce. Th s leads to pan c attacks and stomach pa ns that could turn nto ulcers.

The trouble s that V rgos can become so hung up on deta ls that they dr ve everyone crazy. Make sure you stop and just smell
the roses now and then, because t just gets ugly when you turn nto a n t p ck ng pa n.

V rgo Celebr t es
Claud a Sch ffer, Jason Pr estley, Cameron D az, Keanu Reeves, Raquel Welch, Adam Sandler, Hugh Grant, Dav d
Copperf eld, B ll Murray, N cole R ch e, Fa th H ll
Zod ac Symbol
The V rg n
August 23 - September 22
Constellat on
V rgo
Zod ac Element
Zod ac Qual ty
Compat b l ty
Taurus, Capr corn
Navy Blue

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11.02.2019 V rgo Annual Horoscope

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