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DJ Stress and stress mi) Telephoning 3: messages 108

management 94 A Asking to speak to someone 2

A When work is stimulating B Giving and taking messages
B When stimulation turns to stress C Spelling names
C Downshifting D Taking messages: checking information

l9 Leadership and liD Telephoning

management styles 96 4: arrangements 110
A Leadership A Making arrangements
B Modern management styles B Closing the conversation
C Empowerment C Changing arrangements

CULTURE EfJ Faxes 112

m Business across cultures 1 98

A Sending faxes
B Fax layout
C Receiving faxes
A Cultures and culture
B Distance and familiarity
EiJ Emails 114
Im Business across cultures 2 100 A Email
B Email expressions
A Names
C Email abbreviations
B Business cards
C Dress

ID Business across cultures 3 102

A Entertainment and hospitality EIJ Meetings 1: types of
Time meeting 116
Cross-cultural communication
A Word combinations with 'meeting'
B Types of meeting

TELEPHONE, FAX AND EMAIL C How was the meeting?

IE) Telephoning m Meetings 2: the role of the

chairperson 118
1: phones and numbers 104
A Before the meeting
A Telephones and beyond
B During the meeting
B Phone, call and ring
C Follow-up
C Numbers
D Doing things over the phone
ml Meetings 3: points of view 120
ID Telephoning A Opening the meeting
B Inviting people to speak
2: getting through 106
C Making your point
A Phoning scenario
B Asking to speak to someone 1
C Voicemail

6 Business Vocabulary in Use

liJ Meetings 4: agreement E!J Negotiations 3: furthering
and disagreement 122 negotiations 136
A Discussion without argument? A Win-win
B Agreeing B Probing
C Disagreeing C Proposal and counter-proposal
D Trade-offs
Im) Meetings 5: discussion
techniques 124 mil Negotiations 4: difficulties 138
A Hedging A Confrontation
B Checking understanding, interrupting, B Confrontational negotiating tactics
referring back C Dealing with problems
C Agreement, consensus or compromise?
D Concluding (ml Negotiations 5: reaching

lmJ Presentations 1: preparation

agreement 140
A Deadlock and mediators
and introduction 126 B Agreements and contracts
A Types of presentation C Checking the deal
B Dos and don'ts: preparation
C Key phrases: introduction Answer key 142
lmJ Presentations 2: main part 128
Index 160
A Dos and don'ts: timing
B Dos and don'ts: voice
C Rapport with the audience
D Key phrases: main part

ml Presentations 3: closing
and questions 130
A Dos and don'ts: body language
B Visual aids
C Key phrases: closing and dealing with

l!f) Negotiations 1: situations

and negotiators 132
A Types of negotiation
B Word combinations with 'negotiations'
C Bargaining

Iii Negotiations 2: preparing 134

A Preparing to negotiate
B Negotiating scenario
C Negotiating styles

Business Vocabulary in Use 7

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