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1. To determine the relative density of sample fluids and fuels.
2. To determine the viscosity of sample fluids (glycerin).

B. Theories and Principles

By using difficult investigation and years of analysis, the huge context about the
properties of liquids, gases, vapors, or anything that are flowing have been revealed.
These properties of fluids have been listed in tables and charts which are always
available to anyone needing reference information. The properties of each fluid are very
important since it provides the needs of those who are using these numbers for
calculation such as those who are in specific fields. The following properties such as
density volatility and viscosity are considered important especially when fluids are mixed
and vaporized since chemical reactions happen such as combustion and exhaustion of
gases. To maintain the standard, ASTM is trusted in these fields.

The density, or more accurately, the volumetric mass density, of a substance is

its mass per unit volume. The symbol used for density is usually ρ (the lower case
Greek letter rho). Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume:

where ρ is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. This measure is often
prepared for classification, identification, or examination of the purity of the substance.
The density can also be measured through the use of pycnometer method or specific
gravity bottle method and hydrometer.

Specific gravity or also known as relative density is a dimensionless unit defined
as the ratio or proportion of the density of a substance to the density of water at a
definite temperature and can be c alculated by

SG = ρsubstance / ρH20


SG = Specific Gravity of the substance

ρsubstance = density of the fluid or substance (kg/m3)

ρH2O = density of water that is normally at temperature 4 oC (kg/m3)

Sample table for Specific Gravity of different substances

In general, viscosity (  ) is the property of a homogeneous fluid which are the
reasons why there is resistance to motion. In the situation of a liquid, viscosity is a
amount of relative fluidity at some fixed temperature. This property may be measures in
some methods, for example (1) by the torque necessary to rotate a cylinder or cup in
the liquid, as in the Mac-Michael and Stormer instruments used for oils and viscous
liquids; (2) by the time rneeded for a sphere (usually a steel ball) to fall through the
liquid, as in the Gardner Holdt instrument used for paints and other highly viscous
liquids; or (3) by the time needed for the liquid to flow through a cylinder or a short tube
as the Saybolt, Engler, and Redwood viscometer used for petroleum oils.

In the falling sphere viscometer, the liquid is positioned in a high transparent cylinder
and a sphere of identified weight and diameter is dropped in it. If the sphere is small
enough, Stokes’ Law will succeed and the fall velocity of the sphere will be
approximately inversely proportional to the absolute viscosity of the liquid. That is so
may be understood by examining the free-body diagram of such a falling sphere.

FD  3VD

D 3
FB  

 D3
W s

Free-Body Diagram

The force acting contains the gravity, buoyancy, and drag. Stokes’ law states that if
DV / v  1 , the drag force on a sphere is given by FD  3VD , where V is the velocity
of the sphere and D is its diameter. When the sphere is dropped in a liquid, it will quickly
accelerate to terminal velocity, at which  Fz  0 . Then

 D3  D3
W  FB  FD   s   3VD  0
6 6

Where  s and  represent the specific weight and the sphere and liquid, respectively.

Solving the above equation, we get

D 2  s   

In the preceding progress it was presumed that the sphere was dropped into a liquid of
infinite extent. In actuality, the liquid will be controlled in a tube and a wall effect will
influence the drag force and hence the fall velocity. It has been gathered that the wall
effect can be expressed approximately as

V 9D  9D 
 1    K
Vt 4 Dt  4 Dt 

where Dt is the tube diameter, and Vt represents the fall velocity in the tube. This

equation is reliable only if D / Dt  13 .

From the data acquired from the performance of the experiment, compute the following
for each run:

1. Kinematic Viscosity
a. Ratio of the sphere and tube diameter
b. The correction factor or wall effect K
c. The observe velocity of fall V
2. Dynamic Viscosity: v   
3. Plot V versus D/Dt

C. List of Apparatus
1. Pycnometer 6. Stop Watch
2. Hydrometer 7. Thermometer
3. Graduated Cylinder 8. Digital Caliper
4. Digital Balance 9. Steel Balls
5. Falling sphere Viscometer 10. Meter Stick

D. Procedure
1. Pycnometer Method
a. To start the experiment, measure first the weight of the pycnometer bottle
using the digital balance and designate it at W p as its variable.
b. Fill the pycnometer bottle with distilled water and measure its weight using
the digital balance. This will be designated as W pw for its variable.
c. Remove the distilled water inside and clean the pycnometer bottle, then
repeat the same procedure using the samples that will be tested (Alcohol and
Kerosene for group 1) and designate its variable as Wpo.
d. Compute for the specific gravity using the pycnometer method equation.

2. Hydrometer Method
a. Clean first the hydrometer and the graduated cylinder that will be used.
b. Pour the Alcohol/Kerosene to be tested inside the graduated cylinder.
c. Drop the hydrometer inside the graduated cylinder.
d. The hydrometer will flow, and then read the value that is indicated on it.

Reading of the depth of immersion will be as follows:

Using a sample that has a transparency that is sufficient, the value can be
determined by placing your eye level at the highest point of liquid. For
nontransparent liquids, it is necessary to read it above the surface of the
liquid and try to estimate it as accurate as possible.

3. Falling Sphere Viscometer

a. Determine the specific gravity of the liquid where the viscosity will be
b. Measure the mass of the steel balls using a digital balance and get the
diameters for the volume.
c. The ratio of the diameters of the ball and the diameter of the cylinder must
me less than 1/3.
d. Drop the ball inside the cylinder and measure the time it travels in a desired
e. Repeat the procedures for the other steel balls.

E. Set-up of Apparatus
1. Pycnometer Method

Weight of the pycnometer bottle

Weight of the pycnometer with distilled water

Weight of the pycnometer with alcohol

Weight of the pycnometer with kerosene

Set up the digital balance to zero value before weighing anything. First take the weight
of the cleaned empty pycnometer bottle. Then weigh it again but this time with distilled
water using a funnel for transferring the liquid. Remove the distilled water and clean it
and this time fill it with the specified fluids (alcohol and kerosene for our group) and
weigh it again. Lastly, determine the specific gravity.

2. Hydrometer Method

Using of hydrometer to determine the specific gravity of alcohol

Using of hydrometer to determine the specific gravity of kerosene

Clean first the hydrometer and graduating cylinder before transferring of fluids in it using
a funnel. Measure the specific gravity at eye level.

3. Falling Sphere Viscometer

Weight of one of the steel balls using digital balance

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Diameter of the one of the steel balls for its volume

Graduated cylinder with glycerin inside

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Stop watch used for determining the time travels by the steel ball

Determine the weight and diameter of the steel balls to compute for its density. Drop the
steel balls in the graduated cylinder with glycerin and measure the time it travels in a
certain distance. Use the gathered data to find the viscosity.

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F. Final Data Sheet

A. Relative Density



I ALCOHOL 23.19g 73.51g 64.00g 0.8110 0.805

KEROSENE 23.19g 73.51g 63.20g 0.7951 0.79

B. Viscosity

No. TRIAL δg t Vt Dsg K Vo 𝜇 𝜐

𝑚 𝑚
1 12.066 4.19s 0.239 𝑠 0.075 1.197 0.286 𝑠 0.293 3.631x10−5 𝑚^2

𝑚 𝑚
2 12.066 2.49s 0.402 𝑠 0.010 1.275 0.513 𝑠 0.285 3.588x10−5 𝑚^2

Dsb1 = 4.74 mm Dsb2 = 6.32 mm Dt = 63.29 mm SGgly = 1.23 S = 1m

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G. Sample Computation

A. Determination of Relative Density (Trial 1):

Pycnometer Method:
𝑊𝑝𝑜 −𝑊𝑝 64.00−23.19
SG=𝑊 = 73.51−23.19
𝑝𝑤 −𝑊𝑝

SG=0.8110 (alcohol)
Percent Difference= 0.81+0.81 = 0%

Given: Required:
Dball = 4.74 mm a. Dynamic Viscosity (µ)
Mball = 0.45 g b. Kinematic Viscosity (υ)
Dtube = 63.29 mm
t = 4.19 s
L= 1 m
SGglycerine = 1.23

a. Specific Weight of Iron Ball (𝛾)
𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑠2
𝛾 = 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 4 4.74 3
𝑥1/10002 = 79.17 𝑘𝑁/𝑚3
𝑥𝜋( )
3 2000

b. Specific Weight of Glycerine (𝛾s)

𝛾s = SGGlycerine𝜌waterg =(1.23)(1000𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 )(9.81 𝑚/𝑠 2 ) = 12.066 𝑚3

c. Observed Velocity of Iron Ball (Vobserved)

𝑑 1𝑚
V= = 4.19 𝑠 = 0.239 𝑚/𝑠

d. Wall Effect (K)

9𝐷 9𝐷 2 9 (4.74 𝑚𝑚) 9 (4.74 𝑚𝑚) 2
K = 1 + 4𝐷 + (4𝐷 ) = 1 + 4 (63.29 𝑚𝑚) + (4 (63.29 𝑚𝑚)) = 1.197
𝑡 𝑡

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e. Ratio of Ball and Tube Diameter (D/Dt)
𝐷 4.74 𝑚𝑚
= = 0.075
𝐷𝑡 63.29 𝑚𝑚
Since D/Dt <1/3 ; K is acceptable
f. Actual Velocity of Ball (Vt)
Vo 0.239𝑚
K= ; Vo =VtK = (1.197) = 0.286 𝑚/𝑠
𝑉𝑡 𝑠

g. Dynamic Viscosity (µ)

79.17𝑘𝑁 1.23x9.81m
𝐷 2 (γs−γ) (0.00474𝑚)2 ( − ) 1000𝑁
𝑚3 s2
µ= = 0.286𝑚 𝑥 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟗𝟑𝑷𝒂 . 𝒔𝒆𝒄
18𝑉 18( ) 1𝐾𝑁

h. Kinematic Viscosity
𝜇 0.293 𝑃𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑐
υ = 𝜌 = 8070.10 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 = 𝟑. 𝟔𝟑𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟓 𝒎𝟐 /𝒔

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H. Test Data Analysis
In performing the first part of the experiment, the group observed some important
parts of the experiment, one of these is that the values is not accurate and have some
discrepancies since some of the materials or the fluids might be impure and
contaminated. The pycnometer bottle must be cleaned and dried as good as possible to
prevent some impurities and discrepancies in the data that will be gathered. The
pycnometer bottle must also fill fully to have a better data gathered. Excess water must
be flow when the pycnometer bottle was close to make sure that the pycnometer bottle
is full.

In the next part of the experiment which is the hydrometer, it is not exact since it will
depend on the experimenter, but it is near to the real value. To get the value at the
hydrometer, the viewer must be at eye level to get the value near as possible to the
exact value. Also, the graduated cylinder must also be cleaned and dried to prevent
impurities and to prevent inaccurate data for the next liquid to be used.

For the last part of this experiment, inaccuracy will be because of human error since
the one holding the stop watch might not react quickly to the release of the steel ball.
Also, choosing a steel ball has a big impact in the experiment since bigger steel ball and
heavier steel ball will lead to faster time in falling of the steel ball in the graduated
cylinder with glycerin.

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I. Questions and Problems

1. You make a cake that has a mass of 300 grams and fits in a cake pan that is 30
by 10 by 6.0 centimeters cubed. What is the density of the cake?


Density is mass per unit volume, or

In this case, the mass is

The volume is

Insert these values into the equation for density to find the density of the cake:

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2. An oil has a specific gravity at 60/60F of 0.7542. What is its API gravity?

Sp. gr. @ 60/60 =
141.5−131.5 (𝑆𝑃.𝑔𝑟.@60 / 60)
API@60°F =
𝑆𝑝.𝑔𝑟.@60 /60
API@60°F =
API@60°F = 56.11601°

3. What is the factor for the conversion from the poises to (a) the pound-force-
second-foot system, and (b) Slug-mass-foot-second?
a. Poise to Pound-force-Second-Foot System
1 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐 1𝑁 1𝑙𝑏𝑓 (2.54𝑐𝑚)2 (12𝑖𝑛)2
1 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 = × × × ×
𝑐𝑚2 1 × 105 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒𝑠 4.448𝑁 1𝑖𝑛2 1𝑓𝑡 2
1 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 = 2.0886 × 10−3 𝑙𝑏𝑓 𝑠/𝑓𝑡 2
1 = 2.0886 × 10−3
𝑙𝑏𝑓 𝑠
𝑓𝑡 2
Therefore, the factor for conversion from poise to FPS system is

b. Poise to Slug-mass-Foot-Second System

𝑔𝑚 𝑐𝑚
1 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑒𝑐 1 𝑠 2 2.2045 𝑙𝑏𝑚 1 𝑠𝑙𝑢𝑔 30.48 𝑐𝑚
1 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 = × × × ×
𝑐𝑚2 1 𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑒 1000 𝑔𝑚 32.174 𝑙𝑏𝑚 1 𝑓𝑡
1 𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 = 2.0886 × 10−3
𝑓𝑡 − 𝑠
1 = 2.0886 × 10−3
𝑓𝑡 − 𝑠
Therefore, the factor for conversion from poise toFPS system is

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4. The density of gasoline is 721 kilograms per cubic meter. What is its specific

Specific gravity is the density of a material divided by the density of water at

which is 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter. The equation for specific gravity is

The subscript x refers to the material in question. You know that

Insert this value into the equation for specific gravity to find

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5. Give other methods that may be used to measure the specific gravity.


a. This method is founded on Archimedes’ principle and does not need the
experimenter to see the volume of the substance. To find the specific
gravity, determine: weight of the substance/material, weight of the
substance/material deep in water and the density of water. Use the
formula below to find the specific gravity:
𝑆𝐺 = 𝜌𝐻2𝑂 𝑔
𝑊𝑚𝑎𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 − 𝑊𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟
b. Gravity balances - operate on the principle of measuring the pressure
exerted by a gas of a given density and the pressure exerted by air of the
same density, the specific gravity being determined from the ratio of these
pressure measurements.
c. Gravitometer - uses a simple balance beam system to measure specific
gravity. Identical tanks, referred to as reference and sample, are hung on
each end of the balance beam at equal distance from the pivotal axis.
d. Vibrating element technology - has been employed since the 1960’s. This
type of gas gravitometer is usually electronic and produces a frequency
signal that is proportional to the specific gravity of the gas.

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J. Conclusion
The group had finished the experiment and have met the objectives of this
experiment. Three methods were used in this experiment, pycnometer method,
hydrometer method, and lastly the sphere viscometer method.

In the pycnometer method and hydrometer part, alcohol and kerosene is the fluids
used in our group. Using the pycnometer method, SG for alcohol is 0.8110 and for
kerosene is 0.7951. For the hydrometer part, SG of alcohol is 0.805 and for kerosene is
0.79. The values gathered were almost the same and has small percent difference
which means that this part of the experiment is successful.

In the sphere viscometer method part, viscosity is the target value to be gathered. In
this part, steel ball and glycerin was used. This experiment gives us the information that
the heavier and the bigger the steel ball will sink or fall faster in the glycerin. Also, the
ratio or proportion of the steel ball and the diameter of the cylinder with glycerin must be
less than 1/3 for the steel ball not to sink too fast.

In this experiment, hydrometer will be easier to do and prepare since this has fewer
procedure than the pycnometer method but pycnometer method is more accurate than
the hydrometer method since hydrometer method has a lot of chance to get a mistake
due to human error.

In the falling sphere viscometer method, this method is a lot more inaccurate since
the reflexes of the one holding the stop watch might not as fast as the starting point of
the falling of the steel ball also at the end part of it. This will give an inaccurate data but
in this experiment, the experimenters got a value that is good enough and near to the
real viscosity of it.

I highly recommend to the next experimenters that they performed it as good as

they can. Also, the equipment must be cleaned and dried properly to prevent impurities.
Also, it is better to have team work especially on the falling sphere viscometer method
since it needs good reflexes

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K. References


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