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4 March 2019 Joint pross statemant by MCA and MIG “The National Front, Barisan Nasional isa cosition that was formes to promote uy fn Gwvoraty in out history of ration building, BN's coalition was carved by our founders who piloted the coalition 19 promote polieal unity, stability and harmony in a multiracial nation. brick cemented cation began to crack when repeated ‘ule statements were made undermining the spint and foundation of EN along racial lines, {he BN concept and spin have been undermined and sieged. In view ofthe above, MICA on 2-12-2018 at ts annual general assembly resclved to moct the dissolution of BN to reforge a new allance. Hence, we urge the BN Supreme Counc to hold a meating immediately to decie on the {ate ofthe coalition. Datuk Ser Nazri Azi's appointment asthe Secratary Genera of BN i itself egal and isnot recognised by both MCA and MIC. “The uncalled fr racial remarks by the Datuk Seri Naz in Somanyin have further damaged {he tls between the thre founding parties MCA and MIC being representatives of ther respective community acknowledge thatthe ‘metamorphosis of BN tos present form has been rejected by ther communities and is therefore caling fr its dissolution andor restructuring to return tits orignal spt and intent. |Wnen there is no mutual respect and there is a breach of unity in verity within the ‘component parties of BN, the very foundations of BN have been challenged and threatened. ‘Datuk Ser Nazrfs repeated racial remarks perceived toe from UMNO an its continued silence had cracked the foundation of mutual respect tat BN stood fr all this while, MCA and MIC are therelere lef with no choice but to move on fo explore a new alliance fo railec the true intentions of unity in diversity efits original intent, Malaysian Chinese Association Malaysian Indian Congress Jk Seel Ir Dr Wee Ka Siong HSA. Vigneswaran MCA President MIC President wens Page tot

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