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to win sales
Will y o u r Company los«' sales l>> failing lo reducc the h u -
m a n effort it t a k e s t o iiiaiiufaclure y o u r prodiirt ? To s e n i r r
t h a t p r o d u c t ? T o use i t ?
T h e a n s w e r will bc " Y c s " — unless your Company j o t n s
o t h e r progressive firnis n o w m a k i n g a n i n t e n s i v e drive to
squceze » a s t e effort o u t of t h e i r p r o d u c t desigus. T h e y ' r «
s t o p p i n g w a s t e effort dead i n its t r a e k s riglil o n t h e d r a w i n g
board -— where euch waste is born m o r e often t h a n kille«!. II TAkhs Ltl;? TIME u> OTBKO linder than to type "quick brown f<«.'
I t ' s sitnply, say exeeutives of t h e s e firnti, > n i a l t e r of
ciicoiiraging desigiH-rs to considcr niore fiilly t l i e » n e u a n d
w o m e n w l o m a k e , s«Tviee, or use i h e i r produots» •.;


Waste effort i> built iulo all sorts of products — evcn 1950-
style modeis for plant, office, farm, and hoiue. "Countless dc-
signs," says Prof. David Porter, of New York University, " r«;ffeet,
a great violation of motion-eeonomy priaciplcs." Tlic eost of this
«aste, to industry alone, is prodigiüus.
It's the kind of waste found in hundreds of plants where oper-
cantintwd ort fmge 4(1

BOTH S1DE COVERS snap «ff, vith only an effortless two-hati«) movement. KNT1RE HOliSING is completely out of the way villi back «wer «letaehnj

Modert» Industry
...,. •:. ... •..'... .. -
'•Mi'. •.-.::• •%..•••• •..;:.. ••

^«1« • .' -' •"; -

i'Eli DEFLECTOR. fecd roll» to midilv üftrd out - in a iil FRONT COVER I'I.VTE, h.-M firm In |>III-I>|M- i-iqw. i- ptilleil »ff easilj

gsier acecss for cieaning and minor adjustnrents to lrtaintain a tfaat make work for people as effortiess and rconoroical m possiblt:.
iwriter at Performance peak. That's provided by revolutionary It's a trend speeded both by growing sales aggressiveness and EFFORT-
jn improveraents shown in these pictures of Remington Rand's sharper consumer demands, j:;s ".•.. •:...,..--
In brieC machines that do a better j o b of inammig ihr firmluctimtjs, SAVING
"Super-ritcr." Timesaving and effortsawng ideas built into this
writer were cuiled from countlc** fieJd and laboratory studies of people point the way tor man'y cotnpanies to meet the needs and 10EAS ON
rpists in action. seize th<* opportunities of The Competitive 50Y To turn out such
hcv carry a story of signifkance to those who de«iga, make, «eil, machines call« for teamwork — bringing into pl;t> top irmnagtmcnt, FOLLOWING
uy equipment for plant, office, or home. . sales, desigrt, and production. At 'Reniington R a i d it pnjfluced PAGES,
hev typify a steady trend toward the devel<»pment of producta the Super-riter.


TU s l \ SCREl'S muovcd, carriace Wils hack for eleaimig or servict F1NALLY, four sniall holt» are takcn out and frame is frecd from inaehine.

Iv IS. 1950
LESS EFF« >li I .,„.;,„,>.•„'
mk ators of raaehines umsl reach too far for a eontroi lever. They
taust stoop uncomfortably to turn a handwheel. They must tako
mS$Km^ SP*a
...__. .£,-1.3
extra fatiguing Steps to sei up equipmi ul aml keep it. ruiining.
This kiml of waste is found in assemblx when
best i'ib.rtv of motion-eeonomy-rumded engineers
lespite the
miHion-, >>i
mau-hour.- and doilars are lost because designers of the parts
'wmmf m <i assemhled have paid liltle heetl to the linmaii faetor.
I'.yer\ i(iai;agi-meiil man kiii-w. Ihal litt- prineiples- tif motio;,
eeonomy are applied willi sneecss tu u idcly tliilerent tasks. llt-jtly
imtricnse resnlts in sayitig human elfort (and dollars) are gained
by rearraiiging workplaces fur asseinblv Jobs so ihal innre pr...
dtictivitv for eqiia.1 eiinrl is obtaiued. By rearraiiging inaehim
layottts to reduee nonprodiictive movement.- of men as well a-
maierials. B\ simplifymg office and administrative proeedure.
to improve Performance of people from elork» to top ewoulive-.

W by it h a s n ' t reeeivetl innre a t t e n t i o n

Bot not so gcnerally realized is the faef tliat very liltle progres.
OIJ) S .NEW dcMüH-i for nimi has beert mitcle in applying lootion-eeonouiy prineiples to produet
jcctor §Oimdheail are »bown bere from design wherc the payofl' - in sales and eosts atlvantages — eat
front «ml rear. Kor »*tfort-a\ tag results be eqinilly handsoiiie. Why so liltle progress? The maiii reti-oi -
of rcplacing 3a-pieee wekled unk witli boil down to four:
Single? aSuiuiiium-dic räslinii. see belew. 1. (. iistortiors don't sound off ioiidly eiiough ahotit the motion-
eeononiy shorteomings of protbiels they buy attd use.
-'. Salesineii gloss over the "human " advatttttges of the proiluet-
they oller, pul stress instead on strietly ntechnnteal atlvantagi-;.
3. Designers are not exposed fully to the prineiples and pos.-i-
bililies of motion eeonomy, Unis fail t.o take them into füll aecount
in their creative work,
Design for motion eeonomy t. Top-managemeut men fail to see i\w " l i g h t " because the
dollars-and-ccnts polenlial in this approiieh isn't made elcar.
pays off in production Hosts of other faetors aecount for violation of motion-ecouomy
prineiples in produet design.
'J'hey ränge from niere iron-bound tratlitioli to restrielions ini-
üotxl cxarnpk» of applying mo- chiniiig tasks. Line produetion jKtsed on designers by the urgeucy of meeting customer priee and
tion-eeonomy lliinking to prod- tnethods arc adopted. Maehine dolivery tlemaiids.
»elsiii the drawitig hoard shows sotiip time is slashed. Maehiiiing Agaiitst this baekgiotmii, one faet Stands oul: From now on
up in Bell & llowell's lß-miu. errors ure far Feuer, inore and Inore eompanies will make "les.s elfort " u prime ingredi-
"Ftlinosotittd" projector. Ilere, All these manufaeturing ad- ent of the protlticts they seil. The customer is King again. No mat-
designers songhl no! only to vanlages are obtaiued with a ter wltal he liiiys •— macliinc tool, fmsiness maehine. iraetor, dish-
create a produet tliat would be single design (-hange Ihal at llie n'aslier, or power lawn mower- hell insist on featnres tliat *«r<
easier lo use hui also a produet same tili«' improvesthe produet. elfort.
tliat would be easier to make. Tyi'iieal of todiiy's atlititde of iiidtistrial purehasers is this
Ttilking ptHHtfi for mtlcsmen
()n otie pari of the projector eoiutuent to MI editors by K. II. Eige, of Western Electric: "So
lln- s n i i i h l l i r a d [iit-l in-.-. J•••'.«•\ • The new casling* deereases fur as possible, we ttüliite Standard lypes of ntacliinery available
— a switeh from the old 33- weiglttof Ute projector by ahotit on the opett market. Obviously, there is always a selection. Our
piece, welded-steel uitit to the 3 Ib., makes llie maehine easier ' engineers have uppormost in their minds the matter of human effi-
new single-pieee, aluminuin-tlie to use. It gives the Filmosound eiency wlieti scleeling efiiiiptueiit of this type for any purpose.
caslittg gives tliest- resiills: Unit a nea 1er appearanee as com- Fiirlherniore, we eondtiel a yery aetive program of m .ti ii-econ-
Pill>ri<»iluc«d wil.h previoos iiiodels, To ouiy Training wifhiii our engitieering and design Organization, con-
from 45 to 21: three of the four B & U's sales department, the stantly inipressing lipon the minds of the men in ihis group the
original irtspeetions climinated; eoinbination of a better produet itiiportancf of giving human efieiency füll eonsideration."
Standard eosl cut Ä7'/c. and lower eost —from inotion-
economy-ininded designJitg - Design engineers weilt back t o school
Single aüpplier now bring* dislinel advatitages in a Good cxample of' selliug designers the need to btiilil matttifae-
Added to these direet-saving liighly eouipetitive fielt!. turiug motion eeonomies into their designs is /»und at Glenn I.
henefits are further economic* in An offieial a! Bell & ljowell's Martin Co,,-Baltimore. Ilcre, cotispieuous savings in produetion
simplilied purchasttig and stock executive oll'ees in Chicago says: eosts resitli-.froiti shop-ftiiiiiliarization eoiirses for engineers and
records. VVbcrc fortncrly three "One of our prime engineeritig draftsmen.'
suppliers furnishcxl the 33 parts, objeetives is to make equipment To promote inore ecoiioiuical designs, t he course puts shop know-
now only one is needetl, that's easy to use . . . and how- directly into design engineers' hands. It"involvcs evehing
The new casling tmtkes it motion eeonomy is a prime eon- leetttres, visits to the shop for demotistratiotis. Too. members of
easier to plan and sehedule ina- sideration in designing lt." the group wherever possible tackle such tasks as milling. weiding.
attd explosive riveting. ,.
This Martin course is only one of itiauy practica! deviees for

to Modern Itidustrv
- •••• iiny. I t - S u n d s t r a i i d Cyclo Billiiig M a e h i n e
t i ur a g i ug d e s i g n e r s to »void p r o d u e t siieribcali - • -
needlcs- a n d exjiensiye eftorl from b o t h t h e pe<-pi • i l b i>- - 1 - S t a t e m e n t s a n d ledger c a r d s - litis
chines tliat m a k e the p r o d u e t . . - : » - , .- - •• an area only -> by 3 inelies to faeilitatc key-
)t sign elmnges in p r o d n e t s of Friden ( ale il t i n j M . *»«t-l .^jrra'.i "•'• ilh m i n i m u i n band travel.
-.. San Ix-audro, Calif.. m a k e lim. and dollar -.-.
- rot m a e h i n e tools leave iiuieh to bc desired in u n s re-
• . : ,-.-.;. . f e v i d t n e e to show treineiidoii.- a d v a n c e s .
tiug use of i n o r e - m o d e r n p r o d u e t i o n facil • - • ! • -
t-tihitor ktn top* a n d c o n l r o l b u r s f o r m - l \ •*-- - - . - - s: ..-. - • ':;::• tooU are inereasiiigly bitilding w a - l e effort • *©*'. ,
Med with reeessed fipures tediousl y filled ii .uiptne-d. C o m i n g linder closer scrutiiiy a r e w a y - t o
stin« paiiit. N o w - w i t h a double-injeeti - -' - • •-• „ - • . - ; . m o t i o n - siinultaiicously i n - t e a d of s e p a r a t e K : lo
p l a - l i c of e t u i t r a s t i n g eolor i- fon-.-ö i- ' -.•-.,- -..»-.£ • : . n t r o l s : to save Operato r s l e p s ; a n d to retluee f a t i g u e
• u u n i e r a l s to m a k e a suioolh Hush surfa. i Operations t h r o u g h t h e use of power . (See " W t i m i i i g

Itlea t l i a t b r o t i g b t 5 0 % O u t p u t j u m p
; - . . • -.-.•- with m o t i o n study,*" M I , 7 15 Mi.) n
*•! • --, in Mtifidcl, Professor of h n h i s t r i a l E n g i n e e r i n g at P u r d u o ,
Brought to t h e a t t e n t i o n of M I e d i t o r s n-,-, ntl » i - » ( i < ll • - . - - ' - iv,-. n . o t i o n - e e o n o m y tools for p n - t e - t i n g desipri- of
p r i n c i p l e , i n d i c a t e s liow oonntle.— ilolUr- .: --- '.-> • _. I kc :,::.. r\ while t h e y ' r e still on Ihe d r a w i n g h o a r d . O n e i- « m a n -
de - bot u n f o r t n n a t e l y are not at ' h ; -':-J.\v . ••-••
The easc i n v o l v e s a p a r t with .-ix s t u d - x \ : . - - • - :••
t h e s h o p , girl a s s e m b l o r - t h r e a d e d litis :.•;> •• ' i -" l -
ey u.-ed only one b a n d in a painfully slow . . ; . - ; . • ] - . s :. ••- >.---
p r o v e m e n l m a n soon eotivcrted this t a - k t o a two-h*3«i * r t u p . Motionsavers by Gisliolt Maehine
ter, s o m e o n e in t h e s h o p asked w h e t h e r t h e t i p e n d s of t b e « a r f c
il a n y funetioital valtte. T h e y did n it. So t h r e . o b : •:. :- » - " e
1 )c-';i.'iuT> of s h o p m a e l i i n e ry n o « give from " g i m i n i e k s " ( W i w j to c o m p l e t e
•ned d o w n to p r o v i d e a pilot on which asseoibfcrs c o o U cpiK-kly
ir.or« a t t e n t i o n to m i n i m i / i n g Operator push-btttton conlrol. For instance, a
sition e a e h mit a n d spin it s n t i g b into plac« . W i t l this - mple
.,,, ,->, etiorl a fael typified by featurcs p u s l i - b u t l o ii stutioti on one titöO Gisholt
»nge. O u t p u t was j u t n p e d a b o n t öd' , .
buill into p r o d u e t - of Gisholt M a e h i n e oliminatc s slooping or reachiiig for
It eould h a v e beeil tintde originaliu by the • :• -:.::.-r
( .... M a d i s o n . Wi-, 'These featurcs r ä n g e c r a n k s a n d levers used on older m o d e l s .
At t h e M a y t a g C o . , N e w t o n . I o w a , an a c t i v e Work Simpüfica-
n p r o g r a n i b r i n g s from e m p l o y e e s a s t e a t b para •
produet sign. o u s a n d s >•;' d >Uars a n n u a l l y .
her-, thougli not s p e e t a e u l a r . jiile up i m p >r:au: "---n _>m:e- For
ilance. 8*420 is s a v e d y e a r l y I m i n the - u g g e s t i on by :-. s u p e r t isor
st c l i m m a t t s a hole drillet! in a rod for a e . d i e r p m . I l a n g m i :
er Ihe eiul of llie rod now s e r v e - the -arm- p u r p o - e .
E x p o s u r e t o W o r k Simplification and it- t e a c h i n g of m o l i o n -
m o m y p r i n e i p l e s a n d Icclinifpics help- ]irodtict e n g i n e e r - at
rvel. I n c . . E v a n s v i l l e . I n d . . t o prop..- e U - t t e r d e s i g n - .

M u k i n g e i e r y o n c a w a r e of |M>ssibilities

A c e o r d i n g t o W o r k Simplification D i r e c t o r l l e r m a i i A. S t r a u s , it
in p u l - a w a y of t h i n k i n g into tl» m i n d s of S e r v e l ' s lool engl-
e r s t h a t leatis t o s u p e r i o r tools. jig- , a n d (ixtiire.-. M o r c o v c r ,
eh exiiosure for foremeit b r i n g - suggestitms for p r o d u e t - d e s i g n
anges ro.-ulting in c o s l s a v i n g m o t i on economies in t h e shop.
F o r i n s t a n c e , S t r a u s s a y s , " O n e f o r e m a n in o u r plant was h a v i n g I'II'E P E E G , r c f s s e d in smtg-Iltiii|! P R E S S U R E F I T T I N C , put
n s i d e r a b l e t r o u b l e reworking a e e r t a i n niiil. H e l.ried e v o r y - taikteck eenter on Gisholt autoaiabe in place of pipe plug. is read) for
ing he k n e w t o gel rid of t h e diflieulty. H e found n o t h i n g , a n d latlie, k chic to slick effortsav ing idea. onlinarv liafid-ty|a- grease gun.
•eitle«! t o live w i t h tliat t r o u b l e as long a s t h e p r o d u e t w a s with
m . After W o r k Simplification , he t a e k l e d it a g a i n . F r o m bis
s t e m a t i e a p p r o a c l i , he c a m e u p w i t h a change in produd design
:at eot rid of bis Irollbie and saveil S e r v e l $8,0(10 a y e a r . "
S. i v , !'- eiitire l o p - i n a n a g e m e n t l e a m hat! t h e s a m e e x p o s n r e as
te f o r e m a n . Sixtooii high orlieials, iiiciiiding B o a r d C h a i r m a n
u t h e n b u r g , a t t e n d e d H t h r e e - l i o u r sessions eondiictcil b y Dr.
larvin M u n d e ! , of Piirdne I n i v e r s i t y . "i'lms t o p m i d e r s t a n d i u g of
,'ork Simplification -~ b r i n g i n g u p p e r - e c l t e l o n s u p p o r l to niotioii-
s i u o m y t l i i u k i i t g a t i d a c t i o n - is tleveioped,
F r o m t h e s t a n d p o i n t of t h e uscr, a t t e n t i o n t o t h e h u m a n f a e t o r
v d e s i g n e r s is b r i n g i n g vtistlv i m p m v e d p r o d u e t - such as t y p e -
riters ( p p . 38-3!»), m o t i o n - p i e t u r e projector,- fp, 40), a n d m a e h i n e
» l s (at r i g h l a n d on p, 4'2).
Design e h a n g e s a d d Operator c o n v e n i e n c e to new m o d e i s of food
lachincs b y T o l e d o Scale C o . F o r i n s l a n c c . on T o l c d o ' s s t e a k
lacliinc. t h e c u t t i n g m e e h a n i s i n n t a y b e r e m o v c d a s a uiiit for
r. •
leaning. O n e a r l i e r m o d e l s , c u t t i n g rolls a n d g u i d e s h a d t o be O M A A F E V S T l t O K E S of guu are KEMOVING eenter, onlinarily
needed to for« grease into hole that rims a leilitius task that oecurs ofte«
isassetiililed p i e e e m e a l .
llirough to encj, tttus easily cjeel eenter. whcre work variea, is no« quick.
New p r o d u e t s of ü n d e r w o o d C o r p . , N e w Y o r k , i n e o r p o r a t e p r i n -

ulv 15, 1950

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mm A l lm
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TO HEIM (iE I I A N 1)1,1 M b litt protlllclivit) of tltrrrt«-, llu- Walltet Al TOMVFIC O/XTRüL for tarrc-t on \\ X S iathe alle»- Operator to
<\ Swasev Licet ro-Cyele Conlrol elimtiiate- manmd opergtion olTteadstoek. pre-et maebine for eiMftf*!i*le eude of work bv adju-tjag kimrU'd knoh-.

I.ESS E F F O R T r«iit(n»««f fiuaiiced by the National Assn. of Motor Bus Operators, the Amer-
maehine Operation ehart for listing in set|uenee the individual ican Triieking Assn., and the Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. It
human tnotiotis invölved in ilsing the «'«{iiipiiient for a specific fask, aims to retluce aeeidents.
The other i- an iirticulatctl liuuiaii leuiplat« niade lo Scale in lmportant clcrucnls of the stutly are: i lj design of eipiipment
plan and proliic views- v lieh is plaecd on sliuilar Mittle views in rclalion to the human faetor; and (i) job analysis of Im- and
of the maehine itself. The tt-tnplate is moved into positions that truck-driver Operation-,
eotiform with eaeli step on the matt-tnacliine eltart. Each position A typieal linditig: Heeords show that triteks parket! on highwin .-
is sttnlietl against a clieeklist of poinls, such as loctition of eon- are in itiany serious ac-eidents, and that. ofteti they ocetir beforc
trols fuitl workplaec heigltt. Tlierel.y Ihe dcsigner ha- a beiter warning flares are sei.
opporlunity to catch and correct human defieioneies of the maehine With t h i s a s a lead, examinatiott of eertain trucks reveals that
beforc it is built. flares are carried in a place altnost iuaeeessible t.o Ihe dri\-t>r. So
it takes the driver tot) long lo tilg out (lares and sei them: or he
Diseoveriiig relalJon «if detail m o t i o n « , m a e h i n e Operation deeides it's too mueh trouble, and igitores them.
Anotbcr prcplaniiing aid for luaehine design is a slidc-rule type Similarly, designers of other produets glossing over the hu-
inau-machine eyeiograph develeped by •!. G. Surniacz, chief in- muu faetor - f a i l to consider accessibilily. Examples are iegion.
dttstrial Mlgiiteer, Ingersoll Sleel D i e , Borg-Warner Corp., Chi- ranging from hidden Itibricalioii poinls «in maebinery lo a shiit-olf
cago. valve place«! where it takes a stcplatldcr to reaeh it.
It provitles a ready way to visualiw: detail motions and their For such oversights, eoinpanics pay and pay,
rclalion to maehine futictioniug. Costh htttuau errors — responsible for aeeidents, produet danj-
To the growing fand of facts on nian-maohine relationships, age, or iilisleading aecountirtg fignres • — are, again, made less
Colleges and tiniversilies atld a big sltare. 'Ulis exploration and likcly tlirough tle.-igns llialfully consider ihe human faetor.
faet-Inding is tlone not »lötte by engiiiecring «leparttneiits but also
Psyehology plays big p a r i in clTective safeguards
by psyehology and medienl professors and their studenls.
For instance, at Moimt Ilolyokc College, South Iladley, Alass., llere, the psychologist also begins to assiime an iitereasingly
« N'avy-hTianccd projeet eoncentrates on human behavior a« it re- liclpful role for the designer (see "tJsing psyehology in produet
iaies to design of railar and other tnilitary electronic- deviees, This design," M I , 4/15 '48). For the psychologist is fotving atfenliori
work is tlone linder a subctmlract with Johns Hopkins Ftiiversify, — a- well as rcvealing htghly tiseful facts -- on such inatters as
Baltimore, which is aetively researching the subjecl, legibilily of dials, visihilify, accessibility, human liiitits, attd
'The Fniversity of California. Berkeley, is working on funda- rcachability.
mental experiments in Ibis arca. One of llie mos! reeent reports Wben luore attention is paid to these things, thcrc'll IM- fewer
from V. of C. by Professor Louis E, Davis deals wiih human factors produets that —- despile mueh meebanical efheieucy - have bailt-
in Ihe design of manual inacbiiie eontroU. Data secureil in bis study in waste effort.
shoiild be helpfltt to designers for deeiding on type autl locafion With the human being broughi into the dosigner's tuintl in these
of cotilrols (such as handwhcels, cranks, and erossbars) for ways, a whole new fielt! of opporlunity opens for industry to:
opli .mm operala-ii. (1) Take a deeper litte into produetion eosts; und (£) buikl new
A three-vear jirojecl, begun in 104» at Harvard's Seitool of Public custotncr-winniiig tippeal into produets.
Health sliüws how industry is enlisting psychologists for rcsearcli For cvery Company (.hat aims for these bcnefit.s, tlirough htiiiian-
that will lead to c-ffortsaving produet improvements. The study izing its produet, the mosl ttnporlanl step is lo " g o to the person
äs known as " T h e Highway Transport Research Projeet." It is who uses it, day in and day o u t . "

42 Modern Industry

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