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Daniel Ramirez- Torres

Ms. Nelson

English 2


The war on pollution

Pollution comes in many ways but most common is the plastic bottles the earth’s biggest

nemesis. Plastic bottles were made in the 20th century. Bottles were made to help mankind be

able to hold water or any drink without spilling it and making a mess. Mankind has gone too far

as they produce 18.7billion bottles per year. More than half of these bottles are found in the

ocean. The world is 75% water we have only explored 5% of the ocean, but bottles have most

definitely explored more than we have. America 46% rivers and out of 46%. 6% of American

water is safe to swim in for man and animals. Do you remember the oil spill that happened in

2010. 400 miles of Louisiana coast about 125 miles of water was so polluted, over 1,000 animals

died. In November 2012 the company that caused the oil spill payed the government 4.5billion

dollars in settlement and 1.26 billion in criminal finds (Source: River Pollution., The same incident happen in April of 2012

killing 11 workers it was the biggest tragedy the company later paid $400million in criminal

fines and a $1billion in civil fine after pleading guilty to violating the Clean Water Act (Source:

Pollution is an issue affecting every living thing on earth by means of water, air or soil;

however there are measures people can take to minimize this silent force of destruction.

One form of pollution is air. Pollution has a big impact to the air we breath. In the city of

Delhi, citizens were suffocating due thick fog. Their government canceled school and most jobs

were closed. The farmers suffered the most; their harvest was gone. All they saw were roots left

over from their rice crops. At the end of the month, during the Hindu festival of Diwali, residents

set off celebratory firecrackers against the advice of the government, making the pollution even

worse. The smog got so bad that they could not see their hands at the end of the arms. About

20% of the population died of lung cancer at the end of this crises. Pollution in India has risen by

150 percent over the last 25 years. 13 Jan 2013 air quality in Beijing was worst by far according

to environmentalists. While the city’s pollution monitoring center alerts residents to stay indoors

do to the pollution levels being above recommended levels. The Chinese capital, has 201 million

people wrapped up in thick smog since Friday. Reducing ability to see and disrupting traffic,

data posted on Sunday by the monitoring center showed particulate by measuring matter lees

than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. It had reached more than 600 micrograms per square meter at

some monitoring stations in Beijing and was high as 900 on Saturday evening. The

recommended daily level is 20 according to the (world health organization). pollution such has

been identified as a major cause of (asthma and respiratory diseases). The worst on record not

only for the official data but also for the monitoring data from the U.S. embassy , some areas in

neighboring Hebei province are even worst than Beijing,” said Zhou Rong, climate and energy

campaigner at Greenpeace.

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