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Name___________________________ Section _____________________ Score ____________

Direction: Write “ T “ for True and “ F “ for False or select the letter of the best answer(s) for multiple
choice questions. Answers with erasures and overwriting will be considered incorrect

1. _____ is an assessment of the overall appeal of the product or service being proposed.

A. Concept testing
B. Product/service feasibility analysis
C. Test marketing
D. Usability testing

2. All of the following are suitable questions to ascertain Product/Service Desirability EXCEPT:

A. Does it make sense?

B. Is the product or service financially feasible?
C. Is this a good time to introduce the product or service in the market?
D. Are there any fatal flaws in the product or service's basic design or concept?

3. In a Feasibility Study the general description of the business is a summary of the following EXCEPT:

A. the type of business being planned and what it will set about to do.
B. which needs of the market it will seek to fill.
C. the means by which the business intends to be different from other businesses;.
D. the principal strengths and opportunities of the business and the threats and weaknesses it will face.
E. description of each type and level of jobs to be done in the business

4. For on-going businesses, the general description of the project, product or service in its Feasibility
Study includes the following EXCEPT:

A. production standards and quality objectives

B. a description of the current state of the business
C. which needs of the market it will seek to fill.
D. as well as that of the expansion or the innovations being planned for.

5. _____ is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has sufficient management expertise,
organizational competence, and resources to successfully launch its business.

A. A marketing plan
B. Financial feasibility analysis
C. Industry/market feasibility analysis
D. Organizational feasibility analysis

6. Which three of the following must be included in the organizational study of a new business?

A. description of each type and level of jobs to be done in the business

B. levels, kinds and quality of skills, background knowledge and education needed fir do each job
C. benefits, both those required by law and those planned by the entrepreneur to keep and maintain a satisfied
D. assessment of the quality or quantity of the existing people at all levels
E. a projection of the skills needed for the expansion or innovation to take place.

7. The Market Study is an analysis of the possible position and opportunities of the business being
planned in the present market. If the business is on-going, this includes the present position of the
business in the market and how it compares to other similar types of businesses.

8. A business idea must be both possible and feasible. “ Possible” involves the availability of the
following EXCEPT, to set up the business that is manufacture the product or offer the service idea.

A. Skills
B. technology,
C. infrastructure
D. None of the above
9. While being “Feasible” lies in the realm of:

A. consistency and durability

B. financing and profitability
C. innovation and creativity
D. All of the above

10. The product or business idea should not only supports itself through sales but also earn more, in
terms of profit to give the entrepreneur a sufficient stock of extra money to cover up unexpected
events, downturn, or to support expansion and other new endeavors.

11. The Feasibility Study, cover only the marketing, production, and organizational plans which can tell
whether it is possible to launch the business idea.

12. The following are components of the Feasibility Study EXCEPT:

A. Environmental Study
B. The Market Study
C. The Production/Technical Study
D. The Organization Study

13. The General Description of the Business is a summary statement of :

A. the type of business being planned and what it will set about to do and management philosophy,
B. which needs of the market it will seek to fill and the means by which the business intends to be different from
other businesses
C. the principal strengths and opportunities of the business and the threats and weaknesses it will face
D. All of the above

14. The Feasibility Study for on-going businesses, will be a description of the current state of the
business as well as that of the expansion or the innovations being planned for.

15. The General Objectives in the Statement of goals is a summary statement of what the business aims
to do including general time frame, dates, numbers and percentage.

16. While the Specific Objective is series of short statements which gives an indication of how each part
of the plan will contribute to the achievement of the main goal or general objective.

17. The Market Study covers the following Except:

A. The on-going trends and opportunities in main and secondary markets, which the business will target.
B. Qualified statements of markets' sizes, growth, and expected market shares.
C. The position of the competitors.
D. inventory plans for stocks, work in-progress, finish products

18. This is an analysis of the projected needs for manufacturing the proposed products or offering the
proposed services.

A. Financial Study
B. The Market Study
C. The Production/Technical Study
D. The Organization Study

19. The Production/Technical Study includes the following EXCEPT:

A. quantities estimated to be produced or services delivered

B. specifications of machines, tools, and equipment required.
C. raw materials standards, amounts, stocks required
D. description of each type and level of jobs to be done in the business

20. The Organization Study is the “skeleton” or frame around which the people, the machines, the
equipment and the outer physical parts of the plan are put together to have a moving organization.
21. The financial study must include answers to questions like:

A. What should the future balance sheet look like at a given period?
B. How will individual responsibilities be described to encourage the people to do their best and accomplish the
business objectives and purposes?
C. What types or styles of leadership, motivation, communication, and accountability will be best to knit the
people together to achieve the project's objectives and purposes ?
D. All of the above

22. In the Organization Study since what the project is trying to accomplish cannot be done all at once
and only by one person, it has to be broken down into the following EXCEPT:

A. which things must be done ahead?

B. which cannot be done unless something else has been done first?
C. which things can be done at any time and are not related to others being done first?
D. which steps should be taken for expansion?

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