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*Departement Of Dermatology and venereolgy

Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatera
** Departement Farmacology Faculty of Medicine Muhammadiyah University of
North Sumatera


Limfangioma adalah malformasi kongenital yang berasal dari hiperplasia limfatik.

Limfangioma berasal dari jaringan limfe, vaskuler atau gabungan vaskulolimfatik. Klasifikasi
limfangioma yaitu limfangioma kistik atau higroma kistik, limfangioma kavernosus,
limfangioma simpleks atau kapiler dan jarang didapat yaitu hemangiolimfangioma. Limfangioma
juga diklasfikasikan menurut ukuran kista menjadi mikrositik, makrositik dan subtipe campuran.
Limfangioma toraks muncul di intraparenkim dan mediastinum. Limfangioma lebih sering
muncul di rongga mediastinum. Tatalaksana limfangioma adalah dengan multimodalitas yaitu
utama dengan pembedahan, kemoterapi, radioterapi dan skleroterapi. Reseksi komplit diperlukan
untuk mencegah rekurensi.
Kata kunci : limfangioma, limfe, tumor limfe, higroma kistik

Lymphangioma is a congenital malformation coming from the lymphatic hyperplasia.

Lymphangioma originates from the lymphatic tissue, vascular or combined lymphovascular.
Lymphangioma is classified into cystic lymphangioma or cystic hygroma, cavernous
lymphangioma, simplex or capillaries lymphangioma and rarely hemangiolymphangioma.
Lymphangioma is also classified according to the size of the cyst to microcytic, macrocytic and
subtypes mix. Thoracic lymphangioma appears in intra-parenchyma and mediastinum.
Lymphangioma mostly appears in the cavity of the mediastinum. Management of lymphangioma
are; multimodality of major surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and sclerotherapy. Complete
resection is required to prevent recurrence.
Keywords: lymphangioma, lymphatic, lymphatic tumor, cystic hygroma
PRELIMINARY Lymphangioma is often found in
newborns, rarely in adults, the incidence in
Lymphangioma is a benign tumor men and women, not significantly different.8
caused by congenital malformations of the His age ranges from birth to 12 years, but
lymphatic system.4 These tumors usually most (73%) are aged 4 years or younger.8
occur in the head, neck and armpit, but This cancer is 6 % of all cancers in the
sometimes occur in the mediastinum, world in 2002 or the fifth most cancer and
retroperitoneum, and thighs. Often also an estimated 45,000 cases were diagnosed in
occurs in the scrotum and perineum.4 2004.8

Lymphangioma is often found in

newborns, rarely in adults, occurrence in ETIOLOGY
men and women, not significantly
2 The exact cause of lymphangioma
different. Approximately 50% of these
formation is unknown, but most cases are
malformasilimfatik seen in newborns, and
believed to be sporadic.8 The formation of
90% appear before the age of 2 years.2
lymphangiomas may reflect the failure of
DEFINITION the lymph channels to connect with the
venous system during embryogenesis,
Lymphangioma is a benign tumor abnormal absorption of lymphatic structures,
caused by congenital malformations of the or both.8 Continuous research has described
lymphatic system.4 These tumors usually several possible vascular growth factors
occur in the head, neck and armpit, but involved in the formation of lymphatic
sometimes occur in the mediastinum, malformations such as VEGF-C and FLT-4.
retroperitoneum, and thighs. It also often Cases secondary to trauma and infection
occurs in the scrotum and perineum.4 The have also been reported.8
incidence of lymphatic malformation is
unknown, but it is believed to exceed 6.3% The cause of lymphangioma is
of all malformations.4 Lymphangiomas caused by congenital malformations of the
originate from the primitive sac of the lymphatic system.3 Genetic factors, tobacco
embryo, some lymphatic tissue which loses exposure, alcohol consumption, viruses and
contact with the normal lymphatic system, food deficiencies can also be the cause of
but still has rapid growth potential initially.4 lymphangioma. 3
Pathologically can be divided into: simple
lymphangioma, limfangioma spongiosa,
cystic lymphangioma.6 The diagnosis of lymphangioma is
EPIDEMIOLOGY mainly based on clinical history and the
results of conventional physical and light
This disease is spread throughout the microscopy.8 Cases of limfangioma are
world. There is no predilection of sex.8 diagnosed through histological observation.8
Usually associated with other congenital In prenatal cases, cystic lymphangiomas are
anomalies.8 The incidence rate of this diagnosed with ultrasound, amniosynthesis
disease is around 1-2 events per 1000 live is recommended to examine in relation to
births.8 Approximately 50% of these genetic disorders.8
malformasilimfatik seen in newborns, and
MRI can help determine the level of
90% appear before age 2 year.8
involvement and anatomy of all
lymphangioma.8 MRI lesions can help Specific mutation patterns in genes
prevent not expanding, incomplete surgical provide information about etiologikanker.2
resection, because of the relationship with The p53 gene can be inactivated by various
high recurrence rates.8 mutations and is often inactivated in human
cancer.2 Cancer is a complex genetic disease
Immunohistochemical studies that originating from the accumulation of various
are useful in distinguishing lymphangioma genetic changes.2 including this genetic
from hemangiomas in difficult cases.8 The change is proto-activation oncogenes and
results of testing with VIII antigen are inactivation of tumor suppressor genes.2
related to positive factors for hemangiomas Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes
but weak negative or positive in endothelial requires inactivation of all parental alleles,
lymphangiomas.8 generally with pointmutation and
chromosomal deletions. Molecular models
Dermoscopy findings can help in the
such as these are paradigms for the
diagnosis of skin lymphangioma
progression of various solid tumors.2
circumscriptum.8 These nodules are filled
Lymphangiomas originate from congenital
with a light brown liquid, lakuna surrounded
malformations of the lymphatic system .2
by a septa palate.8
Surgical excision is the treatment of
Lymphangioma sirkumkriptum
choice for local lymphangioma if it is
shows a history of a small number of typical
anatomically possible.8 Of the various
vesicles on the skin at birth or immediately
surgical techniques that have been explored
after birth.9 In the following years, vesicles
for years, the total removal of tumors
tend to increase in number, and the affected
without leaving the cystic epithelium has
skin area continues to grow.9 Other vesicles
become the most reliable procedure.8
or skin disorders may not be noticed until
several years after birth.9 Usually, lesions do PROGNOSE
not show symptoms or show no evidence of
disease, but, for the most part, patients may
Prognosis has a strong correlation
randomly experience bleeding from ruptured
with the stage at diagnosis.7 In general, the
prognosis is determined by the size of the
Limfagioma cavernosa first appears tumor, the presence of regional lymph node
in infancy, when nodules are like rubber metastases and distant metastases, the
without obvious changes in the skin on the greater the tumor prognosis, the worse. and
face, body, or extremities.9 These lesions increase the risk of distant metastases.7
often grow fast, similar to hemangiomas.9 Ranging from 15% of head and neck cancers
will develop into distant metastases.7
Cystic hygroma causes subcutaneous
swelling, usually in the armpit, base of the CONCLUSION
neck, or groin, and is usually seen
immediately after birth.8 If the lesion is Lymphangioma is a benign tumor
drained, it will quickly fill with more fluid.8 caused by congenital lymphatic system
The lesion will grow and increase to a larger malformations.4 In local lymphangiomas,
size if they are not completely eliminated by non-surgical therapy can be given while
surgery.9 supervision is done if lymphphoma does not
affect life function, because some surgeons 4. Budimulja, Unandar. 2016. Ilmu
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will shrink by themselves.4 However if the Balai Penerbit FKUI
lesion does not shrink spontaneously at the 5. Siregar, R. 2014. Atlas Berwarna
age of 5 years, surgical intervention is Saripati Penyakit Kulit. Jakarta :
needed.8 EGC
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effective.8 The recurrence rate is low if General Medicine. Edisi 6. New
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