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Bachelor of Technology

Name:- Md Shahrukh Moin

Roll No: -15QM1A0130




Topic P.No

1. Introduction ........................... ..... 4
2.Material Used . ....................................... 2-7
3.Test Perfo rmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -9
4 .Mix Design .................. ...................... 10
5. Methodology ................................ 10 -13
6.Conclusion ................................. 13

In India approximately 40 million tones of plastic products are consumed every year. Nearly
15000 tones have been used per day of which 95% has been wasted since waste plastic is a Non
decomposable material and dumping of waste plastic disturbs the environment and ecology.
Hence a lot of innovations in recycling of plastic waste has been practiced in many countries in
order to avoid environmental pollution and land filling of waste plastic. Due to scarcity of
constructional material in the market the natural aggregate is replaced with plastic waste made
aggregate in order to meet the market demand of construction, to control the cost of construction
and to make concrete as a light weight.
As per the volume of cube the quantity of materials is calculated from Mix Design code like
(IS 456-2000 & IS 10262 -2009) and the following tests are performed on material like (Cement:
Soundness, Fineness, Setting time, Strength, Coarse and Fine Aggregate: Specific Gravity, Sieve
Analysis, Water Absorption, Bulk Density and Plastic: Specific Gravity, Crushing Value) to
check weather it is suitable for used or not. Twelve cube is casted from which three is made of
normal concrete and three made of plastic used concrete by replacing aggregate with different
percentage of plastic waste and it will kept for 7 & 28 days for curing after this many days curing
the compressive strength, tensile strength and splitting tensile strength test are performed on
normal concrete and plastic used concrete and both specimen are compared to know weather
plastic made concrete is good or not for construction.
The experimental results have shown the use of waste plastic material in making
concrete/mortar can provide an alternative solution to minimize the environmental impact due to
unscientifically disposal of waste plastic.

Key word : - plastic waste Aggregate, compressive strength, Tensile strength, Splitting tensile
strength, Modulus of elasticity

1. Introduction
1.1 General Concrete is the most widely used man made construction material in the world and
its second only to water as the most utilized substance in the planet. Seeking aggregates for
concrete and to dispose of the waste from various commodities is the present concern. Today
sustainability has got top priority in construction industry. In the present study the recycled
plastics were used to prepare the coarse aggregates thereby providing a sustainable option to deal
with the plastic waste. There are many recycling plants across the world, but as plastics are
recycled they lose their strength with the number of recycling. So these plastics will end up as
earth fill. In this circumstance instead of recycling it repeatedly, if it is utilized to prepare
aggregates for concrete, it will be a boon to the construction industry. Most of the failures in
concrete structures occur due to the failure of concrete by crushing of aggregates. PCAs which
have low crushing values will not be crushed as easily as the stone aggregates. These aggregates
are also lighter in weight compared to stone aggregates. Since a complete substitution for NCA
was not found feasible, a partial substitution with various percentage of PCA was done. Both
volumetric and grade substitution was employed in this investigation Generation of plastic waste
is one of the fastest growing areas.
Every year more than 500 billion plastic bags are used (nearly one million bag per minute).
Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from
eating discarded plastic bag for mistaken food. On land many animals suffer from similar fate to
marine life. Collection, hauling ad disposal of plastic bag waste creates an additional
environmental impact. In a landfill or in environment, Plastic bags take up to 1000 year to
degrade. Many researches were conducted to use industry by products such as fly ash, silica of
concrete. Flume glass cullet coir fiber e-plastic waste in concrete to improve the properties.
(17%) is higher than for the plastic industry elsewhere in the world. India has a population of
over 1 billion and a plastic consumption of 4 million tonnes. One third of the population is
destitute and may not have the disposable income to consume much in the way of plastics or
other goods. The virgin industry does not target this population to expand its markets. However,
one third of the population is the middle class whose aspirations could be molded to increase
consumption. Plastic manufacturers create needs for this segment of population. The rising needs
of the middle class, and abilities of plastics to satisfy them at a cheaper price as compared to

other materials like glass and metal, has contributed to an increase in the consumption of plastics
in the last few years.

1.2 Objectives
• To compare the compressive strength and Density of Recycled Plastics used as Coarse
Aggregate for Constructional Concrete with the Conventional concrete
• To know its applications in construction industry.
• To reduce the pressure on naturally availability materials by replacing it with Recycled plastic
• To compare the physical characteristics of natural aggregate with Plastic recycled aggregate.
• To study the behavior of fresh and hardened concrete with polymer waste coarse aggregate and
compare its properties to those of conventional concrete
• To produce lightweight polymer concrete for multi-purpose use It represents an environmental
friendly and economical viable solution, for utilization of waste plastic

In this project Plastic waste materials were utilized to produce Structural concrete. The
following materials were used in this investigation
2.1 Cement
Cement is one of the binding materials in this project. Cement is the important building material
in today’s construction world. 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) conforming to IS: 456-
2000 gives the properties of cement used.
Properties of cement
Description of test Test results obtained Requirements of IS: 456 -2000
Initial setting time 30 min Min. 30minutes
Final setting time 10 Hrs Max. 600minutes

The physical properties of cement

• Setting Time
• Soundness

• Fineness
• Strength
2.2 Plastic Aggregate
Plastics collected from the disposal area were sorted to get the superior one. These were crushed
into small fraction and washed to remove the foreign particles. Then it was heated at a particular
temperature so that the necessary brittleness was obtained. After extrusion the molten plastic was
cooled down and collected in boulders of 100 mm size approximately. These plastic boulders
were crushed down to the size of aggregates.

Properties of Plastic Aggregate

Property NCA PCA
Specific Gravity 2.69 1.11
Water absorption 1.14 1.80
Density 3.14 0.81

2.3 Coarse Aggregate & Fine Aggregate
20mm down size aggregate was used
S.NO Description Values
1 Specific gravity 2.68
2 Bulk density 95-105
3 Surface moisture 0.08%
4 Water absorption 1%
5 Fineness modulus 2-4

3. Test performed
3.1 Specific Gravity
A pycnometer was used to find out the specific gravity of coarse aggregate. The empty dry
pycnometer was weighed and taken as W1. Then the pycnometer is filled with 2/3 of coarse
aggregate and it was weighed as W2. Then the pycnometer was filled with part of coarse
aggregate and water and it weighed as W3. The pycnometer was filled up to the top of the bottle
with water and weighed it as W4.

(g g = )
Specific gravity of Cement & fine aggregate (G) =
( = =e ) )) (= = = = ) )

• W1 = Mass of empty pycnometer in gm.

• W2 = Mass of pycnometer & fine aggregate in gm.
• W3 = Mass of the pycnometer, fine aggregate & water in gm.
• W4 = Mass of the pycnometer filled with water in gm.

Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate

S.No values
wt saturated agg+wt basket water( r e ) grm 3100
wt basket in water( m r ) 910
wt saturated dry agg in air( i ) 3060

wt Oven dry agg ( )

Specific Gravity of Coarse & Plastic Aggregate =
= et ( (et)

Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate Values
wt of pycnometer( () (grm) 510
wt of sand + wt of Pycnometer( t ) 710
wt(sand + water +Pycnometer) () ) ) 1584
wt( water + Pycnometer) (t e) 1463

(c a r e ) )
Specific gravity of fine aggregate (G) =
( ( ( ( ( c ) () ) ) ) c )

(=? ) (? )
G= ((
(= G? )

G = 2.53

3.2 Bulk Density

Bulk density is the weight of a material in a given volume. It is expressed in Kg/m3.A cylindrical measure of
nominal diameter 250mm and height 300mm was used. The cylinder has the capacity of 1.5 liters with the thickness
of 4mm. The cylindrical measure was filled about 1/3 each time with thoroughly mixed aggregate and tampered
with 25 strokes. The measure was carefully struck off level using tamping rod as straight edge. The net weight of
aggregate in the measure was determined. Bulk density was calculated as follows.

Bulk density = (Net weight of coarse aggregate in Kg)/ (Volume)

3.3 Surface M oisture

100g of coarse aggregate was taken and their weight was determined, say W1. The sample was
then kept in the oven for 24 hours. It was then taken out and the dry weight is determined, says
W2. The difference between W1 and W2 gives the surface moisture of the sample.

3.4 Water Absorption

100g of nominal coarse aggregate was taken and the weight of saturated aggregate was
determined, saye t . The sample was then immersed in water for 24 hours. It was then taken out,
drained and its weight after oven dry was determined, says e s . The difference between t d and

n gives the water absorption of the sample.

t i t Ao
Water Absorption = × 100
i o

3.5 Fineness M odulus

The sample was brought to an air-dry condition by drying at room temperature. The required
quantity of the sample was taken (3Kg). Sieving was done for 10 minutes. The material retained
on each sieve after shaking, represents the fraction of the aggregate coarser then the sieve
considered and finer than the sieve above. The weight of aggregate retained in each sieve was
measured and converted to a total sample. Fineness modulus was determined as the ratio of
summation of cumulative percentage weight retained (F) to 100

3.6 Water
Water is an important ingredient of properties as it actively participates in the chemical reaction with cement. It
should be free from organic matter and the pH value should be between 6 to 7

4. Mix Design
The M20 grade concrete mix proportions were arrived as per the Indian Standard IS: 10262-
2009. Replacement of coarse aggregate 15%, 30%, 50% with Plastic Coarse (PC) aggregate
4.1 Mix Proportion and Quantities
M-20 grade of concrete
Cement : 338 kg/m3
Fine aggregate : 630 kg/ m3
Coarse aggregate : 1245 kg/ m3
Water : 186 kg/ m3
Mix ratio : 1:1.5:3

5. Methodology
Concrete Mix Design After determining the densities of natural aggregates as well as plastic
aggregate, M20 mix was designed and a volumetric mix proportion of 1:1.5:3 was obtained .
Water-cement ratio of 0.55 was adopted for the mix design and deduced amount of materials
required for unit volume of concrete from the mix design is given in

Weight of Materials for Unit Volume of Concrete Material Weight in kg

1 Cement 338
2 Sand 630
3 Coarse aggregate 1245
4 Plastic aggregate 13

5.2 Casting
Three different samples cube and cylinder were casted to do the comparative analysis of flexural
strength, compressive strength and the split tensile strength respectively between the nominal
concrete and the plastic aggregate replaced concrete. Total of 12 samples with different
replacement percentage of 15%, 30% and 50% were casted for the comparative study of

mechanical properties of conventional concrete and concrete with partial replacement of natural
coarse aggregate with plastic aggregate. The mix was prepared separately for each mould to
ensure the correct replacement in each sample.
Standard cube size of 150x150x150 mm and cylinder of 75 mm diameter and 150 mm height
were casted with volumetric substitution of its natural aggregate

5.3 Curing
Samples were de-moulded after 24 hours of casting and cured for different curing periods of 7,
14 and 28 days using a portable water from the tap. Testing The casted samples were subjected
to compression test, flexural test and split tensile test as per IS: 516:1959 [2]. Universal Testing
Machine (UTM) was used for all the test. The strength of concrete

5.4 Testing
The casted samples were subjected to compression test, flexural test and split tensile test
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) was used for all the test. The strength of concrete at each
curing age is obtained from average of three samples tested of the compressive, split tensile and
flexural strength

Compression Test Machine

Flexural Test

Splitting Tensile Test


Percentage of adding plastic waste 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Compressive strength for 7 days curing 9.85 9.64 9.5 9.4 9.15

6. Conclusion
The different forms of plastic waste used in the production of concrete and replacement of
concrete ingredients with suitable plastic waste. Thus the recycled plastic waste can be
successfully used as partial replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete to increase the
compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength and has excellent crack
resistance property. The use of recycled plastics made an eco -friendly way of disposing the
plastic waste. Hence the reuse of recycled plastic waste in concrete helps to reduce
environmental impacts and best choice of strengthening of building


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